The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 17, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Capital 3100,000 Surplus 8150,000.
With the Largest Capital and Surplus in the County, a
Strong Directorate, Competent Officers and Every Mod
ern Facility, we solicit Accounts, Large or Small, and
Collections on the Most Liberal Terms Consistent with
Sound Hanking, and Invite YOU to inspect our NEW
3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits
!:. W.M.T.ow.rrosliU'iit.
James M .Stave r, Vict' Prt'diiU'iil
1)1 ni".CTO.KS:
J:inii' M. Slaver,
FitiI I Ut'lt r,
S. (.'. ( 'ri'!iy .
( 'lintoii 1 1Tri nr.
E. V. M. I,..w.
F. . Yoi ks,
T.i ti 1 s ( J ross,
M. K Stnckhoiic,
KST..1U.1SIIKD iS66.
Consoi Fl iS6a
TiifRSti.w Mokmmi,
At lllo.-imsluir-, t lie County Soat 01
Columbia Co inly .Pennsylvania.
f.F.O. 1". l.T.W 11.1.. P.PITOK.
",1.U. C. R.) N. J'OKSMAN.
"i'i'.rm (nsiil c ' V, e county : i.oo a yea1
i a Ivanoo ; i.if not )ail in advance
On' -i i 1 Ik countv
,l.2;a year, strictly in
All communiciti.ins should he.nMrcsscd
THE COI. VM HI AN, Hlormislmr, Pa.
of Bloomsburg.
All State Roads Must Be Looked Af.
ter This Spring.
Supervisors, in whose townships
state highways pass, are being ad
vised by the State Highway De
partment to pay particular atten
tion to the roads this spring if they
desire them not to disintegrate.
They must have proper repairs or
the money spent on them will be
lost. In an interview with a state
engineer some facts relative to the
care of macadam were learned. In
the first place it may not be gener- j
ally understood that although built
with state aid, the care and preser- j
vatijn of a state highway devolves I
wholly on the township through I
which it passes. In too many in-j The stalwart Republicans are
stances, after a highway has been ! throwing up their bands in holy
secured the view taken seems to be; horror because of the unheard at
that it is going to last forever, t-'inpt of some Republican members
whereas, the engineer says, to pro-, of Congress to fight "party" meas
tect a piece of macadam and make ures. These "insurgents" have
the road lasting, constant attention i been cursed by the bigots through
isnecessary. Otherwise what might out the country; have been called
be a fine and permanent improve-; all sorts of names; tliey have even
merit will speedily go to pieces, i been threatened with expulsion
bringing a very poor return for all ' from the party,
the money invested. The first re- These men are the real patriots
piirs. th; engineer says, should bej of the Republican forces. Whether
put on the highway six months af-; or not they side with the Demo
ter it is thrown open to travel. crats, we admire them. They are
Thereafter at the end of every year i few in number, but they have the
repairs should be made. I strength and courage to revolt
' j against the organization, and to
To Protect the Skunk. j fight for what they think is right,
i but their lack of subservience is
Th d.,mv, w i.,..f.- I shocking to the G. O. P.
had the reputation of being an un-
oesiraDie citizen ot the animal king
dom, is hailed as a noble and useful
animal by a measure which is to
come up for a hearing before the
Committee on Fisheries and Game.
If House Bill No. 1062 becomes
a law, anybody who kills a skunk
may be fined from $5 to $500 and
sent to jail a period of one month
to one year.
Farmers are divided over the
skunk. One view of the animal is
that it kills chickens and that it
doesn't use proper kind of sachet
powder. The other view is that it
is death on field mice and its prin
cipal food is upon the May beetle,
which is very destructive to young
orchards, raspberry and strawberry
Why TSake
fnyrtf!!9thipa,e' easii? tired' Iack 'our usuaI vigor and
strength." 1 hen your digestion must be poor, your blood
thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative.
You need Ayer s Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely
free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse
?teiTentn' nr we wou nt make them. Ask him
and find out. Follow his advice. rctt,Tn ,;.;; aj..
Pills aa Km - '- Vf" Wil! ctrta,n"' C'y'incre Jour co'nhdlln
mis as a family laxative. . Liver pills. All vegetable. Ask your doctor I
V E II H :
Myron I.
Low, Vice President .
Frank Jluler, Caslilor
Mvrnn I. Low,
H'. V.lfowor,
Frank I keler.
Sentiment in Politics.
My son, it is all light to be sen
timental about your mother, or
, your best girl, or your school, or
' your home, but never be sentimen
t tal about yorr political party.
Frown, Jones and Smith wore
j sentimentalists in politics. For
sentimental reasons they voted the
regular ticket of a glorious old par
ty that has kept the I'nited States
on her feet for fifty years, when j
sue nas no: nceu on tier Knees.
Aided by the votes of Jones,
Hrown and Smith, the party ma
chine put men in municipal offiice
who were extravagant and neg
lectful. Taxyr1 were therefore high.
Accordingly high were the rents
! that Jones, Brown and Smith had
. 1 he party machine sent men to ;
the State Capital and ash.ngton j
. u1v..uK.Jl iuC iiinu, mi-
, railroads and Wall Street, who
j were the owners and proprietors of
j the part3- machine.
I Living was therefore almost cost
j ly enough to be regarded as a lux
i ury, and Jones, Brown and Smith
felt large callous spots growing on
I their necks from the pressure of
; the yoke.
That was years ago, and the cal
' lous spots are thicker to-day than
i ever before.
I To-day Jones has it in for the
Trusts something fierce.
Brown would rather denounce
the railroads than eat.
Smith declares that vVall Street
is a vampire.
Next fall Jones, Brown and
Smith will go to the polls and vote
the regular ticket as usual.
Loyalty is a noble quality, ray
son; but loyalty to a party tbat is
disloyal to you is sentimental torn
iyrot. Newark Evening News.
The Insurgents.
$34.87 Per Capita Share.
The Treasury Department esti
mates the population of the United
States at 89,883,000 and announces
the money in circulation on March
1. as $3.i34.09i.250f which if
equally divided would give every
man, woman and child $34.87.
There is in circulation to-day
$48.3I5.244 more than there was a
year ago.
With all this row being stirred
up about the high cost of living,
the farmer, the packer, the retailer,
the consumer, and the Lord only
knows who else, have been blamed
for it. Now say, has that blooming
tariff been forgotten so soon ?
rice in Aver's
yoir doctor about them.
From our Regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C, Mar. 1 1, 1910.
At every session of Congress, just
about the time the naval bill comes
up for consideration in the House
and in the Senate, with its appro
priations for additional battleships,
or "Dreadnaughts'', as they are
now called, there are wars and ru
mors of wan. The synchronism
of appropriations for b..ttle ships
and the war rumors is suggestive.
As usual, there is now further talk
about an attempt to arouse excite
ment with refitince to the alleged
preparation of Japan to control
the Pacific Ocean. "The peace of
the world for the next live or even
ten years lies entirely with the
American State Department. It
pivots upon the Far East, aiul Ja
pan has played her hand. It is
for the United States to reach the
.'.nal decision." These are the
words alleged to have been uttered
by an embassador with refcrenc. to
certain naval movements planned
by the Japan War College against
the I'nited States in case of war.
These plans, it is said, were dis
covered by a secret agent stationed
at Tokio, and sent to the Washing
ton ambissulor. It is alleged that
the situation is becoming intense.
That the Secretary of the Navy
has recommended the building of
two additional battle ships of the
largest size and that
th 2 chairman
of the Senate committee, as is usual
with him, is opposed to these ships,
is not alleged, but is an actual fact.
The chairman of the Senate com
mittee does not believe that there
is any probability of. war; he is op
posed to the great expense of build-
, ni! additional war shins a' the tv-
'peiiseof over ten million dollars!
each. The cost of building, how-
cver is only a t of t)e ' nse-
The Cx;,ense of keeping a powerful
avv , coilllli ss nil. in.imi-, rml
ed, provisioned and in manv other
ways equipped, is enormous, and
the cost would paralyze Japan, Ger
many and other countries which
kee their navies afloat at much
less expense than we do. The
Japanese are an insular people like
the British, but they are even more
insular than the British, for while
the latter have a geographical in
sularity and are born, as it were, to
the water, the Japanese have a mul
tiplied insularity, for their country
is divided into many islands and
groups of islands, compelling a sea
faring life, which to great extent
is followed by the women and even
by the children of Japan. As sail
ors the Japanese are naturally our
There is no cause, and really very
little prospect of war between this
country and Japan. The sugges
tion of war would he ridiculous if
it were not lor the fact of our pos
session of those troublesome Phil
ippine Islands. Japan cannot wage
an aggressive war on this country
except through that possession. If
we can succeed in holding Hawaii
no Japanese navy can menace our
Pacific litoral. No war ships can
venture five or six thousand miles
with only the starting supply of
coal. Our defensive position, ow
ing to our wide water fronts on the
Pacific and Atlantic Ocems, is very
strong, and of course will be much
stronger when we are able to more
quickly assemble our war ships by
means of the Panama Canal.
It is said that the plans of the
Japanese for the Russian war were
completed a year and a half before
actual hostilities began: The re
sult at the s:at of war proved their
The secret agent
ferred to has the plans which la-
pan is said to have prepared against
the United States. It is, of course,
figured out by Japan that the cam
paign is to be a naval one, and
mainly defensive, for Japan has
quite as many ports to defend as
has the United States, and Japa
nese ports are much more accessi
ble to attack except when defended
by ships, than are the ports of the
United States, for the majority of
our ports are on the Atlantic and
Gulf litorals, while only a few are
on the Pacific shores. According
to the plans, the .United States
would first lose the Philippines,
and then later Hawaii would be
captured. It is the pastime of war
officers all over the world to plan
campaigns. What else can the high
ly educated young officers from the
military and naval academies of
their respective countries do in
"piping times of peace," but plan?
The greatest naval and military
geniuses have planned, but a siu
gle defeat or miscarriage of the
most perfect pian by the ablest
plauners, will make another plan
necessary and that plan is frequent
ly retreat and confusion.
Children Cry
Severe Strictures on Tendencies of
Saloons In Luzerne.
In Court nt 'ilkes-Harre last
Monday Judge Fuller declined to
grant liquor licenses to any new
applicants. Old houses received
their licenses, but over 100 new ap
plicants were turned down.
The Judge said that simply lie
cause a man lost a leg in an acci
dent was no reason why h.- should
be granted a license. Neither was
lie entitled to one because he had
to children to support.
Furthermore, His Honor claimed
a hotel or saloon was not intended
to lie a gathering place for boon
companions, but a place where the
traveling pablic could be accomino- j
tlatcd. Hence it was not necessary j
to fill tip any neighborhood with ,
saloons in order to accominod ite j
the people living in that ncighboi-;
r, t . tt,o ir.,..Arl
IIWWVI. Ill IV III , U.iUM , lll.l 1IUIIUI
"Cer tain communities of labor-j
ing men, with large families de-;
pending upon wages too small for j
h;;re existence, arc tilled with grog- '
geries, which debauch the men, '
crush the women, debase the child
ren and disturb the peace. And
this situation will surely go from
bid to worse, beyond redemption'
or rectification, until the slate is j
wiped clean for a fresh start."
Millionaire Says "System"
Robbery. ,
The spectacle of a millionaire
telling his he..rers that be made his
millions by robbing the people, tint
all monopolists do, but that he had
begun to recover his conscience and
was going to devote his wealth to
muting 'lc system whicu made it
possiiiio, was me unique entertain
ment provided by the City Club of
Chicago at a luncheon last week
The speaker was Joseph Pels of
Philadelphia, head of a naphtha
soap company bearing his name.
He said he was a disciple of Henry
George and would always remain a
"single taxer."
"We can't get rich in a lifetime
nowadays," Mr. Pels said, "under
the present system of things, unless
we do so by robbing the people. I
have made my money that way,
and my firm is still doing it,. You
are all doing it. Every one of your
self-made millionaires has done it.
However, I want to say I have be
gun to recover my conscience, and
I am going to devote my 'swag1 I
like to call it that, for that's what
it is to doing away with the cur
se-d system which makes it possible.
If any of your millionaires feel
the same way about it, for God's
sake let's cross hands on it. I will
be an oddity. It is unusual, though
for a man who has made his money
by robbing the people through a
monopoly to be called a curiosity.
It is also a curiosity to find a man,
after nearly 50 years of monopoly
inongering, to admit it and under
go a change of heart. But I am
Uncle Sam After Flies.
A concerted country-wide attack
is to be made on the housefly this
year, according to Chief Ktitomolo
gist Howard, who testified recently
before a congressional committee.
When spring begins, hundreds of
scientists, aided by laborers, drugs
and chemicals and mechanical kill
ers will try to drive the household
pest out of existence. Dr. Howard
says the campaign will be opened
in the country distrhts and the de
partment will issue a farmers' bul
letin giving advice as to the ills the
flies are responsible for and how to
re-ieradicate th?m.
Dr. Howard says the importance
of congressional legislation to pro
tect the United States from the in
troduction of foreign insects and
parasite pests entering with plants
and nursery stock.
Frenchman Flew in Wind.
In a cross, choppy wind of about
20 miles an hour which caught his
biplane at 'the start and tipped it
from side to side like a boat in a
rolliug sea, Louis Paulban, the
French aviator, made a daring
flight at the Jamaica race track
Sunday afternoon, with over 5000
to witness it. He was in the air
for eight minutes and ten seconds
and covered about six miles.
Ambulance Hit by Car.
While hastening to answer a
hurry call Sunday afternoon, the
ambulance of the Medico-Chirurgi-cal
Hospital was run down by a
trolley car in Philadelphia and bad
ly damaged. The driver and two
physicians were injured, though
not seriously, and one of the horses
received a deep cut in a leg.
r .
"A maid's best dress is bashful
ness," an up the state paper says.
That may be, but custom requires
that she wear more than that.
Onr Setni-Annual Event Emphasizing Marked Econom
in Table Linens and Allied Linens.
tome. Select your linens. This is a linen buying time
ise it's money saving time. There is safety as well
as savings in buying linens here. We will tell you wheth.
er a cloth is all linen, or cotton and linen mixed. Von
must not be fooled. Hut whether you buy all linen or cot.
ton ami linen mixtures
worth von ever secured.
$fi inch bleached table linen, regular value 25c now 20c
60 inch bleached table linen, regular value 50c now 45c
06 inch bleached t.iMc linen, regular value 75c now (190
i inch bleached table linen, regular value 85c now 70
70 inch bleached table linen, regular value $r now Jmjc
-2 inch bleached double damask, regular value t.15 now
yS cents.
- : 1. 1.1 1 1 1 ...1.1 . -. 1. 1 ,
men uie.iciieu uou.iie
bleached double
inch bleached double
72 inch bleached double
50 in. unbleached table linens, regular value 25c now
60 in. unbleached table linens, regular value 3yc now 32.1
60 in. unbleached table linens, regular value oc now' 45c
70 in. unbleached linens, regular value $6 now 49c.
3o in. unbleached linens, regular value 60c now 500.
64 in. unbleached linens, regular value 75c now 58c.
Ready Made Towels Included in This Sale
Plain all linen huckaback towels 18x36 in. very heavy,
regular value 50c.. now 3ye a pair.
Plain huckaback towels 17x36 in. regular value 30c, now
22 cents a pair.
Regular 30c Turkish bath towels reduced to 22c a pair
Regular 50c Turkish bath towels reduced to 44c a pair!
Plain huckaback towels 17x32, regular value 20c apiece
now i8e a pair. 1
Every towel in stock reduced for this sale, and variety is
complete. Huy towels now.
An Irresistible Bargain.
$1.75 Value for Only $1.5.
I Any I5 -
Is a large, artistic, handsomely illustrated hundred-page
monthly magazine. It contains sixty new Fashion Designs
in each issue. Every woman needs it for its up-to-date
fashions, entertaining stories and complete information on
all home and personal topics. Over one million subscrib
ers. Acknowledged the best Home and Fashion Magazine.
Regular price, 5 cents a copy Worth double.
McCall Patterns
So simple you cannot mis
understand them. Absolute
ly accurate. In style, irre
proachable. You may select,
free, any McCall Pattern you
desire from the first number
of the magazine which reach
es you. Regular price, 15
Call at our office or.address yourjorder to
The Columbian, Bloomsburg. Pa
you 11 get the biggest
tiamaK. resruiar value t.:n inm-
uamask - . resrti ar value t
damask, regular vaJue 1
5y now
damask, regular value 1,7
j n
I- . V ...
damask, regular value 2.25 now
Table Linens
One Year's Subscription for
McCall's Magazine
Cent McCa!! Pattern
you may select
One Year's Subscription for
The Columbian.
The Columbian
is the oldest newspaper in
the county. It is not sen
sational, and what it prints
is reliable, and fit to be
read by anybody. Regular
price $1.00 per year.