Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 01, 1847, Image 1

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hY, A, P. DUBLIN &
T,E'R M'' .
One kopy, one year, in wham
Otherwise, two doller a yea
thsized. These terms will b
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• Job Printing; 'or all Tariet
p a mphlets, llindbills,Show
:.)st-Btlls, Blanks for Notes,
Ilteinkthe best style end on is
Attorne)s`ti Counsellors at La
etre.rt, over S 'Jackson 4. Co'
Atoll 1947.
Rog located in Er
Itsidente on the conrner of S
Strew:, ,
r,ealerii in Foreign and Porn
Ready \ lade Clothine,, 800
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ktiorney and CouaFeller al La
and s ory of Tammany Hall.
il:arney ar Lil W. ( Ilfico up 13,
nins4lall building north oft
po , n , v • and roun“•11ors at
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Ere, Pa. -
1,, in \V a icives,, - .l7trEtryrs'
ver, PI oed and Brioannii W'
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Vhnle.ale Retail Dealers i
Terre,* Ilaiduare, Crockery,'
;SatlA. Leather. I Ms, etc. et
.?ie..t and the'rublic Squa. o
'atern. Frie. Fa.
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'n ral Fortvarditw, Comitussi(,
‘ll Voonders, jwhole•kale and.
'tovelg;Tionove-ware to
oleralrand retai Idcaler• in 1
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iicapsidti, Eric Pa.'
lers in Dry GooJq, tirrocrl
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lets in Ortivs, Medicines, 11
41'4, &c., No. 6 kt
•sirdm. and CoMmission
rroch Street, Erie, 4tu.l 6tl
also ,xlealtra in roceries
l'er in ilurdwnro, Dry Good
side of the Diamond, and
4 Eagle Doty!, Erie, Pa.'
'loam L. Brytin, Fouler of
<siqua're, Erie, Pa. E
Southern "taz . o office.
, I;onable, N l / 4 rehant Tailors
quate, a fetv doors west of
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in Theoloe cal, Miscel
classical Se 00l Book; St, 1
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TANTED in ecelian.c for G
ter, Cheese, and all kinds
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•PJ1E....3 of all kinds, eompri
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4% , styles-A - goods, purcha
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Come, come we'll abroad , the lords are all minion
Oh listen! how sweet and how cheering the ! Wain :
The tields) t ro enrichNt with flowers` ' i s timpringiniu
The giridruse and tulip are Budding again; - 1 ' ,
Array, threw/tribe valley, 'e'll roam o'erlthei hill, '
We'll follow thro Meadows the voice of the rill;
Wel brush oil the dew its we ramble along, 1
Andjoi. in the medley 0 nature's glad wag.
1 •
l'he gropes are are wit sofilmerry voices, . •
All happy stud joyous They Mingle their lay,
And the hoary crown'd hill with ebio rejoices, .
_ .
And to: in the'green lawn, tho lanibkiusrit play;
nor glitters the dew it the cup of the Sower,
As steals the soft zephyr, •unseon, thro' the bower, ,
To bear en its wing, from the lilac and',lbern
Rill odors, to pour en the traeuth of le menu.- .
flow graceful the smoke 'from yen comma is curling.
. I
• A s slowly it steals to the maplrtree uleb.
To look its lost look on the erykral fount purling.
Theu, bpirit- like, v nigh to soar to the sky:
Oh. svlritt is so rich ai the see ie,now before us,
So lovely end bright in thee:min sun's ray,
All stature is joined in the oho matin chorus, •
Tim welcomei and blesseil the sweet month of Mail
•. . ,
Month of young flower's, we hail thee with gladness.
Thou harbinger lair, of bright summer at hand;
Thy calm ‘ tatile dispefeth the gloom and the reduce. .
TI at wi nter's grim frown had spread over the land;
Like a bride from the altar, young, blushing, and fair,
Thou'rt come.'m thy beuaty, to gladden us here, -
And strew o'er the meadow, the hosier, and lea, '
SW •121. Co et: that infidelity smile up to thee.
Sl, 5Q
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such as Bookr
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e. , three' at i
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tinti Shoep, &e.
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F; in the Tame
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V S. L 4 NT.
Germat l / 2
Cutlery, II-
House, Rric
" CHAPTER} 11.'
man knows belt how to buckle his owa belt —Fal
)id you get the pass, Macdonald?" said
ig man, looking up, as his servant enter
p lodging-house in Charleston, in.the
art of the year 14780..
'es, sir, and the baggage and horses are
' -wh , s the reply of a stalwart, youth
m !kegs betokened' a condition removed
that of an ordinary menial ? and partaking
+of a familiar though h umble compan
"l think we can give -them the slip, sir
ird! how I wish for a crack at these fel
-1 and once with Marion, We'll not_ long
an oppertuniti."
e in waiting fur the at 'midnight, then,",
said t i lie first speaker; and, as Micdonald re
tiredlhe threw hiniself, back again
chair, and fixing his eyes on the door, resign
himself to the abstraction:oat - or which he
had been roused. ; '
sware, Iron.
.rner of late
IC the .? e
ed t I
ter p
e, Pa.
