~~ T•tew•-- --- - - • q NII;1) EVERY SAIL RD Y 1, , p, Dual' 6L,.8. F: s AN; ' , ....,t• : \ 11 1 '' T 1: - It Ms . 4 .nts ~.tr. n .01%.111C0, ...14•50 ' .."--..-•••••• . : ( ' I, .., ',..:. , - i o;:,;1.1,'. a year ‘i iii incur; tidy be • i ' . i ,,,.., r,_ ;11 Ti ill be strictly add tired to . •.,„,,,, ~,,.• ted :At 50 cents pc square •,,) . ~,,, ,, ,,a, :ad 25 cents for e.Cli soh. '..: ..,,,. % ,..,,f,II v;trietie.. erteli a . Books 4 ~.)1,, ~ ,n ,-, 1 .0..v 1.1,t14, t;aids steam _ , ~ • •:,. , 1 ,, ~„k , ~., Nntes, I,vveiv.s. ';..C. O.XC. .le ,11111 on short notice. ' . 2,- - -,, ,-='•-=.. b . ‘l.eit '4 M ITH ft CKSON. ' 1 i W „•, 1,,0,114, 111)1A CON liarthCf+d ' t '' .. e r , . I.a ; . 0n .li. , Nails CC. ,\O. 1:11, • ': .' ~. l'ri.•, la. r , . .. . . '''Yry'• • .1 i 111 N 1 . MILLAR, , .1 ; .r. , ~,,:i, t•- ork•.)1; 00 . 1Ct..10 Exchantre 1' 10.- , f 1: ,'. i• , •,.., ..' ,'F'.l ie. , - , •'. ; ,,,1.,„ 1 , 1 . ,)1iN-Z, IN, • ~ ' ri olt N :1 A'••• LAW 1 ilt , i I 1111 e 'Lin the Piddle ' I lidding, 1., I -F,e c. I:tip s :lir.. iq tt' MGM , '.' 4 ;,,' '' .. j , pir Olid dirt cly ' •er the r!• , )'.ii , : - • 0 ___ ...„ - ~ e l ' ,l t, 4itet, Ili IlilblCli iolis en b, .. i 0,- -. . 1 5) C k. V. nu .“),E.BT oc co. tl „,,, 1 4 Fr Ar.ri. :v, T. :d - , 1 1 ,1::. I'l lit VABI)INt; AN PRO- ° ” ' j :, i kI NI NI 1, SION i i)!ERCII , I NTS, m ~ . i., ~•;01-fti aro, Erie ( oat, salt , • rl,+,.iiily. Partici' , r att'en• c , , •, „.. •,,1.. ~ I"l.o,lace and pa clia , a,t of, 0 1' ...,, 1 ,„ , ~,,, :•;•ilia . ,e, South Wha f. t e I ; ; Ha 1.1.- 1 . U. D IGGS/ i p_ . T - - ' • . • III:NJ. MIN GRANT, ) b, .„., .., !' .11., at Law ; Otlit t n No.i 2 . ~ , ~ , _ , ~. •'...1•3 :1 ,,. mart. CI C. r:i. e %•10.11.k 1 ~..... Til()111'80, ~, r -...;, f -,:'-• I•a:atl.aw,t 'Bleu o i French t y; -" id..n.en ..S. Cols. Store, 3.rie. ; ; :1."-17 49 B ;ELI.' wn . S 1 •RGE9N DENTIST. . .... , ~..,% i.•a, d in Erie. (fait e, at his P ' , ..-1,1,. : .., truer of S. tenth al d Peach , --. . 49 S 7 ' I. !tus ..NZW FAG II.r: Co. . ~., , i 0„ , L ,, . 0 .1 Dontet.tio Dry Goods, v , -".. '.., \': ..1 . 1 .•111a , z, Pores and :Ades, tke". . k , t 1,1 nninn2 Mott., Slat,, Street, 1 C . Jdr,l, ti A t,t,A'PiN. - ~ r. ~ ..,•.,... lit 1.:,... , .--nfticc in see. ' ..„, • • r, am my 11;111, Erie. : hi 3.1 ;If: 'e. Al.ll . ALL , ' ' G - •••.; -, 4., i 'trice up stairs in he Tarns ..: r..1'..,. , , , id. ',.1!. n.)1111 , 311114. Protl onotar)'s g I„ - ~.. - t, \IX 1A1T , 115 ,);... LANE' A •.. .' 1 ...w. t N , ,Nt at Law-- )Rice on 71 , . t .. • s i• • ,, :e of the l'uldi . ..(ltrare„ A di •,, -•.• 1 ~ ... tIIIIIAITII. 1 W R. LANE. 1.4 _ 1 IL 1,1A).1118 &. CO , ~ . . 4t. :11,,, •.,I, It itrviStlvcr,6 rman S'd tl :; , ',tr. i U. calla Ware, en Ivry, Milt , .t. I-' ~. i' ',',.) ,1•, Ne. 7 !teed II ouse,Erie 't” 'is f ,,e e V 1 • 2 n -- - - • 1 I 1111.1:‘ A IS',l'.‹ WRY:arr.. n, '•• • ••• t t,,,1 I ir - ,1,A4-rs in Dry Goods,Gro a ~ . il,vo.or, rrorthery, Glass 'tire, Iron, 1 ! 'L. i', , ". 0 .r.„( It .• < te:• - nor er of State 1 ..1.. 1 , .! . l i. ....,..iiiia, oppi.a, lie ihe Ea2le, : 7 -, r•,,,,, r n , ' —.. ...._ 11 . M Ritu.ET. " • - ,-: ~t,t r, l'i , !..ds;er and Undertaker, b c . S. PICK INSON,. M. D. i: •:. ...1 .1. d •li,L..m,clVlCe on Sc Clllll Street, .., iq t ',, "dr , clirrii. Eri ." Pa. i d 0.:I II .11. t & COOK, - '• - r' , ,+., 6• ,•••• Connoi , iion, nil Produce t ; I '• l. 1 • .111 o: me i lunge, eas, oldie Pub• t .............____ 3 I:i‘,,l'll KVIL:4I:Y, i, , 1, ..2, , 1 ,I • = • ~. .., T,, corr r aril cet•irori . • •• ,1 , .0 ri. aril nail Filth s.rects, Eric: l'I'.!; SEN N Err tr. — CHESTER, , • '.% . ~l i.le+,tle and ret3iil deters in ..• . , 'I. . , i •u• ire kr. State ci rect. Eric:, p: J. ii.N 11. BuittoN & co. . .: t••• .., t.. t ,i I dcaler'. l in Dru s \ ledicines • ' , 'r- , l'• , ~ .iles, ,S.c. No. el ,1 t •ed lioness, ;‘ "• - y t ('. NI. TIIIIIALS,' •' CI * ' , ,c fivails, Airovelics, 4-e. No. I 11, ' •, - ''••• Et ie Pa. • 1;1) 4AM I./.7: VINE NT: , • •.• , , lin tinutlit, Groceri , &c., No. 1, • '' I: ~ '.., State st.,Eritt, P i I . lITEW ti.; BROTIF ER. ".! ih , , al ! , M e dicines, p., tits, Oils, Dye, •„";-, 0,.. -,,, ~, , ,:e , No. 6 Flee I Donee, Brie= ' 11. TONILINSON Co. , :•,,.: and I;otnititt.sion • lurch:Hale; 100 ..!!. • ' , :- I sit, Rile, and at 6th .h , tree! Canal Ba '• •.'''‘) 1. al. r.t lii Groceries i rid ! LT :Ligon!. HENRY CAIYMIILL. • .... la 111rdware, pry. (lunar' Groceries; &e. -•', rule if the Diamond, and me dour east of Erie, '1: .. lintel. Pa -. ' ..1, __ 7 EAGLE HOTE , ';11.• Ito ~ 1310%%n, corner of State street and i .. i . ohlte square, Et ie, Pa. F astern, Western, A soatrrn staie office. -- . - - ' I' ' YTLE tc lIA3III TON. • i ~.. -.0 , 00! Merchant Tailor.. on the Public :',lllTl', a few doors west of _tate ftreet, Erie, ' ' ', ' JOEL JOHNS N. , ' .'• t c, 'l - 115,•1;wie.11, I Nliseolluneous, Sunday I ir•'`• ( ' t-wal School Botth;Stationary, etc., etc. . , 1I t k'reneltStreet, Erie Pa. •" . _ i•-•' -, ,--. P. A. It. BRACE, '1 i ' '?nt v Ind Counsellor atlan 4 , Prairie du Chic W.l . I/ .1121irei in the con4ti es of era tyllir , • 'it ...11 lowa, W. T. and In Clayton count , flt.4 . lirri•ore. PRESLEY Ann CKLI.; '•''.l , r it Dry Goode, Groveri'9,,Cro' kery, Hard ''',', 'l., No. 3, Perry Hoch, ,i,State street P.rr I'a. ar AN I KO in exchanae for Goods, Wool, But ' i -.,l'r, Chcc.c, and all kin 5 of Colintry PO :a.e. I. C./DSVP..I.".-' Jain ,• 19th. ',.'-' ••-; - -----, H",it ) w A 1tr...-- Shelf Il • dware and' r tionue , ;''''''"'l'llina's iian always be hae.yery cheup at - 1, 1:ur I , , tore of. S. ilteflS - AON lc. co. • Q . , , ler 21, 'WA. t 2 , I , L. 27 ----- i - - --- DYE STUrPS, 1. , ,gw00d, - ilndie, - ;rustic, I Cochineal, ; 1 -.'•tniwood, . Annatto, 'I - Niewood,. ' . CreaM Tartar, Ll:atil Wood, Red Tartar, Ned Sanders,. Blue Vitriol, Copperas, Alum, etc, - I . :Madder, • for sale by 3. 