THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO. PA- U000000000-KJ 0 U O X O o III II t I V V T n x o 6 ? 8 c V T o Adventures of a Paper Doll To bosin with, Crnt.Ii? Cliulys a paper doll. t'lie had no nuron n to f-l'.oiilt of, but was printed mid cut out by lnacliincry. lirntliers slip bud none, ('..' t'.K'if was ,i l.ire iri.tibtT of sis lii's, all of wlwrn wen' her lv,i:ij and looked jimt liko her. The edition raa Into i-onie'.liin;', li',;e ten tho'.i'.,a'.id, which makes the family of Ceiitlo (;'.ady. one of the l.iv.'.'.o-.t in nil his tory. ConUo Chiilyii was made with un (lcrcloihin;; on hi r. This, us lnrnv youitK people can realize, was a decid ed ailvaniase for her. It made it i'.n posK'Ibli' for her to tako a batji. In side.?. lia!r was always Uorie up just so. and every little girl who h'as had her hair in a snarl and hnd to have the kinks combed out can iipprt ciale the advair.i.i;e of beUi:; undo like Gentle Gladys was. i Moreover, the younii; lady. iU'ce'vliui; to bow s!,e wv..: '' id v.. s ; o two luo ei.icnts her changed. ()"e move:-' the on.' coi.'.r o'l' :;nd V.::l ;;h i.itlit a v. til.' el I 1 1 1 1 ; :i the other co!"i' e'l. possessed sdx go .vr.s l ii. hats, all of t!ie;r, . ; y I. i y ur- : ' i ioa hi w'.i.- "., a fa.'t tint :i . i u !... :i ra!l:i;-, v. AVlii'e o:'i'.:;)::i ily W.: ir.i iii the s.'.aie po.-i had tern made, it is times she moved lie: (handed gowns- or tvuie one clmuiied so'.vtis lor hi r. la one divi'.s she had her hands in a i:;ti:f. In auo' her she held a bouiiuet. In a third she was holdini; ui bur train. I'.inl the triiaaiest ankle showed liiide: tl'.e rnflled petticoat Gladys was a person of great re linemetit and tine disposition. She v.a.-, txeeptionally good-natured, never known to complain or r.peak har::hly. She remained where she was placed and always greeted visi tors with a pleasant smile. Gentle Gladys lived in a little paper box, along with her gowns and her hats. Iler picture was painted on the lid of the box, and she never gadded a tout. It is presumed she slept most of the time, for she had to yeniain in the box while her mamma was at school; yet no one ever baw her with her eyes closed. She was too well bred to sleep in the presence of com pany. There, it has come out. Gladys got a mamma sometime after she was made. She was tied, while shut up in her box, to a Christmas tree and given to a little girl around the cor ner from the church. This girl, Irene by name, was delighted with Gladys, ami loved her very much, Just as a little mamma ought to do. She called in a neighbor girl, and the two dressed Gladys in one after the other of the gown3 for an hour at a stretch, Gladys bore it all with patience, and never said a cross word to her mam ma. When Irene would go to school Gladys would lie shut up ii. her box, that did look like a colIin, and never say a word. And when Saturday came, then Gladys would be brought out and become the center of attrac tion, while the little girls would cut out sew dresses for her. A very queer person was Gladys. She didn't oat a bite, and yet she remained plump, and apparently in good health. She didn't talk, either. This is the reason why there is no conversation in this iitory, though conversation properly belongs in every story. Irene talked to Gladys, and she could feel what Gladys evidently meant to way, but the paper doll rever really said a word. Vet that she was happy there can bo no manner of doubt. If who wasn't, why should she always simile i-o pleasantly? Why, Gladys smiled even after she 'and laid out in the rain all night and taken that frightful cold. She knew that her ninuuua didn't moan to for r,et her, and, though she had suffered enfold agonies when the lightning and thunder played around her, and her mamma was in a good bed, for i;etful of her child; though she felt the ink running out of her, leaving her pale and wrinkled and badly dis figured, yet Gladys smiled bravely when Irene rescued her in the morn ing and tried to let her mama under stand that she didn't blame her. Irene dried Gladys out a3 best she could and kept her In bed for several days. It was during this time that Gladys rirst undertook how deeply she was loved, and when a new dress was put 'n her she looked about as well as well us ever and was so happy. Soon after this, Irene and her mam ma went to a neighboring village for a visit, and nothing would do but the Gentle Gladys should be taken along. Gladys was safely lying In her box, along with her many gowns, and Irene carried her In her hands. Once in the train, the paper doll in the box was laid on the seat, and when the train stopped Irene, forgetting all about the doll, left her lying there, and never missed her until the train had pulled out and it was too late to get the child. Then Irene cried, of course, and her mamma scolded her for being so forgetful. It was the last time she ever saw Gentle Gladys. She never even heard of her afterward, and will be Interested in the remain der of this story, as showing what be came of her baby doll. If Irene felt bad, how do you sup pose Gentle Gladys felt, lying there among strangers, unable to cry out, unable to mqve and being carried away from those she loved? cannot tell her agony. Yet through It all she bravely smiled. Poor, Gen tle Gladys. How long she remained In tlit; rent no one can ever tell. It doomed to her that she must have gone hall around the world, for Gladys didn't know much about geography and couldn't bo expected to realize how big the world Is. Finally the porter came along and picked up the box In which Gladys lay, and when he had opened it he smiled nnd murmured to himself that he knew what to do with it. Gladys was badly frightened. She hud never met the porter, and she did .1s "I Have Brought You Someihing Nice, Snlly." "ii! know but he meant to luitc'ter her. ilowever. her fear:? in 'his res e: t e:e groundless. The porter tc "'. and held her pri.-oin r under su .; until he reached the e.i.l e' : r n. Then he took Gentle Cindy ill; ee-iiinecl in the bos, and left ''!ir.. :irryi:it her a lnR dts'.'.-.ei ''..e":'i thi' town until ,ic reach.ei' ; ! i:.'.l house in the outskirts nf ity. W hen he prepared te enter t" hivwo Gladys was that t'riphtenei! v. oild have cried out had she I. e. able. I'.ut on entering the purtc went ui) to a thin little sick Kirl lyii., e:i tl'.e bed and said : "1 have brought you sirr.etiii: nice. Sally." lie laid the box on the b.'d by hi', side and watched her as she with trembling hands opened it. It was t.ood to tee the little one's face lig'it up with joy, and to her exclama tions of delight as she looked iu Gli dys and her elegant dresses was rejoiced that she had come tc this place, and she loved the lit'.le girl. Sally played with the paper doll until she was tired out, and then she fell asleep, clasping Gentle Gladys to her bosom. No one will ever know the good that Gentle Gladys did. Through long, feverish nights and dark, dreary days, Gladys lay at the side of the sick child, always cheer lly smiling and never leaving hei presence for a moment. Sally did not forget. Her starved soul seemed tr expand under the influence of tin paper doll, and, though she grew weaker and weaker In body, there had been awakened In her something that had never been there before. She for got her sickness; she didn't mind the fever; love had come to her and sin was happy. It saddened Gentle Gladys to see the little one failing, as she knew her to be. Night after night sic remained by the side of -he child, and every time that Sally would look Gen tle Gladys smiled. It was all she could do. And it helped wonderfully. If Gentle Gladys was unable to ar rest the waste of the disease and save Uie life of the little one, it is not to bo wondered at. Many, many men and women have sat at the bedside of loved ones, longing for t lie power to stay the hand of death, and were ut terly helpless, and Gentle Gladys was so small. The night that Sally died -he looked at the paper image, which had been dressed in its most gorgeous t; for the occasion, and, lifting a vasted hand, laid it over the doll that '".y on her breast. So prently left tin !ii:t of the child that Gentle Gladys nald not tell when the oosoni cease. I o lift with the breath of life. Since the little one had passed t-i he world of shadows with Gentle l!".dys lying on her heart, it wis ''"ivcil appropriate that the paper tell should be buried with her. Con It Gladys did not care. It is hard n i;o under the ground, under the :iti f.rd snow, while still llvin;;' and Vving life; but Gentle Gladys proved ':( fself e'luul to this stupendous sucrl 'ice. and lay in the little white collln. gowned In the garments cf life, with 'he same sweet smile upon her lips that had in the old days charmed the heart of Irene, and there she lies on Sally's pulseless breast, probably sii. iling still. Jack and the Clock, Why is it that I am like the 5? clock?" Said laughing Jaefc to me. 'Because 1 have two hands and a face, As anyone can see." 1 The difference 'twixt the clock and Jack it Is quite too plainly seen; 5 I wish they were alike in this: Its hands and face are clean. A Tragedy. This Is the short, sweet, sorrowful tale Of Jessica Jenkins Jones; She planted a packet of seeds with pride While her dog looked on with his head on the side And thought, "She's burying bones." When Jessica left, he dug like mad In search of the luscious bones, So Jessica's garden it doesn't grow, And Jessica's dog is cross, and so Is Jessica Jenkins Jones. Doris Webb In Bt. Nicholas. 1 Pfl III New Atelhods Have Changed the Work of Gathering. PEARLER WELL EQUIPPED Willi a Suit of India Itublnr. Copper l!lcast plates, mid Leaden Weight Ho Pexcciu! to the I'oltoni of the Sen Spends From Six to Klglit Honrs There. The Servllia pearl given by Julius Caesar to llrutus' tuotheu was said to j have been worth $ 17,", out), says I.on I don Tit-Hits. For a pearl an Inch ! In diameter a l'ersian shah of the bc enteentii century is said to have i paid $:i:,0.U00. The pearl market is i somewhat lower nowadays, but prices (aie still high enough to make diving profitable. The era of naked divers exposed to peril from sharks has passed jUway. Modern progress equips the pcailcr with a suit of India rubber, copper breastplate, with leud"ii weights back and front; helmet, glass j panelled and with telephonic attach ! Is; uir pipes, lite line:-; and a j submarine searchlight. Thus ti uii i ped the pearl diver may spend six or I eight hoars at the bottom ot the sea, j whereas in olden tinier three minutes I lca.le u record. ; Although pearls are found in near I ly ail inolhibks and even in univalves j Hue the Australian haliotis, a kind , o1' bat lKiile, true pearls are produced . only by the pearl oyster or mother ol pearl shell. The latter is really the diver's bread Mid butter. The shells are as big as dinner pli.tos and I veigii two pounds when cleaned i They fetch from 3co to $7f'U a ton. '1 he ancient th-herics Were chietly in the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf but nowadays the best pearls coma from Ceylon and from Australian waters, especially Torres Straits, l'earl iishing in Ceylon is a govern ment monopoly. In .March the fleet starts for the pearling grounds, each vessel with twenty or thirty divers and their assistants. lint the head quarters of pearling are to be found In the desolate country extending from Exmouth Gulf to King Sound, In Western Australia. A glistening white coast line 1b this, whose monotony Is broken only by mango fringed salt water creeks and scorching deserts of spinlfex and sand. Long before inland gold was dreamed of roving natives lished these seas for pearls, and they paid many visits to Koebuck Bay and what is now the pearl town of Broome. Chinese and Malays as well as tribt;s of native black fellows ar there to-day, but the old nude div ers, the reign of terror and piracy when a large haul was made these and similar conditions have passed away, giving place to fleets and lug gers carrying modern diving outfits and representatives of the inevitable capitalist in the person of the master pearlers. Here are six hundred miles of coast line, with perhaps five thousand hardy adventurers engag ed In the pearl trade. There are some thousands of Jap anese, Manilamen, Malays and men of other races acting chiefly as crews for the vessels. The vessels are echooner rigged and from seven to founteen tons burden. Each carries a master diver and a crew of four, one of whom is the diver's assistant and works the air pumps. Another holds the life liue and pays attention to signals; another is catching fish, or peeling potatoes for dinner, and it may be a third has gone off in the dingey for fresh water and fire-wood. The shells ure found on ledges about ninety feet down in the sea, but they are far more plentiful at greater depth. Foituue awaits the Inventor of a diving apparatus which, will enable the pearler to work in comfort one hundred fathoms down. The lugger has a low freeboard to allow7 the diver with his heavy dress and gear to be easily hauled on board. He carries a net holding the shells with him, and when this 1b full he has It hauled up so that he himself may run no risk of entang ling life line or air pipe. When the pearler works at, say, twenty fathoms he moves easily, not withstanding his forty-pound boots, amid groves of coral trees, interlac ed with fluttering, fern-like plants, among whose branches swim gorge ous troplcnl fish and sinister water snakes, which seem to resent the In trusion of so strange a monster. A good day's work Is anything more than two hundred pairs of shells. . The business Is absolutely speculative. One diver may gather ton after ton of shells without se curing anything of greater value than a few seed pearls, while an other may take a fortune out In a day's gathering. The most famous pearl discover ed in Australia of late years is known as the Southern Cross. It consists of a cluster of nine pearls in the shape of a cross. This freak of na ture was picked up at low water on the Laclpede Island by a beachcomb er named Clark, who, after burying it for some time for superstitious reasons, sold It for $50; later, it brought 150,000. The pearl diver of to-day, protect ed as he is by every device known to modern submarine engineering, is exposed to many perils. He may lose his life by the tearing of his dress upon the sharp coral rocks. HEN TRUST FIGURES. If it Could bo Capitalized its Troduct Would Pay Bigser Dividends Than Railroads. It is claimed that the rtv:rap;e production of a lien is 200 eggs per annum, but it is safe to assume that the actual is much below this figure, the Wall Street Journal says. Adopting the very conserva tive figure of 120 eggs per hen per annum, we find on the above basis of production there are 150,000,000 laying hens in the United States responsible for the production of I 18,000,000,000 egus. I At the farm pi ice of 20 cents per 'dozen the total income derived from each hen annually would nmotint j to two dollars. Allowing 40 cents j for maintenance and ten cents for j depreciation, which hitter would 1 i wipe out the market value of the ' hen in four years, irrespective of 1 i salvage when the period 01 produc- tion is over, the net profit per hen per annum amounts to 51.50 This profit, according to Willi : street standards, capitalized on a ! five per ctnt. income basis, would place ;i nominal value of nn each hen. I'or the 150,000,000 hens ; this would amount to the enormous total of $4,500,000,000. That the Anieiican hen can re- turn a jieldof five per cent, per' : annum 011a capitalization cf $4, : appears nothing shuit; of remarkable, but such is the cai-e 1 The entire outstanding capital obli gations of the railroads of the' ; United States in 1407 were les i than four times this amount or ; I $16,082, 146,683, while the total paiil out in interest and dividends represented but 4.05 i-er cent, of' this amount. j FIRST AIRSHIP SERVICE. j Dirigible Will Carry Passengers and j Make Regular Trips. ; The first regular air navigating i.'mM .m 1,,. :.., 1 1 u. 111 j.iiiui: tiii uc inaugu rated on May 15. Regular trips will be made from Munich, Bava ria, alternately to Starnberg and Oberammergau. A dirigible bal loon driven oy two moters of 100 horse power each, will be used. The aerial carriage will accom modate twelve passeugers besides the crew. The fare for the round trip to Starnberg will be $55, and for the round Hp to Oberammer gau $175. The regular service will close for the season on Sep tember 1, PRIVATE WHITE HOUSE WIRE. It Will Cost Charles P. Taft, Brother of President, 824,000 a Year. A private telephone wire from the house of Charles P. Taft in Cincinnati to the White House in Washington has been contracted for by him with the American Tel ephone and Telegraph company. The 725 miles of wire will be at the service of tb Tafts from 6 p. ni. to 6 a. 111. every day. No oulside hands will manipulate the switchboard plugs and no outside ear will hear the personal conver sations of the brothers. The wire will cost Mr. Taft $24,000 a year. $200,000 FOR SUN BURY. Bill Introduced in Congress for United States Building at That Place. Sunbury's government building is now almost an assured fact. Re cently Senator Penrose introduced in the senate a bill pioviding for the "erection of a suitable t-uild-ing, including fire proof vauh.s, heating and ventilating apparatus, elevators and approaches for the use and accommodation of the Uni ted States post office," the cos-t of the building complete not to ex ceed two hundred thousand dollars. Ice Combine. With a capital stock of $1,200, coo, a new ice consolidation will be announced in the near future at Fktsburg. Options on eight com panies are being exercised and the concern will be built around the Union Ice company, of which Charles Geyer, former mayor of Allegheny, is president. Webster's Birthplace Sold. .The foreclosure of a mortgage on the birthplace of Daniel Webster, a farm in the southern part ot Franklin, New llamshire, may lead to the formation of an association to purchase and maintain the place as a memorial to .the famous states man. GHilcfren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Tlio Kind You Ilavo Alwnys Bought nnd which lias lcca in uso for over 30 yenrs, lias homo lho nignattiro of rt - and ha9 been nmdo under his pcr- jC&s77' Bonal supervision ntnoo its Infancy. futry, &4Cu'l Allow no ono todecelvo you In tliln. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jtist-ns-gnod" nro hut Hxpcrinients Hint trillo with and endanger tlio health 0f Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla Is n harmless subslltuto for Castor Oil, Pure gorie, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic, faihstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveristmess. It cures Diarrhu'U and AVitut Colic. It relieves Teething Trouhlos, euros Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates thn Food, regulates tho Stomach and ISowcls, giving healthy and natural bleep, Tlio Children's l'anaceiv Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CINTkUR COMMNV. TT Q OFFER To All Our The Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading: Agricultural Journal of the Nation. Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal pub lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the leading place in the homes of rural people in every section of the United States. It gives t;:e farmer and his tamily some-thing to think about aside from the humdrum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON G00DE WE MAKE THE EXCEPTIONAL OFFER OF Two for the Price of One: THE COLUMBIAN The Oldest County Paper and THE AMERICAN FARMER BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $I.OO This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay all arrears and renew within thirty days. Sample copies free. Address : TUB C0U;M1SIAX, Bloomsl.uvc. l'a. TO PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS. 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