Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 15, 1847, Image 2
/ '73,i Il General Cass, , . . - - L - tram, lb 3 PC 1111 l y:1%141211. F e Tilde 'is in the following send r ' nts ex-_ pressed by Gen. Lewis Cass, i hit fitfe . ,] speech on the Oregon question Ins year, not dull great eloquence; but great truth aria. force. Since, _the feiteralists in this -cicinitlii ; have adopted General Taylor 'as their' candi date for the pri;aidenty, who i s not only a scchern man; but a slave-hal rto boat; we hear "no more bout slavery an dissolution. Tkei didatica o the Inquitter—t e heroics of the North Am rican—the forebodings of the . United States Gazett e—bn the- addition of new-',slav6 territory to the Union,-are sudden ly hushed! *en the Net York Tribune half promises to support the old chief, and so to swallow its alumnies upon the south, arta its gloomy lire ictions of .ilissolution and dis-. aster. Fein t tis spectacle we may glean a new proof of the brazen inconsistency, and of the utter want•-•\ of principle, so often exhibited -.. . . . by the fetleralisis; They have presentcd just such a spectaclou numerous other occasions. & Once a call nk was ,the witch-word.— Now this favorte'dogma is not only forgotten, . but actually op cued. ' A bankrupt law was then preposedi mssed - by a federal Congress, and repealed at thd 'same Congress which created it. - A mlitary herd, used to be their speciadhorror, nd is now their especial fa vorite. ' On th •tarilr they have been equally unfortunate, an. will be, we predict, yqually inconsistent.' Vho does not recollect the' borriblelore.bodings indulged in on this sub- \ i ject by the whole federal press and by all the leadersf, Mr. Walker's estimatei , and the new tariff were asslied as equally infamous and 1 .1 (imperfect—as . ore to stop eypry manufactory in the land. • re heir nothing of all, this now. The cja tor has ceased, and, if silence gives content , hese partisans admit that they have been de eked and deluded themselves quite as much s they .hoped to deceive and delude others. Well was it, therefore, in view of this wholes inc übandontneut of principle, that Mr. Morr s, in a speech sortie evenings ago, admitted their overthrow ixy' the oppm,t- S , lion, unless No, vidence steppe Ifor)vard to tq deem and to slave their cause! , " [ , 'Gen. erf?' 'bly exposes the.dissolution-of the-(tfa:tin hu bug. Nowhere has it been so -handsomely at d effecti-ely shown up. His rfatirocal alltis ons to the croakirigs of feder alism are exc edingly well-timed: .- 'lt pains in , sir, to hear allusions it) the destruction of this governtnent, and to the dissolution of its confederacy. It pains me, t 'not because tl cy inspire me with any fear,' but because.% o ought to have ono impro - nouncenblew n.d, as the Jews had of , old, and - that word is i issolulion. *,,,.We should rejeCt the feeling from our hearts, and its name from , our tongue's. This cry of 'ters t ,' wo to Jern- I •i salon); irrates harshly upon mv ears. Our Joritsalcß is neither beleaguered nor in dun -1 ger. It is yet th city upon a 'hill, ghrrious . in what it is, Still more ?Jur:oils,* the bles sing of God, n % hat it is to bs—a landmark, inviting the n of tiro world, struggling upon the aura y iicean of political oppv,oss:on, to follow as to a ha‘en of . safety and of ra tional liberty. No'Lltiglish Titus willenter our temple of freedom through a brealth in i the battlement F, to bear thence the ark our i constitution and the book of our law, to take their stations in a triumphant procession in I, the streets of a madern Runic, as trophies of ! conquest and )roofs of submission. - "Many a ri veil has crouliq.l in my day, kt ' the augury kr link:if:and the 1-opt:bile has marched 6r.w rI. Many a cri-is Ikas present ed itself to the imagination of our political ' Cassandras, I tit: we !lave still increased in po litical Fosperity, mi - we Face increased in years, and that, ton, with an acciderated pro-,1 gross unknou D to the history of the world.— - 'We time a class of men, whose eyes are al- Ways - dann, -tt e flunk merioolitog rho bleb, ,i t mi L ,...;5a?2.........t . el. ii, - ;Ter.apilrAtettsive of here or oilier on t Fellite4N, gut_ rib. tlrm we are the image of cr, at d brass, and clay, Contra"- , which the - first rude blow of coune some iniile:oom. „„4 , sib ne-tyjn•unit) misfoit tine is "For my r ' Pttongoa go far good, and because sup ,' people intern the earth in, ... . laud useful ki into their poll --. and x•iio.w•ou if it were nn fil their jai.. • ' evil, from t ' „would make nal of i:s ove , ,Jit in ihtk tti! •ert. It for s•own c qiir Plot - , 11 . to .strike from its pedestal. own Part, I 'consider this the einment on theface,of the earth the weakest for rted by the, public opinion of n r to none of the cotnmunitixf II that constittitei.mornt th owletlge, and Who ha vn brenthcd Rica' ystem • tho-breath of life; I lddestroy it, as they created it, orthy of them,- or failed expectations. And•wedk for tis tery consideration, is follies and its faulrs'ihe sig throw. -It is the only govern tence which no. reyolution can 'may b6 . -change:l, but it' pro' , :ide l s diange; when the public will,re and insurrections, and the=va- rions'strogges bN, which nn opAree l sed popu- Istioh Mani( pis Ws sufferings 119 d 1 Peeks the recofery of 'la right:- Ime no plabe here...-.. IVe /aye nn ping to fear but',ourselves.”i : 111I t t s:Iti Ey. °AO:. o.—"W ha tdo you charge board!" sked a all Green Monitain boy, she walke up to ti secon4 rate lint I, in i t ew York, "What do you adZ a w ek for onr.l and lolging '' "riveldpllar .' •Five / tkillars! tho's - to6 in tcli; but li•s'po:•e yi till allow for . thO'titnes T a absent from. dinner J• and supper !' .. , Certnini) I ii i lrty-seven and a '., ,holf _cents telt." Hero the converFation , - tided, and lio Yankee took up', his rtuartera -- for two weeks. During this time, he lodged . . ... ,'"•'. ' I ..:-.-, i k 'and breakfasted at the lintel. bu t did not cat ~ beillier dinner nor supper, sayin g his busines detained litti in another portion of the town. At the expiration of two weeks, he again balked up tits the bar, and said; "&pose we tettletildt aocontit,-1 am ft going in a few minute." '''he landlord handed him his bill— ''.Two %redo' board, at $5-810.7 "Here, stranger," chid the Yankee, "this bill is wrong il --'ve . rnade a tnimaket you've not deduct , F ildlite time f was absent from dinner and sup • /-: I . per--14 daP..t; meals , per day-28 Meals s --- r Wit Cents each...;.slo 50. If you've not go , 0 "the fifty dents change that's due me, I'll , take ti drink and the balance in cigarsPi / .;•------: i' , : A Pint.stirntrius- Filrmm.—An.awfur oc 7'.