Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 05, 1847, Image 1

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0E it M s .
One?copy, one year, in 'advance, • 81 50
Otherwise, two dollars a year will invariably be
charged. These terms will be strictly adhered to
in all cases.
Advertisements i iscrted kt 30 centsver square
or this first' insertfpn, and cents for each sub
sequent insertion.
Job Printing,. oil all varieties. such as Books
Pamphlets, - Handbolo,Show 'Bills, C,rtrils,Steam
boat Bills, Blanks r- NetesAjteceip\ s. er:re
and on'short notice.'
9, Wm:cries, Ilaidware,
Iron, Nails Skc. No. 121,
irveyor; office in Explttinge
Y AT LAW-, '
e to the Public Boildino
near the Court Fiouse, tip s•airs. in the loom
occupied by the iSheriff and directly over the
CommiEsioner's Office. •
Prompt attentioni WO,l be given to nll busincus en
trusted to his care. 51)•
E. N.: B r, T y lac CO.
ANP Dealer 3 i Lehigh. and Erie Coal. salt
and Produc generaliyi Particular attcn
tion paid to the sale of Produce and puichaie of
(%li.rOandize. l• -
N 0.3 & 4 Cobutn Square, South 'Wharf.
' iiaffalo, N.Y. 49
Attorney and Connsellor ni Law ; (glee No. 2
State st.,oppoite the Pn‘rle Hotel. Prie. Pa.
Attorneys & COuhsellors at Law, ()glee on French
street, over S J'acksonr.S• Co's.iStore; Erie.
April 24, 1841%. . 49.
IlrspP.rnninuntl) located ill' Wire at Id.
residentm on Om conrner of S. youth and Peach
Strceiq. . *9
• - I. ROSENZWEIG R.r.. Co.
,Dealers in Foreirin and Vornestic Pry Goods
Beady. Made Clothimr, 800 s and Slini T , le
(a., 'No. 1, Flemming Block, State Street
Eric, Pa,
Attorney al Law•. (Mice lip +nail Fin the Tams
all building, nook at the Prothonotan's
ttimneys and.' CottVellot s at IMP Olt
Si h street, weat'side the Public Fttua re ,
'Erie, Pa.
W W v t t vr
Dealers in Watches, Jewelry, Silver.. Germa n Sil
ver, Plated uhd Briounnia Ware, Cutlet-3., :NMI
itary and Fancy Goods, No s . 7.l\ccd I Eri
Wholesale and iteia it Dealers in I i, y Goods,
I F ferias. , Hardware, Croehery, Glas:u are, lion
Nails, Leacher; Oils, etc.. tie. ei.riieti of Sint ,
!meet and the Public Spin, opposile•the Ea
Tavern, Erie, Pa.
Cabinet :41alier, Upholster and Undertaker
Slate Ptrre , , Erie Po
Physician and Surgeon, oillec on Seventh qree
"we•L oldie Nictiriu Phu.. h. Erin.
C;cneral Forwardinf:, Cowmirsion, and Pibilnce
Nlerchants; Red Ware I Liam:, cast of the Pith
,lic Midze, Erie. .
Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet-lon
ware corner of Prcncli rind s v trects, Erie.
Iron Foiindcra, whole.lalu and retail dealt•re in
Stover). HolInn•-ware FiCt or,ot. Erie. Pp
Wholesdile and retaitdeater. in I)rii;:s, licin ,
Dye.Siuffs, Groceries, Ei.c. N 0.5, Reed H (Alec
Erie, pa.
in Dry Goods; Groceries; ..c•c. No. I
ide, Die Pa.
Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., No, 1,
Bonn II Bluer:, State st.,Erie, Pa '
Dealers in 0111"11 Painls, Oils, Dye,
muffs Glass, B:e., No. 6 Reed Honee, Elie-
Pa. I
Forwarding and Commission Merchants; 109
French Street, Erie, and at 6th Street Cann) , Ba
son, also dealers in Groceries and Provisions.
Dealer in Hardware, Dry Goods, arni•crics, Se.
east side of the Diamond, and one door east of
the Eagle Hotel, Eric, Pa. ,
EAGLE minus,
By Hiram L. Brown, earner of State street and
the Public square, Erie, Pa. Eusttrn, Western,
and Southern Stage ante.
Fashionable Merchant Tailors, op the Pithlic
Square, a few doors west of stat;o etreet, Erie,
------ !
Peider in- Theological, Mi.cellancons, Sunday
and Classical School Book; Stationary, etc. etc.
No. 111, French Street, I:4143 ; Pa.
Attorney andCounsellor at law, Prairie du Chien,
'W. T. practices in thecountieS of Crawford.
Grant and lowa, W. T. and in Clayton county,
lowa Terriibry.
Dealer in Dry Goode, Groceries, Grob!tory, Hard
ware, eta., No. 3, Perry Block, State atm t
Erie, Pa.
VATANTED in dehaneri foi Goods,Nool, Rin
i,' ter, Cheese, and all kinds of Country Prod.
dee. H. CADVV ELL.
Juno 6,• 1946.
ARDWARE.—SheII Hardware and tioure
11 TrimMinge can always be hal very chealp at
the, cheap store of S. JAC ' 4 ON, 4. Co.
Novemb • r 21. 1946. 27
Lokwood, • Indigo, •
Fatie, 4 Cochineal,
Camwood, 1 . Annum).
