Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 08, 1847, Image 1
• • - 1 . . , • r 1 ,; 1 __ i • . t , ' • 6 . 1 I , -t. I 4 I .1 '... r . X , YOLIj 3IE ►VILI . ' _ 1 t --- • . ' PUBLISHEIS EVERY SATURDAY BY A. p. OURLIN Si B. F. SLO, 'V, STATE STREET, ERIE, P . A. , 10- o 'lt TER 111 S . 1 • o'.rs copy, onikear, in adCance, SI 5 i (Atl i- Wise, twpdollars a year I:611 ihvariahl be ;!caned. 'chef' terms cc ill be tried) . adhere to Ist/ cases. . Adetirtietetnents (nset•ted at 50 cents per square Ar the first insertion, and 25' cents for each s de topical Insertion.. job PriatinT, of all varieties. ttrrreh as Book,. r,,,iptilet I, t llandbi Ils, Show Hills, ( .7.rds,Stcain. „, , ,,t, Bills, Blanks for Notes, Iteccip•s. ..C..c. e e . e. ',red in the best style and on short notice.. ,GRAHAM k TIIOAf PgON, kttorar)s c Counsellors at Law, ()dice on Frond ;tree t. (der S Jackson 4. Co's. Store, Eric. April 21. !S 17. - 'l9 El.p ,-- T ---- 0 L. oTT, SURGEON DENTIST. 1, remittent') located in Erie. Ellie(.at hi ,I ridente u:1 [lid cow nen of St tenth and Peter I Sltettt. ' i ll I. Iti)g ; ENZWF.IG g.: CO. )01(.11 ill Fdre irrn and I 'rum:stir: tiny Ctoo Is, Rae' \hole I • lothin2, Dias and Shoes, &c. dc), . No. - I, Flemming Bloc!., State ;Street. Fate; Pa; ' t 1 ,r I IIN. L. GALLATIN. . - ktrneylad...f 'toot sePer at La w --Cfliete in sur ~J s ore sir Tumm:fily 11 11, Erie. ' .tAMES C. 2 tSIIALL, ' , l ‘ It•orm'Y it La t‘ - I dile. e.tip stairs in ev T i ll I v „v i c miiiimild.", north at lee r•rot t . a motar. • 4 like . 1. _..- , GALBRAivis &r. LAN{, Ittune,..e and Cetitic.ellers at :4--("fli!te on Sin li quiet, et e et' Side of the. Public :Nita •t;i i , frig, Pa. • Cunt cITII, .-W A. GALTIIIAIT I, Av . S L 0n.... -...- 6. 4,00/N/I.S & CO. ' , ' 1„,,tat..1., \Vwcta s, lewelry, emitter trlertnan c- it err. lil ell - old tilLtueerria Ware. Cett Ivry, 1 ii. bare i of F !Icy Goods, N 0.7 !teed House. Erie I` , ; .2 * t_ t mLi,rA‘ms &,. \V.RIGIIT. t,vh,A. , ,1 1 1. , and' Reilitil Dealers in Ili y ( ielotl,ll o cm , Hardware, C'rocl.cry, 6.1. 7, 0 aro; lion, 'l,llls. Leather, ( lilet, ell:, etc, corner of St o l e ...out and the Public Sepia, opposite di' Eaule - wan. Frit'. ra• , 11 ' 1LLIAM RIBLE'P. • • :Irinee Maher, I:plods:tnr and tholtoriker, , !aleSlr, ei, Erie Pa ~. , . ~ s. DICKINSON, M. D. ‘ l l ::.).,, inn and Sutzcon, °like ore r-eventleiSitre-t, i' al die Meitlintikt ( • I te Hi. Et iv, l'a: , - S:\IITH )AClitif N & CO.. Ntalt'r , In III) I 10 , ,11., 0101•1•I'ift , , I . I)lnarC4l; ,ttt 414 Uticeits Wrirc, Nit, 121, illicapi.itle, E c la - 1 e I . r - t I - WALKER Sr. Coo,l , :;__ ;etwra I rei ee aiditi2, Conletti-tionol: and Poole,re Thin liant; fled Ware.% Inn se, elas I or die Pine it, ibbloe. Erie. e. . JOSEPI I KELSEY, lantirticlairces of Tin, Cop ter ::arad Stheetrh. n ;rear': cprner of,firencli and Fit: b streets.' Erie . . LESIPER, .N NErf & unEsTrat, tan Volietters, A holcsaTe and sciail elcalees i ` , loritemi /In/luiru i •rearit ke, Stari,istro•cr, Erie, l' 1011 N IL-11UR,TON •,'„ CO, tVltelesa s leitind reitai I eleirakeer in Pi trc. , , :\ lcdicin s Me tsaittlTs,tirecerice&c. NoF.S, Reed liou , re , , Erie, lta. t. C. M...; T Willi k.l, tcaler in Dry (tends, 1.1 Ricci ic 4 „(rer. No. 111. rheapsicle Erie Pa. r , , ‘, t . DOODNVIN k VIM ENT: . 1 ...../ ' , tiers in Dry (Om's, Citocerres, tc.c,, No; I, ' Bunnell Block, State ste,Erie, Pa ' ' _._ ._. CARTER & Bit(Yrimit.• alers 'in hugs Alcilicines, Paints, t hl-t, 'pc, dtdrli s, Glass, &c., co.No.Recd I 11./11Y e, it 1 tt Pa. • ; , - - -.----4 ----- -------- -- _ - ~ B.:LON/LINSON k. Co. 7, 5 ardentA rotatitik-ion Merthani , ; II! French Street. Erie, and at 6th Sin et Canal 1 ta ya, also dealers in Cie ace! brie arid Prete ISioll'. HENRY CAD WELL. 'ealer in llardee arc, Dry t ;mods, rirovel ies s f S.t.r . ',lst side of the Diamond, and one door sass ol the Ea odo lintel, Erie, Pa. _____ MOLE HOTEL, ( 'it Iltram 1.. hrown, erlrner or State street a ul the Itintic sritrate, Et ie, Pa. Eastern, Weste ti and Southern fq,l t ri , (dike. .„ . . ~, ,1 , 11 1(F. & ll.A i Mtii/TON. 7 r , hittn)lile, Merchant Vailor 4 , on the Pllh,iii `lll.lce, a foe - Aunts west of Stare etre, t, Elie • JO:I. JOIINSON.: 1 . vil...ri.} T1it...11.) vie..l. Alikee la r',ivAilq. Stini %id ( . 1 iv r ical .. , :lioni Hook; S a:ionary, etc. TC No. 111,1:V11:n0 Strut, Erie, 'a. : - - — I 1 - ' . - I ) , jl. R. IlltiVY, ''. --- t . . , ,r , liim• antic Zil irselloi in lan, hail:in du Chi vii, %v.'l'. prat•qt-ev. - In tikocournies of Craii'fn rl 14,int and lona, W. 'round in C.l4.ytun eon& Toga 'l'i.Ni oryl. , - .- • BENJAMIN GI Viyr t'..orney and Counsellor iit, L. v , ; _.l - , ',' t!': •_: e jilt , I'nsliv 11,i , t , - - - ARIIL6IO , ?tal•ir in i)ry ficericsi, (*l] nine, Nii.• 3,- Perry Erie, Pa. ' r . • YVAN • HA), lot (i.oi VI - , and all LindA IL C ! 33,0 G. 1z:6 9 ' IIA 10 r. l llltE. 1 ..7.- hen : I raid's.' 1 i Trinninnizs can 111%%ays he bac . .. , e theap stint (if S. )A'' Ir. Nsti-l'ilwr ..21,' l's M. - 1 "—: M I - hFEP i l OGRFEET ,DR' viv,..,the6.,..r i.., its,. re,ei,v, raitern cities n la,:z., to to. L'..die, 1 ' 'l4 ES I (dull kind', composing 'Fiiitlt douldn stinted ‘', tilkin'gz-hoes, liai•er Boots, . Kid Ati , k ins, do Flip., SRO' :Alps, :'' India Ittildier Over 1-hoes. - :Misses Slips and Buskin'''. - I:Mitten's Siioes of all kinds. ! : kleo ta I ir , ..t lot or Nlen's and 'Llov's CAP . ". , I .9a.ditie. horn 12 I 2 cents to .'.•.•'::.; 50. Allil tbo.e Atli les el,alf be %01(1 at extrem , 1y low pr oi. a... e belie...! SI a small piell,s and quick Fll f i e (.1 1,41010p: 11. CALAVEL Ner..D3. 181 G, )YE STUFFS . InLogwn d.i Fustic, Coc k i nc al, , Cantwood,,l Anitatto. - Ntetcood, Cream'Tnita , - Btaxil Wood, Itcd , • - Ite'd Sande;B, Blue Vitripl, (.•.oppetas,, Alum, etc.' Madder, 'for site by j .101. BURTON sc Nov. 28, ;84( 1 2 -1 No. 5, Reed bloc c. 16" ' IN Eta ' 18 1] • 7 _ PRICES •REDUCED. NEW FALL ANf) WINTER 400 5, At the 'thick CurnekopPoike Ac Eagle iy( ea. IR7 ILLIAAIS -W would i Coe T , their customers and those that arc b yin Goods, that they are now opening, di reel fro ntl eastern cities, their FALL and WINTER toe ahich in variety, extent and' cheapness, e. teed any assortment in this city, pompriaiOg the new styles of goods, purchased since Ihei vei recentliedine in the eastern markets, whirl? enable thcut to otter extra inducements to purpl Kn.. Otqatf 113116r 1 _• . . ~ %. ~ '• , . I' , , . . ---- , 4 . ~.:,. i -.• , , , , . ( , ; . , , •,.: ,• „ , , , • . • . . .. y••• --' •„- ~„- [ , ~ ~ , : •:, ~:.:, I, , . : i - ,z , 1 • • ! , ..,..: ' [ ''. s- '- 1 •.' I• . :- y • 1.,N, , ~,, i ,_ 1 ( - _ • • , ' ~ •1 j '..:'-‘• 1 . .. •„. __, . _ ~ - - - ';'2•P- '..---,-,7,...:_f.„ _, ... ~ .. ~. ,i, , ' l' ~" ~ ~J 1 i• , . , . ' . .tll.l ....,„.., ,I r i i, • : : - • ~. '. ', o •• , . .... „, • z . ' : ' ,l_ l ,:”. ',i - ..• 1 ) . . 1 ~:... r ; " i ..t , 1, - ,:',.1 , •,,...- I_ . . - -," „. • i )• , ~ .. \. i_i____, _ „ c . • ', . ' vr•Jr:r; F-I—,-,., , r„.1 , ;. , .', ,, =‘! "•,. ~,,, . .. - ~ 1. . , 4; ,- .. 41: s .- - . -1 -.. 'l l '', • , , , . , . _ . • i i_ 1 .. -,.., " !, • , •• ~ - ' • • I: _ . ________. _ _ - . • ---------- _i_________l ' ___.. - ........— , ......_—.1- I ........,;.. . ~_, ,i, - ' El 1 Ah, why dost ihoulweep thou desolate one,l • Host thou ne'er thought on the x. orrow .1' filet coils round the heart, when...him - Went° gone, • Leaves only despair for the morrow; c , Ala-i thou host not, thydboioni's deep wo But wakes up thy tharneand regret, .. ' And Iciiio shall the te.Vilirtirt:fiy sorrow thus flow, 1 .: Ere a cold hearted *odd iOll forget. Couldsr thoubtit h teure, \,.._,J , . And cull back thy iirtue again, And be what thou wet hi !nippier years, Then, then wei c•t by weeping not vain; ' But oh, aunt art weak—despair gathers round, h Enshroudin! illy vision of blissl -..... And the chain of .in in which thon•iirr boun „ d, .Will bind thee] to woes worse that *this. . • e. ilt! look at the fir Ure—how dark, how drear— How.deep the glonitt as you neat it, Alas! what emir thou expect to meet there— Oh coast Owi think umd yet hearit? Flee, Ike thee away— way kleaven, e'n now, Ib call 1410 .0 0:10 again; • nd •may Heaven in pi y teac'i thee how Ft tepeit of,thy and rthain. • Ilctt• sweet to behOld thee once mor l e a 4 thou wert, Lrkeb llary. l nll eh•ans'd of thy— peacertil and corm thy now iliriobtaing heart— How treinpul'thy hos:orti within! new's stretr i pess in vcittle rive never ran Lase— There', j \owl tlehLth in the . heaft, W h cannot he Iclt Ihre' a•ltc, By those Wtio froin virtu, depart. The war meanwhile went l on with increas ed ferocity. The tide of 'blade, which _at first ran in Marion's favor, had now turned, and his,eneinies- were every where in the , as cendant. The army 6f Greene was in North Carolina, occupied in, watching , CiOnwallis. .ord Rawdon, held Camden witlh a strong, ()rec. lathe other important posts Were,in he hinds of the, British, MaritM, for the first time disheartened, talked of retiring 'be- hind the mmintains. Armed bodies Of To ries, in the mean time traversed the :country, plundering ht will, and 16"ngingovitlinut the knit funn of u trtut, inose-or -- trietruttrontt nate priso t hers they had found in arms; Mr. Mowbray had long contemplated tis ing in favor of his countryt again, and no time seemed to him so proper lis,_the present, when'all others were becoming disheartened. Ills daughter he knew to be fn ,safety wi t ch het...aunt; who had always maintained a strict neutrality; so there was nothing to withhold him longer from,his purpose. Ife had ac cordingly 'secretly exerted ininFelf to raise a troop antong the younemen of his. neighbor hood, and his recruiting had \ been attended with such success, that. their rising 9ni t y waited the remova r l of a large body of armed Tories, who had lately infested the vicinity: On the first signal from Jiir.'Mowbray, they were to rendezvous at the Hall. Mowbray 'Halt was one of those'fine old Mansions, a few• of which linger in South' Ca l rolina, fast fading monuments of the de pr4ting splendors of her old prrovincial . no bility. ,The building stood "tit the head of a large 'avenue of trees, and was a large dot hie house, with an immense hull in the cera-re:J. The ont,houses had suffered con- sAerably since the war begaii, and i niany of, the fields tp.y barb and tineuli%lttedi but the is v mans Vin iQself was still in-tt 'reinarkably fine state of preservation, and the architectural boast of the' conntry. bray stood. on the steps of his liouSerto 'wel come Ole recruits, who, in obe , diente to his' longexpected signal, were on that day to re the rendezvous. his feeelings, as on stout yeoman after another rode tiP, vveret„ MEM 1:r I'n tly.ket pf .exultation, dashed a little perhalps with reiiret for` having ever despaired 'of his • country, "How fortuniite that Capt. Balk, yith his up the river," said his lieu- Sl:te st e .oritie, has mower I p . tt) .. id his , tenant; who stood ' beaide him. le -shall 3 have time to discipline our men, and ally a , great number to our rank. Our twen y tall -o fellows; though brave enough, could scarcely' 1 moke head against his hundred troopers.- -We have a good week before us." I ' "Very true; and we have assurance of near ly thirty more, provided we display our' ban ner. ! Three days of quiet is all I ask., , Then I hope we shall be able to given good account of ourselvef, even if Ball's toils- retUrn," said. Mr. Mowhray. . I "rwe tut gone when he comes hod, my de r sir, he will ivreak his vengeance I fear, o our hoirtes,l' said the other with shmething of a sigh. A • I "Lhope yoikrirtit' think of drawin g back," replied Mr. Mewbray. "In this cense, S. Wool, I o r, ~DIV ELL . DIM REIBI CFN I ill• 4 4 S 'S. l'l .fical and =I moat be willing to sacrifice father and mothpr, house and law* good repute, and all slim ho ' holds dear in the World. God help nal" "I am withy l ou till death," said, thier lieu ' tepant, thinkiok at that moment how much I , mdse his superior had to lose than himself; and aced by such heroic and self-sacrifi 4ing patiiotism.: ' 11 At thislostant a• horseman was seerr gsl-, )0 , loping furiut down the avenue; air -as he came onward, c waved his cap, as f desir r_ . 1 ous to call their attention to Emmet ing la a r ; l . the road which titi,hadleft! Mr: Mowbray he looked in that direction, but a clump 'Of woe s- i land shutout the highway from sight; 'h 1/4v , a ll ever, after a Moment's delay, the voiCeof one !ry of the recru& Called his attention'to wr 'II seemed's:cloud of dust rising above the tr tit tope. Almo r et the same instant a I number r Written for the'Vrie Observer THE LOST ONE. I BY ARCHETYPAL., ;From fir J Jm'e Hato ire . . THE OATH Or MAHION!. • A STORY tOP THE REVOLUTION DT CHARLES J. PETERSON. —r-- [Ctmt inue'd.] eltAllEfi Aud - there zirinhi , in hot litisto.--11YAQN, It w• as a fine clear morning when Mr. Mow- , . • ;of Ifutips appeared at the herd q the , avenue. The' rtpProadhing iborsentan lidW had iCae.4 . - ;64 the lavn. : /-- \ c, 1 "We tire betrayed," he cried, almost Ix busted. f "Ball's tories are behind, and have hind me 'for two - Miles.; To arms! to arms!" .\ - • 'The time was too short to allow of barrd cading-the 'house; but the ,great hall ,wits speedily 'turned into a 'foriPiention. ' The dyrs titeither end were closed, barred and f urther ' defended by chairs and tabletabledplied against tlieint while the entrances into the parlor)Voe cloSed effectually' In the _some Way. The great window at the head of the stair-case, and the one the . Olief -' ' of the upperlall were . gUarded- by force. These dispositions had seal completed Wit o the 'Tories 4allo i the lawn, oil 'which they dismoimied W. loud shouts, and began intata'nt pre6arati,. :i for the attack, ',.,..... ' i / , I When Mr. Mowbray's seanty troop was mustered, it was found to centain buttem ex clusive of himself for ne fly lialt - i}f the \ex pecte& recrnits had n ot , e t had time' toll ar rive. It was eviden that there had hecn / 'treachery somewher among them; for none but tllrse who ha enlisted knew of this ren , dezvous; and th sudde» disappearance of 2 /. the enemy two days before, it' was now aim rent,iiad be n feint. * However, nothing 'rettlaine'd b' tto sell their' lives as dear! as possible. Mr. Mowbray walked around among his ,men, nd himself, saw that every, thing was read . :He exhorted them, in, a few words, to 40 theti duty manfully. His short lin ] rangue was brought to a speedy conclusion, by a louilcheer on the part of the assailants," and by a shoe er of bullets aimed at the - hall window, as they advaric o the attack.- "Fire cool y id waste no shot?' he said sternly, Ihini Iflhandlin,g a musket. Fein met ell ch that first disdharge, and, mad with tae tityl shame, the assailants' strove churl; up the pilasters'. of the Wall door; but they were beaten therice',by the butts of the defenders' muskets. lThe men, however, , who achiev a this* ) ; were severely wounded by the rifle 'of ,the Tories, who, keeping watch, aimed wherever a head, ap peared. An effort was now made to break in f the hairdoor. Am axe was brought, and, aftbr several blows, one of the heavy pan els gave way. Ilut"the moment the wood fell* crashing in,'a volley, poured throUgh the ap erature drop© back , tlie , ar;sailantsg who; thus rot t 0 .L.....,......................4..__......---- ...- - . t.. -•• , i houses, as if to hold a consultation. i 1 The little garrison was no* mos ered.= One tit its members li ad been shot dead at the i gredtha,ll window, and several:were Wounded. The hi its were ha daged as weft' as possible, gande r stock of a nunition was distributed - • Imoree trolly. i Th ir slight successes had in spiritecf the Men; tI ey began now to talk Of foiling the enemy ] ; end when notice I.vs+ again given of hia'approach, they repaired to their posts with alacrity and exultation, The tories now seemed to have resolved on trying a Combined atiOelt on all parts of the house. i O n e part , advanced toward the bil door in front-L-anot er, made the circuit f the mansion to as • the one in the rear—and a third remaine t one angle, ,as if 'content c...vs__ i platinerin assault on the ide, When the • rest sliould b fullY: engaged Mr.. Mowbray's heart flWarned him oft 'stit when lie Saw the-C preparations. "They are;breaking into the parlo rs!'' e - claimed ono,Of the men; rushing up the stair ease, at,,,the very ,instant, that , a new Volley wnti discharged pn , tito house f ront tiie assail- ants. Mr. Mowbray listened, anjheard the dull crash - of an axe, gllowed by the breaking of glass. The parlor shutters had merely been barred, and the parlors once gained, it was ' only necessary,to break down the doors lead ing to the entry, which were comparatively .weak and slightly barricaded. To desert the hall up stairs, would be to seduce tho tones in front and rear from their cover, and throw 'open an eintrance to them by tie Way they had first' essiged. It became necessary, therefore, to divide his already small force, and, leaving a few to maintain the old po sitions, cdefend the threatened doorwith two or three trusty arms: "We must sell our lives dearly'," he 'said, is he took his station behind the door, post ing a man on each side. 1 , . The enemy was now heard leaping intothe parlor, and simultaneously a gek4ral attack , began on all sides, the bullets rattled against the wall; shouts and cries of encouragement, rose on both sides. From the quick firing 'overhead, Mr. Mowbray kneW that his men in that quarter were actively engaged. The axe was now heard against the parlor door befo're him, and the frail wired quivered ender every blow. Another blow and the pahnel gave way. ' Instantly the musket of Mr. Mowbray was aimed throngh the aperature at the' man who Wieldcd the axe, who fell dead at the expiosion. But another promptly seiild the instrument, and, posting himself witli more caution nt the side of the opening, dealt such vigorous strokes, that the door spe6dily fa in. ' As the planks crashed to th 6 fl6r, there was a general rush un the I part ;Id' the,Tories in the, parlor trard the, Sper4tire,. _. I . ! . , `"*eet them bravely!" shouted Mr. Mow. bray.' "Strike home, and w 4, dtivo thefit back!" H 1 fired a pistol as he spoke, at the Init.= !neat ssailant, but the Tory knocked up the . 1 we i tip,n, and thobalt lodged in the ceiling. 'altnrraht ..werave them now!" —shouted: this Man, who w ' their leader. Revenge . ftiurreorrrradea. n ' ' “Stand fast,”. cried Mr. Mowbray, the lion of his nature arroosed. For a few seconds the melee Was torific.— Sow that the foe had , effected an entrance, the defence of the otilerpoioni was no longer H•Z WORLD IS ,GO.V,E S ATI . / R113.:7, --- . . • . necessary, and the folio vets kt :-.Air' f ',4lo, • . bray crowded to his asiis . 4,1• ~ Ili iit,c: - .3 ,-: Cr hand, the Tniies-00,•''.!' •filtn pai-10,iik. thence struggletilitki IT.- ,iq•:•iiiii:(thY l hall. quell by inch th • ,-• ',tiii4oit with overpOw/ting ~tioo.. ~ ' :- .!i lt i tch' , b inch, with dysperate Emi.:o i 1.! , ':i'C Opß#l l the Whigs' gave- grthili,' .•••• '.' * - citisti - ', s n i t swods, tile explosion of 0: ii Aiielskin.ltiof either *y; were mingled :ill wild . -Olorder with liO n oaths and shrieks -- .0.th0 wytinded an dying. Swaying to i and, Trii, noitV; °ne t --/- - Orty, now the other giving,krnd, th —Com /hat 44ed with increasing .. .oly,, IS ,:_ii 4 ) l .' hers et last prevailed. 'AVI4I mos,t, .04iiis followers[ had •fallen, Mr.,..ftto4b'ray, however,. still remained, wounded Yet'4ct, st.tuggditig like It nob o stag at bay.' : • 1!, si,o ~ . "Stael der and we give qths•terl" shouted tholory leader, who, througOtt the conflict, had seemed dctsyons rathei bf taking him pri• ..t. 1 ,•• ..... soner thanislaying i hitn. -.; 1 • ' Mr.•Alavbray .thought of his child, and faltered: but 'remembering'4 t the enemy never showed clemency, he sit' , striking. 'at' his adversary " Never, io'helptile God!" ' 'But that M 46,tit of indeeHon sealed his ' fate. .7.'11e to `, ender matfett Opt to his fol k lowers, .two of 'horn rushed.' n tin the old dian;a id, as hev \, mk : e, his sikujl wag knock ed from his hand, lid" lihusell.pvertrOwn and bound • • ~ Two.daya after, he Wai H , 1 triumph in - - -to! ran!! st--- . il the streets of,peorgeten.ii t i rihi4was it con cealed from hitti that hisilit'e h 4 been .spnred only'that ha' might expi4te it'll' -rebellion on the scaffold!' 111 1 s - eaphcir l i mn/04001Y ,repaired to 'Major Lindsay%s cluortert•-., I,vliereie b ' remained for nearly an lamir. Wilda-let .alyne, 4,j0,r, _l \ Lindsay exclaimed: _ 1 "Ally it/a/rivulet' was true, tlier l w he ' been eauilit with arms in his hawk. So all goes 'well. That pniud beauty is mine, for she will marry me to save her': er's life." iir•o'cit gond world! . , —Kno ~ vii°rani flirworter—FriscilL.Cn: ' 'rho news of so impoitant an event as capture of Mr. Mowbray was : .not, long traveling torMrsi'lllukeleY's. Ono moth Ea she and her neico sate at • work taget i l the butler rushed into the room bekrq 0 )11:4(1(.1.0)1e agitation.' We hive already !tile] to' hi l s i pomposity and elfiectation high bob di dine phrases, another foible, til sire to p a y an important part sOrnetil , "I've jus. - hi o rd such neWfq!issuS:l3l ley," he exc o mit ath i essly,' wiping perspiration fry - I-ICC.' "It's Compl admonished me. Ise run all de way the head of de abenue, where I heard 'i t Jim genon, who listed wid de Dritlsitinr now gaitig homeon a furbelow; a berry ipectable -person he Is for a Tory and "s 0 thou White' man. In his new maim 1 loOks almost like 'an ogicer, I insure yon Here the old 'nun paUsed, overc . rapidity of his utterance. Both Mrs. 1111 -and her nelce understood his pecitliari ties too. well to interrupt Hint, but : they lodkesi tip t . smiling. ; ' "Suck news!" he began. "I tope young tnistts wont faint) Be sure, such things must recur; but to think it should happen to Alr. Mowbray—Lor' save us,." I Kate at the mention of her father's name turned deadly pale, and j ,could no lot ger en dure the speaker's prolixity. , 1 , i "Witat is the matter with lny Lan r!*'.sne gasped,' ;''ls he deader ' , 'Oh, no missus—only taken by did Tories. But dey bay he is to be hung." - t , , ''he sight of Kate's ghastly face stlTp'ed thoificiSs announcement—but it was toe lat ; with a shriek she fell to the flair. At cl . thi spectacle, the old slave, struck with' ro.: mo se, cried, wringingltis hands, ' Irl have killed her. Oh,. Lorl—oli f i Icon! will she ever survive againl" ' ',-. ' You have only m'ade. her swoon by Yiur ha ty announcement of thfirterrible tie% ar said Mrs. Blakeley, sternly, l i'llinii had s nd her maid." 1 ft was long before Kate was restored to scionsnesA. Meantime, /ilirs. Blake ned from old Jacob elk he had to imp her' brother's ultimate fate 'she' cc cely entertain a d übt. She well 110 1 character of tliat s bitter warfar I The of Lord Rawdon, the then 7s ip r erior of the royal army iir South Carolina, been repented, that all who had o ied the protection, 'yet sithsvpientlY b ) ured in arms against the King, shoali i warily executed. The ,sentenc.e of ) vbray, according ,to old Jacob's . rel. s always iisued.' Mrs. Biakeley 1 scarceley less shocked titan her neice, her 'fortitude was required to sustain I' sea' the der Cap sun Mo and she struggled to appear coroposed i "Let us go to Cul. Watson at once, almost the first words of Kate cm rec her "Sorely, he will not re lief was but lately your guest—how then deny yotit prayer." , • "Alas! my child," replica her au t, vith tears in her : eyes, "war conicrts,_ men into' fiends, and dries up all the hiudlien feelings of the soul; but especially in a civil .ca like this, no such thing as friendship is acknowl edged. Have yatlf ut o iren the fate oiG brief Marion, the neigh of the general y uth ful, beautiful, unoffending—the Arid of that old man's heart? He was taken in a kir ish' end, ansucm as recognized, tad to ma e early for death. His prayers for a respit paper to write to his uncle...for time, to hi;reuce with. God— were all alike . d h' " She shuddered as she' continu loyhey . made him kt4el o 4 the highwa then basely murderecthim.' . "But they will not, they cannot , muril , father thus. The men who 'did, that deed were Tory Outcasts: Col; yiratiO a kind heart; he will spare my father's' N D AY 811847. eIIArTHR IV. 0o 111 LT Cli . 7 - ~ : And Kate, , ,A ciripini her ands,.addreseed her aunt: supplicatingly, . s if on the words slie Orighi SpOrtit i &A g er :Parent's ,existenc e . :1 ' :'-' Mrs. Blakeley . :could not reply tur:sourre time, tpr weeping." Twice she,. essayed. 40 speak;! twice , mars Choked her utterance: ' At last, she 'shook' her, nead mournfully.. :_. ' ' - .; . "B,try,tibt so -t; you do _ not " mean it, cried Istii cageciy. : i P.Alas I,' Was: i my sila . ling," sobired‘ bars. Blakeley, 'clasping'4a e in . her, firms, "I would as willingly !wpe as, you; htit there is rid , hope & Viirris' net , eolicitation; inflitoneo, Komi les, erre ry th trig .. exerted „to, saye ( , o1 ; . Id - ayre; but, to - no outpost) „rthey'r aro inex (frill)! : Did not the generalsay, in -refusing , a carto n, that if ho were his own brotlidt., he could go no more."' I , ,j, At these words, tho . full truth of her:lath-. cr's sit atinn seemed fur the drat . time t o iiirealo Knee,twho had hitherto hoped that aid fr l r a some 'quartcr, her ' owl prayers, or other prier= might save his Ii e., iDuririg the Alm Mrs.: Blakeloy was spec ing the un fortune o girl, gazed w ith stony eyes upon her every f attire rigid, herzrms motionless and set, ha ging by her sige, anther head slight : ly attire iced, with half parted lips, listening eagerly Even whentho speaker ceaged, on, by a va tie smse of what she said, seemed td ''. rest on &ate, and she nanny,: I vacantly. "No hop l e: none, did yap say!" Mrs. "Hakelily shook hey head inlarnfolly; Her own heart .was Swelled to burating;.that Stony loak,jthozie rapid lips, made her trinVale for the reason of her neice. ''No hope!" whispered KAte, in those thtli ling tone's, that are more eld.inont than all thaocents of despair. "Oh jitst Heaven!" she exclaitned, suddenly elevating Iler voice: and' she raised tier !ioutstretChed hands on high, "wilt_thoiksee this foul injustice?" - , But here the ditch of horror to which the unfortunate girllhad been wound tip, 'proved. too Much for alframo already weakened by Ih-deeding agitatiOn, and she suddenly fell 1,. back - ; rigd nal paial;zed, itrannther fainting tit:- "! , I•• , I • I .%, .. t All thAltlay, tufo part of the night, nits. Blakelliotched oVer her neice. • Towards tnidniglOthe snit Wiewakening in gard, she seemed of finer self; but sl thottgli_in !fie gull filled unconscious' las far ow th- uig 1 i her t i ' ng ttlf - 1 i oft 0 de- 'been real the :lam r -1 But though Mrs 0110. pardon, Ft) do every thing tha ‘Vatson to s at least to grant a could be heard fro the hours of the alike by 'exhaustif the tely rom ro in d is otn lie into slumb2r, in 1 She also pernled L indsey, 'l2lesdcf though Mrs. Ifia MEI pretensions to t thought this no. t These epistles bettig indite() and oonfided to the; pond of a trusty servqnt with orders to spare neither whip nor spur until he readied 1 Col.; Watson's quarters, Mrs. Blakeley, to- Wards morning, sought her couch, almost as 1 'much exhausted, both physically and mental: ly; as her unfortonate neice. The morning broke in that once happy 1 mansion, as on a house of death. 'he stint . ters were half closed, as if to txc tie the light, and the E. ervants stole noiselessl to ands fro, speaking in whispei.s scarcely above I their breath. The Morning meal 'we, ained almost untoched, Kate coup eat nit ling;! , and often' set down her teacup, while he eyes, • filled with tears. Mrs. Blakeley, spqo of alt i, her self-control, was nervous and tre ibling. The old butler, rho •remained in th 4aorn,' often turned his back, and brushed the honpst, tears frim his eyes: for, though unw• lling to betray his emotion, he was'unabie to prevent it. • Even Mrs., Blakeley's IVA gray-houn seemed to know and participate itt th grief for instead of ruShing up to his mistsess boisf terously, whep she came down.stairs, as had been his wont, he walked ° slowly Stitt sally toward her, looking up appealingly iltt) face; as if assuring her of his Sympathy t h-- The same dull pantomine' was gone ihrosigh with when Kate entered, and made ;her Bit quiver. Mrs..lllakeley had informed bel neice of % , hat she had-done and saiti r that nothing now r mained butAca wait 'an answerto her let/ to J. KAte, hon'ever, begged that she migh t ha allo,wed to go to Col. Wateoa's headlua- , , t. , .rs, to 'see' her father: and though Mrs. i aheley stove,to dissuade her from this pur pose, believing that the interview would only harrow up unimeessqrtly the fee:ings of both, filial love preValled, and Kate extorted a lin -1 . ring consentAtt they'should set ft rtfi is soon as thelienicy, landierrng carriage could ,be prepared; ' ) . . ' It was during this delay that the galtoping of a hoarse arrested htr car, and folajoit Lind say tette seat tab alight on the lawn.uring r li the moment . hat elapsed before his riot tionce',-: ment, Kato hadtinie to.indidge in ti thousand speculationp. : I!ope,' whisperad to her that Major Lindsay had Pramtred We pa 'darn , of her father. qrielso come to _announce a reprieve._', , Breathless anditreinying, sh 9 did net. wait for his entrCnetatim l hurrted to the door of the ~- parlor. Ml* lakeley was, almost, ) equally' 11, agitated. ' 46,r fi rs impulse was, that Major Lindsay had re eived her note, and,harried at onc.e,to their air; but a moment's reflection satisfied her t at time enough fortis. .h, had not elapadd. he concluded, then,, that •he , had hastened,' n hits own siOstion, 'ti com fort them; and she advanced to meek pirli is eagerly efiKah3. I • , 1 'Major Taindsay . idet them at the'ddoec tie. started back at 14 sight of Kate ' s ti fade, •I•foi never • could' he t,have believed it possible . , • o❑ bet Tr. art, but ate, vere ring us. he ake nied do— and 'r my foul has I ' ;rer sank, into a slumber,—; e morning, wart and hag ily the shadow of her for • had gaine4 composure ming lip,-and the eye that with teat's, might have orabreaking heart. • )31Aely did notallow her- • __,„, liro - iiectatiaii of On I , nevertheless resiplyed to could be dune t(i induCo :ye Mr. Mciwbray's life, la resipite• until beadquart I n. Aecoidinaly sdui sp nt; • l 'ghtt'grter I , n ari}d narcotiee, had stink citiu to hasty epistle to lgtijor log hisinterposition; for oy was we'll aware of his i s hand of her noice,_ sh 6 e for morbid delicacy.— MSI ME that human agort?" could' be :'its forcil►t . pitted on ;.the,, i c.ohnteikauce;: hut,reelvering himself, NlNudyanced eagerly,, and 'clasping the hand of each lady in his own, looked kiln' m►e to the:other:With 'a smile} not gay, yet en- Cnitraging: "roit•hrin : g its gnint news v l l. know,'; said Kate, Writing 4leadly pale, and,theq flushing t( the forehead, •; • - •• ' I• • • —"I hop'efio,".:caid he, with marked einplm , • sis. '.'God, .' "God grant :it, indeed," . faltered h!tie, Blakeloy f fn• reply, tho hlpod going bock eeld lyon her heartlitt these equivocal words. pite; howev,e'r, aia: not notice this; hope 1)1014(114er eyes, willingly,and alio eagerly 'answered, • • -• • -' 1, •- , i'l knetv you would bring us words of) cheer. •,lle is frec—he is on his way hither: ,l )he will, be hero soon. Is it not sol'and ,hq loolled,bettutifully, in earnest, as she lifted her ,eyes ebierly•te Itlaibr Lindsay's ,faci.,. 'that he !towed inwardly no Obstacle should prevent.. hint from winning,so' l chtrillin'ge . kricie, II “Not, 1 exactlt that;'' The r ‘ f t plied,. with some eiitntion.., ' 6 lr. 11owb - rity is. not free yet— nil hope, na ,-I nifty prntnise, that lie is in o dangerthat is itepridetl,” ho stolpped,elin , • _ barmaid. , , looked searchingly at the speaker,- yet her heart would not • aliow her to, entertain the suspicion that had Hashed across her, and she 'discarded it indignantly. Kate !furled , suddenly from heir pideacie of hope, trembled and clupg speechlessly to her aunt's arm. Majw Lindsay's mbar rassment cositinueid. 1 1 , He, looked imiToringly at MN. MakSly, a's if he half expec ed her to come to his aid. But Mrs Blakali teats as agitated as Kate. She struggled to übduc.hcr csnotion,k ( saYing ea . tOrl • . , t yi "Do not to turo us by stisinnss, I Implore : you, Major L ndsay.` Tf anything is 'expect ed of us, fear-not to tell us at once, we, will strip ourselve . .i . to the taternaost fartifibg, ifes, , ..,- It r eavy.fine . ean save my brother's life. , , , \ . Major Lindsay, thus thrown on his own rd sources, hesitated and stammered, but foiled, i ,Words lit length to bay; , .. "Do not be alarmed, .ladies. I repeat it, there is nothing to But I conic rather as an ambassabor, than as a herald of,_joy * .6. In other. words, I have certain matters to men. iitM, which are preliminary, I regret to say, to i the pardon of Mr.. Mowbray. My mb glee! too, lis exclusively to Miss Mowbray,' and I fear can be delivered to her alone." 80l , un , , ....,^vecilTivivipineg.- well."' 4 'l v:111 leave you with this der . girl rti once," said . 131alf'eley iniprinting a kiss; an Kate br t . ' "I 'need not scarcely say how dee I' . e h'ici bved i agitated, and beg, ydu to spare' ran Much as 'possible." , . ,' • "I will to it," said Major Lindsa,l, earne•=t i ly, his- eyes 'coinpassionnebi benton Kate; and grs. 131akeley; n'otwithatandio her sui picions,-could not doubt his sincerity. ' Kate trembled 'with a strong . foreboding feeling; as she saw the door close on het:aunt : and yet what was there of alarni In this ap proaching Interview? ' Were not the worts and looks of Major Lind- kind and encour, fining? Yet still Ka trembled nibled to find hur -1 self/alone wi h him., , GM .Wher the gremer m.dsds IS Gerd, . , The des Sr is Scarce felt. - -litlo l.r.t.n. he apartment l in .which Major Lindsay (Mind himself, was one with which the had been familiar on his preceding visit, to the mansion; but, fora Minute after Mrs. Blake , - ley's, exit, he gazed arouWiitn, ai if examin-j ing for the first time, the architeFture andfur-, 1 Mune of -*he room. It was an apartment! too, well worth his Scrutiny. Pew, even of the gentry of that proud state, ttold 'boast a dwelling like that of Mrs. Dia eley.. The j walls of the Oiler were wainschtted i to the 1 citing zitlilirichly co rved.cornices; and over 1 he inantlepl'ece, encircled by a wreath of ro- 1 : , es carved in the wood, were the arms of the' I I . family. i ''.l' . ll,e furniture was of mahogany, and consisted of massive tables and chairs; with 1 elaborately carvedfeet. 'A couple of fi4 par-1 traits adorned the walls, on other of the! deceased Mr. iihtkeley, the other a likeness of 1M r. jltlowbrey'. * . .ji 1 Major Lindsay' cast his eyes from the cor- I nice t 9 the floor, and from the matitlepiece to the mrtraits, and at length stealthily turned j ( their in the.dirrction of Kitle, who sat on tlicl I so a ? her color rapidly changing, equittly con, stained and embarrassed. That a you ig and ! almost inexperienced girl should wtint ' erfect self ; ;Msjession, was less singular, hoWever, than hat a practiced,man of the world, like I Major. ,Lindsey, should be without it., i But the truth l i was, that-he scarcely knew how to) I ihtroduce his errand to Kate. ' - Whet lie; eyes, jhowever,met those of the 1 fair girl,c there wa i an expression, of Surpri..- au& inqt iry at his silence, notto s be misunde '- stotidi'and he thought itl , best to refer at °tic. to the p rpose of the 1 intclrvieW. 1 I : i • ' ' ' - 'ilt pa ns me i esceedinglyr fou cannot inia gine hot' macb,' my' dealt Miss Nlewbrayr" 'lie began, 'to come here Itholit the uncondi tional pardon of your father.' Brit there are ' 'two circUnistances which prevented' twe'frem , succeeding to the extent of .. ny . wishes, anti . bas having the honor and pl i sasureof bring. i g you ,such welcome' news. I In the first' p ace; Mr.' Mowbray is not r iti you suppcisei a prisoner to Col. l tVatscin—that officer being on his nalarcli to join Lord Rao:dna at Crunden? but On the contrary, is In the hands of Lieut. COI. Carrrpbelq who now bolds tle potit'off Georgetown, and who,. besides jbeng,a gen.( tleman of Inexorable nature, is personally un acquainted wit your Wier. -, Ntin, ~ had it been tfol. Watson to whom 'Mr.' Mowbray I . had been surrendered, indulge the hope that, 4iitrieuit a the task would have been, his in= , MHO" with of and Mrs: Blakeley, to say nothing of 'mi own solicitations, would baize procured the release of hour parent.-.- 1 Mil •1 • : 111 ' NUIIII3I - 4.... 51' ♦ 111 Butt With Col, Campbell - the c.•e is dine diet '' He ins ncit:Cialp , 4.stranger to•y , u - s alt, but tale -aearly •s.tfeatire. stranger to yself.7 Theta does not exitt hetweenna those term4oflinti.' macy that, in the'eltse or Col.Aratson, Would have jut ifitd me in askinifor,the releasetV . . lour fait er as a•Personal fevers , ' 1. - `•- Here Major LI nsaY stopper 4 as ir - especting Kate ice answer; bet she onlyhowed. - It wit evident, rilso, frotnlier leek of continued:slur= prise, that she could net yet:make eit! the -_,, sitealter s ,UiPurpliee. . "In the second place," centilitre() Major, , Lindsay,("there is tiothing in this case tq'tlisa ' tingpish it front others—nethi g,-I matt to justify Col. Campbell in his ow . eyes to par. . droning your parent, when tip many pate i s, all • so taken:with anus in their hands, are ea s edu- • ted. Lerd Rawdon's orders are expliditir-a - Everfm:an who, having one; signed the pr. tection r it afte war d captured figh A tirrga nsi ~ t the kingVds toe punished With death. This ..\._ . 14.1 5 , command hi. erto has &ten rightly enforced: , , Nor is in 31i• Mowbray's colt', as II bee there , • 1 fore said, any Ling to take hilan out , ._Of the general rule: On the contraryos Cel. gam& ibell as tern is , eyery reason why ha. ,_ sh4idd ed against even More rigidly than ,oters. Yeti! - father ik. riefi,. and hat great per'ottal inilnetice; and hls pardon Would lead the gentry generallY to suppo t se thatth - el could revolt with impunity. -Tre, suffer the: Leaders Or escape-114.-3c l were the words of my superior-,yet punish their deluded fellow , I ers, is neither justice nor good policy. 'These 'consideMtiuns induced ;Col. Campbell, to Wheat Ila hastened at encd, is" an interessori d ir keitig fortunately iisGe6rgettrwi, to Juts .. mi stir; though l helindly•Condeseended to ext. , plain the reasons, as I have recapitulated to you." I .." • ...; '. -1- f• • Kate clasped her hatids at these ,Stordspand. became pale as a corpse. i r . '• I "Then he• is to die!" she gasp ed . - J "It is ' thus yelp Would breah,the news to, ,me.'l ,- • ..ay, not se, as I hope in Le aven!" cried ...., Major Lindsay, springing forward to enpport the fainting girl. "Your father's life may yet be' Saved. Col. Campbell _assured ; ,tne i , . •I • how." ' haters eyes were eagerly turgid to thnipeah- • or at these wards, though by n motion of \' hand, she vrayed•off his assistance. / I "The Colonel Said," continued Major Linda 1 say, seeing she waited i . 91", him to speak, "that : It was truly necessary to . give it proper 1 p1edge,...., to the royal government f.t. his iture neu' tratitY o Snd MT. Mokvbray night' yet Int sated, • ,t#,----niiirseti tinatetiartne -j etnirritter of-id, - doubt.l,'eo tiiiliss itlowbrayi".to said, "and - tell her, that with her it rests to prei'erve her father't life: I have heard of your•tuit In: , that qtiarter; obtain her consent to. d speedy , • • .. , , inert-lege; and them o U.) ; the tether-in T law or, . one of :Isis majesty's) rnOst. faithful Subjects, 1 On grant that life width - I mnst deny to' si I . , 1 - • rebel In arms:- These Were his words • •And . now, dear Miss Mowbray,. think.not i I tome "to take,aovatitage of ybu," said AlajorLinds ; say, speaking rapidly and eirgetlY.,, as he sttif her avert - Irer . tate,i "Odd knows i nothing - is , further front my thotights. But is it the we . nets of lose to be 4.liish, and when the w a y (by 'Which laniillit On My suit was thu g s point= : ed out to me, I had not the strength to resist: Besi es, I line* I never should forgive Myself r - refused to come, altd your fater'lost his - life in' consequence.- My very . lo be for *ouo by making nie anxious tos.,Ws life, woitid have ' forced me hither, even tf Ilmew befoiehand ' thlt you would spurn titre' • , I •:" , Surprise and indignation chitsakeach citedr . through kite's mind kt bearing itter wort's., The embarrassment of Major Lindsay Iris' now explained, fur well might he hesitate to avow his basenOs in making her father's Iltd - the price-of her hand:. t Kate 'Wilt final); per- ' suaded that lie Might have sated her parent if he would; andlier bosont heaied with indig- ' neat feelings: But. had) she, known"iall; had she known that Major I?ind p .4* him Self had . , jrienned her father's -capture, and instigated.' his superior to dictate the I only terms of par don-=howwould she have turned ftom , him with horror and loathing inexpresslblel I. .Kate s first impulse rise rind 'envoi' the room. ‘ But she' remeinbered - hew corn- n pletely site was tit bet auditor's power, and • her feelings suffered 'a rividsion. tie burst , , itiio tears, "I see I pain Tom" saiitirpe Ma jor, in affected sorrow: "Nity—tlidn \ 1 rri)l have yoor presence. Heaven bless You!" and ~ Ile rose sadly and prepared to ga: - k Kate ree l s ' staggered at these words.•.. Could ~, one who thus spoke, i liaiiereadkapted as base. ly as she but now strpposedd, , --b- "tre s iemild not "I believe it,, Yet she still turned:lolth repsg :lance from the idea of a union with Major Lindsay: ,illeantimo, that individnal had ad 'vanced seterat 'tens teivard the elder, while. Kate continued subbing `violently oil,i i t!te sofa. Her heart teas torn with conflicting emotions. If she suffered her visitor to depart, herlath:, Fr' tvoild be on her hands. l'lllte Ma ot: had turned the lock; the was na lodger torietitor, delay: .Springing wildly trent trey seat, she rushed forwatd - and laid het hand on his ann.. - i'' / 1 1 , ' "Stay!" she gasped, i"Do-with; me as yott s *ill? , .... ~ ~ „ A gkear i olt triunipli shot across m a jo r j Lind. say'S face.' -, i "You know,not how yell transport tne," he said fMidly. • elf ;the devotion of ,a fife Aid repay you for this proinise, ;here l' ( swear to bestow it in requitai," and, takingtilt:4e fat* butlisfloistrigers in his hand, lie would have raised than to his lips: e '. . 'Brit Kilte instinctively dretvtli and iviT almost barren* gesti next m ot eat, however, the again tears. 1 f . . s \ - - "Ohl'' I she exctaimecl, Pie there way? At generous Ma jor Linda She stood like an itnploring Nilo& tatted' in supplicatien,iter whole f Ind. " ■ 1 U II Mil MI Ili in beck; te. They Inuit into tici,othef o. hei epee ce besaw