The Gazette says week in regard to the V ur neighbor had been as paper as htl is to find . ably hare been : restrain . , a falshoodiuselessly. .1~~ EIM If The. tYashington U tha all (volunteers who may tim out anereceived their 1 tie to another 160 acres if • an tuerlterm. ?11 re. Ann Maflit, the Rei. J. Newland Matlitt Teiras, on the first of A le het. Reverend husband of 16 in Brooklyn. the ton )ti Oferd the IVatchman I .rtm&tt at Washington, 1 for robbing the dead let, ligioue scamp. Pep ; wee; EEM r - Col. Benton, in a lette iiseoUri Bulletin, decline to be used ir) connection the nam , TO the personalities i i t. Fal, we eply as the man as kick d him—tee ro'sts come fr m. mere, jack , Virg If' that Judge Conrad, of ,Philad yarned to get a shot at M is engaged in writing Taylor. The ev I ced on the future. — The Clarion'Regi ter, an paper, has ceas to ei ice, suspect, of the rtii riff of '4G. bone, If ex i eride the t Rev. G. J. Adams, lat n editor, and announced g at the Providence Th., inl of preitaing the gos inday..... , The Reverend gs one of the "blioys." Bo to P l aYi day, en ` 4 % I tainl.l I ' Missachasatts Fectori e following resolutions, at Grier, have bake passed I lature of Ma ssachusetts ' i - .Governor. They are e eternal infamy and disgr has delibetately libelled d red every iirinciple of trir istice—amt taken up the al enemies', Had these r ed by the Congress o not have been mere gitte rations of our government ithlnore:glaring'falseho . of the issue between the will go down to posterity tiny mith,the treason of die proceedings of the liar ip1.412e intrigue with the S i, Th t the prc.sent w 3 prim ry origin in tin mexati in to the Cnitel /State ufi Texas; that ';it ionally coMmenced by the lent to Gie?. , Taylor, to i•sion, of territorl in dispu '1 Stattis aril Mexico and i f Mr.rico; and that it. is powerful nation againiit a atimecess 'rily and within tn , m,(!wo.t ,n ~f treasure t a Infiernient Of Mexico, an of a portion of bettorrit. •,, has already-been exel le object ofextending slay tho "::lii,ve Power," a ntrol of the free State on of the United Stateil. , ,u/rci, That such a wad of conquest, so . I in it its objects, so wa iton, unjust and i"ditu4onal in its origin and character, IV regarded as a War a ainst 'freedom, t humanity, against, justice. against »un,' l against , Ole listiention, an 1 t the free Siate.9 l ; a d that a regard true interests , and t e higher honor country, not less than the impulse% of 'an diity, shouldlarons all good citizens in efforts to atrest t Its war, tfnd, in t wit w;ay, aid the-. onntrY, to retire be position of skrrvirtn which it wcupies , towards a ‘ calf,. distracted bar, and sister republic wired, That oqr atter lIio• the wrong slid "one to the tyranny and t Power, - as displayed otry, particularly in I and the ptesent war I e are impt;essed with tion, that p regard' for ntry, for the priricipl t righteoupess which ter and requires all c r the destructioq of the love power, - an I ,ery within the lime OUltB and ME adopt I) , ///! ( a I a / r . El! posse tfon I'o bs a bor at disap i quest r.11%C . (Kipp! t111!1;,' OW el tutu} 1:( Wvit uncLu MSS again II t' tr,rd 711 r 11l if 'he l l l'hrio tsery from low Ml'lgll Ur 1111 M R. an "Slay. ir co Texa- MEI UM fur thrl torts f MCC o i r s'avl sated Res dyed, That th&anne. exican population u gain with the well tutione o:r thanks to opted bj, the House a • nes 14 r r a EMI IlAltilOß . NIEl' I ING. ting was iheld ogre ably to public I st the Cott t House or Monday even t, to take into_ consithration the best to secure the progres-, au& completion Ilarbo'rs on the great Chain of West , dces. • . 1 . J. 4.111:8 THOMPSqN - was appoint rident; J. M. STERRETt ) And M. WltAL ice Presiints; Junti.s n: Dunlap, Nkinn r, Secretaiies. .ral gentlemen addresso the meeting,, following resolutions' Were adopted: lrce4. Tha(we most cordially approve proposed Harbor Convention to be held ego in July nut, and than grunion of hould at once b outdo to sustain 'our and improvement interest 4, on our Vestern Lakes, as well as (the.r im ents throughout our extended Union. teed, putt delegates bo , apli 3 ointed to lit us tin said Convention to e . held in .1, .1 ml r , t,( 4. g la i !ttnn ' of th trn I IL, EH th itts " e t rtt Ilarl4 Treat RIZ I. Ca' ''Dcwitt onit, - 01 lowing gentlemen were - accordingl y t e.l, viz: Charles M.-. Reed, James FOrl, John B. Johnson, Jos'eph M. Ster lurrity \Vila'lon,' James D. Dunlap, Skinner, John P. Vincent, B. F. Sloan, learn?' ,Smith Jackson, Charles W. H.. 11, lyin e , en t, IVm. S. Lane, John A. h. Biibbitt, John H. NValker, Geo. A. M. *: Cang,hey; Daniel Dobbins, ( .' , oeliran, John Galbraitl, Geo. 8er ,0?.1-;•\leoli; Wm. C. Kelso anti 0. althorn. - .. Acnirrd., That the delegates have power app alit Fub.titutes in the delegation now ITuit ted, and that the 2 proceedings of this .vtinp be published, - - _ °lst. • f) l 4.—Tltere is uti important class of "4410 %$ 1411 Lihrchants's celebrated Sarsa• riga •:xtract,, m ill be found to exert a very pow. .ancive Maim:nee. We allude to diseases sued` r estiv orgimr. It is on I}IOSO organs tired hat retoily primarily acts; restoring 1,! c o the stom eh, Iteakliy digestions, and a good pttit(t- in alit% r eves ru th r . any rr 4 s h d H y diseases akbeeri seen of. its effects in those kei µlure the.codxtitution hus been injured by e e Nlcrcury, iluinine, 4-e., we should have 31 a - snatie n in prOnouneing, it a remedy of ince- . matile %alue.—(Md:^Adv. Iteefiipriou d‘ertteement in this paper. A pamphlet -1 I " RitIAKETS. - • ; OORREOTED WEEKLY FOB THE (*SERVER BY Wlllllll2O h WagetThaT 9 LESS IN DRY GOODS, GROCEIIIE4 grit "mum" rgi is election. age , to examine fault, / would from: perpetra- E ' • Flour, bbl $ Nutter, 64 ,7 Lord, Cheese, 1111413.1 811.041 Fr. • Pommes, . • Corn meat. cwt . I 50 ion gives'notice ',eve served tbei). nd, will be enti heylre-,enlist foi Glitt.N. WbeutBoaBli Cort, :lii , - Rye, 40 oats bush 18 Bliley 33.1:171 divorced •wi(p died at Galves ril. About that ?VEG. Hard wood, cord $1,25 Soft 1,121 Bituminous coal, ton ' 2,50 A6tlaracite, do Dalt) Sperm candles, lb 44u3' , Tallow, do 12/ Steartue, 12/ p6EDS. C love r , 1.1,3,ry1,00 Tituutby 4 $l•Evl.2l. Flax, ilay, 4,114,50 Rocs was, 'Baum 80 Feathers 31 Dried Peaches " 12 arried a young f the Postoffice as arrested last l er office. The I to the editor of alloiving hie with the Pres- MA ItltlED.—On th Geo. A. Lyon, Mr. Doi Ohio, and Niles Sonath the last Cent did when the !der the source DIED.—On the 20th ult., in Vena Wnyt S. Gitrnii, ih the's3d year of his t On the 27th tilt., in Greenfield, Wit dman, aged thirteen years and Liao On the 26th: ult., Mr. Elliott Birch, oh East township, aged . 