Niewoorl, . Cream Tartar,
Brazil Wood, 1 Red Tartar.
Red Sanders, ' 131 tie Vitriol, 1
Copperas, Alum, etc. •
• - Madder, for sale by
1. 1 • 3. H. 1111,11 TON & Co.
Nov. 28, 1846.-28 No. s', Reed House.
scribers will pay
thy seed.
male at
May 1,1847
A/T 9 4UFFEES' aeries of ? School Books, I, 11,
V 4 and 5, for sale at No. 111, French Str.
, Erie, Mny F, tBl7. 51 '
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, vof
Of all the isles that gem the Indian seas,
Fair Java smiles the enviable queen; •
There Flora's train, kissed by the tropic breeze,
Give vernal life and beauty to the scene;
And one of mOdest 'mein, yet matchless grace, ,
'Madonna of the fragrance•breathing throng,
Whose virtues till of excellence embrace,
May claim this huribble mod; a tribute sorig„ •
, I ,
Bards of the bloodshot eye and reeling brain '
May give libations'rich of reeking verse; -
To bloated 13acchus swell the foaming strait?, •
And fancied merits of the vine rehearse; r '
To Java's peerless plant my lay I pour,
Whose juice no gods defile with lecherous Ifp! •
Give me my cup of toffee brimming o'er, -,
' And Jove unenvii.d may his nectar sip,
No head-achey huddle there like larking fops, '
No serpen4assions coI around the b hp; ~
Beneath its power the s:r am °fleeting flows,
More soft and gentle ti an a Niriad's hymn, '' •
And manly Thought in r ver's crys - al clearl,
Sparkles with truth and lbainir with eloquence,
And far from Muffs of Bombast, bleak "and drear,
Aleander; throu4h the Veld rut vales of Sense.
Come, then, sweet Flora! at thy incense shrine'
Call for thy blooming datiOners, angel tnight';
Bid them unveil their beauties ar dh%ine,
To fill the gazer's eye Wail new delight;
Andt bile they bow in reverence round thy thron\t,
And breathe from honeyed lips an odor shower.
Bid them the Wool' supremo and beauty own
01 - Java's glorious and immortal 'lower)
Of all the cities planted by the y Spaniards
in theNlew world;
_Mexico is certainly the
most beautiful, and Europe herself would have
reason to be prild in counting it:among the
number of her own.' He who would coittetn-i,
plate in all its splendor, the strange and mg
nil cett panornMa of- the capital and vicinity
(;I.llextco, should ascend, just before sunset,
to the top of one . _of ' the timers of the noble
cathedral. At sixty leagues distant, bound
ing and circling the horizon pn every•side, he
pei•ceives the gigantic peaks of the COrdiller
asl4 To the south, two volcanoes tower ma
jeltically glove the Sierra, their summits cov
e ledwith eternal snows, and tinted by the,l
rays of the setting sun, with a hue 'of rieb,
rosy pur'ple. One of them,..Popordar)ell (the
sinokinglmountain) is shaped like a o e, pier
cing thelazure heaven with its sh r apex;
the othe4 litaczihnall (*whit ' voman)
iSi ,
takes the form of a cotiehing nymph, lifting
her shOulders of ice to the last caress s of the
departing day. - At the foot Of these v dcannea'
i l
are three beautiful sparkling lakes r - rom the
inirr6r-like surface Of which the cl uds are
reflected, and on whose bosom the cy nets re
wont to disport themselves. To the 'est,fie
palace of Chapultepeo, once the seat . f pleas
ure of the Aztec Emperors, and after of the
Spanish Vice -rot's, displays its imposing pro
portiens. CC;vering the mountain upon which
it is built, in undulations like billows of ver
dure, are forest of cedar, of the growth of cen
turies, From the summit of this same moun-.
ii:in, there gnslies,forth a stream, flowing to
the plain over ifiihundred arches of an ague
duct, which conveys it and distributes it to
the poptilous city. To the : right, to the left,
on every side, are villages, steeples; and cu
poles, dotting the surface of: )the - , smiling val
ley. Dusty roads int.ersecteachpher in ev
ery direction, in • apnearance kilfe,ribbons of
_gold carved i out on the verdufe, orlurther in
the distance, like streams of wates There,
too, the weeping willow bends its dishevelled
branches before the breeze, ,and there, a palm
tree rears its isolated trunk, above die masses
of odorous orous l Ifoliage, that meets the eye at every
But noW turn your gaze from the distant
plains and the grander features of the tableau,
and fix your attention Upon the city itself, or
rather' upon what is at your feet. Mingled
arid scattered over the checker board-like ap
pearance of the houses, - and the terraces or
namented with flowers, rise the turret's ofof the
churches, and their domes of yellow and blue
porcelain,• like an immense bourrt. The
houses with their gay painted walls and,bal
:conies covered with fancy patterned chintz,
have ever a sort of festive, holiday ter. The
Cathedral occupies one side i,f the Plaza
Mayor* towering above the Presidency Pal
ace; a low parallelogram, in which is located
also, a prison, a botanic garden, barracks for
troops, and the two Chambers. The Ayanta
mienlo (city hall) forms with the palace a right
,angle, extending to the portal of
.the Florian
and the Parian, two vast commercial depots.