11. BURTON & Co. _ Nor. 23; 1516.-2+2 No' r . 5, Reed ilorre. ......._, 1....--, A, Lit FOR TIMOTHY I. ;SEED.—The I sub f Itbers will pay cash fdr rzirod clean Timo r'it fol. ' I 13.T074ILINSONtt CO.' ___......._,.,_______—... rip APTS: 0'.%•: lIEW -,Y O K • Ptiabi LI bn New York for western fundiTor sale by / 1 3 1e11 4 .17, ' C. M. TIBBALS, - • . i 1 •. ' • , . Ili .... . . . :',-- -•-•: 1 • - , ' : . • 1. • .. . . - . :- 1 , , , . . s 1, ' • . -; -- f i , 4 , '':. .2',.. - . 11 1111 - ,•":,',,' r '. _:- - . s . 1, _.'...'; ....;_ „r i r ~ : ' -' - . • 1.. -, "",.. •-• ',._ r f •I : -7 ':.4.: :::•, ' , .', - ; •. ;': ''';•-• r:• ;'-; "; ''.; • . - ; • . . , •...- ' ' -. ' - • ' - 'i'" . . , , •.. ',' 1.7;',1'r. ' ' - ...' ' - :- --:::, '.-•• •-•,',-,‘ -., ,', _ . • • ~ i' . 1., . , . . . . - . . , .... . •, • , ?" • t '-- ' , . - • rr _ , - 'l': t . .... -'-• .., - . - . . . , ,-,, -.•-",„ . •.. i •: . . _ . • t , ~.. ..., . . . . . From the Erie Observer, Extra; May 16, ad. Nye received last night b the 'southern mail; (in the Pittsburgh Ch nicle) ;the fol lowing HIGHLY I.AITO ANT NEWTS FROM r l HE' ARMY. GREAT 13e'TLE iIET'IVEETHE AMER 'CALI AND MEXICAN ARMIES-- AMERIW N LOSS ESTIMATED AT 500---OEN. SCOTT VICTORIOUS-- 6000 MEXICAN PRISONERS -GREAT SLAUGHTER AMONG THE MEXI CANS!! PluLADELmrt.i, May 7-7 P. M. ' News has been received that another great battle has been foegbt near Cerro Gard° be 'teen Gehl Scott and Santa Anna. _ . The Americans are again triumphant, the Mexicans having suffered a complete defeat. Five Mexieati Geller is have- been taken prisoners. . ' We receiyed the following diSpatch ntl2 o'clock last; night. The battle must hare been ono of the most tremendous on record. Certainly nothing equal to it occurred &ding the Mexican war. , The - furtber particulars i of the fight will be looked for with the vti, most interest. 't • The American army took SIX ,THOli- SANI) MEXICAN PRISONERE!!!' .„ The loss to our army in killed and wound- , ed islestintated as- high as Ave hundred.—;., The )letiattri hiss is unknown, but I. la's, , been intmense. '1! • I. ' 1 • , _ Hopes are elitertnine4 that Brigadier Gen eral Shields who was badly wounded may • i I recover. Fifty men' were killed and wourided in Col. Baker's Regiment of 111 mild. ' Out.wunt of 1..);agoo isrto fullciW up the pursuit', save!' Saiqa A na's life. , • ThelCentucky and nnessee troops hive antlered much. `me,ntion is made t'anyof the Pennsyl vaniktroaps. ' Coicjinel skell's Regiment of Tennesseeans a lost en.• Capt. Naylor's company from rhilndel lila belonged to this regiinent. The battle commenced on *the 17th of April betweenthe Mexicans i l and the advance of Ged.Twigg's commanp , . A very severe en gag 'ment ensued. Ontllie next day General Sco tame up with the main body of the Am t l t. rican army, when the battle was re newed. Tha engagement was'a bloody and desperate one, but the Mexicans were corn ',lately routed. - • . Santa Anna Amide Ilia earana ark.s. rruslo 'through the chapparal. His flight must have effeen a hasty one, for he left his coach, papers,. i= money and wooden leg behind him. His di - net iuurcamp equipage were also deserted, i lii and h left all his munitions of war, which fell into tie hands of the victorious Americans. Ge . La Vega was againtahen prisoner, as abro rere five other Mexican Generals, and a lard number of Otherrcers. They will all be s lit to the. UnitaStates as :prisoners of war. • Tie Mexicans were slaughtered by, bun; dreds. Our loss has been very severe. Brigadier General Shields is said to be mor— tally wounded, although there are slight hopes that he may, ,reCover. Major Sumner was- shot in the head, but I. his wound ii said not to be mortal. , Brig. General Pillow was slightly wounded. All the Field Officers of Col. Haskell's Re giment were mounded. . Ca'pt. Mason lost a leg. Lieut. Ewell fell badly' wolinded. Lieut. AFLane was 'slightly wounded. Limits. Derby, Dana and Davis are slightly wounded. !Capt. Pottoti was Slightly wound ed. Lientsl elkon and Gill et NremplAc N enn. were both killed. ,r - Gen. La \regrets brother and several Mexi can Colonels were killed.. . 1 , Gen. Twiggs pursued the retreating Alex ' icons to near Jalapa. On th&l9th Gen. Wo th marched forthe city of Mexico, and Gen. 'cott was to follow the same day ( The Alegi n prisoners -will be diSCharged upon theiP parple, not to serve again during the war with the led States. • • The officers who will be sent to the United 1 States have:ar ived at Vera Cruz. A BIT or 16'3w:co.—The McCo tellsville (O.) Herald of the 14th inst.., chronicles the marriage ofrtwo - brotherti to two sisters, all lately from ItitchieeOunt34a. The ceremo:. ny was performed in the vi.oods about a half mile east of the town. The brothers, it ap pears, left their native hills to try their for tunes in Ohio. Their sweet Marts, unwil ling to remain behind, deterinine t il, come weal or wo l e,"to follow them and share their for- I 'wei r Oo their journey, they luid touched the point above mentioned and encamped for the night their mother, had accoMpanied them, forbade any further progress until the nuptial knot vas tied. A messenger was accordingly Aespticed to town "for a license and a square;" i, in due time, the twain were doubly made flesh, in the forest, before tiieir camp fire, Mrs for i sentinels f and the trees for wit s.l• and one the nee. . . lif l EXrCO AND Il.tvarrs.—By the arrival of the schooner Philenus, Capt; Sparks, the N. Y. conhas received advices from,Havana to the lit inst., and Vera Cruz to 'the 6th. ' The England steamship Tay, Capt. Shait, arrived at Havna On the 9th bringing the news of the surrender ofVera Cruz to the United States. Site' had on hoard $50,000 In Specie. Three email boats arrived at Havana on the Bth, con taining the passengers and crew of the Eng lish ship Catherine, which was totally lost on the rocks 2.5 miles north-east of Cape Sap ,Antonio. She was bound from - Jamaica to -;Glisgow, and bad a cargo of sugar and rum. Fo4llllsllll ADO" so the Olney ef War. et I. Yaur rseellency, wee won the day, My . 