Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 29, 1847, Image 1

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' A, P. DUR
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itaertiserbertts in
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job Printing, of
pamphlets, Handbill
boat Bills; Blanks ft
rated in the best styi
I II varieties. such as Books
8 Show Bills, Cards,Steatn
!;Notes, Receipts. Szc, exe
;e and on short notice.
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Dealer in Dry Go
(peens 'Ware, L
Chiapsiiie, Eric,
Grocerie's,A Thrthvare,
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ehirdi and Erie Coal, Salt
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E. N. niuLlimr,
Itutr.4lo, N. V.(
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F a cdtt MA. Frio. Pa.
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ors ( Mice nti French
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1 . GAt.BnAITIJ. W. . t AVE
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Attninoy: and Cour
t•ixtlt street, IVCSt. •
Erie, Va.
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Cr. 1,0 , 1
Ikalcri in Watches,
%e., Plated and Br
itary and Fan y G,
Va. I
'Jewelry, Silver,Cl ennan cil
Ltuunia Ware - , Cutlery, Mil
1. ode N 0.7 llCecl Ilowte liric
1 • • I
%MIA A. l
Wholesale and !Zeta
ceries, Hardware,
Nails, Leather,
4 reet and the Pubi
Tavern, Erie, Pa.
DealPts in)rs t hoods, G ro
[Crock y;
_thass‘‘ e,,Jran,
0!., etc. Pte. corner of Statr
is Scina, opposil'e the ,Eagle
Cabinet Maker, I
le Street, Erie
8. MO
,d Slug.
I pholstCr and Undertaker,
IPa -
Oil, office on Se4ini!ll.-treet,
!Ikt Erie, Pa., •
Canes' Forwardinti
Merchants; Red
lir Po idtte, Erie.
ER rt.:, COOK,
Comte hion, arid Produce
':sre pottsc, east or the Pub•
ware corner of Fr.
in, Coppei and Sheet.tron
nch and Fitih streets,l4le.
N TrT tIIESTL.I . 3,.'i
lefiale and' retail dealers in
ke. State street,
Iron Founders, viii
Stoves, aolL
Dve Staffs, G
Eric, Pa. •
10er:in Drues,Mcdicinto
&c. N 0.5, Reed !louse
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Groceries, .c.c. No. 111,
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, Groceries, &c., No.
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.cines, Paints, Oils, Dye,
No. 6 Roca Hon=e, Krio-
74 6calerq
b(11(1:4, Wags, Etcf,.
Forivardino andt i onnuission Merchants; 169
French Street, e; and at Gth Street Canal Ba
son, also•dealers in Groceries and Provisions.
Dealer in ilardware, Dry Goods, GI roecri,es,, &c.
Aide of the ilmond, and one doorjea;n. of
the Eagle Hotel, Erie,
i l ly Hiram L. Brown, Omer of Suite strert and
the Public square, t Erie. Pit. Eastern, Western,
and Southern St, ge office.
Fashionable Ater
Square, a few 4 ll
hant Tailors, un the Publie
.ors nest of state meet, kirie,
Dealer in Theolo
and Classical Sl
No. 111,Vrencl!
! , ical, Miscellaneous, Sun<l4
i•hool Book; Stationary, etc. etc.
Street, Erie, la, •
I ;Nttorney and Co
W. T. prlictic ,
Grant and too
towa 'Territor
neellor,atlaw, Prairie (In Cilium,
!s in rhii counties of Crawford,
!, W. Tani! in Clayton county,
bcrikr I n
Ware, ets., fi
' Erie, Pa.
ods, Groceries; Crockery, Hard
`3, Perry Bloc>, State street
'ter, ghee
exchanuß for Glowls, Wool, But
mntl 01l kiiids of Country Pro
11. CA DW FLL.
June 6, ISIG,
.1.,1 Trimming
the cheap store
November 21,
:E.—Shell Hardware and Lionel)
can al% ays be hae nery cheap at
rof S. JACIS ON co.
ism. 27
.od, 1 indigo,
~ t , I, Cochineal,
ood, ' Annatto, '..
, od ) ' Cream Tartar,
Wood, Red Tartar, _
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rag, . Alum, etc. ,
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111 pay cash for ;mod clean T imo
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Written for the Erie Observer.
. CIIA I' TER I. t
'lt was a cold min-my evening in the month of
I„ %
January, %it. Til • i ind dro,ye in fuzious gusts
:hrou , ::11 the aka:. r1..-.7-L-A -fr-.........,„„t .....e... .r-_
Cast lailifi. , Fliow in henvy Masses azaiin4t the
buildings, block inz up the doorways and patti nu
dismally tipom the windows. •
God help the poor, for many, were the houseless
half clad wrstches that night hovering around the
cellars or tindtir the eaves seeking a shelter from
the' pittiLss wet rn; nwny shivering fellow beings
crotChing in sti a w and rag's, sick and dying, ena
ny pours arving little ones stretching their chilled
iintbs upon naked boards, 'without e'en a blanket
'to protecithem frointl),e cold. poi help the,poor.
•Vet a note cheer)' seen than the snug little
sitting room of Flavidillrow presented on that in
elenlent night i i rarefy see t. Before the ample
wale heaped with glowing nthraeite, a table was
di awn up covered pith s nowy napery, on which
the ,ea equippage was already placed: There were
line, tempting biscuits, rich, fragrant butter, its !
golden surface bearing the tasteful impress of novi
ers, little4ass di-hes o ruby quince and quiver
ing apple jelly, n hile in the centre of the table a
small SO verbai,ket was died with generous slice,
of delicious plum cake.
