I CI El VOLUME ÜBL I SI I El) EVERY SAItiRDAY BY A. P. DUBLIN & B. F. SLOAN, sTutur, T El R AI S t copy, One one year, in advance, $1 50 ihlierwise, two dollars a year Will invariably be / lia a .rcti. These terms will be strictly adhered to alit cases. Advertisements inserted at 30 cents per square or the first insertion, and 25 cents for each Stab ;rintent insertion. . Job Printing, of all varieties; such as Books Pamphlets, Handbills, Show BRIS: Cards,§tcain 'boat Bills . , BlAnks for Notes; R eceipts. &c. exe cuted in the best style and On ShOrtflOtiCC. - SMITH JACKSON. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, (I,egens W , Lime, Iron, 'Nails &c. No. /21, I_ Clua • psi , Te, Erie, Pa. X • JOHN 11. MILLAR, Count• and Boroukii Surveyor; ufliccin ,Exchange Dalin2s. French /3t , Erie. . JOEHO. JOEINSON, ATTORWY LAW, llas removed his ()dice to the Publid Bnilding near the Conn House, up stairs. in the 'room occupied by the Sheriff and directly over\the Commissioner's 011)ce. Prompt attention will be given to all busine us en: trusted to his care. , ' 50 E. N. ir!yr,iserrr ac CO. . JIYA kO, N. Y. STORAGE, FORWARDING AND P 0- 4IJCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Lehigh and Erie Coal, Salt and Produce generally. Particular atten bon paid to the sale of Produce and purchase of I Alerchandive. N 0.3 & 4 Coburn Square, ~outlt Wharf. E. N. • itur.nEta, U. PI (WS Buffalo, N. Y. • ' • 1 lIENJAMIN GRANT, Nstatury and Conw+ellor itt Law; Olive No. 2 star , ,t„ oppo..ite the ''.a !f ie Hotel, Erie. Pa. \ (1 L & At , vrite . ,•f fi Conti.ellor. at Law, 01Iltte 011 Frencti mpr S Jackson SLOIO, Erie. , ' Apr P 7117. ' 49 U. L. ELLIOTT, SURGEON D lia.perminentl ) l6cated resideme On the conrner of Seveut 't reels. ROSF.3,NYAVEII; I r • (O. Dealers in Foreign and I unnystit I)4y 'Goo d s, Itcady Made Clothin.v, Iron. tuu::.hoes, Flemthiog Cluck , Litt: .s•treet, Erie.; Pti; • Jul.N tw,LATIN. Attorney and Couriseller low--thlice liice• and : - •;ory of Tammany Ault , Grin ., JAMES C. M4RSIIALE.• Att9rney ut Law. up stairs in dip Twit many tattlkotTheP othoilotarys Office. ttornov. and Qoun-ellois sixth,treat, west sill° Frig, Pa. J. 4.AI.IInAITII. W. A. OA 7 G. 1.00114' Dealers in Waielie77, ' Jewcle 1 ver, Plated ami nary and F.,ney Goudg, N' , WTM ANim Wholesale :ilia Retail Dealers in 1.4 . ) cezica, 1 atd ware, Crpehery, la:! L•eather,'' etc. etc. el •drect and the PublieSqua t oppusi! Tar ern, Erie, Pa. • .-- WILLIAI 111 BLEY c,hinet. Malo_sr, Upholster and tat, Stn e.,Ei le Pa '• • 1 . ---- S. f I N ISI. IN, 14.1.): I'li:,,ician and scrne , con, 01 CO Oli :S . ClC1101:1,'Ilet t r . \%r 4 11 111 111 , 4` 1'1( . 01 , 1111.i ! • li 11 , 11, Flulic. Pa. _. I - ---- NVALKER 'Z C't )6lC i - oencr.:llForwaEdiulf, Cowl isslott, and Produce Merchants; Red Ware i t ciist stli the Pub• lie 11.iace,Erie. ' , ll .' 1 JOSEPII 11 ,7 .1 . ,5EY, Maitrart9rer* (51 Tnt, Coppeir an :% are corner of I•'retiell and l itih et • I,Etil'Eß. SENNETT F o imdeis, utiO refa i i I oll,m -wart. ke. State sirs • .10iiN 11. BURTON k 111'Itule4ale aOl eta(1 , 11110: i n plug. I)ye ; roLer c. N 0.5, I Erie, Pi. :0 _t•. M. THIBALS, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, ilicapside, ie Pa. GOODWIN k VINCIf e . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, llonnell Block, Stair% st.,Erie, Pa CARTM Y< 11ROTIV F l Dealers in Ora 2s, Medicines, Pawl ttulr'a, Glass, &v., Nu. G Reed Po. B. tONILINSON K C Forw•ardin2 and Cointic64ion Me French Street, Erie, and a; bth Sty son, alsei dealers in Grace{ ies and , r HENRY CAD‘VELIA Dealer inalard ware, Dry Goods, Grocelies, Sec• east side of the Diatnotitl, and one door c l lst of the Eagle Hotel, Elie, Pa. E GLE HOTE L, By Hiram L. : Brown, corner of State Itreet and the Public miiare, Erie, Pa: Pastern; Western, and Southern Staze otiee. k. I mILTON, Fashionable Merchant on the Public Square, a,..11.4 doors west of State lulu:I, Erie, ['a. ,10ET, JOHNSON. , it alrr in 'llieultiieal, ii-cellaileons,t , Si'iday and Cla-sical Seilol)Up' al ion a ry, etc. etc. No. 111, ench Street, Erie, Pa. P. - A. R. BRA( lAi:tome:4- and Courvellur at law, Mai ric Chien, W 4 T. practices' the counties of, Craw ford, Grant and Iowa; Vs", T. and in Claytqn county, ;own Territory, PI . MSLEY ARBUCKLE, Dcaler in Dry Goode, Groeeries,c r4kety, Haul ware, els., No. 3, Perry .Block, State Ftrect Erie, Pa: _ _ _ • WANTED in exelia rpm fortoot ter, j ellee2-e, and kinds u duce, H 11. C June 6, IS 16.0 f HARDWARE.—sttif Ilardva I Trimmings can a1%637:.: Lc lind the elleap store of t November 21, 1.16 DYE STUFFS ( Log wood, - • Indi,o, Fastie, . C0e16031, i Cauawood, Annatto, . 1... Nlcwood, _rca • I T Tartar, - 13tazi1 Wood, - Bed Tartar, i , Bed Sanders, • Blue Vitriol, Colltlera, • Alum; etc, • Madder, for sale yy ' • J. D. BURTON F.:. Co. Nov. 28,181 G.-28 . No. 5, Reed House., riAfill FOll. TIMOTIIY SEED.—The nib scribers will parcash for Uood ckan T imo thy Eced.i' ' B.TOMLINSON & CO. TAILAFTE ON NEM YOltc,--61::,ht, Drafts 7 _l._/ On New Yo r k for western funds for rate by May 1, Pil7. • C. M. TIIIIIALS. . . . - / .%-• ' • : „ ' , • ... . , . . ..... : . . . 1 - . I . 1 I . ' ..• • . • ' . , . . ~ ! ' 1 . .. . . s ( 1 ' . 1:: , ! • . . . .. ' ' , t • . 1 .• , . . 1 ; ; •,, . , . . . , i _. ; , , . , ! • , , . . ..- , , i • . ; ~ , , , ~ , , . , ,--, • • _ . . .„ .• . • , . , \,LL - 1 : • , 1 ! I• Ix 1 .41 1 . . • . . ..... • I , ; • ..,.4 . . r,.... . I , ..... R . ..,...