'themes" conglit amid the; Cray,. . And wl; l ppid the Yankees without ; And r.ktf—lWet Wheeled and tea • FURTHER PARTICULARS! • - . r . From th e Roston (diva Broach. I • I WOIULDWI!...WOIII S.D. Tett I wouldn't ilea much for sitgirl Witt n prattle From morning tilt nightther'es too much of the shrews She amuses as triages n twopenny youth Amuses a chilli—Just, as , tong us it's new: wouldn't give meals foist prattler,Llwould yout • wouldn't Coemuch for 41,e women who wear them, Smith slippers-the gaiters—l mean 'Minket two; Who pt all the; , know, if perchance thei.dnu't tear . . ' them, ' . • . , . , Say, "husband! they're on. and Just et me, they del" I wouldu't give much fur these wurden—woup lout I wouldn't give much far a girl with a bonnet • That coat fifty tiokars etbert-Bret it way Hew, Who sports a large muff With a h,airy tali on it, That , hongs,down in fvoOt of it, jail as it grow; Fwoulda t givo inuch / foilhis Col:nuts—would youl I woutdu't give much fir Elhe woman Rho prances, Promenading till night 'llOl the thoroughfares ehrol Giving winks to the'clerki, or else amorous glances, Emoughton to turn both her eyes all _show; i wouldn't hive much fur this woman—would youl I wouldn't give much fur . * girl who is spending Bcr day* aE rho glass, libt to work or to sew, While her rather is over his weary toll b rling, To earn to support her herd dollars a tow; I troUlthet give much for this rain one—would you? tyc uldn't give much ndria girl with a lover Of dandy bud air, with his soft "barley vow," • Ifis lips all mustachios—taco whiskers all over, Who calls Itiiiisale foreign, and *path the ' , rouse' I wouldn't give much fur this fetnale—would I wouldn't give much for a girl when noycle, From Choever'lllo illr,10h11111 . 11,..113201" apd Sue, That aoo I the Iv holi , country in mansion+ and liovelei 1 Before 'W has lee ned bow to bake, beih,vitid stew, 1 wouldn't give in 01 tlir,this being—wolldpul 0 give - um no finer►, ma, vain one, no prancer, But ono Who's a heart 'that is loving and felAndaonie or limurly,,tu sure elan would answer, ' And proud of the chance would Ihe her to woo,- 1 wouldn't, ohject, my dear fellour—woiild vote From druham's Magazine. THE OATH OF MiIMON, A STORY- OF TILE REVOLUTION. BY CHARLES 7. PETEILSON. [Contin . ued.] 41ArtER Vt f.Who thundering cntnn'iu hleckest sieed."—Birnotr. While Mnj. Lin'dtay was galloping from Blako f ley Da% Captain Preston, by the same road, was advancing toward, it. He / had been out OTi elotiting expedition, and' hearing that Kate was still wi i tit her aunt, 'determinCd, in , a moment of relenting, to visit her. Ho had not yciiheard of 14r father's capture— of course belWits ignt rant of her own peril; and Kate determined that he !should retnain.so. The rapidity of Major Linitiay's pace Was in union with the tutntjt of his thoughts. Now that. all, was settled, coiscience wa stilled; and he Mt Only the wild exultation of success. Exposure wa.,the only thing he had io dryad; bUt of that he or tug secrecy as well as ithinity. He had no doubt Kate Would soon love him. - 2 itb other women he had generally been success ful; he attr ibuted his failure in her case to,her re ineinbratice o( Picston as her old playttiall.• But once finding herself the husband of another, duty world soon teach her to forget the past. Oecu. pied with these iellections, Mnjor Lindsay's spirit rose. Tritimpluint guilt is rarely given to re. mOrse._ "But one thing only is wanting," he said "If I could meet this Preston—this braggadocia—l would at,Onco have my revenge, and get rid of all po@sibility of future r;.vair." As Win answer to this half emaressed wish,there *cis at that moment seen, en the crest,of a slight elevation in front, a single horseman, who even at that distance, w i ns recognized as wearing the uni form of Marion s brigade. "Wheel to the ri4ht," said . IrjorLintlstty sharo and suddenly to his dragoons, "into this old wood road.' Hal 0. We wilt lie in ambush here until we know something of the strength of the enemy. They do not yet see us." ' flisordero were immediately executed,' The troops dashed into die pine barred, %here they w.c l / 4 re eae le concealed behind eOnie high , hvish.— Nlajo i r L dEtly alirrlded and eteaclilY LtdAtICCII to • reconnoite ~' I firstli s e saw, a, trooper idly descending the then another immediately cut the clear utctiVity with his figure; and soon &third, fourth and fifth appeared in rapid succession. The last corner . was eta galloP and thished by the others uittil,hd reached their heid. Even at that distance ILlobi Lindsay thou2llt there was sornethine familiar in thatperson, Re could not believe, However, that he had seen the whole of the enemy's force, until the five horsenien had nearly descended the„hill, when ho concluded that they" Were merely a scout ing party of fhb foe. tie beckoned to him his or. derly. • "Do you know those fellows?" lie said. . The approaching horsemen were still at a con siderable rliNytnce, so the man shading his eyes with ono hand, while with the other he held back the brurhweod to get on opening for his face, peer cd long and eagerly. ;Then he •diew back, nod ding his head. "1 kno b 'em," he said, "least ways on o' cm, who is that Captain Preston that used to plague us so, uti at the, hall xonder," and be jerked his finger ove r t his shoulder in - the direction of Mrs. filakeley's which they had left about an hour be fore. "Are you sure?,' said Major . LinNey eagerly.. I, would ratheriose a dozen guineas than that you 'should be mistaken." "Then you'lll keep your guineas, air," said the orderly, •tthat's Capt. Preston and nobody else." ols•that. fellow, Macdonald, with him? lie I. I , worth two men, and it would boa lu4ky hit to get both." ' , I', I ' • ' "No, sir, I . knewhis tut well— itut he's mot along. , And that's odd tot', for he and Capt. Res ton always ere togethe. like • deg hunting, in couples." I I "Then die have him" , laid Major Lindsay, ultingly, "Ele cannot escape its" 1 - . -0, .1 . "Shall we blow t h e trumpet, an d enrage stolen, then?" said the orderly; HOur men ill go at 'em like hungry wolves.. They've a lim score to set=lie." "Not yet," said Major• Lindsay, 'we_tvill wait till those falews ; corne itjr; then, boitt and saddle, and upon them. ' , would not bay *them escape us for my life." '' ' !,, The dragoons, informed . wheithe, enemy wad,' eluded impatiently to begin the . attttek-:--for they had a hundred insults to avenge, ea, the bold par , risans,beforothern. Meanwhile, of Otero, far, the orderly . had -heettiigitt - in::sayirm , Capt. presion hid the , troop, appieaehe4 qp,,a t Of, conplot.tly, unconeetnua'offfieretencepl,hie idden,inenty, fie wee .engagied In a 'scent tiapia Won`, Of lime , • ; ;, _ . , ' d_ , a THE SNORED IS ,o vEnsED TpO , 31:1I " -C - .ii.T . UI? ! ,Jii,A.V; MAY, 15,:.184''x. ~ . . extent, and had no idea an armed royalist Wei within twenty Mike. .Beddenlv however, ho drew in hie rein,. for he thought 'he heard a horn inxim ing in the esi; brit it was too late; Ntej Linde "y ester they"_'ere discovered, and immedi• ate! gave the long wisheri Ibrywitrd. Charrief." he.aairf4tuneing his, rowels into the sides of his home, anti clearing at-one bound the apace between him and the road. 'With a loud !Myra, the dragoons shouling,"no quarter," Ai/lowed his "e,Mmplo, horse and man suddenly lifiing the read like di - triathlons. Pres ton saw' hi was surrounded. Their cries told him, Moreover, that it was to be a lifts and death struggle. Five against fifteen was (pried odds, yet he cried, • • "Marion fernier:" an•i drawing hie sabre, he dashed at Lindsay ; whoa) he recognized. "Ha! ha' e we met?" he Med. "Yes—and I have :veil!" `was the reply hissed between his adversary's teeth. As Major Lindsay thus spoke, he raised himself its his stirrups, and throwing. all his strength into one gigantic blow, be brought hie heavy sabre down, right on the almost unprotected head of Preston. Fora women: it seemed as if, the . tren chant blade would cut through cap and skull, even to the shoulder—and, had it ntrutA fair, it would; but with a dexterous movement, ottr.horo evaded the stroke, and . in reta l rn. dealt a side cut flat, Major Lindsay's horse bad not fortunately swerv ed, would have ended his West once. • But though foile4 in thisfirst attempt, each was eager to return the charge, and wheeling ,their horses, they rushed again upon. each other. ,It was Preston's turn now to deal the that blow,— :He rode with very short stirrups, of which he took advantage to throw hiMself baeltivard, and then projecting him4ll forward, at Arensting ::11 hi/ strength , into tiuk b low, he brought his sahke doWn on the helmet of i tsilajor Lindsay with a foice that was irresistible: Cutting clear through $e crept as if it had been a sninkewreath, the welliproved blade descended with Atli violence on the steel cap, through which it crashed like an egg - shell; but herd it stopped—broken into fragniebts by the Ise: mendotts stroke and the , j fesistancti Of the iron casque combined: Nothinebut that well temper ed steel head piece could Ititve saved Major Lind say's life. As it was, stunned andlewildered he reeled in liis•saddie. "Hew him down!" "I:lse' "the cold lead!"— - "Have at-him them, ose and all!" Such were the exclatnations :hat met our hero's ear, as he recovered himself from that blow, and_ found only the 'and a fragment of id's broken blade left In hi land— He looked round hastily. His four followers had - already been put: • hors du combat, and the dragoons were now, like dogs around a wild hoar, waiting a chance to rush in on him, encouraging each other by shouts . ; for such Wail the terror of Preston's name, and so ter rific was the blow they had just'Aeo dealt their leader diet each than hung back an instabtipre f.".rint t .4I.I!ARNA I /Winill a rfliligr.Cir to himself of it, for ;as pistols Were already drawn, he krieW his chance would last scarcely a moment. *-tio,"Thuntlerer!" ho said, addressing his'steed -- r a powerful animal, jet black all over-land turn , ing hie head toward-that part of tiro circle of his fifes which seemed the thinest, ho added, "Stand, by me now, and we escape them yet." As he spoke, he dashed his spurs to the, animal's sides till the blood spurted, fron beneath. ,the sharp steel, and With a pistol in his right', hand, sprang fiercely forward • Right anti left the dragoons, panic-struck, gave way, as dock of sheep fly before the onset of an angry wolf— only ono man attempting to stop his progress.— 'But, without so, much us being wounded, the trooper went down headlong—overthrown by Preston's•powerful charger; ands hero, yield lag to an uncontrollable Impulse, as he' saw the way thud cleared before him, rose in his stirrups; andwaving his arts on high, looked back, and , rave utterance to a shout that long after he had vanished, like a bolt shot firm, some huge cata- pult, echoed entire-echoed in the startled woods. "He is oil', be GoVsaid the orderly; "saw you • i ever the like?" - Frit a second the dragoons stood stupidly look ing, at ciach other; then, all at once, a dozen pis tols were snapped at tho fugitive, 'and a dozen steeds - put to the pursuit. Moreoier, Major Lindsay, though hie head .still swam from that tremendous blow, bad 'recoered sufficiently to undentand what was passing, and he nbw lent his voice to encourage the chase, and himself Pas sed forward among the first. All this had occupied le.is time than it Mistaken. .us to relate ht. 