THE OBS "1,14 ti World Is Govern ERIE, I day Morning, Ai = nocmuric NO 'FOR 00vER F S .R . FOR CANAL CO3i lIIS L,ON Og"A beautiful little E., ( table wriker, “Grace G found on l our first page. lic7poultmonts by We find the follewini, mews by the President Union 'Brigadier General army majargeneral the army ' in the place of Thomas cline toraccepte 0 Brigadier Generil John major general in the army in the place of William dined to 'accept. Colonel Caleb Citsliing, - eral in the army of ' f the place ofJohn A. qwttnat I rho Itypcie Lip of The moreiwe seethe tw i s of the leader ( of federal a ire surpris TkJl,tat their i with so 140, „t)yor at th e honest straighteforward J try. Miring. our brief T. we have seenthe 6 ,t assu tLe fabled ghosts } of old, chayele th; But among &pee, c Jorsor puce, tit to the wa from violent o cers of all engaged ip• it, nation down; oven trf the the Must serkilo admirers ( c6,(lhing, thby had hereto tiie Administration—caps h nocrney.• We well re when the news of the in Occupation sunder Genre Grants was' first receiv , lende the presses that shouting /Irma/pas to til el al. greetkd it. The in an o , oar tvi . th their cl istratioa an. its support 4 (mtirdererr," ~'robber'," i derers of it ‘reak'bister r en's dire-t vengeance inv and the 'press against al hand in somMeting the( CE "Ws id this Taylor" s (•that I'T,TIk has sent tei int Mexico?' 'this was bt ; Palo Alto,and Resoca de it was sti?posp.l the ho Ina , Wothl(defeat and nit ; • under Ta , I l er. 'lite GM for its weakness in send little knoWn, to coon onn tedition.,'„ and prophesie were as plenty' a. 4 eu11;; source are now. One 01. ter Argun. made its 1; &Mtge at that time in! re } "lie [Gen. in 'wild, d t.' (Airtjerre intf t, grid fr!ileb Grin et . ti.-1 Ind re,nri, !liar). but is Vto t duties and hill{ US 6111171alael" of I. tiTt." Tie Argitis mi a ght h re,l ondepce liCt ‘ll , en 0 1 1 ':1 tint...qt.' had then b "lie is also the man w Tr9rcli of the troop.; and Rio Grande;'whitLh on - ii a r ii• a'y s contentleik%m t Ii ),..;tilitielF., But, t hejtf they do riot forgetit— , l ,their-former savingit iii tu lie the frternis pile e those who Vytheir 3 a I ttirt l lce it , glorious. Th the Ad in iti ist ratioii ' as I Administration has dire cry niovement of the ar l y every expedition— f furni to ,subjnortse 'nearly oni country, and all within ily the Administration inefficient! M) nation ever achieve d half so rr in any ‘var, and yet fe make it; appear that all i plisfied byllearmy and of the President—in 11,, dras been all the,time one of the greatest rine.l in accriplishing so rn to the intelligence_ of commentary upon tlip,4 l , pies of federal' whigin'y their hypocrisy! We cannot better c' Itshed rnei l fe half of one short of Mr. 1 .n pie lac uclj in so I idernliwh theha3 n'avy wi nopat t, u qo iptiial truinent.: hypocrisy of these me and the war, than by, q, their columns, The Yrirk Tribune on the ri the eurrenlierfif Verri jj MUD 'first i cepti. ruz: "In an unrighteous war a vice new di3grae, and though our tr ken San Juan de !Dal A4/4.ev; ra the vomito!" So our federal 'friend's her . w Ihe 6ctories of Buena Vista an , were only celebrating 'a "new d' cording to their organ the . Tribu cording to Mr: iddings, of 0. Taylor and &Ott, and theit lir, atsis , l("aqird ?lions and mu wing, editor in Mi\ssiMhnse ts, (appropriately anted by t eb' Gem Taylor Is 4 man i who , rai the market, and makell nter an,, .i 4 low men!:%j—"has Si h nfire m 1 without thir babies, f r Sal in l i —"furnish s Creole virg i s 1 of Aim Orleans, and riu f of souls, for thorn the Min o f or And the Bolton ChronOtyp an , the Tribune aria Yogi seli ii ings in 'regard to the General a. "Hell in solemn verity nothi assassin of the government, whi work with ,deadly energy. It I: question with his godly fellow p Whig party, whetherJ while pl 1 ~ jquitous steel into th hearts o aware or riot. Wha Could h , propriate lo such work that Won? Hid he eithir reared ,G man, he would have' •esigned before marching a itep again: 1 Even the Journal has denounced the war on Mexico as unjust and murdereits. I But now it is - paving the way for the /tired instrunten: of this injustice and murdtt Imo he Presi dency.. It advocates his cause on the ground that he hos warOered sollsoroughl.- But it o is anxious to deny that he is profr ne! We if should like to know if'Profariity a not, ac cording to the Chrilian ethics of the Jounial, add something to the guilt of munitirt—atid if so,' and Gen. Tity,lor. is recommended for the Presidency teca3lsti he is isolnilty f myrtles.; why, profanity yhould not be allow d to. help itr) along? If it is so valuable t ) shoot the lexieans, Wit nut worth somethin to donut them?" 'One m ee l extract find We are doneit is from th Louisville Journal, of Jannary 19th. We ns for it a candin min:si r es it embodiya the true sentiments of the o position i n re and • • to this war , . , ~ o:7=. We have said that this nation „the aggressor. Let us nut be accusedofh ility to our country, of moral treason, of i • 0' aid and comfort to the e' emy.\ Let us not be told of the maxim, "Otr courtly right or wrung.", This as a maxi of s elf-defenc - e, is 'indisputable—self-evident—it is self love ex panded into patriotism—self defence expand ed 'into national delence: But, i•tt any other, sense; we•reptidiate',all such principles as in i , famous in ethics or in politicS: Ile who will not !Peak the truth iS•tt liar, and he whodares not is a coward. He whO wit' not or daret •not tell his cotintrynienthe tnith n questions . of the most vital public policy i t): L .• . ward or tr. traitor. And if there is any cot I tot which constitutes ?moral treasun r it is an attempt to embark.'or encourage l're country in a war against God, as is the asei in a year of ax gression, like that we are now engliged itt.", edit• are the m1;01)1(.11113 o' f 1 This Party that Imo , ciaim I to be tlip exclusive friends of the war, Gem Taylor, and the t national !honor.— Fartei , comment is.nottecessarytho extracts quoted sho • w a bright leaf in the nyroemsY , or Mi!IIDERN WIIIOERY. ( f RV d too rtlnclut. I=M5 IZZI=Ii HUN EMI •iissiosr,R, I g it m I etch by ilia eenwoud," 'ill be be I . o Prestaent excellent a in the Was point nglon to be States, •Ito de- n J. Pillow (the gitited I. Benton, ti , to be tates, A. (loll= f ihe United mi ng, fl I / At ' 110 L.- o be brigath niteil Sates , promoted. r gend in the Whig err stingg and d milts higery, the Jess' we ye met hands of t .e plain, Voters o f tl, s coon- SIIIMI l e more,slia Ind more 11 nll their so ,es than let: than 6rsets, !,5 last one i n regard I denoun- IMISZEI from the- dminis- The Commercial construes our cautio9 ,to those who live in glass houses to,it to Fleet stones last week. to "An apology for Judge Thompson."'' We trust the public have com mon . ease enough to knoW better—An see the difference between holdieig tip the ones of such a mall hs the editor of the Commercial as un apology for the votes ena c ts of any gentleman in or out of Congress, anti exposing them that the people may seen whirl kind'of a ,charactCr the mph beers who is so fast to charge corrup if tion upon others. The:acts a votes of ,Judge Thompson in Congress mg ke no.apol ogy from tlf—and ali to defending them, he is abmidantly able to (lo that himself and will do i 1 we doubt not, when calfe&uporr by his friends! , MID :1 omtnon. Ell and eulogi ore denbutt the elitna. entber one: rch.of the :1 Taylor 1 .1, %vial. w 1 4 of ev- ed, save of their lye \ ar ago Arroyo& the Rio Fiat virtt- loud in re how F rrny and tit ry was Atlnn n - at same whole co mot.. 'D rs . % I •ere ti l 4,ailet) us traders" a id "ph9i . putilic;"_, nil heav ka from he pulpit w' 1.1 t) ho sho Id .lenll a Ilse cannily. hi they it deri,ion. •ade the 't .rri tory of fore this attles of la Paluta, and when .ts of At ptulia and estroy the little band We tin I the fotiownig free comparison' be-: tween the sentiments of the Federalists of, 1813aiid the IYlngs of 1846•=41, hi an es chatilitY We cumniard 4.., to the special at tentionl of the editors of 1113 Gazette,• not for getiinghe (lulation we 'ltire; taken, the libert vt ) call from then: columns: , ._ 4 ' 18 :2414.—The committee of the legisla ture of Connecticut, +ho reported in favor (rf sending tlelegates to the Hart lord convention say that Madison's administration had involv ed th • Country in an "(idioms and disastrous war," wag.e.l f(ir foreign conquest,"--4"devo ted to a!lriliiless invasion of.the enemy's ter ritory," E••z.c. 1845- 1 '413)---1;ov. Bebb, the prese l nt \ whig q.vernor of Ohio, speaks of the war with Nexico•as• "a foreign war or conq u est," and al "war begun yithout adequate cause." Al -• in •st the )ery words of the liartioyil conven tion legi-latare of Connecticut. . 181-2•l4.—The AYorcester Spy of. 1814, said.: "We have uniformly entered our pro test aguite(t this desolatingrwar, !which Origi nated hi the wicked, malignat passions of a. colrriipt and imbecile government." 1846.—The 1 New York Tribune says, "People orthe United States, your ruleos are precipitating you itatt>-a fathomless' abyss of crimennd calamity." MITEITHEME qtlice VC/ ant 1111 (!x ig him, a of Ilis9 , zies from their min f tins - foll( t .. 1 it,r(.1 to hit I is rihro, I LOUD! .oco Foco ' omlo /Me not wen (, Milo (Jo zr qt-ink overthrow the sa me ,the Bea- ~.iug . lan- e rn•an rcho 0 LL Y'~•Y to India a#, pa rig info Hy, ban(' .ilif 'Yu) resl ,11pot, (I ' ccupa- if , tliF. t cur nfl the War public till . lentfell man I to 'the whigs hive ,e4of Ire added, General eu made DMZ= EMI 1112111151 IMMO MEE rget all 110W—lict diregard'all icy total 3111 now the tiar and ntribute.l to I ICI .g II Hee i r hate c er condemn and yet that ntrolled ev- hOWe ted and vy, planned and ( tneans he enern ', •ear. Ver a must be of the earth short a time gery would een.necom bout the aid he President tcidestroy in, h i s hands at (In insult MET .the pen' I)itralqy —what f the priiici n exhibit of 2E2 lianter nn the Gen. Taylor ew extracts ern ilia New IME the news of is oily a ops have tn ;1301 Bel beat- o celebrated Vera .crur., • ac- Ahdac.. Ito, Geweraltt ve copyraii •derers.' A lamed Fogg, splalis of es' babies for ise of his . or 41s". 'hdls 'l4 of agri ee sham r the MID otea die ther pa , er Of feel- wits it folkiws • g but a hired has done his now a grave rtisans,of the liking the in brothers, he do more up curse and. d or regarded is commission t Mexico.— AI. U%Io too Fast. . I Federalists of 18 2 a.rd Shroiz,3 of 1815 Oamp3yed. u . nather (Notation - from the Me:oreesler Spy of 1814.: "In oar atilictiop let as always l'reimituher it is James Ma lison and !Sig party that have brought these calam ities tin iis." jBl6.—,N * ;ne hear the Boiton,Atlas i I 846: "All the i% long of The the evil of it —all the sorrow it may occasion, belongs to Mr. ' _ _ 1811. N, he Erie Gazette: "That , they (the lb ) have constantly advo cate] lice w‘t leitie.l; aye,- more, that they haVe re plunged the country iti 'to e, it free! led and strenuously in sisted upon, 1814.—T1 'ists 4 Boston said, in a publieaddreL ..i, speaking of Madison's administration, "Os ,Intasure of iniqiiity is now filled up by a declaration of war'agjtinst Great Britain—a war impolitic, and unjust." 1846--The whig, state convention of Con necticut in their address in 1846, speaking of Pulk's administration, says, terhey summon st arms to overrun and plunder 'a neigh burl ig republic." ' r I t 3. The Rev. 1 4r. Parishsaid in !at r 2:' "H w will the supporters of this „.anti-chris tian warfare endure their sentence. " I 46,—The whig state convention say in 'lB4 , "The thole christian 'world - cries out against us."{ ~ I - . , . ' . , . , The Pleming (Kentucky)! Flag, litia , the nalliCS of Silas Wright, of New York, and( en. Win. D.- • utter, of Ky.. at' its head for President an Vice President. ' Let the Flag 'haul dowt4the first and substitute Gen. Lewis Cass, oriMichigan,and we'll go that ticket st mug. L ' Goa. tnylor I relines - A letter received from Gen • 'Taylor speaks in terns which may be construed into a cen sure oft the course - of those-who ore nomi nating him for the Presiiency. We are as sured pesitivelyi saystbeNew York Hun, that he Will 'not permit his home to be used as'a candidate fur the Prdsidency in 1840. • p-'lliimphrey Marshall is not a"demcierat." ns l the Observer represents. He , is a noble , ' hearted and generous-soled Whig.. At lasi so pats reliable authority.--Gazetle. ,• * Well, that is ag(etti fl at denial, made, we, douttt not upon what the, editors consid er "reliable authority;" But we personally know that such !‘rOable aiitioniiy" is not good authority.' It is ante Gen..Htnitphrefi Marshall was a wliig in 1810, °rat, least voted for Harrison, but 'when Tyler vetoed the bank, he sustained him both' with his pen and pow.: erful eloquence. We havet,tsct tip" , many r n page of his manuscript for the I.onisvillOa zette, a paper then under; the editOrtel rt'iiiti agentent of his brother, have lieilrdond con versed with him tune and again on-the various, poltticuilluestions of thcl country, 44i Henry Clay, his pest life, and jrospects thin ('4l *42) of : an election in '44, and knotejwhit we affirmed last Week, that he la a dement and neyer 'voted for Wary Clay. ldore k toiy,'we will venture to affirm that_there is not a r lklar-, shallot the,family of the General in Ken tucky' that did vote for Clay 1844! • • i• • (2 •Y-.. leighbore of the_Gazette are Our —r dary ompletely ~ sWaniped . ;by _' thie new movement among their trading Politicians in favor iif Gets. Taylor. , ' Thiry . bardly - tknevio. how toltalteitthey l'isVtgai deal" 'it like mid_ of G. Benj.:Smith's pills, but 081 Oe Wilma provise pledge sticks otit—the , 4h General's slaves and slavery predilections inthe !Niger off; dud then they make awful faceit, tore hide liii ous, .P,i rhaps,- because of their at empts 'to coneetd,thein.. They theit'abot the reyes,and endeavorto swallow it, to :fto it lied," but' Ilia charging'spiadrons at Palo Alto, Besaca; • I Monterey and Buena Vista, tranceibefere their excited vision, as •their friend, Giddings ,has I it, like!'.arined ruffians and 'nierderers," and II u It comes "Cuba blood I:Minds" and a1t.....: *1 hey then invoke the inventive faniilties' a. 6 Nutinnut Conte Minn .representing,every to-', c I iMeresr,' and coibbining the wisdom and talent Of the nation,"' to devise some by whichtthe dose can be - made less unpalatable and hint at being "reasoned with-coaied— coneiliated.—delt mildly by," lit.c. kc, They 'their friends that they "have H -solemnly id ' themselves to , give countenancete action of no Presdential candidate,"whol ier a ."SLAVUHODRA," "a , antnintrq of a' I &nix "or hose qualifications are 'aced 'a a "military services," end inti. that alth ugh they may "probably" have , rashly possibly' their determination trrOted,o fi thout mature consideratien"—;, 'ill trot dOto totally disregard their objet-. or, rudely attempt 'to drive . them from position." In short, one cannot help ig in reading the article in question, at abored attempt to appear at 'ease, , ) %vitile acoinfortalde situation in which they are itly in is apparent in every line. While cautiously steal up tindi throw a wet' l et over the! movement,. they keep op a ant cry r.f disinterested admiration of the 1(.,- , . tieral—.tuo „ ugn 'any one with the. least, fitment, can see that the wethlanket re ceives the largest share of theirettention• and love. All this is easily explained by the fact ' that ihe Commercial wing of the party 'here got i ie start or them, and in the event of w l ,mitni union. will claim to be the E4RLY friends i 'of iheGeneral, and the:: •they (the Gazette 1 iwin,J) will have to play "second fiddle" to! (thus in their nein 'Party they elislike worse, if' i't can he, than the' friends of the Administra tion., This we say is one reason; thir' there is 0114 lingering-preference for Clay, or some' one equally pliable, and hatred for any thing like a '"militaiy man," which Gen.jJackanwahgendered. Their: there is that Cell inish opposition to the war and those who.itive participated in it—that:hatred and opposition to every thing2Savorind of patriut- : ism,.ir upon which the least imprint of de-, mocracy'eati be perceived. \ A4l these things I 'combined, with a fear that the popular cur rent ' in their party in favor of Taylor may lie come so strong as to cotnpletelA,Swamp their favorite, whoever he may be: whether Corwin, Clay or M'Llane, they flounder through an entir ciAutnn which', take it all-I,n' all, is abou l t the tallest attempt to hang on to two - 1 coat tails at the same line le o ff er saw. The Advice mid: the Respells°. _ \ Every one must remember the 'blood y ad vice of Mr. Senator Corwin, In his speech last winter on the war, to the MeXican nit- .1' tion. It was as follows; , "u I WVTIS a 'aftxtcan, I amda t -trit you,. 'Have yon not 'room in your own country to ' bury yout-dead ment If you come into mine,j we.av ill welcome .ynu with bloody' hands WW l ' a hospitable grave?" ' Shell was the advice given on the floor of the Senate,of the United States 'lathe MexiCap arms' and nati?ri by Mi.- Senator CorWin, of IMIEEI pledg the e ECM 13212 Z prtdic mate IME tV4S "it W tons, their mill the I! the e l evide they blan coord old el‘ l Ahwei nati?, Ohio—and such was the language re-echeed hy thousands of approving federal whige all over the Union! It was published in their papers—itil selatimels and language were pointed to as models qtbeir editors, and for a Ozzie, its anther was (awl we doubt not In't • t save appearance is now) th , true "emh y ment" or their principles' entimf its Now let Os 'see how this vice ha ,/been re sponded to—how 'this iithind 9‘mfort" has been received., In the public account of the battle of Bui4p. Vista, w 4 find th full Owl ing: „ "A large number of the officers w kill here—.among them was'pol. McKe , who gel badly wounded, and was'inimediatel despatch ? ed by the enemy, who pibtceit him with their bayonets aiNtle lay on the round.- Lieut. Col. Clay was,shot , through the thigh; - and being unable to walk, was taken Itp and car ried some distance by some of his men; but owing to the ste_ezioss of .the hill, the men finding it very difficult to carry him, and the enemy in great numbers pressing upon t, the', gallant Lieot. Colonel begged the m` )eaVe him, and take Care of themselves. 'end to leave . ,hito the'field, the last that wits, seen of this n-ble ynong officer he tvds lying on his backs fighting with his sword , the erje-, my who were stabbing him with their bayo- 1 neti." Col. ardin led the Ithnoisians in.l4ry handsome style, and the' sturdyl,,ksuckers"- fintght, lik lions.' Their intrepid Colortel fell wounded;' anti experienced the fate of Cols. MCKee and Clay, and wee killed by the en emyitot however before he had killed nue,of the cowardly miscreants with a pistol, whibb he) fired whilstiyinif on theigronnd.". "There were, however, but few, of our men found on the field wffitntled. They were,, to use Santa Annes significant words) in his deepach. "all den," the cowardly miscreants h4ing killed every man s4hoin they ,:vertook i . wounded 'and helpless, on'the field., Word *anted. •, 1 _. .. The C ran ford bemqcrat reads tile dizet!e' a rsun) for preaching one kind o f s doctrine tun!, practicing another. • his all .perfectly Ilse lesi, riff. Democrat' ' you can't Ceps or: s4itrhe' m thb whi of 11w-da tte froni vilifying 'tUnir Democrat' abusing e Try anon r measure suspeciekof deinocracy if you etiould talk from now titlifie: ellineturn , h II:a* become so petfeetli , nai l ti-, ra for then to preach “chtaifft . and practte.e it opposite—to abuse the country, `the 'fl m nistratioo and their' sopPorteye, and ,th en retort ''' '' - 6tet6' ' if fis t ai weq l,apoa by ~ 1 ti the, to taake a .pta?r , mow :and 140141 r, hada , iiitdeil,ile‘ mantle 'charity,' tit 'mitking'shd)i'of Pallier Oilier's g'enra!lise,l.-. tlement flay" will ever cause thtli • '''aC kqowledge the corn."; r • Tleaty with *ilia Lai the Sur4nder of C Was. The German Univerial, ant unces that a treaty has jii;t bee, concluded he Weeh Pru4sia and the United'States, forthe nce! surrender :of tOfie General of Hanover. have_ratified the treaty of Commerce and Navigation; concluded between Hanover and the thited States, 4hereliy the vesSels of the respective, ations are ;placed_ +ln a footing 'of entire reciprocity. . • . -APc ll 4l Gu ' i /32 * vt .:. ien it was announced thti tration had detern l tined to 'mak heti) Pay the e+enses of the , a lint . Ist:on all goods impo 'count i through the ports In , i (and .e have them all) the from the National Intelligenc neighl;orapf th. Gazette; ifet u as hind as thet+e they had prel it ihe terperity of the Administ I pen, Taylor's ndvice, and onli n - a qqa.! to the Rio Grare. They 'del an utirper'or t to powers that ; to a - co-ordinate branch of :th Congress-.-as I tr:ifliiig with I , etc. etc,. As %vo before said, l t one of these •i-iii its ill-nitnre , oveling manner, it remarked: 1 "It illbecnines us . oor judges or Constitu tional law, to e,nquir - 4y whrit aritheiity the AtPresident and 1 - r.., alker - h&ve framed and, enacted this Tariff law?' It used to be Ought that Congress Ivan a neCetiSitiy:party in •• thp consu ni pi titian Hof all. acts of, international pal icy; but times 1 and •cOtoms 'seem to have Changed amazingly. Perhaps the maxim, of encientobservance, that in war "law is si lent," is recegnized as sound and truthful by, Our present entighte d rulerS." ,-." , • We sincerely pity nu neighbor4e is in' 4acka fog. §carcely Ira) he aboie become 1 deg on the piper before th 1 following V Gen. Scott's l Geiteral Orders 'No. 75,nt Vera Cruz,. appointing Brig. Gen I.Worth tempo rarilyGovermir of the captu d City,. was re -1 • re ceived-which s i piked all his ca r uon lin this bat tery. -So e ff ectually has it d o e it, that there IS, not Oven a "flash in the pan g is week con ern it: But to, the 'order r.- • "He (Gen: Worth) will also establish it tem oral,' and moderate tariff of duties,f subject twttie approVal of the general-hi-chief and I Commodore Perry, commending H. S. home squadron, on all articles imported by sea front the countries other than the I United States, the proceeds Of said tariff to, be applied to the benefit of the l sick and wounded of the army; the squadron, and the indigent inhabitants of Vera Cruz. The tariff sour be established will be con tinued until the itistrtietious l of the 'govern 'meat, at home shall be made known` in the case.' '' • 1 , 1 - . 1 1 -Wo hope Our nehililthes, althotilet "poor judges of \ Constitutional lir," . will enquire and iiifornius "by what aut riti" Gen;;St ott • has ordered Gen. Worth, an ,what right Gen. Worth has to frame 'and e act' "this tari ff k lawl" It may be that our neig bore will think us "inquisitive," but we really would like to 1 have them explain how it is that a subordin ate officer can assume powers over a conquer ed city or port which his superior is not enti tled to exercise.. By the by, Abut, idea o f Congress being "ri , e necessary party in the cimsitinmrtion of all nets of inferring:owl policy," is about the best joke of the season. - We never before` littl the least idea that it possessed ; Such unlimited powers as to regutate the totes'of natiorte, or as our friend has it, "international policy:"— Probably, however, he ineani, to be and rstood -inAPickwiekian Sense:. If so, he•isa econd ilioe Millar" and no mistake: We find the following item under the Telegraphic head of the PittithorgliChrOiticle oft - he 21st. The, Rev. gentletnan alluded to figured here and at Meadville prettly exteh eiv'ety about a ... year flumes-a ,temperance roadie r, 4i., n let cie 'Borne - noise in the papers, first as a volunteer, then decorum, rind now ho has fell by,' the nit -1019 of the Mexicans: :\" e anthem mail, . which arrived this morning, brings infokinationthat Rev. W. H. T. tarries and four others of the Pennsylva nia iolunteers, were 'mOrddred while on 'an excurion, seven miles from Vera Crpz. We have ncifurtheiliarticulars. l ./-*.• : • big, and the Piasideney. , • Thos . big presses that ,have rushed -With such 7 An the availablOnernination of Gen. Tri, or for the Presidency, I find them. , elves ..inewhat embarrassed. The Democratic 'press; and the, Democratic - meetings' hdre never raped to bear testimony to the great servicea and high \ character, of the General. put the Whig presses which have put him forward :Without iris knowle alliady 1 . \ knowledge, are, quarrelling'about his‘clainis;,-* The papers dvtiTted to Clay, or Hcott; or McLean, 0 ber,feelel uneasy at the extent of the re ling manifested for one \ whom they. regard its a little too Rough and aslittletooteady. 1 i r I he Boston Coulier, Mr.',\Webster's Organ, -, 1 \ I eitclOms: , \ 1 • "Away with ,this nonsense itho \ nt a Nation's gratitude being due to Gen.' Tay,lor." in . \ At the Clay dinner j New \ York, on . , W ednesday, - Mr. 'White,;-late of, Indiana, copeluded a speech_ full of eulogy ,'o Henry Clity, and nomihating him (bribe PreSidency , •in these Words:, . i „\ , g t the policy of ~ s I I•t; l es il tr o a t a e a s i t t e rs da tit,§ j u n n s v :. and; while there' t i I no man in this Union that would go fsrthet an d do mo e than the humble ind i vi d ual tha ti - \ dresses on for .the purpose of testifying a - proper ret,ntd. and admiration for that distill' , r,., guished inan \ who has shed such lustre, on the military ckatacter of his country in' the tented field, yetj, am the , last, so' help Me God!—and whilstA breathe, I shall eVer be the latit—to nirite a min freshlnnn the, field, to the chair of the Preinlency; and, in , reward military-achievements With the h ighest civil itifficeiti the gift of a' freexpeople. ' . - Pi:railing the' theme,- a to re- 1 gard Gen. Taylor ? as. eed) , ride for ' Mr. Clay, but urging the .her or notrthe orator said: j . "What eilents, gentlemen, time mit bring, foith r no man amongst us' can prAct.. But if, in 1848, Henry,- Clarlehall bet living, I 'think I can answer, .fir;st least 'eight hundred Whigs assembled within the hearing of - my voice, that they, as I' hitd.;occasion, to 'utter; .the sentiment to.theirt one; year -,ago on the 'l3th 'elf the present rnontb,lyvill• know no. to. !entity tin: 'Ashland, and no' 'man hut Henry , ;Clay";!1 , (T . honderinfiripplanse.r j • • , i I .Matlil'n . 'could; niiseend,!! 'Gaye the'Or press, "the enthnsi m with : which .ei' ' !paint, in thi speech was reeeived.a''' c '•:-. 1 ._ 1 nail ltnad , Gottientiea '4lf Wastaeld , , , f., ' ; ,The en:weeding:oaf this Convention wilt ti- E ''';; fitn 'I We - 4 • fount( in imot-er -1 m.• were pTe.ent ed• ;. ,--,§ ~ , ..i,,t, ihY'utherengagements frate being preimn 'oe , We i !htid 'intended; bet vi6l4krefasill ii': W ? numeionsly attended, and gist the utmostli a r ... hinn y a ndd good feeling prevallet ,. vire hto • no d . onbt, it win have. a beneficiat, , :eiket, an , that the•ioad will titian be,Fomiiieticed„' -• * ~. \ ,d 6 11:t: inquestitVas bell onSnitiafratirn Il§ ' ' ho 'tit th'''§ii 'it' i Si' 1.0 ' ' 1 ing a t an- a e t. me .. ms, o . he body-of- a i wemart, .ai,iniifsengee who It , tied the'bighi iiioo.;iti ! 4 ll o.the Vf10. 4,1 e 01 ': cor.;l. A Virditt..Wila rendereik accordingly to was an emigrant froM England, and w i, i‘company.Witteheilmahtiod•and'fitmlikei ' . ern Oitherr•Wayia the 4r West... .:, ;-, i , BM .; ` Ti ,' !I the, Aderil bk.' )the' M I L ezl 0 ar y-bfit4g ted ,‘, 6 Ir ur possess! ri s edend pkel,, er dowel; to ur a,hooil atm se lowly dad4ed .atiuniU luk i ,ng - .Mug 1 UArTny nouns ,111tri QS kisil tinged ' , 4Fninent, alitution, he Tribune thus disposes of the Wait gArtaugy.;n _ _ . .yorlt city!, .. ; W i ll "- .' '' . NOP "Wit do 'Wiwi. eiritiosfly hope tbat Wu' 4 pit preekriiiire.uptiteoUht of the res ilt of o r ree at charteMetOtamovill pip had. I i wo Id be eettitin ttowitiWolreki fejury to .the Whpg' eau e.. All kiew ifatour tti4ory was giv to u s by political °precuts taut at all for t he sake of our prlisetA. ir s 1 A An arti,cl,o twill& Griiiette in regard ito :GeT.lTrtylets: and - thel l Administration will ie: ceii i e ': due attenti`oh in our • neat..., We ha l ve neither room; net leis re to attend ' telt chid tee k;.;'- '' ' ' '', 1 ' 1' ` ' ' i. — I .; ... _ , .., • The Gazette ynititis to Itniwi n wilY JU ge' , Th mpiorr votedagainat the Wilmot l PrOvi d. If. 1 bey are tto •very. ver y anxious to kn. Wt i y the can call onthe Judge and aelt . Win, .: e do bt not he will gladly impartito them alt th information theivileaire,, either on tbat t p, ie rir any other.' Ily, the by, the: jUdge . .',l;i rer ned a connection-with C. Graben) , Pig In 1 • b the practice of the law, and wi ll balm to •Ti toliattot any busineap .in the,iine of hie ,ro feasion, either for theta , or their. polit cat friends: , il le cy he 111 iviette ams Ault-finding, li' Gen. Sam Medary, editor of the el tesman, has been appointed Post Sh. Columbus, Ohio, vice his - brotherJ• dory,. deceased, dr . , Vaughn'e Griot american•Remed' r Aug every other nostrum frottiitiC kn 1e of mankind from - all takhear of this blo Mixture 'it is wonderful , mirticu singular age t. 'Not a disease , e Mich is not cur d—WhOle volumes of t • . ny'site before cures of every comp Pinch has a name is certified to; and the fling opinion is that "faith worked ingp," or that Vaughn's medicine has vested with an ingedrent or some hit nknown property. The, most extrav !tea tire told by people who , call,mpon nt in this place to give testimony of o and get a pamphlet: Seciadvertifie, M¢RRlED..l7n•the 7th insi. in A l y thaev, M. Himebaugh,,.l,llr. Joslp faskinf, merchant, of Wattsborg,.ami I tialine A., datighter of Wm., Sanborne DISD.—On the 16th inst. •of Drop"S i he Heart. Orrin ,Janes, son or Oliver 1 f With East. in the 20th year of his a ' On the 4th iinit. -Mr.- George Sanb ! i Venting°, aged 73 yearsi. . Ou the 19th! inst.. Mr. Martin Ha I Greene, aged 71 years: Gn the 13th ;.inst.,;Edinu.nd, eon of •isnd Mayy Jr. MeSporren, of this city about 2 yeark 1 ' . . • 4. ••• GRAHAM' Bt. THOMPSON, Attorneys tit, L'ininsellitis.n. Law. Oil* Own 1 ettesS, jilekiscin *Co's. Suit% Er Ap if titt, O. Lam.ELLIOTT, SURGEON DENTIST. p rminentlyj , lur otgd in. Erie. t hr,. ,residents on the sunnier of Seventh and Pent!!! 49 • ak.040 1 ricr.ipic icy co. • :13 UFFALO, N. T., STORAGE, FORWARDING AND PRO. DUCE COMMISSION MERCNANTS,' ANI) liedlers'ia Lehigh and Erie Coal. Suit - and . Produce gruierallv. Particular wren. lion paid co the bile or Pro - duce and •pnrcliase f) Merchnnilize. , N 0.3 ket Col urn Sivare,Stiutlt Wt..ttrf. B. .N. BULB RT, patoafr.• ifilf.l.l, N. Y . ' I 49 Ma ti. %%TAW) respectfully 's beg leave to in• ftein thelLadies of this city' andivieittity theistic lets justlreturited kola Philekleiphin with the SPRING FASHIONS OF MILLINERY.— A Iso, a very bealitiftil assortment of Bonne a, lion net Silke entLitibbontl; together with a choice so lection of French Artitleial Flowers? ? all of which she will be pleased to show lwr customers and friends at her iesideticit on Street, a, few doors Etat oil Messrs: Goodwin & Vincent's Store; -11 Erie. April 24. 1847. r I "49' .- rf Toi IN Gft.4,HA \l, Prnprietor. The is - 4,1 P ub.criber would reeppeifil!lc infimn ii ti Ilia fri6cts and the traveling puhlic 11.1v3vgl fq u term of years this ri4v an I counnotlious House , shuttled at the Eight t Street Count' Inetvioti ren, floss the a 'WESTERN pie enti'nentty.the convenient and desirable etoppinis, place for all either doing business or linveling on the Cants There is; ni,4o.;at:uelsed to this establishment, a purge,and convenient Stable for the use, of Built tuen and u hersiliaving horses. ' NO pains or expense has been 'spared in fitting up' this house fir the convenience. 'edtillisit and pleasure of utteca, and the proprietnr wolf ,t,,y a - frit:tat tention ft, business to Inuit anti receive is' share of poblie patronagt: L, - Erie, April 24, 1817. 43 - - PENN,9YLVANIA BOARDING HOUSE. T"EObscriber has team! the house foNnerly knovtin as the Hibernian Hotel, on French wee, a fe(..v doors North of Fourth, for 1.110,-pur pose of ktetking a Boarding Hat e . Boatilera 12e will . takeived by the, day, wee , monthiand year on the most reavonable terms, and he hopee by strictattention to the onntint of hii guests, to receive a , hare Of the public parttime°. I N. 131.-Pnidece of elf .kinds, ioastantly/ kept on hand, and for sale cheap. ' I ' SAMUEL URADSHAISY. April-0: -Erie, Apri: 1917. 1 • •.• 3[o STORAGE'AND FoRWARDING;' Tu: iht)s ere peplum!' to receive and . forward flaring the sesioli by the Eric,Eren siert canal to any pointron the Lakes 'or (thin, dlr. a er - property etorkt ; .terl to their care wit 4 the ilk mo s t dispatch and =it'the loweim cues. • Bolt t , resand'aroccries allatio Is constfint- I on hand and Cot rule "heap at iheir Ware lipase in the canal; Eigth e;treet landing, Mailer's Oa-, sin i P P. GLAZIER,I ' •M. mitv• seA Er # April 21. 1817. Skin : Of ' 1847.] - BY - -.. [Sprihg of 1:847. Spin, p i , Rail "- ,, —° " —lAtr Road ! XT El , JitiNG 4. $u $1 si.Ea. , woos, iiel. .1. 1 1 ri..eiv •I at the Jew, Store, No. I Comte,.' Oaf Exehtio2 ,co jner of French and Fifth ate., ' AlesKs, ittleriectonteringalt harts ofperits, by sea and tind,ii•i re with his new and fashinntiliNt ki floods, reha; -, .in New York and Philadeliihia ' at the lowest rash Ori es, and einbrne isig t lie itrt*-:' est, satiety iif Valle and „Svtiitti'Dry aootli.dver I drought to this ple a ',A few of !hens wili• Wino • „ roapoN Et ANC.Y' GODS: - ' \ SI La •—s ti itted Poill, de - Solr. -- ,i , - ... Haiti Grenadi e, , .., ...1 1 -,,,. :, 2. - -;,. - - c! \ ' : , Ilk Foula s t . d t, , , ,`: .• \ I ' , ' - '", - i ."!, • -, ,^ ''., eal wat'iu.q., ripedb ack is bleolit Wti%'wlyered; , . •, • .. ' • - I , "i , t ,- ` 1 , - Whit kit! Mask tin, , \ ..: i' ' 1 ',., , r . — Phifn uk Italiani, . I • ;I , .:,,,.,- - F .,, '_Etilered letenves., ',. ,- -', L.- ' , • 1-- , ',1"..' ~'Fittliti'G, in Oa tri . .NHO V: 'O t t iti \, a iiiiitif,.:il ki : r-}, .1 ;Al pi I n (tithes. Own u tl ernbrinderi.d., , , ii; ' -Fritith einbroideied‘ 1104 for eltildren„,. .., 'YekY prel4 %I.:de - ,t,, gef yardb.. Preiiioh..4l4lol•Linen'tanifiriti ilditk ., :- . - t !) , Ethhiitleied,and hordeeed ,4i; \ d '.'. ":" -•-• ', 'Elituttlelte sitigle Ftvilehfieedle # timid Ctillti • - .. ,4 /;-.•and eatiis; , ' —' - le". i---'• ' - :, Embroidered 'lselin Sheirls '.,,- .-,'' ". Bilk. Cashmere and Barriiga? oi ''.' ' ,I: ' c it\.El 'Franih Barrage Stattfe,t'd. -., •• -, 4 " -:: : English 010,0 Laces, Swiss nd earobrig _ Black, white and coloild.Fre , sl.kand innhilr gloVils and .2 Ombra Sitriiied"Botine t . Eibisti d Fittitryd - ' -do: -r , d0.,.1 ' ccititithian_clord. il...seel3ttflatil Silitlfliinnet,Wife,.#oako.'.. ,i 1 ir.zwitiontrocuptand n ..„ 10,41 -,.;: '. N.c•.i .1 b Coniiu April WESTE4N HOTEL), ch,lCll Plmresl • 1: her - • = L(00.1/1 • rcillki Pcchang rtenCW,M4 ... _ ..ut • Yusiri;4o:4i :"- ' ' i'.,2*l•.e6mAs.! AtiiYiril Ie - 1 ; ;ont:Co. NAC:i'Veeol9: 9113:. • -'l ) ;•eknlivr ?or - the '-'l l l,4iotor auif l ipoid Whole. iblies owl itiiiull hy:' `-, 1 . 1 s,‘c.gno*Co.; •'' '_NoGii ,4r6kPtieet...Pittlourith,; 04:, " ',' it.J,t'Niliii-- . Purt;ltiocre Will i'lleaii 1)9 pAiihti for end inquire for; ”De. .111 1 Lignes, ; Livsr ' Priliq and-ink&' 9..01.15e1: 71 ;-'• ' - -"" '' 1 7' 1..:3-s er ,,' •' , •-•-+; "•' ' . . oin ,; 1 .' , g evidoirico or,liicrivg ilefoont/ fo r • . • , ',. ,-.Dlt. NPL.NNE*3.. , , • • LIVER. 'PILI. .., . , , .. A o'. .t , -- gigt,,. Feb.. i ikh, 1841' 14tkoortr. Pun &C ; O: i 'Piolurs . gh,',7o,' .' ' .1' ' Gints'. 7 -Eticloseil. you {will funl ,O.ii Aollay ! which please plaCri atouctredit . and •:foridord.'i some of yoo "Dr. .11 La) los 1.1a5r . Pills," we ay , eiiiikely,o ; Rc . iiiiticirully cow' ; & u• I 1 - '. - • ... . i Ci%ItTEK 413110Tiierr.- Pr 14.-fut tits Pimp:icor and oiati Wbol ' • Ink and. Whit by rI .1:' KIDD & 'Co: _..'' N0..M.1.',W0il et, Pll 0.1414 Pd. li.r.N., 11.-t Port:Wiser/t will be particular, en enquire foo."Di.. Nl'l.4!r_ie - el.iver Palo," and to no onset: ' ' • r 1 - ~. . . '. . . "L"O .. iteriti • oa Ito_ tautly Concern; , ' - DB 11P .': LA N V .S. - ts/E4P PILLS' O., TL, Mntsa....J., KAttn, t‘c , • , : 1 ', 'Chia fintotartity that t Y it.ifd has itren afflict for several y . etirs,- with th 1111)trwittte pains at qt •rioterinore or Jes-t—Ptiitit in the tight ;tide; oho t WO Wire or the rihsr, exit:lA*3p to 1,10 filbtab o ll der; Nits in the. track part of the heath, and etre c Ail , HO* eye, \necolnpar4ed by weakness, lotii I Opt,uite„, and lentos:. constantly „confined to h r. beik Situ° Anglia; she itrltr u 81.4 three lidies• f 1 .1 1..:Ulatie's,Livir Pills." and I linvo now to tat . ' Ott by the use of th - cse Pills. sholtas heed n fled in no ordinary tlece. Udder the Pio s ilence ofGyd sis :new cniays gottd.healilt, end is out= to attend tq the do:gentle conEerna. of y family. • • • JAMES sTEWAR.T.I Richrnond, Jefferson ?o. Ohio:.' ' - STILL MORE. '• t i , • • .ter cob eg ous ists sti- shit pre all mm erto gant his lres. , . Mn.', Y. Kum. Dear Sir: —I call to inform you of .11m virt br "/)r. APL , lne's Liver Piihr,i' In the cure' of wile, who wits; induct if to try oho box; by the_ of Which - shill:it so !ninth relief that she Foeta l 4a i•toruh Since she has taken the second. ; hr health hus.introved p., much ithat e'te is , I ; better than silo-hos beer ' for several years. tielehhors hate become acquaitilej wt :h thief sothac as Soon os I eel stoney 1 will buy the the t!ozen, to Supply those in my immediate nel horhoocl. 1 R. CC/CHUAN. ELI W. E q. patabii,h, rd. .: Pierartnifor ilia Pr: r tricior Pohlii W F;1 1 0 and (WWI thy , J. K 101 3& Co. No. 60 ,oati pt. Pi talnirgh,- Pi iZill anes, 1 1. ;1 ) . of 12EG Clark aged rent e. =I NI rams. 3 • !n t'• mood! or 'Jo. o's Amoiria ge have Fold, and pun hetelofore. • IWO 11 17 frOm Nem; Yolk by'ex vutilit ba nn Y RI mint Rut:best; r froi Yours t.ply Rechkl , ter: ti. y., - , Prepared for the p Talc and wall by No. te — P N. W Cculat,and inept cificdat Vrr!nif",' MIEM2=I Bk. M'L Messes. .t.'KE Cents it Alecry neat her, (A2mit fur this p 'hiultly•approvi d prompts me, an ter to your Irrupt hahi ants or ,this town arid troortyi• goner hme iven the Vrratifne of 'pr. ,APLarre a fat frig! in uoir and pronounce it l to' be t ifh out au exc./priori., the very-best Worm Aledicia ev er 0 fere(' to those afflicted with ounts. . The M e h estimation in which tlw Vermifugeh held in this vonunifility has ,indtriaal me tour chase it in future from you, or yoti A gerrism you inegreorly by lerivne, pet e ori moll, your tragli price fes the yermilu g e b th gross. r ' Very re. puetfully rims, • 3.! OPS,NYDZIi, Prepared for the rePrietor avid se111; Whirl sal and Retail by J. I{lols l- 14..70. No. eq. wo,,d Street, Pittaburgli,la. - ' OPINION (W 'T IE PEOPLII 1 . , I, We give below a specimen of many-certifi cates blindest!, us every day and which tie pre:mule h stuf fi zient to convince any perion of the 94 . eri• citify of Sir. JlPLque's Vertniftwe,'overall Mit' r so tilled. Virmlfzips. J • . This is oto certify, that with Dr. When° pet cillc, a child amine, 2 years old, past+tl EC I rgo worms, besides a large quantity of suldkorte t ss to re produce this discharge, it only quid two tea. spoonsful. The balance of the vial I gave to an other child 8 yeare old, whichcaused a diseltaw; of 28 large, besides's-quantity of small mortis's. WILLIAM ArCLELtL_ ,A Np, i N. Fayette tp. Allegheny co.•PaJarr. 20, 847 Prepared for the Proprieug and saki Who! dal and Retail by • J. KIDD &.Co. No, CI Wood Street, Pit rsburgh,, a. .f , A toll. 0.- - -Porehatkors will please be par ict T 3 lar and enquire Sir 'Dr At Liii!'s fra in Sp.ii to I V e rmifoge, and take nothing i elsO., ,:• -, \ A G e:O 73. —Ca tier St I rtber, 4...-H. lir sn i Co.. Erie; J. Marvin, amifordgJolinM'Clurt Girard; „John A. Tracy. k'aiidiew ; i W. H.To ni cad, S,prinufield; 'Tian Sr. Vince t, Crancarrillt 1 ,. Jackson Sr. Campbell, Edenhoro; 113. C. To m I Co. ivalishirg; A'. Tourtellna., Union 11.1111 , H. Haynes, North East... I. ! t ,• . - i * old by, Dripaists, ../inds‘ll4crchante gene II; throuvhottt the United States. _ .1 , lAprit 2-1, 4947, / g .__ • I- R Rs ) 4 10 y 4 L. 4 .,, .„ tT.., sEi'pEt. has removed hisl3lOtety an C, .1 Store'io the comer of Frcrieh and Fifill st i the stare lately occupied by C. 'Schwingle ` p site the Benner llotel, . i • PAO. Jan. 31. 1947 _..' r ."i • ' • • • rr••-•-• ••-4•• , • DISSOLUTION OF 'PARTN kitstilp. TH' partnership heretofore. exitaing hetwcen the underei:uncil, in the practice of Law, has beet% ,tlissolvad by, intrual cOnsent. Ail Persons runt iced 'us are requested to call at the flit nd Settle their respi (Aso accounts, on or efo e ho,first f February next. •Thase who trigle: li'i4 oath may incur coati. • l• . - , . - JOHN ..BiALBItAITII, . . , ~, . . _, • CARSON AltitHil,AL . Erie, J t n: 11, 1847. , " I:' --, 31 45 , 4 , , • The ohs and paper/forth° liat:ellsmof :r AL DIt'AITII $. GRAHAM ' ere,by muttral Note plsni, k6;witll me pithe InupoSe 'Of clOPilliit r i p the,biirlo,eas of tht coneern awl eolieetintt all outs, tiltie - .lt I',am 'et:4'2o'l4lloas 'sp • clay a's po.siblr 111 . !_aft.,'aes'oClnicat with me in,. business %V 1.-t u '2OF2. lid' 'WM.' A. GALIMt %Bill, F.sq ;at ~,. t , ‘ tatt theidEco rawly iiceitpiedajeGallir ith, - ..c- - :. • !i',,p limier - the film of GALIMAIT 1.8. •' ...;.," ,' • ,Nebere act littsinesi in the Ike gr - th pr. '-• ':'''''' , ' 'WBI b`ti ititemlett•tb - wiflulitettiptrie ar tiltsitlial U.-IOtIN G1if..1311.A Ft H. ', Erie, rchrstafy 3; 190, (.... ...d H. .v'. 0 tak. T , ~ : ERIE WOOLEN FA 011Ns , • ',' :C4ti1 . .),,,r-ME.,11,A I• 1: V . .. 1 ; 1'4%N .• .. kcs ti l • i • s ip: t ti t i i r o S i , o tr f r l t h n e in i4 i e lti 10 1 1. St: ri n ti ,,F , : tx fy elicit . iiOtt, thei,pintille,tl4: - the ,ve . y lihti A' tr) it.ift - cirtt4litcai to their rociery ' Ike iteer no, aii, top to-merit and ,ob - nin p increare%) ; ;pl4- r if auebv the great indimeniptits they this' Pin, 0 5 .41 o rries:.,,il . ‘lihn tisfe. WOul lo:siehOnLtifot; talk ' - tihrniiire;Sutine , ts, IhiSedei, *b. They . ill's,- so Sourso!nri VV - 01 op 11 . :S Ilia eiktiifor pjoy,,to sui ItionuOs." • • -' I -- e '- . ' , riNlay. IC 18.111. - : s‘ . -••••,,, ~. . • 1) 4 1 ... 71 i5 e. Tut. 441 \I.I.IAIBi. A 4. AV,Acii,N.- , , Alm, and ono, eepond .1* 51 -.l.nminni , two oisolN agonv,.for gate nt,ii rf4t bsyzain by LEST4,' SENNETT CpIESTER-s ~ .. ir co. Pi taburgh, Pa. ch: Ins r , vs received 6 do , o Voim Sperific.l all ort whicl t . wish a furoliOr supply a uenoly rroeivis• __panda 'el q iineao, and prr mime 0 ri lip forwarding by Viid in di a Pittsburgh: 1 ' • POST 'Et 10V1L.E.4 ~ 7 0.... b. • :?. /, 1917: rOprietor and soh' •Wit lo J K1151)11. Co. • 1, .. ,I I • 7.6 nd • • . . ':. I:RANI SNCIINES.I k-;. ! ~, & ixTE A re._*,,,e , prepirett 'fir tnslte Of repair ,:c ' --, v sintitzt .nainesorttl tn. sati-rylnt s zti 114 re- hive 41(1410 in sir abilll'io win nut . ' ad wo•k. witlesilitllOr I. , riiectlon of ink* whist) sq. , have recently luiltiiind Flut ir i , h, operttonrat otn. OS' Fotnutt7:7: .- t : - 'i - - ' ''"-- i - "r.- '-• ; 1""" ' . LEST R. SENN& 'l* & CHEWER:7" 1 IA N. U 4 A ecand , hand Seine oESltstsiiissurio li c t, "r„' er. toga hi* it tit bellows f r i Smell , rtuntity. for I 41 sale at a. ham in. . .: L.;l94'a. C.\ I i o n. ; Ede/ It 20, 1817. I-' - 1 .f-- 44 ; `on , t 1 N, l i filie ) Af 11E1d$K illy tussle! . 0 1 11111P i vas t , : 14 .ec k ut ! 1 orpot i blit! a' et , 1 , . -. , tt "el! 3sy alai It - bey tr a de- siided epee ibeiiiititlidi MOW , • • ‘•-• • .---.- Old illlowileueis'd t-- ...,_ VOPVierups, isselbeett cave lute passe stu i ivied ' • ; ." '" - int etitic4tt._ 5 . ___ .... SIOD1r; it 11=111,18alt• . OM. that, if the chit - 1164t0n be oo outtreiy e WS- • lterutorroote fa thoirvelisstued y to alp , tultitely ,cortgot to drsie Witco's o aver) , moue trim th• i • ' - i __,- hen lee to Mt to 'Wore , shoo Ur, weesse Is ilsaidi , iliwis acaiti it of the sepetabsutit :t estate: V like mu. nas ityfe st.latp, 1,10'10.5 the .. y' to. health. we awl 5.64n50 t. COriinills. 7 . •, , , t t 4-.. . ~ ,_, .iialktt.i.VtaiNliti V Wad gills , f l r 1 4 P ill bo' tot iz o• rowi tthe o w toi u tth ei bot o t i . a ' 1t: t ai tit ii sZos se t: tin XD ;elute Platt datratb was c .elli Atth i rttll, anew they rood .tut dot holy au aamuill sad teurrepi Outlaws. the chase Of db•sti. bra easy sod NA _URAL ftfANXtit to albit e,d they ittriy "sy - td 1 • , We Agnes ate& 1••••111 1 , - diseaso oter ry slam tit ripu/lY eetele &UP ibe.bell.ft iu . Few mile i(ei Olt; ebitar ilel es t r so jyfonly es the esatilatd - of e... - - '‘ , ltttWeitb NI J su Vegetable tips.-- Tbsivise , - • every diusetleis. UMW drubs tbf 'is &Wald le a pow saw. 1 than of. Ceti beitor,iiiissisdytael ai g croatiq . nio din.. oat best lotions, . ith *mei ut the ' lama iu Ployed.tistioesi es I slept NI ti se of OM*. use be witrib u ill the shape st t. , . etu tett :tea; /•• . - ereasuk Miss:: ' '. ' I tar* 'iris iiiiirWssi pular..'t ftwaissil Rees be supplied. 3 II N - so,l,Artitt" Irat . OW' untalicia• has is isslppi. i ry Silt mitten. • , to !toed ever/ MU de , to tax Metillei of tag biped effete •f' s' ',Waists dawn. _ • - eiIESTRRA :fat" . -ft, Fa. " • '" somas ?W1 le My best usetlitiuti •I *aft , r.i. tursalls'at.thais In .4 it'cLUILE. I'. di4 Mau a. • ' .'" I I:r . twf u th n. toe alt „Ir m a . There is mph i•tor here the lolls • -Lee * I 'Tit IIEISIIA - ; °M , . - ' O l ' nut - of ',year 1 raging w'rit'e L. Lilo Sur...ld us le% , . . .., i J . r illitir we1.,1 ipkte of i'doetdrs, who *eve ea tut. people ft ssir supply, I MI Ye gle i It. . iliSIA: 1 1." V/ ,- ' satilf i sc itj t; r to ti ' it olod ied bet secs tot “Wri p. 'tits titbit etrOutir (CO raptto I 'd i Wii . , rrelhiYixt Mori n • .Ih:re aged tt rieht'irLidiAtt' fatally. and &mid Rivet to belb Wed. f with to heCUILOW ee seen this ol n ie. , • JitSl , Fraln Cirri Inborn . So timeitucs, tby Niche IVtleht v lodise Vegeohlu Pit roe • aligane and 17104 r resat , g. -!heal.. 1 5004 • ' • • Sti • • Five! Antatda hApprehending . haul shall It fill. !Pekoe o this resMitl to {Opp!) , 010,1 bre lily biome Way or t.t.orr.. • The P11141.01w ii.rd the opixialtiou of so t *tAilaitb erted.oll their isOlui eget* j , fOV therm Ilia if I hove a centiuue 'e'en tbd4.l Yew ' 'Prom Sca flew hove Trly . stillthruoth w vigil oos I llltuk L tool i; to tight dusieu more. "Ilte;qutekt• 11 ,holircil.sri late iiciity,eearou I sureytier• Pills ere liked idp*:_lo tb.o 10-dicieit witt lowned felicti/ it" Fri k.eic • f a sing beta b . ird and di opprore o:. • .1004 like thew; p,.t 1 reckon t sod Odf-lutarest will itekerelly • 1•Youlm. &a. • 1.13 13 , :ch ate eftto Of the • !.teat 'Moo oY t'ite Mot teseict bitty *hoot Olt itertuuithes fur uhsery tpci hind Th 4 fullowldg reklate been duly uppublied agents fu o:o.liluslrord, Eric. g4llltlo flul IIIW & eCi.• Wail) Je'. Aid:hre :Ito: otkitril. J. 8.0 v.runen, thsirid...;„ ErestUsAvetill Northviie. Riley & Vetter; West Spriest W. U. Tuou.o.u.l, dortutfist pea & Co.; • +Heston , i• 1/ t. Piorth E4lt. Jabs Clltuit6i!nstrvioir 'times& w. Cottsiz. opfla it the malty7rd deeeite. ale eslttl y It yegetbble IPIII4 . • Tag ura.lfkon amat. A i i Pritt.S; Walt tPE OH VIE TOP fliutire, pn TopttereT.f c °Thee. TlttoT}Tl exele 0 'Vegdahte Pill , - .bole . S reel" Pe Tte.telphiii tr...'B G TAT 1 Tro t/at u 8044 Vtle. Ail II 'a. 181 1 .. . !us in roes as this lively !WWI ,I. it Eitkor:cALezo - • I • NI3IENT,: - i t ged to be the !AFALLIBLIff spiue. Aff4ctsons. Centracs ti aunt •Quidsy twee, Oki i best, Alpe is the' threest a , rrdiSea, Malt !theses, a ii 011,17errou, eisesers. LAM which tils ittilioded MIL J..wwiPut. rauncLWlß UM s of ten different Weasels - , I 1 IL CMO UOS that hate: ' eveir sI Ills been iutrotinced; d A r let ED to mod at F i ' 'Fllfrif CAN BE RELIELF !rmo eJtautuijli. Walsh IPS; ..1 immolates the *ether of • Aber Nautical 'w °rho, is swan . valueof ltis celebrated Ler _it. • 1 - , - Bing Sing. July 231, AU. • - , - • 4. . s ' i11........' lir Vl.7sl ' im— S ror n t i° lll . iii:n ii,ir ascehl IT ' bd.* ittiffee-, ~. CS widrithetreritisat. • terra ha stuctil , s•roriequetioe• 1 of thatirdite ide which it Its curer. than a brother.' t Oil and lujurea h a i raiJii, is uei g my applgia Hunt's Wok .tneta, from Which-, ha. imleiliste re ref I -subsequently feeling on menet' of ce old ompaidom,l appliedit tea* g us t eillicteit, which el nee letnoved it. As I law cora. ' 1 4 .gels ell ship imisteirs to can a medicine chest Whilst at *O2, tione sholi hi gb 11/ 11 10111 hi*, 011 I 11111 , COtle bottle fee y t n (memo purpose" Wort 'sill tie inctimisie they Lan catty. l e , You may um ibis .om no tio:igst p yr.ur asare. . Very repel ul , iy. ours; ' I - : EIIttUND . B1:111CT.-0 1 , ' I.gootlrmln. of Orb tend ng la the wird lye( Friends., ' le speakitas follows sf tit • grle.t irmwty, littnier Llbiamot. . , ' Art, r, IA tb mouth, la. lift. • i7iorye.B Sta.:too: . ',. ' ••• ,- 'Bi' seemed Brien& —TI, trite ,of the 20th tittles% Ea vu. _ -, relied:' lii my re il '1 would,i'a.. telt i hire heee brush il lee with ti tame k Ce seem , : tirl'ao, during which tissue it had distressed #cm 'cls. " 1' rectified a bottle of llent'a liniineilt at thy f re trip in t rpriug.mtil I have .a.rat ' it freely, put I easat th , a .iike that -tilde= bare bad bub o& no tr w ubt wit milLooo. A friend to wheal I i t , seat a boo le.i iiibr a' 0 that it wait A greseibenelt tartar, ip . rheum:are uffectio I. Ihe elm Ile,ltst ion Iliii teltattle mantling it to antrper . a necd ug an eatemuiCremedy... ...,„ _ J •CONOlifFt Vet i , I .7309b1. liit. 4. let& lb Creryt.g. 4'a?asM, Ste.-somo L. tier . Pete heated myself Is worktagi ' and the calf of ICI gokie out in pimples, - width by •• seratchitig soiiti case reset *Ores of the tritest diseriss i re Lion. vh„ Iratzt, ;Id a a'swelliag wall soltrom (bat lOWA not rest day or night t used butt one bottle of your Licrti. -Silent, cud am lr eel retyertil. 'I was' alto aforird brit s,. saleihnil inthe *ruts oirsetlies aameicaus: i t e aird the my: 7.:. ilisitiodof the alit ut,' relieved me at alai /Itl lo ioundeiittir. see* ow II to ate public a. lass . litititoinoto , remedy:. •' ' ; i RlCllAllift 111091fER: ' • ilWhierdulthent aso et 25 taut 50: reetstWi WWI*, by iilllbo Yrivalpal lug iota and Merclutnts seroaghems ape - .4s M:1311111.. . - 1 ' he ri. Agents inr Yeti Toth; nit s i t • n n tra "4 o,4,l3 .EY N . I 1", O C . ; I ..o.iktenc,:i.,l.4ytl%Vta,t.ll,l3treef,.. A. i }* ..3 !ifirlitortfer felted cud Willjare o. re f , , • Atti`DAVl 4 . 1. . I ,leG , Willi•on Street. - "1' - I . = icy • • JOIINSQVii KIDD'S/ Cu rj ti.bur 0 „,,,,b..4. 7 «, spats 16 , . for - Weatori PAI "Attalla- - I 1 .1 Onfrrs I#ilnis a tolbirniSlFin 4 Silitf.N.;"l., win b• st - rmo,' tied to. 1,. j . .. . v..10 , 166E L. 14TAFro N. .. - , For ra ii. by . J. 1. flurtein'ilk C 0... F:rie, 11.1' . . P .Tia "6 °e rror,. It ,' Errt, J. Cleinent Fairview; Pa,. Jones 01 Co. i Ird. , April tiS, 11117. 47 H • liS J A VfOlori:t ExT: troa7.o . !tb U root T sc i li 1 Is 1.1121,Eby for Haoloom tomi ott'io Mastics, Nu Moro. l'esos in Moll old _ratOLTooth.iche flurd . I coup. Frosted T riIIUMPfIANT i. .1.4,......-e-0h.....- cnein OM 'most sever il'Moro n Ine , l-tol 01- Vett bo towed wi.on .t , giros us the rig t to r ouce to the ONLY , ON. • ( , rirTIM following)' IProuso Anion 11116 krrq t c h e ite il l b .;: e •% . l:j . l,o w t, e ti o nit t i f i woof rehi.dy. i1L5114 . 41- LI 1 1 evil i imirs, ?lc In i , : pr lEi 1 1 Mu hg ier I . uda gm. nej 1 „ . . .. . 'B_ HEAVE POW.PERK” I 11•RE-FOlt REA ‘DES AND IN HORSES.- A Icing flimiliaci end,personill Rent ment of the dia tivey are subject haie at length discovery in - thi. exceedingly III& ok the Ileatii and teach— a Ilk ii h d re ce ani snimale'tnihaimn rflykri;notdhedrentit •• spited. I;huxo,no l hesitancy in . ri • poviler . orAN eirettually and/ thassh leery sympOns and Testiga COl.l - it wylch.t '4l COUGH wiiit 1*(140 Cagos stihic tit Liable reaidy, entie.whikh p PaYin!: t nt nr ad!, l i Olighiy:tivdica e every sympfo”. _lc p, _hiti ; Ogee' and du ierous (Heenan if Fierily , ' any ) reasonnble len tth of Limo after -it.haatreo coin , fir:toted. lIIV,If Ryan dircOver vymptoma of, Dept oft /troves in yolk itatse. rearm to .this prudes. Without delayil t perseveringly . and alienate , • the hints aeuem 4nyinu the directions for• the ' Ti treatment of the mtimids, a in Pile caste put 01" ton ion , will find:dttit it co es. • C .) • .1. Is any dellit t ria of reeinp. eertificatteat of oat* { 1 ! of thcint cnilln the atlent. Price 5O cents pee hots \ , tie. At ahuhic. ured by A. V. Colemiii, Nefi - lrotit C.Pf_WrElit iSt!,I3ItOTHER, agen*Erkeiri, ' March 27. 1847. . • - -i -, - - - 4s• - 1 ' - WANTED rieGuixiii any ' qquindl OI 9evai PF44IE..IIPARDS, 8.800, 14 18 fett long. ' 111-2 by 10, en.! t-stoo 20' reef-104. ; •= T 1 ltDiPit3, l A Sinai by 3 Al,;- ng. for-iuttlhel MO, . liena ' td, when. *Oaf 4 1 ide rout 1 0); ' t : .6i; I N eiciarrue' r 1-IEM).• • 2 inthe4 wide. ~- 1 1EAILO4K 'fl 15; 4.18 do -.VIFMLOCIV 10.'14 atidlef m2eket t•umber.sard 101, MIMI CI •lln6l* brolislt „"ftics.... • • th.,paht ion 10ri1.42d1 * 1 . 1 4 14 " A t trro;Io " ; 4311 elgieilte.e cosi.idenAty; ) waved iieSeekeiratty Nem I aninisi fai fie sow* Wire. Jule al".+l Vim Am owe_ of di, rispiciotto ey Never twice tried amp. be coomalteito - Mit ItuTTINGUAII. 4 ' i our vitleuttuily ludo by mei who hoops. old f %Ivo ale not quelled is *Mel etonfaFtoPero Imo* Egiequoinfr• •.' . . . • t i'licpotipl'c WY; t4iii44lloll order tti. iutitur to Wtigtal litd• • E=t •r W32.lVirsoweossi-rs 1.01 , i.ut 50X. Fort oOtr," t. - 10 OziY. T ' the'atle of Wright& Ds 'AM d rettptv 16_111A:ea r trait; Spirt, New York; -sad 11110 '44 1 MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers