The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 10, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Suddenly Taken with Fainting
Spells, and Expires Amid
His Children
Aged Ex-Senator Succumbs to Sudden
Attack In New York After Years of
Broken Health Cause of His Death
was Acute Drlght's Disease.
Now York, N. Y.. Mar. 10.- Thomas
Collier l'lait. Republican leader of the
State of New York for a score of
years ami Intensely Interested In tho
Kepublie-an party from Its organiza
tion in (lied unexpectedly in his
apartments at 13:' West Kleventh
street, lie would have been "7 years
old If ho had lived until .July 1.'. The
direct cause of his death was acute
Prlght's disease. For a number of
years he had suffered from a palsy of
the legs, which kept him to a wheel
chair much of the time. Within tho
last two years evidences of lirlght's
disease had become npparent to his
physician, nr. Paul Outerbrielge. On
Slay 28 last, Dr. Outerbridge believed
that his patient would die on that
day. Mr. Piatt, however, recovered
and was able to attend the wedding
of his grandson, Livingston Piatt, son
of Frank II. Piatt. He took a tem
porary homo at Freeport, Leing Island,
then went to Atlantic City, remaining
there until election day (and this, by
the way, was the first time that he
had not voted in Owego, Tioga Coun
ty, his birthplace, for fifty years), and
later went to Lakewood, remaining
there until late in .January, when he
returned to his apartments in West
Eleventh street, where he was con
stantly attended by Clustave Abel, for
merly a Custom House employee and
one of the many hundreds of men
whom Mr. Piatt as the Republican
leader of his party had benefited. With
Mr. Piatt at the time of his death were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank II. Piatt, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward T. Piatt. Harry Piatt and
Dr. Outerbridge.
Senator Piatt's health had been
falling for years, but his mind was ac
tive to the last. Since the Allds hear
ing at Albany, in which his name has
been spoken by witnesses, Sonr-tor
Piatt through the newspapers had
kept a close watch on events.
Retiring from the I'nited States
Senate last year, when he was suc
ceeded by Mr. Elihu Hoot after .twelve
years as the senior Senator from New
York State, Mr. Piatt sought a quiet
and change of surroundings.
Congressman Herbert Parsons,
former President of the New York
County Committee, said:
"Senator Piatt was remarkable for
three things for the gold plank in
the Republican national platform of
1889, the creation of Greater New
York and his control eif the Republican
party in New York State, a control
which lasted twenty years and was
Nearly a Score Less Than the Average
in New England and Canada.
Boston, Mar. 8. Fewer persons
than In any recent year were victims
of thin Ice on the Inland ponds, lakes
nd rivers of New England, the Mari
time Provinces of Canada and New
foundland during the winter season
now closing. Nearly a score short
of the annual average, the total for
'his season is thirty-seven persons.
Of this number, twenty-four were 17
ears old or under. Most of these
hlldren lost their lives while skating.
!-;o, too, did some of the older victims.
Statistics Gathered from Principal Ex
porting and Importing Countries.
Washington, Mar. 8. Meat prices
have advanced in all the principal
onsuining nnd producing sections of
he world, according to statistics com-
"lied by the Department of Commerce
nd Labor. All the meat-exporting
ountries show higher prices per
ound in their exports In recent years
lian those of a decade ago, and all
he meat-importing .countries show
higher rates in their imports figures
and the current market quotations.
Will Start One in Lincoln Entirely
Separate from Commoner.
Lincoln, Neb., Mar. 8. William
.'ennlngs Uryan Is to launch a prohibl
'on newspaper In Nebraska, accord
to an announcement made by the
"'ate and county local option forces,
he new JJryan paper Is to be entire
i separate from The Commoner, al
'ough the two may be issued from
.lie same office.
Two Drowned In a Canoe.
HarriHburg, Pa., Mar. 8. Edward
'rdes and Robert Shank, each 18
enrB old, were drowned in the Sus
aehanna River this afternoon by the
verturning of their canoe, which
ruck a hidden rock. Merl Gerdes, 13,
ho was also In tho canoe, wus res
ed by a passerby, who plunged Into
o stream and brought him ashore.
'an, Awaiting Baptism, Drops Dead.
'rard, Ohio, Mur. 8. As he was step
"5 forward to bo baptized at a revival
nice hero to-day, James Applegate,
xty flve, a wealthy and prominent
utlzcn, dropped dead.
Philanthropy to Be Centred In Wash
ington and to Be World
Wide In Scope.
. U
"To promote the well being
and to advance the civilization O
of the peoples of the United ft
Ctntes and its territories and
8 possession,-; and of foreign lands
In the requisition and disseml- (J
q nation of knowledge; In the pre- ft
O venticn and relief of suffering Q
q and In the promotion of any and ft
O all cf the elements of human O
S progress." ft
Washington, Mar. 10.- A bill intro
duced in tho regular course of busi
ness In tho Senate by Senator Galling
er, of New Hampshire, revealed the
most, stupendous work of philanthropy
In the history of tho world.
The author of tho scheme Is John
D. Rockefeller, and It Involves the ab
solute gift from tho great fortune
which Standard Oil has built up for
him of at least $.".00,000,000 and may
bo more. Tho bill of Incorporation
names It the "Rockefeller Founda
tion." The Rockefeller Foundation, ac
cording to a close associate of Mr.
Rockefeller, Is to receive the bulk of
his fortune, either while he is yet liv
ing or by his will after death. The
scheme of the chnritnblp disposition
of his millions has occupied Mr. Rocke
feller for a number of years.' His
great gifts to churches, educational
and scientific Institutions, total'ng
$122.000,npo or more, has in no wise
kept up with the rapid growth of his
It has been estimated that if Mr.
Rockefeller lives to the age of eighty,
nnd ho is now in his 7 1st year, his
fortune will amount to $ 1,000,000.000,
more than ever one man possessed be
fore. It may be Mr. Rockefeller's idea
to encourage the growth of his for
tune up to the time of his death, start
ing tho work of the Rockefeller Foun
dation during his lifetime, and willing
to it his groat fortune.
The object of the corporation, as
set out in Mr. Oalllnger's bill, Is "to
promote the well being and to ad
vance the civilization of the people of
the I'nited States and its territories
nnd possessions nnd of foreign lands
in the acquisition and dissemination
of knowledge, In the prevention and
relief of suffering, and In the promo
tion of any and all of the elements of
human progress."
It Is said to be the purpose of Mr.
Rockefeller to spend the greater part
of the vast fortune he has built up
while he Is yet alive, and it is said
that he desires not only that his
money shall be expended for various
philanthropic purposes, but that it
shall be spent so that he can see the
results of the distribution of his
Change from "State" Planned In
Chicago, Mar. 7. Alderman Otto J.
Novak proposes to call on the City
Council to honor the return of the ex
President by changing the name of
State street to Roosevelt street. He
says that he will introduce a resolu
tion in the council at its next meet
ing. Chicago has no Roosevelt street.
"The greatest street in the greatest
city in the world could not be mo'e
appropriately named than after the
man whom many consider the greatest
American of modern times," said Ald
erman Novak. "The name of the
street now does not have any histori
cal significance nor Is it suggestive of
any events dear to Chicago's past,"
COLLEGE TO GET $500,000.
Tufts Made Residuary Legatee of
Wealthy Printer's Estate.
Dcdham, Mass., Mar. 7. Tufts Col
lege Is made the residuary legatee to
an estate valued at half a million
dollars under the will of the late John
Everett Smith, a wealthy Norwood
printer, which was filed in the Nor
folk County Probate Court here to
day. The widow has the use of the bulk
of the estate during her life. Upon
her death the property will be turned
over to the Medford College.
There Will Be Another Anpeal to tha
Country Soon, He Says.
London, Mar. 7. John Redmond,
the Irish Nationalist leader, in a let
ter acknowledging the receipt of
$5,000 from the Irish World predicts
that there will bo another general
election within n few weeks. He ap
peals for more funds to enable tho
Nationalists to fight both the Union
ists and the Independent Nationalists.
Lawyer-Magistrate a Suicide.