- currenco lord{ place at a' small tavern in Phil :•adelphii on I Vednesday; A father had , bet ;iftie dollars I at MS son, a mere lad, could . .drink three titles of Iporter. The bet I was :'..:titken by set e unfeeling wretch, and the twig. `4l-,-: on Was pou ed out fur the little boy. Ittiobe- II; dienco toot to stern ceinmand of his father, Ise 'drank two' bottles. but funnel it iinpossible r.t.'... - Act finish tbe third. , Ile was now in an alinost '.4 , :' lielPless slate of intoxicatku' c'.. when his fath ' :e .M r, becOmitiF l cm - varied tt ith his nen:complj '%,.:‘,.„ ell with fits Wivres, ceized the remain* I',lnie r tiod i.kireting the, neelt of the bottle 'into 7 1 .detAikts mouth, (ideally pon..ed it down' his . :,V fri?ati l . - TOL not too hnrrible . for come . mole . ---- - WO Thelather had won ib i s- the oipars, ic.-,:- and now, beth.being being wildly and fhroi!- ~,4.:•,. , 41.43 , d..utk,t! el started f rhome, 6 reeling nod w.:fttidlalliftg at every step. The poor lad cut -.. ,;'hiMself frightfully: When they reached .1!=,:- 'barite; il was necessary to send for a pliyai-! ,1',..." . -, ..eitith'- who, !for a while despaired of the.rfco,v- T ; , etrof tbe,child. These are - the facts, -as 'T- A ' heed to its.l It is a long time since we have' .E:c.-.-,,teatf of any hing so replti ng.—True San. -•_s--.',.:,--:4N INeDintT OV THE B.yrn.n.--I.on the ' - ~2.4 th. near sunrise, a most incident occurred. Get deals 101 were hi Convursaiioni, when rode lip to them, and anipatinc .the-Mexican army. 4 •What mdcliimed old Zack. - ,Gen. "to hirt, an I threvi his 'arms to . embrace him: ' Taylor 14 - around Wool's waist, and Ate:air like cr "child, General lieved when he reacher! the ming around said to me, '"Cu ie men here and give titre . we did; multiplied by three end' will as ever we did esq, Arcot% Sr. Louis Rep 4, ATEXICO. 110' Battle of Cerro Gordo. nta Annal. again Defeated in a pitehed aide, by=Gen. Scott—Six Thouschut iltiicemstiiken prisoners—Five Mildred Intericans Killed and iroundedGen. La [ Vega again a Prisoner. DAILY PICATVSE, EXTIVA, Friday'Ereoing, April 30-5 o'clock. By the steamship M'Kim, Capt. Pillsbury, which left Vera Cruz on :the 20th inst., we have glorious news from the scene of ac tion. On the afternoon 'of -Vie 17th the . ad vance under Gen Twiggs encountered the-en emy, wben.a severe but indecisive conflict ensued. As the genera orders -below show that kwas Gen. Scott ' s ' intention to giro-bat tie only on the 18th, - it ay be. that this en gagement Vas brought on by the Mexicans. The main battle occurred on the 18th, ancfre suited in the complete'triumph of -the 'Amer ican arms, •- • . _ Santa Anna made his escape after. his army ,was \routetl;=- Gen. La N,,,a IS again among the prisoners. . Besides hi m there were fire generals taken , a .lo ig list of colonels and subordinate <officers. We give below -a list of such officers as are coming to!this place. They were to leave Tera-Cruz about the 55tii. . . PLAN Diu. Rio, April 17— IA. M. The Division of Gen. Twiegs started two hours since, and a heavy Cannonade has al )ready commenced upon hilt line from' the far thdst of the Mexican works. At intervols, , the rattling of small arms cart be heard dis tinctly from the Oragoon:Cantp where I am writing this. . . lam going out .‘A Col's.. Duncan and poltlan, and CaPtAirentbeiton, to the seat of action, and will;'return here at night to report the progres's of fight : It was not intend ed, I belleCe, that Gen. 'll,•iggs should open I the fi eld to-day, nt leaht o bring on a getter-, at action, and it is therefore presumable that ithe Mexicans have opened upon him. , 'I write in great haste; 'G.W. • K. 1, Five, P. M.—l have just returned from the scene of conflict, and idoody one it has been, considering the number engaged. A ' hill this side of the f.trthest Mexican work, on which there was no one seen last .evening, was found occupied by the, enemy'•s liglit ,troops this uthridng, and to force it was. deentell indispensable.. For this,purpose the .rifles under ,Major - Sumner, besides detach-' toents of artilcry avid infantry,' were t der6d to charge up the rugged ascent. This t in gallant.' style, 'driving- the, Me jeans, after a resistance_which may be put do vn a most obstinate. Great numbers of the e terry were killed, Whiie ha our side the loss was also severe. Major Sum ner was shot in the head by a musket ball—severely but not mor tally m rimmed. • Lieius. Maury and Gibbs, of. • the rifles, were also wounio, but not. severe- Iv, as was also - peat. 4Jartis of the 31 ith !ifantrv. I could not learn that any • of our 'bfl - icers were killed. The entire loss on.our side, in - died and wounded, k.estimated &labour one itindrtd: ,but from the nature of the ground brokenicovered with brush and thick chap. aral, - aucl estreniely uneven—lL is'imposei- Ile to te,ll with accuralcy. Nor can 1, at this t ne, give even the names of the officers who ‘• •re immediately engaged. - About 3 o'clock the enemy madee,demon i ration from the fort on the neighboring height to the one our men had captured, as if with the intention of retaking it: hut - it all ended in marching down the hill, , wing it most tett tc”.....i,... e .,-,.. , .....i...4.......„-- 4-.:—. a: few shots and then retiring, Their appear lili 'ikne,as they came dowm the slope N ' s -7-1 -k-A Cg e 14"ing.IirCenious fire height onen.T , ~-:l i tie, ;edoing;ittleexe cution other than cutting down the trees and brush: As we returned to camp %he tiro still continited-the enemy had evidently ascer-' mined the position of the road, 'which had. juSt been cut, with accuracy, but their .balls principally went over. - . Gen. Shields at 3 o'climk. was ordered to ;3 tippol ip aOn. 1 wlggs, withi three 'regiments of vol teers--two from Iginoismider Cols. Baker and Barnett. The still liat7O ,wa r m work to-morrow if the Mexicans stanfrup as they did to-dnyl. . There has been not a little skirmishing to day between the forage and beef parties, sent out in the rear. and the rancheros. One Il linois man was killed a l nd,-o4 of the same regi [Ant and it Tennotsseinc wounded. I could nut learn their names.• G. W. K. CA:llf4 NEAR PLAN Di\ s, l - Ito, Appil IS, 1 o'clock, I'. M. The American arms havenchieved another most brilliant victory. Outnumbering Gen eral Scott's.force materially, and occupying' positions ,which seemed impregnable as Gib raltar, one lifter another of, their works has been taken• to-day. Ilse generals,• colonels enough to command to vn such armies as more, and otherl oflleers innumerable, have been then pridoners, together with six thousand men, 'and the rest of their army driven and rontel wfth the loss of everything ca' non, baggage train—all. Nothing but the impossibility of finding a road for the dragoons to the rear of the ene -my's works saved any part of &Oita Anna's grand army, 'including his own illustrious perton.N Miring he prisonersis our old friend La Vega, who fought with his accustomed gal lantry. Tit l e other Generals are Jose 'Maria Jarona, Luis Pinson, Manuel Uoriga ? . and Jose Obandri. The names of the colonels I have not been able to gather. Nothing, saved Santa Anna but the want of dragoons on the Other Side of thtir line. As it is, his traveling coach, with all his pip , valuables, arid even his wooden leg, ha fa en into our hands, together with all the mon . of his army. No onemnticipated, when they arose from their hard bivouac this morning, such a complete victory, I write in great haste, and have no tinie fur - particulars:, -The name of the killed !It'd wounded I will ascertain as oon as possible. I think that five hundred will covet our entire loss. had it-not been for the positive cow ardi c of Santa 'Anna and Canalizo, who ran befo c the brittle--,at least in bran( men's han ,i'..wati half lost, it would have been far greater. No one at presentittan estimate i the loss of the Mexicans—they are scattered on the hills, in the roads,,every where. 4 ' . The loss on bbth sides has been heavy—hoW cotild it have been otherwise?. The rough and rocky road cut through• rugged defiles and dense chapparal is_now lined with our wound ed. The rifles, al. Haskell's Tennesse vol unteers, the Ist artilery,. the ith infantry„ and. Cap:. Williams's company of Kentucky vol.. unteeo. have perhaps suffered most: Gen. Shields wAs severelyond 1 am fearful, mor tally wounded, while 'gallantly leading his brigade to storm c,:fe of the enemy's. farthest works. Gen. Pillow Was alsO wounded, al though slightly, while'isterming a fortifica tion pn this side, comm'anded-by La Vega.-! All tie field officers of Col. ilaskell'lk regi ment wore wounded at tlu:t same lime, save h itna • If. , Ot the rifles, Capt Mason .has Most a leg, Lieu . Ewell has ben badly wonnded,, McLane, slightly. I have already mentioned the gallant Major itlinner, and other officora wounded yesterday' I have specified some regiment's abpve which signalized themselves. It haPpenedtu be their gOod fortune,? in the disposition of the battle, to,falj upon what all good soldiers may tern► pleasant plageri:.-thg most difficult work Z to rtorm—and. Iravely d without faltering did' they execute' the ,perilous duties assigned to them. ' At I eelotk this afternoon- , Gen. Twigg*, t or fiivisionitos boon in the hardest - of it, I' ~~ .was pursuing theflying enemy towards Ja-. Pietison,,fmho commandeJ L the foriS nearest Warr del Rio, asked` of Gel). Werth time to couider.-before he capita rated. D. sirous to come to terms, Geni,-;-AVorth him fifteen Mittites,l and heliiirrendered Cianditionally. Iliad he ,not done so, 41# slaughter woulctitave beenterrible,' What disposition Gen.'licott is tS`make Of the oners is not yet known: He may set them all at liberty on their paroles, from tho difficulty .of feeding them, and to accelerate his own ad vance movements. We shall hear by to-mor row. I wish he could send the officers least to the United States, for there is a fine string of them. It is now impossible to name the' officers who have distinguished themselves. - can not, however, omit to mention Cols. Harney, Riley and Childs, of the regulars; Cols. Ba ker,- Foreman and Ilaskell, of the volunteers, 'as every one is talking of them. I write in great haste, and with noise, con fusion, and every thing else around one. - You -cannot appreciate tlurvict.ory. To' describe the ground and fortifications of the enemy, the oifliculty of turning their' outer 'work:, and the toil and peril undergone by the troops, 'were impossible, ' NS time to say another word. I send this off by an express. It is Gen. Scott's inten tion, I know, to push on to the city of Mexi co) witbnll haste. Yours, 0 W. K. CAMP AT PLAN ItillL RIO, April 19. The route of the Mexicans last evening was total—complete. They' were Pursued within four miles of Jalapa by Gen. Twiggs, at whic,h point there were none to follow.— Santa Anna himself, instead of entombing himself as he threatened, escaped by cutting the saddle mule of his team from the ht mess of his magnificent coach, mounting him and then inking to the chaPparal.L i llis seryice of, massive silver, nearly all his papers, his mon ey—everytlifig in his carriage, even his dinner ,was captured. I have a capital story to tell about this dinner when I have a moment to spare. The Mexican loss upon the_ heights was awful-4h° groond in places is covered with the dead! Among the bodies found was that ' pf Gen, Vasquez, and near him was Col. I'a lacio, mortally wounded. Their loss in the retreat was terribly , severe; Every by-path was strewn with the dead. Had out 'dra goons been - enabled to reach them in season all would have been killed Santa, Anna, among them. Caitalizo, with his noted lan cers, had the prudence to roams early. Even up to this time it is impossible to give anything like a full and correct list of our wounded officers; it is surprising that many of them were not killed. Lieut. Derby, a gallant young officer of the topograghical engiriers, was badly but not mortally wound while storming one of the h , ights. Lieut. Ewell, of the rifles, i supposed to be mortally wounded. This ,regiment ,has suffered terribly. Lieut. Dana', of the 7th in fantry. was badly wounded; Capt. Patton. of the 21, slightly: Lient. Davis, of the rifles, oavas very badly wounded in the hip.' Major ! Sumner, of the dragoons; •but commanding `rifles, jis improving-. The list of }piled and wound officers in Col. Haskell's command yesterdayo I have been able to obtain. It should here be stated 'that Capt; Williams" company of Kentucky and Capt. Charles Nay-, lur s company, of Pennsylvania l ‘tolunteers were attached temporarily to this rei t iiinent.— lii;re is the list: . Killed -Ist Lieut. Pred. 13. Ne Lin, com mon hug company; 21 Lieut. C. C Gill, coin mauling E. 13Oth these officers were from M e rit phi S. , dr ouuded—Lieut . GA. - D.ll. Cummings, sligl!t ly ; Major Robert Farquharson, of the Ist Texas volunteers, (assigned ,t.o this rc:gimblit for the day,) severely; Ist 'Lieut.' Wiley P. Veart-wuo;r-=-71" r .el l. -- r - ntqftv i ia l srert-s -- . - -.*, slightly: Capt. xl. 11. Murray,'severely; 2d Lieut. George 'l'. Sutherland, -Kontuc'ky volunteers, severely. , . '-- - _ The regiment when An action, numbered less than 400 men, and its' loss was 79 killed and wounded: La Vega' was in command of the Cerro Coe do on the first day of the fight, btu a deserter from our dragoons, ,n German, going into their camp at Med, and informing them that the main attack was to be on the right of their line.-,the work so fiercely attacked by Gen. Pillow, he charged places with Gen. 'Vas git6z: The latter, at, I have already stub; was killed—La Vega defending his post until the lines of the enemy were completely turned.— Several Mexican colonels shave been killed, but their 11:1111014 I hate bean unable to learn, A brother of Gen. La Vega, a colonel of ar tillery, was severely, and, as is 'supposed, mortally, wounded. , Hundreds of cases of individual; gallantry, in storming the diffi.‘rent heights, L ore men tiptied. Cul. Childs led on his ctuarimml on 'the first day until he had only soap f?rty or tift l y Men with him. It - iitalso said that Capt. Magruder fellowed,pp a charge until he had but nine soldiers left. I cannot now recol lect one-tenth part of the instances of almost reckless daring displayed, but shall endeavor to pick them up.—,l shall also send ion on a full-return of the killed and wounded if I can , obtain it, but at present it is almosNimpOSsi ,ble ti get hold of anything. The wounka +are'still along the roads for miles, although Ithey are bringing-them in as fast as passible. is to • advance towards Mexico immediately. Gen. Worth's division March ed this morning•- , -Geperal - Scv is to march g at noon. Santa Anna's coach is to be har nessed up for the purpose of CarrYing on Ma jor Sumner—better use than it was ever put to before. , 1 ,, - • , ,The o ffi cers and men of the Mexican army— I mean such as are prisoners—are to be turn ed loose on their parole not again to take up •arnis during the war. Perhaps it is the best disposition that could be made of them, as any other course would delay Gen. Sectt's forward. movement, Fifteen of their officers have refused to siun, but have Oven their pa role of honor to report theinselves; without delay, to vol. Wilson' at Vera grin, aS :pHs.- prix ones cover. , I ; i• ' Amefog these are Gcns. La Vega andJaico the latter Governor of Peyote during the time the Texan prisoners were there, and lbe lieve distingniuhed forhis good treatment of them, ' These officers will either be kept in the Castle'of San Juan de Ullon, orelse pro ceed ttithe United States. Gen. Shieles is still alive, but it is consid ered impossible for him to survive.: The ball went through his Itings•aale was leading his men to.storin the farthest works of the enemy. I write this amid confusion of all I;.nds, and wiiii — tio' other table than' my knees: r A hun dred Mexican offietrs are around -me making out their paroles]; while our own dead are be ing carried by and consigned to their long 'restng place by- the road-side. .r I shall start on for Jalapa this afternoo .and will write by-every opportunity. , `,. - id you some Mexican papers, as also St tit `. A'n na's last proclamation, It is rich, , yr t G. K •J- , r P. S,I have just learned that titercais some hopes yet for,General Shields. God grant he may live. " • ' 4 Col. Bakr, who charged on'the last fort; lost forty-five men in • killed and wounded out of only a portion of his regiment., Lim ? Co wardin' killed; Lient. Murphy suppOsed to be mortally 'woended; Lie t. Johnson wounded in three places, and thigh, mputated; Lieuts, Scott, ,Frotnan, and Mehl , wounded. : ''" • _...—....._,_,...• ...., 7 _, •JJeserrstar.4--This . 3 it distinguished virtue— but,tnen's notions do not' agree.-- Sir. Corwin's notion was full of slaughter and the sepulciire—a welcome With bloody hands to hospitabie graies. ' Santa Amin is not quke so - ferocious—he sends Gen. Taylor word that he don't want to cut him to cut him WI pieces, and i n v 'tea hint to surrender., , 7 : How comes ,It that the Atexiean here is; so p9pti onty tnittde4 Oho the :iftiltia'ait there?' re re M 13 'FURTHER PARTICULARS OF ! TnE 'LATE B.ATTLE. • •s From the Pittsburgh Chronicle.!, - PHILADWI/lA. May 9-9 o'clock,' 'he Uniciri of Saturday night,. has . Gan. S4t.t's official dispatches, gi%ing an account °Otte hattle'oleetw Gordo , . The acco u nts previously received and which we publish_ in detail in our paperto-day, are confirmed gen erally, though not la all particulars.. - • The American army took 3,000 prisoners, beeides the officers. Santa Anna, and 7,000 troops, succeeded in 'making their escape. . Our , loss in killed and wounded, is estima ted at '2OO. '1 iThe Mexican loss was 350, which was in creased by the pursuit, as many fell while re- Areati ng. ;All the prisoAs have been dfscharfired on their parole. . • . ;,No opposition is expected from the Mexi cans at any point this side of P?rote. LATER! PfuLADELtals, 10 o'clock, P. M. Senor Amaga has been elected President of Mexico, over Almonte. The office-of Vice President has been abol ished; to uptet the schemes of Gomez Ferias. They aro fertifyinkthe city of Mexico. Amaga breathes war to the knife. Ile „is popular. Some urge a resort to the guerilla mode of warfare. It is rumored here that Santa Anna has been captured. This is doubtful. Letters have been received from the Bra zos, but they contain no news. THE PENNSYLVNIA VOLUNTEERS. Generalk.Patterson and Smith were both, confined to beds by sicknep, and were unable to go into the fights with\their corn: mends. The following is a list of the Pennsylva nians who sabred. Both the Ist and 2il reg ments, it will be inferred, were in the'engage ments. . 1. WoundetL—John Lambert, ---• Lindsay of, ,the Ist reg. s e t 1 . , . Jacob , Simons,, mortally, Edward Cross, Thu. I farm, John Chambers, all of the Phil adelphia Rangers. 1 James Shaw, Abraham Rowland, William Wilhelm, and Frederick Somers, of the 2d regiment. ' 1 - I TUF GOVERNOR OF. PENNSYLVA , . NIA. F. R. SlitiNf,i, the present GovCrnor of Pennsylvania, /8 op t. e of the innumerable . in stances; in i which men of obscure origin I have raised:themselves by talent and good conduct, to thei highest station 'in ,and The father of Governor Shuilit kept a toll-gate in Mtintgomery County, Pm,' where Francis, .a mere boy, tell under the / notice of N. B. Boileau, a well-kitewn.pfilitician of that' day, who resided' there. rillie,, mingled mode Sty and vivacity of the'youth won sii much 'on Boileau, that he urged the father, who to consented upon repkated importunity, to let the youth accompany him to Harrisburg, where lie was about•to remove, having re ceived the appointment from GevernoriSnv der of Secretary of the.Conunotiwealth tie had ascertained that Francis rot "itf good , f. id, and promised that he wo ol get him a 1 clerkship in , some of the public q eve:. This 'was in MS. In the course of: few years, ' Shunk was transferred -into th • Hall of the Legislature,.' at 'first as , trans ribi tr - olerk, then as aSsistantl the I ouse of Re )- resentatives, and ate latter date,!pleoed tit .t is head of thelLand Office, and finally appointo Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-k, ramie'. In all these responsible uostS, he.sos tained, so high a. reprutation , h# to' suggest .44.i,5,„1.4nig1iat311 . 12_i the Demo'c;ratie conven- , him as a candidate for the party to iii - e - Ofike of Governor of tho State. Gov, Shank married in 1823,,ja claulkter of Gov, Findlay, the one ha'vini,A just vacated the chair of State, and the other not hav ing reached it. The match was opposed by Mrs. who did nosy approve grafting the Dutch stock updri the Scotch' Irish. , The Governor on the odntrary, who had discover ed the worth of the youung man, said the girl had done very well, and was likely as to be come a Governor's lady as her Self; as proved afterwards 'tci - be the fact. '"The wedding went off in great state, 'With mere invited guests, than had hitherto attendqi one in Har risburg.. The bridegroom was ,ark complex ioned black hair.and,' keen - black eyes, and standing in his shoes six feettivo inches high. 4 The bride teas proportionally hall for a wo-‘ man, but contrasting strikingly and oddly with liar partner, as she stood up With her fairness skin,,clear blue eyes, and auburn hair.— My informant was one of those present, and remarked the genera!' notice of the contrast. Shenk is a fine specimen of the Yennsylvania German race. ' With a good figure and intel lectual features, of great simplicity and integ rity of character, and of blended courtesy and dignity of manners.—Cist's Adv. [One or two slight inaccuraoies will be found in the foregoin more than any person not a TY 'ennsylvftnia would be likely to mi III'iGULAR ACCIDEo.- .. singular and se lions. accident occurred last w"ek nt. incin't natl. In company with a g ntleman in n buggy a young lady was returning to the:city from a country jaunt. . Her long dress,' fly ing over the side of the vehicle, caught in the splinters of a broken felloe of the hind wheel, and dragged her violent y out upon the pavement. In the fall her skull was fractur ed and her recovery itdouhtful. It is it Wonder that such ace more frequently happen, seein manner in which ladies (not d r danger of the practice) suffer to hang loosely from gs, ca sort of carriage which is 'part have often, by observing carr I own streets, shuddered at the a light breath of 'wind wafting shawl or mantle, or the trait . ; the wheel of a . vehicle a lady might lead to the most fright lost that above &sea Intelligencer. VALUE OF LAM ON THE 10 GRANDE.= We are informed that there atie a number of Persons turning their attentimi to the acqui sition, of lands on'the Rio Gra dq, abOve and below-this place, and their ue has not es caped the attention of t TeXan authorities. W,e learn, on the auth rity of a letter from Corpus Christi to a gentleman here, that the State of Texas has c.flumeticed a suit in the District Court of NueCes county, for the ma ll ,ase of declaring mill i the n tended title to henrifrinal grantemof Point Isabel and the .urrourtding nountry. I What the merits' of The controversy are, lye are no -informed, but there is no . doubt as to the -fac. We under stand some wealthy and influential parties in this place have an interest in he_question.....' This case will-probably he foil wed by others, and, the validity of Mexican rants on the Texas side of the river. fully ested.—Flag. -- -- 1---- . , RETURN OF VOLUNTEERS. Ve learn from the Genius of Liberty of the 9th ult., that Capt. S. S. Austin returned h me on Satur day last, from Vera Cruz. Y sterday eren ing,Lieut. Stewart, Sheers, a d Mr, p. F. Frey, Or Company-11., Fayette County yol unteersy also reached their horie, as did Col. Thomas It. paxidson. .The latter gentleman left:Vert. Prux . on the 6th jnst Lieutenant Speer.? severe wound in the I and,- from his' revolver, rendered him unfit fo duty,- and he was - discharged. Ike would h, ye preferred a short, furlough, but • the Sur ! eon, knowing that his wound would not heal in that elimatO eons to enable him to Protted ith hip ,cem pauy,•it W4B refusetland be , w, a discharged. - Mr.',Frey Alike conditian t .The-asuPkik ,brill IRrot elsp4 io_hfs:Mkide ,1110 P, JO: die .- Oftarge Amp.Tcdifithloi - .., 1,, , ,. _•,,-... - ME THE - 0 "The . Worl d natirdlit, rlff ;;_i:P' The news of d o great battle of Cerro Gardo will be found iridetail in the out and in• side ed ,to•dry's paper! - It zr I, l (Tc call attention to the article in anoth Lir column, l Emilie Penn . llvanian,ilearlell "Gen Cass." .1.2 2 . We understand that Niuntuor WteAtLoN, Esq. Commercial Exchttinue, has been ti , pointed by tho Governors of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Nfte!!tizan:-Cortirnissiorter to take ete• knowledgetnent of deeds Stc. 4•c., for their respec tive attes. Tho body of Frederick !Gide!, who was convicted of the murder of his wife in Pittsburgh, and afterwards committedh suicide in prison, was brought to this place few day!! since by his brother, and buried about six miles from town, near • the residence of his:hrother-in-law, a i d not, as, has been reported, iri the Lutherian b trying ground. . - We learn'ihat 'Graves hnv gracjously consented to the people of Kentucky to elect him Governor. TI4 is the Graves who immortalized his name by murderine thq lament ed Cilley, because he would not admit that J. \V Wean was a gentlrman. The Mizette harkn't a word to say about Gen. Scott's proclamation, is which ihe asserts that the war has been "neoectivAPOUT" by "Mexico, her- self, and not by our Government, as they have heretofore asserted. Not a word—,they arc tis whist as,a.riniso in a r ot trap Not a word, either, about, that vo . e of Gen. ,Jrvin to tror .tea ' and ceffde, although it has riot been' long since they were vary fait to have us re:r,7t .the charge, and o:fcred to furni , h the docpments to prove it incorreet.. Minn appears to be 'the word with,- them now ' '• • A Lucky Char. • The editor o ,the "Jelersonian," Tenn ,is a inch • chap'. fit his last he soltpowl-' ed , es the rec4t of a 'beautiful bouquet, from a l lady, and his sheet also bears evidence of Itis[ talons and enerzy being equally as well appre A -Choc(' by the democracy of his, district—it (- considerably enlarged and otherwise i'mproved: The Louisville Courier, a Native pbper, n ith the name of den. 