Saturday Qight alRs Dy Re. F. E. DAVISON Rutland, Vb -gjj'9?t-0-f-9t?'.-?-?!Pj'?j1' THE KING OF THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. International Bible Lesson for Mar. 20, 10. (Matt. 9:1-13). Tho open core of tho world Is sin. p;n Is the chronic discnai; of rvory nut Ion. every trlbo, on this tfrrs!r!:il tnll. It Is tho 0110 universal nml nll rn:ii KTlliK mrso which has Unfiled ;i! tl" physlrlans mid dctn-t nil tln re !!i dies. From tho first ni.iii u:-;j i,iiv thi've has not brctl nn in coutii ,i. I.;,, human holnR who could lay I j I, im upon his hoart and say, 'i'iii In :i has never (tinned. The Age-Long Problem. The problem of the apes has hern. !c v to Ret rid of sin. Heatln ni u i. -'.-i it as well as cIvlliznMou. -. i;, In darkness arid In cl.ath ... on the hanka of rivers. , r, i . : i.nres of seas, and in Hi., i... . . .-. j.itiKles. and on the titirin: :r u I . ' I'lnir out ph -adltii; h.'iiil - in and to the ware is and I i :..vs. wuilliii; forth the ni.i.. : What shall w- dn in . : i ;'.. rivers have rolled i.u in,: , y, and the w aves ha e : ;i: i , y into their face", and i ei:t not one ray of I;,.:. t ,. i l;ne-is of the soul, li'ir he. : I M .. nil of the worhl. T'ie old Komans had i linvnY ; .. !, lit. sometimes inllii ' d r ;i!eier. They hound llir Im ,y . f i vi 1 1 m to the a .-hi ,... ,. , n !!ed liiin to ran y I nat In.i : , ) . i t until life or reason II' d. - . ; ::i 1'. ferene! to this eastern that 1' .:l ,: setits the man wlio l.s inn . -i . e. III.; inability to '..c"i.e I'm:,. 1,: , .. i r irr out, ( w ! ,1 i', i. :a, who shall dtdiver tee froai tl.i.-, hedy of death?. A New Creation. Ii is into such a world as il i- t'l.-.t !.. KillK comes to Institute a kiii:' . i u ii. 'o whlth there shall enter no''-;::; !':a' detileth. Where then will he :',.nl Ui.i subjects if he expects to build t!:a' l:!!Kdnm out of human hearts, , 'i have sinned and come she; t of the Klory of (iod? There is only on.! alternative. He must prove Himself ihe KIiik of the spiritual world. There would be no advantage In forming a new kingdom on eartii if it was to be uo Improvement over those already in existence. ChaiiKe of nil eu would be of no value If tho sub join were not also bunged. To luere y teach men without affecting thi lr hearts Is to ndd to their ubllity to sin. KtillKhtenment without righteousness is a curse. What Is needed Is a pari liratlon of the stream of life at tho fountain head, no that the current viil flow pure and sweet. He must be able to no ouipUsh practically a new creation. We have ?; n that He Is King of the v iii ld.- He can reconstruct the body. V.'e have seen that He Is Klnj; of the material world, He can control tie laws of nature. Is He also the Kin; of the spiritual world - has the Son uf Man power on earth to forgive pin'.' The answer Is not far, to seek. Mi time has now come to show that 1!" caa deal effectually with the dark dis ease of sin, and when a man "sick of the palsy" Is brought to Him. !eo'-;s ur.o the patient's heart, tou. lo -; i: .. s--!rlnRS of His rons-U nee, ili vow:-, th.'.t the sufferer is troublt tl aiioi in-' ;;n more than about his Ii a s. -. ; "d lecouiziiiK tlie broken and to:"i. -spirit, announces His absolution in tho words. He of ood chei r, thy i";h arc forj;ivt:n. Thea having he.ii. d I; wound of the soul, the Saviour o i to prive the lesser bios-inn of : h;. - 1 hoalins and the palsied i:.a:i l.a:::e to his house, eveiy whit wl.o'e. The Divine Method. From that time forth failed to claim and exercise the I o a . to forgive sins. Who'ver and w l e; -over Ho found a pe ; ! -:t: 11" i't'" l iiunced t li divine ah.-oh.tion, faith hath saved, in pea."." Neither do 1 condemn the v. t.o, a- u sin no more." I came net. to tall tl- ' righteous, but sinners to ." "Thut ye may know, that the Son e:' Man hath power on earth to tor :'. kins." This Is the method the Y n ndoptod to secure candidates for ;!: spiritual kingdom. II" took till of sinners, men and womh n. gre ft ; -i'd small - Nlco'demus anil Mary M:t :'.!" lono- the publican, the l'hariM-o. t; harlot, the profane fisherman, the cu! tuied, Intellectual giant, l'aul. And He made out of such material, white saints, greut-henrted Christians, cot nor stones In the spiritual temple. : voniinonwealth of kings and queens. He not only forgave their lniqu!ti" but Ho gave them power to wall; henceforth unspotted from the world. They lived their lives thereafter "uung men, advocating the very high est standards, and were known an 1 real of all. men. The world has boon obliged to confess of them as of their Master, we find no fault In them. Evidence Conclusive. And what the King did in Ills earthly sojourn He is doing yet. Thou sands of men and women have boon redeemed from all iniquity by this royal ruler of the spiritual worhl. Ho has undertaken to purify unto Him self a peeullur people, and He pro Poses to transform humanity by Ills 'n spirit so that In tho ages to come He may present unto Himself u re deemed race absolutely "without spot or wrinkle or any such thing." He 'as Blven the unanswerable proof that He Is tho King of the spiritual world In that He Is able to subduo all thin;;; ''"t1 Himself. The evidence is t'" elusive the King has come. bill f.tirt.. . ' i ..Mt uui.i) IN OLDKN TIMES Krr, or ll a IK.nk Got Iu Kcmlltanee !.-,, y ,.,., Ar, tanks clamoring for gold to bo cornered nt tho earliest moment; gold rushlK from Wnilh. lngton jpedni trains. flvag UD Hroadwny automohll'es, nnJ Plunging through the, ocean 1 noW turbine sleam,.rs ,, ha . among the plctures.iii,. Incidents ,.f ce lo-.oriptlon of how -.0,000 gold rHE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURtt. I X 7 7. " """siiuo incidents of the oxrltlng finance tni.,u- tu. ... th ,i...... . 'J m .... ... , . i . l i . 1 1 1 in l()v was rusi.0.- to a hank In the Hrltlsh Isles a century ami a half ago The story In told in the published reminiscences of Dr. Thomas Sonier ville ; "I l"ft London on th- li.'.th of May. Mr. Donaldson, tho hool;. seller, belli;; Informed of my in tended journey, culled ,!, ,, nml, after enro.-..,iohs ,.t n.i.,...., ioi.i me ttiat he hail l" ""..on ir a f,, ,. ., conveyance j,, i:,;iM.1M condition of my takiu;. valuable pan. I t-i be a f It in his power el s"h I I: ,.1 -v itavs w-hi- !i nppe-ire ! t,, .. with my t tlvrl. Wii I s'lfji : - p., ria' In tie- e:-. ,, t hi . in my Jen: . t 1 1 ...:..;i. ::;,:' t In. i !e l.ii iw n l i 1 1 .-! I pi: I'l1.. ..; fin il. f. ndit.-: I strnetions r, 1 my join ley. 'I - I II -'it -.- t.-.l I"- tl." ol l r.:n; I'll" stllist. 'ti on the ciitirg,. of a :vnt there in ted till; offer, " rea':onalile, hilt I. on tnuell . i; i-n my ar 'l.iy I wa : to " value of ti e 'a : ilr of Into my hands i li a pa per of in- t tl- p '1 was an -t l pot t- !l. day on ti.-' an I .'.I i " mi! e 111 ) i k in (i r, t v ill:- t .. I li... of tl'.l i , to v. r i e a.', to . lien le mui. I. n- ;i - "ft : t.q. at to I ravel after i t. in; tu h t not to y ef th sight of i-ited in to bo land. tlelis i n la- v i r lia.alin; . a don. t- u every oir.'.t , lo.I. e , ,, , large to-.Mi.s lo th" port tua t.t. ,i a my b"dro n.atid the d lOlkel. "The folic. v. it' is a co v of tho route and in : met iei: w it a hi en I wtis l.irn:.-li. .1: L'.ta .May, lTity. From London to Harnett, 2 miles; Hatfl.-ld. ;i; St"V. i..; Liggle wade, ; ltnuileii. HI; Stilton, 14; Stamford, 14; Wi'ham Common 11; Grantham, l ; N-uark. 14; Tax ford. 14; Harnaby .Moor, 14; Don caster, 11; Ferrybridge, 15; (be tween Donca.--tor and Ferrybridge Is a very steep hill, which It is better to walk up fet fear of traces giving Iway); Weatherby 10; ihiurrough bridgo, U'; Northallerton, HI; Dar lington, 15; Durham, IS; Newcastle, ! 10 (It is now better tc walk down the steep hill gidi g into Newcastle, and if thero is a drag chain to the chaise, cause the driver to fix It); : Morpeth, 14; Whittenhatii, Woollerhaughead, 11; Cornhill 'Greenlaw, 1-'; Norton Moor ' Ulackshiels, 10; IMiiiburgh, Total "It is requested that you keep tho 1 portmanteau ahvavs In sight, and have it in the room where yt.u sleep, which It would be proper were a two-beddeil one. Hease to writu from Stilton, from Doncaster, North alllertou, Morpi tli utid Ldinburgh, or so ciileuL.te It that we may re celve a line by each London ;ost yo.i meet on tile pm... When you arrive In Kdinburgh please drive to the bottom oi the l l.-li uial'l."t Close; and if one of 'o:i will he at tho trouble to step up tho close to the Koyal Ih'in . and acquaint Mr. Camp- I lines, the i ashlers, of a I . r 1 1 . i : : 1 1 ! an for the bank from William Iod tV to. ot London, they will send two porters with you to bring it up. leaw the pi-tols at Arbulhnot & Gut!. He's, In the Lxc 'My jourmy t;s means an ayi -"able henMons of personal revived at every sta-i for as tie quired th 19; 14; 12; 14. bell or Mr. your i to r-tno e it from one carnage 10 anotiei'. the nature and value of the contents were palpable, not only to the bearers, but to Hie many idle hangers-on. often of suspicious as pect ahva.-s to be found ubout the ' gate's and stable yards of inns, and who did not spare their jeering but 'bl-uitioant remarks on the subject : as 'I wish to God Jack, you and I had a corner of this box'; 'The gen ' .i - lew need to be well armed. The landlords, too, cursed and com plained of i!K weight of the clandes tine burden, endangering the bot tom o! their carriages; and, In order to pacify them, I was under the ue- es-ity of driving with four horses , wine of the long stages. Haunted with dreams of robbery and assassination. I enjoyed no quiet, refreshing sleep between Lon don and Kdinburgh. f r'veJ the bank close at one o clock 29th Lay and delivered n.y parcel safe fo Mr innes at the expected hour. Of enty guineas allowed for the expense of n.y Journey, one remain ed in uy pocket." F.ui.ero, William U Kolug to make a cranio against tho Intro SJ on luto the German language of so many words from other lan guates. i,ua A. H.ronialk, a naUve of Odma, is now living In Indlanapo ? it . is a lawyer, a scholar, au- liS. II J IS a 1. 1 Lrr-llhy" U thor "'id translator ot Trilby the UiuBhin language. ange. not by any one. Appre d.mger were age of my route; weight o.- the parcel re exeitions of two porters LACKAWANNA RAILROAD. it' THE ROAD OF ANTHRACITE. If you contemplate spending the Win ter months in Florida or California, call upon our local ticket agent for particulars. Professional Cards. If. A. McKILLIP ATTORNEY-AT-LAVt. Columbian Building 2n Flocr Bloomsburg, Pa. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wirt Building, Court House Squa 1 Bloomsbnrg, Ta. RALPH. R.JOIIN, ATTORNEY AT-LAVV. Knt K ailding, next to Court House Bloomsburg, Pa. FRED IKELER, ATTORN EY-AT-I. A Office Over First National Bank. Bloomsburg, Pa, W. H. RIIAWN, ATTORNF.V-AT-I.AW. Ofiice Corner of 3rd and Main Sti. CATAWISSA, PA. CLINTON HERRING. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office with Grant Herring, Picon slurp, ra. fii Crangevillc Wednesday each week A. L. FRITZ. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Bloomsburg Xat'l Bank BIdg. Bloomsburg, Pa. J. H. MAIZE ATTORNKY-AT I.AW, IXSURANCS, AND RKAT, I'STATK AGENT Oflke itf, North Street, Bloomsburg, Pa, . . 0 PRINTING . . . MUCH of the work that is done in this office is of kinds that can be done by hand only. Xine-tcnths of all job printing done in any country ollice must be done by hand. It can't be done with a machine. This ofiice is fully equipped to do all kinds of print ing at the lowest prices consistent with good work. A Large Stock is Carried in ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEaDS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, INVITA TIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, CARD BOARD, BOOK PAPERS, COVER PAPERS, &c. And Everything in the Printing Line If you have been a customer of ours, you know the character of our work. If not, we shall be glad to fill a trial order. Among other things in our line are Dodgers, Posters, Sale Bills, Pamphlets, Books, Re ceipts, Orders, Check Books, Ruled Work, half tones, Line Cuts, Engraved Work, Stock Certifi cates, Bonds, &c, &c No trouble to show goods and give estimates. The Columbian Printing House, GEO. E. ELWEUv, Proprihtor. Entrance First Floor, through Roys' Jewelry Store. Next to Bloomsburg National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. N U. FUNK ATTORNEY AT LAW Fnt's Building, Court House Square Bloomsburg, Pa. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTO RNKY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA. Office, Liddicct Building, Locust Ave. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office : Ent building, Il-l69f WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNKV-AT-LAW. Office in Wells' Puildinjr, over. W. McK Reber's Hardware Store, Bloomsburg. J. S. JOHN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON. Ofiice and residence, 410 Main St 7-30-y PLOOMSBURG. PA M. P. LUTZ & SON, Insurance and Real Estats agents and hkokeks. N. W, Come Main and Centre Sti. Bl.OOMSHURG. TA. Represent Seventeen as good Companie r uivic mc in me tt.uiKi, ana ailj losses promptly adjusted and paid at their office. DR. W. H. HOUSE SURGEON DFVTtST Office Barton's Building, Main below KiaiRi-i, oioomsBurjj, l a. All styles of work done in a superio manner. All work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIW by the use of Gas, and free of charge when nrtificioltecth ore inserted. Open all hours during the day DR. M. J. HESS DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Crown and bridge work a specialty Corner Main nnd Centre streets Bloomsburg, Pa. Columbia & Montour Telephone. J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested andfitted with glasies. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours 10 to 8 Telephone Montour Telephone. Bell Telephone H. BIERMAN, M. D. Homeopathic Physician and Sdkom Office and Residence, Fourth St. Office Hours : 6 m'to a P- 5:30 to 8 p. m. BLOOMSBURG, PA C. WATSON McKELVY, Fire Insurance Agent. Represent twelve of the strongest com pan lea lu the world, anioug which are KrnnkHn nf PklU r 1 m Queen of N. Y. Westchet-ter. N.IY. North America, Phila. Office: Clark Buildine, 2nd Floor.