_- ' NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! . G. LOOMIS %• CO. 7, Reed aS House, Erie, have just rceeivett lia rb an addition to their ibrmer stock of goodsi which toadies their tisortnicrit very es-. %tasty°, comprising, a largo variety of rich and fashionable JEWELRY, consisting of diamond, ruby, garnet, emerald, amethyst, aquamarine and' enaineth,4 pins, diamond,' nutty and plain vinous; gold eat rings, guard chains and keys, spectaele,„ l pencßcases, bracelets, lockets, miniature seeing, thimbles, studs, snap, &v. &e. . TlME.—Clold and Silvilr Watches of 'the pat tent lever, dupics, hori7ontul and cominon escape ment. , French mlntle i , German and American clocks. SILVER 00011S.--.:Ta le, desert, tea,ealt and mustard spoons ladles, b u tter anti 114iit knives, 'spectacles, chains, keys, pencil case., thilnbles. ftsirci, &dad:tits and Golan) Siterr Warr.— Tea pw's, urns, pitcliers,.cims, tankards. bowls, . cake baskets, candlesticks. snuffers nd trays, spoons, farcets, ink stands, castors, CUTLERY.--Rovr's and of ... Malters'raz.irs, Itnivo - s amid i,ciss rs. /%113`1e.:LL.INEtit/S.—Nl tematies.l hymn. 'Manta, telescopes, thermom, ers, poettet compas ses, son glasses, violins, actnrdions, music bones, flutes, fifes, steel pens, card cases, combs, pocket books, pocket pistols, corM, ,- amber, gill, steel, was anti . ..kiss beads,,b.nd and silk bav and pur- sea, elastic guards, parable writing desks: work, paint, snuff, tobacco., and s:tavitig boxes, In zori strops,, clomes, hafr,, tooth, nail and sharing brushes and glane,t, Glazier's diamonds. shot belts, powder etsks, percussion'. caps and pills, chessmen, dominoes, a 'gar ca ws, purse and cloak Iclasps, tweezers, 'Cane, whalebone. violin and Ihrn viol strings, rouge, powder, puffs; perlitmertity, courtplaster, tooth wi.sh and powders, toothpicks, teething .rings, tea bells, semis_ was, tomto seals, visi!ing cards, emery bait'tets, needier,' b.it tledor, and birds, spool s:ands, with numerous oth er shit:lesson mentioned, both useful and orna mental, which ... ill ha 1 - ,n. I..r. , ady pry," fi om tA' en ty live to fire' per cent lower than :omit ly. N. G. Watches. music hoses, . jdwelry repaired in the best manner iiitl %vat r.inted: , Cash and m kind+ of conn•ry prnthre ta ken to payment I.lr or work. Call nod see. The highest .pricos paid it) ca.th lbr old Gold anti Silver. Inn,. 13, 19:0 4 rkOCT. MA A' SR.'S 03,,00t0 11. mo nf 'V II t hpr. y Colnimitod rein IV for Coosumrtloo atOl ntlwr dieed."'s or the Long, Alan *141.e• Grua!, ,I , t,r! I. 1110 rCiesil •by Dr. P. 1411, enrove :3t4to an eayantli *Ai, Erie. Pa. 1 • • Jct. IN 181,. - CASH! CASIVI 3 1 1 CASEI will IP paid Gtr 1t1,110,1 btißlieli wheat, 10,000 d. Corn. 10,000 do Barley, and 360 barrels Flour, if delivered En nr. • ' r , If. CADW ELL. Erie, Oct„ 10, ISIG. ' 21 _... To OUR CUSTO,MERS. , - il'E are flinty rece , ivi,-L , dor Wilrer s:ocit, of M UD - 1:i, NIEI ICI N ES, P.l I NTS. OILS'; 1 1 , A , DyEwt RIOS and IlisC6ll,inenti% stinks, and very fespectrulty invit i Abe :r tention of oily ett.=- tornrs and thi• poblie Ha the titt.ilitv °lour goods, nd iivis price.: at tvli•-' . .. they are ofrn ed. Phys inns will Eno om: lz, our'stoelt many of 1 a new Cheitileat4 awl C, , ,oiee prep iratilict, fifth , : . ateria Mcdica Oar \ ti. diciu:•4 ore fr sir, and t lieved to IT purr, and will be watrante I for jut they tire so:il. I rEirerrs an 1 other 73; wanting.Painls and (104 . 4411 flail onttnvk tnini;dn.o, nod jve would re-' I t Itest , all who wiint:s.Orr - P.rin• andPi? clreort, !of i nrcertnin the loality a I juice of our articles be tlpre purchnsin r : elreubc.re. • j i Clothier. , ca n b,. fn'r - piA:teil with moptof the at tieles used in their lido, nt rerodir3blo Latex .) Our smelt t . the Xii.ttir .Ilrilitincs of the day, im and of Per fi ery and Fancy arid NI iseollaneons articles, is very Laze : , :1:1,1 we sv,onhl say to all, ells , giniq-5,,m,1 , oranz.,.) dint ~ ,v, , 5.ha1l he happy 'to RCO ,you, show, yoOr O.T: goods, Bice yriti ous prices, anilfill yolte order t. I ~ J. If. DmlTos ,s, Cn. IR, 1S16:--l8 1,1”. 3, Reed Home, Erri...Nov , . THE LAST, • Ai'sM larze4t, Sod:. oC every variety of Fiartl Ware, Iron, Stec', Nailft, Dry finorlq, and Groeeriet. ' ever, itafortod to this - market, jog re ceive I, an ti \\1111:11 al I. ot,tdi .s. Ai. he low any ever before efforea in this market " . CADIVFLL. Eric, November 21;1F CA'SIirCABII!! . Asti and fu,rh9t price imid for G 3t tbo store°, tho sub SClliber, corner or Fretich and Fif Irrurcels. C. SIEGEL. 20 Erie. oi , tobvr 10. FIG ASHES! ASHES!! 13" 'LI., pay S cent+ per bushel for good field I ushe.,, snil 12 12 c;:+ per bushel for hortsc ttsl;• ee delivered a: my itshery or Nl'Kcari corners. • E r ic ; Oct. 21, 0316. ie. M. ',FIBBALS. - ' ACK. SALTS.--I will pay Cash, anylthe 11 highest pike fOr any rpiahlily or Black Salts clelivrred - s or atlmy :lore; in Elie. Oc•nber 111, 4••, M. TIBIAALS. WEST PIEL1)1111 A lt,thal PACTOIIiY. TM lubseriheis havitVz a good aortinent of New I:n2latirl inartilealcuid, from difeir •ent quarries, calculated for dead niniFoot tables, Monuments, &c. which they offer to sell to any ono in r.ritti county, Pa. not living farther than rale fettered i irst rate state, .11iiv deliirered, at the following prices: Snt ell, for childriin ' 141 50 per foot; Middle, size, for 11:2:e.i people, it 6'2 per foot; LariOst size :31 73 per ' ‘Ve think it would he,rin objet t r some of the Erie county peapfe to,forwarrfns a few in seriptiornt air we lurre, recentlir been informed by the Eric marhte dealers in rattkr o brag:zing , way, ilia, they were sticking it to 016 Erie anti C.:l'l , qt MO 4 - iratitty people good. They brag very lustily of:welling to the "Penna.. nlites"at tiom 1 , 32 3O to ,3 t per foot. Shonirl any of the people rill FA ie comity he in want of any thing in onr line, they can a; d their inimip. !kr* o k come themscler.s, and they shall hare a Irtiat'rate article at the above prices. 1-111,Z AM SAKES &CO. Irlteotfii:Y; N. Y. Rept. 13. 1815. • t7t. 1 • NFtV FIRM. ~NEW ANIj Cithe'AP GROCERIES •! ! VAIN ZI \ I Nile,it &A.H.Hi rd ICOCK, 4; ?Ice of the firm a l l! itchelelt, 74immerly &Co. mi.). again associated theni4elves the Whole rale and Retail Grocery busine l s, on State street, itearly oppsite the Fit ...Ile I Oier, ill he room late• ly Itecupied by •W tn, ll inderneelt, uockr the style o f j r ZIMMKRINI & Co. where will be fi,und a lar?re i ti nd well et:leered a sort t itent Pit . all winds ' of Wet a ri Dly Wi es India CiOnle eve ry article list) illy It l t-pt or cyled tor in a Citercery store. Am .nt stile': may lie Ilm01: 7 - Coffee "of every Pier , and gri.ilir4.• Old and yotin.lt ly nu redw ; Pti'per, Brown, Lump and Loaf Suirar. .:IClinerrlale, cal rosin snap, raising, 'iTehaven tit et eryriprality, eizare, Ricer• or all hinds. togethtir with Iron, naikk rJ."' cti;. etc. ' 7...i•C0. tender their th4nh's for the very ueneral extyiiileil to thpsit for the past six years, and hope they ni.iy by their; ende.t:%ors to please, receive a motion lice of favors hi the shape of old as well as ,new eustOmerg. They rtrwprepar cl to purchase - atrairif9l . all kinds, bittru'e, eas, dried rlppleeiCand peaches, Fial,llimothy and Itllo• veer seed, for which t; ISH gill be paid at thtir Counter, ' Erie. April es, IS i 49 GuN' —MontleMud-ell, Single do.' Fowline - Pieces, Ilernlvie: 7 , ShuOteia, With a gen eral auurtni.nt or Gun fix za. G. LOOMIS & Co. No. 7, (teed House. Nnv. .14. I 8 rG NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! TIIE subs .riheiri are now receiving their Fall and Winter supply of Goods, which will no bo surpasled by any stock in this city att to qual ity "and cis.y.) And as to price we are sure they are as ebenp as any resonablel persdir could wish to have them; and We pledge ourselves not to be Undersold 42; any edablishtnent in this city, or any other plrtio wet ir New York, for ready pay. Pleas.: call tin.) examine quality and prices ror yourselves. nrtictil:irs next week. - S. JACKSON S: Nov 11.1816. • 2G IVANTED • " , 5000 linAhels Cord, I • 5000 do . 1 Oats, • , 2000 do ; Duloy, ^tl.„ do 1 Wheat,- 1000 bble.• Flour, 100 bushels clover seed, lOU do Timothy seed; for which a prico will be paid, at the sword' H. CADWELL. 