'Castor flying-at its mast' head, for Pre4lenr, "subject to the decision of tlic itt rile says it is evident the General will li; opposed 11"Nor.hern Abolition Fanai kit" and' the Demuciats. y We should be pleased to learn how-he is to be elecied it the parties indicated oppose hie Perhaps the Couriet's coadjutor, the utcanercial, can answerl i , . The last Chroni,ele contained an editorial giv in!t the late and important news:that !he Presi• dent had ea/led upon Gov. f-hunk for two compa nies of volunteers to serve during thewar.. The satEw (information was given in t h e other three pa• volumeers had been aceePieti. and we•e probably nn thLir road )13 McNico, • whcn our sleepy _neigh bgir wok up. "Our Sheets still There." • Not as Daniel NVehcer said in Baltimore one lobbed] day in 1810, in a political speeti l li,"E.Very breeze whispers change'," but every flash of the Telegraph from the S r otith shouts and; relechoes the glorious cry of "Victo4!" "Victory!" -Scarce ly du we record one brilliant achievemtmt of our Army, ere another n - A - re brilliant, if it can 4c, more 'glorious and decisive still, comes on the swill winged lightning to exelips e it. The shoots of the people over thetinparalleled victory of Taylor and his little army at • Buena Vista, and the well matured and gallawly executed botribartimentand c triture of Vera Cruz by Scutt and his c impat;i ms in antis, had hardly died away, crc the cheer ing shout (win iJte mountaitiMass of Cerro Gordo procloinied another triumph of the slripe> and ?La wird*: r victory over the enemies and insidt era' of rflag, and lino•her point ! , ained toward the ultimo e investment nod capture of _the capital of Nlexico. This latter al.ernative, we trust, how ever, will not he neilessary*— alti ough the sup'er ciliotts oh-tinacy and self elorit .in , r pride of:the leaders of the ).lex lean nation w uhl,seem to rem• der peace under any other ciretti stance i probledv atical.- But atilt we have hopes .hat these leaders will now see, us the i u at Id alreati does, that peace with. the United Stoics upon fa r and honorable terms is far preferable to War— hat they cannot, even upon their own soil, eope . r ith the hardy sol• tilers of the North--soldiers tha do not fight-be cause they are compelled to, but sit has been not inaptly said, lust foi the fhn of the thing!" But one year. has Row passed since ho first gun was fired and the first blood spil lead on the plains of Palo Alto, and Restea, and yet the wet has Wen Pushed with such energy th s at at lettstbn i half of the whole territory of Mexico is in our it disputed poSses sten. From an army of-a little vcr seven thous and men, scattered in detached bodies along our frontiers, %ve ha;e increased it ,tEt nt least thirty thottiand, and could have as ens y tom hundred-- have concentrated it i tipon Mexic n soil, even on the western side of the continent. hese results'aro gdmirably summed up,'in the f l llowing from the New York Herald: • I • idents do not g l the heedless 1 realizing the heir garments lutes, or any Lyopen. We ages pass our 'flectifin that the folds of a f a govin over, . r is / riding in, rut accident— 0.--National "1. The conquest and ocCunni menus of Tiirrtanlipt s, 'New Leg s by Gen. Tullor, with rout' inestl Want victorkA - . 2., occupation of Slow :‘;1 lica,rneV, with several i liple bait sive and auainst equal odds of th 3. The occupation of Califor milita r y enterpi ises, more like t mance than the sober facts of hi i r The march of Gen. NVool. miles, through - 'the enemy's con mirable i9neLiun with TayJar u 5. The eplendul and perfect Cruz and die Castle, and thtir Ott!Minn, acquired with a loss o ed in its smallness in the,history ed towns and impregnable east! To this we can now add thoau• ro Gordo, the possessicef of th'- Jahipa by.,F.cott t 'aod the capti by the biave Alissomintr Mule Doniphan. And .yet tbese grr linvo been accomplished by a which id daily accused ofbeing competent, by the 'whit*, party.. tin has controlld and diretted o in accomplishing - all this, and told by iht .. -ivlides that tho net areompetent for 'the cri Inirst count upon the gross ignor ty of their readers, or they neve etirrontery to put forth such an =I It -- j""MiseAnn 'Williams, of Ohio, lately Ina yerdiet ,Josiah , S. PI ants; far% bmach isf A iife,tty49s4l)Ortlfthfoi tlto ..pratt,o I V R E R All the Decency MUM 15 the Wore Lato Wcwa. on of the Depart , and Coahuila, signal .and bril- xit:o by General es,! equally deci,. • enemy. " ia, with various le fictions of ro . tory. .cseven hundred / try, ani ir l hie ad- Buena ism. I veqment or Vein ineonditional ea f menu parallrl-: olsiege of wall;. s . ll iievemont or Cer. i •oun l ry ati far, as L Ore of Chihuahua. the gallant Cal. dt achievements Admiqiitint ion ;neiricient anti in- he Administra r army and navy 01 we are doily ent and his eabi is. Surely they • nce 'and media I - would have the ,bawd and falie !awrord county, r 8400 a , zOiriO, nit* Contfact. itivat op mitt Mill ~. , iATE XT iViIITH A. CONTEXT.. , /- i ; Or the way the Federidiais "lend a zelping hand fn' carrying on , thw Wm.. ' Some . few weeks since (Ap#l,t22) the - guzette; in speakdingof the iereamt . v4e !with Matteis, made use-of the followint laninaget . . i "It is true that the itkrbigs tar 'have, and now I 'do, disapprove of ib" (*rfpient causes of the pres ent war; but, it is not , iiitit, that they havealectined to aid in its prosecution, and the triumph of Amer ican arms. They believed, and now believe, the war could have been avoided • without any sacri• fice of national honor and dignity; but, once en gaged in it, they hale conceived,it an imperative duty to lend a helping hand in carrying it on and bringing it to a speedy close." This is our text, and/we wish the reader to mark it, and note with wh4t coot eftUntery, with what easy iinpittlenee . , they writer puts forth as filet; that the veries . dolt i n , christendom ought to kno 4' is not true. fly- "irfcipient causes" ,vre prestatile tlie Gazette ... )etittiti to beiunderstoad, the annexe t. tion of Texts, and the ilonsequent assertion and ma i intenance of ourbotufdary to-the Rio Grande, If u), the entire evidence of all its frictids, it di retly against it. k Of ihii 4 t, the language used in th proclamatioit of - Gen. Scott, given 'ln our to t, is probal4 sufficient for the present,— T i 1 . e General says: "Mexic ins! —Americans are no your enemies; but the enemies for 'a time of ti men who, a year ngo, misgoverned yoh and B OUGHT ABOUT this unnatural war be twlcen two great republics," Added to 'his, we ha l ve the assertion of Henry-Clay himself—the immaculate "embodyment ;of w tigcry," a; our neighbors delighted to c t II liim afew months am) 1 1 —.hat it is a just war, Wage to "redress the ter ngs of our country,7c a 441 th t he too Would, if , it %ere not for his age, tuil for some po;t where he might "slay a Me:tic:ant!' en, Taylor, too, oa iced lind urged upon thetqec etai . y of-War, the pr priety, not to say absolute on •essity, or the tr ,m) under his command matching aittlltakin ,, poi , etiseinn of the Rio Grande lei planting our lii i,t lir+ batteries oppoiti eMc ilexican ci:y of Nfata• Maros, against which so Inn:eh federal indignation ha been expended, and so much abuse heaPed iip• oil the Administration of Pi l ,caident Polk. What - I 'thn becomes of Ode _phardi.iit•el cant a holt,. ilii, "i eipient causes of the present wain? •Geneial I . Sc ;t4 upon whose hack the original inilitaryl glo rifying portion'of the patty thought to Ode' into po ver; is nainst it, emphatically wi thouti the kast reservation! Ilenry'Clay,.the idol of thttiman and money worshipping Pnrtion, contradicts it. And lastly Gen. Taylor, upon the back or ~!4oso bar i earned fame, the yanchrent of . the rrery. i nW liopr. to rise /lean de piedat iti upon - the 'o Pala id garb. 1 are of pripate"cor ) porations, to ,the picking f fat office's in' the gilt of the General Governnein, etitii,!s oflici.illjr, in a contrail iit'ory atiititdc! Minn 11511, , .. "illit," vans die G a zett e , "it is'nett tru- that t hey (the whigl) have declined fo" aid in rtS. (Old u ar's) I prii.ectit ion." Let 'us iexairline this cenfident rn is• I 1 , section one moetn,:and I , fe whether',oor, nei• It bur is notklisposed to impose upon tile t redtil y l l f his r . eaders.l ‘Ve commFnee with' the State of Massachusetts, the most ort 'ludo.