O. •
Jps de, Erke
Ho l Vard Preston, the hero . of •our story, had
just returned from Europe, whek e he had been
Adrift= the miuxtr-tiang, i'r _ ta.i.r..a...0.......:1L
by a course of study and travel until his 24th
year. The first great sorrow of his life had
been his Intrtingc at sixteen, with the r pnly
child DC his guardian, Kate Mowbray, then a
Idvel; little girl, who for.years had been his
pdt and playmate. Many were the tears she
• I
also shed at the separation, and faithfully did'
she p i romise not to forget her boy lover. ..Such
childubh pferentes uually epal with youth,
but it was itot so in t prefect instance.—
Witt every letter from road came a gift for
Kate, which she requited with some trifle
•11 1
A st,
it tleuturB it
PC[, Pale. I'l
11711,5, etlicinl
is„C.c. No. 111
'IT 1---- . c., - No. I
1 _
Oiltt, Dyr
led liemee,Erie
woitedyby her own hands.. But as years
elapi l ed; 'and Kate appoached womanhood;
iliesl l preFetics • were no longer returned, and
Preston, piqued at what he thought neglect,.
gradiMk); came to confine-hiniself, in his' let- ,
terri I mile, to a cold inqiiiry after, her health,:
instead of devoiing, as heretofore, two-thirds
4'the epistle to -her. Yet he l never thought
al Ainerica''without thinking of Kate: end
when be landed at Charleston; 'a mont i ff before
our:tale' begiits ! he was' Wondering into whit
kind of a_winmtn she had grown up. 1
', Still his old 'feelings of pique Was' tipper :
most '% en shown into her father's magnifi
cent Pail ;
,and this, combined with his as
tonishrOnt at seeing a - graceful and highbred
woman 1- annotinced its his old phiymate, lent
-an air 'of' coldness and 'embarrassment to Ih is
greetings. Whether it was this or some oth
er cause, Kate, who was advancing eagerly,
suddenly checkediherself, colored, and put on
all her dignity.• -The interview, so inauspi
ciously begun, short and formal, and to,
Preston at least, unsatisfactory. o He had ex
pectek in spite of their tacit misunderstand
ing, that Kate would meet him as rapturously
as of l old, forgetting that the child had become
a wo an.- He overlooked, also, the effect his
own restraint
restraint might 1 1 7 ,, y0 ptoduced: Thus
he returned to his lod ings, dissatisfied arid
angry' ~ half disposed to dislike, yet half com
pelled to admire the beautiful and dazzling
creature from whom he had just parted. Th
truth' was, Preston, though , hitherto ignora:n
of it, had loved his old playmatefron)troyhood
Tiiislhad made ,him feel her neglect so acute,
ly, and this bad led him secretly to hope that.
her welcome on hi t s return would -teal gib
paste; No; wonder he went 'home angry, y t
quite as much in love as'ever. ,
Preston and Kate often met after,this, b it
they seemed destined to misunderstAni ea h
%%the!. Kato was really ignorant - 4 the me
chief .she had &me. She had come downito
meet him with a heart lull of the memories of
°the i r days, and, if truth must he told, a little
nervous and anxious hovi he, of whom she lied
so often thought in secret, would receive herd
His proud demeanor hid chilled her. 'Noon
subsequent occasions were their interviiwe
more satisfactory-. Indeed, Kate was puzzled
and ',vexed at . Preston's manner. ', '1 o lone
could, at times, be mor interesting; yet. no
one was 'so often haughty and disagreetible.
Katti sighed to !think how changed he
tee'onte; I
then she was angry at Iferself ; for
sighing. _, , —' :
• i
Kate was accoingly tui waywaid as res
toni.Land who, indl , bad greater excuse?..—
Rich and well-born,, beautiful and high-41irit
ed, she MIS pOSitiVilY the reigning beler in
Charleston during the'whole of that gay win
ter. , To a comp!rim' delicatelylair, and a
person df the trios'
exquisite proportions; she
united thost grades of 'mind and manner,
t ;
r ° cl .
IVntyl 109
Std et ettlii i
and Yrovistnna
One 1.1 or coat of
t 1
:tate—street Ind
ste n, Western
on the Pithhe
meet, :rie,
---- , J
ane -r44, Stindiky
do ary, etc. etc.
a. /
is du Chic
II Crawford
s I
l ' ' fFice No. 2
Fie. Pa:
kery, 'Hard
Suite. Buell
add Wool, But
of country Pro
at • and I louse
at' ry cheap u•
'$ 'ON ¢ co.
•vir from the
a ics and Mi••
.ro CAPS, of
'2 50. AINvo
ly low pri
d quick 'sale•.
di •o,
(ream Tartar,
hie 'Vitriol,
14n, etc.
fdr sale by)
N& Cd.
Deed tious'
d , i [Worm
from the
It stock,
flinapneas, will ex
'comprising all
eti ninie the were
kts, which -Ail
- ents to perch.
°tier 10; 1016.
Written for the Erie Observer
lAI Ya?2l~'~il .
From Crubm's Magaziue.
which, in hat courtly cifiy, were considered
the unerr nk . acconipaniments of high-breed
ing. ' eport awarded to her numbers of un
'nice , ssful suitors; tint alll ad tacitly resigned
th . claims in favor of Major Lindsay, an
'lEnglish officer of noble blood, between' , Whom
and an earldom- there, was only a singli'Ve.
Gay and' splehdid in 'person and equipage l the
Major no sooner laid siege to the heari of the
heiress,, than • her less favored , suitors .give
over in despair;:. and what between lounging
most of his mornings 'away in her parlor, and
attending :her • obi:mullion all" occasions, he
speedily -tame to have? the field nearly alto
gether to him Self. • , . .
The arrival of the, Major antfdpated that of
Preston abodta th, and when' our hero
returned, he iound 'his rival almost doinestice-i
ted at Mr. MOwbmy's hedge. Jealousy soon
re v ealed te, Preston the secret of his long-hid
den love; but . ' it made him heartily hate the
Major. The tivo gentlemen , seemed.te'per
fectly understand each !Aber., But the Eng
lishman knew - better • than: his rival 'how to ,
, his feelings, and accordingly pos
teased every advitntage over him in superior
ease and self-command: :Had Kate wished
otkeiwise, she could not 'but have given the
larger share of her
.attention to the graceful,
brilliant,•and composed Man of fashion, rather
than his more irritable and wayward rival,
whom a fancied slight, in word or took, was
sufficient to make dumb for a whole evening.
Depend upon 'it, the- worst possible use to /
which l a lover can put himself is to,'lbe sulky. /
Perhaps it was Abe enmity he : nourished
against his more successful rival; perhaps it
was the nattitai-indignation of a frank and no
ble 'lean against , oppression: iperhaiii, which
is more natural, it , was both' combined; but
Preston had not been long at home before he
formed the resolution: to take part with his'
countrymen ikthe viar„then going on; add the
sudden appearance of General Marion on the
Santee, where he began a partizan conflict
with the invaders, opened to him a favorable
way for. carrying nut his design, which beim,-
ly postponed untille could part from Kate on
better terms. He flattered himself ' that she
hilrself was secretly on the side of ihe vole
nuns, for her father had once held a commis
sion under the provisidnal government, al
tbooogh since the fall of,Charlestori and the
apparent conquest of the colony, he, like ma
ny others, had been induced to take protec
tion, and ground his arms as neutral.
One marrying Preston. found Kate alone in
her little parlor. It was rare that she was
Without visiters, for Major Lindsay, at least,
was usually , at her side. Kate wore a pretty
.i...,1 g - xi urerra Mx watt sowing, nornro tiny
foot that Tested on a cushioned , stool, peeping
provokingly out beneath the snowy muslin.s—
A woman one adniires never ; looks lowlier than
when occupied, in this truly feminine emplo.f
inent; and as Kate made room-for Prestorffie
side her, With her sweetest smile, he . thought
she had never seemed - half so charming.—..
L overs can iniagine how happy Preston soon
Was. ' Ile, and Kate talked of old times, She
lusily plying her needle, but every now and
hen looking up with animation into his face.
is heart beat ,quicker, and hi longed to tell
Ter how he loved her; it would, I fear, hue se t
our head or mine, reader, topsy-turvy at once.
' • dOzen long forgotten incidefits were called
o mind:, how' Preston i had once' rescued Kate
f rom the
lip color of both heigh ened, and Preston felt
the river, how thf y both wept when her c ,
Id rhitse died, and a s ore of other thingq.—
instant as if ho could snatch .the dear
41 to his arms. In the eagerness of conver
• .ation, all at 'once Kate placed her hand fa-
Milinrly on his.
"And do you remember,"id, gazing
up with sparkling, eyes into his face, o you
remember when the pony 'ran away with you?
Oh! I was lialf dead. with fright, and scream-,
ed lustily. Those were happy; days! I won
der if',we are everas happy a's in Childhood?
I sometimes wish we were back again on that
old lawn." And she sighed.
"Do ou, indeed?" said Pristoni -his whole
fine lii
ding up, and he took her hand by an
impulse he could no longer resist. ,
At that, moment the words which i wnuld
hare decided his fate,_were-rising to Preston's
lips, and. Kate, as if secret!- - - led, be-
gin to tremble and be maul
was flung open, and the
'voice announced Major ti
If any of my readers has
ted when about to declare
come plump dowp from rapfure to fOolisliness,
Ihe can/iinagine Preston's chagrin lah the en-
I trance of the - visitor. However, he had tact,
enough to think of Kate's embarrassment, and
'as he rose to m ak his bow, adroitly placed
himself so as to.c nceal-her for a moment, and
allow her time to ecover front her confusion.
The Major gay oth parties on the instant,
a suspicious glance, but his softest smile im
mediately Succeeded, and with easy, assurance,
taking the seat Preston had vacated, he glided
into a strain of brilliant small talk, such as
would have done honor to any gallant of the
day, incomparable at compliments and snuff
boxes. • Preston was angry at this unceremo'-
hious supplanting, but even more angry to see
how quickly Kate recovered herself, and dash . i
ed out into the strife of repartee, with a spirit
sad ease stiperi,lo even to the Major's. Pres
ton chafek arid thoiight she might have been a'
little less interested. . At first, he was silent
had reserved, then he began to he uneasy, and
once or twice he yierded to his irritability in
words: He cursed his folly for imagining,
as he did Ore minutes before, that she thought
1 more Of him than she did of others. He xed
his eyes' half frowningly, half contemptu qsly
on Kate. Site coloredianediately, he thought
with cons cious guilt.. The next instant she ,
turned haughtily away and addressed the Ma
,_ Now, for the first time, Preeton became
convinced of the existence of the, engagemedt
respecting which he had heard so much.r:
Burning with mortification, after sitting a few
seconds; during which Kate did not once ad-
I "THE WORLD •G' . o. 4N E,D ^ ;T - 0 4;1,
dress him he' ruse, end, libitiptittUuk•hie
• i , She loves him," he e.tclair9ed, hittertk,
Dazzledrri by the glitter of a conet, she meta
aside her Old arid tried friendilke tl Worn-out
•Oir, ivis it fotis-I„ifeastired
her inecnoi3; through long ,
For hours he remained alone,powpac!' fig his
chamber, with rapid strides, . new burying' his
face Moodily in his • bands. Oe . i.ecalleA all
his various interviews With K e;' and str o ve
to remember her every word a , look; the t,tre
suit:was', to curse hiMaelf foilhis egregious
folly in fancying ford moinent that sheloved
him.' But after awhile, his titling. grew lesi
eimaperatede .He reflected oilWs manner
that ,mornitigi .before the 'at tvat .of - .Mulct.
Lindsay, and hope once more !dawned in his
. I q # will lose no time 11 - Said,,iiinlearning.
my fate decisively.„ I-shall see Kate at her'
I aunt's ball, and her manner • there' will
• , • ~
termine my nuspense. If 'she is,. told and,
haughty, will understand:that -)Shivishes
to, rebuit my Presumption- this 'twit. ing.—•
In time ase, I will trifle here no , longer, but
at once join Gen. Marlon. Macdonald My ,
foster-brother, loves me too well to desert me,
but he has I:teed crzy ty ,be gone this fort
night get. I Will order:him to get a pass
and liti, e every thing ready 'in ease of the
,` hich my , heart forebodes.?
It wa after arriving at his determination,
and re iving llacdonal a triessage, that
Preston,dave himself up - tii,' - his i melarVoly,
nor did he rise from his deiiponding position
until it was time to dress for Mrs. Blakely's
Mill. • ,- ''`. ' ' - 1 . •
1 - The sOund of gay mu 44, therflas . hingti
r i.diamond's, and the twinkling a ight for
t h
' met his right as he entered th tiall-tloom
' but, he had eyes only for one ' , t iv and he
soon sought out Kate amyl '-' owd of ad
-1 mirera. Never had shtilf " transcend
aptly lovely. It is tlicitselp, ark' of taste
andifOshion now-a- - days to, laugh atlthe enor
mins hoops and powdered hair of our gnind
mothers; but let us tell you, goad reader, that
a belleaf, dm-present age witi"be i r - deformed
tourntite :and Dutch amplitude ot skirt, tho'
I .
ehe may create a sort of matter:of-fact Sensa
tion, 1 ery suitable perhaps; for' this' money
niekja Igeneration ,, never awken4 that deep
, -,1
sentiment of adomtio4. that respectful, awe
struck, Sir Charles Grandison; feeling,' be
stowed on the beauty of the last century, au
,gust in tinier tissue aed'high-lieeled shoes.— ,
The veriest stickler for modern case would
have given, a 11 # 4.1 ... 00 4.1-..........406.--- ! si-mavo-
Shei wore.,a7r, obleiMil l':-.)1 -
tor rte rocs , a - single yard or iv hich cost
more, than the twenty ells , of hits-string
flaquted by a beauty now. Over this was a
robe of white satin, made high on the should
ers; but opening in front so as•to reveial the
swelling host, and<expose the richltgemmed
stomacher encl. glittering - petticoat. The
edge of this- robe from the: neck down was
trimmed with a'quiling' of :Ilue ribbon, which
was also continued around the bottom. The
tight - sleeveorith binds like the trimming of
thesrobe, reached to the elbow; and the deep
ruffle of Valenciennes lace, which nearly !lid
the round, white arm, 'heightened with rare
art the beauties it affected to conceal. l lfer. .
hair was gathered back from PIO forehead,
richly , powdered, and trimmed c :quettishl.Y
with blue ribbon. Now, if therb; any here
. I .v, ,
tical repudiator ofThe past, denyiem the bril
liancy that• powder gave a fair 4Mplexion, -
we wish he would go and look at one of Cop-'
ley's portraits, or, what is better, could have
seen Kate then? Wo trot his mouth would'
have watered. We 'doubt if justice is done
to those good'old times', Ah, those were the
days of cqurtly dames jind high-bred cavaliers
'• ( when the stately minuet still held sway
wh l en gentlemen bowed reverently over the
ha n d they E;carcely dared to kiss—and when it s :
was the crowning felicity of a whole eve- a
ning's devotion to hand a partner to the table
by the tips of the finger. Now-a-days, peo-,
pie bounce through frisky quadrilles, while
gallants tuck the- arm .'of a mistress under
their own as cozily as "an old, codger does his
umbrella. I ,
6-eston was advancing toward Kate, when
a bazz'of admiration announced .that Major
Lindsay was about-to leadl her - forth to the
minuet. Ho won accordingly onl i y, a hasty
courtesy in reply to his boa. iHe was mean
while subjected to the mortification of hear
ing from a dozen bystande l rs the iumori,of
IKate's engagement to the major; and one or
two!officiously applied to him to confirm the
rumor, knowing his intimacy with the fatni
dy. When the dance was concluded, which
attracted general adtniratio , Maj r Lindsay
he dopr
had to
still remained at Kate's side. Ne - er before
had Preston noticed such +min acid deli. :
date assidui
( "e se v l n t t
11 1 7
incidents o :
Lty in his attenti
If the morning
evening, no wonder Prestoi
ued unabated. Still hi
tenMts to obtaini a moment:
Nutd; butt le criovd of liqr a
.thisJ / At length, tn%ar 1
tali,-he approached her.
"1 come to bid you farT f l l l," lii
ruptiy; to-morrow I leave a rlest
' "Leave Charleston!" repeated '‘a dozen
voices in dismay. "Wha shall we da with
cid you? /Kate alone he rayed- neither sur
no emotion . "Ah! indeed! tva; her
nconcerned reply,
, Preston turned pale with suppressed, mor
tification at this indifiLuetre; mere friendship
he said to LA trisqlf, denrianded some expression
of regret at Ilst. His feelings werb not
wholly allayed b what fdlowed. .- I /
"You're not going to join Marion, are you!'
said Major Lindsey, inn tone pf triumphant
banter, little imaginingpw near he was to
the ttuth . "Has- he fi i t
ghtoned you, by the
great oath he his swore, ta revengelis neph
ew who was shot - for l*l l .l I hear he
threatens some mighty deed., Only think of
his doing anything with that beguile of in-
(' "rt t
AV 1, lg
to terdetnaliontals r
regit •nt bier again!' '
"Take c thatlyou are !tot . one of t\hose
to pay !the, penalty Of hiarion s a oath," return
ed Preston, stung by the insolence'of his sue
cessfut r4ral, and reAless - what he'said. "It
wane font deed, iuLi will be teiribly .revengied,"
MajorlLindsaY flushed to the brow, an' ,his
hand tiechrinidally sought his sword-hilt but
he controlle d himself immediately, and paid
with a sneer. " •
"That•miglit be called eedition, only we
know you area man of peace, Mr. 'Preaton.
But he isi certainly Marion'-bit, is he 'not?" and
he turned to bete.
Nowliate felt piqneCnt this ' . urine:Niro ni.
ous leave of. her: lover, as ron as at ;his
haughty conduct in the morning.' •'Shelan
cied her Self trifled with,' and answered _cu l t-,
' •
4 "Never fear Mr. SestOn'sjoining Marion.
Orr American gentlemen, on both sides, are
but, carpet knights of late. They . : resemble
Sancho Panza, who, good soul,' would not stir
*step till a rich island - was Proinfied for, his
, , .
. Preston'tingled in every vein at this speech
which be regarded as aimed at himself. - He
bowed saTastically to Kite, and glanced an
gril at Major Lind tipr, as he replied:
,? 1,".
" might almost be_tempted to join Ma
rio after this, i f ic order to raise the reputation
orAmerican courage, since just now British
bravery has it dead hollow." '
'"Oh! pray," said Kate, laughingly, "phiy
the Atlas for the patriots that'af= a
good man:3e.the St. George to destr, this
BritislidtVon."4 , , - 1
Major 1 1 :Wilsey looked for , a moment, asi if
he thougbt -there was more in this than rite
the ear; but be contented himself with retort
ing pn Preston. - .
"Do, by all mean' s,'' he. said, "and, if you
take liobadirs plan, you may defeat a whole
army )ourself. 'You know ho proposes to
challengsA single enemy and slay him by du
elloo,lo challenge a second, and slay him;
then ti: third, aud dispose of him also; and so
on until the whole art y was anihiltited."
Kate, as well a the rest, laughed at his,
Bailey. Presto needed but this Ito complete
his anger and dr_ tat. The field, he saw,
was his rival's, ens he .': lad Iwhen other
, •
persons appri . :'!ached and broke up • colloquy
which to tell the Huth, was growing oo per
sonal. But Kate, wqi piqued,• and restful
enraged; and a s for the Major, seeing here
was a quaieel between his rival dnd mistress,
' . - nawatrtven o WlllMlfirtifeacn.•
_ - 1).....14:.: ilmer4owl from '6O Ise ILTAMIII. lintl. ta
king time only to change his dress, repatre
to l the rendezvotis whilre Macdonald awaited
himl Withoutila word, he dung himself into
th.e saddle, and biAcompanion; imitating, his
xample, they were soon without the eity.—
They had passed the outpost for soMe time,
when Macdonald, pushing his horse close to
Preston's, °petted the conversation.
"We i r° clear of that confounded tuwit a
last, thlOk Hea en!" he said, "and 1, for : 6,
ain't sentry. Ti em,tnglishmen are as saucy
as piinees, and' hillic nobody has any courage
but themselves.. But 1 know one 'stout fel
low that can s titre candle with his rifle, at
two hundred ye ds, and fore a 'week we'll
have a rap at 'e ,for - ' s'pose you go direct,
sir, fro Marion's cairn?"' --.. .
Preston nodd d a gloomfa:Sent, for, buried
-:) ids own thoughts, he cared not tn be dis
turbed. Macdonald saw ibis, and, 'defeated
in his attempt lo open a cversation, drop
ped back, but whe n' out of ha ring, muttered.
"I see:how Os. 'Themomen's alway's
getting a man into troubler For my part, I'll
bci a ba s chelor. I Marrying'ci like getting ipsy
very pleasant, e , cept for the after repentance!,
i 1 CHAP,TER. 11. F
Brave mop them, are by bro,nl Sirateo,
I ; Oriiro nr Iti ilith hurry hake;
Their hoar i are ell with Marion, 4
" Wil;lt ' \
li rpu mist elr prayers. •
The period of whicl we write was one
that will ever. imernorable in the annals 'of
Mir country. ever had the fortufies of the,
patriots been at so low an ebb in the south,
as between th defeat of Gates, tit Camden,,
t :i
and the inroad ' f Cornwallis into North Car
-olina. , After i e fall of Charleston, no \time
fad beet: lost i overtopping th.i colony. All
organized resin once being at an end, a proc
tunation. was . lublished, inviting the citizens
to return te'lli, majesty's government, and
stipulating for ittle spore on *their part than
n) ,
ueutiality. Large numbers; even the Whig
accepted these terms and had Cornwallts a 1
hered tolis p 1 omisA, then indeed might li '-
e been despaired 01. But the royal lead r
soon threw of l l thO mask, and required alliw o
had accepted he protection, es it was called
to decl re thetnselves openly on the royal
side, in the further prosecution of the wtir...--
kindin the selves thui basely decckved,
many fl vv i to arms; but such whenever Ap. 1
tured, erne i ecutei as rebels. The fate of
Col. Hayne, who was put to death at Charles
ton under these circumstances, Wile but a
type of that l' hundieds of lesser note, Who
perished oft n without a"trial.
• 1
I The.wer meanwhile was carried o'i with
'saVage ferO icy ?pink the hip. 'Their
plantations were laid was , their negroes
were earn d off, theii, bon a given to the
flames. T e seven vials wrath - Wire liter
ally poured out on Sou 'reline. Instances
t i i
lof cruelty vithont coyer areleft Oh record.
One may a' fßce. An innocent Quaker who
wok care f a sentry's musket fora few min
utes, urki Ithe soldier went home on an er
rand, was erzed for this, pretended crime and
thrown in co prison. His Wife hurried to the
jail to see im. i She was told .to wait a few
t it
momentsnd she should be conducted to him.
With thi brutal jest "upon theielips, i the roy
al myrrni one hurried Or the mans cell, drag-,
ged him fetid) and hung him it the jail wino
dow; then' returning to his wife, they led her
into the y • td, and showed her husband tot her
quiver, og in the agonies of death. But God'
raised up t last en avower for these and oth
land t
n . slang
's tete-,
r eontin ,
:event, at
+Tete with
use of -the
:s the e
said ab-
: 0 B . 7
er atrocities. -- , Suddenly, in the - i very heart y -of
the oppressed district,'there arose Idefender;
bitter, sleepless; inifinigivingseeidinil'en:
dowed with miraculous powers of the i t
L telli,
genco.*i•whose motions were as quidk as "ght--
ning , -:wwhodealt blows no - Iv/here,, now there,
sat iiiiinta least expectedind who by a series
of rapid and brilliant successes, soon made
his name a terror to the British. ' Volunteers
floelc'ed in crowds to his•stailard. • His l bold :
uess i
andgallandry filled die colot, with al=
tenishmrnt and rejoicing. 'When verx sur-!
prise took . place-.whenever a convo was
cut off—whenever a gallant deed was unex-*
pectedly-done, mei said'that Marion had been
there. -
Preston had sitoaeded in raising a troop, tor
his name Was an influential one in h is ' neigh.;
borhOod, and he was loon one bf-litarion'
moat crusty adherents. A. man who is willin
to throw his life away imitkkgy occasion
speedily acquires the reputation ofilitrinintirk
bravery. The -country around the SerifttM
which was the chief
_scerid of. his...exploitv,
rtf4 with the name 'of.s.rur• hero. Nor traliv
his foster brother,'now a sergeant in Preston
1 .
troop, and 'one of Milton's acutest seems,
without hisshare of renown. ~ • i
ba , ean time the gay, society of Charleston
had suffered Considerable diminutions . - : Many
the royal officers - were absent with their)
coMmanders, and a large portion of the gen
-1 •
try had retired to their estrites. Among these
wits' l mr." Mowbray, who secretly meditated
joining the continental side again,' )Cate;
too, was atiSent with her aunt, ai - the estate
of thelatter. - ,i
i To this 'Once the cootire of our story now
cards us. Mrs. Blakely's mansion had
heretofore escaped the visitiations of warfhut
within a few days a detachment
,under POI.
I, A , 41‘,,
Watson had , halted there on its march to
1 - ••
Camden. With him came Major Lindsay
still :in
_eager sutler for Kate. ' But scarcer
had COI: Watecniencamped on-the plantation
1 .
when , a holy of Marion's men, made their ap
pearance, and daily harrassed the British lif
licer, b‘cutting o ff his communications, as
sailing his tickets, and sometimes even beat
ing up'lris camp.' 1
One 'evening Kate was sitting sewing with
1 1.11 . n ,
her minvi the parlor, conversing with Col.
'4 .
Watson, and several of his officers who were
their guests, when the servant came in to
light the candles. Old Jacob, as he was
called;fliled the office dr bAler in the family,
•and'WaS l quiti character. He was a Whig
at hearti, arid c rdially disliked his mistress's
.-......L.,....3..1. --i f .-- :_s_s.... , •• • _.-
ceivtd-_l' "
.t.ulit-Iptirsonnt servant. he •had I
piked ,Vi footing' of fainiliartY whieh" l
him to have his joke even at The table
e waited. He piqued himself more
1%/hat he thought his breeding and fine
* was a source of constainamuse
the,' Brnish officers, who, however,
n sometimes their match in Iry
I, ' Jacob, what news 7 0 ' pal, Ai
Any more rebels captured V'
co:1 turne4, bowed ilia head ,profok
slwwiiig Ms teeth In a brohd gl
over ?n i
meat to
found hi
" We
)3? lind
said i — A
Da no news yet, dat I know on,
are Will be sonie'ai'ore rnorian',. for
Capi. 'Preston will beat up loin' guar-.
nnil den, howdered-diataruilr
friolced up archly, yet colored When
ht the undoes eye. That peronage
,p an& retnarked—a • '
;g 7 TZIIP
s' e eau
bit his
ler mind cam. Preston, Jacob ; he'll
risoner. very soon. Has! the flag of
M me
back P
0 Ne
be our 1
truce c o
4, Oh! yes sae said old Jacob, his face ra
dient with delight. liab'nt . you heard Vat
great news, stir-?; 'Spew you know Sargent
?" •
4 4 What of hint?" said the Major, begin-
ing to suspect he, was making a ridiculous
figure, wHe'S cleavage. Why he shot Lt.
Tarriann yesterday, three hundred yards off."
"Dat hellid," said the oid butler, waxing
grandiloquent : h'it de leftenant judge
matically, I insure you. But dat's not de
news. You know Sargent 11I'Donald sent in
word hider day, 'dat
,if his 'baggage took in
de sally, was not recorded immediately to him
again, he would kill eight of your men. You
know dat v To-da de baggage was sent
back, for ditt amen be de berry debble, and
nqw he send word dat ince his baggage be
recorded 'punctilou y, he 11 only kill Tour of
your men!" An aker, though too
welllbred to laugh at what he considered so
good a joke, grinned from ear to ear.
"The cannibal!" Said Lindsay shrugigitig
his shoulders, "but what can . be expected' of
the wen when their leaders countenance the
firing on pickets." , -
" Yet youhang them for rebelp",said Kat.
with spirit.
"They shot down ofir (Occult,' continued
Lindsay, not thinking it advisable to reply to
herpalpable hit, "as if this Mr. Marion ,paid
fur them , at so much a head. I nerer, saw
such unchristian fighting. They arc a set of
boors, and cowards at heart, all of them, I'll
be swum,"
I(lttfds they are not," said Kate ,11 her
eyetk flashing' to hear bet countrymen thus
stigmatised:. "At least you did not , think
them as such when Capt. Preston, et the
head of his troops, dashed up to your lines
and challenged you to fight singly or other
wise. I hard mysblf the alarm with which
the soldiers cried : comes Neaten
again!' "
"lie well knew no man would aceeP his
challenge; to hi, bravado cost him nothi g."
"Gfo meet him MIT he comes again, nd
see•whether he Meant fur bravado!" reto
Kato : then all at once\ remembering the -
ibusiasm into l which. she, had been hit
she,colored, and s resumed \ her work ilw some
embar *step:
Ma' r Liqlsay stifled a muttered execni
-00171 o his American rival. for be began to
O m ar, f , the spirit which Kat had shown,
that il e chivalric exploits o npt. Prestea .
I ,
i ,
- , I
~~ i
if ICSte really loved" Preston, MEI
ent to ail. • ': -,.( . 1 ,
"Rejected, by George!" le muttered...
f "But I must have her; howeverrhe tiolila=
quized, "she's too Charming altogether,lto be
sacrificed on a ardvincial ; what a sensation
she would I create at court! Then• she' is an
heiress to one of the best properties i.l
n this
colony, and since, my cousin- has married
again,' there is no telling ho ' manY li lift
may cotifoin between impov i hedutel and.
the earldom., By Joie! I wish this_ Preston
had ,remained abroad a little longer, or that
he would get knocked over in some skitltnisii.".
I wouldn't hesitate, toAlve' him his coup de
grace myself, if I had a, chance.) •But be
shan't foil*, I'll have Kate in.spite.uf him.
i'iliat a illllcious creature 'she is! vtThat ,
eyes! wh' tan arm! wht a- - -- oli!,toht. .
Major I indsajmet Kate the'eniming day' i
with an nruffied brow, and witheiit ember- I
. . ,
le preps drearier of Brehm', could
rn more tactiond delicacy in bestow
thousand little attentions which go
and winning the feluale heirt. i Kato
Ted: She saw thitt Major Lindsay, ,
in s spite
ri i i
f her deluded language, still iher
ut his
conduct vas so gtiarded as t 6 forbid Olden
Modesty again alluding to the subject 1 She
could o ly, therefore, endeavor by cold
'though I e behavior, to show that li r sen
timents wee on, ngea, lioping in .t ished th hope of winning her / favor ;
itn6 lie
would • ire I the f omit. She little knew
the pe inae ty 7nd nserupn esness
,of the
man wi h whom she h t 6 'I. •
Katz, dared not, m e anwhile; too elOsely to
exami 6 her own heart."' 'She could not for
get th. exquisite pleasure Nthich attenJed her
last tr e-a-flte with Preston, and her besets'
thrill . whenever she thought of what. Might
have . 'fi his words if Major Lindsay had
'not c. me in] The 1 subsequent coldness and
suspi . ion of Prestourhati piqued her, &nil she
had r 'solved to punish him for his want of
conti ence and jealousy, tif a little innocent
coqu &try with Major Lindsay in the,ereiting.
Fate. error'
,When she heard of isit peedy
de a are from Ms own lips, she regretted tr
a mo i eat her revenge; but her tt,ecend 'feel
lag es anger at his conduct, and !hence her
'asset ed indiffer nce. And yet, a!ter ‘ the
lap s - of months, e felt herself the ggriev
ed p rty. Brest ought not to ha been so
jealo 8. He had right to be
, o at
the B•.w of only 9 inary courtesy o "visit.
tor. If be chose to ' l suspiolObs i proud,
he o ght to'be taught tter by neg ect. He,
had tOed with her, else l would have called
'agaiu and' sought an explanation,. But pet.
r ' ' • ' 1 ,i
' '
. -- - \ - -.;r
were making , a (Jeri.
heatiThd ilespera e dit\
officer had shown, within\
Adept.' Lindsay h d a(tril
mind, t ire,a desire on the
dazzle his mistris *; 130,1
and himself had be n so fla
ison' to that lnto% ed on 9
moment, he had c *Pled
edploite had , been :throw
therefore, • silent an ,mots
'cation coated.
Ilmdually, one by one . , lhe visitors tliinned
oft nd returned to their quarteia;until 'Only '
. •
Colj Watson daddiimielf were lefti•;,The Col- ,
oriel and, Mrs. ,Blagely , had sat down toenails
of 7 Cards' in a distant cornet of the apartment. ,
I . •
gore 'lranian opporf e might, be the list me he would find Kate ity to decide bia,fa . fate.'
, It,
i s
alone, for the camp w expected to move in,
a few days.' The occasion was not .
to be ne- • •
glet.te.Vand, doubtful as hefelt fpt ibe,issue,'
Ite eipseiiind Waning over her, shid if a low
voices . . ~ j , 1 , 1
,r•i: , "I feitioly dear Miss filowbmykthat I of- -
'fended' yicu by 4 ichtitril said of Capt. Nestoe I '
, r
• • ..,,,
forgot; for a - -4 - 9414; that he was an otirplay- -
mate of yours. You cannot tell how piaa
I . f that any thing I said should displeas
- 1 .1
"Itin • tters little -•4 a not at all disple;a l .- •
acid . ate t keeping 'ea otiher!,,war ' . -
• rJI
,het hew beating violent ,4 Capt. ? I, rvin
needs no defender In me, no ski one. 'I be
spoke generally in - behalf of , my co ntr.
Major - Lindsay saw her embarrassment, ti,' d
nriisinterpteting' the cause, drew - a favorable
omen froth it. • . ..
“Vou. ; relieve my heart - from a loaf
Slid ; "II could hear any thing rathet
your 4spleasule; lndeed, you meet !
have seen hew I lcived you. Nay, du.'M
from the table. , I Worship the very
you tread on—my:lite
‘ it!elf is bound I
your smile—all I have, hcart,i fortune,l
tation, I lay it your feet.,l* • •
• Ile would have
.contintied in the sal
'passioned strain, but Kate summoning
her helf.command, rose with digni ty. • ,
"It pa intique to hear this, Maj. Lint
she said; "I will I) frank.l That You til
my society,,l sae., but that you loved
never believed." _ - , 1.• 1 '
,The face of Major Lindsay *tidied. b
cOntrolled his features, and detained '
I . .
she would have !loved away.
"po not bid me j despair," he. said :
iiiii4 . llitirticiy — d,eii;P -- `rn — air htThist u
sentiments t
this fair'hdite
- - 1
"No time can alter m
I. coldly. / ,
Inc I 1 serve for you as foie second Rai
and the mtipr still detained her,
" y, Nan' listen Ito this nu mote.
• ), lf," s'aid' Kate, severely.
his il Cant, and before , . Major, Lij
reply k Kate - saw that her aunt hat
the ' game of cards, and was ct
•d her. Tfie.major with chagrin ti
-He would haVe glie l worlds
-tete could have been protricte
then he would, have endeavo ed to disc
If there was any ailpareni change
it war
iemeanor ) . percept
aaaumption* of greater deference
er than,hafore. Not Lord-Orville
in his out
only in th
towittds I
himself, t
have , sho
ing those
so far to%
i. , '
impre don •n her
'jag which thexebel
the last fed days,:
uteri, in bib I awn
part of Preston to
behavi l ar tOw
, ttering,'ln compar
here, that until this
I himself that ;these
n away. Ile Hutt,:
y, and the convex..
d, t9 he
of riso
, round
Jup ii . .
1 repu- ,
f I
up all
Imo, I
lit he
er BS
" said
d fin
If the
a; for.