they po it? will sea which were so eager to on of Gen...Villow, will now r; say that they were" ' istaken has proved himself 'soldier 111 they do it? .Wre hope those pre depreciate the promo have the manliness to in his character. H a nd ti go Od one. W I "uoh i of a ' fieipetrate's the following! standing terms of subscrip sr annuin 7 inroriabty in ad• :continued until all an-earn-1 F./our Ali ccefiango. pa itnni . itfgated bull in t i 6; wile dollar f•ance. No paper ges arc paid!" A wpfl The citizens r of Fr friend Brevet at LI eplendid Swoon, battles' of Palo Alts the 9th and 9th of ctserved Oompl i iment. a nklin have presented our old cut. ALEXANDER Flip with E li ot'l his gallant condu t l in the and 11.esaca de la le)aima, on lay, 11816. • ~ io' In reply t fe4artl to tho "pen the queris of thelg r ett in inients of that Cub lanters,7 y Clay did in '44 in, regard to cue!, "personally" we "have n the contray would be glad to we answer as HM I The ann9atibn ot olijections"—" i see it." )1 !MARKETS,. EIT.L 4 f FOR THE OBSEE.yERRY V coops, GROCERIES HARE -IVARE. . T. II E °ERECTED 'DEALERS Is D SG on lu tz" n 57.6 Flour o Butte's', • Lord: Cheese, ,• Items I s Shool•lerS Votatoes,• Corn meal, oil ~ _GE LIN $lOO Nhcnt Corn, Oats 'Huh B rloy 33!ail I 1)12i 9alo 4-145 to r ICEL. !lard wood, cord Fort illeuunius coal, 'Antiwar,' c,,10 C.IIIIIiCA, lallow, do 44tearioe, •' 3,n1,00 sta Bush .I.ll.thy , • -ItecA Wax, Feat ere Priet Vent and 1/11,1ussin 'AM°. t lany ott rarely be astie tui-uccessit 4,u 15 ir, hspetia ler; and a' tied that k dly trpated , in etnie it, even in their OVvn liersons. •Yet such are the unparalleled virtues of Merchant L s cell hr tett Farling Oil, or Fatni, t ly Embroc Dion, that ti •Inon obstinate cases at once yitid to its ail .; ivatton. Sec advertistment in this parr. '"!4 , pamphlet of de-cription may be had gratis, of the agent. it .... Let ill whi) are sielisend to the agent of of th T great'Amer!can Remedy, ;int! buy 4 bottle rc . of Vaughn's medicine, e have but one word to say—it i$ the Iteqt a icle of medicine this world . ever saw. See adver 'se . inent in this paper. ------------ -- -- ---------. MA RRl;.D.—Onthe.l3th inst. by thd Rev. J Robinson, S. E. N coodruff, Esq.; of Girard, to Mis;-Eliza Sterrett, of M t elieun township. , OrJ the 18th inst., by 11113 Rev, .1. K. Barry; Mr. 'Fred rick 81toarand Miss Rachel Ann Bowen of Mill •ree!; ) 0 the 13111 ins., in Wattstilirgh, by the Rev. P .M. 1 iMellOllOl. Mr. A. P. Rtake, n Wattsbnrgh and 'Miss MorthWed, of, Vet ango. 1 -PIED.---On the Mt in , t., after 'i•hnrt Mrs. Eleanor D. Stew • rt, cons Art o the late John Stewart, of 'l%l illcrech t ownship, 11 , ved GK %curs. • On the 10. h inst.; r, Peter Lan t, of Nick can township, aged tiboa• 55 year:,. RELIGIOUS NOTICE. Tie B ptist house of wors'iip will be open for Fr i.% ice to morrow. • May 12, 1847. • , 1 REMOVA L . • CA LOOMIS & Co. hare removed their stock *l, - 1 • of CLOCKS* tv vIATCIIr.:4, JEWELIIT, FANCT eouns,etp. Cte.,,No. 5, PC01 , 103-ROll, State street, inearly opposite the Etude fete!, wheie they Will 'be pleased to have their f. as usual. - 1 N. B. ,A large addition to tlleir ' stock in trade vi ill be made in a shoo:tithe. , Erie, May 19. 1817.,1' ROCERIES.—The subscribers have ju:t re A. calved a rre4h supply , or Groceries, consist inn(' Tea; Coffee, Siwars, Spices, etc., etc. whits will be sold at their iisoal low• prices. I. 11.0:. 4 ENZWEIG cCo. . No: I Hernial; Block. Al ay 20, AS Kid 'Gldrcs—A beautiful aerzortmcnt, P ‘Vhite and Colored, selling cheap at. No. 4, Chcapside; by MORTON & Co. Ririe, May 22, 1°47.- ''ass, and ".Inrsales, SKirts p just received i u. 4, Chespside. MOlrl'oN &.Co. ; Erie, Alt) , 19,17. \ EMBOSSED Tiible and ‘Pialin Forte Covers, English and Ainerica , for salqlatibn "New Store" No. 5, Checipside. 'MORI ON S. Co. 'ETie, hay in, 1047. 1 ,-- ---- 1 (OALI_ OftNIA PLAID, for' Boy's coats and patailoon.,. a WO° the nicest otr, at the "New Stdre," N . o. 4, Cheapsitte, MORTON & Co.' Erie, May 22, 1817. , ' ;. 1 G"TLENI ILMi rends Boots: the kind you read of in the b ck partolstlio Wok, going oil at reduced prices, at No. 4, Cheap.-thlo, • MOll.l ON & Co. Erie, :May 22, 1847 LADIES , Aliases' and children's Shoes—a larva assortment at the "New Store," No. 4, Cheapside, MORTON & Co. Eric, May 22, 1517 - • ! Wool !! Wool !!! tr - .rIE highest price paid fin Wool at No. 1, Commercia Exchange? French street. K 3C H. Erie, May 22, 1817. • I IN I the Orphan's Conn of tf.rie county, esfate of Wrescom P. Barton, ifiecW. The Auditor appointed to !nutlit, seta°, and ad just the actoent of Joseph E. Lee, and W. W. Loomis administrator's of the estate of Wres. corn P. Barton, Aer.eased, will attend to the du ties of his 'appointment on the, 1.5.1 t of Juno, nt 1 o'clock, P M., at his office, Where those interest.' ed can attend. BENJAMIN GRANT, •f Auditdr. Erie,May 22, 1847_ , is EO. A. MORTON, JOS. C. MOWN, TllO9. 51,CARTER. NEW STOItE, NEW GOODS, NEW FIRM, 'NEW PRICES HE undersigned_tieg leave, respectfully to in .l form their rriends arld the public generally, 'that they have entered into the mercantile bun t 'ness under yhe name of MORTON & C0.,N0, 4, Cheapshie, next thaor south of Mchaffey 4. Brews ter. Their stock of Goods is entirely new, far surpassing, in richness, variety and cheapness, any' stock of goods ever brought to ibis market, and embracing every style of Staple tuld Fancy Dry Goods, among which will be found Linens—American, Irish,Gernan and Frc i ch; Dreis GoOds.of every description, Shawls of the latest designs, varying i 6 price frond 75 cents to 82 5 ; ; 81 miner Stuffs. Camdmares, etc. , Drown and bleached Shirtings and Sheeting, of every width and quality . ; Broad Cloths, Cirssimcres and Sattinetts; Calitwc Muslins, Lrlwdo 'and Ging4aMs; tionnets, a splendid asskintedt: 'Ribbons, Artificial ,Fletydrit, Lalgand Ruches, Vlnbrelhig and ParasolA, I F great assortment; , arpetin'T ind Paper Flaogiugn, Ilse—Millinery Goods, trail e r 's Trimmings, teem, Damasks, Linen di ;Tem, C rosb,rench fidoideriettilk and Cot:ton Rose, K id, Bilk, Cotton and Lille Glotes. Vestings, a great va riety. / In colufectioll with the otiose will be foetid a well selected slack of GROCERIES of superior rilality. Cityl and country Merchants suppled with any attic l in our line on favorable terns.- I - ;'MORTON &'CO. Erie, May I 1411. • 1-1 1 .1 1 MIT SIGHT 'TO 131 , HO' D ! r° 1 AT THE j BRICK COINER, OPPOSITE B EA- GLE HOTEL. * T HIS DAY OPENED. tirect Ire the Eas tern cities and Manure tories, a large and well selected stock or. I M R-s 0" 4115:11.11K70411:110711/ 3 / 1 11500. Comprising a great varietiol Dresaand Fancy Good's; §hawls without number; Men's and boy's summer wear; Linen and any quantity of Douses tiCej to be' sold cheaper than 'ever; with an exten sive stock of. I • E %ppica \dried ilutaoy. Egg4.lloa ECM Maple 16 Orleans, 042 1 Loaf, 124111 Powdered 15 -Lt7DICER. I CS= Black Walnut lOan quality 1000 Hemlock, M 5.00 /st quality W: W. 6109,90 Mdo do r , 5,h0 Cherry 12.04 1111iltetoak 7,5048 1 Lir tTHEII. 'BOlO,lll 34105 I,4)par 'heavy 13.135 do I Ilea 3 a'l7 f Vastilinpt• 41af. Pla.tor tint A Val Salt, fine, $1 25 " co:qxn, 1.25 ' Mc' 28 .lbs 31 1110( tallow lb El Mutton 'do 7 Vol ' 20:124 White &h. bbl 8610641 Cod fish, lb N 4.4.0 1 . Bar Iron 4 , {NAN , 54 a,5 iscase ii mono common y \in this conniry (than he same time it may s as little understood and Physicians arc unabl I r' GROCERIES AND SHELF HARDWARE. MI of which will be sold as cheatias the cheapest byWILLIAMS & WRIGHT. , E is.,May 10,1817. 52 St A11.1"8 celebrated ;•yrup, for table use. Just the. thin* you read or; at the "New Store," No. 4, Cheup4ide MOItTO",`.4 Sr Co. Erie May 22,1817. Receipts and E*penditures Of the 'Borough of Erie, for the year endihg May Ist, 1817. ItecF.lrraf TnEASUaT. May 1. 1817. To amt. in Treisury at last settle . unlit, rcc'd of E. D. Gunnison, rent of hay - scales 37 83 Wm. M Watts, on Water lots . ; Nos. S 5 and SG, 400 00 On acct of Market rent for 9 45 37 77 " " 'Market rent for 1816 76 65 From sale of Swine' - 4 -92 On outstanding tax,olyear 1815 546 . 11 " Duplicate • ' 1816 210229 1, J. E, Lapsley hay, scale rent 18 00 E. J. Keh.o. Esq. special tax on Lot No. 74,. ' Of ltock well Sc. Stone for Cir cus ilicenso, 'On Spring water tents, Pill) OUT OP TREASURY. • By amt : of. Borough warrants re- deemed 2,577 676 Intrst pd on dndora'd warrants 45 426 Treasurer's fee. 50-0 U . Cash in Treasury, Ito May 1, 1817. ' . To bal. in hands of Treasurer,- 40 1 - 9 I— MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES. , Ann. paid J. H. Millar for services. rs , • as, Engiocer, '. ~; 71 00 For buoying put harbdr channel 3Z 07, ' 1 0. 1 3. Spafford for Record books 10 12' " " " warrant book 7,00 E.B. Lytle for services as High • . Constable' .1 • 1G 50 C. W Kelso for legal services 18 00 Thos. H. Sill for legal opinion 500 • ,Jno.(4albraitit do dti 5 1:10 costs to ,repossess Water" lots Nos. 59, '5l, . 31 55 E. Babbitt, Esq. for title to wat -ler Lot No 89, 1 • 1 , 20 00 , ' I'. SIV., Hainot thr rent of pound 2 511 Jury Feet in Suit No. 126, Aug. " 3, 1837. 4 00 G. J. Bull, for services as Tdwn c Clerk, rent of room, fuel, lighti, • - 1_ stationary, &c. 4-e. 150 00 E. J Kelso, Esq. Prothonota - i i ry's fee in suits Esq., 182'1, • and '26. vs. Dixon 4- Forster, 7 35 Pro. King, costs in suit No. 30 Feby term, 18,16, against E. W. PA•att, ROADS, uninocs AND CULVERTS Aim. paid L. B. Lytle, for services as 'Supervisor, • Hands and teams for work on i i. stree.s Smith ackson for timber and Poard.„ , , M. Henry for stone, , • Win. Steele for plank, Jno. Bloom 4. J. C. Pherrin for Lumber a James! Hughes for Lumber Williams & Wright, .bill of ennilries .. ~ • WELLS AND i rutirs. Amt. paid P. Vandestim for ro pails, • J. Buckman for do SPitlNti WATER wouKs. Ainf . paid E. B. Lytle for repairs of " %%titer pipe , 5 75 Hand#for labor on water works 8' 74 FIRE iIEPAILTMENT. Amt. pnid ‘Vin. Beatty for oilcan J. 11. Fineit for repairing lEn sine G.A. Bennett for do. T. W. S.errett for drag rope, BAN/U.IIOIN . BRIDGE AND PIER. Amt. paid Cteo. S4l4len for plank 72 00 Putney Sr. Bloom .4 ,15 90 Jas. Dunlap lb: repairsof pier 185 25 ,M. henry for embankment 390 04 Timber, labor, team work, &c, 106 . 41 PRINTING.' Amt. paid S. Perky for printing rourtin ¢ Skan, Jos. M. Sterrett , •' Sterrett 4- Gera et , MARKET. , Amt. paid E. B. Lytle for services • rendered as , clerk of Market , 51 00 Wm. Beatty for 30 sheets tin 3 75 B. Farenbaugh for repairs &c. I 00 •G. At Bennett repairs ofscalos 243 Hands fur cleaning market 7 02 SMALL FOX. Amt. paid P. McGloin. nurse 20 12 being' incidental expensils of Hospital Beebe & Strong for medical ser vices, J. Zimmerly* Co. bitl of sun dries, HAY SCALES. ' Amt. paid H. S. Drake for repairs -" • of Scales E. D. Gunnison " 4mt. Expenditarea MOTS DUB AND OWING BY TIM BOROUGH: , May ti t 1817. To arra. of warrants in circulation 1519 89 being balance of Judg't due Jno. Hamilton' balance chle on i Towil Clock Balance CLAIIiIS 0 MANDING AND DUE THE BOROUGH. May 11, 147. By tt ance in hands of treasurer 90 " due from T.ll. Sill, Erg. l • • I 179 52 5 on water lot No. 71, ; • Amt. due on miscellaneous tie - • , counts, 24 62. ' Amt. due on Market rents 513 96 • " " '" J. A. Tracy's note 140 30 tentl. ." from Q. M. Reed, for e Of Lot No. 97, mt.' due on duplicate o(1340 1.310 'Wooing Fees and Eaton: , - Amt. due on duplicate of 1911 • . . including Fees and Even. / Aunt. du o - On duplicate of 1945 _ . ,ineludiug Fees and'Exon. - I , Amt. duo on duplicate of 1816 (ncluding Fees and 'Kum. Ann due on Lien on in..lot No. /290„ ' , - ‘ v' .- May .1, 1817. . - 2- B .- „ , alance in favor of the Boniugh .. 81,340 01 • Ana. or payments duo on snip of - water lota ,' - 1,141,.66 it lAmountomingtlue in 5 equal, . !mutual poymente, With inteest 5,708 34 ~ , , ;, • ' 613,06i.0 • - KELLEY, 'Burge Atte.Ft C.. 3 DATA., Town Clerk. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMES.. TIC GOODS.. :47 IIST of name of "persons'engaged in the sell. .. ing and vending of goods, wares, mercban• d ize, comnioditick or elects of whatever kind or nature, resilient - and doing business within. the • - 'ounty of Erie, Pennsylvanitt," classified and as sessed according to law, by . the undersigned ap praiser of mercantile taxes in tho county of Erie, fool's year 1847. ; I • ; sr Eats—Eater - S. attp„.l • I: i, • ClaSs. " License. , Vincent, Himrod & Co. i 7 810 00 . Lester . , nneit .VChester, ' A 9 • 25, 04 C. m. , alai .1 ; . , 11 15 00 Smith ac son, ' I, ' • 12 12 60 H. Cathvelli ; ' l2 . 12 50 J. H. Fullerton et ICo. 12 t . 12 50 Moses Koch ' P ; 2 12 5 , J. C. Beebe„ • L 112 50. W. C. & It. P. Hulbert, 13 40 00, • P. Arbuckle, 4 •1 3 • 10 1210• Goodwin at Truesdail, 13 10 0 A. T. Spencer, 1 " - 13 10 0 T. W. Sterrett, ! - 13 10 D. S. Clak, l 13 10 0 G. Selden & Son 13 10 b • J. S. Burtdn & CO 13 10 0 D. • •McAllaster,j 13 - 10 Morton &I Co. 1- 13 10 0 P. Metcaf, i ) 13 - 10 Carter& rother, - i • - 13 ' 10 , Evans & uston, 14 • 7'oo Osborn ~Wiilis,,,, • - 14 700 Joel Johnion, ; ' • 14 7 00 B. Tomlilnson & Co. 14 7 go D. Knobio, I• . _ .44 7 00 S. Sm'ydr,. ! 14 7 - 00 , Graham & Thornton, 14 , 7 00 George Wittier, - - • 14 700 C. Seigel, 14 -7 titi M. W . Keith, 14 • 7 00 Knowlton & Son, • 1-1 - 7OO .1, 1 - Ebersole,. , ! -", - 14 • .., ‘7 QO J. Rosenzweig! & Co. • 14 7.00 M. Vaughn, I . 14 , 7 . 00 Labe & LanLl,l- L . • 14 700 ' Moses Koch, ..L ' 11 700 1 EILIE—WE'II' Anil. 1 _ Williams& Wright, ~ I 12 J. Hughes, ,• G. Loomis 4.00. - B. Tomlinson '& Co. .R. Baldwin &' Sue, I I'. A *wren, Dr. P..Hatl, ' J. Cummins & Co. M. Mayor, P. Kelsey, • J. Zinunetly I* Co. W. F. Itia4rltticelit, 0. D. Spa Ford, _ • ' ' MILL H. Bates, Liquors, D. C. Miller, Liquors, John Graham, Liquors FAL 111 EMI 6 00 5 00 23 70 $2,973 49 82,973 99 John A. Tracy 2d, GIRARD NlcCinmell 4. Webster, John McClure, Jr. Gulliterd Lyons, L. S. Jones, C. F. Ntirton,. John S. Foster, ' GIRAFID W. W. Warner, Jeremiah Davis, Jacob anloon. Willi• T lei, • Robinso ilcox, SPRINGFIELD 35 59 159 00 1511) 40 04 320 17 15 34 71 29 10 83 MO 9 26 2 00 r 5 10 69 8 51 9 00 16 25 7 75 5 00 IEI3 MEI S 06 75 -- $3,475 31 30 60 200 00 - , 1,340 op 03,096 50 40 00 191 92 4315 71 746 03 859 04 105 00 $3,090 so , MECO STIZE2I BOROUGH. 13 OWNSIIIP, Samuel J. Hopkins, W. H. Townsend, Henry M. I• ullord, Riley Pouer, ( CONNEAUT. . I MoNampra & Hunt, ' 14 J. & P. Clark, Jr. 14 A. King & Son, . , it NV Milan Werner, : 14 ELK CREEK. Ball * Vincent, Liquors, . 14 William Monro. 7, Lignors, I i Abner Kelly, Liquors, ' 14 Hr t C. Warner, Liquors, 14 NORTH EAST QOROUGH, B. C. Town' 4- Co. Liquori;i;\ 12 J. 11: Haynes,. 13 A, Kellogg, 14 Ross' 4.. Limper, - • 14 NetaTii EAST TOWI4BHIP. J. 11.-Haynes, Liquors, 14 McKie/its. G. 711. Tibbals, 14 T.\ D: Chellis, ' ' il • EDINBORO Jackson & Campbell, Aaron Lick, H. N. Gerrisii, B. C. Tewn . l:. Co. Norton is Hoskin, • !we. Newton 4. Coley rove,ll umon. Goodwin & Truesdail 13 P 4. Totarti•lll.?tt, 14 VAT ER FORD Wm. Judsol&. Co. Boyd, Vince t A. J. 4. P. F. parrar, Hutchins & San , `No:ice herely giyen to the above, named deal ers, that the undersigned will meet with the As Societe Judges, at the Commissioners' Office, in Erie, on Saturday the I9th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. for the purpo'se of hearing the appeals of those who may feel themselves aggriev ed by the above classification. JOS. M. STERRETT, ApPraiser of Mercantile Taxes. - Erie, May 2.0, 1847 '4ll Penmanship.' R. C. BEADLE, has opened a writing M school in the Fleming Blbck, over Fuller ton's store, and invites the attention of the pub. lie. to his system of instruction. Classes meet at 2, 4 and 7 I'. M. Private instruction given ilde sired. 'Card drawing and, writing neatly ,:tt.nd promptly executed. References—Principal and Teachers of the Academy, A. E. Foster, C. W. Weis°, Esq., B. Grant, Esq., A. L. Rose, E. S. Merger. Erie, May 8, 1817, ATTORNEY AND - COIONELLOR AT LAW, EICIIANGE, ERIE, PA. HAVING so far arranged and systemized his official duties, as to enable him to devote a great portion of his time to; his profession, will at tone to all legal business t entrnsted to his care.— Ho will attend the Courts in the Counties of Erie, Warren, CrawlordMercor, Venango, Clarionant,-i lefFerson,_ and the Stipreme Court of this State; and has •profeislonal arrangements by which he will transact business in the adjoining Counties in New York and Ohio..Ril. monies- collected Will ho radioed Ily toning on Net York or Phil adelphia without dny charge for Exchange. He will also take chprgo of and prosecute Claims against the United States, draw and superintend s applications for Penslons, Patents, &c. Of the ability and integrity With Which all hu.. sine'se confided to his Care willtto' pekeraned it would not be proper in this One to speak, hut those having Legal Business to tr met; or C9l- lectioßS to make in this section of ountry, ore re spectfnßy referred to the Si:Hewitt, gentlemen: t i HON. JAMES T110111 1 S(IN, GEN. CHARLES M. REED, Mzsins. WILLIAMS &INRIGHT, I • I k; as 119 i.. MOSES KOCILEsq. THOMAS W.STERILETT, I I • VINCENT. HIMROD Jt. Co. ‘ 1 A. D. & T.' W. PATCH klq, Esq's. HENRY K, SMITIL • Esq. CHARLES 11. 8. %VG, LIARS, Esq. JAMES AIULLETT,Esq, PHILIP DOSHIMER, Esq.-, HENRY W. ROGERS, Esq. 110 N. ADDISON GARDNER., Rochrlller, N Y. HON. - JOHN A. DIX, Albany, N. Y. I ' . • HENRY SHELDEN & co., . CORNELIUS W. LAWRENCE, M E.q.; DO, CHANDLER & WHITAKER, ? ' . C 7 ity: LION. ROBERT H MORRIS, 1 • • CONOVEIt & LABAGII, L & A. VANOSTRAND, HON. JAMES BUCHANAN, WM. L. MARCEY, - '1 " RORERTJ. WALER, '.. - W. MEDII.L, WM. Z. STEWART, Esq., Logan GEORGE H. HoWilOßTEßq o a l R. BROCKW.SY, Esi*. 11001: WM. PAITTER•VaN. Signing LION. SOON WENTWORTH.) c BRISTOL 4 PORTER. 001,.. JAJGG4 R. SNOWDEN, , I LUDWIG, KNEEDLER &CO. COL. JAMES PAGE, • ABRAM. S. WOLF & Co., HENRY HORN, Esq.. - J. &J. P. STEINER. ' ' ' 110 N. FRANCIS IL ISIOINE. - ,` '- • - -'` •-- * ' -•• SIMON CAMEIWN. , gifre4 b . * gi s t ~ N: B. ELDRED, _' • ' - - 7 . - 7, . • HENRY WEIMER; lES‘ '• ~ ‘• _•- / HON. WILLIAM WilsKS i pp' tiil •l 4:' GEN. LEVI G CLOVER, 6 • -- GEORGE 'MONK:ON. Edo. Whetting: Va. , L HON. R. AIcCLELLANO,'•Houroe, Ma; 1 W. - S, GOROON. • I ci t y.h it air sk. : • , ,t , :t . . , . Da. ti. ENGLEHART; 3 - - r• - •*-T' - • : , • - i Dog. LEWIS cAs.s,' --- - ',-1; .- ,• :-. ,' .• -t') -.- CHARLES 6. HAM MOND,Esq, 1104inehli•Afie4. 1 :1, JOHN MeRLYNOLDS Fec! , 'Erie;' May 8, IW. • ~ - •-• 51 apir— _ The Netv . Jow Store Ahead ! H . JUST receive stt t XoplJew Store, .N o. Fleming Block Snits street, anew and Wet!. did assorimentnP ' SPRING &ND SIMMER GOODS, , V hick, kavirtittMi bought at extremely loco prices and the eubseri re having encountered imither "perilsby tied attend," in their journey, to Phila delphia and New IYork Markers, eau awl win by t.dti QS cheap-4tot ti.isay n little cheaper —that) at. any oilier Jew oi , Gentile Store between New: York and "Sundown." Our stock ecmsists in pert of ' i . SILKS of all kinds, descriptions and colors, rrom plain bluck'lto the most fashionable plaid, striped or watcre'd. ~ . °INGE-JAMS , French, English, otet end , American, varying In price and quality to suit - ... I - customer s. SliitlAr l LS,'Siliti -- Caslimcre, Barr' nie I .1 etc Me. •. at prices that catilint fail to pleay.s. - ` M. TIE LEI.INEzz, of all qualities froin 20 mg. tipward's. I I ' s DONNF.T,RIBBONS, of all. col re, qualities, shades and prices. - , GLOVES, that cannot fail to Qt he most deli cate hand, at prices in h i actfordancetyit the most 1 delicate pursed. French Worked Lincacamilriel-1, andkerehiefs, a bountiful article, and iery'clienp fur the quality. Also;embroidered do 'do,, together with I many . 'other articles, toa numerous to mention, but ( which we will lake pleasure In .showini , to customers and Others. 4 1.4) —a ii.pieridirt st of ' - • ' 'ItVAI) 1 1 MADE pun • ING, consisting of !'ants,' Vests, and Coats, of all pri ces mid mi sißies,. and Boom and 'Shoes, of all kinds Call and see;rtild dOn't forget the place, No. I, Flerninti Block,Stato Strati. , . ISAAC ROSEN7ZWEIG & CO. Erie, April i?.O, 1817.,--' ii k . 50 NEW GOODS BY RAILItP.V. • TITS r received ay the cash and rer(dy pay store J two cases Of the latest styles Muslin Prints an I Scoichainghams, Prime; Kentucky Jeans, Summer Stuff, Ribbons, Me., ete., for sale cheap as thecl: fuy ap,e , s fo i l by . '.P. ARBUCKLE. sm. . No. 3. Perry Block. Erie, ro SCYTHE S commirsion and for sale by • .\ P. ARBUCKLE, May 1 1817. No. 3, POrry Block. ft.OOER.IES.—A grind assortment of Dry Ur Groceries on hand and for sale, at the cash and ready pay glare, No 3, Perry illgek, by P. Antieli.LE. 50 - 15 00 10 50 10050 * Muy 1, ,1847 New Goods! New Goods !! EABLY AS THE E I.RLIEST!'and HEAP rAS Mt? CHEAPEST. nit: further par ticulcu s enquire at NIE IT ALF'S. No. I, Reed House, April 23.. • 50 7 00 10 00 10 00 10 04 10 00 10 00 7 00 SII t W LS.—The China,Crup6iik, Eitibruid ered do., Buzah and ZePhins,, dn., Slimmer Cashmere, flowered and 11111b0 Well Worsted, that are decidedly rich, at ~ - W 1LLA.,1..M.S 4. WRIGHT'S. April 23, 1547. \ • : - " 50 GC0V1.?.5..-We have the best a...pertinent ih - at will be in this market of all kinds, including Stewart's self imported black and fancy *id, fancy and variegated Silks and China Linen. April td. 'WILLIAMS RC WRIGHT.. 7 00 7 00 7 9 0 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 1.10. ° 7'oo 07 0 1 fl tit_rh. ritaasols, l'arasuletts and Shade., • limn five diilerent manufacmre4, including, all shades.and colenn,jost opened hj• Aprir 23. WILLIAVIS Wit IaTIT. LADIES Cravats and Pont,is. a fi ne selection and something now, together with some nice hat Ribbons, just opened at the caner opposite the Eagle. • April 24. 7 00 7 00 7 00 -700 JO 50 10 50 10 5P 10 50 WITH the best and cheapest'Stneit of fa:4ll ionabte LADIES' DitEaB anOtIS ever offered in this market, Consisting in part 50 patterns Dress Silks °fall cotes, mbraeing (Nored and Plaid and Stirped4'oult da Soi, Gro do Rhine, 1S 75 10 00 • 7 00 7 00 Gro do Swiss, - Satins of all colors, SHAWLS of all kinds, such as Silk, Crape, Barrage, Thibet, \lons do' ain, Brocha, La‘vns, Balzarinestind,Barages, Gloves and Mitts of all kinds—Silk. Ki 4. Lisle. Cotton, &c. cLar ifs, Cacsimeres, To s, Kentucky Jeans and Sotineas. MEI 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 13 '4 In' short, customers can find every thinzin the Dry Goods line usually inquirrl (or in the mar h et. We forbear to mention prices. Suffice to say, ladies, we can sell you a liandsomo Prench Lawn dress from 12s to IG4. that will vi n o with any in Broadway. Please call autysee for your. selves ~ F arther particulais hereatior. Don't the p l ace, lbrger April 28, 184; , 53 14 II) if) 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 GOODS BY RAILROAD. ' 11 VE just received this•nownintr a new sup 'KV of plain and 1%01(0 Gliinglmin, also a lot of print 4, .c., which will be sold cheap ;;;isb by. E. TIB 13 IN for , ••-• •- 11,1ay 1,_1817'. • 10 00 ;0 00 10 00 I 10 00 I , k pyrEs OF AN EXILE, by L. W, Miller, 1.11 being an account Of the ambers confine ment at Van Deainans Lind, just received and for sale at Spaff„irds's Bookstore. - Erie, May 8, 1817. . - 51 New Goods! New. Goods!! THE subseriber is now receivtii. , his spring e.ock of Fancy bry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockery, Iron;-Naits 3tc., whieli will be sold at reduced 'prices for "ready pay. My old zathstantial friends and the public ,generally . are requested to call and examine goods and prices, they certainly will not go away dissatisfied ne will oat be under sold by any west of New York, for rputly pay. SMITH JACKSON..- May 6, tia 17. 61 COLPAIAN'S HEAVE- POWDERS, ACEIRT MN CURE FOR MIA t.` , F.6* AND COUGH IN HORSES.,—A lung familiari. ty with horses and personal treatment of the ills• caqeslo which they are subject haie at length resulted in the discovery of thit. exceedingly val: nableiretnetly for the Wendt's and Cough—a Ills; ease w hich produces ' more misery and death among these noble ;Init i als than any othe to (~., which they are exposed. flume no !logician in saying that my powdt4 Will effectually and t or oughly certificate every sytipfont and nraliv of this painful and dangerous difease it' g iven in any reasonable length of tim4 after. fthas he-an con t ractbd. When:you disc4ver symptoms of Conti or Hermes in your horse, resort to' this Powder without delay, use it perefveringly, and attend to the Wool accompanying! tho directions for the treatment of the animals, and in nine cases out of tort you will find ilia it Awes. • li any desirous of:melt certilleateNf cures, of thent cull on the agent.? Price sf) cents per hot,: tie. ' Manufactured by A.: h. Coleman, Nev York CARTER & BROTHEI, agents, Erie, Pa. . March 27, 1847. 46 To the Honorable, Mi'Jutiges 4 of Me Court of Quarter Ses.,ions !of Worren county, June Term. EEO The Petition of the Subscrib?r humbly Showe:bi that he is well proiided with house room and all other accommodations for entertaining Strangers f and Travelers, and • nutty therefore' humbly pray your Honors to gr t hima license to keep a pub• lic house at his o f Camila Columbus DANIEL W ALTON. We the undersigned, citizens of the Township of Columbus, do certify that Daniel Walton, the above applicant is a man, ofgood reputation for hlnesty and temperance, that he is.woll'provided with house room and other buildings' fur enter tain ng traverers' and etratiders, that such *sera is accessary for public cenvenierrie: , ERASTIJS' PEAM, 'BENNY STEVENS, S, W. WEBBER, 'WILLARD MUZZY, JOS. B. BISHOP W. S. WEBBER, W PETER C. HOARD SOL. DUTTON, JOHN WAJ..TON, r EZRADUTTON,' ISAAC 'CROSBY, • A. WALTON Sr. Columbus. Ma 8, 1817. .3tst , Billfold. lisiligite . ii • ; , c 4.441, - = -- DISSOLUTION. • - T • copartnership herelefore existing, • be,' 1.--,,ttv4*n Smith JaeksoltA Irvin Camp', tinder. the firmsoTb'tnitli.ineksonlz Co., is Ibitday solYed by trmloal.coneent.„. Thi notes, hooks and eceounud will be fora 6,16 left, at the Opp, of SnsitliJaekson, whri is authorized to 'settle the same, and Olean intlebted wilt deAveil - je call du ring thiS.lnonth not) Outo,tho aceotoe f ;; ! , • - SMITE' JACK SON, ,`--, iviaf IRVIN CAMP. • • • 0 '..t.:.! . E.t.ATtO - 17,. an' instrument to ad -4.; minister Anodyne vapor'wjtli , it3o of which he is en4loto estraetleeth without the -bast pain. - • •' ' • - ;--mkv , ah, ISll7_ I,':, J...V.1::-.14; 7 9,-0. 1 / 4 1,k for :tle'Fit No. 111, trench Sir. NlLty Nl7. - 51, HERE WE COME FItqa:THE.STAIT. Ql? NEW lir ORk ri) r AVIZANI 4 .4! LIVER-PILLS PAMIR'S. J. ICAorqc' Co. ' (Mass Please sznd rde Eiyi Express; 12 dozen Boxes "APLANE'S LIVER P 1145." Tbey are selling good 'here, and snit generally. ' Yours, , STLDMAN. Mayville ' Chant. Co. , Y., Dec. 29, Prepared for the Proprietor; and• sold Whole sale und Retail by J. RIM) Co, N 0.60 Wood St(eet. Pittsburgh, Pa. If.J-N. 'l.—Purchasers will pleape be parlien lar and {minim for "Di. and take no other. p — psMore evidence of incronfiing demand for , DR. N E'S • * LIVER PILLS. Rm., Feb. 16th, 18-17. Mtsme. KIDD & CQ., PIUSbUf,OI, - Pa. Grnis.—Enclosed you" will find ten dollars, which please place at our credit and - buWard U 3 sumo of your "Dr..11/oue's peer P 1119," we are entirely out. Respecublly_ yottrA C A trrEit 611.0 T H FIR . Prepared for the Proprietor and sold 'Miele sale and Retail by 3. KIDD Co. No. pi), Wood s'.. Pltisburgh ' Pa, 13.--Turchasers will be particular, and enquire for `3r. 14.1.ane's Liver Pine irkl take nO ether. " To all whom ,it may Conee'r'it, S LIVER PILLS! MESsits. J. Ettru, & Co..' This is to certify ihat niy wife lhas bben plilZcted (or several years, Pith .11b fidlotrittiz.paitss nt pe rio is more or lvvi—Pain in the,ritclit viile, about the cif al, of the ribs, extending to ho right shoul der; pain in the, butck part of the bead, and-ab3ve the right sy f o, neehtnpanled by wealcnes.s, loss of appetito, and alinost constantly confined to her tied. Since August she Alas used three boxes, of ' l ;lll:vie's Liver Pills: , and I have now to state, that by the use of these Pills: she has been henel fluid to no ordinary degr'ee. Tinder Previ: donee of God she now enjoys' good health, and is able tt - t attend to the domes'ic coriccilns of thy fitfully.; • J AMES STW EART. Itichittond, JeflbrsOn Co. Ohio. ' • i . . . i gTILI4 MORE. 1 [ ' Ma. J.lctun. . I j Dear' call to inforlit you or the tingles of "I) 4 jirLaite's liver Pills'," hi the cure of toy wife, % I ho was inducrtho try one hoz:, by tho use of whieb she tat so much relief that she procured a secand: Since she has taken the second bus, her health has improved tto Moat that sho is' now better Ilan she basAgeen for several years. - My neighbors have become acymittlei.wi di this fact, so that a 3 t , aon as I get money I will buy them by the dozen, to supply those bumy immediate neigh l th:r hood. ft. COCLIIIAN. • Pittsburgh,' Pu. ~ Piepared for the Proprietor and soh! 'Miele salo•and Retail by J. KIDD tsk, Co. No. 63 Woad st. Pi:rsti'orgh, Po. 1 It N, B.—Purchasers will please bo panic. Blur and ,binjuire for "pr... 1 1PLane's Liver :P.11.1, 4 and mite none el i te,' a. there a. 0 other pi6' now before the tieb:ic, purporting to be "Liver iPills.'? 1.. I .u.,......—...... 1 f ' I FIVYVI TFIF t STUN?. OP,N 7 W YOit C Mr.44ns. J Kinn Re Co. Pittsburgh, In the month of Juno lasi, we reeeived . 6 doz. of -I\VLane's Antonia Worm Speeilid,rall of which we haiie Fold, and now wish a ftirth'er supply as heretofore. We \frequently recei, , ie piteknues Irma New Yolk by express, and pieitime [here Would be no y in forwarding by this mode to us at Rochester from Pittsburgh. Youis truly. POST & \VILLIS. Rochester. N: Y., Fc h 1917. Prepared thr the proprietor and sold Whole- , sale and retail by J. ram &Co. No. 00, Wood st.,"Pittsburgli, N. IT.—Purchasers will please be par ticular ant inquire for "Dr. JlPLnitc's Worm Spe cific or Vrrinifuge," and take nu other. Still later from Kentucky. Da. Vut,,tAr tr , crop. - Ey, March 3, 1317. J. t Kion, 4. CO. • 11 Gents.—ln the month of July last, I\ Ir 4 P. MerrYweather, of Cincinnati, appointed A g .mt for this place, for selling Dr. Nl'Lttne's bi , drly approved medicines, and the motive that prompts itw, an entire st t anger, to, write this 'let ter to your house. is to info) you,-that the: in• habitants ,of this town and county, generally.. have given the irrratiftige of Dr. 21.1"bm, a ;f a ir Gird in their families, and pronounce it to he t lilh out crairxception, the very best Warm' edicine:Bv, er u.fered to , prone afflicted , with t"rorms. 1 The estimation in whit:little Vermifuge is held in this community has induced Inc to:pur chase Kin future from you, or your Agent, and you will oblige tine greatly by writine, per 'return mail, your cash price for the Vermifuge by Ilia gross. Very respectfully yours, J. C. SNYDEA. I Prepared for the Proprietor and sold Wholesale and Retail by . • J.• ICIDD & Co. No 6O Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. OPINION OF -TETE PEOPLE. . • We give below a 'specimen of the many certifi cotes banded us every daysand which we presitme is sufficient to convince any person of the superi ority of' . Dr..lll.unes Yirrnifirgr, over ail other so chlled pratiftigri. - This id to certify, that with Dr. NPLarre Soe. cific, a child of mine, 2 years ohl, passed 88 'urge worms, besides a large quantity of small . ones: to produce this discharge,. it only required t wu:l3. a spoonsful.; The balance of the vial I Lnve to an other child 8 years old, which caused a dist:Norge of 20 lar.e besides a quantity of small wortnit. WILLIAM APCLELLAN D. N. Fayette tp. Allegheny co. Pa. Jaw. 20,1817. Prepared for the Proprietor and sqld Wholesale and Retail by KIDD & Co. No. (i 0 Wood Street, Pittsburlet, Pa. ft fir. 13.—Purchasers wilt pleage be particu lar and sminire for Dr Ml...vies Worm Sp:cific or I"criniftige, unit take nothing•else., Aawra.—Certer Sr. Brother,. J. H. Burton & Co., Erie; J. Marvin‘ Waterford; John M'Clure, Girard; John A.Trat4, Fairview; W. Ulf ToWns entf, Springfield; tlall3t Vincent, Cranestrille; Jiickion & Campbell, Edenboro; B. C. ToWn Co. Wattsbureti A. Tourtellott, Union -J. H. agnei, North East. Sold by Dstivrists and SierehantS goncyapy, ihrolig . lioot the - United StateS. • - April 31, 1317, 49 'DISSOLUTION rpRE partnership M. the tindeniigned; bean dissoWed by m indebted to 113 are re, and settle their i irpc, the first of February this notice may incur Erie, Jaii. 11, Oft The - Books and pa BRAFPII k GRAI nicnt left with the fo the business of th e cont which I am ohli2ed i hove associated wi LANE and WM. A continue die °lnce latt Graham', under the LANE, where all bull Tension, will be attent dtsparelt. • Etle, February 3, ti 1 ~---t- ,-- PENNSYLVA NI, ikl MARDI NG HOUSE. . rfILIE subscriber h 4 leased the. house formerly 'JL . known iii the II berpiatt -Motel, .on , VrettCh btreet, a fotideorti N rat of Fourth, for 14 put:. petit, ot keephir, a , 6Ardini floes°. flu:inters will be ,by le day, tvech,-.lrictitth 'autl year., on the picot rep ONO}, tAiral,ilnd, i lteltopel i l by strict titterttien fei 6'emi4foll.ol 448 g 68,14!), to rdCakiiq a sharp of th public potreertile. , ' , • '' , i Is. it —1 1 5011146 i ii air ki . nlis, .cProta ii..Y kept on baud, ant}-for sal , cheap: ' : -- r, ": . f , AN11.r,141., , BliAe,lol2t*, grie,4Pril 21, IS 7. : -, ' ' 301 , •!.‘....J.....:_...‘.. '.. STORAGE -AND. PGRAVARDiNG; ~ I'.l at:9: ft.fejor'eti t 9 ptvisqs kipd forivattl tiding tfte seaton 11 th9-Ette E.(01)• B ,lollollllllt ittf #ll rit40t,611 , 1116 Ln_ites,.or Ohio.fil: ei'all property to thilr riro'ift . li the *le most diAPiktO and , 4 tiw hiivest' rift.4,l' • •.'' .. 1 Bost St.,ieti a nitql ocet ies.4}fnll liiilds tOri3tient;- ly on hand and . ijor,FOlo clieniffit illeif i y4t! , .lll) . llse ow thr, vantil, tg,t4 r6treil• titifliolit"..lil.l27er'k , ;));l- m It. ' , ..f'..- , 4 1 i'., - . i'. V. (11.4kZLEIt, t'. i.• fr. ,- F - NI.NI.IO."AIjETM.NC4.. Eriq, , Aprit '2 li: TT, '.l,; i; 12:1,9 1 1 11 • - 13j5 f• OF • ARTNERSHIP. feretofore es fazing between iif tho practice of Lati-, has qual consent.. Ail persons quested to call' of the oak oceounts on or Gelb e next. Thong who. neglo • coats. , . -. JOLIN GALBRAtTET, CARSOP GRAIIAM, t ;303 , • ers of the late firth of GAL:. AM' are i by mutual agree the, purpose of elbsitig up eerwantl i:olleeting all debts, i. do as - siteedilysts possi tile. It me in !business WM. S. GALSICAITII, Eqs. and 6t ociatpied b'y Gialtialtit tir. um of GAt,BRAITEIS 4. inessin the lino of the pro. tied to whit prompitiess and i .JOHN GALSRAITH. OR. • ! ' ' •38 I i WHAM "swiss nietoici iratit:lwo • tak:tr;: • GEO. W., NI ERCHAN,TI3, 4 r - semciuNG °TL, AN invaluable remedy for Inrses othcr domestic animals - , in the Cullgwin!% tkkenfe? Peel\ i"4-st +tin. •§it Gaut of all kind, , r &rani, L. Sprains., Bruises, Sana ("rack &tiara! Heels,. • JOulidr red Ringbone, Win:lv:ls, Scratches e Poll grit, Callas, Horn Dish Sparrht.t, Staiqiity, It is also a Universal Family diseases el Human RhetimWsin, ' Exitrital Bites ofjiiimattfiti Post Bites, ' - 'font, noire, Coits;,l1 7 /ii Burns Chitbtabi 41,1:1 _ „ 1 . 8, Cl:tippet? ,lloa Is, ' ids of the Xis I rhos, f.fie!ellings,.. Tomtits, , tiss of the Joints, Kii •rd Brea. is. 7 . V 1 "I ' CIIANT'S GARGLIKG r )IL--st. . S wortny m [1 remark,- that br.sidt the zre: t and extra ity powers in the' c tre of tlis i epeii 'of the in,iyhivh its yir s 4 in attntet9ried the attea ,• 'th9fatritrandfirill r, and Cul 'wonder of Cramp Contr. Weak Mr ipeci ordin horse tion td •• gen( rrilry, kha.s i een sneeesslolly sin I in u - great variety. 94 the maladies %%hWit the Human race; and j ii has p,roiotl liy the ( mini cures it has perto meiron the Idweran ., that itla endowed iv 'I/ enra:ife properties Rind in other horse 0i1. , ,, which had eittiblish i elaint3youemiral,eteilldenie. _ . the p 1 ploy,' alien won irn,d I not. I ed I .; , B ware of the connlerfeit urticlo and lie slim the me ofthe soil PR I OPM ETOIT, o. W. Mu cha t, Lockport, is tploivn in the *Ale. -: It For testimonials , synoppis oftliAcases, anti aim e of treatment, see rampitlet whie!l ateottnpn. nie ca r eh hot le. S I • 1 3„. Id by J. IL-thoton Si. Co. Eric; S. S. ST. 11. Fogirett. Arihtatotla, Ohio; and I). N. ' Welidter, Cmineaut, Ohio. - ! ' 100 P iir it iii V 17 , 01 LT it II 11, 001 D: GEO. W. 141ERCflANT;S lAIPROYED ' COMPOUNI, . , 3 EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA , • , I • For Remoriii , Disease's of the Moo d , 114.0 /von t, as at.0.4..T1.1fer-1 Inn i rs (01 jed , di.' Care, I ferer,Sore..Obeitinatt• it,r;•l Chr:mic and must 00 Li. tris iv' lisol4 fr, Scaahmal.:.Y.ol7l,,tosPh. screpa. , or 1 1 ,,,, 9 4. 1/ 011 /:( tit t.l s.lhlr /them" xy le yit r reneroo. ' rifi 101111 so,pen; r la t.', fawn and wrusi 40 111.,0d; ale;s ' the - Throat. • Nom Clit:44.4ll:a&ituot $ /d e o, tAg & are,' rails thr.mie ^ ; of the holy, •1 Lung* f 'hrxt, mph,. or p'ss. lo,, 00 thefiwe'Pa , C. 4 the St..marh and PiSraly patche.l% assss other cr.' Night sus of the lt b.:Area.: nwch recuatv.:- Biho. dad,lar &o. dO.I 0., 0 emln , ing •SA, r (Haw,: rri , ,,,s Jlydi, ase,. i $ .White Vt. I's .10 in the l deg. This retired is p'epared Iron] the c:ioie. , st lected materials. t.! e active propera. ofishieh art, evt.teted by an improved ,process, without-heat; on 'account of which it k preferred by Physicians as.beinz more triilhrot and active than any other now•hefure the public. It tiltl tho - rem'artahle. r tneaey of rhis remedy . inia liitrytY 01 castj , ..of the mos. t voted it lire, at ty fr..: seen' by calling. on the pro prieter or hie agent;. As most :zood medicines tire counterfeited, ha SIMI: and cell for ‘o l ,lerch inr4or,aparilia," and i gee that these words * blown op die .lass,"Fioin r.. Lock Port, • Y. 1. CZ's.lltitost el'fery pedlar in tits country is now ptio!! up and imposintl on the public, an iii title they call sarsapariila, Thcrefilre, - BEwArtr:” rind by J. 11 ill tutors Sr. co. Erie; S. S. Passett, Ashr.abtrhi, Ohio;' D. N. Webster, rim !leant, Ohio DISEASES OP 'NM URI 1. 4 AR I:ORGANS nISzE;O3E ni Urinary Organ 3 cured' by l the EXTR , 4T OF DOC,IIIT, 1.15 , 1 t e1q..31, 1 and en- 1 DEB sachets chronic and acute diseavz of the /IW/it r, .1180, chtt,n 4 e- Urethra. \ ' Gonorrhtt:i r 4 Prostral Gleits, Fi" hicts, Ki au,/ Loins, - . . 'rhis valuable 4netlieinc is prepared only by Gen. \V. Merchant, Operative 'clicinia&c. Lock part, N. V. . Full and ample instructions, testimonials, &c? accompany o:.eit bottle. , Sold by J. 11. rittron & co. Erie; S. S. Si. H Fassett, Asatabola, Obit; D. N. Wobsto-; Con neant,Ohio. ' . NCO REPAIEAD ' AND GRAY T Y ttl AN 1 - 61,11 t D YE, Ik-warranted artrile for coloring the:h i : dr a beautiful brown or f t 10.4, it Will not wear oft, soil the linen, or color ts; shin, as hurnliels can' tes:ify, It has also beeritised successfully in coloring Flll s• . + .11eware of the-eounterfeit,"aad ho sure yeti yet the aennino, prrirj_ired onlyltpeer. W. Nlereliant, chemist, Lockport, N. Y. Sautples of fi c ait may , be seen at the store of the prtrprietor or his agents. Price .53 cents. - " • ' 1 Sold by/J. Ft. Burton & co, Erie; S. B. Fassett, Asl.iabilla, Olio; and D; N. Webster. CoOneaut,l Ohio - . lyso - - Ar l t ISTABLISInf ENT. . •• 1" • • AUCTION' & COMMISS;ON STORE. T HE umiersigned tieg lenie to iirfornt th in friends and the public generally, that they have eommenced the above businee's at the Id stand of John,Gruham, on State Street, two do rs dorth of the Eagle Hotel; where they are ready to, receive and diapos:.• of all kinds of Goody that may be consiened to them, either by Public Auction or.Prirate Sale, Theyhope that by - strict atten • lion to all business entrusted to them, to :min a share of the public patrbnalte. They a ill also keep on hairdo choice sock - of ready made rloth in•~, sttitaile to the seasons, vihich they will sell cheap as the cheeps!. GI. A II A THOIiN'rON. Erie. A 'yil ' 46 STILA , a l p new ptepared to tualte or . repair Stettin Eut;lines, alti to satisfy those wt have doubia as to our ability to turn out sup ri 16oik, we invite thl-ir hispection of one tthich t have recently built and put in operation at on: Foundry. LESTER, SENNETT & CHESTER. . 14, ft —À speobtl hand EUine-ofS horse pow er,. togrithtr with bcflowdfor a small Foundry ,for sale min bargain. • L. ) s; ft b. Eriu. March 20. 1817. 44 WANTED! N exehange frir Gouda, any quantity of Goo. lIEMLOcK. FENCE BOARDS, 6,5,10, and l'2 imultei Wide, 14 and It feetklunz DEVILOCK JOYCE, 1 1-2 by i 9, and 2 1-2 by 12; 15, 16, 18'and 20 feet Icing. HEMLOCK STIIDDING,2 by, ands by '4; 10, 14 rind 16 feet long, for which the• highe s t market piles wiltjbe paid, when delivered at, his tinnbcf yard at tire foot of French street:. Wlll' TILIJOODAIL.• Nfarch 4,' 1811," • - .142 WEITER rEt47 • I • „ TOIIN (41tAff P?ttprictiai.- ',The !gel subscriber wcitmt respectfully inform his frieada traielinii , public gen erally, that he boat Totted for 'ateriiZof yenis this Newand commeditins littistede di the 'Eighth -Street Cinal IldeatlelVecn 44, - .041 / `,3l. l EPTERN .fit kiB:4ritinently tii t Inert convenient Convenient and 'ilesiratiltr:Bll . 4lping 'place foe, all citireedUltrit butiincis - ar 'pm' dtei Canal. Themls; alriodtaelfed establishilteo a large intl-coneettient Stablefar the titya'efiluat• - - flitinl tip this' Ittnitrit".for''thii coneciiiipee Y .culiifytt,ztn , pfeagnrc'ef Krianactition to business to in:eficottO 'lct:yivt) uhirfir - fin; ,Ninif ;7 J calterri !zoo :‘ , .061;1 , ,n1' vi iwiay tm-attiCui tit ALlA\'tz- \VI:1 NIB AN N I, s, cry -I , OW Cl 4.f OR. or p/s, nru tt tac~i 1 hey thor Elf ra..l Vett, pert( ',obit body Cattle and rare of the ISt. it , ite Grua:, lElii rocatiog lb di its _ i son s. vols' WIN Strichwes, I Diniutes, MU Miiiiii ty, liar 1 , 1;:e.11 Lm rq. 11111 cairn ... - Ertruitil a i.lterlfrints irrhien4e. Fiat., - . "To Hr. IV. W regiii.,-Nrpr,e ei.! toil- /Sven towers/it satisfaction, '411(1Ure 0 511.011)1V1`1, 1)01)11y1:. ~. 1, 0 11 sFIII from 31eu 10 a:Uhell 1111111.11 lily iflfrouln bo - PtlpplEll•,..";„, ..11•11. rIENfI V .1 }INSUir' Aiteltit t , It ought to ho here retti.irke4 that the niedituto ',hue - but recently 'men latrailue'ed into ni.-,,A r p.. , tExtrartqf a kV • i•y rr i, !inn , ith' ritPenn , i , .VVrigt)t's bous.t;Vt ;et obit. rills exert ever t h ug o f t Ito taw! 41.Ai ott•ted th th e publ• c lit,. 'mime) of,thee country: nott'entis atilt g 1 9 i . tubin efforts'-Of iotrut.. f lu, uopritielpted ut I:guano. t, put them dons,. . 1 ' i t ‘VI , IC II EttrEit dr, SON." - • " Fe0),..N.., Wort .sire, ra. - ' ; • ..! have ,iced , l right's ,l.lititi Vegetable PIVS in ifs calmly, owl fwmil tl twi t " 111, the best I:teak:inn I tti Uri used. I welt to bc -um no anent for the sole Of them in this pluie. ill JAM /1S ?Wt. Istl II IL. P. 8.1.', '' , 1.K1 . 1 d' ' , - • rro a Orcta . ~. s la .rt. • , ...Some taco tote .. thy litge'r.ti left teeth tut 4* Ants!, j IVright's ladi.ut Vegbuil,fte,Pille to sell. they err!: . 50 ” gligt ,,, (bal ar' aw,rra),,,:h 9. 1 There is touch gall fur , theist. ' ' *l,. 11 I I...lirge tho pills are very o god. , F .:41'.1`11 IfE4SHAW." 1%111 iNt •at your valaublt; Ike our ugeut, will go through egyuu twfui—va - 41 me a luau. Prop/ .1 bat' 1. Vag, [ll4, I ills lA' I its rd./011 to gulp Ay' ate; toy at !ONUS Ray' lir oi...en,' Tlte:rtils are t ("leg be t!;:oitit6ritiott ttr itttittc ty; Cr(1.11 their het; bruit/P:110 if _I 11 ItS a era' to ealni/Jai or 11 eta. lilinirehly wr:l. in -ppite df ehl-hiiiluetors, who hate ea. ii resent people from buying limed supply, I shall be 4bia Your , . J0.1N.11. SANDERIIAN." nto+, Virginia.. • . -, .ayti with the pills yeti left m Id: in ifshort then, p fl tii t:e niekrt: I get ante. the Mora i ion is tragliig hereeenstilerehly; lid - opproved of pteacrally morn had among us far sumo-limo. tlff.Ze ifis&S WY where Oleg hand . 1%. Some' of the l'hySiciusi,it . ti on they never have trie,a,thcm. 9 atly he consulted. ' ILI! .11EI: AtEFTINGIIA M. lame:its voluntarily Mole Vy; jilbty—inets who are kuiam;efl ItSerValiyil WO nut excelled in I OM gut t!tro tlk 1 .1-.1.1 "1 hey° uegrly sent toe, anti 1 t`ii eight dozen neon 614.11 the arid your Pill, at thin tiny Mr/licit lit,,Core 1.1 tI. Itr;gta It. nrklati iii don't-like them, t dual self-interestl C • - y r`Vottrx., , S.reli aro et fow men of yie first ~• ti , hosa opportun e the *met II The following I iglsly rrFpectabig Store Keepers bykeef keen duly appointed uge as for Erie County. 0. 0. Spntrord, - ll:rte. .. l r Suspuel fititehiro. , ,,t Co., w.,icrrord: • John McClure. Sen. Co' if ;I'M. J. 0. S. vvraore, l moo. ' ' Er.c,tus Averill Rortlitri le: ii / 11clei & Potter:,‘ V est Ilpe - ig hold: IY. H. 'COwltsentl, Spor t : 11.1: ' R. F. t own ,V. Co.{%trier.. tirg: . 0 - r , •, North II ..r..1,, t Clenierit. Faire a i 1 , L 4 lE'v•*° - 00 COIiNE r.: tern .Ts —The„pulTie are eautiOnetl ngain:t tar many IL.-- , .. ,k me liefor. which 1011,1.3er to derewe. ore entle..thy u Ire] V 07.11., to Wrighva Intlnni V o . get.ittle Pillr. I Tnr: orralr on-,10:, t. 1 •t rieNi%ert INDIA' VEGUTAft.. PILL3II,IVt •I'/1E 1110\A ITri.F. OF Vt si. InlititT lIVEiTTEN W.TII A I'EN oN Tll7l Tor .Ititillity XLi-illfOk i forge ether ymeine, , r 17 1 ,7 1,, 1' liblerfei /b, t.t to dy . tiv oineei lIC% wed esel‘n• tidy to the Ruled Irright's le at? Vrp-ttr , ,l , Ali , wholes- le and roar!, 101 /La c e etre.: Philadelphia, '22F Greco ' eh ritrcet, New 'kirk; Dog PO 'l'remout Street, 00• tun \. , - , _ Erie, April 2 I, 1847. V - \ _ _.,...-..-. MIMS like.l ac hh rar , Jf apprtne 6.11 re 1:1 geu 'c. n: Iltn 1e for lk NM. Ell.EDY.CAfAttl.# N 1 1%11.1 T, • ledgt;d to It, the IN rxi•lJ r: Ora. AtteeCtwl,, Con rnt.- Ctad t/olJoy It end Clo,t, Ague Ilse Dr&ast tipra:c^; Prtroes, ffalt Ctld qn \. cools Itisaastr'a W! \Vi IN lit:it VUI.'int:DICINF: in , cars ~r vo• dal'erettt Diseases IG if ENCo3lll.7lll.ltlint bars I , lxero‘ ii is be , ll itarCNIUCCkt: I, ml the A tAcTED to resort at lEDY THAT CAN DE RELIED ti , r Erna) 15.1n1116.1 M. Ilfttr • Esq.. o I ialabortal at the Jnlhor uf 1 -,1 0'11,4. Nautical al brks, is mos great I alue of the celebrated A:z it:al: I ANT(I , :':.; lIXTI IldiNT..'S Is now on it twea'i) ttclut It 1::1:11Y Pato:owl nowt oft to:NittLwlcer;Sot IJlccr~. 14;n all lOW WI tool l'ae;, ritta:t.Atito, liar t., Utoopll't toi.ot I Tlte Tly !..% 7 1 ' i'• • ii;4l; g' west aillIV11:11tiat'l-aud the h •cri lor•iowe‘l or on it, iti•tes Joe the rte....t to °ore to the ONLY LE le . 1 vho••, HAM. bah Swell Vioq'tra4l I'dot, and -c‘ ; rouahle te: ).a! I on. I,', 11404 . 5 1.1 kirry July 0,1813: - r Va'n half centiiry hp ni,n) the Dec, in eonserptenee' Ihs ehner than a hmlher. I ref( my applying [Nut'* .tanneillatt, rC {rt. 596.C11911a2k anion,eomp iia impavea it. Ana tall" COnal arry a ine.liniite che.i it., nt this;ue I think tine biitilet .11 the meal/Ciao thty vitt girt cation nt yimipteltrilte: yo-ui7-, 1 03 u ir N- litA l4l % . . Nithii litthonieiely Ceirnus great 11noly, Neereytte, nouth;let, 18-12. fiT2)rge E. .SV,Titm, Dt-tr Sir: —For morel, ed withlthenninti.r . )f that olii,c/tZ , . mid min i-141 nil - sir' anent, from which I Mul l Gt•linr an att,tek oC part auricled, wii telt at pel all hip twisters to atm, pone *14011t.1, ge't wit external internee, ,}r rtl way we this elmini try , rc,iwg &gait).lett' to of high spathe do follow. of ltdCl Georve I: Stu .tvo. Esto, , mel cett rd. In !my reply lea with a Lane kneie fu it has tie , tre,,eil lee wu Liniment., al, thy elute I it freety;lnil I catLany lietle,ac no trouble will Gent :1 bottle. inform. RI rlieittlattic theiiding iLto any pert. ir • - : .:, 1, letteaof the 20th ultitim, ,i 3 re , NMI any. that I ligiepeim Irotiti 'se sera! Years;_ during labia' lima h. I procured a bottle of Hunt's .trty last spring, and I, ha'fo used bar since that Omni have ha 4 qty ic, 4 3:, IA friend to whom that -as 0 great beneAt to-, bet ..; 1,1, no tie,ltatlon in,,teeedb• \ needing nu egternntsraiay .7 COIt.HItIFItt: Peafvnt,sebt.4.lB S. :4, rer itaited Mot Win working.' ,iiikg out. in pimples, tt hick by fc%er sores ot the worst deserip 141, swelling ,was r t'.i great that !could used hut orm.bottle of your /Jai: cly well, I was also affeeted by a _ qm tbe same couser, and ttio ap. • it, reit.% ed trio ta ones; and I moat tto the'publie as an lityalostilti HACH:SRO IltittHFAl, h 12 5 and 50 cents ps I , b l it s 4i, L i 'is and libwchfuwa thiarghouLtkif 7t ('r,rir.• S'anian. SlR—Sown tune mutt and the c.tlt y 1 my . It g I scratching peat; itcdnir ti I The, 'rata nett un at eat tray c f:VII; I meat and sue now euti swc'in,q, lit the Bruin iax:Theft nt ttie Lmiptr ottlldently recant mg milady This i i tahneni a sn l all the PrinChril brng., country., I I gents for .Y , 7* Toht. S SA.:o, 14;1 %Vale(' Street, I 0 Broadway, comer Fulton and William, 'llli.on Street. •0 Pittbloirgli,.wholciala Otead'i Oa. . .1 . me or simr Bing; N,: IL- mtin me sli• GKJUGE. K. STA:Troo.• . Proprietor., . . r oil & Co. Erir, Tt.. C. Town Matti . i. le ;S. L. Josh., & Co. Girard.. 2m17 -- 111.1 e fi •'ADLEY, I I ITUSUTON &r'4l. 'A. I:. & t!..SAND: , ASPINWALL, i 4; ' .14010_INSON. KUM for WeVerll refusS,t ty r ss, aarossed to teitd.:ll to: rilrfra'a .1. TT. U EVA, J. Cleinriir, Fui April 10, ISI7. Bn( (Spring IA 041; _ . I. " Road!' .... -... „,. z.r. C ,o, 4 . i ti• SU NI NI• t (MODS, inii w Jew Store, 1 9. 1 Catestar r ofFreneh :1 d Fifth its. t) s, •Ountei i lig all a V of rte ‘..rl a, by . q with his clew and f l ishionahlu New York and Philadelphia ri ties, no d ambracZng the great-. and Staple Dry hood; ever v i e. A few of them wilt hemp. 'Spring of 18 : 17.1 Ta. STEW SPRING .1. receive,' at t cial ateltVti.,!e, csr l Mosis, alter en eea and land, isitsil Goode, purchased at the lowest cash est variety of Fan brought tg this pl. aced. / FOREIGN •1 laid G • Do. Fl :Wavy White, 211airrhl Colored I £.r; FANCY GOODS, -- pult de sp - arlina, p ‘ url, • erd*striped black a WA blii" sapred, dif black Satin, k Italian, lorences, - a new alid,•beautifilt. article; lain and embroidered, ' Ored lobes for children, _,' ale Baines for 2s. per,,yardt, . _French Gingly Muslin Itobo. French cinlk ,Iro Very inetiy. M i 7,. French workc Etubr , Yiticro a ' Double & 'sing and 'Cap , ..Eiiibioidenc..4 n 1 SiTh, Curti* - Fronc4 yrript '.epelio-qife4 !ii ~D,la , .ck „whitri , ,_;. -,., :§4 1 4 1 0') ... 1 ,Ciinitr,g.str , 1 ,IFipircd:' ,iir t corinthirn't C ri F r ith. lion4t.l, 11.7'MEnd b , t. Argil 2 k . ( - 41,ovEif A C , b,li. at . ',.1% 1. I • Linen eambriel4l.llcfnii l' bordered do: shb, - Frenth 4,11 Alin ~jlarrl~f 90i30rr44,(11): • • qktlitelti i an 4 04104tic'E4 - ga,c9f4rvilyvnch KictOlires, IrOcoigkirg-1 1 " 16 ', f 441#,5-It)baziila, dw • : do, 41, ',nett - wane, &c. s . c. ; te.nntne and ' • : a MOSES •KOOH:a • o. i, Commercial' Exell.ini , e' -enc.l , - kic)Tl-1‘ Poe- 10 j o ~~ ` MI