Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 10, 1847, Image 2

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    . ,
!.i Whes ,fr m Maj• Goic ;
'1 4
I `taylor.. • . . ~
FifteneAndred Afericanh
re a, and Two Hundred ayi
k ans under ..Mlfujor GeddingS—
l• Mexicans. I
Waffle between
- under Grit:
fife 4tneef
be ;frat qf th
1 ; Fro the W.. la logton Union.
Wge have ne •ewilAished a number of the
lUnion that. wa.lfraught with more intereit
ing 'Spots tha the *Sent. j Independently of
impiktant lett • r of the Presjideet, and the ad
mirable report of the Secretary ofthe Treah
dry, fin replyi ipon the dutiesto be levied on
imparts into tl e ports . of illusive, we lay be- .
fore our rende s the very interesting despatch
, es from Gen.."ayler, and ri letter front Cmh
tnodore Cumie , centaining the lauding of our
troops at Vera Cruz. The two sets of:des
patches from en. Tayldr were brought to
• the SecretarY 'rf 11;ar by Mr.•Critteirlen, a
vo unteer aid .f Gert,Tuylorl. The Commo
de et, letter ei rne - To the Secrettoe of the.
N vy through:the mail from Ne )m ans.
fwe turn eyes further. to th e south,,
b ight achiev ments await us,- toTheigen the
t i
g ory of our buuntry. We lay before our
readers 'the only despatch from Commodore
i:onner„ whit' i relates to the debaritation, of
' our troops qt,l eratruz. Never wasTatly land
., Ing made Wider more auspientiscircumkances.
'Another ands later letter is received frein Ate
10ornlitodoreut touches abet' topics. The
''Setretary lireceived another letter, from a
ildistinguished officer of the Nary, undr date
luf the 136 of March; and he seems t speak
of . he surrender of the city and:caTtle as der-
I tai Lin a fewldays.: ,Wil shall %yea' or ' fur
Ili r accounts front the army and sett drori of
Vera Cruz ',with the greatest impatiet ce; and
l• hope that many days will
.not elapsc before
,we shall bay the pien,ure of congra tulating
our, country man the possession of wie °lithe
strongest 101 Utley posts on the globe -le key
of Mexic o —. chit* opens the go te ,ofith up-
proel to th Capitol.
( 1
, 1 v
Since wri Mg the allow,' we understand
that Mr. Cri tenden left General Taylor, With
'his army, at, 'Ague Nueva on the 2d March,
arid brought the tiespatches along the usual
.route from Crimargo, under the
escort of about 250 troops, commanded by
!dater Gerldim - ,re, lid.vitig along a train of some
]3O empty
f iwagons. As they , apprenelied
Cerralvo, a mall party was sent in to provide
forage, kc., , when the enoiny, , under Urrea,
were' discoviered, abOut I,soo ( strcing. Our,
troops were imntediately placed on the defen-.
• sive, and receiveti -the assault of the superior'
nunibers reit t thelresolutian of awn detenitin
ed to t cut thr'r mil nrough. I ,They were ne-,
pulsed with rt lose' about thfrty in-it,, w'iile
we lost tiliouthtilflthe number. A part of our
baggage train mei destroyed, (40 ur 50 of the .
wagons,) w len the gallant Urrea made his
retaeat in it e direction, of thoTida. pass.-:-,
The ,teamsters were unwilling to proceed
without a stronger escort, and Mr. Critten-
den was de anted five or six days at Corralvo .
/when Gel , urtis arrived from Can - largo with
a large bed ,'of troops. Ile was - too late to
Overtake If rt•a, who had probably emlinienced
. his'retreat lis soon as he beard of Santa An
na's diseonrture. Col. Curtis proCeeded to
Menterey, nd.the escort. nod 'train came. 'on
to Camaro:), the,eiiemy having &Jae rapidly
as Possihle,) and this maybe the ht-it - that we
Shall hear rf,,them on this side of Tula and
Sim Luis fr some time. •
'We wert amused with nn 'anecdote about
the timmun lion wagon..% eiich r by some acci
dent, was i4ut of T with tit > others tivarCerral
- v°. It wa destroy, , • molt df the others
were, by fie, and whenhe expiusit unex
pectedly tiolt phi, killing sortie, nounding
others, and Marini' g all, it ryas: regarded as
a "Yankee trick,'l and some wag said our
, wagons might, hancecays4t a - MI through the
eland unharmed, as each Would be regarded as
some combustible machine, design ed to en-
G ...._ .... .. .
F ,N.. TA VL.
llnse-qtriprnas. Army cif Occupati)n, .
Camp on the field of battle,
llos:s.t Vin g, Mexico, Feb. 24th, 1817.
Sir—l lave the honor t report 'that, hay
ing: beeome,assured on th 2Uth inst., that the
enemy had assembled in very heavy force. at
Encarnacion, thirty miles in ; front of Agua
Nueva, with the evident design' of attacking
my position, I broke up-my camp. at the lat
• ter piece On the 24st, an:l took a strong line
, in front ol3itenalTista,:seyen miles south of
Saltin I'' A
e. cavalry force left Agna Nueva
! Jre the pi ipose of coverihg the remove of
supplies, vas driven in, d ! sting the night, and
on the m riling of the 22 , the Mexican ar- ,
my.appea qd immediately in front of our psi
lion. A I) o'clock; A. i 1.. a tlag was sent,
bowing f oin Gen. Santa Anna, a summons'
of enema] tonal surrender. To which I int-
Mediate!) :rerarned:a negative reply. The 1
summons and my reply are herewi th inclosed. •
The (loth 0 - wail commenced late in the'after- 1
noon let , i.en flip light troops on the . left
flank, bit wait not seriously engaged until
the 'mOrn ng ,Of the 23i, when the enemy
made an abet to i qforcethe left think of our
position. An ob=tinate aul -sanguinary con
flict was maintained, with short] intertals,
,througho t the iti],-, the result beimg that the
enemy %It
ts completely] repulsed front our
lines. n attack of cavalry upon be rancho
rf Ilitenti Vista, and u demonstation Upon the
.cily of Saltillo itself, were likewise hanikCine
ly repelled. Early in the bight the enemy
w thdrew froM his camp and fell back upon
. A.lttNeve, a distance of rwelve miles.
-, Our ovn force ongaged at all points in this
action 11 Somewhat short of 5,400 men,
, ~ i v,b/li e th t of the enemy ;
o from the statement
,z3 tt
- of CR,, ante Anna, maytbe estimated 20 4 -
:1000. ur success again tit such great odds is
A suffici nt encomiunt on! the conduct of our
troops. In a more detailed official report, I
shall have the satisfaction of 'bringing to the
notice : f the government the conspichtons
gallantr of particular officers end corps. I
May be entitled here. litilvev r,lo,acknowl
: edge m 3 great obligation to B lg. Gen:Wool
the sec nd in commit] tO whi m I feel partic-*
• ularly,i debted for hiit aleahlo serviCes on this
occasiii . i', / 4
i, • 1
. Our I edr has beeWyery severe, aridAvill not
p'robnbl , !Till short r,1700 men. - The f Itlexi los has been immense. I shall take the
;e:arl* st opportunity of for Warding a correct
1 list ,f
,t e casualties-of the day. /
I iil sir, very mil - Teal-illy Our obedient
sery nt . : ,Z. TAY,LOR,
Maj. Gen. U. S. A..'cominanding.
The j. General' of the o'rmy, Washington
D. O.
.; • . i
sum , ons of Santa Aims' to Gen t ,. Tay/or.
(Translation.) ' I
You are surroundedr by , twentY thou San
d •
men, a d 'cannot', in any liur t an probability, '
•- oid 'offering a rout, and h ing cut tq.pieces
With y ur troops; but as .you*seivc consid:-
eiatioi • and particular esteem; I wish to save
you fom a catastrophe, and for that purpose
give pustlils notice,. in order i that yon may
' lipm r at discretion,-ondoi flit assurance
thaty u will be !mated with the oonsidera
,b longing to the il%lexicitu cha ravel', ,to
whicll k
end you will begranted ad hour's time
toSina 40 your:Mind, to from' the
moire t 4hansl flag of truce arrives in your
) camp.
- WI,
this sieved! assure you of 'my per
eansiderstiou. '
arid liberty!' " ,
i '
IM. Eueontads, Feb. '22i, I 847. r.- 1
. _ 4Nr.1 4 0z 14 SAY AsNA--
1 „
Angpswrnits, Army n Occupation, ;
ear Buena Vista, Feb,-M9, p 347. • !
—ln , reply to your nutb of this date,
, onitig me 'tn urreniler my ' (braes
1 iscretion, I ti'eg leave to say:
,that I
a thetiding to ym r ropiest: : s' ' %
Fitt! lush respect, ' am, sir, your olietlien i t
nt. ' , ' ' 'Z. TATLiin.
1 . 110. Gen, U. S A. cpmmontlini.
rGen. D. Anonio Lopez de Santa Anna;
.rinnamier-in. .
hle , L Encandati.
HF.ADQDAR Rs, Army of Occupation, j
, •
Saltitlo, Feb. 25, - 1841:_, 5
haye respectfully - to report that the
main MexiCtT-force is; yet at Agua Nueva.
Our troops hold the posianis whiss they have
so wen getet)ea, and,are.prepared to receive
the enemy, - should he v,enttire another attack.
An arrangement has been made with Gen
oral Santa Anon' for an exchange lOf prison,.
ers, by which we shall receive all, or nearly
all, of thep captored from us hesides the few
taken in the action of the 23i. Our wounl
ed its well as those of theiMexicans which
have falleo into Our hands, have been remov
ed to this place and are l rendered comfortable.
Oni• loss in the recent: actions, so far as
ascertained, amounts to 264 killed, 450
wounded f and 20 misusing.: • One company of
the Kentucky ca.alry, is net included in this
statement; its casmtlt les not titling yet spur
tad. I rin;pectfully a list of the corn-;
thissioi;ed oilieeirs killed and wounded, clam::
ding many nauls of therhighest met :4
, I y
am /sir very respectfulle your bedient
. 1 ,
'servant. , 'Z, TAYLOR,
, U. S. A. commanding.
The 'Adj.' General of the army, Washington,
D. C. ' •
IltiitnquArerEtts,,Artny of Occnpation, t •
AIWA NtinvA, March li, 1847,
Sir-4 have the honbt to repo`rt that the
troops of my cotinnand occupied their Original
camp at this plate on the 27th of their,
the lust/ of the Mexican- Army. leaving,,the
morning of 01(4 day in the direction of,, San
Luis.. It is ascertained that the enemy is in
fall retreat ika very disorganized condition:
the men deserting and dying of ttarvation in
great numbers. • 1 despatch a.cotnmaint this
day as far'as-Encarnation to harrass his rear
anti .emire whatever military supplies may be
foumi there.
' - From the statement of Mexican officers,
yartieularly °f l ae medical staff left 'to sec
cor the wounded, there seems no doubt that
heir loss in tI e recent action is moderately
I•timatettat 1500, and-may reach .2000 ; men,
tilled and wounded: besides 2000 or 300 de
serters. ,N. 41 6, officers of rank Were loq. I
enclose a li-t ;of the names of our own ,killed
and Wounded, made is complete as' practica
ble at this time. Ode regiment:(Kentncky.
cavalry) is not included, its return not being
rerulentd. , ' ' . i' ,
The enemy had fully .reckoned upon our to
tal rout, and had'inade arrangements to inter
cept our retreat, stationing: for that pitrPose
corps *of cavalry not only imtnediately in our
rear, but even below Monterey. I regret td
report! that they imucceeJed near the village
of Marin in destroying aitrain of supplies and
killing a considerable numher of the escort
and teamsters.• Col. Morgan, 2d Ohio regi - -
mem, on his march front Cerralvo to ;Monte
rey, was infested I . )i the Mexican cavalry,
with which he had' several rencontres; but
finally dispersed them( with small loss on his
own part: Cape. Graham, A. 'Q. M., volun
teer service, was mortally wounded in one of
these affairs: I have no doubt that the de
feat of the main army at Buena Vista will se
cure our line of communication From
interruption, but r still propose in a fekv - days
to change - my head-quarters to Monterey,
with a view 30. make such further arrange
ments as may be hecelisary in hat quarter. ~ •
• The digpositions made tomiss our rear,
vindicate the policy kind ne t s.-it . ykif defend
ing a pcisition in front of SaltillO, where a de
feat has thrown the eneyny'far back into the
inkerior. No result so decisive could have
been obtained by holding Monterey, and our
,kvould have been constantly
in jeopardy.
- , l i arar sir; very respectfully "vour obedient
servant, . Z. * TA MAI,
, I Maj. Gen. U. S. A. dommanding.
The General of the camp WcoitiNgtve.,
D. C. I
____. ___ ___
•WeN. O. Picayune-of the 24th contains
the following letter, writen to a Mexican mer
chant residing in Matiniorus, who received it
from another - Nfoxican in ,Saltillo an I gives the
only ace - bunt yet 'publishea, of the matter in
which the last battle was fought. , -•
A 3 o'clock on Oise 24.1 ult., the battle com
menced at Buena Vistaive miles from Sahli.,
In. • The fight od opfined with,artillery,"•and 'a
destructive cannonade was kept openuntil sun
set. No decided advantage was obtained hy
either, i-idc—the hiss on both being very great.
On the 23)4 at 'lO o'cloek, the battle was
again renewed and kept tip without 'intermis
sion untp half past three in the afteimoon.
13vth amities ware closely. engaged during the
whop time. Gmeral Wool a Ivanced wt th a
strong detachment again4t the Mexican army,
but was driven back with immence loss. the
MeXican cavalry charged upon him with drawn
sWords,and did greet execui ion. As Woollen
I fr
back Taub). advanced advanced tvin free(: € l . ops and
'repulsed ere direzienns wits grails anghter!
This charge (loaded the battle, whit I was not
again renewed. The number kille& and
wounded was very great on both sides. I can
only et‘tirpnte the number by the cart loads
•of %roan lei that hoe entered this city from
both bit-tic fields.'-.I
On the. 24th both arm'es hung oIT without
cOming to ti general engagement—each occu
pied in carrying of the wounded and burying
their dead. -
" After tlie 21th there was no more fixit*,—
the -Alexi* troops famishin g with hutiger'be
ca me convinced that then could not triumph
or drive Gen. Tdylor froM his position, and
retire.] ; "• r
As Yet Santa Anna has Only. retired &short
distantloi k bou I do not entertain - the belief that
he •will vAirttre another engagement.
Merco has not the, means to bear , the bur
den O . the war; it is opposing poverty,to shun
dance to strength. In my, opinion
it ‘v,oild he hest for the tw,V•Gifvernments to
enter into negotiations. With the power the
U.States poAsess, it would bees _dishonorable
in her to force us into treaties advantageous
abine to herself, a.- it Nvould Oe for us to make
conceiion from necessity.
CAPT 1.74 1 1 .4 OF AN .M.II?.a!CAI.V LADY' Br TIII:
Mhxtc,ore.,— r A train of 100 loaded wagon§
i s.s\r
(U. 5..) on their w y to Monterey from Ca
margo, under an'e cart 'of 30 volunteers, 'was
c a ptured by a body f Mexican cavalry, a fe,iv,
mites beyond Merit . Three of the men made
good their escape— h est ware,taken prison
ers. A yonng lady, , , the anglaer ()fan Amer,
leanitizen living in Mexico and (returning
fai li from New ()ripens, where she has been
ing,,to school, wallaken with thigkrain, her
fa herihaving been killed by the Itiexicans.4
Ste bid escaped and arrived ,at Monterey in
's fetyi where her misfortunes had exited the
li-e tupg.tlively sympathy.: , '
I A A 'sotontrltt It SIVA RiCD.-A L 01117. T }TART,
't e C6lor Sergant of the Baltiraore battalion,
whn Wit his right.arm at the sto
,mingl of Mon
terey Ans received the appointr e
i nt of Wateh
man at the Washington Navy . ard., He has
also been pot upon the Pension List. This is
an act hiTill creditable to the Government:
. Goon.—The Board of Public Works of the
State of Ohio, determined, at their. session
which has just n closed, to Premi I alt bread•stuffs
and other proeiSions eontrbuted by the citizens
or purchased with money . contributionsi for
the relief o(the aufrering population of Eu rope,
to paps on our public work's, free' Of
Ti ASTOR .11ousti....Gen. Scott and snit.
i i.
,w 14114 at Brazos Santiago, lodged in s, place
'calla t. 1 e Astor House, which consists of the
wreeS o a Mississippi steainer,4s4 6 oair in
the itwand the rest imbilded in tho sand.
.The Tare,ivas $3 per Bay. !`
. ~...
....i 6 ... , i .
doketeel that the r e dena oap e te ne feti. months
•ago,7, naraded_ a :sptendid pyre 'di at Federal
States t .probich New Hatnshire wasithq base,
s and Olalne tbecopex. It hakbeen Soma. { peeks
'ain6n hi gri . Of thi 3 Oluttins of any of our co
,temOdrariesi and as ninny, tire - in46as ko See
it, oal Federal Mends, iirtie absence . of tub..
cr ei it.hig neivs, might reproduce it.
5, . , '
Late and:lmportant Vera
nvestment o Veira ertiz , -00Cci mitt& land
ing of Ceit.,*.oft—WainiSkirmishing4
Alt WI Regols Carried-=Copt. 416arlie
of Virgin a, Yid—Midshipman Rogers
-Rescurd—iPlan of the 4ttctikA/1 Stip.
pliesut off. 1 ':', , , • . ,
By the c
schoonWPortia, sat New Orleans'
from Sacrifielos l i the lsth, we have news' of
interest fro in the land and niVal 'furcate-Op=
prating before Vera Cruz. The Delta's ac
count says, troops were landed ,by Generals
Scott, Pattersoi‘ Worth, Pilbit . v,•Qeitniati,,
and Twiggs, with their Aids, end the Topo,
graplticaircorps, which approachek i ne r the •
shore, toward the direction of the Cast -, the
gees of San, Juan 'd'Ulloa, opening; fir upon
the party, throwing shell and . roong sh',4 l bdti
ivithout doing any7damage to the reconaiter
ingl party—the, round shot either ptissiog
over or falling short, apd the shell, although
thrown with preciSibn, bursting ate.censid-'
enable elevation, deing'ne harm: Ono i shell±
passing over the.steitiur -Pettit% (the: vessel .
employed in the reconoisance) and another
burstingtinder heriboiv, 'without doing any
injury.- \,, . • --
, The recc t was made while , the
transports t tys were lying- fit at- An
ton Lizardc
possible del leir ' return add the least
;ports and eonvoys,weigh
sd anchor and stookto the southward of Sec
riticies, bearing in toWnril the maindrind,'ivith
a fair breeze and in galhitit style,- when they
came to anchdr, the conveys taking position
in such a.tmitiner as to pri;tqt.the disembark-
Jatiim of the troops: the first 000 bei ag laud
ed rat 2 o'clock P. M., oh the', ea the' re
main ier daring the next day.
.1 The l4ding
is spoken of, by persons who wmre\. , y-Wits
'nesse:), as a scene i of
_inagnincene, '<rarely
witnessed more than once in a life time.\;The
troop landed amounted to the exact nunlber
of 12.100.
Duringlhe advance upon the. rear of the
city, Passed•Midshipmati Rogers, Who had
not yet:been sent from Vera Cruz, was bound
Amen • a einh,,MMl ordered to be 'conveyed, tin
,a guard, tattle prion at Penne , but foe
tunately they were encountered by per forces,
and M. Rogeis was, rescued, and is \ now-on
hoard his ship ,
After thelanding, 'the different columns
took up their Him 4 march Pi). the position
assigned to them in important action - and
siege of Vera Crdz. - i
"- The eteamers Vixen and SiiitAre lay under
Punta de Hornos, opened on 't ie-' city 'across
the point - and iii' the !direction of te Castle,
with :lied-and round shot, which w 's return
,ed by the' ! astle, but without effect.
The city is tiow.cempletely sem° ailed by
our troops; each divisititi having takcn'a strong
PO advittita„eenus phition,with entregi
inents; completely cutting 0 all commit ' -
I,ion by sea orland, Lind at the ,same tinie'safe
irdin the fire of the Castle. ' The pisitionsllif
divisions were established ono the, 14th, ex
tehdipg from Punta de' Ilernos, 'on the right
Ito Ptinta {le la Quite, °tribe Id t, in one _un
broken line, andlactive prepare ions were on
I foot fur; the immediate suhjuga to 9 of this for
midable place. , i
, l 'o•-elosely is Vera Cruz no ' besieged, and
so entirely are every means f communica
tion . eutoif that in a dotty fevadayS the 'news
must reach Its that both the City and Castle
are occPpied-by our victorious troops. ,
The general impression seems tp be that
the city will surrender in die .course of ten
days or two weeks. .No doubt is \eiitpri3ssed
of the s iccessful termination of the enter
prise. i ,
Tim 1:4 - Itia was dejaye
the 15th by the prevalen
rtug which atm; thfi_ftivr.l
tiancewas ° frequent ly hei
proceeded from the Castl.,
\' , Gen, Wort i- ea divisici:4 which has been as
the city, from, the Ideal y of 'the landing on
the Sdtith, and under Pi ma , . de noimos, tad
necessarily to move in ' ehelon to the • rear,
past the,right! A in order t ) gain his Proper put,
Sitiott—in the executioner which it beciane
necessary to attack an take possession of
two redoubts thrown up by I the enemy, on
one of which was a pi co of artil erf, and
both fi lled with infantry '
The redoubts were attacked, h rged and
taken, a .. spirited resistat mbeingtnntle by the
enemy, who lost seivra in lcilied, wounded
and prisoners,-our loss is seven ltilled, and
several wounded. Cap. Albiirti's, of the 2d
infantry, was killed by' rohnd shot, supposed
to be from the Castle; he Fame ihot taking
off' the arm of n dritinm r Oil boy)1 and .
Copt. Wound
ing!bard a privates was a ,Virgin
foil ii
inn, and inerly cond eted a newspaper in
Fredericksburg. Col. , Dixon =alas wounded
in the breast by a must et shot. •
? rhe'skirtnishing!wa., hOweve
tri the ridvancidg_courn , %%MO p
ily for Ward to its posit orron the
of the city, where it h Ited and
the work of entrenchu ent. '
Thelipes for the pu pose of 's!
cityivitli fresh water, hue - been
,and broken Up, 'completely cuts
s.opply, front,the' tanks, /which
somel4l:-.4itnce, from tho - ,'city. , ,
1 J ,•-• ....-..-...c , ' ;
pinicUal Coa rooponlona-aa lahlao'N. 0. PFeayono 1
-' . Alareltll2, rdo iting.
I wrote you a has y letter las evening,
with a short aeconut 0 , the movere ma of the
day. After it was' dl sed. the Ri es under
Co). Soil ad a bris acpbn with he enemy,
ii }
in whic ''' - e latter;af er a partial uccessi at
the out t, were fiqall ',driven bac with 'on
sides., leiess.. ';T is t Mining the line of in
it ent- ft, r• , -' ',les ' -,tent—
,I. 1!.
vestfnent—some fi e .. tr six min
will : probably be c mplete.
Ildotiot think, ' nmrall that I can see and
learn, 'that Gen.cottjwill, be able to 'plant
his batteries for s ver I days to ,come; and
untilne can mak
if:nal show' he l will not
open upon the town nt all. When the born
bardment does commerce it will be in ear- ,
nest. !
Capt. Vinton of. the artillery has been -or
dered to take.up a position at ar Hine kiln 'close
in to the walls of the city, and I this he, has
effected without ) loss. Anticipating an at-,
tack upon this point, last night, en. Worth,
went out a ft er dark, with tivo c mpanies, -t o
support Onpt. V.;. but nothing Occurred.---'
there was some little'skirmishin at the dif
ferent pickets during the night, ut otherwise
ail was (valet. i'
Col. Harney's dragoons havmlnot, as yet,
arrived, yet their.serVices are greatly nceded),
It is said that a large train of (pack mules,
which went out the city yesterday,. totik a
heavy amount of specie as well as valuables.
All this might probably have been token had
_Gen. Sc4tt had a cavalry,force.: It.was also
reported evening that something like 1000
Mexicans were seen corning in 1 °wards -sun
' down, by the main road from Mexico,{ with a
'large drove of cattle fertile beleagured=city;
,but as the'inveittnent, was not then complete,.
-and- as ire had no ca. alry• t they Could neat be
taken.' I learn; koWever, that' ) Gen. Twiggs,
who commands on the -norther side'. side-: of the
city, succeeded duringthe, day , in capturing
quite it number of cattle. - A norther is 'neiv•
bloWing,'which it Is !roped will bring the , to
dragoons: __ , --,. ' ' , -,= .= t
-At the inagaalne, which was capture day
befororyesterday,'.a considerable .quanti y--.of.
amunit ion. was. taken., . It j was, evident y d
English or AmeriCan !mike; as it was la tiled
”shor finge."l "long range," - I,te.; .4,1, .i. In'
good ernacular. The Mexico' s man ged to
get o :safely the - larger potion- of, their am-,
munition, and is now ) carefully towed .away
inside the city walls.- .•
1; :•
It Weald-taken Page oryikir - per to !give
full effect tell description of t e handing ~of
our troopson-the iiiit, r ,a, more tirrinu Apec,
two. has ) prbably nover_been , I VvitnessOd In
America. In.thoirit lino th•cre *ism& feel
thin *soVetitpheavyratirf‘.-fi o ntrii,knfitainittg
*early 4000 regtilarei'and , al, of.}beintaket
ed so meet snienerny before they struck the
1 1 ‘i ,
shore. Nein,' hstanding this, every man w• a
emilous to be rst.—they plunged into 6:
%voter .waist del p as they reached the shore—,
thes,"stars tind, .tripes" were instantly , float-;
ing—a rush w 's made for the sand hills, find
amid loud sh'ou s they pressed onward. Three
.104, and loud beers arose from their ciim-,'
-raOes still on b ard, awaiting to be embarked, ,
and meanwhile the tops andtvery portion of
the' foreigh ve els ,were crowded with 'spec
tntereof the s ene. Not one ' who witnessso
it will ever fu get` the landing. Why the
Mexicans did otipppooe.lis lea greater mys
tery than eve consideringi their great ad
vantages at, the tine and thilt;they hove since
°mad every step:of our Advance.'
The troops, both regiulari and volunteers,
have sufibred,incredibly . Since the landing..—
marching over heavy sand flills o without ua
lei; muler,a b•oiling.sun durini the day,' '
- 1. 1- eoPing out iwithout tent's or bedding during
the heavy dews which have fallen at nig t.,—
ex posed, too, to a continual fire froto the at
teries of the enemy; yet opt ,a i murnatir has
been heard: Anything can be etrected With
such troops. • ,Y,,, rs, ' G. W. K. ,
According o previous notii3 given, a large
and ri•spec tle meeting of the citizens of
Erie and vicinity Convened •at the Court
House on Saturday evenitig,the.3d.inst:, for
the puritoso of appointing. delegates ,t6 a
Railroad, Convention to be Jteld at Westfield
on the 14th inst. :.The meeting was orgin
ized by calling JosFiPli Ft. WiLLtrot, Esq., to
the ,Chair, and appointing CaS. D. Donnnvs,
E. BenDirr, Eq., and Col. Ile/mp, nr
,Prekidnits; anJ Joseph .31. .9t rcett; Es.,
and B. 'F.°Sloan, Secretaries. . r
a • 4 • '
' The object of, the meeting having been
stated, •
b - - appointi'
• On motion the hair e, Carson Gre
be ; C. W. 'Kelso, Irvin Catno,l M. , Mal
lon JamesiSkinner, - 0: J. Bat f and Thomas
111. , . ill, al's., a committee to draft resolti
'ions expressive of the feelingsi of Ohl' tneet-''
ig in regard to the proposed Railroad , cou-
ntion with the city/ o f Buffalo, •
he Committee reported the fellowing: 1
, '• If 7 .•_eatr, the citizens of Buffalo and of the
I termediate towns between the cities]
Of Buffalo nd Erie, have become •simultanek
\ t.
busty alive Te importance and advantages I
Of of a railroa communication, between these
Awe important points, thereby 'connecting us
roch, with the ot i.' and aft with the two
h\ l
great commercial Atlantic ports, New York
and Boston: And !.vh reas theconstruction of
this improvement wee tt bethe completion of
a long link in that iron chain Which is destined
in a few years to connect 'the Atlantic with
the great Mississippivalley, nd at no dist?
taut period the Atlantic an the" Pacific Oceans—whose rolling waves eet
, now pro
claim to astonished Europe the lstness of
our limits, asihey. will soon, we tr \ ust, the
grandeur, Of our growth and the spldor of
commercial enterprise—therefore.
lolved, That we respond most hetrtt y to.
)11 which has been math:tier ace bbentsen
teldat Westfield'on the 14th inst , forth •
'se of maturing meaaures for t e early!
detion t of the proposed railroad etween'
and Buffalo. t • .
4tes*ved, That the cit i zens Of Efi , having
themsees secured a charter 'for a railioad
from-Erie to the State line, are ouly waiting
for a similar uchievement on the part of the
enterprising, citizens of our sister State in or
der to show 'them that the people of Erie
county Will be as prompt in the exception of
our portion of,the road •as they have peen in
stegring the necessary legiststion.
Resolved, That this meeting pr'occed to
appoint a large delegation fro% the city and
the several townsiu .the county immediately
interestedin the subject of thisproposed Cod
The followiog - delegate's were then ap
pointed. i - 1-
3 I •
- rt•a-7--‘ ,C. . .' - ,1. iJ n Vi.s.,.'nt r! , rtr
Tibbats, JarTs D i Datilap, GT, - 713:11 - 10 , V Ai: -
Tiuusilail, 11 Cadwell,'Smith Jackson, Wal
ter Chester, Carlos Graham,ll. L. Brown,.
.E.`B. Mattison; 11.1 Whallon , Thomas 111eltaf
-fey, Benj. Grant, ames'o. Marshall, W. C.
Kelso, M Courtri ht, T. Moorheatir Jr., J.
Ziinmerly, Wm, Ir. Gallagher, Join Gal
braith, 13. B. Vincent, R.. Cochran,
Beatty, ' Seph 111. Sterrett, Win:. Kelley,
James ' Allmon,
,James WilliamS, Jdseph
Nee* hn H. Walker, C. W. Kelso, John
Hughes, M. Goodwin, W. Uoskinson, John
A. Tiaey,,capt., W. W. Dobbins, J. /lean,
M. W.q.latighey, Col. W. W. Looniis, J. B.•
Johnson, Capt I).; Dubbing, E. Babbitt, Irvin
Calnl);B: P. Sloan. , .
' Mi 'creek—Alex. M'Clelland, A. Saltsman,
Matt ew It. Barr, N. W,Aussell, G. Wag-
. ner, 1, nt. Nicholson, J. IV, Ryan, E. Marvin.
Harborcreek-Z.Dr. I. Shei'win, , i p., pi -e 1 Y
, Y .
MoOrhead, - Andrew COUSC, LESq 'Wm. A.
Bessfey, Col. Jas. M. Moorhead, M, Wigton,
J: Chambers, Esq., 1)r. IVm; F. Wadley.
North East Borough—Col. D. R. Tettle, E.'
'W. 41: - Blaine, B. Town, it. S. Brawley, D.
' Allison, :Lilt Haines, Wm. Griffith.
_North East Toivaship-wlion. J. Bratvley,
- Wm, Crawford, Thos. Mellin, Thos. Silli
\ wan, J. Scouller, J: 8.1 Milliken, Esq., R.
'McNeil., . '
R, ~,
the C`,...
to be
pu ~ .
this .t4r.,
from the 13th to
c of a norther, du
tame of.hcavy
rd, which doubtless
, no, check
essdd stead
left'and !ear
cam wormed
ipting the
d scovete '
ing off! ti•
ro situated
Greenfield—James Wilson, W. E. :Unpin,
Gen. W. Addison,
'Girard—Geo. H.. Cutler, Esq., Hon. M,
! McKean—Robert T. L Sterrett. . 1
-On Motion of Charles W. 'Kelso, Esq.,' it
i was
t ' '
• .
I Resolved,' That in klufs'opinion of this m ee-
Ang the convention proposed to he held at
Chicago, Illinois, to take into coniiderat on
the subject S of ' , Harbor and other impr ye:.
Mentes, fur :nations,' purifoscs, is highly c in
mendable, and 'worthy the atte f utiou of of
whole country. -- ,
That national funds cannot• be more benefi
cially employed - than in furthering a system-,
' whith included within it the milling of har
' hors to shield, protect and encourage a corn
' coerce in which every State in the Union is.
'directly or indirectly interested, and which, in
a peculiar manner, in a country-so wide-spread
in itsdompinii - rid ao various in its productions
as this is, is we' l l calculated to bring' togeth
er, through the perations of trade and ex
change, its widely separated citizens; and the
opening up of avenues of travel and intercoini
munication; for Purposes of business or social
'intercourse, thus, makes us more accurately
acquainted with each other's ‘ true chant,
and condition, increasing our 'nntual .in -
est, and strengthening' our determination and
desire to perpetuate our common government.
That , consideriug the. Powerful influence
which a Conveinion l —such as that proposed
to be held at 'Chicago, composed of represen
tatives from so large an e i xtent of country,
combining talent of the *hest order, With
'the most ample experience in the operations
of the trade and commerce of the country, as
well as familiarity with the nature and prin-,
ciplin of our government 7 -4s. calculated to
have upon the action and policy of a 'goverh-
- ment, which like ours, ought - to be but the
- exponent.of the will of the people, it is regard- ,
ed by this meeting as highly important that
the region of country 'directly interested'; in
the 4artior of Erie should be represented lin
' that bitty. - Therefere -' -'' ' ' - " - ' ' '
, •
lieSoieed,. 'That a publie meeting of the
people interested in the preservation and corn-'
*Wm °film Ilarbcir of; Erie, -be 4110 for 1
Illondey.the 3d day of May next,. at.? o*c4kck
P. M., at he Court House, la the Borough of
Erie, to sled delegates to attend the Chica
go Conve ticiti' . - : ' ' ; '
—.on Motion, ' • , ' -
-"Resolvsd,',That, the proceedings of thi
meeting be signed by, the, officers, and publish
ed in itll thO papers_ inthlu'entirity. - '' T _
' • DAtvirtr.Dentimai• ,-- '- •J - • .-•,, '' . N
L. BAnitarT,-, •,, Vice,P.reete._, ;=.
•Ininr,Cdtp. ‘;, '• . -..--- '- -
' - , s/J.,. ..ToseAjf. sOrretV
' ' B. F.'Ellaila.
C 9 in exi
.. .
•.' .
~ :.: .
; ,_.
~,•.1 4..........., ;•-•:-.--.. ~ - ), T .i-'
, 1 ilCea thei ie fi ne- - eking fever preveb,
• 1:
Another - Battle In
tFroin the Leeliville Courier.]
; . ST. Lours, Monday evening, March, W.
MR. . 'N. ,LIALDBMAIII Dear Sir—Wet
have' this oment reoeived •an express_ film
Santa "re. The Mexican insurrectionists,
numbering 2AOO men, marched down on San
ta-Fe, As waslntituated. by our last inlvices.
`hey; tr,ere . met et Capt. Morris's command
i the valley of MIT), and
,totally; &Ante d!!
Avkgreat ,number of tlkeenetny were killed and
unded, and the rest` eti precipitately to the
mountains. The" actio was a most brilliant
one on the part of our the ', and reflects much
Credit on Coolness intnourage.
The newe'o the murder, of Gov.- Bent is
folly confirms . • Twent,Mive titer Atneri
cansiell at th 'same time. In ha .T, yours.
the Boston Transciipt in condemning the con
stant use of rocking chairs, by young liidis in
partictilar, says;
"Nearly, half a young lady's indoor life $
spent, the body half suspended by the elbow -
'-and - the mussels of the bank entirely, relaxed,
in the rocking chair.- The necessary conse
quences is a crooked'spine, a weak back and a
high pair of Shoulders, and an awkward man
ner of chrrying the head;.—effects perfectly
incompatible with gracefol movements ofany
kind. 'rho majority of laboring men c rr,y
their bead and shouldedrs less ungracefulthan
the maorit,V of ladies, Merely because exercise
;with t , m strengthens'llle i l back; and th - a - form-
Ong king chair has ne er humped ; their
short. ers a tuni pit___ched finiv. ri . l their heads. '
The follow
ng c , nntnind
a., Globe., I I
""Why . will the' whig
gover or elect ioe
old c on?' Becat se 'it, is lfOu
To the. Honorable the Jutig a oflhc Court of
, quarter Sessions of rie county, .May
Teem, 1847. ,
,Fredetlie) tilts, of .M illereeli
town - ,.47;re-pectfully reprer , ent; I bathe is fi u ell pro'.
vided uith house room and nvepientes tin the
lorkiho and accominotlatioa of travelers and Stran
. the house he now occupies in said town
ship"; ho therefore prays the honorable coureto
grant him a licenie for keepinvi, n public inn or
tavern, and ha as itidt.r.y bound will pray, &o. •
',March 36, ISO.
We; the sultertbers, citizen of Millerc town.'
- ship, in wide!' the above i!tin r tavern prayed to,
be proposeih to be e pt, 4o 'rotay that
Frrerick, [leas, the, .otiove. applicant, is of goo)
re' me for honesty and temperal, and is well
provieed with house` rooni and co veniences for
thOodaitig and a- commOdat ion of strangers and
travelers, and that such an inn or tavern is neces
sary 'fur the Oecontrilation ..f ili&public and" to
ientertain stranoers and travelers. .
j. John 14eis, John 'Frey,
Conrail Brown, John Asitee,
, Frederick Beim, Philip Diefenbach,
Mtn W. Ryan, : John Farver, r 7
Roily Shank. • I John A. Pousun,
Daniel Buller, Peter J. Scott, •
It. N. Elmo, , LiAaam Frey,
:A rt 1, 3i-:817.. 46
1 1 0"iatiF01i ; if)).VERN.LiCiNSE. -
To the I to' able the:Judges of the Court of
quarter klessions of Erie CO. .114ty terra,:'47.
• it. S . iti t s.l,y. Nort ea , t I, ir•
repreStutts that lie is Well pro
roottiland Cohainiences tbr the
redationoftravolers and stran
"kliaivii" in - said, borotwhi—
• prays tho court itt auant
s tart or tavern, and-your
)I ' l,
" "10,
.t 2 ft.
'II it
•, Eli
. Vhe pal im :
eugh, reveetkul.,
vitle,ol with house
1 0 ,f liin.. and aecural , ,,
go6l_ pc 11.0,"Ventrul '
he irtetellKet rtspee.fel
him a license to keep a
peti.joner -will p ay, -Slit
Northlt: eat Ile. ougli, M.;jrcli27,
We, the notletsr,e , lol ei,iv:
North vast allue.aid bete!! fteitN .
wi.h It. S. Brau ley, tlw ',above pt.
141 , ,igiF Arkyeellill'effick"breit,,
or eesSary, to ucepounodale the publit.
mitt s rangers oriavelet'. —that he ii ,
Izoottrepti e tor frme,ty a al temperape-,
he is w.lllproville7l with I ease itiatn and ,e,
\races far the,lotle.ine and Iteetrattiotlatiott \ ol\
4 e rs and travelers. We thereiore b*.gr leave IL
itotenrwed him for a 4elts , agreeably to his pi
iiou. ,
David Allison, S. s: Ilinitnon,l, • . 1
, E.ll. nominee, • 1 ham in Von Scoter,
: ' 1 Alex. D ividso o , P. F. Cli,mpell,
1 ' 1 Win. E. Wald, , Jacob linapp,
i 11. C. l'owit, Reuben ll,ArkQr,
, . • I ler. rope, 13. own.
J.II I,.ontnis.. Willi:tin Gruff:3h, ,
• ' ,ha Bone, John Grn =--
nr. „._
. _ . 1 - -
To lye llohorabie the ,1,41,718 of the Cdurt of Quor
ter 2 as oas of Erie county, Jrlay 71r1n, 44.4.14-e—,
't The Petition or Lewis S. Allen,' of Mirth' East
berott;!ll, re:lice:fully yepresents, that 143 •is stet
provitleit it house‘roozn and, coravenignee, Tor
the lodging and aceruntruula: ion of ttavblcrs and
gillll2 :rs, at the old stand Or 13esterjT ow ii, in said
borough; he thaefttreirespectltelly prays the eourt
to grant hint a license to keep art; inn or laverd„
and yourpe'd 'dotter will pray, ~ ,e . I
7LL'atot3 S. ALLEN, •
North East Donnunh, March 0, 18.17. • o
We, the stitoiriberen, citizens at North cast ho
ron4h,-i a which the uheve l inn or tavern prayed to
be licensed is pi °posed to be kept, do Iterby cer
lily that Len i. S. Allen, the above', applicant is or
good repine for honest y and tentperanee, and is
well provided with liousa main rar the neeetomo
qat ion o f sliannys and travelers, and that such an
inn or Intern is necessaty for the aceorniniaLition
or die public, and to entertain strangers and trav
\ III.?:;::1' 'lt . ls 111-n ley ' ;. ~ i(:::1: , 1r014) lllrher.
• .
. ' Ales. Popo, It'illirm,
J mob Knapp,, Win. l E.., it nrd,
; . Boner Town, Alex. II iv idson.!
DAri , l 'Alli;a». John Greer,: '
Iteojordu mated, ,'t. L ..... iti.,, , I
' B. (l.l' ttii. lames 1.. Plower.
o the.Houorable the Judges of the Court of
Common Pleas of Erierounty,, now hold
ing a,Court Of Quarter, ASmions of the
l'eaef in and for said County.
The Petition of the subserih. r numbly showeth
that lie is well provided with house room mid all
other accommodations thr entertainintu strangers
and travelersi tt (mid therefor4humbly, pray your
I loners to grant i ltim a license. to keep ,a public
house nt his old stand two miles west of 'the hor-
of Northeast on the Erie and fßando real.
4 HoMits RAt.NITRT.
We, the undersined, eitizens'ol the to uship,
of North east, do certify tha t Thos. Barnh. rt, the
above applicant, is a man a good rep'atati4n for
honesty and totnperanceoltitt he is wei pro dded
with house room for entertaining stt at gers and
travelers, that tavern is necessary for; ho public
J. G. Wenver. Thns: W
al 11. M% Mellel
• u : - Elishn P. $t
Booth C414we11,. - Eiienoxer F
Beni. Cuptnr ', La roan elali
, 'remain !UMW Jr. W. L. Avert!
311111 eS Milliken, • M. Greer,
- John Baird. • / W. ... Main!
William !laird, / William Cui4,l
' • * AI 11. Lyon, . ' Timms TeF'
April ft. 11847.
To the,l ionoruble Court or Lamarter rsessiona 01
Erie 'County. ' •
T EM. Petition ol- Alecandqr Mel Most; of
• • ,
North East township, Erie county, re
speetfkilly represents that he is well provided
with house robin and tile ne r iesnery convenieriees
for the lodsingand accornt oileoon of strangers
and travelers,' at the house occupied by - sairl Alex
ander Mclntosh ua tavern or Inn, in said town
ship, on the Bolt In •road,ifilie house commonly
ealled.the Skate Line FlouS - ::, He,therefore prays
i s
the Hon.-Court to grant a I iiir„:"Acense , to keep a .
public Inn or Tavern, and
~,.,7'is. in duty ;,bound,
will, over pray, &c.. -4.: -."'' 1 '''
We. the ndersigned, ci't/xens of,',Nerth East
township. ' ftiresaid, in wtkleh the 'above-pained
inn or tave r n i--1 prayed to he licensed and propos
ed to be kept, do eertily dolt .said Alexander Mt:-
Into:di, the above:named apPliem, is el, good re
pute forlioneSty and'teniperance, and is well Pro
tided with house ioonk tool conveniences for dui
ilcc9inmodaoqn of stra . niiers and travelers, and
s thuX suet niVerri is necessary for the aceommoda
' 004 of the public. • •-, • -'"/ • : *
7 iisthuir; GOditey. - Chuney Weltalter,- . •
' Daniel F 'Merry,' . 'W. L. Averilt, , . •
liCese Deinap, -...-- Ltiwis - M. Averill -
. ' Daniel MOB, . : :Michael B. Mills,
Mahl , nDinley, . --, _", :Mien. Munger,
John Silly:a - tan; , : - AbrahantMaither,
- April 3:1547: ; • - ~,..- ,- - '•-. , ' - 446
Pa, %C. et
El 2,000 MEXICANS.'
u u is from the
is quite expres-
at the coming
tail of that 'same
to be „behind."
\ I R. S.
ISI7. ^
4 - Or, hii`bo-ntioqi n 1
nally aequ4inr ql
•ittoner. and 11
itratAilltil l ig
/and Cu' . r
'lwslxl of
Ind ilikt.
[ Gifford,
i ..c
ES.— 6
. just I' 1
•ofee,l'eas. Sugar,
eived-ind- fur WO
, Notice is,herebygiv
en to all indebted to
this office for more
than oue . year's sub
lon that unless
payment is 41ade by
. the'lsth cif Maf thew
accounts will \ be left
p ea
hand 4 of a pro
per officer for, colle,c
tiOn: --,
. IJu rlin 4. 'Sloan.
iiril , 'lo, 1817. 1
To the Co lof Quiirte i r Sessjons of Erie
County.'r •
4 0 , ,
The petition John lierrenzer of t:he township
ui Le Blvd in 8414 courtly, respecitolly represents
tbat' be is n•i ll provided frith hon-e room and , con
veniences for the lotkini.z and accomntothvion of
atranzers and it a voles:1, at the lonise on the turn
pike five miles son lisof\y‘evriord, n hit It he now
occupies in said lown.lhip k he therefore prays the
honorable court to erant•loittlt s licente for keepitur
a public in or AIM n and be lei d n dozy botind,sr ill
ever pray. . \ /
We, the subscribers, citizens of L.e Vic dr LON o.
ship, in which ;Its ie.ov.e inn or tu,rein prayed
to ho licensed, islproposed td be kept, do certify
that John Berri nger, the above applicant, is of
000 d repute for honesty and temperauce, and is
we ll pr o vid e d with hun.eroom and conveineatee for
Iti,l t zlittz and doccuinnaodation or arrangers andArtiv
elcr-, and that such tavern id necessary io acci•
modate the public' and e'n.ertain strangers and
frayelers i i ,
• Q•orse Burger, Solomon Layer,
ciononor Kassel,. JAlly'll Pllll , lk,
(hew Boyd, • ' Woke r walker,
henry C. Mallory, J muss D. Walker.
Joao %Va.f crimes°, George 1,1,0,0,10,
'Gpnrgli I. ben% owl \ GI wee %%I. 'aliens ood.
aril :1, 1897.
T, the I lonorable tiotA of t.l.tnirteres,•-ians of
~ Erie Conn••. . '- \ ~ I
MI-lit: peijiton of Gideon H. W a rr,. r , of Nlitt:-
.creek, in .aid county, respecJitily A lumeth
that he is desirous. of 'keeping a house of public
en , ertainulent, at. the stand owned by 'AI Wagner
and lately occttoPed by hitnsell; and humbly prays ,
your honors to Brant hint a ticensofor tee- smite,
and Ito, as in duty hotrod, will ever pra - v, &c. 1). '
Millcreek, March 27, 1547.-
• We, the undersigned, citizens of the township.
of Millercelq Erie county. respeetfuly heg cave
to certify th. t we are well acquainted wii.i the .
above petit] net.. G. 11.'Wnener, and kiwi Itint
to be'a titan . sobriety and honesty, well t . lettle
tett to heip . tavern, and that he is, v. ell pr}„paried ,
for her-Ring the earn° and thht a :tavern 4,t that
place lane •E.4sary fur the accutturiodation of tint
traveling rublic, • ,- - .- - v \,., . 1 ..
Join C • pc_rl
v . • g - ." - ‘ i
.A.S. C 'met-. , ~_. ,G. V‘:.'r< o . ct ht, —
,3ohu N . Ryan. ''' S. 11 Br We t :). . —: ... -
'Jo: 4Th Ebei.sule, - 'Chris-lan Ebersole.. •
' Geo. A. Brown,. • Anrhoriv 14 1 . 141 1 napp .
iilwr:in NV it r l;i, -.,. - John•liiblet, • -
April:. Sl7l .l: ; . 46
..___---4--_, -
Honorable the fudfro.B of tie Court Of
ler *SiTsion's of Eke Cuituty, '.1:14.y
1 1811.. • .; • . .
or itio4 of D..vill . Iffson, of North east
reveetrilly rqre cuts:dim 1w is well
wi h hon,.e. room' - rid convenience.ilbr
n;Taito ....,o,nintrir titer 1::11 si a-vet - yrs-war
1. , 2,1;1A, at the ...I he noii,oet.up;cs in
nigh; -he therefor prays the calor ible
_rant him a I cent... 3 for_ keriiiiin , a public
..ertit, tied he as in duty boiliall will eve!
i A , i_
1 - n " VI I) 1' A 1.1,15 0,
• •
si .11oroules. March :117, 1047. '
'subselitiors, eitkzeit's of Notil t e u st 'bur
illicit the above inn i t tater') prayed to
di i'4 prope , etrio be fiept, do cectil'y hit
I lion, the abiiVe apptkpint 'is 'rl'zotid re-'
one,ty and 1411peranre, and iskwell in
till !those wont awd rionvenienres fur the
r, to accommodation
,or travelers diel
ICII,I that such an inn or tavern 6 nec. s'
e ecomiii•tdaijo& of the publie and to
eranger.and ,tisavehttA.
1f.,. flrawley. I. 11, Da villyart,
John, .RJ,..., , .\l; m. E. Wayil,
Alex. t 16 , 14 m, ' •
lil. 8. I/ armada, l
Erankli F. Chappell, 8. , Arpin'll , -4.•.).
8. M. Ft, .11, : Witti.mi Gil 401,
JAM°, L. pwere - Jdkleoly Facilip; J
J. 1 4 ociins. .. , x trrben, Darker . ,
J. It. 11°4 oryi k NM I'. ElynYor,,
I 01;0
To the
Th.: I
sui I bor
court, to
inn or to
Norte II
We, tl
nii , rll, i II
c atm
vid Al
9 ,ry
To the ;11ordirobleGPilord Church ;.and tke
.I.lssociate Judges of e .C . our F,of Qu . ortex .
Sessions of Ede co!, - .May Term, iBP.
The l'i.:l,itia or-Joho . i ozitu:l„ 01 Allll - t -00,..
I ownshiii in said* county, rcsictindly represei;ts,
that he is well prOvided t •ith ho se roam and con
veniences for the lotlgitt_ and at ummodation of
strangers and travelers at' the holt. he flit. 'odeu
pies in said township;- he therefore p ytilhti hon•
(wattle court to trans him a license in keening a
public inn or tavern, and he as iii:clu:y 'uciti %TM
pray. &c. ' . - JOHN A. Pt) SON:.
We, the Fttlise, then', eh hzensolMillt;ree ' .l o%frn. r
ship in which th • nhorq in or tavern p aye o.t e
l ineensed is proposed Th4o kept, do Certify t i
John'A. Pogson,,the shay applicant, is of go ;
rebate for honesty and temperance, and 4 vua,l,
t..1\, ,,
provided with house room . and mne:ltem& for
the lodging and accommodaiion Of s:rapt,ers , and
travelms, and that such an isin or raven n is ores.
sary to, accommodate the Public aii&entet.tain
strangers and travellers.. , 1;
G. H. 'Wagner, A. Saltsman„
James Gray,- , , Johr, .‘ N pes, ,'
Conrad Brown, Jr.,,,Jehn Justice,
.J.•l3' Caldefel 'Tobias rickinger,
.J. E. Nicholson, David Wallace,
f David Seyhort, 'Henry Gieguich,!
Albert Thayer, Levi Gordon.
April .3, ISIT. - ' 46
isi I.‘l/ 'A DVERTIF•Ie. \11•INT. -
I , - FANCY GOODS,', /It: sz.e,
11 i Lout‘HS kc .Co. are re
, • • ,-
~. ' . - are i i... 11,.. sei ving, irem N. York si
1 I ) 7 -.). . J stock of addition
, ,• .._ .
their nlatii
.i ftrin n e e r
ym p i 7' . , assortnient not us'yr - all) found in
- ' '''.l••-- ~ :this section of country. - S..clec=
1 , 4irl .ted with care rut at prices rens.
U' )! :onably low, tmy exper.A tel be
' - • able tn accom odate the i
r i pat- .
, 1 tons with All articles ton d in
;similar establishments at fair
'. No J v, 14, 1A46. ' '. 2
- ,
A"O4DEONS. with tho improved valves,
Bass - Vlol, Violin and Guitar Strings, for
sale by 'G. LOOMIS*. Co.
. Nnv. 14.1816. • Nn. 7, Reed Hume.
WE arc happy in being able to inform, our
friends that we were so fortunate' as not
o have any Goods on this vessel when wrecked
Our gen& are all . safe OR terra firma, gild we blivp
now en yore O . 14•ryleninplete am kof ' :
Glatt-Ware, Perfutetry,' Comb's, B' lot,
Fancy Artidaa, ete.,ete., ' i r
to which ,we:inv I to the attention' ofthesym at t 6 . i•
ing and all o : hera , and warn them that they tan
ho aceenunooated, in the beet and very limiest
['terms. Those that call on us will not be likely
'to Rurchase eisowhere,-,
. , - CARTER 4. BROTHER. •
n- ember 5. 1840. No, 5. need;House. '
rplitt subscriber lajitat receiving hialFall and
Winter Popp!) , - ol;GOODS, which'eddrd CO
IS former stock, making his assortment com
plete, Conti:168111g all the new i yiev; which will
b sold .cheap as cheapest b
I'. lisuoKLe.
Nov. 34. ism. No: 3. Perry Bloek."/
t./ilepaad Uyeatalla, a gaaeraiasato•
itieo; (Or silo cheap by' t• - . • ,••
. • - • - —•., • .
Sept. 1;1,16, . No, 5, Rectlifoule. 17.
n 6 Valves assplailisser t the Preview
Store, Rise 116 W ira ibag n 1110: illa
0 , : tivi rs h o a l yia . ju ic a ) t s ii s li z elt vi el in4 : we :c/17
mils. , RietlV, at It tvi an or ii ) e St'ls, 1, 7(i N I 0 ;
Inosi j'aphionahle, extensive and 'CHEAP stook
Z . l
t of Foreign and potn l et ic DRY
neatl nb e
s p
as o n'is
G y OO Ds. f
or Falland Winter; eter twomht to thisran,h The, zoo& have alliten•tuiehased mince't"e comuhas been ruined "b, thetariti atl.of'46,nnen
giisper.caWedodettaivhhtoxlb henp,it,
yeL We e;;;
"eonifidently assert that y
all psi one iisialog to bad
4 he.,
'itreli B'
Cheapest a ,at 1 , arguttis under Ike Sim,
cc iii ILK; it to their attvuotaxe4o-plrandexamiaa
:heir stock of' fancy (laslomere dVrovees`, Aid s
and reps; fancy do 11,..adies, ftzined, embribdered
and plain; all sortst,Of shals and diets handet
chiefs. calicoes at,allprii:ev and qtiobties, tosetk.
Cr will) a gen,ral aerottment of Domestic cood s :
equally as-cheap as any of the-Libor& Also, a
rood assortment of white, ' yellow and settle:
and . flarnirls, silk I and .cotton Alpacas ; finer
dress silks . and
, atins I very low ; ti ou i p .,,
9 table i 9 0 ,1i;:p e r s n in tn e z n e d i l l e s r ,
A s : D i i t
li v ' E t. i 3'
; x L e L o n i e n T r e a l n l n a a N n erd,Got:;;lt.
Such its ver colts at ull prices and *111' 11 6 ;
P an ?al( p,l'ilits, ress coats, sacks, closksk e.
Snepen er4, Drawe s, Overhauls,' UnderVhirts,
of all kinds.. Dor ., t forget the plue—NEW
44 r
JEW Store, I\'`Or4, lemin4 Block.
October 10;1616. ~
SCI - tLES of Gold, Silver and .G etmo
S' er Frames, an extensive assortment of
concave and convex. Also, th e cc ebrated Peri,
focal Spectacle, superior to any in se. •
I Gt. LOO.IIS & Co.
Noe. 14, 1816. '7; eed House.
NAILS and.sitelf Hardware, a good as sort .
men% on hand and, for sale cheap, tulle
cash and ready pay store, o.
,3,N Perry Black:
Nov. 14, 1946. tE.
CLOTHS.—BIu 'Brown and Black Cloths, i
1..../ good assottm /4 of qualities. and for sale by
Nov. 14, 18 , 16. - . P. ARBUCKLE,
I -_
SATI N ETTS aUd Kentucky Jeans, a go4SI as:
, .
aoritount just' • ' -nd for} eat % at N 0.3,
Perry Block, by P. ARBUCKLE.
Nov:1 1, 1 '1816.
_______ • ____.....
I 1 AftlicVAßE .. i ard tv are ask. House
i .1 Triminin.s ,Yoe.hae Nerj . .ehcap at
'the cheap store of ISy AC 1; - . '''‘)N 4 CQ.
Nnvenlher 21 1 4 ' -. 27
Varknefir.—Camphine, Saar
inpa.;! ivarianted gond. • Alro
nil wicks; very cheap at •
G. LOOM lz g t Co'a, •
Nn. ,7, need flouse.
MO excuse' %I
and Lard
Nov, 1,4, IEO6.
,-...., 1
t o
CAHN! ela.Atic t , lin Tor ladies and gf deism
%.,...74 black and li2i t colored slippers,: buskins,
zailero d lib..l_Culit rs au& childrens' ,41 . 11e5, s t
the \V • JEliiin.
.0... O. %." 4 - .
AF ----;E: :UAL is \ ssortmeni.Z new and art?
. G ood , can be *Lund nt
LES ER, 5 r i,,,,,NE.TT.5:,116 TER'S.
p , . It, 1616. . \ „ 30
ll'OFF:i r to It BES .- I, ,il i nother/To , i'.,of N - o - . 1
11 Buttilu Robe , juit fre‘t c iii,ed at
... N IPAAN S' 41 AVRIdiiT'S
'bee. 5, 1846:, ' ' I \ ' I , 29
ANT\ \ `
of Shetp
SG~I S. M.ll-1.1
• 4.9
AN -1 1 7
.; (warmly
' Erie. Dec. 5.
A N. T ErD
inn Sl.i a scanted irnmedii -Iy.
s of shipping furs. by
ts •
W i
C„1. T ani Op -•
Also, aill.hiii
Dec. ISM
ASTE•At. -49 61)!1, new slf
w on hand, oppositt, the fatls.
Wli.Llti.liS & tVRIGIIT.)
Q A 'Nt) P
►J and plaster'
' Pec. 5, P;tlG.
d‘cets, Caltdlestickl.,l7u-'
1 ‘ and I Trays alse" ißritunair
nw pattern., 4 •
Ott Lo r IM IS :,-Cdr.
• • •
. -
QII.V I'la
'Pea and Co a,
Nov. 14, 111
IGHT D SiS hunt Gothic, 6:G.
EA Pillar. Aliittl''E L nd econlividq;!).Y., !lie in;le
ease, rely cheap:for tehdy,p4v:
- 1.:0(11.115' fi
Nov. I- N0..7,7Reptl nounnlrb
v + .6
Nov:. I I. i
. „ Dl:rg STqFs.
, Anecto, a• till
littry, • • •
- 1 1
CreairlXliftar," lead Bear, •
Ar2ols, ,
Spii its of Tin; Lihuld - Blue; or chemiclat
Loarweoal, (into,
camwo6d, Alada6,l
Fti9 i4:4; '; Red Siinders.,
For sale very cheap ritlNo.6, Reure,ll.l
1846. . 2 • 1;3;
8 411 :
- r 4 l. 13 - ' --. 181 6 ..
Rt ,
ett Me 134 e • Cerner,ep ' he EVte lh 4. 1 / 4 ,
IA; It.LI AM ' 4. W HIGHT, noulti tnrom
V V . their c}Vonners and il ose - that are•buyin.,
Goods, that I ' y are now opepin., direct ken tt.e
eastern cities Meir FALL still WINTER twit,
which in varfeyi exteijt and cheapness, 50 r 1 .
coed any a4oilment in this city, c onprifirVil
the , new e;yl%'tkiof &Kids, purchased lines the tor
recent (ke i
ine n the eastern riniikeis; ninth 3111
s c riahle theirt'tocaer extra ineluecnieWt: to putch•-
'soro. . i , .: • OcrObet tO, 1E46,
'Tr,i, e µbee fiber has jbst scatted from "
eastern ci ics a lot ut Ladies and Itli.s.
kei SHOES-ot.'all kinds, comprisins - •
'Thick iintible Settled Walking - lu)*
- GI ai 'pi.' Ilots, ' -
- id Buskins, do Slips, Seal Slips, . i . -
In is Ru her Over Shoes. i II • ,
Mi. es SI ,s and Buskins;l ,
Chi! en'. Shoes of all kifids. I
Also, a It,k.g , lot of Allen's and Boy!sgAPt l .d .
all qualitiel; 12 1-2 cents tp $2 5 1 14 o.l '
above articles f allbe sold at estsernrifilos Fr , '
yes, us we beli: • in mall profits and quick w l.•
Call antfaceir •
. H. cariolELL
Nov. e.S. 1,8 6.
ood,, ; , . Indigo,' j
C, - f eichine I,'
cod, .
~ A natio ' '
Q 6, 1; Cienn 'I inn',
I' Weird, \rd Tar flu,
ander', ilue NitOol,
• rat, i ' A ord. et-F
er, . kr s; .,
J. 0. BURT O , NI
It:=2B No. 5,. ReN i
• Cam
- Nic
Nov. 28;AS
• 5000 Hia its Otto,
5000, d$ I Oats,
• 20002 d• ' .13tirley; , ;
WOO d. i t Wheat, $. - 1
1000 ,b Is. Flour, ,$ ' $
100 bus tells clover seed. •I I ' 1
100 d $ , Timothy seed, for which a IMP
a' price will e;paidiat the tore of •
_ g
• Efic,,Janu rir 30, 1816;
'ast Steel Avoll
the dos
Voctio & Co's
; nor otntrle.
SALT ekii be had at B. Totnlioon
'Ware fiti, Liao, 6lb
Canal B as'" , ..
hes net beep ix, licksed to the weather, 011
cbeaPee tlie 'elsewhere,
February 3, 18
'MON nail- and awl itsfs as cheap as the
J. est at the heap store
N . M. 21; 1,846. . ,TACtCSON*
SMYTO, the Fashion of Gentlemen' s .
. for the Ping of 1817. Gentlemen Isis
to purchase re intiteil to esti and examine ,
are very ben, tufo!.
S.- re can be fureisbetl-Vriih I ° c
short nnticer • , , 1
ANNEti'S OIL by the bWand et re
ibed Lampblack, Scrub, Scouring an,
Brushes; for-sale by
ley's Extension Pens snit'
ioprikeinest' out, oft
.5;. Cc*
• N-4. - 7..lfeed 1 onse:
i• - •NsoNa