II ODS! NEN-41-OOODS! ~......3 G. LOON 18' , 4. Li)). 7, Reed 1 , -- '.`' N 'ltt...„ House, E. "e. havejuSt received --- - . l' --- :.. an additio to their former stook of g' t • s, wlach makes their vsortment very ex tensive, corinirisinz,n, large trarlety of rich and fashionable JE It - . 11 y,eohai'autn g of diamond,' ray, garnet,' e rtibt'atnethyst, aquanaarinei and enamelled Pins diametral, ruby and plain rings; gold tsar rings, nerd chainsand kept, spectacles pencil (lases, bcelbts, lockets.,.mlniature Setting . thimbles, studs snaps, Etc. &c. Timp.—,Cio d and Silver 'Watches of; the pat tent le4r dopl x, horizontal and common escape rdent. I Fiera mantle, German and American clocks. J SILVER 0 mustard spocin rpectaclei, chats Plated,, Bel Tea pots; urns cake' baskets, spoons, lat•r CUTLERY -11.14hiaa mi.) 5, MISCELLA,I !ODD.—Tn la desert, tea,salt and ladles, linter and fruit knives, ns, keys, pencil cases, thimbles. ,„' Mit% itarl German Silver' Ware. pitelWe, cups, tankards. bowls, •arllesticks. snuffers and trays, ink stands, castors.' I —loger's and other cellibreve • knives and scissors. NEOUS.—Matheniaticd instru .B, thermometers, pocket comps-- violins, accord io 8, music boxes, :I pens, card case combs, pocket .isiols, coral, am er, gilt, steel, i cads, bead and silk bugs and pur ls, pormble r writilig eesks, work, .racco and shavirig boxer?, razor hair, tomb, !lain and shaving asses, Glazier's Alitimonds," shOt lasks, percussion: caps and pillfr, noes, s 'gar cases, purse and cloak 1., clne, whalebone, violin and bas two i powder, puffi, perlhmermy, .r . h,,usli and pawners, tooth picks, tea bells, sealing wax, motto ards, emery baskets; needles, bat s, spool rranthr„ with numerous oth il entioned,' OM useful and erna e ill be Mt "ready pay," frotaiwe'n oelccrit 'low& than formerly. -. Lies.: MLIAie boxers,. jewelry repaired n er a n 1 1 IV a Fr i tin t ed. lust 'Mad of dountry pioree M- I fur goods or work. Gall nd see. . . . prices pratd in cash for-old Gold E l i ments, teles 'op, ses,l sun gins e-' times, fifes.. e.- books, pocke't. 1 wax and 1414;5 I ;•;l3os; elastic. /rim r r aint, snorfAo, — ,iltrops, elon es; In -tribes itnl tr' litelr,s, powd -, chesmen, d - elasps',4Weeo ! viol sisings,tr. mitt plasteN t melting lines seals, vislini; tiedor,.hntl-hir, er artielei Mot. mental, \ whi l eh 1 ty five t linV-I - N:11., NV nie I in tha bcar iht Cash and in , ken On Rapp er The highest and - ''ilv ; ei. 1, , . Tone IS, IS T- 1 0 0 : _EP thaleelahru dzsouns j of the FOr dSove9t6 t it:. I Oct. at, 41,0. AIL'S Goanhie ilal.um of Wild Cherry rd remedy, for Comonnidinoi end other Lungs. Also IVistar's ConHe iPurga 1, by Dr i „l'l Hall, Ascot, corner of State !Erie, Pa. J- : 4-v , hex, 40 Canada Store. (let. On, GLASS. — Window Gus by the received `andltor sale cheap nt the 'E. M. SNOW. , CASHI! I C 1.SII!! . ~ .e paid for 1 OUO btl9llels wtient, Corn, 10,00 1o„Barley, and 600 if delivered sOo .' . . will 10,000 'do tmid!) Plait., EIEM IMEM TO OUR CUS'i'O,IIER. WE are n w receivkg o r ~Winter stock of DRUG ' NIEDICINE - S, PAINTS, OILS; . .1 DYEWOOD Z and Al is6ellaneoy articles, and very respectfu ly invite the attention of our' cus tomers and th public , o the quality, of our goods, .and the piirs at w1.17:1 they arc offered. , ' Physieim s vill film itinc:lJ, our stock many of the new Chen icals'aml,cheipe preparations'ol tlie Materia Irl'ca. Our. mAieineerttro fresh, and ht..lleyed iti:b ptiri, , and lin be warranted for what they re sold. • l - . ' , . Earewrs to others wanting Paints , and Oils, will find our stock comple:s, and We would ri",e-• quest all who want pure P;iits and Oil cheap„ - uscerain the quality and irice of our articles be fore purcha'si lig elsewhere. Clolhiert C3 l ll be flunished with most Of the ar ticlesl used fin their line, at rensonuble rates. ,' Our stock of the Popular Medicines of, the day,, and of Pert'ut cry and pane.); and Mitiedlancous articles, is; v ry large, and we would say to all, customers Mu strangers, that we shall be happy, to sea youj s low your our goods, give you.our prices, andfd your orders. J. U. BEATON & Co. Erie. No V. 3 , !SM.-23 No. 5; Reed House, .TIV, LAST, Ist stock of every variety of Hurd on, Steel,-,Nails : Dry (foods, anti r inmorteasto this mike', jost re bich shall' basolti at prices far be ef Ore cfferral in this market ' 111 7 .N(tY CALM ELL. ritier is it. 9. A. IN D la g, , ware, I GrO j erier cv .ceiviptl, anti % 1 Law ,/ ny ever T.l. o, None'' CASIItt CASII!! ( the hest market price paid fOri nurd..livered at the store of the fititl 'er 'or Frenc'a and Fif hrereets. C. SIEGEL. er 10. 1310 CIASI-I ant' Fr.Ax S ocaiber, cor ' Frie.ootol T Y/Li..! pa ashes, Wit , ' detiverpd .t. ASHES! • cents p 12 1-2 e.:g per bushel for l'cotse as! t nty nsitety 9; M'Kean corners. 1016. C. M. TIB4ALS. • AL: rs.—r pay Cash, and she price for any quantity of Black Sal: PK.can, or at my store in Eric. , 1818. C. M. TIBBALS.. BL" , hiv,thest (Milked int, 000ber 2 ,NEw a p.W'rerN' nd IA! Crockery, sokt at ttatt- 1 ti es.'Cdll A.dia,Cle:. 'pops NEW GOODS !! -king at dle Canada store a ne • •ndid stock Or Dry Goods. Gtoeelic, (194 Wurelze., &c.; which Will ti l e low raw; 'cyan in these dhea, and see, I E. Al. SNOW. 21,181 G. I 23 WES . lELIPMARDLE FACTORY. 1 , r' i i MLLE uh cribeis haVitig 11 el)Oli assortment .1 1. Nes E gland 11l ° ar ,. o On, hand, from &Wary ent quarr es, calculated fur 1 lead and Poot`t4los, lUonurne its &c. which they offer to sell to any one in 12 ii county, Pa. not living farther than Elle, lest re i r t first 'rate stale, and delivered,t the folio •in. rices: Small, for children, $t 4 0 pcY lboti Mild e size, ' for aecd people, $1 ti•LI pr foot; Largt size $1 75 per ( . 091., NVe•tqink t could h at object fur some pf the Erie epun.y peapte t fo ward us„marble a few inscriptions as w hale ' recently e 1 n inforited by the Erie &Ale a ih rather ,a ragging way, that they were sticking kt,o the Et 4 and Crawford enemy people „good. lc , T 'ey brir cry lustily l of scling to the "Patina tn es” a ft miri $l. 50 to $-1 per foot. Should any of he p ogle of Eie cohnty be In Want'of anly thi a In- l our line, they can forward their insert • sib s,' or Foulke themselves, and they shall-hove a fir t rate' artiele at 'the above prioea. i ----," I - MR ANL SIKES &0. i cs:fiel r,N.11 Sept, 13, 'lBl5. \ f . - • I ltt 1 1 - ; NEwri it li,' , ',L r , NEW NaCliliLlP GROG RISi! ! 0 LIN,y, NINIF.ItLY & A. 11. 111 r(4IICOCK, cl late 6f. ho firm of Hitchcock Ziumierly & Co. has:.lo7k associated thinstly 2s in the Whole eat a n t Retail Grocery bnainege, on State strelit, , tieary opposite the Cagle rioter, in the room late i ly atteupiek bi=l,Vm.ltinderneelit, under thesfyle • ot,l. ZIM 4 11:11LY Sr. Co. wbeke will be found 'm Liege and ;well' selected a:itoilment of all Rinds ?I" We:t and 1 ,., ry NVCet Cndia Good pl:: § Comain evo- ry article u sually kept or,calliit for in a GroccfY attire. A ong steel; may be found: ,- - " Cofree f every price and quality. (11d ait Yonne Ilyson Tea.; . - Spice, Indigo, Brown, i , ..._ „,, 1 repperi Mum and Loaf I Eu4ar, • ,---• • Chocol te, castile and rosin , so . sp, raisin"g, figs. ', -• Tobac oof every quality, cigars, 9116110rocer• r• - •) lea of all kinds, together with Iron, nails, win dow glas , etc. etc, . 3.2.4-Co. tender their tl*ka for the Very general , padronit,,,Jo octendetrtoihetn for the pa, st- s ix years, • and hopttl they may by their, endeavors to please, reeelvola• continuance of !favors in the shape of ,- old as *ell as new onstomers. They are proper ' ed to preset graie of all kinds, butter, ea.'s, ! dried ap les and poaches, Ftac,TlMOthy and 'do : ler eced,for wbiehICASII will be paid at their I - ' . couritml. , Erivj'April 25,1816. -' ' , , -_ • , i 49 • /INS §. —Mottble• Harreli, :Single, do. rOW itig : ‘...11 - P fees, ftevolirlriiitlx Shooter s, witlia - gen 7 , oral asierttionlof Gun fix i nee. , , I 1 ! r''', " •G. LOOM§ 84.C0. , 14.'181G. No. T, Reed Abuse. / 7, tS . I Nov. ".---; N .r. ,siEW GOODS! — NEW-GOODS! ; Mt. subs_lribers 'are now receiving the) Fall and Winter supply of Goods, whickwill not be surrsed by, ar y stock in this city ao qual. • • itytu loantity. kni as to price, wfr are , sure . • they aro as obeap.awany. rosonable pima could Wish to t havethem; and•wq pledgo/6iirselves not ! •to be undersold by any eatablishment in thie city, .or any -other place- west of New York, for ready ',I • pay.. Please call and examine quality and prices lur you:selves. Particulars next weeit. • 8. JACKSON &CO. • Nov 14,191 e. ' 26• 20 000 B USHELS - BARMY WANT-r D !-We wilt fiay SASH for the shove named aincruneof Harley, delivered at our Store Within two weeks. Sr 'IIII.LBERT .141TCALP: , 7,1616. •'• • • • -Lf,_,...SAN.D'S SARSAPAUILLA._' - -. FOR THE 'REMOVAL A , NOVe.tiIVIANENT. CURS Ws, ALT. t _DISEASES ARISING 1 FROM, AN MI puttE - : STATE OF t THE BLOOD OWTHE HASID . ' OF •T,HE. , SYSTENL:VIZ;. - ;-,,z• Serofata or. itittg's Foil, • Rheurnatisni, *ilittate , CuttineonsEittplioni,"Pimpf4 or Pustuleion:the Face, Illoteki ~ Biles, - Chronic Sore Eiet;lling j ‘ • Worm or re It; Scald Head,,Enlargement and Pain of the ones' and Joints, (Stubborn Ulcers; ,Sy?phitle Sy nplomi,,Sciaiica - os,Lltuatago; , and Diseases arising from an injudicious use of eriler •,eury,.lsciies or Dropsy; Exposure or Impiudence in Life. Also. Chronic Constitutional Disorder t s. THE operation of fbis preparation is threefold. It acts as 14 tonic; strengthening the,digeotive power. and re iforing theappetites-as un . aperient, peculiarly suited *ad geolb , in its laxative effect, and as au antiseptic, purify, log thel fluids of the Gaily, and neutratiOng In the blood .the action principle of ,theate., The meosr well anthem. limited curer of Scrofula of the Wrist Mallignaut character, "Ve giYee it a wide and deserved Celebrity. Rut it it not alone in Scrofula tor In the class of dioceses to which it bel age. that thin preparation bra been found beneficial. It Is 11 opeeiliclitrutany diseases of the shin, and may 1111 adminireierl with favorable results in all; it also exercises a co:mentos influence in hititoti complaints; and . when the system bas been debilitated either by this use of paw -1 mild mineral medicines or other causes, it will be found 1 an excellent restorative. • . Time following testinionial to the value of the Samna: rins,ts from th'e Rev. Luther Wright, aged 70 year.; Cutts fgregational Minister, residing at Woburn. • WOaratr,•,.hlo.o3., March 20,1046. Mewl. 8 rids —fientlentenr—Yrnal what I have raped' enced, rind from the inforreation I bare recently received frame number's'!" persona of high respectability whoa have used •your Sarsaparilla, I have not the leastdot:6l but that it is a Most valuable medicine, two that the ntattvrouseer. t Moo tot y u hare recelied'of its efficacy art fully sostaiol oil by er i Mawr. amid although Its reputation and utility are very e toasive, and stand in stn need of my humble ef fort to ilrease them. I want ail who are a ffl icted by dis ease to be 'Mlle acuainted with the efliary sod parer o )(Mr vela , . lo med icine.' . `•' I am; gentlemen, gel Wray and very respectfully %ou LUTIIER. Wit Gil ,', , , , , ~.: The following is an extract from a letter received from Mrr. Bevan, W Who had been ;afflicted for several yearn oii)i Scrofula': 'fleets, Dyspepsia, 8:c„ and "recently. with an a &ellen of the Whatoat and ChM: • ' Ilaaltantrala, Va., Dec. lith,-)81IL Illesi' re. - A. tb B. & D. Sands—Before I commenced using your flarsaparillsony aufferiugs wore almost post eapnts si on toy throat was completely tilcelriited. I hall a dread ful cougb;and there nerd frequently week, together that I col salt speak above o whisper ; nut! besides, theinfletut matim from my threat extended In °spliced, so that my, hearM 2 wan very much itnpaired After taking the Sae eapaOla a rhort tims. my health improvql. and my thimht is now well: I nut as froe,frata cough and ticht..ess of the chestee ever I Was, and Col hoar quite distinctly. , Aly throat b s bsentvell about : three emulate, the career width has been effected entirely Py, the use of your Sarsaparilla. Your friend, . I,OI I ISA R. BEVAN, - . .. I,lltsorsostvitte, Ky., Feb. 10., !NI •Meers. A. B. & D. sandi—rfa Ong used your &mega rilla in my family, and wit:met:it its beneficial effects on one of my chil IrenV I Pet it to be a duty I owe the corn• nom* to Make the case public. About two years ego my, little son was attahked with S rofula or King's , Evil: which broke out in't tight or min Places round the neck anal) iw, which' finally affected bi eyes, rendering bbit en titely blind. Dur:ug the Alit yeir from the time be aas taken, h . was attended by several physicians, but contin ued to get worr4 until I despaired of his ever getting well. Having seen your Sarstiparill t advertised with certificates of its cures. I concluded to give it diriel, nod accordingly sent to Cineinuati and pocuretim few bottles, andnow, af ter having Used bine bottles I ' have'the gratifica•ieti o r. say tag be islwell. The sores aro entirely healed, and his sight nearly as wind as ever it was: abd I hove no hesita tion In saying that he was 'entirely: eared by,the we' of yAur Sanapartlia. -Yours truly, !- . E For further particulars and condo of itssuperior value and eflicacy, se which int.y be phtnined oragents gra) Prepared and sold by 4.. 8., .% Drugiri ts, 100 Fulton slrcet, corner at Noti'Y rk. \, Sold lso by J. 11. Burton 4. Co.. . 51 . eadvillo; S. Ilutchiiis & Co., ,Ito Wilcox, jr. Pitit , burg; A. Reynoltiq, r. fru &ram 4- Punderson, Cleveland; an by _ gistsgenerall, v throughout the United Stoll' Price $1 lir:r bottle. Six bottles for S 5, ___ .... ..—. It CADWELL 0R THE PILES ! -A IMIIjInLITIITETTETtirA`Nr,,Ye;, T h e I V ) " AT Upham, .1 distinguished physlcisn of Now Y l 4 . city, i l t) 11 ; ouly really successful renmle for that clan mug unknlis tree-doe rorOlaint, tho PILES, evor offered In the Amer ican MI The pitlitie.nre respectfully reques. remember that it is Santis' Sarsaparilla that been and is constantNaeltimiing such reinark cures of the moat difficult 'class or diSearei rhieh the human frmne is subject;' therefore for Sands' Sarsaparilla,s,and take Do other. Oct. 16,4816, !lurk this: it is nn INTRO:NAL I:EMI - my—not ndes tetuul applicatien, mid will torn iiity ease of Pile!, bleed ing or blind, Internal or Etternal. and probably ;he only thing that ntli. There is.no mistake about it It In a positive care.--sevyi.l saes. ....ML - .nor. Ti IP IMO (Iron- , venient medicine to the, and ire; rotes the gencriil health iii a reina;•krble manner. . Each I! ot contains•twelve dimes, at 8} cents per do*e.— It is ver mild id Wtoperatinit, and may be taken in cases . of them at acute Inflammation without danger. All ex. t+rnal applications are In CID highest degree disagreethlr;, inconvenient and ulTensivel and from the very tinter.) of the disease, temporary in their elm ts. ThisMeilicine at- Heka the disease at its sourer% and TtEIIICAING TIIC CAUSE, renders the cure CEItI'AIN AN] I.I:IOIA NENT. 1 - . rainplileta giving valuable information re peeing this Medicine, may be obtained of Agents gratis.' Dr. S. Uplum priaprietor, Wyatt & Keiclinm 141, Fni tan et , N. Y . General Agents for the Soutiterh States. i. Sold in Erie by .1. 11. Burton & Ca., lindiby draggiets • t generally hrougliout the .U.'S. ('lieu fit, I. , Oct. 17, ELUL' •.. . , . Gmt,i2 ha, CONFECTIONARY, FRUIT ANlii TOY STORE. ds ~1 ~,, .t. oi, 9, REED //.91/Lt9E, nOl9 l . ERIE, T P A. : THI 4ndersigned halring purchased the entito stock of Confectionaries, together with the fixtures belong.ing to thd businnss • in the stdie. formerly occupied by James CrosSnum, wouhl shy to his friends and the public, generally, that he 10s furnished himself with nn old and experienqd workman at the buil ness,land is now preftarcdito furnish to retuders, CANDY; at Barrio pricirs, and warrant it to be superior toany Buffalo can itl y n Pored in this ,manta I; tile retailer m ill beetiino convinced after selling a few pounds of my canlxly that it affords hint more profit, than the eastdrrt c Indy. ," Our sticks and kisses will iva 40 to khe 'pound, and are finely flavored. - . ICE -CREAM AND FANCY CA FAK I am prepared to furnish Ice Cream in forms;to Isuit customers. Fancy Cakes made to order. - -r Pratt, Pouryl,•Sponee, an ellc' Cake, and Juan- tiles alway'S on Inuit! to . upply l ' families. I Will furnish tea caltesgo privat families ehdaper thim they eau [Ake teem: tuul on the shortest no:ice:l "dos- - -1 FRUITS. Fresh tremens and Oran!;es, 11 nisiris, Nuts ot - all- hinds; preserved ginger, mixed pick les, sat dines; &c.. a Bond assortment. TOIT. Aa large assortment of toys. such as, do!ls.dres sed ur imdressai, cats and dogs on bellows:. glass 41riz4 and birds, fancy boxes, heeds,. neck:aces, head dresses, purses, hair brushes,rcdding comfit's, besides a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. Please call and examine f.tr yourselves. Any orderelii-ni.the country for`candf relit be promptly attended to. L. • W..KEFita. 7 , Erie. A ngust 1, 1819 - BUFFALO AND NEW YORK ONE PRICY. ('LOTEJING STORE. MVAUGHN, No 9, Fleming Block, Stale • Street. .1 his establishment has - acquired notoriety by selling all kinds of clo:hinges chew as they can her purchased in New York city. 'Call and see. A suit of clothes can he livid at this estahlishment-inpNE DAY'S' notice, i the latest style and mosfapproved fashion. Just received 'a 'general assortment 'of ,lothini, and cloth, suitable for the season and or sale et prices reduced to the pecuniary mean. oral,. For instance good 'article of cloth, all ,Wool, at 50 cis per yard and: wary thing :else ii proportion.-- Outline also dont to order at red(iced prices. All order's from tlie,cOuniry promptly attended to: The child can buy as cheap 1.1/ete as the best judge. Costomers . getierallvcan pend on having their work done right, and nc/istake. Erie, Dec. '2O, 1945. 15 ST! 'LATER. ' • - JUST received, l ,per last arrival. at the brick cor , ner opposite* Eagle . Hotel, a. further as sortment. or „Frerich, cashtneto and Brocha Shawls, that pre tich arid cheap, Also a cosi Moro ot.thes6 silk warp, Alapacas, plaid mouth f. ing Gi n a; Ems, Castilian Robert, black silk fring ed Cash' ere, and heavy Satin Shawls, together with a ull assortment of si)k, awned Binges;' • , - - 'MI:LIMOS & WRIGHT. ' PAINTE, OILS, &C. ou. "moat will be found— -2006 lbs. White Lead, pure; ' -. . . 1300 Red Led, I , ._ , gar Litharage, - . ' 100 I . ' • '. . \ ,'' Ll5O • Sogar•Lead,, ~. - W 6 Spanish Whiting, . . • 1 i 500 •Venition Red, , r - • ) 500 ;renchll'ellow; ' Y 100 renah.Gieep t . 18 eases Chrome yellow end green, C- • '• s 5 do - • American Vermillion, I - '1,2 bble refined•LampblaCk,• - • 2°o gallons Spichas Turpentine, • - •i 200 do' Linseed Oil, , ' .1 I '6o. .410 >Copal Varnish, - - ' 'llOO-o,aintßrushes,frim No (to 000000, i s l • • '' ' 1 "" ',' - 611, uses window glue, - 51100 tif putty." :' .' ' ... . . ' :1 7 eruiteWlehr g to purchase an of the' above articles' tireirititei'tto give US a Ulf.'' Every irti cle hi Wariented good;'and its to C ,prieeir they phial I be as to, a* any., reasonable Or hilliest ririnWrill ask. r` , C ARTER St.BROTEIER.II ' r e gs , ' :ay, '28,1;516. ' No 6, Reed House , ':1 ',l'i '• := ..1 i• A , MONG , I I. CO NS WI i'TIONi Celt ED:a.TRI UhiPirA NT 'SUCCESS OF BUCHAWS HUNGARIAN 'BALSAM OF LIFE. -- FIRE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for COLDS, COVG EIS, ASTI-I- L NIA, and 'CONSUNIPTION: Tag MOST. CELEBRATED and INVALUABLE - remedy for' Colds., Coughs,-Astlitni. or any form of PULMPNARYCONSU MPTION, is the; the HUNGARIAN' -.BALSAM . OF. LWE,,cliscovered hy_ Dr. Buchan of London, Engl-and,•tested for upwards of seven years in Great panda and on the Continent ofEurepe, and'introduced into the United States under the immediate superintendence of the ioveritor. I' - .1.: • , . The as i onishing'suceess of the Hungarian' Balsam, in the cure of every form et' NSUNPTION, warrants the American Agent in soli4iting for treat men the WORST POSSIBLE CASES, that can be found its Ithe corn (tt) munity —oases that seek relief in vain from any of the commoO, rentedies it,il the day, and have been - Oren up by the tuost distingitished Physicians as CONFIRMED 'ND L'OOCU RA LE. - The Hungarian Balsam li 6 s,eured,l and m willcure, di MOS DESP :RATE OF CASES. his nottPaelt nos I / from, but a sten and Er dish M .dielire of known and established eifieacy.l -Every family i the U iitect Stn 'es should be supplied with Buchan's Hun"' gitrian Balsam Of Life , of only i to counteract the consumptitie tendencies of the climate, but to ho used Ofi a tprieentive medicine rn . all ease,. ill Colds. "Coughs, Spittin'g orßk d, Pain ip the Side and Chest, Irritatrorin er t sore n e ts of d m j,ungs, Bro elude, Dilliefilty of Breathing, Hectic Fever, Nigh' ;Streato, Eniaointioa an General 4 Debrlity, Asthma, .Influenza, Whooping, ' Cough, and Croup.• ' , i l _, ' is "cafe of actual dis ate of the lun;gs, or seated Consumption, lit is .the ONLY SOURCE WI OPE. • • '-. . ' 1 I - I Sold by McDonald St' with, solo Agent fottll United Kingd, Italian Ware-house, R gent-tt: Loden, - in Bts. ha and Cases, hospitals, Ste. - ' a - - . 1 By Special -7,9pointom t—DAVID P. BruDLEE, 119 - Cottit-st t , Basta n,'l Mass., sole Agent fur the United States and British American Provinces,' 'American price, 81 per bottle, with full' directions for the restdratipn or health. . ' '. ' I / Pamphlet's, containin 7, amass of-English and American certificates and :,Lelicr evidence" showing, the unermalle4,ntevits\ ofthis Great English,Reme• ' I tly. may be obtained of ho Agents, gratis. • I None g nine! witho it the written signatnrd, of the A4terican A , L gold arid unze label, to counterfeit Which is forgery. AGENT .:4-S. Too F 4. Syracuse, N. Y. General Agent for I . i and the wesietn States. 1.. . . , ' I ' , - tj • the - - I triIFISEAtis.„EI . ' "I Fro h Bopt" . st Clergyei sit at •Coloose, Oswego, Comaty. ' "I do hertfq most cheerfully certify that I hive used Dr. 13uch Titian Balsam in my faiuily With great success. ' My little girl, n. sevyth, year, was,.in t c month of October,-1814. attacked with hei ight side; and not ithstanding wo used all diligent to reinti 1 continued to grow wor.e, anl after obtaining the tunas of Dr.; thought the Right Lob of her Lungs so seriously affrtteri at her was exceedingly doub:111: I- was induced toobmain one beta I aril before one tliird ofi was talrei3,4he little sufferer resumed het her cheerfulness return d, and before two bottles Were used her v "SUGAR CO IH . BASSETT. lye evidence pamphlets, i is. . SANDS, William, 'rio. and ord; L. ; Hen- I+ Drug . • to has • ?le •e to mil!: increasing 'popular ly of Fr. D. BENJ. MOTIFS 1. IMPROVED INDIAN EGETARLF, SUGAR COAT. ED alms, has induced Atwater of persouslo make something they cell rii.Le . lid coat them with sugar, in order to sell them for the ! aniline while theyirhstiot pos. , sees a particle of the good cos, nor even assinglate In ap.l pears ea to the origholl.Dr Smith's Pills. In short, tlitlll aro at Intended FRAUD n un the commuoitv. '' A minis. ter w 10 at first had aq It tureen in' an Milk:glen Sugar Coate I Pill, manufactured in A bnoy. N. V.,-lies given them up. as he says on' c. unit of the miticarable diehon eat parties co4orned 106 , attract 'fling them. That par ty is DOW bulubtriolooly to Waling reports calculated to injure Dr. Smith and to litre t the reputation of his veins hie pills; hut rather Rin, notice them in public; Dr. Smith is about to, institute teini proceedings a•ainst.thent for their slandere, as be has in another ease muting a *huger 1 party,,in which IM reentered heavy damages. ' heie Mis erable imitutnrshave to resort to' th a most at °unmade Means to palm off their cohitterfeit pill; ne tto public know that Dr. Eirriltteir arej the original and genu 4e, Stiv... end iM.tatwrit Bove mutate public t otienio will li Ilfe has hero endatigeroirby the use of the cotinterfeits. It is Dr. SnatrA's Pillsting aro doing SO much good 14 therountry— • as the following show. MORE MINISTERS ',-, rim and recommend Dr.. Smith's Pais then alt cameo. •• 'I his is to certify th it I Imo ussd the Sumer)sled Pilll nufactured by G Benjamin • Smith. of New Yrirli, far ne lime, and believe them to be a Food medicine; (and a ~ from inquiry in that city, lam persuaded that ho is ib Inventor, and therefore is end led redo; ben efit-if the invention. -,• S. W111,1,1A aiS; Psstur of let Baptist Church, t ittehurgh. l ' Front lho Irmo Ilen''s ridden 41.4.) '.VCltro nssevr• ~,,, 4. 0.. r Rev. St.. Villinms Pnionr of theist Church, lilts o . burgh, in relator) to Di. Smith's Pills L IVecnn ourselves bear tettiinon I yto the excellence of these ills, one taus having used them and esperieueedtireat relief frorn them I The above Is the boil paper t -ta ri time State of Delaware.. The -irgorre 'DIAN VEciffrArtv: PILLS,' Coated,' are cartel:ll doing much in the whole county, i l rind are.highly esteem. , i" one half-- is. true that people write anti say about them. 'I hey mese easy in their op. (Stat e that all.bito theta . , The editor of tho ;Northern IState Jon ronl...(ene of the largest oud heat p:pers iu the State of N. V) antes of follows: Iratcrtown, May 31, ISIS. Dr. G. Bun! Smith—Dear Sir; I a :is laid up with a had cold some time shire my return from N. V ~ and during 'toy MIMI! 1 pmda trial of-year pills, and I must say it thuntl tl em excellent. They Ilra 11111 best medicine (or the purposes they are intended, dint I hNo sera. !seldom take pills hot I found' yours entirely free front thoplijec.. thins to which other p he li dile! I hope they Untie to he a tnurre of profit to von, as I doubt runt they will he amens of relief to the ionoted . go seoe. Veers truly, 1. GREEN.' , • Tonawanda, To ~Elept.lPi. 1811, ' i Dr. G. BA Smith—Dear Sir. Your ngent left with me a Int of your Silent Control Pills, null 1 have but a f..er boxes, left. Cvery box I have sold hos given entire sntisfortion. I have token iht.ut tayself and comlde r them the best pills I Intv . O ever Used, nad I am not afraid to recommend them to the public._ I oi.h a further supply nt once. 1. 'Yours respectfully, ' JACOIII(II3LER, P. M.' . , • I.7lrigtntl .1,14 i., Jnne 21,11'46: / Dr. Smith—Dear Sir: I hm cant out of your .• Indira Vegetehle,Sugar Coated Pills," eti I find them 61114 so fast that I think you bail better rent mo two *inns Mine / dint Op n' They give such general satisfaction' 1410 , people come of least twenty miles for them. and as I is" generally known that lam agent for them, 3 woo be sorry to getout. i bun respeelfhliY, , i - BAWL moo,nr. co. . , ~ .._. . . " • nt:wAitr,!r! .i. • • If G. BC.X'J. smtrii, b Out witirrytqVh a 'MN on the •VIZITSOIt of the box, air .•Sugar Con 4" Pills air CouNiktairriT. ' ~, -, . PriufFiaT9lficel79Gretniaich .treet afgebrlA block' N.Y. 14ieti,:15 cents a box. 1 Dealers turtiithed at the Pb'. Y. Co lege of health. 179 Greenwich kirnet, New ' rk. ifd sold he Carter and Brother, and J.ll. Bo ).,Lrie. A. 3. Farrah & Ca. • Fairview, L i r. Jones 4.. CO. yford. J.nnek Leitch, Lock port. J. W:. Clot o. jr. Elk reek. Parson Clark, Albion, A. Lick, Washington, Marx n & Judson, Waterford; C. W. (tattoo 11:. Co. Illnadvijkl, J. if. 114nes. North Coq, Norton & littsk ins, W.it Arum, A Thirtolll.ln.'lJUlOU, D. 31 littlish Columbus. Dec. 21, 1' i 3. . T ~• . i , 61018 , THIN TSoo :1 mild of Erie end vicinity — fiquired to be remoulernt - the tract of land which a ff ords tee pro tection of 'hi 'tether, which •ne formerly coaneepul with t'ie main lan , w'ne theaothe Pnulunuln," but, now that e 1/ cchannell ) 4 produced a aeparutioa. it ham became an "lihtud" and Is •Vory improperly t eal! a' ••Petlineula."— Amon other minnommos eouk Ma stove 'sneered for enle in til market under the molar unme ,of. iiVankre No% tio "Ivhret) is no more liito the genuine iWankee Notion" t .n au telind It Min a Pouinsol.t. The Genuine' Store has r. extra flue by which the smoke nod heater° taken away /Mel the (who otappliedl)4 at the pleasure of the Cook, wink, the counterfeit or spurious kinds, whether they are represented to be ..tianicee,hintions. er"Genessee Form ere," hove no meane of diyertlng the hell from the oved, which retitle, r them very unnecesimrtly and uncomforta bly hot and subjects those who arc within their' influence to headaches and vapor. baths which are-very-liable to produce a consumption ,of the lungs' es well Ws of fuel.— We here the =halve to make and eill'thei Genuine "YanteeNntinn."• •Store in • the Count y of Erie: Pa, will "Spaulthegbi Patent elevated-Oren,' and a curiously eon: tritca dompo ,to which we invite the attention of the Public. p,n the top of the oven are two holes which afford two ail vintages—that pf cooking in two ex'ravre3cly and that of ciranteg the soot froha it sr/Client the labor and dirt which ore occasioned by "taking do wn.the 31090 These who desire to see pm to operation con catkin the follow tog persons in this borough, and enquire bow they like them: Charles Lynch, H. Cothcarl;William A Gal braith, 3: Ayres, Sohn Hermit. H. Coar.rlght, or any one else who her one: .They-are heavy and datable sod we will warrant them to suit if, property, used, Remember noether persons hive the genn rte anikle for iota. but . - LESTER, SENNETT & CHESTER. , Eris; Sept. V11..1816. - • . : H 'A ft D W Aqt, E FltOM past experience we! ilinrc E. fed td believe that dealing a I ttle in the Herd- Ware line has given our cum er4 that !misfile; lion that wo aro out again -Wit 'a Itirge addition to our former sunk; and are bound to sell as cheap as the cheapest. , In our stock can, be• found' MK Cross-cut; Hand andlCompasi .Saws; Hand ruid. Chopping Ates ; Trace Chains; • Brasi and iron Candle Sticks and fixings,. Shovel and Tongs; Spades; Shovels 'and• M. Forks; 'Coffee Mills, Hammers; all kinds of House and Door. Trim. mints; Curry Combs; Knives and Faiths, Shoe Thread and Shoe Makers lins;Percussion Caps; Ropes, Pocket, Knives; 4,v, „ , - , , . , , Also all sizes pf Iron a d Steel, eastern and wes:r Nails; Anvils, Vice& and Harrirriers; to geth t with a little of most every thing usually call for in the Hani r waire liner 'for further par t Oculars enquiret the brick corner, opposite the [ Eerie. . • i '•. ', t'4 , , ~, , ; 1 Oct. 17, I :IØ. , WILLIAMS &WRIGHT. it I-1 AWLS! StIAWLS!!=;Who-wantsta Shawl S of any pri, c e , or patted'? ':ColVat the cheap store of - .".iieliSoll& ' November 21, Islo.. . . 27 BROWN'tindillerichedAhietl4Evem Tick; Cotton Pl4tinel; . Cotton - Yon, Cation 'Bit. tine, Waddings,etc. ere. • I P: ARROCKLV,'" - Nov. If, No. 3, Perry Illouk. PATENT. Ql/ I'ILLS. 1 CAUTION', ' - 03 THEIR RIGHT NAMES. t considered completely rstored. and to the, effect er this medicine, without an hesitation, I attribute the cure. I ,_ 1.)41 7 11 . ) Ivi'cFlilll4l'lD.: January, 1845. 1- "' 'Pastor of the Baptist Church in ColooSe". I 'Testimony bent Boallsestor. , , • • Recuesvon, 1,1.. Y, June 5, 1845. ,: Bm... 7 —Sometime lastJanuary.l as w taken wi th a iolent eol'd," attended wit 4 d distressing extegh, which in the course or afe days 'Wrought on' a ( much of the lunge, with much soreness of the ches , pain in • the side and Intuch soreness of tlie!breast. , Alter being confined to ny lied for some days akd getting ncitetteri, Mr. Pardke, formerly Deputy burin' or this conty, retort:intended Silo to et a bottle of Dr. Buchan's hlun orlon Balsam ofLifo, observing that he hat been similarly afflicted, and by the use of th at mrdi -1 Iv !after had been epeedi ,y and entirely cured. I immediately ge a bottle, and !aftdr using it a Ann t time the retmlt Was as 'ht I predicted— got entirely livill. 'From the bengt I rectilwAl Train the Balsam and from the universal ')good name it bears _Muting ioy friends , who hacq used it fur i iscases of tho lungs and chest,l am induced to believe It to brone of the b .st, inedieincri now in use for those disease; and as such retiointnend it to public.. _. . . . . .. .. W. X . SWIFT. . . _ ' - livroarknioe cure otn Dainges:•Ous Coer . ;b,. .. 1 To S. Z./OBEY. CATO 4 eorinnes, N. Y. Aug. 6, IS it Sir—We are entirely mu of the Hungarian Balsam, bovin. - sold all you 'left with us, in our immediate vicinity, and in justice to the:Medicine must !say with astonishing success. A low days since a young gentleman - of this itown called ai'our -store who had been for mentlis atilimea with a very, dis• tressingcOugh. and wanted a bottle nithe Balsam. We told . - liiiniit,was of little vs° for hint to take it or any thing also—HE MUST DIE. He 'pots a bottle, however, and afterwards hatl. another. Yestet day' he 'palled twain very 'much' improved in appearance, • d said ho was rap dly 'gaining Strength- but had k not been fertle' viva 'mile llitagarian Ba s.ttn he must have died. We wants tnu more' of the n dicine\ilirectly. ' ' ' Yours respectflilly, • INGHAM, & HAVENS. (From Esq. W. E. Fisk, Cenestolli,..N.y., dated , cANA.T.A,Nov.I. 18161 -To S. Toosre, Agent, &e.—Sir: 'lav ing use Dr' Buultan'a Hungarian Balsam in my family with - the verv_best FliCedS for ling' coMplaints, and having - seen tt used by my friends• with like nee ss,-I was induced last spring to becomtion Agent for,the stile of the 4,111 m, ince which I have sold a great number Ofibottics. and have in almost c .eiy,instance'learned that it had sueveeded bt•yond all expecte' ion, I n some c ses where the patient had LI been by Physicians of respectability PRONO 'OED_INCUR ABI4E, and i i 'their cases hopeless, 4n4 I most cifeerfully me ,weed it to all who are suf. tiering a ith lung complaiets, asimi ing them ilidnn most eases they -nIII find Ispeedy relief.' l(Signyd) - . 'WILLIAM E. FISK. More Proof. 1 . . Ertobliern,,, ,, Om fCAcejer of Ole Ilitimirian Balsam of life. ) I '-(From Deacni Lewis; of Utie.t, dB!Cd OTICAI February 4, 1845.1 I i cheeitlly given name in favor or I - Sr. Buchan's Hungarian, Balsam of, t • ,Lite, Last Aprilony-a lie was attacked with d violent cough, attended with 'i t severe, and most 'Disrit Es.sites PAIN IN TOE stpu, Solari as to depth.° her " . (Wrest While in this Situation, i called on Messrs. 'arner 4. Co. for some : i •, medicine, and they, recommended this Balsam. - 1 purch,i,ad a bottle, and by the time we had uSed.ubtnit on,e half-of i t, my, wife begat) to get 'bolter, and 1 after using the remainder, her healli-Was cninpietely Restored. Since that I t ime I have recommended the Baleen) to my friends , many of whomhave used it ivith like auceeSs. -\--(z..'igned)t , ' JOHN LEWIS, ' I Deacon oftihn First Baptist Church in Mica. • FrFrorther Itvidiegeell (From th e P. 14, at I3tirlington -Flats, , " Otsego Co. N„ Y. dated Jan. 11315.) I am again nod r the necessity of °Merle:: it neW supply of thaßalsant,-- Vl'y wife still corn lines the medicine tied is improving., It is doing wond,,T, in this section, libelled of it friend 50'iniles from here who was considered in VI,CONTIRMEO CONBUNIPTION. I Sent liiin Lao bottles oi' the Balsam about two weeks since, and to.day I heard from hint, and the Balsam is actin!: on him like a charm. . (Signet') ' A. E. ARNOLD. ,'The Messrs. Metcalf,' of Geneseo, N. Y. - ,(one of whom iti a prrctisin., physician) in ordering a nets supply of 0 1 ! Balsam, says that 'ln some S E ! year CASES our customers comphid of i Cooking greSt brwfil from its Os t ..” S. TOUSEY, Syracuse, N. Y. - OcneraL - Agent for Niw York and t h e Nestern States. Sold in Erie by CAETEit & BRUTIII.R, N 0.6 Reed [louse. in, at the 'or ships, gent, on CW York It's Hun ow in her a r pain in 1 ye it, she ll—, oho r recovery o Bals.un lplays a iettl.h we l' ir , TS AND OILS. Writ • I llead,dry 150 lbs. Paris ,reen. and i oil, ' 74' ", Sti,gar terul ; 300 " Red cad, • 2000 "; Swan. Whiting 200 " Lithurge, ' ) 73 " Ginn Copal, i i, 300 " Bost. Rochelle 100 galls , Turpentine, Ot• ire, ' 60-lbs. chrome greet) 600 : " Eng. i 'en.-Red - • • and yellUW, Eddyre retiqd Lampblack Linseed Oil, raw' and boiled, Copal and. Bhellack 'Varnish, Indran Red, ettA etc: 1 • J: D. BURTON tS. - Co. Nov. 28, l - 6.-28 No 6, Reed Douse. , INNOTICE.—,The Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron ManufacA.ring business will' be carried on at the 'old' stan'd of Ashley Si Kelsey, where a con stant supply of all larticles manufactured 4 him l' will be kept or side at Wbeleaule arid'retail. Old Copper and 13thes Ware taltea in pnvment for Tin Ware. ! JOSEPHKELSBY, Jr. Erie, 4uly 8, 1844. • 7 3400 tbs t . 11 1 L. WARREN, Erts moved , hissash, blind and door Shop to Smate, bet Ween 7t hand Bth streets, where he will keep' onStaittly on liana or make to order all infidels an his lino on the shortest notice. Those wishinz lo obtain.first rate . work at IoW prices would do yell to Ltive-him a call hefOre purchas Ina chiewttere; • alazingdone at all titucs.. Glass liar' Putty kept constantly on hand . - Aw",..to, luta_ ' 51 tb S. SMYTH ''- ' -- ... , 4 , IIAS 3CTIST - it-rc:ray - it- - xy "- -- from Net i , ' York per Pontroy's Exc. ess. int. Spline Fashion e, and is now ready to c.,cetitn alyordeis for HATS in the latest Fusion, and o ''a a\ boat r quality than can be purchased here or ac here. March 16, 19.16. I • , 5 ' 1 HATS. HAT S H/V — S . ii! -------- • aSPRING FASHION ' FOR 1F46. . • The subscriber is repared to furnish his old. ens:Omen; (and' as many new ones as possible) with I / 1 sof the . Spri NY style, as cheap as the cheapest Cull tin lex 'mine qual ity and prices fur yoti civcs. 1 R. S. HUNTER. I'rretical Hatter. Erie March 2', 1816. , If 45 DR( R HARVY,'BASCIJmis G . V ‘ a L. ll ) apd. 4 p t.Hv Speedy CC . r rinre " fo i r A l ' i'e Diarrhea.warranted how I; 3 ,1 'plaint, Cholera ,I\l'orbus and Dysentery ,IF r sale by 1 1 0. 1). SPAT i lyt ly IS, IBM: .. , • ~ , • FIRST APPEAIZ4NCE. • 7 1 ,011ILINSON, - ' GEOpIUE KtiLLOUG. THE hubseribers, though , „emir tithe in i111.91= nese, have not before Mond it convenient or acreenble to, introduce into tho pipet Ei a general adyertibment. Beim! rather of a modest iwn, they s havibeen situated somewhat °like the stran ger in New York, who grit oport a dry goods box in BrOadway, to wait till the etowd slthuld _lit by; 1 and like him, having attracted a little public no toriet, they are, prepared to , get down end move' quietly along , and would respectfully invite the„ 1 attention orthel public to a choice sle lion cit GROCERIES, intersperied with is few stale pry Goode and otheti notionstit teceived fro New York, Cincinnati, &c., which they design M sell pretty cheap forkeutly pay. • Please call od see at 109 Frrinch street, next door to - It 0. 1 ulliert, Esq's Once, tnl at S i Ith s'..-eer Canal ipl. n.` , " 1 ' P Co. Erie Ape.,l, 18* ' • . 1 1.11 - I'6BURGI - 1 Rock ingliuifllNVare. 1 tiful artitdo,.and good asEortiiient joB,l ed - and for sole by ,B,TbmuNsON Anew!. I, 1816 I - 1 Al" I' EttS MAT Ettl A , Logwood, Sanford's best, Glyn Verdirie, l oil Vitriol, etc. foreale, 1)3,1 - Nov - . 28, 1816.-28 J. H, tUR'I,ON • CANDY. VANILLA Cream; lemon harido. dro hound bar, do. medicated, Peppermi peppermint, rose, - wintergreen, sweat worm lozengerti; sugar piuMbs, snpooth almoud candy, etc. for cede -r ' M. w. A:oz. 1, 1846. - TRANSPARENT WINDOW SIT. A SPLENDIDartieIo for sale at No. can Block. • MATHIAS MA July 4ih 18 t 6 • - It ANTED, at the corner store; NI ley, OM; Rye," Corn, TimethY t ed, for which Part cash wilt be paid. utli market prices..llu!..BKirr (s. MET zePt• 19,18-16. ' I r WIND I %V GLASS. ARTk:R.- nito-rntrt ha l o just t their fall stock of Window Glass 4 me and complete—varying in size, fro 6x30 1 and will be cut to any size or allt dovithout extra change. Putty alwayal Nov. 28,1846. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES ANDi noit t c; 4,), s.!AFForti?, resTiectfully , o 111 • meepatitic rh3:sicione and the s Stele, ttuit he has pat received direct ork, a goaduesortment of ilenucepat eines in tinctures, bilutiens and triturati pocket eases of medicines. physician's ly medicine chests,reflned i sugar; m globulas,lte., as well as - hooks; ~pamphi standardAvOrks.on Ake eystem. - ' p rie, /lay 23,118.0. BOOT4' aubscrilm'' Jug; - teceives large; supply of SOOrl SHOES, °face!) , S'ariety ; and qualitr w' be void vaky ROSEN S • .OeL2l, 1946.-23. Ftemin AUtEisA WA ME by -, the 141° IYE" t r°i.l l TOIVILiNS . '( s 1 1 'iSp;il"lo,..ls* ,1, ; -•. tiritiß AIVA 8]:121'-Alvays 'ton tho lowest prices and of tbo,beatqin Aug. , ter NOVYMINSON, 1846. ; ' WALKER 8, COOK. , JOp.WARDING, COMMISSION Sc. PIIO/ DOC E AMER CIIA Yrs.—Will continue thn Pot tl arding. and commission business as 11 dal, at their wale house on the Pnblic Dock, F ri , Pa. anti will be ready on the opening of Nay:gation ({ 001,110 Presenrvcar to cont act for the shfpluent o Mer‘handise i r roni the Ids ern cities, 1 Other pla etS, t 0 Erie, as they are c nneeted ith tiood re / Apoosiltle lines, and hating. sotne the fi rs. class ot!Steain Boatt and. Pi openers! n the lakes run ning to their hous'e, therl,by en uring the safe and sri r .'edy trom , missien of all ifopert) entrusted to their care. They iti ill atte d to the fors aiding or !rood, up and down iti lakes Or to any of ilie Rtinndian portsir s on Lak / e Ontario and ,the ft.i4r i. LAIWTCIIeO.--111k0 Oath by the Erie /Extension Canal, , • • cASII ailvanp. made oil all it inns i I Prnduce and axles prom . y.a , teniletkAo. They willlecp Lous•antly on and Bilumileue final, in large or li t sinall quant'lles, to suit purchasers.. ' ALSO alt, Plaster to Mile, or . bulk, Fish iren,lNur a, stoves and Castings in every desciip- Lion/ R .F E.R ENCEB. : ' C. M. Tibhals, Ei ie John C. Beebe, " Smith Jackson .S.,Co. _ Johitson,lliestod ,S-em" Holt, Palmer $• Co, Buffalo. O. :I. CHutlTll , - :1111/111./ . 7,. - W. Monteith Q. Co. " Otis, Clapp & Co. Boston, • Georee W. Holt & Co.- N. Y. city, Ogdensburg, N. Y. JamOS Biowne,Toronto = ' Wtw: D. ltiotr, St, C,ntlierines, " Stoodart, Jarves & Co. Cleieltioil, I Albert Ives, Detroit, Mich.,' ‘i , Newberry, Doled, Cbizatzo,llllinois. Eric: I\ larch 14, 1646 • BANNER HOTEL, - 77 ERIE, PA: .l -1115 I.IOI:r.SE, situa• ted upon Ow corner 'reach and Phil) sts , imtly known as the IItMEEPS HOTEL, ,brett leased by tly. .eriber for n term of re and refitted in a le not surp.m i ed by any lie, house- Id the city UM Ei!1! , aoll, is the moq.cen tral and Convenient fig all litHiness purposes, and bus connection with the diff,irent lines of ',sta ges Ounning to and from the! place for the ac cbtuniodation of the traveling Boarders; with or wltyoutlroonts, ttecomotln tett, by the weet., , nonth or year on the nso.lt re - Nwuriabte terms , . t T The , pr.oprietor, from a lotig' l residenc t Erie, nod n, rensotiably extended acquain ice upon water and.on'shore, flutters hinteelf with the expectation of reccit inF a due rhare of public patronage; and front bps -eirirts to please, welt conscious . that not one of his guests shall ever have Ole occasion to turn thelit r baelts 'on the Ametieun Flag, , A. G. HILTON. Erie, April 4, 18113. - , • ' 1117 GLASS WARE. —FT SPLENDID aisortment of Mass Wate just receiving, comprising rniublers of all sues and qnaljt ies, Lemonades, Pitchers, Salvers, wine glasses, 7elly'Glassei, candlesticks, cellerrvares, .Preserve dishes, L.arups, Salts, etc. etc. etc., for sale cheaper than evcr before offered in - this mar ket, aeGadtvelle, one floor east; of the Eagle Tat , . ern. :Sept, ID, 18.16. , • -'l3 1 1 be ix). recciv- Co. 'GALEN D. KEENE, WOULD' most respectfully informbis - old cul l' V hinters and the public generally, thatdie has again resumed business in . this city, in the chap he /formerly 'occupied, between the steed House and the 'E•igle Tavern', up stairs. He+eridcrs his sincere thanks to the citizens of Erie for past fa vors, and would say to 11Cin that no labor or pains shall be spared to suit than in any articliof wear ing apparel they may see fit to favor him with. ,From tho unprecedented suceessdie has met 'witb I heretofore lie OC[l 19 comments unnecessary, eere ly adding that no tailoring done in these parts shall be superior, ifismial,' to that done sib s es tablislnen, Buffalo not.czccpted; • ICi. B. The Paris fashions are received monthly, particular attention paid to naval and military clothing. Cutting for others'to make up will be done as usual, . . Elie Sept. 19.. ' , 1816. ' 17 lExtr,a — c, ;.helluct hour. Or. drops; l'a, and !monde, MD ' !I • .6ES. Amen -7 r d Fla ht, ',lull ( ALF. IS 11, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! The "Sleepy Horbughr Atbake. • • E. are oa ntng a new stook of Goods that , lave be s purcliased einco prices have so r Lireatl) ,lee red in our eastern cities, in prospect of then Tariff, and wo offer' them cheap, peg. iivelyciy.. 'Purchasers residing near wit! easily be convinced of this feet, and to, those tiesiding at adislinde, we would say whatever prejuiticesthere may be existing to Erie prices,Shall be remised by col ling• at Store No. 1, ißeejiouse., We wish Al/Wiwi) , understood, that we till sell, Goods cheaPer than they dan bi 'ohtni Mkt' lit litudalo, Westfield or Conneaut..• Remember the place, lt,U'No. 1, Reed House. Erie. Pa...rl - 11 '. ~„ 11111.13ERT Sr. METCALF. Sept. 17. 1346. riceived which is ng7xo to desir lon hand. 28 ms HO• CJs of the Om New it: Medi !. do Viso ,,lmi.fumi l k ; pure jets UM LAMES DRESS GuODS.-:,200 >plects nice Dfess Goods, Inalnding all the vaetetiee twit, ed to the seeteorel mons which fire the Claremont Poplin, Ombro , striped Coburge, plaid - do,rich Cassimeres andideLaines,..-omhee eg'd an reps. silks,.c.Justopened and atihred very cheap Sept, 19. HULBERT &METCALF. te‘ hAve AND hich Co. GENTLENIEN Can pad a good assortment 03 Hata and cap*, algoOloves; hosiery; Cravats collars, handkerchiefs : Sze, vary cheap at; - • Sept, - ;19. • F.UI:4I.ERT ,4r METCALF.,. Block .ingham 0. AfiflY ARDS Cloths, Plain Striped, &W,1.1 ue d 'Barred Ceitsiriseres, &ninon', N arid weedi`new priharid and ready to exchange - Cor.Wool'ondollv,44. Wankel* gad be aielefae -'1 t t ired, it , order., Cl' • , • • IVI ERAFF :May, Ci s , L 9 JO. ", • !¢ , i , Co 48 Ihand, a lily, l& co. , ~..ountriptic ......."..._ chi. - —.Dal . _ ~cest is /now being introduced I , to F.Urope. the EnPr VIP/ Writ Illenro, sllnln ADMICII ais •all•,• titer parts of 'the Globe, where s disease exists in any forte. The Uti.ted States and the Colonies have for the - past three-years ieverely, tested the virtues Which the proprietor, open the introduction of Mkt medicine hesitated not to say it prisreysed. In i tro tted:trig ibili OREAT VEGETABLE REMEDY the trie.t. Further , promises iffere 111.1(1t on the part of the medicine —so novel was the theory—thy principle-upon a hieli the ewes were to( be ' effected that people Ewe a up their bandanna cried, *brit Dena E% en credulit y.•tcrtleil with sUrjbian. nod the so called "Faculty" made them selves tomb-lit erllie 'mew buintme." trot mark the re sult—the three ye rs have passed away—P*olle opinion, the voice of millions and more of observing inidistilual., lave rt,inmed Ob i REMEDY the mot singular wooded rut incomprehensiVe and miraculouveeratise power en cr woducf•d. TUE ONE trrigs•ill‘gsne which the proprie or ofttlis medicine bad the prerumption to cev existed, and 641 1 4 start)* 4•ifOUlkni were het secnailitry. has now millions of believers, they must belie% r, err they hire witnessed the eirdict f this restorati lie. It has conquered ALL disea•es by simply croqueting the os C. The "Old hoo:" now open their eye.; their old itonins,, like pa r ., mowing mist. Ay before the lialit of truth. and common' sense now shells 4 told to he,l'h its ow n way. iodic - ,rl of clostutt its ruts unit belittled. Thq truth •of,the intact. / pte upon which (his article cur •s is c•r,bli l hed. iii.il t h e I tatement is again Mildly mmt emphatically, !nog 1:14:1: i dIIIIIV'teIIOrnIPIP / ,T/ILI t4diefoC will &fee freon the I,,•ass ee ry disease trhfeh bras d, rattle- retry di - largess:Croft n , f th,' velem which can exist ' If b tie dud "wide remat 1 air rnpl fci ,e trill restore tout, perfect sfote •be old.eabotiel. bleed ne dud bloter in,ysy stein is about to fait The prc7f dai. y presenting itaely of the truth of Oun 'nitro . is Pre:Pout of the old structure which will .senn?toble t the 'ground., lishanetesr mars of ignorance and eteptioili INYARIUnt r , dint nt once to this ineirwin . ,'t it a' 'tautly ViatirraaLgit MIE cit. the product Of mle nun roll --4 I COMI)OUIIII ,of twenty two IIifrItZOIII/lllnre,trrios.- ; 'act root has Its Particular pert of the ilatem to act upon and this amen is Dial,* procured— is effect upint the whole system is iniewiliatrly apperen Testimony of,l he 14 , hr:di Matronly:t is dolly c mina to the preps , tor. full of truth, and yo:ii Will always see /fames, places and if. to , ri 'ot a Particle gri false' ciridture fir tittered on the per t o(' this EirtrAT (31.:SATiVg• The piost der 'el Peru-al or tho c stomphletis desik d. It et s the vitatimeter of all the nem - out:try comp aints which pp e% ail. And which into hem) cured by til s amid Et idence of cures:in some of theinost &cadre CAI .C 6 r ih, r etit, F ,o.l), 'tilt* tylii,l,l4{ its been the for one r any medicine to cope a jib, is ouud—cmies whichh avebeen left to die. ~ H undreds in et my large eity ;'your Union and the Canada. ha c to (Multi thisarticlryi or their lives -rind so do they, as letter. t i / u the p 1.5C.ti0 l'pf tint (proprietor adl situ . This GIIRA 111$0I' lIVE n &CUM Dearer, in every stacel GRAVEL, so all kinds of difficulty in the rinary organs: Complain or Or Rintieyp, Weakite•s of the veli; re male irr celerities tinmediatelycherltd. nit a healthy ton g' en ld thelsy stem., Let eVety rem dent nice te sort this Ifni? stie.fieloe, end tide ve other. Dior-I,d Lit r, ludigestion, Iltilieu6 complaitils„Dsrprosia instant It relieved; tpieuaantisin,„Eannt, Sr, prolueed by inaction ' ,f the bland.iwiliwlwayCfind relief, Ilegs, Caich, rice conatunotino, uule• It the patients Rllfi their me.!ical advt.. saga were d etuvad; has been cured by 'lliii medicine: Scrofula and all Et uptive .11,C.11 , e5; I . IICS, rey.ipei.l., Ili almatiort of. tl.e.' oyes. Pulobation of the lb art, Sick - Go.olaelte. intittlice . Fever and .ipte— the O ,lole Cata logue [night 4r nrimed—trA Oh Ttiturtm. boyfio other. but o),,in 30 rua., 10.111.80 t 62; 12 oz. bottler. at St eneh I.lleca tkut that pan ore rot impoed orPle. 1:1 al-% tottle ,lina the Words. t•Vnualot's Vegetable•Luth6titrli4ie Max turd:" bt urn 'low ,the glasa—the a ritten alguature of , (LC. V uglin", on the directin a. and G. C. VEll7lllo. Ruffalo,6l 'aped 'Num the cork. tionoother are genuine pal td Pr I'y Dr G. t'. VAUGHN. and Fold at the grill t (c tAra Age cy"..207 Ma a rirtt, Haffaka. at m boleFale and ' feta I, to. ‘ 1.0111 fill comm 'TAW come preq pool efled ere irsinay h, Ms rale .1 Ihis nadie re. at %b. •. ale Itod rethd. New York lily, flff Noienu it., 11. 1.1.1ke,: elem. 9.95 Eirix it. 'I h Clue float ,Ohio,J. If. Dirge, on 34 it. second door from AVal MY, t. Louie, Mn. J. ‘V*llier.—Griirral Agiets fan .y reipretehle DruggiitiOiroughout,the Unlor. is a , lerl.rd in the p.pyr.. A •nts n this ciwt : Cirter & Broth!, Porton & C .; 5 11•1% illo; 3. 11. !Sutton & Cef.t Watteltt:. I on; toc ; Cirard, L. S. innos & Co.; North rnet, 13. c Tow/. Jul • I , 1E46% , . I ‘ `., W DR. , ,OOD'S SARSAPIAIIILL AAND 'IWILD CHERRY RITTERS, ' 1 Fr the Iveralanent ° e;nocal ofitil s4h a seas, s as role tai' 1 i. , e if an It sodau, e 1:1.,11. hay - flirter' I , '. ~4i, S. !I ,!,I! , a Unto Liter sw& mss ach. Wetikbe cf Me Serrou zw:t fel and a disordered 11,1'41 of C.settul.., ;14. :el 4r11.1 Dr. Wood . S.trtv t lila and Wtht (..;, , rr. , ii ,. t , .. ,,, rt. , 1: r, ? already, by their sub.. anti al eNt the itee, atm 0 tit gy r e f public favor and plat . In .ire, which puts thein,l,rytool t • need of] rocouttueualn too. lacing l'Attltcul4 prri,..tcd f .....-...-...............4 1 .....*-se•.‘-e•---- , :.-41.13.- . by all la need of a tuute..apartant orlutterative rented Runup rills takes a high tank among Pit) slciftne ar i l till other's in the tot of curet i‘ e sprint, anti it it tliiii fa: t which hot. rendered it to 111.,,t,,,11y popular i•st r .01 oth er Metric., of the day, In Dr. W0, ) ,1',. •tand a rd pr'op tr Wiwi. it is v•orrantt a tot. found to gle:alluri•_a and strength, atol gaining Medi by Ili minim is ,ii i 0,,, Ivo,' Cherry. a ttilliC of the /fret order,' ' Thilhappv continuation Is the oafs one PS et. nun's of these urtwela .' and fr, - .“ 1 ,,1, al as It ill Olt the best paalical principle*. and at it virtues text 000314: a tight chentieal arol4Pli, fiXilerillient 11.,is shotint its II:testi:II jloa rr tilitl efric it si, This preparation a ill hr found no trinl, to tip n sure in.! t pen 'y nonce) for thr disr-,,,, roomer ited nhot e._ They lair& the Idol% Serer., regular ingestion, pinata e a healthy action of the 1.11.er mitt Stetnal It, lan: tilt oat' i u the nervel, and at once treurtor 111,11 t'. untl v , ifor it, tb' whole sy, , tern. In a I mess .of ,issroedenezi,-rrt,i,g t\uat iuftige . tion or acrrOti. 'irrpatio , they hale been p , ed la ttli remarkable racerrN; nor urn the!. It-.. , um fu flu, .01'etn eel,' for Iliad elite, Flatitlenei.Lo, - ar ep t ,el.o eui! a general plus' ration of The system. At the ',IMP nine, it Mast be tinted, that tiny ire n. aloe stulent nor nt , nll dangerous ha (Iwo operatien, terurtrg na the t'o the de tireJ effect, awl, by a meaty regular ru-I e ass infltience. Taka.” flatly, in duintet Pretcribrd thry .01 he found to operate In tint gentle! , and talutary mutter, *hich it, la tint, lit , •ir high‘tt n.cotnuteuttation., The law:flog certificates; among many Others tubelt hate been receivettfrom hit mutt reepect..lite t'outcc. for iiigli gatlsfactory proof of the value and Otnesey of it is popelsr utediciue. ' sltinwt 11.*Jutle lE' Mr. E. Trioatteiei.lst. Dear Sir.—)liiis is to certify that my slat:Otter lin, Leen troubled with yspepsta for n numb rof 3 ears. attettled with a cons; tut heatliche sad other datressitte .yinidooor a hints nectinirtny this - disease. She ri.ited Ensten to avail herself of the jut 4y celebrated physicians of llist city, all to no pilirtitme. the ttiliettattern ni a ea 10011, I was induced to purchase a bottle of Or. WttniEs Sarsailn• rifle and Wild Cherrytßitters. Before (show one lotttle she was relieved entirely of the betinnite, nut arte, inking tllO or three bottle., the other spew - thus entirely peered. N. It. MIMS. NORTIT EAtattAttN, Long Plain,July 24, 1t446. Mae E. THOIiTON. Dear Sir,—My daughter has been for more' than two years afflicted with ocanfrmed Dy,spepria and Liver Com plAlia, together with u woo 101itiqut bend:mite.— ing time sho woo con.tit tly attended by the most skillful idol intekigent ph)steinos, but ji,itht little or no re. lief, until we found the di‘ease wairrap dly t tklne the form of e •pfirmed consumption. A t thi. li mn . I d,.t r . • mined to have recourse to Dr. Wood's ttarsopurille nod Wild Cherry Bitters, prepared by you, Hutt it gives'me the sincerest. ple.ts4re to tt.,te, that afteCtho use ofa few. bottles, to daughter woo happtiyare;tored to perfect health. •I have the "highest confidence lo this medicine; and 'shall cheerfully tecommend it to my friends._ Very truly yours, ANSEL WHITE. The curodescrihed in the above cecteticate of Alt White is by no mearito a singular nue. TheVe are hundreds who have been cured from the most twine , or long eontiiitted diocese, by the use of this excellent and highly popular t - enmity. The broprietor recommends it Inthe public with the utmost confidence, for in all care a herr it hail a fair trial, it has Fuccocilrd heiound the roper telenooof patient or even his own. The core with a hieh it lc pre pared multhe intrinsic eorellence of its material., should secure, and have seemed fur it, ni character Web it de serves. Thn prrjudire usually existing egeirrt wheel iced medicines, would not be merited if hestnarid on this. The wonderful cures it hes pnrformrd. end the acknowledged celebrity of its principal constituent., shohlil et once re Commend it to the public favor., , Prepered by E. Thrirnton,..l.—rold wholecate nett rt. i O b it by Wyattle Ketchum, WI, Fulton St.Ni Yd J. our. tpn &Co . Erie. nod by drugggists generally Iheouphoui thoU. S. Pries el, largo bottles. Ool:24.1841. rm 32 fw-Al PIECES Alapacas, Camlets and I\lcroes ePi , just received and for fele by • H. CA Durk. Sept. 10,184G.' 1: N . theOW is the :time to buy (3A VETING ) .— i t Car ming of the best quality awl latest s".yles mu t be sold to make room for a new stock in the Sp ine,..at „ the JEW STORE.' , Eric., Feb. 27, 3817. ' . --i -' 91 CASUMERES, Alpacas, silks and all oth r Dress Goods, ;A thouper rates than at an 1 1 other store in town, as the JEW S' 'ORE. Feb: 'A -1817. Commercial Esc :moo. • rirlHlßl3Ert', Plain and embroidered a Lane, 1 Silt and 018111 : E we Shawls, ala mode, very cheap. at the ,COMMEACIAL EXCHANGE, Erte,Teb. 27, 1647. ;., ' ' . • 41 LADIE S Kid and Morocco Slips and :c=hins, Lcheat , at the I ' WWII/INGE. ,Feb.,27;.1817.. 41 ni , ,e'very every © "---'— fraction ' ffbElE„ " - ;Preach S. Caasitaercia and Si V quality anticolor, • rrti offei atitive east, at dui ' Jr reb,27,-18411.--41 IXTINTER §pertn Oil, tc:pore dit ele,:ibr sale IvtjU k • B.TOMLANSON &. COS. ,Erie, Feb. 13, 1047.1 1 I A .39 niROCERIES.—A good atoort man* ofdry gra', ‘JI - conics always on hand —Motaasea at '37 4-2 - centa posigallon;ugood stammer article.; 1•• • Octoliefiti, 1846. • C. M. TIPMAL , . ,„ 116011tODli,CE a all kinds taken' in eitilia go for •.IL --- goods or on' dicounis by C. M. TIBLIALS.' CictoberfB4.lB46. • 23 rtcYrTONICOODSCoiton 'Yarn frorn.Nii. 5 tolO,Crirldlo Wiok, and Battinr.. i foy,aale ay . No. 3 Perry Bleck .; 'AItI3I.IOICL.M. Aug. 13, 144. _ LIKE REM;t . , - pR. HR RICK'S Standaid Family Medina - ttme s lt tr,viii Et FAV fIITE REM Env or ...."* ..w IDA.V.—T • high ~ , c whiums f ' 'IZ lik Att whore bettenced opo hop. de. e r sey . : .. - "l'e Itny by citizen. or the [high .t rev,. ~ t, d „T . D . ; "irtrullt.. l i., of the atellical peore.•ion Jo awry I„ i ,.. " tof meies,.„ States end Britoodi l'as.pomoo,, cutups a lt ,,, , C , St‘e t..,, of the Conqueror of lona, A la., of A 4 a t iltt Cana lion tesiimu 4 . ) es in dos D0,10 0 ' .. ti0,..„.t a ';',7,- 1 .4 performed by the e ft, chn t e su i ~,,,,,,,,i,,, alley , h -- 'lt 'en cil toe It 1110111 of 1 C eirillettl f oeslty..,,t b.' - ' 4 . (14 .1- / . renovate. of th e dio had kw , tr•ed in Iso l a. ' --' %' ..P.4114. , ,DR. lIERRI.:K.'S VEGETABLE strGia • CATED PILLS.' - - ._, M.ybe u ,.1 anti maroyem .u.ono. Inzerberg 4..,, , I, l o, ring a gentle aml iyomtne 'Meiotic. Th„l -,'`'' ler itli astonish mai quiettnee• t he .cla wes ' .. heart. pain. mot so,c.ok top. 0 r the eti, p ro f . 5i e,,_ 1.2., all knoole of fetter t od o M o t o , o 5. , ~ „ 1".., " the human body. foul ticalto. ) rove I ton i u .. l : 4 ,trtatos o te a holotoalcostillettess sudin all ca. t . 4 k ee . 11 , ... ac h and bends niC load'ed,uith ho •icrs,ll,,h a , "la .1 liCti'l ft of illi.C.l , e• Enyti box clini s i ns J o i ~. :•bir. rented u oohs, oath to fly s ere t ado, snd r e m fc, dr:: e : t : . 9. 41161 3 L. hie no Ur, mars ! oe. !A1....!, lIEItRICK'S . CIATIC LINI3IENT Tip ,4 x , , ... . _ . INFALLIBLE RE3lf,by For 101r1.1341,..ctu. flrailtb. Bradt', T..ltse t f (. 4 ,. 1. Solo Throol e Ablol;.2•Y l iCrott ~ ,! -:".71 , , ,t e.„. 1 ., ..4. 1 . a k i t ,....' I essa Ap.o 0 the are,. f torsi• r • .o• or i ~,,,t . , r , 0i,,,.<..,t the Opine. Perk ted I.ttoh•, , ozd ~,h , ,,,, • I extern slap p Imatinto .13 ondn'so. T,te r.y o m, l' a '.' so pre Litt a WONDER WOll lil • Cl ,F.Dtcri E c.,,z: .1 cut of the :those :tor re! Cl. 1.11. 1 ..4 li i , W ND,' It AND.ATIIIIRATIO. orthe. - sothl' r ut al 1 ,„ 1 , 00 , 16 ,,,,,ei v 001 the [ tu,e , ,,f.th .. 1. 1 1,,,,,k,, ~,,... is tI icy, the the tor Las pot the price at `...i.00t s E .k .y 1.4, ile has t;.ta !amt.'s. I..trlle Itioss 11 it. the ;Dn. ~i ~,,,,, _, oil in asEut of a eliseosed kit.ibe.accomlA,,,t iiii , I ( ' . reel . ..nes. Litenise cenerolitebtlits :Mewl Ilit% r .,,., •nol weakliest, I'S the stomach and /meets. este al to` t ; •nler. los. of aptlente. !et tabling of the haN s . 1 , , i,, lion ror' the heart. 121111(11o.. Ague:tool FewerJand 41,4 tooy in,' ri•0.1111.0'1 1 11/1. kit 1 Ilifli lt, the O t t o f i - DERRICK'S VEOETABLE TONIC ..1 BITTERS. I Put up iu boxes 'ae..onv,,ult.l Is tilt , hiections, ar i ,..u . , 'Seta E tett box n -II make i•an - a r.,11,,u. le tie ..‘, umnieer can Tlingit... Colrls A sttana, -.. opprent .i do .a ., a te •i : Wio.npioe Ct ur I. Ciup, 14.1111041400 ftt.i Ls:. and recent I ascs of the t't outcropped be re stly kotp, t Idol our, loto• rove.! bt ~ ,i - DRiIIERRICK4 31E1)I('ATED COUGIA LOZENGES. •I'r' t@3 r le. Ton of Corm Leornees a - re a! ' o aost•.... e to e. Tun 'Pi I rNIPPANT sUCCESS. ',bleb et,. •thc e., attend. She one of Derrosit's Worm Coconino ; Lozenge. et the dot, uottott nod expulsion of ' , Mete I. n th o't lane so •3.sTslll. Las placed thentfir.t on the ( que er ; orre,tornloa. 1 . 1... V sere pleb, .1.4 1? intr. • Chlidrru f- them, end then. I root is inch as tokastonish the bett.l,t o ,Prso e 1..-z. CI b .1s tilt full direct...l.s I , 'I hose stiffener f et , I-1.nin....”.1 e I ..1. itc•.. 1.1 the Incl.'. sate. an 1 ' L u i „, ' .., Witettonsle.m...l, 1 tango. etr...el find a friend wit,. a 0. 111ERItIels.'4 , GAl.B.‘lum STRENGTH I 1:NIING l'l. Slllt. . , Sioread on, fro. Kid lesrher, so I near 'roll ere to sr 1.1 1111: 1:1. s :..llyiCS ,rul.fettiibg - e t ..,, 11l 0:rt1.,t,..nV.,,,.n:i.!,rrit1eti7,,,1 cmI'APE,ST PLASTER NOW CC cat:. • s . . -- . j`/' , . : TO THE 1.1.711El ( '. ' 1 5 St, mach hat any been rani. it) tome N a York ctiom that they atoor• Mot the prii . itrce to oo•A e led Ind •!I tb.tr Cf.t.teil t• EL and one ell it preen . 1 if sad sdlert ._. fit it 1... 1.., a lottor tot (roe ridoloor. t. 1 , '.r.. • the 1 10 , o 'ring this pr ootteo of .lei diem It. lore t• r. pod! r math, o f . em to: ju twee ii; the cate.i n I wilt r . .....t. 4. of tt.. t _. roteltt loocer to extol. rkti, newt I. ho. armee toil. Berke, the Couttnoormtner of - Patents at Vo - a..litniteu • tor tiller ill 011 s 11 00 to g loon I filo. IL U. S . Paltel OE. e J o .. If, 15.;6. iDr. Derrick—Dear Btr—Yeur,le ter of rte - ;(.`..r.st. Las *teen Jet . 1.0,1. in Jr," 1/1110 :‘1....11. 1 - q1 : 111•11.0,101 at. li dell . , 11, bee 1, Crat.led cut! 1 . 0 pail rni..l 4 wilit 30141.1 i t ", t o , t ,for t o m s too thlt co- r. cer•l 1• s. eh a pter.t (41: fund to t`... ugh e. R t . ! ..1 I lent". • •• 1 I ifIIUNI, Pt PEE. t . -- , , I— Plosniplldets ono tr pm 1211110 r ellfT3l t 01(1.1V.,,, 1111 MEd:l i:I1 • rnny Le-hurl of not 1 1 the .1 g.rt- ' Pr f it,. ip OPerol 53St Ate strtet. Albar,„ lEtra in r ci ,r. want LI ,I :e ,11 rr-- r t.' - ''AGf 7% 11' 4 --.1 H. lu. v , ri & Co Jo' +i ('in i r• 7. , I r rri.:liuitkiii &1a 411 r, 41,i.:a0• ~n .J,ll 11...),..,%. , I: tbl. Ftl, ,t , 1,1: --,Ii 'l' V. 111 . f rr+ N I r t' \Ylt 1111: ANir lottur.t , t lore- a;1 1 .1.. If, the Z.lll I • AO. • • Vl'. inle Ilts:lino Vegetable riiht • oft', N,,r. 11 3 tar 40.•4 II.• Ith we 4,1 1 , ! k , lip n: , •lx all i1C11,1.16 r J toast 1 •,, I.N DK• I t••• OW, Ill" hr r. tut As tet tht prim. ip:. 11111 11, t111n,o) •II tru,:t r abjet. it to bats ..•••••••••-• woreic”.o, diretlie ou Num, nt. .ictri Ors Pi err ,NP:',(; • 'AD 1-I.I.IETINGN'I It PC .4. 111 il• r•••‘• r ,s.re In• •.‘ tilt..fit•lr • r• i=a2=lM •.,4:141, art (L, jntc ' When we Ri-h In rritr t), ,e , ilt,in it i•f it, nui nar if Ile u 101 to Ct fin Cle rti-0,11 or o o .} , ,r:%1. r Al(riutte"- ind nn l'erzciettle Pitt. P.1:11)- i , ....1",- , ti:,,. li -t, I 4 ~ 1 L ,n,,t :.”711.7 1€;:s.11, 1 , 1 1 I' 1%,,! ], r . , 2 t :, , , ~7 , , , ) rust Ft:kill 114 Pt . ,ciple. ~f I , ‘• - i e t , ~ e •'• i .: • \ k lit. 11 . :,:, t; t',' I I 'l y• . :ire 4:Zikr. co d Pirri+wr. '`l's 11 ',IC I . - r..1.1.11s ert,,ll nt•, ,t, 6.25 . • l',:l,in - i' . .;:.1 . , - Tll- 1,,!.`.. -r, r.:l-er: I tn.. - •rur n ii- n c )14 1t C> w! ,r . , JO t —AI .1 ItA 11) t .iturar atti.ilar to {lr iht s LAO lre•wyn; •r F• •,•h. fir! T 11,1 t at •• t 1,4 t 0.- • the 1...!!, :!o ■e 11,411., 1 . . 1..\ blita ZIANNIII, 4 111V41: , 1% 11F.W...a , _.l/2e 1 VIP it ar, I fr. , 11,1 e %?.:141r:st - ... , P r::•4 Vr • IGNATI - kr ‘V.I K, •L .,, T.N . At' rt . .. 0 1, Ist C 'lv/fee/ell U.U U I 0 tl 11 eletUSI, VI) to thr ti is 4 , t‘ ht)!malo 410.1 I, . i , ! , •,- • t•rq `.2'Sfirrettiatch Strt ct, N., }, •1 act lu •1, I'o- ion:b . . ir.pr(l3l V.,vril bare , 4111L.,1 Ugelltio . f.-1 Fur I.' , LL , T Eril• m. & CO.. Watciford 1711 O'NLI I'It.IS 11.0.VE Ti IM - 11 S I EN 11111,,,d, 1;:t ta/•• •17i Plll/1,:( •I'rrtuuut The fltus I been euly :tp 0 0..9;.m r. S. a tun ell uic Jo'L u Is (la r J. IS N. V. 'lll Erwin.. At er &. rot:, W. 11. Towri 0. C. ! ,"Is. Sen. r. Lobo. it Nur: Itt r, Mrs! Sviinc6PA. Sprinc6cl , l.l Watt,lou.g.' North Enet. rs fv, Clerv. n rrie,: Ip' is Titt• r. I. CA DW F:LLkba. lost 3rrive , iip 1 w York, by IrePApr , ..., 1 - .1. , r, i 1.7 or:lnent'oPLadies I ire•s t. , e!- 11 : Tered in this mark , ', assn; m.,6, d terns French belancs. ;1' do rashh.ercs, • ", Casrilions, ,1 1 ' [rep Delany.. . French 'Robes, 'do Ombrce itolienno, Fancy lie- A:a,i)ociovr 1 ' .. nis of %oriel's styles, I . - Cr. vacs, assorted, Polka Correll, e . ; . :",ilk for Mantillas, . • Velvets and B.:tins for Bennett!, and Lace Edeiti.gs, land Cotton Ribbin, as,-ortment of Ribbons, , and black silk 'Prin'res, ik and Worsted (=loves, 4 _ ', hmere, Wofsied and Cotton Hose, ett and',lsoiss Muslins d Tassels, and an enjitss otiet7 ei in tho Dry Goods trade. • ciret N 5 ~ at • • C ADW ELLS - . , f." - THAT 1 trunt N thy was ev,tr may b fon 50 phti, 40 d' '.11; 20 - lts d, 10 d: '5O pie.' 54) Sha 8 do!, 30 dol Wide • Coloret Thteti Linne A rich Colore, • Kid, Si • Silk, Jacket Cord al every thing 'get the pla ' N0v..7. I G EAT, • - ..Z RIVAL.' JUST RC 'EI V ED, 'yell assorted I,4wedea, 'Russia, Eireji= nd Annsiican Iron, pring, Cast, Blister cm 4 Gernarf Red astern and soutlierei oat Spikes, I 100 Tons • 20 • 200ke x 60 - . . 10 ". 01aipeners' Finishing Nail', 3000 point 'sa.,solled Challis, -. . 100 pair race Chains • SO dozen Shovels, Sp ade and Barn Forks, 2000 pairs trap and hook Hinges k 30 setts t inz Spring s , Sprin. t . ..., 20 ," • xle Arms, 50 " round Wagon and Boo'' , 81 " e "` SMitli t a.A. vita: Vices.BellOws and lionierli Milli Oro- ut, Tennoamood.ri, an d Euz Saw* Hay and ZArtim Kni: l itest - • , Brass Fire Setts- an Candlesticks,- Solo t .., Weights,ad Balances, Sleigh, H use, Dinner, ( t ow arl Shup B e ' Axes of el,* deseriptio • . Brass and Porcelain' Keles ,r • Whitewa:l), shoe, horse ran d 8r041,e,,. Ship , t to se Carpenters* and 4oiners' TO. i / Coopers' 1- oola complete, . Shoentalte a' do. aril Trimmings, Tea Serve a °fall sizes, I A lar, • stock of Saddlery:, Manes; Ili rinse Tat mines of , every deserilitien; is Ten Tho sand dollars worth of Il' l ufiieli stra 1 be sort at prices that w ill suit H. CAD" EMI! I. v. '280516,, , Ede, IS , Fr filed p ash. C Eric, ED—by D. Tomlinson 4 CL i. _,,,1 0 nub Street, any nrilutter.,l•47l dee r toe. in exchange t;)r (=No:no Q.,, eh paid for Grain - of all kinds. 4% .', mill 16, - I , 3.titi. . . . .. . MEM 7 crl rire, he Put i