36 Eric, Jtnuiry 7,0, IS 16 TANNERS ARTICLES. • TANNER'S OIL. by ilia bbl. and at retail; Re 'flnfed Lampblack, Scrub, Scouring and Paste rirushOs, for sale lets by - 45 - • • • , C4ftTER & BROTIAER , , - SAND'S SARSAPARILLA. • FOR THE REMOVAI4 ANDPERMANENT __C.ILTRE OF ALL. DISEASES ARISING -- 141.0 M AN Im pun STATE OF . ' T IIE;RLOOD OR THE lIABI r ' \ , Or THE SYSTEM, VIZ: SeroPla:or King's Brit, Itheumatisut, Obstinate Cu:await, Eeuptionl, Pimples or Pollutes on the Face, Blotclvs, Silts, Chronic Sore Byes, Ring - - Worm or l'al,r, &aid Head, Enlargement ond• Pain of Vie Bones And Joints, (Stubborn Ulcers, • Sy'pilitic Symptoms,- Sciatica or Lumbago, and - Dis,:oses arising front an injudicious use of Merl merndecites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence 1 in Life. !Alto, Chronic Constitutional Disorders. T HE operatic, of this prow:M fo on is threeld. ft acts as'it nude, strengthening the digestive pnwersand re storing the appetite—as au aperiont,p .ullit cited and g.entlo in its Ingativo eine', mid nslau optic. purify- Ina the-fluids or the tinily, nod i sentrall,. "es- in tha blond the active principle lir ,ti.n.noe. Tito ms y well nuthen ticated eures of Scrotan of the most milignont character, have given it a wide owl deset—ea celebrity. But it in ITht atone in tierothil MTN the class or de , remes to which it I:amp. that thin preiviration has been fuumlbenefici ii. It is a irCifle in many dintilsoii of the thin. and mty be administered with fiverable results in all; it also exercises - a controlling inthware In biuh•us complaints; null when the systrin ling been debilitmed either by the use of pow. sinful mincrol Inedieines or other causes, it will be found on excellent restoratit et. ' 'lThe following tebtimoninl to tha vatic of the Somali= rilla,l, from tile, Rev, !miller Wri •Itt, ged if; years, Con gregationol minister, ',Wing at Voluirn. \ W o witty.. I vs,. MNI arch , its-td. M , I t arrs, Sands —Penftettryn--rr i t{ whit I bare expert t 1 enced, find from the information I, I Vf: recently• reeeiveil i from n tilllntiPt of pr reoli. o f ..io k spe r •t it hility mho bare tind your Illariaparilia, I It ire tint 6 tertstibiut , t but that I it is ii more v.ilinible meilieffle. out that the nutiti•ttius err , tifigates you have received of it., efligncy urE fully sustain. out by experience, and allied hi ito reputation and utility urn t ery exten.ive. nod ..iiiiirl It tin need atilt. intuit& ef. art t o inc r e3 .ii thein. I viii,! 01l who me nfflicted by din. ripe to become neiptainted with the trim!" nod rower of your veritable medicine. I am, gentlemen, gr. Wally, and yore respectfully yours, MiTliEft Wit Gil r. r celebra•rd Mine ; v The fnllnsoing it an earrnei from liilrtter.rovived Pon') Mr•. B rrnu, w ho had been ,Mgcted for 'event] year. asith Sera "lour Weer,. &e., 811 , .1 reerntly wiih4rn ..r, l isitt of the ThlontEt• _ltAlt,rYstntr , o, Ke., Dre.rith. .Stos‘r=. A.R. & Sands—nceorl t commcoce.l using Vitkir Sal •11parlii... F , 1X , 1111 , 2‘ tt vie almost past eXplrni• *4 I): tit thrOnt :+.rl CNMl,l..frty Mr Mat. d , I had It ill 0 0,1• std cfra Co re oCre fr.:tiodotl . 4 tseedts trvt.-ther that I vithia Apt; .h Nhoy odd-per. atol be=tel. r, the MINN; MitirM flNM,nry thru rt mite:M.:4 to My head, so I hat my iv.ta very much itolxire.l thiling ON Sm.- •nmirtila rhort OM^. my 11 , 11111 orl,proVO4. TIT] MY thrift. I. 110 N N 'fl I not :4 s s hee rrom 0• II( ti:ht e+.4 the 0,04 .v - er hu,ir loMic di-611.41v. ' v thin It h s bumf wen -dmitt Owe , ' 'III'. the clone or,vbhq, Itvs..looo t freeted entirely-by the u• rte vour.9lrolo Your I. )' I A li. nrs.tv. cr Ky., I h. ett, Afessrs. A. D.. 4. D. S intls-11 ts It c u.rd y rill tto my lannlv, and p it b•ngfirml nue of my chit Wit, I fro! hr it ditty f tmtnily to uctlicl thee:l%c public. Al, son w•as ilirtleUtia Ant it, right nhgtj...., which fiu tli • they - blrnd. Pt t It • ts. Ilea fro. e••• (fay., r Faremsa Xtr.et,crrt e the cm') TM) ye ere ego My , ero lula or Kiug'e'Evil. a‹ - ttine teel round thoaleck - rtfertoti hie eye., rendering bbn en ."4r (fret year floor the time he n:11n ilettart by env •ral ph v.tri nt.. Lot cantle ..< or , e nttl t de•heirell of hi 4 r ver .ruing r:raern Your SANCtpritt t toh twthel with eerttlirutel rur n• • I 4•ndcladel to ,el re it a trial. and uccordingiV .chi toirlitemwiti And pttworml a few bottle+. and now, ni ter liallng oteul Moe bottle+ f have the entlifirtviott or mating bd.!. unit. Thr• •ort ware entirely healed. end 171, m e m it ,rly Coed q• rare it Wa.k• PIMd I herwite hmite• lion in, savour that ho watt outtirely Awed by the one of your Kart Yours truly, F lltescTr. FOr forher particulars and conchvive evidence of its sulierior valne.and ellicacy, sere patriphlets, tvhien in iy be ob.:tined of a.len! a vat is. Prepared ;lip{ st.iti ,Itv A. U. 14. 11..:S ANUS, n r ,j.,, f i s t,..p, WO ntlioci street, cqrter of Williairt, New Yortt. Sold Min by J. IL , Burtnri 4 1 1 Co.. Erie an 1 NfeadvillP; S. Hutchins Sr Co.; Waterford; I. Wileox, jr.Pitt,dmr ,, ; A. Itclinolti.c, nntr.tki:. (ler - derrun 4. , Pittuletion. clevellintl; and by 111-tw gists aenetlally Ihrnittrhon! the United! States. Pried. szi per beitfe i Six [Mules for :35. . it -- P• Tle public' are resin 'Wittily requested o i remember hat it 1.1 SandSiir , apat ilia that has been ald iggcort!!!rillv a chievtivz such reina I !cable cures' 0f dm moo dillicub. clans of ditrea: es y) whichhe human franye is s ubje c t; therefore ask for Sat as , : Stirs:v.loa ? and take no other. _.e O ,C , • Uri i SIG. ..,,._. i cp,xli f fe i nON,Tav, FRUIT AND Toil sToitu. No. 0, REED HOUSE Row, Emit, PA. rPH undersilmed having , purchased the entire stock of r eonfeetionaries, together with the fixtares belon.Tinz to the businniis in the store formerly occupied by James Oros:mum, would say I I Anal the tkithlict , rericralts thmtlie has fthnished himself with an alit rim Cxpertencert Workman at the business; and is now :prepared to furnish to retailers, CANDY, at MITT prices, and warrant it to he superior to any Bufrilo cattily oOret/ in this miirk i ct; the retailer will become convinced after sellin7. a few pounds of My candy that it aftirds him more profit than the cavern candy. Our sticks and kisses will rut 40 to the/ pound, and arc finely flavored. ICE CREAM AND FANCY CAKES. um - prepared to ftirnish he Cream ih luring to Fait customers. Fancy Cakes mule order.— Pound, Sponge, and J c iloy Cake, and Jlllll . Ws always oti hand to supply fm n ili cs . I w ill furnish tea cakes t o•private families cheaper than they can hake teem: and on the shortest notice. FRUITS. ; FreAh Lem:rocs and ()twee, Fig Rai=in., of all kinds ; preserved : ziiivisr, unseal 00: sardines, ky.. a ;rood assortment. TOYS tAa laruc assornfrent of toVs, sitc!l ns, dolq,dres seil or undressed, cats and dogs on bellow s,t glass drigs nod birds," lane!, boxos, beede, neclt:aces, he6(l dresses, purses, heir !Finishes, readin' combs, beWdes a thowand other articles too numerous to er*kntion. Please call and cxartihre for yonrsOlves. Any orders Item the country for candy will be promptly attended to.: 11. W. KEITH. Etir, Aiigurt. I. IS M. n34)14 7 ":A .-- 1,0 A ND , N.FAV,tf,„g i t , ONE PRICE rLOT D 0 ING ' 'AUGHN, No 2 Flemin , r Block, State Al. N, street. Thi, ! establishment has uegttlred notoriety by selling, all kinds of eleithing as cheap as they can he pureh4ed in New York city.-- Call and see. A snit of Oodles can be made, al this establishment it: ONE DAY'S notico, in the latent style and m0. , 1, approved fashion, Ju4t received aaaeheral assortm , at .of and cloth, suit:plc for the season and for pule at pricelreNree4 to the pecuniary means of all. "For instant' a ;Mod article cloth, 'all V 1 001, at 50-cts per yard and every• thing else in pioportion.--_ Cirtiiug also done to order at i edam d pnict s. All or‘fer,.t"rom tlvr country promply attended to.-- The child east buy ris cheap here :17. the best jud7e. CuStomeisifenerally can depend on their work &Mott-y.IA, and no mistake. I - Erie, De c. 20. 1845. STILT, LATER. t • T UST reLeived, per tart an Teal, at the bi ; e h co r,- , ej ner opposite the Eagle I lotel, a ;further ak. eortneent of Fretse"l, cashmere and tree* S,:hauls, that are rich and cheap, Also ri few more of these milk warp AlvacaA, Oa id mourn ing Gimrhatns, Ca Blinn Itthe , zrfilack silk frin , •• ed Cashmere, and heavy Sarin ,Sha Wls. tngelki r with a full assortment of sila-; escorted frinztes. • WILLIAMS & WPAGI • • PAINTS, OIL - 8, &c. k• A MONG on• shack w ill b. , l't.nttul- 11 : • 2000 IbsNVhi te Lead, pure, •, 1 300 Red Led, ' : • 200 Litbal age, , •1 • 1 59 Sugar Lead,• A • 1600 Spanish Whiz ingr, -, • 500 VettiticM Red, 500 French Yelltin ; - • 100 - Fceneh,.Gruely, • ' IS eases Parorne yellow rind / °wen, 5 do Ant rienn Venni Walt, 2 hhls i Ailed Lampblack, •• -1 - 0 gallons Spirit Turpentine, ' 200 do Linseed Oil, 50 dn C , pal Varnish, 1 " 1200 Paintßrushes,from Net 4 to 000000, 60 boles window glass, 200 lbs of putty. wisltinz to purehage any of the above i• invited to give us a call. Every arti .antett good, and A/ as any reasonnii ' C A ler Persons articles art creie wary bo as low a 4. Erin..No . v. 28. 