Here grouped beneath the shadow
~of 4he
Church, are assembled the Legislative and
Exbcutive power, the city government, the
coMmerce, in fact all of Mexico, almost, that
constitutes the organization of a nation.
i'rom the streets of San Domingo, San Fran
cisco, Tacuba, de la Monnaie, de la Blood
cel a, the populace in one restless, ever-chan
gi g and ever-renewing stream, pour forth
up in the' Plaza. Mixing in that multitude,
the traveler will beim an opportunit of scan
ning Mexican Society in all its stm y r
ge con
trasts of vice and virtue, splendor and misery.
' Just before the Angelus, all MexiCo, hOrse-'
m n, pedestrians and carriages, thiongopon
thPlaza Mayor—a buoy "parti-coloreeinul
tit de, where silks and gold, and rags; ore
mingled together in the oddest possible man
ner. At that hour, the %digits are retenting
to i khe neighboring villages; the populace, ' ere ,
finding their way to the'faUbourgs, the Ran.
chro has ceased to prance , and parade his
ha so on the promenade, and is slowly depart
ing, the Aguador (watercarrier) has ended
hip labor*, and tramps lightly on under the
bu:rden of 'his large jar, the officer turns to
wards the Cafes or the gambling hone's!
Oated (rota the Franco Americain for the Albany Ar
gar, by W. G. B.
PLaticim EL Z tnAG
The Jumada and Mount Parnassus.
, . . , ,
. .
Where 'he passes /is eyenings; the red petti
coat of the woman of the lower order, johtles
and brushes the Saga, and the black mantilla
of the wealthy dam; who is screening herself
behind hei. fan from the last rays of the set
qng sun. Mingled with, and dividing the
roved on every side are the monks. Here is
'the iladre with his great chap au, elbowing
the ;'ranciscan in his blue frock circled round
his waist 'pith a! silken cord and his great felt
hat: therepaiises the Dominiciau in his lugn
briou's , white and black costumes, reminding
us of thedays of Torquemada and the holy
Inquisition, and last, the brown frock of the
Capuchin contrasts with the white draperies
and flounces of the brother of Mercy. These
are scene. and incidents to be observed con
tinually among that mottled multitude. . Pres
ently,the roll of the drum is heard from the
barracks, . the doors of 'the Sanctuari are
thrown open, and forth comes a hearse spark
ling with Alit. Then the sound of a bell min
gles with the roll of the drum, and that im
mense crowd uncover themselves, and kneel-'
ing, bow their heads before the llost,•which
is being borne to some dying person.
Thii, before the Or+oni is the general as
pect of 'the Plaza Mayor—that great forum
in which the people ef Mexico—the sovereign
i`tieople—(for so their flatterers style them,) in
all all their rags and tinsel, seek for and settle
upon a new master for the morrow, after de
terthining upon the sacrifice .of the one of
the day previous. Ignoralit of, or indifferent'
to 'any thing like settled principles in politics,
and mistaking unbridled disorder for liberty,
they seem not even to imagine that those re-.
peated attacks of anarchy will soon destroy
the worm-eaten body of their strange repub
lic which after but twenty-five years of 'exis
tence libs already gone to decay.
Every night, at the first tinklingof the An
gelus, and as if-hy enchantment, all noises are
hushed on de Plaza,, and the crowd become
motionless as statues. But when the last
sounds of the bells have scarce ceased to vi
brate in the air, the busy movement is renew
ed, and the mob becomes one, in every sense..
The carriages drive off, the cavaliers gallop
away, the pedestrians. separate, some fruiter
than others, but all with sufficient celerity to
escape the sword of the /azo, and the , bold
thieves' who rob and assassinate their vi ctims
often in the open day, and in sight of aii.o—
By night the square is deserted: a few perhaps '.
in the light of the moon promenade the pave
ment before the church, while some others ore
carelessly balancing themselves upon the iron-,
chains which are swung between the granite
pillars of th, Sanctuari. The day having
ended, the scenes of night•begin, and thole
iferos become for a while sole masters of the
oity. ,The lepera is one of the strangest pe- '
culiarities of Mexican , society. An.l those
wl;c1 would see the city of Mexicans it is,'
should not see it only as it appears, when en
by the gay crowd which promenade
the Plaza. It is when plunged in the' sinister
4 --
silence of night, that an.estimate can best be
formed of the strange and repulsive character
of the Mexican laze one. The lepero com
bines at once the characteristics of a brave
man and of p poltroon—is at once calm and
.violeriP—fahatic and incredulous--never think
ing of Gocl•as the Just, hOt eves evincing a
salutary terror of the Davil'. He is an eter
nal gambler, a Brawler from association, a
thief by instinct, is at times sober and at others
intemperate, and most 'inveterately lazy and
indolent, is careless alike whether of good or
bad fortune. At times a porter,'a mason, a
coachman, a street paver, or a-trader, you
meet with the lepero every where. Yoh %yill
find him in all places, pursuihg the vocation
which he may prefer—at the cliiiroltes,.pro
eeSsions or the pliblic shoWs—and always to
tge detriment of‘hia 'assistants. Prodigal
when he has money, the /epee') is none the less
resigned to his poverty'. If he finds himself
in the 'morning posses. sufficient ing to serve
him Tor the day, he de 'cotes it to idleness.