68 years. , ] Iphia, the man . Senator Gib- biography of dentlly has his Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queenl+ Ware. Lime, Iron, Nails &c. No. 121 • Chrapsi de, Erie, Pa. • • federal-w hi g vist. Another jnous directs of oL. ELLIOTT, has an histritment t. tid s 'rtiinitrer Anodyne vapor with, by the pse a which he is enabled to extract teeth withmit the least - Mayk6th, IS 17 ty cowhided• a, its intention of !titre on Satur -1 ( !) at Boston nticman cer-t ArGUFFE ES' 'series of School Books,ll, 2, 3, 1 and 5, for sale at No. 111, Fredch Str. ' Erie, May 6, 1817.1 I 51 OF AN EXILE, by L. W, ;Wier, beiti4 an account of the authors confine ment at Van Deamans Land, jitst received rind for sale at Spaffurde's Bookstore. ti '• • Erie' 8, 1817. $ ; 51 iys tha Bun by the Whig antrsigned by Penman'ship• ma: C. BEADLE, his opened a writing school in tho,Fleming Block,! over Fuiller• toll's st i ore and invites the attention of the Itittb lie to his sys,em of in4tritetion. Classes meet nt :4, 4 and 7 P. Al:. Pri‘atesinstruction given if de sieed. Curd •drawing 1,41,4 , writing needy and promptly executed. • References—rrincipal and Teachers of the Academy, A. 'E. Foster, C. W. Kelso, Esq., B. Ci ant, Esq., A. L, Rose, E. Barger. ie, May 8,18(7. 3tsf _ . • DISSOLUTION. Tar. c tnersitip her ie °font; , b , tween Smith Jackson : 4 : Irvin Camp, .;nde . the firm of Small Jackson Sr.. this day di - . sol4d by mut ual consent. The notes, hooks and 111:6111118 will he for a time left at the store of Sinilli Jackson, who is authorited to settle the same, an I those indebted wit' do well to Call du ring this month and settle the accounts. SMITH JACKSON. Erie, M;;6, -- 1817. IRVIN CAMP. New Goods! New Goods!! ough to stamp ce, those why heir country— th, patriotism cause of our !solutions been Mexico they in their de or character- J in the state- Wo count`rii2s. twin Benedict Ar rtfor,l conven - i py Heir var with AI x. le uncons to- States States f the was u Con order of the take military e between the in the ocotpa 'Km waged -1 1 weak neigh ; t a jo,t cause, 1 life. logy thb for the con , ry. fromwhicb Mei, with the 'ry, of strength d of obtaining , under pie cum 'T E subscriber is now rec - eivia g his spring 8:ocli of Fain.) , Dry gooda, Groceries, Hard ware, Crocllery, Iron; - Nails &c., which will be' sold at reduced price's for ready pay. My old i ,nlL...tantial 1 iends and the public at...tier:oly are roitieted to call and 'examine goods and prices, . • i they certain) y will not , ro away dissatisfied as I will no4-1.0..n40r ,31,4 by ally WeSL Or NOW i t!rti, for ready iv. . SMIIII ACKSOII: Nlay 13 ; I 47. 51 .. 111.1 U a It AV • W 11. r.Ohi, ATFORNLY AND COUNS..ILLOR Al' LAW, 1 . . COMIERCIAt. EXCIIAN-GE, ERIE, PA. . H A . v dc N. s . i f i lo ti - t f i ar n e, : a r s rin to o gd and systemized e e nabiehimtodeo his tea great por.ion of his time to his profcsgon; will at, Wile to all legal business entrusted to his care -. Ilit n ill attenll the Courts in the Counties or Erie, - Warren, Cramdord,, Nlern.r, Vonango, Clarion and, Jarcrsoa, I t: i ld the Supreme Court of this State; and has pr . ossional arrangements by which . he ..gill iraosotet business in the adjoining Counties in New It'utilt and Ohio. All monies collected will be retnip.ed by Drafts on New York or Phil{ adelphia ivitliont any charge for Exchange; He will also to e shares of and ,prosecute Clannti against'tlie I. 'sited Slav's, thaw and superintend applications I 'or, Pensions, Patents, Ste. %. Of the obi ity and integrity with whicil an flu sines§ colifi' ed to his care nill be performethit would not b • proper in this place to speak, but tbo•le havim, 'Legal Business to transact, or Col lections t I ake in this section of country, are re- Spec,rully to erred to the following gentlenien: HON. JAMES THOMPSON, .. .. GEN. CHARLES M. REED, Messes. WILIH 1313 & WRIGHT, , , . .7tIOSLS KOCH, Esq. Erie. Pa. , ' THOMAS W.STEIIRETT, ' VINCENT. lIIMIWD & Co. t. D. & T. W. PATCHIN, ESQ'S. HENRY K. SMITH. Esq. CHARLES 11. S. WILLIAMS ESQ. n ufral . : JAMES AIELLETT, Esq. . PHILIP DOSIII3IER. Esq. HENRI' W. ROGERS..Esa. L .• HON. ADDISON . GARDNEIt R N ochester, .Y Y. lIOX . 1011,1 A. DIKE Altmity,, N. Y. \ HENRY SHELDEN I& Co., i . CORNELIUS W. I.4,WRENEE . , E , n. 1 ~ .4 H DOER, CANDLER_ & %VIM" tKIER,% Iv It is LION. ROBERT II 310R1t14, , ' • • ti. CONOVER .k. LABAGILI , 1 J. & A. VANOS'ERAND, I -i HON. JAMES BUCHANAN, I • 4 ". WM. 1.. MARCEY.i •• ROBERT J. WALER, Washington I ' .. W. MEDILL, 1 . i WM. Z. S PEWART, F.:sq,, Logansport, Its. , GEORGE 11. McIVIIOR3 ER. / o eweiros lc, Y. . • 11. BROCKWAY. Esq. HON. WM. PATTERSO , Sandusky, 0. 110 N. JOIIN WrATINO YII.I Chi - ' n t • BRISTOL & PORTE. ca . R go, COL. JAME:4 It. SNOW EN, LUDWIG, KNEEDI.ER Co Uoh,,, .lAME.S PAGE, . PM Indelphln. ABRAM. 8. ',WOLF & C ~ ' s lIENRY 11011,N, E.g..: I J. & J. P.,STEINEIt. LION. FRANCIS R. SIDLINK, II •• SIMON, CAMERON, N. B. kiLDRED, ngreisburg. 11ENIFY RUEIII.OI,. Est HON. WILLIAM WILE!. ' GEN. LEVI G CLOVER GEORGE, THOMPSON. HON. R. McCLELLANO W. J. GORDON. , /, 1111.. S. ENGLEHART, S' HON. LEWI4 CAS% CIIIBLES O lIAMMONI JOHN MdREYNOLUS 'l.' Erie, May 8, 1847 Von is diretted inity" of slam surpation of t - in the Alistory o he annexation 9' vith Mexico and the unalterable i the fair fame Of Fes of morals; and lexalted a nation, onst itutional ef late unjust inlitt , for the :abolition il .8 of the United ntion of territory on it, is highly, ' eing of this tin- !General TaYlor id rejected by the JOIIN ConnLy anti Borough S' Buildings. French s New' Fashio 1 s .of Millinery. M It OD, wo Id respectfully inform her friends ind the Ladies gene' ally of this city and Oeinity, l that she has Just returned from the east . with the LATEST FASEIIONS of /Eon:lets, Messrs, Caps, 4.c.' She has also on hand, and wilfreep, a he:in:Hui and sclera assortment of Bonnets and', Bonnet Silk 3, Itibbon4, Flowers, Caps, i'ollar4nd Borders, togcitwr with almost every l other article of Millinery Goods. Thank ul loi past favors. she hopes for a libertitahare of dip pt blfc patronage. i:_... Bonnets cleaned, pressed and altered to the latest style. Erie, May I, 1817. WAS LOST on Monday, the 28th inat.,. be tween, Erie and the Tavern of James ,Brawley, in blarhorcrcek, a Black Maroc° Pock et Book, containinglone hundreand i thirt y five dollars ill bilL —one $2O bill; thr o or four SlO's and the balance in 85's—names f banks not re collected. S4id book also co Wined a t note drirn by A. Settles, for $lO , p yatile in lumber de iverable to W. W. Looms Erie; together wi h other papers of no valu except to the oner. , Any person returning said book and its, col dents to the owner in North East, or to thia m ice, hill be liberally rewarded. ' G. M. POPE. • May 1. 1847. . 100 '' bttArfli ON NEW YORK,--Sight Drafts on New York for western funds for sale by May 1., 1817. i C. M• TIBBALS. - ASH POIVITVIOTHY SEtll.--The sub scribers will pay cash for good clean Tito Lby seed.' WARE, &c. &c, Apples, dried 50a00 Honey,, 10aI3 Eggs, dos 8 IMIED Melillo Orleans, Loaf, Powt!cried LUMBER. . Black Walnut 10,42 Nue, let quality . 10.60 Illeuilock, M . 5.00 let quality W. W. o; 69;00 .Itl do du 5,1,0 Cherry - /12a1.11 White oak ' 7,5038 =! 'Sole; lb 14015 Upper, heavy 3305 do light Mari Castiugs 4431 Plaster ton' ti"a7 Salt, fine, 81,23 " coarse, .1.9.3 . bag 28 Ilis - 31 Beer tallow lb ' 8 Mutton do 7 Wool ° 40a'23 White fish, bbl 86ViD6,50 Cod fish. lb 444 lII N It ii Iron . 4 51'46 o 29th qlt. by the d Banning, of Arad this, SMITH JACKSON. 18, 11PilltalbonrohJ, :sq. Wheeling. Vs• Monroe, Mich. lleireland, 0. • I . SILitAR, Ir office is,,F.l ; 7change trio, POCKET BOOK LOST. HERE WE COME. , Qa . The I New Jew Store Ahead !!! TUST rec,eived at the NetalJew Store, No: I, J . Fleming Block, State street; a and splen did moment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS , Which, having been bought at extremely low prices and the subscribers -hiving encountered neither "perils by sea or land," in their journey to-Phila delphia and New York Markets, ran, and will be sold as cheap—not to say a little cheaper—than at any other Jew or gentile Store between NeW York and "Sundown." Our stock consists in part of ' 10 oal2l lats 15 SILKS of all kinds, descriptions and colors, from phi' black to , Mu most thshionable plaid, striped' watered. 'GIN AMS, French, Eng Hill, Scotch ' and . L American, varying in price and quality to I suit customers. SHAWLS, Silk, Cashmere, Barrage, etc., etc. at prices that cannot fail to plea.e. M. DE LAINES, of all qualities, from 20 Ms. upWards. BONNET RIBBONS, of all colors, qualities, shades and prices. GLOVES, that cannot fail to fit the most deli- Cate hand, at prices la acCordatice with the most delicate 'purses. French Worked Linen cambric Handkerchiefs, a beatitiful article, and very cheap for the quality. Also, embroidered do do., together with many other articles; too numerous to mention, but which we will take pleasure in showing to customers and others. / Also— splendid sock of READY BADE CLOTHING, rannati lace. go, Mr ge. consieting of Panto; Vega, and Coate, of all pri ces and qualities, and. Boots and Shoes, of all Mods and ace, and don't forget the place, No. I, Fleming Block, State Street. - 4 I s SAAC ROSENZWEIG & CO. Erie, April 29', 1817. 50 onathan 2122 111111 JOHN B: JOHNSON, _ _ -ATTO_RNEY AT LAW, 114 T removed his Office to the Public Bnilding Ocar the Courktlise, op stairs. in the room occupied by the Sheriff and ditettly over the Commissioner's Office. Prompt attention will be given to all besineus en trusted to his care. $) CM NEW GOODS BY RAILROAD. , T UST received at the cash andready pay store aJ two cases of the latest styles Muslin Prints an I Scotch Ginglt\ims, Prints, Kentucky Jeans, Sum Stott, Ribbons, etc., etc.,for sale cheap • a cheapest, by P. A IBUC KLE, 'Frit. , May I, 15:17, e YT! - .16 SN ATI - 18, on commission and kir pale Ly ; P. ARBUCKLE, May I, 1847. • No. 3, Perry Block. OCERIES.—A!.mod assortment of Dry %Jr GroccrieA on hand and for sale, at the cash and rt ady pay, store, Np 3, Perry Block i •bv P, ARBUCKLE. May 1, 1817. ' 410 New Goods! New Goods ! ! EARO( AS THEE iILIEST! and CHEAP • AS"TEH CHEAPEST. For further par ticulate enquire at METCALF'S. No: "t, Reed House, April 28. 50 NEW GOODS. WILLIAMS & WItiGHT are this day-in the receipt of to paCkages of Fancy Dress Goods, comPribing a beautiful assortment of Drees Goods, together with Dees§ Silks, some that are rich. Burgundy Plaids, the set flowered Lawns, Maltss - and-Mourning do., with a little of almost every thing, in advance of a very large assormient to be here in a fvw days April 28 SAWLS. ---,The China 4 Crape, Emhroid. tred do., Boza Mid Zeithins„do., Summer Cashmere, lowered and rainbowed Worsted, chat are decidedly rich, IL4.IAMS April 29, 1 17. 50 rACOV.S.-:—We have the> best assortment that \—.l" K•ill be in' this market of all kinds, including Stswart's4 self imoorrnd fancy and vat it:gated Silks and China Linen. April 26. . ‘VILLIAMS & WRIGHT. 002,. Parasols, Parasoletts• and Shades, from five dillerent manufactures; including all shades and colors,just opcned by ' April/3. . WILLIAMS 4.1 WRIGHT. GEN rs. I •egiir,n Hats, a good assortment may be found at April 26. WILLIAMS & WRIGHT'S. J4ADIgS Cravateand Point ', a fide selection and something new, together witllsbmc nice hat Ribbons, jud opened at thdtdner opposite the Eagle. April 2S. AGAIN HERE WE coME WITH the - best ad ch pest Stock of rash VV ionahle L ESS GQODS ever offered in this market, consisting in part 53 patterns Dress Silks' of all colors, embracing Colored and Plaid and Stirped Pooh de Soi, Gro de Rhine, aro de Swiss, _ Satins of all colors, SHAWLS anll kinds, such as Silk, Crape, Barrage, Thibet, Moue de Lain, Brocha, Lawns, Balzarines and Barnes, • Gloves rind Mitts of all kinds—Silk, Kid, Lisle, Cotton, Sae. CLOT EIS, Ca ssi rnercs TWeeds, Kentucky Jeans and Sar.ine.ts. In shim% customers can find every thin. in the Dry Goods line usually inquired for in the mar ktt. W i e forbear to mention prices. Suffice to say,ludids, we can sell you handsome French Lawn dress fromll29. to las that will vie with any in Broadway.. Please c II and seo for your selves. Farther particula a hereafter. Don't forget the place, at CAD W DLL'S. April 8, 1817. 50 . NEW GOODS BY IHAVE Just received this 1 ply of Plain and twilled print4,*e., which will be CEMEEM CLOVER AND TIMO male at Nlny I, 1817. REGIMENTAL THE lat Battalion lOrth meet fot review and ins Monday , the-10th•of May nex ion Ifiltli Regiment will me Tuesday-theillth May next, By order of D.S. Clark, et 104th Rog t. : . 7d Brig. 17th Di I. T. 11 Erie April 26, 1617. P. g.—The enrolled Militi Who , reside with in the bounds of the 24 Ba alien, will be. re quired to do duty in that Bat alien, and will' not he exempt by doing duty in t to Ist Battalion. . F. N. inn.llen BUFFALO, N STORAGE, FORWAR D DUCE COMMISSION Lehigh ANarDnd I li ro le d r u s e i e n generally. . tion paid to the sale of Prod Nlerehandize. N 0.3 & 4 Cohuin Square, E. N. 111.11,IIIRRT, N, Y. ' A Card to the MRS. 'WARD respectful! pbrm the Ladies of t that she has just returned fret, the SPRING FASHIONS 0 Also, n very beautiful assorunl net Silks and Ribbons, togeth lect‘onc French:Artificial Fl she wil be pleased to show friends t her residence on '1 doors East. of Meisre. Store. *3tso Eri©, April 24, ISO. WESTERN HI JOHN GRAHAM, ; e./ subscribef would ' Lit hie friends and the tr crony., that he has leased for rely and. commodious Hone Eighth Street Canahßasin. tleis the ' WESTERN " pre convenient and desirable ate either doing iusinese or tmv. There is, also, attached to t large and convenient! Stable men and others having heroes. No pains expense hes be. up this house for the eonven pleasure or vista, and the strict attention to business to share of public patronege. Erie, April 24, sale and Retail by . 1 1 .1. KtDD & Co. No. 60, Weld sr., Pittsburgh, Pa. 11 ..7"N. B.