Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 08, 1847, Image 2
n / The. epienteithlte!e V) Isudden%ithdt:awlat t• lvith sud j en a ft er; but' tontrolle Lis iftlitures', he rePtie : i ' I* I 1 - 1 - "Wo d I could (do as you,: wish; would there were some other vay.l . .E "There is—;there ir 3 ," , saidliatel.o4o l Y. "'You yourself' will g gain to Col: Canipbell end intercedeor us ' ' • ' ‘ • '"Alas! 1 hate done t at already:' i ' "To Lord Rawdon, fileti,"' breathlessly; in terpose,d Kate. • . "It would be hseles. Nay, If heihears .ef this matter pit . , niatureil before you are mine, ,neither OA Cam ell nor I could sayr your father l ''' I .. . Thlllii %Vas h ton of decision in 'him ,as 'he froYitiMnced these, •ords, that shut out all furtheAr entreat,y. pia felt, oreovei, that what . h e raid was true; from rd RaWilotl ' llo 4 460 'could be entertai ed. % ith a groan, Irttla.hatied her face d g inst the soli. 1 . Mail* Lindsay at at: a respectful dis ittuice. • Der* the i terview, he land more %Mai once been smote to the heart by Kate's itill ony. He was no vifiain in the ordina ry acteption of yarty::lmpelled by his necessitics, an . .. r.i : 3 7 . Kate's persevering refusal, h had planne her father's capture, intendinto.purchase ter hand by his pardon, and little doubting th t, in time, she would learn 'to love him. I e had fo Ind littledaft if culty in persuading e. I. Campsell to further his scheme, represent ng to tl4at officer that Kate was not indiffere •t to Ili in secret, but Was anwilling, on he father 5 account, to inarry a royal( officer). But Major Lindsay,' hough engaged,in th . black plot, really bov is purpose by the sit tof hil suffering.— e'il Kate; and had he of gohe too far to re treat, perhayks 'would tare been mowd from Ma commiseration, w. s net, tlierefora all af fected; and even not, reic stood _awaiting -her final dttision,irhi hno loner doubted would be 41 his avor, h O a -paiig of remorse shot thttkigh hi heart oft . rasing his eyes and be- P,holding M . Mowbray s picture—Gtr the mute lEanvass iscemed to r • uke jinni %vith • its sad, karriest 6ze. 11 El • Bettie paiyrei minute aOm passed-the Ma jor loaned on his', word—Kate, her face buried from right, .ontinued to _rob. At length she looked up and, holding out her hand. with averted h ad, She said, i, "My father shall e bayed." And then still alniost choked b the words, she added, ' , Leave Me*iiow." 4....1 • "Thank you'for th se blessed words,'? Oki ; Major Lindeaf;„Eind bowing over herlhand, which he juat_touehe wiil4llis „lips, h 9 ;left . the room. 1 • Kate -.. waited till ! the . our closed after im, then, with a' c y of anguish, she ;Se way to fresh tears. , , 1 "Oh, miserable, u happy me!" she grcianel "would 'nothing but his lave my father?" FAll at once she started op, and a Wild gleam ( p of joy irradiated her face; Me dashed , :the tears froin her eyes:" for the first time i shad occurred to her-that ' Preston could aye 1 her horrible destiny—in what way she kite% ' not, but in childhood, he i had always bee:l'l)er io tector, and she still felt the habit of looking to him in peril. ,' --a But in that instan. came the reflection of the terms on whi*they stood to each other. They had parted - and he either des. pised or hated ider such dircum: stances, her e tlesty revolted from appealing to t "No," she Mental !), ejaculated, , sooner." . And as she., , came to ition, shedell back agiiiiitn hope on her seat. M,a or Lint . hile had sought Out Mrs. lakele! he related the result of hisintervic :ate: To her aunt, *rho knew little of ' ur heroine's feelings, the sacrifice appeared n inconsiderable one: and Mrs. Blakeley , 1 I , always C reeartled Major •Their they wore sor b t t r q`iii forth - for k George - - tOwn, and invited im td accompany them - 11e declined, ailed ' ing the necessity Of his returning as speed ly ea: possible; but offered to leave a portioltu his;dragoonsto escort the ladies. . I "I Will be town," he well on th . • . 1 (a meet you ii i Georgea . id Mrs. Blakeley fare mansion; and, plunk , he was soon otit f . (ro. be COrititiued.)' + --I ! MAJOR BLlSs.••:t'hi's Offie r, whose nan. . favorably know :or r the Union, to a native of New Hampshire, a d ho graduated at West Point, in July, 183 , with considerabledistiOction: In IB34,,dn ring the Indian troubles,%he was' ordered to Fort Mitchell Almitifishortly after h ire turned to' West 1 . 1 littler° he moraine un til )84 1 6i discharg ng th • Mlles of asst tans proiessor of math niat iC fl, foll.,whity h ._vies' eminently quolifi d. Having,.btets appointed iled in lBVilossistant'adjutant general, he was at tached tr the eta of Gen. Taylor, then sta tioned ,upon the % rkansas frontier. In that capacitY,‘, he has since acted, rendering the most labdrious a I important 'services, and enjoying 'the un eserred confidence of the General. His g llantry, in all the late hat ilea in Mexico h s especially signalized ,his name, and errtitl him to the gratitude of his countrymen. it although he has been thus i l highly distingui in 'oniony Major Illiss * chiefly regarded m i the army on account of his literary atta lionnitsr being one of the hest writers of t e 'day and a finished Ger- ing spurs sight with A Sionkh schottrc Thus tt prime of lifep he is In all 1 ed ft.! 'yet brighter honors: a poor orphan boy when he ary a c ademy, and ivho fa now t, wit l hottf a relative in the me one of the moat honored 11.-4xisisrill.; .Inornal. man,. French at gifted and in th probability desti lie who was bu entered the mii i if we rifistake n world, may bcc i of our countrym CONVICTION • r A IMURDFAIES:..--04 the 9th inst., Mrs. And_ Adelia Moore was it do elated guilty, in the coirt of TalaPoosn Ala., of murder in th first *gree, for killi gt'her husbind. Ale ter in the Wettimpka Guard 4 says: "The c se has excite in our c entry much Inteiest the whole evidence was cir cumstantial, ypt so clear at d • satisfactory, that no doubt o theguilt offthe prisoner rests on the mind of any (ine. She listened to the 'reading of the .erdict of the _jury with the ut most composure; ,indeed„iduring the trial. which occupied the whole day, she seemed i t ) totally indiffer nt. It appears from the evi donee that Moro went to bed at' his usual tinte:;—gthat do Mg the night, and while asleep she fractured .is skull in various places with an axe. lie ived sonic six days after the foul act w• a erpeirated, and-reiterated that it was hi ; wif that . committed the savage net, and ~ t he \knew of no reason fur her Witted of hi` '' • . • .or..*Tr.t..—The Detroit Free t Cu!. YEEL; who fell at the gt eat of Arkansas cavalry, at of neon:Vista % entered the he last A r with. §nglenp when lof age, a n fotight onder.Cleff: ew Orleans, and diStinguKhed battiemt the Horse Shoe bend. rwards Governor of Arkansas, caking out of ,the present war er of Congress from that State. of prtriotism v prompted a resig le marched to the battle field at regiment (Allis constituents and votion to his country with his was talented and warm hearted xis devotion to his country tel. The nation mourns his loss. 111 . 1.1(:) WAS Proem stores head of his r the late haul - army during only 14 years innkson at bitneelf in th • Hia was aft • add at the b tls a Tomb feelings n ion, and the header sealed his d blood. He and sealed imphant. T.OfR no pro --- - cipro and becanse h try arid ha land with ists Phout omit and ttirenaont. quile as 'ERENCIL—The democrats liana honor to Gen. Taylor, from prin striotisra, says the Baltimore Sun, ''supports the souse of his coun crowned himself and his native mperishable faros. The Federal or him from motives of party in selfish linpes of . pohtical-afrgran- YOld 'tough and Ready" can sec rai tliCy can. , 1 . , r au f ' itor, att that , Ilan , had flushed 'had ow mace more a 100 • of pity, and , Santh Atom and. La Vega at Cerra Gordo, V/41,1,12,000 melt:—Gen. Ticiggs' scouting' party attacked—Oirintishingscith the ene my—troops leaving Vera Cruz—General's Scott' and Worth on thi i r way to join Gen. Toiggs—assispinatio of Americana -1 i Gen. Scott's proclamat on, 4c. . The steamship Missies ppi arrived at Neil/ Orleans on the 211 ult., rem-Vera Cruz.— The Picayune and Delta, received from her their correspondence, with ir file of, the Vera Cruz American Eagle, from , which , the ex , treats are made. , . Mose/ Y. Beach, Epq., came passenger, in the Massachusetts. lie left Tampico on the 12th, and brings dates from the city of Mexi co to the ad LW. The following letter frcup Mr. Kenda 1 to the Picayune, and contains news of con der able interest: I C DAN .01 ...ASIP N. ..JAN I VAS, Apl ,• I. arrived, in this camp at 11 I o'clock last night, The road from Vera Cruz 'funning for the most. part through heavy sand. Gen. Worth's division from' the excessive heat and wearisome road, suffered incredibly., -, The news in camp is stirring. An express has come down from Gen. Twiggs to the.ef feet that Santa Anna was before - him, at„Cer m Gordo, with 15,000 mev, es near as'esuild be judged.fronr reconnoisancea made toy Copt. 'Hardie end other officersf dragoons. , f 11. Lieut. Col. Johnson Ira been severely but nit. : mortally wounded wile examining the i enemy's works on the eminencei in the vi cinity, of Cerra Gordo. Everything would now go to show that Santa Anna is deter mined to make a bold stand.) 4 dragoon .vho had been sent down ex press by Gen, Twiggs, was yesterday •found shot by the roadside just beyond this. His papers had not been touched. The Mexicans are playing a , bloody, and at the same t nu) bolder game than is usual for them, as it is thought:they have killed no loss than fifty of our men within the last three days on, the road. I, j : Geri. Scott stopped last night 9 'mile - froill this—to-night he will reach 'Gen. Twiggiii. position. If Santa Anna is ini strong as he is represented, lie probably will maim attack= ed for two or three days. ' 1 write in great haste. • , Corrcrostilecce of Om N. O. Pettit. - 'tl VERA '6IM, April 13, 1847. Eds. Delhi:—As I stated in my !offer of t 1 %. 's morning, the brigade of Caen. Worth took lip he, line of march for Jalapa, but from rath er s dden indisposition, the General did not leave with bin. About I o'clock an expresei reached him, with the About information that the, olumn of. Gen. Twiggs had fallen in with a large force of the enemy at Cerra Gor do, a • stong !politic' beyond Puenta Nacion al, mid' that ,a skirmish had taken :place be tween Gen. Twiggs' advance guard and the enemy, in which Capt. Johnson, TopograPhi cal Engineer, was severely wounded, and several Others. In half an hour after the re ception:pf this news, Gen. Worth lithltuOunt able horse an I was off—so sudden, indeed, that I missed bra?, .notwithstanding I repair ed,to hie quarters to gather the particulars al soon as '1 heard it. ' 1 ' • , There is no doubt at nl but that SantaA4 an, with from 12,000 to? 10,000 men k i is be tween us and Jalapa. it Is conteded on all ' sides. But if G go. Twiggs does not whip him, he will at le st keep' him in check until (len,se . .oo, who left yesterday, reaches him, which- ill be t( -morrow night. Gen. Pat terson left 'here % ith two brigades of volun teers on Friday, a cl he has, no doubt, reach ed the advance befo e this. Gen. Twiggs has tweet' 2500 . and, 2700' men—choice ones ; too—and I entertain little 'iiTtirStign'Tirhil Pillow's brigades, and tali the force except the garrhotr of the town, an& Quitman's brigade, .are either at the scene ot . 'action or on the road to it. Gen. Scott, d think,- was pretty Welt satis fied before his' ()aperture; that Santa Adult was in thelneighborhood of Jalapa; and-ylvas todking good,time towards that point bifore, the express reached bin': A terrible battle will be fought at Cerra. Gado; or there will be little or no fighting.— An intelligent Mexican:told m that there would be no fight, and that Sa to Anna had with him fouur prominent membe ofthe•Na tional Congress, With the aid f, whom he hopes to negotiate a 'pole The horses of the Te inessee cavalry arriv ed to-day . oom Tampic ; and as soon as they are landed I expect Qin an will leave here: I (-. • - VER4lCaui, April /-t, 1817. Eris. bBta: There fors been gftiim shat i Puente National , and i 6 hourly look, Cothe (_, intelligence of the capture of Cerra Gor o, a (strong mountain fort, i 23 miles from p. IA decisive battle is expected a this pc!? t, for it is the best vantage greund this side of Pe rote. Santa Anna was at or near Jalapa, at thelnst accounts, but by this time, there is scarcely a doubt that Cerra Gordo is carried . by assault and the. army quartered at Jalapa. Everything is quiet at `era Cruz. - - - Mink'', March 28, 1847. The city of the Montezumas is in a most extraordinary situation at the present writing. Farina and the „"Constitutionalists" had a civil war of :).3 days duration, in which no body was killed, and neither . party lost or, gained an inch of ground. That is, no one was killed of the,lighters, unless we count some accidental deaths? but a great number of harmless citizens lost their lives by the, incessant firing up and down the streets, With: which: the beligerents amused thetlisettes in instead of going within rearhof es& other. Santa Anna wrote ierringly to' both par-. ties, and did his best to urge the& to eat; eac other up, but as soon as he could reach 'th - city with some force; he threw th , ent all over bcard.- He is playing for 'the dictatorship, and is in fact, clothed with absolute power at this moment., He has induced the clergy to aid him with money to meet, and as he Sap, to exterminate Scott and the "perfidious in vaders." ' Lot his plan undoubtedly is to make peace, %hile he is yet entrenched- be hind American,ba'yonets, and, perhaps, with the help of American gold, he will .put his enemies where they cannovinterfere with him. 1 P• As soon as he has a clear field, he will use his army to seize the possessions of the church, to maintain and increase it as a foundation for a throne. Whatever he pre tends, he has his eye on the chilli!' property, and has twice put forward Gomez Farina as a cat's-paw to gasp it, but when ho found the clergy too strong for him, he made- no .scruples to sacrifice his tool and come out on the other side. (From the Vora Crud Eagle. April' 13 ) 1 SANTA ANNA.—Again must we appear be- fore our readers without having any positive information as to the doing and whereabouts of the enemy. Rumor, in the mean time, is rife with the news, and we must, perforce set dovin to her account many things which, however much we may believe them, we dare not give to the public as veritable. One of the mostlimportant outgivings, up to this time, is, that Santa Anna, seconded by La Vega, and a force of nearly 12,000 strong, have tpken a position between this and Ja lapa, trhich is said by thosii familiar with the country, to be very strong. This report we find very generally believed by ;'many officers.of the army, and, by the cit izens of the place }} A PLOT Disebvitimp.—SOmfe days last week a num of Mexicans Were discovered act of inciting the citizens of Tampi co to revo and drive thq Americans from the place, e are not advised of the. particu lars; b learn that Colonel Ga es banished Ahemfrom that city, fprbiddin,g their return wider penalty of death. " • . • . • Freiki iera Cruz. • . G. W, K. f .. VERA fauz, April 14. There has been atk rm ieh at ;Puehte Na *lonai and we;hoarly look for the-intelligence of the capture ofcerm Gordo, a strong moun tain fort, twenty miles from Jalapa. A de cisive battle is,expected at thicpoint, for it la the beat vintage giound this side of Pe':- rote. l t- - . Gen. Santa Anna was at or near Jalappa, ' at the lasvaccounts, but at this time, there is scarcely a doubt that Cerro Gordo is carried by assrult, and the army in snug quarters id the healthy andjdel . ightful city oflalappa.— Verd Cruz is ixs,qmet and well governed as any city in the United States. It would - im prove the health of some to throw down the walls' and let in the fresh air, as the com mander thinks of doing. lf the army takes any more.of thdse beau tiful brass 24's, I hope they will be sent home as trophies.. There are, in the town and cas tle nearly ono hundred tof them. They are of splendid workmanship, and superior to any the United States has 'of the same calibre.— Whey afir worth About $5,000 a piece, and ould look extrrely Well in the "white set tlements." IIRA!II-QUARTERS OF THE A :my, Vera Cruz,April 11, 1847. Major Genertl -:Scol4 General-in-chief of l the Armies of the United States of Amirica,l to the good People of Mexico. EMI PROCLAMATION. Mexicans!--at the head of a powerftil ar my, soon to be,doubled—aNart. of which is advancing upon your capital.—and with an other army under Major len. 'Taylor, in march from Saltillo towards San Luis Potosi —I think myself called upon to addressyou. "Mexicans! Americans are, not your ene mies, but the enemies fora time, of the men who, a year ago, miX-governed ygu, and i l brought about this unnatural war"hetw en two great Republics. • We are the frien sof the peaceful inhabltanti of the countr we occupy, Ad the friends of your holy rel gion, its hiera4hy and its.priesthood. The church is found in all parts 'of our country, crowded . with devout Catholics, and respected by our government, laws and people. Fin. the Church of Mexico, the unolTending Inhabitants of the Country, and their proper ty; I f have done everything in my power t place i them under safe-guard ef Intiltial lax againat the few bad men in this army. - My lotders to that effect, knovin to all, at precise and rigorous. Under them, several, Americans have already, be n punished, by fine, fur the benefit of the M exicans, besides imprisonment'' and one, for a, rape,' has been hang by the neck. Let, then elf good Mexicans remain at home, or at their peaceful occupations; but they are invited to bring in, for sale, horsek, mules, beef, cattle, corn, barley, 'wheat, flour for,bread, and vegetables. Cash will be paid for everything this army may take or pur chase, and protection given to all sellers. Is this not a proof of good faith and ener getic discipline? Other proofs:shall he given as often as itsjUOCS to the Mexicans may be detected. On the other hand, injulies committed by. individuals or paities of Mexico, not belong ing to the public forces, upon individuals, 1 small parties, trains of wagons and teams, or of pack mules, or any other person or proper ly belonging to this army,- contrary to the 1 laws of war-'shell be punished with rigor; of if the particular offenders be not delivered up by Mexican authorities, the punishment shall full upon entire cities, towns - add neighbor hoods. l The Americans are strode endugh to offer these ass irances- - which, Should Mexicans wisely ac apt, this war may soon be happily ii ended, tolhe honor and advantage of both bel ligerents: Then the An'ierieting, having cpaz verted anomie's into friends, OM be Happy to Aippyp of. Metiomtuatetom to rheir_osVit a I ItEorri6f To Tiisisl 4 i....On Friday last, Me sloops of 'war Gerinantown'and Albany, and tiro bomb vessels departed for Timm.— On Siinday, the Rather!, with ono hundred additiOnal marines from the Potomac sailed for 00 same place, and yesterday, Com: Per ry, with the Hag ship Mississippi, awl steam ers Spitfire and Vixen haring bomb vessels in tow. The Petrel, Bonita and Etita followed. suit. The Object of this expedition is to take pus sessiOn of Tuspan, which we understand will be efirmted by landing the sailoroarrl marines lit a convenient po4nti, ' From On kinp; or thn loth in.t. GeN. PATTERSON..-4i. gives us m u ds piens; ore to be able to announce the recovery of Major Gen. Patterson, or,'at least, so as to be able to stannic the command of his division of the army. lie loft this city on Friday eve ning last, and will probably reach . his corn kind the saute night. Ar.irsitsno.--The port of Alva has been closed for several- mon open to our commerce and to all ads not having on bbaril article's of war. • BREAKING UP OF/P . ENEliAl.ibil —Yesterday oVening, at 5 o'clo: Scott and his stall left their qu i Plaza, and started for Jalapa. I escorted by Cu). Ilarney's 3J d *ill probably be up,witli Gen.Tt advance, in two or three dayn ExEctrrtos.—Thnexecution of the colored MEW, Kirk, a citizen of the U. S., convicted of committing a rape upon the person of `a• Mexican woman and theft, took place on Sat urday last. A large concourse of people were , present, to witness the first execution tinder American authority that has taken place since our occupation of this country. It will no doubt prove a salutary lesson to twiny, Svho Would destroy the safeties guarantied to 'good citizens, were not ettch punishments some times inflicted. , THE CASTLE.—The Castle' of San Juan de Ulloa has undergone a thorough cleansing thrghout, making it approach much nearer to, eside. W ere informed that a more a place in which en American soldier ought ii toi fil thy place coal scarcely be imagined at the time Our troop took posseision. ' Tim Iloserrsr..—hlany of our gallant sol diers, tire now 'prostmtord by disease', and the hospitals aro filled to overflowing with them? The disease most prevalent is' diar rhea, which in many cas4alies prorell fatal. WOltTleti ihildADE.--Mai N Gett. Worth, with the first brigade will leatere Cruz, 1 to -da v, following in the foot sies his Mils- Ttrious predecessor. ' The gove nment of the town and dependencies have. be, n turned over to Col. IVilsoU, of the Ist infan ry. . It,is stated in an exchange paper, that Gen. Cass once. walked over the Allegheny moun tainsi barefooted, in search of e' ployment in the East. IVe know not how rue this may be, but it is well known that he made a more disagreeable tour than that, in he service of his country, on his way to the orthweo.ern Headquarters—being compelle, to travel for days in mud and water half-kg deep, his bed a log, to keep him out of the water, nod his food for two days nothing hubkreen corn.-- r He has always been withhis - colintry, aid for his country; while, some of the pore arid ex alted "Whigs" of this day were for Great Britain, and in opposition to the' country.— Yet Gen. Cans is one of them who Mould be denouneed art an d 4 r," were lie in power, and wiio ilenoun one of "the myrmidons of power." Out - such triots!—Pitts. Post: GRP.AT WItSTERN RAILlik ton (Canada) Ga tte say parties engaged be ween I ..mgara .. and the city of Ili Hi en . Itave completed the preliminary.survey ( that portion of the Great Western Railroad, nd are now proceeding in a westerly directio . ' Six or eight: additional parties will be Win diately plaed on the route and it is expected t at the survey of the whole line will be tom* editbout the first week in August. flThe contracts be given out as acieh after as iait , ible.-- , Buff. Cain. MI redo, which ths, is now neutral yes contraband F DQUARTVIIS. k, General rters in the They were 'goons, and ciggs, of the M=Ml THE NEW ERRI SOT The followin interet new • ,nerthweS , •rn tegrh cent mulubef, al the, . To Thirbounds•Of ie ne l / 4 el romantic Falls .1 St.' totr thesnavigation. (the 1)0 ,It is bounded otl t West; on the e4e4 by M sin; on the smolt by th green 30 minutle, with line of Iowa; at on h Sioux and Red fiver 41 . separating Mi. sotal f Lake Superior, sand tha Wisconsin past shin Falls of, the St. t , ' till it strikes the • follows to the 1 Mississippi to t ginning. "Embraced , I are about 00,00 g 000,000 of ac latitude as the' t exceeds the Isle i nearly equal to , ' old States, it • k Pennsylvania. •,tFor 11, and the grasses)ts Soil able. /Now, it, rears flatted States a eXtre or. Se did WI eosin commercial adrintaies the most favore ottlie , the least. •By eagle which it borderi for mo miles, from Trg 9' Ali its northern old mid cheap commusieation shores, and the fttlanti per Mississippiand St hold easy interWhe 'valley 'below. 1 siLake Superior afTo harbors, and the Missi gallon up to ths Falls I than 100 miles above tl of Minesota. "With the exception Lion, Kis well Natered Its lake border is rich • ites. • "The most irmortan ht present; and probabl are Fond.du - Ltc, at th e Lake Superior ; and F , Fails of St. Anthony. "ferith many, its col , jection. It is pretty wishes to raise a rig, know nothing more de soonertssek a home in as. There ie, bower yet., this side of that ter Ohio, Michigan, and settled.'! MPAICANSIVOMF:' , KEYS, ETC.—Lieut. C. (attached to the. Ist t,, , , writing from Vera et lays among 'other things,Mliat the natif t e generalty very i tblack and extremely l . iy;; II ey appear to have no homes, but rwande lonna ingly about all day; add Sleep in the sire ts. The women are generally very uly I' have not'seen a handsome one yet. • The dress vulgarly;, smoke; and tide tistritl [oh s tdcjfing,]of mules as nat rally as the me ........It is dangerous t 4 busine for one to ven ure utside of the walls a y alone; fo'r there are swartirti of the'lll-looking rancheros iticvety cliappara ; who would very ' cheerfully tale yopilife for ven one good ar title of clothing. One ca e up to my mule the other day, and sakkoe, "Are you gOod Athericanol You len me ne little reall"— I placed my hand in ybr ast pocket and re ni, a‘i.rdi,"Ninro my pistol wiiirti l lini hairliltadliV ly; so'he took the hint and, with three or four of his cut throat camp nipns who were gat tier ing around me, made tracks into 'the chap paral. This ocean' d within tWenty-five yards of the clip so ou May 'seelow bold they.- are Speaki g 'of inulenobrody walks he who can purchtao a do 6 ey; I hiti'e got it fine ttle fellow-kt most endaging crea ture, and ' delightful amble —he isn't,one of your colts, MI New York j ckassett. I have. seen two r threp huPtlred people 4 a time ti mounted or these attiMals."l A SPATILE Cimel Davis, a son-in'-law o gallant Colonel of th of rifle en, who are a General Taylor, in. gave a ew days ago clans of Mississippi. egret, and his party bi in the State,llis elect question, but he is ful wardness to which su ject him and he cons the "patriotic politic maner: He states u to the Mississippiiiiis candidate, or permit hi with politics in any- in a militaryllippo' tmefi 4 , .. , ------ GEN. LAMER vrtratini—lnforimition has beeen retelved at • Austin Texas that Gen. Lamer, with his company of 80 or 100 men, attempted to pass through rom Loredo to join ii. Gen. Taylor that after pe etrating into some difficult passes of thei r mountain's be and the •,*() Grande, he was attacked by greatly sum rior numbers of the enemy whome lie fought till he lost half his men hen he found him self compelled to suirind r. Gen, Lamar's object was po go to the re ief of Gen , , Taylor as soon as he heard the al rming neWs of his dangerous situatiop. I We, have not heard the fact mentioned her,e.- I —Xeieark Adv', Taarrone— ThelS t. gives the foli , dwing, 'from Santa Fe—Whd does not t to have personal knoWledi It is s pe aid that an 4mer known in Santa Fe; ougi Americans, and with his • most of those who fe I dee, tress was taken he Auden ' escape, but the traitbr fel 1 j/ balls through him. One I been fired upon him snit►l was their indignaTn a writer says he has fo gott miscreant. SINGULAR fners. It i• a singular coinci dence that the battle of Il ena • Vista should i have been fought on t ic an iversary of Wash ington's birth day, a tithat in California on the anniversary Of th battlerof New Orleans. The commanding o cers took advantage of this fact to animate he spirit of their ; troops. A letter from San ill states that when Gen: Wool announced tb the troops that the• morn ing of thaengagemer t was the anniversary of the birth of the immorthl Washington,' the air rung with the Shouts of the men. At Los An golot, Coniurodore Stocktcni reminded the men that they were fighti4g on the anniversary oft. day on which the American arms had bccom plished the signal defeat of most poiverful and hauty rival—with both, the effect waa inspi ring. 1 , . Til Dirriiiitmcs.-L—, The Democrats'. for, and do honor to ren. Taylor, fro I ciple and patriotism, says tote Baltimo because he supports the cause of his 1:3, and had crowned- hit self and his riatis with imperisb . able • ame. 1 The Fedi shout for (Jim from otives of party i and selfish hopes of litico aggrandii "Old Rough and RAdy" can sep,quit L e as they can. Ns '''. ---------—:----- - At St. Louis on the Bth inst., li meeting took place between Mr. Rus I i i Mr. O'Strander, during the course. o the latter gentleman fired upon the for times with 'a revolvi , g pistol, withou any farther damage than woundi slightly in theliandk ' - . _ ORY F . . 11.11 NE T • _ ting sitetch of this ory we find in n' re edo (Ohio) Blade.— 'erritory includes the thony, the head of Ile Mississippi:, e north by Canada chigan and %V von parallel of 3 de is the most n rthern west by th river he North. ‘ The line Fto / Michigan is in separating it from Lime Superior to the vet, and thence smith t. Croix, which it . Thence down the 13i, the \ piece of bei MORR 07' The Hon. N. B. Eldred, of 1 burgh, arrived in our city On Tuesday log last and took laigi T s at the Hotel. boundaries there , files—equal i ,to LB.- nearly in ilia same Maine. In area it tat l Britain, and it is Comparing it with t tui New York - and la- dilution of wheat and climate are favor to: t e people of the ely 1 0istent and interi fteen years ago. In it will not be one of tales, nor yet one f Luke Superior, n e thin one hundkid er to Fond du Lae, le portion •will have wi;la all the Lake , a d through the Up- Pmer's Rivers, will vitl' the whole at ds abundance of glad isip i offers fine nav f S . Anthony; more e s uthern boundary of by ,n In to weitern -par ivera and lakea.— talliferoua dep )s -, to in Mineaota, •all time to come, tern extremity of nelling, near the cli ell n. roue drab 1 41ino r, a itor I ate will be an ob rerth, btitif a titan family (and ' we ) he will much rota than ifi' Tex tindant room, as . • Northwestern main should be, In NCIIERCiS, DON-. °ever, of this city, 'ork Regiment,) • B. 'ew uz, es al lustosev-Col. Jefferson Gen. Taylo , MO the Mississippi regiment hided to so fa arable by Ids official td spatches, a quietus to t epoliti- Colonel Davi is ii dem:- • ing `.in the a endancy on wathrbe beyond all y - seitaiblOittite styli / fi a ' ourse would sub •queri iy. let d wn upon one,' in the ollowing equi, ovally i a letter that Isihe will not be a is narne to be c nnected • ner, -o long as he holds . 11 l ,' j • 'Louie Re üblican correspondent at profess,' however, l • ft! of the miter:— can, who was well ! hard against' the cry goodirifle killed 1. When the for .ored to make his ll with thirty 'odd 1/ undred must have I taneousl, so great gainst him, The I !n the name!of this • huzza i n prin- e Sun, ountry ve land leralists interest 'mama. as far hostile ell end which er five doing g him THE OBSERVER. M=====l Elt 1 1,1; I' . isle, May PR IS/7. Malurdoir No IDEMOCH ,-1------ , ---- aROMINATIO lE= E 132 FR'S. R. =I It 'CANAL ID is L Q ' NVItSSIONER, 'NG.STRE G'The Virginia election is still irt doubt —the probabilities newer° that theeimgres• Monal delegation will stand ten DeModate to five Federalists. the Legislature will' be Democratic, la: Out' Philadelphia excluinges • contain a likeness of Gen. Taylor. UN* any Ihing like a correct one, we move *hit that Knife which was once presented to old Judge Burn- 1 sides for being the ugliest man the donor ever saw, be sent to him, forthwith. The Harrisburg Telegraph, and the German whigtimper at our State Capital, have each raised the name of Gen. Scott, as their candidate for President, subject, we presume, to the "soup"-ervirion of a National Conven tion. Death of Gen. Dromgoole The Hon. 'George C. Dronigoole,'for a,nuin ber of years a member of CongresMnuVir .ginia, and again elected r iu the recent canvass ,in that State, aid ,citahe , bBth I nit. Gcn. D. ,vas one of the ablest men in Virginia—) man of unimpeachable honot,And Character, and his loss will be severely felt by the Whole na tion. Faults he had,llike othei men, which, in the language of the Pennsylvanian, hi'C • what "impaired one of the brightest intellects in the Union"— n 4 his native State will never forget The distinguished servicA ;I one who has filed so, many high offices in; her councils. Peace to I,o_ ashes! Phi. tor • thefdtriaciW The St. Louis Era states that one million of cartridges were shinned on board thistearn er lowa, at St. Louis, on the 14th' Ult., for thci use 9f our army in Mexico. We also see it stilted that four hundred boys are now en gaged etch(' Arsenal, at Water‘vliet; near Alba ny, in the 'preintrationid cartridges. The War Depart m nt have made- a requisition of a' mil lion bi c midges for each month. , ' • ~- ______— ' The Pr sperhy of the country. At no time withiti our , recollection has the country been 'so truly prosperous, itf all it s business relations, mechanical, commercial, and agricultural, -as at the prosnt moment. •Investinents of capital jp any of the various 1 pursu)ts lof life, if managed .wit is any de gree of industry anti skill, are sure 'produce adecivate and satisfactory remuneration. La bor is properly- rewarded, and in most instan ces, thatleurse to theworking man,'-the order system, has given place 'to l sash payments.— ir...1.-....h. .....,.. nf , thp ntpkeneol)l) cif owner tty we ab notidegatc ea als tete: aleapper once, oven from our own section, Ntlitre prob ably it has been carried to a.greatel extent' than in any other. $d why shoullit noel Every thing the farmer has to sell commands a ready market andthe cash. The matinpic turer andmeptiicpart with their wares only on the receip of cash, or its equivalent. • 'And why shbuld the lalierer beifitid in any thing else? There is no exetrse now that . money is scarce--esery arrival from Europe brings ape , ie'into the country—every ,'ship that leaves ou Afore if freighted with hie productikof our soil, wheat, cniti and rye.' And this, let it be - rememberedoe at a time when the fed , oral whig party predicted that'ruin and disas ter would overtake every departtlnt of busi ness in the country, because of tle adoption bf the tariff of '4fi-and the repeal of that of '.12. The "home market" was to be destroyed and the foreign would not be worth having. The "home market" hturnot been deitroyed, and if it were 'not for the foreign, the.overflowing granaries of the west would still-groan under the weight of the producrij of her rich arid fer tile- prairies. The coal end manufacturing" interests of Pennsylvania, we were told, would be utterly prostrated! But instead, we doubt if these same interests were ever in as healthy and prosperous condition as at 'the present moment. , The war with Mexico, we were also assured by these smile "ruin" mongers, would be another element to bring upon the country disasters dire, and' ultimately disgraCe. But protrity shines upd,n it, hi all its broad ex panse of territory, and. varied -business rela tions: And the war—so far from disgracing the eenntry,' the federalists themselves have becorne the most abject and servile admirers of all engaged in it—at least in( adtearance!— These factor Speak ' trumpet-tongued in favor of Democratic men and measures. These Measures are for the r witoleople—not a part —they look to i the benefit of be mass, in eve ry) section of the Union, and not the favormt few congregate in manufacturing cities and . villages, and t at. , by diffusing the benefits re silting from Wise and enlarged principles of legislation, over all, tend to render the eoun ' try prosperous as at the present moment. ' ' Gco. Scott, vs. the Whigs. ,:i Gen. Scott' proclamation to the Mexicans, will I lbe found n another column. •There is one sentence i it tcrwhich we wish to call the attention f ourjriends, the whige*more particularly thr milers of the Gazette. Lt' is as i followsi • , ' "MexicanslAMericans tire not your ere miesl but the enemies fora time,-of the men who, a year :ago, mis-governed you, AND BROUGHT ABOUT THIS UNNATURAL WAR BETWEEN TWO GREAT RE PUBLICS!" , What say you, - gentlemen, to 'this—,yktu have said that the war was _"brought about" by •the "annexation, of Texas," the "march of the army to the RiO Grande," "taking forcible possession of disputed territory," etc. Gen. Scott says it "%v . a brought about" by 'the men who mis-govern d Mexico. Which is right? Please answer? . . . The Independence (Mo.) Expositor awl' large company of emigrants are pre paring to take up their march for Oregon thi spring. "WeSward the • star of Empir ekes its flight." er The Choctaw Indians have contributed $l7O to the' relief of the suffering poor of Ire-, land ; A glorious proof of the bonOfits of civ ilizaiion and libo rt7P-v THE WHIG MEETHHI -GEN. IRVINE !v . TEA AND COFFEE. We stepped into the federal whig to ting at the Court House on Tuesday event° last, and were somewhatsurprised, after all t e ef forts that had been : made to get the , oplo there-the three organs Of the par' ving been engaged for two or three weeks in erill ing on the faithful to attend—to find a slim -\ an attendanCe When ther i e is confessed y so large a ;majority t in the country. The fact, is, we begin to till eir the getting op-Of such meet ings,ll-Ithat paity is about as, hard as their ef-i forts to ' I make thd rank and file take back all , they have 'said I:toitt--the 'injusti e'.' of the Mezicari war, apd come out fiat- ooted for 1 . Taylor, a Sourthern slave hOlder, r an of course an opronent of the "Wilmot P oviso." • Bat to the meeting. ' (Every thing ' ppeared to be f cut and ,dried—of d in wester phiaseology, "cocked and printed" and' rea y to go off.- f Ttio or three of the leaders, (lawygra perhaps would be mote appropriate,) who no doubt-see ' in some of their waking dreams, and may be sleeping ones too, the legislative chamber at Harrisburg; were on hand and chuck full of prepared speeches and • tesolutione. ' The, Chairmio, - Vice Preililents and Secretaries,' were appointed just as natural as though they all had'nt been decided open before hand. - And the 'Gazette wing , of the pat4y had it all their own, although otir friend Ball took pity on that miserable of alltniserable fag ends, the Commercial faction, rind made the editor of that sheeca Secretary, , Then a committee . oft - resolutions were appointed, and the ch •r- . , man thereof, seizing -. upon that relic ho rn the."cabinet of euriositiet, " taken .the inkitaod, and it sheet of paper always taken . out by the om- . mittee at politicalmeetings to Prepareresolu- , tions with, retired. tir. Lane, one of the delegatts at the State - Convention, Was, then called tiporiVor aapeeciii "That genjlenta t n re sponded, and after telling his friends 'that-the deliberations of the Convention, of which he was a delegate . , resulted in the nomination of, to use his own language, "the great, the good, the patriotic, - Gen. Jdnie s Irvin, of Centre I f - 3 county," proceeded with a long argtimenf to prove that the said "great, good, and patriot -4" General, did not tote, While a member of Congress, and in , time Of profound •peaee,lior a tax oh tea and Cape: We listened, and .had almost made up Oar ,m ind that gross in- , justice had been done the General in this par ticular by some of our eaternporarips.,* when -la! the gentleman wound up that branch of his subject, by actually "acknowledging the corn"—that the Gemal did vote for it at lost But then the GeneraNtras cheated i• bamboozled into Voting for it, by some "south ern abstractionist;' And it was in this wise, ac:cording to the relation a our friend Lane. The bill was adopted section by-Section—and when that levying a duty on tea and coffee mine up for cc; sideration, it was moved to strike tea and Z. free front it The iny!loil carried, and Gen. ruin voted in the affirmative . —but afteiwards nother.section was' adopted levying a duty-of twenty, per. cent. on all On ettinnerateci at-tic es—and of course tea and ' - coffee having been struck from the previous part of th4ill, wee not among the cm( dtchi led itriirloa I,Ail ennsteduently came under the head of unenumcralcd terticlen, and were subject tus. duty of twenty per t.ent t G, "emit, 'good, and patriotic" General—how those wily ?'southern abstractionists" rid. CQMO it over Iyon-•-2ho w they did impose upon thy confidence ithl;good nature. Verily might the tea and doffee drink ersof I ennsyiraitia vote thee a thinkiag‘cap and a p i t of leather spectacles=inlieu of the Gilbert' ett i rial chair. ' And now, we leave it to th - ;ttic, after this admission ;of one of the delegates to thellarrisbarg Convention, if Gen: Irvin, is rot even more culpable in this particular, than , even the charges we bye copied from other papers made it appear. He either voted grossly ignorant of. tyig, h‘ wail_ voting for, or ptgpesely voted to strike it out cif one section to .deceive his constituents, knowing it would be embrticed in the other,. We leave his friends to.take• whichever, horn l l ef thetditemma they please. - -" .- - • - Soon after the speaker - had finished, this defence of the General (very , fortunately for him) the committee returned and reported a liekiea of resolut ions, whiCh were read and adopted. 'John P. Vincent, Esq. Was then , ,. called' upon, 'but having been sufficiently en- lighteed 'as' to the Tiptlificationaof the whig ' , midi ate by the previgus speaker, we retired., On the whole we should call it rather a slim I response to the nomination In a county where they, have it all.their own ray. _ -I Mil =I TR. =I even lEegle Dort!t forget If the battle of Buena Vista ha. been lost by General Tayibr, says Om rentisylvanian, the anti-war liaderil never would hit!ye thought of him as a candidate for the Presidency.. On their principles of 9pposing the war, and re joicing over its ' victories, they would have' been relemied frothiany expresaion of thanks and grptitude to the man who had done all he could 'do to sustain, the .coimtry's honor:- 7 They did not stipulate for defeats, and of course could not be expeceitto Have any thing odo iilith an unsuccessful gmeral. This olicy s about Is safe as the old !fashioned we er of ,'heads I win, tails you lege!" • . , 1 • A Cuams Sitikm.—Acow day* since, an old and favorite horgb:if! , a staundi democrat at the other end bf tow* at tracted coisidera -1: ble attention by fl) hoist rows'noise which 'proceeded from his , stahle. ,. Upon looking in to. the matter, the neighho s asdertainedl that the patriotic animal had urst into a hfarty "horse laugh" upon civerl earing ailleTican Whig pretend to rejoice at. our late vietori• • in a war which he had always declared Ito .e ‘tinchristian and disgracel:pl."— l NVero Li 'on Patriot. . i T his certainly was a curious cause was enough Oply to'nlako ladgb; but we opine that i hors never stopp had it witnesse someraet. of he federalists herd opposers d denotincera of t mosts rvile eulogists an adm whO are engaged in‘carryi claiming them a drunken gaged in a "bad cause..." the extension of slavery," l the. name of the leader. of t their candidate for Presia. Cruikshank can't hold a co tures they make of their ply deaVoring to coma the re game over the victories o "war Of; conquest" And "a their used to call it! lir It is ptated that the of • chi Fellows in the now numbers 215,000 ate ll= , ' Son. Robert .T. Walker._- ----- •, Few m en of his age, probably, i n 0, b. . acratic ranks, enjoys a more enviabl e r” ''. tiara a's a statesmaMand efficient' ?'y' (..t?<'4- than the Nun. RtRT 3. Wstsra, o f ,:. Treasury Departnt nt. Few ' me, in + 1 4 comparative short Period he has be en i i , D 4 l : lie life, experiencela more unnaerited led . ., L „ dictive abuse at the hands of th e f e d mi than he: When he first entered th e e P : I I , Y . .1 - , ~ - charnber, a few years since, the lion OAT, singled him out as a prop Jest i of ~' ll his sarcasm and abase, brat the Young me rn b e from Mississippi Soon admonished the tii nt ,, tor" that he was no mean antagonist, and th z hoWever, much the gentlenaan from .lientut' might bully and 'browbeat others, he at lu g g was able to defend himself and party froz e :, assaults from sucli l a quarter. Sincp-tbene.. federal press, with hardly an exceptio'n', h it , been urtrelenting in their hostility to him.. .have let' noopportunity slip to heap abuse 4 . pa his mains. President Polk committed az unpardonable itin, in their Opinion, is calling him to the Trecasttry Department. And th ey have never forgiven ' him f 2 de aphi nt . ment, lor t t he Secretary i,ri ne n - ptirtg it..... and probably never win:. His successful ad. iocacy of a reform in our revenue laar4 in a the miss of statistical facts arid argu ment , which l by his industry and talenti he a lien• abled to rgead before thelast Congress:4ly, annual report and I otherWilae, on the subie, constituted anotberceence, winches webefore remarked, the vindictiveness (of federal alai:. cry will never forgive or paliate. Thls \ ii 4 t , of feeling has heerune more apparentlivre, .on account of. a recent transaction, ia ehici Mr. Walker prevented some of their ears!. 'lets in New York and Boston from ;anklet a.few ' thousands out of the neceLities of file . 1 government.' T h e e last Congress authoriref the negrpation of a loan to curry on The tee of some millions. Of vourse the Seesona muet,enter the market to negotiate this 105 . : . ; and 'if Ise has the interKt of the, count r y i t heart, till do‘so lat the best advantnite; R e will sell the stock to the higliestliilder. Ilr. Walker did Se, the loan wab taken above par by -Messrs. Cochran L', .Itiggsof IVisbir ton, against Prime, Ward ,liz. li i ing-,. 0 ! ' - ew York land their antics in 2t,stoi. I,lthwi:i the whole federal press of Gothoir`a set up bt,6 a howl, as wet - ally hear from a dock ofyirolio When suddenly driven :from Wen-114. Tae Secretary Secretary is abused teithotit stint or ,rnerr ! , and all because he done the best t he.ceold fo: th government l , and saved scree thOusand , -; ,m y be a million, froth the 2variciuu man a`f i!o. m'v Yew < York . and Boston capitlists.— i t ter cum . {F rtl ment is tinnecessary—th'e Reop' , I ca 'see and appi-ediate tale t, energy and ti. deity in a - public officer, and will sustain Ike against all each puny effigts of fedehtleditori. 1/1 ‘NT ne i n r wit h the Gazette i i tt deneN cing t sentiments he attributeslii Depie• cratic paper in Tirginia. deneunced the ,"church burners" of Philadeldhiaqind ready to denounce.any ibterferencc` -with 6.1 • religious feelings of a' conquered! peep:e:— Would the G'a'zette and its party had elsar been as consgtent—much vaitiablproptir rind some liveg . Migit,have been stWed in rr' commercial meiropops: ,By the hit 'R.`: the name thr lude to, gent' ....- Si Pe4te. ' I Keep ii .1 plc! qi4t Thou Corwin,'S S( _ _., , frem the Sty , of Ohio, in his! celebrated speech on the MI lean - wari - %vhich , lids been publkhed and e- 1 dorsed vli'y'' almost ;every whig piper . inth country, said: i "If i< tvre a Alexicau t issoc! ' tell you, ‘liate you not I'oo,ll in, your c$H country to hu ry, yonr dad men? ifyou rant inti) mine, We Will r weleorne you with Vadt I ' hands.nad a hospitable graver l " • i ' KEEP IT Bk:FORE THEP l Ebr e! that thi i , speech was translated into pur , Castilian by , order of' Santa Ankt, and distributed among his trool4 before the battle of Buena yjsta! keep it b l efehte . oe pople: that do that hat tle field, 'Col's. Hardin, Cav andlyell,',ati hundreds of their follower-, were fltst wound= ed, but in 'obedience' to the dike t?! the boa /rabbi Senator frOnt Ohio, fterw9rd3 "tel. corned with - bloody hands, and !a lhospitable gray?!" Further comment is:unncee&qry - -_ these damning! facts speak for tberpselres. i -- 0' Santa convoked a l Re h4o' in advising a them.. Wihati they alm s e 9t e country, ,the (Lr' 'h effect of a late Spring is generei considero as I unfavorable; it increases tot• sumption', imhiishes the period of productis labor rind r the produce - of industry. 1 0 Springs,;ll wever, have not W alvay's sre , / marks* or lhad.,!crops. So says la e` / change. 1 : . o Bbot on - tho ss othor Foot.. / . , AVfien i a ertain private letter ;fr fn Gea s . Taylor to en. Gaines 'was p . bli helf the Whig paper Were in perfect ecs it y ofrejoic' , ung over it. Now, lioWever, ti boot fs na the other fo t.i Witness the fel 6wing from the • Louisv He Journal, • in in educing the General's last letter to Gen. utlei: 4 • "Notiiit standing the gr at interest - wit` which ov'eryi thing frontth General 'is rear we regret t¢ ice his p a e letters made pub lic. Gen. T aJylor w • e to the - war depart: ? yr i wor t sandss es tO 16 e published .to the, wor he üblicatn of hts private !ti ters i ill-ju lg and i :bad take." - ~ ) T 1 the t! tariff n4lll' diva 1 kiindl :iht,:and the eon a horse would have, the sudden frin violen o War to the rera of thoso 4a—from pro rowdies, en war, for corn r o!'j fiod," the ten fale., first order unfurling of bad cause, up Itivi The fu t is, tol t ho c i t lea _nook in en, g pg Of ;the ar y i- this clinelt,"as should 'Aqt the receipt u tyholo "beet potinekric l proof of pay yew [o ti ou "'gm 'Find tate 1 Lbeo [ pendent Order f New York (trTir inefi lint in the council Anne says- t - the battle o the 3d (Sf Febm cers were perfectly unants reheat, aiuthe coniumlielcith a harmo l nious band of bun lual thel sympathiters in thli hips: , • IPPOr "rcee• Trade." ican federalists osed4p denocdcip ff 47f 46 as a "free trade l 'iarif. - ., Ttu now •ields a revenue of abbot liv.rt! .na d y , ea l r—enough'and more foral." y expinaes pf government. Alque` r of a. 64 free trade" tariff this, lint it. • . 7-1-I= - , ' .. . 1 y rr iyork nbastrated Magazine. 'kV the May number of the "111 . 1; 1 li . i .trlble. Iti has two ?rigr4 In tll . street, N. ' Y., firol! :: ! 11 oa the other, 4 , ligne 5 . ' i , ) roine of a l spirited and I f.:] at' l e contents are as ustoi of tea light, literature. , ' •Icehange paper says erlvelq es used for letters seicnolieh ir l money;,,lu those costa ces the of paper should be uses, as tha S t Ike On it tlo constitute a ;ergtl eut; ity of Troy }las voted a 'tvo A deserved tribute, to bpse ,u3l officer. , • ' i I