Ogdensburg, N. Y Mar. 4. A. C.
Cayter, a prominent lawyer and po
lice magistrate of Roland, committed
sulcldo In tho Empire Hotel, by shoot
ing himself through the head. The
cause of his act is not known.
Local Option Rejected.
Annapolis, Mar. 4. Uy a vote of 50
to 48 the House of Delegates killed
the Statewide local option bill und
put an end to temperance legislation
for this session.
iddidd inn rna
ifnn!iJDaiiu r wi
tULfl urrim
Pennsylvania ci Same Time
Brings Suit to Hccover $5,000,
000 Spent on Fittings
Cr-.ft Centorecs Curtained Men Con
victcd of Capitol Fraud Must Servo
tJrms W. P. Cnydcr a;id J. M. Shu
irnkcr, Chsrgc:! with Conspiracy.
P!'ii;-.(cphia. Mar. 10.- The convic
tion of William 1". Snyder and James
M. Sh-imake-r, charged with conspiracy
to defraud the State in connection
with the furnishing of the State Capi
tol, was affirmed by the State Supremo
Court hero. Snyder was a former
Auditor Ce-tiernl and Shumakor a
former Pupc rirtcride-nt of Public
IlulliIin.'T-e and (rounds.
!"nyelor and Shumaker were convict
ed in tho Dauphin County Court In
lli.rrisburg on December IS, IMS, and
sinteticcd to serve two years each nnd
to pay a fine of $.1(10 each and tho
cor.', of prosecution. John II. Sander
son of Philadelphia, who had the furni
ture contract for the Capitol, and Wil
liam L. Mutinies of Media, former
Pta'e Treasurer, who paid the alleged
fraue'.ule nt furniture bills, were con
victed .i::d received a similar sentence
at llie same time. Sanderson and Ma
tin, es hnvo since died.
The cases were carried to the Su
perior Court, which affirmed the Dau
phin County Court, nnd an appeal was
then taken to the highest tribunal in
th State, which to-day upheld tho
lower courts.
Attorney (eneral Todd, comment
ing on the decision, said: "It is all
over and the men must go to prison."
1 larrbburg, Pa., Mar. 9. Actions
In eejuity for the recovery by the State
of at letist $.",000,0w alleged to have
been Illegally paid to contractors for
tho fu'-nl-.-hing of the new State Cap!
to' were entered In the Dauphin Coun
ty Court to-day by the Attorney Gen
eral's Department. The actions nre
npnlust the contractors. John H. San
derson, now de;;d, and the Pennsyl
vania Construction Company, the
State oCiclals havirg to do with the
awards of the contracts nnd tho ap
proval of bills in payment, Architect
Joseph M. Huston and the sureties of
the contractors nnd State officials.
The suits are the outgrowth of the
Cnpitol investigation conducted in
1P07 and nre entirely separate from
the criminal actions brought more
than two years ago.
Seventeen Hurt in Accident Near
Chicago. March !. Eight persons
were reported killed and seventeen In
jured, many of them probably fatally,
in an explosion at the works of the
American Maize Products Company at
Roby, Ind.
The explosion occurred in a detach
ed building of the plant und was pre
ceded by a fire. Starch in an over
heated ltlln is supposed to have been
the cause.
It was known that twenty-nine
workmen were in the building at the
time. Seventeen of those were res
cued badly burned. Of the twelve un
accounted for several are believed to
have escaped unhurt. The rest were
burned in the ruins of the warehouse.
Noted Poisoner Expires In San Cuen
tin Prison.
San Francisco, Mar. 9. Mrs. Cor
delia llotkln, serving a life sentence
at San Quentln for the murder In 1898
of Mrs. John P. Dunning, of Dover,
Del., by poisoned chocolates sent
through the malls, died at the peniten
tiary. Mrs. Dunning was the wife of a
former San Francisco newspaper man,
with whom Mrs. Liotkin was infatuat
ed. Dunning died several years ago in
Congressman's Suit for Libel for Being
Called "Welcher" Is Withdrawn.
Poughkeepsle, N. Y., Mar. 9. TUu
libel suit of Congressman Hamilton
Fish against the Poughkeepsle News
Press for ;50,0(i0 damages for calling
liim a "welcher" was settled In the
Supreme Court at Canned, Putnam
Cojnty, without a trial.
Frank Li. Lown, attorney for the
newspaper, apologized in open court
for the publication, and announced
that Tne News-Press would print a
complete retraction.
Farmer Clubs Father-in-Law, Cuts
Wife's Throat, and Shoots Himself.
Ithaca, Mich., Mar. . As the re
sult of a family quarrel, In which his
wife took gldes with her father, Wil
liam Davidson, a farmer living near
this place, struck hla father-in-law,
Julius Teet. with the butt end of a
shotgun this afternoon, killing him in
statitly. (Jetting a razor, he cut bis
wife's throat, and after making euro
she was dead blew out his own brains.
A l'.ine-juonths-old baby sleeping in
e.ri adj iccnt room was not injured.
Jero F Llllis, Kansas City bank
pio-hlint, slashed by J. P, Cudahy,
wealthy packer, announces that he
will ro. prosecute.
Covering Minor Happenings From
All Over the Globe
Tho recent large purchase of stock
In tho American District Telegraph
Company by the Western Union g.ive
tho hitter control of (he former. The
Ian biT blei-k of stock bought Is raid
to have been the Could holding-.
1 l a:i addre-.-N to tho onvoii1ion of
ti. M,:stt i- Plumbers' Associi tlon
X v. r (i.iyimr of Nov.' York hinted ho
v. : i not o; 'o.ed to open saloons on
f- , -y.
a posthumous statement Mr.
;'".im tcll.e of a promise from Mr. liar-r!:.i-i
to make him Secretary of the
'"! :u- try and of a campaign contribu
tion of $1 -.0.000 In 1SSS.
I Inlander C. Knox, Jr.. son of tho
Secretary tit State, was dismissed
from a school at. Providence because
he lefused to toll if he had married
n .o::nir woman of that city: tho hit
ler admitted that they were married
!u Vermont on Sunday.
Mr. H Mrs. David Soberer announce
the; engagement of their daughter, to Samuel P. Moses, prominent
In tho New York newspaper circles.
Reception to bo nt 20!'tl Third Ave. on
Ap-il 10. 1010.
De;.plte tho assertions of public offl
rlali to tho contrary, canvasses by
Phll'idelphi i newspapers show thnt
lnOiKw ersons have ipiit work to aid
the striking car employees.
Mrs. Charles W. Morse, back from
a visit to her Inuband in the Federal
Prison at Atlanta, told of the progress
of the petition for his pardon and ex
pressed appreciation of the plea slgred
by till the pupils In the high school he
gave his boyhood home.
Dr. Ilenjamln Ide Wheeler at
tributes high prices here to too many
intermediaries between tho wholesaler
nn.l the consumer.
Tho Van Norden Magazine has sus
pended publication. It was owned by
Warner M. Van Norden, recently rob
bed of $28.ono by two women near the
Waldorf. New York City.
The Federal firand Jurv Investigat
ing the lieef Trust in Chicago com
pleted Its labors.
The Standard Oil Company filed Its
rppeal in the I'nited States Supreme
Court, and several more briefs attack
ing the corporat'on tax were present
ed, one being by ex-Senator Forakcr.
President Taft. making public cor
respondence with Mr. Moon, author
of the administration's injunction bill,
urges its passage.
The postolilce appropriation bill was
parsed by the House.
It was reported from Washington
that the Cnlted States might act as
mediator between Peru mid Eouaelor
if the K'.ivj, of Spain's award' was not
".(.( p,cd.
Clifford Pine-hot said that the con
servation tight was one between spe
e lal privilege and equal opportunity.
In the House the bill appropriating
57,i 'i.i;( 0 to purchase embassy build
ings abroad, was elefoated.
Over six thousand steerage pas
rumors have left Southampton for
An. erica in the last fortnight.
The American Legation at Pe)goto,
Colombia, Is stoned, according to ca
ble advlees.
I'se ef a corruption fund to control
Parliament is charged to the Japan
ere army by tho Independent press.
The Te.kio press is jubilant at what
It terms America's failure in her Man
thurlun plans.
Hundreds of Socialists were wound
ed In P.erlln by provincial gendarmes
and eity police.
The 13m press of Russia suffered an
other nerveuis breakdown, und hr
condition. Is regarded us serious.
Mining Company Fixes Flat Rate on
Victims of Cherry Disaster.
Chicago. Mar. 10. With fifty claims
of widows und other relatives of Cher
ry mine disaster victims settled by
payments ranging from $800 to $1,2(10
per death, the St. Paul Mining Corn
puny has entered into negotiations
wi.h coun.u-1 in something like 100
move cases to settle with the Me tims'
widows at the rate of $1,8U0 In each
e ao.
Tills rate of settlement was agreed
upon at a eenference between utter
enys representing the wldenvs and
counsel for the mining company.
Threatens Dynamite Unless Duty is
Washington. Mar. 7. An anony
meius letter was received by members
of Congress to-day threatening them
and their property with destruction by
dynamite unless they do their duty.
The letter is signed "The Committee,''
and bea's the postmark of the new
Inley Park station, Chicago, The writ
e;r begins by saying that members are
aware that the prices of the neces erf life are beyond the reach of
those who are compelled to labor for
a living.
Claims May Be Collected if Flights are
Only a Diversion, Says Court.
Denver. Col.. Mar. it. If ballooning
Is Indulged in as a diversion Insur
ance money inny be collected in e un9
of accident or death, according to a
Supreme Court decisioa to-day lu a
;ase to recover S2.uou ins.i..u,w.
the life of Frank Vun Fleet, who was
killed In a balloon accident at Grand
Leader of Anti-Saloon League
and Trainer of Missionaries
Confesses 11:3 Sin
! TrMcr a Man c' Tifty, Victim In Her
i Tcnc Licpcr Ir.tsrcsts Credited
J with Exposure by Anonymous Let
ter to the Giri'c F.-.thcr.
j lleikiiner. N. Y.. Mar. 10. - Follow
ing a e-ontession that he had mired
I one1 eif the most popular and uttrm lve
young women In his congregation, the
I Re-v. S. D. Robiusein, p.isteir eif the
j l'ir. t Methodist Church ef this village,
I has be-on silsper.eled by the Church
1'iei.ud. lie has Heel from teiwn.
The' steuy of his elenvnfall has boon
a great shock to the re-slele'iits of this
pl u-o, where both the pastor and his
unhappy victim have heretofore been
he. 1 In highest esteem.
Keibinsem cume to Herkimer to
pre-iicli abemt thre'e- years ago. lie had
he-fore that bee'ti pastor eif a church at
l'u'.ton, N. Y., and was looked em as
one eif the' most talented men in the
N irtliern CeiiuVrctico of the Me'thoeilst
Church, lie was about fifty years of
r.gc. lie nnd his wife, feir whom deep
sympathy is nenv expresseel em every
hand, made a n.etst f.i..rablo lmpres
slein he-re- fl'i.ll (He beginning.
In addition tei his church duties the
pastor soon became active us a direc
tor of the Keilts Institute-, a pre-para-teiry
school fe.r inissionarle'S located
hue, and he was the leading spirit In
the1 antl-saleion h'ag:ie-.
Miss Abbie llaytn-s was Just bud
ding Into weimanhood when the new
nJnister moved to Herkimer. She Is
a daughter of Dr. W. I. llaynes, the
'.ce -1 optician.
1: w..s le-:-s than a ye-ar ago. ne-cord-!i;S
to a statement made by the young
woman, that the preaehor first teieik
endue liberties with her. The little
sister was at scheieil one day and her
mot her had gone e; it shopping.
It was an aiionymeius letter that
first warned Mr. Haynes that all was
not v.e-ll. While the letter had neit
been direetly trae-ed. it is gene-rally
bi-lie'Ve-d that It came- from seime oue
e-eimie-e-ted with the liquor Interests.
Robinsem at first denied indignant
ly and defiantly that there was any
trui.ii in the charge and many eif his
friends believed him. Then he was
brought unexpectedly face to face
with the girl before a committee of
churchmen. She repeated her charges
in trembling tones with bowed head
and Robinson, woe-ping, admitted the
had told the truth.
"I am the meist miserable man in
tho world," said Dr. Haynes. "Our
hemic Is ruined. I no longer have a
home. It would be better if all of us
were dead. My wife has gone com
pletely out of her mind with grief und
Plume. The-re is nothing left for us
in this world. Only a father who 'as
loved a child as I have loved my littlo
girl can know the misery eif it all."
Says Hinman Should Lead New York
Albany, N. Y., Mar. 10. Cnlted
State's Senator Kllhvi Root, presuma
bly reflecting tho wishes e.f President
Tuft, has taken active charge ef the
critical situation in the Republican
party in New York State. On the eve
of a conference of Republican Sena
teirs called to elect a successor to
Senator Jotham P. Allds as temporary
President of the Senate, Senator Root
sent a telegram to State Senator Fred
erick M. Davenport, of Oneida Coun
ty, adveicating the cunelidacy of Sena
tor Harvey D. Hinman. of liingham
tern, a stanch supporter of the policies
of Governor Hughes, as against Sena
tor George A. Davis, of Buffalo, and
Senator George H. Cobb, of Water
teiwn, rival aspirants for the leader
ship. EMBEZZLED $1,000,000.
French Agent in Charge of Church
Properties Lost All In Stocks.
Purls, March lu. M. djz. judicial
trustee to the Tribunal of the Seine
and formerly liquidator of properties
of dlspossesse-d religious congrega
tions, has been arrested on the charge
of embezzling $1,000,000, of which
ISOO.UOO belonged to the congrega
lions and ?:0o,000 to common law af
fairs. After his ureal he confessed his
frauds. He nal1 ne hud ,OBt al, the
money in bourse speculations.
Son of Brig. Gen. Thomas Shoots Him
self at Colorado Springs.
Cedorudo Springs, Col., Mar. 10
Karl D. Thomas, Jr.. 30 years old a
son or Prig. Gen. Karl I). Tho,a8. ceJm
'lander of the De-partmeut of Colo
rudo with headquarters In Denver
fired a bullet int.) his brain In his
room at a local hotel und died instant-
Indications are that he had pre
llie dltale suicide. '
Hub Mad Over Cheap Shows.
Posion. Mar. K.I Investigating
t ho high cost of living, tho Twentieth
( en ury Club has discovered that $V
eutticul 0I1(, movlng f,
Every National Guard Regiment Or.
dered Under Arms Following
Walkout of Union Labor.
Philadelphia, Mar. 10. Se-vcnty.rivn
thousand workers in this e Ity. nce-or,.
Ing to nn estimate Issued by the (;,..
oral Strike Commiitee of Te-n. ,.,
on strike. In response to the pro, l;MI,;,!
lion by the Ce-ntral Labor Ciileui eail
ing upon the working . hiss to , , ,
weuli and to remain em strike- imt
further notice from the-ir a.-, re-iln, ,
re -pi e se llti't I es.
.Mob Vieilenie- broo eiat with frih
fury In the? northea;.). rn part eif the.
city during the evening und d.-tise.
creiwels eif me n anel boys swarnu el tin.
stre-e-ts. stoning passing ears and ex
changing shells will) the' Jeiliie-.
Twei ine-ti were- shut and se-rieiuy
wo;:nde-d In the- rioting. They w,.r
William Dre-xle-r, forty seve-n years !
shot by n polie-e-ninn dining a ells'
turbanee at l'rankfor.l ave-nue am
Church street, and Robert Mcii;i,
nllietee-n years ohl, who was wounded
by a polle-e-man's bulle-t nt Howard
stree-t and Siiseiue-hanna nve-nui-.
Promptly at mielnlght union eiivlir-s.
tras playing in (lie le-ading heite-ls atn
cafes pie ked up the-lr Instruments and
starte-d for the-lr homes.
Cniem cab drivers and chauffeur'
nisei aban.lone'd the-ir posts, and
hoti'l and railroad cab u:id auleim.ibili-Fe-n
le e. was badly crippled. The driv
ers eif both taxle-ab se-rvice-s in tin
city are- niembi-rs of a union nn.l re
fused to take out the-lr mae hlnos afte-r
the strike had gone Into effect.
Many of tho machines are driven by
their owners, wealthy men, who have,
veilunte-ered feir police duty nnd have
be-e-n sworn In by Director Clay.
Kvery National Guard regiment in
tho State was eirelereel under arms.
Special trains have been ordered for
those outside the city, and all prepara
tions are made to move them at an
hour's notice.
The outlook Is ominous even to the
niest cheerful eibse rve-rs. So much
bitterness has ele-ve-leipe.l in tho last
fe-w elays that the people eif Phil.-i.l.-l-phia
are preparing feir any kind of
An hour's walk in sections e.f the
city sue-li as Ke-nsingtem where Un
feeling against the P. R. T. Is meist Intense-
Is sutthlent for any erne to un
derstand what Is smoiilileriiig. Ken
sington, where two-thirds eif the union
nun live, will be the scat eif tremble
The stre-ets are e-re.weleel with strik
ers and their hangerstin. They spend
part of the-ir time in the corner sa
loems, the other part on the street
corners cursing the non-union car
It seems certain that there will be
a boycott against the cars nnd all
trades-people doing business with the
transit company.
No Mention of Alimony; said to Be
$350,000 a Year.
White Plains, N. Y., Mar. 7. Py tue
terms of a final decree of diveirce
which Justice Mills In the Supreina
Court at White Plains granted to Mrs.
Alva Willing Astor from her husband,
Ceil. John Jaeeib Astor, Mrs. Asteir has
the custody of their daughter, Alice
Muriel, while Col. Asteir retains charge
of their son, Vincent.
The decree is In tho usual form and
contains ne mention eif nlimeiny. It is
said that Mrs. Asteir and her husband
reached an agreement ein this point
before the suit was commenced. One
report was that she Is to have an in-e-.eime
of $3."0,O00 a year nnd to retain
the feirtune that wus se-ttle-d upon her
at the time of her marriage In lieu of
dower rights.
Actress Breaks Her Neck.
Cincinnati. Mar. 8. Fifteen hun
dred persons were horror stricken at
a vaudeville theatre this afternoon
when Augusta Fasslo, while perched
on her brother's heael eighteen feet
above the stage, leist her balance and
fell head foremost to the floor, break
ing her neck.
Washington. Mar. 7. Until Com
mander Peary submits his records to
the House Committee on Naval Affairs
that body will not make a favorable
report on the bill to vote him the
thanks of Congress.
Wholesale Prices of Farm Products
Quoted for the Week.
MILK Per ejuart, 3?e.
Dl'TTKR Western extra, 32ff33c;
State dairy, 23 L'6c.
CHEESE State. Full cream, special.
17 4 18c.
EGGS State. Fair to choice, 24
25c; do, western firsts, 2628c.
APPLES Baldwin, per bbl.. $2.75(3)
lb., 1524c; Cocks, per lb.. 14c;
Squabs, per dozen, $2.00 5.75.
HAY Prime, per 100 lbs., $1.15.
STRAW Long Rye, per 100 lbs., 75
POTATOES State, per bbl., $1.37
ONIONS-White, per crate, 35e.8
FLOUR Winter patents, $5.CO6.10;
Spring patents, $5.C0fi 6.85.
WHEAT No. 2, red. $1.30; No. 1,
Northern Duluth, 11.28 Ti.
CORN No. 2. C8V6C
OATS Natural white. 52Vi55c;
Clipped white, 53 ! ff;'.1 V4 c.
PEEVES City Dressed. 8fllc.
SHEEP Per 100 lbs.. $5.004,0.00.
CALVES City Dressed. 11 1& 10 Vic
iA.MHS Per 100 lbs.. $8.50Jj lt.50.
IIOGS-LIve, per 100 lbs., $9.75(i7
10.00; Country Dressed, per lb., 110
. 13c.