Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 24, 1847, Image 1

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• 1.
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- I
- • ;
01, .
( 1 / 4
, •
BY L. F. D
year, in adv.
dollars a yea
terms will b.
One copy, 'on=
Otherwite, tw
inserted at
on, and,
Advertieement .
for the firciinser
f oment insertio
job Prbitine,
b o at Biils, - Blank
votedcutedin the best
I.f all stifle
bills,_Show 1
for Notes,
tyle and on
Dealers in Foreign and Don;
Beady Made Clothing, 800
tic. No. I, Flemming Blu
Erie,Pa, •
r !metier it L
I mmanv Hall I
1 ,10
porney and Co
and story; of. T
gilled up stliir
ing, north of Elie I
Attorney nt Lau l
many Hull buil t
Attorneys and C
-Siiih stre et, we
Erie, ea:
unsellors of
t side of tlt
Vklersin 'Watch
lated and
ilary andiortic
100 MI &
11, Jew liy,
'Goods, N 0.7
l'holesaleand Retail Dialers i
t e ries,lllardwale, Crockery,
Leather, 'Oils, etc. e
street yid the.P bile Squa, 0
Tavernf Erie. a.
State ~tree:, E
ie Pa
and Su e,eon, office
he' cthodiet. Churl
odds, Groce
b. 11TH
;Tilers 1 Dry
and Queens -
rare, No. 121,
Est ClS,arwcOtliinr,Cominis
rite; jteri Ware Haa
General F,
Nlert ha
lit 111 ta
Slane farkurdrai, o
ware after of
Tin, Copp
renal and 1;'
Ir9n Founder'',
Stover' !Hollom.l
holsale en;
ware Ate. fit,
Bye Sta's,OrOccrice,&c: I`
Erie, N.l, ) ,_
T -,, C. A
k , 1 I. TIMBALS, '
Dealer in I* y ' ooda, Groctlicsl, 4.c.' No. 111
Cheapdidd,, Er e Pa.
t •
Peale," ,;” Ay Goods, Grors,' &c.,,N0: 1
'andl Blokk, State et,Erio Pa -
----I CA6. 11. It.r.. BRO
Qealers in Dini! ~Medicines,
btulTv, Glass, c., , No. 6 l•
1 .
111. TooLIN "
Forwardinm and_ Comm',
French Street, Erie, and' I 6:
onThillick, dealers in Groc ric•
NaleiLil Flur warp, Dry Goo(
east Fille of the Diamond, 'an
the Eagle hotel, Eric, Pa.
4 Hiram L. Brown, iterncr of
the Public equarc, Paid, Pa.
and sOotheril Staac (Ace.
ohionbte Merchant Tailor
&111d11,• a few doors west of
tiler in,. Theologi •al, inc
ind Classical Set pl wilt; S
No.- I I French Serccl, Erie,
P. A. R. 'BRA
::crney and Counsellor at law
W. T, practices in the coun
r;rllit T. and i
lona Te'ritory.
Vneyland i Co'unaellor -at La%
Stye s oliposite the hale
.11er in Dry clods, Gkocerifrol
vire, Me., No. 3, Perri HI i
Erie, Pc 1 I
ANTED in exchon2o for
lei, Cheese, ; and all hind.
'e• I 1-1
hne 6, 1416. :I" .
l II,VE.Et AMl.—silver Tu l l
J Salt and Mustard Spoons,
Butter and Fruit Kuiv,
:d Ind fur sale by,
' No.
LLeizeSof Eastern and 1,
Nails, jint received and w
quality. for salc Orly at
mite the Eagle Tavern by
!Imlay 9,.1847.
HE - sitabaeriber has just
astern cities a Inrs o tof
RNOES of all kin& pri
Thick double scruled),Walk
Gaiter Boots,
Rid Buskins, do Slips, Seal
India Rubber Over Shoes.
11 iFseaSflps , and Buskins,'
Children'i Shoes of all kind
&large lot of Men'a an .
tualities frorn 12 1.2 tents
t articles shall be sold at r
• la webilie min small profit.
'I and aim! H.
T. 28,1816.
Loges ,• Indigo, ;
Footle '
. Tincntloeal'
Niewood, -Crea m Tartar,
• iltazih Wood, ied Tartar.
• Red Sanders,
Copperas, „ lu , etc.
Madder ?
I for sale by
I. H.I3II.THN & Co.
'ov. 28, ISIG.-28 No. Reed House.
' t i
At the Aint Corner.opporik •hr_zo
'iLLmms ¢ WAIGHfr
their castomers n et those I
i, that th y are no openiv ii
stn cities , hoir FA L L and
Ath in eerie y, etont and chca
imp assortment in this city,
I kt* 'atos or ctuu
mar rd
at decl i ne in the c a nte en a kt
st l thein to offer extra induc l errii
meeN„. 4 o Oct ob
rr. ~ ~! .
Mitt• a for the Ene'tlhser►er.
When dark congictinl sorrows rend,
And, one by one we I/se a friend, •
Ah, ivho can tell, save those whose heart
Hay felt affliction's bitter smart,
How sweet it is again to trace, '
In fa y Mirror, some lov'd face, .
Whose Jim smile of runny sheen
O ligh and bless our midnight dream.
'rhus,iLa v, oft in lonely hour j
On i'arie swing I'm borne to thee;
Nor yet regret the mystic pOw'r .
That spreads a shadow thus o'er me;
Fortwemer thoughts within my breast,
And lourer feelings makes me blest, ,
Until, too soon, alas! 1 - find,
'Tis but a visia of the mind. ,
Si 50
will invariably be
striely, adhet ‘ ed to
0 co tE) I per square
cats for each sub-
ies, such as Books
tecei .IE, tic. exe-
'hors otice.
tr. (I VO. ' '
.liefdi Dry Goods,
s and ShoeP, &e.
etc, r otate Street,
• Ti
flies in sec
But even so, how great the bliss,
\ l To' feel thou alit where thou art not;
For 4'ry visian Sweet like this,
Still adds a.pleasuee to my lots
Ali, would it were the same with thee,
That in thy mem'rr I may dwell;
How fondly would I bless the spell '
That wrought so 0611 a boon for me.
in the Tnms
w P
—Office on
',German Sil
Cutlery, M il
, louse, Erie
bithc.F. qßsnowcoD. •
I REA Ida t I have sat some- minutes,
with my pen
,stispended in the air above my
yaper. %I havelbeen debating a delicate point
—I am in a po,ition. You will perhav re
collect thtit one of Fanny Forester's exqui
site sketches Was entitled 4,1,4:Dutt0n."
' tow it happens that the ;real name of the /
heroine of the "over true tile" which I am
,about to do myself the . honor of relating to
you, was no other than Lucy Dutton. Shall
I rob her of bor birthright—cOmpel her to
wear a nom-du guerre, because my sister-au
lhoress accidentally gave thetrue ' name to
one ef her ideal creations? Sh . I I sacrifice
truth ~ to delicacy? that's the question?—
"Nay" You•said no, did, yo not? Then
Lucy, Lucy Dutton, let it be._
Some forty year since, in the interior of
my beautiful nave State, New ,Yerk, lived
the'father of our heroine, an homist[ and re
spectable farmer. / He had but tWo children)
—Lucy, a noble irl of nineteen, and EVen,l
a rear or two yo wen The firstinamed ( was
winningly, rather chau strikin 1 41 beautiful.,
Under a manneeobservable for i s seriouiness
and a nun-like serenity, Were concealed an im
passioned nature, and a heart of the deepest
capacity for, hiving. She was remarkable
from her earliest childhood for a voice of
thrillingand haunting ,sweetness. ' _
Ellen Duttonwas the brilliant a iipedes of
her sister;-a "born beauty," wiles -..preroga
tive of prettiness was to have her irresponsi
ble own way, in all things t and at all times.
An indulgent(father, a weak mother, and, an
i iildlizing sister, had all unconsciously contri
buted to the -ruin e of a nature not at the first re
markable for krength, or generosity.
Where,. in all God's -creatures, is heartless
ness so seemingly unnatural -- is selfishness
BO detestible; as in a beautiful woman! .
sswOre, lion,
lion r of State
l ite he Eagle
event h Street,
ie, Po.'
capeitle; Erie
and Produce
st of the Pub-
!tit! Sheet•lron
streets, Erie.
ail dealers in
rent, Erie, Pa
CO. 5 •
Reed House
cud (loupe, Esse
Mercliante; 109,
i 'Erect Canal Ba
and Provisions.'
s, Groceries, Stc
one door cunt, o
Lucy possessed a fine intellect, and as her
parents were a c ell reared •New Englanders,
she and het' sister were far better educated
than other girls of their situation, in that then
half-settled portion of the country. in those
days, many engaged in school teething, from
the honor and pleasure which it afforded.
rather than from necessity. Thus, a i few
months previous to the commencement of bur
sketch, Lucy Dutton left for the first tine
her fire-side circle, to take charge of a school
1 , 0m,e twenty miles from tier native town.
noir some while, her letters home ere ex
liive only tillhe happy contentment \ which
f - 1
sprang from the consciousness of active use
fulness, nf receiving, while 'imparting gond.
taut anon there came a change; then were
those records for home cluiracterized by fitful
gaiety. OrdrearY sadness; indefinable hopes
and fears seemed striving for supremacy in
the writer'stybubled little heart. Lucy loved;
but scarcelfacknowledgeditherself, while
tci ,
she knew,not that she was •kr d; so, for a
time, that betiful v secori-birt of woman's
nature was liap a wart, s i florin struggling
with the, l cold mists of morning.
State s
1 TON.
I-, on the Public
State tired, Erie,
b N.
laticons 3 l Snttdtly
edema , etc. etc
l• a. •
, Pruirie du Chico
ics of 'ruu•fprd
il Clayt.n cupnty
v; •Offi e No. 2
E ic, Pa.
ockciy, Hard
, Stite etre(
ogle, \Vool, But
of Country Pr',
Dessert,Te „
pltongs, Ladles,
constantly on
INIS &Co. '
Reed [louse.
But Mie day brought a letter which could
not soon be forgotten iq the home of the ab
sent one--a letter traced by a hand, that
trembled in sympathy with a heart tumultu
ous with. happiness. Lucy had been wooed
'and won,'andilut waited her parents' ap
proval of her choice, to become the betrothed
of young Edwinr a 'man of excellent
family and standing in the town where she
had been teaching.' The father and mother
accorded their sanction with many blessings,
and Lucy's next letter promised a speedy visit
from the lovers.
To such natures as Lucy's, • what an ab•
' , irg, and VAt
,em Iron and
:uted to be 01
brick corner
, RY. '
ved froin tlfe
dies and Mis.
I '
sorbing, and yet what a revealing of self is a
first Paaston—whale a prodigality of giving,
what an incalculable. wealth of r ceiving—
=what a breaking up is there ofill e deep:wa
ters of the, soul, and how heavien descends in
a sAden star-shower upon lite! . If there is a
season when an angel may look with intense
and fearful interest upon \ her mortal s sister,
'tie when she beholds her heart pairs from the
bud-like innocence and freshness of girlhood,
and bikini to i.s very or e the fervid light
of leve, glow and crime lnto perfeq wom
anhood. , ,
Boy's CAPS, of
o 4.2 50. All thb
tremely . low pri
aid quick soles.
N. last the plighted lovers came, and wel
comes and festivities awaited them. Mr.
gave entire satisfaction to I the fath4r,
mother, and .even to the exacting "beauty."
He was a handsome man, with some preten
sions to fashion; but in manner, and appa
rently in character, the opposite of his • be
I \ 1841.
i'' GOODS,
• • k !laid.
would Inform
at aril buyinit
direct from the
NTER stock,
nes!, will ex.
- omprising all
since the very
ta, which will
Ma to perch
ar 10, 1846.
It was decided that Lucy should not again
leave home, until after her marriage, which
at tho request of tbe ardent lover, wro to be
celebrated within roontbe, and the
Front the Golden RON,
coming birth-day of the bride. 'lt was there
fore:,, arranged that Ellen should' retUrn . with
Mr.--, to y M----, to take charge of h sis
ter's ties school for the remainder of.the.ter . '
) The bridal birth-day had came. I n had
been ushered in by a May-Morning of sur
passing lovelinesx—the busy hours had[worn
away, and now it was nigh sunset, and neither
the bridegroom, or. Ellen, the first bridesmaid
had appeared.. Yet; io her neat little cham
ber sat Lucy, nothing doubting, nothing
,fearing. • She was already clad in a simple
white muslin;, and her few bridal adornments
lay or} the table by her side. • Maria Allen
her second bridesmaid, a bright-eyed, affec
tionate-hearted girl, her chosen friend from
childhood, was arranging to a more graceful
fall, the wealth of.light ringlets which swept
her snow y neck. To the anxious inquiries of
her companion, res l ing the absent ones,
Lucy ever smiled uiett,)and replied: -
"Oh, something has happened to detain
them awhile---We heard from them the other
day, and all was well. They will be here by=
and-by, never fear.",
Evening came, the guests were all assem,.
bled, and yet. the "bridegroom tarried."-=
There were whisperings, surmises and won
derings, and a shadow of 'anxiety occasionally
:passed over the fair face of the bride-elect.—
At last, a carriage drove rather slowly to the
dpor. "They aro come!" cried many voices,
and the next moment the belated bridegroom
and Ellen entered. In reply to the hurried
and confused inquiries,of all-around him, Mr.
W— 'muttered something about "unavoid
'able delay,". and 'stepping' to the sideboard,
tossed off a glass of wine, another, and an
other. The ompany•stoed silent with arnaz
!nett. Finally a rough, old farmer exclaimed
"Better late than never, young 'ttan—so lead
out the bride."
Mr— strode hastily across the room,
placed himself,by Ellen, and took her hand
in his! Then, without daring to meet the
eye of any about him, he said:
"I wisli \ to nmke an explanation—l am un
der the . painful necessity—that is, I have the
pleasure to announce that 1 arm already mar
ried. The lady whom I hold by the hand is
y wifer .
Then, turning in an apologeticat manner t°
Mr. and Mri. Dutton, he added, "I found that
I had never loved, until I knew your second
And Lucy? She'heard all with strange
!calmness, then walked steadily forward and
confronted her betrayers! Terrible as pale'
Nemesis herself, sh&stood before them, and'
her look pierced like a keen, cold blade into
their false hearts. As thougit: i to assure her.:
'self of the dread.realjtv of the yisinn. she laid
her hand on Ellen's shoulder, and lot it glidd
down her arm=;:tit she touched not
As those cold fingers met hers, the unhappy
wife first gazed Ifull into her ester's facet
and as she markdd the 'ghastly,palkir of her
cheek, the dilated .nostril—the quivering
. lip
and the intensely mournful eyes, she',covered
her own face'with her hands, nod burst into
tears, while the Young husband awed byt.fie
terrible tilence of her hehad wionged; gasped
for breath, and' staggered back against the
wall. Then Lucy, clasping her bands on
forehead, first gave voice to her anguish .and
despair in one fearful! cry,. which could : but
ring forever _ through the soula i ofthat guilty
pair, and fell in a deathlike swoon at their:
After the insensible girl ha/1 been removed
to her chaMber, a stormy scene ensued in the
room beneath. The parents and guests were
alike enraged against W—; but the tears
and prayers' of his young wife, the petted
beauty and spoiled child, at last so ftened
somewhat the anger of the - parents,
_and an
opportunity for an explanation! was accorded
to the offenders: !
A sorry_explanation it proved. 'Re gen
tleman affirmed that the first sight of Ellen's
lovely fice had weakened the empire of ;her
plitiner sister over his affections. Frequeht
interviews had completed the conqueit of t his
loyalty; but he had been held check by
honer, and never told his love, until when on
'his way to espouse another, in an unguarded
moment he had revealed it; and the !avowal
had called forth an answering -acknhwledg
meat from Ellett.
They had thought it best, in order "to save
pain to Lucy," and 'prevent opposition ;from
her—and to secure their own happiness, to
be married heforetheii arrival at
Lucy remained insensible for some hours.
When she ;revived and 6,1 apparently re
gained her consciousness, she still maintained ,
her strange silence. This continued for many,
weeks, and when it partially : passed away;
her friends' saw with inexpressible grief that
her reason had 'fled—she was hopelessly in
sane! "But her madness was of a mild and
harmless nature. She was gentle and Peace
able as ever, but sighed frequently, andrseeen
ea burdened with some great sorrow which
she could not herself comprehend.: She had
one peculiarity; which all who knew 'her in
after years, mulct recollect ;— this Was a wild
fear and careful avoidance of men.l She'also
seetned,possessed by the spirit' of i unrest.—
She could nit, she would not be confined,
but;as continually escaping from her friends,
and oing they knew m whithc
While her parents jved, tI
watchful nit , e and unwearying , el
measure controlled this sad pro s
whet they died,- their strtcken child became a
Wanderer, b melees, frienlitesi and forlorn;
Tliroughl ughing Springs and rosy sum
mers, and golden autmns, and tempestuous
winters, it was tramp, tramp,, tramp—no-reet
for her of the crushed heart' aiod crazed ' brain.
I remember her eti she was in my 'early
childhood, toward the huit of her weary; pit,'
gmage. - As my father and my elder brothers
were frequently absent, And AG my 'mOther .
neve claed her heart or her door an the mi.
forturtats, "Crazy ..ticy'loften spent an bent
or two by clir fireside. !Pi appearance . was
i ,:- •
- i ,
SA.TURY, AP ,IL 24, I.s
very singular. Ifir gown was patched 'with
many colors, and her Shawl, or mantle,'• ' - vrot‘
and torn, until 'was all open-radi i and
fringe. 'Elio reintiinder _of .her miserable
wardrobe she carried on a bundle on hmairri,
and sometimes she number of parcels of
old rags, dried herbs, lite.' •
In the seam) of flowers, her-tattered bon
net was Profusely decorated with those which.
she gathered in the woed,(or by the way-side..
- Her love for these and her sweet voice ' were
all that wore left her of the bloom and music'
of existence!
' :Yet no,—her meek and Child
like piety still lingered. Her God had n
forsaken he'; dovin into the dim chaos of, her
spirit, 'the" smile ' of Ilia love yet gleamed
faintly—in the waste 'garden of her i heart
she still heard his voice at even-tide, and she
was not "afraid." Her Bible went with her
everywhere,—a torn and soiled volume, but
as holy_still, nd it may be as dearly Oerish
ed, rey reade , Mahe gorgeces copy rie'w 1y
E ?
ing on your table, bound in "purple and old,'
and with Oiling untarnisbed*on it deli
cate leaves.
A 1 ; I -
I remember to have beard my' moth,
late a touching little incident connecte
one of Lucy's brief visits to us. *,
The poor creature,once,laid her han
the curly 'head of one of my 'brothers,
ask of him his name. "William Ed
he replied with a timid upward glance.
eaught away her hand, and sighing he
said„vis though thinking aloud, .1 kne
Edwin once, and he made me broken hot;
This was the only instance in s whic
was ever known to - revert to thes'ead
whth had desolated her life. '
1 ',1 , ••• • ,‘
Chirty years from, the time dill
cement of •this mournful iiiittory ,
It autumnal evening,• a rough e.
on drove into the village of C-- 7 —! l
pad at the alma-house . An attAn
ni was lifted out' and carried in, an
riron • ' rumbled away Thuswas Lite 9
rought to her native town to die.
3 e had been ! hi a decline for some m
the miraculous strength which
sustained her e in her , yeary • ande i i
st forsook her • utterly. H;er slat 1
some time before, and the wi owe
had soon after removed with his 1
he far West;—so Lucy had nofrie, I
he but the alms-house. '
ut they were very kind, to her th
matron, a trueman,' whose soft
i the hourly emit inplatiOn of huma
i r
could not harde , gave berself with
ryi og motion - to jt l e:7 o 3 l :2:th o
au erer. ' With the. eye 'of ,Christian
sh'e watched the shatteretefiaik of'tha
,borne•adown the tide of time it'near :
great deep of-eternity, with ,an in °reit
tenZe as though it tore a royal g 11e$?.
Ono day, about a Week from the ti 1
ht 4 \arrival, Lucy appealed to suer gr i
and \those about her looked for h r t
most impatiently; but at night silo wri
dandy better, 'ad for/the first time, slept
to* until morning. 'The Imat)on, wh
by Per bed-side when she awoke, was et
•by the cleat andeanweit gaze which me,
Ow —but she smiled,, and bade thaq
morning!" Idcy lcpbed bewil
bu the voice seemed to re- u 1 her, a ,
exOlaimyd, ,
gOh phat a long, long r
been!" Then glancing tour,
slit added. , '
'Where am whd a
• i l.
not know you." J 1
A wild surmise flashed sere s the j mi
did matron—the long lost rifle n - of 'the
ilde er had returned! But the gob(' oli
ma i n replied calmly and, soothingly,
"Why, you are among your friends
you will know me presently."
-"Then maybe you know Edwin and E
rejoined the invalid; "have_they• comet
I had stick a terrible dream! I dreame
ey were married! Only think, Ellen I
riell to Edwin!'—: le strange , that I sl
dr4m that." • •
at I
to t
ho I
aMy poor Lucy," said the matron, w
gu h tor tears, ajthat wAkno - t a dream
all true.",
. X
'All true" cried the;invalid, "then
mi st be untroe—and that cannot be,.'f.
loved me—we loved each other Well, an.
I i •
leul sMy sister. Let me them—l
go to them!" [
She endeavored to raise heself, , ,
( I
be c k fainting on the pilloW. 1 ,
a Why, what does this mean!" said'
wat makes me so weak'!" • I
' tha t old
her eye fell on her own he
that old and 'withered hand! She gazed 1
in blank amazement. ~
I .
4 f Something - is the matter with my si
she said, smiling faintly, "for my band
to ale like an old woman's" , ' I
44 And so it is," said the , matron, ,gi
Ha 'd so is mine;-and y?t we had fair, •pi
be de when we were young. Dear Luc{
yo not know met I ii i m Maria Allen—l l
to ave teen your brid.srnaid!" , . •
can no more—l wi I not , Make the )
att 'apt to give in deta t all that mounifu
ye ling—to "reduce to taexpressive words
d d sutainatiof thst hopeless so rro w.'
o the Wretched liattcy, the last •t I
ye 'vs were all at though they had never li
Of not* scene , not an incident, had ali
all htest remembrance, since the night c
th recreant lover . and the traitcress s
I -
at before her, and made their 'arribl '
no neemein. l I
~_ _ _ •
The kindination Paused frequently, in
sal& narnitive of her poor friend's ins.
and wanderings, but the invalid would
with'feerful nabonesti,"“p on, pen," th •
tbilbeaded drops of agony stood. upon
',When 'she asked for her sistnr, the at
'iShe hes gone befo
“And my toOthe said Lucy t
with a oddly raj t hope.
*Tour mother) bas. bean dead fo
•• "Dead! All gone! Alone,old, d 4
God, my'cap of bitterness Is full!"
wept aloud.
Her friend, bending over herand mingling
team wilt)* hers, said affcletionaMly: ,
"Ant iteu know who d4nk th at euti,,befOro
• 1
Lucy I ked up with* beivildered .expres
sion; ande matron added: t . • if
"The rid Jesus, You remember hiMP,
-A Isrok Ike sunlight breaklpg through *a
cloud, a I k which only saints may We
wear, it
. mdiate* be tearful face or the dying woman
ad she'replied:
"Oh; , es,l knew Him and loved Him . be
fore I 'ft, asleep." - i .
"The an of ,God was called. A few who
had know Lucy in er earl'' , days, mime also.;
Th re we
. muchjre renti I wondering, and
n/ iii
so e wee mg aroun her ath-bed. Then
ros the voice of pra er.. At :
~ her lips'
moved, as her weak dpirit . joined in that fer
vent appeal- 7 -then they grew still and poor
Luck was dead—dead in lA.r gray-haired
youth! , ,
ilit,those who gazed upon that pl,
and membered Icy harmless life
r re
r win,"
patient is Hering, doubted not that t
of an ete nal day had - broken can he
OF YEAR . . I . „
-w an
I h ,
Too LAT2.—Some men tirealwayi
and; therefore, accomplish through Ili
ing Worth naming. If they promise
you '4. 'ltch an hour, they are never
till thirty minutes after. • No matter,
poitant the business is, either
to him, he is just as tardy.. If he tab
sage in• the steam-bolt, he arrives jui
bo4 has left the wharf, and the is
started a few moments before he ai
His dinner has beeO waiting for him,
that the cook is out of patience, and
on t
1 uated
d the
time is obliged to s:
course the character
way i s s puraus. • He
clidich, at a place o
or in his bed., Perk
d so
I had
cannot but despise. I Much ;rather w
have a man too early to seri us,' and
ready—even if he should carry , out h
ple to the extent of the good deacon,
following to thr! tomb the remains of
band - and father hinted to the bores
i r
ow, thee, at 11 --P M'..qTri% ha eheuldi
to thiiiii der. li e deacon•wite just h
for scarcely had the relatives and frit
tired to the hou e r before tfie parson,
ic ,
same proposition to the , widow.
too late," said she, ` - deacon spo (1 1
at the gra+'" Scores have lost pl
ties of maklng fortune's, receiVink f v ,
obtaining husbands and wives, ( by bei.
minutes trio late. Always speak in ,
and be ready at, the irppointed' tor
would not give a fig for a nran wh)
puctual to his engagements, and sQ I II
ir up his mind to a min tours)
time is lost. Those who han gback,
antitiletuble—who are never op • Itant
jouney, al trade, a sweetheart, or *aril'
else, are poor sloths, and are ill-calcul
get a ivink in this stirring • 'ld.
:d the
a id-
'ne of
a ly,
,e al-
d she
-, i
ight IR
!d inqui
~.eilvaurin oFir A 5 1 1DE1NA1.......1( stork 1
morning an Irishman, r i ecently' ended on -our .
shores, applied tole merchant on the wharf
for work. ' Willing to do him a kindness, the
latter handed him a shovel, ' I and pointing to
the backof his store, tald'him to I'shovel off
the sidewalk." Occupied• with some opera
tions consequent Upon the arrival of the Cam:
brie, the-merchant forgot all about the Irish- -
man until the lapie.of an . bour.or two, Teddy
thrust his briatling pate z into theo,counting
room, (which was up stairs,) and ' inquired—
' Piliayhap ycos 'ud be havin' a pick, girl"
I do
e you?
id of
• "A pick 'to get the !noir off V' said the
merchant, smiling. 1
• inhe snow ''ud be arf log since," replied
Teddy,. /!an'the brhicks too, fur that matcher,
but it's the ail (and) 'at sticks!"
, ould
h a
In some alarm the merchant ran to his
bacic'wlndory,pnd lure enough, ;the fellow
hadlihrown n4rly all the ylavoinent into the
street, and ma de quite la holed
"Good graci us, man, I only wanted you to
shovel off the noir'!" 1 '
, "Arrah, sir,' said Teary, l "did n't per hon
or till me to shcovel arf the sio(etoalkT l —Bas t.
Bee. . .- ~ 11 . i -- •
A,Puoti.tanc Gstoiasi r —We heard from a
goUtleman, lately from Monterey, a , good story
about one ofoUr v.lmiteer brigadiers. The
General happenend ne morningto be present,
dressed in a rather shabby, suit, wherei some
teamsters were. harnetUting their horses; and
pot liking the Way in h t filch they fixed things;
intefeved, end in a rat i authoritative Mariner,'
told theinqt was al Wrong, and they didn't
know what t ey were about. Thereupon, one
Of the teem era tol the General that ho was
an old ass, nd had etter go about his busi
ness, wittio her Co pfmentary phrases adapt
elf tu the canton.. The General, not used le
let loch c inpihne is Irma unnoticed, cooly
took °lntl Coat, a ti isaid to the aggressive
teamster—" Now, sir, you must fight;" and
I tt
Pitching mto him, t ey—the General and :the,
teemster*.ltad a glo oustight, but the general
came oirvictorfous. , Another, teamster' who
interfered' in, he fig ,iwas u'ixt walk.ea into)
by the Gener I, aced knocked into 1 a cocked.'
bat in leas then no me. It must° have ) been
a salvo to the'tnorti ed-feelings of the licked
teamsters to , &mos r, es they very soon die'.;!t e ,
covered, that they b d been effectually '
peol,by a Brigadier-Gt . moral' in the United
States Army.-;...W. O. Delta. • . -
Goisrowr ltut ,El
. v do
odependence Ex
positor Goys that the Ink mood at the Santa Fe
Wisp to prhithirthit Occuunt 'of the itracko
flght r was made from gunpowder. The devil
bed °, howl is preparing it.
Mi t 41011 your
C u
r !t, the table aga'
1: we have den
is never In se
busine/vt, hi
one of such h.
ilil •
ror i
r, ,
I Romantic Lose Tale.
face Itt
That the.cour4 of true love never , did run
,iimpotlh . bas been proven again, by a circum
stance .!, , ,ith whicb.wo were made acquainted
a few days since: For some time back a wid
ow lady has, resided in the upper part of our
city, •whose quiet Ind retired mang ers led her
to avoid society almost • e n tirely. c` She , was
only- knoivn to her neighbOrs, en 4 by them
but 'slightly. She had . no children, was
scarcely thirty in appearance, and was re
markably 'good-looking, with a face of mourn
ul east, which novelists so -.often choose for
their heroinee, and which lends such:lt charm
to the features of the pensive order. • ft was
known 'of her that she bad been married to a
man much older than herself, who had died
rand left her in comfortable crcuinstances.—
About t tor , i Lawrenceville
oinnibuck r, n ehe stepped
into the v, qrpOse of ,visiting
lie villa, ivit one other 'pas-
rig! Oh
r a 04
senger, a gentlemen about the same age as
herself!. ; t
A, few minutes after the omnibus started,
the gentleman made a remark [which attracted
thcattentio'n of the lady, and, throwing lack
her veil toginswer, enabled the 'stranger to°
catch.agliMpie of her features: Au ejecta- ,
Wien expressiveof auiptise escaped him,,and;
a scream from the lady proved, also, that she'
was startled .: in no slight degree. "Mary!"
"Charles!" and in a motnent a, scene rarely
oWitnessed off, the stage, was performed high°
mnibus. The people who had entered in the
Carriage as 'strangers, were in each other's
arms, the lady ingests, the gentleman exhib
iting-by his voice end
- caresses, the extreme
of joy. °
cid face,
and her
e morn
_ too latf
re noth r
to meei.
In .two days from that time, the widow was
no longer a widow, nor the Stranger a bache-
?uric or
. e a paa
re hav
The secret of this sudden change of cie`. 7 .
, umstances is thus
,explained. tfifonte twelye
ears ago, the two persons whose names we
lave given as Mary and Charlei!, resided in a'
1 the toll in Western Penneyinnia.. The
ormer was the belle of the. Killege, end the
latter, some two or three years her senior. her,
`Layer: The match was perfectly satisfactory
to the friends of both parties—the. young man
bearing an excplient ebtracterL Beforeihe
time fixed fur thcir =nine, yowever, me- )
fbrtune came on' the loiter, red&ing him from'
comparative affluence to pen 4 OrY, and at the
instance of her relativei, the edgiagement was I
Postponed'and finally broken.. lufepreased in
r:ii,—C: 7 -444....!....440..4044mr1. 1 .._thav0init
I ff his home, no one knew whither. ,
. . A year or twP afterwards, our heroine, still
dittonsolate foqbe loss'of her lever,"attiacted
t ie attention offa rich old felloty who nobbled
near the i citY.' ':.lle walla bachelor, and had
neither-chie: npr child of his oWn."iinliffer- '
e s t as tO.Svhat became of her, the girl suffered
h r relative - to dispose ~ti her hand, and she
ade whatis .called a , . successful' match in
arrying the rich old bachelor. Three years
after her marriage, her husbanddied, leaving
her every dollar of his estate. silndependint
now of the world, she determined to'spend the
relit of her-life single—a mourPer for the for
tune which luid so destroyed the happiness of
her young love's dream. I She removed to this
city, where she has resided' s een years, un
knowing and unknown--living in the,world of
a Mournful memory, enlivened only h3r an ee
-1 ,
*ions' thought that she might yet meet with
liCr heart's chosen. t.
Dy a singular coincidence he hapPened to
ble int'ile . City; where he arrived a few days
before from New Orleatis, and was about ey
ing a visit to the'garrison on the day she.e. -
4d the omnibus for the purpose'of an excur- 1
sign in the; nine neighborhbod. They recog
nized each other in a moment; mutual expla
nations,: ensued, he was still unmarried, and
hPr wildest'hopes were realized 'by h r union
girlhood's I
with the hassband of her gi choice.
We han the names of the.partiPs in this
little romatice,.in our possession, and w il'd
give them' were.
.it necessary . 1 The by de
groom had gone to the South success had
crowned his efforts, and he is, by this tim , on
;his way with his bride to hie plantatikin
'Louisiana. Theirhistory affor s material for
a dozen novels, with proof that romantic at
tachlinents are
,still extant
this hunt-drum
world of our. / We . hope the parties-btay 'en:.
jvr, through long years of happinessi the ?c
-ard of the 'fidelity to their, rows.:—Pitta
burgh OM. Auriga.
so •long
alf the
ibed al
; bite we
uld we
s princi
wtio in
a hua-
I. ed
• harim
as re,-
ade the
ou art
to m
ors, and
I g a tow
fa not
o novel•
1: till the
for a
1 ated to
,Cser. ALnuarts.—We are Pained to find
the naine of this worthy officeearnong the slain
'at the investment of Vera Cruz'. , lio gained
1143'esteern of all who mode his acquaintanetb, i
whilst - he was hero with tho ieginient coin
mended 'by Col{ li.umr. lie Wes a practical
printer,, and once published a newspaper in
Arrlg ',
ioln. ' Wo \learn that he Wati seated at
th root Oftrtree, when a ball struck- him, car
ryi g away nearly his entire head: The same
messenger of -death, after leaving him, broke
a dritinmers' arm, and took o the leg of a
private.— f luff
_, . .
A &KONG LIIMICHES..—The, a 4%. two sis
ter% in Massachusetts, twins, Vitli are ea
mach alike that each of them roccasionally
mistakes the other for herself. . C. Delta.
One is now dead—shocking t relate, She
saw her . sister 'daily at the table ` and-suppos
ing herself. to be partaking of .food, she did
not discover her ever till she t wished ,and
.It is mild that_hersister n w lies night
ly upon the grave, declaring tha it is herself
that is dead.-...805t0n Bee. • . ,
Na rnasi, Co
Texasiti little
which, under'
change of west
variably turns
north. If a so
his way across
a star to guide
finds en uperri ,
and be follows
Pot mislead bin
♦ss:—ln the vat prairitts of
ant, is always to J i be font&
1 _.
II circumstancee 'of clim ate'
er, rain, frost, far f ;insithte, in
it. leaves 'and ire,* to . the
, 1 .
itary traveller we i rs leaking
these ttachless leihis With Out
or compass to direct him,' he
• Inonitorin an Ihumbla plant
.guidance, cer in that it will
I t .
thi Bitttk.
The following "letter from Saidllo we copy
from the New Orleans , De
Alareb 24'1847.-
In a letter which . ' wrote a few dais 'slier,
1 •
Five you a very tuff account.of the unpin
y affair of Duent Vista, (pronouneetr.Warte
sta,) ad will flow give you a few acettes
hicig I I e witnessed, not mentioned inibat
I ter. • , •
The kflibt view that we caned of the entity
when they had turned the leftof our
lines, and were pursuing theilyili
Illenk g
arid Horsemen. Column after column sue-,
seeded, until they C olumn
a dense mass nails
bering something like 12,000 men. No stands
can convey„to you even a faint idea of their
imposing appearance. Their arms,
buinished, reflected a million times the daz
zling rayaof thtf sun—their rich and gaudy
uniforms stood out in bold relief aga i nst the
soiled and tattered garments ; of the 4 sufrering
yolunteers"—their Cavalry (Lance:l) diawa
up in beautiful style, in numbers froo 2to
end in lineathe" heatitY of which tie
most accurate military observe; cotild have
found no fiAt'vvitb; and, added to this, that
y were for the time, victors, I assure you
look upon them with contempt.—•
104 w n il ejtilek, sharp ringing of our ri
fless ended the death-knell. of score after
scare of them thre'e hearty; 'Mississippi cheeis
told full, well luit no cowardly fear Psralyie,l
that pith) b . * Rushing on, Mirsmall force
would have scattered the retreating foe in all
directions over theileath-serewn field; had not
Our watchful leader, Col,,bavir, Perceived
that, we were about to be stirrounded by an
overpowering force, and'orderid usito'retire
and rally. . - • 1
Here an amusing cireuniance tordr,place.
Maj. Bradford—who is probably the most im
petuouslybrace officer Who . everfrew ' 1 sword
—perceived us retiring land thought nr were
defeated. He disthounieJ from his horininxl
followed. on slowly after ur, . exert:dining—
"Shoot me! shoot me!," some 04.
Out— ; .
?What the devil's the matter, - Bilkirrt
! Tie 4iii4issippi regiment hits
run, anct - le don' Ocisntito Jire aneherminetter
I I Id . ajo`r wat quickly unde
n re-formed, ancialtheogb
ribly thinned by the killed
again was heard 'the deep
!Davis, ;:fortrardf Guido
The commadd wee repeat.,
ant with more sfeadineta
n the carelett fell n ws were
hcd th a drill, they eturned
st. But it is not y infect- .
I !Hive already aiitlea.
• , • I. . • , 44 . ,
But the gallant
ceived, ftir we s..
our yanks were te ll
and ivounded, yet,
voice of the noble
centre! March."'
ed by - 11y"voices,
and,preoision tha
ever known to evi
to the bloody cont
lion to repeat wha
At one thne du
over the ground (n 1
charge. We the
of our fallen cow
by the excitemen
passed, and the
waa tob
was not a heart:ail
ing the fight, we returned
which w,u' make our tirst;•
saw the monglad bodies
deli, and although animated
of the fierce contest just
=Sedge that that contest
renewed, yeti think there
song us which did. not for a
eat on beholding ;hat bor
er his straw hat and a few.
ilothipg which the ruffians
Lhould have failed to ricog
loon(' Eggleston.. lie was
otherwise abused. This
ate of all whom
man named Couch, gout
only persons,whose bodiei.
moment cease to
rihle scene. ,litGt
otherrarticles of_
had left oti him, I
nize the body of
shot, stabbed an ,
was, indeed, the
Lieuf. Moore, and,
collikpany, were th
I eosilyrecognize
rode over the whele field.
ed 'in burying the ] dead—
_ hundreds of bodies lying
no covering save the scan
hing which thrirobbers of ,
o valueless tIo take from
Inman body pierced in eve
xpressed in the fades of the
passion end feeling. Some
d execrating their enemies
y~ith their last breath—oth-
dacid and resigped l expres?,
red to hare died Orending
to the last, While 'oth ers
last werdstin supplicating
lay yOuth and mature ago
i untimely death. .
i this part of the bloody
r to the plain literally tor
bodies of those whO hrid a
s.: ' This beene was horri4'
nons—bnt was'diyested of
by the fuct,t that not oho of),
1 a was either robbed or
st' ing, nor was Otre the'
I the bodies hiving been
wounded. This, Indeed
te "barharoissvotun cent' of
.f tW North,",tiS th Mex-.
After Vie 'Static!
Parties were enga'
but there werO-sti
stifr and cold, wit
ty remnant of clo t
the dead found t
them. I saw the
ry place.. 14ttw
dead almost every
seemed to have di( /
and cussing the y
ers had the mos p'
sion. Some ap e
their lives bray .1.
evidently used t i ci
for mercy. - H r ,
calmly.reposing n
Passing 1 tin fro
goound, I went ov
ered With the dea
recent been our fu
ble eninigh; God h
soine.ofts holm
the Me ll l ido.n so
striped of his ci
least appearance
allused after being
speaks mach for tl
the United States . ._
leans style us. ' ' I -
. l• ni ,
Among the hun refs of dead l
who I saw
threre,'l was trinclii touched by the appt i mrance
of the corpse of a Mexican,boy; wlois i e age I
4ould think could not have , exceeded fifteen
yeari., A. bullet- lad struck him full through,
tl‘ breast and 'mu t have occasioned AWOL_
ineOtit death. H was Lying oe his'brt,his
face slightly ipclurd to ; one Side, nd, - .1-
t eent
though colJ, yet •
‘, , ing within bright and,
gunny 'smile, wine eloquently told the specta
tor that he' bad!. len with his &reit° Me'
country'ti, fpe. - ",. \ L 4 , ' • •1 ' • -
blaltillo is on'a.iast hospital." iksides one
own wounded, (four or five hithdrei, it' i
ber,) General Tayilorhas, collected a I the.
i i
Wounded Mexicans who *ere le ft by their ar-, ,
my, and put them i hospital.' It islewiatdia..
gusting to visit 'on 'of those places. All of
'them (thellexicen ) are•badly wounded, 'for
those that Were all htly WounAed weetleff;:-..
They are dying eve y hour i the dip (1'
than T.thoueands‘
halien in Balti
se nit poor of i l
will merry, to.
their mirth.
.—There were gh -few
• slops present at a . * . -...4tut`
ore fotthe bensilter the '
land. It' is well, Ifpeople
erneulbet the etilieted it; ,
, vitt ,