—Pureliasiiro will be particular, and enquire for "Dr. 1111..antS / Liver Pills," and take no other. To All whom itputy Concern. . . DR. M'LANE',S LIVER PILLS! Mrasas. J. rhino, Si. (Jo. • This is to certify thin m wife lias been afflicted for seVeral years, with ihrifollowitig pains at pa. no lo more pr Its-: Pair in the right side, about the edge of the ribs, extenling to the right shout ' der; pain in the back partof the bead, rind above thin right eye, accompanist' by weakness. loss of appetite, and almost conutantly, confined to her bed. Since Atigrrit she hts used three boxes 9f t .AJ'Laue's Liiirr Pills," util I have now to state, that by the use of these Pals. she has been bene fited in i r no ordinary degree. Under thOlrovi Bence of God she now coitys good health; and i able to attend to the domestic concernsf of my family. - ' JAMES'STEIWART. . Richmond; Jellerson Co Ohio. • ...a STILL 11 TtE. I Ain. J. Itjti In; -- Dern. Sir:-- 2 -I call to inform von of the virtues of "Or. 3l'Latre's Liver Pills," in the cure of my, He - , who was induced to ay one box, by the use .f which she felt so much rHief that she procured a second: Sluice she has 'aken the second but, her health has improved at much that sheis now better than she has been fo :several years, My neighbors have become-hie nainieJ with this fart, so that' as soon as I get money, I will buy thein by the ,dozer, to supply those in my immediate neigh. borhood. i' - It. COCEIItAN. Pittsburgh; Pa. Prepared for the Propric or land sold Whole sale' and feetail by , .....__ - No. GO Wood It 7' N. 8.7-Purchasers No. 3. Perry Blo . ek 50 . tiler and enquire for ',Dr. and take none else, as there before the putdie, purportin nr... - A.LOt'S VIER Mif ''GiE'..,•. . , 111[Ellfsrts. J. KIDD 4. Co. Plitsbnrgh, Pu. In the month of June last, ue received 6 doz. of --NPLane'S Amoniu Worm Specific," all uf wldcli we 'have paid, and now wink a furper, supply as here:of i bre. We fi'cquenly re eiva , ,,packages from New York by express, and presume, there would he no difficulty in forward tl,g hy thiii mode to us at Rochester from Pittsburgh. • • Yours truly, POST & WILLIS. Foeliester. N. Y.,' 21, 1517. Prepared for the , 'proprictor and sold Whole.: sale and retail by J. 'KIDD & Co., I 50 No. 60, Wood st.• Pittsburgh, Pa tieular and inquire for "lir.,2lPLatie's Worm gpc cific or Vrrmifuge," and tate nu other. • Still later frOm ,Kraticky. I I AriIANE'S VER3IIFUGg. PARIS, Ky., March 4, 13 IT. Mcssas. J. Kreb, 4. Co. Geitts.lo the month'll July, tust, Mr. P. M erryweather, ofi Citsci appointed me Aunt fur this place, for selling Dr. NPLany'S highly upProved medicines, and the motive that promins me, an ens ire stranger; to write this let ter to your house. is to iutornt yoy, that the in habitants of this town and, county, generally. hate given the Vermifu., , re of Dr. :Want. a fair trial in their fam;lies, and pronounce it to be with out an rierption, the very best Wornt :IL:dicing ev er offered to thole afflicted with worms. "the high estimation in which the Vermilbge held in this community has induced me to put - - ch9se it in finure from you, or your Agent, and you will oblige me greatly by writing, per return snail, your chat price tbr the Vemninge by the Arose. • Very respectfully yours, ' - J. C. SNY DE r Prepared l i or the Proprietor anil sold IVltolesale and Retail by ' J. KIDD & Co. No. 60 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . We give below a speeinum of the many ccrtifi• cptes handed no every day arttP which we presume is sufficient to convince any' person of the superi olity of Dr. ..I.l'Llite's l'irntifage, over ail other so 41Ird Yrrnsifuges. I This is to cettiCY, that with Dr. NPLane Spe cific; a child of mine, 2 years old, passed 80 large worms, besides a large quantity of sinill met: to produce this discharge, it only required two tea spnonsful. The balance of the vial 1 gave to an• other chlld'B years old, which c.tused a discharge of large, besides a Miantity of small .vorms. . WILLIA N'l M'CLELLA ND. - N. Fayette tp. Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 20,1817. Preputol for the Proprietor and sold Wholesale apd-Retail by J. MOD & Cu. - No. GO Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. • 4,;...7.N. B.—Purchasers %rill please be particu lar and enquire for, Dr .31' Lane's Warns Spfrifie or Verntifuge, and take nothinglse. Ankturs.- 2 Carter & Brod r, J. H. Berton & W Co., Erie; J. Marvin, lite'r ord; Job M'Clurn, Girard; John A. Tracy. Fairy pw; W. 11. Towns end, Springfield; Mill & Vincent, Cram:ovine; Jackson St Campbell, Edenlioro; B. C. Town & Co. Wattsburg; A. Tourtellott, Union Mills; J. 11. Haynes, North East. I I • • Sold by Druggists and Merchants - generally, throughout tiro United States', April 21,1817,49 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TuEpartnership heratothre exieing between the undersigned, in t 1 practice ql. Law, is'.p bean' dissolved by mu: onsent, Ail persons indebted to us are r (toted to cull at the oaks and settle their respective nextulls, on or ban e the first of February next. ThOse 'stir> negle this notice may incur costs. i JOHN GALBRAITH, , CARSON ,GRAIIANI. . . , trie Jan. 11,1847. 30.5 / Tli'4 Boots and —mere of the h fir ,f GAL ' AILROAD. morning ti new sup hin sham , also a lot [old cheap for cash M. TIBBALS. —• 50 SEED.—For . M. TIBBALS.. E 50 ii.DERS. eziment P. M. will ection, in Erie, on The 2d Ba tin, North East, on I, t 10 o'clock, A. M. !onel commanding v. P. M. Ift.RIN, Adjutant I & Co. NG AND PRO- IERCHANTS, I nd Erie Coal, Salt Particular atten lice and inUclutsc ofj, Boobs and paperslof the late tirmot BRAITII S Glt At' AM ,are by mututl agree. ment left with me for the purpose ofeltising up the business ofthc concern anti collecting all debts, which I am obliged to do as 'speedily Ili possible. I have associated with me in business WNI. S. LANE and' AVM. A. GALBItAITH, Esks. and continue the office lately occupied by Galbraith & Graham, under the fi,m of GALBRAITHS LANE, where all business in the lino of the pro fession, will be attended to with prompthess and dtrp.ach. JOHN GALBRAITH, Erie, February 3, 1917.. 39 owls Wilda. . U. Dams. 19 adies. y begs leave to in is city and vicinity Philadelphia with MILLINERY.— ' nt of Bonnets, lion,. r withaichnice Bei °were, all of which her customers and ixth Street, a few win • & Vincent's PENNSYLVANIA BOARDING- HOUSE. MHE subscriber has leased the houso formsrlY; knowo as the Hibernian Hotel, on French . ; street, a few doors North of Fourth, for the pure pose of keepinct a. Boarding House. Boarders) will be tecelved by the der, week; month and year. on the. moot reasonabie terms, and he hopes by strict attention to the comfort of his guests, to receive a share of the public patriinage. , - - N. B.—Produce of all kinds, constadtly kept on hand, and for sale cheap. • SANIBEL BRADSHAW. Erie, April 24. 1947. .3141 TEL, Proprietor. The espectfully inform soling. public gen term of years-this situated at the This location ren : • minently the moat ping place for .ling on -the Cif* : is establishment* r.%trse of Bob n spared in fitting owe. comfort and 'roprie‘or trusts by lath and receive $ STORAGE AND FORWARDING. DE subscribers ore prepared to receive and T forward during the seaton by the Erie Exten sion canal to any point on the Lakes or Ohio riv er ail property entrusted to their care with the %- twat dispatch and nt the lowest rates. Boat &tires and Grocerlea of all kinds constant. If on hand and for rule chfnp n,t their Ware Hdluni on the ea.nal, Eight street Itiadirig. Glazier's Bar sin.- , -P. 1 GLAZIER. NI,SPAULDING., Erie, April 21, Itifin 7 3M19 - ------ FROM THE STATE OF, NEW FROM THE STATE OF : f .7xy YQRK OPINION OF TILE PEOPLE TUB . 