'The attack the fight, the escape, succeeded each other like fleshes of slimmer lightning; and when Pirfeton, adroitly , turning his horse into the narrow and winding road where his foes had•lain in ambush, passed momentarily roll out of sight, unharmed by the slio,:s that , • ,past, it seetnedtolim almost as if he we a Pi a drecirn. But the shouti of pursuers, and t rapid treA 4 l of hoofs; speedily convinced him of the 're ality And pitying voice and spur , he went on war at a slashing patio, now and then looking behind to see if, the dragoons gaineJ on him. i There is something inexpressibly still b and re freshingin an 'old, deserted road, windirix through a cool pine forest. 'I ho tall trees lapping over head, the thick carpet of splattering leaves be low, and the delicious fragrance all around, 'have always had a charm fur us; and Preston left it so, especially atter the fierce excitement 01 that life and death struggle; so that when ho canto to a little dark stream, gliding. solkly,uorossipte road, he longed to Stop and bathe his throbbing temples and take ono icing, sweet draught, as he had often done upon het-day 'in the :retest, when a boy. But the red foe was behind him and ha elicit .on like an arrow.. presently ho came Man old clearing, which had had.been long abandoned.. Here for :about a quarter of a mile, was art open space' - where ploughed fields had once, been, hut the fp rroWs of which Were overgnen by a drys stunted grass,-- I-lo would have preferred the winding forest road, but there was no alterdative, 'widen ho ,dusiteth— He had nearly regained the shelter of the forest on the other side,' when ho heitd a wild burst hearing, and looking baek ho , saw the dragoons, wadi:W.lM L4ndsay and one otter in advance entering on tho'opcn . space. They bad caugh sight of hint Or the first time since ho entered the old toad, and their shouts - betokened renewed hope end determinatiek on their part • •• • Breathlessly Prdston kept" n, but with leis aro mance than.beibrei for, i hts horse was idrOdy hard.worlibil, and 'soon he saw' ith.dismay that blood wria flawing trorri his fore-Shoulder freely front a wound. -A half Iniie thriller en, the, poor" aniraahbegsn- to flag itenaiPly; pat ethel,"aa it -React); dud much to 11;.,VaMiut. hie. awn genet , ous hamm, - Preston wa:ltffirceem urgrcuritiqy ittc4l lic Istipw tha t , , ... and a hell be ii; .;rviti a energy into the. recesses 1h coul i i of:which - 0d but once plunge, ho would be safe, But ow he heard, behind hint a . rapid , hoof. It cam neitier though still out of eght.:— One if not mere of bis pursuers! was gaining up ii °Whim • Ag l in he spurred his steed, and en couraged him with words. The noble animal answered wit a feeble cry and staggered en.— Scarcely him mil? now remained to gain. the a swamp. If could only reach it, Preston knew all danger w uld be part, But this was impos sible.. ) . i That rapii gallop came nearer an steam , like the clock ilia ticka the hoar of the criminal*. fete. He heard a s out behind him, and' looking, over his shouldel-, aw tto trooper, whom lag had . last noticed side y Ili e with Major Lin say, come thuridering i . 114 cheered lihJilYingisteed to a last e ff ort, h t it' was in vain— die drag oon made two strides t hiso e. ~ A. few paces only, now separated th in; t e sverupp lay thrice the dis tance before ,Al eady the trooper luid raised in his rtirups, road- word' in hand.. Preston had mai ) such 1w . open Suddenly.be recollected 1 , the . pistol in his other holster, and Mewing it with the velocity .11.+1», he turned half around) in his saddle a'd tired. With unerring aim the ball meted the , fain of the dragoon, who 101 dered to the ant). ' • . It 'was th wor of a moment to leap to . 1... be ground and eatch l the fallen so!dier':‘ - horse, on which Pea on sprang. Poor Thunderer*was al ''ready doihr; ho had sunk to the earth as his'master. fired the la. t shot. • , i t -'1 , Thus fat , interposedllet prevent tin/ intervit w hetweenp,estowla n d our heroine, eta time When I it would li• en been of incalculable advantige to both, and It, ve circumvented a plot as base and cruel as it , as nOw certain of amcess. , r . At the very hour A lieri Preston, after having riddetiover thirty mile frotrl the spot where he was attacked, , threw him elf wearied - froutitis horse,,in ono of the most a cret rfeeneit of the forest, 'UM° and her aunt w re setig forth for GeorgetOwn, where lthey arrived on th succeeding day; r , Neverv ri t as human creaturo in a .more isolated and moor ful - situation iltan Fate now found her , self. lad lOng n, what ;the 'Nought a hopeless passion, e cry motive, of delicacy folliatie her re vealing i o tho 4 who allow could befriend her. She well k ew that ill her father became 'aware - t how mud -her marriage wi.h Major Lindsay was a. against It r inclinations, he would inter Pose even at the very altar, and ascend the se&tfold to save her. Yeitlisr Would it do to Idt her aunt guess her ablmr unee'at this union. Both her father and Mrs. Ilakciey had, indeed, at onetime hoped that a matrimonial connection would he formed between her amt, Preston, but the mutual coldness of the parties l i rd long since dissipated th is ex• ketationl It v 'as no time now to reveal her se cret prefeence; Mit a confessimi koala Only ha v,O sealed he fatler's , fate; • without renderini.'her happy ' - Kat e."?•,- 05 . __AV---sa„ratMl; its M jor Llndeiny was competed lo be at , .,,.__;_ t -den in-s x days, Ms leave •r4f absence closing at that peri d, the marriage ivas 'fixed for the eve, nirig bet re lint departure. This was an earlier day that Kato l ikid looked for, but she could' not object v qtliout expoiing her secret. - She sub mitted t ietef+i in silence. .But w to can tell the agony of her spirit When in compbny With her aunt - .and parent, she was forced t wear a guiding - aspeet! yet when alone, she gave free vent to her sorrow. The image of • Preston' often) one on those bitter mornelits.= Alas! that one so young should he so miserable. She cotdd ha l ve prayed for death, but that would haver bone -iMpious. • Oh the heart—the hearti that a mystery it is, Therere blitwe worse than 'thoso on tit l e wheel: w ten a it is ' g ay heart is broken with anguish. it ,- 1 vu. * Otlr l fortrees Ir the gond grrenwe4l, , _Our tent the evpross tree. We know , the feirest round us. the toomeo k plias the *oa f We know its woks of thorny viner; ILA glades of reedy mos. Ito safe And silent islands Within thi dark morns...;. ; amiroj Iforines men. it W I O several dayinelerthe events of the, last chapter, antolle scene was dale cif wild and wood. land, beauty. Belie cypresses 'rose ,o-1 every hand, festooned with parasite plants, broad glades opened hereand there in all direetions; and vast arcades stretched off at a distance, groined and vaulted like a Gothic minister. It Was just inch a spot ad Robin tided might have chosen in old SherWoixt. Here were gnarled monarchs of the forest - which had braved the lightnings and the storm," ofa thousand years; here were natural bow ers, formed by the. interlacing branblies of trete, suchnsfait Rosamot?d,might have been shifter.' ed irtyliere were vines drooping' train the huge brandhes, like curtains, dr hangini 'in &stains acroi,it the way, like! the draped banditti df a mighty host.' The wholneene Wat,full of pie- Unclip() beauty. And the effect wits heightened by fires, which, glimmering here , t and there. be tween the trees, cast wild and flickering. shades ,alokg The swarti,,and gale the prospect the air of an enchanted forest. Fragrant plants filled the evening. atmosphere with delicious perfmno—the the shrub, and, more excittisite than all. the . sweitn-scented jessamine..! ' This, as the reader may hive initigincil, was It4rion'a celebrated camp at Snow Island. • it was a piece of high river swamp, nearly or altogether enclosed by water, and defended tiy its natural position from ettrprise and siege alike. Here of tdr his famous expedition's, he was u red to te: ire and recruit hit men, exhausted by long and rapid marches, often lfxly miles a day, which ' they had been called ea to endure. rerhapa the great secret of this renowned pardian's success; next to his indoutitable'courage, which reminds ut of a 4. night of chivalry, -was the care which ho look o give his followers sufficient- rest be tween his enterpaises. His maxim was to lie low and feed high until the hour carne (to strike; but then his motions were as rapid, and the blew he struck as decided as the thunderbolt. ' The present occasion wus one of those' on which his men, having returned front a ettece. , ,a , lot ettiedition, was resigning themselves, like true soldiers, to the pleasure of the motile M. The sentinels wore indeed posted at the crinikirts; but inside the camp Itself was universal lacer/sail and sinie. 'The reigns ofdiacipline seemed, for tire rt t me, to have been . relastd.. The different mess: ,t 1 a were gatheredOver' their meal's; the cheerful up circulated from hand to, hand; god many a errylist was ttild;er:tyrie of war or'lo'iti . wee ung by thtwo jovial Orion companions, • ciao of ilmso,gieoni . ,seeniediveo more uteri" bin the rest.. It r at composed of about, a dozen en; prominent amoqz•whoia was Preston'a ler.' cant,-Macdonald,-who acted air the director of Ice,reitiegleit'ilir the timafoing s - .and.aa'si• especially itO ihti'ciyeulatioil'ileiltt WO. ''' - - - .l"Keep kt tip,•boys," he said, banding "Mond dr tiottitO`it. Isn't often we get such real ofd sir as this, for ire not every day we bale tire .ri ing of irieli Tery*a cellars, as ire %ad last Week. A short Oland a Airy one, is my riot • tm, mu my excellent friend, Jacob, why don't you drink? You needn'tisit shoWing us your teeth all the time, astbough they were handsome. cbmrades here lathe health eijlacob Snoir--that's 4 ou my ,old chap, I supposezbe *en ea as pretty a Mien* as there Is'in the thirteen- colonies; and boasts shin bone that' cutves like a reaping hook. acob Snow, standing, egad'^ , • "L'or Musa Macdonald, l'm deep obligated for die bon r." sahOhici old butler, for it was indeed he. "I m diseunifoundel for wards to diitress my fr•filings.". Hero he laid his hand on his heart, "Thit's it-bjazo away old felifive a said the acriettit slapping him on,da.) back, ."I knew yr could talk is glib' as la parsed. Se you Were at Mra t lakelera when v. ewereNbefore that Plies; werriy ul i You rememlrer my sending for my baggy oil"' 1 1 I ~ - • "Gor, atnightyl yea," said oIJ Jacob, full of revereoll adm iration,' ."And you's to grotto man too dat shot Lieutenant TorrianO at three liuncl44l yards.' , Yaw(:)arr! yaw! dat made 'cm furiou•r• Major Limlsair aued you-were en Injun, and no better thin n cannon ball -be, yaw!" "Ha! hal.. Acannibal you mean, my old brave I suppose. But th hitting of the lieutenant tais a trilie to the way 1 served Major iGainey.- Wasn't it, lads?" • • "Ay, it was?"lieedlirktf a doted voices.- "Tell , km, him-t e ll it!'"•• '' [ "Shall I." raid the set jean?, addressing Jacob With something of drunken gravity; for the whole part' by this time, had dune ample justice to l their dagons. . -, I • i l 'ell, then, must know, my jelly old bade ' - , but fi ll your cup win, and drink pertli•- Lion to the E nglishmen-that it party of us had a e.. . • 1 - brush down by GeorgetoWn, pot lung age, with 'soinef the Brill:b regulars, wlie ercee killing beev it at White pridge. ; 'We semi whipped ilia red eats; and ilteit Cliesecl i them teward the test;. Brit heir friends here, liearini the Ilring. Came awe ing out Ult. bees, and so - went at it again, hip nd thigh as he good 1"ok says,'enil for a whif it was the :se of a six pence which would win. We fought a pretty smart bit of the day; but at last the re. co.a.s gave ground 'again.. 1 bad notit ammo g them an ollicer whom l took for Majir wine • a felicity that had the inipT knee to boast th t he'd carry `Marion a! piisoror nn hiseaddh: int. ( Georgetown; 'and se I singled him out, reaolvin • to try his iduelc, and comb him' down a spell 13dt no sooner-did be sec me coining down on Black Bess, titan' he elspried spare to Ilia hors -and a etc:Eerily mood Ono it was-and made .traight for the town, like' an old i;fAinan who iee• a marl dot. 100%0i - the rind we went . ... .. ~ inl__, A ult devil_ alf or along wii c con d gain on the mijor. I \ might have cut d win he 'a i oxen crap:dug fel ioiefrarr. rdailied , n••, buil had made u•• a i; • . __.. 1 9 havc,_i.--r- N ~.: r *. h . i ;...,54 "CA'd 151a' It Sees di/1 4 i: ride& il=!.'!•„ l ,_ --cti etrece an d fen' es shot - past aif rtinnifig a race. The ma-. i Jot' Idd hors• went is I never saw a, beast go before; t I we- close behind, and beginning to [ gain on h t. e were now almost at tiro en trance of orgatown, Still I held on, lumping to old Dere likei,a marl devil, as I reaelied•Rich: mond (eke, 1 lapped the guatter,=.3.e.- the _tnajor's horse, and will a lunge, ran niy briyonetanterhis back . The in ••r had turned amend, frightened , half to death, I fling up his hands beseechingly; and I tholight had him sure, till the cursed bay-, nd left me only the gun. I woe ihaving bolt hitri r yet I . ceiti not , 7 I saw him F,o down the stieeta , : the bayonet stilltstiekingi n him, into a trussed laid. I hauled up, s afe, and , ,‘, there the last `,. we've heard ey ,. , • ; onet came el, mad enough a help laughing of Geortzetow like a skewer and came 6i' -1 of Major Gal Witlrn r.r. titres like these, the night passed, the old limier listening with open Month, endears. AC length, toward Midnight, t tread " la horse's feet',wat he rd, and directly clear, eommand ingvoice c Iled Macdonald b y name. '. , Thh td Min, by tile LOrdl" op:filmed . ilth i serjeint, j mi.ing hp as If Ay bk by an electric shock.. lt Jo. is here et last, aliye and sound, which I I egan tof ar for—ht.tall, But stop,— Now Jacob Snow , ., deliver yipiir Misson.— i sq lailti up like a m , as 1 dih and dent ' sway atmitt like a pine tree in a liturleane 4. Oat:Olin, this gentleman," continued tie speaker, hie voice getting thicker std thicker,',"has a mr te cursedly sage for ets you from Miss' Mowhray; but h (1 14 . i drunk to kndw - it.!' I ' ' At these wortta, our hero, who was d regirdirm the group with a look of siteht.elmke, tnrricd sod denly on:the oki.blitler i who was, it the i truill nano. be told; the only sober one of the_ parry: •A flesh of joy lit tip dept. Preston's fate as hel extended hie hand for the supposed letter. Old ineob;wlto had no missive of that character to deliver, but with !WI cotrie %Orally on his own responeibililt, hesitlited what to say. 'White the Iwo parties arc thus regarding each other, we will explain the in eitlenpt et Welt had brought thturtiltes unexpected. ly together. 1.1 1 ,1 il ' ' 1 Capt. Proutooluid fothid difficulty iit'regnihi g %v ng the camp, in eh licluene of Maj Lindray lavini p lett word of the, I4e where 'he hail sought refuge With some l'ilti es id the neighbothoOd, l These men, enxietts to secure so rOloubtable,,icader, had immediately stationed' patrols al; all the hankl oat-lets of the swan*, and thus twice had our he. ro been dtiven batik into its reecssess, once nar rowly escaping death: At length, frosievbr, in 1 the dead uf night, he had succeeded In eludinghis enemies, and gaining -the high road. Ills dight, however; had led him into a district full of To rieriandtwas forced to travel with great caution, and Make- a long, circuit ih older to i own to camp. Meantime , his absence there I ati.occa eioned Much alarm, especially among his troops; and. Macdonald` had intended, if he did not appear by the ensuing morning, settog forth to make linquiries1 in quiries respecting hint, fear ug he was dead. i. Thu old butler bad been inithe coup too days, he had attended hia mirtresi a to Georgelown,nd was the only atm tsho snap& ed the true - state,of Kates heart ,,, Ele lotetithati fair creature with the plind devtition a ,'re- shot's to Its Master; and he llati long been fully, satisfied that her affections • L , ' were gleenlit Preston., Of hero be bad 115. e . tf stab an idea as the old romancers had of a Pa a-, din °flamer slaye,looking on him as eapoldii of tieing 'a ni deed f , no‘Mitt.er. how -impossibl‘; o old' Incotolt )t coned only necessary that Prim on' ;Wahl knoisr oTitittes'dprig'er, in .order to roe ro ,her, AitOrilfriily;4lton ho (Wind th man) go actually resolved on, and the `day site d , ho a 010 out of Georgetown , Mid Made the hest ofhie ay . , to Marion's ramp:, Ifert tic Pews - of rreetotfs IA +midi» .74V1 Itigit '52. like a thunderbolt. But he knew no ens Ow coitliirewlist him, and moreover I,c held Katt:Yeses trct iioiaered to he/ Isetpatied to otherti. ' blenn• time, be found . amusement in listening to the Weis* the Soldiers, end was never happier thas when .with mouth Viltre i open, ho saiNdaVouting , some 'Cory gf Hb implicitly believed eirerY thlhg.hel beard; end thought, with husible vanity, What k ilijsatiht 'he . 