Careless orthe 'morrow, the precariousness 'of
his' resources often bring him to a state of ac
tual %%ant. Perfectly devoid .of care, and
awarethiithe has nothing to fear from thievei,
enveloping hip - elf in his rifgged .mantle, he
throws himself down in an attitude half lying
and half sitting upon the pavement or upon
some doorstep. There, touching languidly
his jaronu. (a sort of guitar) he contemplates
%9.h half closed, drowsy , eyes, the pulqueria
(or drinking shop) where his credit is despis
ed, or lends a careless ear to the hissing and
sputtering of the neighboring frying-pan.: ' By
and by; he girds fixound him ingre closely the
cord which forins his girdle, breakfa,sts in tho
sunlight, and then lazily' puffing his cigar,
falls asleep:
I have ray foibles, I confess: In contem
plating the idle and busy ciowd who are night
ly attracted to the Plaza Mayor, my attention
neglecting t 4c. more elite of the promenaders,
had for some time been attracted to a ragged
group, who presented in themselves, one of
the most melancholy, and at the same time,
truest types of Mexioan society. I have nev
er for instance met with a lepero in all the
Picturesque dilapidation of his costume ? with
out feeling a desire fur a closer acquaintance
with this class of gipseys, reminding 'me, as
• •og
they do, of, the wildest heroes of the robber
romances.!, I have always felt a curiosity
compare these outcast children of the•great
cities with the savage adventurers that I have
encountered in the woods and the savannahs.
During the first period of my residence in
Mexico, I had succeeded, through the Medium
of a friend of mine, a Franciscan monk, in
getting admitted to an honorable intimacy
with a lepero of the first order, who was known
as Perko .41Zaragate.t Unfortunately our
acquaintartee had scarcely commenced, befortt
from the best of reasons, felts desire to break
it off. The revelation I had succeeded in
*The Mexican Journal El Sig'o. N0►.14. 1815. pub
lished ea'argent address to the city authorities au Which
the frequent repetition Of such deeds were asked to be
t er7.l' • retbor of lib, acct daugerels kit"_
SATIAZDA. JUNE :".i; 1847 k
drawing from him, of , ths social
him and his class,,were'of the most unsatis
factory and insignificant character, while the
amount of dollars that Perico had succeeddd
in drawing from me, was sufficiently consid
erable to induce me to pause and reflect. One
day, therefore, I luid resolutely determined o
discontinue this expensive;ninusCnient, wh
w•ho should enter my house.bul the Friar S
rapio, the kind Franciscan, to whoml was i
debted for my Acquaintance witli Perko
"l come to 4olt you," said he, !land to, ca
ry you to the- bull-fight at theplace de Nee,
Lilian. There is to be a "Jamaica and
Mount Parnassus," which will render tl
excursion the most piquant in the world."
“What is' a Jamaica aiul'a Mount - Piirn.
susT' I enquired. -
"You will know in good time," sai l dtie.
-"Cope,' if we start now, ; we shall har ly
in season to secure a good seat." • ,
I never could resist the attractions o a
bull-fight, and beSides, I was aware that ,in
the company of the Friar. Serapio, I could
travei-se the faubourglis which girdle tlfe city
in perfect security. Above all, the neighbor
of Necatitlan is the most dangerous for
,a person in the Etiropea dress,
,apd it ,was
never without a great deal of fearilthat I had
traversed it alone. The cloak of Ithe monk
however, was to serve as a*Titeetion for file
Parisian coat. I readily, accepted, the offer of
the Frier, and off westarted. For the first
time it was in my power to contemplate with
out dread, these filthy stre ets , without either
Isidewalks or Pavements, :these blnek and dil
apidated houses, the cradle and the shelterof
the banditry who infest the roads, acid frequent
ly even pillage the habitations in;the city it
self. As tee passed along, multitudes of !cp.
eros were to be seen, clad! in their disgusting
ly- filthy dresses of cotton cloth, Or in their.
. frazadas, (a sort of woolen covering,) some
I blind, and others scarredand revoltingly. dis
figured by the'knife. Many were in the t j av =
erns',',dyinking, whistlingO•elling and mak
ing other hideous noises.; Their women too,
in their frightfully ragged dresses, werclo bd .
/seen sitting-at their Aooi;si(ls, and often near
them, their infants rolling in the mud,and
making thesis vocal with their crying land
squalling. In traversing these horrid retreats
the dread of the police, the criminal judge
mutters a prayer,.the alcalde crosses himself,
the constable feels powerless, and the h i onost
man shu Wars. but as for the tnenl4 with his
frame sect, and a smile cin''his lips, the yer'y
soles f his sandals call forth more respect
than tie clang of the soldiers sabre.
.Often, -
too, li e the tiger recoAried mater,
his aster,
these aridity 3,. - i3ida' Uncover as he pa,'sel
them, and come forward to kiss his hand. •
On' reaching the Place de lic-catitlan, a
strange and, to,ine, most novel specticle Was
1 preset ted. O one side , the sun potired
\ ,
r d own in aiinost insupportable brightness up
! on the Palcos do Sol. (tiler boxes of that part
of the circus exposed to the sun,) 'aid here
I nod b bind them the Populace, piled in ii .
raids mon the scaffolding, kept up an iihs
inabie concert of cries and cat-calls. 04-,
to side, alieltered by the ' retozau
*tended, might be seen the gay plii
officers, and silk dresses,. formit.
coup which compensated in some
of the
gree or the melancholy array of misery.
!take: ess in the boxes exxosed to the su
1 bar seen, on five different occasions,
spect cle of a bull-fight; I hare , seen)t
crow s, fatigtied but
,not 'satiated with
cage, and when towards nigh, at the en
the fights, their exhattste& wind-pipes
no longer give vent to thehJ hoarse exela
lions, and when the scent of blood, bad
treoted to the top of the amphitheatre fl
of the vpracious vulture, but Chace never
the arena itself transformed all it was on
.day. Numereits wooden posts were set tt
the enclosure usually appropriated to the
bats, and they, decked . with - branches,
rant flawers and heibs, gave the scab'
the appearanceOf a vast saloon of verdur
of a blossoming grove, with its secluded
noes and sequestered laneA for quiet slim,
ing. Liq,le cottages, arranged about
groves, displayed kitchens, in which were
in requisition allof Mexican
tronomy. In these they hid, as usual, th
travagant luxury of those ragouts without
name, the foundation of which arc the hot 1:1 7 .
mento and greasy pork.. These were inter-,
minglec?with beautiful pdts of flowers, and
gigantic glasses , fi lled with red, green, yel
low and blue liquids. The populace o the
palcos de sot were forced to be content with
the nauseous (but to• them bewitching) odor
of the greasy pork, while the others
happier in taking a more active part in
sort t',f 'improvisator° elysium, and feaste
der their impromptu trees, with the ap.
of the most savage dog. '
"Look," said the Franciscan, pointin
number of revellers sitting at a table i
arena, "Wok; that is what 91ey call a'
ca ' "
- "And what do you call this!" said I t
companion, - pointing to n artificial tr
some twelve or fifteen feet, standing i
centre bf the arena, from the brittle
which were fitiating many colored' ban
chiefs. a •
I'That,is Mount Parnassus," replie
Franciscan." 1
isWe may expect then an ascension
poets, I suppose," said I
"No, but of the leperos and . unle
which will be still mere diverting."
As the monk made to me this but h
telligible reply, the shout of "the but
bull," vociferated fromthe noisy gaiter
came more and moro boisterous,, a,
kitchen's and 'other retreats were dens
the twinkling of an eye. ' - The ' repast'
most unexpectedly. interrupted, and the
rustic cottages scattered in wrecks ab
arena under the impetuous onset of a b
tepees, *bribed stealthily climbed to th 0X93 in the pnnic,mre. Atnorij
0 At IT.O H-."
furies,wfp were yelling, jumpingri
in ,thework of destruction; 'I- was no
'0 to recognize my old friend Peric.
dirt him the world not hive b
plete. 'ffMount PernaSans" with it
ton flags, alone-remained amid, the
everything; branches and leayes,
cumbered the arena, unlit soon be
only object of the attention of the
Many were endpvoring to climb t.
in order to secure'the i prizes—the c
which decked it, but as is often
thq crowd,were in each other's way
,greater part, wearied and unsucce
were left engaged in effort.' A
ment, the trumpet nded ram the
Alcalde, the door f.the — fern (whe
is confineh) opene and out ro4bed
most mainificent bulls that the u•
haciendas could furnish. Unfortun
ever for t 4 assistants, whose'objec
exhibit to the leperos a fight with .
most redeubtable of his speCies, the I
ed to be an ffembolais"—(a bull «I
nub or ball at the end of each of hisl
uch a one is always devoted to ' I
lace.) : The lout-cites or Mount.,, pi
however, manifested a littlo hesitat
approach, and gazed upon him with
ofalarm. The bull, after gazing
ment around thb arena, rushed to
tree around Which these people we
ed. Some of the leivos escaped
circle, while others sought refuge b,
into the branches of "Monte Pant .
catastrophe was imminent—the but
ing the foot of the tke, dealt upon
repeated andlsen vy blows, and th
weight with which it was Charger
the tree to! begii#to lean. At la'
Perico htut gather(
cotton flags, it slo , to 'fall
with it in its 431 the ix
which it r was or ied,
laughter, and the . uproarious
Lions of delight, arose from - the Ir
Ipeetatori who filled the bones
es, at the sight of these -tido
half dead, and lamed; were ende
engage themselves from the tat
es. ,To increase the confusio
tacked them in the most feroc
and I hiid the pain of seeing . th
Perico tossed some six feet in t
to the ground in such a state o
no to destroy in me ull hope Oft'
to proseouto, under a master so
incomplete study of li
ter. . .
Perict. was borne in great pain
enclosure, and a hundred voices frO
ulac r e called for a priest. Friar
crouched himself, in ai corner c
but without avai, for it Wds useles
to seek to avoid the duty, thus im;
him by the will of the people.
Raising with a gravity and an
concealed his•chngrin to the pubh
said to me in an under tone, "Polk
shall pass for a doctor."
o You joke," said
"No indeed, if the m ,
clan will be of quite as
as a confessor."
I accompanied the
least equal to his. W
ed the steps of the circi
laughter and the chel
evinced to us that the II
well as that of the sun
so very ordinary an inci
ed us to a dark place. in
sage to the ground floo r'
they had deposited th;
tirlt however, disembar'
ton flags. Than, part
the church and the fac
r j t a
I d of
resented in our person',
from n desire not to los,
arena, the assassins le
Et sero • in a recumbe
19,ning against the par
no signs of life. At al
arms, and
if the spark of life had;
from hittbody, it had b
slight resting plaad the 4 r'
somewhat embarrassad
do. "I believe," nt la
"that you at least have,
inter absolution to him.
• ;Jut
it ex-
"Absolve ic," exel ,
roughly pughing the fe4
stp l )eared at any_rate se
flterest, and half openit
"I believe in God th• '
ly Ghost.—Ab,ithe rasJ
me of my flags.Seno
"Not yet, my son, '.r4,
there may be, howe'ver, l ,
confess your sins, and
"The fight is not fitti
co, very naively—"Blit,
standing what has hall
quite so bad as you soli
Perico, now perceiv 1
as if about to faint, and
touo of voice.
1: 1 "You aie right, I fee I
core I will begin my co
VlConudence then,
cenchiiik beside the s
shOwed no sips of any
ric ), removing his gre
birkiself to the ear of tilt
a l'Ttle so as not to in g l
c menced, as follow r:--
then, my father, I adanseLmysei
having responded to the kind attentions of that
cavalier here, with the most black ingratitude,
in the frequent Contribt tions that I have drawn
from him. However ' tirt for which I pray
not 'to loose my ransom Ilea deeper than that
T —for,l em tenderly attached to hii .I's•
to a
e of
ies t t
rt 2
If in
, the
d the
ted in
• ut the
e most
- the so
I bowed my bead is
. ,aleo, accuse myael
d aiding
. n nom
gay cot
wreck of
vhich en-
Tame the
its top,
, tton flags
the case,
until the
.sful, few
this mo
lbox of the
e the bull
one of the
l ighb"ing
tely how-
rates, who
l ing to dis
id brnincli
e bul at-
ir s tquifall
ersibi ity,'
e, my
d cha
Em die
i lf the
ir which
'e eye, he
me, you
anis not de
much hone
t to him
l i onk with.
had sa l
is, %Leu
Tb t
labile of t l
had fire
lent. 'l'
the mid
In a co
assing h
omit o
F it), so di
the spec
t positio
tition, ant
• rate I
;not who I
rt a very, ;•
We reol
s to what
tenid I to
the power
irni.d Fria
t of the /e
siblo to th
g his eyes, murnuired,
Father, Sin and Ho
ale, they ha -0 robbed
Padre, I am a dead
qera pi o,
ero. He
s raark of
Oa the tnontt—"bit
,short time for yMt to
I nm in a hu rry," '
fi shed," said p oor Peri-
I believe, notwith
paned, that I am not
ng ine,'cloSed his eyes
I continued l in 4 feeble
very bad, and there
, ession, I shall
ly sop, said the m
elc' man, who r:
exterior wound.
, t grey , hat. inoli
• monk, pnd I reti
errupt the leitetro
noW i ledg-
oken of
having ta-
ken,the gold watekof the criminal judge Say
csai the last - time liiwas brought before him."
"How was that,: my sun'?" 1
"The Senor Sayosa had the imprudence to
Desire to know the hour in -my presence, when
seeking for his' watch, he / wail surprised to
find he had left it at home. I sa'wsit once that
if I was not under arrest, I should hate a iiiarr
hit to make. Ignorant, however,oC the fate
which was In reserve for me, I gave the word
of command to a friend who was just La, that,
inutnent set at liberty.'' Yuiti must linow that
theiudge is very fond of turkeys." , .
if .l l peo not under'stand you, my son."
lon will undFrstaritl . me. My comrade
deiMrted,rindutirchasia,g a superb turkey, took
it, and presented .it to . the wife of the Senor
Sayosa, telling her that her husband had di-
rected him tii deliver to her the beautiful bird,
and also that' he ()egged of her at the . same
tit 4. to send by the bearbr his gold watch arid
chain which he had left nt honie. Thus it:
'was that I got the jud e's watch."
t i
"That was bad, '). son."
"I have done, wo e still, my father: The
next day, I stolo'from the judge's wife, whit
her (husband was in attendance at court;' , •
° "Wlt'afrmv son. ' - .
"The turkey, my father. You- understan
we like not to,Jose," - mormured Perico in a do h -'
for us voice. The monk had great ditile.ulty'
in rbstraining himself from a burst oflauglitcr,
'Ube revelations of the tcpero. -
"And upon what charge, my son," replied
he in a voice'treinbling from his efforts - , "Were,
you brought before the Judge Say-i
,u 1"
"A mere bagalette. `I had, engaged, for
some crowns, to serve the vengezMee of an in
habitant of this city. [The name is nathirg
I lto the story.] The 'man I; was tb strike was
pointed out to the. lle was a young and
beautilful cavalier, easily recognized by a slight ,
'scar above his right eye-brow. ' was win&
myself in 'the doorway of jt certain.hbuse,
where? this main was in the habit of going eve
ry night, after the Ordcian. Night Came,
and kattended. Two hours had passed, and
there l 'Avas no more people in/the streets—Lall
was silent. I peered into unapartment on the
ground floor,othrough the bars of a wrinlow
which undoubtedly had been left open on ac
count of' tfie extreme heat."