Upon a sofa, drawn near the fire, were seated
two young persons—lovers , . A fine 'handsome
fellow was that sailor lad, and the modest blush
ing girl 1% hose,head rested upon his shoulder, and
whoSe little handlis clasped in his, is Catharine,
the drily child of ''avid Brown.
Eduard had just roomed front sea aftei a six
months' voyage, and now in the presence of
affianced lnidc, all the dangers he had passed
were' forgotten, and he remendier' d not itat In - a
few short weeks he must again I ave-his beloved
and airectionate Catharine. Ha miness danced
in his bright, black eyes as he gazed fondly upon'
the young and losely girl, then with something
like a sigh, and pressing the dear little, hand to
his lips, he said
"catharine, I had hoped this voyage to have
called you mine, but now ailifil ter tedious six
molds must pass.ere I can claim my sweet girl.
You see, li.ate, w bile our ship wtif lying,otr Cuba
a po4r mejsifinate of hie was seized with the fe
ver. Poor Jack! iv 11, he dig!. I kneiv 'he had
an old blind fathea c r Id aged mother to support—
nice old people, to d, and too p mud tareast anchor
in the poor house, and so to make Jack's mind ea
sy for the long voyage he mas bound for, I prom
ised him I would give myriwages this trip and may
do mare, to make his &Other and mother corn
fortaoe. Then Jack, poor fellow, squeezed my,
hand,tnodded hi, thanks and went oil siith a smile
upon kris figure head. _ And nots. Kate, just for
the folly of having a soft heart we must wait a
while longer, my girl." .
"He will be here shortly," she replied, "it is
now past his 1159.4 !Misr— How surprised and de
light.ed he will bb to see you. Hark! ho is corn
ing:, •
At this moment the street dont- was opened and,
shut, and a heavy buequiek step was heard in the
Filming his finger on his lips, Edward,
laughingly, sprang behind the door.,
Katef good news, my - giri! The old
Roman lies snugly moored at the wharf, no lying
on and off the Hook this terrible night Cr poor
Jack, and Edward—"
"Is here," cried the happy sailor, rushing fior 7
ward and seizing the old gentleman by the hind:
"Hillo, ship, alloy! My dear fellow, welcome,
welcome!" said honest David, "but ziunds, ydu
grasp my hand like -a 'marlinespike, Ned.--
Well, well, well, you are welcome on land, my boy, eh,
Katy? Come, daughter; 'let's have some supper,
and than we'll listen to some of our Jack 'tar's
wonderful adventures."
Ha sits upon this mountsio's
Aroucolilitm blows the shrill wind's blast',
And listens to this Engles shriek,
And_ ship of times to come and post.
Ills hair is gray, of silvery light," -
And wildly floats upon'the night}
A mid his locks the moonbeams stray,
And round his old form lightly play.
His eye, undimmed, beholds beneath,
The hamlltems and towers'ohl,
( The greenwood and the open heath,
Surrounded by the gray rocks bold;
And sends the wide extended plain,
And•lpuks upon the ocean's main, -
And views the coyests dark and deep,•
Through whichihe hoarse whii t s wildly sweep
I "Oh days to come! !raw Changing time
' Shall chase away the's° present scenes,
And wilco this land another clime, •
And form grint.Harktiess of its sheens;
A more yMirs, thesciliills will range— •
ow great, how grand shall lie the change—
These nestling hom/ets in the vale, -
die away without u wnil.
"Ye towrrs old 'AMU tot4r down— r (, •
r Thy iirre6, walls and spires of steel—
Amt lie beneath the earth all brown—
A mark where Time bath set hts seal. '
And ere the waning of the)ear,
Thei green sward shall be old end sore,
And yonder open heath be burned,
And to a priest desert turned:
"Far over you extended plain, .
.Shari Wood he poured it; madding fray,
And (anon, Minns and floods ofrain,
Will fall in wash the stains away.
lint onward will the, waters glide,,
lined they tiut the ocean's tide; '
And sunder fore s ts waving lone,
Shall an,wer huelt the fierce is iud's mbau!
tiowlunApast!lhow o'er my ruing
'1 he thoughts ((ruttier days will coine;
see hright reence long loft behind,
And t lei , / once inure my ehtldhood's home,
Where first I le,(r• ed in numbers rude
To !mg, my 'Mole las lioaeVer elude,
Where firzt 1, aught toy mother's eye,
And thought their deep blue of the kky!.
• I '• • 1
"kilt that Is post—these (lays arc fled (
their charms and magic spent,' 1,
My mother 'e humberett with tho dead
oler spirit far du chic '
.411,1 now I ::41:1110 oil 1110 Ofe!t,
%i ' llorolmt etclog somm i ams rest.
Be e they t the Their final flight,
n or'
And sp[ead o'er eat th the pall of night.
net lac. Az. May 11,1+117.
":3od wilt- hle2s you for that good deed" Ed
ward," said Catharine arrirmly',iinprinting a kis.;
Upon the hialipf her lover, "Oh, I lovo you, now
bcter than evertdrdoing as ytio have done."
"I knew you would say so, my dear girl," cried
Edrird. bruin a tear from his eye. "Yes,
yea; a heart like yours is ever ready to sacrifice its
own happiness for the good ofothers. But where
is our father, Kate?'