% whig, or fedd l rai 1 State, in the Union. l Whe calltd upon to rai•ca re'.l. , :inrent of volnhteers, to "aid in its,'!(thelvai's).l r [ pros..etniko, and the triumph of American arms, - d we find ler legtlirg behind until one of iter most %serthy''s' l ns, and choice sidrits'of' tl d age, Ova. Cu.hing; becoming ilit:gteted l ivisli the "moral treason" of the cluyftnagistrate of his ' native state, aliiintlond the ease and leltsures of I tres.don f ` I and lia4a'ry P purs uits, Pr resigned Id, seat in the le . isisiattire, and throwing. flidipersOnal popnlatity, influence and name inio the S'eale - , rais«l' the re (wired ittma of men. lie it as electit.:olon4 of the Iteeinteut by acclamation. In ' etnean time, flower er y he called upon the legiAtittno to appto preuic.-.......—. 7 A. •1... ~.4 . •:r•......t. sabc) taVatn,c•".invo of the volu\ deers until Tust.•rbil into. he ser,vice. But that body "rehised" to aid in . its (die mar's) prosecution" by appropriating money for any such) purpose, and private cOnolibutions had to•be re sorted to, twenable the regiment to hold together tintil inspected. Do our nei! , hbars•call this aidinm , . in the prosecution of - the War? - Remember this is no individual act, but ti , deliheate VOice 'of the party of the Sta:te of lassachusetts. ,spedking through representatives duty chosen and clewed by the people. .But the .position of the federal party in Nlassachusetts to the war ciiri not.stop here. 1 No, riot content with having refused to I grant a temporary supply in aid of the volunteers, a regiment raised in lirrl•-own name, and by au thority of the 'Governor— the Commander in Chief —and forcing them to leave the State Without one aullar or its "aid and comfort," they 'passed a se ries of resolutions just before the adjournment cf the legislator , a cop .1,1 which 'we gave iMour las ,in whi they d pounce the Mexican war as "Onconstitat onaliy declared by - our government— . . 'as havi`ng its primary sourer, in the unCon-iitu tional attriciation or Texes—a , i being provoked and Pro'duceJ on, our part by the ectipation of Mexican territory—as now wtiged by a ,powerful nation lagainst a weak itc.ighbor, unnece'ssaril) and without, just catise,.&c., for the dismember ment of Nlexico, and the conquest of a portion of her territory, for the tiiyle obj,7e.t of extending slit very, of strengthening the "slave power," and of obtaining the control eithe r free States—in . -short, that all g„,. f orl citizens should unite in arresting ilvs war, and compelling our country 'll retire from the posOioei of ingression which iiltiiw occup't.-0 towards a weak, distracted neighhori, and sister republic.". , , Now, has not ibis proceeding on tlt part of the federalis:s of Massachusetts been responded thy i their political associates all over the Union? olt t at thefaaious opposition to all bills for raising men and means to carry on the war,in Congress. Mr. Senator Corw,in, 4 for, an:l as tlfe representativo of the federal whig-party In the•ureut State 01 Pith), exclaimed in his pl4ce on the floor of the Senate: ), '•You must c u your, army back! You must, int• less you are filling to he thought a robber— nit inirader_of, yo riheighboryou I niii:4 'recall that army! . Retra9+ your steps!—and if your Persi dent ask`'of: b - men d mnney to p osecute the war, kitk G ,u as.' ante and my oi t'i-poor Etc ultiee, he sha have neither men n. money to prosecute any t Such purpose." Ag,aii : "tie (the President) ilhall have no funds< Iron me in the prosecutilin Ofeittch P war. , ' I have no way left but to withhold t' l mans - to' carry oil' tto war."— These empha t b,cieclirrations, togethe with many others (Ai ndr d sentiment with which that speech abounded, w a welcomed with a h , zza" by the whig press I rptighout the' entire nion—and ainongthem, none more; so than botl our neigh bOrs ii tiii street. 7'he Gait.: t even too upon itself tt!e eh' Mpion .hip oi` the onoruhlo ' cnator, and his sio edh; an dulled ust stee:nun f.r daring io questi n the 'p t+itisin an( correetnce. of the ken:. tirnentriherdi expressed, by classing their nutkor anti the Ar olds and Jude+ of he •wuq(l.- 1 1 Perim s • they w 11 tell us that this is lending 4 , a helping hand i carryind it (the w r) on, and bringilig it to a speedy closer 4Ve • Ity,yerhkpe they wlll—b'ut really.i t.. appears to us he very op. p' site. We have examined it mall its bearings— ?;.ti spontaneous outbursts of approval .f the course of the Stale of Massachusetts, the oud hazzas which greeted the treasonable and jibe lons speech 4 of the Olaci Senator, the faction pro eedings ,or the minority in Congress, the es, eta t alms° !mil ccondemnation pt the war an 4 o Ad linisfration which has bpen weekly and hourly , Oured :forth from their party presses, and we cr see nothing in it all to justify our neighbor, at it laterlay,in claiming for hit( party The position to doe's in mit. quoted ` sett. - That 'there sap many'lindividual is hfga . who ltitte noblitind,igloiriotts!,,isiltitained the war, !kith ,nt horns }' ir'o,ltifOrit,ltli c ii , wall t of llonteoY strufter.“;4l4 0 0 4: 4 1/01:e•1441 &Ms ..: .. 1 _it - of Biara yilta and Cerro e (A , „ t —so have ever asi l 'arde.l to' to patriotim.nnd cDttragU,a„;ol „ er ~ t haa ; as the nets - tiOd private opinions of bolt e d viduals e : rinot commit a p.irty or eninrnuniti set of principles ,oracts, c protest s o i,i justice and strai n of the iihig'pany f a ip in ; aeon the f l strie arid Patriotism of a Clay, a a Raker, or even al'ajlur, %ii•en c‘cry nient and vote of thwepiearretjoion; haCotei. rgre;, dect - State majorities, Le g S a t a t and i t l e l: ' tire public ,vrces. (until a the last mertti) prole, ineruliestmly that the eral wihig party "bare deihrAt: to aid in hi( war's) prosecution, and the triumlia of Ameii. C e. o l l u F ti ra t 7 tt i t b ß.7 lo S u h r ti ---- d ak a . stbartek,ruti l l: In Doodler of the present inenriuptible and patriotie.C. Ala,tfistrale i of the I,:eys:one State. Cotnintg. doe. , from a paper in a neizhboring meled by party influences and prejud . ces, it dessed peenlia: force. , 1 4xhibils (he I fe ofF, I cis R. Shun'o in a liz,ht pcouliarly W rthv Of consideration.of the ri,in4 generation, and ano her eloquent and b antiful c ommtlOtary On Ovamagts and exeelletice of our treelhativio, Prom' a poor boy he 44a rose step by ace, u, non he' is con t fes,9lly one of !the hest, c ot ~,, must popular,'Executires in our family of §tat a " p f p h e p ar w nce inaviclatl;;;sifiluitr-g" illope,aulr!Ose:fl:aot mrs,,tairilp:l.7l buy, th'at in him Pennsylvania, would, at a rut • day,. find one of her•best and \ ' one Who would play so couttpiet t o, ~,t , n deetnin ,, her credit. a ' • esta'altahih* h financial pro=perity. 