Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 10, 1847, Image 3

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"The World Ls Go+ •med to
E R.
1 , PA
FOR uoisnxon,
• FOR t CAZIA't pomm:ssr
ii Q Ilt S •14 NG'S,
.--- ,
Appolatmeet by the Pre'
county, Parm ay Ti t ania, to be
U: S. ',Mint at '/ I iladelphia, in
ROAM removtll •
We rccor4 tN appoi s nimeni
a pride. Col. nowden--is f j r ,
- ' I
Pennsylvania, and although hi- valuable ser
,ices and name are the preper.y of the State;
ne of this section take pride . in adliance
nem. We never had abetter State Treasu
rer than t Col. Snowden, and we are sure he
Rill - till his ffresent appointment with equal
credit tohinioll. 1:
, ,
,'° Navigation Open. .
The Steritnbnitt Nest,. 0 leans, from Dotroit,
rode her a ayintp',gort on NVrdnesday with
tot encountering anyc i obstruction from the
«e , She together wit ',' the fadison, Cant.
wFaiden, having in, tilk,i;- the chooner Citi
:o, left on 'Thursday- fkT the %•est. Another
trat, wf did:not learn ihe:na e, coma irk on
Thu t „ v r , day night, and noy ( 'ridgy) lays at
.. ,
ancß)r in the little Bay. =
7 le newn'given in our last .1 the defeat of
Sa'n's Anna by our brave volt' teers and reg-'
't!ar under, the 4.4llitnt Taylor at Buena Vis
a( the 22d aM. 23d of February, and offt
ea ly contirmq 'n o-day's Ohserveriland the
tlclessful landir '
) g o f the . - e pe si t.i6n under
Gea. Scott, and , inV l estritent - f . the city of
'Vera Cruz, will be read with hrilling - inter=
tat by the whole_ country he former is
most gloriotis,.yet truly moor fail! Glorious!
because the stars and stripes, the J em li blein of
freedom and progres.l, still w ve' in triumph
ovtr those brave l‘earts wto 'survive the
cd(nage and death! of that ensanguined.
UK, i tilorious! because ant). her great battle
.04 and righieous vat. has been
fought' and won! Mournful ecause its glo
has c't t the country so nanny , valuable
titcs!-=; many good citiz. nsl—so . many
' good snldters!—so many .brav officers! But
they !ell p ot unavenged—ltea son heaps i of
their slaughtered foes lay pil d around ,t'hem
and for{ to sleep before their murderoug° am
rot! And they fell,too, wit! their faco to
theenemy—riot flying at hit
like true'voua of gallant sire
and haul to hand, they dote
cur or'to: fall. We may not, nor is it / mete
for ahy, to t pia out here a name and dere. 'a
came, from among-the list orbrave men who
distinguisfwd themselves an yielded up their
lives on the' altar of their coot try in this battle,
but let the tear. of regret and t w sigh of sympaf
thy be offered as a tribute ti the gallant' darf
in; of adtkfTwers and prix te.l--:the sod jot'.
affluence and a name and t le son of, poverty
and obscurity—for u ll pli -e were 'eqiially
brace, aril equally ck•servirg, t he 'reinembrance
and gratitude of. their ':;t4nt% t ~) wen. ' Truly
call lie say with our broti er of the Bntlialo
Co vier, 'Gallant ! gallant ons! ...1'
t'llt? sle.lollo brtsc.wlic ~itili to :reit '
try all their lvollatry'a Won. rs blest.'" . _l`
'he battles of dhilo Alto and Resaca de la
no, and the terming of Monterl;y, wer ! e
.IyUvgartledgreat battles'—g,lorlits tk
AMerican a ms , .laut ils ilt:Bliena 'Vista,
i-tops theo l t 11. It stands our, wh , en , we
•1-iderltlie ,ii curustances as' the great bat':
,:e,Of 4 tnnc'eS'it ti tcs, - itt.'eoo tnd steady cour
t well-pl. Mied actin . Let old Ettropt,
...tilt its, dp . at standir g and long-drilled
arid their.way-wOr 1 veterans, look to
._. ..liesp com paratively untrained volun
eerg, only iive thousand tr ng, facing ar ene
my, of More than three time. their numbe v)ell
disciplited, and under able generals, galling.-
ly fight ug for twp long da)siresisting charge
after cb rgC, and at last h !ding the field vie-,,
tolious.l: Tel?, then, is the c not courage, the
mast litln-hearted, and skil the most consum-
Mate? Heroes! hoUr the n . tional heart throbs
with patriotic pride for the' valor, and mourns
fur their slain. The twen y-second of Feb
ruary will be now doubly cherished by l i the
American people.", '
a,qc and
hi--t i
- By thelastaec - onnts th ,
he Rio Grande, had been I
(if maraudin g r. Mexicans, a
opi ,
ened unobstructed from
'&e . T. Santa Anna wag
, z ,ardsSan Lille Pbtosi, w
his broken army
Gen. Scott's operationi
tut the precursors of
in the reduction of the. c
news of which we are co
to rCeeive. Unleqs we g
williying a close to the w
must see that. eveil utr
them the deep s into ditric'
battle they ine t with noth
diTter. And volunteers !
lexigri from the United
augmenting our forces,
but little chance of makin
tap i hopo of su ccess, or
Eig the farther adv anCe o
y. Such being the con
look for the extending of
oa the part or the telex
indeed already is it rum
Inks;sent in a cominun
can congress to propose p
relian e can be placed
All the Le
- Th. federalists boast
tains "all the learning an d
county—especially after
it.lntd'nt been for i the, ig
erats, ) btc. Lc. they wo,
rninoTy. "rho Pe l nneyl
ttiem har,d'one on thi s .
wis recently taken by t
berg, Lehigh 'county, in
ceptan'co pi file cbnn.
.stood—For acceptance
Heidelberg gpnerally .;
for the •Fedetal ticket.-
hat their party con
• intelligence" of the
a defeat--and that if
orance i of the demo.
Id not now be in the
[anise, however, hits
laim. ' Xt says a vote
I o Citizens i f Ileidel
this State, n the ur
n school ry tem, and
21, against 137!-
1 .118 a ti,n , imouslyote
Still bent
The Boston Post as
ufacturing Compaq it
factory in Amesbul thi
by 56 wide. These
bent on "Ruled in spi
the Salisbury Man
end to erect another
•Iseti‘son, 100 feetlong
nufacturers are still
• whip creating.
: Ttie Gazette and Individual Liability. '
After a, long chase / we hakre at length forced
our cotemporary, lutd a-defensevf its oppp
, .
position to the incorporation, of the individual,
liability clause In charters of private comm.
vies. ; lAnd what:think you, reader, ours, 'is
the reason (for they name but ode) these fed
eral editors give for this opposition tow' mau
-1 ifestly just' provision?—what think you is
the - ea:son given for pronouncing 'it - "but bn
idle figment of-the brain incapable of being,
[ reduced to practice, and repulsive the common
sense of every enlightened 'business man"?
That think you is the wise excuse for de
nl3 uneing Gov.. Shunk as “silly," and this
v‘i il established principle of pemocracs as
"a\ surd ";? It mays be found ii . rf the following:
/ / 'We are npposed to the personal liability of
eor orations because it carries with it a spe
cie or imposition, or, in other , words , conveys
a fi titious :monied value, far surpassiug, prob..
ably, the actual means of those composing the
Company / thus chartered by legislative enacti
anent. Conseq onlly, peO le may, on this ac
count, repose 'limited cuinfidenee in dishon
est, rotten hen erns, and, in the event of ex
plosion, su tai ruinous losses."
,/ •
piNER) j
IT R E ir R .
tdont 1
v, of Venango
Ireaanrer of the
place, ofja - Aitc
w•ithlee ings
rn'Nor,tll west
..11, ... . JO
If our read rs and the public don't agree
With us that his is .reasoning with a ven
I,geance, we'll give it!up and say that "inlivid
unkliability" is a humbug. But it will be
I - .
news',. we i ,
agine, to writers on political
economy to learn that becatise a man eir num
ber of men re held individiially, respnsib i lti
in all their propert y for all their :debts, anti'
can in no way escape paying them, that - they
1 thereby practice "a species of impoSition," be
bause, forsooth, "people, may" believe that
they are worth a great detti more Om they
really ate, and in event of their failing "they
,(the. "people",) . sustain - roinous losses.!'—;
Verily has "kripe.4 don" of Ohs "speeies" been;
practiced for a mat number of yeal.s, and no
modern phifarjthropist everthought of %vim
, ing the peoplc i of it before. But the world is
1 growing wish' apace—forimerly a 'igeneroiti
confidence?' was all that was necessary, ac
cording to federal doctrine, to make She c an
try,proaPerous: Now, however, aecordin to
the above this' "confidence," based up n-a
man's persorial property, goods and chattels,
lands and hereditaments "conveys a fictitor their paper or !cr dit,
monied value," to his .
"consequently,l people may, on this acco nt,
repose unlimited confidence" in i his. and aLso
, ciates solvency, and "sustain riiinelis lesses."'
On the other hand, according to this reason
ing, if a company is ehartere i dby-the legi stature,
withont this clause, the"peeple" lent not ‘'re
pose unlimited confi'r ence" in its solvency,
will not trust it, and Bence will not sustain
ruinous losses. Now, is this Sol Let facts
and experience, of which ofir neighbors - p ate
so much, iy:ewer. ' The
U nited States nk
L , .
And feat the_"pdividuel liability" clause i its
char4r, yet .0 ‘he people" "reposed'unlirry.ed
confidence" in • ita ' solveriey, and sustatped
"ruinous losses;" T'lle' , ,Banks of St: Oak',
and River Raisin, ptate lidnk of Illinois, qer
rnan° 'Melt of VVBoste;,' Bank of Gallaplls,
and some fifty wild cat. concerns in Michill
together, with hundreds of others all over the I
Union “tliO people" . hare severally "repqsed
unlimited confidence" in . anti / sustained "rhin-
ens lossel." The stockholders of non of
these were individually respoissible fort
eir l
debts. Nor has any better, results been riehiev-,
cd by manufacturing - eempanyp chartered
without tnui firovi si dn. IN e. need ettly , a - lab - I
' to the disastrous career of the "Great Wtes- 1
tern Iron Company," which failed for an ;jam%
merise <airiount, and Ats , creditors sustained
"ruinous losses;" and to the North American
(We thittkit was)'l4ining tr, Rail Road Compa
ny oiltekuylkill County, which also failed for
a larg amount, and its creditors sustained
"ruinous losses." These are sufficient—they"
show that invithial: , , or Companies, or brinks.
are riot* safe iink4s their property and s the
property of those owning-their stock, is held
by their charters or by the law, in trust for
the debts they may contract. I And haying
thus shown, we think 1 'satisfactory, that, the
• i ,
ground assumed in the ! commencement of the,
Gazette's article is unsound, and ash necop-_
sary consequence the 1 arguments based up
on it ; also, and thekeferit do not rhenire
further notice, wel will eloe with the hope,
that our neighbor will in his next, tell us up
on %let principle fof ethics he would co fer
the privilege, of contracting debts to me in
Lancaster and' HOotington counties w ich
they may or may n'ot pay at ,their plea . ure,
and debar the iroa:snanufacturerii, arid '
companies engaged in business in Erie cot
tram the Same privifege; For we hold th
'goodlaw •zr system! ought [p i be general—.
should not be confined to particular nim
section s. ' i • •,-
approach, but
face to face
mine.i to con-
Jleyi of
the behda
th Mon
°treat to
mains of
cared o
11 comet
n full
t i the r
- We find in the Wash glon Union of \tbe
Ist, a)let ter from the Pre ident tcf, the
tory 01 the Treasury, sett nglorth thirt i ! is
the intention 9f-the Gover went licreaft to
levy inilitary contributions the enemy, by
establishing a tariff of duties to enforced in
all the ports of Mexico 'that may fall into our
lands, and asking him 4 repert a schedUlo of
duties for that purpose. This is a neyr fea
ture in the' prosecution of the war against
Mexico, and ,were not our column's so much
crowded this wee with the army news, we
should be pleased to give the letter of the
President • and the Sectary's answer in full.—
The Secretary's reply containi a scale which
herecOmmends for adoption.l This scaledif
fora from the tariffs of both thkr United States
and Mexico, but,i in hie opinion, is adapted to'
secure the 0 - meat amount of revenue, and be ,
enforOable by the officers of the army and na
vy,-hy' whom tbeArties are to be collected.—
Some' , sixty articles are nbsolutely excluded
by Mexico, but are admit t ed 3 , this arrange
ment. ' AU dudes tole paid. n gold and sil
ver.\, Vein, now, riot allowed to be exported
'may be freely sent abroad. :Every port on
.the Gulf and Pacific Coatis to be seized and
our military syStem enforced." The whole
country and especially the isthmis to be open
ed from ocean to y ocean for the benefit of our'
siwn commerce,' and that of.the world.. • The
Secretary argues his plan fully and ably, and
we think concluSiiely. It May pot,be unim
portant to say that the planlias been approv
ed, in advance, by the National,lntelligenier,
the organ of federalism at tie seat.of govern
ment; and pence we shall expect that at least
this one measure of the Administration fur the
prosecution, of the war will not incur the op
position of that party.
era Cruz.
. brtl l ian
y and
eatly mi
•" triumph
astle, the
take, this
Lt.. The!Mexicans
igglo- but plunges
'Ries, and in every
ling but defeat and
are pouring into
States, which, by
paves Santa Anna
further head, with
iruspect of check
our victorious ar
liti.ln of affairs, we
overtures or peace
'can government.—
red that Santa An
cation to the klexi
peace . Howituuc h
this we L een% pre-
I,** . la retard to Gen. Irein'e vote, on the
Tea and Coffee . Tax, if ourneighbore
ue the documents 'We'll examine them,
and if we find we have misrepresented him,
we will set"toe• matter, right. s - ,We scorn to
misrepresent for misquote ap opponent,.
Would that our neighbor did. -
Military Contributions proposed
__ . • . ~,- -i ur
,!A ' I A Secret Getsbrattento -
o . '', , o 4 day night last,: at about half. past
10 o clock, after most of our citiz ne . bait re
tired, thaY were aroused by the beating off
drums, firing of guns, ringing of ells,' batit
log o f dogs,-'w - hooping and halleoing of men
and boys,• which taken altogether, the confu
sion of Babe) wasn't a circumstance to., ; Men
jumped from their beds and half dressed hur
ried into the street—children squalled, and
women fainted—ei l hether Santa Anna had ta
ken the;town, or Miller's prophesy was about
beingfultilled, was a query in all. minds, and
upon which there was a diversity of Opinion.
One thing was certain, something unusual
had broke l oo s e. And there had! One or
.• /
two, of the Federal party, who have front the
day Get*: Taylor deflatid the Mexicans at
Palo Alto and Resaca
,e 'la Palma, denottnCed
tile, war, in the hinge+ of their organ, the
Commercial Advertiser, as "Polle'a war) fdr,i
the extension Of slavery," Ike- Ilze-ven the red
ceipt of the &dohs news of the defeat cfl
Santa Anna by our brave volunteers and regi;
ularS under Gen. TaYier at:Buena Vista, se
cretly concocted a plan to get- up a celebration
among themselves. For this • perpose they
selected the hear of ten o'clock at night, when
almost every body had retired, and having
persuaded someof their whigs, (who we
joust do the jiistiCe to acquit of any participa
tiop in the previous sentiments of the leaders
or their organ, ) thei procured a transpare ncy; a
c9uplg of iliqms and a fife, four or five muskets,
and a few allow candles, and aaer lighting
'up the Cou rt House, commenced ringing the
boll; and with the tra i nsparency in front para
ded peprincipal streets with mrtial music
and an occasional salute of
etry. The
proeessionl consisted of some half a dozen
m,ert,''a i ntrinber of tioya and dogit, all_ vieing'
With. each ; other which should, make the most
noise. In the end the , dogs appeared_ to have
the best of it, when the others turned their
batteries upon them and gallantly drove them
• yelling from the field: May's charge at Re
saca,de la Palma on the 9th of May wasn't a
circumstance td thii•of the gallant:followers
of A. "hasty plate of sottp," on .the ever
memfrabie'night of the sth of April. Noth
ing in the storming of Monterey can be corn
pared, toil-.rand; we doubt whether'the recent
gtorious,shievement at Buena Vistavakinr
nish is, parallel. Certain it is, ive have exam
ined the campaigns of Bonaparte, and find in
none of the battles' of , that bloody period, a
charge where so much cootrieis•was displayed
us the successful charge upon the dogs,on
Monday night. ,loong drill the future histo
rian ponder over this page in writing the stir ; - ,
ring l eients of the age- 7 1lie,noveilist willem
balm it in story, and the minstrel will atone
hts harp strings to the pathetic "ti-i-ti-i" of the
retreating, dogs and the exulting shouts of
their pursuing victors, ashri Calls his loved
one:forth to wander in the still twilight how
along the banks of Borne• tiny lake or . puriWg
Stream:- . - I , . 1
-- I 1
But all,banter aside—And this performance,
concocted secretlY among two or three, who
never make a Move of this character without
some sinisterehject s „and carried out at the
dead hohr of the night, is their or
gan and mcitith piece a demonstration of "Hon•
;or to (he Brave." We Wonder the; writerdid
not blush in • penning such ati‘„ insult to the
wetarga or tuc-psopiri .- - s - criney TITI WISIICII to
pay a tribute to the worth end gallantry of
Gen. Taylor ! , to the memory * tif thcise brave
-volonteerS who-fell do the erisanguirted field
of -Buena Vista, or those;brave' hearts wit'n left
hotbe and kindred and all their enjoyinents to
fight the battles of their; country and hay'sur
vived theconflict, would thby, we ask, hav ght- t
tee up'suclt a disgraceful performance ; a that'
of Monday; niglti Would they have se ected
such an unseasonable hour, or wished 'o ex
chide any ttriat might desire tb joint them.. For
that they did so wish we take forgranted from
'the secrecy of the whole transaction— We
'say no!—it was not tp "honor the, brikvel"--
~ More still—these men and their organ hale
`denounpedl the war from its ineentiorr to,the
' presentstime. They are of ;the Corwin stripe
.: • t
Of of ederit !whigery. TheYare the gentiemen
who, When the Second Regirrietit otPennsyl
vania volunteers were called for, ritliculed,end 1
' threw cold water upon an attempt to raise a l
company of volunteers here. Their organ it';
,was that in noticing this attempt made use of
the following langitager 4 i ' •:, . C 1
"The fact is, we have as many good soldie;i3
for a good , cause in proportion to our popultt- 1
tion as any other community, but for Abltd
cause, like Polk's war for the extension of
Slavery, we opine that it requires the dense
' populatioti!of a large city, aided by its loose
morals, whistling, drumming and drinking,
to fill a corps of volunteers respectable in
t ler
,• t a
[1 or
Arid yet these are the men—the perpetra
tors of the above base libel .upon our 'brave
Volunteers now'encamped) around the city of
Vera Cruz; whose "loosei morals, whistling,
drumming and drinking"' induced them to en
list in a "bad cause, like Pollee war for the
extension of slavery," who Were the . getters
up of this performance which they choose, to
call "Honor to the Brave." Out upon such
base hypocracy. The gloiious events of the
eighth and ninth of May spread a thrill of en
thusiasm throughout the length S and , breadth
of the hind; yet instead of any demonstration
of rejoicing and approval, or "Honor to the
Brave," it received their decided conderana.
title.' That condemnation did not stop, with ,
arraigning the democracy as: the authors' of
the war e b ut as above, they stigmatised these
who volunteered as men of "loose morals,"
enlisting in s . "bad cause,", under the poten t/
spell of "drinking." The storming of Mon
,terey followed—Santa Fe fell into our hands
without firing a gun—Tampico surrendered
to our gallant navy,• but still the war Was
condemned by them. Time' passed ent-r
neivs came of Taylor's perilous eituatit4-.
their elongated visages brighened up—Tayilo . i
would be, cut off, and' then there would be
fine * chance: t 4 ibus'a tht) - Administration fo
leaving him id anclaan exposed situation i
,s tv
so few men. , No matter\ whether he had he
elm that advanced positioned his own re peal
sibility and contraryio the aiiiice of.the We i r
Bepartment or not — they could misreprese 't
the 'teas and Make' political capital again t
the bemocracy.i Then rumors began to Om
ip that "Rough and Ready" had defeated San
ta• Anna, and was ,safe. `• They didtabelieve
it—"it was 14038161 e after having beero 'l)u
posely robbed of all his regularaby the Pre -
ident; for The purpose Of haying him deatio . -
id." ,Anon the, news: of the hivestno4 f
Vera Cruz mired and the detest of 'San
Anna was al so con firmed;.-and the petfonnen ,
en Monday 'night . tones*. Any' ens` it
principal indlykdualengaged
Iknowsfor what purpose!-
ifi at least, for It barely no.,
us ended the great Secret
I. O JRS been well said that twit),
nese rather than light bet
1, arc evil!
quninted with th
in getting it up,'
The Gazette d
ticea it! And
celebratioti., It
men' choose du
cause their deed;
i the War. -
We _learn fro mthe Buffalo Courier tilt
Lieut. Col. Pay, of that city, appOinted unit*
the Ten Regim'ent Bill, received orders and
left on Monday for New York to awning) the
command of foUr companies , of the lOth'Re
giment infantry, rendezvoused there, and from,
thence to the seat of war. Lieut. Col. Fay ,
is a gallant ;officer and will give a good ac
count of himself. • ,
Whenever we open a i Locofoco newspaper
containing a Governtrient advertisement,-we
are mire to find ire editoital coluoins unusual
ly full of falsehoods and calumnies: The pa
tronage of Government, shining upon a Loco
foco papal, generates lies and slanders mint-
Kelly as the anti "breeds maggots in a ;lead
dog."—Commercial Advertiser.
And wh6n we open a Federal Mexican
Whi g paper, we went , to find its editi:olial
columns "full of falsehood - fend calumnierin
regard to the war , --tnuticiations of ti as,
"Polk's war for the: e tension of slaved'—,
I appeals to. the pockets of the•peple instead
of their reason and honor, in regard to its ex
pense—labord attempts to' give aid and com
fort to the enemy" by proving our goiernment
wrong and Mexico right, as for instance, Tom
borwin's speech—but we don't expect to see
a 'word about that "ruin" with which they
said, six mouths ago, the country would be
visited—and we are not often disappelated!
All these things are as natural to them as
their mother's milk—or if not, there is so
much treason in their souls thit they tatty.°
themes natural as a duck to water.
7"lt is said that a new. rolling mill isibout
to be established in the immediate vicinity of 1
Boston, with' a capital! of $500,000. This
tk i
concern will come u der our down -street.
neighbors' classificatio of "odious manufac
tories," owned , and con ucted by proud aris
tocrats. Its redeemibg feature, however, is
that it will employ a large number of work
men at liberal wages.-i—Gazette,
No! not as"noW rolling mill" "in the . im
mediate vicinity of Boston with a capital of
$500,000"? "IVhy you told us not a gieat
while ago that that goodies tariff" of '46 would
bring "ruiri,"unprecedented and unheard", on
tho manufacturing interests of the cobntry.
Indeed, on all interests._ HoW is this? You
wore either mistaken or thee men arsicr!czy!
Which? And "it will eynplo a laigsf s pumber
of workmen at li6erahrages,' witild Why,
man, that calf t helm, or else on of your breth
ren predicted wrong when he aid, "Within
isix months from Jan. I,' 1847, labor will 'be
reduced from 45 - to 20 per cent.' Now thes,
good friends, evplain these dik epeUcies, or
the people wilt sets you down as rrant hum
• I
:illy the by, will our neighbors poin
editorial in the Obserker where that
of "odious manufacccirles" may be found.—
We think it would he acuriosity—we do in
i -.T - A must, reiverrk.l.l..., ii,rrs---turcerr
. . .
place in public opinion regarding Po ent Medt.
cities—people who ten years since niciuld rcout
istsille idea ofa "Stainable remedy," mire resort-Ist
ogee to it.., Yam:he's Vegetable Aliatnrehae ob.
•taitted a great reputation at home and abroad.-- 2
-This aiticleis perhaps the first in the class of
yaluable not...rums, and Is in truth a "cure" for
. ,
any compluint, as we find .by testimony which is
untlintb:ed. Reader, nu matter what aTection
. )
you are labouring undCr, let:titian other EtWicines
arid try thits See our advertising coluMns. Get
a book of the agent and mid.
EST U . f .... N ,
ttDI A HAIR DYE., ; '
i i
The nineteenth century has many brit innt dis
coveries to bOas of; one of the most im whit in
I v
e imeedon with the toilet is the bast I die Hair
l ye. Red or grey heir is a eshimity. ft almost
i ariably mortifies. the wearer. But ere is a
packet remedy for the misforttine• he Mot
em rot) , leeks and th t grayest that ever grew on a
Minnow heafi can be turned Jet black by One appli
cation. The dye never effee s: • si in ;in the
slightest degree. It is prepared b r Comstock
the celebrated chemist and indite , at d' he War.
, rants it tes'prodeee the cfrtet stated: Thousantla
who are never tiSpeweil, have taken ' he 'henetli.
of the "Dyeing Act."
Por alle wholesale and retail, by minim* &
Co.. 21 Cowhand* et., New. York.
Pork pole by Caper & Brottuir, Eric; Town &
C... North Rapt, Burton Co., Meadville.
MR. EDITOR—The: Chronti-Thalmal system ill
he only rational one; it treats th:puris i tusually of
ected. As adatnily medicine fdr inflammations.
..ughs, colds, .i.e. I qnow of none that can equal
Dr, Taylor's Genuine 131 loam of Lives Wert. I
use if in my f. tinily pith toy children ,Wiih the
most - happy results—and culled on the Doetor,yes
terdry to recommend it. in additien to its celebri
ty, for its wonderful, cures or ,consumption and
liver complaint'. The Deaner says it isi Wen:
vively conoterfeited, and purchasers should. ace
Dr..l.sred's signature to the beatilitill treellenera
yin?, on ea h bottle—ur, what is better,,buY of the
Doctor, - 37 Bowery.' I *,
Comstot k & Co. 21 Courtland street, Now Yolk
sole proptietwe. For sale, by J. H. Porton Sr. Co.
and Cantu' 4,.. Prother, Erie; A. Kellogg, North
East: an. Burton it i - ..: ~ Meadville. , 1
:Ith inst., it' Jo
1 6, 0 llowell and \lig, So-
Ranh East townbhip. !
_,Nlr. Flowers, kil.
o r .
Mils. Julia si,aw, both
10th hy Pliny bhapin.
and Mier. Hannah
Venetia°. .
MAIOED, , -Onth ,
Lt ,
eeph E. , ei, Mr. Geo(
phrona G drreY, ell of
On the , et inst.', by
James S. terre.t and
M'Kean: !! 1 I
In Venannn; on the
Mu. Segall IL It,
Reset• Applehee, all
'On the 15:h olt., by
Johnson and Nlie3 Ju li
'the enure . Mr. - Rolirrt, B.
is A. Inmath-all ni V.
Franitlin t{►.. by Erquire
ankh! and UN A Sally C.
On the 24th ult., in
Hervey; Mr. Josephi
Howard, all of Frankli
, I 1
, DIED.—In I...nodal:vine b hio, on the ith in..t.,
Mies Amanthq4oltrup, fottitteily of MiHate*,
"aged 'about 23 ; dears, . i •
— On e 24t1 CAL. in M illeirek. \lr: J ohn Stew.
art, a,i d 93, one ofthaearlyarnderp in;thisootn i pv.
'ln ealeyWine.On Me- 3( ;h" tilt:, Mrs: Mary
Wen% aged 0 4 ,yeary, wife of Mr. Jarvis. Wells,
alter a very W,tof illness. ') ' „ . ,
On ;he 28th tilt., in this tiorottait, Alen& Vie•
toffy, tiaugiver,Or Janies in the
Gth year Cif her age..
A SHES.—ThOke ha• lot vied Rohe/1.-Will do
well to deliver them jit our *shay - 'soon as
We'are.noiv working of what we' have tin hand.
April Bth 1841. sB, Js CICSONA Co.
ATE rota:, • •
THE Stannehund i I rtg Sehe,sti
,4er. - EMILY, P. P. Dobbin!, Master,
I wi it finite err Monday, eeit fol. the ewe
portsi The &unitise undergone thor:
onffn repair,. and has added to her fernier accent ,
modationisepaciouaMpiser Cabin, finished• en ,
draft with(cint) drat eJrQt n Ua For freight.or pas:
tags enquire of the captain on board: , •
Erie,-Apri t ,to. 18 , 47.
.Erie Deci — lober 3 ,
11; pay cash for
ii, curled 15.4iiplii,'aii
livered sat irie.Yerd,
bacriber will- contract owl,
quairt4rif Poplar,. - Clinc-
BlacklAralnut i ,,,Lutriber. de
of.Fiench irtriTt 7 A B
2 5.
• • , • -
Bempining in ST.
the ' 1
April I s 1811. Perso
the falloaing letters wil
!rewind. Two cents
le charged for adverdsi,
'Mints Thos '
Arbuckle Wm Q'
'Ames Enos";
'Adam* Gee /
Ayrek Riley W
• Allei Abner
.Silen R P •
•Andrews Merritt
Brown John 2
Brawl And
Browne George 2
Brookatapt Ctt int
Bran David
Macke Saml
Brace Deborah
Brimhall Norman
Bre'ete P J
Bruheeker Benj imi n
artley C
Biglow Ellen
[Orchard Delia
Burgess Amos • ,
Burton Wm M
Bailey Mary A. -
Blithalll Sand 7 t ,
Bant% Mrs June %V.
Bishop Caps •Buinbridge T
Baker John
Barry Miss Melissa
Baker George
Beard Win B •
Bell Wm E.
Beckman JsCob
one Geo W ; Pease Miss Mary '
Burchard Oliver - - Popple Sarni F • '
Bowers Isaac 1 Pecker Peres
Burwell Mrs NA • Pnisona Henry A 2 I
Bunco Geo I . Peek Davis
Bono Geo ' Parker Merril • -'
Bonny Daniel 2• . Putbr Erasmus__
Bard, Joseph • Pollock Mil Eli i tbetli‘y
Butt Geo I • Mich It •
Clark Franklin Rice It 1
Crdwley Florence . Rice Sherman Al '
Church Amos Rice Miss Sophie
Chandler Wm G , Riordan Melissa ~
Chapman Civilian 2 Rice Mrs Mary
Crosier Wm - I Randall S W
Charles Wm i Rand Its Geo ge
Crain Barney A' , Robison Jolt ••
Daley Edward ' 1 1' Rogers John 1..
'Cadwallader Thos M Reber s yman
Caldwell Pines ' ' Roberts a Mrs Polly 2
Curran Wm Robe n Rev John
Cox John , Robirison L Land Sage
Cole James 1; ' 's Ansel •
Culburtson The* ; Riney James S
Coven John K '. Rockwood Simeon T
Cunningham John ,Roberts Evin- '
Curtiss Arthur W /Robtirson -John '
Cole Wm : Ituseell'E 13
Cole Charles . ' llogers,Mrs A A
Cut ry;Mrs It E / Smith G •
collies - limes / , Smith Emily
Dempsey Mra Jane I Smith S Mervin 2
De Groats Capt S C Smith Henry..:
Deighton Mrs Jane , Smith David
DavisiJohn • ' Smith Jerome
Diptilt Barnet* - , Scott John • - -
Demurs Alexander - ' Scott WM W ,
Davis Naylor C • Slusher Peter
Davis Hollister 2 , &Moires Geo W
Debee Mrs Eater ' Spencer Thos .M • ,
Dealt' Thomas -: ' Spencer Capt W T
Dix Horatio i Spaulding Milat
OaSis ; Alexander . Sherwood and Hills
Datrison Mrs Col'aelia Sherwood Alanson
D•ivey Charles' _. 'Spray . Asa n - . •
Diner Matthias • Sloan H ' ;
Denitphey Jane - . Sherwin Miss ..Fareh M
EoWney Mrs Cynthia Skinner Levi 1
()Wotan James • -Snell John and Franck
Elliot Augustus G Sprettl Rufus 0.2
Elliot Edward Spaulding Almon
Evorers Samuel Stewart %homes
Eiehus Sidney • ll . ' Strain James '
I , i uy N %V Stedwell 1 B -
Forster Fredk , Southwiektl I 3 •
Fineron Patrick . Sampson Dense'
Fuller J i A Simington Elizabeth
French S C , , ' SOUlliWarili George' D ...t t .... • . --C.......-1.4.• A. -- --
Finley John P „Soles Benjunin
Fuller %V IA - Sullivan Henry .
Fres' Miss Rosamond Tuttle Miss Elsy Ann.
Finley John P 2 ' Ter,,-..ut Hyrum
Foster David ;Tuber Samuel II ° I .
Gurison JQ. W Thompson Thomas
Gr yOw • ' Taylor, Owens & Co.
01, ss Miss,lll . " Thathur Edward I
Goff Osman ,' Thompson li W 2
Gl+vea and ;Waterman Taylor Wm
Gorilino-Williain Teel Norman F,
GUnnison E 13 Thom:ono s Win
Hammond Hezekiah Taylor Matthew
Hawk Ml,s Lucinda" ILlntle.l,lll li. L f .
•Harris Chas W 2 ,Umber john
Hill Wm 3 Van Vranken James or
Hills Loren David •
'Hill Benjamin •Vanßroeltlen James U.
tiripp Peter Van Vranken Mrs Mar)
Havens Sites W Vedder Abner •2
II Otos David C Vedder Charles •
Henderson & Elvergeod W right Federick ,
H ' lt -Jacob W heeler James
H nson Jacob' Williams' S'• ;; n
H rd Francis • Wafers David. • •
H n derson WS EWA% ' Webseer John -
Hi i Frederick • Way Mrs A M
/I se Win: Wilcox 'Amos
Hrd F i .! ' Williams Betsey
tit int John Waker Peter
11 ntleygoal/
1 Wilson Josiah F 2
I-I Imes. kis B - ..' Wein' :Miss Sarah
Hi meat ril Aka, i Weeks Patrick rt 2
4-1' imerial Sarah Janet W ton James ;
H Band James •'n. 'iers Freak A
13 wartl'Rebecca Wallace John D
H mer A , • t Wasson A W
H ugh Z L : 2 . ; Wells Wm C
Jo es Mary I • i V Haan Mrs Ellen'
, JMlles C C 'I 'Wilkins Thomas
Jo ea Wm H Wilkins. John AI _
Jo ea Epluitant 'Weed Claray '
la keen C W •
Webiter Bat bat a
,k.ger C Woodward Miss Mary
Jeifell Heiekiah H . 'reek 'E'll,t '[Amt
Kelsey James . ' Yager William it
Kelley Win ' York' Joseph
Blinn, an Edmund 7 Zink John
Kehne iy James Zinn Josiah
Knapp Cotnothy ' Zinn Josiah .1
Crsobs Grllfith
ean Peter i ' ' Ja" G eo sa b sf Lti N b LEITTiiii3I
Connelly oseph .
ring Jo nSr . . .
Buenai Boaderet I:, •
Jacob lloneeker •
Lavery! seph. ; John Blir ; °
;Lowry S nil 2 • John Mier; • • '
Leland 31 es Lusan • . Teothor Schweizer
Lythgood John Francis Moth
Lynch James • Gebridcr Kiehl
Lo l er Sand S • - , Davit Stocksteger n
1 ' -
Le AO George -2 Jacob Rolf
,Let, d 0 E , - . Christine Sandoski
ILo lt,.i-larriir
_. t • Peter Lash.
n Philson ' ; Havertaohmann' •'-
vi lure John I - John Aderri Talbot '
Mc mikes? Timothy 5 Kasper Scheel
Me - ord Michael P Herrn-Philip Bladel
Ms-Bride John .; - Math',Nellesson -,
McCann Dwight Jame/Johann Atans Orttm
Mkinley Esther . . Christiaph Englehard'
NlUBride Capt 0 Peter Ebigh
I Mike Capt Wm • - Ciritie Hermann '
Mies Hamilicin ' 'Nicks Weigel -
Memo Mrs W - . - yrankThillip Kuhn
Miller Nicholas Irtjetry•Wiburg ,
Miller - Ferdinand H 2 Itikileorge Frank. '
Miller Col 0 C , ,Christian Schulz '4' l •
MWeklennen Thrimaa Andreas Schleicher*
M Its Miss Margaret Jacob Weilidort
M , rattail Wm B "Peter Lash
NI ner War S' ' 1 Frederick Rindrint et
At -ehana Elam 1
'IHE Summer Term of this Insiittnion will
commence on Monday the LI) of April next.
! nna—For the Primary branches, 62 00
.•_, - ";, Higher " . 300
Jastaa C. REID, Prim and • Teacherof Lan
,oagee. • '; i • - , . , . -,..„
.11, Wei WIIII4IIIORE. Mathematics. • .
D. P. Enema. Primary Department. '
i Ml's L. C. imor.asou,,‘Young Ladies Depart-
_,- - ' ' - • s-
Palacelor attention wilt be paid to the manners
qP thePopile and to their improvement in Read.
ine, Spelling and the ordinary branches of Eng•.
lish education. , •
satin of the hi hes s t impottance !hat pupil. shou l d
3 li t " i VII k."47.1.76211.0,°` he
1 .Eriti. Match 27. -18.17, i ' ~ . .. ,', 3si !.
•• ' ,
who Itethr ihernselves • !
to the Gaited% Store; either by nati*l •
ecr.ount, 'ire regulated to eil ettil'settle heron'
fret or, " A' lion, tit *Cerise le aUitteil'
, - .E.,114:131N0W 1
Erie, Minch 1057, ,;
• • ;
LEknitS ,
' l ost tOiriCri at Erie, Pa.,
ns Enquiring for ay of
please say they er ad
addition to the do tag°
I .
May Runty
'Marshal) Albert
MinFr Miss Lucy
Miner Wm I , '
Martin John
Morgan Merrick
Moorhead Josiah C
'Mquney lama '
MeMunn John ,•
Munn Nathaniel •
Morse Lyman ;
Monigin Paula ' '
Niebel Abraham 2 • '
Norton A P 1 .
.• Norris John
Newahum Charles
Nason ANV •
Neyins John
Naritnore Wm ..
Noble Anna
Oakley Win
O'Brien JAn . -
. O'Brian Henry A l'
Otis John
Oakley Mrs Abagail J:
Owen Miss F M
Osborn Seth G.
l'wen Mrs Caroline '
Osborn Sophia
Patterson Freeman •
Pros-er John
Potter F E -
Phillips Miltonl
Pease f N 1
Pherrin Sarni C
Pence David. i
1 . lift. O. BENJ. SMITH'S J
ARK the medicine for the UrittPd States, aid their
sopitriority serer all others for matte ellen, and
pleasantness has won for them a pre eminence of fame
which needs no foreig .Influence to perpetuate. • Almost
unheralded they have silently warted their. wit; Cud
have gained •perman int hold on the epprobalion• of the
people which nu other inctliciee or o pposition eau retaa.
!or about four years they have trikmphed over disease,
and broughtjey ant etsrauessto men au anxious bosom.
TlMpllt , ,PlUilt TV! , • .
As a medical company, corniced! licet to the molt J 41.1
cate and erre the more Hardy, who bare suffered from, I
the rffzets of impure properties en he sto' eh. will MI I
once be plee-ell wilt the delightful °petard 0 of these II
the e Pills. They hive the rare merit of lb most care
fully at lected 'ingredients. are alwaYs fate, :id there can
be no danger of inkier/ cheer improperly e 'Le y li me .
A 8)1111CALIE TIMM..
Will manifest their'eicellence In relieving toe body of
in lily precut/or! of alarati diseases , keeping the bow
el. gently open, thereh ensuring the continuance or
health. The most cut' cut chainirt to New York ha s
given hi. certificate the these Pills are PURELY VEG
ETAD: E. or '
ArAirrnr. * OWN itmernstoir. •
. The great principle ecogsitzed by the Inventor of this
invettrade otediclue i . that awry part of this body,
whether in health or il ls se, is brought under the Witt
ouee of the digestive celans. This plum 111141 flAtiolllol
iptarille forms the only ground uu. which a good family
inedlcine can be recommended. Operating ace - bridle( to
this print...Plc pit smerie4 PILLS
Promote too rem:clients of the LIVER, SKIN. and KID
NEYS, and REGULATE THE DowE.l.4.tberi by adopt
ing the ONLY NATURAL and convistant method of rcu •
riming the PIPE BLOOD PURE, by enr Celia; the vitia
ted liumorslat the . hula system.
It is impossible to give every, particular In this brief
notice, but these Pills are • Mellyrtecornmended as a
means of prcventius so much miacrY end di, ease, which
grow out or convtipet,on of the bowel', neglected colds
'lig tattacks.dte , &c.,aud which it is iu the power of
T . ore Pill not PALLIATE. but i . .
, •• n if ir cuss .
. ..
Ito t ell dooms - it, the Western Country. Kiel Its
Th v stand alone, unparalleled—THE slick MAN'S
Fl lEND. Among the compl.:itits Idr which these Pills
ar highly recommeaded, are this following, viz: • .
' INDICES lON, ', Bill RIAOD, '
C 0411% E NESS, OnsTituc /10111,1;
IlEAß'f cl ltUß N. - COL'S,
fly following the simple dereetto Is whi h accompany
every box of genuine palls. a permanent en e w iU be cf.
faded." Must of the 110SVITALS in New 'cork hate gib,
en th ese Pills the were casco over met,' Um Vlltl uls that
have been tested, and several EMMEN r ritysicl 0;4
it New York and elsewhere, use them i t t`seir practice.
The demand for Ilr. flotiVis Pill* biing every *here
treat, several unprincipled pertone h tire made Palle of
the most otiserulti I and slmnt runts' milt and top:1001411CM
luff for the eeauiut. have put on a •voAting of .user:'.-.
Therefor...boyar...and aturavu look fur
• laElV.ll..llairrat.
On the bottom of eiery hos, to coumerieit which is FOR.
G. RY. At me than lOW certificates here bs.m revived
at the prin'eijlll ogee and the peopte are referred to
'•imith's lira aid & Gazette," hero they cau road of the
moPt important cures. I -
We pre, fur Want of Mont, but few
From Rev. Luther Ix*. i
Pr. Smith's Pills aro palely , vegetable, tiperaie, well,
and produce i good result. L.1./Tll P. 1..E . f.
Editor True Wesleyan. -
.1, From the Rev. J. Kellett.
My wife has taken Moffat's, Morilsotiti, and many oth
ers. but she has received more benefit from Dr. thantee
Pills than another... She believes they may be used by
females with perfect safety, without changiog their ear.
ployment or diet, and et any aeivait.
• 127 Myrtle Menne. Brooklyn.'
From the first vneitlist in New York.
Dr. G. Dent. Smith'. POI. have eutNely, cured me of
dizziness in my fiea I. antlyeaoral weakness ttfniy . Veleta.
My family use them With the heat ept.v[he. I ‘ , arplett not
Ito without them. F. H. Nit Sid, 99 Faye. t st.
Front the Ed. of the (Hack “ivel t Juuribili '
Dr. Smith's Pills ore free ft oin this , obbetious to high
other Ole are liable, and are the bekt taettileitte hall
ha e yet sten. . , J. ltit zE. E.. ,
i rrim the P AL Timm/Inds N. Vie
'Dr.att ich's Tla are thc hest 1 have u l cer tared. Ate
i t
JAc, tpt.. It, P. .
' From Ilea:, $ Williams, Piniburgh ,
I hove used Dr. Smith's Pill . and know they are„a ad
medicine, &c. _.l _ p wp.t.poug, Ist Dept C .
Dr. Smith's nre in great demand in this to ion
fr_oni thoir vioas - a11y41 1 4 , V l LLityl i a tust BLaT i on
10 - rot M Dame, Old Quaker. •
Dr.•Smlth -Re pemed Vricativ-Thy rIII. Ire setting
vary rapidly, nu& gave 'first rote sethriminir in this place.
Prikooprte. MDS EA DAME, 20 Maino-st.
Dr. Amith-Your pills are well liked here.
Dr. Smith-I am much plen.oed withl your lad.! Vest.
*agar Cowl rills. nod uae them in my L a eolv. I,
I lED. RIpiolf.FILL,q(llA.) AMEBIC AN .1
The above nro only* few eat •nett -hut we might's , . nil '
and ral a \ whole : iv wspaper with Mauler Opel, I hes.P,lls' l
ate now the inoit- popular' in' this couutiy, and OA the
to at puma vetisrsclion.
Thelon; Pm. vri I salvos cure COLDS Ws' much Moro,
pleaminl way than any tither ra atedy. For this they are
Of bring tlev•ived is sow irppereuti as Demur Smith's'
Pillsh ace become. very popular throughout the country.
imitator* here sought to palm oti-ero thl,s• itturv!ith •
.Coaling 9feagar: to covet, up a mo.t tl.mserous* coup
of Wh,ol
that place came near login,. lior.Ve. Pays that a ieree'n,lln
his Iwre tfl o . the efri.ets Gram
eit -S Iger Cu en el' rills. Al , a viitria
ean in
Liiiii.i.iile. K.y. '1• 111 sel4cd *ith viol at voatitifig alter
their use. ,
(let the geawl,te or get none. : tid -see that 0. BENJ.
91111'11 is trretea with 11 Reiron the b,Bont orcach box.
PIXINCIPAL 91 1 1.1531111. 7
• NEW Yollli. 119 Greenwich Saga,
lIPTON. 2 Water Street.
I:Me:attics St Brother, No. G, Reed 11oere.
6. Pii.s Ite4
Pr“prietors of thU Erie Woolen Factory,
takis this in livid of rett!rning the it thanks to thei r
friends and the public tur the very libe ul patrtin
atti. extended to their Factory since its erection
and hope to meriCand ob:atri an increase ofriat
innhnze the gvat irtatteenients they this sem en
46:t0 nil who havti Wool to exelion! , e for Clo,h,
Cut%imere, Sutioolo, Tweed*, &e. They will el=
en mittufac uro Werke .the shares or for pay, to
suit customers. II
Erie. May 16, 180. ab
LL kind; of IiIt•ODUCK cae be exchanged Aat great bargains r GOODS of every d+e
crip' ion at the cheap stank
S. JACKSON 4- Co;'
November 41,1846
LEGR ANGIE i & RA y MON p, 1 printing 44
. Jilinitiferturers, No. IS tSptuim Street NeW
Yrirk. would rests announce to the Trade
that they have 1., mmenced thc, : manufacture of
INKS, and will kjeeptenstanily . -on hand is simplY
Of the following descripii-ins, viz: ' - I,
Nuns and Batik suitable. fur hand and poweir
Pi esses.
Copperplate, B nk Noe Music, X3lographle,
Lithographic, an Indelible, fu, chemical prin lag ,
on Silk or Cotton go d:.
Colors of all ki nisi will, bo prep 'red and ar
rimed equal in/al 'respect , to jtIM best imported
'P o, Gold Size Gold and Silver Inks. - i
' P. LEG iLANq ~ ivh:o has hail many years eit
perieiice in the lot cst and triost celebrated Alan
ufacterimi of Paris, vi?.: NI etibtral Lemercier et Roo
Rue Godot itiliMo , No, b&. Paris, will eve, hi
personal'attention o the business. •
N B. All orders addressed to thebusiness._
wilkbo punctually ttended to, and Ink prepared
to suit, the climate, real and work for whis4 they
are intended. . . f I
o. IG, ,Sproco St. New York. , • . " 1 3mlo'
Fab. 20, 1817.
rpHE partnershi heretofore, exis:ing between
the undersign (I, in the Osaka of Law, hos
been dissolved by tuns) anisent. persons
indebted to us ore inueitted.o 411 at the Writ e
end settle their rein : a:die act unto, on. or befo-e
the first of, Febnatfry next. Those who neglect
this notice may initfur costs.
Ede. Jan: H,
4*m oribi late Ann of GA
'AH A M ore by mutual am e.
rot the Opus° of closing Iv
co n ce rn noel tvlfeetleg all debits,
redo as :wedgy to pOssitilr
The Boolra and
mcnt left with mu
the hoeineas of tht
WO 1 ern oblL
1 hsive—us;ocia:te r with me irt'7 bUsinuss ‘llM,i,
LANE end WI% t.A. GALBRAITH. Esgs: int
continue theta istefy occupiedt# l Gelbraioh &
„Graham, tinder he t Mat Of OA _ ;AITH; d
LANE.,witere all business Witte ne or the r
feculen t will be sltended to with protelpthess
dtspitch. , ~' I,•i JOHN GAUIRAITF
Erle. Februttril. 1947. , -1! -• • ''
_ • 'it E 11.0 If'
C .SRIGIRL has /grooved hicairatery and
10 ilia ecor!leor tretieh enerifth
intie stout tately ixicaplad b3f 1.,7; 10chwhIght,
riosip t lU ItalliAr•11014 '4•41 '' I
.EIIIOO.,tAtI , FM' • ' r •
-'• I '
1 - 0 .1 11001 . 03!. EXYCRNAL ReIINDY.CALLED,
' HU 'T'S- LIN ilagair,
Is now aelrereally nektiewledgedto be tIeoINFALLIBLO
RElltialf far lthenenutiem,ripmat Alfocttotts: Cuistysitf, _
hoes 01 Vie Maseles,dares 1", broil and poiteey lesirs. 0.11,
Ulcers. Psis, is tbo Lick mid Chett. Agee ie !Ms Ilkieldl
and Fe , Totit't.sictio. K,pretine, 'Praises, oall.llbcaose--,
Itternt,l 'mg. ItematmilffeeCand all Nerroos rhea.",
'Tim 111111JDIPIJANT dtleCtES which ha. 'clouded tier'
applseatimeof this rasa Woßtitltillki IlittllClNt Is
caress the most ,aerere camas Of use diteret* Diseases
&bore named-M4he 111011 - 101COliU11.1 Out Imre'
ben bestowed o a, wherever* it be bee" toorodimode
gives Si tar tic t o ull •m the AT 'TIM to resort at
ode to the' ONLY stroieuir TUAT CAN lit RELIED
in." This fallowing lector fn6te Meiling N.lttunt, Tog,
twfin - se earn" hes tier* rendered itimortal M the authors(
the rees, "[Not. sod errand ot rgleOlical works.* le
reliable evident* of the great I/ Oen thlriedelbralvi La.
tempt renudy,ltunte Liezi,) neat. .
' I • -ielind Shel./dl ) 113, !Yee J '
Oflrir E. Sdt nt2e,, Esq. ''.
Dear Elire-VoLltione tam' half atablarll I have ItuAlfe '''
ed wjth thrum "tam. t A heristuatbir since, in vormettovliem
of that doe rie whii!,h .ticks Isar that a heather. 1 del
and Injured ray We, inducing, my applyiNg Hunt's /dal.
meet. Irreit which . had Insmadlata , 'valet. ealswErtnelnlY
&thug a attack of tity old compasito*. t epplirdit to the
part talc cll. which at once removed it. - As Asa law mesa
Pets all ship mailer. In carry 0 -1".1141.1° cheat sill " "
sea, tone should go without Ode.", 1 Vitali olio bottle Car
tamest ptl.actsca worth all the oiedicine chey can emir.
You may ale this commas cation at roar Ossuary.
1 try rerpattfally your, . I
Edlturiti 04 whir?.
A gatitlenten °thigh standing is tkitsoei of Prima;
Speak:lisfollows of tie great timely, limit 4 Ligaments P
Georgel? ;Sta dom. ,
__ i k
&k er ne,' Ai w a; - by I.lter of the : 1 1 th Itl i tintn, hl is.
eeired: In my reply I 'would "ay. tit it 1 haraboein Ormite
lefiwith a lame knee far reiertil years, during which time
it has distressed me teach. 1 lowered a bottig of Awl's
Lianneut st thy stare e irly last 'pang. and 1 have e-e 4 1
it freely. •0,1 le,in .i,, th l since that timex have 'mg
little nr no iraubie,with say knee. , A Dien to *boat 1
moat a battle...tureen', "mit* it was a greet " eft tO her
iu .. rhetintalle .4%c1:0n. 1 have no Ite..lieti als more
s coding it 10 any person nosdiug an extern trethodv.
if -con 111 Ft EN.
. •' , • /Safford, Se I. 4. sers.
lb Ca rpe D. &aide". H' .. , i
01"- Bums time moiety' over heated Tyrol" is woth/ote:
and the cellar my lei hake oat in pleaphoi, width byl l
scratching 'eau became fever sores 9f the wiimeta
t din
ti um ;
Ter Irrltal ion awl 'writing was .9 areal ohm leo"' 1 .
not lest day or night; 1 used but eta bottle or your List,
meat, and am now entirely welt. 1 was alms affecteillby a
eerolting its the grain from the sense eatises,liad the spit.
pima km ortite Liniment relierai Ine 11i epee, cad 1 motile
coneideuily 'teatime d et to the poblin as so invaluable
remedy. , . - lit'ClIAR 0 1110:111ED.
This I.,Minitlit it sold at 25 and 50 cents per bottle: by
all glut Frineip.ll Druggiate,aiut Sterchisals throagbont Oa
country. ii
Pit !,'ate Agents for Yew Port
41 'ADI.EY. I 111.1. S dril:a. 141 Wits
'...,11 1.75 OTOS &''a 1 0 BrimileMn
A. I'. & ".SANDS. earner Fulton and
iMINSOV, 111411 St Co Pittsburgh, ilvb
for Western Pesusylraniet.
Orders Addressed to me at Sing fling. N.
tended to.
F' de t
_ __l\ IN 1-IORSES.—A t o g familiari
ty horses and personal trealme tof the ,dis- ;
cases to which they are '
subject ha e at length
resulted in the discovery of thiv exc edingly val
uable remedy for the Heaves and C ugh— a dis
ease which produces . more miser end death
amonri these , noble - animals than sty (der to
which they aiecxlmmi. - I have no hesitancy - in
saying that InY rowdkr will etfre•tt Ily and thor
oughly eradicate arerylaymplomn and eslige of this
painful ttpd dangerous disease, if g yen` to any
reasonahll length of time after it has bean conr
tracted. When you discover symp: ins of Cough
or 14•eers in Neer horse, resort to this Powder
without delay; Use - it porseveringty, nd attend to
the hints accopanying the dire aorta for the
1 treatment cif))) animals, and in' rd e cases out of
ten you'will fi yfihat it cures. I ' -(
tinny desirous of seeing eertilli: tes .of curer,
ofthern call on the agent. y Price 50 cents per but.
'de. • )I,lAnurnciired, tiy A. D. Calera n,Netv YOrk
CARTER k ROTHER, a. 4 .ents, Tie, Pa. 1
, , \larch '27, 1517. 1 •
1 45
M 3 E cops r,t ne"tele p heretofore exist' n between
ithe nnliersitrned wrier the fi rm of Huthud &
Met e.,11 hash been dissobictl by mu nal consent.—
ThelßoOks ?attic late firm are' in the hands of P.
/ Metcalf forqsenleinent, and prdnipt attention will
,be requital of 411 persons id:ere:rec.
d. 'WC
Fria Nife,tch 2''.1617c
IXTE et t o j
-: t ,i ‘,_prepaied •to ntake or it repair
TV -- Stea l t n rines, and to satlily thoe wh
have doubt, as to our nbili:rtu turn out 1 s uper'
work; tee ill, it their inspection oil one wpcb ti
h,l'greeentlly ilt arid put in opuration at r
Fuuudry. i
N. B—, s cord hand Engine hiS horse 'pOw-1
er. tagezher with bellows for :Limn] I Foundry, for
sale at aba galn. ' ,n ,_ L,S.Et C.
F.riti. Ala L eh' 20. 1811. I ' . 144
ONE nevi
Ede, Mn!
/ 1 1 indeb
boolc Imam(
same 03 or
who notice
March 6,
I N,
exch . &
12 incheg
12; 15, 16,
to, id and
market. pri.
Lumber ya
Erie, Ma
I . •UNI E
can b
Nov. 14,
THE un
hulk cOmm
stand of Jo
dorth of lh
reeeivo and
be consign,
or Private •
lion to all h
share of th
keep on ha
int. buitail:
cheap as the
Erie, Apr,
Erie, Apr
. .
CIAXIF. to the residence
%J . Millereek township, 2
on iho Wattabure, road, a
large dark red ce;v„ abodt
turn and gives milk; no
owner is requested to comel
charges and, take her away.
A pril, 3, 1647.
HEIt.ERY take notice ,t I
.1:0 !brit 9f Oliver * i
hands f 'rile?... Potter for s •
one dopr below the Eagle
eons knowing themselves t.
well to call and make ply . 1
15:h inst., JO ',t iros, Potter;
the. I Pt- Ell
TH m
Erie, A HI 3,1917. -, -
..i.y.g. pteaSure or ggirunci
gentlemen of Erie arid,vici
taken rooms in the comm.'
ate ' now prepare d , to as , i
..I.ikenesses In a at *le: whit
representation,an it( mina
log of light ands a e. can i
i .
most delicately flnishedsteell
. The *access ci(reeent ex
resolorl y give/ them a aupe
Masters of the '.An. and the
ottiseir'plerures with thew
.of the day.
ti .7" Likenesses* In 'laud.
in fair. and warranted.
;.. .11;117.
Ril l
lul artitsto for Ladies
Sept:190818. e
oEtinGt: - E. 8.
J. 11. S.irtna & Ca. Eri', n. I
Frirview; S. L. 'Jones &
, vntl one ?amid it Ltimhe.-tw i p
lazonr. for'rate at a 1(.4,111,1'4m . m by
Eft. t.SF.I\74TT
'elt 20, 1817. ' 44'
• , 1
Alt tho,e knowing thent,elves in
od 10 the subscriber. either by note or
t, are riuptemed to call and settle the
I Ohre the MK at April next. - These
this'notice ma expect to pay ow ; -
18 . • li. CADWEL •
go r Gnu&
ido, 4 and IC
S and, 0 feet I
6„f t lone, II
• will be paid,
d at the foot ol
• ,tat
ell 4..1817,
ri ." l; ip l aniily of Good
OA !LDS, 6,8, 10, and
feet long.
112 byll9, and 4 1.2 by
lag. I
2 by 5 and 3 ky{4l;
re which the highect
when delivered et Ws
Frith+ street.
que ussortmenL
AS i 1C 81101
found at •
1916. 1
lON 81. COMM
c e r n s ' i dir publi c h
nee the abovi
ruham, on
Eagle Hotel,
isposs of all k
to them, eitlii
are. Tltey hod
si nets entrust
public patrorii
da choice noel
to the seasons
cheap( et.
13, 1947. \
Si SEED, of st
S 4. ;WAIGHT.--
Ileare .to, inform their
; generally, that they
'• business at the old
ktste street, two doors
here they are reedy to
eds'of Goods that may
r by; Public Metioa
L . • that by strict atten
' to them, tot ale a
"e. . They teill elan
of ready made' cloth.
' which‘tbey wil i l sell
l'l 1 , 1)
• 4. 'FI-ORNT
-, - i 46
perior quality, Icir Bala
TT. & CIiESTER.: (
I _43 t
!of the subterlber, In,
11.2 miles from I'E:ie.
et 1 the nth Or., a
i or 9 ; yeers old, 'horns
itilleial marks.: The
1 proio :property, pay
it Ole Books of the
acts i t are now In dial
.ttlOnent, at his room,'
otel, where thoidpor.
be rtdethied; will do
tat t
lent c l by or ore At
ind; save fa DO,'
AS. POTT ._ . l
i , SES.
i have the
idice and
hasp and
rfreelype I
l fulness oil
ccurete blend..'
xcelled by. the'
lemming ! ' -
nil in ON* pite! t
te over. tbe boo
vita s comPstiaarg
most celebrated ,
to the
'either as well sa
new and, zbeinkit-.
U. Corito..- 1
`?.7 I
- \
Street. I
Will be at
irro N.-
.Toro Nardi
.. Girard. '
2ml? -