Casting an affectionate )ook at her lover, cath,
arinp now left the room, bnt soon returned bear
ing in,her-bands a small tureen of smoking oys
tem, followed by a little black girl with the tea; —
The good mar and Edtvard partook of this fine
supper with glorious appetites; as for Catharine
she seemed too happy to- cat, but sat smiling and
!iftf.hing looking from one to the other of the two
being.s she most loved on earth.
Suddenly some new thought aeemett to strike
her, she turned pale fot ronotneitt, looked ansious•
ly towards the windows against which the stot`tri
was beating furiously, and then glanced with. a
sigh :at the good things Set before her. At length
'le di ci!C.,..end drawing aside the window eAlrtain,
put her two little hands to her face and looked out
upon the tempest.
she seated herself at
the taide, but all her enjoyment had fled, Iler
abi ! traCtion soon drew the attention of her lover.
"What ails t you, Catharine?" he exclaimed,
"you look pile" •
At this reiiiark, David Brown, dropping his
knife and fOrki ldoked for a moment anxiously at
his daughter; then shaking his head, he said—
"Now I will warrant my life the billy child is
thinking of her pool old grandfather and wishing
he could take our good cheer.",
dear fattier," nridea Cathai ine, - "and if
you arc willing I will take some of it to him."
"Not to night, child, not t i omi , !ht," replied the
old gentleman, "the storm is too violent for You to
be out." - • •
"Yes, to niOir," said Catharine rising and h is
sine. her father, I promised my dear mother I
would never forget poor grandfather, even when
I was most happy."
"God bless you, (Luling! go along, go along,"
&aid the old gentleman, much affected, "take what
you still; but mind and Wrnp up way 111. Ed.% d
%% ill go with you.' z ,
The yming man was already on his feet, !, , ,lan-
cing approvingl3 at Catharine, as she hastene'd to
fill a basket with some of the nice things before
her, after first of rkg to tie closet and tailing
thence severnl fi ne piVte apples anil oranges, \ v licit
she plaeca at the bottom, with alook of thanl 1, to i
Eduard, ivituse gift they were. I
"Good bye, 'dear fattier," said she, when all
r waf
icady,."wp will sooil be back—by the time'yott
hae smoked your fir,t pipe."
"There, there, go a10n ,, , ilarling,',* cried her fa
then, drawing her tizmards him and kissing her,
t'on long; take good - care of Ed•
ward, dud so that she keeps her yloak wdl
ker. Pul(your hood closer ante. The deuce, do
you think Ned will stop to loot: at your pre t ty lace
by lamplight."
Crouched shivcringly over a few embers, gath
ered into one small heap iil the centre 'of a large
open fireplace, sits nn old I tnan. His hair is sil
ver white and falls far down his hack and around
his pale sunken cheeks, over which the laint,
11.,4* ••••••••• ••••• , /, 6. ,Ilbte% a ILICALMY MM. MS
thin buoy hands are open, their palms pressed
'close to the smouldering a.hee, as courting 'Welr
feeble warmth, and his tattered elbows rest Un his
trembling knees.
. -
As the wind howls and u roars around the chini
ney, or shakes the heavy wooden shutter clUsr l :d
over the only n indow,'l le old man , starts and
glances timidly around hiM as if st:riving_to l peer
into the darkness n :rich shrouds the oppo , it l e end
of that lonely rolzin, bare el furniture are too
old straw ben totneNhairs, a small pine table, and
a low ttuckle bid. Upon the shelf over th'e fire
tiace arc a few ltrackul and broken pie des of
t ocker:V, and in the corner sirs a small stew-pan
and an iron kettle, both rusty and discolored.
Poor, wretched ota man. now wretched! when
all around him on every side knOws tire presence
of his God. See, he wretches his feeble aMrde
erepit limbs upon yon hard . , straw pallet, his thin,
white hair falls over n bolsler of raT., but what of
that? fs'there not gold there? Ay, gohIL-the mi
ser's God. Yes, those old limbsjare pressing upon
gold; those silver irirs, those haggard checks, are
pillowed upon gold. TOen what cares the miser,
Richard Clinch, for the hardness of his couch?,
There is a low tap at the door. The miser
starts, turns even more Pale, and grasps convul
sively at tho treasures b(Meath him. He listens
—there is another knock—he remains still, scarce
daring to breathe. At length the door is gently
shaken, and amid the pai;ses of the storm, a voice
"'Tim me, grandfather; 'tie Catharine" '
"Fool, fool,'" said the old man, peevishly, "what
brings her? \ here?"
Thon rktng from the hedi he groped hi'' way to
the door.
"Daughter, Catharine, is it you, child? Arc
you alone?"
"No, not aloae, grandfather; a friend is with
mc." . 1 1 1
"Av, a friend," muttered the miser, "afrirnd to
peer around!" then he added in t louder tone,
"wait a bit; child, and I will let'y'rn4 in."
Feeling his way to the fire-Place . ; he managed
to light a small tallow candle, and then slowly
and reluctantly, as it would seem, Eunlocked the
door. Edward and Catharine enteifed, their gar
ments white with snow, their chcielts glowing
from the keen air, and almost breatldess under the
exertion 'necessary to force their way through the
driving storm. Throwing down I, d sailor cap,
,and shaking the Wet from {ho datlt, locks which
clustered around his hi j ow, the fortner exclaimed—
"A bitter night this,, my grand sir, and by my
faith;" (glancing; as he spoke, at the cheerless
fireplace,) "you seem but poorly priwided to meet
"A h, poor folks must learn to bear all 've.athers,"
replied the old man. in a whining tone, "wood is_
scarce—very scarce." .
"Why, grandfadier, no fire!" said Catharine,
"no fire, and Steil a cold night as . this? Let me
kindld some for you at once. Dear me, you must'
be perishiqe" and she clasped the cold, clammy
hand of the miser between her own.
"No, no, child—no fire to night," hastily an
swered the old man, "it is late; no limy would
be wasteful. \Vood is scarce—very scarce" r _
"But see, grandfather, what I have brought
you,"„and Cathar ne lilted the cover of the basket;
"now do, let Edw rd make a fire, and I will warm
these oystaralfor 'on, they will, he sianiee."
Edward, however; without waiting for permis
sion, had already seized upon the scanty supply of
fuitl t ic4aretillly hoarded in one corner, and raked
opeit - Ihn:embers. Urged by the breath of the sai
lor 4414 blaze was already wreathing up - the
blackened chimney.
"Waste, waste," groaned tho old man, wring
ing his hands, and eyeing keenly the proceedings
of the; young people, "not a stick left for the poor
old man. Ruin, ruin. Ali blazing, end wood so
"Come, come, meterate," said Edward, throw
ing Oandful of • atlyer upon the table, "don't be
dowtl hearted, thero is somethln7, to buy warmth
" H AV 0 LD I G 0 V EUN Ep T ,31.1;
'SATURDAY, MAY-c0„1-847.
and food for to-morrow. So cheer up, and enjoSk
what is before you to•uight."
"Good young man!" exclaimed the, rniser,jda
eyes gloating over the treasure, "excellent young
man," and sweeping it up , be eagerly grasped it.
in his drill, tiembling binds.
In the meantime Catharine had carefully
washed the little stewpatt, and placed the oys
ters to simmer over the are, then going to the L
table she proceeded to unpack her basket of
"Look, grandfather; here are someldscuita
which I .made myself, sUeli as dear mother
loved so well." The old man groaned. 4 "Then .
here is butter, yes, and- 7 --why,;where'l the
jelly? Qh, here it is, this will help your
cough, but here—here grandfather, is some
thing from over the sea." And looking et,
Edward as she spoke, she drew forth the fra - -,
grant store one by one, and placed them upon
the table. •
"Ah, good, very7good,"and the miser smiled;
and counted over the tempting oranges and
pines, muttering as he did so, "six cents,
twenty-ifve cents—ali, good very
- .
Thrusting the money which his dager hand
stillgrasped, l into his pocket, the very hastily
snatched up the fruit, aid 4ottering to the
cupti . ard, he placed it tyithin, and geichly
leak& dm door, as if fearing it might other
wise be eaten. He parto4 but sparingly of
the'sup which the kindness of his grand
child hatprovided, sedming to begrudge him
self even of the luxury which_ cost him noth
ing, It was now growing late and at length
Edwafd and Catharine_ arose to depart:
"Good 'night, grandfather," cried the latter
pressing her rosy lips to his pale hollow cheek.
"Good night: now, do keep yourself comfort
able to-night."
• "Good night, sir," said Edward extending
his band.
The miser prPcsed it tightly between his
own, and whispered= •
"Gond young man, wood is very scarce;
haste you a trifle more to give a poor, old
man'?" •
Although surprised and somewhat disgust
ed, Edward placed in his hand a gold coin, and
without again speaking, the htvers IC( the
house. '
No sooner was the door closed than the old
Man 'firmly locked and bolted it. Then hold
ing up the gold.betweem his ikinny fingers,
he eagerly sought to usceriillo It; amount.
Laying it down, he next drew forth the Ali
ver from his nnotreo•
piece bypiece their value.
"Aye, all good . Spanish coin, a wasteful
youth—wasteful youth. BUtldoulit whether
they can be good weight—youth is careless."
And .fumbling,in in liii bosom, he produced
a small pair of silver scales, and weighed each
piece with keen accuracy.
What a *titre did. that mitscrable old man
present :• The shades ordenth already falling
around him--the hue of the grave already 'sv.
tied upon his wasted features—bending With
such - trembling earnestness over the pitiful .
dross, and watcl:in with strained eager eye,
the equipoise of that lute scale.
Ilis , sordid hopes w re realized; not a piece
of that shining heap was wanting in weight,
and chuckling with delight, the miser once
more greedily counted over his unexpected
gains; then-going to the bed, he liftad the bol
ster and Placed it within., This done, he care
fully drew apart the still blazing -brands,
'quenched every.ember, and blowing out the
miserable canine, once more lay down with
his idol. - his thoughts were apparently still
occupied with the profits of the evening, for
he continued to mutter: ® ' ,
"Very good, six cents a piece, oranges aye,
and pine apples too, good . , Itil-ling—twen-ty
live—lie, he, be—very—goo•L"
I.lAP'rElt 111. l•
- Although now so perfectly.the slave
rice„Richard Clinch had once loved. The .
heart which beat so-feebly in the breast of , this
drudge of mammon, was once susceptible of
all the tender emotions. ' At the age of eigh
teen he entered a counting house in one of our
Southern cities, where his cdreful'and frugal
management, his - industr7 and keen observa=
tion soon rendered him a very great icv:orito
with his employer.
When Richard becameof age, he vas made
a partner of the house, Ind now the desire he
had ever felt of becomitg rich, seemed in a
fair way of being realized Mr. Wharton had
but One child, a daughter. Richurd.saw her
and loved her : but his !we was not returned
—the affections o(Therem being alieddy fix
ed upon a cousin, whose, poverty, however,
formed an , insuPerable ba , in the oyes of her
father, to their union. On the - contrary he
encouraged the addresses of Richard ' , and-ta
king advantage of ber fivers 'absence, com
pelled his child to, marry his favorite. Soon
after this marriage, Mr. Wharton died, lettit
ing all of his propert to his son-in-law.
- -
No sooner in pops ssisn of his mistVess and
the grea l t wealth of tie tither, than the natu
rally avaricious dispositOn of. Richao daily
inereased, to ‘lrbicli he gradually yielded's:nor'°
and more, until finally al the, betterifeelings
of his n a ture Were swallowed up in this one
en'grosig paSsion.
qtr s*'
igi t ng
f 1
Distrnsting the mutablitynf trade, as soon
tits prac i ticable, he reiirel l from busiriesi and
hiring e small house in the ; outskirts of the
city, reMoved there with his young rnd high
ly educated wife, who was thenceforth to be
come his patient tioupelold slave. Daily his
wealth increased. Ilia acute judgiient and
prudence enabled hini to cat!y on pitensiv,e
speculaflons which never failed of*sulting
to his advantage , and every ''xidditienal dollar
that he boarded away seemed to place anoth
er barri r between his gold e,aving'heart and
the ties ofAumanity.
1' •
Ther sa was of a delicate ce i nstittnion--had
been brought up with the . ntinost tenderness,
totally ,unused to labor, brit ivas note compel
led by the unfeeling man toritiomer mista
ken farm' had given her, it perfo i t m
the en
. .
tir domestic duties, for Richard would-allow
no'Other seivantiunder his roof. Perhaps he
'BM% loved-her—put she to qs—and he loved
gopthetter! TiWo years aftei their maiTiage
the tilhappy Theresa died in givingldrili to a
dauOter. - • - '
Fti tl)e sake of humanity, we must hope'
natu/al affection stirred the heart of ihe miser
akt.tie event, but Br so the source of feeling
, soon , chocked and stifled
,forever I 11,0 '
mediately r plce(' his child at nurse in a re:
te country v i llage, paying a mere trifle for
hek support, convincing the woman to Whose
c' rge he abandoned her, of his total initbility
give mere. 1 ,
...;Poor little bbild. Though .daughter of
health. To what misery and toil were thy
ioung days doomed! The Woman wits not
rally unkind—btit she was very poor, With a
huge family of her own upon her handy. Lit
tleCatlairine was patient ,and Willinfv„, and
fran morning until night she was foiced to
lallor far beyofid her strength. She had reach
ed her twelfth year, when her cruel father
calue to the village and took her away with
I him Her father! How the heartuf,the pOor
child swelled with delight at that sacred name!
HOw often 4o envied the children Ot her
nurse, as they clung around the knees of Vicir I
tither, and now her's had come for leer; But,
alas! there, was no tenderness in that idtiless
b som for his offspring, and the ttfibet!ions of
little Catharine wee chilled in the hitd.
Richard) '
Clinh] more to; his na
tive city, but with his dauzhter proc4eded to
New York. He here placed liis,eliild at ser
vice, compelling her to bring I , !ini every pen
ny of her narrow wages, scarcely alloWing
tier sufficient to clothe herself with decency,
,her father to be actnally as poor as
lie professed, Catharine cheerfully acieded to
1 his demands,.and denied herself 'every indill=
gence, thiit she might give her hard earnings
for his comfort. 1
Notwit istandink his harshness she loved
WM. _ He was the only being on ciirth she ,
knee whom she could eldint kin
dred, holy tie between father. tind child
Was 1 .!d and. lovely. Other affectiMis
Wean an itithe heart of Catliarine. :She
Man.' :,us her husband was only a chip
carp( chard Clinch, forgetting that by
his o she had prevented Ida Chi from
marryin; i suitable to her birth, forb• d*lir,
with the harshest invectives, from ever Coin- .
log near h im
' ..I.n_va . tn l his child wept and implored—he was
firm and ast her away' from him forever.) — 1
— 1
This waa severe trial for Catharine, but find
ing all attempts at reconciliation were 'ra l ly
met with renewed instilt, she at length des. s
toa and iit the affection of her kind,
and the endearments - of her little girl, sercire
to forget' , entirely the cruelty of her parent:—
How he subsisted she knew not, and many wire
the sleepless night's on his accotint: Ville
fiometimes met him(l , litling throtigh the strefts
the very picture of ' cram, and often she loitrr
ed round hia• miserable dwelling to aseertain•
if: he was suPring from sickness or want. 1 '
Thus many years passsd Pn.. In the ni 9 .11-
time, her husband, David Brown, an tiOnr s i
industrious man, had made money—Tinde r
wag. fas(growing rich-had built himself a fine
substantial house:-..aid educated their 41y
child,- pretty Katy, at t tie .11
best i vehools. -%1t4 i
es had not hardened the ilea of this vvo
man, his hand was never el sed . agair4 the
I%G/its of the poor. . The sitria ion Of his wile"::
father, and his continued hasty ity, he depiqed,
and would most cheerfully have giVen the,litman an asylum in his house. 1%4. Brown at
length deterniirred to make one more atelo.
i b
to see her father. Sh e was accompanie.d Y'
her, daughter, Jr, a young woman, an d a
much more powerftil agent than she imagiled,
iii a well fi lled purse . I —thclicart of the old man
melted! I received he with all the kind
lie was capable. of manifesting, although
he still refused to ackno'•ledge, David Brown
is his sondu-law. : Mr (: Brown lived only "a
month after this rectum iation, charging her
daughter, with her dying breath, never to ne
glect her poor old grandiather. .
Catharine was nosy he Vind father's only
comfort, arid as he never denied tier a reqest,
1 she often visited the 'abode ofsupposed pover
ty. As the little delicabies with which she•
seldom went unprovided, served he mier for
many a gratuitous meal, her resenee was
' not unwelcome. With the aPpr bation :of her
father, she Was engaged to a fin young min;
,Edward Rider,, already
,known tthe reader.
He vi , as now second mate of a erchant ves
sel, lint gave promise, by his indu - try and skill
to attain the highest rank in his rofession.
The dwelling in which Walla'
so long resided, was a low misers
black front age, standing at :If
narrow street, not far from the,
great metropolis. There wer'
rooms, but
on jj sufficed the wants
the other ha tot been opened fu
There Was passageway; th
ope ,• . ircatly into the room w
tad appropriated for his use, J
another led 'into the deserted chni
was firmly' fastened, and Ite w
room carefully boarded over: '
shutter Which secured the one
miser's appartment, wad seldom
then only - front the top: . ' '
It Was about ten o'clock, the morning fol
lowing the miser's introduction .o the reader;
that, after partaking,very sparirolly of the oys
ters still remdlning; and moisteni l g his parch
ed throat with a drink of.water; It chard Clinch
r 1
removed the luscicins fruit fro the closet
placed it in a small basket, thre an old tat
tered cloak over his Shoulders, and, after first
narrowly examining' around to see that all tVhs
secure, withdrew . the
. 414 unlocked the door,
removed the key and Went out, carefully re
'locking it. on the outside.
He had not been gone many minutes, ere a
key was softly inserted i within the lock, the
door partially opened, and tWo men'apringing
quiCkly into the room, immediately r closed
and bolted it.
"Hey o Bill," said one tiasirsg his cai 'up to
the ceiling and catching it again, "her we
are safe and snug in the den of Alm old miser.
Now for the gold, for gold there is 111-be
sworn, and enough of it. As old Hays says
'we'll search the premises,' eh, Bill."
"But remember, Jake hands off this time,"
interruptel the other, "we are Only to l l find out
if there is any, and then well take bur own
Way.—you understand—to secure the Whole
shining booty."
The two men theti proceeded to seareirfo;
their anticipated plunder. •
"As miserly a hole," cried the first spear:-
cri "as one would wish to see. Comr, Bill,
hitul dovtn these old cracked ilighes; your mi
sers are very fond of such traps. Eh, all emp
ty—riot enough inside to ked a flea.; What's ..
this"! Oysters! 11,, hn, ha. The old rascal
don't lack for cheer, after. all!" asti ni them
as he spoke.
Isis companipri had by this time approach
ed the bed, and beganilinging, aside the tat
tered coverlid and worm eaten blanket: At
length with a loud shOtt. he exclaimed—
"Hine, Jake, here it is. All night, took at
the beauties!'" and running his hand tt ithin the
st'raw' be drew it forth filled with glittering
gold and silver.- "By Jove, did 'airy one ever
sleep on a richer conch than this same Old
huuJtsl This is too good4o loo4e, cAmradd/"1
"Say you so," reillie,l the otlice, 'Own a
pose we take it now, B 111."
"No, no,lJaheConly enough fib. a chaw andr
r a glum of grog!" Then divi ling a few piece's
with his companip, he eafefully replaculdlll'
clothes, and the ttt'o, seating, themselvc:s
on the edge of the bed, commenced arranging
their', horrible plans, careles flipping ilfe
gold beteen their lingers as 1.1; l ey di,l so. ;
to-night then," sal.' Jake, "Must-,
finish the buaigess,' for hang me 1 shall
Sleep until kppin g the. tied, "is :rot
own. lint 10 - id; here, Bill, how' shall it b0,?.4-
I ha . ve blood Blood! bah! itl teas
'Whfli . say you, contra: c,.to a tight grip
the throat? 'His !old' carcase r has not. niur
breath in it—'twill be an easy
1 "No; no," interrupted the
leave"atl unhandsomri necklace
bung, around one's oWn throat
Ail, I bpv,l. i 1 1,t.......rn —l.---., lota
ha! ha l Tile old fOow sli
diaaor far 1, , ; , . )au!."
, Th owri, i
down the b wl of
_oysters, lel
powder over them, and after 'c,4
then: rotund, said) I
"There, old Clinch many a.
_LL i
you has su I
pVed frommlie sari
look here, Jake,lind mind WI
always'ao such linsitess as g
sible: this Will be} a +lit:rill d
matt(llling front ogi, p atoll
Iknow' just IMW long to Ica
4inle—We'll' be on 'the spot it
then, comrade for li g We'
nien of ',forliinc! ha! ia! ha!"
, 1 4Iai ha, ha," exeltoed his
casting another eager" look ati
tians departed. ' , • 1
Little suspecting the fond deed that' had
been dOne during'his absence, l the old m!ln' re:
turned l to his dreary t i !.botle. : There was li 1107
1 1 1 ' I 1 4 r
coo smile upon his wasted 12atures, for he
hadold or gift'of iisgrant child 'at . algood .
priee, and noW, after carefully Weighing(each
bit pf 'silver and even copper' coin,, he added
theitri ling ( aniount , :to his tresure with all a
mi'T r r . delight. Tile weather was btill'i)ieri
cir cold, IT''e old Man's teeth eliatterelhillis
fingers were bentimbed , and rhiS franie shook'.
, with an 'ague, (lime he took il'p a chaired I
brand, and striking tl.light, W'as about to kin=
dll a fire, hut relinquishing Ids intentioncare
fully replaCed it, saying—:. i• I I •[-- - 1
1 ' 1:
"Ne,,ne, wOod is carce,,tico pennies saved
I'll go to bed, sleep s chraptir! lie, ha ? ha.
Two pennies saed." lie %%'IIS about to t lie
down, when his eye felropon the bowl of oys-
~1 1
tern:"Good girl, very good girl, I'll eat,
they coat 4thing, nothing. All 'ille'fveoc(!—
yeslthe wood, a wasteful youth." .
hen taking down the boWl, lie greedily ,
ook of its contente, draining the bowl to'
ottom. Now throwing himself upon the
and drawing; the clothes closely around
hilled frame, he lay for some time 'talk,
and'muttering to himself, as if ecmtcting
some vast amount. At length he. slept.
I about an hour the old man awoke in thp l
mos violent pain; he attempted to rise, but
fain d himself unable to do so. His frame
rad ed with the most excrini
and consutriihg with thirst, th
Clinch, the miser. Poor old
he would have given but fyvr
water, even his gold, he woul
for one draught from the coon'
even poverty may kneel doss
beasts of the field refresh thci
pure depths.
`Clinch had
Me tenement
e corner of a
-I.heart of our
only two
of thepiser;
rpaq years.
street door
iekr Richard
pd from that
ber; but this
ndow of that
The strong,
lighting the
opened & and
He grew worse and worn
horrible pitntomi now thrp
Miser's couch of gold. Firs
py wife, now in all her beam
as when first he had called h•
feeble, tottering age, her
proachfully on her murderer
i of 'death she wns nt b
face „pressed close to his.
Nest his daughter, his 4
ess of wealth, whorri he bad
ter servitude, that by the toi
fluters, he the father, nigh
now could not purchase hi
eiaa: She was there in d
who livibg never murmured
around his pillow . many hid:
dieds of poor starving wrote
he had spurned; the widow
whOm h4l ad robbed, on the
troop; whispering to 'the c'
wretched man' ,!At "length
, .
how horriblethonght seized the n'ii
haps he „ was about tb dki. re:
..- "Die! die! : Ph, no. Writ, leave al , - 1. ,
`l ,
My gold. i Die, Do,” .itid the Mise
wretch r ed in agony. '
, retch groaned and shr ej
' The sin/ wagsnear its se tine, (althougl;'n
cheerful beam ever" pen tr ted there,) when
l cithatine k necked :at the °or. The oliPthart,
tecogniz4d the sound, nhd ; puiting forth all hitq
strength, for despair leiii him energy, he crawl=
ed (f!rom the bed, and tottered to the d00r.,-..‘
• • I
*With difficulty he wined -tri t.
e key arid with=
dre\ir the bolts, then sink back exhausted up.,
o 9 the floor.' Catharihe screamed with terror
I i /
'when she saw the situation of bet poor old
grandfather. - • :- 1 .
"Hu-sh, hu-sty," grrisrd the old man, "they i '
will beer; Shut the ' ocir, child—shut the
'fireinblin i t ,in every lip
then exerting nil her stn
him once more to bed.. 1
' "Dear grandfather, yo
go for a physician." i -
'"No, no!" replied the Old mar! faintly, "net , -
no, give me water! • am• burninV—ivater;
crater, child'. :- Leth sleep, don't lease tee;
don't leav? : a„poor man. No doctor—no doc
tor, i child ; they gill wl i ant money, and where
should I get money I"
So 'saying, his head .a k back upon the pite r .
low end his, eves closid in sleep. "
4ud poor Catbarine wasleft alone in that
gloerny desolate room, by . the bedside of thd
old Han. Every ohjeet Was soon shrouded in '
darkness; there was, no candle, cad so
nightly did the sleeper i clasp her hand, that shp
dared not move to light one, lest she might
awake him, At first allfears were overcoino
by ) l ankiety, - ,btri et lettgl i hlstrange and undefi
nable terror.rseized upon her. Ifer eyes wan-
tiered fearfully around. she felt her, blood chill,
Her limbs trembled; and with difficulty she kept
herself from fainting. 1 .
! Suddenly this death-like stillness was die.
turbetl. Catharine imagined she heard a noisd
at the door; nor Was site.mistaken the lock
it as gently titrued, - ,theldoor opened, and was
‘3 , ii gently closed. S‘..e tried to scream, btial
utterance failed her`. I She heard footstep -
I ,
et a f : oftly towards the bed; they stoppe
,l e
r . , her side, and the brkth of a Span fell Upod
he i r cheelt; as stooped over s thebody
of the old man. 1
' "Ily heavens! Bill, the old felloW breathes
1 ,e l t.l" said-it voice, in a low whisper/ -
." i S'otnuth the worse for him: but cofnej
I glve'tis 'a
light. Quieli, quick; let's see what's
I ic! be done.!' %'', i - , -•" '.
l' I
i .l He had hardly-it ne speaking when a bright
I light - flaslied.from . the lantery which the other
carried, and its rays! fell full upon the countz
mince of the poor gyl.' • -
The ruffians started back iti amazement and
terror, then glancing l I
inrriedly around to See
if there Was an other one in the room, and
binding ibis young girl the only one they
shoil have
f to cont rid with in their horrible
design, hey soon repOvered their boldness,: .
"Corm pretty one,' Jake, "just-be qui-,
galnow, w life we overhaul this old centletnan,
1. \
and then we'll attend to you,, for we're ire
sbmething of a hurry, you see:• , no screamine,
thy beauty; I hate sticaming;, be quiet -and
amuse yourself with o l ur sport," •"'
"Stop, stop; Jake,'l interrupted the otheii
"you are leo civil by half, better take care Of
'the girlfirst, dead then tell no tales," 'recline
for his knife, as' he splake. ,
"An , excellent ma,tim, corninde:" replied
Jake, "but as I am a gentleman, I hate bltiod,
as I love a pretty gir l !. it goes against my
C, , ,nscienCe to be unc i vil to the lassei - seev.
case me miss if I just put this bit, of covering
e: er that pretty moot ), and this delicate cord
aroandryour little Wr sts, - I would not;hurt
you for' the world—'there, very good. Now,
miss, allow me to pla i ce you in another seat;"
and lifting the shuddering form of Cntharint,
1 in his arms he bore her to the opposite side Of
I the roan), ,rind 'quickly retiirh' the bedside
100 a n t to
ti) I.
11 f;) , ,:tiaod
ing and fr 4 i,.iig
shook zt',Aith'it'e
Fetter map than
a broth! ,- Now
at I tell yhtd--
.nteelly as'irjs
ath ! a pptir «Ad
illy in
t for this' rhccli
tha time i ? and
/ retire genrle
cntipaion' t and
r , thelJef.lthe t:uf-
of the unconscious iolil man.
"How he hangs on! Past me, I think thd
old fellow flied his, broth so well, that he be
grudged to cat it all, rise he WOA have `stop
ped breath before this," said Bill. "We'll
fluid', him easily stifle him with
his.own gold, Jalt; he can't complain of that
nal" Co Isaing he dreW the balatti
roughly fibril the Itie t ad of the 'old man, which
fell-back bpon the ht.rd bare bonds. The, jar
aroused the wretches. man; ho opened his eyes
and gazed wildly a7iiiund. • His ghastly frighki ,
cued .looks were horrible to behold; he spake
not, but t with open'tnOuth seented gasping his
last breath,
~‘ Come, old one; ill you know ever a piiiyei
lo sny, be quick, for your greedy soul will be
inclepentskint'of your chricelled body s ib less
than five' tninTes," cried Jake, «I will onlq
you just long enough, if you please, to
be informed where 11C rest of this gold may
be hidden."
iatinti torrrie,Ms
'ere lay; Richard
man, how much
'one 6 walh'lw of
d have `l.); . .rtered
. .
*g spring-,. , whero.
n free, and tiip
inselves frbm its
' "gold, Old! good, kind gentlemen,;', said
lie miller, feebly; iifier tnapy vain attempts to
.peak. "Gold!
T li am tt e i'cbr`old tnanverY ,
oor, gentlemen; thcre„don't Ituit - tne.7l -
.."Poor, areyou? ; that's 'what j call tiloiati.
lerc,; old boy," and acizingthe old, many his
vet, they dragged W l = to the 'floor, and' raw=
ing his.knifei Bill,' nblekly tan it ilifotigritstite
ick, and slibWered 1 handful - of its richei over
,head of the miserable 'mall: '
Oit,'lny,gold.--4y gold! Spire my gold!
gasped. - i 1 '.
"Oh, 'we'll he eery tender of yOur go (1,. old
entlemon;. ne v er Thor; not a pieeb But Atli
ie drowned in a 'cup Of i/Int.; ur, lost in that
-isses ofd I,reti'7 girli•andimix, to ok heie; in . '
.ey, as ye / u ciid'nt,' stem to reliSh Your throe
xactly, *e'llaendlyoti tb sup vr,itit ybitt op ,
fiend di:l4U beloty 1 . •' Bo quiet no,tv, and ;eel ,
.00n ease you oft; but pray; &Otte drieds
• bout ye r gtildf ; l ' _.
e the. :seized .4,„;:..01d nutn; tied libddln •
,i:ti head • aeki el tired him tightly areintd th:
throat.'— 1, , -..
/ ,
In the can tit le for;rotting her cw fear'
t t.
, and oh, what
ged around the
his pale, unhap
• atid loveliness,
r his own, with
yes resting; re
tina then in the
s sine; ashy
•rought u in bit
of those Render
gain that shich
one mOmenee
tali reproachful?
Then crowded .
bus faces;
!es, whose woe's
hd thb fatherless
came a ghastly,
•nscience of the
a. hettiblc--oh,
tni), eie did 80, and
cngth, she assisted
are very ill; let mss
I\, '7