1 I. ' I
Perico, tow, either from ‘‘ i 'eakorss or some
other Copse aPliettre in continuing -his cpn
tinnincy his c nfession to yit4ld with some re
-1 ffil• .
pogrurnce Ito tto rice tanc i } eicrci m l er
him by thr • Yriar ''erap"i`t. " i observing, this I
looked at,t. he ntOnk, as if to l Ask! whether I
should ret re, trtit fie motione4 trig in ite4 same
m I • 1 1 - i
anner to, retain my poSitior._. . .
"endar!an image of the holy Ghost," con
tunieci Perko, "iii one corfer of this apart„-
Mem . , an ci \ ri womah Nvel° ed up to her ev s
in her,rebozo was sleeping,. Il The. handeorte
cavalier-of whom I have spoken ups in anotil
ere:part of the room, reclining upon a sofa, rod
kneeling by him. herhead resting on his knee
was a young and apparently beautiful woman
her Eyes filled with 104 raised to his. The
young man ‘ the Icarus front a
red rose, which unfolded itt:elcin a sort of
transparient conch—adjusted in the shell comb
•which retained theitlowing tresses upon the
beautiful head that was inclined before Lim.
I understood then,yvhy it was that I had been
emplyed Co cut shjirt his time. Perhaps, the
sensation of comp:4si:on which I felt within
me, may count fo: 'something, fur 'I certainly
did feel remorse at having to cut the thread of
su happy astory,'! 7 _,' r•
, "Did you kill hint! wretched Man!' cri d
the monk. :
"I 'concealed myself in front of the house
under its shadow on the pavement. I grew
agitated and faint-hearted, so much so as to
fall asleep post. The noise occasic tied
by the opening of a door aroused me from my
supihement. I had given my word, which
heretofore bad been sacred,. and this was not
the moment to indOlgo in my naturalisensibil
ity. A man came forth, and a second - ufter, I
was close upon his heels, I heard Lathe sao
time, the sounds of a piano, behind the closed
window, , It seemed as if. joy had redoubled
the agility of the fingers which touched the
keys: : Poor girl, thought I, YoUr J lover goes
forth to' the, - and yet yOu sing—l Struck—the
man fell. The feeling Perico here gave a
sigh. • . ee ,
He resumed after a short pause: "4" f illy. of
the noon, at this moment, revealed the
tures of the man'l had just sts, •t. It was
not my man! However, I felt cont nt—l had
beenwiid to kill—l had ,killed, and my con
science was tranquilized, at this thought. I
uoeeded to cutoff a lock of the hair ( of
the unknown, in order to pre sent
, to 'my
employer the evidence to satisfy him of the
accomplishment of my
,mission. , All hair is
c i s
alike said -I to myself; tart I wasitle leived a-:
gain. , The man I had killed was au ng,lish
man, and his hair was as read a 3 a ri e pimen
to? The handsome cavalier, too, still lived!
Then in 'my disappointment, I blasphemed the,
holy name of God! and it is that of which I
accuse myself, holy father!" , •
Perko heat his breast whilethe.Franciscau
represented to him the deep blaCknessluf the
of the last crime, at the same time passing
very lightly over the first. For the life of a
man, of an English heritio above all, is a
crime of very little heinousi+s in the eyes of
the less ohlightened classeT of the Mexican
nation, of Which the monk mad the tepero pre
, ,
sented two distinct types. Father Serapio
terminated his homily, mid hitstily adniinisOr
log to P i eria° an absolution in Latin, of the
style..of Molient's comedies, he resumed in
good Spanish— ,
"Perhaps you will rest better, theta you`
have asked pardon of this Cavali'er, for having
put him so frequently under contribution."
The lepero turned towards me, and in the
moat melancholy Cr posiible, said-1.
"I am a great rascal, ut I shrill t inleiny.
self the more absolved f you will p rdon ail
Itr, deceits r hare prettLed urn= 7tl. I s':11
, I
dying Senoreamlie
me. .My:wife will
affair, 'and it bill
should Ite find i n m
pay Intl my windin
them tp you, Senor
"It is right,7 sai
Aof refus.e i thisfav,lr
rc thelastbllars h
"God willing," sui
I waq making film
mptied my purse i
sto, closed his eye
and spa no more.
"Requtrscat tap(
"the fight' hai far al
ing more to do het.
We departed. A ,
,again entered the ci
the Zaragate many
One such oonfessio
mischances witioh
Cons with thi4 sing)
berme. too that this
could be given me
'my power to withh
I" was' wrong howev
liove that my accout ,
ter Perico. •
['untying to the mai
mr unt
to the •g. It.
moral. ..ful
is called( pol itene”.
out s of respect, as, tf
fixed out with bette
ant betterhur
tik.Al to receiv l e.a hu
ding thegoo3, easy
men a-cleaper table
that they tick-It out
affections, the part
tbeir i children,
I they do, indeed—th
'T isa wicked, p
and they know it.
Worse and worse.
tation. fiosPitalit:
No—they want to
i feive him, -even fo
ofl in , the world tha
are secretly tired Of
coinfortalie, beauti
finale so dear to ma
to be slutiand hypo.
I the diffirence 'they
banili and the world
baud. ,They go 'di
haii flying loose, a
l' hor'se-pcind than a
table, till in mercy
knock at the door.
I 0! but if you ask
you must give him _
and beans,
Not if I eat pork
Da h lia - Übe often
treated at my own I
ter than Imyaelf
ing at the plate o(
esteemed by the NVO
Of course. The
and the more she lo
be wpcd.
! . Mactb , thk4ver
the worst MY; and i
dear friend that e
whim the family d
—you may know ti
4te—the / much l ly c!
O; ouste r,"
'RnAr. Pvamsnix .-
zette , says that. in 11
quires that parties,
published-4hat is,'
shall be panotincd
public days, or else t
for two or three We
has taken advantag
law, ami l we now s
pers, a notice of th.
It is a terrible [ 6 1 1 .
courting, nor a girl
having the affair ti
.rhe Govern ,
the Journal of C
structions froM th
issued an order ad,
and Maize into tha•
ment of duty—the
its arrival at and. e.
destination Within
der permitting Am,
pass down the St.
ing,tom on the Sal
thence to the Rive
and vice versa, upo
and dues chargeabl
.Fmks don't go t
tire. ‘‘ , Nobody est_
freshments. Nobo
ple attend•divine s•
;day; it fsSabb'ath.,
flet it is extracted
an coffee, the fish
NO one tears a hole
is no rare thing lie
dies don't go a visit
ramie men don't *gt ,
in to spend the eve
hard backed chairs;
rd backs titflsr zs ,
) 1 4 caye cri
to Sa to - Anna, aft
. i Cerro
haul him, at
days dtties wOrs
IBE R 3.
- N T
I - 1
and naVepot that to bury
• owl be informed ''of ;this
ho; a great relief to her,
pockets a few d 'Bars to
sheet. God will return
1 the monk. "Yon will
to the pooi devil, and they
will ever cost you."
id 1, hardly' thinking that
t a lion tidal wish, and I
to the ockets of Pole°,
I, dropped back his}dead
e, Sr ut] Friar Serapio—
-Heed, anJ I have Otll
I _thought T
1 , ter all, nougat I , as WO
cu l s, I he're obtained from
re l ry curious particulars:
amply repaid melor the,
I ' attended my first rela.
ar personage. geraem
v.las 6 1 3 last lesson that
the Icor° it wtts not ill
ht I 1 '
a little pay front him—
u., as we'sfiall sec., to be-
Ft's were setled with Mas.
[END* l',AfiT I.]
,sr. - —we cOmmend the
( 4 1of all our female read.
i . ried I more especially
pc l t . nts o a very truthful
as a g neral thing, to bo
1 ..
live, common sense ; and
Lc r,ificedevery hour to }'chat
._ 'I see women every 'day,
, ey say, to their. husbands,
, r dress, with befter.looks,
-tor, to receive mi E stran er
~:baia, the rogue l s per ua
°oi l
. Iwhen they give ther
cloth and a better di r,
f respect for him!
treat the lord of their
er of their bed, the father
.rse th l an any other man—.
're's ilO denYitur it.
otligate. cold-hearted lif
tUey call it hospita
Llospitality is not oston
is simple and sineere.-r.
please a stranger-.d de'
an hour, to appear b Iter
they really are. "they
i •
home, of that plain, quiet
ul teeenCy, which mikes
.1' Such Women arel4o
.yist in proportion to
make between their:hrts.
the st rOger and the hus.
p-s 1 hodlattout the house-..
tJ thelnelves fitted for a
.ntarrii& bed, or' dinner
to their husband; 401.10
a man o dinner with'you,
,ctionhibr , better than pork
nd beans myself.
Pd. '
1 i•
tuul if lie exiTcts toibii
mi l s°, by rny own wife bet.-
Sir, lean tell by leak
exactly •lio%lie is at the head artliefta-
glocr she esteems him,
him, the bettemiillho
r. The husband will be
there he anyparticular,
laines often—somebudy tä
I e tindor great obligations
n l) , the drumsticks in Ids
de —the small claw of
!.-. 1 7 -The United States Ga
asachusetts; the, law re.
before marrying, shall be
lit intentions of marriage
1i n 'church three successive
1 osted in some public place
lcS. The press, however,
Of tho provi.4ous of the
I .
e in one of ,the Boston pa-
Ise who intend marriage.
when a man 'cannot go a
eta sweethciart, wiOadtt,t
d its way into tt;e news•
pr General of 9,nnada, says
Trunerce, ag.rccalily to in
liarent g z nv / ernment, has
iittitlg prim jean Wheat
:pro% ince without the Fay
importer giving bends for
pirtation Cram the port or
ix ; , mouthi's. Also an or
lm boats and vessels 'to
I.avrence, from Fort Coy'
no River, to Sorrel, and
1 Richlieu 6 Champlain,
the payment of the t9llB
upon Itritish vessels.
bed now .a- days; they re
rdinnrer; people take re
rgoes to'churcb;butpeoY
ice. There Is no Sun,
o one B its his tooth pul-
Instead of drinking, tea
!unable only sip a little.- 7 .
in his pantaloons; but it
lacerates them. The la
ng;:they only make calls.
a Courtin g ; they only step'
ing. ou grandmas*:et!
but our 'belles have stuff.
• •
I ts: , \ • r
pies';' as Col. lilarney rata
• r a vain atterap s tto over.
•ra Cruz state that five )
lleted at that port to tilt s
• \