„ ... t . _ ..,.,,...„; ... T-,.,.....•,.,_ ./.. , . , , ... ,„.. .. ~ .„,'• . ~.. ... . ,r, . : • . ' I • . / I ' V ..•.•• , .. . . - ' . . . ..• . A • 42'•••• . . , ' • __ ~„_,...__ _ .... j.._ . L . ....: , _.• ~ ' '., ' , . „! , -._ , _ - ~ , , ... •• , I . •-- --- —..------ I . , - _ . ' 44 THE WORLD IS GOV.ERNED TOO MITCH." , /"''' , 7 --- - ✓• • -4:./.•; _ ~•• .. • •-: - --, rd -_,\,_•—• _ ....___ , _ .... . . . , , ~ II N 1.., 3 _ XVIII, - .., , . _ • _ „ , . : SATURDAY, .MAY 22,' .1847. ' ' ,/,''' ;?'. ": • . \', , . ~,:.-, ./.'-'-,/ . . I ' 6 ' 1 , . 1. , . -.4- Fredonia's eagles o'er the foe,. Sereanaeddn trituniilt Ear along; But a plant of pain' and woe . Ito,se abyc his peen song! -Far along the foe's array, Valor 1411glat de6Pairi* When thf pale sun turned away, • Ilia teas dimmed thr l battle-alare! • 1)11ic(; • at hiq and Peach I 49 EM ll —7- . ' lt IP 131.1 that VI.; AblViatiPAl were Onell roots conatei)- 0 over the failcit Americans for the commits 'of their siirsack- tied canteens. -- Frotn Giulia:n*o Maiwine. ' , 1 1‘11C -OATH OF MARION, STOR* pl"ffni;,l-EITOLuTioN. at La% the Pv; --0 flic e on 1,14; Srinare„ =MEM REEEI ' . "Nun , . by yond' marble heaven, In tile reverence Ora If:treed vow, I here engage my words, '..—OrnEit.o., We left Preston 'tortured with the reflec- ',Siker WAre, flee( I nerinne fill M i I.l9tise, Erie t on that the news of Kate's peril had eorno ' Sktl. P a, a l tfa iiriPhilflfrighrtilttu! t ' isainiedry an orderly apileared•at the Aorand requested •or hero's "presencq at headyirters, where a ouneil of otEeeri was' to hp immediately held. • Goods, G ro stvare, 'rtier of State e the Ea 21 e ' Wondering what enterprise called themto- gether, and fearful lest duty should prevent his ohtui9ing th'e furlough which he intended o ask, in Order that he might save Kate, or t least die in the attempt, he walked moodily o the tent- Of Marion: .here 10 found the eading captains of the brigade already as embled, late ag, was the him ; and beside' hem, Col. Lee, who had just joined Marion With his legion, suhsequently(socelahrated in bidertaker, 1 Sticet-No» ects, Erie. that partisan war. - \ • !‘lbelieve Capt. Preston is the lust one ex 4 pected—l am glatfto see him sagely Daunted," said Marion, when our hero,•having bowed to his brother officers, had. - astimed a seat, nand as the airair on. which we have met is urgent; 7 we will prt coed at,,once to'husiness. Capt. llorry, will you state the purpose of this. as sembly, after that we will listen to you all, - 'beg4iii i lg with Capt. Preston, who is the youniNst," , . . I;‘,TER, I ilcili a in , ct, Erie, -Actlici nes Reed 1 lin c. No. 11 t, &c., No. 1, ils, Dye, lowe, Erie- Every eye, as he spalte, had been turned on Marion; and ai hitherto we have given no des cription of this . celebrated Personage, we will emplorthekinterval in drawing his picture. ,Marion, alt that time, was about forty-eight, .y'ears .old;. small of statue, swarthy in visage, aid having a, face crossed by many lines of thotight, , Without being positively stern,in a , spect, there was a hard' expression in, .his countenance, which at first might - seem. to augur a bosom equally bard; hurMarion was, in reality, a man of a singular mild tempera-' ment; and the usually passionless expressiOn of his face arose rather from. the, firmness of .bis s ehtiracter; and the responsibilities of his ; . station, 'than from any lack of human sytnpn thy.l .11is - eyes?Were dark, small, and- pier cing; but at times they Iciindled with 'enthusi asml This, indeed, was the only evidence 1 that a physingotnist could have found of geni ! us in Marion; but when those eyes flashed \ indignantly at wrong, blind, indeed,. inust he I,have been, who did not see the master-tpirit, within. In attire, this' great partisan Ades was simple and modest. Ills ,words general ly were few; and, after the exertion he .made . iaoilcoming Preston, lie sank hack into !isi lencg which he: mainteinet Anita the confer ence was Waking' tip, only, as each officer delivered his opinion, Mar on would cast on him a momentary gliseeota if to read his soul and then sink his head on his breast,thotight7 ful and abs Faded. • —', i, - N , In few Nvp • rl . (apt. Horny explained the purpose for n'thiCh the . couecil bad been con vened. A spy had just bogie in with l e int telligence that ,the garrison of Georgetown had been consi erabli reduced; oti • which Col: Lee hid propo d that: an iattack. should Abe made upon the Once; P . cethe-...conntry,•flx pected 'some I) 141•0 dee also.•stroke, ,now that his for . Marion s were united:~ The plan he-s ggeited wa ',- (fit a portion of the brigade should drop dtl)sitil the Pedee by night, and lie in ambush below thentk4n; that on the succeeding ' night, ' oils 'Pirty, elieuld enter the town on that defenceless side, and taking it by surprise, open an' entrance for their cornrideS, yl;ko, led II Lee 41)d Miritin in per s on, well be ready,'at Ow signal toad: ~_d, I 0. chant:; 1(19 et Caryl Ca 'Prtivisioni% s,_ Wo9l,ButL Country Pro ; DWELL. and !louse' ,very cheap ne N.LN 4.- co. 27 DIEM BUENA. VISTA. BY C. L. IntlieLert. Lightly, comrades, o'er the ground., Where repose the dead - and dying; - Let nomiMid word or sound 4 Rise eh ve the IoW villa& sighing,. Pale the mu her vigil keep; Wit l i4e t ie night' 7 soft detv:is falling, n Or& the form that dreamless sleeps, Dier hears more tit' reveille's calling. Yesteranorn the hopes oVife Upward sprang in many u ureast— A 11, in do'sensangniu'd strife, Eied witti 'the twilight in the west, ;Valor here (Lath fou,nd n name, %, - Shame a glOom t_t_3 hide its sadness, Ambition its rubric fame, l Pluek'd amid the battle's madneis. ' rtr. In hot and eager strife„ • , Fought the brave and noble-hearted; Where the den th•bfows fell moarrife— Where the death-shots thickest datred-= Bravely fought they aide by aide - , Venging deep their comrades falling, -' Pt:hiring out life's ruddy tido, For their spirits slowly pallingr. Slowly, comrades, to his sleep, ' . Bear on the libroalegs soldier's clay; `: Make the opening wide and deep, For such graves were earned to-day! 'Here immured in, roman's soil, Lehg, shall par brave comrades slumber; Life endured through hopeful toil, Here counts i:e lust peaceful number, BY CliA/11.1 2 .8 J. PETERSON'.' [Concluded.] CHAPTER the entrenchments on the landward side. • Vie heart of Weston leaped into his. throat as he heard this proo sal . "Perhaps Kate may yer be saved," he said to himself. s' Accordingly, when Horry ceosed, and Ma. riot), 141 a nod, signified his desire for our he, ro to speak, Preston's dyes kindled, and he answered. , --"My vo i ce is for the Mink, whatever be • the odds. . The opportunity for a bold, a - red, olute assault, is all I ask for. We will die to a man, or, Succeed. 1 will undertake, if ne cessary, to charge witivny company up to the very muzzles of the battery which !defends the town." - - • .Lee turned to ll9rry and nodded approving ly at these words.- g‘rt lad of - spirit," he whispered apart. '"I have hearttof his daring at Blakeley's.- • Ifaitthere been rnore'such at Carriden, we noveri would have lost' that day." Marion,' however, took ril -further notice of Preston's fiery sp4ch than to turn to the'next olicer at the table; but a very close observer mightiliave detected a sudden gleam of the general's eye; like a flash, gone in a moment. THe opinions of the other ;officers were _in i the main loss favorably to Omen erprisethan Preston's; and so many obstacle were , men . , tinned as necessary to 'overcome, that he was I , in torture lest the undertaking should be abandoned. Even Leo seemed to Hesitate, 'Startled at the difficulties brought forward.— Had military discipline permitted_it, Preston would have broken in on.the conference; but ho was forced to sitsilent, hearing, obstacle after obstacle canvassed as unconqiierrible; yet hislashin,q• eye; arid the agitation of his countenage, told how difficult it was to re: strain himself. At length all, had delivered theie opinions except Marion. lie glanced around the board before he ,spoke, and his wordy Ifelt on a breathless auditory. With Prestqn the ex citement was intense to hear the general's de cision. r •. no: I ity fin h d, e :: : sa a i n d d A t l i t l i a r t io , n elx€ ! e tth pt atelr . I L ri e t e h , e a m - ~Captains Harry and Preston, .1 am almost n a l , l aii o t ct n e :e rr .( ahi o l n u d ov o f I n es o ru t ,6 g icn o e se qi n i b t su e i s e e ; ;f tn a igi r i nt a ki s i_ ei t ' Il e a fft s e e orrpi t ir t si v s o ac fair chance—and . bravery can do the rest.:::.' Besides, gentlemen ! " said he solerrinly,, "you know it was in 'an ; aitempt ou be'pr ge to w n that my nephew last his life; and 'you all know, too, that I have,sworn to avehge him. I have not forgotten may void. BereCiod, I:siallbe i velgeibeforeto-norro l nilhtis Ist.,Tijl6rynightapartof creeps shall set forth." l With these wench he rose and dismissed the council. . pride. -- -......,,, .......1.--., 2- - ---- .. - --.- -,-...1--_,-- . to strung all to a pitch of Indignation little short of fr f enzy. The watchward,l''The Oath of Mario lir' was adopted by gederal consent, and psssed from lip to lip. • Prestob, it may well be supposed, ryas even: more excited than his commander. Ilis only fear now was that his succor would arrive ton ! late. Agitated by this thought,he tossed to 'and fro on his couch, vainly seeking slumber. 1 Many a muttered imprecation left his lips on thvillain who had destroyed his happiness ancNiat of Kate. Prequently lie half breath ed aloud the wish that his enemy was before him; man to man, with none to interfere he twcen him and his revenge. . , _ I These thoughts mingled-with his dreams, when, exhausted by his agitation, he sunk finally into a troubled and feverish slumber.— Stiange figures hovered around his bed, and 'haunted his morbid fancies. lie imagined himself bound hand and foot, while his enemy' came to exult over him, leading Kate by the. hand, now a'dejected, broken-heated creature I whom to look at made tears start to the eyes. Then again she was seen, clothed in -bridal white, extended, like a human sacrifice, upon an altar; while Major Lindsay, converted- in toi a hideous priest of Moloch, stood ready to I\plunge the knife into her bosom. A third time he saw her, standing before a clergy. man, while the marriage ceremony was per formed between her and Major Lindsay; be thrilled with ecstacy to find he wet not too late, and , rushing forward to save her, the bridegroom was suddenly transformed into a' grinning fiend, and she into a pale, 'cold corpse. Shivering with horror he awoke, and started from his lick nor .was it OM he had passed his hand across his broW 110 the ghastly vision faded entirelY:-•, , , 1 ' But his waitini thoughts wee scarcely lass harrowing than his dreams.: Sluwly the recollection ' of Kate's sacrifice, and his .