Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 01, 1847, Image 3

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“The World is Governed too
Saturday Morning, May Il• !ISA?.
-Fll 9- S;. R. SHUNK
OR CANAL C051311:110
(" Owing to circumatanc;
control, we have been unable
much attention to our paper
mon., This will account fo t
meal variety in the editorial del
jr.'lV at has, , ecome of the
Corn erg ial has n ,
about it since the; Taylor feve
Has the old General come a Res
that 11id.ican wing batted?
Moro Troops Called .1",
The President,his, caped for, six thousand
more volunteers, and wesee it stated in some
2,f t he papers that two ) compHies are to be
from this State, and some say ten. If the lat.:
ter is the case, wo } expect, inc so much pat
riotism has ,been Manksted in certain quar
ters of the whig partyito see a ompany rais
edhere instanter—all dUri;tioin s ould be pled .
erto sipport , ailluntinations n the night."
They should not be enlisted, h w , ver, under
the influence ' f "whistling, d mming. and
drinking," as
_yould imii ate that the
!'cause is bad,'' "li e Poly's war t for the exten
sion of Slavery." .'
We see that-the Litera
has charged hanks—liviessrs`.
Co. h,v i ng become its props
friend Cr.EatENT, remains as
together with the change, gives
that the VNlesiengei7 will still
previous character.
. GA - . 'Dodge,
,)if Wiscon
another session of the I t eg.islai
thority may he iMinediately gi b
garn'zation of asd nd State convention,'to
remodel the Const tittion, in, place of that
which has been rejected,
Or The "tor-thug editor - of .he Observer,"
begs leave to inf l ornt the
"wilting editor (:tf
the" Gazette that when iteinal es a - statene t
of a fact of which he is persona l llycognize t,
tk"irritiv i editor of the l'ibarver" will - ut
Ajuestion hi.i'veracity on the s t rength of ny
irresponsible letter writer for tl e North Art(er
lean, or any other paper, , Th
of the" Gazette, however, it do as his po
-1: cal education and the p ' nological con.:
formation of his head may d ate.
• Virginia Elect ou.
Full returns 'or the elect i on.
fißnibers of Congrelie havelro
ceived. So far as heard re
indicate a whig gain of three
bets—among theM"head him
Of 'pier notonety.
The itsiotni'stratton, en. l •raftor
. It is arousing toob • ri l .le the 1
°four cotemporaiies of the G
howl their position as oppone
ent war. with Mexico. 'Tar;
ago t iat paper sought, by ev
power, toithrow discredit up
Adrinnistration, but the war!
to shield the war and those e
still tlonfinues its abuse an ;
Sion f the Administration,
Julien an impartial history.
`he last twelve mOnthe she
will then appear" that the o
be separated frOut•the Other
ry or disgrace df its,prosijc
and the iadrlizistration are
Adminiatration and the Derr
arable,' which neitherthe a
newspaper editor and dema
of Congress, divide. •If
it due to'the inanner in whi l
been proseCuted, the/tans c
peditions, Ike., jilt° Admit
supporters are.certainly en:
euredly Would Whig par
Tesponsible i 1 any failures
resulted ther from. But t
--expedition hav'e been fi
and equippet, and sent:t
into the enemy's country
their territory is now 804
and yet the whigs affirm t
tion is not only inefficient,
kept et "fire in the rear" of
fieient officers in securini
l'iont does not this a,p. • , r 'strange—aye, as
strange as fiction? Andl.hould pot "a cent
' mon regard foi the intellf cncc" df the people,
"if not of trilth," -have p evented them Scow
' 'promulgating such an ah -urdity. But let us
examine this absurd char „, emade in the fol
lowing language by the azette;
"A secret, i b il-suppress d dislike---a privily
concerted determination o irijnre and destroy
General Taylor, r has all long been apparc
among the active spirits t Washington."
New to show bow ut etly col winded this
allegation he, let us refer back afew mouths
before the breaking out I f:4 the War and trace'
events up to the present time.., As early as
October 4th, 1845, we find Cok Taylor, It Brig
-tidier General by brevet, in commandfof the
Arm' of ,Occupation at Corpus Chri4ti,'wri
ling to the •War Department and urging the
necessity of hi being allowed to take posses
sion of the cou try between 0 *feces and
the .Rio Grande y_kforward movement to the
bank of said river. On the 6th of 'Fehruary.
1846, we still find him urging the same thing.
Well,: the Administration, confiding in his
judgment, acceded to his wish,land the Army
il e
was oncentrated oni the banks of' the Rio
'ra de.' This i`ti (peter evidence of an "ill
sup reascd dislike" on the 'part of the Admin. :
ktrition toward him,, truly! The Adminis
tration takes his advice, confides in, his judg
rnent, grants all he wishes, and all he time if,
lattempting to "injure and destroy" I im!. Tho
tattles 'of the Bth land 9th of 1)Ia followed,
victory perched o our, banner,ibut whigery
: ever on the alert t find, fault, affirmed that
,Thor battles, their l ea of life, kc., would not
have twined, if the army had not marched to
the Rio Grande, and denounced that move
.rierit, in and out of Congress, as the cause of.
the war! The Presidint, however,made Bre
vet Brigadier General Taylor, a Major Gener
al for his' gallantry on the Bth and 9th. A
queer wey; f "destroying" him, We take,it.
Aid what ald thei Whigs then? Why, with
' •,.1-..;r head. they were rampant
4 .
because t he Preisident _c___
did not recall Taylor
and put Scott •in his place. • Then they as
serted that the Administration was "jealous"
df Gen. Scott, as they now affirm it is of Gen.
Taylor. Then they hoped to use Gen. Scott'
as an "available" candidate for the Presiden
cy—now theY„proposo to sacrifice Scott, in
the hopes that'Taylor (will be morn "availa
ble." 'hen followed a • Series of elkerits an the
Rio G nde, acid ultimatelY the march to,Mon
terey, its invstment, and surrender to our
arms. Now, lthough the lermsof Capitula-f
tion did not entirely meet the apprgbatio.n of
the Administiattion, nothing that in. the least
could be construed intikii. ,censtiie, escaped .
from that quarter. ton the contrary full praise
was awarded to the General, and it was - only;
upon a sense of limperative public d ty that
orders were forwarded to annul t e eight,
weeks armistice agreed upon. In th a panic;
ular the coriree of. the two , parties c nnot be
better illustrated than by quoting a couple of.
extracts, for which we •are indebted to -the
Pennsylvanian. • The first is frem the Wash
ington :Union, Which our Whig frienda,have,
over and over again said speaks officially the;
views of the .Administration. ' The% other fai l
from the United States Gazette, than whidU
no paper more assimulates to in tone and tem
perAciward?the Administration thini its name
sake, ithe'Erie Gazette. I'l
9n the "licit of October, on, the receipt of
ite news of the fall of . Monterey, the Union
said, and we may as welt remark here that it I
was 'wended to by Democratic press
generally, that - • • ? •
"Our army has again coveted itself wi t h- .
glory. It has driven the Mexicans from their
strqng entrenchments, on. very p f. ecipitioris
heights, on both sides of the Rio d 1 Tigre—.
storming them in the face of the dewy and
their guns—beating an army of double their
own force, as has been atimated—and after
four days' fighting, and driving the enemy
from one entrenchmenta fun. another, and from
*street to street, compelling theta to kurrender
Monterey, with - all its supplies of munition, ,
provisions,. 81,c., and cannon , with a very dralll
exception. 'Neither-army is to pass a speci
fied line—'hich hi perhaps nearly half way
between h interey rind Saltillo—under eight
weeks. But this armistice, in the first place,
does not embrace our Other lines of Operations,
and secondly, it is subject, in express terms, to
the orders and instructions of the taio govern
ments.. The army is worthy of al l praise for
the gallantry and skill which have been dis- '
played by our officers and troops, both volun
teers and regulars. This another brilliant
military event, in the anna s of our country-:'
_ Now see what a contrast there is' in the
language of the two extracts—the above from
the organ of those who, t use i tife,language.
of the• Gazette, had "a seret, ill-suppressed
,dislike--aily conce ted determination privi
to injure and - destroy General I Taylor,"
and the rollo'wing from a paper that of late, in
concert with its 'echo here, would make it ap
pear that they, and they alone, are the exclu-.
sive friends of the war, and "protectors and de
'fenders of Gen. Taylor's: epulation and honor
at home. We will premise, however, by
saying 'that the U. S. Gtizette suppdsed glen'
the extract quoted was wrote, that the capitu
lation at Montery was dictated by the cabi:
net at Washington. But :this makes no dif
ference, as our- neighborsiof the Gazette will
not pretend ,to say that what would not be
right in the , Administration, would rbe right',
iii.nen. Tnylor. "rlui extract is a en m man!
Lary on the otie above -quoted, and , is as fol
lows: ,
"The above i .from the extra of the. Wash
inglanin . he Italics in it are not ours.*l
41 is s age or, that afi,er fso -triumphant a
cause, G ene al Taytor 'should . bring so BIT
and we shoal be inclined to CENSURE
CONDUCT ( ) which. permitted a large ar
my, with its l rder, to depart in safety, will
supplied with arms and cannon, withourthe
exaction, even of a , proMise not to fight again,
were we not' made certain by arm:a:flan
stances, and the abo e semi-official announce
ment, Mat Gen. Ta for acted ZiOTAccondorG
to his min judgemen , but in accordance with
the orders of the 'abinet at Washington;
which, being alar m dby The frightful expen
sed of the war, it If ediessly and wickedly en
tered upon, is now eeking to purchase peace
en almost ANY TERMS. It is evident
Val en.' Taylor could soon have captured
the army of .I.lmpudia, and so deprived it of
thd opportunity of being arrayed again in op
ositiow to our arms; and it is absurd to sup
os'e he would have made such conditions as
ave been mentioned, and added thereunto an
armisticb.of eight weeks in djiration, after •so
much hard fighting, and the loss of so many
viluabloofficers and men.
~,. Ampedia himself, proposed capitulation, and
the Government •in its' extreme desire to se
cure peace, Was shamPered Gin. Taylor, as
to oblige him to 1 ve the advantage with the
endosy. Should t e ill-judged mercy of the
Cabinet fail of its intended effect, as it most
certainly will, Pen. Taylor will he obliged to
encounter the same army at SL Luis Potosi,
whither it will go!"
These extracts, we tati it, speak the fien;,,
timents of the two porde hi regard to Gener
TaylOr then. The one of warm approval,
the other of "censure" find condemnation. .
Wa• next come to the time when it was . ,
posed to send al..t. General to Mexico, and
which our neig h bors /are of • oPinioal 'lil4B for
the purpose of injuring Gen. Taylor. Well,
'lf such is evidence tha the Administration
was inimical' o Gen. ylor, then. we have
double evidence that the whig party ought to
be classed in the /dam categnry. It cannot
have escaped the recollection of our readers
how.clamorotts the whiga were 'because Gen.
Scott was not s9it to suiercede him in corn-marid of/the-army immediately after " the bat
-06,4 of the Bth and 9th of May. Then the
Adininistration was denounced without, stint
orercy'for not doing—superceding him iu
co imand—what they are now so loud,iii ite
cu. ing it or attempting to do. - Verily is cwt
hei n
e consistency, with a vengeance! That
many as wise and experienced men as the
country has ever produced, believed the pro
jec't of
.a Lieutenant General well worthy of
consideration is true. Many more dissented
from it entirely. We confess we coincided
with those who opposed the m easure, not be-'
cause, however, we thought it, aimed a blow
at any of the commanding officers, but because
*e thought it was desigded to be more of an
advisory, more of a diplomatic, titan a military
measure. We thought .diplomacy ought to
have ceased long ago, and 'powder and
ball take its place. 1 And w , e have no doubt it
was a measure i!if the character we surmised
—at any rate we could never construe it into
evidence of hciatility •on the part of the Ad-'
'ministration toward Gen. Taylor. That the'
whip could do so easily, is not surprising, es
pecially now they wish to use him as a bob
by-horse to ride into poWer!
There an? some other points in the Gazette's
article we intended to notice, but our article
is already too long, and we will therefore pass
over them, not, doubting but we wilt have• a
dozen chancea to refute them hereaftee '
'EN •
s beyohd t tor
to dev) as
week as Om
e lack of 6 our
, Wilmot pro
t said a word
broke out:—
,ca charge on
y Atessup'ger
watt, Foot FL
ietors: Our
clam', which,.
us an earnest
maintain its
.in, has culled
ture, that au
en fur the or-
n Virginia•for
yet bee'n re
1, the returns
of four mem
or die" Botts,
and 'die Gazette.
abored attempts '
azette to escape
its of the pres
illy six months
;ry means in its
m, not only the
.V,w, it-Ils
l ie
igngedin it,lna
I misrepres ta
forgetting that
of the events of
11 be written, it
e can in no way
ither in the glo
. thin. The war
ocracy are ineep
ecial pleading'Of
ogues in and oht
there is any cred
eh, it I
• has,- so far, j
'' • ' '
C the different ex
iistratiori'and its
titled to it, fin ae
fy have held thern4
or disaster had
iera has beee none .
ed mit, men raisett
ntil a large part of
l et to our tlominiony
at the Ailministra
,nt has altthe time
one of the most ef
- these _Conquests.
As we Expected.
The CoMmercial Advertiser has raised the
name of Gen. Taylor at its editfirial head "for
President in 1848, 4 -"subjectio the decision
of a National'COnyention"—what kind of "a
National Convention" however the editor deep
not see 'fit to tell us. PrOl3ably it is as 'well
that he does nit, as it might involve the Gen
,eral in a:snarl It wouldbeihard to xnravel.—
For just so sure as Gen. Taylor co(nes before
the peoOle hamperedCwitlf the odicudi doctrines
of whiery, by a Whig neftional convention,
just-so fure he wine defettted.. 'The day pals
gone by. when such humbukgery will go &wit
with the people-411a sceneA Of 1840 and the
false cry of "ra(n" with which this country
resounded on the repeal of the tariff of '42, the
condealnation and abuse of the war in which'
that inky has indulged, has sickened .and dis : -
sgustealthe'veople so that if the' Whig candi
date w,ere as pure as an angel'of light he could
(not receive the support of the masses. But
'the nomination of ; .Gen. Taylor by the Co -'
mercial Advertiser is the most bare-fayed
piece of impudence we have seen lately. No
Raper on our exolfange list haffbeed more vi
olent in'denouneltk the war and an engaged
in it, than it . N n
"Wilmote. his been ''.4:i loud i lgad
vocating the Proviso," and con m- f
fling all who differed 'with if on the quest on;
and now in the face of all this, the editor Id
ii raises tsbis editorial head the name of a
- '
. min who aftvised i and importuned the War
Derpartmerit to 14 him march the Army of
OcOupation from Corpus Christi to the - Rio
Grande—(which we have been told by-the
- whigs over and over again, was the immedi
ate cause of hostilities)-who is a slaveholder,
a resident Of a Slave State, and who from ed
ucation - find the force of circumstances,-must
in all probability be hgavor of the extension '
of slavery over any territory hereafter t' bet
'acquired from Mexico. At any rate the\ i
tors of the Commercial knows nothin of Gen.
Taylor's • sentiments on i this ques lon, i and
nothing, except Ily hearsay, in reg rd to any
of the leading poltical questions of the day.
More, however, s .f this anon.
I ;
Mexican Tarurann the Gazette.
-, l o 'Our - federal friend up street feel a little ir
riiated at the close corner their condemnation
of the plan of the President- to make the citi
zensof Mexico pay some of the expenses of
the war, and Gen. Scott's adoption of the same
- 1
hldn of collecting duties in the captured port
of Vera Cruz for other purposes to which we
alluded to last week has placed them. We do
not wonder—it is certainly a bad corner to be
caught in, but then caught they are; and there
they'must stay. ,'!'hey attempt to get out, how
ever, by asking us certain questions; to which,
in tliksam , e spirit of gentlemanly courtesy they
have heretofote exercised towards us-when we
propoUnded questions to them,'lve will answer
aerfoltows: What part of the Constitution
makes "Congress a
,necezaary party in the
consummation of acts of international poliey'l
Who shot that dog on the night of the illu
mination? What is meant by the cant phrase
"over to Bigelow's?" Has not the "writg
editor of the" Gazette in conversation i, a
public bar-rocimiapproved of the plan of col
lecting revenue from the ports of Mexico, as
proposedby the President? If so, "who struck
Billy POO° roost r M., shs. t...,:gr—c .so ...t....a
the country cis' prophesied by the whig party?
Its it has not, in what light does the whig par
ty stand in regard to it? And final , at is
the actual difference 'twixt tweed -dutn and
and two . edleleet Now we hope lir n eigh . -
,bors will not thin if this "poidtless in .ective or
:ridicule," neither flo we wish them to consid
er it "sound logic," but as we have always
been 'taught that when we are "among Ro
mans to do as Romans do," and as they hate
'heretofore answered every question we have
inopnunded to them by asking another, we
have concluded to adopt the same course of
tactics until they reform. By the by, if we .
should prove clear as the sun at' noonday,
that by t aws nations the conqueror 'or
a country has then tto levy militaricontri
butions in any mann r he pleases ou the in
habitants, the Gazette would not acknowledge'
it—their creed teaphes them never to acknowl
edge themselves *Tong, or an opponent right.
Anothecriert'tO Erebarras Gen. Taylor.
Ina letter from Tailor to a gentle
man of Philadelphia, dated CaMargo; August
14, 1846, he says: i ..
"My real feelings impel me to say, that I
do not desire nontination , as a candidate for,
the Presidency. Your littter finds me no as=
pirant for that office, and the agitation of such
a question; in 'my esent responsible posipon,
is yet a more s erious caw of regret, aim
The Commercial 4dvertiser, iogether }with
a number of other whig,and Nat ive American
papers, since the battle of Buena Vista, have
raised his name for the Presidency. - Now as
these papers have been tiolent opponents of
i 1
the war heretofore, the i n ference naturally fol l
lows, thUt,sceing'Sci i nta Aunct's army of tweni
ty thousand could not check ihe -,'successful
prosecution" of the war, they have comm e n t
ed "afire in - the rear" of this character, is 4
"tending to embarrass" Gen. Taylor, "in the
successful prosecution of the existing war.''
No,-other inference citn—be dtawn consistent,
with their course heretofore.
(r* The Gazette is of opinion that our
sponsetta their inquiries ip regard to Judge
Thbmpson's vote on the i Wilmot. Proviso'
"may do well enough for a - piece of fun," but
says that "a day may come when the qu4tioh
will be propounded in thhnder tones, and when.
it must : be mot and tinSwered." Very wel',
gentlemen, wait pliantly until thatday comas
then, and in the mein time stop your whining
1 1
about a voteWhic the Democratic constitu•
ency pi' Judge Thotl peon are perfectly satin
fled with.
1 License tnNsar li7ork.l '
Tile question of licianse or nci i license was
again' voted for in some parts'of New York,
on Wednesday last. BUffalo voted for license
by between twelve and thirteen hundred ma
jority. Last year some two Or three 'hundred
the other way. Atr far as heard from the
same result appears wherever a vote has
been taken, .with two or three exceptions.
We have received both Graham's alid•Go!
dey's Magazines for May: : , They, both main=
tain their previous reputation, and are well
worth the price of subscription. •
A man in New York turned hie eon out o
doors lately because 'be wouldn't pity , him
houso rent. - striking. instance, says the
ofpay-rent=al affeetion.
0-.7.. Soon after the nomination elGen. Ir
vin by the whip, we made h statement on he
authority of several Democratic papers t at
he voted while ti member of Congress fo a
tax on tea and e - , the country beln It*
peace. The tte,denied it, and called .p
-on uk to re ct. We responded that, not
having the do uments ou selves, if they would
furnish " them we would 'examine, • and Jr we
found we- were mislid b out• cotemporaries,
we would cheerfully make the amende honor
able. They have neither furnished the proof
or alluded to tile matter sine
,170'e now copy
the !lowing for the purpo sof again calling
leir attention to it, as weas several other
matters. It is from the Doylestown Denio
i James Irvin -111. ♦ot►w la Cosgrove
•A reference to the journals of Congres, will
show that JA MRS IRVIN, the Federal nominee
for Goveri,ot, voted, whilst is member of Con
gress, for ti batch of measures of the- most
dangerens • and anti -republican character---
measures which will caned. the :honest free
men of the Commonwealth to shin/ lkirn na
they would the pestilence. ; We' will now
merely give the facts—hereat we will com
ment upon them as their enorm ty _ emends—
land we call upon our bretbren the press
'throughout the State to doglike e:
ci )
' On the 6th day of August, 1841 , James Ir
vin voted for the bill incor gating that great
Barrisu MONSTRII, UT seal Bank of the
United States."-,4_ ee Journal. 11. .R. .lat
Session, 27th Congress, page 325 . . 1
After the veto of that bill, James Irvin again'
voted for its passage, on tbelOth September
1841.--[See same Journal, . same session,
page 4 .s%
- On e 18th of August, lB4l{ James Irvin
vote for the passage of that infamons of all
infanious laws ever enacted in, this country,
nal, same session, 378. • ,
Same volume, page 380, x h ibits the vote
of James Irvii agailost recOnsiderinig h the Vote
by which:the Bankrupt, law was pask il d.
On the 17th of January, 1842 Tattles Irvin
voted against the bill to repeal the Bhnlirupt
'Llw.--(See Journal H. R. 21 session, 27th
Congress, page 214. -2)6-
! On the Bth September, 1841, James Irvin
voted against exempting SALT frem duty.
--(See Journal, Ist session, 27th Cdragress
page 4 1 71. , t .
On th e semi day James . ,ls 1)
vin 01111gD
. the
vote-on making sugar FRIO: of duty, a.ithough
his 'votes before and afterpkid. vote indicate
his presence. \ • -
- \
' On the proposition repertel. by the , Com
mittee of the whole to strike out the section
of the tariff which taxed tea and coffee 20 per
Cent., a vow was taken on the the 15th July,
1842, and althotigh James rvitt's natn! is re
corded on the list of yeninind nays ' immedi
ately before.and immediately after said vote,
it is Bussixo on'th vote to strike out the tax
l a
on tea and -coffee ournal IL . 2.1
session, 27th Congress, page 10 to 1
, 09.1
The proposition. to strike: out tho x n tea
and coffee, was DEFEATEN and it a cor W i lly
'remained in the bill as it went over o the
Senate. For that bill, thus containing a sec-
don to'TAX TEA and COFFEE; James !r
Ts7. ---- .14 - -Sell3loll,
27Uf Congress, page 1106.
The cla use in the bill taxing tea and coffee
which John Tyler vetoed, ,and . for which
James 'lrvin voted, as referred to by page 1108
wasin the following words:
"Sncizost, 10. And 14 it further enaqted,
that on all articles not heiJeafter enumerated
or pr '
ov'ided for, there shall ' be levied, 'collect
ed, and paid a duty of 20 p r cent. advalorem.
Among the articles "not hereinafter enu
merated or provided for," were TEA and
The people may, rely, upon the truth of the
statement contained in the abo%e record.—
THEIR TRUTH! ! We dare them.
• .DTsestrsse.—There is in importrint class of
diseases in which Alerehatif'a celebra•ed Sarsa
parilla Extract, Will be faun to exert. a very Pow
. •1 1 ,111 sanetivei influence. N,e , lude to diseases
of the digestive organe . ltlis on these, organs
indeed that this remedy primer' y acts; restering
toneto tho stomach, healthy dig Wont!, and a good
appetite; and thus relieves man, other diseases
From What has been seen of t s effects in those
cases where the constitution II 'a been injured by
tl.e use of 'Mercury, U,uinino, -c., we should have
no hesittition in pronouncing .a remedy of ines
timable value.—]Pled. Adv.
See advertisement in this
de.eriptian may be had gr
it 1-'llte Great American Remedy now the
most popular Panacea' of the day' is making many'
eires. If we are asked in what particular kinds
ot complaints this medicine is administerel, we
have only to say that there'is no diseaii in Which
the article has not given with the moot happy re
sults—remember this ante* la ono which pos.
oeies a 'wird retnerly, known only to the proprietor
and is (Ira strictly Vegetable compound—and will
cure any complaint note knotinTyoir want proof
of thislstrangWassertion, calf upon the agent, and
get a painphlet, sec advertiment.
MARRIED.—On tho 25th inst., by pus Rot , .
Mr. Kuchler Mr. Frederick W. Moyer and 141i53
Margaret Zahn, both of McKean townxWp.•
"On - the 'inst. by the Rev. J. Condit, Mr.
John Clark, of Atbion, and 'Miss Delilah M. Pot
ter, of Cussowago, Crawford county. '
Has removed hie Office to the Publl • Bnilding
t ,
_Rear the ourt House, up stairs . in the, room
1 occupier y the Sheriff' and directl y over the
Cumit3is ner's Office.
Plompthtt mien will be given to all busi cue en
trusted whit!, care. 51.
County and Borough Surveyor; value in Exchange
Buildin.u. French at... Erie.
• New Fashlons_of Millinery.-
, •
ArltS. ROOD, would respectfully inform her
.I.VI friends and the Ladies of this city
and vicinity, that she hes Just retuned from the
east with the L ATEST.FASHIONB offlonitelsi '
Dresses, Cgs, _Sh q has also on !land, tuft!
will keep, a beautiful, and select assortment of
Bonnits antr Bonnet Floivers,
Caps,' 'oilers and Borders, together iitit'altnest
every, other article of Millinery Goods. . Thank
ful for paot fltvors, sholtopes lift a liberal share Of
the public patronage. •
Bonnets cleaned; greased and altered to
the latest styles • -
Frje, May I.:1847.
---- ""rr .
. . POCKET. BOOK LOST. . - •
WAS LOST on Wonday,, the; 26th inst., be;,
tween -Erie and ther'revein of James
Brawlpy, in Harborcrock, a Black Moroco Pock;
at Book, containin,i,lene hundred Mid, thirty five
'dollars in bills= one $2O bill; three or four $ flys_
and the balance in its's.4.names of tanks not To!
.collected. Said book . ale& 'contained it note
drawn. by A. Soules. fin $(0, payable in luntber
deliverable to W.. W. Loomis, ,Erie; together
with :Other papers of 'no value except .to the
owner. %Any persomxtnieming said book a A its
cements toThe owner in North Eitit , ;or 4 this
office, will be liberally rewarded. ' - ' . • --
.." ' "' • . •G. M. POPE.
- May 1. 1847. . - . -; . ro
nfI.AFTS. ON NEW YORlC—Sigho'-briftai
'1.1; on New Yotivfor western foil& for *ale by
Msy 1.1811 • C. M. TIBEAteS•
The New Jew Store - Ahead !! !
Ton received at the New Jew Store, NO, I,
at Fleming Block, State street, a nevi and splen
did assortment of ,
Which, having been bought at extremely low prices
and the subscribers having encountered neither
"perils by sow or land," in their journey to Phila
delphia and hew York Markets, tent and will be
sold as cheap—not to say a Bide eheoper--qtan at
any other Jew or Gentile Store,between New
York. and "Sundown:T. Our seta consists in
'part of
SILKS of all kind; desdriptions and colors,
from plain block to the most fashionable plaid,
striped or watered.
GINGUAMS, Wench . , Englith, Seatcli and
American, varying in price and quality to, suit
SH AMU . , Silk, Cashmere, Barrage, etc., etc.
at prides that cannot fail to please.
M. DE LAINEti', of 411 qualities, from 20 cts.
BONNET RIBBONS, of all colors, qualities,
shades and prices.
GLOVES, that cannot fail to - tit the most deli •
cafe hand, at prices in accordance with the most
dslicate purees. T
French Worked Linen cambrlODandherchl4l4
a beautiful article, and very cheap for the qualityi
Also t embroitiered do do., together with snaky
other articles,,'toO numerous to mention, but which
we will take pleasure in showing to customers
and other; Also—a N3letaill s-?ock ot'
consisting or Pants, Vests, and comp, or all pri
ces anti qualities, and Boots and Shoes, of all
kinds Call anti see, and don't forgot - the place,
No. I, Fleming Block, State Stroh • ,
Erie, April 29, 1847. .
T UST received ut the, cash and ready par store,
J two cages of the latest styles Muslin Pritth4
an I Scotch Gin hams, Pan a Kentucky Jeans,
Etumtner Stutf,tltibbone, out. letcl for sale cheap
us thochoarst,by IeBUCKLE,
'No: 3. Perry Block.
Erie, May 1, 1817,
YTHE SNATHri,un commiettion and air
'►7, sole by P. ARBUCKLE,
May #;1817. No. 3, Perry Block.]
_ _
GROCEttIES.—A good assortment of Dry
Groceries on hantland filr sale ' at the cash
andrtady pay store; Nn 3, Perry Mock, by
May 1517.
. • 50
. New Goods! New Goods !-!
EA AS TUE_ CHEAPEST. Far farther par
tienlata enquir e at ME CALF'S.
NO. 1. Reed House, Apeil2B. 59
IXLLtikNIS & WRIGHT s ere this day in
V V the receipt of 10 packages of Fancy Dress
Goods, comprising, a beautif u l assortment of
Dress Goods, tozether with Dress Silks, some
that are rich, Bur.,;;Undy Plaids, , the set flowered
latwiii, Mulls arid MOurning do., with a little of
alniost l every thing, in advance of a very large
assortment_to be here in a row days. ;
• April 23, 1847. •
EI S. WLS. --;The Chinaler ape, Silk, Embrold•
cred 'Leah and Zephins, do., Summer
Cashmere, flowered and iainbowed Worsted, that
•are decidedly rich, at - , •
April 29, IS 17. •; 50
G L')VES.—:We have - the hest absortnient that
will be iti this nruket of all kinds, including
Stew a-t's self imported Wadi and fancy Kid, I"
fancy and variegated Silks an 6 China Linen.'
April 26. . WILLIAMIfI & - WRIGHT.
g, DOZ. Parasols, Purasillbilu and Shades,
CP 1 . 1 °lli\ fire diilerent inanifae
all shades and colors, just opened by
I eirtiorn 'Hats, la, good assortment
may be found at
--- ""l^i6"n . -il
- keomcnrw
andon something new, togetti er ,wt
het i Limos, jott. opened at the coner opposite 'the
A pr 4 29
litrim the best and cheapest Stock - of rash
ionable LADIES' DILES4 GOODS ever
offered in this market, consisting in part
50 patterns Dress Silks of Oil colors, embracing
Colored and Pluid and Sttrped POillt do Sol,
Gro de Rhine,.
Gro do Swiss, •
Satins of all colors,
SHAWLS of all kintl4, such as Silk, Crape,
Barrage, Thibet, Mons de Lain, Broche, •.
Lawns, Balzarines and Barages,
Gloves ands Nlitts of all kinds Silk, Kid, Lisle,
Cotton, Rtd. 1
CLOTH:i,Cmslarteres,Tweetli, ientucky Jeans
and Satine.ts. y ,
In short,Penstomerti,ean find ever ling in the
Dry Goodslline usually inquired for In the mar,-
kat. We forbear to mention prices. Suffice fp
say, ladies, we can sell you a handsome French
Lawn dress from 128. to 16s. that will vie with
any in Broadway. Please call and see for yiattl'-i
selves. Farther particulars hereafter. Don't
forget the place, at CADW DLL'43.
April 28, 1317. 53
r DAVE ust received' this morning a new lisp-
I ply of plain and twilled Ghingliam, also is tut
of prints, 4.., which will be sold eh . : :...
by. , C,- ALTIBLIAbS.• A
May 1, 017. . ' .50
"sale at' '. tl. - TIBBALS.
May 1, 1817. , L - 50
aper. .4 pamphlet
,Eis. Kele :teen',
THE lat Battalion 10ithAtegiment P.M. will
meet for review and irlOtection, in Erie, on
Monday the 40th of Matt nett The 2d Bs' tat
ion 10 lth Regiment willFitt in North East, on
Tuesday the Ilth May next at 10 o'clock, A. M.
By order of D. S. Clark,ColoVel colt. ma nAllig
104th Retot. 2d Brig. 17th Div. p. M.
- 1. :T. NIERAIN, Adjutant
i -
Erie, April 26, 1817.
P. S.—The enrolled'Militia -who reside ,ivir
in the boun i ds of the 24 Battalion, will be • s
quired to do duty in that Battalion, and will not,
11 , exempt by doinglduty in qiu Ist Battalion.
Company. First Battalion, 10th
Itogitnent, 2cl Brigado, 17th Division 1 1 . M;
You are coMmantled to meet on tho W es t. B id e or
the Diamond, in Erie, Pa , on Monday the 3d
day of May, 1817, at 1 o'clock, _armed and quo . -
tied for drill, •es the law directs.
1912. •1150
Eric, Mny
ni: mu. 1 BST dc Co.
EUYEAT.9(I4. T.' - ;:•
AND Dealers in Leh gh and Erie Cent. alt
and Produce gene ally. ;Particular sitt n
tion paid to the sale - ofProduce and ttusithas - of
N 0.3 & 4 Coburn Square, South Wharf. -..:-- - '
Biltilo, N.Y. 1 4' '
I Valetta the Ladies.' -
MIIS. WARD reihectftilly begs leave to in
)he . Ladies of this city and vicinity
that she has just, returned from F4iludelphia with
A km, a very beautiful assortment of Ronnets;Alitn
net Silka and Ribbons. together with a choice
leetion of French Artificial Flowerii,all of which
sbn - Wlll be pleased to show her cosionfers and
friends at her residence on - Sixik:Street, - an few
dears 'East of Messs. Goodwid - & "Vie .ent's
Swore. , • -
Erie, April 24, • ' . 49'
' 3t50
' : ' WESTERN, HOTEL, ' '
• Toti'N vltAll AM ;....yropriefkii;.• .The
illl 0 subscriber wank! respectfully inform
-his friends and the traveling. public gen
erally, thavhe has leased for a term of ,years this
new and Commodions fitiuSe, • situate& at the
Eighth" Street Citnel Basin.' This location - red:
dos tite,"WES'TERIsi " pre t cminently the most
convenient and desirable stopping Place for , all
. elther thainu,busineas,tir traveling on -the Canal.
There It also, attached to this establishment a
large.aniconvenient Stable for the use of Boat
men and Othere having horses. , - . ,
' No pains or expense has been irinired In gluing
op thichnuse for die convenience. ;comfort and
pleasure of, I:ileitis. an d ;; ,; the Propricior trusts by,
strict attention to husin to' merit and receive a
share oh public patronage. - -
„ "E y rie, April 21, 1817. ,
11 - .3 2 '&10re evidence or increasing deinatid for
• • &Ilk, Feb. 1847:
24E.S!iit‘. Ktno & Co., MIAOW:A, PD.
G•lpts.—gliclored you will find ten duller*,
ivltielt- please place at oar credit and IftirVvurd us,
somelef your "Dr. .11 Llue's I.ver Pills," we are
entirtily out. Respectfully yours, &e•
Prepared fur the Proprietor and' sold Whole
'sale and Retail by .1. KIDD & Co.
No. GO, Woodle..
Pittsburgh, Pa.
It 3"N. 11..-Purchasers will be particular, and
enquire fir "Dr. APLane'a Liver Pills," untitake
no other. - .
'-, - To all netom is may Concern. '
Mr,ssam. J. KIDD '
& CO. .
This is to certify that my wife hag been afilicited•
for perm' yestri, with the follon iug pains at 'pe- '
rio Is more or lea , :—Pain in the right riffe,,about.
the edge of the ribs, extending to the tight shout
der; pain in the back part of the bend, :aid alma
0 e right eye, accompanied by weakness, loss of
appetite. and almost. constantly confined to
ti tl. Since August,she has used three boxes of
".,111.mteis Liver Rills," and I have now to stale,
tl atiby the use of these Pills.'she
. has been belie,'
II etit i on no ordinary degree. Under the ProvP'
dinc,.ol•God slic nuw enjoys good health, and it
a 'le $o attend to the domcfcie concerns of my
Richmond, Jefferson Co. Ohio. . ..,.
,R.;` J. Kum. .
4 Dear Sin—l call to inform vou of the v i rtu s
"Pr. Ml:ant's Liorr Pd?:," incore , y
trite', who was incine , ll to try one bo. , th ? use
/1 11
T which she kit so much rplief that g to procurcd
second: Since gilt: has taken the seco n d but,
I er bcalth has improved golmiteh that she is now
ever than she has been for - several years. - ,My
t ell hbors have become aciptitintei wi.h this fact,
PO a at as soon as I act motley I will buy them by
ibis qtrzen, to supply those in my immediate neigh
borlicattl. i -it. CO - CHUAN.
1 Pittshttrah, Pa.
Frepar - ed for. Iho Proprietor.“2nd sold Whole.
and Retail by" , 3: KIDD FL Co.'
o. 6 . J.W00d st. Pittsburgh, Pa.
i It 3N. H. Purchaser:4 will please he ,par,ie
nlar and enquir !,‘Or. Dane: Lircr Pills,"
Ind - inke none e e i a. i there 'are eater pills now
hdpre the' piddle, iturpoiling to be,rLiver
lilh*. MI ..14 ANEI
:1. ~ YE TiM I F_ti, E. '
masks. J. K.nn R e Co. Pittsburgh;Pa.
iln Cie month of June last, we received 6 d tz. of
tAl'Latie's Antonia Worm Specific," all of which
m t: have sold, and nnw wish n, liirther oirpply\ no
' ietotirre. We frequently receive ; packattes
in New York by exples:t , , and l preSunte tlikre
'old ha no dillicul y in forwarding by this Mode,.
us ut Rochester from Pitioburgh.' , ` t
Yours truly, POST & ye'Ul
,Rochester. N. Y., Pcb.2}, 1517 L •
Prep a red for the, proprietor and so.d NV 1;011,1-
, 01 and retail by •J.KI DD ikt i o.
No. Gd,Woott stt, Pittobitrult, Pa.
, - -
!( -- jitt N. IV—Purchasers will please he par.,
,ticular and inquire foi"Dr: - 1 1PLarresiti Wortn Spe
cific or Erriniftagr," and tuko 0 other;
' - -04 n 1.4. r /roue -
PARIS, Ky.,. Nlareli 3, 317.
Klatt, s'Co.
'!:cuts.—ln the month of July last, .1 Ir. F.
Merryweather t of Cineiroati, appointed tne
Auatit for this place, for• Pulling: Dr. All...ane's
hialtly approved medieines„and the motivo thit
prompts me; an entire stranger, to write this let.
ter to your house. is to inform you, that Atte in
habitants of this town and, county, gellt!rally,
lune given !he Verntifitge of Dr. :Inane a fair
1441 in their finnilirs, and pronounce it to ho with
out an exception, the very brat Worm Medicine ev
er ‘ those Mitt - Led With wic..rins. •
' The high estimation in which the Vermifuge is
held in this community has induced me to pur
chase it in Como from you, or your Agent, and
!you Will (M1L...0e me greatly by writing, per return
rnsiii,i your easiNpriee for the . Vermifuge by the
.rose • ' Vert. respectfully yours,
Prepared for the proprietor and sold-Wholesale
and l ctail by • ; J. KIDD' iR Co.
No. GO Wood Street, PimbUrgli, Re;
give below a spechn 11 or the many certif . '.
'ended ns every day , nd fe•hich we preSitme
is sufficient to.convinee any person of the superi•
ority Of Dr..lPLanc's Verniffege, over all other so,
ealledilrerntifugrt. 1 I
This is to certify, that with Dr. I%l%am+ Spe
ific,-.e child of mine, 2 year old, raised 86 large
wormit, besides a lerge.quantity 01 .mall ones! to
prodnCe this discharge, it on'y required two tea
spool4fitl. The balance of the vial I gave to an
other child 8 years Old, which - cabsed a di. charge
of 26 large, besidei a quantity of small worms.'
'.•Feyette tp. Allegheny co. Pa. Jan. 20, 1517.
Pre - . ell for the Prtiprietocand sold Wholesale
and Retail J. KIDD & ,Co.
• N 0.60 Streett.Pitishurgh, Pa.
PZPN. B.—Purchase rill phrase be particif
tar and enquire fur Dr .11,PL•ni •s Worm Spry:fie or
Vertniftsge, and take nothing
Aceters.- Carter & Brother, J. Burton &
Co., Erie; J. Marvin, Waterford; Johrire,
Girard; John A. Trarty, Fairview; W. H. wns
end, Springfield; Hall & Vincent,
Jackson & Campbell. Edenboro; C. Town Sr.
CO. Wattsbur , .; A.,Tourtelloa, Union Mills; J.
H.' Haynes; North East.
Sold by Drti! , ,gisis and Merchants generally,
throughout the United States.
21, 1817, - ,
Wip l
HE partnership heretofore existing between
the undersiened, in tl e practice el Law, ha:.
bean diisolved by titutual .onsent, MI persons
indebted to us arc request .t 1 to, call at the edit •
and settle their respective scroitnts, On or herb r
the first of February neat { Those who rigle •
this notice may incitr costs. ' i -
,; '- ~ •,-.: I CARSON GRAII A Al.
Eri, Jun . 11, I817.'• ' , •• ' I 51.45'
Tie Books and papOs of the late firm of GA f..-
'BR A ITH .4..'', GRAHAM are liy manual agree=
` left with ma fortheakurpose of clo4irig up
theNtsiness (Watt col ern M. collectingall &Ms,
14 .144 Pam obli E mtl in, l do asrspeadily tt4 passible.
.hand'. .hand ' acieociatCti with me in Misfiles At. S.
4..ANE and WM. A. 'GALBRAITH, s'qs , apd
cetl_tOute the iliiceltttet,,V oecliPiett try Gtt rata' St
'Gfaltimb under-the I'm .of GALBR 'HS +
LANE, wheio all business in the Him or the pro
fission, will be, attended to with iworntithsti awl
tlypateh. ' - t_ '. 'JOHN GA4AIRAI rn.
'Tile, Fcbrnary 3, 1847.. ,'t . \ -' ; 1 ; 38
ritAHEsolweriber has leased the house 'formerly
It nTwo as the Hibernian liotel, l , on French
!srcect, a few'cloora North,of Fotirth, tar, the puf•:,
• pose of keeping, - a Boarding House.: .Boarders
wiltlicjaceited by the dav,, week, month and
yeter . :inftito most
. reascittable terms, acid he hopes
by strlitAtlenlion foll) comfort of 'kis guests, to
receiva ti'share of the public patronage. "
ll:—Pradttee of all kinds, conauhtly kot.
on hand, ind fee sale cheer,.
• ' BItAD§I-14.-W:
1i: hie; April 21, 3t43
eir4leritrers are prepared to Melva and
fToi ward during the seaion by tho Erin Exten•
lion nal to any point On the Laises or Ohio riv
er 011 roperty entrusted to their care with the ut
most g•lnttch and ot..the lowest rites. ' i
• llodk Stave and Groceries (Wall kinds constant
ly on hand anther salecheati at their WI/toffees°
on the canal; ,h'iolt street lauding, Glazier's Da
vin. I - • P., I ) . G lA/Melt, .
3m M.
Eri- April 23, 1817
,1 • -
ST arii vitstritON ••1
IN 111 K ROOK Of NATUttIiND or colinom
..i. SENSE, that dhe natural vegetab a produltioeirpof wo
,efy errantry are, if properly applied, amply 801,6,146 r
- s he cure of every malady incident to e h peculiar distal'. -
[ ' Ws iloglill'e Indian Vege blurb!.
ofthe North American College ut 'lentil', are eptlipoted
of plants 'which grows pont attentily swear °Waled. sat
.n.0,14, 0 ,0' 0 , 0 totter adapted to bit ermotttetketo thus
moo, A uer concocted from 'routers oarur. however Ell
they the compounded; altd as they at!q (ou t laws
the p tieiple that Ohs ku an body is in tenth )'
,-mithject I. ut nate Disease,
viz: cerrupt humors, and et seed medic:um istres , ktllbli
disease en I .
, 1 ristarni relativity' i,!
nr c Et:CM:VG AND ruatrritro YOE EDDY; it will be laa
ifest, that if the rotAstitulioU he not entirely eatiaaated—as
per'MARCO. in their u 4, oreordiag twitarectiosi. is air.
sulutely attune to drive disease of every twat from the
itou we whit, to restore a swamp or .ffiorat; to fertili
ty, uiri drain il oldie superahumlaut waters; in like mail- 1
Dart we wish to restore the' body to health, yrs mast
-. Jae se it of impurity, - z .
Wright'.. Indian V egetable IPIIIn
wit e found one of the hest, It out TOO vox tear U 0
ter six Tux wriaau roe CAllliTittAi etre-mei
Grand FstrifyingPrinciple, ~./
ne no they expel Irons lbw body all morbid end corrupt
hum s. the eAtise of disease, ill MI easy and :' , 141i URAL
SIA, . t. 11,4 and white they every day I
Give Ease and Pleasure, ,
• c..e of every name is rapidly; driven atom thcf body.
\ Few InediCil.Ps C 111 cl.ihn to st MA so str.iagly l , ea the
foushultl of merit, acWrichre Indian Vegetable Pill.
Their (nine As tune lecture them in every diredioa, and
(won the moment its agency is establitlierli is a now 'es/c
-line of iouittry, the tleimitid for theta il l uready l and ins
creasing. r itoloett the result care defies our best calcu
lations, and we fiud it difficult, with - sesta of the best
teams in the country et:m.4lo4ly emploYed, to keep every
scent hilly supplied. Tye opiniotio or these Elea may
Le Worth liOlitteg they C'olllo to um in the ekupe of blot
tic-n I nut were tot thy unasked:
Extract if a letter from Remand.. Mira Dr. W. Wrlght.—Your 1•1)l: have given , naiirersid
InlilalmilUil, silt' era Justly vet, popular. I can salt Cron ,
3U tt) 40 ..ozen anon illy if t meld to- supplied. '
' “W31..11EN it Y J lINSON. Argent"
It ought to be liere reout.rktol that the niedicute LAS
bytrecrmily_ltren kairogiured ism
1.. ..
rtraetuf a kt',r /ivy's laser SA .re, haul.
'•Wriglit'4 Indium Verliii k is Pilliczett eery thin, of
Umlaut! over ..lretell to dm plata is i to this sectionl Of lb.
couorr, tiotwitils the , osubinett trffo'tti or .ome
I. t: uoprtuciple.l mercenaries to put them down.
From Sew I/art ire, Ce, ra. 1
_ _ .
• I hewn weed 1% right's Indian Vegetable 1•11'. in mr
iit. nly, sud found them t . be tine tteit medicine I ever
ue d. I tiiels Cu become n *gem for the sale tif them in
th e place. , JAMES N1N2L1.111.E.1". IL',
. Fpni Cr.nabgro:latliana. i .
- Some time bliwe, thy, - ageut left wi th me jig Angels
W ight'e•lndkan . Vegetable Pella to sell. . They were
.altyone ar won{ ushfibg. There is nmeh tall foe
th te. • • I b^lieve the pills ant !err
g d. I ' • .SETIi IIENSIIAVV.w
reonsAnanado ,ami
[Apprehending that I shall be eut' of your valuable ;
khan Vogitstiloyills before 'our agent will go through
rivicol to supply me. I beg you w Iprward me a quail.
lily Disown way or oPier. • I
rifle Pills are delis here admirably 'welt; in- spite of
the opposition of some would-be dor:tors, who have ea
rned all their thaw nee to prevent people from haying
them; and if 1 have acoutinurd supply, I shell, be able -
talon tartly of them. Veers,
From ihe View, Tiryinid. •
••I hove nearly got thruity,ti with tin pills you,left
sent me, anti! trait. I coubton sheirt time, 1..11 six J oe el,
eight ! dozen ioo e. The quicker l'get theta; the more I
shall ,ell, as tit sickly season* raging bete considerably.
and your Ir illaare liked and approved of resit/ally mare
th4n any medicine .Ye-hero bad among us for some time.
ha fact IJ- s A 1-.o+e V a •ilaye iastagre where they dare
hero Sr edam: di apprure of. Some of di* Physkisma
do ;et like them;Ltint I rearm they never base tried them,
cud self.iaterest will generally he consulted. •
&e. - I.lli 11E11 NOTTINGIIAM."
Such are - isfuw of the .t.tements voluntarily made by
men of the first respect blityineo who are known, and
whoie opportouitiee for °biers otionere not, I excelled to
k the laud.
--- Thrfullowing highly respectable Store Keeper bawl,
I been duly appointed agents for Erie Couryty.l
0. D. Spofford, Erie.
clomuelifutchins ..t. Ch., Waterford;
Jam Mo.7.lare. Sen. Guard
J. 11. 4 4,1frrauce, Vain,.
Erasias Averill Northwillo.
_ . . .
Riley & Potter, West Spriiintlekl.,' 1
w. 11, Town..lo, sprilignot.i., • 1 1
D. C. town & Cr., ti.attiburg. , • 1
• ••1 •• North East. •, ,
Jobti - Clement, Fulrview. , ;
- I .
' Illti*Aue OF CoO:r - neitntiTS — Th e
Ilublie ore eltvliutied
ng.ibilt the mow opuriuu4 niedleiiies`vrhich• in order to
deceive, are called by names similar to Wright'. Ludlam
VegelOble rill'. l \ - - 1
l'lte qm..v oniallClL AND 9ENDISE
Irrt.t.. Optvit tiii IMMATURE or WM. ‘VitllillT trlterTeN
Wall % !AN ON TIIE TM* LAIIEL or e*i it rioX, Sore Wei"
gdi ajne, , anti to c. - molerfeilthii ig t oitarALT.
tliflecs drotc.l aielueirely to the *lsle of IrrVies /4 (eta
rev. taste , Pill , wholesale and retail. 169 Ittriee tAre.t.
l'iltlexlcl?tilis, 228 Sreeuwiett Street, New Tart; and 189
Tremolo' Street. Boyden. -_ , i
Erie, April 24. 1847. . 1 1 - 49
Is now universally acknowledged to he the IN eAt.t.ittin
REMEDY for Ithenotutism, tiptoe. Affections. Contuse.
tious oftle 51uselca,Sore I hroat and Quinsy Issue.ol.l
Ulcers. Pains in the Back and Chest, Agtunin the Breen
and Form Touth-Acho, , Birrairrr, rreiree, Nall Rheum's
Burns, Creep. Frosted F.llit, and all Nervons Diseases.
Tu...II.ILIZIPIIANT IiUCCE%Sii which 'mina...led the
applie Don of ' hit most WONDERFUL MEDICINE in
curing the most severe cases of the different Diseases
shove numed-and the BICH I:NCO/411331S that bare
b- en trephined upon it, !wherever it 114, been introduced,
gives Me the rig.,l to call on the AFFICTED to resort, at.
ON.. • I
. '
Le :he following lerer from Edmund M. Blunt. Em., '.
whose name 11111 i1P1.711 rendered immortal aS the author of .-
on Cos.t.-Pilot, and triers! other Notate's( works, is Mint'
reliable evidence of the great value of the eelebrated .E.i.
kola, renill, Malta I.fninsent 1
Sing Sing, Jut, flS,ifiis.l'
G siege EXsid •ne r ,, En. I, '
Dear Stfl-For more then halt a century ill biare-suffer
ed with - Rheum tisin. A few months since, iticomuntoetters
of that ditmate lus h sticks closer than a Brother, 1 fell
and injured tny Me. inducing my implying' Hunt's Wt.
I went, from ethic 1 had immediote.rerief. subsequently
feeling an :snack my old commotion, 1 applied it,to the
part a ffl icted, wit( at once removed it. As a we enas-,.
:iris nll ship-in ra to cum a medicine chest whilst. at
sea, none should go without this, as 1 tbiekl one bottle for'
external purposes worth ell the nilmlicine they, can catty.
Yountay use this commuttleation at your pleasure.
~ '
. • Very respeetfuliy yours, r I'' _
A gentleanin of high standing LUN
,in the society of Friends.
speaks as follows of the, grout remedy, Iluties'ldaiment.
11Veastle, I .... r ,.,,,,,,,..
George L' && elms. 1 I ' .
Esteemed hienJ: -Thy letter of the '29 Military If ve.
craved. in my reply I *mad say. that 1 haro'beens troub
led with is lame knee for several years, dulos4rbiettlitort
it has distressed me much. I procured a bottler of Float's
Liniment at thy store esrly last spring. mail I bare Nowt
it freely, nail I can say that since that time!
little or no li - rouble with my knee. A friend to w 1
sent a'rnis-me that It was it Free ' benefit hgr
in a rheumatic slfection . I have no 1141 t• oils moth.
I t
mending it to any person needing en este nal reined?. .
. Bedford, Sept. 4,18 . 41% 1
Tim Gearge E. &mann,
Sta.-Soule time since, I over heated myself In working,
and the calf of my leg broke out in pimples, which by ,
scratching soon hemline frier sores of the! worst &scrip
flint. The Irritation and swelling was so great that leould
tint rest day or night. I nsed but one Gentle of your Lint
meet, and am now entirely well. 1 was tqsa effected by a
swelling in the groin from the same causes:, and the up.
ulteation of the Liniment relieved me et Once. and I most
confidently recut:tree sl,ii to the politic si an invaluable
irm/dy. , I • RICHARD . 1101311EP..
TI is Liniment ..
'&1,010 ni 9.5 and 50 cent e per bottle,l by
all ti ft Principal Drnggists and Illerchani tHroagbout the.
cuuUtry. -
• 1171.4rr01e Agent. for Nest Fork.
H' *A DLEY, Ili ELi S A Co. 142 %Pater Street',
nustrroN .11, co. 11`,0 BinadwaY.l ,
1 -,-, A. It, & D.SANDA, corner Fulton cud Wittiest. 1
f - ASIINSV All.,S6Williainnetreet. 1 - '
JOHNSON. Ktl)D & Co Pittsburgh, wholesale agents
for Western Pennsylvania.
-Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N. Y. Wilt he 'at
tend ed to. - 1 GEORGL E. STANTON.
For tr,1e...hy . .1. IL Burton & CO. Erie, iv, l
C.Town North
East, J. Clements luiiiriew,S. L. Jour. & Co. Girard.
April 10. 1617\,. - -
I . - 17 --
----- ----
,Spring of 1847.] .N .Y [Spring of 1/4.7.
'.. .
-Rail := 1 :- ri f t
-1-ft 1 7 L''-' 7 =- '...• 7 •ft,
---”.--,... Road!:
• • 14.1. ; - 2 1Xe.' - L. -
' received at khe Jew Store, No. I Commer-i
cial Exchanee,corn,er of Freneh rind Finking.;
Moses,, after enceuntiring all toi,ts of perili,iy
sea and land, is here with his new all fashionabkii,
Goods, Purchased iu New Yoric and Philadelphiar r
at the lowest cash prices, and embracing, the great
est vatic!), of Fancy and Simple .Dry Ooods ever
brOnOit,to This place. 'A fiw of them will be no
(Wee, : ', 1 1 \ -
SIIAKS--Eit aped Pciult de Soir.
l' -, • fl uid Grenadine,
.:.:, ; Do.' Foulmrd, • ~ik
Heavy wat'rd 4-striped b‘ck
NV liite,Avivered, ' 1
Wldie and blach'Satin,
Plain block ltur .. .. I i , '
French 'Oingliain,'a ne and belt utiful Wide,
Muslin Robek , plain ind. embroidered,
French embroidered , Rnbea for,cbilrlren,,
Very preny'M. t 4) Lainea for 28.1 pit yard.
French wyrked Linen cambric I-Idkfi,
Embroidered and bordered do. do.
'Double 4. single French needle. Forked Collage
and Capes. - • -i - '
Embroidered muslin Shawls,' _ I .-\
Silk, Cashmere and Baiage do.
'French BarraeeScarfs, f ' X !
English threJil Lac,bs, St issind giustbri4 Mg.
ino, *
Black, chile and colored French Kid Gloves,
Si.k and mbbair gleves. and mitts,
Ombra . striped 13onnet'lltbandN -
Halved dn. ' . do. ] 1 - 1 ~
Corinthian Cord, Lace Buttuni,l ... -
Siik'Bennet Wire, tic. 4.c. "7 I '.
' 1r...71.Mind the name and numher. ' ' 1
No. I, Comniereial Exults yet.
• , prom:het.
April ,4.
lJ and wad
o,4:Ober' 21
ain, cont.)
ing at
ek int; tintling
blue bik