13 .Qo it is—‘ilth India., perseverance, • intezritY and talent, in our 1 ut country, the poor ankl obs ure youth of to day r e beCome 'a qiivern .r or l i tcsident at some; fut. time. Upon • the carecriof such men we ore dwell—they arc the titzlit' of the arc—in tirert arc sure to 11 14, IA 116 : 1- Lombinett with dterlinzi tetztity of pu,poselie most ardent and pale supra:yrs of. poiedar rights and the peopl infereSts. In tlii re , pect Francis ( R. Slut stands pre' eminent; wi , hold a sitperiur, Final from the people he,l, now; their wants Ttaingh, all his days with the hardy tillers of the soil, ay. potlii,ing in all ti :' cares; hppcs and feelings,, i s i t..„ ep l y iimmed vith the r worth, and ean a 7 preciate their petit cal hot esty tied far reachin p min:ism. ; He is em rally . tily thainaa of 1 people, and his tidna oistrat on may juslyheitA ,ed upon as one of Lto mos thototiAldemikrat is .sell as pro.pero 13 sin e the days of ''S ha , _ 1 \4 , ---- 111 ,', l The Cloven Foo ntio m, rather too far '.)tit. SEEM (•onithoddre Per'y, if sent Lieut, Hunter ivtd bloc/fide A i'varado.l Th e before the place, stunni,'nett it_to teurrender,ior, Ihionnintins was Promp lye omphrd Ix ih. let he Teti a stnall oniard, a d iprocteled IT the rite and too't ano her place f tome impnttante. 0 Coin. Perry's arriingi tenure tie place, he fouo our 'fiat; flyin g ; .so he' %as 'Aura of I ii,"giorvo tdl: in! , tha town! Tto :renntodete ordered t bola Lieutenant to be rested and tried Thi 'ha, beed dune, and th gallant Lientent ha i been ,dismissed from, t lel squadron' 'filmset tence way be in l icor'ohr ! .niLy to thvules of th navy; but it n ill or veriliCless do far more Ilia tl Lieutenant's blootilesi cidiquest to make his ore , . the uni on. IA known throw , hout 11 apt to lay the gttqa . nt ' \C ommodore is a lift jealous--and that its claven tbot otielts opt ;Itch too tar. ' An act of Peer Daniel Websteti is no;w (on a our thrcrett , Southern States. 1 his friends . in e. r cedtly gave him i a4ublici,dirtne, butte lm:A Ek President Tyler who had come doun to the thy y- for the•purpose of recciring Ur. \V biter, ania citation. Stich an' act of petty meannetiv r grhT eunitt to cover tl.t managers of that fafrinift shame. , Webster himself Was retared a$ 'F) icr's confidential adviser for years when Mr. Tyler could haVe,Lent hint adidft at ad itouren lice; but now Mr! Webs;eris aartieg d otltt coine in contact with his benefactor. Ir-/- , Our bachelor friend of the Gazette it of opl ionlt that it is"dcidedypoctical lo iall in loie %VIII /a pretty heireiss %coil% fifty thousand difiara". This tray' account for the itninstial sentimental strati% in u hieh he has een wiitiic , eilitari'dlski: j } af V. ew eeles pa , t. 1 "F.. - 3r .en,ficlils'," -.leathered %t 3r. biers,' "etil ivati( i n' of flowers" and , ho. "heat• en born II alfrance,l' 1 h ivci.been i tip :Irwin all the _lowing ferl.vor of a. lire.lorn yun Italeigic teen. Po 'r fellow! he is decidedly in a bad clay --if'he don't ~ et •lla s'so.oooi I . "-Comila F/eats cast their Shadd:ga Before." ' The Phthide Iphi l a,Builetin 4 uys that a %cry in tellieient Cub lan:cr, now soj ituninz in tLat r, r) el.)", Indite c use of a couversa ioa on , Sunday, 'relative to thi: estiny of that Island, boldly de dared lhat he haled lorward to the day,. ane prayed iir iis'sp , e l ly arrival, when the l iars and stripes sivitilii float over it. Ile- was „cOnvinced 'that a lepubl ' the bet to live under, ar Ii ...7•oir arc comnrrfi• ' ably enterprioi. ...r fleas poni ed and' eirculaacti hclUce'. older in, mbers- of dit 9:raterniiy" were a wal4 MI their rceeF,lCa. 1.4 sometimes an advadtage to bd on hand da Sonia? Even i ng„— G az a 4.. • I ' ,1- Just so—but ITOnt the way we saw our biettlzr neighlitu , sui•round l ed "on Sunday evenine 0 concluded hi:: was ,"on hand," too—lll'Ougli the 'signs 'indieate tha he NI °WI-be !nue ( Moe of that - .Rain.", Another pill of I THAT "ruin;" we sec I,y Clir er, is to be Crecied in -Warren, It. 1., 1 ° contain 10,000 Ppiiidlesi and to be operated by steam pOwer—the capital to be 8 .1 110,000. 1. 11 formation of another eompany, in j the same man. is talked of. This "cursed administratiOn"• if is very evident, will Ilestroy all doisCie hranuful turesovon7i it, ye protective sages i of 11:4;3; I • ~, ,r 4 A Nut for the Taylor wings. -' `) The following resolutions were Idopted by the whirls , of — Mhtabitla county, Oh l io, in Comity Convention, on the 7th inst. Thev i squint mini/ hard against the Taylor movement to; supplant the "wagon boy.'l j 1 . , , i Resolved— . ' the tNhoe " r ' pt l i ' : l 6,o la pi t .ol terhorett.ichtojhncese .oath, no i l a gl t e h y , n al ci i i i ‘i i fi t ) h r tens their tt .'-' allieda r / 0 1 f the iirm pledged ought to' arouse everypleet r of the free States to- t ones. ponding efforts a ainst such ustirpationS and 00t. • 0 lb ,exillesmitoon rionfostilawyrerayil:minictra,, tai.'es upon our ri hts and our sacred honor. rhitt while we discard all attachment to any e particular candidate thr President, We feel bound to declare that we ;will support no .man - eor that high ()dice who i'ffnht hilly and 'putilicl, plechrt li against the extensinn of slavery, and against -tbe: further sacrifice of ;dor National treasure, aria .°,! . human life,:in prosecuting the present rear wi t s Mexico. , ' 'N, That we approve the patriotic and truly c ,tian course rfursucil by our disti nghished Schen , Thoinai Corwin, 'upon the' subject of I thil."` with Mexico, and, Pbmme id him to the cor''' er. ' htion of,our fellotd!ti7cns as worthy:their ell tire•confl fence and h safe dcpositoty of P° litic power. 1 The edit' s ) f the Commercial.dtlo oirl• edgest himself a? clss in his hist paper. klitlh' vel heard the fain bin4d before, but did Wt think he cyas-rpti:t so perfect an one as to arknoreleclge it . , . _ ICY' The Chicap Dr,tnoorat of the let lost, gives returostf the 'election f 2 . detnof raw ink. 45 ,vhigf trod 4holitiebibte dehi 6: ates to Ito EtAti, • • - • f?natity*ttil"c-cktvptition. to the ta-4 of Vera' C a. Final] nasal iorc Lir thtnant, oh arri I,