117WIT012mEMR131C - 11 - Tinit woniumnl r! GE. W. MERCHANT'S • ; il CA CLING .01C:F\A, .F I (F g 'nMTMO • ; AN invaluable 0 remeo for 1 - lorses , Cattle aad other domestic animals, En the cure of the iseasdri - ^ .tbllow .• d In'7, • Fresh Wou,nds,e Fistula, Silfast, Galls of all'iOndt, &raj:4 ' Lattimore, Sprains, Britiii, ' . Sane eracks„ Cracked lied:, '. Foundered Fert, Ring ro ar, Windgalls, Scratches or Grease, Poll oil, Callus, \ , Mange, "- Spailps, Sweeniy, ,, , - \ liorn Dl4.mper. It is 4130 a Universal Family Ettobrocallon for diseases of Human Flesh, bitch as \ ~ Rheumatism, k External Poisons,' Biles of dnintals, Ptinfaterous ~ , X -c- Frost Bitts, , B -, lions, 1 - lThils, ' Corns, Ilfhillms . Burns and Scald:, Chilblain?, \ \) Cramps, Chapped ,liands,\_ Contracts of the ,iinteles, Swellings: Wound I O k , lVeakite ss of the Joinla, Kaked Breasts. , . ' MERCHANT'S GAM:SLING OlL.—h is wort h yof special if special remark, that besidei the.great and extra ordinary powers in the cure of diseases of the dire -in-which its virtues first attracted the mica • Oen or thefarrirr end firmer and the wonder of the public generally. it has been succes•dully can played in a great vat iety at the maladies which effect the human race; and it has proved by tbe wonderful cures it has ptirformed on the lower sit, imais,, that it is endowed with curative properties not found in other horse oils, which has establish ed its claims to getter:A confidence.' , , ~13etvare: <Jim cofinterfeit article, and be mire the name of the SOLE rnornitlron, G. W. -Mer chant, Lockport, h, blown in the bottle. ' itZProritestintuniols, synopsis efilisea.;e3, and mode of treatment, see pamphlet which accompa nies each hot Ile. I Sold by J. IL Barton & Co. Erie; S. S„,& 11. Fassett. Ashtabula, Ohio; and D. N. ‘Vehoter, Conneaut. Ohio. Iyso J. KIDD & Co 't. Pi,tsburgli, Pa. i•illpleivin he Panic 'Lanes Liver Pah'," are other pills now to to "Liver Pills." GEO: W. MERCHANT'S IMPROArED . • _COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARpaLA For Remoridg Diseases of The Blood, ' Arisiv from an übtur vf Mt r 1 6 ayes and joiats. (wry, . I ' Fero' Bo es.ubstinate old sures Chronic andconstitutio:Abis of all Aim's. sues such as Scat! head, Sart Meant . Sermilia or NOV, Eril S, - con Iliqg Wo m a d other ',lssas &lf-9,41,111'u, r renerial. Cs 04 m from an impwc tleeration a•al Corrosions of, Ads of the Mond; a's i, (he Taroal. "Vase: Cheeks illabilual Oooieeneu, rig' , j , Lips, Ears, and other parts Chronic affections IQ' the LAW, f , of 1h body. 1 Lungs and Che'etr Inple.for pis:ldes on the fare Pai, , ti the St ,inach and sides, l'iSralp loathes, and oll,r ere Nipht Sweats, &e. etc. luidi bus Vale slip. S,, I( is (docile ,romp recommen- Bites,, Schrrey, and tiller Sec- ded as a Cfrahang Si,, bm rbulitaireei?ns. , lledoine, Lad in yam' co de ll'hite Swelibms, Pains le the. Ill'y • .2' his remedy is propared from the choicest ee l acted materials. the active properties of which arc itracted by an improved process, without heat; on account or which it is preferred by Pbysiebtins as being more trtiform and active titan any othe i r now Wore he 'pliblic. ; A full acc tint of the remarkable efficacy of this - (o4l l K;k'atl;`, '-' —1,7 -:'-''-- ---.--• maY be seen prlctor or Ids azents. As most good medicines are counterleited. hlft smte and call for "Merchant's Sarsaparilla," an ttelltat these words are blown on the glass "FroM he Laboratory of Geo. V. Meet:haat, Lockport, N. Y. • - bAlmost every pedlar in the country is no*, putting up; andimposi m: on the pub*, an article they call sarsaparilla. Therefore, uctv,stkr.V. Sold by J. H. Burton &co Erie; S.I S, 46 D. Forint!, Ashtabula, Ohio; lift. Webster, Con. neaut, Ohio.• • Iyso r--- DISEASES OF Tllll 'MINA Y ORGAN DISEASES of the Urinary Orttan.4 cured the EXTRACT OF fVCIt U , UVA URA, and co amt. such as chronic and acute tliseales.of the Bladder, dlso,'chrosi c, Urethra, Goabil•htra 4 I Prostrat: Gbindi Girds, 117 . 1tres, Kidneys, and • Striciurrs, !, Loins, tiboyei, "ThisNaluable merlicirte is prepared only by Ceo. AV. Merlehaut, Operative chcroii4 Sm.:Loch - port, N. Y. Full and °triple instructions; t,estimoniahr, &e. accompany et.Ch bottle. - Sohl by J. IL Rtlrtou & co. S. Sr. H. peaut Fasiett, Ohio. itsatabula, Ohio; D. NI. Wchste., Con I v5O - , • ' TO RED HEADS AND GRAY. M YRI A N HAIR DYE, a warranted, article for I. coloring the hair a be twill& brown orj t black, it will not wear A, soirthe linen, or color the skin, as hundre Is trui testify. It has also been used successrully coloring Fllttt• ' I Rewire of the bohnterftit. and he sure ',yin ge't the genuine, prepared only by Geo.' W. Merchant, chemist, Lockport, N. Y. Sample 4 ofPair may ho seen at the store of the propiietoror his agents. Price 50 cents, Sold by J. H. Bniton & ho , Erie; S. S. & H. Fasect, Aalitubula,olloi and D. S. Wcbeter. I Conneaut, Ohio. lyso COLEMAN'S IfEAVE POWDERS, ACERTAIN C RE FOR HEA‘y,4 , 37 AND COUGH IN HI RSES. —A long familiari ty with hors:ts and personal treatmentut the die• eases to which they are subject have at length resulted in the discovery ul thi> exceedingly val oa•Lle reined ~ the tares and Cough—a dis easd •' t prod) ' more misery end death among these nob anitnais than any lother to which they are exposed. 1 have' no hesitancy in saying that my Powder will efftictually and thor oughiy eradicate every symptom and vestige of this painful and danger°s disease. if given; in, any reasonable length of time after ,it has heart con • tl i tracted. When,you iscoVer,symptonts lA' Cough 'or Heaves in your horse, resort to this I PoWder without delay, use It perseveringly, and attend to the hints accomitanying the direr treatment of ditt'unimals, and in ni ton you will find that it cures. If any desirous of seeing certifii ~ of them call on the'agent. 7 Price Bt. Ids pe, It. de. Manufactured by A.D. Coleman, New ,York C A lI.TERA MOTHER, agents, Er ie, !Pm ' 'Womb el% 1847. I .......7....., * • STEAM ENGINES. I E are intur prepared. to make or ,repair W Steamt'ngittes, and to sati-fy those have doubts UP to our obilily to turnout I sup ri work, we invits their inspection Of one %olio) I have recently built and put in - operatto4; at on. , Foundry. LESTER, SENNETT Et-CHESTER. , N. B.—A second hand Enalne of S horse poW el% together with bellows for a small Foundy, for sale at a bargain. L.:, S. & C. Erie: MorclutiO. tS 7. l 94 DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES. lt /FES - SRS.' WILLETTS 'CR MN nave the .J 1 pleasure of millouncing to the LT.lies and Gentlemen of Erie and vicinity that they have taken rooms in the Commercial Exchange And are now i prepared to execute Damierreo;ype Likenesses in a. style, which for trafidness of representation, and (or minute and accurate blend ing of light and shade, cannot be excelled by the moo delicately finished steel engraving. - Thu success of recent experiments in their pro fession, gives 'them a superiority over the best Masters of the Art, and they invite a comparison of their pictures with those of the most ceieb'rated operators of the day. 11.. P Likeneises In tleitily weather as well as in fair, and warranted. 'Erie, Mardi* 1817. ASHES,—Thew Inv iiiwgood Ashes will do won't° delve them aterour ashery soon es wo aro now working off whet we have on hand. April Bth 1837; ft JACKSON is Co. A& CO Opt' bitcel 'Axes by the dozen! or ' - 11, TOMLINSON &. Co. Feb:eery l 3; 1041. ' I ' ' 1P PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! )y calling on the -pr, M NATIONAL Hasa j PR. G.,11100, B.IIITII'S • IMPROaDCDIAN VcO TABLE 1 EstroAß - co:yrsio) PILLS rt.A RE Ilmetediciiie for the thut..d States, tied their superiority over all others for entire ellic.ley and pleasenterss has won for them a pre eminence of fame which trged• bo foreign luduenee to rierpetuele. Alsamt uulterelded they have•silently worked their way, cud have gained It permanent hold on the approbation of the people which nu other mettiein; or opposition min relax. For about four years they hav triumphed over disease, an d broughtjey and limieeuto many an anxious brut. THEIR Pluarry, Asa medical compound, cammendetheen to the mei , t deli. eater, end even-the more hardy , . who have su ff ered from the carcase( impure propeittes in the stomach. will at once lie ide a . n d with the delightful, operation of three there pips. 'They have the rare cuerii , of the most cares fully sheeted ingredient., are tawny. esfe, and there can -be no danger of taking them improperly at any time. A SINGLE T1111A... Will Manifest their eteellenee in relieving the body of twiny precomorsor charming di.cares, knminin the Lore els gently open A L thereby ensuring the continuum/3 of health.' the mesa minnow ebeciiit in New York hrs given his certificate that those Pills are PVIIELN YEI3 ETAftt.E.i.or NATVIIII I I4 OWN REM ROY- . The great priupiple recoguieed by the lificiitur of this invaluable medicine is. that ev ry ',mit of ilin body, whether iu healileor disease , is, brought under,the intlu arwe of the digeohlve orgaus.', This virile and rid.oonl 'doctrine forms the only ground on Miner a grind Ninny medicine eru be recommended. Oper.sting accuriling to this principle. Dlt SZTIPS PILLS WrOMACII,_ Promote the areretiunii of the LIVER. SKIN, and {CID- NUS, and RPAIIILATE THE BOWELS, ther,,by adopt ing the ONLY NATURAL and consistent tneihi.d of ren dering the LIFE, BLOOD PUIIK, by cor octant the vitae tell humors of they whole, sy•tect• Traimpossiblp to give every particuLsr in this brief notice, but these ills aro earnestly/ recommended as a Neaps of preventing so Much misery and dire .se, which grew out of constipation of the bowels, neglected colds. slight atinelts.kc.. c., nod which it is iu the power of ALL TO I'IIEVKN Them; Pills du mit rmai vacs most sU due ses or the Wit ALL BILLIOUS DISORDERS ) They eland alone, timi.orallele,l—VllE 'SICK MAN'S FRIEND. Among the roma:Ants for- which Owe Pills are highly rocumwentholotre the folio Wing, yin: slWEltti. k,,... r PAIN IN TIIE SIDE, DVSI'EPSIA. SCROFULA, INDIGES lON. ' :II 1,0 111,000, . COS El% EsEss, °mut Ix . loss. HEADACHE. FEM %LE COll VLAINT.V, 11AD APVE I'ITE, • RII EUMATISAL DIAItaIUE t, WllO ito3l couuus. INSENTAIS. V. WV AK 'lll EWA: ES, . 1.1 V 131, COMPLAINT, II VS VERI CS, WORMS, 1 ' OVGIId, - fiEnicTitunN. COLDS, istLious cifohicc . INFLUENZA, FO./1. 5T0311.31, I'l 111'. ES, ' /JAUNDICE, LOW SPIRITS. &c. ' By following the eimplo iiirectimie which aerunitiony every box of [towline pills:a perm:lien! c ure will be et reeled."' Mom of the 111/SPiTAIiS in Nee', York lent tw ee theso.,rille the prefo mice ocejr noir , then 20 ki al. that ' N ye b. ii tested, and several E)IINEN V: I'll VSICI i NS, is Now' York cud talmwilerr:, uoalarlsour i a emir practice. BEWARE OF4SIPOSITION; Tha demand for Dr. Smith's Pills being et cry yr hei.e groat, several unprincipled persito•, have etude Pills of the inert nrimerablu awl dangerous stuff, cud to paltn then, off for thp ;famine. have put on a &grating of .agar. There Akre. beware, nod ultvays hulk for TUE WRITTEN 111111Nta NATURE OF G. On the bottom of every box, to counterfeit which in FOR f 11W. More than lOUV certificate,. 113VY be.•u received at the principal office illlll the people ere referred to 'Smitten Gerald & Gazette," ft hero they can reed of the me... 1 important curet. - Wu siVe, felr want or room, but few - ' ESTINION /AIM. rfOlU iffy, Luther Ler, tit. Fenith'q Pit are Vat uty vegetAbie operwe me% and p'rudtku 1 good rerealt. LUTII It LE . Editor True IVeu.ley.itr.• From Ole Rtr. J. Hallett. 9 dly wife lin% taken dlntritt's, Morrison's, and ninny oth% Cr.. but she, ha. oecelica wore benefit front Dr. South'. Pill. tll.ll all oilier,. She they nbie be toted )9, feni.iles with perfect tafety„ without edict nEinr, their em ployment Or diet, am] t t uny JOAN lEFILLETT. • Myrtle Men Bruoklyp. From the first %oculist iu New 'ork. P. G. ltenj,ibuith'it Pillehuse entirely cured me of ilizs i nenn in top bra band generiikareuktiesn urmy .y•t•in. My family tb-e them with the tied re-ulin. I would nut be without them. ' F. IL NASH, 99 Fora : th at. From oho Rd, of the 1111.inkItiser Journal. Dr. Smith'. Pilla are free hunt the onjeetionn to or hirh oilier pale are liable, and nro the twat .eaedfriun that II hue yet seen. 3. (at ENE. from the I' M. nawendli, N. )'. Dr. Sal ith'a Pill. urethe heat I hone ea used, dm. .14C. KiAm.. P. M. * Front Iter. $ Pitlahurph thane used Dr. Smith's Pill., stud knave thee area rood . 41. ••• ••••-•./6 SY, to•Thrmire. krnin Rev. J. G. Ilaalt‘her. Dr. Smith's P.lllO aro in gre4 demand iu region from thoir rlclannineso and viliency. . _... Dr. Smith —ltelierteil Friend—Thy Pills are selling . very r.ipully, and gist, first rate satisfeei ttttt in this iil.ii e, Pokeep.le. MOSHA nAmE,267 Ilaine•sh D U: : s s i , us id i t t l li i:l Yo c u ni r p m i i ll ic s i n i re id n ea el i l e l d ike o d ii h k e i r: iiur hid. vrtt. •; sugar Cuated I' i 1 al, ... I l i:. 1: 1 ...1 , : i 0 i : u t:l y k r ) ;, DZl . oolt AT. ' ' r i i). ltlt,llOKVILIA:(1A.1 AMPAtle i lsN. The ntinve are only ii few iiitrneto —hut are Right en en and fill n whole In wspaper with similar ones. 'I hese Pills are now !lin iiinst ;Par in this iutuitry. and !lie the in at ea stset on. } ' 1 ; Thesn Pulls i I ways erre COLDS In n nintil l more plenonnt waybin any utherpairtly. For Oils they are warranted. , \ A _ 1 . • • 1-11 E D/NGEHR, \ ~ Of 10,10 deCnir/BLI is .IpOw plesrent; as' !mem Smith s Nil, lucre rennin very pioptil r IbrOllghirl It iblo eistentry; liieltators I.IVC ...Uri., to pal( i Orr ..,ti ~... whiff with a "costing ( sager" to it:fiver I) a blot t Jitgellintl rum inllnlii. , r i • 1" ' ... Dr. cl n %heater, of linienli)i tliritpl.,re,e.o'ne tunic losing li eon terfiiit ''S 'ger Coated' i Lenisirill KY. was "iLe4 1 Ptahinie , 1 net the -genuine or get-tom .1 53111 . 111 is written with a pen ie PIRIPICIPAI. OFFitll64, 1 NEW VOILK. 179 Greatiwarll Sumo'. \ ' I'OAT N,ll‘WaVitr Strent. ElliE, Later .1:. 11rothar, N.... - 6, 1t ,. R.1 I hitl.l , • 4 CUMMilll. 