The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 17, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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I Ilk
Tlll liSDAY, MAKIII IT. l'Ou
t1fi-rinil,;t imttlt rt Win tl I ,
The IVruLk Slicito.ship is open
to applicant1 at ?.V,r a year, with
limit.' ( f the lucal iiK'tnhers of the
bar insliinn for the jo'i.
Rev. J. R. Murphy, pastor of
St Colntnba's chnreh. wis e.illeil
to lir.iddock. ra.,on Sunday by the
serious i'.lnes of his sifter.
. -
"Imperfections ,f character r re
found in most of us," wisely viys
;ni exchange.
Yes, and it's a wise man that
funis his own.
B.irking. Hacking. Rasping Cough
cm In- 1'i'ota-n tin quirViiv y Allen's
I. uni; 1'i.ilsain. Tliis old. ri-liai'Ie r.-ii'i'-dv
Ins Ik-cm s11 for over 40 years. Ask
yar i'nij;i;ii't nlxnit il. ; 17-.1t
Charles Y. Brink, the livery-
mnn, lias moiim action aainsi
Robert Troy for alleged abuse of a
horse which lie had hired, claiming
tliat the animal died from the ef-1
fects thereof.
Mr. Rrit Harris, of Ruckhorn and
Miss Minnie Middleton, of Blooms.
burg, were united in marriage on
Wednesday, March yth by Rev. J.
R. Shaffer, at the parsonage in
The committee in charge of the
Knights Templar dance, to be giv
en in the Cathedral, Monday,
March twenty eighth, has engaged
Chas. P. lUwell's orchestra to fur
nish the music.
it You Would Cure That Back,
You need a pleasant herb rttneuy called
Mother Gray's Australian-Leal fur all Kid
ney, Bladder and Urinary trouble. As
a regulator it lias no equal, cures head
ache, nervousness, dizziness and loss of
sloi-p. At all Druuuists. or by tiuiil, ?o
cenis. Samim.k Kkkk. Aiidress. The
Mother Gray Cx. LcRoy. N, Y. 3-17-4 1
, , ., . ! i said the usual fine was $1 , but ow-
I he man who fads to provide a he M
he dough should,, complain about j ,Juckson
his wife s biscuits.' 'mid
But many a man would be dis-J' t
couraged at the thought of carry- j Clly Councji living approved
ing such a heavy purse. I tle pl";,lls for a dam across the Sus-
" Iquchanna River at the lower end of
The folk aing letters are held at ( narri.sburg, the specifications will
the Blcomshnrir. Pa., post office: ti,r,i.. t i.i.i 1 ,.fnv, the Stntp
Mr. Robert Crosskv. Mrs. Thos
Maese. Chas. Ileikckcr, Mr. Fred
S. Ruch, Miss Minnie Woruiau,
Cards, Mr. Frank Trump.
To Break in New Shoes Alwas Use
Allen's Foot-Base, a povder. It pre
vents tightness and blisteriue;. cures
Cons, Bunions, Swollen, Sweating,
Aeninij feet. At druggists, 2e. Sample
mailed FRKU. Adilress A. S. Olmsted.
U'Roy. N, Y. 3 '7 -4t.
ut. Carmel is to nave a
a depth
"alt-water bath house. At a depth
of 2000 feet a vein of salt water
was recently struck by the Mt.
Carmel Water Company, and it is
Proposed to utilize it this way.
Shamokin is happy over the re
port that the plans for its new Fed
eral building were being completed
and that the work on the building
would be started in the early part
f June aud finished as rapidly as
The woman who haa a thousand ttv tares
tmioymicen wliilo alio iiflfrii Willi IwaJuriic or nulw
the mint not bu blamed If ho cannot alwaya be
Hiiulically auflable. What alio iiceiU ia lli"in;lnf''l-
from her family and inch a tliiipW' i'"l t..itnrnl
wneily a Lanea Family Muilidm-. tl;' h-rb UMlhat
"iiki'S w.-uU women mron and well. jI1 by umy
KUU and dealer.,
According to the testimony of a
"allot-box that has "been opened in
Court in Pottsville the people voted
a blotter, n lead pencil, instructions
,0 voters and some unsued Prohibi
t10" and Socialist tickets. There
as not a ballot in ;lie box.
The greatest wonder on earth,
Ilet to the false hair the women
are wearing, is that any man who
is engaged to marry can give satis
'action to his girl and his employ
.r in devotion to both, at the same
"we. Atchison (Kau.) Globe.
Man Woman and Child
Our windows will tell the story.
The Largest Range of Styles, Snap,
Every New Style Feature "First."