1846 !o `!' CSEIGEL has eo sin I >pened his store this s city; at the ti - ojner 0r French and' Fifth street., for rum purpose bcselling LINSEED OIL of his own manufacture, cheaper by 10 per cent. than it Was ever offered here before; ,warrttnted to be tl first rate article. ' He also keeps constantly on hand' Turpentine White Lead, dry' or in oil, by the ko., or pound; Chrome Green. Chrome Yellow, kikerican Ver million, pone Pink, Lithnroze, in rheirt, every de scription of Paints; all of which will be sold cheap for each. A general assortment of GROCERIES...nob as Tea Sugar, Coffee, Spices, Nu's, Raisins, h.c. which are of the be qtratiter. All persona wish ing to buy Oil, or good and cheap groceries' will do well to call at the comer of French-and Fourth streets at the Olf aml Groceri Store of C. Seigel and and examine' 41nality and prices before pur chasing eleawhere,l es he can assure them that he will make ft for their interest to do ro. • Give bits cen. • 1. Eric JrC 6 18.16 • -.4 - • 9, 1 - f UE GREAT ENGLISH RE MEDY, for - COLDS, COUG-IS, ASTII-j _ , MA, an CONSUIIiPTION: 1 , . 1 Trig. MO T CELEBRATED and INFALLI ABLE remedy for Colds.i Coughg, Astl - ma. or any form of PULMONARY,CONSUMPTION,is the! .o the * HUNG RIAN BALSAM 'OF LIFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan' 7 4 London, Ent anti, tested fur upwards of seven years in Great Britain and on the Contiit nt of Europe, and introduced into the United Stitesionder the immediate stiperintendenco of the inventor. _ . The astonishing sums? of the Himgarian tialsatn,• in the cure of every form of CONSUNPTION, warranti trio American Agent in Soliciting for treatment the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can be limn& in the com morLity—eat.es that seelv relief in vain from any of the common romedies ul ' the day. and liar:: glen _riven up by the most distinguished Physicians a. CONINILM ED AND INCURABLE. The Hungarian Balsam has cured and will cure, the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no quack nos taw), but a standard English Medicine of known and establiShed efficacy. Every family in tho,tlni:ed States counteract lie supplied with Bitchatt's II mi ,avian Balsam of Lio3, not only t o tiounteract. the consutupt ive tonekuciL. of the climate,. hut ttl•pe used lap a preventive medicine in ail ease{ of 'Jot 4 s (2013 , 411:, Spitun !t uf Mud, Pain in the Side atit Chest, Irritattoti'and sa le i netsof the Lungs; ,Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing Herr ic Fever, Niel, ;Sweats, Enywiation find UeneralDchility, Asthma, Influenza, WhoOpin, !tough, anti Croup. I I ' I 1 I la ease of actual iti;erise ()rifle indtfs, or seatid Consumption, it is tit ONLY SOURCE OF HOPE. . : . Munniittl..l..R. Swill), sole A: vet fit United lilingdom, Ist ill Ware-honse, " Regent rt. Lotitlon, in Do:ties and Cases, for ships; liospital4, &e. By Sp Tin/ ..../,Ipuinttarnt—thl.-V11) F. 1111 1 .7,, 119 Court Pt., Bos':ott. s.de A.tfent for the United Stsceq - and American P t irovinecg.) American pi ice, per bottle, with lull ditectionS tbr the resleration 4 liralth. . . , ._t .. . Pamphlets, con•aininl a make of F.m.:l',lt and A met ican certificate= soil other evidence, showing the unerpialle.ti Inerhs of this Great Englisli items dy may he olraitted of the Agents, grnii . s. None genuine, without the oi it en signature of the , Nine: icon Agent, til a gold mid bronze label, to conutcrfeit'which i. forgety. ', AGENTS.—S. Tousr.v. Syracuse, N. V. General Agent rdr New Yolk' and the western States.' c . . IIREAD.: I 4 . I , From the napVst Cl:rzy.itin at i:oluose, Oveezo, County. • " I do het city most cheerfully eerily that I have use I Dr. Bttchatt's flu) gat inn Balsam in my family ta ilk gigot Ftli:CI . S.4. ' Ali' little gill, now in luta .seventh, yea r was , in t h e moo lita' October. 181-1. attached with a pain in her rit- lit side, tend noiwithstantiityr We used all dilhe't nee to remove it, tOto confirmed to £row Worse. un I after olttainin.g flip counsel .- or Dr. B—, oho thought the Bight Lobe of her Lima:tout srriously a (fi eted that her recover), \i'.l9 exceedingly dont, lit . v I wa. itttlfac'ed to ob.ain one bottle of the Balsam 11TitI before ono third of it oas talsVll, the littilq Flifrel or fe z :11111LN I her pl a ys i her cheerfulnes3 tettirtieel ' 'and been it two betties were. used her heal It wi o _,... • ' ". • "SUGAR. COATED" PILLS. i I BE WA RC' t'AUT W.! TllC.inerem.ing popularity ~r l'r. 0. lII'NJ SMITII'S 1311'801;1:D iNDLIN vfrAvr,tllEß Sl'Dlft Pt),Vp- ED SILLS, Inos imlneed oi . numbern of pennon. Itl make s'altellill4 Mc.? tall Pa. 1.4 nail coat them with sugar, in ordo•r to soil !limn for the genuine tvlolte they do !Intim*. Sea, a particle of the goodoe's., uni• even assimilate id ap pearanCe to the tole its al. Dr. Sinotif., Polls In sliort,;the are an Intended FRAUD upon thZeotliptUnity. A Initti , - ter who at dint hall an ittlere•t in an trot otiott ,Sotgar Coared roll, manufactured in A 1,1113, N. S'';, loan 'gal en them up. as 'he tors on onemitutt of the mosearably thoil4ti est narti,4 entlarifed in inifenneto r u t elate ml That par ty to now Inolu.trion.ly I:trail:ding latorts Maculated to injure Dr:Smith mei to effect the oettlibation- l of his milk, Me pill.; but rather than moire them in public, Dr. Smith is about to instainte legal prearethoet a niuSt theifor their,slanders. no he lia. in another ca.n ag oinst 'I sio otar party, in which he recut of lid 110.1Vy 11.11113:4,. These n '.. k ss, arable ilnitntorm hove to (Tina to the 'Must oloonio .hle Means to palm all their ronittef reit WA: a.l :the public {low that Dr. Sonalfs aroithe ori,Mont4.nol,genuire. 'Sev eral instances hare come to palate o coi l ,. tit Which lire has been euolangered by the ite of the eon illerett,, It . .. Dr, So,i'fia PIN thot are-doing so much good ju thermal try— as the follow htir show. 'SIOUX MINISTER-1 1. - in and recommend Dr. Smith's Pills tbarr all others. 'I hi e i s to certify Ito it I linen ii4.-ol the S' aar Coiled raN mann foutttred liy• 0 ftenjulaM Smith, f tabuNt•tv . ,Vorlt, far 1 some time. Ireliese them to Ira'a goo i medicinal; (find Mao, frinn inquiry on that city, I not per untied that hot in the aiiiitial Nventor, and therefore is ei It led to ale hear cfitsof the tut motion. S. V111.1.11A315, Pastor or intSsptist Chilli., I Wl4lllllll. ' • Front ate tr,tremr37i tm0..... 1. ..., - - - -- iPecari,rhe elleilimii order realms in ale certificate 'or Rev.!". Williams Parteir of the I.t Rapik Churrh, tilt.- bores' in rote oil to Dr.: Smith's Pals • hire rain ourselvtx hear ('.tummy i 0 the exej-Ileeen or ilteie ' ills. on, of us linating,used theme:oil experiene ol creel:relief from Ilion% 'he above is the beet paper in the State of Delarratea The ..I:4I.ItOVED INDI V.; Vror.irxecr. PIMA," (Sugar rontetl,) are certainly doing mode In the while county, and are highly esteemed, if nueiloaf trun, that people write a say atom them. 1 hey Arnim easy in their op. t t eraon that all like them. The 'eilitoti of the • °Ahern State Journal. (nee of the :ind hest pliers in the State of N. Y.) writespfrollowt: lretertot it, Inv ill, 18:g. Dr. D. Rent Smith—Dear Sir • I Ss as mil up is ith a hail cola some their Auer tree return from stud attiring my Mhos. I mean trial of your pill., in Ito nay it found Vent excellent. They are the lie.st meilicionfor the MITT.... they are intended. th it I !trio seen. girtilotti take pills hgtll found 5 oars Natick!, e from the °hire t inns to which other p Its are li tt!"....' will on tintio in he a retiree of profit to 01111.. at I doubt tint they will he unicorns of relief terthe n a largo scale.` Yours tritly, . tattiEN. iv, Sr . 1R,48 Dr. D. Diinj Smith—Darr Sir. Your nit en eft with men hit of your Sillcor Coated Pill., anti I htive tut rt t ix boy.. left. EVery ilf /A I have sold lies xiirn:e tire ratirfaction. I linen tithe!, them myself mot conniara hem tile hero pills, I hero ever Ureil, 2.111 I not not arm,' t I recommend them fa tfril puhlies. t wish is further surto nt mire. ' • Your. re,peetrllll}.. JAI, 11 J/ultlingtn. Jnnn 21.111. Dr. mllb—Do3r fiir: I rim mo , t out of root liegeteht.. !tuner Coated Pills," nu I find thitm polling to CM that f thud< you Itnd hettenr enrol me awn erns. home. dimly. They give. sloth general wattsfacti .hot the pruy!lecombatlelettwenty nails for them. ant , t it gamerall. known Out lam Inert! for them. I iron • sorry to get out. Yours re,portftrtly. iTF Art I: !! ! ttimrrif, it not Arnirt , ...74 with a rt.,..f , on norro‘t of ihn birtj lilt .. SUgar Coated" 1911 s a r,. COONTF.BP , IT. • Principal lA i,. 179 Greenwich Street, large brick block N.Y. Price cente A hex. peafere furnished nt tlin N. Y. Collegn of 179 1 ,Greenertch Street, New York. Anil cold by Certer end Brother,no,S.L. 11. Burton tt... Co. Crio..b. J l'arrah .1: Co. [ F.tirviow. L. S Joule; Se Cn (;trnrd. J.ltnes lo•acb, Lock. port. J. W. M'Cliirn jr. Etk'Crrek. Person Clerk, Albino, %, Lick, W.t•hiogion, Mu r em Sr Judwn. VY itnrrtml; C. W. Burton St Co. Me Ovine, J. 11. Ilayne•. North rdrt, Norton k Il3sk Wattehurc, A Tourtautt, Union, D. M Inio , lll Colnityhtio. Den. Ti . ', Ir d t. THINGS BY THEIR ItIdIIT NAMES. Thu:good ' , cline of Erin and vicinity required to lin reimittlell t lie t the tract of land which-oft/Ms the pro tection of ilds bkrbor, which US forutotly'connected MO Vie in tin I titil.wns thrit"the 1' minsults, ' hilt now that n channel las 4,rielticed Is snitar limit it lima In.roinn tin "I-land ' and I-, very. improperly , cull a -Peninsula."— Armin other misnomers, it cooking snivels off ire I for tele So, thm t on t bet, tinder the popular HOMO of o'Pankce No. limn" wit 'els l it no more like the oentrine.'‘'ariki.e Nation" thin nu Gland in like dominnold. The Ge,1T.171,! Nit, / has n-u curs I/5.17 which tie sintilin and heot are Wive way from the oven or implied 1, it nt thn plensure nfl the molt. while the. Counterfeit or opinions hind., whetlolr 01 , 7, nen represented to he . I . oli:inn Notions" or 4lentr- , ..ee rains cm." It tve tto moans of diverting the ha - it frnin the oven which reode, o' Clout Very ttionrcessiirdy Sail intemnfort.t. My hot and ',sulquets those is ho riro wit 11 111 their, totliience 1011..10m:h.', and vapor bath+ which two vitt . sl liable to prntine, a e011.1),1,111 . 11,11 or file itilip inn well as of fuel. We hlve the etUtafre rtgite to tnelto "nil sell the genni:7l, "ranket.Vtiqn, ' Steve in thin County of Erni, Pa, wild "Spituldt nit'. Patent elevated Moo:. mud a euriotody eon. tented ddentin . to it Well tVel la VICO the attention or limo Public. 0 I the top o r f the oven are two holes which afford two ad v:mtao rs—that of e °ninon in two ea' en vessrls ;Ind thAt Of Cleaning tilt: soot from it without the labor anal dirt which ore o..Cittinenti by "taking' down time stints o Thnne who desirn in ere (bolo In operattati ran 6;41 on the tidbit, ing persons in this I•orough, mut enquiie Item they like them' fit tries Lynch, 11. Cathcart, William A Gal braith. J. Ayres,-John Itnern. N. root-right, or any one e ion whin has one. 'They are heavy and durable and we will warrant them tofuit if properly tisrd. Itonmether noother ptrsous have the gaol. Ile article for silo. but LESTER. SCNNETT & CHESTER_ Ei! . .. Sept. ell. la It - lit IL A R D %),' A WE; . FROM past experience we have been led to bdieve that dcalfne .a little in the Hard- Ware lind has given otiiicitatomers that satisfac• tln that we are out again with a large addition -Om former stock; and are bound to sell as cheap as tlnlehe,tpest. In onr stock 'can be found Mill, Cross-cut, Hand and Compass Saws; Hand and lihopping Axes; Trace Chains; Heap. and Iron Candle Sticks and fixings; Shovel'. and Tongs; Spades; Shovels and li. Forks; Coffee Mills, Hemmers; all kinds of Ffinso and Door Trim mings; Cmry Combo, Knives and Forks, Shoe Thread and yakerk Axins;Perettssion Caps; Ropes, Pocket Knives, 4.e. Also all sizes of iron and Steel,' eastern and wetern Nails;-Anvils, Vices and Hammen; tcs get ter-with a little of most every thing' umally 1 cal ed for in the Hard ware tine; for further par. denims enquiie at the brick corner, opposite the Envie. Oct. 17, 1846. WILLIAMS St WRIGHT. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!!,--Whow;ints a Shawl of any price or pattern? Call at the clietip score of S. JACKSON & to: November 21, 1848.. ,!. -DROWN and Bleached Sheetings, Bed Tick, LP Colton - Flannel, Cotton, Yntn, Cotton Bat tinge, Weddings, etc, etc. 1, • . ••• .; ; P: ARBUCKLE, -- Nov. 1.1, LU'. Vo.-3 retry Block. - Elll IIY THE QUEEN / 8 PATENT. CONSUMPTION QU'RED.-.TRIUMPIIANT SUCCESS OF'BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE. PAINTS AND OILS.' • . I 100 lbs. While Leittl.tiry IA lbs. Purls Greep and in oil, ' 74 " Sieger Lead, 300 ~, Red Lead, 2000 " Swan. Whiting 200 " Litharae, 73 " Gum Copal,' 300 " Bost. Rochelle 100'ealle, Turpenle, , Ochre, G 0 lb. t,.slirome L eon coo " Eni!. Veil ; Red , land yellow, - Eddy%; refined Lampblack, Linseed Oil,!taw and boiled, Copal and Shellack Varnish, Indian Red, ma:. me. J. H. BURTON 4. Co. Nov. 28, '184G..--28 No fi, Reed Howe. NOTICE Tin,, Copper and Sheetlror. Mannlatttairrz bosine:so will be carried on at the nift, stand pf Ashley, & Kelsey, where aSeon slant Isnpply of all artitles manufactured. by hint be kept for sale at wheTeule and retail. Copper Brqss Ware tahe, in pavine t for Tin Warp. JOSEPH KELStY, Erie, Jae 18,11. r 7 WARREN, • TJAS removed Irsasli, blind and door Shop to 11 ,, State, between 7t hand Bth streets, whdro he will keep constantly on hand or make to order all articles ire on the shortest etntice. Those wishin2 to obtain first rate work at.low Oriees would do well to Ljyo-hiin a call before pitichas 1"z: elsewhere. Glazinadone at all timt.s. Glass \lay, tO, 1816. I 51 _ _ S. SMYTIf 4.• • , ' HAS JUST RECEIVE I P from New York. e er PoinrUy'sEKe-ess.tru r Sprint , Fashions, and is now ready to esceute all orders for HATS in the latest Fusion, and of a better quality than can be purchased here or elsewhere. March 16, 1916. 5 HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! SPRING FASHIONS FOR. IF4O. The subecriberia prepaivd. to furnish his old ens'omers (anti as many new ones as pmmible) with Hato of the Spring style, aseheap as the cheapest. CatEan ' examine riont• iiy and prices for yoursciccrt It. S. FIUNTER. Prrcticul Erie March 2EI, 4516. tf 45 FEM . , APPEARANCE.' 1 B. TOMLINSON, OEORGE KELioacte Ttgibseribers, though some time in busi , 1 Imes, have nut belbre,tound it convenient or ograeablelo introduce into the met a-general advertisement. Being rather of a modest ti t :r.,; they have been situated somewhat.like the w ran ,..2.er in New York, who got upon n dry _oohs bo:i in Broadway, to wait till - the crowd should.get il)y; and like lum, having attracted a little public 'no toriety, theY are prepared to get down and move ietiv aloae, and would respectfully invite the attention of :the public to a choice selection et GROCERIES, interspersed with a few staple Dry Goods and other notions, just received from New .York, Cine'nnati, &c., which they design to sell twee) , cheap for rendy ply. Please call and ace at 109 street, next door to R.- 0. Hulbert, Esq's r. 7.1 st Sixth r - .7eet Canal Basin. ' • P MLINSQN, & Co. Erie Aug. 1. 1846. II SA3I'LeMOORF: &Co Dry I's:OULU:IEI (lock ingitam Ware.— A bean. 1 liftsl article, and good , assortment jest receiv ed and fur tale by 1131TONILINSON 4- Co. August i./816. _ IVI AT.,4MS MAERIALA_-75lbs F_pc ,B Logwnod, Sanfdrd's best, Gum Shellact Ve4igrie, Oil Vitriol, etc. 'insole by Nov. 28', ISM-28 . J. 11, BURTON be Co. fin 41 Tj ANILLA lerearn, leMon bar; do. drops, Imar• hound bar, do. medicated, peppermint drops; peppernii n - , mac, wintergreen, sassafras, and treran InzengerFq sugar plumbs, smooth almonds. idnmnd candy, etc. e:e. for sale by M. W. KEITH: Aft.% 1, iBlB TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. A s mt.:MAL) article lot sale nt No. 2, Amen - e:tr, Bloch. MATHIAS M A yElt. ittly_4lll 1816. - - 7 WIND W GLASS. ' rIARTER Bit PH Elt have Fun received! o;eir ESTI ianw Glass, which is tartze and vemplece—f rying in size from 7x6' to,. 15x:10, and.will be cut to any.sizo •+r shape desir• 1 , e+l,without extra charge. Putty always on mind. Nov. 28,1816. 28 —T— HOMTOPATHIC • ' MEDICINES AND BOOKS. OD. SPACTOI2.I) respectMlly informs tin . incepathic Ilticiane and the friends of the system, that he has jest received direct from New York, a good 1115130 T I ment of Homeopathic Nledi eines in tinctures, hilur ions and triturations also, pocket ease. of metlieines; physician's and'lanti • ty megiehMithests, refined sugar of milk, pure globules, etc., as well as books; pamphlets and stancllnd wOrks on the system: ' Err,c,'Ma23, - wins l& SHOES.—Th have just subscribers he JEJ just received a large...m*lY of BOOTS AND' SHOES or every variety and quality which wil' be sold very low. 1. 408 ENS & Co. 0ct.!24, 1846.--23. No. Fleinhte u crus:s WA RE by tho Crato—Birnsingbam Q ware—for sale by b I Co. B. TO:MUNSON 4. April 'a. 1846. - . 48 FLOUR AND SALT—Aiways on hand, a the lowest'priemand of die best quality, by, Ang. 1916 ' 1 TOMLINSON & Co. ----- 71. "(TIEN A.'Carolina, prisons rind Scotch Plaids V also Linsey/1, and Worsted Goods oral! hinds i.. for sole veiv low t i t MUSTARD SE D,—A lsuperlor quality c f Yellow Muatar seed for sale ,b B. TO LINRON Er. Co. ' Feb . nary 13, 1817. :- ',,-.. 'f -- ,k. ; _— IX7Act. - AND M, DOW PAPER of ever V I ,v4gletrat WILIJAMS & WRIGHT'S. p4-,..,,15,1816,, - ..- . ; 1 2. - .- .. . considered _completely restored. and to the effect of this medicine, withotil. 'any , hesitation, L attribute the cure. '. _ DAVID McFAULAND. 1 January, 1&115. . Pastor 'of die 4ziptik Church r in Coloose". •-• • Testimony trona Sitiebesier._. ~. i 110mo:wren; N. Y. June 5, 1015. 1 Sia.—!SoMetime last January. I was taken with a violent cold, attended , with idistressing - cilugh, Which in the course of a few do, brought on. a bleeding of the lung s, with mach sorcno is of the idlest, pain in the side and 00 soreness of de breast. After being; confined to my lted for, some days • n'd getting no tetter, Mr. - Pard, m ke, formerly ; Deputy Sheriff of t tis county, recomirlimled me to get a bottle of Dr: Btichatt's I tingarlan Balsam of Life, bserYinw that he had been similarly afflicted, an ,by the use of that midi-- Sine haebeeii speedily and_tni:ilely cured. I kn . &timely got a•bottle, and c i after using it a short time the tesult Was us (nn in'Oietett--- I got entirely well. From the benefit I received front tile Balsam and frm the universal good name it bears ainang my blends who have used it fo diseases of the lungs and cliest,l am induced to: belicti l e it to be one of the best medicince 1 , now to vie; for those diseases, - and. as such recommend - it tektite ' public. -4 ' . I W.\ W. iSWIFT. 1 Reniaishabte car - iiii era Dangerous Cough. I To S. Toescr. ' •. • .2 2- ! CAI.o 4 Conxons, N. y. Aug. 6,1844. , Sir:—We are entirety out °OW 'itinnigarian Balsam, buying iolci all you a with us, in our immediatoivicinity. and in 'justice to the tnedicine must .y With astonishing a:access./ A few days since a young gentlein ' l n of this town called at our stole iNtio- - -trad been Fir months aillie a . witli a cry this tressing coUgh. and watitkl a bottle of the Balsam. We tell him it\was of little aqi for him totaWe it or any thing elso—HE MUST DIE. He look a bottle', however, and °bulimia bed another. Yesterday has called, nsiain very' much! improved in [appearance, and said he was rapidly , gaining strenath —but had it not been for the invaltialtle Hilligarian Balsam be mUs.r. j WY° died. We }vain s .me more of on; medieide directly. \ [From 111011rofeopecOlilly, INGI-IA.NI & 1-IAVESIS. Esq. W. E. Fisk, Canastota, ..11s. Y., data CANASTUTA Nov. 7, 1846] To B'. 'r touse , Agtine,LY.c.—Seri Having ed 1)r. Buchan's ilungaritm Balsam in My 1 ntily With the very best success fur hoti: itomplaini;,' and having aeon it used by ,my friends with .like success, I %Ali induced last spring to becomq an Agont. for the Eule 'Ol the same, since whit i l have sold a great number of bottles. and.havo in almost every instance I dined that it bad succeeded ht /And all especial ion, la some cases where tin rt. tient Itad been by Physicians oti rtispectability, Plt . ONt IUNCED I NOUI, A IX., mild their . cases hopeless, anil I most eheerfollY recomnteed it td all who are suf. !sting with tun a complaints, assuring then that in most easel they a ill find speedy'relief. - • "1 - (Signed) , WILLIAM E. FIST{. i •in More Proof. Establishing the of of the Hungarian Bataan) of bfe. [Front Deacon 1.,c‘% is, of Utic.t, dated I ;TWA, VebrllUry 4, 1845.] IheerfullY give my name in favor-of Dr. Pitellan's I lungarian Balsam of Lifct. Last April, my wilt. was alt nets ed with a violent cough, at tended with +t severe and most DrSTRES,IS F: PAIN( IN Till: `FICK, 8 1 ) hail as to dein ive 4ter 'medicine, While in this tii•tta 'ion I c..lleil on Mess-is.' Warner 4 • ro for aoine latedicine, and they recomtnende ' il this Bats tin. I purch i--ela bottle. aad by like time we had use about one ball of it, my wi tr began to get better; and titer using the retnaMder - , her bralth was templi cly Ile-lord[. Since thr-it titne I hare rreomorepneil the 'Mikan/ to inyi friend , malty of whom :lave used it a ith,like BIICCCFSP li - (-timed) •I_ • .1 1 41-1 N I J 'V(S. Hensel ih . .tw yip ,. tintiiii Churint in Utiea. . i r falFarther Evidence.,o [From the P. M. null/di listen F lats, A ( F se:4 l) t'o, ,IN. V. d a i e d..t a o, 18!13.1 I tort again tinder the necessity in ordering a ne tt/ supply of the Bale iii .' - Vy wile still continues the medicine aml ii improving. !Lis 110111,',F WO ill1;1? (nAlli , section, I heard 'of a friend 50 milel Cott' here ;who etas cousi ered lilt a Commit 1.0 Cc6tsurarrainst. 1 acne hits tan iit).110:( or die Balsam tbol* I , Iwo weeks since, and to.day I hear•l front hint, and the Balsam istitcti If MU liftn plie a charm. ' ',, • (lt , i gnetD I I-- ' ilf. E. A lit N , ILO - . ' I il;The Messrs. Metcalf, of Gene-.-n, N. I. (oneiit whin is a practising itliyaitian) in or !eying n new gilpftly of the Ilatsciin, sums a that 'ln some Se. s,...tmr: CASES our Citilwrlera eomptidit oi I eceiviiig zeal b-n-fit Friuli its-use , . TOUSEY, Syytiemle, N. Y. General Agee, fer New York and the ;4 - • ern States. Sind in F''•: by C.• • & Hemmen, No 6 lived fleeter! CANDY. I 8-16.~ :..,' ((ER &COOK.' 1' L_ PRO. Ni—NTS,— continue t he Forwarding and commission business as usual, at thtfir ,ware on the Pattie Dock, Erie, Pa. and be ready on the opening of Navigation of the piesen , yt ar to contract Mr the shipment-0 Mertlhandise hem the eastern cities, or other pia cce, to Erie, as. they arc conneet"ed with good re sponsible lines, and having some of the firs class of Stearn 13oate and 'Propellers on the lakes rtra nin, to their house, thereby ensurinix lie sun , and sp.etly tratemiisEion of uli propetti entriteted to their care. They will attend to the forwarding of good.; up :Ind down the takes cm to any of tic Caintdiart ports 'on Lake Ontario and the itiver St. Lawrence:--aleo Eolith by the Erie,,Pxtek -. Canal. CASH advances made on all kiims • I Pr( and Eldieo prontpily tie led to: . They will cous'anily on hand 13itnninona Clos I, in la' small tittatti pure.'aperp. ALSO— Salt, Plaster{ in tds,l or . both, Iron, Radt , , etovsiann Cued: zsol enry de ,tion. RIFF.RENCES. C• M. Tibbats.; Erie, ' Smith Jacbso9,4: CO. 6 . . Johneon, El imrod 4. co. " • Hurt, Perner 4- Co. BoIda: 1 - f -- 0. N. Chapin,-:: .• I4ny, 1 W. 'Alontett e l 4 , Co. " - ' Otis, Clapp ,• Co. Boston, ' Georize W. [ oli & Co. N. Y.' city, ~ E. D. Allen, Oudengintrg, N. V. U James Bi °wile:Carol:lto .C. W. Wm. D. Kin;;, St Cailierineg, 6., Standait., Jams & Co. Cleveland, O. Albert Ives, Derroii.. Mich. '''''' ' l' Newberky 4. Dule.r.7bi.•ii2.o, Illinois, Erie. March 111, ISI6 ^ BANNER HOTELA \ ERIE. PA. rjllll IS Pima ted n pot the corner of French 'and [lilt) r t , recenly known as the PA TINIER'S HOTEL, ht' been leased by tb• subeiiber for : term of years and refitted in a style not.surp.s,ed by any public house in. the city Ls loratlon ntar•the Diamond, is the mot cen tral cilia convenient for all bit,ines purposes, and has connection with the different lines ?t,l sta: des-running •tu trod from the place for the ac_• commodation of the traveling pubrtc. Boarders, with or without rooms, necoinoda ted •by the week, month or year on the most reasonable terms. The proptietor, from a lone rridence at Erie, and a reasonably extended acquaintanee up, n water and on share, flatters lum,tell et ith the expectation of receiving, a due share, of public patronage ; and from his efforts to ,please, feels coast ions that not one of his gutists shall ever hare the 'occaiun to turn their backs tein the Amp' iron Elliot: A. C. HILTON. Erie, Apt if 1,1 ISII t,, ' ; 1117 I t it, GLASS WAR.E. • i ASOLE NOlp assortment of t ' lass AV:tic:just reeeioPg, coMprising Tumblers Of all sizes and qualities, Lemonades, Pitchers, Sal eel's, t inc glasses, Jelly Olas , tes,canellestieks,celkry vaert.., Preserve dish 'er, Lamps, Salts. etc. ,etc ete.,'lhr sale cheaper 'than ev"r before offered; in ;his ma'r km m , Cadwells, one door east of the E glu Tait ma. Sell. 19, 19-16. : . " _..'„._ i GALEN B. KEENE, , . ' woITLI? moat 1.4 spec,ttittly Wein, his old cus tomers and the public generally, ;hat he has attain resumed hipiness in this city. in, the shop he -tormetly occupied, between the Reed House and the fliale Tavern, up evnirai lie tenders Ids sincere thank a to Inc citizens of Erie her past (a vets, and would say to them that no labor or pains shall he spared to suit teem in any article of wear ing' oppmel they may see fit to liivor him with. From rho tinprecedrted ettevos he has met with here:oldie he deem ; ;c; unnecessary, mere ly. adding lila; no ; toilet ing'. dune in these part , ARM brosirpeilikr, ifi.qual, to that done at his es , lablkimien, ti n, not exeepl ed. ,i. N. B. The Pat is :it-hien:tare received monthly, I particular attention paid to ritlval and military clothing. Cuttingi for others to make' up will be done as usual. , i . Et ie Sept. L ll 4 , 18 tG. _ 17 'V AN T D. CA T and Opu- = um Skins! tinted immedintely. Also, till kintlS of shipping Ids, by ~SNIYT.H. Dec. 5. 1916. LIELvEit Candlesticks, Utta tors, Solders nod frays—rdat Brittannia Tda, and,Coace Pots, new patterns, at • • G. I.I_YIAII ' S a. Nov. 14, 1546. . • CLOCKS.; VIGHTAY and,3o hour GOth'c; O. 0. G. .114 Pillar,—Alarm and common, by t me single o. ens°, t'ery cheap for ready pay: •••1 G. LOOMIS & Co. No. 7 , Reed House. Nov. 14. 0....0LD PENS. g agiers Extension Pens and VC - Pencils, tho latest ) inrovement out, other kinds at:reduced prices'. , • G. LAMS Ef."Co. Nov. 11. • Nu. 7. Reed Homo. 7' ' = DYE STUFFS. 3- Annetta ) , , Oil Vitriol, , Alum, !alga, . • Copperas, i Blue Vitigol, Crean. Tarto, Cud Bear; .. • Argots, , i Cochineal. Spirits of Tin, • Liquid• Blue, or chernie fet Logwaitd, , Niel ood, (green, Csmwood, Madder, ;Fustirdc, - , Red Saunders, For isle very cheap at TER No. 40 6, BROTHER.. Houe by December 5, 1846. . oR. iiitRICKIrISIeI:dIIICE:XI. TOEEAVOILIIITEIIR.E.3III.:DIt Oiy, TiIDPI Standard Faraiily - obo v r yff l 1 ttechhri citizen, : C I i l e c A :n .s ud, t ll :o s o: w: re : lir bestowed i r e: u r i s i tt c of z :f n i h s it 0 1 l i 4 t:::::: ' ,, Lt e l . C:7 4 ,A r:e ., 1:)1 , 1 1 :: : b :l , o r s. tuts. Arn 4 i, la i ri ie lil l i : :::;:47 ; DR St ties - and Britir.h l': -1: :::: . 9 71e . i e t ti ' l l :t il le7t . h 4 : n .d i bi: the same 'Elio Litho:ollore :Ili:stare. This untretatil Panacea 111 now it e , a i l l "::::: . :::: l o i ' f fl t " h h e Y . :::: l l " l : . l: ,,, oc it ' , o l:: n r:::r e t:i , : atop l apl e r.i: being ottroiliteed into Europe. the East, and West 1111111.11, performed by-them:preemies.. remedies after the. torah. South America and all ther pert. of th e Globe, where diseare exist,. to uity Rile. The Muted St ilea and the remedies °tithe day 11.11.e.4 tried in rein. 1 0 Collgliillo 1111Ve for the pot three years scirtely wiled DIt.IIERRICK'S NIEGETABLE SUGAR this virt which the proprietor, open the int roduilioit of - , COATED PILLS. • - . thie medic, no i,,,itme.l not to say it pe.•e..e.l. In i fro- „,‘ , . t..e used with markesi i ruceers in" ..... .using nriv t I . t I I w GREAT .,.tbe i t h 0 r. 0 7 . ,, 1LT A t h r e I t i t , , 11 , :::14 1, 1 1. 1:". D s lt: p o the : i : i o y s i, t , .:; t -: : : ,,, : .::: - n: ..,:::::,:ls; ic,i,,,,,,,),,,,,,::::.:7 ! .... ' nui: - 4t o.:: : it y d e : :: : ' ,,ni tl t e i . 1 0 e , s., : e h ' .i i. i. . dea l startling promise. were in...demi the part of the medicine 1'1 1 " n ~ ,g „r i. ," e and .. p a Tt"'" Paqtai.e. 'I hey " e i rt the Clltel Were to-, be e ff ected that penttie thrle a . . 0 ,',, ~P .3 ' ', l , i „ . s u ., _ „ ~ 1 , 1 the ..u r 2."; fide. and 6,,,,,41 4 , their hands and cried, what liege/ Cfell ereiliAity. , , i the lormati body. foul Meath. central warm h t u ~t , „ v. tilt surprise, mot the so called “Fut. MC," 'Made (Maw c, ItaintuaicOe'la issues , an 4 in mill ca : 1 , - 7 1 1 selves merry over tlie ''new humbug." gut ni-irk the re- 1 1 d bait id ~,,, I „,v e d sa t o, hu.,07:1-i Where I - 'r it l salt—lke three rear'Nlase pii4eil nway—pedate e ir,•„ - ,i on. , a , c uc l tt, a ,, :t io 0rijc,..tri...,:„... purely ~ ,,,,71,.,.. 1 ,. .....,3 . .0 . 1;r1 1 , 1 :rL ie0wpz: i'lte .niee of intilions,nml more of Miser% ing 'jinni - Omits, _ lutve st Malted this REM EMI . ; tht , melt singular . yv order n ran n •. vf .., ,ta p r t.: l ey t •gf 7 :. I , n : I sell for 25 cent and mirartilons'eurative power ever ' b I " Z t . "" 1, InU Y. lam e% A bu, s Proa teed. sTc ‘ i t tOStlittExt Flst tote. which the proprs. lIE RICK'S .....CI.A. TIC LINIMENT, Tg for ..ft is mei emu had the presumption lo say emted,, "-- IN P ALLIIILE RENIEDY I and the till curious / iscases a-ere but secondary, li•IS Haw for Itheanrati,r„, Sprains, Praises, Coittipmed C m Intlitnim tf believers , , they must believe, for they have Sort, Throat, <Vlittzy, CrMsp,' Still' .IMt.t•. Sloes/ 111 4 1 4 *titters , ' \rlie rifest .t this restorsttive. It has conquered ea r Arne ivt the Masa-, 111111 face, 'remilrasherregaFe.:, ALL tliseA• .by eimPlf ermelng the ollr• Th.. "old 1,„,.,.„,,„c the,.4"pittel. ptirlshett Limbs. atiti •h f f . 0 ~, ,- Schen." no otten their it.serT their Ohl dogmas. like the ex t ern ,l aitithetttion is 1 tudir 3111'41. The rapidity It' ol"ruill.le 'Ili"- fly lo'r"re time l i ght s'l . "' I " S ild t fl unt"" I, !ma (Ws' 11*()NDEE. IVOR if INC , II ELWIN,: ri m snits(' now seeks n road to he AO itsitwir SfllV. 111 . 1te311 of ‘6,,,t c bale of i.e nhoin tll•rafe4 1105 Untitled TB IVONFII'II AND ~1111111tATION Of the a orld"fhat'a elnrin'g it,. oye s ,til 'being lea. The 'truth of the ppm,' pie Upon which tliii e article cures' it, established. and the --,,,,,,, „,,,,ji th mm .,.i g aof the use of this 1, e.,,,,, I. .i 1 statement is again oddly most em his Mob- t tv th e Oeetor htsts put itili price 'at ,251., o t s • E,,,,r 13 ,,,,, t dedly reiterated: Ther 4/aki n( ' trill d,-ire fearajhe_bcdo e,' - Ile Its, Poet's Lome blo. n ill the g15....,,,,„ J ~..,i- r ; CPT Amy , ' Odds hat - a name ererit dt''''ltonizott n '.I the rd is a ! cutler,' discored Spot... acetutp item stab, full s p. s h m , w hi c h can ..gist \I I" b venial muscle remit' , this MVP rections...tLikiaii.r enteral di. Witty , . etter.tra rott, i 4 fel ,Mt ftt rest..re to a perfect s'ple he obi Cninnutl. Weed- ' i en., we.,knes)in the stosnach and beire'J,f2tel/b., lg ~, i l , rug end 1 , 11-terioe.y.?.uf 1r latent to fall. T'he',l. l, tor.la , . ',ides. hit- of,annetite, Irsinbling of 11...Aie110: plipts iy-pre T entiog itoolt-•or f p , \ t ra it, pi Otjit Tv 3 , V, 3'. 18 a ! not. or the heart. !Anita..., Ague mei Fes cr, and alllll prop out of tho old stn , t Lige which: t illl,tiotit onaltht , to, rp m ., a t sal. sea : ire gicl-I.lvired I, toe ~., ~f' , the r mood., it elisilelep itt.t...eTf tellorlif mpl.tlenepl . oto/1 ' lIE,R !OK'S V ,GET.: BLE Tome IN,. tt• e,i r s ort .t • an ILO' elli 11 orlieme i q I t i 1.,, ~, , , •trietiv Vialtrescr.r: It . ter Y. thr prodort of mit on t o soil), , 1 BITTERS:. , 1 1 ..-,i. cm,.,,,..,,, o f le , ' el y l uso lifftsterpt Inttreairotts.—• poi twi n is, es aremnitt tied an,' di cant., al, & vitr o Ilaels root It Is It• pallet ar part ot , ,the sy•lem In 1, 4, , fl° Yr. Ott, r• 11-1 box a ill mal,e half a ga di. la the is., awl ti l lr ,Ii I 1111 I. 111'3. , procured it S . Mt., t nitim i l OM' 11111111 W? ' l'.lll"rmirok, roid• ,e, , ,r1 f ,,,, ~pp i ,,,,,,, n i th ftliVe spit. m ... Mimed in i% ly .pluirvitt, ..rstillloll 1/ , I 111/ rim•i, %yes, els: ct.u g ht t oup, ~,g,,,,,m , ,,,, „T i .. Lu nt .. 1,1..11...t 049 :tiler i...1. 1 :Fir r no ! ,g, 1 0 it' , p ro p ' i' 1 0 ). Ind! 103 1 , e,0 4 1/1 , •1.4.1. f 111 , -, 1,11111111101 1 he greatly hot t ed of truth. Idol yno a ill al % ay* se iiantei Mare.. Ina Iltle Mel qui 0 4 ,1.1.• ill(' ' li,e -1 r l "‘ " l''"f h i l " 4 d"' 1. 'I i '" rr "" 4 k"" ' he '""'r DR . lIEI 111Cli'S .1111iPICAT I PD COUGII VIII GREAT Kira STIVE, , Tss Most ea re'vm,permat .i 4 the ' I • n poipliltdia!tle-treil. !It L'lVerl 1110 eltuf ut tar or .04 the ' .1 1 I.O2,,ENGES. . Is-eatai.4.‘ , tamot.til V. 1111111 1/ft l i/111. 1301 \!4 kll hp hat' Pr ce `2.., t t.i.i 1'... of . t(. -e I ' , see ,. as s ~, , i ,,,,,,0.,,.. !men gored ty this al ele Es oleoce oft rare; In relit of dm' I.e. THE 'l', II 31P• , ,,:i:Vi• .slr LT Es:: Shish ....,,. .ha most th i.,,,, 0144. ...... of ,;„,,,„1,,, ~,,,,,,,f,„,,,5,,,,,,, „ is Le• e mit .),l- the ',se mi iltrrick I , Weil/ Delllo/1 4 ban Itfeil Ore (Winne of MI!. 1111./11•1110 to eine with ii t lozahce. I'l llo•tlestiu.l•llj c ul.l„,, ~,f ...,,,,Li from. the illlll l ,o .ystem has p , lU rt I t 11.1 no the cataloger finsittl—e st, a lush ha .e been Igft to die. Ilnimreds in story large lots' of ou r Llittott arid the Conodaa h"l k i n +4i, 01 / writhes. This to •',p c,• it to tale. Clohl r ea .6,, I hook 11/14.1rnele for the. lit es m u d .1, ,Ito they . 4,. haters IT. , '" , ~,‘ .l the , ' freo is s .'-h ,, . Ia a 1 ,, • , a , l , 'the hchiathr it the p X ••••,11/.1 or Pis to ms ieno o ill „to I ~1\ i',“ e 2:1 cis . an', full Mit rt e s.. I Mete suffe r ... A ; 1 1. 1 ,,, Th, , r; n EAT iltnt, IN I .. a ill re.. Dn. , y.• in en et . n+i,ir:et 1 paioo tool wet, mess et the Incas'. sides , AB; 4 1ack, 0, 4 1 Girt ',yr/. nml all loads of, ; Ili/tilt , Ili the I.7rittar, ii. ittit. , ., l lt hemomtsitt. .1..1..c0. fit -y 1 I tie, : l o r Lem) mr•d, ~f c om iiteuts. o r the I.4.neys. Weakoess of I!, Itm kt (. t'- s i lIER RICK S GALIIA NI, Al 5T4E:VG371..1 m ile triecularittesymnedmielv t loieled. tool - tV le .11 II) \ ELI \G PLASTER . . ' Ina else. to f o r •y•tem. Let es ery Female a) 'tree to- A . 11 „ 1 , , ltreno on fist!' hod he tt ,, e,r, will slur from ere t o ,„ x l curt to this /ore tne.ticiec. cad 1„11 110 ollo.r. Ittsonsid • 'llig , htli s . r role out) ILiILiS , and err Lek tug 0. pl r ,',. g I A 'I Of. I 111141,01/11. RllllOll 4 COIIII/1.1/111.4. 13 . 4 •13 1101M/11413111 _ .4 : 31114111/rlll 3 t41(11/ Illot ti e /3.1141110re1' Ile BES - . 1 ANDI Is. eltereil" ithentnatistm llout. &t: , printueed4ty ,Cl.,,ita co . • , ! AA nsT.l'l..ts•ri.u.; NOW IN USE. Or file blond. will always fintt,reliet Imogs, Coln*, et.eti •• . • ,l , . . ,(.." s, , /,, comumptine, trims the patients and Ott.. tnedienl titriis , TO TIME PUBLIC. . . noun ~m or, r e d , ,7 1 : 11 1.1 " 1 " " `lll*,',l, hr this 1 ' 1 , 1 " 1 " -1 ''' I Cis 11111f\ hating Seflolll3 1010 .10 :i liaril iye d i•e tses el ,e, ~11.2 ‘ pe, e , , li,- ~ , _•,....1 1 10 1, ut ~,, . r..si time lir/file! e 10 11131,1• .3111 resat, a 14,, (13111111011 Of th eyes. l' a l t totwt n of the ileort. sr 1., I _,,_ t „ ; ,;..;;;; 0;„ 4 ,,,,1,;,;.!,,, i„, w,, , ,c,, ! Headache. J: 111tIllif, r., rt . WI., ' Acne= the o h u m et , ta . , ..., Coat e d , t 1 ethos Imo be has a pateut fuse defog. mate 1,, the 1 ,q,, L. log no might be named—lris!, ibis Its si FM. buy no ether. . sr .,. .... ~ L . i; I prnern., id tlcceptr,m ...,, lei the im l,l .. „ji,, 0 ,. Put Ito to :to oz. hart] , 4ar it'2; , oz I t iii ta $ t sari, 1 i • . '. l , . I . ~. ~ it em s. judges til the L: sC. V. het it r .t t.)..tr in I. 100 11/ ' decart,lll7lbat ii , M are rd iblre.led flr , 7). r:f°f) hotae -... 10;t 1.. .. !g„ ,. ~ fr. ~ x;. .,. 1 ,. ii „ ; , ,, 1; 1,,,,,,,,, . 31, bar the ;Vous, !Nall. Itit's Vearahle I,ithootrlptic ili2e.. ' 80 - rite ' '' fl' W • ' , th e gi3r11.., , 01•1111r 0 31rhts at a•,,tto e• t 0 t ,,,,, fare.' Moan ii t site gloss-1110 a riltco siVii lion or I. tin, in j - 3 ,, , r i , g ,,,..„, „g„, t • G C, Vaughn on the direct:at_ F. and G. C. Van-Iln. „ cr, ,t • I I ,O, S. Patrol OM, /1.111. lc. othl: , Buffalo. stamped pop the cork; No9oolllol 111.0 rellUille Dr. beer ALL Dear Sir - . Your' It It: /,1' the .11 J iml:baini PrepOteill.v D• G. •-. VA MIN, anti seta .4 the Pith ~ , ,,,..._..., , , .,11 . 1 in ~,,. ~_ /•r 10 Our t' guar ratsthrt our eipal Agroey .207 3ta it street, Iliternlts a t a imiesnle purl ," '`" - pa t ent bash een ktratitTal fora pill roma with Fatal,' re, tit, to a loon .11 common;. mho. must crime goer paid, , n 1434 to mr r to i l thtt no ricer,! 111.1.1 1 % a Yoe:AC.le Oi2l es dery tel e.re usirilit to the sale / Mit medic re, at „ , . 1 , mum] in elks Ince. 1 It r -ii, i gull, ¶ ..wm, 1 Whole Palo :mil rettel l New Vat k Civy, '.l'l Nm. , au , st., 11.1 1 •, M. Lake, Salem. At55....293 Esser st. 'lt, 11134 P. Clittse, 5..... 5 ....- .„ ..,,,,,,,,,,,,1...., cat„, a if .'‘', ;; _.. l . - . 1) !. , 11 _ 1 " .. ., \ 1 2 ,.. 11 _ 1; _ , R .. .. K ,, 17- e • (" "`" in "" J"l ''' 3 ' ”' " is p e. "" :Id at. ~.,', --" - it t , ?on. ii .: fr0,.i):;:..,i . :111,„ I., lind ttf a'tis ' i s ' 1 , .e r A.:„,,, , " 1 , r— . w.,,„.; sS. L..... mn. J. ,Wilt..,—(item"" '"" fl 'i," -- . l'rll/e1 II D 'l. ,, fr ';'sr'Sllte street,' Alhattv , swlrto all or. At retail It • respectable lb ilgiri , .to throughout tips Uni r. P' i . 1 1 4 ',' . ) 111 e 11. 0., , I • ill afifeyti din the p tperx. - ' (' I dun AWfVfS ' -a '. .1 4 11. ISM Con & Co. Johit Ctonanns kCe. AgnirPtili this tilt: C.rter S,! Tirerher. John If., llor on ,/, co ; ~"..i . d , me; J. (I. Romeo , (' o.; w;;;; ,..... v. 3,,, oh f i '....r .. 1 , .;; (;_ ... .tiff:urtt & I.:".itir. Gitaril-, and Lilt ilamsi,Notta reit. O. I:17 —lrta. I 1 mattock; Guard, 1.. S. Jones AS: , .__ Town, - -1 I Co.; North 11...t,1L C. -..-_ -L-- ; I 1 .1 1" .. IT l IS TRUE \ July 11 ISIG. ., , -1.-- ' 271- ' - I THAT 11. I'AD,WF.,I.L basil/ 1 ..1 arrite43a!,nin DR. WOOD'S gAItSAPARILI,A •:.11 D 1 I - ~ WILD CII FAIRY' BITTERS, 1.... font, New York,' by the Es lei. ss Lrhe, ,i-111 illn tivhesl osso, rote t of Ladit..s Dress Gos‘l: .14; •Fiw the permanent r uses it of all Sll'e'ittiS. ( sea' ems 1:7 vas t.'t er offered in this trial lset, an.o k 4 uisch thsir rise. be an Impair Mood, ImpairedlY; , . 8!' n, I! juoy be fibmil -1 :11orbid stnt• of Elle Lin,. 7:11,1 Stonficla. ll' tcki) 7a 5.T rani'. rie Ft' 4 ; af'thr V .. rroust Si shm trn,l a desonb rrd , 'Lhl.ll i .m (10 'd Bens rttly.. 75 ( / De. Wood a Sarre ' ;init.., and Wilt' Cherry I' itt cm h ire - 20 i t Pa i' do Il'ep p ulregay, by their su "moil .I excelleitee„ a ott a degree/ of pohlic fat or owl p 1 raal ige, a 1111211 111111/ tbe l ll l beyollll tlit , ( 1, 10 1 .4.4. 1. - renei m. 0.! t;lf recommett ,ation. tieing fattltfitilv 1/1,113f1,1 of , 10 do , do the mostexcelletit Materiatls. Om, can be fully collide , ill :I '2O di) Fa ti e' by :,11 of need or o ttoitie, aperteot or`AterattSe rime d , , so ii [' Co s k a , ,c . a, Saran', rill. takes 1 high /111111 1111104 Pkv:icia. al.. all 1 .1 - other, in tho 1.1 0( mu:rote up ns. nod it is this 'at J '5O Sbals Is ol exrions stvleer, ... 1. ich Ito- topl•l•eitifq it so deserstally popular orcr all the I . , S iltc/.X.'t as al., as,cti , c . d., of Medici nee of (he'll:lv. In Dr. Wood':, -walla", pre ter- 20 do Pol 1,1 d. ( * oinks, . , lLtillll, it ill a 111f1111031 01 lie fotiod in • grt ti purer` and , ~NN'iiitfi ills lot ,1 ant illtm, . 1 etrenvili, and gtottitte notelt by I ts 11111110 44 1111 Vie I - 1111 Cll.` f fy. 11 01111111 01'60 11,1. order. Th tell ippl.' rolllhill Vila.. COlyrYd Velvets and S.ll ins ti o n FTennetts . is (lie 0013 01111 Cu 1 r in., 'e of these moth s, nod founded Title:oh and 'Lace Edsloss, I. io. it is pis the he-t wedleal principle., tied their %Irvin, Linn , n and f›.tton II ibbin, ... ext aete.l Ii) ( ' a rigid eltemmal Mi thy:l.., experitaent, haul shown its nonsual power tool titre cis . , A rich assortment of Ribbons, , Allis preparation ,ill he knod on t yol, to be 44 11 10 31111 Colored and blark..sil(. Frio., s, • , .pee y t Oiled) far the 111E1 - . e•e• ellUlliel it nil a1,,,-, The) - Kid, Silt and NV orsted • loves, „., • . ' t era's the Mood, mteme ,recut tr atgestiou., promo c a, Sillj, , Cashmere NI: ors•eti and Cotton Hose, healthy netlen of the Liter tool Stomach 'l sand q.t. ocCra, , . , - • • tile Ileffeg. und at Mire securing 'matt., ant, ~eitt ty te. , e Jac kone:t no d•*!,,, , i.sti'Mns , lins„ Milani. nysteol. ill 11 I 13.11 , 04 oßdespohtleney, as req..; r, OM ' Cull and Ta4selsi and an endless voit,ty of , , , Indigesti o n or nerrpts s irritatio ~ they have Meru 'ltsed every tbint; lit the: fry Clouds lraile. Pon't lot' ,' with remarko& , ttcres; our ore they ts , sir,rot m. o Vein. t , t i. , . - ~C A 1) W F,LL'ii . ,• oe .Ide, p ale, at 1 edy' for lientlaulte, Fraitilengy, Los s .ssf :olio-rite, Ant ti - , ,' : 25 1 Rmieral prustratilta of the sylsorm. 'At the strtno tinr: it ~ Nay- 7 .. 1816 . c - trust be .tatt,l, tl at they mit nntilit r •tofent nor at till ------- 4 - -- - - - ----- , -..— V . datmerolts in th..tr operutton, seeming 04 tile) 110 Illie d'... . f .GItEAT AII.I'I AL. 1 ..i....., effect. natl. I y a steady recut,. lota e Ire influent., 3UST 11.+.:CEIVELl, r 'Cake', daily, in t ores Proseridtgil they 4;11 he romp it ,„,., s s , ',, 1 _ ____.... operate ta vial go ttlo anti salutary 11131111er , , Itlliell r, 1 1 1 , • , & tot, their highest recommendation. " S hed Tile ion.. ;vs , ertifiptiri, atirong homy niliersv. heh , iuu .I. ons u w n •e: l t A ir i , i s v o r r i t t e a d n .S i ‘ r . oil ed , es 1:11. - ,4a,Epgliib 2,0 " Sprin , rfCrisr,Dfister anti German .. le we Wen received from the nuts( respect:title sou reeMs fur• eaptern and southern Nails ; lush .•itisrderory Oros f of the value and f PiCacy. of this' highly popular eledicine. , , Dint Spikes, , . ssroawl , m.l 111... , r1., 'S. l'i. 1 Carpenters' F . 1-hinl: SaHs, srr. E. ' IMO:I:4704 111, . 4 ,1 .Is a. , soried f' oins, , , • Vett r 91.,—'1 itia)i. ID rerti6 that my ilaugh4r liar Bern ; , rtacC (liar nonliled with ) tolooa for n 1111M11 1' or year, . attended! , wall O i ottrt tit it •ntl , chin and other distre,.imr •ymptnins. ...., : - .01d0 . 21‘,1 Shoiels ' Spades min Barn Viiils.„ o 111111 11,CC11111/1•11/ Gal* disease. She t i•ited Soo on 10 '2OOO flails elrap and,hook 110)2 1- . 5 , a, nil lo•r•elf ~l' tto Ins Is celebrated pits archers of th at -• to .......u., 8,” , ,zy ,9. prin. , . - i y - . ' ; city, ull ft, Ito pt. tom , . fir the solicitation of n f Mud, 1 oo .4 A ,1,,,,A, „,,, oos immare_i_to nareho.e o bottle of Or, Wood's' Sarsupas. r4ll.,o.ltd\Vila CI err'. Bitters. Before taking . one battle 50 ' at twtatti , kVa,..!on and cht,. , '_.v MARS, she was tclieteil in wely of the headache, and rt<ter Liking Smith's Anvils Viers. Bellott Y and II ammer., tit oor thrje butt es the other symptoms Cettitele disap. Mill, Cross,. tit, Tefnoon,Wood.-Pit and Par ~Fpri ~ grand,, 1 . N. IL 0 iltEs. Hay and M inty I.ilnivest . " Noittit kA.sitAvEN Long l'lrti , July 2 4 , lel6. - Na. E. TOORTOI. in. . 1 I Brats Fire ;ietls ami Candle-Jtelss, Deer Vitr,.--Mv diso n ttt.r its tee. fir more than Iwf Smile Beam.', Weiatit* and Ilalatict ~.. • v ears ttfiltrtado, ilt a confirom,lDy'Spep. it Mot Liver lL:nillt. Slit+ , ll,llottse, Llinner s , Cow and thsep".itel l r . plai n t, together •} titt lt, • serer. and eon , ittlitlinallaelle.4"%it - • of every desriptioll -: a n t":, i .." g t "'". ,r im lit he w".' catrla . 0 % . alt aided by tin. mos t „I e ,. 3 I , _ sail: alto Intel ,tgeatt paymelatoi, hut' as ithtlittle or no co- ISMS: , nod Port•ttle,in Ket ihes, - . - lief,. 11th we. r sod the dise ns 4 a tt s.;, air My' taking the W,llitett ash. shoe,,i horse and scrs.:l'. fit.. , .br , , form of c Minn t i ronspmption. ' I 1 'e't. ti"''''. I 'let" Ship, I louse Cal Penters' mute to have .-course in Dr.'WooWF. Sarsaparilla and Coo ~..-1. I • ' 1 . 00 .., Corlett eto NVII. Cherry Bittern, n-• prep:m.lll von. and it gives me ~.." p e r- • r i , , ~ t I the, neerrst piniinime to stile, that aftgr the use era few :`itocinatit rs,' t10..4n and I rim pit nos, ' • 'titles, my datl Otter was ll•ippily re•troral to p'erfegt ',l''n Servers of all! sizes, ! . . and Joiner4Toul.r. - ' . imoull. 1 barn l imio e h e it i m o di , ! s oe l , A l a ~., e stock ,6f saddlery, uarrr and CE , - 5; and shall chiterfo .y smmtointool it to Inv friends', - ! • . 1 ' VS .y. only vpirs, 1 ANSr.t. VVIIITE. ri4 P- e ‘ Trifnmin-, ,of ever)- de , atriPl i i,""l in 5 '(''''' Th 4 curetle.er i i tr.l Fir the .01,..eeeentieaty of Fir Wh. r Teri Tlionnund tlolllirs wnillt of S iHil halve , is by ho ine.tt 11 , .. it :tiog Oar one. There ore It t otilretts WA° vt ttidh FIIIIII bo sold at pi ices that odi ski tther , h /110' been cortol from the most nettle or hang rootlet! e b, , ,,,,, e i . , - H. t ADV.. Ell i iii on . te , by flp• ) i.e in thivirclollont and highly 11111111, tr Erie Nov, QS, TEi 10. ,emsdy, TM, m o p, tetor'ret anrotoots a totter Pulthe With , 1 1 the utmo s t to s atid, ma .,, fo r in all f.1.11..4 41•11 e/ /` it has had a mit lily, it Ims or cooled im, moot the ex poet:Mole. orthe Pfttleill or even ts no ii. Thr. c re . iel, s loth it i.- p r , pored:lnd thrt lilrimsic eArelleitce of tit. 111.1t0f1314. 1•11011111 secure, :old bar •e. toed 'Ol It, 11 1' harnrter tr ley; tt •tle• serves. The/ pr „judieetisnally - exi•iitte tigHirsit'attseruisea in 1 ethlone. wol loot ha/ m oe ;fed ithestots ell to,, this.' The am, lorfal elites it hob pet formed. ~..,I the ',whom:dello d eel, hot. of Ito principal eonstitue atr, should „i /we e fe commetta it to tlavoiblic fits' , -r, .. " 1 =EI ? duce I keep I go or Fish scrip Prepnreik by E. '. Isorotnn, ,Ir.—•nbl wholp..tle 'itn.l re tail by Wynn er TIVICIIIIIII. 1 , 21.Fu1(m? St r.i,v! ; ',.l. IL .•ur. ton ,i: Co , Erie. nut bv ariwzzist- &totally 'throughout the li. sil. I'm(' sl,large bottles. ' ! • . • : fief..-1 IX.II l, ,i ' (1113'2 5( PIECYS Alapaena, CainoAand Mtn irniep. 0 4 . 1 7 Just received and lisr syle bl • ' ' • , • IL CADIVr.I.I.. Sept. Id____ 9,1816. 4, .... , •tP Ni,m) is the mite to buy (I,\ II.PE ma.— carpetin g of , the best quality and latest styles must be sold to make,nonn tbrs'. n•-w• stwelt i in the Spring. at the', Je. AP . &roil E. ' Erie, Feb: 17, 1817. i • 41 A§l Alpacas, silks air(' all Other Goode,,at cheaper rates thrti nt art) ,ir.‘v sTottE.. other P tOrP town, at the Vet). 07. 1847. • Comrne l icial P.m:1)311,m. emht oidureit Sill and t"olimeie Shawl-4, n lit moth'. very, cheap at the C9 : 41 \I E [WI A L EXCI-1 ANG 13. Erie, Feb. 27, 1817. - Al 17‘61bSifici - VnirSioTc;i.e7xgG47 and 13u=kina, chon -at the EXC liA N t Feb. 27. 1817. - .41 CD) r4IS, Caa.dinurra and SatTinette, of, every quality and color, lute offered at R fraction above cost, a! the IE Ar STORE, Feb. 37, 1316.-41 -Fr French St. WINTER Sperm Oil. a Tore ar,icle, for sale at S • I 3 TOMIANEW;s: & Co's. Erie, Feb. )3, 18 17.1 • ,38 rtli - Or.',ERIES.--, A good as..ortment of dry enro ll!' codes always on hand —Nfoldeses at 3el-2 cents peclullnn, ae.nott summet art(cle. Crettlfier 21, 1846. C. NI. TlatAL . DII.ODUCE. id atilt inds taken (11 eie,"hare fur tnn goods or on acto Oy C. INI,M. 11 TIS. J. October 24:,1846., r 23 riOTTr 60043—Cotton Yarn rrotor No. 5 V to 40, Candle %Wick, and Batting,loi Bale at No. 3 Perry Bleck P, AIt,SUptELE. Aug. 13, 1810. I ch DelaneF. Cuhlocros, astiliuns, Itobi.s, Ombrec Eolicnna, UT \" ( 1 1: :; ; i.. i n r it - t r li cCt B .l . n . v Tl Zn i i ii i i s ie n ri n ft ri (- i l i ° e:r .13 111,1, I rried App I.P, Si. in, ' ' isxli , r_ Jae r Gioccriei C 1 .:a.1t.. :ash paid air Grain offill kinds. Pair.,pril 18 1 03.16. - I .‘ 6 , _____, PAINTINGS, ENGRAINGS, Ike.- Ci'‘ IC r 1: ' a t'l . Bll,ollll' 11, are Vii ial ipt of • beautiful collo:don of n ? 's told Engra vings, plairt r and 'colored, in oil' 'anti a a.er., per• st!ols of Iris ‘• cannot fail of ht•inz pleased a aletite, selection. t comprises clean asome of eat atoll "111"n:iii a; d rieLtesque".places in Earepeir 4 i this convitr ,' Amon them,are tao OdPsiiiiii'gi 3,1tv,,:1: 1-2 tet in rich gilt flames—the c... 'arks, 1 i of Troy an I rho} I tud-On front-Mt, Ida, the ode ] ,1 NVE.shinv.! i 's [Mead Ctirat let :, near Neabargi k ". l the North It tree; also. ' . - -.., I; , Viet% of sr. (*tut, . .1 La: , . .11:if Zurich 'and SUTI nun,' in. (wintry. Luke I ni Zettiz and surrounding, L ountr,y, A ize ehit vie.% ut Biwselg A - Nlionligli't View, a beautiful piece, , . Fret and INV in , er Scenes, ' H in ina scenes, Sze:" al , n, a very flacons] . Corr et likeness of Queen ahlory, eagraied . im,steel from Stillv's paintin 1. Pio if -Heir two-elder childicu, Alike load Alber t i in haradsorne•gilt. fr ames; a beautiful Alezzotint enizravin. , of -Jolla Anderso my Jue,l l ' n rare and interesting, plc !•,_ Alpokr:ulleetdon of rare and bkotiluf fr!" ? and Flowers, 4ortectly and elet,antly eolroted,d:` signed for instrbeltion to learners or a, oraois;:r s for the centre table, with • Porsondesignino to furnish therniielie , t ii any thinoin the above line will find !r . ', :„ weitth their attention. 'hey will be sold i () ': aft thoy tan-be i)urchased at retail in the du"' v.*, 1&46.1 ' • No. ei. Reed lielu e i s ____--:--- % 2 , - lIAIWAINS. FOR CASH:_ Crept eduction in prites of Goods at af: J lie IV JO 1r 4) n E. - COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE , Corot r of French and„Fitilt s:s. I - A7 E are desirous of closing the Winter Car Mll pitign with a little eclat:and brio' into great reputa,tion fdr cheap " chealisitle .1 so low that customers cannot NOW the telaltsl ,tion to hiay.. . . ~ 4t Llie Feb. '..4„_4347. :* • A . s (.-f It 'I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers