~•~ a II Ilr.,kv GOLDS! NEV GOODS! ' . • )A.,_,.; 4 G. LOON/.13 4- CO. 7, Reed 7— H ouse , Eie, have jll3l. re mired •'-i:•ti, . • . . I, "' • " - "q-•• an addi t ilia to their termer stock aeods; vhitth makes thor Assortment vel'y ex len ive, c.mprisi t y, a ' a ge. variety of rick and rash °nab 0 JE wOtAty, consisting. of diamond, nil , gar et, enierald, strict/rye, aquamarine and ) amelle ,pins, diaromd, ruby nud- plain ri114 ,4 ; gold ear r mcs,..glfarischains and key/, spectacles. pencil ca es, braccir s, lockets, miniature setting, thimbles, muds,B44,,SE•c. &c.. TalE,H o i c i.nd Silver Watches of The pat tent lever dupto,, horizonial and common escape ment. , rend ] mantle, German and Amencan cheeks. CsiODS.—Tal.le, desert, tes,sdirand ,one, !adios, butter and fruit knives, SILV tnit4turci , - spectacle ~. ams, keys, tomcat cases, thimbles. Plated,'M issals and Gcrntan Silver Ware.— 'Tea puts urns , pitchers, cups, tankards. bowls, ta t o ., bet tut, candlesticks. snuffers and trays, spoons id 'eCtP, ink stands, castors. C1.1; 1 --.1 , • tr.—ltoger's and other celebrated Mattes raz ro, knives and Scissors. NtSCE LANEOUS..—Matheinatictl instru mortB, telescopes, thermometers; pork,e't eompas ae, sun disease., violin's, accordions, musicboxes, OW; firall. steel pens, card cases, combs, poet- ct I looks, Tioaltet pistols, .coral, amber, gilt, steel, wax and glass beads, bead and silk bags and pur ses, elasti „ . ..giiircis, porabre writing , desks, work,' paitlt, MI la; tobacco and shaving boxes, razor strops, e °tiles, hair, tocseb, nail and shaving ib hrthhes ad glasses, Glazier's diamonds., shot belt's, nevder - flasks, percussion caps and pills, cheSsine», dominoes, s -ear calf's, rillf Rod cloak claspi, tvdeezers, cane, whalebone. violin and bass viol strings, rouge, liowder, puffs, perilimermy, court plater, tooth well' and powders, tooth picks, teething rings, tan bells, scalin?, wax.,- motto seals, vis dug cards, emery baskets, needles, bat ttedor, and birds, spool stands . , with-numerous oth er artieleS not tnmtioried, bbili useful and Ofila• ineittat, 0-hick ti ill ill for "ready p4y," limn twen ty flee to: fitty.per cell. lower - than formerijr.. N. ft. Watches. muoic boxes, jewelry repaired in tit> best manner a rAI warranted. . - . ,i d most kiii l iis of coorilry produce ta a •iticat, fur goods or work. Cull and see. I i...,.. , hi15t prices paid in c - i for old Gold ` ' Fr. p, I - ." - • ' 4 . - Cae, ken in p 11 nod Sik• ' June; DR. Af GREAT TIONAL PILLS. RI It\ tn.. G. 111!..:9. smrrit's ... - - INTROV.O INWAN VEG' - : TAB Lc.: 1 , [suGAiti COATED] PILLS A iti.: it,0 , ,,,,.,i,cm g r0,' 0, um, d rit..des, and their 1 - 1- ruprprity over all Otlima , for enure efficacy .41)11 1110.124 ititlle,g . b.o4 Wl4ll lee - them a pre emipence of funs whieb'oseds 110 ftltdfig slllll , oce to pgrpe,tuate. Almost wilier. 1 , .1 J they have etleolly worked their way, mid ittuor,l, it NI It permanent hold ou the optitobatiOti of the peopte n Lich no other medirsuu or oppesitom can relax. 1,,. Fur alum four yearn they h 'se triumphed over diimase, mid hr du belay nuil clailllo.+ to 40,01 y no anstous bosom. , T 1111:11 ft 4.1111111` It, As a me. it d compound, lom neollst4ria to tho me-2 deli cate & m end ea the ere hardy, alio I avei *offered from the eine . 30 r iinci l fr. piper 1,9 in the stomsell. still et once. be 1ea,.1 ort , ti tho della fitful opeiatmil or there the el'll 1. They h•n the rato mend of 'the most. care fully sclr :ted pi ernatem., are .dway s safer, awl there call ' 'tic no da ger of t.,,;,., 111,:u improperly at any time. A. g N .1' 41.1 1, 1 , 1 sqUlf‘ . l.l.t. W: II ma ifost their eiCellenett to . I elletaug the body of to toy pr •eti,o, of a laraong docabet, tieeitott; the ,lattot- I• OTCI . IY 011111, thereby eumring tha, eoutioustma of health, Th, roo•t eanaeol ehemltt In New kirk ha., Kit toi hi 1:r:11f/tate that 111010 Plll.l ale PURI:LI VLX.; Li' ALP_ :. or ATIT11;10•4 (PtVW taxar.ov. , ?at prinelplo rec , nfl,i4ett by the inveitt..r of this' It, 11) . 011/Citie 1, t:t.a eV ty p.rt or tho tinily, le 11,4111 or , li,e,oe, in hroopht 'ander the led.- tite alipes , tito me,, , , , .. Thu plaint ..tind rot,oet,l forms thin only groalia oa whu::l a good tautly i: canto reCO,lnnelnled. Op..r.ttillg aecording to toetple. Dit SIIITICS PILLS xtt?.rvtArr.x.EN 'JULES,: Pi romAcir, the ,eretataa of ' the Livi:lt. SKIN, awl KlD ,,,s'd ItEGIJI, ATI: 'lir. ItotVI:I.S, thereby adopt: ONLY NATURAL •liplcoit•L•teitt method or r 01,.. Inhr, 1.1r1: 111,1100 flItE, by w ear cctaeg the ya ors of the whale ay a eat. pre",thfoo, giro etiery nartieulfir in thll - I,rier ,tt thole I fa ere 0 irt,,,•tly ICI' JillnigadCtl tie a r preventine Fu-/aura outcry and ils,u.sse, which t t of con.tipat.on of the bowel., neglected COMA. taelo , ,rze., &c., and whielLtt in in the power of PREWENI'. „ t r ,l'llla do cot PALMA - Tr.. bot ' . .riay.v 'custot '4 tlice teeeof the I , Veltera Country, and to Tbr isss.elu sl' wArgsor c 0. . ," of do.•tnn • 'no If • in this no Id* Prorrrou Pilit irig the der mg teJ hu It is ;bailee, r 'vans cl ;crow ot. blight 81 AI 1.1. To, MEE .1t ,L BILLIOUS DISORDERS, Thew" ~,,,d :atolle, top Tralleled—Tlik.,, SCE MAN'S FRIE:4 I . room: the eutopl .into liq di scli Clue Villa arc 11 4 1 3' recomnicad9di are the IbitOU:ll2r,„4. IV FF.V :RS, PAIN IN THE SIDE, DVS •EPSIA. • SCDOTELI,A, INDIGES t lON, DAD moor), cosilv,ENEss, 011STI: DC I lONB, Ili EIIACII E, TEM 11. E EO3IVLAINTa, BAD APPETITE, Ii.IITDMATISM, DIA, EIKE 1, : ' 'WHO .PINII CIHRHIS, DYSfINTAILY. ' %V i'A li. Is: II IL V ES, I.W -111 COAIPLAINT, II TS METES, . 'WO Evls, t °EOM'S, ' DEA IVIIIIIEN. , CUI.IIS, Ell, Ot'S i•II01.1C, 1 INF LUENI6A, EDI I. STOMACH, PIMP: Es, JA U i N DIE E, . , 1.0%v SPOUTS, Arc. - By' rolta.. hip. the Slilli,lo tillT.Ctit3.l• l Whie.:l accompany every brttc of gelatines .. .ll3.o Iwrio.ingsitt cure will be ',f leeted =Me At at' O r r: Ilihil..TAl.:.; to New York hate giv en Co VIM the VI the ttriqiii taco eier leer, Mill" 2q kinds that It.tre 4eri to,let.l . .aixt several EMINENT 1.11)::MCI I N:', tivNeW York Awl elbea hctit i tisanitation ~r ~ r,,,,,,,t, I . wa s indllefl.l to p are Ink° a thlttle of pr. ‘ViimEs t.,iir•npa rel In nut Wild Elterry-alitters. 'Be rofT lAini: c"" "'lc she has i el tee cal entirely of ?lie 'headache:, nod after taeting (It 0 Cr three battle-, the other oyinptetriii filth clv ilt-itt , prarcil. N, E. Ili InEoz., . Non I'll I'A'RHAVR:4,II..IIIg Plain, July 2', fe.lii Ma: E. TRORTON, Jo. br 'Dear Sir,-3Cv daughter Imii been for, more thou Iwo yel11,11111it•tet1 with a confirmed Dy•pcpi..in and 1.1, or Cont plaint. them her n ith a , ore ere and coin -atilt headache. During this time she was cousin. tie attended ley the .„6:, ,4,.111.1 nod intoliittotit ph) i.tclato., toil is Wit little Or n 0 tr. 11,4, until we found the disease wan cop illy taisinz AC form of Gourd consumption. A i l' his time, I &qr.-. mined tohltie recntirt.o to Dr, Woo, S ..intf,iparilla nod Wild Cherry Bitters, a , pre parpl ley you, and it 0,, tine the tincrrei.t pie ii.ure'to t.t.ite, (lint enter' he use of a few bottles, my daughter was happily •reetored to perfect health. I have the ttißbe.t confident, in thi,,tiedicine, lima shulll,clecerfoliy recommend it to my frieinV. Very truly )ours, 1 A N.i 4 F;J, WHITE. . The citredescriheel in the mimic certificate 6t- Mr. White is ley no motions n siiiitittar min. There are latrulreds oho ha% re leer, curet from the most acute or lour continued iligenße, by the tii.c. of-thin exeellent and highly popular remedy. The proprietor recritniminillit to the public with the utinoia confident,. for' In all cases where it lies had a tide trtiff., it ler, succeeded hercunel th expectation., of the patiMit or, coin kis oh ie. The care ii4ith hhich it is pre= pared and tho itartia aecore, nod h ire t•ret ran PS. pr , •judg ntedirinr,tt troaldnof quoude, rut a 1111 eelebrlty of it• -, prim conanrod it to the p 4 Prepertit by E. Tr Intl ,v Wyatt &. tr ton Co,, Erie; an 1 I the U.s. Price $l,l tr•tr. 15t1. • Pi EC VS A, l laivirla C a t m} eta and .o4 ! just receirlql and f for .ole by ' I C. ••••cpt,' ' • ' =I VOW is the! time to buy pAtIP)..:TIN( 3 4._ Carpeting; in the best quality anew latc,t styles enustlte sold to mai:et - own for st6elt , in the Spring. at the " JEW STORE. Erie, V0).727,1817. . 1 ' 41 CCASHMERES, Alpacas, sllhq and all other Dress Goods, at t heaper rates than at any other store in town, at the ' JEW STOItE, Feb. :x7, 1617. entnmercial Endo nete._ FrtilltllLY, .I.;lain Tut , enthreadered de Lane, 1. Silknd Cast-liner Shatels;a. la mode, very cheap at tb CONINILIICI AL tiaCtIANGE. N b, Erie, Fe i 27, 1647.' 41 41 T.AI)IEKid 'rind MeroccoSlis and Meth Crs; cheat' , at tho - ' EXOLIANGE Feb. 27, 1617, __.„... gatc ineccg of every offere,tl at a fraction JEW STORE, - FrcnO St. I WINTER Sperm Oil, a pure 'article, for sate et , B.TomuNSON Er. Erie, Feb. 13, 1517. - • • 39 fOOE, ES i;ed corks alwaysonthand-11,olosses at 37 1.3 cont per gallon, egood.;lutnater article. October 24, 1846. / C. M. T188A1... "lb oWdE or kitursitibeil exeluinge fair ,L ~ r orela or on aCeouOrc by - C. M. TIBBALS. October " 24, . 1846. 1, , s 23 C1.01'115,,. quality above cost, at thci Feb. 27, 18 16. P. ARBUCKLE. No, Perry WILD CHERRY .1311"1111tti, . ,ic e Acellence of Its4naterialp, A hould well for 11, n cli r4ter wiiii-ii it no-, gre iitiAllyent , ting. agair Ft aiii. f ri. e d I: be in r died iri , COOft ed 00 Ihi. , . .7))0 IS rrirforini•if: and Alio tiehnooli,in cif nipai ronstitoents, slionittt once re „bliv. filv,,r. , I , I I. Otlll.oll, .Ir. li obi wo* , huni,,lNl,Tii ton SI•N. 'l' by Arn , ;:niF t, gintoraify imp) Wales. - II I , 1 r,IOIYONOOO — Dq- - Cottnn Yarn from No to 20, Cnndlo Wick, and Batting, f_o_ c rs i a u lo NO: 3 Perry Bleck ittßuci ,Au g . 13, IS 18. .... iiltitlill / rafe.'ssiOn iii every sectio n of t he Vatted b !or.eseions, entitles them in the ..,, t „,,,, is ( f t Disease. A mare of American and 1,1131 is in the Doctor's posseallion acmes .se trerminent remedies after the COlDliiii• the l Medical faculty, end the must popular lay l had been DIM in 'Din. . 1C CS VEGETABLE SUGAR COATED PIUS. ft •uarli.c.l success in every disease te. le arid positive — purgative, Tb e y cue d 4: ii i slickness pains and dizziness of the o a kness of the breast, sides and bout is I . J, influmAtion of the different organs' in , , , fl u i breath, coated tongue, billiaus chol.- i ivy leo. and' ill cases where the Atom , are loaded w humors, which are so pro reit Each boa font:sins 311 Pills, are we,. 'h turely vegetable, and sell for 9.5 cents— ill, • o rttioury dote. Al LENT,'S SCIATIC LIN WE .FALLIBLERE EDY • fi ' , nt.i Sprains, Bruises, Contracted Cords, utaay, Croup, Stiff Joiner, 'Shrunk Sin t e o.ca l t and face,:Tetothache r Frozen Feet, Spine, Perished Limbs. and wherever an attim in indicated. 71 - 41 rapidity watt!' NDEIL WORKING MEDICINE Curestho ' Ott abase .11..rapea. NO attracted 'ME n . DMIRATION of the w-orld• That alt. set's': .s of the use ukhie blessing to home.), it d.s phi the price at 2.'csnts. Each line. , t'sl nanie blown p the class, and , eivelog df.eared'Spiue,dccompasited with full dl ,...i'te, pretalral debility. attiuded 'with pains in t;he stomach and,brotels,resteudiug to the ',petite,. trembling of ihh limhte•palpins: trt; Jaidolice, Agile and F ser, and all Bit. to quickly erred by 9,1 e u e of • ekCS VEGETABL 1, TONIC • 1 BITTERS. , r accompanied v. itivdire lions, and,iell far ~ , A,J I. at Toltec Italia pant a. I n the same . .. . of tWe 1104 or th. Cottiucre Cum( liau te.tim r.PrlOrrActi by lb rd trelommet of feilictltef (,f the 1)R. lIERR 514 be used wi go7ring a ore with :woni,bin 11010, pails. alit ill k,a, of jet, the luttene tol, ic,1177177thal cos I itcll'utl bowel, 7 71011\ C of 711. e r.titiecl tinder ea, Ilnll 3 'wing . HERRICK' Ii For ItbremSt. Sore h 14, t ewe Ague. Dtte ; o•es of 0 es,terusl , apio htea %%6,14 cases o WON 1111: may avail the the. Doeto tle hoa the Ito, tthin a out of I etloola, nod %puttees' ' ,ides, lip— of doll or the hey won iloo‘o•eg: 11F,ItIt rut up to Ldp :Its. rash trimmer I :111 (MV sr, W . 111“ unit I,t , st 111 I:t tut , ) 'WU )114 . 1 DR. HER opprosciob of the lit;g Cruel, Crnup, Inflam tr..n "(the (Atop; the rposilmptlya be greatly belpcd I Jr 4 by tiCk'S MEDICATED COLGII • LOZENGES. Pr cc / 25 I t.t. rm. (Ir. 'FM where attinad itt the I,lnt y - Of )(71,14 , . them, Itiu: th Pt ir (1 a 5 t pa,ps:lll,l itc It us On Of ' Ilirso LO2Cogen are a, pesltis• . I . .Iti:IIPHANT SUCC,ESS which seve r y tir u-e of liernck's Worm Destroying he t e,t, vetkon and C.SpUltiOSltOr SVOrMS from ter has placed them first Ott the catalogue Al'••vate pleasant to tate\ Cluldren lore '; -- r , ,dll et is Ono h as to astound' the beholder. leidh full direr tions Those suffering from - dine, to the breast. alibis and hack, alto Idtallin 7.0. etc. nt tl find o far tot in the u-e of "S GALBANUM STRENGTH- I #NINC; PLASTER.. ~K , ,i 4.01,er, will t5,..4 h„.., 4- •;0,1 ) lei eta, and,. nit, ,king tEI 1 I.- r. and ore considered the BI P 1 ASTER. NOV; IN USK. _ Sivrend on Co unanl Fr ot hrr pi. C II Phlt•T I *0 THE PUBLIC. 1 , I - 1 4 %In r. n inll bald by some Neal* rk makers fle It. t if the privtleee to male nod send a Su iil, tied one erect pretendi ng and thertifins p:i t iciiit for sit, doing., induitet, Ott Doctor ti s , cc. r Ilea( ption la fore the public.. and le x~ nth{case. a liether n system of this hint, roll. Pr. Merrick has writren In 3lr neMissioner of Patents at Wattitugtoo,s.Lost .0,115. gts en lielow. V. S. Burnt Offlee idll 16. 184 a. kinear Sir—Your letter - of the nth intr ha it. In alleA , e 10 rein ...fairy, whether 'anj . c i crai t.,11 for ..i pill mhited with linear. in S on that 110 rat mil of •tILIt a patent can by ot 1 Ise. ' . it CSllPl . litills vol 1 1 .•, -.'- EcbMt. ' Nll ItUItKE. i , %ph els givo g a Jaffe go 1rr..1 I:slntriVtina CI Heas he halt of :my of tl q Agent.. ,C , iiP tiiiis3 State atrciA, Al oo), a ',tore - all us ..I,i dressed. .1-:• k 11. Ilittlon 4: C . O. 1 - 1. ti I& Elallb, Gtshrtb, and ! that tb , 4 al, gar Ci.t , d 1 that If , Itrutz 116. it ti ctrl ,tld 0110i1 {Ater ttt OEM Itt•t /et t•I% It .1I it ne It.r . f and ,„ „, •• .„ Orr- tt I AGI NT cull t.t I-- . 1 NEW FIR.:t AND CHEAP GROCERIES ! ! ./ MA) ENLY & A. IJ I'HITCHCOC 1 Mi l : firm of Hitchcoel4,Zimmerly &C i associated themselyes in the ‘NYvai ` ' efail Grocery hosine..s,oirSt.ate etre. - y,.,lie the Fipzift Hotel, in the room iat rf by-Wm,Rindernecilt, under the sty Mi....i.iLY & Co. where mill he foun - ~,111 -elee'ed a...ortment of all kinds liy i Witt India Goods. comprising es ,r1.70.i11y 'kept or ciilled for in a Grace' ' ii. i-tz cad: may be found:— - ,i',l rel y pri.Q . : and gliality- Y , m11. , I.ly7ben Teasi si,ice, - Indio, BroA n, Lufnp and L. \ lAN 1 - 01/1' J Ile 01 ill% e tI,,Z sale and nearly el) ricempin 01 . 3. 1.111 - 4:c and' 1; \Vf_vo,;l4 , A IPel‘per ;dl and rosin? ap,rait4n!i,",fit ei'ery cioars, shelf (lroc i logeLlier It'on, nails, u , etc. o, te , tder their thanbs f \tentleit'to them for t!,!. v may' by their et Of :4%0 new customer , ., clm , e twain of all ki Vl. and ax fo m, bleb t...'AS wi, r - ; Darrell, S, Ilt:volvirtz six S rtuannt of Gun fixino m w :1.. J ( p . ab: ' r {ld e I 'o pui 'CO ap (r 1 Collti •r. i:rie, (..; ['N : rie eras ES IMEI 1 CASH! CA, 11, ill be paid for 10,0 10d i do Corn, 10,000 d,l ;' bur, if soe' TSE V 10,i, barrel, 1. ).c. 10, 1816 WE I'o OUR CUSTOMER. ' rci, now tCccivirz o Winter stoc - of O,Tt;S, 9 IEDICESEPAINTS, 0 LS; ;e)DS and Miscellancous articles, and Ie et rtiffY , invite the attention of our ems n.l the 11111111 c to the qual‘tv of our g ods, orices at whi:ll they 4;e,ffered. 1 'ions will find ameng our stock ma y o Chemicals and choice preparations fthr Medica. Our M tiedi inert are fresh ant t o be pure, and Will be warrant d fo y laic sold. is and others wan4g Paints 'and- S I • our stock cotnpfetl, l and We woul r idm want pure . Pai Is and Oil the p, 1 he quality and }tree of our articl s' i •h ir, ttsin elsewhere. , ) ii f r j :; can be fmnishe with most oflif Iscd in their line, at t.✓ asonublc rates. stock of the Prier Ife/ficines of the Perfumery and Fane: and • Miscolla .=,is very large and sve would say t I ers and strangers, t sat we shall be i , you, show your ott goods, gfve ye and your orders. J. IL BURTON & Cs ' • Ir,v. 2g; 151,6.4-9.6 INa. 3,.ll.tedid AAT Y C tti re. nd the • rays %he ne% \tateti• b what tl Fern e will fir e quest a 1 rv.e.ertai fore pu Clot tick Our and of article; custon to sec, T. r\V IgT.l IL's Genuinn Italsinnnr Wild e Celebrated remedy CO Consumption an , 1s tbe Lunge.. Alta - Wistur's Gentle It. Ear tale 11.1 Dr. Agent, corner eth Erie, ra. D"` tire ih ill , 11111 Ire -111.1) ,r c : ;Merin es, DWELL. - ASHES!ASIIESV:. 11.,T, pay S tents pli• bushel for oi teq i i and 12 1-2 cts per btohel fork ilt: irch-t1 at my rt.:beryl or \l'Kean co n , o, Oet. 31 , it' 1" c At 'ring MPORTA ER GRANGE & ririti Vziwylicl 'vas, No. IG, ;spruceltie \would respectfully announce to the ey have commenced the man fa and will, keep constantly on hanii fOlowinzedesctiptilm, viz: 1..9 1 1 and Book ui table for hand fi.nd INV 11. ell ac Er L or , of th, :•!,. , .., ppc.rp(ate, Gaul: Note, Musk, X l yiN 4ruplik, and Indelible, for elierawa4 1k 'or CottOti ”nods. ' , - I , . tors of all hinds will he prepared a d equal in all respect , to the best in o, Gold Size,,Gold and , Silver inks.l LF,GRANGE, who has had many y nee in the largest and rnost.celebratc odes of Paris, viz: Messrs: Lemercier Godot Nl t atiroi, No. 55, Paris, will nal attention to the business.l 13 1 All ordhs riddressed to the sub beelpunctual l y attended to r tind ,Ink iit ho dmi e, press and work for wli Intended. . LEG RANGE §:. R Alir No. IG, Spruce )t._ ei I i i.._._.L.... n SI C,L ans( unit (rue will to s , are 20, 1617 , I Sl3F.S.—Those liming good' As* I wa t t° deliver them at our ailieryj Ind tinic working ottwhat we have' prilStli 1847. 'S. JACKSOr XES.—Waters & Co's Cast, lis dozon or single. tt , f - 13. TOMI.INSON I eb uatv 13, 1 8 17. 1 . ne to %Ix e 05[0 of Sr AND, 'ln Cumming C j 3.11 110yorl, sort -O. 1847.-1 90. 'or the very genii the past sitr, ye deavor.: to the ._. s itt the, snap Tliely are pre Ms, butter, E._ t Timothy and_ It. be paid at it do. Foiid Nets, tr WI a °I OMIS & CO. 7. Reed Hous bushels ah Barley, and CADWEL ! TIZIA I ! day, eous all, aPPY u out. = herry other. Fur,' (State GeV. e ash- gFnb New Trade ure \ bt suppty power raphic, ristos a am ported a r, er d Man. es c ßo; il eriber repaTed ch they 1, Volk. InAO will do soon so hand. Co. i CZ Ifi, C0. 3:4 t s., I FC of ,ar-