0 II•pe he did meant nothin I love tor, perhaps ho had hisl words. ..erSho, usually es at this-point With a sigh, solution to discard him from would love tio one w o did ended her re and a haught her heart. not love her. In a fe es ment for Geo ip Col. Watson left hisen amp ',town, where he arrivea, har7. .ant attacks, Majoi Lindsay [To be Gontnued.]. rased by co acfompanyin t CArrvan *.t • f the Delta, in Mexico, relates tepei:ate pnd inhuman proceed- iDEATIIOF A FANATIC.The corresponde the followin ings,of a M x'iCtn - fanitie: It series td il lustrate the e ing entertained by Me!ticansr generally t 4 a all sexes, and, conditions of ~ . . the America ople:- es While at 'a rgo, that gallant Texian of ficer, Col. C 4e. first heard of the inhuman massacre ne r erraivo. He started in im ruediata- pu a h of the tnurderers, t rain down retrib ti a justica upbn their herds for their daeta r I conduct. lie 'suttee ed in capturing o e f Urceat,s °Akers, who, a 'fa naticism, n d nbt,' instigated the atro ities, too revoltin t decency and Vinianity to be described. H was identitled'ai the murder er of Burns, 1 was seen. te mangle, most horribly, wi h , is own hands, the dead bo.lies of the Ame icon teamsferli. Moved by, the 'spirit of a f l erron, 'he attempted , and would have murd red, the grief distracted datighter pf the unfortunhte Burns, but for the :interfe: .tedee of e..bther o ffi cer is the stuns division. wee After he taken dud. bound by throngs ”rang, seized a pistol around uhtt . -. eke had laid down, fired i;t. and N , 1 the knee. rag ed fey an M? his sword ,' 1 ut - his anger the sight o tjk cord s ` which s, and he desisted fr in hie He was then place in a ick soldier, guarded bla file s theft conveyed unti ' they kt where the massacre hod ta- ' which Col. wounded h instant, 11= melted awe , confined h I ' hasty pu wagon, i f of men a reach.. th m dr. l iy ' ar ose a d N. sP° halt was ordered, unt I the uld be performed, no of ho had lost a brother n the h his rifle s unrrceived, o the one hundred and fty y ards from ii, where he secreted himself be h, and waited until his comrades n spube between him and the butch irother,- when ho fled and drove a ili his b. . . The desperate min t the ' which bound -him ,to ut, sna • the gun of the sick sol -11, mule . alMost superhuman e ff eit: one o the guards, which he came -breadth of accomplishing. I lien place. sites of bu the comps fight, stol. distance o the wago hind a bu left an o • ' ere( his h throu feeling th' life was c die 4 and • to shoot 1 within a j . wit o .3 C l .9: s D h lS i l n O g ß t ß ol ' il V u OL ti tl io .4 ll, TPß to CALR 0 0 . f Saturd y ou !yes that the President -inters 5 medlntely about 6,000 more Ivolun s too the public service: They are I y i nte nded to fill up the places of ii er whose time is about to ex 's +bably that many of them will ren gements; butt, to provide for ib ontingency, it is deemed best to pre ont call. These trocpsle in strengthen the divisions of ou ar , at-Santa Fe,,the army in the 'ree `ll. e o Grande, and the column of t -i z. The Union says: nnies hoth of Gen..SOott and. Gen. ill be proniptly reinforced, till even t prit,e, vain-glorious and obstinate as c,shall see and feel the utter itnpe.4 Ur continued resistance.. 'We have suggested, but we will not vouch fo'r Svc Ti night, an to call i teer troo principal the volui pire. It renow any possi makq th tented t ply,l viz : tioniof t Vol.* C "The TaylorVV -Mexicari it.may bi sibility heard it . _ the accuracy i-army will b• ter not leas t necomp ishe I nccomp lab perman nt of the estimate, that the fernier i in all etyma-20,0N, and the lat; ilan 10,060. The end to be thus is Well worth the price of its ente, f or that end is-.secure nud ace,, ith j o ist indemnity:' _ 5- 1 -‘,- 7 ---- _..-.• 1 - 1 ------.' of C on ------------ ' - ..e, a ate, on ecticut so triqmph= Wh gerA is when looked,upon with tof istory, one of the greatest mitt- Icould ruktsibly have befallen that lucky of all parties, inasmuch as it ea the parallel between the conduct of dere) party ditring the last and the wh)g party during the present war. tient was them b/ucwith Federalism all he i' now equally tinged withAodern ~ a d eqna4ly strenuous in opposing er Sates in time of w'ar. We there ngrilate the. democracy npon, the f this election,i as it replaced and es ' a the great landmarks which seemed e degree obliterated, and exhibits the tion urfederalism again expoied. - tion in ant to the fig haps th i most u coemple , moder Conne. over—i whige her Biel fore c• IV tablish' in so found• . . , i Net Orleans Picayune. , in pi blishing r fr.m Santa Anna, before tl e battle I na V sta, from which it is obvi ,us that ntel] upon taking Gen. Taylei' quitp by e, says—"He little thOught at the mo o w s preparing this order, that Capt. cCu loch, the gallant Texan R nger, en ii on an eminence inside his iick- Iv looking' into his camp wit spy .o pt. McCulloch assuredly p form feat of penetrating Santa Anna s camp of h a pickets, and returned to Agna sally and reported his observations!" ITT ( Th , an ord of flu he co surpri ment Ben Al vas tl, eta, Co glass! ed th inside Nuev 1. 'OW THE WHIG Yurrortr!--reop e Sip raise the shout for the defeat f tion that guartees equal rights at I t9.a1l men. Mechanics and lilbo . that the protection to your honest dstry is for the time Ofeated.— 'common people," that the• danger ntent of electing your own judges -Raise the shout, loud and long ye SN I of W a Co • pri vil , ere IS rtoila Shou, ()owe isqle , .d mothers of the rising generation, ..1 system that Ihiuld have enabled cafe your chidren without/money i ut price, has b en voted 'dokn as a orthless instil Lion in Wisconsin. ird of night scream it through 'the tithe Ault • you and ' a a Bch o ed ith. 68, the, /O _ at ti fundamental law whietirecogniz o so oreignty of man, without limiting rivil, ges on account of his birth-place or , t iouiqbelief, has been repudiated aw un throf the grebt State of Wisconsin.— ut, one. and all, and cry out,!‘greatis the :r of Money, we nre dust and ashes before —lllil i- " rtir 1 ed t • his reli war •Sha war ;. ~ 1111 Ivt.._ .. fronfthe ot4 Union that in-the rece n t • massacre subseque,nt engagement m New Mexico, 'Miens occupied n conspicuous part.— learn also from the Independence (Mo.) rigidr that when the fortified church of s irr(s firftd by the ,American forreP, a blo dtplaW appeared on the, ramparts bear d,ir Ila 'of truce. Ws was shot from her I. :- .In these engagements," says the Ex tor,, , the Indians fought better and did re e ccution than the Mexicans. They 'I kill our men with their le arrows nt.,n dis -1150 yards," while on horseback they feet ,Sartians. St. and the- IV- Ex Ta. Pu , ing hey mo I=lol lan ,vie , 'Flit. TRAWIDY.—The, Cincinniiti Corn- Oil the 18th, state's that an awful trag itS enacted at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, inight of-tile Oilf.' A . man named l uarreied with" a Mdis named. Clark: / commenced figlitink with wagon ,;) ; from this'play they took to knives,. lie'reiuit was the Chkrk had file ,bowels ni -*rid after this was done succeeded in ng Cross. ",It was expected that Clark ital die. The fiunrrel commenced lie 4 tensing the other with holding illicit unit: with his wife.! The fightdis des - -. .1 by an aye witness,, Was.,a*ful—both it fighting for some minutes in perfect dos lation with their bowels hanging out. El on le • ot ki lir El=2l Ira ET hTUNu ,Occimanmon....Thn Dubuque • • publican has published art account of a fall terelites in thatjutighborhoOd. ' In one lust-, ce, In large stone some six feet in dinineter, (I resemhting a mass of sulphur; in its des ; .nt:vent through a largo 0-cu ff crushing it to • m and entered the earth to' she .depth ,of, out. twelve f eet, from whenca 'it was after _,J. J , '' lulu Nettqrea by those who ` 'witnessed its FM , - I • ,Froin Verti Cris.' ,7 • '''' TL 4 'N. 0. Picayune" give us 'articulate l isit cf the news, which:arriied by the so ip Loois -1 ilk, gathering ft, as it seems , fritin hatsig al at American ptow?sii, a newspaper , called e "American Eagle,' which has t been start at Vera Cruz: • . ,i . On the 26th March Gen. Scott had the res, olutions of .Congress.presenting the thanks of ,Congress to Gen. Taylor and his army, pie= di !gated in general orders, in the f llowmg w i i rds: "As manyi of those' gallant officers •an men who achiaved the brilliant ictories alluded to are now with this particul r army, at"a great distance from the disci guished Maj. Gen. Taylor ' the pleasieg duty!devolvea upon. tile rneral-in-chief to anuopnce that, reoclution n punted orders to the whole at.- my now with him." i ) The Eagle says that some men belonging tel bo Now York and Ist Pennsylvania Regi ments, unit four sailors from ,the frigate Po tomac, left Ithe wimp on Sunday, the 28th ult. and want out into the country some seven br eight miles. Some of them returned the same evening and reported that they had been at tacked,by ranchero' and most of their num ber killed. No faitle t was placed in their rep resentations, but on the 31st a detachment was iient out and fonnd-the remains of five.of thede killed. . hey had been shot and horribly mutilated. truing, those were killed wete the Rev. W. 1 . T.,Barnesiof Wilmington, E 41.; Robert J 'ft', of Southwark, Pa.; George W. Miller, of Piovidetice, R. 1., belonging to the Phila delphia Siingersi . Benjamin Pane, of Piovi donee, 4. I. H rdin, of the Potomac, and threeinim lbekin ing to the New York regi k I me n t , whose winos ate not known. A stringent order was issued by Gen', 1 Scott on the Ist of April, denouncing certaid , utrages Which had been committed by a few Worthtesti soldiers in the tinily, and calling ,upon the mass of the troops, officers and pri vates, to assist in brinUag to justice those who should disgrace our national name by any violation of law whatever. Soldiers are not allowed to stray from camp without a written perniission save to the orderly and sober. • Gen. Worth's orders ,Ne. 3 direct the al cable to have all citizen's of Vera Cruz give up their arms, taverns closed, save they ob tained a special license, EL:. The Mexican laws as between Mexicans are to be continued • • force, and justice to be administered by Mexican tribunais. r Difference between 'nericans Of the army and aut horized follow rs of the same, io be investigatelby a milit 'IT commission. The Mexicans are allowed t enter and leave the city freely between rev ille and retreat. By anothe order, C. larkoe is appointed notary public, and invested )vith all the pow ers slid authorities attached to such office un der Ile laws of Louisiana and Mexico. F. M. Diamond is appointed collector, (pre viously atinounced) and Felix Peters inspect or of revenue r J. P. Livy is appointed- har bor master. The former alcalde, It. I. office, t. Col. Vela, hiving deciinelito continue iii , Holzinger is anpointed in his place.' , pertuinAndisa and cafes are licensed, and the sale of liquors in an unauthorized man -1 ner guarded against. - , ' , . . • Vans C ant, April 2, 1847. -• All is quiet here. - Gen. Worth, in addi tion to his commercial rules and regulations, ,has overhauled the police department of Vera Cruz,' ' and every thing goes on i like'clock work. I doubt whether this city froin the days of, the early viceroys "down, has ever had as' geed a code of laws..or as OW a Gov ernor. In my letters by the Arkansas, Ine ected to mention the, arrival of the *kis mail steamer Tay. She came in eight yester ay, aiutav tivriacikli qiiislerAgitiar_lt.l , cp arace op tni.,,,, , s about the place, finery" , c One in. The Captain was douhtless asten-. is ied to see the, "stars and stripes') flying 1 from the old castle of San Juan -- de Ulloa.—.. This morning she started' for Tampico. A detachment, composed in part of Col. Harney's 21 Dragoons, inarehed.thi4 morning to take possession •of Antigua, ari old place some eight miles north of this. Gen. Scott will not march with the main command for Puente Nacionel for some "days' to come, not having sufficient tjansportatiou to wavrant an immediate movement; but he will, or rather has, taken, possessiOn of the roads tight and left, in order to obtain supplies of lull kin ds from the country of the enemy. • I. Nothing has as yet been heard 'of the ex pedition to Alvarado, or kit least nothing pos- itive. There is a report that Gen. Quitman met with some resistance on the road, ut not the least credit is giveu to the story. ' ' Yours, lk.c.. ' G V. K. • „The following- items from 'the New, Or leans Delta, will be found idteresttng.= Things in Vera Cruz arkquiet, and the Amer ican turces generally In tfine condition: Gen Twiggs had taken up the line of march for l Jalapa on the 3d April, wittra col umn o 2500 men. Cul. liarney had left the day bOfore with his regiment, 2d Dregreensk This enterprising and gallant officer had sue ceded, by the most ineredible exertions, in mdunting. the whole of hts regiment, and it now numbers 500 strong, and n.nebler band of cavaliers never went forth to (matte: ,„ . La Vega;' had been at Puente Nacional, with 2000 men and nine pieces of artillery, . but not being supported by the Government or the people, had concluded , .to abandon the post, and marched off his force towards the I 'City of Mexico. Immediately after his de parture the , citizens of Jalapa assembled to gether and determined to send the Mei& to the American camp, to surrender tho town. ' Col. Bankhead, with the 21 Artillery, is under marching orders, and . would follow ,Twiggs' Column .with a long train and 1 largo -military - force. The country people begin to come into Vera Crpz, bringing vegetables and ether market supplies. Gen. Worth had enacted a tariff upon all articles brought into the city to be sold. The market was well supplied with beef, mut,ton, vegetables, fish and oysters, at mdderate prices:, All the grog-soops—except'tv'ci, respectable 'betels, that have special license from the command er—are 'suppressed, l and liquor cannon be sold within the city, iwithout the consent,of ike General in commitnd of the city. , • A great many laborers are employed in cleaning the strpets' of Vera Cruz, which are in a terribly filthy condition. &stench per vades the whole;city, particularly that part of it which antlered most from our artillery. It is supposed that there must be initey persons buried beneath the ruins of the hduses des troyed by our shells. Everithin'ggets along arnoPthly under Gen. Worth's gevernment.— Several volunteers were under , arrest for out rages egalnat the Mexican people. They are tObe tried under Gen. Scott's order is sued some time ago in Tampico, and it is said', from the.tone of sentiment. prevailing in the, army, they will-be severely, delt , with.— Several , persons, who Waggled out from' our camp, into the country; Were murdered, and afterward found horribly mutilated. • • Tito American Eagle ' s new Americo-Mex ican paper,' has been started in Vera Cruz, by Messrs. Peeples,rnard and lowell. 'From Ila the first specimen of paper, the contents of which havo been previoettlY published in our paper, we augur much ' for its- success' and popularity. it, is certainly a great improbe ment upon its predecessors, El ilndicador and El' Locemutor. i ' (len. Scott has. taken active and extensibe measures to complete the . train.fer ; the.,nmin body of the army as soon as : possible.. A large number of melee are now on their. way to Vera Cruz, mid large ordure l'canie , over here fur other supplies. 'When the, army .is encamped; at - Jalapa,- the supplies will be landed et : Autigus, -which is forty -stiles near: er Jalapa than - Vera Cruz. The army was in excellent health, except,somo sickness, of an unimportant- elitracter, among the Pennsyl- /The troops out, or the eahly situated. on the 'g the' lagoons, and are =once -the march to a. lition. I FATHER MATTHEW . rank Volunteers;_ city, are very ',dials sand-hills and !Imo very impatient to more agreeable go LETTER FR • any Even log Journal. etter• from the RT. Rev. • by the Cambria, was re-, .aper was going to Press, us,_ both in its gloiving ae- American sympathy for nd' the , announeememt of us, to be withheld:— Cosh, 31st March, 1847. From the Al. The followin Tqnonow MAT ns calmed just as our but it is too proci.i knowledgernent: o suffering Ireland, his purpose . to ails' - My_ Dearest Friend: - ; - - The magni fi Ceat humanity evinced by our beloved Brethein in the States, for the suffer ing Irish, has ins fired every hearth: this Isl and with ardent gratitude. We hall ever regard America as our De liverer : in the hour of bitter calamity. The immen e r supply of Indian Corn, wafted into, the Coie'of o:irk, the last few days, and the Free Gift CargOes, daily expected, hive had an unexpected: effect On the• Con: Market.— Maizelas fallen from £.1:£10 the ton.— In the darkest hour of cal •y. we should not despair. The mercies of the rd are above all His wonderous works. lam aolved, God, willing to leaVe Ireland for the Mee next' summer. It shall he my constan - anxious prayer, that the Lord may remove very ob. steele, and allow me to indulge this arling desire of my heart. As soon as the ex cted bread-staff vessels arrive in Cork, I she I have the pleasure of writing to you again, expreas ing myJthanks. i Presenting kindest reme, . - 1 - berance -to all my friends: I have the honor to be, • Dear Mr. Weed, yours affectionately, ' I THEOBOLD MATTHEW. 1 4, Dos*T You Donon."—The enlistments . in-qapt. Wilder's • company is still rapidly going on. A day or two since a man from Penfield brought in his son, who,. he said, was determined to enlist either wit or. with out parental consent. So the old gentleman who ,had a little arts stimulant oni hal made u . p.his mind to let him go peaceably,— The young man was highly delighted with the' idea of having the 'privilege of "killing a Mexican," and draw on a suit of Uncle Sam's blues in double quick time. After all was arranges, and the old gentleman was about departing leaving his son to " ra o to the,wa," he turned to him and said, " ow tny'sion, you are enlisted in the service o your country, ] and if • you ever go to battle, when the bullets fly the thickest, d—n you don' you dodgo" —Rock. 9 v. • BREAKING OPEN THE CATHEDRAL Et lax ico.--We find in La. Fulda of New Orleans, an extract from a leading journal in the city of Mexico. giving. an account of the httempt on the part of the government of Gorhez Pa ries_ to remove the silver plate froM the Cathe dral. It seems-that the •report was that the government gave orders for -its removal for the purpose of coitilllg it, and as soon-as the party to whom the buisness watt entrusted was safely about it, issued a counter-order, as a trick for the public. The official' to whom rumor had assigned the direction of the opet at iondenies that therd was any order tb . take silver plate, but oily coin; and says that Col. Firro with 'the artisans necessary t remove the locks from doors, and to farce or 7 n coffers entered the treasury of the Cathedral, where he found silver to the value of $3878, but no coin, and accordingly lie had the doors secur ed, leaving every thingro it was before. Tim NBUOTJATIONS AT Via& Calm- , -In the "American Eagle," from Vera Cruz, we have a copy of Gen. Scott's summons to the city to surender and rOlv thereto, sc • ‘nerat a - cotOniat - 6-ummonspyrrretr o u Tate that if the city should by capitulation be garisoned by a past of his troops, no missile ' should be fired from the city, its bastion:3i or walls, upon! the castle, unless the castle should previously fire upon*the city. i General Morales, rejected this . chance to save the city and its inh bitants from destruc tion. The direr was e inently humane and I had it been tweelite(' ni teh blood would have been spared And at the expense of Gen.'bcott's means to reduce the 'castle. This matter should be distinctly understoOd.—N. 0. Pk vsyune. . \I Is llorrn . occurren 6 ,re6 \ ntly in the 'Fork in Ow co k ty, says 'the Montgomery, Ala. Jourhkl, ~teaches a lesson ins away op which' ought not to be thrown away on dis consollite widow. A lady whe hal lob t her icorser half, but who 6d another "string \ to her bow," or another in readiness, arrangi4 to have the same clergyman who preached the funeral discourse over the remains oilier dear deceased, at the-same. time, tie the knot with ft the still dear liking one he clergyman ob jected to the joint o ce.. A neighbori , g magistra e; however, a swered the purpos•. "11 1 e fu r.;l holtrol moats DA cold fovnish forth the mat riagn supper." ' .. . This really occurred. , _ SOUTII;VAItD "THE STAR OF EMPIRE; The tide of emigration to' Mexico, says the True Sun, seems to hare received a strong impulse from the cappire of Vera Cruz,.. Those who wish to make money, and thoso 'who have it to expend in sight-seing, aro all flocking thither. There were on the It lth inst. some 15 vessels of all Sizes xti Now Orleans up for) Vern Cruz, and iet: so ,humeous were the iipplication,e, that it was almost impossible to procure a passage, at the sacrifice of com fortof every kind. 0 --- THINii OF TIIAT.-4 • speculator who buys largely of theprodupers remarked to us, that t.o first thing he losdced for when he went in t, a man's house to purchase, was a newspai.„ p r. If h o saw none, he was sure of a good' b rgnin! Think of that! No man can cheat ‘..son who'reitds a newspaper.—Cin. Com l . in rout. , • 015.4 good anecdote - is told of the fathe of 'wiener §IIUNK, who once kept a tollgate in Montgomery county. • Oneday a genius of th • dandy kind drove up, and after enquiring the am unit of toll to be paid and being inform ed that it was five cents, he took a half-dollar from his pocket, and threvi it into the mud, on the road, instead of politely handing it. Mr.• Shuck without saying a word, went into the house, mid brought out his ,change, consisting offortmfiee Coppers, Which he also threw in ,the mud, in the same place twhere he had re ceived the specie, and silently returned into the house. The dandy of course did not relish thltmuch, and after 801110 cursing and swear ing, gave the whip,to his horse, and drove off, leaving Mr. Shuck to gather the pennies for his trouble. 1, • TROCWB FOR NSW Pift:XICOA.The St, Louis Republican of the 10th (net. says:_ to un derstand that a report has gained currency ih this eitY, that Gov. Edwards has received or ders' from ; the War Department to raise two regiments olvolunteers,to march to the relief of those now.in New-Melded. A gentleman Who came paesenger yesterday on.the Tamer lane, from Jefferson city, is said to have 'de rived the same information from the Governor. . . , . 11:?''.1'he Union Contains the following in t mat ion of the designs of the Adminiiiiiiition: t o •I'DHOW can the texicans - coatinue the w. With any prospee f suCcees. 114 guerilla system, is gone. ' er capital will pirobalylie in our posession, or at least k , her table lands Will be oc'eupied su as to peitait our troops to advance:with additional reinforcements to e the capital; if it should be fmindueeeesary to take or temporarily, ritaia it: We underatad that reinforcements are shoot to. bo thrown into both armies; Sad if Mexico, should continue besotted, blind to her true Interest, infatuated by her ridiculciue 'Pride, we'anist put forth our powerful • arm in a more vigorous proaecu- Lion of the war." .1 ,Lite from Ate',llloxican Capital. SANTA ANNA'S APDRES - 6- \ ON ' PALL OF VERilk• CRUZ--Ml 'MENTSADF MEXICAN TROOPS. ' , From the N. it. I metnerciel Advertihr; The latest - intelligence hem theacity of Mexico - that we have !seen iii given in the Havana Hit de In Marine of the oth inst., from which °translate the following: i "On the 31st Ma ch w a pub! Shed hi Mex ico the 'capitulation of'/ m P ttis. President Santa Anna issued, an a &Lai t his country- Men, ia whieh, among other_ things, ho says: "'Mer ens, Vera Cruz is in the power of the ene m y. klieg fallen, no before- the val or of th e Americans or the in uen sl. of their good ortune. We ourselve yto ur shame be it said, have brought this fatal d sgrace up on our arms by our interminable dissensions • I'. z- °I am resolved to go and - meet the enemy. •,. • • • Chance may iist- 1 cree that the proud Anerican host shell take the capitol of the Azk, c empire; I shall not behold that disaster, for I shell first lay d own my life in the struggle. • .• ' < -' • Yet the nation shall net perish ; I swear that Mex ico shall triumpthl if my wishes, are seconded by wsincre and unanimous effort. ••A thou sand times fortunate for us will, pray° the disaster of Vera Cruz, if the fall of that city shall twakenlethe breasts of the Mexicans ' the slbthositigm, ,the ;dignity and generous er dor of e true Ipatricitiem. It will undoubtedly i prove the saltmtidn of the country.'" I [ On the 27'ih March were already assembled some troops atthe National Bridge, under the command of iGe .- La' Vega and of the Governor of the .State, Don Juan de -Soto.— Between the 27th and the. 30th two brigades kofinfentry and ono cavalry, marched from the dipit4l in the direction of the bridge, -t it tn. corresponding betteries, amounting i all t.2.\ 2,000 men. [ 1 1 41 1 I i "o[l\ : te Ist of Apri l eneral Santa j 4na in pers n would set ont ifrorn Meal , vlth 2,000 m ,to direit he t 'military operat i ons in the stn of Vera Ciuz; Solved , as he Says ; Ili to dispute te, grorind; in by ,inch, and I die before he wt kroner/it to a: petste—his,nwn words, as we fl d thetn both in leers arid in printed documen e. .Enrolment or iroope is [ [ going on at vario points. - "The army of th North has returned to San Luis Potosi, wh r it ' remained sal - the l date of the latest advi s." - . . 1 . 1 The Diario de la Marta .publishes a ,con- densed account of the' botrardment an ca- pitulation, from its • corred rident at [ [ [ Cruz, in which' vehement reproaches are showered on General Scott for "his hardness of heart" in denying the, prayer of the for eign consuls; that they and their ompatriots might be permitted to leave the Ix, !after [ ,the attack had begun ; and the noble con duct \ of the Spanish consul Senor ,Eacale t e r , is lauded to the skies, he having declare ~. he correspondent says, that wi th his nett n's flag in his hand, and at the head of his co fort men and ntrywomen, he would go fortli, , from the -ci v end the American general might fire at hem if he chose." The cor respondent adds - that Sener Escalante Vwas •about-putting his threats in execution Whe the propagate' for a surrender were agreed on by the Mexican authorities. .., The same , story' is-referred to in a "letter from Senor Ramon Vila, "the only civil au thority remaining in the place," to the Span ish consul, expressing the admiration l of th , "civil authority". for the I consuls generon conduct • thrdughout the 'siege—Which t e "ciol authority", contrasts with "rho' cr el au thority remaining unheard of atrocities of the ferociouS e mies of the republic." , , [, r FROM THE CAPITAL. : • Frond clic Umlaut of Thursday. lettero from Vern Clllz to. the gO l dlt r at ri iirdirtieride p itn w iligNOMAlVlß the capital has ceasedi Amid' Anna was in full possession of the effeutive authority, and Vice President Farina has'resigned or tee expelled. There is no' longer an 'opposing party in arms. It is 'reported that all, the in telligent, wealthy, and sober-minded citizens of the capital, and elsewhere, are anxious for peace, and willing to yield to us as the basis the left bank the Rio' Grando and Upper California. is.said, on the other hand, that the pop'ilar masses are in favor of continuing hostilities. Our troops were abcirit to advance upon the National Bridge and Jalapa, (30 and GO miles, respectively, from Vera Crnz.)— No serious resistance , was expitcted to Oa east of Perdte, (9Q miles) if 11w *. Correspondence f the N. Y. •Fun. jik••• • , Mixt o, Mancit 37,lffr. Thee twenty-four days revolution-is ended— Vice President Ferias has reSigned, • anti en. Santa Anna is presiding with his new e To-day all appears quiet, but how an it will remain solis i fincertaip.l Day-be fore- .esterday there were dine murders in the most f -quetited dtreet i at mid-day; and'there are more .r less daily. •,.T \V RMAK I ETS. CORRECTED ' 12 IKLY1 KLY FOR VIEI TUE OBSERV ER 611 alt BY Wlltsll.l% Z & 114, 9 i DEALERS IS A if GOODS,GOOCORIES, lIARD; WAR. * Ate.' Ste, ; - "Ti........ , ilum \ Flou', bid p 425 Appitie, tdried Pork. per tall l a3 5111 I.IIPY:d Beef, lb ', . 2V3 Owl. Butter,' , 8510 pur..its. Lard; i 051 aleph, Cheese, 1 455 ?rlef i r, . 11 flatus - • Shoulders s'ke Pow red . -- Pateloor. 31 \ Lrmuzu. MO rape?, Ong ,' Black Walnut/ 1 GRAIN. I i Pine, lit quelsty . ' tO Wheat _ ; tflOa9l.l llomlnek. l/ 5. Core, I i 371 lit quality w. W. r IRye, ' ' ij, 40 .. , d do tl 41414 built 1 IS Cherry Brrley • ' 334371 White oak • m I LE rata. 4lard we d ecor! SIX - - liloft •l u 1,124 1 'Oituidin'o co a l, _ $3,0093,50 A otbraeito, aft Oa I 0 Sperm cmidlea, lb 4115 Tallow. d o , Stearime, I 121 • tistos Clover, Bush Timothy Flax, Ilay, 0,44,00 $101,2 702 , 75 4444,50 Pleura lAA ...: $456 Pork, (mrso....sloe 10,25 Beef, (prime) • 6,59 B ard utter, lb 8144.10 Cheese ...„, r 307,1 Taus Shouldtra .1 ,‘ '3} Potatoes, bush '23'644 Cora meal,'ellt ' 73 GRAIN. Wheat, bush--bush-- - ' 100 Corn , 00 II ye • .... i .50 OiliA 1. . I CO? 24 • ? MOM. • Sla y uchter,ttr ' •31 Dr I Col( " " 1 'II 1 Shen Lamb p pelts .50 ' ' 0 ' IiEL. :• hard food, cord I'l Deintock ' lOl Ohio coal, ton OILS , 'CINDILES, ..... 1 1 1 1 Fall apenn oil -I Winter do I I Bleached do ...... •• I i Srirno c miles 50 Rite:wino candle,'" : • ' • 20 White loud, No. I, drY•cllr MTh : $1,44450 57S Flour, per thi., Ashes— aeorchings Pots Pearls 4 -15ai on; 1 0 00, Bans 3 ?SI 2 3 Beeswax , Brooms per doz. • 474211 1 ISACOn — `IIIIII2S, • 5e6. 'Shoulders Sides I 5 Candles Cntrois Yarn 1849' C shoot per, lb '/El Feathers 5,1031 Dried spphis • r /50 Driel . Peaches 411215il 6,: Burley - • 551110 Irns 1 HE VE- : ~ ilil i4l Pi ---,, =-- - , .-- AN invaluable remedy for. Horses, Cattle and other 'domestic animals, In the cure of the followin,diseascin s. Free, Wounds, • • ißstula, Signal,' - ' Galls of. kinds, Strains Lameness, 1 Sprains", -Bruises, - : Sand Cracks, i 'Cracked Beets,....Foundered Peet, Ringbpae, Windgalls, Scratches or Grease, Poll SIM, Callus, . Mange, .. ' . Spoiii4, Beoreng, .Horn Distemper. , ' t l' alto a Univetsal Family Embrocation for ,diseases 01-Human Flesh, such as 1 Rhumatism, External Poisons, 1 ' His t e of Ad JVI Admits, " Painful rootes .dffee- Fr ; ost Bites, 'Anti Boils, . Corns, Whitlows I, "I„i Burns and Scalds, Chilblains 1 Cramps, -" • Chappedflandi,,, , ,. • - Contrariety lee Muscles, Swellings, Wonailt, .. Weakness of the Joints, Raked Breasts. 1 1 MERCUANT . S GARGLING QIL.—It, is. w rthy 01 PpecitA remark, that beeidc4 the great, an extra ? ordinary Towers in , the cure of;diseass of the horse in which its virtues first attracted t he atten tion 'of the-farrier and f water, and the, wonder o 4 -the public generally. it>has been successfally em-' : pl :O iled in a great variety of the mahulien wilteli affect the, human race; _and it has provedl by the Wonderful cures it has pc#ormed on the lower an imals, thin; it is endowed with curative properties not found in Other horse oils, which has establish edits claims io .Peneral con fi dence. Y. ' Beware of th e .. counterfeit articleiand !Pm' sure , the .name of the 804111 , PROPRIRTOR, G. W, Mer chant, Lockport„is blown in•thelottle. I )_., lt - XFor testimonials, synopsis of disetutes,,and ` erde of treatment, see pamphlet which accompti--., vies each hot. le. ' I - '1 Sold by J. H. Burton & Co. Erie,• S. 4.-31. H. Fassettl Ashtabula l Ohio; - and D . .N.: W*.bagy , Conneaut, Ohio. , Iyso GEO. NY.' MERCHANt'S IMPROVED COMPOUND FLUID .- , • E +TRACT -OF 'SARSAPARILLA ,or Removing Diseases of the Blood, 'Ara' ag from an abuse of Jler- 6 nes and joints. e y, ; . Peres. Snrss.obstinale (Id sores Ch no anotroustilueia alllis qf all anis. . , 4 inch as •. Scald Ma, Salt Rheum, from :j. , fob or King's Evil u gscon Ring Mr In tikd olhet,iliseas. /tg Bnphifis or renerial, ~ es arising an im ij ure Iteration al and Corrosions of ' Slate of the Blood; also, he 'Throat. Nate, Cheeks 'Habitual Coeireness, Piles, 50440 10412 124 7,59 a: 5 Sete, lb Upper, beer - do Aigh' tlostipf, Platter tent Salt, fine. " canoe), r al e 1,50 lk 28 Ills fleet tall.* lit Mutton Lo Wool White OA, bbl CoJ fish, lb Pmeo r 6,5 1 1 4135 • Pur'n Fate fi vux ito er,vi ti a ntl No r , Lard of i Bank. Shor Clo• Tin r Ft ; .041 101 ' 621 ~D O ',. .4800. ars. I or, hush. • $4 00 lathy it 10 Ix.? Van . • - 871 /hitqlish,' bhl - ' $0 00 'n4l, rwt 3-1 lUt ', ' 500 utiuwtes. Balt. bbll- ' 1 184 Apples. 238.50 do dried ' ,75' Onions. q ' - yOO Ergs, dok. ' 14 47k1nr. btil / ft • Biller situ?, lb r% 3 Soap, }.... 3} Whlekoyi Iran i -1 , ..... 20 It igh inos ' • tM Levi, w hUi1d....../ • 5 co Beaus, hush • , 71' Wool, lb. / 14120N1 114 Y. inn• ( s'-& 1 o lIRGIL Wheat ! 7 / CO Coro/ • • 40 lia / / ,flicks, green,. 8 50a0 50 341 Pig trta,tal : . - $ 2151325 ' Bar iron (tor lb , . 31 I Nitile_ 'in'sni co ,Clover se ed . .3 f.a.k4 00: Timothy seed , 1 25a1 37 Flaxseed ' ' ' 7303 - Saltl4 Tanner s oil; 1 , $ 1702,1 - Fellow . ' - 7a7k Woo), Rd id quality, 10a20 Whiskey .19alli t.zugar - , 71.111 sem 11ORRIE , NR,DICIPIIII TE WORLD'I EQ. . MERCHANT'S ir Aitt4.lll l OIL - . 'l__ PVIIIIPV 'WOVE& BLOOD! If Lips, Ears, and other pails Chronic affection! of the Lacer, of the tarty. ' . I . Lungs and Chest, Pimples or pules on the face' Paiu itl the 45annach and tide!, I Scaly ,porches, and other tr. Night Meats, .te. dr. 1 upti o‘s nj the kin; • • - Ii AA likewise mach mornnien- Itike. heuriey, and.othei. Sea- . tied as us Cleansing Spring Ut',wee aff eions„ , Medicine, 0 rut in general de ile • Swelling', Dins in .then Mfg. This remedy is prepared,from the choicest se lected mate ials..tliej apt ive properties of which are i extracted I y an mproved process, without heat; on account Which itis preferred by Physicians as being more nilq!m and active than any other now byfure the p blic. I .. A inn, account ot to remarkable efficacy of this remedy, in a variety of cases of the most aggra vatediitiairc, may bekeen by calling on the pro• I . ,pirletor or his ageins; . , As most•uoed mediei s 'are co unterfeited, be tveruart l imMacaVfNmarAAW,llo,Q l l2: .iind s . the Laboratory of Gee. W.' Merthant,- ITheinist, Lockport, N. Y. . - I f .C.l"Alinost every pedlar in th country is now putting li a p and imposing on 111 public, an article they call sarsaparilla. Ther() c, nr.wsnE!! Sold by J. H. Burton & co. Eric; S. S. 4. H. Fassett, Ashtabula, Ohio; D. N. Webster, Con• neat t.sAtim,l y5O DI .V,l § - ES OF` TIIE URINARY ORGAN S DISEASES ol the Urinary Organs- cured by the EXTRACT OF DUCOII, lITA 1111 . 34 and en ' BETI3; such.as chronic end acute diseases of the . Bladder, Mao, chronic ,i . Urethra, Gonoirhten, " ' Prostrate Would, . . Cha I s, V hilet, KitMeis; nut - , , ,rioitir I 1 ' Diabetes, 4 -et ' his isiiiablo medicine - is prepared only by Gen. W. Merchunt;.Operahe chemist.&c. Lock port, 'N. V. , Full and ample instrtictiOns, testimonials; Ste. accompany each bottle. Sold by J. 11. Burton Fassett, .Ashtabula, 04 neaut, Ohio. r co. Eric; S. S.' Sr. H. 0;, D. N. Webstel',.Con - 1).50 co, Eric; 8. S. & D. and D. N. Webiter, 45Q VE POWDERS; i•Oit HEAVES/ AND IES.-A long famillari sl treatment of the dis ibject basic ,it. length if this exceedingly sfal ,a and Cough—a digel ire misery end,. death 1 , ..... m oue animals :than , any !other to 'which, they oxpott - xl. :Illve no hesitancy in sayin 4 "-- - . will ffeetually and Vier - ow iymploinitnd-ffsjige of this 'PZI disease. if giftlff,in any' r ime after it - has bean con iscover symptoms of Cough to, resort to this Powder irseverinely, and attend to iv: the directions •for the is; and in nine cases out of it cures. .1 d t' na- 'certificates of cures, it. Price 59 cents per hot- A. . Cotemen, New York 1 E 0 agents, Erie, Pa. i ' 45 EAM GINES. WE are /Uow prep, d.,tw.make, or repair Steam Engines, an to sati.-fy thosd wl-r have doubts as , twour ahili o turn out super' , cork,, wo invite their inspacti , of one which v ave recently built and put_ in , erattoniat ou. Foundry. - ' /LESTER., SENNETT & 'JESTER. O.—A second hand•Fngine of horse pow e Member with bellows for a small F miry, for ,leat o bargain.. • L., &C. ,Erie. March 20..1847. 44 ; WANTED! / TN exchange for Girodds. any quantity of G. , d L HEMLOCK FENCE BOAR/13;6A 10 , an' 42 inehei wide, 14 attd - 16 feet lona. tiltM, LOCK :YOICE; 1 1.2 by 10, and 2 1.2 by 12 ; 0, 'l6, 18 and 20 feet long. • HEMLOCKSJIT,DGING, 2 by 5 and 3 by : 4; 10,-14 and 10 feet — lena-,' for which the highert market price will be paid, when i dbiivered.at hie Ltpnber yard at the foot of French. street. WMi TRVESDAIL. ' Erie March 4, 184 , • ' ; 42 ' s • RIE WO LE FAC ORY, I A CARD.—MII - IAFF Y & BREWSTER, Proprietors of the Otie Woolen Factory, takes this method of return', g their thanks to their friends •and the public fort , o very liberal patron ago extended to their 'Fact ry since its creation and hope - to merit and obta an increase of pat ronage by the great inducem me they this season offer to ail who have Wool to xchange for Cloth, Cassimere, Satinetts, TweedS, •c. They will Vi so manttfacture, Wool on the 611. Ns or for pay, to suit customers.- • Erie, May IG, 1840.. - aip °LOVE?, SEED, of a superior quality, for sale L y r r,r7Q'9,l-11 II DAGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES. NESS RS. WILLETTS 4. CRAIN havethe. A ll pleasure ' of announcing to the Ladles end, Gentlemen of Erie and vicinity that. they have taken rooms in, the Comrpercia‘ Exolhange And are now prepared to execute Daguerreotype Likenesses in a style; which .for truthfulness of ropreitentation, and for minute and accurate biend r ing of light aect shade;cannot b 43 excelled - by the most delicately finished steel engraving. - , • Tile success of recent experiments in their pre cession, gives them a superiority over the best Masters of the Ar,tomd they invite a comparison of their pictures with those ' f the most celebrated operators of the daY. ' I •11_.?" Likenesses in clouti, weather as • well 'as in fair, and warranted. Erie, March 27, 1817. ' 45 CLAIRMONT POPLINS, a new 4 ao beauti ilulartiele for Ladies Dresses, javt received at H. ,CADVIELLN. Sept. t 9, 1646 ASUES.—Those ha-ins good Ai.hes`will, do well to deliver them at our ashery soon as we aro now working , off what *e have on hand. April Bth 817. • S. JACKSON Sr. Co., NOTICE---The subscriber will eontract and ' pay cash for any quantity of Poplar,' Cher ry, curled Maple, and Black Walnut, Luthber, de livered at his Yard, foot of French ktreet, Erie • • WIM. TRUESDAIL. Erie, December 31, 1546' 35- WREC* OF THE HEAI:SN STRONG. W al, happy in being able to inform our Blonde that we were 'eo,forionste as not to have any Goods on this vessel when Wrecked. Our goods are all safe on terra firma, and we have now an store a very complete stock of DRUM AND MEDICiNESi Glass-!farel Perfumery, Combs, Readies, Fancy Atlicles, etc. etc., to which we titmeth4ttention,of the syhtpothir ing 'and all o.hers.qind assure hern that they cast b© uceommodated in the..best and very lowcet terms. Those that call on us,wi I not, be likely to purchase ielsetrhere. ' CARTERERI - December 5, 1816. , • .N0,'5 . ; Reed louse. e ., ; SPRiN - FASUIONB OR, 1847. QMY as the Fashion' oflGiniletain's Hats 0 for The S int; of DM.. i (entlemen wishing , 'to pitch- and invi te d to eIA aril exatnitib, the are very, beautiful. '- i i .' 0 i P. S. Hatters can be furnished-with Blocks-at short notice.. ; '• I I „) , NO, 111 AGAINST THE WOILLD! NO EICUSE FOR! IGN,ORANCE NpW 70EL !JOHNSON, „ ' v . ..„-.,_, -.I i I - 11 CHEAPSID,F, has jus- OW . I cl " U. 1 -1:1 I received trtnnPletv, York _ - \ . . . a new and eleimnt supply of book embracing Theological. Miscellaneous, Su ,-, and Classical School Books, St"tionory, .- , &c. which Will be sold cheaper for cash t . ever be fore uTered in this market. Am. ng' Ids Stock may be found— " - • ' ! . 1" Arithon"s classical Nev. 85, ilp.oblfismh Greek and English Dictionary, 13.5; Webster4 i ittkon ary, e 3 53. . Yt ; c, Anthon's Virgil, 82, Anthon's'lloibee, 81.75 ,do Homer, 1 50, - ' do ' Citiero, - 135 AnthoWs Japobs' Greek fteader;sl%- • _ do , 'do , '' do , Lesmns, iI, , -do ,do Listen do 1,, do , Ido- .1 .do Prossody ? 1, ' 1 • ' do ; . 'do - Sallusi4 t 1„ ' t I Davie's Mathematics, i,scluding /Ombra, Lit• 'gender, Analytacal Geometry, Survey,:ing, &c. t Davie's arithmetic, Kirkbam'4l3rattimai, Adams' do',. , tlaillttjj S His:o4, Mather's Ge010gy,....,,,- Olney's Geogra - phy, , Mm Lincon's Boto4; • / 1 Morse's -do _ Cortfitock's ~ I-do e• Mitchell's do 1- ,Bwrett's Geography of the Heavcns, with large and splendid atlas; also, the Electic series of Reading , Booko., • • AndreW's•and Stoddard's Latin Gratnmar, . do —I, do _ 'do neticier f ' ' Comstock" chemestry and philosophy, Sanders' Read rs/ Beane is Book [Wiping, Walkers Diet oary, Cult's ,_ do r Johnson's . o -,' Mtors Byron, ~ ! ' Scott's co ientarie's,,6 tto $l3, Dick's works, library e'ditimi; also, 'cheap, ~ The works of Chesterfi i cti , Fox's book Of Martyrs, ' Jese Plutareh's Lives, • tt 011 Lady of the Alanor, ' Add Good's study of medicine, Dry Hooper's med. Direry# Ebe Gay's med. ittris'deriee, Cruden's concordance, , } Pllil - i nylandhs elements of fAI The School and the Sefie • Dr Olin's travels in: the e , Thurival•slitstoryfof GI • Guide to the PrOWeirisj Dumas Travels, ' Borns , 'Notes,' , Fuller's works,. • , - New Spirit oldie Aze, Clialnier's work ... --„BrickS religious ancedtrei Malcom's travels, •i: dititt'sltome, Prideaux's conneion, Life ri Heber, Works of Charlotte Eliribeth, compkie, . do Fredrika Bre erj i do - Moshim's eclesiastical Vstory, Luther on' Galaiions, Jorve ' elntrelt - t Hisiory, Pictorial History ofihe Anaericaii Revoltition, Life and Sermons of Whitfield' ' -. i 'Goldsmith's England, i I Parley"ii Universal History, 1 Together with Many other valuable works too - numerous to mention in the liniited space of an advertisement. Call and see—n o . Charges for showing books. ii ~ ~ . June 13, 1916. 1 1 . ' 4 AND GRAY. a warranted article for 'dutiful brown or • linen, or or estifk. teessfully in col ing ~ • , and be sure du get bypeo. Otani, Signriles or Flair way , roprielor or his agents. . 7 1;sil FOIL Timurny S sub, Cscribers will pay cash' for dp d clean Timo thy recd. B.TONILINSyN / Feb. 13, 1!9111. 3tl • The ah tiMitifactu l ' Ploy. 28 Q PECT Si Iser copenve focal Spec AGENElt'AL'assonme l Goods, can tbund LESTER, SEUNIN ET' en, 12., 1516. I TTENTION A LLkinds of PRODUi.,. great bargains far C. cription at the cheap store e S. NEW ESTABLASHMENT. . ' AUCTION &CI AIIISSION STORE ' : ~. tu'er 4l gn ed b lealtoin fo andth commenced ( above business at the' 4 ,old stand of John '.: aham,o' State street, two doors , l Borth of the Eagle Hotel, there they aro ready,to i receive a 4dispose of ill Nis of the that 'May be eonsi ned to them, either ; by pllblictAtietion or Priv, Sale. They hope th - atiyl strict. attan Lion to 01l business entrusted to th m, to gain a [.hate of t the public patronage. . hey *ill also li . keep on hand a choice stock of ready matle'clotl . int 4 suitable to 'the seasons, which die, !will s. I cheap as the cheapes.. . .. d . ', • I . 1 • GRAHAM 4 , THORNTON ' Erie; April 3,- 1547: ".. - ' , • .6 IMPORTA T TO PRINTERS. EGRANGE, &I RAYMOND ; IPrinting , ink \ , - Jltanuflarturers; N 0.,...,. Sprudo Street New . k, would respectfully unounee to the Trade tha . they have Teltnmene dl the manufacture of l it INK. and will keepeuns antly on handle supply of the llottinVescriri'ns viz: News nd 'Book slum Iti'fur hand and power Presses. - ' ; ' • , 'Copperpl 0, Bank Note, Music, ../cylographie, Li hographfc and IndelTe, for eheinteal printing on Silk or Cot n goods'. olons of all 'rids will be pre ed antiwar \ ranted eqUal in al ,respeet ito the b imported, Also ' Mold Size,; old and Silver In ~ . P. LEGRANG6 k ho has had many ears ex perience in the largest nd most eetebrat •d Man ! u ufactorses of l'ari P. Iti 74 cam. Le:Mimic t Rose Rini Tot Matiroi, , No.j , Paris, wilt giie his' person b 1 attention to the bit 'nese. - ' N' . ./kll orders addilesse to 1116 subscribers press will . htl Punctually:attended to, and i fttk prepared thgclititete, pre and too fee which they are intrded. •y- . ~ , --, ----, .. LEGRANGE & . `•IONG. i • N 6. WSprnee St. 'wYork. -‘4.' , - •,,, II .ATCH MANU &TIMERS: 1 •eised by C4rter c. lA•other,•' i i. , 000 lbs Itull!Brimstoneil. ' 0:11 Gttui j • .'- 213 Phosphortts, warranted good, , _sf:l Roml?a aphl Arabic ye mere bane expresSly for (Match ors, old will be sold NW, :t 1846. ) i'i-1 • i ~ • TO •)11 ST r•, CLES of old, Silver and German i -Ft ames, an e*nsive assortment of id conkeit: Also,Ne celebrated Peri; acry,,sOperior toltny in use. G. lIPIONIIS Sr. CO. 7, Reed liolise. Nov. 11, 1816 November 21, y 846. - I ' n. o tx 'o, Al. 0 ‘, R v Elk ' 1-'.9.17, INOTIO BITER ', Notice is, en 'to all i thisoffice! Allan .0m I scription r payment is Yi thelso of May their accounts *ill, be left in, the' hands of a pro 'per oftcerl •for collee ,tibn. I. 1 $ / /oalt: April 10, 18 -: DR. S lITII'S GRaIT ---- ' L -NA - '1 0 - NA L PILL C . , , • ;...-____. R. O. BENJ. SIIITIVA 1 I v , • r IMP OVD INDIAN VEGi TABLE [SUGAR iI.3O I ATEDI PILLh AREthem . w,fieine ford tire , Unit. it stax,,, o w ' e j super li i t l y over all others fur moire effi o .,4 4 . pleasantness s won for them t pre moun soo o f ta ., which needs tir foreign Inßuenee to perpetssie,--sh ooot unheralded thy =have silehily inked their wry, sad have gained a crisianent3hold o 4 the approbation ofila pestplo - ullich no other medicitier opposition cos rel ~ e di 4. For about foutiyeurs they have t iumphed us and broughtjo and gladness to many an ens nut c o ; TiPURITIV, I As-a medical compound, commends theta to the moil Jeri, mato. nail oven the, more hardy, who hare suffered from ' the effects of impure prtiPeriies in the steniach. 'wilt a once be pleremit ariflt Mal delightful operiOsan- of this ti.e•e Pills. They-have the rare merit nf the won Isla fully &clef:not ingredtentx,nre always safe, and thig. in be no danger bf taking them improperly at nuy Moe Al. mixt:LE Tutu. Will manifect their exeellenve in relieving the body at ny precursor* of alurittingdiseasex. - keepine the bin ell gently open, thereby centring 3 the continuants-1, health. Elite most eini4nt chemist in New York is' given Ms eertiMtate that these Pills aro PURELY YEl s l ETACI-E, or I - NATVREi,,Ckt.VN 11.1P311EDY: The great princitile recegnized by the nixeot eo of i . invaluable medicine is, thot elf ry part of the he 3 gmm'tether in he - olili or dixt.uso;is,,,brought wider the t, oo of the digestive organs. This vimiii sad r c t,,,,i limo forms th e only ground on' whites it rind foxily . edfcine can bc recommended. Operating 33 , 0 ,.di 0u. OM principle. DR BiIIiTIPS PILLS ' IFITH.ENGTHEIV TILE STo3l,ica Proniote the secrettuni a the LIVER: SKIN, and klti. N ENS, and REGULATF. THE BOW ELS, thin by 0,16,1. ing the ONLY NATURAL 29.1 eamisteat method of in --Air mg the LIFE BLOOD PURE, by cur ectuig the Tan. tad lymeirs of the wholo trim. , , It s impassible to7oe every particular in this hoof noti e, but those Pills are earuedli rectimiteudrd u i mesas el' preVauting to tench Misery and dneise; skid grow nut of etinstipatiOn of the bowels, nerlitted eye .liglit uttiu-lt*. ke.. &c.', and which it is - ffi - the pover 4 )" ALL TO PREVENT. ! - These Pills do not PALLIATE, but 3' 111111;: ir tI JRE 1 Most all dne tsesrkr th'e Western t'uunt6., and sir , ' - ALL BILIOUS DISORDERS, 1 They eland ,atone, nuparalleled—TllE - saw MINI ' l'it !END. Anioilg3the complainti for‘srlifeti takie Pita are highly reeommendcd,:nro the f.,110,9 0. FEVERS. ,I 1 1 . . PAIN IN THE 4142 . .. I - DYSPEPSIA, 5 , ,LR01,11.1. IKIMGES lON, BAD BLOOD', • `, COSTIVENESS; , OKSTRCUf MKS HE AI)ACHg, ~ FEM 11-E COMI4.IINII, BAD APPE I'ITE, It 111-11MATBM, 3 . . IMARRIREA, WllO iPINIi Ttnini,i; DYS ENT A R Y. WI - Ali NhItY,F,S, LIV If It fjOMPLAINT, Ills - I - ERICS, . r' WOICMS. - • - t OUGIIS, 1 . , 11E.MITISURN. 3 COLT S. i BILIOUS i '1101.1C , „ INFLUENZA,' rom.sTomAerri mu.' Es, 'JAUNDICE, . LOW svinrEn, iti illy following the . simple directions which 3C ( 44114.1 eVery bog of genutuU pills, ti permanent cure inn k et fifeted.:lilost of the liosPirAl.n in New York km pi. op these Pills the preference over more this po tic& t is he x e been [lifted, and several EMINENC , PIIISAILV, isi New lark and clrherei use them Li their Tortu. BEWARE OF .IMPOSITIOS, T i he demand for Pei. Smith's Stills being err,. k , 're Ile ax; several unprincipled pefflons have moat a th must miseralile and dangerous stuff, and 'top: du off for the „legume., have put on u ...hating of tut .-- Therefore , beware, and always look fur , • TILE WRITTEN SINGSATURE Or& ;• BENJ. veIIIIIVILL , I On the bothom of es MY box, to counterfeit Which not ' GER V. More than3Dol.l certificates hat e et, o rieel at' the principal oaten' and thug people area l re renviE "Smith', lIPTald & f r inzette,” where they tail teal opi most important cures. , 1 1 , I Wein e, for want r,,,,,,,,, but few . 11'1E,ISTLIMONIALIC ‘1 From Rev: Luther Lee. , i ..y - -- , Dr. Smith's Pills are purely x egetable...ppe-ve Sr , and produie A good result. lieTif It If'. Editor Tear Manna, • ' . From the Rev. J. - Kellett. My wird line taken Moffat's, Morrimies,anrlar°Y ern. but she has teethed more benefit from Dr.iedi Pills than roll otheri. ;She Idic% es they rus), fora,: i females with perfect 'safety, without chaiigin; hertz ployment or diet, . rail at any season. ' 1 , : JOHN KELLITT, ' • 1 • ' Frorn3th firt Pic 7 ol l is y t r i t n le Nt tn l 6 l B .7 kllL Dr. G. lien): Se:titles Pars bui-YFutirrly rood es dizziness in ini-it edit, nail getierni,Weaktienetun omit My family tom Omni with the licsMintilti.. I roil I be.without them.- I - F. 11. NA511,31 4 , l'on, ft st. From the, Ed. orate Black ii ,'r Jeonisl. Dr. Smith's Pills are free flout th ol , irehoto to rto other pills aro linhle,and are the boot mnhclve the ha, e yet seen. 1 - . 3 t.i.gi.Elb. • 1 Frani the P. M. Tonna a iii3N.l• • ; Dr. Sin ith'sPill 'mettle best I !informer and, kr. iI - JAC. KQL 3 3 R,?..V. . I E l ev. S \Valiant, ,Pittshukti Lmidon. Inns' w orks, ns' - 'sons' de ' len's . de k, le's Practice, -, In ThPr:Tunics pnie Tifeology„ lasi Seience, pl Master, nst, r reece, etc. * : I have Mind Dr.Smilles Pill., and in.* tt?!%.3re.t medicine, de. EA. WILLI. 10. let larS!. - ' Vain Rev, J. G. L. Ilaskim.l I ' lur- Sm —.I th's Pills are tn. great demand in'tifi l jeo 'Dom thei pleasantness and ellicvy., 1 1 , I I JOHN G. I..IIASKINS. Nation .\ T. , ! From M. Dame, the quaker.' I D ' r. Sin th=lipipeeted Friend—Tby Pill. are Wila very rapt ly, and give l first rate sati,factia 'snap's, rdkoepel . . !HOSE'S DAME: lklill..ts..t. ' k . Dr. Smith—Your pills well !died hoer. J E t l. EATON (0 )11f310CRAT. • D. Smith-1 am much plea, , ed, winAiiur lud.‘ii Sugar Coated PHIS, and e themin my (milt. , - • • F.D. BROOKVILLEVA.)A 3 tER IC-0 Thn above aro Only • row extracts—but we mitt° r a° "a whrile Int*spatter with sietulsruser. Thew ' are now the most popular in this welt!". ,aaa p re 1 me t general sotisf,tetion, • hese Pills till always cure COLDS ia a much a°. i i Pie sant way (li . any other remedy.. For thll tr ir W.I. ranted. 1 'c . • r, THE .DANGER Jit)f being deceired,is ,now apparent; Ps NM . Pills have become very popular throughout the el' initiators have sought to paint off weithltOl 3 . ll4 "coating of sagart to cover . up a moat thisrepal pound. Dr. Crumbee ker i of Wheeling;Va. says thn that piece came near lo in g his life frociota eccu co nterfeit Coa ed" Pills. Also, Pt t1 ' .1 ,,.0 LOtisrillo, y, isas sei .ed iolovijroc" 4 their use.. • 60: Get the mane or get none, endore thsl SSD VII is tiwitten 'with pen on the - bottom of Eel t 4" t ,of noiv nod'itiozap & Z: HE ::T'EN'S. ARMERS!! can ho exehangea- OODS dvery des- JACKSON . 4 -'Co; BOST P 0 11 : „, 1 2 N I C y : 1 1P er A ist I: ve 0 t. FF ,_ II:r ee E . E1: NEV YORK, rpOreetsvich su t ' - L E: lE, 7c u r s ilc reta ll eini l ..s the c r o ,.7 , o ,o .. ,, G e .f u 7 s dLya ci . c.. v , (arch G. 1817. , ' - ' te --- - ". NEW A DVERTIS ...)dENTS. CLOCKS,' NVATCHES JE,WE I.' 'IDBRITT V. ' S,. 4011 - ARE, . GOODS; St. /71, ' - 1.00:1118 . 1 / 4 C o. C 2 11 i tel, ‘.31),' cei vini, from ".i . co' it addition to th "r atv• rock of GOODSJaIk •I: ssortment not u:ttall) faZ tis section oferstratry., - ~ : d with care and at prietl inablilow, they eifecl. ° , tole to accommodate lee:r r: tons with all articles ilt . K.r l :l imilar establiAmerns r rice=, . i AXES.—Waters 'AC , Co'; i Cati SAI - the dstzen or male. , . s oN i et - - 13 'TTAN • . ..., 1 February 13, 18•17. ' . -.4 -,—,.______ 6. & 0 QALT can be s had at B. 'roman. , 1 , ;..7 Ware lipase,. fith street can 3l • ll3 Vis• has , not been bxpoSed to • the n cattier, 1 cheaper tie n ,elsowhere. : ~F,' - 1)- ,ebruary 13; 1817. ' 1 •-• . - - , WANTED: A. ~b , rim glity eof Sheer Skin'- tIl - 0"c" elit Erie Dee. 5, 1810 ‘ . 1 . . AORIIIiii3ONS, with the itoprov,:a oi too Viol, Violin and 011/110. `tr i g sale by i - • '-G., WOO N t. Ca ov. 11. 18 t 6. . N0.7•-Reedlte, tee :Ur Darkness.—C - innp tenr. rirrl Lumps, warranted god. mneys awl Wicks; very ehelP!'' ' it.4l.ooNt IS fire , °', . NO eArif and Shades, Chi/ F4ILPECTE hereby g i v . ndebted to for more ear's su b.. , hat uolessi made lw En