We will l,c glad to scrve you
,"I'lt ,,nl Vi- tonKtie know
wn it your .us vVe r yot.r ..
"car,"' advi-es a Muitunpinurv.
'Hut's a -oo d stunt, but if vm,r
cyi-s are bl ickeiu-d or vonr 'e irs
v '"'Xul' U '"ihtv ha'td to keep I'Ui-Ue 1 ri 'in
iMi't it '
s l in;
J'i a hole in the il.its n.-ar
Wilkes-li.irie, where the water has
a.'IiI"st teeeded, i. l.ue
I'Ml Wef.' ftld ,y (',,,,. .V;!ick. Of
l.Ueril". acconip inied bv so;;;e
other l.fiys, on Saturdav. They
were Cenuan carp ;:nd the largest
one was v
-i pound?
and weighed
Mr j;. Tutin has letunied
tro-n L.VV Yoik with her son
James, who l).:s heen under the
care of spteiaii.-ts in t :at eitv in an
eftott to save the siht of his eve,
which was badly cut some weeks
a;.). Treatment will be required
1. r sonic tmie heloie the
can be deter mined.
Had there been no special piivi-1
leRes ueitlier Mr. Carneifie nor Mr. !
: Rockefeller would now be'eompell-
-U to work blisters 011 their hands
disposing uf their surplus wealth.
Ry the same token had there been
1 no special privileges there would
be less need for the distribution of
surplus among the people.
A history of Northumberland
county that is intended to be the
most complete and elaborate ever
attempted is being prepared by V.
B. Musser, of Reading. The history
will be put up in a large volume,
illustrated and handsomely bund.
It will contaiu a very complete his
tory of the county and its early set
tlers. Alderman John F. Donahue, of
Wilkes Barre, decided on Tuesday
that because a man with a wooden
'leg is drunk he cannot be termed
1 wholly drunk, but only about two
j thirds drunk. lie applied this prin
ciple in lining John Buckson. He
Water Supply Commission for its
indorsement, o that bids can be
asked early in the .summer. The
dam will provide a magnificent
boating area three miles long and a
mile wide.
. .
A crusade against the sparrows
that infest the lree about Public
Square, Wilkes-Barre, has been
staited. Superintendent Barclay, of
the Park Coniiniv-ien. had the Fire
j Department turn several streams of
i water into the tree tops Tuesday
night about twelve o'clock. In a
few minutes the air was filled with
drenched birds. It is hoped that
the midnight bath will discourage
the pests and that they will seek
other roosting places.
Uw Rales to the West.
Pennsylvania Railroad. Tickets
to Rocky Mountains, Pacific Coast,
Western Canada, Mexico, and
Southwestern points on sale daily
until April 14 "t reduced fares. Con
sult nearest Ticket Agent, or A. h.
Weile. D. P. A , Reading, Pa.
3-'7-24j 9
For the second time the adver
tised sale of Kldersridge Academy
bv Sheriff Walter Thomas, of In
diana county, has been stayed. A
friend of the institution came for
ward and arranged .0 meet notes o
several thousand dollars held b
e Townsend family. This acad
emy for a half-century was one of
,he best Presbyterian preparatory
Soolsin the State. The alumni
n Pittsburg and Greensburg have
"en interested in its welfare
the school maybe reopened shortly
with renewed life.
Margaret C. Ale, widow of the
late Samuel Ale, passed to the oth
er world, March 7U1, 1910, at her
home 5' miles north of Cartilage,
mo. ner deatli was due to a tu
mor which first developed last Sep
tember. She bore her suffering
with great patience, and died in
the triumph of faith.
Mrs Ale was bom September ,yl
1S20, near IMoomsburir. Columbia
county, Pa., being in her 90th year
at her death. Her maiden name
was M. rgarct C. Dildine, and she
was married to Samuel Ale, hi
Pennsylvania, February 13th, 1845.
To ihis union were Lorn seven chil
dren, four of whom survive her,
viz: C'aik, Will, and Klizabeth,
who resi '.e in Missouri, and Mrs.
Iv M. Chileoat, of I!loo;n:.bnrg,
Pa. She has si: grandchildren,
(race, Minnie and Marguerite Ale
who reside in Missouri. Mrs. Ku
gene P.aird, Clark Chileoat, of
Ridgway. Pa., Clyde Samuel Chil
eoat, of Washington, I). C. There
arc four gr at grandchiUlrcii.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Ale, with their
family, moved to Carthage, Jasper
county, MisMHtri, in February,
is;, and bought a farm 51.. miles
northwest of Cartilage, which they
iiuploved ami adibal to until it is
among the finest in Jasper county.
Since the death of Mr. Ale, seven
yarsago, Mrs. Ale and daughter
Lizzie have livid together on the
home place. All of Mrs. Ale's chil
dren have been kind and thought
ful, but Lizzie has been devoted,
and has given her whole. life to
making her parents happy.
The family is among tin: most
loved and respected in the commu
nity. The funeral of Mrs. Ale was held
at the home on Wednesday after
noon, at t o'clock. A large con
course of people attended. The
loral offerings were profuse and
very beautiful.
Mrs. Ale was a remarkable wom
an, not only that she was so well
preserved for her age, but for her
many good qualities as well.
The fine new pipe organ present
ed to the Reformed Church by Mrs.
M. Iv. Fnt as a memorial to her
daughter, is now in place and will
be dedicated on Palm Sunday. The
church will be appropriately decor
ated, and special music will be ren
dered by the choir, and a sermon
by the pastor, Rev. V. C. Slough.
Mrs. F'red Holmes, organist of
the M. Iv. Church, will render sev
eral organ selections, and Miss Sara
Milleisen wiil play a violin solo.
It will be a very interesting
event, and will be the culmination
of many improvements ma le in the
church property during the past
Bruce Iv Holdren, son ot Mr.
and Mrs. William V. Holdren, and
! Miss Laura Wagonseller. daughter
to Mr. and Mrs. tieorge Wagonsell
er, surprised their friends by being
married in Williamsport last Satur
day. None knew of the pi ins,
and the first inkling of the wedding
was the publication of the marriage
license in a Williamsport p.:per.
. - -
Build That Fence, Quick.
j John G. Ilarman, Ivsq., town
Solicitor, has decided that the
! Council has the right to give per-
mission tor the iencing in 01 rtin
letic Park, for baseball, and he will
so render his opinion to the body
at its next meeting.
It is to be hoped that Council
will act upon this quickly in the
affirmative. The place is practical
ly useless and entirely unbeautiful,
and its restoration to a baseball
ground would not depreciate its
present value. It would furnish a
suitable field for the games of the
Bloomsburg League Team, the pro
motion of which is being held up
by the delay in securing grounds.
Died From Civil War Injury.
After 46 years James D. Barthol
omew died at Pottsville on Sunday
from the effects of a bullet which,
as a Union soldier, he received in a
battle in 1864. The bullet lodged
back of the spine. For 20 years
Bartholomew could not rise from
his chair.
He was a member of Company
F, Second Pennsylvania Volunteer
Infantry, and received a large pen
sion from the Government.
Ivaster Sunday is the great day
at Atlantic City. Round trip tick
ets via "The Reading" sold on Sat
urday March 26, good for 15 days
at $5 05. Stop over allowed at
Philadelphia. 3-3-io-i7-24-
Died in Northumberland in 1804 -He
Was the Discoverer of Oxygen.
Sunday, March 13th, was the
177th anniversary of the birth of
Dr. Joseph Priestley, discoverer of
oxygen, who for many years was a
resident of Northumberland. Jos
eph Priestley was born 011 March
'3. '7.13. nearl,eeds, luigland, and
came to this country June 4, 1794
lauding in New York. He lived
for a time hi Philadelphia, where
he was offered the professorship of
chemistry in the University of
Pennsylvania with a good salary,
but declined, preferring to choose
his own occupation in retirement.
Shortly after he went to Northum
berland and built for himself a lab
oratory and an extensive library,
where he worked studiously up to
a short period before his death,
which occurred on February 6th,
1X04. He is buried in the little
Ouakers' burial ground at Njrth
umberlainl, and on August 1, 1S74
the centennial of the discovery of
oxygen many distinguished scien
tists met there in celebration of the
anniversary .
. m - -
Sheriff W. P. Zehner and his
brother, S- R. Zehner, have bought;
the farm implement business of II. '
(i. Supplee. They will move their
own .stock, now located at Main
and lvast Streets, to the buildings
of Mr. Supplee, on .South Market
Rev. K. B. Uailey was warmly
welcomed home on his arrival from
conference of the Ivvangelical
Church which returned him to
I'loonisbttrg A reception was held
in the church and addresses made
by many of the town clergy and
others, with a response by Mr.
Railey. An interesting program
was rendered.
Charles Nagle, a close friend of
the late Charles W. Rnnyon, has
resigned his position as teacher in
the Centre township school and ha
taken charge of the Ruayou hard
ware store.
Electric Lights for Fernville.
Citizens of Fernville, at a large
ly attended meeting last Thursday
evening, closed the contract with
the United Gas and Electric Com
pany for seven street lights iu
Fernville, to be located where the
committee deem they will best au
swer the purpose. The contract
price for the lights is Si 8 per light
Wind Did a Queer Trick.
During the short and sudden
wind aud rain storm last Sunday
evening, a freight car, which stood
on the D. L. M: W. switch opcosite
the Richard Manufacturing Compa
ny's plant, was blown by the force
of the wind out beyond Catherine
street, where the grade stopped it.
Judge Hinckley to Lecture.
Hon. II. M. Hinckley, of River
side, will deliver his lecture "Nehe
miah and the Rebuilding of the
Walls of Jerusalem," in the Luth
eran church this evening.
More Orders.
The Richard Manufacturing Com
pany has received a new lot of or
ders which will insure a brisk busi
iness for some time. F'red J. Rich
ard has just returned from New
Ycrk, where he secured them.
- -
Epidemic in Fernville.
S-arlet fever and diphtheria have
attacked a number of families in
Fernville, aud a rigid quarantine
has been established.
Consistory to Meet.
Caldwell Consistory will hold a
special meeting in the Cathedral on
the evening of April eighth.
Cheap Dirt.
If you wish to buy either im
proved or unimproved laud in the
most fertile and productive diversi
fied farming bell iu the whole
Northwest, write us for informa
tion. Hardwood timber, no stone,
good water, good roads, Schools,
etc. 65 miles from' Minneapolis
and St. Paul iu Benton and adjoin
ing counties, Minnesota. Prices
$10 to $40. Agents wanted. Good
Benton County Real Estate Co., .
Sauk Rapids, Minnesota.
IKh . -A
Churchman Argtins That WoniPii j
Should Have Rilit to Vote. 1
"Be patient not too patient, but j
reasonably patient, aud you will
undoubtedly succeed" said 'Bi.-diopi
James II. Darlington, of Harris-!
burg, in concluding bis address be- I
fore the Pennsylvania Limited Suf-1
frage league, at the New Century I
club, Philadelphia, Monday after-1
noon. I
"The justice and necessity of
woman suffrage are so evident that j
I don't know where to begin," the !
speaker remarked at the opening j
of his talk. "Why should women
be deprived of this privileve? I am j
a believer iu women. They have a
higher tone than m;n. Women
have leisure for study and thought.
As for their intelligence. I believe
it is greater than that of men.
Women remain in school longer,
and it. is the women who originate
the charitable institutions of our
cities, who know what the munici
pal requirements arc. Why then
do we class them with criminals,
idiots and imbeciles? Give them a
chance; they could not, at least, do
worse than men."
Pullman Motor
Car Company
T present herewith cuts of five
of the best selling models of the
Pullman Car for 1910.
The 1 900 models have more
than fulfilled their guarantees
in all of the many tests to which
they have been subjected.
I have oversold my allotment
for this year, and have secured
a special option on a few cars
for a limited time only.
k-io tcv iMniAJ.wticElzcca. -I
am fully justified in saying
that the Pullman is one of the
most popular medium priced
cars on the market today.
I would urge prospective buy
ers to avoid disappointment by
placing their orders as soon as
I will be glad to furnish de
tailed illustrations of the differ
ent models.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Pullman Cars are Licensed
Under the Selden Patent;
v. y
Tho fino residence prop
erty of the late Judge EI
well is for sale.
West Third Street between
.Jefferson and West Streets.
Two story and attic, brick
and frame. V. looms. Lot
about H by 212 feet.
lai'jrc garden, abundance of
fruit trees.
The house has a Steam
Heating Plant, Bath Koom,
Stationary 1'ange and Wash
Tubs; Water, Electric Light,
and Gas.
Will be sold on easy
terms. Apply to
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Our Pianos
are the leaders. Our lines in
clude the following makes :
Chas. M. Stieff,
Henry F. Miller,
Brewer & Prvor, Kohler &
Campbell, and Radel.
I IN ORGANS we handle the
7 his Store has the agency Jar
Helby, 1900, Queen, Key.
stone, Majestic.
Music Rooms Aro. 105 West Main
Street, Below Market.
European Plan. Absolutely Fireproof,
in the heart of the business section of
;,T ! , ' VI. VW ,'.ikW,.&
-i.''M :'': v-h:-' r-.i'--t'i
Luxurious Roomi, Single and En tuita
With or Without Baths. $1 Per Day Up.
Palatial Dining Rooms. Unsurpassed Cuisine.
Shower and Plunge in Turkish Baths
Free to Guests.
Send for Booklet.
9 30-601,