'would •ciesto it Bialitief Haft When he rehearsed there that* • tales; for Jacob, n hit tartly way, was 'a eon of , FHisart; and Witli the 4natious Old ;trinkets, • thought nothing io "honSrable end glorleuti ii galient felts cifitrms'.r " Preston no* drinv the old butler aside,/ and skid, . • "Have youths letier here' •'Please masa." said thg . old feliew,rdelewnlito ed to blunt. thaugh the, business with a round falsehood, since he could think of nothing, elda just then, that woUld Serve his turn; pleas. mat., sa,dat was a curs ed in Sergeant Madmicuudd-r• I nebber had it lettilt Iron Miss Kate; but hair one lily message from her: .Sho • lis in George.' town in a pole,mccielther she mug marry Major, Lindsay, or Mr. Mowbray be hung." "Good God:" e.clauned . Proton, "what is It you amyl Trifle noiWith too," he said -sti,;ty, seizing the old shire by the toner. "As true sis dare is a fleiVen above." said the • ea-hinter, treratiling and Miff frightened oil of his. . wits ; "%fliot I sky ii Ale G ospel truth" , , Ho thed proceeded to give Preston a mare d e. tailed actoiuit of aittir's, so far as they were known to hirn—adhettring . 4encralty to the truth. except: . its roundly asserting that liate , had sent him. Preston's hear: throbbed when 'he heard this.--+ Kite loved him, then, after all. ' Hope whispared to him a bewildering dream; for if she codicils* res. - - cued what happiness would be his, • But then came - tile thought how was this to lie t Meted? Kallswas at Georgetown; it Vost of e ofiSiderakle strength. andno succor'coulii reach her Unless by stratagem ye( with time, this Might be effected. 'But in whist snanneri could the Vigilance:of guards be •ra ? sur mounted, and ilielni \carried o ff —tor it was no cesarY• to rescue her fa her "ns. well as herself. Suddenly the voice oft) d Jacob aroused him hens the train of thought into which he was plunged? 41 Pere is lily tithe left, ear," Ira said, "for I hab Waned tiro day/,,' To-moro* night it will be too la.c—for den de`wedding is to take place.' ' 4 1'.a.morrow night," said Preston t agbast—ot ~ now he heard far the ghat time, of the tied fixed for the tharr , kge.: 'God of Heavens! Ala already too late-- - -she is ~ . )st farmer!' , , • 1 He turntd hisfate totitired With anguish,up to the Moon, r hiclt smiling full and bright through i the'bltie dep th s f air. Hew calm ,and ethrufged was that silvpry planet! Ages ego it had ahem 6 - thus, equally cold and unsimpathiaing. It had. seen the sacrifice ofJcPthal daughter; it , Itad ,be-' hetd the fugitive Porcipeyi it hru , esisin f Zen... big, - iviieritibrovintess queen; it had looker do __ ~.... e , v, n pestilence A.. 1 ‘ ~...t.n-r,:s Course, the 4 m etth tx.olthnteetinzirh: king at matt and his ng -IA 1 1„ ; ony. Priston thined a q, and groaned. Bear. ea as well as earth seemed without hope. ', . [Concluded next week.] ' 1 The '. o at without boilers ( :i _ During the opposition between the two ateaWH boat lines, gunning from the Kennebec to Beata • last summer; any just as the tivet beats Were i • making reedy to start; a isogon hots in sight: . irr Which was an old lady, with an neentnPanl•- ment of band boxes and bundles, evidOntly ef luip. ped for a journey. The respectite agents of the 1 two lines spring towards her. "Take the j&liiii,- shall, rnarm?—fine boat." "Try dui Pentifint s - new boat, built last !rummer, commanded by.' itior favorite of everyboiri—paprain - -z:-- - - - 7 ' - ”Ar e g The boys pd !Wafers around of hoed the 44at • their favoir es in concert, •illurndi for till t" nobs scot," "Hu rah for the John MarshalL" 'T • old P lady; Ifflri I id probabij never fieen. a 'tea treat b'efire, When thief notion of tali t arrant .itio their boiler tin:sling propensities, teas almos two side•herself with terror at the hirbbnin • (,- - _ , ." Oh, Lady ! t wish I'd never, stirred aate if I'd a known, there was tote such en aWfal rim as Ode, I'M titre I Wonldb't. ''The pesky biter' I ' I know theVll:_bustrevery body's looking afte ' means nobody's attending to 'cm. There, go right away, elf of ,yOu, I'm going straight heck,. I couldn't rest a yeir& for feat of the Peelty hie lent." - . • "YOU heed giro )oUrselfho arotiel on accountt :of the boilers in Ow Marshall",-(saili the. agent = - of M.)" they are new and sound, and couldn't he - rirille - to htirst." , % - , • 1 ' • . I ' - ' ' "Arc you sum Of st," sal the ol dlady,evincing sytnptoms of a favorable disposition', towards the ,-•• Marshall—"you ain't a tryin' to! practice , ors the ‘,-_, (gentility of a poor lone Wehrle, I 'lupe.? 1 . l• "No fear of meLaa sound a 8 a teaketo," wai the reply. • 4 \- . I. • the old teontan WAS amet descendir from the•,, ~ wagon to' embark . in the' 'Marshall, When agen t .... 1 No. 2 stepped up, , ‘. "Iklatiam;' snit he, in a awriotuittine,'ino doubt' -. i the Marshall's boilers arc sound enough, lint the i best boilers are dangerous things. WO dracw C 1 that a great many peeple,lntd be , n killed bythent —especially of late—and took: the boilers osl, or , ' cur boat three weeks ago." 1 "Yoi did," said the, '!that' the bent tut Ivor . then—Ydinett (to the wagon boy} P . arl i ernli the hie- : l ' et hoe, and the Umbrella, and the parasol-44- ora forget the new „shoes and dutighnOts finder,. - the 4tat. Tell Sally I vrent' in the (West without any biters, and - the need have net rem sdi tie! ,' • • And giving her ann to the I i a:curabe hutiiett: . lbottrd the Penobscot- 7 i c mark trig that; l theykard ,' better hurry oat of the wa of the tillers °Mel ,:..I ether boat, es,,iff tley were tulhuit, he 01141- 1 . ! get hurt at that dirance. 1 ' . • • .. 1 - , . tonmimENTAnyi , —An Abuditior4o of An• burn nominates the negro • Freeman, who committed the revolting Murders et a OWASCCia :and forwhom Gov. Seward his so - wairnly Pym pit hi ied; as &proper tandidate tbr Vica4: Piesident i on the ticket with Gen.,' Tanioth Adreileser. , Useait.i*-It eb !onset denitti by our Whig Opp!iirebts that iff ',46, is the best We Bard ever had; they; are all otAt inlayer of the 'Medea!) 141111 afid hks green said against the SetA i feirt.: - ary New Avhy inap ,no!.-#6C - paftyf,l,l support the iitlininistrationJ sineefik , to( ed to deals ihOstilitietC cite west • - Thfi.sta rival of a Gs; roxsei trt . l3uftaietlitio`!"- , season, was the 23 of int
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers