The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 17, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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idcho nicnn lu
Called to & Blaze in New York
House Find Father Shot Two
Sons and Himself
Herman H. Moritz, Real Estate Man,
Corners, Clubs and Shoots His Two
Boys Before Suicide Outbreak
Climax of Melancholia.
New Yoik, N. Y Mar. 17.--Her-ruin
H. Moritz. a retired real estate
dealer, whoso homo was in No. -210
Aqueduct avenue, Tlu- Dronx. sent his
wife ami servant nway from homo,
shot his two sons to death, set fire
to tile house and then killod himself.
Before ho sent a bullet Into bis own
brain he H it the bouse, saw to It that
a fire alarm was turned In and then
returned to bis home and killed him
self. The firemen were forced to push
his body aside to get the front door
open. The man bad been suffering
from melancholia longer than a year,
and bis condition bad become much
Trorse in the last week. Nothing had
been said by him up to the time of
the shooting.
The family was wealthy and each
of the slain boys would have received
from the estates of thcli mother and
grandfather about $250,000.
The victims were George, 17 years
old, a student in the llordentown
Military Academy, In New Jersey, who
died in his school uniform after he
had been shot three times as he
crouched In a closet in a bedroom, and
Walter, 12 years old, who was chased
by the maniac from the second floor
to the cellar and shot down near a
coalbln behind which be had tried to
screen himself. It was not until the
firemen bad extinguished the blaze
which the eracd man bad kindled
that any one bad any idea Moritz bad
murdered bis two sons. The body of
George fell out of the closet when
they opened the door to see if any
traces of fire could be discovered
Before Moritz did the shooting he
took both hi;! boys out for a long
walk, which they enjoyed exceedingly,
having no idea their father in sending
their stepmother and the servant
away merely was clearing the way for
murdering them and killing himself.
Mrs. Anna Moritz, the wife, who
had gone to F.nglewood, N. J at the
request of her crazed husband, was
informed there of the triple tragedy.
She returned hurriedly to New York,
and is prostrated in the home of
friends in The Bronx. Borough Presi
dent Miller of The Hronx, who was
counsel for Moritz and guardian of
his two boys, took charge of (he
Moritz home.
Moritz retired from the real estate
business four or five years ago, after
having prospered. He owned, among
other properties, the three-story frame
house In which the tragedy took place.
Railroad Men Demand That All Ques
tions of Difference Be Submitted.
Chicago, Mar. 15. Representatives
of 25,000 locomotive firemen and en
;lnemen on forty-nine railroad sys
tems In the West demanded to-day
that the managers assume the respon
sibility. The managers assert that to arbi
trate questions of discipline would de
moralize the service and establish a
precedent which they cannot afford
ro have established.
The controversy Involves practiciU
'y all the railroads west, northwest
end southwest of Chicago extending to
he Pacific coast. Four small systems
re not represented, but in the erent
"f a strike it is said their traffic is de
pendent on the operation of the other
ystems, so that should the firemen
-o out It would cripple if not tie up
he entire West.
Wife of Infantry Officer in Manila Sees
Him Do It.
Manila, Mar. 15. Lieut. Clarence
'I. Janney of the Twelfth Infantry
:llled himself with a pistol in the
'.;ome of Lieut.-Col. Ames at Fort Mc-
Cinley at a dinner party before a
'lance. There were present at the
!me Mrs. Janney, Lieut.-Col. Ames
iiid other officers.
Lieut. Janney, it is said, left the
dinner table, having become angry at
something, and left the house. He
'turned in a short time and fired his
istol into the air outside. Then he
-..'entered the house, flourishing his
ivolver- and shot himself, standing
. oar the dinner table.
Second Lieut. Janney enlisted in
':e regular army from Virginia in
:.i03, when ho wus 22 years old.
roston Man Founds Dental Infirmary
to Be Free to All Children.
Doston, Mar. 15. Thomas A. For.
yth, a wealthy resident of this city,
'ans to give $2,000,000 for the care
! the teeth of Boston school children.
As a perpetual foundation by which
very child In the city from birth to
'o arro of 16 years may receive the
: .ost expert dental services free of
'large this donation will prove a boon
i thousands of school children who
c.l'crwise would never have this cure.
Combined Capital cf Companies Men
tioned Is $31,000,000 and Year
ly Output 70,000 Cars.