4 Co. Curlier tort..44latc and 7111 affects. lilairch 6, 'Bl . Gaii2 CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. I'LATED AND httlAsTsriNtA WARE, FANCY GOODS, &. &co. LOOMIS & Co. are co • shying from N. Ydrk a large col 'Won to' (heir former stock of .GOODS, mak iag an assortment not usually found in this section ofenuntry. Selec ted withcare and at prices raas• onably low, they expett to be able to accommodate their pat 4,orii with ull artieles round in similar estAlishrttentst at fair prices. IMPORTANT TO MONTE:Rs, T EGRANGE 11. A Print/sig. ink L .Manufgrturirst, Nn. la, Spruce Street New York. would respectfully announee to the Trade that they have commenced the manufactuie 'ol INKS, end will keepeenstantly on hand la supitly of the I'ollo%o ng tleitri in ions, viz: NM%vs and Book suitable for hand ar,d,, power PresseS.' Copperplate, Bank Note, Music, X)lographie, Litho rapid; and ludelille, fur ehetnittd printing on Sil or Cotton 00d.t..r -• Color n' of all kinds will be prepared and war. ran'etlilq al in all respeet" , to the best imported. .11se, Gold Size, Golttand Silver Inks. P. LEG R-E, who has had many years ex perivNe in the largest and most celelhated Nlan uflittorst.Nof Messrs. Lcniereieret Rose: Ilium Gollat Mattroi, No. 55, Paris;-will give lii jOersonal attention to the busittesi. , N B. A P ll orders addre4.ed to the ' llbSCriberl4 will be !Min 'many attended to. and /ti le prepared to suirthe c haute, press and work for u Welt they are intentle . a LEGRANGE fi RAYMOND: • No. 16, Spruce St. New York. Feb. 20, t 647. 3m 10 NEV ESTAIILISIIME T. AUCTION & COMMISS!ON' T ti frien ti t n is ilb a r n si dille ed p l u i b e fic le z e i„ t a o n; "tu tc -i t i ;l e e i l f . have commenced the above Waitress at - the old stand of John Graham, on Slate street, two doors dorth of the Eaglellotcl, V. here they are ready to receive and tlisposeiof alldcioda of Goods that may be consigned to their, either by Public Auction or PrivalQ. Salo, They hope that by - strict ntten• Lion to all business entrusted to thetn, to %lain a keepof the Pnblic patronage. They will also ori hind a choice stock of ready made cloth. ng„lnaitatle to.the seasons, which they wilt sell heap as the alienist. * RAHAM THORNTON,/ Erie. April t 47. 4,4 W ANTED! N exchange forGoode. any quantity of Good HEMLOCK FENCE BOA RDS,6, 8, 10, and 12 inches wide, 14 and 16 feet long. HEMLOCK JOICE, 1 1-2 by 10, ind 2 1-2 by 12,• 15 'l6, 18 and 20 feet low:. I HEMLOCK STUDDING, 2by 4 and 3by 4; )0, 14 and 16 feet lona. for whieh the hlgheit market price will be paid, when delivered at hie Umber, laid at therfoot ol French sired. I • ' WAI• TRUESDAIL: 1 I ' I 42 IE3 DR. SMITH'S GREAT' ATE. but CUIIIIB tent l'unsitrY. + 1 4. 1 in BENJ. -"lyric .11.11i.N_13. L. HASKINS. alarlort N. V Fron At l/..;;;;. the Qnrk rr. V.Vis. says tU nt n person in i s tire from the eff,9t, or the in ith violent ivprittiting *llk e, end see lib t G. TIF,SJ. the tm.ttoin'ntletteichusi, NEW ADVERTIREMENTR atiperior, mak NgrtT • - - _ ...__ . • IT, NS lITILIII' ' t FM TN THE. 800, IC 'OF "I &WILE Ng. or omito.v i SENSE', that tip na , ral reset.. e pioducti ...of ev il. cry country re. o'pr., rty applisd,am .o pty 1 lent ,r the cure °let ryNalad itleident to ath.pettih , CUAlitte. WII 1 ht ' s Nudism Veg Mb& rli * ' f the North American College ut I salt* me • . . game/ of plants which grovrspoutruscousi ,6ti our ovro.sel, ants are theteforo better adapted to r constititteme than snediciuus cogrcomed from 1/01N11414 nacus, however 01l they, may be ton:pounded; and air ley sate founded Au principle that the humonlaluly a in truth llobject to boolosso Diercer. via; corrupt buwor,s, nud that as modicum Macs lldil ... dist:aloe ou ' Itirtnittl Price plc* ET et,p,,tou,ta Arm PUROTO:CIToIeIsopy; it wit be o l eo' ircd, thou tf the eonstitutioti be not entirely nth u.tett- s per!oversucp in theta' nol every according to ihre c tions. is ob. ! .olutely certain to drive brute of eve tame fri3ut that body. 4. , / r r When we wi.h I eretoie a era por Meese, to fertili , ty, we droll' It of ii pe surabundant waters; its like 111.111. Voir if Wa wish to wale 00 burly. to health, we *wei r closure It of impufity. , - Wright'. %odium Yelp ' tOble Pills will be i lieruti one of the betti if out Toe VERY Nom /so . tctnt.a 01 TuE WORLD row O,AILYINO OUT TM 3 1 , I Gram! IlurifYissil Prgaiviples becatisit they expel trout the loaf) , ;all morbid and corrupt huntorri.there of di,easii, its tureary and N.l VILA,. ,; att. white they every stay"..- (ii ''.. i i Em.. nod PleitsOro , 0kr .4.44 ilieeaselor every tor e ii feptdly ;trowel, from the body. ' Few medicines .. it claim to .:40.110 otrongly nu tho - 'foothold of merit, s Wright'. Indian Vegetable Ping:— Their Niue has gone before them iii every direction, Void from the moment Its agency is establirhed its a Pew eca toot of , i wintry, the demand for thenilia rteady stud in. ere,....44'. Indeed the re.ult often defien our hest ea w. humor. and we find iv difficult, with seven or the hest teams in the country constantly employed. to keep esert 'gem holly supplied.' The opinions of these men way - be l}nellr noticing They come to us in the. swipe sit bun , .„ peso li•ttolvond srerVfflutallY 'Mashed: -., ' .i 1 'lr.rtraa vta Atter from Remand., Mist - . . ro Dr. W. Wrisht.—linur t ills hire given universal, sati.factioli. and ar! ju.tly very Popular. 1 can sell from .2U to 40 t:Uhell islnOtelly il l could be •upplird: ..%V 1. flliNK V J lINSON, Agent" _ . It ought to m here retts.trked that the ussilleute Ivo but recently..tweit Introduced Into Mis•iallppi. ."" Estsitet of a tie's from Jersey Mort, Penn. ..t "Wright'd Indian Vezetable Pill• Wier! every thing al.', the kind ever orfored to oho public iu tills section of oho country. notarial. ending thy , ombiund e ff orts of tettio.,.[ few unprincipled inereenariep to put them down. , •4' H "S, WINCH it ls0:11:' Irani Sew Hart tari'e, ra. . , . 9 have recd IS right's looliau Vegetable Pile in sly: family, nod foutool florin t o be the best Medicine I stet us wish tube/„. au °gel, fur the sale of them ip this place. • ' 'JANES 511.1.1111,Es P. il.'„ .4ime n Creen•borid di. , "Some tuna suice, - rot -- ageolt eft r d. me six dozes IVright's [WWII Vegetable Pill 10 sell.. nes; were. .sex). all gone and more trenti• y. here is much call for them. i 's s ` Ibe 'eve the pills are 'very, good. SETH HEMIIIIAW." !FEW>, Anionoin obis. , "Appreloricliog rlist I .hall ho . tit of your valuable 'wharf Vego idol.: Pills before t our agent will go through I hos legion to sumo]) me, I beg you to Weald me • gusto. lily in .0111 e way or otaer. • The Pills ore duingdisro nolonirably well, in spite of the opposition of !Melt , WCUIII.IIJ dotterel, who have ex erted all their oullu nee to present people from buying thlensi oud if 1 hove ot continued supply. 1 shell be able to sell many of 'them. TOurs. 1 • 1 "JO iN U. SANDE SIAN." Front Sea rifle Vi, gin:a. "I here nearly got through with the polls yo left and sent tor,and I think I could, uo a short time, ii II six or right ousels more. The quickrr I get them, the unite f shisill sett, as the riokly ve 4 , 011 ti , raging bore eile•tdeflltas and your Pills ore liked end opoir,used of, generatly,tuors than oily mo.olocine no have had unions u• far some tome, In Jett IJo n t teener ,g' a sing e instance where they 'here torn tr (dated di approre 0.1. S oma of the fh.d.icintle oluul like them, hot t reckon thry Deter hove tried them, and aelf-iuterest will generally ton consulted, ' [lours, /cc. ' I.lf III:It NOTTINGHAId... each are a few ofsthe -t dements voluntarily mode by oue , u of vie mat resirdet bolity—auca who are known laud whoue opportuuities fur obvert :mob Ore nut excelled in the land. . The following highly, respectable Store Keepers, bare been duty appointed agents fur Erie t'uoi.t.l, 0. D: Spalforrol, Erie. _ , Samuel litotchios & Co., Waterford, ' , Jo so AleClufre. See. _61.;111.1. i J. 11:8, very ter, Conon. , 1 Ih:ra,tus Atc.oll, Noritivs;le Kulcy S Putter, Wort Sprin;:fiehL W. fl. Towtom•ss C 11. C. l own & uitdoung k .. - Nur:h blast. .11,11 u Clement. Fairview. • , .-.. llewroomir COUNTEIIFC.TS —The puoric are eariloaed ulaiii t the many .pirrimor medierne, uhich to order to deceit e, are called by ammo mintilarlo Iyeldi live /Winn Vegetable rill.. THE ONLY 01LGINIL AM:IOE2O7IXE ilitaill'i VEGIt4IELIC PILLS 11A.1 THE,SIGNATIIIE La WM. %VitlilliT WAIVE Pi Wall !. YEN allZl i 4AlY LAItEL9Y LLt litox, Nina lutAer itentriqe, and iv e, _ Veil lAir is to GEEV. 1 ' °dice. devoted eaLlmivel) to the oak of Wri9hts lit Iran rerytaWe /WI , wholeztalle and mail, 16,1 It CE rtriet. Philadelphia, :*;B Greenwich Strict, !Sevillor ; and 199 Tremont Street.llo,tou. - I .. Erie. April `2. , 1947. 49 si E i t NVON''S 'EXTERNAL RESIEDy:t.AELEut - lIIJ N !I”:il LIN I.l!siglgT,..—: _ is atm univertally ackuentettged tube thti IT FALLiRLE REMEDY /id Ithoirinutinu, Spout Affections, Costae. lions oft'le Muselca,ttara throat'and ~f tinau.y blue. Old !Acct..; Pain. , to the Wick and Chet, Agee in the Rrcert avid Pare, Totatt-Ache, Sitratna, ' , mites, t3alt.ithrts , Burn., lronp. Et 0..1ed FO4l, and all Nett out I•itentea, The TR sumrivoiT eIICCESai *both ha. attended th applse4tion of :tut 'boa WitNltElttrUt. MEDICINE i curing the mdst severe cotes of the Nlltferent. Disease above ntonetl—nud the 111Gli ENCOMitalt! that !bare h en he4tivrc,l upon It, wherever it Ira. It.,e +traduced, gives movhe rig. tto call nu the A rPie I El) ;t o revert at once to the ONLY lIEMEDIIIINY CAN v. RELIED ON. r 1 1 7 .,' The foll/aiug letter from Ellututoi r M.Flluut,l.sq.. - .hoot. Willie Ital. helm 'modem I immortal ecthe author of Vie Ctot.t Paul, and .cii4r st -ether NauticAl o ink... ii moot reli.uhm eyitirl3C - C of the versa V eitile of the 'cstobsitted tr.r. toreal rum Of. ilsnet I.G -intent. , • Sing Sing, July 25, 1813. Gemg e E. Sol pw an , 4*. r - Dear Sir:-.-4'llr more titan half a century I hare curer-, ed with It heUnllllllllll. A few minutia since, in consequence of Mir 'disease which sticks closer than is brother, I fell and injured niYaide, inducing my applying Hunt's Lim. ,nient, from which I had inimedi an re in autism/mm*ly feeling an' attark of my old comp ' I applied it to the part afflicted, which at once removed it. As a ltaw Fem. 'vela rili ship matters to carry a medicine chrs4 'elitist at Ism s none should go wiilltrit this, as I think stub bottle for external purposes north all the Medieine they Saollallyi You way use this c s ismm iunuatiou at your pleasure. - Very respectfully your•_, I , , , EDMUND 10. 111.1'NT, krentlemin of high standing iu the encietiof Friends, spbaks as follow of the great remedy, Hunt's Liniment: J Artruislk,iltli nwathell,t, 1911. Ifros9re.Shs don, Erke i, nil Friench —Thy letter of the 29th , uhunu, is re ceiveil. ,In my reply I until,' say, that I Lo ire beim trout:i lea with n laniektice for several freers, during which tine it lass distressed um mech. I peen:tired a tinttio tifilnat'a ,1 Liniment at thy store early last spring, and I batik used it freely, Mid I tau sty that since that tiniel had* bad little or ini humble with my knee. A friend in whom I sent a battle, informs me that it was a FraailyCllrlat (o bar/ in n rheumatic erection. I have no Imola:Uwe ju- teem- ii coding it m any perion needing; sit external remedy. I .1 • COll GRIFEEN, - i 1 ! 11e , 10r41, Sept. 4.1843. . . 1 7th Cr our E. S'onfori, ^` . ; . , Km—Some time since, I oral' heated 4113.'4 ,1 1f in warble'', and the calf of My leg broke unt au pimples, u hick by scratching...on became foyer sor e s a the worst des,* lion. The Irritati 111 l and larelliug was so great that I cupid not rest day or night; I used but one bottle of your lA* miens, and am now entirely well. I - was also iiructed by It - gaoling:in the groin flout the same causes, and the ap- Plicntion of the Liniment relies ad me at once, Rod I mast confidently linoleum dit to the piddle as nu invalluallile. remedy. RICHARD MOSIIIAL,„ This LinirWentihr wild at 2.5. nail 50 cents per (route, by all the friaird Druggists sad IL:reheats threngbeist Os rpass_try, !!' ft 'A, I_.- Whohaule Agent:, for Site York Eh- Hi Water Streik.. RUSHTON &l'o, 1.0 Itroiti A. It. & D.SAN I DA„ collier Fulton and WiMaio, ASPINWALL, SO William Street. I JOHNSON 'KIDD &Co Poliiburth, whOleittli ,afents for Wertertail•eitioqivittio. 1 i Order,. adtlieshed to tun at Slop Siete', N. Will tended to. ' • IGEOllat E.', STANTON; 1 Propr449s, For Poi(' & 6i, Erie, R. Eon, J. Clemeotr Fain iew;lS. JOUCio & Vo. iii , t6lli, - April 10. 11417. '&47 SpriPg of 1817.] BY (Spit : - tom",:_- ,r,"... Rail - 2 - 15 = -- z- • -"-- --, I Road! ' XTEW Sl'ltl,NG 4. SU.llNlh:lt 000 )S, just .1.11 re c eived at the Jow Stove, ,No.Il 4? oliner-. cial Exchange, corner of Tench and Fifth a . n , ' Mo.,cs, alter encountering all Rom- kil pei,s, bx• „, ea a n d L in d, i, he re o ith his new and 'fashloitabltis jGoods, purtla,ed inctv York add l*ltiladelOala 'at the lowesteash , priees, and embracing the great est,Vat iety of Fan 4 :did Staple Dry 'Goods ever broirt to this place. A few of thentl l n ill be no., tive I 1I I I / FOREIGN Sr. FANCY GOODS.. i SlLKS—Striped Pout: do Soir. , Plaid Grenadine, li tlo. Foulard, , _ ..,1 . i eavy n at'rd •Vrariikettbilaes.,4t laitettik i White, wavered, • - I, /White and blaek Satin., I Plain black lialian. Colored Flchaeneca. .• • 1 Fre'neli 'Gingham, a view and ben uti Muslin Robes, plain and embroidese42, "I ' French embroidered Robes for ebildre , / Very pretty M. de LaMar for 29. pei. y rd. 1 -- - - From., workid Linen cambric litlli Erhbrnitlered and bordered do. do. Double 4 single French needle-wort - . and Capes„ , • I Embroideredmm.lin, Shawls, - silk. ciishro6re and Barrage dp,. French Barra;,m Scarfs, English Laces, l - Stll4s WAIF, logs, thread, I Black, a bite axid colosedt French 151 Silk and moltait gtatLea and milk's, Oinbra strivactßonnal, Rtbands,. 'Figured I . do. do: Ciarlodthin OcuA Lace giny.tona,, ' Silk Bor,et, Wlie, &o. kW. . I tf..,2 - --' 1,44 41919 rtigrko and , ostinbekl ~.1 , i li • MOSES Ifs , ! No. I f , Coaaaaerciat Apia , 94. 01'1 ON arts, , tt • , ntr.tiat and'wadain at 11PB 4 !!-P'• Octcdiet 21,1 ' N ii 811M1 4i,rtete, ed Collar* it; , E*.- A GipTies 'OOll, Exchartgo # : tench et, =,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers