Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 24, 1847, Image 2

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F 1
rniy of the West.
• - -
epublican i is irtlebted tt o Prom the gdverttmOnt prin
ts Fe, ijving an account, ak
t• Taos T and oI sev4 bat
ted it. This exM was
Rress. which Arrived at' In-
47 WOL,
The St.
•frien.l for a I ,
"Ong office .
.the insurty
ties which
brOught by
- GA
• ST.
It qui
bail a
inn e
1847, Gov. Charles Bent
raos, his place of rVAdence•
friends of 'two PueJlo in
ynlinthl in the prison nethat
im to release them, to which
Was entirely out of his pow,
untinethby law, Until they
then resoled to I release
•rce and Murdered ali t the
.s, together With t ose Nlex
rorable to. the i crimps.
Hawing, they elr cted their
ig the prisoners, flnd barbs
and scalping Ghv. Bent,
Sheriff; James W. L?ali.
CoruclioNirgll, (a Span
rceses:Beatiblen, and Par
aring but one America,'
Leal was scalped alive.—
di Ja
o for
'On the i
f4t Santa-1
diano r who
'place, reqat
the replied, I
er to release
were tried.
the pristine
leans who
On the:Tu
: , resolution,
I•ously murj
Stephen! L
Circuit At]
iard,) Pref
'blue Herm
named Elli
At the Arr
'melt tfortiti
standing a
ken and m
- ' The nut
gaged in _
,1 i
-; 1
7"; On the norninb
Item: of the • ma
brought to Sint r a )
circular Ic ter •itit..,'t
Otis pltit'e i 'atating
'titans of 03 11
qftheq c' untry
- 7 - them. T is lettei
• by thdk,pii , st.' V
place oft b advai
tear app(oaeh.' I
. ports cco.,Price i
SatitaTe qua Me
He I.4pk4itli hi
men-I-Ida/41g I.t
of the pos ~•
. On the
)Ibout 2,p11t
lrafoyn, I'
The anent
fl,g each e
p. in., a br,
, camman I
e, the
sted !
`hat it
4 ally e
&by f. l
at 'Pa.
ivere f
'sday f,
releasi ,I
e, the
c t ;
ah, s
tt Lee
d the
~ .
12 miles from Taos; nine
selves in a hmise, and after
siege of twO days, were M
exicans an e l Latins en
,sa re, has been e,timated ut
g• o the 20th °flan., intel
a 6611 re of Crev. Bent was,
P 4 b an Indian runner. 4_
,',O - received by the priest at
4+ that the Mezmans tip:lln
risen against the invaders
inl requesting him.. to join
r was banded to Col. •prioe
'arious reports reached this
lice of the enemy and their
In consequence"Of these re-
F/dented to itarch out of t
then in the open tield. -, a. --
n three hundred and forty
col. Pill/ink in command i
ber of
is ilia..
of the 24th, Col. Pries4n
my at - Garland ti unml..ring
• ter the command of testis
ez, and Pablo Niontova.—
',oste.l on the Wills.command.
ho Toad. About 2. o'clock
from - the artillery under the
Dyer waif trsentiver,
but from their being
lil theene
il nlceri
' hie Ch i .
iJe of f
A tire
f Lie ,
was opened ispoil
so nerli-sinttere..
The.artillery li be e 4
either' wo• tried '
nineteen tire t
gims: C i d. Pri
which ;tai artici 1
Capt. Augnly it,
tho 1)111,, . wl :•h
charge re itel
sued', which taste
was two} killed
Mexicans acknot
kilol and forty -fi
croy retr,iated to:
Col. Pion th
march toWiirds '1
dienrat El E.'in'3o
discovered in the
the roadoit the el
ty of spier, Who i
Capt. Barg vin, v
hearing the thin
Capt. St. Irrain"
les, an'i cl
atfs, apd'ro
an hour, itiy
1114r3. 1
They ;Osumi,
the 31 of i r ., ti
Ilitlians 'at tingly
A few niain Is wel
evening, bi i r. the
teat rrn il. norij,
,tibriced n the tit(' ( Limits.
Limits. Dyer and
and Lie it. liars.:
by throving sheli
o'clock ' charge
execute . The
as a pat of the
this ch. rge. - P
until night, she
oil, bin i 'were int
morning the fur
&iitie ('.ipt. Bur
. 'The mat logs
engagements Is
num'ae of won,
was II killed a.
have since died,
KILLIID: Psi% ales Messer. Smith, Graluitn,
Papin; Ist Sergi t A. b. Caldwell; private R.
'r. Boinemlst Serglt G. B. Rossi privates
Brooks, Levico ; - llansuker, J. Truas„ and.
'Serg't llart.' j
WO"Selill: COI. Pride; Capt.. J. 11, Burg
.win (Disco dead); Cant. M'Millati; Ist Lieut.,
Irwin Ist Len.. 'l'. G. West; Lieut. J. ManL,
field; bi.ertets .411, Caspersi Va roe, Fergn
lion; Corporals Tones and Inglen an; privates
Atilmati, Mar liy Mezer, Au tin. Lewis,
Chian*, Nag e, , Sighta,' Fend r. Johnson,
Ilewijt, Hows e , Damning, Moon, Gibbons,
Linn man, 1310 - t ged, Grain, Deets, Sickenberg
liage fining)), nderson, Beach; Hutton, nil
} 11
11 . man Walker, Schneider, Shay, Near, Bre-
Men, ielfeldt, od, Kohn.
On the 25th ult., Capt. Ilehdly; who was
in co' mend of the grazing arties.on the Rio,
-Dior , marched with SO in t to the town of,
MOM, to suppress, the insurr ction there, and
affes4 the niiin s lercors of Messr..ColVer, Witl
did, bv,es and 'others ) who were nt*sttered at
that lace. - '
. - \
11. 'found a body of Mexicans tuner
n arm
and lido fern ing his men intodine for attack
age eial engagement' immediately ensued,
the Mexicans hetreaxing and firing fro„ thq
win ows and hop, holes in their houses.--
Cap . 11., and I is men closely pursued them,
and vith a am ill party took possession of do
app rtment of an old fort held by the insur
gents, and while preparing to lire it, was
shot , Ile died in a f-w minutes.
' The enemy had ;25 killed, and 17 taken
prisners. : OA. loss, 1, killed, and 2 or 3
wo. nisi.
_.]____:____ ! I
ritgonwr.—The Bombardment
vas postponed\ several hours by
'en. I t icott f after all the arrange
ence oper'atlons had beep inade,,
ne view of inducing tin:-Itlex
ihe watiten and childeril out of
6 proffered his aid tO place them
of danger. It is much regret
vosition was net acceded to, as
that upwards of 500 of the -in
killed luring the engagement.
i A Amu* z.....Titere is a Colonel in the
[ Alesican arm , namelTorrey, wild is an Am
driest) by birt , and was formerly of the U.S. ,
Ar Yr.-Phil dr/phi/A Post, - ,
his Torre .is,actillg a far more honorable
in manly pa I, 'than are his Federal friends
el home, for I is cdnitse, at feast, has the merit
of bravery a d courage while theirs Is not
uttraitarour but . rardly.—BeVolt(lle.)
it hal bin little'effect.
'ere. within , Such-short dis
used to a hot lire,. which
,!. penetrate.] the clothes of
Iventy men Who' served the
ge seAng, tiff' slight °fact
" I y_hai upon them, ordered
lnth his battalion to dram
was gallantly dome. The
m, ant a scattering tight cu
t until sun down, Our less
and seven wenn lel. The
vledge' a loss of thirty-six
le taken prisoneri. The en'.
anis Ttlaf, their,stroughel I.
7th took imp his ling of
Ips, au I again encountered
ta on the 24th. They were
;thick brush on each side of
armee of a defile, bye par-
I nme.liately fired Upon' them.,
ith his company of dragoons
I; coma up, together 'with
i tin.] Lient.'Whitel,s entoa- i
L on the Mexicans an.] In li
mn.' The battle lasted half
mrseit was kept up for two
1 , )
their matlext day, anion
ley found Thle'xicatas and
1 fort ifi . 3.1 at Piaeldos do Taos,
re lire] by the artillery that
did not make a general at
g. The attack was cum
, riling by two batteries under
Wilson oftlie regular army,
ttiver of the Light Art il lerY
idio the town. Mont /2
ited t
,t the
was ordered anl gallantly
lireh. which bad been used
fortifieafions, was taken by
he tight was hotly contested
I two white flags were hoist.-
/ Mutely shot down.
was surrendered. In This
/!win fen.
of the Mexicans in the throe
estimated at' 282 killed; the
fled 'is unknown. • Oar loss
nJ 47 wiiunied, 3 of %Omni
eta Crur.,
' tilers of
to to coiii•
ithe, hum
c to sent
city, and I
of,tho wa
• t his ir,
eqta 9141',
of 1;
tue , 1
wit ,
t 94
' !mini o • Onsiii.—A story is told of a
rihy lad of;eightoen yearn of age, standing')
id feet t*o tacimi a his stockings, from 4 01d.1
E gefleld,' 'SoVth Carolina, who was recently
al , bting-whOltato,r nut he should volunteer
if. , the war In Diettleo l; One of the, flags of
t notating! partylln Ina own dearly beloved
0, loge, wari his eYes somewhat discour
aged Wm. Victory of DAthz-zpur,in viq
.TORY or CRIPP 'E," sald he, "and I'll go
char, e gos, darned If !like Li.EATN!'
dive i to, 1n New-York la tle
r • , trThe
p ?m , 2000.
'llie ete - • niship Telegraph arrived i New;;
0 the 10th itist.,:,?from th 'Brazos
v.. •,- •z t,
whence, she'left on the eith'inst. '- - ‘
: On the 02d, ult. 'at Odell° 'and 'll . terey,
on the 524th r everYlthing!was quiet, i tin: no ,
f:An,were entertained of a diffe nt:-.
i g
state of ,assn . s ensuing there. Vera
of the i,Joui i We're, dy at Saltillo.
4, bOth Americans and Mexi
cans,hityt ne.
The report hr _ rght to the city by passen
gers on board the schooner Henry Lobg, on
Friday, thitt,a battle had been fought between,
Gen. Taylor nod the forces under Gen. Ur
rea an I Catralesoroves , to be incorrect.
On tli2 IGTh March, (len. T. :km inot tho'
division of. Cul. Curtis, and havit been, ap.•
priseithat itfnralesitad eoncentra ed in the
vicinity'of •Rainusiwith a•command of some
46 1 10 nien, he Setchtt in puisiiit of him.. He
followed hint ;as - far as Caiderete, brit his
force should ‘ be literally • flying artillery to
overtake him, and it is doubtful if they would
even t h en —h e h a d crossed the Mountains.—
Gen. Taylor had returned to camp near Mon
terey. . , ••• . *,
Information htivirk, rershed Camar,,a.o . that
Canales, with some 200 men, was at Capere
ro, 20-miles south of Cerralro, Capt. Grey
and a party,inf Tetan Rangers, had left •in
pursuit of him. - i
1 It is understood to be die design of Gen.
Taylor, as soon as he gets the necessary re
inforcements, to March on to Saltillo, and, at
a point between that and Mexico, form 4
junction tvitl44e.n. Scott:-
A: letter rect. ved by the; Matamoros Flag
(ad jlluena Vista, l2th 11 itirch, states, - that
all was quiet: that the wotli tied' Were Mend:
ing rain ily, nod gives tho,,otil-instiirtng - - in- , -
.formation that, ticor,litig ro i, ns tr tic ti onsr , frOm
Gen. Taylor before leaving,lupwards of forrY
mnleloads of provisions had been sent froni
his camp - to Encartatehni for the rise of The
wounded Mt... Vica r -is, who .were in the. hospital
and in a state of ] starvation.
A 4.0r,1i og to an order" i4sned on the 31 illt.,
the Ihnisville 1.?'rioll ist rnoverorn Mon...
terey to Ag,utt a Nt eve. ' he Ist and 3d Ohio
regiments are to c ntioNse tire gstrisonat Mon,
terev utt.ler'llte .ruler of Col. Curtis. Two
- cbmpaniaS of the '1 Ohio regiment are to, be
posted at the Rin enrol°, pass, between Mon
tereyt and Saltillo and the remainder Of the
regiment under the immediate orders of Col.
/Morgan ;is -to report to Gon. Wool..frit°
' , Col.rf the Kentunkv cavalry is to establish
'his heakplarters :if berralvo, with four eon
patties t wo to be posted at ,Marin and two at
•Punta Amtada.llte. remaining companies
are to await order. , s-'
~, ) 1 . [
is - - 7----- . ---- i -- - '
KriainArtiont• Ihrrogra,l . ddresu r
The folloWiniq t ht. address of Sam& An
na on assuming t to reins of got:cram+ in,
Mcsico..:4t is di ia ail similar productions,
fa of patriotism:
ISENORM MTV rfEs—l. have just taken the
oath whiCh the last kil rt.:3 cri be :.., and dn'doing
tie ), oughtlo accompany it, with a manit9sta
on a mysentintents, and the motives of ,iny,
millet th this respectable' committee of the
1 gist:dive lady.
, - The events which have taken place in the
capital are kociwo, an I are of such a 'charac
ter us to bind me to give them a speedy termi-
Bation. Surrotinded by ditlicul*s lof all
I inds interested in what istdbe moctantostiiin' octant
and essential for the tvlible nation, as is the
sustaining of a strong an I decided strtiggle
with a foreign power, in which nothing less
is intuked than theexisteuce of the nation, it
%%rid be the worst of evils to enter into is
contest with those who ought to. unite in ro
pe ling the common enemy. These discords
• touh 'to disappear at the imperious voice of
patriutisin winch .calls upuo the eons nf the
country to have but one will and aim. - -The
mommts have been urgent-4 have seen the
forward steps of the enemy-1 have'rushed 1.6
the field to repel him . . and 0v..t0 , ..,t t.1.c.m.....50t.
of doing so, I have been forced to leave a brave
and victorious army, tfirl to come hither to as
some a power which I have repeatedly said
was repignant to my feelings, aq which I
hal decided ne%pr to undertake.
. That which Has been and ought, to be an
object of aspiratitin and desire, is fot.linti an
, enormtnts sacri fi ce, but lam all for city coon- 1
i d try, atirshall ever serve it without
what it may cost, mo to do that which the na
tion desire 1 should do. , I have entered upon
the Supreme Magistracy because I have seen
that it was the sole legal means of termina
ting the disturhances of this capitol, an 1 be
cause I believe I shall thus be able to radii:
tate the prosecti 'on of the war and - to saver
the independ ce and honor - of Mexico, which
'I wish to est Mt. 'unsullied and brllliztnt to
'the wor which is beholding us. , U have be
fore me the committee of the sovereign con
gress, of that august body whose decisions
i 1 have respected and shall' constantly contin.-
no to respect. Its decisions will be my itf--
variable guide, midi hnve•firmly resolved to
preserve a pore unison i with the legislative
hody, which-union will give its a final victory
kind the re-establishmeult.of internal, and `ex
ternal peace— in which the happiness drour
creddry dedeuls. and to which we all aspire.
The mttien has prdclaiMed the political prin.:
ciples which ought to-be the basis of the ad
ministration which I wish to establish.
Thus lunderstand that, its strength will be ,
seeureil f 4 defending itself, and its rights for
which its sons have those guarantees which
belong to all men, and which civilization
claims, and which has been my MO since My
return to the cowry. This will not be de
nied, and the nation shall still seenrobedient
'to its wishes without my having any other
rule of conduct than its deci4ious. As a
Mexican and a soldier, I shall alw4s take the
_same road as the nation, and I aspire
,to no.
Other title than that of good citizen, and in
speaking of ine that it should be s id that I
always loved my einnitry-”that I served it
with zeal, and that I sacrificed mys If for its
guild, , .
from Monterey &&•
.A Group: "
% Vasil i rigtuo corresponliento the N ew
York Journal of Commerce says, with much
miivei.f.e; that— t
“The next packet that sails for England '
will carry out the intelligence that: the Airier
leans have won the rilliant battle of Buena
Vista against great , o :Is; that the Americans
haVe Oren the city of Vera Cruz anti the for'
midabl6 castle of San, 3 an dlilloa; that the
Arnerilmo hue °pone( 016 ports,of Mexico
do Ile:lira! trade; that th Americans have sent
a fleet of.ships lade vith provisions; for star- ving•lreland;• and t t erican credit rises
at Mune; if) the face of 'large ,expenditures;
aril that the \ new loan is Taken at a rate above
The news' Will gn at the same time that
General Scott is now on the wing for the ta
ble laud and the`capital• of Meiito, and that.
the treasury of the United States is in
credit; and the resources of our people are so
abundant, that more khan three, times the
rouhunt of the loan `.which the government
wanted haS been elline.l-•*pear i , sixtftnillions
—and narty all above\par:' Themock 'has
since ad anceJ,_atid is rising
in, the inarket.::.
Corsi ering that . I,l,admlttistratiun r ill
bankrupt, as the oppositin44ers, have yen. ;
wed to predict, this faciiity \ of tibtaing three
timesits much turnkey 'as they I want; it dning
very Weil.' Calhoun,' too, whir has• no ade
quate idea of the'energies of a free pleople—;;.
who was for a system of "m,asterly.inactivi-,
ty" in relation to Oregon, and,
,nnderrated, in
his speech, .the resources:of tlie United States
and who was pretty much .4/4 the same sys
tem Of "ntaiiterly inactivity'! in . his \ speech
about Me:o6; *risk), ' said; 4 iWell, then, , we
most have`another,canipaign. -.Now, a sol
emn question comes up, have t(-e the means?
Can we ra ise the meneyr Let the dosui: of
yesterday „ansWer, this, gloomy interreuitory.
.—Neal. union: . \
I . .
(I:rrhtf telegraph lino fr
tits emeinatt, t,
by the first ofJuly neyti.
Late from YeraCruz, Tampie, and
Brazos .Nantlago
. • . ,
The Ship' Alhambra, Capt..:3Vilson "Ana
the steamer littabrimn, both - ft:::Nev:i' 01'4 * 4,
bring advic'esTrom Vera Crii ' to the Ist ihtt.;
from Tiintßici) - to the 3d . instant; add c-fniin
~ , 4 I ,
Brazos to the 4th inst. ; . ' .:. i' =
Capt.`'Wilsein reports thatAem-Quitman's t
brigade left Vera Cruz on the . fist' March, for'
• ivarado. The frigate Potoma6, sloops-ol-
John Adams, Albany, and St. Mary's;
the eloper Mississippi, 'Vixen ami Spitfire;
nnd)o • r small vessels, sailed the same morn
in for e same place. -`
Santa z nom was nt the elpital,,and, it, was
sail the C trek party h ad joined him—the
A rchbishop,a! Teeing,. to' advance .5,000,009 of
dollars to enith him to drive the "barSari
rips" eitt , Of the c entry,.
„The U. S. brig 'erpoise, in the late, tale,
was obliged to throl over her guns, and has.
beeifordered to new cleans to go into dock
and repair'.
"en.'Twicgs,twith hi`
march for Puente r Naciothi.
Nl l arelt„, Gen. Worth, who
Governor ofjtera Cruz, wont,.
another diviat in fAur or five die
• r.
lONE 11 [BONE V .
Dates to the 2:1 April have been rccei t
New.:Grleansi.. • '-
Nothing has been heard , fmnv the detac'
ment under Gen. Quitmatviept eolith toast,:
possession of Alvarado. 1t , was not supposed"
that any, rertistance would be offered. :
Harney; with a detachment of dra- •
i'oo ll 7', had .goneoutrtlt a short distance to tyke
possession - of the tone of Antigua. • ,
No-force had been di:spatched towards Ja
lapa on 64 route to the city of Mexico.— ;
Seihedays were excepted to 'elapse before the
main ~.botly the army under Gen. Montt
‘i•on Id be ready to move in that direction:
It had ,been ascertained that Gen. La Vega,
with a fore one thousand strong, was posted
at the Puente Nacional, a btrotig' position
about thirty miles from Vera Crogi , on the
route to the capital,
Everything was quiet m era Cru, and
Gen. Worth, as Govertme of the town, was
discharging hi= duty admirably.
FrOm 11.. w ) law, did, April Dili.
---- • , .
El Remit)Beano to the 27fh ult., has been - re- T..° ke i u " - . ..
to tl a Cprosperi ty .which their otherwise great
ceived'. VVe
Anna's reception at the Cain-
are not able to learn the panic
tilers of Sunlitadvantages wool,) wean to ttlerit; 1 herefore,
...Resolved, I. That rots the interest of the
nil: ha entered the city on the 221: d i •
I,tll of the:Stat bereigl the, S
-Guinea Ferias was immediately . depesed,
sho ee r p e Of LaltmErie, es
to haver a n (imtintions oothern.
awl Santa Anua taking charge -of the Ptiesi
denev,l the revolution was soorr at on end,' • R` ad emnrullnication, which shall look to an
extension ending only in the Valley of the
Pena Barrnrratt seems to remain at , tile head
Mississippi.. 1 - ,
of Military ° Mb irs'at 'the. capital.- ,
SuntatAnna. ha I ordered several detach-
Resolved, 2'. That it is unwise nod against 1
t . the interest U New York end New Engiand,
ments ti troops to march immediately to.Yern.
to longer, perr tit the granaries of the West to
Cruz, hi order to as the hesieged.
The accounts : fro i chihnahna were fe l the be seated' during tivemiontlis,of thetyear; ajar'
to! secure the trade l a the South rt 9 Welit,
sth March. The los s i. of the - battle of the
28th February by the Istexic r eas, is ' attributed ! t ' ffir " nd co T mln°entil " Almil be ' "O ene 4 /t "
to the cowtirdice of the. lexican cavalry. bileh points .”" l ' e %Iles ar' shall s ' d ' ur9 said
trade to the enterprise ( f the East a tilNorth.
The forces of the Americans are slated to
have . been no% - dry! 7 .piece,
,of artillery; ; Resolved, '3.i That
,the etTorts I to to
'draw the trade ,of the , Lakes and the Ohio
whilst i those of the 'Mtixictins were 2000, and Valley ti the S,eabpari by Smatter! Channels
10 ; pieces- of orangery. The Americans took:
p0,,,,,,,n,„ of tenh„„h„,„ on the of Ni nvot, and Railroad throughl.lanada, dentin(' at our
hands .eriousiattention, and to pre vent their
and' nearly all the Mexicans families were
coneurnmation, it is expedient that Railroad
4doning the cit y. -
e - . slioeld be constructed along the. South shore
'Prom the 1113... Or!c.ns i'cayn,in. Aril a. , of; Lake Erie to its head, and thenee to the
. LATER. FROM VERA ,CRUZ. , S inflwest, terminating at :etch Poiht its shall
1 - rt re to. teethe greatektamouurof trade end
At an early Inutr --- thi., inornir)g, the shin Ar r rel.- ,i v
..,171 ./
kansas, Capt. Hilliard, arri from Vera' 'Resolved,: A. T hat he ; first link of this,
Cruz in fi ve days: • . important•imprevement s the constroctirm of
a-Railroad from - Buffalo to Erie, to the com-
Mr. Kendall- writes ti; that t ie last reports
from the capital indicate - that he dissimsicots mencement , an-1 cemp etion of which we
are tint yet terminated.
,a • • .' :pledge our eqergies.
. A Guadalajara paper publish s the terms of- ( ', , ,_, 4esolved,. 6. ,l ti 'hat: the' opinion of this
fermftty our tioverrure-ur frrr-- elo4,:shr,..i.rh. Convention; it. ' tie interest of the iteople re-
Atucha: The principal one wi t s i n brief,
. t* tif- siding on nod n r:tbia coutemplatol road, to
v tetv
teen tr , t iiii nnA to b e pa id mexic i f or t h e fi ne „ promote 'its cons ellen forthe reason that it
26 degrees - from the Gulf to titOacitic, and will give them, at all sett•mt the-advantages
the United States to demend
expenses of of the best and highest mail( t.k in the Cabin,
the War. 'Pliese expenses- are estimated at for the sale,of their products , whether o .Ag
thirteen ,millions, making a total or twenty- _Heflin:re or Mannfactures; c ilt it ikWillait,ance
eight millions for the territory north of 26de- the valne of their property F y develeping its
grees. . resources,-and Stimulate their in lustr), , by the
Santa Anna arrived'at the city of Mexico rewards ineident fo'good mairkets.
on the 20th or Ist. ult. and at once took Resolved, 6. 'plat. to ensure the objets
,sides with the cluen against - Gomez Ferias. - contemplated by this Convention, that a Corn
1 A Frenelinim list ariive I from the city mince be appointed today its views before tit'
'of Mexico, win) reports that there are not one Legislature of the State_of Nev York, thre
thousand armed men, all told, on the road from the measures already adopted in the State lir
this to the capital. III: says there were nine' PcnnaYlvania, in ( granting a charter for kt.
gnns in position at Puente Nacional, but only Railroad front Erie tube, State line east, rn, y
siity meal to serve them. lie responded' to by the Legislature of N al,
Gen. Quitman takes down to the York, either by a Special 'charter or the fa-
South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama regi- cilities derivable front - some' general prov s
mentS; ho also lids at) artillery force with ions of gawk, , i r
hint, ('apt. Stepto's battery, lum informed. 'A
-(notion to consider the restitutions sepa
. 1 , ---- ittely, wits lust, atud alien rrtilarlis frowne
- ,FROM GENERAL TAII.. YLOR. ' Messrs. 'GREEN. 1 id , ..sratt, BALt:, 'fluxt,Ae
Dsuottamv,,Fmtti tt, MsaTis and, he PRI:f4
The accounts from Braze's are thakGetteral
Taylor has retune Ito Sultillo after in vnin
InENT, the I.eseletiOns ,were unatinneuslY
pursuing ',Free.. He could not reach him, adopted..i .I '' - ' .1
though he was once clm;e upon him at Marin. The PitesionxT , p niute las the "Cootmit-,
Gen. Taylor's force consisted -of about 1000
tee created under 6e rt.o
men, of whom only , 150 were cavalry.. . Mf.ssrta. D. MIA tVIN,f Ripley, '
The impression .at the mouth of the Rio E. A. !L .slre, ,t orretio.lia r
Grande was that Gene Taylor % , ... , ,nia 'posh on ,- , A Sa ll ' n r of stfield- i
to San Luis. This is interred from his or-' ---.------1 , 1 _.+ '
Bering so much transportation to be sent for- • 1 Fir l l ,MEXICO,- • •
ward. . , , . 1 ... ....._ . 4 , i
Col. Hantramck was at Camargo at the We ,understa tid I that the prniie dilrosed
last dccauni.s. - Every thing was quiekthere, among. the Mexicans, in the capalei 14st :Inv
and on the river and at the Brazos. • might experience. the sante disastrous ..fate
which had fallen u on the env mitten Ilv
to its si ) trrender: - An ' a'wfulirpattn
le has now spread' aver the people. The loss
- of the city and case, combined with the last
victory of kits th 5,000 men o er 20,000,
'at:Baena Vibe,. h bpread consti union use
that infatuated mnion. '
Gem Scottloid espatceed ade nehmen( to.
Alvarndo, to col ect mules, horses,/ clad
beeves. The villa re of Aledelin, 10 miles from
Vera Cruz, in theirection ef•Alvert(do, had
(1 1
already been,occu' ied by our troops; had qui
_subrnitted an met with the must liberal
treatment on the p rt tit' our troltPs. *The,in
habitantS of Alvitrado will protbly, animated
Ivy. this example, be willing I. furnish their
animals toe* ArneriGOitxold„instead of having
the'm taken from hero by /forcible contribit - -
tions. '_!. . I - cl - •
Two daYs afterT dl./ otter! left Vera gruz
the general' expec Oft> send on , his T
fie gbtains, the necessary
towands'the capit 1./ He will push on ' to the`(
point, as soon us
mansportation, and us rapidly as he min:-
-lie' leaves nit hestilelltie 'behind him. No
verydormidable ooposi i itien . is expecteJ at Pu
ente Neciena le, ' Nat !UM I Bridge, .30
trout Vera Critzo i nor even - at Jalapa, (68
ipik , s.y / The Getteral - will push oil to - the
healthy table lati4 between the bridgetind Ja-'
lupuitmence, ttn iresume,,tinkss, Unexpected
elistitelett occur, o-the Capital., It teas said
thayGen.Veg iftWo
Or threelbouitutcicav
li t e v it i, l r i o %i le nt in , o i t :t t i v fe il 'tt i i h ti o ir r t e ri b '
e Me u tt o l y co g : 0
vg "
r - il.
meat at:Mexico .apab.h,of 'making peace;' for'
as the,Cenditien (thlogs itow,stund at get:-
let;, there
,tatky h
„greater Jilin:atty. in finding
an .execu t ive to t Ofit tit'ir peace ;than' ' fur the`',
to curry on War:. ' it wild repolted'at the tint
aCcounts.,that ttntiti Anna Wes,. tnivapcing. to
the,capital. - rphk:tg 6 he :absolute certaint
of this: - ACciMiltig ( to' the l last 'aCcutitits ' eiL'
calved at „Vera' tizi=the chi '" wits diet • eted
by contenting, f tiette4- , There-we -every
thiYbreils,and bl , dydighttlin titireettl, in
what Was-vii tgaity Called "the ives' wer."
This is a contest of the o n for til'e eit
entpliOn of their Property;', which they - had
contfiNetl.te engage the,. Vets Of the: capital,
and thiough thetn.theAuslaitols, 'in their b,er ,
halm It .6 dilfteultl6 tind‘rsnind in this 6pr
ly-btir,ly civil WiVr'vlaierniiitttOteSsifie'goverti-:
i)er t
nient,Orwhet I' WET/M i ce any. ••• ' -,-'-' 41 '
The offic!a, , 6 Id reti!urti ef the forcess,under
in t ip: 'sth Marcb,,,before Vera',
ting 'gr ft;gate I . of . 14,470401114 ofl
ipti ed and most gallant corps in
At di 'Union}' 1., . ' . ‘‘, ,
Troia saws Asou‘s
d•l3ut hp (tile daterietvit eniemy,) must have
been taught by the.exper:ip‘ce of these two
days ) t‘tt neitlfer., Jhu ritg f ,l steep of the
risoutitain, nor his fortified position, our any
other of his' advantages) could restrain the
MeNichn soiJier from battling A delence,of
hts country and her rights',"
(IT'See how,Eordially .I(witts - .4nna's kin
dred spirit of the N. Y. Trienne,,- coincides;
with him in sentimenvani language,' and how,
true it is that the sympathies of tone entire;
'tinily" in this country are with the Mexican
chieftain. says: "the Mexican soldier
battles in; defence of his country and her
right s.'•'
The Tribunet says;
for their homes, their
theirterritory.!,' .
The Tribune also sa t )
of thb five thousan:l Ai
that battle are opposAl ,
goaneeeiseis rilypro nuked,
one! and dentinnees it n
' ' SAttiA Atii;.is mien
;leis,"' pays: '"3lrxie.4,M
from -the 144 tliat• the
people of the United Su
'wor, err Oeir, papers-el
t f,.....
sympt}tina of one ,er f I e
are m,),lr speptrl. unN
'bii - their e
partials ': '
il• Ihe 'eribtitte nay • '1
Auctive,ofuo good to tl
,tratiini• : that has.; onw
American. auldierS) :tifili Oher'y'.' i
'S'afsia 'A.i'i... 3 or soli blehtle l o_S"iis . 'EI e
. .
bium min Who is'at the tid - of thttiArnert , .
can) e l.bexilei l l k f r ro p r i ii
co lisi b W e
Mr. .11nusos,, afd er o 1 t'lih• .' - , '
Culigres6 says: "Snie,Qf, my iwu .j..tolt: cal,
(MI ig) frier:LlS - tied re that !it / A;t' gond - "policy
to' prm•eeitte tho w r,"hecutise "it will elSte.t.;
'iially.brealt &mum d use up / the present ,Ad
ministration." ~ ..,.:
SANTA Ariri.e,c - apery, In ,Difoxido says: :
"Daniel' Webster as - Introduci - S.l resolutions
into the Senate, to:tar/mita the eotetirdly
'James IC. Polk,. arui , iurtilim.ou t .of -Office: !
American, Freenpan! tinder; which' of these
baniiers will voti - fight--XJ Y. Otatie:- '
'paper says . there is a nian
dckiii east who'is sn tal t, thdthe ilobl ige; 'loci get
aria laddctto put hie hat on. = = •
•:' • --
m Pittsburg to
be in operation
;•Porsnany, , -Aoi liutflic
f:isms Bufilitni to Fi'le, 4 , wi
1 terian Hoiffe, in T‘Yestl
=;-c:,,On-tii - otinn; I :-.. • 1
I 'l‘ . .i!.PArr. - D.,D agiss, of Erie, was appointed,
Qtiairon, did LintENZiO PAnsoNs, 'Esq., of
Westfield, Sec etary, pro tem. , '
IA ommittet of elev :in,- consisting • of the
p)110% lug perm ns was Ippninted to nominate
ofce s for
O' for A. i• SMITn of
Vet `eld, I. Ooze of Erie. E. A. L.F.sTna Of
Fred! nia, J. PaAwLy. l l of North East, A.
SALT me; of Sliticree ~ S . :11. DicKtrgso - N of
Fretit nia, 3. V.ll4,linuttmenf Hin t liorcreelt.)•
MANDI of Ripley, S. F. Prip P.
Of Mayville,
C. o.*Dm-sOnAnAv. of I iploi and It. :Joiis
SON of Westfiefd. I • '
- TheCunv Mioothea ' irne,l to 14 P. M.
• ' ' 5 , A1 71 'ERNOON. ESSIOI. - -
• ,
The Cony 'ROT' havin , been called to or -
der, - 41r.. A. e i liitrrn, : fro' the Nominating
COmmittee,•,preSeuted' tli 'following report',
which was aceopted: .• , , '
' C IFor Pres.; nt.
Vox. - GEO. - W.tPA rrEti.soN.
- „ - r ici-.Preßill ants.
lIIN. el,. M. 111 t). -' ' , E. : . ImaTna, Esq.
mi. E. Et.fst,py„, ' Ifd . JOON BRAWLS ',
'M. GatinN, 1; , Ho:, . C. DAUCHIAD%If,
111 it.OI.SON Esq., HON. G. A. FRENCH.
division,' was to
I _on tho, -21st
val g. 11:4
fulloW • with
I 'llll
of Noi
of W
the f
P - e II
.4ox icons fight
the integriry of
"d large maj7itx
cans who s foitght:
the toni•,' - as baing
d nselensty .c!ietiect
art de"rive 64104
Voter rt' - of the
s are opposed to Air
?X : And that ;*ithe
rty in that c ountry
tft Llfr.Ficcr -7airat
War lie tiro
-4 cl,teitt (the,
~-!7-- -7 - ---f - --- -
Luiventvou. - •. 1
[notification, a large
favor of rti• Rail road,
rs held at-the PreSby=
i ll
eta,- on the 14th inst.
itail avid
Sec retarive.
C.:J..1. Ingersoll,
L. L. Pratt, - •
J. D. •--
al. Sterrett,
Title I - ,1 • • ~. _ -- --
NT. T GRKAT Tl'l t COLE N.lllttxtco.--
The Nader al Ilridge l i:a ' abort distance from ,
the cit elt,- era Cruz,;.on thoioml to•Iho' att.'
of Afetii ' 'will Un foubte Ilyhe the nex,tpluOt:
. I'n -' as giviiig,away to the rapid„ non
saults th e American' forces. It is Omit;
Ake stronieit fortification itlffexico, and will,;
`if properly manned,,give the Americans great!
trouble, in driving
_the enemy frnm the po.i—
session of it; It MO Vailt:by the Spanish
govertime it, and, in lionlo - 4.the King, nem.;
ed ~K ing' Bri lge," or me del; key. , Its
massive s rength is only eq'tiallel HI krati liter
by the st - rroun ling scenery. It
,SPans the
river ant gaol. whiclr-passe' offer a 4oelty bed
iii a deep tell of high nal 0 rpendiettlar rocks.
The adja ent heights i of t list mountain pass ,
were stro gly furtitie I by the reVolittionary
generals, to the - War, of Irplependence, who
held possession•of thebridge against superior
forces. It- i's said thaliLa Vega . commands
the fore° a t Puente National, and' is. deter
mitted, r 4o jtistify by some, brilliant deed the,
high fexpeciation excited by his manly bearzl
ins at Resi ca de la Palma.
' • I
\ i
Tim YI!"-AT.40.1 Atremii.--.-Th ....e New ...m r eans
rylria of it>ie 7th inst. states that through
erodible source it is ii.formed that the orde
was receivedlit that city, un'the .511), dated at
1 Washing,tOti on the 24th of Illhrch, by which
it is stewed Yucatan veSsels to trade freely
between Or ports and those of the' peninsula,
excepting my by port of El Carmen, in Lag
una, on Itc C*ol),t,Of its prximity to Tobasca,
In accordithee 'vith this riler, the schr, Atre4.
vido Waspirthelth cleared'at the custom house
With a cargo of 'protiisiOns, 'land she left for
Campeacliy the same tilting. Copt Morning
of the schr. Luna, clai ned that. his vessel
! should likewise be'despatched, but the Collec
tor opposed i', stating that the'selir. Luna was
seizezi on the 2201 t consequently it is neces.sary
to await a special order, froin Washington.
Nom:Grit Or PE AC.—The New Orlea tie
Titnes!of the '7th Inst', says..that several p ri
, vnte letters, of 'n vbry ate date, from the city
of Mexico, writtekby person of the,high c,st
lare:pectability, ,and whose sources of infiir ma
ion are whole,' state, as rt• matter of psi tiVe
certainty, drat negotiation, , for'peace between
the United- States and Aieiico are _under rid-
Vhentent. and that the `return of Satjta .iitt na,
rho was hourly expected,, would b 1 the si g
oal for the icemmencement of overtures.
Tilt R 31 , A li. E T p.. - ,
M111 1 1111..8.1Eg A'aTillt , ..ii,M.P,'
•.,,,Lms I. Day Cl!il):::, C:ltoMillEg, Immo.
W:9lg. 6cc. 3. c,
r inur: KA S 4
b, pv 1)1 :51'
Beni: lb ra
IlliAtf or, r 8
I L•trJ, lid
C'te,ese, 9'813
..... !Jeri
Von two-, I 3
e;orit Weal, t"•vt w oe
tVheltOlt ON.
• 034. 1.
' 3;
Il r ye • J 44
I, n. bush
111,0 1, •
.ird wool. curd' ft,1.1:
or, 1.1.2!
111111111/1/11. coal. 1011
. 10 • '3ll
[wt. u,Jtes. lb 4 4 .51.
a'luw~ Vu 12/
lovvr, ll 1,'I1 "4
FS 4, tl
$l4 MI
- .oar
4 dj,sl
lair. lalsl .... i - I $.l 511 1
. . ,-I E. (1111-. , /' ...8,1 rit l lo 45
1011, (1/r..19 1 0 51 1
. ir.f ..... ...4
' (4 1
: , ,,c,..., 1 1/11 1
11 t•tr. , i 1
•41 1 IrrgA 3}
Pia &WWI. bill , ili .`s"c7/1 4 1
Corn nail, era 13
IV rfirlq - trtnlii fro
rnr.i..... 5
It yit '
1).11, `lra j 4
313:121it0r, lb
621 ,
fUlrel %MIA. 11
1 51'i
ton • ' i 01
oi!i C
Fall .porn 1;1.
Winter 411 I '1
116,telin I ..... I
Specui c 111,11 p.. - L,
can-110. a
White lea I, No.-I, dry.• •
$4,44 iZ3i Wlinaii . 1
jo 5g% 7 . ! 1 7 , 1117 r '
: - 5415 . r1 1 3 , 11 , 3; 1 1
• 6 in) Mine pre '
' 11 Inn.i , •tri rta 111-,.1.•1
I 273 0.13 Ila/iron v.
k.( Elal3lr. :kriiio
I 1 • SiViltif Pl' Het I
I CTS :3 rlrnnthy :3,
„es Fln.trecil
I ')i, • lit . •
I{4lo Tanner a o'
per lb / 1 1i3, 011..4.
/melt Wind, nc t
I / 50 IVlo.kcy
!,512511 0:1 sug„ ! .
L• / ; 35410 ,
As , lus Brun Ii
It .a.‘.1%
Itroortei per do
Mow anis 1
("AIMS Yarn
111111`r 3 1 190
.-a1 hero
‘ir toy
' S , •
UPON 111 R, LANE'S f‘sTKE,TuREs,"
/BY JOHN G A 1,1311..A1 fi, '
XATILL. he it atl3 tor , ileltvely . , lii Id Cur salt. tit
V V . nq flunk Store in fare, in tl e early pan of
next ueuh. 'I he piihlieatidri ..1 this pamphlet
ha 'wen unexpecterhy ilelayerl byidiStippoinintent
in type, Oper, :NA% ft s nuw i neatly printed on
„nod papr. ytith newt , pe; and i d 's - matter will be
r,-ad with der p interest by every athniiier ell'ehris
timti truth, as n tielurent, or d e.uti tivile nod
,rellila• inn of 1,1 i.. Limes '..— trietities.--
Call and poerire it anclireart it for ve..-seiveq.
0.1). t. , PAPEOI.O - 1, Publisher.
'23, 1816.
Erie, M
A LL kiq 1 Oi . PR') DUCE coil bu
ut glyiii..bargoins r GOODS or every des_
crip ion at he'clieup store of
S. •JA9KSON ,s. Co.
Nneinnlinr '11.1846. • ir 177
j PI 11...M.W. St ltA YAWN°. Prottiog Ink
LI .Mantrferittrers,!No. 16, Spreten mroot NCW
' Yrirk. 'would - yespeet Cal y WlllOllllO3 toI the Trade
th.ti they have contra WI ()IC innliiititet ere 01
INKS, nod will keep soli:41;01 9 y on hand' s e supply'
of the thfiowine•deserilift-ms,yrz:
. Nee s and Book suitable ter hand enrk pow •
Pt esses. , . • „,,
'Corperplate,''Poill. Note, Moak, XyloOphie;
Lattnwrapitie; ati4.l:f ode lible, ihr'ehtntieu , kliming
on Silk or rowel good' • ) •
Cr)lore of of I. inns ! „ i(11 be prep er d ape) war
rarred equal le nil respect . to 0;45os: ithported.,
.9/so, tiolil'Size, Gold and S . ver lult4 t
l'. LEG ll A.Nt3E, who ha to I many years ex.
perienee in the . latgor. en ost pelebrated Man•
Ilfileilliten Ili . PlIIIP:VIZ: ),144•Ars. L tnertier et Rose
Bite Glidot httirrii 6. 55, Pa is; will give his
per.onalsuilehtion the hnshies . '
, = N B. A i l! fluky. Ind/Irv:sea to the stiVerihets
will he Initte taly'atteettled to. l end Ink prepured
ter !nit the,!e/Kt dr, press ,ontl• wo rk r which they
Ire interhii
"' ' ' rii
- - F--1. - - • : ' , a. 16:Spre -0, t, Now, York.
• 10,10. lisi7 •- ..-, j ~.„ ~, , 'I : . 3ro 10 ,
V ,:; NEW EL4TABLIS.H 0 31 '
o inform their
I. • fripwit. and "Me p6blic atom 'al y. 0114
nave timtintlifiediber üboire bits! • at the- Ali
sno o d .14 Gr.,bum,uqstui.o teeL /WO dbors
&flab or tho t?.ogio (into!, y : ticrr l il y Bre ree d y.t e
s fe e.,4trp, disprooi of all o nonla en& linty
b e e „ o it a rpol to 'heat:ohne - E. - tor Pubt).l- Auction:
or Pt ivo
.ttle. ,Titt4t hope IV ict a; te
ion to aft, Otr.inema ear,' minx' fit. hetn,• to .411 . a
share of tit° pottliu'patronatte: wilValtin
cop on htiottazitolco valet of tidy *nada Ant
inttootitittltito %fin aoution/; - tvlt'chtitry Will , 501
ch6P elortii,,rll;- •
BErip,Aprit,'3, JSI7. -
)I•TVN itiWii;iotton w battiug
utid wa4dipg ,T1084/... 4 14
• October 24; IRO. - • - • 32
, , - - - i , - -
it /1-1: 4+ t> . WI LtAi: rtes 4. QC( AIN Lava th
...i.i. pletixtere Of announcing to the Latiks an
Geutleenbri of Erie an:lsis:6loy that they hit
taken mottle in, Ithe Co,reerntereitti t.litidtantto and
note are. no prepared so 'exclave Vaguerreo iisa
Li'senerats. in aictyle.,• Which• tier tro hrolnexk ssi
represnlation,';lnd Is) 1 minim:and /lectern e blehd ,
n ,
i o o f I l iglit noel shall !'
. cannel he excelled by 114
are $1 delieillely,li time Oil steel engraving.' ‘
l'he suece,e of re en• experience' s in their pro
reit-iette.iive. , theen t a sope,il4iiv 0% r the tact
1i11.113r8 of 'he, Are.lettidtbety invite a ' ntepa risen
of their 'pie wt% its at b 1,'":040 of the mote. !victualed
°pet tt-ors tel' !lie day. 1- '
• . jr' Likettee , se+ in tinnily weathi.r as %Felt sr=
in fair. as nil warranted
Erie; Murcia 27. 1817. 45
1'24 I:i
IpOrg, dried",
1.0 r.
,•oivilarr d
LUX t r t
• 'irk W 1100 , 11;(
`t. • i•tvi I illikc , 1 J l O
11.00 ~ .k, M . , , 5.00
hi qua ty 4V. IV. ; ' , 11,40
4 .10 du', , 5 c 0
1 71torric • , '2 i 4
,VIM() 0.18 • 7,5108
,' 1.1:i.T. en. t
4..!..111 - ,14./5
111.40• r !wavy . c Olt .1
.10 ,
!. I .tiskzet 1 i
ht•-tc tun ; it , '
4 ,1!, ft.m. $l, 0
• 1 r., tr• , / 1,..741
. big • 4 PP, , St
111,4' it:illo • ilt S
1100. t.. teo . • 7
W... 4 1'..29
, clO4 , fi.l..lsld . 86438 5 ,
INt 1 s•li, lb ' 414. i.
ALO, , I.
I • xtrh: . 1 Gl'
Purl , I l'i
Grolin I in op. N ). I . J..S}
iltar tiro" ...1.. _1.., . 4 •.A}
, 100 i J 7 1
' Lb,. I...!?„ •• - 1 1.4
111014 1 . ' 00
1 .
Stlol,. ....1. „;......pi 00
netop. ",
1 ; Clovrr. bua!, I $4 an
I Iha .
il F I'm 1 ' ,
-.1,l liii:orwl, WA ; 56 06
. . nil,i'cwi... . ;, 'a
'Trim'' , . .'
5 ($1
' • '
S a lob
t lei
e l , ,0
OE • ••••‘-
' Sue
- ••".
I —*• /1
. I .... ..L..1 , ./1:t
1).. . , .... 1 , j • -
di, ..././
i • • 1. 2 •
b, _ .
(Intone .
f•nlnr. hbl
S atta, 1
,SVlu Ice,
TI • ma bu
II Iv. ton
K 4,41
'6 id 0
ir ' S ,3}
1 3
:A :1:0‘tl
3 -n 4 u 0
cd i"..5 37
75 t-5
I, $11.:1!
40 . 21ity, 164:41
1- • 11a
LAIRNIfttiT 'PLANS a new purl beauti
Itatuttieie fur;tacTies Diesses, jun teeetveet
Pew, Lft IS In
A ;•.”. (n_o tin
Welrto d.diver them , ciiirlPliery scion aq
etc* working off what we have on hand
April 1847. S. J ICSON
NICE —The filib•criber will contract and
11 pay cagli for nny quantity of linpfar, Chet
rr, coiled atiri Black Wahine,. Lumber de
livered ut his 10 , ,t of Fsench i st rat, I?r le
. December 31. 1910. • • I P. 5
CLOVER SEED, of a superior quality, for s:110
Erip, A wit 3, 1397, 46
t:Elsle_i v notice-that the flood.? of thti
Lie firm oft diver tt. Potter, are.nntv in lie
hands of 'rho,. Potter flit Seitlenteri., itt his room,
om (10. it Ea 2 le I I 0:t.1,'-e'lwre those' l er
,,on knot room dietitzeli'es to be indebtett, Ilia
wdl to call and trialte p.._went by or before
15th1ost., to Prw(if.' save litt' , her to.'
lice. • ' P. t LI VElt.•
"rip. April 3. ISII
W. •
ale happy in being able to inc. , our
hi ends that we acre so fortunate as not
to have any Goods i , nthis vts,el when wri•Oed
i ! ur 2....41§ are all .ale on tans firma. and we have
now in stare ii very lairnplor sto. k of .
Glass , Wi ire, Perfumery, Cumbs,• Brushes,
Fancy Articles, etc. etc',
to w hich the at ,ention of the s.ympa•liiz
int; and all o hers, and assure them that they can
be iretnanteinriuted in the beet hr?
and very ines
I Phase that q.,11 „, wit! not ot:
in purchaie eisett
cARTr, 1111.0Til PA. •
rercemher 5 Isle, Vn 5 . Reed II na.f..
ci ‘i yni lets she teMinit M Liewletitere. 11.11 s
ti for the =grin_ of 1817. Glcintletnen,wkliitic
lit pmeltase are MO. ea to call and examine, the
art very ['fan; i:u4. „ .
P. S. I laHers can be Italtishew with Clock at
Atoll untie... .1_ —
7 1---- ., EW.ICOOD'S! NEW GOODS!'
T , ~siikterilt -r i•jul , t teer.vik Fail hi. Fu and
) \V ioitr '..upilly to (1 , _.?()1)z3. I. bicli ; ildt-31 .(/
Ilifi former , 1 6) , :k, mak inn- 1 is itst•or ttw 13 cino-
Meet., entitpAsintz`llll 11., 111`W ..3. yt", wri el t ft tr.
be sold chew ilSilteclteapt4t. by -
P. AP. RUC liLv
16. I . Ni.. 3. P.
New, I I ; I
Dkop t y‘lr. and,
tout I
.1. I I. nuri•r , N, yt Co
,t 4 .11 , • ....t
12 , t .r_ 1 1 , 1 4.• tiy. -• —,.‘1,4t.t . ”: ! lot 41 u.
Li laii,r.l•• l 1•011 CS. pi' tit:1•IVell tit..
- I . kVILLIANIS , S• Wiliaiii .' S
0 , .. ISt°
1 •i. -
N*l - 111 AGAINST N THE WORLD!' .31_,
• , c
I .1 ,j9E!.., JOIIINSON, ILI ! ! ..!
el r:--' z --- ' 4 4, 'L ! if 'I L:I 1 V.IAPA yRi 11:1'' 4
-,,-' :.. 1 l itfeeited trout New 1 , o
- l ily: tottllele.orit supply of book s
etobr,eitqf 1 I lieoldO'ral.llNli,-t:ell.weons HI)
'and 1.1.45-teal Se'otid rt, o:ttiona -, s•e....'c'
"t 1
whieli-o ill be sold rhuip t tor cas'r titan • ver I e
one o i i-red in des et:triter: iilinOng his 40.1,
may Ite 6,191(1—, -,' 1 - I
,Vorkoivi'4 el 4 t9-ical-Di'v. 735, Itoltinsoo . 4 (Ire I,
:oft 1. 1 1121131 Dlvi.O•ayti PIO; '1 , 102.3tc1r'., Ditti
wyM:'),„s3 ' 1 ' ' I '
Atilitos;-• Vir:2 , it, it:l, ' lAntllnte% lloraee, 817
dkr, {touter. I Fid, .•! •lii . " Cicero, I'2
/ Antliott's Jut 040; I:e.ide, :42,, \
,`0 do (t) 1.., /
e , :n45, 1 ,1,1 -
do .;; d 9 Lattni do ',1,4'
do • do do,ll„ '
do 1 dlt ' <-, •- , altt-I• t
. ,
' Rjvie'g kOtiwnv, it'. ilirtuiliip% Wzriirit, ,
v t •toler, - Analt: ue:11 t:eotoerky, :sot vt-t j.,102, :xc.
' arip's.orittottet le, ' Lid.liAliv ; :. e,itatittl - :
kel tiiki.4' 11.1 : ll,til'e II :4111i. o
•Intlter'A a eotnnv , ; (liriey'g oco irair!iy
Si I . Lila:0:1'( 131110 y, 1 \l..+-'o do
I'oot•toult's` 'do ) Mithell'e , ,do
..1 ''t t S I_ll•ll!!tap'ity of rho, I ii..ivt 11 , , with'
trl splt•ndsd alas; als:a,..ethe Electic •st tie.
teatliwz, thsiks. ' ' ,
Andrew's and stoddsr,l:s Latin Grammar
(1,4. . - 1' do . ,: do Iteaihir,‘,
Coot -,;och 's (lion ,r 1 philosopyy, II
gander.' Iteadersf • :Ws Book iicepi
Walker's iDiclioz/qi i ~._.• ' do
Johnson's' % do . i.O-r's:Byrop,
. .
Scn,s comentari i s, ti vo. Vl3,
Dickis vt orlss; library edition; olio, clips ,
The,i, °His oi,Chesterfi, Id, •- i
hush's I estdonee a l tlthe tonrt of Lond4n,
Fox's hoo.; of \larqrs, ', Jost:plts' m rah st:'
Plittarcli'.4 LiviS, ', ~.,, \ 'ollitts' 00
fade of ifie Manor. • d • Addisans` 'do / ,
900 . 0's el icly of meditiire, O r ryden's
Hooper': cord Diery, I Ebel le's Practice,
Oa •'s Die . jaris'denee, ' do' Therapeol s
Cn i d 6 n . i ll I:•"i'l,orllaaFe,' Platonic Theolo”,
. n%larld's clejoents of Nloral Science,
Thr;Schlool and th'oSehool Nlaster, 1,
' Dri I din's travels in the cost, 1 ro
, Turwll's EllstorY of Greece, etc.-
tGuide to the Plophecles,'
i Dumas Tras,•els, , Maras' Nose_
t I .
Palle ' work's, I New Spirit. f the', ' • •
.clia at r'slAorlltrii ) Packs relitzi . us cw tip
1 laic ti 's inivrhi, I, Clibtion's klt te, 1 1 '
Pridenii, V.VortneNion, [ Lire a Ile:Jr r,. ' ' i •
‘" WOrka,or Charlotie Elizabeth', templets, I
, i ch) Tr, drilta Brer, i•, do
- N10.4;111'5 eel'es in'stica I story; : I '
Luther n Gitlacions, .11yees' church RiNe.ry.
Pic: fiat Ilistory,oi e rime icon Itevotat'ra
Lit awl Sorpron of ‘V,hitf etd, i '
Gal( .mith's Err , laart,
Pail Irr lint oroal Itstory, • ,
ix y'
Toget! er wit Many l !her %%doable , tynrlo to
~, ent;oa inci thelitnitetl
1,1 ,712 ti l
eat!' a sce--no c4reo' to
TIO4I'6Y SEED.---:The ,:tth
, ray eash fir solidclf;art T lied
I : - I • : .
T UST viweivud
J 1000 Ibi !toll •
\ 800 • 610-,
, 1 20 , PhoAp!
50 Bonibt
vt ere 11011
;curers, nlld will
for sa
ritti !
pa trr!
N0v.21.1 tatla,
. .. „.
400tt - ti . l' Mts. a ,
A • LT) th+7ffi qv; k OW ti W !li
liernselves.: in& t tr/Tfl
the' snieserrcrs,l - eillter by 6 1 Oor lleo ~t.
could. ti' 1 16 9 14,v0 I rile' s are du o, ore reipsea4o
cII arittsititle die sui a i'vitlionl daily or co.o w,
niatl i. Il• - •wi
.L •IAMSI4- W.KIOII I'.' k
Erie. at - t. 3t),.1547. ? ;• 1 - • i ..' .• "'f • 7 -., , r•
i'SPte AT.ILII.B of l , -4 . - ad, 'Silver itnA Go! nail §'ALIT ea , ' ti, had nt LL 'ti awe? b• ,„
Silt' r Fllmies,ae - extelloiYy VaClltifil I. or \ ' - War#.l•lrse. Glt s•reet Csfoal Barf• ll 7 .
contrive ndetinvex..i !so, the eclebratO, 'en : 1 „ ~,I hren 1 ,,, , k„,/ 1 , if ' , m e .uther, g
lottal 8p •Ittelii, suptiti rto any in use . --; '• ,ith em „„ thai, 1 , "here.
h ere ,
Si t• Lt. K.M 1544. Co.
~ _ . F e l „,,„, 0, i 17,
Nov: I , 113'6 . - ' .7, Reed Hon . ,
G"' :. ,i. , 1 vlo , E.p• ..„ t b,
VI ilittlii 11)2, lin' lui tea' eta :ft oriel i ., eo. - „:,,,
..„ :.„ , ~,. b5 ,,, t ,,,, ..,„„i i „ a rt '«,;.
, ; .. a.
• Ma 1 k end '1 2 cOlOre •slipperSi lies' ins, / A" -..,q"., 7 ) -I ..- r
.A .
gititeia nd•halq • r anti Obiltkrtina',,etrte . el , Air & , t) - ' s 184 , 3 •
the - . , 1.1:10, STi ilti . - • e c*. • •
Oetolt 1.10; 18 ' ' . • v" i- i ' ta- — i . '
4. — rosiEltA tins
c%an 6) 1
.11 1'9 1 6 .
U, t 1:
aii Unit nv.
Nov. 14 'l4ll
Tltr‘' rand 5i10... "tilly,riil
Fit li: X I). APlllellg tl. . °lop
firr l / 2 11mg lily recalinthcad.,.l, ur..
FNI.Itj 4 .
DV . .. I.k .s i n. I-
I s IND:GLN 1111%
4'0 . 1'1 EN1.5 .4 .
Ill: t MIR:: .. I
ItA I) ..Ii,PI*KI'...TE..
latifigitiCE l
,• : 1
I V.; 'CI Alt V. ! I
• I Irr It 4 11.111' L. 1.9
l , - I' '-: %It 1:111: It N.
' I'll.lo , 01 . 1 i'1
ri f
I: ~iti;.l Van 1" , i:
CV. , ( lit., 4.1 . V.; I Ifid.l
n'l,rl . I 1J. , ...0.ri . I q.• LI
••Il Ille•P l'111`:{11. per/ . 1
b Irll b. c.• le.0•11,1111
111 NeW y":1.:.111.1 Vibk
, ,
o Th P 11 4 10elind ror ~r .
rrot, .
• ".seiiii
n. ii,
ino i:Cof t in". ,ht '.,
1 IT fin• 0•411..•..41.1C. II
I lieri!,'!..- -1!..... if.• ii!
l' III.: WR.I T T
.‘,/.. Ira' Ito• ' ..;' ... Olt' It vi 114'.
O.' s t: ,‘ - 1,,„ 1 1, • - .64
F:1 .4 lIN(:,NA'I "at Oki.
E . . •.16. ,11111'111..
y I. 1,,, :1111 IL. . ‘I . . ••I 4 int
fi •
OW , 41•I'Ii •• •' I i• 1 n'
rL , 11..,. ,; -. 11 C • ' . i f .4 ee..d 6 ••
an ;A 1
at. , i,•„ k., • 1
myet44o.! 4.1.5.
it. It • ~.T,Lti a,, r , . I j
a( 0 11,.'11 I , fe , 1 := • r In. 1 • le.
Ira.uit. 1, i 1 t 'ill it I.t.
' I .I.t .r f, he tp. el II
II t',. I' • . J hem it. ,
O,Th .: ' . - 1 1 , 0 , t - •. •, a... 1 wi l'.
, 1 . 10% i I ' M. , • i li, ..,1 1 . 10. ..! •
t, •..:•.i 1 , 5.. 1.. 1
d.•I • 1 1‘”,i41' , 4
, .11liN K ,
WI t
I Ia: %Ili. ‘,.•,0r1i....t:
Fr. L,
- Frm t 5 f, •I t i .1 ..1 /.. \..1 1,, 1
G. 1k•, j 7, - pitl.'.' r,.1. 1,.., .. 1 ,, rit cwt./ ti .
&AI., •• 111 lit) ' t/ii.y....1, 1.1 .: ....4.. ••:• /•, -..:.*
3ly tativly - 11.-.' th hOfoltil lor i•rrl 1. 1.,, 1.4' .: r,l
'by Wiltiollt i1i..1.1.1 !) ' F. IF N5...i).. tf.,...
I 3-.... lit • r. ~, 01 11 , - 11.-n I. :to • ~,,r . t, ,l' ,
r Smith's 6,11.'11, fr... f ..1 titol 0,, • ~ ••''''
oiler toil. are lad; ,'e : 'ati•/ mere t',,,4 o 1 • ~,,..t.r,
a e yet tees,. • I i%" .It Llt.
! t rolit'Cie I' 31, T,,w ij .: N" I
tor. S. ' h't'rtils'are the Iv - i
:.41..• r v....F.6i' ,
, I 1, Ai' Eilit. liof 11.
------ "rem ::,.. 1 1;-.`ia 1 ',Thar, I'm •!...' 1.''..! '
I t,e, • -....i i tholi?( foil , ~..! k ..... l'a.r. aft tr.:
tried Inc,t Se • : , 6V. II:I 101..1A . sit t 1
Fri - toy/tee. J. (1 1. 11,.& ,,
. . Jr. Sinitia'e rai4 arc ( in ere ,i , h.i.e.c.21, in , ':.:" 1 " .1
I fruit) theft plc 1 ~110r,•%flogi • 111,t. t,
I/ tali ft. L. 111..10.1.11:iri.o .!:r
1 .
Prim 11( II tom t •. e (1.,,1,,,
Pr. Sin - Ili. It 4 RA re i r iv 1..: —i hr I'lll4 sne'al
sr /
very re nly,-atl v.;ii tiria r 0., II •1 ,Intkt •, • eqq
, Poker., .te. ~
t. 3 4' : mOS F.H.1 1 \ ..k1i....'..Vi M.,, , .1,
/ 1 / ./e(slmali—liour_iiillt ar, ..,. Ii 11.,1 11 , r .•
' - :1 'CM );ICI Pi 0111/Elan Al 7.
' Dr. Smith—,l.arri notch Mi. •-• ,I stilt' tag la , "1
i Sugar CO nett l'ill,/,. aril th.e Ileht , e h , ' ( -•. ,, a`
. rAkit..lo' i1..1.1". OCI 4MERICS
- i 'The Atm e :we oolyva few is,(r.s.t. • rid we mirea 04,
i Boil fill a whole it to spoper,Witii ••191,1r our..
ant 110. 1/1/1 Mimi 1/1/1/../. iliVlls Ctrt...ll(o sol t'': -
Li . tit Pt general L•101.44e,111 ;1.
1 : 3 1 bean eill• w' -i / Alway• • e . ore C 01.63 10 5 'mu..? net
"plestiott way th I ti, ttitY other. , itted• . For . 1 . ,, toti , s l
, • rant ated. !' ,e
~" .
Of-fteing tteeei,v is pow oppateop, v. fre e r 1. 4111
, Pills hare heroine ,s try'popitt e 111[0.1.111,u! Oil ll.a .
'' imitator. have tt.ittgitt to pat tt M
oil •., C— tia' • "“
'fls r coating orsagar'i to cover 1 p a mat tlacOtr'' , ' ' 4l.
pound. , -'
' ,
Of. C ruenbc,:ker, of Wheeli Cc% yli. T y. that • /,'"';::
„ illitl/1 .ce rano• vest. i•!.4 . 11g. ht• ofe from the el ,-,....--
...mite, tau -'S .Etar' Co tied ' Pills. Alto. a / ''''''":
"I' Lottionlie s Ky. was aeie .. col with Ficiteut.l. oo " 4 -
!it ih,r use: 1 ,
Ir. ," Grt the twnoine or yet none.. rid tee 111,1, 6 11'4
SSII I'll is tzeittea with a pen on the &Wart ./ ( I'Ell''' L
• W. fil I r!ie I IPit LP ovirscem.
suvii Villt K. ll9i7,,aeliWieh Street. . ,
I'O• 4 TON. :I' %Voter Strein. '
Elt IF, C trier Jo 6t/other, No. 6, IleeJ 11,40 e
Ifach 6; 617;
.) ;: 11,, 1,,0u, o or ....,
la .1E... 1:1,1 r. t: I , t
,tt the pro 1 a
t, , II oq
•, , ,g o,t
t- II : .t .. f
1f. ,.. 11,61 tO•
imf .!,.. if;
1;1'111. t' V...1.01. , 1 , 11
tin M., “It'i 101,.. , •
pi, inekit 0: der, it
er t ro!lier,
. ,
orii:,. tvarrant?tl good;' ;
G ma Arid) it: i z
‘. ~. ~, ~,. ,
Oa exrres,qy iOr +,!ll , icii
bu sold ttm".l . I .
i ?' -.
at !lie clit•op store 911
S. J A CKS! igi!`!
or (4 the {I or sit , el.' .
XES. nil,* & col Cost, S:ct: Ate
- - - • •
stir nt "ot nOw und'y
ind .
i‘ of :cirici.
, • , .Th
, t t .
en to! nll . incicil )ted to,
t [lan one, yer tr -.
, ~ hub.
.seri f)t ion
unl ess
iiayitt(nt is nta(t e b
• •
tite 1:5, tit- of r Al ay t hi r
a( co - tints 'wilt t ibe I lef t
in the hamis ' ot a
p,r o ff icer - eoll oc .
. •
ton , . .
, 1,
11>,•li'ii, ts. 'si o ,y,,.
i, <lt t ••••••
11 . 1)/ . / i Ip, 18171 - .- •
---- iiii:sAiiTirs GlIfU -------
i- I ,
1 I It. 0. 11E.5.1 smlrtl i
(bUGAII doATFD] Fitts ,
AKr. tiv• uc.,th tur Idr thc C oil d 7, 4,, i tad 1.,,
~upccjocuy ot. Pall taut,. 1,,, ...t.rn Slat_,, ...„
pte ~....t ttl a tt h., atoll I«lr i tartn A It, Eta an Cne h t 4... 4
win h , pro ds Ito tot erg ii,llm-uto .0 1 troquale.
U d cr,tidcd II cy hard Ifalcutly ...tad tin, Way. .at
barn guto.•d u tarrtnitiro 1104 on t , tr< ...... h t, hh oir tot
proper.. 1,,,,,t. ~,, .11. r 'Jo.•eirtn.• or of <,ttnu Can arta.
For all Out ("fie )e. 4.. tivsy 10 lye irtutc .11c ,e,
4 01,,,,,,,, ,
and - brought I. . 1 . las curt it....,, b i . adilulantowna.
,l'ilit,4l{ IPUIIIITII,
A ,, ~ ~,,iy,.,,i r‘,,,,,, ~,,4, t 011/ lar Ina • 11.. Int In lte ant .
. ate Anti et.r4 the tror.rr (Ludy, lob., h it Q !amid r ,
• till' • tr•ct- of rrui uoar Marin ri.r.ll. the rtotord4 ne
mien Ito pin t-... 1 ...I w t I. • li deligdnill 15,lrration of hay
(It, r P.II, Ti,, l It i .• itII r ...rill 11l of the torrot-tr.
full) -I I. lard logig ir at-, or niintslti a tic; tti Otto 4 ,
b e .., ....a....rt , i t I ,I, ~.a tin• ti whohitellit Al ay taw
A toNta..i: lrigoAk I.
win .a , ,....., ti",, N, •Ht 1 • lit II I/I 1 iiiit tt e by4w yr
Can Mk flf C , lr•Or. "e . 'af.lti 1 di..r isc-, keeitore Ifle I t ,.
1.1,, C0,,,1, 4 1 ,11, 1.1 , f.y• cli•lirt F the font'.: aattce 1.0
I It, ilto. rlo 0.4.... ug the" ,i 4 to ... Itoy ty,
;its ... h.- t. ti II lb, 0411 t di. i• Pi i . . 11,” r 4 RELy irf..,
I. I' ill l - .d . I 1 1
trilk runtif.loW,l ItIOPIEDV.
Ihc Jrc .a t prit•tlylr I ntri.tote.l by Iltr lon, tnr all,
Ma • t' tble tor 4.... ..... 14, (1...t ' wet plat ..." .h r 1 ,,,,
whethe. to I'' ot It or dl,"' .tee„ t• L.. , ,, 110<tra U., ih t,
11111 o f t , e i t ~.....a, i t g .11•. "illo. pinta &Ant rain,'
ITO trine (nOtt • titt• Otti , Ittta , antl on of , , a ;04 r.a. ,
int. lit In •r in h r. rni, r. tt t htr I 11. i 11...;
... earth, ,
thin 11 C. , li, c Tilt S ll I. •- 111 Let
. Writ i• 11; rriih.:lf Tp I. Fs Tom ten. ,
N,....... t c...rrlitoin .arj the IA Vi ft Ai \ • ~,, h , b
NIA rz,.. , ,,1 It Ki. 1.11., il. r11Ert5.,,11.1.,,,.... hr .4, laj:
• # i i ii- 0 \ 1.1 N VI l.:111. ”4.1 , 0..- , •!, , t mett,,„;,,, , .
'ail ieF th. , Wt. 131,1)0111 Pelt .f. • 11, c•, ~,...„, i . e t ;
t , •,1 N0u,,,, fr. at° Choir• .),trU7 I t
il t• litt,so•-IPir 1.. Cllr t a rrr ;tont, n'ar to j' t , ~ , ,,t
.1,,111 . 1.04 Ides 1r c ,c •rt .t. Oa iten.otal nets 4-./ as a
.......o n ... pi . ',ltal.', pal tuna!, taa.nert Air: <1; n ..., dh
, afr.i.,..111, Or 4.1111..111 it i,CII iit iliti I...iiii is iv a., i r l,
1..j.q1.11 .11 trk..e..e , .V.e.l uttd whtLla , it is ILL the 14.4., : o
'At.i. TO pui.vr. \ I. l ~
1 . . , ~., pat, d... .., rm., 1 . i r. i ~, -
• sa l t erste
1,-t n il ,li.j. 4
... :ro t tht e .4. f'..t 0 1•1, 1.4 in
-- ALL BILL US 01 ' tot s'
01 I
i%lt I , 4),
Oitt. 1 1.1 1 1111.
It 010
j 1V11(.) PING! ord, - 11,,
j 111,. t. "
,11t,ii 11
1 . 111'.. S.
\!' • I1 VIA j •
1.1111 Ya -
I ki 44, 11,r1
t` t”.1%4, ' l a., i.
I .1/ 2.,
1;111 , 1 - 11
%t • VIC. I r(.!.1 j • 7q . S.
OF 111FOS'aioN, ,
' 1
Sirol'.. Pine it -qt.; ote , , 07 ,
qa. ,
.1 a 4._ vrfn , ..,attiir 4.4
In,•ln .
r 11,
.prv , ri.t ot IV I'
• %V IN .1. ,
Fi ,
utel :odu 6,.
• NEW -A rWEIre,NI.:itrNTS.
i EA rGOO,DS, &.. &Lc.
II :6 G . k ., „,NI IS ti. Co. fall
.... 1 1 •
.err ,
.1 0, ... .
.. ey . i . t:i
, r 1 2 irorti t. N . .. r ),L o si
,", ;c , . , ::0 r,,, c;:
i u , , : i. , ., jr. n ,,, ,, , , „
i h n,,, ,, ,,,. ,.. ; , : , 1
c \.,
. ---:-L•z
t ,,,p,,, ...sort ni mt. no' 113tra I(% forti
/.„ _e., , 5 7 , this Fl`l 'ili,Worie—micry. t'A n l .
I IA; •.tt.d v•itr ear< MO Ji ritiltere . :
Vj Jr onably OW, II:cy csFett ;
- able to,fiel'6llllll:thi,i tt iteit r!:
~ . 10101 With all tirl•tfe , .00 1 . /
. 1 6 .61itar t:latiti,tallen'jlt 0
/ . 1, prices.
la. i • •
•,' - ov;14-; Is,
1)41n: 11. 1917
~ , --- ,,i do'
;S, w,ito tne impror i
. Jll. -
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