New York, N. Y., Mar. 17. Wall
street believes that J. P. Morgan is
grooming the automobile manufactur
ing trade preparatory to leading It into
n mammoth corporation that shall ex
ercise in the automobile Held nn tnbu
ence as powerful as that exercised in
the steel trade by his billion dollar
Steel Trust, and as that to be exer
cised In the copper markets (if the
world by his proposed billion dollar
copper merger.
This was Indicated by the announce
ment that J. P. Morgan & Co. bad pur
chased the majority of the stock of
the Kveritt-Metzger -Flanders, or T. M.
V. automobile manufacturing company
of Detroit, for the purpose of com
bining It with the Studebaker com
pany. The combination of these two com
panies, it was pointed out, would, with
the General Motors Company as the
unit for the Middle West and thi
United Motors Company as the unit
for the East, lend Itself readily to any
larger combination that might be con
templated. It is in this way, Wall street re
called, that Mr. Morgan forms all his
great industrial combinations. First
lie forms independent concerns into
units and then amalgamates these
units into one big entity.
it is intimated that within a few
years the automobile manufacturing
business of the country will be as com
pletely monopolized as the Standard
Oil Company is, if not more so.
These units were suggested ns like
ly factors in n combination:
Cieneral Motors Company, control
ling about one dozen automobile manu
facturing concerns, the principal be
ing Rainier. Oldsmobile, Cadillac,
Buick, Oakland and Rapid and Reli
ance trucks; present capita, $00,000,
000. Estimated yearly output, 40,000
I'nited Motors Company, controlling
Maxwell -Briscoe. Columbia and Brush
present capital, $lf..00l).000.
Fstlmotcd yearly production, 15,000
Studebaker Company, controlling
the E. M. K., Studebaker and Flanders
ears present combined capital" about
Kstimnted yearly output, 15.000
Total present capitalization, $91,-
Kstimnted total output, 70,000 cars.
Estimated output this year of all
companies in the United States, 200,
000 cars.
Pennsylvania Federation of Labor
Passes Resolution.
New Castle, Pa., Mar. 14. The
ninth annual convention of the State
Federation of Labor, In session here,
unanimously passed a resolution ask
ing that in the event of an arbitration
of the Philadelphia strike question
failing, the American Federation of
Labor call a nation-wide strike of or
ganized and unorganized workmen.
The resolution passed wns present
ed to the delegates by W. D. Mahon,
President of the Amalgamated Asso
ciation of Street and Electric Railway
The permission was granted nnd
Mr. Mahon in a stirring address ask
ed for the motion to pass the resolu
tion. The motion was forthcoming
promptly and passed with a unani
mous rising vote, the delegates cheer
ing. The resolution was forwarded by
wire to President Gonipers.
But It Is Uncertain When He Can Ba
Removed to His Home.
Kansas City, Mo., Mar. 14. Jere F.
Lillis, President of the Western Ex
change Hank, who was assaulted Sun
day morning by John P. Cudahy at the
latter's residence, is reported to be
steadily recovering.
Attendants at St. Mary's Hospital
said, however, that it was uncertain
when Lillis would be removed from
the hospital to his home. Asked if
his injuries would be permanent, they
said that would require some time to
The physicians say there now is no
fear of blood poisoning, suggested by
the fact that the kitchen knife used by
Cudahy was said to have been rusty.
But Lewis Hopkins's Sacrifice Falls,
and Death Comes.
Washington, Mar. 15. Francis Hop
kins, 7-year-old son of Lewis Hopkins,
grandnephew of Johns Hopkins, found
er of the university that bears his
name, died of meningitis.
The boy had lain in Providence
Hospital seven weeks, and after sub
mitting to two operations the physi
cians decided that a third, with the
transfusion of blood, probably would
save ills life. The father hurried here
on a special train, and a quantity of
his blood was transfused to his son,
After the operation the boy rallied,
but death resulted from exhaustion
following his long illness.
For New Agriculture School.
Albany, N. V., Mar. 16. The estab
llshment of another link in tho chain
of State schools of agriculture and 0
niestic science, to be in Mlddletown, Is
provided for in a bill introduced by
Assemblyman Slivers of Orange. For
the purchase of the Bite $50,000 is appropriated.
I ill!
Fumeus Hunter la Warmly
Greeted as H?e Loct Sicama
Into 111:.-. ileum
13 :.sco:.t:d tg the palace
E:;-r ruLMcrt'j Wife nr.d Daughter
Jci:i vi e Party Enthusiastic About
Ufa Tr:,), Kcoievclt Sr.ys "It Wns
Klurioir.!!. Mar. 17. Looking the
picture of lie;.!ih, and physical litncss
showing in every line, Theodore
Koom'VcU came ba k rrom the long
trail river which he lrt spent nearly n
year in the p::r.-uit of p.amo. Thoufc
i):.i had gathered here to sec him,
and they described from afnr (lie fa
miliar form n:id smile, made so even
to those who had never before ret
ees cm the cx-Pre sident of the t'nited
States by the many pictures of him
wtiich have recently been published.
Col.'vcll ai.J hid foil Kertuit,
both leoli'Kg hard as nails, v.cro
v. (ill:;;? khaki huniing suits. As he
stepped ishore from the steamer that
had bro'iph: him down the Nile it was
rain r n bored expression as he re
garded tl.e group of British olllcrrs
th: t hud J'.l'cred t:i greet him.
Their black roldieis who formed a
guard presented arms as the former
President stepped on land. The scene
was perhaps an unpleasantly abrupt
reminder of the abandonment of primi
tive camp life for the; formalities and
conventions of the modern world.
The inc ident, however, had no last
ing effec t. The Colonel soon was fair
ly beaming with rood nature and
smiled broadly r.s he heard a battery
of can eras rVu-'.i around him.
S!.; in Pasha, Inspector-General of
the Sudan, and others received and
escorted the Roosevolts, father nnd
son. to the Palace of the Sirdar, where
the introductions were made. An hour
1: ii r the two travellers crossed the
Nib.' 1 ) meet Mrs. Roosevelt and Miss
Ethel. A- the train pulled into the
station Miss Ethel was looking out of
a car window and Col. Roosevelt and
Kermit were alenisldo beforo the
train came to a halt.
They ran Joyously along the plat
form, shouting a greeting: and waving
their hats frantically. Happy em
braces and warm words of welcome'
Yhen the party alighted all wero
conduc ted back to the palace.
In an interview Col. ltoosevelt
spoke repeatedly with the utmost en
thusiasm concerning the trip which Is
di awing to a close.
"1 believe after all," he raid, "that
I nm glad to be back. It was splendid
while it lasted but it lasted long
Must Produce Books In New Jersey or
Forfeit Its Charter.
Trenton, N. J., Mar. 1G The Beef
Trust suffered nno.her severe blow In
New Jersey when Supreme Court Jus
tice Swaye, sitting at Trenton, decid
ed that the minute books of the direc
tors meetings must bo produced be
fore the Hudson County Grand Jury.
An order was signed directing the
National Packing. Company, Morris &
Co., Armour & Co. nnd Swift & Co.
to produce the books desired by Prose
tutor Pierre P. Garven, even though!
they are kept outside the State. Fall'
ure to do so will result in the Supreme
Court nullifying the charters of the
President Kruger and W. D. Mahon
Hold Conference.
Philadelphia. Mar. 16. The first
step taken by the Philadelphia Rapid
Transit Company toward settling the
dispute with its striking employees,
nnd Incidentally ending the sympathe
tic strike which had then been in pro
gress for ten days, was taken when
President C. O. Kruger of the Hapld
Transit Company conferred with W.
1). Mahon, President of the Amalga
mated Association of Street nnd Elec
tric Hallway Employees. The meet
ing of the li'bor leader and the Hapld
Transit official was the result of out
side lntlm nces.
Had Been III In Washington Hospital
for Several Weeks.
Washington, Mar. 11 Representa
tive James Wreck Perkins, of Roches
ter, died here at (iariield Hospital,
after un illness of several weeks.
James B. Perkins was born at St.
Croix Falls, Wis., Nov. 4, 1847.
He was elected to tho Fifty-seventh
Congress and re-elected to the Fifty
eighth, Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth and Sixty
first Congresses.
Jertey Auto Visitors' Bill Dead.
Trenton, N, J., .Mur. 17. The Sen
ate to-day defeated; Assemblyman
Edge's automobile bill, which permits
non-resident automobiles to come into
tho State lor three periods of five days
er.iii without taking out. a license.
F.ilN were passed appropriating
.i'f0,fC0 for the erection in V;.i,h.
iiih'ion o buildings for tho depart
ments of K'.a'.e, Justice and Commerce
up:;; UV.):-.
FROM ffl
Covering Minor Happenings Frcos
All Over the Globe
The Governor of Georgia refit: ed to
Irt reduce Commander Peary at a b -lure-
to be held in Atlanta c"i the.
rroitnd tlu.t he had not prowd t'ao
trr.'ii of his polar arscr.ions.
Peace negotiations were drib' red
c.T by tin- commUtee of ten of Tie
I i k deiphia Rapid Traiis't Company's
' i iking carmen.
Justice lliivchbcrg, in tho Supreme
C.i'.tf, appellate division, referred to
fte New Yoi't.- Stock Exchange as "nn
!.: oiiaticui of gamblers of Wall
""lie Hamburg-American line tin
i"unc c a a new service direct to New
Orleans to carry Immigrants lino tho
For'.hern States.
A united Protestantism was ele
maucUsI by Mil New York pastors rep
re cniiiig all demominations. At their
gathering they organised the Clerical
Ceti.c :ence, which will meet regular
ly. W. C. Maxwell nnd Frederick C.
Frieser of the Wabash Railroad and
1. O. Ives, formerly of that road,
lkru'ed "not guilty" In New York
Ci'y to hidictr.entj charging them
with r.T.:;ti'.'S rebates.
Millet's painting "Shepherd and
Flo. k." was stolen from the (io'den
Gate Park Museum In San Francisco,
beit'g eel fro-n its frame while many
vkitors were in the place.
President Tntt attended the funeral
of his brother-in-law, Thomas K.
I-augh!!n, in Pittsburg.
Democrats of all sections are be
coming Interested In Mayor (iaynor, of
Nc w York, as possible nominee for
the Presidency.
Suffragist and nnt i-suffragist ora
tors discussed for four hours at Albany
the resolution to amend the State con
stitution so as to permit women to
1'irectors of the New York Central
declare a quarterly dividend of 1 1-2
cent, placing the stock upen a ' per
e e;r . ann::;'.i bai ls.
Plot of fo t convicts to dynamite
Pnr.nemora Prison w as disc cu e red
soon after the escape of two convicts
from Sing Sir.g.
The annual report of the American
Tobhiie co Cwtrpavy shows more than
r.O per e c-iit. of dividend on $10,000,001
common stock outstanding.
The Administration railway bill
was taken up fen- consideration in tho
Senate, bin in a half-hearted way.
President Taft pent a special mes
r.'ig.i to Congress, urging that the gov
ernment talu control of the seal Isl
a".ds i:i liering Sea.
The legislative appropriation bill
was passed by the House.
President Taft makes dear that the
tariff situation with Canada "has
reached a critical stage.
Orders are issued by the Navy Pe
p:uii.:ent for the withdrawal of the
Kcven hundred marines on board the
Pe'l'talo at, Corinto, Nicaragua, to Pan
ama. Major Henry S. Howe, United
States Army, retired, died In his home
in Washington. S years old.
Detailed reports are called for by
the I'liiled States navy on the use of
oil as a fuel.
The funeral of Representative Jas.
!. Perkins was held at Washington;
the bgdy was taken to Rochester.
lty a practically unanimous vote the
sub-committee of the House Naval
Committee decided against bestowing
any reward upon Commander Robert
E. Peary until lie had furnished furth
er proof that he had discovered the
North Pole.
The French Chamber expresses
confluence in the government's prom
ise of full Investigation of the Church
llcjuidation scandal.
Mae. Ilreshkovskaya was sen
tenced to exile in Siberia; she has re
fused oners of friends to pay for spe
cial privileges.
Mr. Roosevelt and members of his
family made a trip to the battlefield at
Kerrerl, returning to Khartoum, where
they were gnerts at a dinner at tho
1 end Uoseberry moved in the up
per house' that the peers resolve theai-seive-:
in a committee of the whole to
consider reforms and presented a reso
lution that a peerage should not afford
a i!(;ht to a seat.
The Japanese press sees a presage
of war in Mr. Jacob H. Sehiff's speech,
snys a special cable despatch from
Secretary I.aughlln of the American
Embassy In Germany denied the re
port that his brother Thomas McIC.
Eaughlin, who committed suicide In
Pittsburg, behaved erratically while in
Tho French .government will re
open nil the nccounts connected with
tho liquidation of Church property
and hopes through cancellation of cer
tain sales to recover tiome of tho
loss.-s caused by defalcation.
Great Ilrltain is aiming to check
America's progress In the Orient.
Timothy Harrington, M. p., former
Lord Mayor of Dublin, is dead,
Pritish naval estimate:! for 1010
shoived an of $".7,80.-),OOO over
the preceding year's figures.
China is sinccrre and successful in
her fight against opium, accoiuiiig to
llishop llashford, an American Metho.
Nicholas Tschalkowsky wan itc:jlt
ted by a Russian court, but Mme
ISreshkowskuya wus exiled for Vie.
Frank B. Kellogg Gives Govern,
merit's Side to the Su
preme Court
Rockefeller Corporation, He Says, If
Let Alo::e, Would Control All Indus
tries In Five Years Asserts It Has
Waved the Elack Flag on Land.
The Chances Are 4 to 3 Against
Standard Oil.
Plnro only eight members of
1 he Supreme Court are bearing
the Standard Oil ease, owing to
Jastii e Moody's absence, there
pre seven possible divisions of
the court three majority de
cisions for or against the defend
ant corporation and an erjual
division, which would oinrm the
decision of the lower court. The
possible divisions are:
Standard Oil.
7 to 1.
0 to 2.
D to 3.
Standard Oil.
7 to 1.
0 to
h to 3.
4 to 2.
o o
Washington, Mar. 17. -Holding up
the Standard C i 1 Company of New
.Te-rrcy as a danger to the country an 1
its organization a-c a commercial pr"
cedent that must be eradicated from
the business world, Frank M. Kellogg
vigorously arraigned the corporation
be fore the Supreme Court of the l'n'!-
ed States. It was the Government's
turn to be beard in the argument nt
ti e subject of the dissolution of the
"Standard Oil," as decreed by the Cir
cuit Court of the I'nited Slates for the
Eastern District of Missouri.
"They have waved the black Mag
over the land as others have dun-!
over the ocean. Do 1 deny they have
demonstrated their ability? No. They
have competed wi:h an ability un
equalled in this country.
"With its ramifications, its Influ
ence and its money powers, give it
carte blanche, let it combine, as Mr.
Watson suggests, and let it cut price,
as Mr. Milburn speaks about, and I
predict it will control every industry
in this country in ten years yea. in
five years,
"What makes a great country? Not
great corporations, it is the Indivi
dual; the Independent proprietor with
the star of hope that bus always been
held out to man before him. Y'our
Honors, it is but a step from combina
tion to socialism, nnd but another
from anarchy."
With n quiet emphasis, more im
pressive than mere noise or spectacu
lar waving of the hand, Frank II. Kel
logg, special counsel for the Govern
ment, thus suggested reasons to the
Supreme Court of the I'nited States
why the Standard Oil Company should
be dissolved.
Following John G. Milburn. who
concluded his argument for the Stand
ard within a few minutes after court
convened, Mr. Kellogg spoke for near
ly four hours.
"This company has been under
search as no other concern has ever
been." saW Mr. Milburn. In closing
his argument. "The power of the Tim
ed States Government as It exists has
reached right Into the vitals of this
"We beg of this court, If we are
found to be doing wrong enjoin us
from doing that, but In the name of
Justice do not destroy the organiza
tion which has accomplished such re
sults unless there is nothing else to
Wanted to Make Copy of $10,000 Pic
ture. San Francisco, Mur. 17. Declaring
that he took the picture in order to
make a copy of it, William Kunze, a
young artist, was arrested while hold
ing In his possession the $10,000
painting, "Shepherd and Flock," by
Millet, which was stolen last Sunday
from the Golden Gate Park Museum.
Kune was arrested in his studio.
After he was booked on a charge
of grand larceny the prisoner sulci
that be was led to take the picture by
bin love of the beautiful and a desire
to make an adequate copy.
Central New York Village Elections
Show Change In Vote.
Vtica, N. V.. Mar. 17.-Returns of
the village elections throughout Cen
tral New York Indicate that the Demo
crats won in a majority of cases. In
UouveiT.eur It Is said that many Re
publicans voted the Democratic ticket.
The same condition Is said to have
prevailed In Onuastota.
Herkimer and Dolgevillo have gone
Democratic, the latter for the first
time in live years.
Volcanic Dust at Midday.
New Orleans, March 1L The city
wi's dark ut noon nnd the Government
hydrographer suld it wus because vol
canle dust from Mexico thickened thu
Business Men Force Settlement After
Day of Riot Ending In Prob
able Double Murder,
Trenton, N. J., Mar. 17. A douhlo
shooting, as a result of which one milt,
Will die, marked the ending of tho
strike of employee of the Trenton
Street Railway Company, the men g, i.
ting practically nil their d. niaiul .
At least fifteen men were Injured
during the rioting. Three strike
breakers are In hospitals, oiu Js sup
posed to be drowned, having been
thrown Into the Assanpink Creek by
a mob. and the ate in Jail.
Trenton business men brought,
about a termination of the strike. The
men get Increased pay twenty-three
rents an hour- the abolition of an oh
Jectionable "swing" system and the
substitution of n ten hour day; the
reinstatement of all employees dis
charged for union activity and an
agreement to arbitrate all future dis
putes. This ends a two days' strike that
has been the most serious in the city's
history. The victory for the men Is
due largely to the fact that public
sentiment was universally behind
them. Hardly any one rode In the fe-w
cars that were operated dining the
Philadelphia Business Men Plead for
Philadelphia. Mar. 11.- The United
Huslness Men's Association, which Is
composed of merchant whose trade
has been hurt most by the general
Strike, put several peace movements
In motion this afternoon.
They voted enthusiastically for
every plan suggested from an appeal
to President Taft to the threat e ' a
receivership for the Philadelphia Rap
id Transit Company.
The big labor movement has result
ed in the granting of certain conces
sions to workmen In at least two of
the big Industrial plants of the city.
At Baldwin's Locomotive Works,
where the sympathy striker:! succeed
ed In bringing out 2. I'll men, neenrd
Ing to the ccrnpuny's statements, the
men have been granted a half holiday
on Saturday.
Cars are' now running In greater
number than since the strlke began.
Washington. Mar. 14.--President.
Taft was appealed to to use his gcod
officers to stop the general strike In
Philadelphia. The appeal came in a
telegram from K. K. Grecnwalelt,
President of the State Federation of
Labor of Pennsylvania.
Third Brigade and a Troop of Cavalry
Under Orders.
Albany, N. Y., Mar. 14. Gov.
Hughes and Diig.-Gen. James II.
Lloyd, commanding the Third Ilrigade,
National Guard, conferred regarding
the threatened situation caused by the
strike of the employees of the Inter
national Paper Company throughout
the State. It Is understood that all or
ganizations in Gen. Lloyd's brigade
are practically under waiting orders,
including the Second Itattalion, Tenth
Infantry and Troop H (cavalry) of Al
bany. J. T. Carey, President of the Inter
national l(rotlierhood of Pulp and
Paper Makers, said at Watertown that
there were 2.UU0 employees of the? In
ternational Paper Company on strike'.
Claims May Be Collected if Flights are
Only a Diversion, Says Court.
Denver, Col., Mar. 14. If ballooning
Is Indulged In as a diversion, insur
ance money may be collected In case
of accident or death, according to a
Supreme Court decision to-day in a
case to recover $2,000 insurance upon
the life of Frank Van Fleet, who was
killed in a balloon accident at Grand
Col. John I. Rogers Dies.
Denver, Mar. iZ. Colonel John I.
Rogers, a prominent attorney of Phila
delphia, and for twenty years the big
gest stockholder in the Philadelphia
National League Baseball Club died
here to-day of heart failure.
Wholesale Prices of Farm Products
Quoted for the Week.
MILK Per quart, 3ic.
DUTTKR Western extra, 32033c;
State dairy, 24&27c.
CHEESE State. Full cream, special,
17V4 018c.
EGGS State. Fair to choice, 23
24c.; do, western firsts, 24025c.
APPLES Paid win, per bbl., $2.75
lb., lo24e.; Cocks, per lb.. 14c;
Squabs, per dozen, $2.0005.25.
HAY Prime, per 100 lbs., $1.15.
STRAW Long Rye, per 100 lbs., 70
POTATOES-State, per bbl., $1,370
1.50. ,
ONIONS White, per crate, 40075c.
FLOUR Winter patents. $5.GO06.1O;
Spring patents, $5.(1007.05.
WHEAT No. 2. red, $1.26 '4; No. I,
Northern Duluth, $1.26 ii-
CORN No. 2. 65 Vic
OATS Natural white, 500 52c; Clip
ped white, 50 Vt 0 3c.
BEEVES City Dressed. 8011c.
SHEEP Per 100 lb, $5.00(ji 6.00.
CALVES City Dressed, 10016c.
LAM IIS Per 100 Uih., $8,500 U.50.
HOGS Live, per 100 lbs., - $'J.30'(P
10.40; Country Dressed, per lb., MP
13c. ..