NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! • ' • G. LOOMS 41, CO.I, Reed House, Erie, have just received an addition to their former stool { of goods,'whien makes their • assortment Very ex tensiv; Comprising a large variety or rich an faArfonabre JEW MAY, consistin , of diamond,. ruby, garnet, emerald, amethyst, atioarnartite and enamelled pins, dia'niond, ruby and plain rings; gold car rings, guard , chains anti keys, spectacles, - pencil eases, bracelets, lockets, miniature setting, thimbles, studs, snap.i. Ste. 4e. Silver Watefos of the pat tent leicr, duplex, hotizotr al and continua mane merit. French rnarile, Germ in apd American clocks. • 1 • !„ • SIbVEK GOODS.—Ta de, desert, tea,salt and mustard spoons, ladle; butter and Trutt 'knives, spectacles, chains, keys, pencil cases, thlinbles. Plated, Britannia and German Silver Ware,— Tea po:s, urns, pitchers, cups, tankards. boa Is, take baskets, candlesticks. snuffers' and trays, spoons, faucets, Ink stands, castors. CUTLERY.—ltelter's and other celebra'ed Makers razars, knives' and scissors. MSC EOLTS.,—Nlathematictl instru ments, telescopes, thermumttters t pocket comma— , see, sun glasses; Violins, accordions,' music boxes, I flu es, fleet's'. steel pens, card cases, Combs, pocket boo pocket pis ors, coral, amber, ' , ill, steel, wax a glass bends, b: ad andsilit Loam and par-, EICP, tricks guard 4, por able writing desks, work, paint:time tobaCco and shaving boxes, razor strops, clo.nes, hair, tooth, nail and shaving .brushes an I ~I dskes, Glacier's diamonds,- shot heirs, powder fia4ka, percussion caps and pills, chessmen, denninp'os, 'gar ease; pnrso and cloak clasps, tweezers. ear*, whalebone, violin and bass vioVatrirtgs, rouge, powder, puffs, perrumertny, court tilaster, tooth wash and powders, tooth picks, teething rings, tea bells, sealin ,, -wax, motto seals, visiting cards, emery baskets, needles, hitt tledor, and birds, , pool stands, with numerous oth er articles ndt mentioned, ho:h useful and orna-, w i aerual, which e ill ho Cur "ready ply," fe'otn tw ty Ave to City per cent lower than taunt:Hy. N. 11, Watches, music boxes, jewelry rei ired lu the best manner and' wat ranted., - Cash and most kinds or country' prodtr, ta ken intpaytment lur roods or work. Call an see. The highest prices paid .incasjytor of Gold and Silver., lone 13. 1916 DOLT. Wl3l' AR'S • Gennitij Kul-am of Wild cherry the , rein•aly Ali COII4IIIIIOIOII 41111 other 415C.1,1 0 / , of the Langs. Alen Wri,tur's, Gentle Puree'. tiro Pill.. For saf , •l4 Or. P. Ira% Meut, corner of State wt Seventh .ta, Erie, Pa. .kt. 10. 18111. CASH! CASH!! CASH will Ire paid Ibr 10,000 bushels d. test, 10,000 du Corn. 10,0011 do Barley, and / 500 learpfl's Flour,lf &livered' soon. • • CADWELL. Erie, Oct. 10, 1816. . TO OUR CUSTOMERS. ) WE are now redelviog our Winter stock of, MUGS, MEDICI.NU.IS, p A mrs. OILS ; ' DAT, WOODS and /Miscellaneous articles, and very respectfully invite the attention of.otmetts lomers and the public to the qualitof our goods, and the priCes at whi-h they are o ed. t i ).l ehysirians - will find amen.. our st ck'many of the new Chemicals and choice preps Lions of the Materia Medico Our Medicines are frrih, old CtelieVed to - bo pure; and will be warrant tt'or ~ what the, are sold. i . r }linnets and others wanting: Paints g .d.Oils, will -.NO our stock complete, and we would re- Auest 'till who want pure Paints and Oil cheap, to uscertM . ll the quality and pride of our articles be rote ilArchasing elsewhere. ' Clothiers can be furnished with must of th ar ticles used in their line, at reasonable rates. • - Our stock of the Popular Medicines of the itqy, andlet'Perfumery and Fancy and Miscellaneous articles, is very large, and we would say to ell, customers and strangers, that-,we shall be happy rce see you,' show your our goods, giro you our prices, antlfilfyaur orders. J. H. BURTON Ei. Co. . Male, Nov. 29, IS 16. --2$ No.. 5, Itecd'Hotise, . 1 . . ' THE LAST, ~. -A!*'l:rgestSto(k every ,of 1 d „, Iron, Steel, lyLodl,l, evroneictes ' ever imported to this market, lost re ~ 'sired, and which shall bo. sold at'prices far !m -ow any ever before ofTered in this market - . ) '• Fl''Nll.:Y C A DIN FLL. Erie, November 21, - 11-16. , ' - 1 - 27 o CASH P CASH!! • • '. 4 CABII, nd the hiiritein market prree.pmaJcri - FLAI ST.en,edolivered at the store of the sub s ' 'ts aiber, urger of French and rif.hoireets. ,_ C. SIU;GEL. ' Erie. October 10. 1516. . 20 ' f% . 8ii.g6...." ASHES!! +' - I vvru, rhy S cents per bushel for good field ;-- .. ashes, and 12 1 2 ets per bushel for house ash es delivered at rri% ashery or 41 - ican corners. • .:Pie, Oct. 24, 101 G. C.' AI.'T,IBBILS. BLACK , -- • LACK SALTS.-1 will jiay 'Cash, and the highest price for any quantity of Black Salts delivered at M'Ke n, or at my store in Erip. October 24, 1846. t.:. M. TIBIIALS.`" WtSTFIELD TilEstiliaeribers Se* En2land eßigitnrrieg, culculatol tonument.4, ke. whit; one in Erie county, Pri. tit„..., Erie, lettered in first rates „ the followino . prices: smnll, fits chiliire,. pet-lbw Middle for aged people, Si foot; La'reest size till 75. per that. We thih..,it would be an object for seine of the Erie county pcJide to a few inscriptions as we have recently been infor'ined hy_oy Eriiinarblo dealers in rather a bragghig way, that they were sticking, it to the Erie and CrawlUrd county people good. They brag very lustily of selling to the "Penna. Titus" at born $3;32 51) to :51 per Awl. Should any qrthe . peopli,l of E l ie county be in want of any thing in our line, they can forward Alwir inscrip tions, of come thwelvcs, and they shall have a first raw article at 3C abuse prices. URI .M r SI KT ES S.t . CO. SI. Y. Sept. 13, 18 f 5. 17t NEW FIRM SEW AND CHEAP GROCERIES ! ! JOHN ZI ~ t tl Ett L V tA. 112H1 I'CllCOCit, kite of the firm of Hitchcoelt, Zimmerly & Co. 'have north' associated themselves in ,the Whole. sale' and Reutil, Grocery,busine,s, on State street, nearly opposite the Eagle Ilotel,in the roam late ly occupied bv•Wm,ftindertiecht,ludex thestyle ofJ. 7.I,OMb`ItLY & Co. where WI he found u large add well selected a:sortment of all a iods of \Vet and Diy West India Goods Fenno ising eve ry article Li: 41.111 y kept or called for in a Grocety store. stock ,may be fotiod:-= __ • Coffee 0f i'vr•ry prig- and glial4y. I ' Old and Young livQon Teoq; I I Npper, Spice. 1 nil4o, Brown,' Lump and Loaf !Sugar. ! , 1 Clincolatei, castile and rosin soap, raising, figs. Tobacco id every quality, cigaq, slielrti rocer• jos uf all kirids, together with Ironottils, win. 1 dow class. de, etc. , , , .1. Z...c• Co. tender,their thanks for the very general patronage i r xtended to them for the past six years, and \pope theyimay byltheir endeavors to please, rOceive a continuance of ravers in the shape of eleis Well as new customers. They ore proper ed to purctfase grain. oft all kinds, butter, eggs, _dried applesund peaches, Ftaxjimothy and 'Clo ver seed, for which t t Sl.l will be paid' nt,, their counter. _ Erie. April 25, 1516., , 49 CUNS. —Double Burrell, Single do. ,rowling Pieces, itevolvir six Shooters, Wills a gen eral apun - flxings. 1 ! , G. LOOM IS &. Co. • . '': - Nnv,.l4. 181 G. No. 7. (teed tion..e. - NEiff GrOODSI• NEW GOODS! T' l ii subs libels ale now receivin;; their Pall and NVinter rupply,of n00de,..0 hieh to, be surpassen by'any slic k in thitreity as to (pal its alid quarto ity. And 'as" , o priee,fwe - are sur , l . , th ey'pre escheat/as any iesonable person coul d !- wish - to have ahem; and *e pledge ourselves rnit to be undersold by any establishment in this ci y `or any other place west of Now York, for read, pay. Please tall land examine quality and price 'or youiseliNes. ;Particulars next week. S. - JA.rdt'SON t :0 . Nov 14 ta in' IVA N TE6-- ' ' • 5000 Bel heist 900 5 d e 9.000 2000 d 1000 bb or 100 bus iels 100 do 'l' al price will be pt lCorn,' ' I ..- Oata, Barley, itViteat, j .!ettrtr - • ' ' . clover seed, t. timothy reed, for which a Ober' • id, at the store of H. cAnwELL. 36 Erio, Ji i O, ISM , IMO ME AaTitLES. by • am. uu 4, retaib, Re Sfrourina and NMI-. ; • , y CARTER & DROTLIER.; vr A7s;NI.!N,V3 I fined Latiirbt( Blushes, lur sato LEM SAND'S SARSAPARILLA. FOR THE REMOVAL AND PERM •• k 'T, CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING. • FROM' AN; • THE BLOPD OR THE HABIT OE. THE SYSTEM, VIZ: , • Seroftilit or kin e , rit i all, elieunsattsun, Obstinate Cutaneous Ediptions, Pimples or nisitites on ‘he Face, BlciAl s, 'Bills, 'Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or TM r, Scald !Pad, Enlargement and Pain of. direllours and Joints, iStubborn Uicejs; Sy'Ai is Sktteplosita, Sciatica or LunKago, and Diem es arising, ft oin an injudicious use of,,lfir airy,: s j ates or , Dropsy, exposure or Imprudent . in Li i e. AISO. ChrOdil, CV/SiiillfillalD/8014ent MIIE oheratise of this preparation is threefold. Itlactt JL us u tonic, strengthening the digestive powers - finale attain the appetite—us an aperteutoecullarlysuited an ghntle n its lasativfi effect, and as an auti4cptic, purify log the ails of the body, on notarial in the Woo tfie active p •c of discos to many f authen *awl cures of Scrofula or th r malignant heracter, Nave /men it a wide and deaer•ett celebrity. But it is not alone in Scrofida nor in the alai of di to which iy bellies, that this preparation has been round b. ellefici 41 It is a specific in many 'reuses of Ow skin, 'and mnY h• administered with favorabts results in all; itialsoexercist m controllme itilluenec in hillhms complaints; and i I be r 4 c system bus debilitateil,either by the weld' ow Wu! i tnineral medieluri or other causes, It will be fun sit excellent restoritt,ltc. . l 'Ffic following testimonial to the - vain, of the Serums- Oleos (roan the Rev. Luther tcriglit, aged :6 yeirs, Con . greg-ationtil Minister, residing at %VolitapV. , . Wornltr, Mesas, Starch :10,1840. !Mewl. Binds- entlemen,--I'rmir what I have experi odeed, and from e infinlauticili I have e i ticently receive, from a number of tersotis andel' respemahility who fury . used your Sarsaparilla, t have not the read doubt but that It is a most valuable medicine, and that the num •touscer leficntes you have received erns efficacy ure fully sustain ed bY experience.' and aßliough its reputation and utility are very extensive, andtand in no need of my humble ef fort to increase, them, I want on win are 'afflicted by die ; ease to become acquaint cd with the titan and pour , o your snitrable ntedienm.. l' . I am, gentlemen gr.. tcrutly and very respectfully yours 1 lAITIIF, L WU GU .• The follolieinq hi an eitraet from a lett r received fro. Mrs. Bevan. who had behn alllietedlor se end:yours wiil Scsofulitu: Myers, Dyipria.- &e-.., and ecently•with et affection of the Throat a 'I Chest: • • Bet rvantixo,,Ve.t, ec.llth,lBlo.. Mk,ro. A.ll. & It. 80,15—Herm(' I c mancuced usin . your ....)urinparil/a, toe eillierinkb were abut .4 post expert., st , n 4 my throat sena con, itlrrely olcer.ded, had a drcid. ful rough, and there acre frequently weeks tOtether tha I could sot ipe di ihnin a whisper; and timid .s, the indent matt from my throat eh:mailed to any bead, so that to [marl ig was very much, uup.aired After whine the Sae sap:little a short thmt. mit health imprbyed, and my throat , Is new well: Pam nifltle'rroin cough and tielit ens of rli , 4 ! che-t aS ever I _was, au r f e.t. lie ari quitell•ainctly. lit, ARDLE FACITORY. .ving a Ifood'assortment of hle on hand, from difit.T or Head and Foot tabfeg, they oiler to sell. to Ay sit liviaZ farther than ittered, nt gl 50 Zper throat It In laaniewoll oho becu ctieviedeptirel Your frirn MA t three mlotlae, the cermet whieis • by the u•c of yuur Sal rpap.t 1.01 , 15 A It. UEFA . • tsonrtt.t.e.•K,r.. Feb. '22, .6 5. . Mows. A. B. At D. SI Ids- having used your Sarstitia villa In my family mot. imessed its beneficial effects on one of my childr w,,ff el it to be a duty I owe the cons- Inanity to make the ease public.' Abouk ori , two years agati little son was attacked.ssualt Scrofula or King's EVIL. which broke out iu eig t or nine places round We neck and j slat. ;which 'fin.illy n Meted his oyes, rendering him en tirely blind. 'Meng tit first year from the limo he wag taken, 0 -was attended y several physicians, bat-contin ued to 0 worse untili lesgaisrd of hiseter fretting well. linviag seen your'Sarsg mitt advertised with certificates. Of its cures. I conclude)) to it a trial', and accordingly scut to Cincinnati end gimicurett a few bottles, swallow, nf i ' ter lowing ilied aloe btittles', I have the gratification of saving he Is trell. TlatAsores . o entirely healed, anti his sight overly as giond a I ter it •11 , and I have wiltesita final in saying that he eat ep rely cured byalte use of your Sarsaparilla. Yo rs truly, • I I E TIISSETT. Farltirthei teurliculars and conclusive evidence , of iitisupgrim! value and dfficacy,,sco pamphlets, whit:may beaaluained of iti2enis,gratis. Pre ared anti Sold by A, B. air p. SANDS, DrUtUi le, 10q-Fulton s:reet,,corner of William, • Nen : York. -di Sold also by II H. Burtiti..S. Co.. Erie and Nlerlvillef ti. I! Hutchins t& Co., Waterford; L. Wi i l wx, jr. PittAturg; A. Reynolds, Buffalo: Hen. der In 4. Pubdersont Cleveland; and by 'Drug. gist eel - Trait diroulthout the United States. , I . 'Pt ice al .peT bottle. Siabottlei fur $5. I I J The politic are respectfully vequemed to remember that it iu Sands' Sarsaparilla that has been and in coil:dandy ucbievinz such reiffarkuble cures of the nlCet difficult class .of•discaves tb ivideit the human frame is Fuloject; therefore, ask for Sands' Sarsa l payilia, and take no Thor. Ow. 1I 1816 I , CONEE 'TIONARY, 'FRUIT AND TOY STORE.. 9, Its -:u 110 - t7SY. Row, ERIE, PA. THE undend,oed having purchased the entice ' stock of C , niectionaries, together with the fixtures belonging to the business in the store formerly occupied by James Criisernan, would say to his friends and the public generally, that he lots: , furnished , hituFell with nn old and experienced workman at the blisineSs, and is now prepared to furnish to retaders o CANDY, at 'llUtralo, prices, and warrant it toJae puperior to any Rialto candy oWcrocl in thin was hr gi - oceumn cnnvincerfalter a few pounds of my candy that it affordS him- more profit tl an the eastern cAntly. Our,lsticks and kisses wi I rut 90 to the pound, and itr'e finely flavored. ICE CFCIIAIIf ANTI FANG CARES. • lam prepared to furnish lee Cream' in forms to quit coAcomers. Ptiney Cakes ma'rle to order.— Prnit, Pound, Sponge, and Jelley Chke, and Juni • bled nlwtiys op hand to supply finii.lies. , I will furnish ten cak es ,to private finnilies cheaper than they can bake teem; and on the shortest notice. FRUITS. Fres . h LeMani and Oranges ; "Figs, Raisins . , Nuts of all kinds; preserved ginge l , mixe4•pick les, 'sardines, Sze... a 'gond assormei e. i /TOYS. '1 , Alar2e assortmetß. , of toys. such as. dolls, dres ;\. sed o undreSsed, cats and dogs oh ' bellows,' glass dogA and birds, fancy boxes, Heeds, neck:aces, head dresses, purses„littir brushes, reddi II a . t;ombs, besides a thousand other articles too nume ous to mention. 'Please call and examine for • ureek s. .Any orders firm' the canal) , fur c tdy wi' be promptly attended'to. , . . • M L M. W. - . I .file, A itoti.t I. 1S lti , I BUFFALO AND NEW YORK ONE PRICE cLOTHiNGr STORE NftVAUGHN:No 2 Fleming Block, State Street; 'ri l ls cstaldishment has acquired noLoriety by sellin g all kinds of clothing as cheap as they can be purchased in New York city.-- Call and see.' A suit of chitties can, be Made at thi estab4htnent in ONE T.)AI,"S Notice, in the latest style and 11:0.4 approved fashion. • - Just received a general assortment of Clothing and cloth, suitable for the season and for sale at prices reuced to the •plictini.iryincans of all. For instance t a good article of cloth, all wool, at 50 cm per yard and every thing else in prOportion.-- Cutting k also done to order at reduced pt ices.' MI orders frd the country promptly attended to.-- The child •art buy as cheap here us the best judge, Customers , enerallv can depend on having their work done r . .ht, and no mistake. . Erie, Dec. 0, 1915: . . , 15 • , . TILL LATER. ' I ! , per last arrival: at the brick co 6 , he Eagle•!'flotel, a further ' as ' neh, cashmere ~and Ilrocha .1) an& cheap. Also a few 'art, Alapacas, plaid. mourn -1 ill'an Robes, black silk fring i vy Satin Sinivls, to. , edlitr i of silk; assorted fringris. \ LI AMS & WRIGHT ... . . rwsT reggive 1.1 ner opposite Foinnelit of ,F ShLwls, that are ri more 01 these 'silk in. Gin.hams, Cast ed cashmere, and he\ with a lull assortment' WID. A"° f yellow and green, in Vermillion, ...amphlaek, 1 I ` , O Oki is Spirits Turpentine, 281.1 •do Linseed Oil, . 50 do C, pal Varnisht ' _ . _ _ 200 Ppint rushes,from Ncr4 to 000000, , . 00 boxes window glass, 200 But r* putty. • Persons wieltintr ! lo purchase any of the above articles are inuiterrto Give WS a call. Every rad , ale is warranted good, and as to prices they shall be as low as any reasonable or honeiuntart will ask: CARTER & BROTHER. Erik Nnv. 28.1916. No 6. Reed House I/AriTiniggil% C['l SEIGEL has *maim opened hia store in this It.f. city, at Ina comer or French and Fifth street!, for the purpose of t , citing LINSEED OIL of his`jewn inanukteture, cheaper by. 10 per cont. than it was ever offered here before; warranted to he a &A rate article. ° He also keeps constantly on hand Turpentine White Lead, dry or in oil bvitho keg 'or pound; Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, American Ver. 'million, Pose Pink, Lithararle, in short, every de scription of Paints, all of which will be Buhl cheap for _ cash: • A general assortment of GROCERIES,stmi t to- Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Spices, NutaOtaisins, &c. which aro of the bent quality. All persona wish• ing to hey Oil, or good and cheap grocerie/Qsll do well to call at the corner of French and Forth streets at the Oil and - Oroeery Store of C. Seigel and and emulate Analhy and prices before pur chaSing ploewhere, es he atm assure them that he wil Vieske it for their interest to de eo. Give hies , a call. ' Erie, June C.; 1818. " Iy2 CONSUMPTION CURED TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS . OF BUCHAN'S HUNGARIAN BALSA 'OF LIFE. THE GREAT ENGLISH REME Y for CO Cc./UGHS, ASTI-I -11, and CONSUMPTION: . ' - • ' Tat MOST CELEBRATED and INFALLIABLE remedy for Colds. Con. ~ Asthma. Or any form of PUL lONAItY CONSUMPTION, is the the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF IFE, discovered by Dr. Buchan of i London, England;, tested for upwards of seven years in Great Britain and on the Continent of Europe, an introit wed into the United States under the immediate superintendence of dm ins mtor. I The astonishing success of the Hut garian Balsam, in 'the core-of every form of CONSUNPTION, warrants t to America* Agent in soliciting for treatment she WORST POSSiBLE GASES, that can be found in the coat !nuttily ea-es,i that seek relief in Ivain from any of the common remedies of, the dity.'and haVe been given up 'by the most diatingdished Physicians asi CONFIRMED AND INCURABLE.; The Hungarian Balsam has cured, and Will cure, the MOST DESPERATE OF CASES. It is no quack nos truinj trut a standard English Medicine of known and established efficacy. Every family in the Utiited States should be supplied with Buchan'!" Hun garian Balsam of Life, nut only to counteract the co captive tetiCarties of the climate, but to be used as n preventive medicine in I cases of Colds t!oughs, Spitting of Blooth..Pain in the Side and Chest; ler Munn and sore twos of the Lungs, Brodaitis-, Ditilettlty of Breathing, He tic Fever, Night Sweats, Entwitition and GeneraliDebility, Asthroa,,lnll enza, Whooping dough, and Croup. i .- la case of actual disease of the lungs, (\seated. Consumption, it is the ONLY SOURCE9IF HOPE. . . . . .'oltl by McDbuidd & Smith, sole Agent for the United Kingdom, at de It lian Ware-house, Regent-rt. London, in Bottles and Cases, for ship; hospitals, &c.i • 11 . .'y Special appuialpirat —DAVID-, F. BR A T.iLti.:F., 119 Court-st., Bostou.l Mass.; sole Agent for the United States and British Ameiican•Provinces. ' - 'Atherwan price, 81 per bottle ; with full dirsctioti's fits the• restoration a IWalth. .1 Parnphfets, comaining a mass of English and American certificates and other evidence, showing the unequalled uterus of this Great English RCM! dy. may he obtained of the Agents; gratis. \ None genuine, without the written signature of the American Agent, on a- gad and bronzedabel, to counterfeit which is forgery. I , AGENTS.—S. Tousm—Syramise, N. Y. Genera)Agent for New York and the western States. • i' t M"RIOAD.,E3 t . . 'From the Baptist Pergyn nt at (Mw o, Obayego, County. ." I do hereby most cheerfully ee tify that I have used Dr, Buchan 's Hun garian Balsam in my family with ~,rent success. My little girl, now in her 'seventh, year _was, in the month Of October, 1844, attacked with a pain in her riLthe side, and no:Kithstanding we mild all diligence to remove it, she continued tßgrOw worse, an i refttr , oßtain'ingt the counsel of Dr..B—, who at tii thought the Right Lobe of her Lungs e fterionsly stPeted that her recovery was ex . 1 y «ni rful. I was indite to obtain one bottle of the Balsan anti eft)). e third of it was taken, the little sufferer resumed her plays a her cheerfulness, teturnerl and hetore two betties were used her heul.h 'wr - --- ''SUGAR COATED?' P i 1 .1161.8. BEWARE; talITIO%! , IV H E increasing popularity of l'r. G. BEND SMITH'S 1 IMPROVED INDIAN VEGETAIII. SUGAR. COA .. .Ehe Pill.N, has induced a number tifipersinti , to ma sontothing they call PILLS oast coot them with sugar. , in order to sell them fur the genuine wlill they do tint Pos:'; scsii it particle of, the gooduces.wor even assimilate iti ap 'maritime to the oktelaal. Dr. Smith's Pills In short, the ; are an Ifil l etolmi FBA CD'upon the cominunite. , A mitits.; ter who cs prat had no interest ill an imitation Suess; Coated NI, manufactured in A tinny. N. Y..,has given thum up. as he rays on eemmet 40,0 M 6 eitnadn 41. hut) I en' partim coaCerned in manufacturing them. That par.; ty is now Imltt•triothq cireuld:hrit report 4 calculateil to injure Dr. Smith and to etTect. the reputatitin of his Solna= hie piilli; but rather than notice them in public, D.. Smith' is about to Institute legal proceedings a ninst them for their slanders, ache has itt another Cane against a similar party, in who+ he no:morel' heavy datnage.. These mis t entitle imitator's have to resort to the most Minton, .bin miming to irthit off their counterfeit pill: cis. the publie know that I)r. Smith's arrithe or ;Alma and gruttioe. Say= ecal insmnros have come to ptildic ` otien iii which tir ,, ltai been endanger., by Ili., use or the counter teas. It is .091 , i Smetlt's Pills that tire doing so much good in the couutry—'. as the following show. - MORK' MINISTER‘ , • 1 t*., eel recommend Dir. Smithss Putt than till others. ; 'I his is to eettify Ili .1 flown us. .1 the Sugar Coated ring manufactured 111/ (o floolottrin Smith. or New York. far N 11311.1 Ville. and lielieve them to be a good no:Aiello , : fund /also. from inquiry in that etty,.•l am persuaded that he is ( the original inventor. and therefore is enti led to the lien efitsuf the invention. B. WILLIAIIB, Paster of lot Baptist Clutch, I ittsburgh. Wncall the attention of our renders to the certificate or Pastor of the let Baptist Church. Pitts/ burgh: 111 " 1 " on lath; taXiidtetu and exp.:Hem:it erect relief free: them ' Theabove is the best paper in the State of Delaware.; • I The "IMPROVED INDtkN VEGETAPLE PILLS," (Sugar ronted,) nra certainly tieing much In the whole comity'. and are highly esteemed, if ono-half is true that people write and nay shout them. I hey ores() cosy in their oFir cration that all late thrtn. The editor of the • Mtheris Stela Journal. (one of the largest and best popers in the Et:steer N. Y.) writes nf follows: Watertown. May 31. 1316. I DP. G. Nnj- Smith Dear Sir I wan laid up with a bad cold SUMO lime itiee my from N. Y. and during toy Moon 1 mode trial of your pills,' nod I must soy it found O'cm excellent They arethu bent nicheitw for thb purposes they ern 'Mended. that I htive seen. I seldom take pills bat I (bum yours entirely free from the °Mee lions to which other ore li .ble! r hope they will e on. Dour to be source I f profit to vo s ibms I doubt not they. Will be a lIIMIUS of re lam thr afEctril n a large reale. ':pr ' injure truly, .1. GILLEN. • - • numr•orda, Pa Sept. IS, IS Dr. Gi 11-10 Smith—Drat Sir Yoiir ew. left with me a lot of Yunr Sugar Coated Pills, and I have bht a f. w boxes ' left. ferry box thavr soh' 11M given entire snit:traction. I hactrt•nkrii th• to myself:lnd consider theinthe best pills l' have ever Wird, :sad 1 am not afraid to recommend theta tollie public., I wi-h atirther supply ut ones. Yours respectfully-, JACOB KIBLER, Ihmlington.lmi,Jone 21,1P411.1 Stnith-.%)enr Sir: I am mo,t eat or your " hull Veartehle Sugar Coated Mlle," an I fin them telling it hod that I Ondt you had butt ..end me two Erma , iatmo diately. They fth e each genera ta.tirfnetion• th yeople'eattie,at leant twenty mitre for them. and an it . generallt linowu that I ton,agent foi them. I would b sorry to get Out. Tours reweetrelle. ' 8A311,MOOILE: &Co. `i If G. B&J. n3l Ml, be but WitITTP:K with n rerr u tile nwrro:t of the' box, inn “Sugar Coated" Pills a .COPNTRGEVIT. ' 1 1 Principal Mice li Greenwich Street. large brick bloc N.Y. Price 25 ont a box. J I Dnalere twill- leil at the' N. Y. College of Health, li Greenwich Sue 1, Now York. And cold by Carter a Bridher, nod J. I. !Litman & Co. Erie. A. J Furroli& C Fairview, L. S. /cbic & Co 'Girard. J.tinee Le'acb, Lot port. J. W. ilrelitreijr.• Elk Creek. Parson Clark, Albin Wit A. Lick, •imigtoi , Marvin & Judson. Waterford,' W. Burton , & Co. hldadyillo. 3. 11. Ilaynctii. North Eta Norton h.' Ilatkina, W.ittebork, A. Tottrtellott, Uoictuel Mlittckit Columbus: lleet.' SS, 1141. ) • • 6ml IP' r ' _ _......_ ; ' THINGS BY In rEIR RIGHT NAMES. T" good people e Erie and%wittily. required to • lie reminded that t to tract of laud which affords the pro teilion of this herbal, which as formerly connected with the main rod, wfis thns"tlio•Peninsula,' but' now that l it channel has produced a separatiou. it has become MI "I.laittl" nod Is pry improperly cell a -Peultisule."!--, Among other inientittiers,a cooking stove is offered for sold, market thimarket uuder the popular name of "Yankee No tion " which •is no mare like the genuine "Yankee Notion' than an Island in like a Peninsula.. The genuine Store has an extra film hy whialt the stank° and heat ore [skim:away from the oven or' npplied tv it at the pleasure of the Cook, while the counterfeit or spurious kinds, whether they ate represet i ted to be "Yankee Notions , ' or Ntenessre Yards era," have no menus of diverting tht...tieat &Om the oven which renders then, very unnecessarily and utwomforta bly hot and subjects thoso who are within their influenee to headaches and vapor baths which are very liable to producea consumption of the lungs no well an of fuel. We have the admire right to make and sell' the Genuine "lcuttee Notion," Store is the Cnty of Erie Pa, wihi "Spauldiug's Patent elevated O ven ." and a curiously con trived damp., to which we invite 'the attention of she Public. Ou the top oetheoven are two holes which afford two advantages—that of cooking in two extra vowels and, that of cleaning the soot from it without the labOr and dirt which are occasioned by "taking down the Move t'.•-•, TI2OBO who desire tonne them in operation can cull on dor following persona In this Foretigh, and enquire hock they like them: Charles Lynch. 11. Cathcart, William A Old braid), J. Al. res, John Hearn. M. Couriright, or any ono flan who has one. Tiny are heavy and durable cud we _Will warrant them to suit if - properly used. R'einember menthe" persons have the genii t,e artielt for stale. but LESTER. SENNETT & CHESTER. Erie, Sept. 28. 1814.' • I IS gr.c. ind— EZ2 low; ~... HARDWARE. • I VROM past exp erience i we kayo Wen ed to 1. .' ' b-lieve that eating a little in the Hard -Ware line has 'given our customers that satisfac tion that we are but again with a large additicin to our 'farther stock; and are bound to sell as cheap as the chadnest. In our stock can he found Mill, Crass•cut, Hand and Compass Saws; Hand and Ctroppinz Ayes; Trace Chains; Brash aud Iron Candle Sticks and fixings; Shovel and T4n.i. ; Spades; Shovels' and %I. Forlts;l.C_offeo Mill , Hammers; all . kind/sof House and Poor Tri • 'min'gs; Curry Comb .; KniveaStfid•Forltv, Sh a Thread and Shoe N'akers fixina;Percussion Ca p ; Ropes, Pocket Rnlies; 44i. . . % . , , Also all sizes of Iron mid_ Steel; eastern at d western Nails; AnVils, View, , and Haawar s; I . gather with a Hee of most every tiling usual y called forin the Hard ware line; CO further p• r ticulara enquire at the brick corner,. opposite t , e Eagle. .. ~. , • . , Out. tr. 1816. "%irp..I.IA,MS 3t wItIGHT.I HA.WLS: SHAWI,S2- 2 -'4rhO wante lithe I k 7 oP any pride of pattern? Call at the chiark ammo( ' S. JACKSON & co{ November 21, 1816. • ' , • 127, :BROWN and Bleaehied'Sheerings, Bed Tick, Ili Conon Flannel', Cotton Yarn, Cotton• Bat. tinge, Wadding:, etc, Ile. L t ARBUCKLE,. • Nor y -14, !DIG. 1tt0. 1 3, Ferry 810ck.4. BY'THE QUEEN'S PATENT. From the Nile Ileri's Cliicken (17e1.1 M N.Y. June 5, 1515. Srtl.- - -Sameti t. L violetu cold, attended with a distressing t few days - brought on a I:Oahu. , of lnt i, ,t3 t st, pink; the side and much the .. .ts s land soreness o f the b s. my ited for some, days , . . land getting no cotter, . Sheriff of this county, lrecommended me to got a b t garias Balsam of Life, lobserving that he had been s t r Jibe use of that nu di- rine hit, been speedily and e t a bottle, and after using it a short time t -s•dicted— I got entirely well. Fro rn the,,benefd I recta , and fkom,the universal good name it bears among` my? i Alit fur diseases of, the lungs and chest,l am induced to t iof the hest medicines now in use for thosedisesitres, tint! ,. id lit to the publie. . 1 I W. W. SWIFT. Urnsairkable cis at a Dangerous Cane'. i To S. TOUSEE. - ' C.yro 4 Cortsotta isi.l'. Aug.S 6,1844.. Sir—Wo are entirely out of the Hungarian Balsa , i having sold all you left withps, in our immediate vicinity. and in instic to the medicine must say withastonishingsuccese. .A tewAys since a yoang gentleman of this fawn called at mit store who had been 'months alio:yea with a very dis tressing cough. and wanted a bottle of the Belson). 'We told him it was of little use for him to takeit or apy . thing elsh —HE MIST DIE.. He took a bottle, however; _and al . rwards had another. Yes etday he alfeit treain very much improved, in : mance, and said he was rapidly gaining Istrength—ut had it not been or the invaluable iltin l,, arian Balsam II must have' died. I. We want s sine re of the medicine di eetly. ' I' - Yours respectl Ily, I INGHAM & HAVENS. (From Esip Ir. E. Fisk, Can lota, ./it. if.,dated•Ca ',teror& Nov. 2T, 1546 J T To S. Om', Agent,& • Sir: Having used' Dr •Buchan's glungariarr Balsam - in y family with the very heat success for lung complaints,. and having see tt used by my friends with like eucc as, l lssas indtieistst Spring to lecome an Assent for the sate of the same, a nee which I hive sold a great nu mber of bottles. and have in almost every nsstance learnsA that' it had succeeded beyond all expectation, in some cases here the patient had been by PhYsiciattsOf respectability PRONOUNCE ' , NCB R.ABI4E, and theirotaseoopeless arra I mns; cheerfully recornmee it to all who Are OF tering : with lung complaints, assuring them that, in in st eases they kill find speedy relief.- •. 1 (Signed), ‘ ILLIAM . FISK, , • . Blare Proof. Ti 1 _ Eoddi s el,,,,. the cfficacy . of the Hungarian absent oilii . [Front' Deacon Lewis; of U t ica, dated 111 1 1 CA, F battery 4, 8491 Hungarian Balsam of ! I cheerfully ~give my name in favor of Dr. Buchan's H Life . . tasciAOrir, my with was attacked with a viola ticotigh, at ended with I SUMO Ella most PISTRESSINIE PAIN IN TIIE SIDE, so bad us to oprfve her of rest. While in thislsituestion I culled on Messrs. Varner .4- (a for some medicine, am they recommended this Balsam. Ipu ch,t-ed a bottle and . by the time we, had useclabout one half of it, my 7i re b gait to get I :trer, and, alter using the railainder, her' health' woe cnmpfetel ftestoreti. ileelhat time I have receinmeniled the Balsam tomy friends, any of whotrronte used lit with like auecess. (-igned) . 1 JOHN LEWIS. , . Drawn of , ho First' BuptiSt Church in Utica. _Urlirarther Evldrnee.4l 1_ . !i 1 , i . PAINTS AND OILS .2100 Itis.white ifead,dry iv lbs. Paris Green. and in " Stigar Lca.l, 300; " Red Leittl, 2000 " SWan.Whring 200 Litharee, . 73 " Otto' Copal, 300 t Bost. Rochelle LOO galls, Turpentine, Ochre, brume green 600 1 " Eng. Yea.. Red a6d yellow, I•„ Pday's refined Lampblack, Limed Oil, raw llnd boiled, Opal and Slikllack Var Oi•th, Inilian Red, etc. etc. J. H. BIIRTOI 4. Co. Npv. 28, /846.—,28 No 3Nllc'ed Home. NoTicE.—The Tin, Copper - 10 Sheet lrok .4. 1 1 Manufacti.rinebusinet.s will be curried on 'at the old stand of Ashley & Kelsey; IwlvEre a con ; syant supply of all articles manufactured by him will be kept for sale at wliclesale and retail. Old Copper and Brass Ware take.) in payment for Tin Ware. JOSEPH ICE StY; Jr. Rile. July 6, 1814. 7 L. WARREN, • 'ETAS removed his sash, blind and door Shop to 11Stafei between 7t hnnd Bth stre , ts,. where he will,keen constantly on hand'or mat e o order all artistes in his line on the shortest ni ties. Those wishinz to obtain first rate work at low - prices would do well -to, civet-him a call before pureims inc'elsewherej Glazinadone at all limes. Glass and Putty kept constantly on hand May 10, 1846.51 , 1., HAS JUST RECEI'V'ED from New York per Pommy's ExPri4s, tau Spri ruz Fashions, and is now ready to eaceute all ortleis for HATS in the latest 'Fasion, an of a better quality than can be purchased here r elsewhere. March 16, 19-16. 5 , _ HATS!. HATS!! HAT'I.!!! iffit SPRUNG FASHIONS FOR 1546. The subscriber is prepar . i d io furnish III :" Mll his old customers (and a many new ones as possible) with Halsor the pring style, as cheap as the cheapest,. Call an. 'Jasmine qual ity and pricesfor yoarselvcs, -- --- ‘ R. S. HUITFR. • , . Prrctical Hatter. - - Eric March 28,184, • .. 1145 ‘ i FIRST APPEARANOE. ' U. TOVAINSON, GVORGE KELLOGG. THE ,•üb3eribers, though some Lime in busi• nei , s, have not before found it Oonvenient or agreeable to introduce into the pope's a general adVekkement, Being rather of a modest tu:n, they have been situated somewhat like the toren .ger in New York, who got Upon a dry goods box in Broadway, to'wttit till the crowd should go. by; and like htm, having attracted a Mil public no• roriety, they ein prepared to ;St dory and nova quietly along , and would respectfo l y invite the attention of the ' public to a Choice election ni GIIOCERIEft; interspersed with a fey staple Dry Goods and other notions, just receNed from New it ! , ynrk, Cincinnati, Mc, which they es gal •to sell pretty cheap for ready, pay. Pleas call and see at 109 French 4treet, next door to I. 0. Hulbert, Estes office, gni at Siltfre;eet Can I 'Basin. P T MANSON, & Co. Erie Ado_. l, 1816. . ll' • HATTERS MATER! AUL-75Ibs. Erunac, Logwood, Sanford's !beet, Gum • Shellact Verdigrie b Oil Viiriol, etc. forsale By Nov. 28, 1616.-28 J. 1), BUR, 'ON & Co. CANDY. ANILLA Cream, lemon bar, do. dr ps, hot 4. :V hound bar, de. medicated, peppermint drops; pepperrnini, rose, wimergreen, sir...earns, and worm lozengers; sugar plumbs, smdoth almonds, almond candy, etc. etc., for sale by M. %V. KEITH. ni I' l'tsßll aG II Rock i nghtfm . WI tiful article, and goodmoms; ed and for ittle by Et. TOMLIN! _ _ Aueuit I. 1816. . Aug. I. 1846 " 11 • linNii ) TRANSPARENT I:: SHADES. A SPLENDlOartiele tor sa ut No. 2, Ameri ri. can Block. MATH AS MAYEIt. . July lthlBl6. .. I . ' ' WINIFOYi r— AS • I O.ARTER. 4. [(BOTHER have i just 'received 'V their fall stock of Window Glass, which is tare° and complete—varying in siZo front 7x9 to 152(30, and will be cot to any'size in. shape desir, .ed,withbut extra charge. Putty alt.yys on'ttand. N0v. ; 28, 1846.• l• I . i )2B „.. 110MCEOPATId 'MEDICJNES.AND BDOIPS. n D. SPA 'HORD respectfully informs, ,o kl• ince ethic IltysiCiuneands'the friends °film system at o has just. received direct from New York a g.oodiassor ment of fremccopathic Nledi 'cine in tinciurekbilutions and tritimatithis. elm 'pole! et cases of medicines; physician's Slid faint ly medicine chests. refined stook a milk pure globules, etc., as welt us' books; pamphlets and standard works on the system. Erie, May 23, 1846. • .0 just received a ;mut' sulmlyt f 800 irprrters SHOES`.--LThe s hseribyS ANL) ass SHOES °revel variety and q silty which will be sold very low. I. ROSENS EIG4k Co. • ocv 24. 1216.- • 2:1. No. 1. •Fleonine Block. (71 U EEN SWAIt F. jby the Craig—Birmingham , lot ware—for sale by I „B, TOMLINSON 4. Co. April: 19, 1848,, ' 44, FLOU It AND_ SAL C--Alivays on handy 4 the loWest.'prices a • of the bestqualliy, Aug. 19$ TONILI to Co: ,ATIENA, Carolina, leans and'Scoteh Pluidti y uhro,Linseys, and orated Goods ofall Mode: sale.irerw lowan . , OADlVri:es. Ti if It ST ACRD BFID.—A. superior quality Si INJL Yellow'Muelard seed ter sale by • • B. TOMLINSON & Co:1 , Febrgery 13; ISM • VITALL AND WINDOW ijAPEFIyef every V varieti g atiWlLLlAMS fi. WRIGHT r: - Oots . 174 18. - I Ail -_- - ;considered completely restored. aTtd;llteeiect of any hesitation, 1 attribute the 4 cure. - I- MI 'January, ISIS. , "Pastor.of the Ilistutist. Tesilmony front Hoe Amite .i ItqctitlsTE,ft, Oast. January: I,was taken .ith a - , mgh,- which in the coats ore s with much soreness'of he clt ksst. After being confined t \rardke. formerly Deputy q. , te of Dr. Bnchan's liu unfairly tainted, and b tirely.cured. I inunoq result was as I'm tiri nal from the 13alsam t fends who have use Ntlicito it to be onet .'u such reeotnment (Fronrtlie P. Nf. at Btiilitiiittitt 4scrzu Co. I um agatn under the necessity ot ordering a new Viy wife still continues the medicine and is improvid in this %Mien, I heard of a friend 50 miles )i um het in a CiONFIIIISED CONSUMPTION. I sent him two bo• two weeks since, and I !heard front Rim; end' t him llama eluirm.. ! (Signed) The Mcsilre.' Metcalf, of acriesee, — N. Y. (one o physician) in ordering: a new supply of the paktum v E ue CAmEi our customers complain ot receiving gri S. T r OUSEY, Syracuse, N. Y. General ' Agent V&atern States. Sold in Erie by °Atm:ft 1 re.— A bonu t just reueiv- ON Ar Co. II 18 WALKER & HOOK. ip\mtwARDING, IMMi;StiION & PRO— DUCE MERCHAN continue the Forwarding and commi sion Ittirtinerni as Psuar, at their A are house op tit Pp lit Dock, Pu. and will be ready on the of ning of Navigation .of the present yi ar to Cot tract 'tar the shiporenT o Merchandise horn the ea.lcAn cities, or other pia cer, to Erie, as they are •onnected with goOd re sponsible lines , and ha vi tg ..ome el the firs :class of Steam Boats and Pro Pliers ,on the lakleti run nine to theirliptrse, titer :by ensuring thesaleand sp edy trunsmilketon of it propelq diilruvred •to , their care. They a tend to the forwai-ding of goods up and dawn t le lakes of to any of the Canadian ports on Lark - °work) and The Riter St. Lament:a—also son It by the Erie extension Canal. CASH advanees riled on all , inns (Produce and sales prompdy a*endtql to. 1 They a ill keep conteantly on hand Bit ominous Coo I, in ,large or small quantities: to suit purchasers. ALSO—Salt, Plaster in bbls, or bulk, Fish Iron, Nulls; stoves ano Castings ot every descrip tion. .RLFERENCES. C. M. Tibbills, Eric, • e John C. Bei. bet 14 Smith Jach son 4- Co.. it A I Jcitinron, 11 i mrod S• co." LITILL lAD IMPI: A• f !el . ii.L i niny O. N. Chilpin, , , I 1 1 • W. Monteith k (Po. " °Lk Chip? & Co: Boeton, Georee ..11oli S.: Co. N. Y. city,' E. B. Allen, Ogdensburg, N. Y. p James Browne, Toronto C. W. Wm. D. King-, . sr. c'ntli , Standart , Jarves 8,1 seo. Cie .dand, 0. Albert Oes, Detroit, Mich Newberry iS• Dole, Chi:. go, Illinois. Erie. March 11, 1846 43 BANNER II E , ERIE, - rputis HOUSE, situa .l: ted mon tho corner of Frew. nod ENO sts, recently k own UR the FARMER'S - HOTEL, has b een leased by th eubcriber for a term of years and refitted in a stylb not surp.ill by any public house in the oily Its location near the Dia l l iond, is the ineNt,cen pal and convenient for all business purposes, and has connect%) rtt edi crept lines of eta gel running to and fror e place for the ac commodating) of the trauoling,, public. , Boarders, with or without rooms, accomoda (ed by the week, month or year on the most reasonable terms. The proprietor, from a long residence at Erie, and 'a reasonably extended acquaintance upeti water and on shore, fl atters ' himself with - th • expectation of receiving a due share of patronage; and from his efforts to •pleese, feel conscious that not one of his guests shall 'ever have the occasion to turn , their= backs on the American (Flag. A. C. HILTOI4, Erie, April 4,. 1846 I !triti GLASS WARE. , XiSZ.ENDID ussorunent of Glass" %Vete just re•eivin conaprisine Tumblers bf all ti es and Oa ties,Lemonades, Pitchers, Salvers, ine "molasses, Jelly Glasses, candlesticks, cellery vases,' Preserve dishes, Lamps, Salts, etc. etc etc,, fort sale cheaper than ever before offered in this mar ket, at Cadatells, one door east of the Earle Tav cm. Sept. 19, 1846. • 4, • ~ , ' GALEN B. KgENE , 4 . 4 . WOIJI,t2b • mow respectfully in old cus tomers and the public , generally, that he has resumedagan business in this city, in the shop hit form'erlY occupied.' between the need House mid the .E.igle Tavern, up stairs. He tenders hie Sincere thanks to the citizens of Eric for past faL vote, and would imp to them that no Inbar or pains • shall be sparedlo snit thent in any artivieof wear ing apparel they may seeLlit to favor hint with. c at i From the unpreeed ted success he has met with lieremfbre he demi comments unnecessary; mere adding that n tailoring done in these parts ' all be superior, i equal, to that done 'at his es• aidislunen, Butlialo excepted'. N. B. The Paris fashions are received monthly, particula3 . attention paid-to naval and military, elothing.'''Cutting for others- make up will. be done as Usual. -------____ ... Erie Sept: 12, 1846. W A lg TIE 1).. Al' a;nd Opot , sum Skins, tv:anted immediately, C Alsd, all kinds of shipOidg furs, by 5. SMYTH. 2b Dec. 5, 1516 Pls•ed Baskets, l'.:anclies wts, Carl. CI tore, Snuffers and frays—aloe Bratannla Tea and Coffee' Peter, new patterns, at . G. LOrINIIS Sr. Co's.' Nor. I-1, 1'546. COCKS. UAY anti 30 hour Gothic, 'O. O.G. r , Alum and 'cinnnion, by the single o. 'ebeap for ready pay: . G. 1.00 Co.) E GIIII Pillar Oise, or Nov. ' n01..1) PENS.—Bailey's Extension,Pens anil Pencils, the 'latest' improvement out, other' Mods at r6lueed prices. • I G. I 4 MIS St. Co. , . li ,Nov. 14. Nd. 7, tUeattstouseli ' DYE STUFFS. "- 1 :. Annatto, ' Oil Vitriol;" , ' AJnmh ' ;Indigo, , I ' .• - Copperas, • Blue Vitriol, !' -• „ ' Cream T,artar, Cnd Bear,- •, - I - q'. Argots, Cochinea4,l , , i Spirits of Tin, Liquid Blue, or chernin for I 'Logwood, Nic Wood, (green, Carnwood, , 'Madder, • , Fusack; ' • • Add Saunders. For sale very cheap at No: 6, Reed House, 57 . CARTEO, 4s. BRIMIER. . ' December .5, 1816. , - . - 29 ir • .f. . . . • • i .• One medicin'e, w•itliout ID McFARLANI). leint'rch in Colunge". h i Y. dated ttpply of the is doi e'who. n was lei. of d iet Eta Bal. , arn is 'A, E. A Whorwitie - I says that 'ln at leltlfit fro for New Yor R . , No. 6 Rep .11. 1845.1 y wonders onsiderest sum !thou: actin_ on N')LD. rat:tieing some S E • it its us e .n and the 0,, vrion-t,e 6. " 11111111 No: 7 - Reed house. , ills Lithi. ~riptic 31ixture. ...... being introduced into Heroie. the Bart and Wert Indiem, South America and all then parts of the Globe, wherir diattnre elists in any form. he United States Arid .the esuathis have far the past three years sescrely!lested . thitvirtuts which the promoteor, upon the introduction of this medicine hesitated not to say it possesiied. In i ten dering this GREAT VEGETABLE REMEDY the most mottling promises were ursde on the - part ofth medicine novel was th e theory-the principle -u on which the cures were to be effected that peopl throw up their handsawd eriedewhae neat? Eveucred ity, startled With surprise. and the so called "Faculty" made them ' seller merry over the "dew humbug." But mark the re.' moult-the three year. hare missed sway-public opinion, the voice of millions and mote •of observing inffividcals, liana stamped Hide ItEMEDlittliff mosl circular. wonder ful incomprehenrive and miry:Moue curattr;e power oyez' produced. Tilt ONZGansT Dynast which the propruo. tor ofthis medicine had the presumption fo say existed, and that all Various . iseases were lint aecon ary,h s now millions of believers, they muslcifelieve., or. the have witnessed the(feet f this resteratiVe It as con uered ALL diseases b Simply conquering the wait. ' Th 'Ord i, fichtto " now o en their r yes ; their Md dogmas, hie the morning miat. y before the light ottruth, and common sense now seek. a road td kelltli its ot n way, instead of closing its eyes and being led. The t nth of the Princi ple upon which this article cures is e'rtablislieti, and the' rmtement is again baldly most empbmically, most cleci• • deftly reiterated: Mr tilerficine r triledare froze/he bag cr. i ' cry Aware which hail a name er eryi dlinrganizetjwi r f the 1 systens which cars exist. lib nand muscle rernarr this vied inias trill restore tea Perfect state' be old Calomel. bleed ing and bloderittg system is about to fall. The proadalk ly presenting. itselyi of the trip,' of Ova sTilEtalY 4 is , se prop out of the old structure which will coon tumble' lit I the ground. ashapelesemass of ignorance and deception. , IwYsuos, r.-sort at once to this medicine. re i• s atrietly IfEdr.Tshor. Reuter, the product of our own roil --s-ii . compound of twenty two different inarrilititus.- Each root husits particular part or thin system 'to act upon and this action is always procured-its effect -noon the whole system is inonediawly apparent Testimony of the highest character is daily c 'Meg to the proprirt r, full of truth. and you Wilt always Pee urines, places ant !date . Not a particle of false evideree is offered on the nrt' of ?this GREAT CURATIVE. The mr...t enreful perusal of the a pmphlet is desired. It °Mee tine character:of 'II the secondary complaints which preeml. and which ' have been cured by this article evidence of urea Ws. ma of the most dreadruic.s.cs or lingering romp tints wl ich it has been the fortune of any medico to ore, w th, is found-c see witch harebeen left Jo die. Bur& de in ~d, \ fiery large city of our Union and the C mars ha e to thank this article for their Uses end a icy us tpitore a the p S.eepetel of the proprifor will show. , This Degas MEDICINE will cure Ditorsta, in et cry tnEet GRAVEL, ankall hinds 4.f diffiCulty in the Urinary manner Complaints'orthe 810 e:k Blowy,. Wite • f the bnck: Fe• mile irregiffarities immediately, hecked: nd of healthy t oo p re' , t o th e .ystein. Lee - every Erma 4, is'once r - sort to this , ivfe medicine, •Itid /use Ito other. . pease I Lit cr. Indigestion, Billows complaints, Dv•pepsta i Met Is elieved; itheurfatism. Gout; &e. produced by inn. on o f th e blood, will always find relief. Lunge. Cough, e ru I consumptim , utnie•athe patients and I,ll.'ir medical a,- ' ttee were tl" „ erleed- - hne - been cured by - 'in . tine: licrofnlaand'ell Eruptive diseases; Viten. Erystpe as, Vim. mmulion - di thin eyes, Palpitation of the Bern. -Sint He elltelle. EJelitellee Fryer and : Ague- die NI bale rate. logue might be named-seek ilii. It. "tapir. heir Noothtr. But up it'34l oz. hottl . .;s ni a:2; '2 oz bottles. itl Si "'tel. &careful iligt t/Caa are.not inapost,Slapt.n: Fr ey, biatie lush the at 041 e, ••Vaughtt c Vegetuble tdtlicintriptie Mix ture." blown upon the glass-the wrote.. 5ic.....050 of If C. Vaughn" an thu dirt-mit, s. -and lit 'C. Vau7lni,, Buffalo, •ta ova upon the cork None other err genuine i, Mooted Ey, Dr O. . VAUGHN. mill sold nt the prin eippi Agency 207 Ma netreet. !Staab. nt .1%11°4,111c mid retail, to affirm nitcommitmetillons must came pool paid. ' Off es den Yeti ext. unruly to The sale f Ins pudic lie, of ... wholesale and retail New York City, 32 Nassau sf., 11. 1 M. Laite Salem. iltase,.29s E ssex s i. .1 I, ma . p. Ch„.,., Cireitoutti.Oltio,A. 11. II trce.or 33 ,t. .mood d 0.,.. frai l ! . wginut; Sit D m , Mo.. 3: Walker,-General Agents. .!I't retail by re.pertaltle Druggists throughout the Unit+ , al advertised ill the pipers .. . Agentso. this city: C trier & Brother. Jobs 11. Ettirtit & C o . ; Mend% iffe: J. IL Briton & Co.; Wattslotre...ffictilt Unit tocki.Guarkl, L. S. Jnues & Co.;. North Last, 8.. t, Time, • , . July I L 1846. . . if DR. WOOD'S SARSAPARILLA AN yrILD CILERRX BII".P . ERS, For the Vermanent einueal oe all ,4,,ch ,lip.,s,l' its late the fire ma on Impute blood, 14aired Di g ,ri,,,,,. _Lb 0,j1,f, ~ ' of the Lirer and St mach. lrecki,css of (he A - errors .S'ysfre i t and a disordered Habit of ernsiitutin» generally Dr. Wood s t_t.,,,,,p,frilla anti I,Vild Cherr y .tiers Lo r I already; by their -rb-Itintial excellence, won 0 decree 1" public ffivor and itatrmi-ige. w hid' puts them-heyond ll O mired of rocommendation. Being rtitilftlift Vetlelrfri of ...--...-.....-...0_...........-L.11.../.. 1 )......3 h.. rally reel - Idea in tilt' UMW aced of le tattle, aperient or:titer:nits its rented v.- • Stirsap title takes a high milk among Pius stela., and all others in the list of curative it gen.s, and 2:1 is thuifro r which has rendered it stelirsersttlds popular :over all oth er medicines of the duty. li. lir. Wood's standard iitfe pet . - Wipe. It IS ft areanted to he found beltent , purity null streugth. and cabling much by its union "with the Wild, Clatrry. is tonin offthe first-order. :Thishuppv combinition is the onlY one ever made 'of these erticies, and founded nett in on the -hoist medical - princifilcs, and Moll: a mites ext rood by a r,iclil ebettlimil rinclysls, experiment bus shown its tumbrel power rod effitcy. , This preparation n ill be found t II tilni, to be n sure and spee 'y reniqtly ffiethe dis'enses cdumerited Mime. They purify the l 'hilsocl; secure regular digestion, promo e a healthy action of the Liver tind Biomach, and strengthen the tierves,'and at once 'seetiring health amdsigor to the whale system In a feasrs of despondency. arrising from Indigestion or nervous irritatio , , , ,they hove been used with remnritoble recce's: nor ari• they ler s nrefal ash rent edy for ileadsolte, flatulency, Boss I nppetit, and a general prostration of the system. t the seine time. it must be stated, that they are ne'er a iolert. hoc at all dangerous in their operation, securing no they dente de sired effect, and, by natendy regular and easy influence. Taken daily, in dose. Prescribed they will he found to operate in that gentle and salutary thinner, which is, in fact, their highest recommeridotl6ll . ..l The following certificates, auttig mini - others wh'elt ha% e been received from the most* espectable sources fur nish satisfactory proof of the value mid efficacy of . this highly popular medicine. Si roWt; - ii, Juno 'i, 1845. Mr. E. Tnottsrrow. ht. Dear Sir.-a 7 Ilia is' %balmy -s id' srear, . , ..hie is to certify that my daughtkr heti - been, troubled with , YsPepsia for a muiribl of ycari. attended, with a collet tit I eadnelie end ollirdtstressing symptoms which acciimpa y...t his disease. 'Eille 'sinter! Reston to avail herself:of ho jus ly cedehrpten physicians of that i city, all to no pu pose. ,'By the solithtntion of 4 friend, I wes induced to p ranee a bottle if - 01.. Wood'e.Sersapa-1, rills and Wild C terry Blum+ ll' fore taking ,One bottle , she was tenet Cli ntirelY oftlie lie declie, , and after taking two or three lad len, the other°syi iptored entirely ilisap. peered. I 11 N. 11.01113119.. I . N9rrnFalltliaVEN,Lonl Min, JulylB, len. -.., Ma. E. Toon.rolc. Jile 1 . Dear :Mr.- 7 11271 daughter bas been for mere' than two years painted with a coofirmed °pipeline and Liver Com plaint, together with a severe and constant headache.— OM log this time alio was consta• tly attended by the most skillful andintehigent physicians. but "HIM tittle or no re lief, Nitta we found, the disease was rop dly Inking the form of c yltirmed consumption, HI t this time, I dote - mined to hate recourse to Dr. R ' ood's 'xiiireaparilla and Wild (Mere* Bittere,-as, prepared by you. and ft give. toe the sincereso pleasure tia..r.ite, that after the use ofiv few , !tattles, my dhughter, was happily rettored to perfect' health. I have the highest confidence in this, medicine, and shall cheerfully recommend it to my friends. V' ry truly your., l' MiSEL WHITE. The cttsr deter tied de the abo i &certificate of tar White is by no minims singular ono. .There are hundreds who have beetreured rom the most acute or long continued I dimmest, By the u a 9f this excellent and highly popular remedy. Thep prime* recommends it *nth° public with the t a nni n ming e nci., for in till cm.ex where it has had a fair trial, it bas ucceetiedbeyciund the eipectathins of the patient nr evenis,Own. The c.We 'shill Which it is !pre pared end the in rinsic escellenc of its imaterials, should secure, and halve, IoCC Ul ed roe it, a character which it de serves. The prijudice usuallyes sling egoista advertised medicines. would not be omit/n.4 if bestowed on 'this, The worolorNl cures it has perfhrtned and tthe ackilowledgril eelehrity of its Principal ronstituenta, should lit once re commend it to the public fav,.r. I . Prepered by,E. l'horriton,Llr.--4old wholcsle and re.. "tail by Wy"!tire. Ketchum. PA, Fulton tit.N. Y.; j. If. .'or. inn ir.."Co , rio, and by drinignisti generally throughout ebe 11,8. ' O 'rico . sl.llarge bottles f ' 1... . -! act. ti4lil- ........ . —.....____ . ~ . ..c'Q PIECES Alipaeas, Ca nlets'end Alaimo; °-/!./ just received Mick for a l'e•by ~... . . 1 , H; CAZWELL.. Sept. l'9oB-16. "1 . ' , i IS --t--- X - rOW is the time to y CARPETING.— 11 Carpeting oi the ben quality and latest styles must be sold td make l rom for a miw stock in the Spring, at the ' -.- JEW S'VORE: Frie Feb, 27, 19. d. ' j• dl C ASI - INIEREB, Alpaca , silks and