^own unhappiness carne back to hint. 1 , 'N., * .6‘To learn that I am loved, yet iierhaps too Jate," lie murmured, "Why wail so proud when we last met;" L I f The sound of the reveille, - howeyer, stn tootle(' him to lily duty. On einerging from hia marquee he saw that the camp, was al= ready in motion. The dragoons wero rub bing their horses; the legion ‘.#_,_ polishing their arin4; 'officers were superintenißug •the mustering their several corps; and the whole scene was alivi.; with bustlo • tknd noise—tlie neighing of steeds, and 'the voices of men mitigling l indiscriminately. ,Almostthe first person Preston met was Seijeant s l!jacdonaid, dragging'along the' old butler., i, - kl, , om e you quite tikfor t iluty, serjeantr said', Preston. "That was a bad e2truptde . you set the men last night." - -.TIle feYge.aut;‘ looked, soule!4t• ith,sslied,.' and'he %Assaulted, out. 45,_ apPirY,., . , _. ~ "Why jou i i ee.uspiajo, we ad no wrk PA our hands; And the !Jsmaica • was uncommon 104:41 4 . • Besides ,we wished to do honer AO ' this gentlennim-Mr. , Snow, I believe."', , "Not Mr. Snow," - said'eld Jaiatr,' diem/ lug himself up wiPlilikeityp "kq4',Jiiet),4 Blake- - ley, .sarri.4oassa giti me Vo_ownitstoo,-.. Ads- , ' is cap'n.trestonkuow_datwelLenaugliV , eu‘V be Imwed,jbut with a -fa t ittliariquileoo::aur: ,!":,. ~ '''.'-',; -:,' •;' '‘:,.s '-'7 .- ', "I ten - looker -y-ou- svelli:JtitAt! 40114 "Iqui I fear you do not find our- quarters as comfortable as those qt Mrs, Blakeley's. We set out in less than ;in hour, on it secret expedition, and p - erliaps - 4rott had I better re turn home:" "Please God, no, ma's . sa,l interrupted the ohlinan emphatically. 1 ,44.1 f volunteer sooner. Dls affuirl inspect, hab - something to do wid 'sweet missus Kate; and old Jecol,2 . 3yll—riebber desert her while he can fight.". "But he does not even know how to wield 'sebre,'? said Preston, turniiti, , :to his ser , gespt. "Lord! rye had him at the broadsword ex_ ereisaihesetwo hours,"- replied' Macdonald, asida to Preston. "Pe's Wonderfully . quick, consideriii Ite)s a nigger; And he strikes, too, liko a edge-hamtner.,. Besitles,,lte's red hot with con !re just'now—ti reg'lar black lob ster lopoiled . • Preston snit ed. fie saw that the whole matter had been \ arranged between- the two confederates. • \ "Well, sine; you \ re bound on trying a short compaign with he said, "I shkli ha 6 no objection. Only . \it you are killed,' what am I to say to your Mitress?" Old Itto6b looked abashed at the-hare sups position, but lie quiclly rallied. "Nebber far dat," he replied, „tinning. "No, indeed," replied Macdoli,ald," it would take a saw-14111 •to tut throug your skull."' "My skull Is not so - tick as you tit , Massa Macdonald,"-replied old Jacob, tart!) turning on the sergeant, "I hubyou know dat, sar." - "Well," said Preston*, laughing, (Md. time is to be lost. "Get ready at Once to start." The sergeant_ accordingly dragged ow the volunteer, saying, i good humoredly, • "Keep close to me tylien we , charge, and put all your innsde:into ev ery blow you make. You're one excellent quality, let me tell you, without flattery—you hate those English dam nably." "Sartain, par," said old Jacob, cooking a full stop until he 'delivered 'himself of his . 'speech. , "Dey are gOod itioking offisur enough; but, ear, deg tink Jucob Blnkeley uo more dan a hose.. Ps Jacob here, and Jacob dare—and de best of Militia wine at dat.- 4)ey tinlenobot6 gemman but darsylves. I'se show 'em dar mistake. Lot' Ninighty, ' I extinguish:dem." iiIME=II "Wo the Britieli t•eldiery, - 'rim'. little liretulAm On them Midi light ut midnight, A etrange tool euddim A A moincof th, t ( monscut nuol - 1 , 4,1' 7 ,. - ")-7 ---- It - was - evenntg. in a -nrr r , r ,-- mk,”. e i rmovm”,- 1 apartment, elegantly wains Coted, and tilled with rich furniture, an innumerable number . of lights were blazini, as if the room was shortlyiito -witness a festival. Pipose.l about on 140 exquisitely liwinered Chinese stands, were v4,ses filled.with lloWers; most of them white.;; A rich Prolyer-book lay open on a t.:t ble at the head of the room, At the side ; m, ' place liad been fitted up for the orchestra.— ThesOwere the preparations for the bridal of our hoioine—strange mockery! , At 110,gth the company began to gather.— Atnotig numerous Officers end other gui.tsts came Col. Cambell;the commandos of th - e post, littledreaming of the tragedy in which/un wittingly he was playing so prominent a 'part. He was followed by Mr. Mawbray, accompa nied by the groom.' ' Major,Lindsay was dres- , set in uniform, but lio wore a white favor on his breast, and his sword-knot was of stiowy ribbon. He walked with a firm, 'proud step, and looked around smiling. lie knew that there was scarcely a brother otlicer that did not envy him the pm.scssion of lii:i bride; and dip consciousness of this increased The exuberance of his spirits. The prize he !tad so long struggled fur was now. about to be won; _and - all regret at his conduct haylong, since vanished. Gratified triumph w‘s w it, ten on ever)! feature of his fuse. .O . ii_, doivbray was attired ni tirod with b eleg4nce, though the guests remarked la 'his dress was almost too sad fur awed i ig, It Ogliti indeed, with almost equal proPri ty havti;heeit worn at a funeral. .li'lle dresN in t. fitc6vis nor bad type of Mr. Mowbray's feel ingfii and, perhaps had been chosen on t la+ acctiiint. The truth was, that in,socrc ho cot 4 not reconcile himself to thia uulonH Thdugh Kate IterselVe'eping on hi; hosoM, hadi declared she was ready to 'm rry illOo! 'Lindsay, and' though Mrs. .1)141iP ey• ,hersel i decqlved, liadlassured 14 that-Ii tees agitr ioti,iartisi) only from the usual c yness if mtifiii he could not cxpel from his mart an ltn• : i ease fear, lestKa . te had consented to this niar ) ' f ine only ' save his lire.' Why e,so vas she. so palelNWlty 'were her' spirit - so high in coMpany, - wUe she bore traces, t'i l lie' thought, of tears in ei.,ret:l. Only tlidt morn ing he nd caught her ‘4gpingi; and Magi he pro sod to know the cause, Ice deciaredl t she was merely nervous --iiii osser which firs. t .,, Blakeley corroborated. T o purchas ife with i k, her unhappiness, was hot he could 11e ,, t on sent to; and'lg for ler, the aged patriot.• r.. , haps, would' have,seorned to. purchaser i on any terms, i.. ' As wo.have said, therefore, , a sppret tre- sentiment,filed - :-Mr. Mowbray'a;,heart % '', , t sadness,; Something sepioetl to' ' wloiititet to , , , him ,that.it was not yet too - late to drawback, , He seemed,' indeed, like one going to a scat- , fold; rather ';hag lite:the Nitwit 0 . ,a liFid. . Directly the bride "entered, r ittended:4 l ll4,t airriti'und . thelaugliter of ork,Otthe - otil ere: Kate was dressed iii simple ivigte, without a l t.lStee,,,,Orritatrient,:atteiy'p:elitiott-rof -,a614? il i t4 * (i ii . c9 J l. O tacct i.,04 11 : 09.keiValMelt.! like sninefivirc.Y±ltlit. Ole Was ''.wo4o o 6 l i 1 bitiititid - ',E`eii lei'!lletiiikii jiFiliii - iipiiid AKA 4*.conne, Hat some- .of“, ttia,- fal c aleed ,-, ._ fttenentliett4yibuditer i edliidtoeitrta '',an' - site appiooll94, ; .,,c,o l ) l 4 , i,netilintireti ' desiiiii . the :rfreCifof her. 4UCli3arißefigti ' M :MO) the, ME grace of .every movetnent. Yet she looked rather like a nun about to take the veil thin' like a bride. Her smiles were no longer at her4command—for the near approach of her doom had completely - .prostrated her. She seemed now what she was—a victim wreath ed for the sacrifice. _ She had at in her room all that afternoon, in a sort of stupor, her •flogers convulsively clasping and unclasping each other, and her eyes bent on the floor listlessly. (-The going out and coming in of her attendants attraeLed no attention'. But she had not shed a tear. the fountains' or her eyes seemed scorched rip.: When the time came to attire her 'fur the ceremony, they bad to rouse her; and the vacant gaze of inquiry she turned on the ser vent, 'made the slave, foi a moment, think her insane. • But when her aunt came in to 'au perkntend, her toilet, she seemed to revive, and with an effort rose from her chair, and wel comed her with a smile—blt ono like . a sun beam on a wintry day, cold and shuddering to look:upon. From this moment, Imwever, she , was rake like erself, though dt times the muscles of her Routh would ,twich convil sively4. At oth r trines she would turn iiiiy her head, acrd expression of heart-hreaking we would thenqshoot aorosS her countenance; but, on meeting her aunt's eye once mode,. I - Sho would eltay again to Idle, '?•- : A few inelnents before die, cereritouY w4:s to begin, they left her alone for a moment.-- She was standing% before the mirror, and her eyes fell on the redaction of her form. \"The sacrifice will soon be complete," sho sat bitterly. "God forgive me—yet surely I ain\oing right. Oh that I could but weep, but the c is a load here," l anti See pressed both hauls upon her breast' ? "that keeps' die tears. It I like burning tire." • - • , Who woul have ' believed that this' ghost: ly face was th once radiant one of Kate .• I Mowbray? • \. lier father ntond ear the dooras she e l nf . tered. Ile was strut with the dry stony pression of her face, an started 'forward 'tip her side: He spoke in a • Viiisper, Lid wit)4 'startling earnestness. • I adjure You; rtly daughtetq he said, "tell me—ware volt willing to goon With this •Ita t t. ter? Say but a *Ord and it' shall be brok 011 •:" _ Kate lifted her eyes to hid with a s O den movement, and tlie glance they gave wall of numerable iov It was such; if we . 0.,y say so without prt4umption, as a martyrlzel might have'ttirited to.heaven from the 'stake. It thrillbd every nerve 'in thWt: father's franie. That same sad, sweet smile, too, was on tier tinder in tlietrave. - Ms (lenbtf were only lffreselrod, but lie could say no tirtro, aid together , they ad vanced to the temporary altar where the bridegroom and priest stiiml awaiting them. Kate felt a cheking in. her ,throat, as her eyes first fell on Major Lindsay, and it seem ' eti to her for att.instant, as if her laiees'were failing her. But she remembered' that her father'Reyes were•bent anx i ously on lier:tufsl from that motneut there t liS no longer any falterin i g on, her part. • ,_ I' The buzz which attemhd her entrance had now subsided, and a deep , ,hush fel) on the room. Evctry ear was•strained to catch the first sound of the minister's voice. A watch might have been heard to tick. "Denrly beloved," began the minister,' in the time hallowed OM of the - I' pit.eopal chpreh, "we are gathered together here in the sight of God--.." Ir Ile had proceeded tht's far, when Emelt a sudden and startlifig bu st of tumult arose from the distant street,- hat be - raised ,his eyes with a look of alarm, • from his book. It iivan Ilke the confused ringing of 'bolls, half drowned in the shouts ;of people. All at once the town. bell itsel , close at hand, took op theliprottr, and its it n tongue was beard clanging hurriedly and fiercely on the ,night. The male part of 1110 . 1 t 'their feet. "Hark!" said Ci the town oit lire'?" "There it ioe4 louder' eda second; "it must be ' t ' The women now lent theirshrieks to; the ) tumult. The officers, with theiti hands Obi ther swords, rushed toward the - door. , The 4 divine had dropped his.Pgiyer:book, nd his'l 'r looks were full of inquirk and astontalniTt. if Kate, %vial a quick look of alatni, Aran " bank to her father's sidl. , All was . wonder , , 1 1 ter or, and dism4Y. ~ 1 ( , The uproar withoot increased. LoJderatul 1 ' ti t eertlie: n la i n i n-l i ce t;.fii alarm-bell ttto rang: steels ncr v t e( l ls‘e i dit re aard harryingo sliouts, mingled with the report of fire-arms, Icame to the ear. Then drums were heard bentintrhastil - y-to-arms, and 'at this ,signal every military man present rushed out into th'e 14r. .e. \‘ k•-• 'llet not tdarmod," said the bridtr -- Ho. to Rii.4., "It is only a false 'alari t .4 .._ . ' 1 airiting to Kan.-, .L .—.,... ./.ri, ~ a drunken miltipy.' `I will soon be back; - , iina '‘litli these watrils he ep!ang ' after his ciani •llN*(c`iiii:einalesi.reri:ltolyleft a ' lene,ex'eept . ifig. the minister acrd . Str.`l4l4bri.,ty , ::` bit t4e,in - 1 L .1 • 1.•-•fc - • ; '' - • ' 1 I ' it • malt ; wax, ,i \ flimiptisly no trilling. onelr, !Ille• shets seemed tapproael), and giew louder; a Vushing sottlid,'li'§ - f an advancitig: C'ro‘titl, lt : %)114 liellycl;',tliioca/Ale n.. , e 7 tirtns - Wil"eliiii,a, ecijltint!ili,, AO fteCttlea, c . set% :la, lii!)(l,etteit tTnimeiit ; Antl , still.lotOeti` atul. nntAiu . rrieilly,_ 'tile call to:arliiii*aEibbite!N4hite liereet .the'' kalarm - bett'Aiil: l 4,l,44,iti,iiijiii:.P . lP ' l'F : lii* . : ! - i p . fid ; iier,i4e4lo.",:s.,4 bio c i,iifjejc:ioig4ipasit- ; ed serous We. winilovfilrem the '-i do •Arll. nt'on,•J-O e T. tH Bit;itittterietisf tertek Were•liestdlneelting:l ISnoiniAl 31r, hipAthrei intnielrgaq`qiie'V iiiinOUnd' burrying top the lentienlunt , ,, Anur,lt.mt, •. Lt. iiiiii the 12014 1 14 4 1 t'ottn,as without ' 440ut00l " , -,t i. : .-: - . . . -,-, : -.!.. - re.. - --• , :L...:•;...5....•:..1 more distinctness, and gime louder. fie look• ed out. , qt. Is Marion and his men,T lie cried cx, tingly. 4 .llark! here they mime 1- . . Witlt a wild cry at these words of pron sed tieliverancC, Ktfie sprung to her fatlier i i;side and looked oat. At the-lowerFnd of the vil- ; lage .one . or two houses were in-flumes, and their bright glare lit up the otherwise black prospect. Close at hand, and retreating -to ward her ih disorder, was a company of the royal soldiers, fl whom she saw the lar gest portion of to to iifficerslutely assembled that apartment. She oould distingUish Co Campbell and Major Lindsay amonf , others, 'sword in hand, endeavoring t . vally the men. But further down the street was a spectacle that filled her bosom with ..the Wildest snd moat tumultuous Joy. per? .the ,way was blocked up, front side to side; by b presl4 of assailants, who wore theuoifaiii of Marion's -brigade, and , who were advancing with loud shouts, charging continually on the-retreat ing foe, whom they drove before theM aw trot* drive frightened sheep, As the battle drew 4.arer, she could distinguish the rover. 1 al war cries. "I.lti zza for narion--..Rehtember his 'lll— Oil the dogs r, . . . . These were the shouts of the assailant to which the royal officers replied, , "Stand fast for Ohl England, Down with rebels.. Stand Nair' • ' • ' For a moment the retreating fugitives ral lied, and made a stand, Thi's was altimst op posite the witulutv , whore Kate remaiued with her father, in spite of the danger, eliaiifed, as if by fithination, to the spot. A 4inforeetnent of soldiers, at the same instant, came running down the street, and their companions parting right and left to make way fo(theiu, 'they gained the front and threw in a withering vol ley On the toe. These, not expecting o uch a sudden theCk, fell er. into some disord ' , ,I N . o 1 I - ) • %w charge on the rascals," cried a voice, and Cut. Campbell sprung tq the vin, waving his aworq. "Give them thq ;haynnets,'- lads,. unitT l t i l e it is ti s e t l io i o is f t o ll i e rs 4nbat hit t l ig I l ethb ' li ; ri l g I l in 1111.1 -j eatef t itt i l i att: e :ll:ili b liiiie ; ,eye l tr a rb, i, fl n tarvui c aecal e eisio . 6tigialpentita T i‘rtilgriz i : i eeelK e dr;:i,t e itni sf :el:s, j a iidtel i ttu l ,: a aignoe ti 7(fu t iA; s ui f flofit i o iciti, i iisi i ii .- isa i rait d :iiihilrpt e e)c, i u:a g stetrei t d: t i t s ,iii..nieli t ieed i l f within her, when suddcLnly the traMp of-hors t -=, - . [ 1 distant fire played redly edit. Need we say It•was that of Preston?' His, uplifted sabre )f shed in the wlid slam like a•blood-red,me , tees, . _ A . Ti 4 t Ap T cll. of Ate m and willfrenr:y into the assaitano,,so lately about to ihrn. st , "The oath , kof :11arionl - exclaimed a stal wart figure at\Preston'S side, as he smote a royal gienadia \to the earth With a single stroke. The cry was eg,ht up by the crowd:— lThe oath of Marion' the oath oe Marion: - rung front a hundred voices: and the as:.ail ants, with that cry, rusite)l on the royal troops like an avalanche rushes fr nit the sky. llut, foremost of all rode Preston . a d his serjednt; while their terrbr-struck etiemies \ aroUnd them went down, with every sweep ol\their good swords, like grain on a harveKt-fieht, \ : „ The royal trqops broke in every direction, The officers, Seeing resistance was va'n be fore so headlong a charge, turned also to ek safety in flight. • Col, Campbell,. howev4 seemed tlispeed to stand his gromfd, but .I‘lae•\ &m all riding his Powerful steed against; liiiii hurt; him down, and thd next instant tho com mandant, to save his life, yieltka himself n prisoner,. l lt was at this nioment that 'Major liindsaY &+V, for the first time, the face .el* Preston. With an oath, hiised hetkeen 'ifs teeth, ho snatched a fire-lock from a dead sill= dier beside him, and pointed it at our hero, ' who, not perceiving him, would infallibly Inivla. fallen, but that . "his name uttered in a shriek by Kate 'arrested his ear; and turning he be held his enemy, who was ahnosein a_ line with the wiedOw whence the warning had i . been heard. The lightning that-riv s the oak is not quicker than was the blow ofreston's, sabre. Dew i n, right on the head of, his wirers sary, descended the heavy steel crashing -through the skull as if' it had been only so much brown paper:, and with,that blow, the soul of the villain , and• assassin went to his long tic entint. l -, • kate 'saw .no More. She , e,arce i ty indeed saithat. The only kneW that her -lover hal been warned in time, and had esgaped; for her father now drew her forcibly' in,land shut the perilous ea , sement, arinied which the pistol balls were -attli fig I ikelfail. Then Shia swoon- , ed• away._ "t' " 1 , ' , ~ . ' The rest of that night is ntattler of hi T tery. The town was, for iv while. = Ntholly in the bands of the assailant's, and the i ictory would have been complete• but for sometniapprehen sion in the hour ta l l which the different detach-1 ments were to' attack, which eletbled it part of 'the fmenty to pain their g4riso t, where they wero too strongif ,entretiOied Ae;be taken' '1 - - without- . rtillery."lhe aSsivilats aceerding.-' 7v-retire after having eapt'ttretlilfp*T;n and it :made : Co . Canipbell priseurr. 7 r , _ , , ~.....- Preston had heard Kate* voice. aiiil,2leuy i -' ing-bis lieutenant, to pur i st* -the, ,Ingitivei, sought her out 'immediately: -His weir:. the eyes late first 4)034 'on When oho recovered train her: sween.,-,' !ter,'Oad - *uprise," or hii(l own joy tip( find her atilii*OWnwitent,hail feared dick arrival was too late; w must; PI•Y,O l a 'td-the iinaOhntionaof the raider: ' At "Os one of these .cetreihin s titin . liftigrucige I 'l.4O'feeble to portray. - When, toward ,dayineak; Ma ieit iaye'or . dere far • the tiara to be .av i ecu eli t 'Kitte sir lite fainting "nd : heart-brokiett, torflt ho`t place' on horse''-bitch b'e'is . ,6n her fittliai . and re..,-ton, . , - a . nikrzt a? tu3'y-lt?okitig= and htlipy .a.stner.--- IcoMpany spritig to ampboll, "oanitt bo 11,1n(11atider," fxclaim an insurrection." •odm, qr ," hr shouted. in a voice A Spectator could seaicely have her the p drixpirig' lily of before. • Mr. /1 owbray, ,on iltearlog ti which his daughter would have tm betrayed-% th 6 dc(ii.est emoti waa a gentle reproach in his eye, which Kate answered by a glance able love. Though Preston learned that 01 claimed his assistance without t of Kate 'he was consoled by her assure/Ks that she loved iiitn as t well as if she hailher roll despatched- the r ' messenger, a few weeks she became the \ :*ife of our here. StriS Would hare pleadedf(ir delay, but der father aid he was uncertain!how tong his. Ifa might he continued, and !Wt bo wished Vo sewher, have a protector before he died, so Kate yistri;_ . ed to his wiiltes. . r ( Macdonald did not; like Ms master, live!* ;see the war citictudedi lie fell shortly after Ilthe attack on Georgetown, leaving behind I .ltiva . the reputation, of ontrof the most gallant soldiers of the time... .. As for old Jacob, he survived to dandle Ott chitiften of KatClind Preston on his ktee-... lie had not only taken part in the fight:: eS Georgetown,"but quite distinguished himself, having slain an English ' soldier n singht combat, On this feat he was_ accu tomes] tiii dilate with much self-complacency. He at: tVrivs wound up his story with thes wordi, : i•Ile tried to run me through wit his bey* onet, but it %pp: no' uSe,, you see. the gar.. vont had lamed me hit; beet-bend I stroke; (1, and I brought it areund jist so," ! s uiting the action to the word, "%MI flat ' -lie fell - dead ..; , atid,suspOnler'ed •hi,i briatit." • . 1 _ • • - WILL or A Si ;trips 11.1*...4.-4tre learn from the Slarlhoro (Md.) Gazette that Prince George's County Court was engaged for titre's days in the trial of u case brought by the heir's of the late John Townsend against the Will i of the Testator. The Jury, after being emt 2 fined fur nearly two days, were dismissed,'be-' in unable to agree i upon' a verdict. Tho4' , • Cluzette. says ' .. • ' I ' (iln 004 Will the testator has litre tied a bei / ll Ilk 04% - e:4—about ,Ifilly;',in number=--and de. wised to them all his latids and other property -,and made '"provision that,, in the event or any obstacle in the' law to• defect this object, - thonegrOc, should become s tile slaves of 14s nephew, Jeremiah Tewns•essd, who should nay copt from them one cent per yea" for hire, A large number of witnesses , were 'emulated ..:iieri: t'e prove that the testator labored 'under tieltk,-7, - -: - 7:: 1 :. sions in regard to' the subject of .11.eligi4"- ; ,:!: sue!, as supposing he ,'had held converse teidit. - .-41: - . 6 0d in • rSOli- that it_was_ the llalv-aancti- - in Which: he declared I lie had held arguments ~,_ and c'`utiversations fat* to fare with Gint...m- ''' :.k., ceivel COMMaII:IS froiit pis maker; which connnands .was to liberate Hrs : 11:1,.ye4 ,'',\ .--7 : on penalty of being pul i nished hereafter. , i 1 :14.'- - -,_: ''7 .1 .:. the other part it was Sbowu that Mr, Toirini. , - -- ,';! ; :r•ie .: , end . u.tn, shrewd at a bargain, and ghoul re:WO - - al en all subjects but Religion: .that Ile witata - charitable man and a gOod neighbor, refusing to go to lani on any subject, preferrisgtiallui up'claints rather tb4n do so-4-that belieds - A ~...c , grett) repogna Hee to lies tling disputes of i 'Lliitit, , .`*.t, day, &,e., by law, and w9ulJ, after ionss4ing t '''t . i! his 'talking mind,' (us tte sometimes -e,alied , f'4', - :, Cod,) giye itp parts L.t: claim ari s d ••plegiinAN :":W Jana." • _ - 1 - ' -, „.e• ' -:.-_-;,,1 .AsmercA Asia itti:t.:.l.sio.•=-Tliree ttaseettiat . .. - ,',2< . miles and more are,beteen na and the city whiett, beat's the name of Wa - shirmt on. - Tiareeetitok4arit - --; . ..-14 mites —ai - olyet-the lie4rth or men, of public pees --',. , „,:4 'l7 heard the %nice (4 )l ealatuity ‘ lintlaasiele4 : ',',-; it wen thence. It is gi l l eviotil too that webssie le .-i'; •• \ I be ' gin:: fortrt the code of the earth. Ili* a bite ..•':' ter,..dr' ttgltt that comer our of the cup of clue •Ity. ~. Z_„ 4 rietint• .n in offered to us try friends. Iftlaem fir st- -,34E nation tO , whieb arc coUld look et nattaslied for l a 'tieti.:::„, - .4 aid, it la f kiter , ries. T he name - sounds case2lierli,' i 'Pour ears. There lie the banes - of our itiarlietit;;;a and theic then r fish sped ! ) and the Irish ette beftre L . , : „s ' have hewn . a 'tea fof i Giviliza ion its the tireOse?.:i . . i ., the sun: And the nada* adopted by, the Aseedi; ----`7:--; 1 -19iis --to assis: kis in= Nti deadly strtigstle;l44o; ''..';.: untary, so genernu., vi i kiliiitt 111 - wish or iirc#ntdei r „ ,, .. still mere reeuneilvs use ilg ree,..iye their ivittsiteal, ''-'. - --J: assistance. • „I , \ , ,-_,‘:•;: Cut, citimens-oi Nraerica,' :non_ltita -- t - w . itt• l' aiiilir -- that !.::‘, , :„....... nett conaent to lock iagt.n , tbis ‘ iti gm elms, frottee!`:-...„1 a built A laan'tndut; repaid in , is ierterie 4tteni;,.,. or to' be entailed tor '`olir pesterity.' A loali thas , ; . ` i l ill 4 will be requited to yintAvitb tirterest, lon, •cter bY year,;l :::;4::'t •'), \,4\ St) lon as Ireland ha; a people. 1) , nal !tilinkl: ,, :e . , , : : -7: thisione onvaciou.. It is the 'unce4troliAte 1.;• 7 7' dit tate of a spirit that; w ill s ivy beilitvsil*4:4 - '-;'-i : Lid, tia . .ion! la ;Le ...I;iy ..ifyour ti4al; in th(W4l4, _: ncyottr calamity, I rcidLiel %%lit he no4rer,lo y9!l, you;ntay di \ern sr a . < Itril!.. for i , the hog of reitioit, .-;•_, itetnenics.r.L-- itutt;tl Ll,,l.tion, Olardi .Nl. : i ..„':',=-. • ; ;,'.. :, -, , ,: :.,f. • . A new St a;ii• 11l \ 'irer ca',,leil tie Are Oris fir! -,,'.:--;',. been cortata‘nceti at Vert erne. by the editor of dip: ..•.„--,:; Et intiikiatl,tr. 1" itii langtTge it ,yrould appeet - yi; that the NI c‘ii.:lll.4 nrs pleased with the Anierleti*--, - c: 11 . 1 . d.averiturs, as the I.ico Iris style" them tour ozei, --- 7 ,- i . , - T ,,5 e.t.a Or - f." 'll.a . tariff adopted iry Gel4 - Wiiirtte 14„.,%i ir ;'. ! prlbliil ) iril in t his paper, and - tlicetlitor spealtiaeatr: - •,ipz, iSl:tet 'tily of 0;c e.)4et , pit:stell by hhitt lii, stbal;=•' :l: -.' „ I A t. ishintz the mon vo.tes any tnaus irepet3l44 .00 t : tleNiliari geverkiinen. IL-also ieFomateafilt that ..;„:,, the nen. gO i verninent I f:multi adopt a better eoursti, ' - ,:4 . : A , i; %:• ; A '‘- . d tl at ti a 1 .. it est.ot ts a .11 g . t h e truport -utitA,, ett t ,.. ,.,. . i., 1 principal "necessities" at Icatt, i shoubl be rculraiac -, i,.; : i jerl !lir a rea- ~:,. taazitbil At iiliout ill inapoSltiOlOr . : 1 , heavy thitiea, ntiieh I m ill, preyent lir? itnuiedia*:. " I I stiPply:—.\ i ,l': Ill:t1 1 • 5inr._ .. .,..,._- L. ' 1, : . ~'•' ~„,. ~; ' '. ..,,, ,,: ;: d Fu,...1-,ton.l)4iao 11. -Letris,'lliesentd,offkr;rts ..t , 1 Alabitnia WC FCC it, slate.' irtpieNyrOilegiosteetii• - " -- .; *respendetitidi a eiy i nornhur liap Fr.; yeas, oi l - ~.9.7 . !:& 1 urduila,Lin the act iefgetting,l4teb'eiptrageselji. s l ', P i enusylvoia avsntsit i okeit.4 , =l#94t OtAtn,„liet . es,:::: ; trio! of the carriage,Otie hisr est, WP1•347.441F1R -: 's• 'crossing over the totlpliag pole, and rlcittilitist*,,q -: 4 log the ground betsieen the ulleelsithe teaidatedi 'Lis period . being 'invisible inside - the bieli l A ~,,- ; • 'e'en:readily believe that it Was asnirtoUs, 1. •'.. `•. fiit the'"outaide. burlier ians:i to` t'en a haek,...tfef ittra.,"...:_ ,ing by the sidewalk, with two ,ue!( inibetteritlti .. . - „, legs stinking tbrna:4ll the liOttOITI; as itIOS I S of 4.til '-,:- Ile:ler:Ode Cltairntan i on 1... ,, ,,a ,._ 71 : : , ~,1 ',_. ,, (::.'A 'ay. if° ~ :it. a or Nciti"„et frort;111/ tu 5.11.).11.y.,• • ~, - c- ...'.:.•'; A I -:,; - ';•!:`,'Vs„' '' '•"-tAtv.lePrv! 111 ME _ •