The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 10, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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-A.T :htva.:lts'
in the newest style.
black cloth
For Women,
riu itsDAY, march m,
rri t 'l cl f 'tie '"' llpm;
i, .4irrtnn1'''ftiis tint It r,
C. W. .'.'nnsteii's iinv car ai
rived from Cliicopee Falls, Massa-
on Monday. It is a Six
cvlituler, forty 1mrse-pover Stevens-
Pin yea, ami is a very hands' me
- .
The members of the Retail I,iu-
v. t Dealers Association of l'hil.i-d-Jpbia
have unatiimo'iMy agreed
In close their saloons whenever any
!;-.Uiibance incident to th': strike
occurs in their vicinity.
li:i- In m used suc'i'cssfulh- f r years l'. r
iU'i pleated coiikMs. colilsnml lr in. liilis
Everybody slicmld know almut it. It i-;
s in itf, sate and sure. 2-17 tt
Philadelphia isn't the only place
that is bing troubled with riots, if
that is any consolation to the in
habitants of the city of Hrotherly
Love, lierlin has been having it-
hands full, with Socialistic disor
ders prevailing.
Philander C. Knox, Jr., the son
of the Senator, who wrs until Mon
day a student in a school at Provi
dence, R. I., stirred ur a row by
suddenly marrying a clerk in a de
partment store, and being asked to
leave the school. He and his wife
then left for Washington.
This is An Easy Test.
Shake Allen's Font-Kasc 111 one shoe
aad not in the other, und notice the dif
ference. Just the thing to use when
rubbers or overshoes become necessary,
and your shoes seem to pinch. Sold
Everywhere, 25c Don't accept any
substitute. 2-17 4t
- - m .
A Philadelphia paper stated 011
Monday morning that Director
of Public Safety Clay, of Philadel
phia, considered the sympathy
strike a joke. He seems to be able
to derive more lun out of the fra
cis than most of that city's business
men, and those who have Philadel
phia's interest at hea't.
To Mothers 111 This Town.
Children who are delicate, feverish
and cross will get immediate relief from
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Child
nil. They cleanse the stomach, act 011
the liver, m.. king a sickly child strong
and healthy. A certain cure for worms.
Sold by all ilrugKists, 25c. Sample 1'kkk.
Address, Allen S. Olnis'.ed, LeRoy, N. V.
- -
Fix-Senator Thomas C Piatt, of
New York, died last Sunday. He
was living iu rented apartments,
and had been for some time in bad
health. Once the political boss of
his state, and a power in the Sen
ate, it was he that persuaded Roose
vcit to accept the Vice-Presidency,
in order to get rid of him in local
Among tho mi-ilkluri thut sro n'CommcniUd and
tnilurscil by physician and iiuiwa Id Kemp'a
llalmn, the best couyh cti For many years it
h hem rugarded by doctors as the medicine moat
liki !y to cure cousin, and it has a Btronu' hold on the
lvm of all well-lnrorimd people. Win n Kcnip i
JijlMim cannot euro a cmicli e chnll Iw al a tint
lo know wuut will. At UniU'' uuU dealers', -ion.
The folk wing letters are held at
the Blcomsburg, Pa., post office:
Miss Harriet L. Clark, Mrs. Aimer
Kline, Miss M. B. Belles, Mrs.
Mary Long. Miss M. Helen Haiti,
Mr. Chas. II. Scott. Mr. I'M Klev
cr, Mrs. Alice Welliver. Cards,
lona Brown, Warren Kitchen,
Miss Gertrude Hess, Miss Susan
Smith, Mr. Ernest Young.
Mr. Hendershott Unfortunate.
The friends of Albert Hender
shott, of Washington, I). C, are
sorry to learn that he was recently
operated upon in a hospital in his
city, and had a foot amputated.
For some time he has been troubled
with what he supposed was rheu
matism, but it developed into dia
hetis of the foot, and its removal
was necessary. Mr. Hendershott
is the brother of the late Mrs. II.
W. Sloan, and of Norman Hender
shott, also deceased.
H. W. Sloan, of town, is at pres
ent in Washington visiting Mr.
In dull finish calf with
top, button.
Price $3.50.
Aljoiirm'il A Hit Roll Call Out of Re.
sjn'i't to tlic lain Cliarli's W.
The Town Council met Monday
evening, and adjourned initnediate-
, ly after the call if the roll out of
I respect to its lale member, Guiles
V. Runyon.
Councilman James Magee II.
1 voiced the feelings of all tile mem
bers in saving : "Ploomstiurg has
lo-t one of its best citizens and the
Town Council one of its most val
ued member-; in the de.uh of Mr.
Runyon. No one not closely in
touch with his work could realize
what an immeiis- amount of his
time he gave to the town nor how
faithfully lie performed Ids duties.
He is a man who will be hard to
: replace "
A special session of Council will
; bj held later in the mouth.
During the past few days a num
ber of newspapers have been flour
ishing headlines predicting a na
tional catastrophe of hugh dimen
sions; in (act, a civil war, engulfing
the entire country, with Labor and
Capitol as the opponents.
Assuredly, conditions at the
present time are strained in Phila
delphia, Bethlehem, and other pla
ces, but it is too radical an opinion,
it seems to us, which is being ex
pressed by some contemporaries.
Furthermore, it is dangerous.
While it will not influence the
country as a whole, it is just such
sentiments which tend to incite the
more anarchistic classes.
While there is no doubt trouble
ahead, we believe that the better
thinkers of the country will in time
solve the labor problem satisfactor
ily, and that such conditions as
have been predicted will not come
to pass. It were better to be opti
mistic, and refrain from sensational j
journalism, which, aside from sell
ing papers, can serve no other pur
pose than that of encouraging vio
lence on the part of the irresponsi
ble and the unthinking.
Judge Willis Brown, author of
; the Utah Juvenile Court laws and
founder of the system, first and
I former Judeeof the Salt Lake City
! Juvenile Court, President of the
National Juvenile Betterment As
sociation, and founder and head di
1 rector of the Boy City of Winona,
Ind., will lecture in the Normal
i Auditorium to-morrow, Friday
l evening, March eleventh.
1 I lis juvenile laws are pronounced
i bv the world's t est students as the
Of his plans for institutions for
children, the practical working out
in permanent uplift of the childreu
in those he inaugurated, tell why
he is an authority.
Of his preventive methods,
the marvelous success of the
Winona Boy City, a summer mu
nicipality of boys, with world-wide
publicity and favorabis comment,
proves his ability to do things.
This should prove to be one of
the most entertaining numbers of
the Normal Lecture Course.
With every dep.-rtmetit now run
ning 10 practically full capacity an
average of 5,000 men are employed
each day at the works of the Amer
ican Car and Foundry company at
Berwick. There are between 5500
and sf'oo men whose names appear
on the pay roll for the month of
February but with allowance for
those who work but a short tune
and those who do not work the en
tire time, the 5.000 represents the
average number of men working
each day.
rca ruiCriiRS
- r o & A
William II. Webb died ct his
home on Centre Street last Satur
day evening, as the result of a
stroke of paralysis from which lie
had been suffering for ten days.
He was seventy-two years old, be
ing bom in the County of Cornwall,
Kngland, October 5. i8"tS. He
came to this country with his par
ents when ten years of age, the
family first moving to Koyertown.
He moved to Uloomslnug during
the war and followed his occupa
tion of ore miner. He married
Miss Hannah Whitenight, a life
long resident of Hloomsbiirg, in
1S64, the litter preceding him to
the grave two years ago.
He was struck by a fall of rock
in the mines almost thirty years ago
and from that time on h was una
ble to perfor in any hard labor.
For years he conducted a cigar
store on Fast Main street, retiring
from the business about three years
ago, since which tiitvj he has re
sided on Center street.
Mr. Webb was one of the char
ter members of the Frietidsnip Fire
Company, of which he has been an
nually elected president lor the last
fifteen years.
HewasaPo for years judge of
election in the Third Ward and at
the 1 ist election was re-elected,
Surviving him
and three sisters
are one brother
I homas 15.. cf
town, who is now seriously ill at j stand the working out of a tax. If
the Miners' Hospital at Fountain j there were a tax there would be a
Springs, and Mrs. Penjamin Blew- sure bounty ; there would be no run
ett and Miss Kninia Webb, of town, j ning out of bounty money. A far
and Mrs. William Hart, of Belle- mer who pays the tax could get
fonte. While no children ever j his dollar repaid if he killed but
blessed their union, Mrs. IClla Foxjone weasel.
' (filbert, ol Philadelphia, and Misses
Margaret and Anna Fox. of Blooms-
burg, who ;..ade their home with
Mr. and Mrs. Webb after their
mother's death, were as near to
them as children and Mr. Webb's
death is a great sorrow to them.
F'uneral services were held Tues
day afternoon at 4 o'clock, at St.
Paul's church, with Rev. J. V.
Diggles, the rector, officiating.
The Friendship Fire Company
attended the services in a body, in
The pall-bearers were: William
II. Gilmore, A. V. Hower, L. A.
Benshoff , John Lewis, F P. Knorr,
George Heist, II. C. Pollock and
Harry Gilmore, all members ot the
fire company.
John T. Tracy died at his home
on West Main Street last Sunday
night about eleven o'clock. For sev
eral years he had been a victim of
tuberculosis, for which he had un
dergone treatment at White Haven,
and in Philadelphia, where special
ists attended hi in.
Mr. Tracy was well known and
well liked in P.loomsburg. He was
straightforward and honest, aud
won mends both in a social way
and in business
He was forty-tw" vears old. Start-
j ing iu as a telegragh operator in
j Bloomsburg au J Scrantoti, he ad-
ded repoi torial work for the city
dailies to his activities. He was
' for a time joint proprietor of the
; ISxchange Hotel with James Mc
j Closkey. He has been secretary of
1 the town council, and book-keeper
1 at the Silk Mill.
! Two years ago, with Arthur W.
1 Sharpless, he purchased the plant
J of the Bloomsburg Steam Heating
' Company and organized the Blooms
! burg Heating Company, a business
! they have improved and madesuc-
Surviving him is his wife, for
merly Miss Margaret Casey; his
mother, Mrs. Kathcriue Tracy ar,d
two brothers: William, of town,
and James, of Henrietta, N. V.
The funeral services were held in
St. Columba's church Wednesday
morning at 9 o'clock, with Rev. J.
R. Murphy of whose church he was
a member, officiating. Interment
was made iu Rosemont cemetery.
Cheap Dirt.
If you wish to buy either im
proved or unimproved land iu the
most fertile and productive diversi
fied farmiug bell in the whole
Northwest, write us for informa
tion. Hardwood timber, no stone,
good water, good roads, Schools,
etc. 65 miles from Minneapolis
and St. Paul iu Benton and adjoin
ing counties, Minnesota. Prices
$10 to $40. Agents wanted. Good
Benton County Real Ivstate Co.,
Sauk Rapids, Minnesota.
ICaster Sunday is the great day
at Atlantic City. Round trip tick
ets via "The Reading" sold on Sat
urday March 36, good for 15 days
at $5 05. Stop over allowed at
Philadelphia. 3-3-IO-I7-24.
To be Paid by Every Man Wbo Hunts.
A matter that the state gamecom
missioner will lay before the next
Legislature will be that of the resi
dent gun tax or a tax of one dol
lar to every man that hunts. Sec
retary Kalbfus, of the commission,
said: "A tax of one dollar would
maintain thirty game preserves
such as the three now in the state,
would pay a competent force of offi
cers and would make possible a big
ger bounty than ever before in
Pennsylvania. It would also create
a fund that woull make possible
the payment of farmers who would
winter quail and then open their
farm land to hunters who are reg
istered. Such a tax would make a
hunter's paradie of Pcnnsylvinia
and there would be ten times the
amount of game in the state that
there is now. The tax would
ipla-ethe state in a position to re
I stock its forests with more game.
I 'Hunting is a necessity as well as a
! sport,' continued Dr. Kalbfus.
I 'The state owes it to the boys of
! Pennsylvania that there be good
hunting.' There must be game if
I the state expects them to do duty
1 as soldiers when called upon, they
must be expert shooters. I believe
I that boys under fourteen should not
j be taxed. A tax might be object-
'd to by some of the
farmers, but :
ony U those who do not under-
Rather than walk the streets all
night, three Philadelphia drummers
slept in tin county jail at f.ewis
towii one night last week.
The plight of the trio. Charles
Buck, Jack Wyl and Lewis Ball,
was due to the strik; of the cara
vanseries because of the refusal ol
liquor licenses by the county court.
The salesmen arrived in town on
the last train. After applying at all
the hotels, one after another, and
walking the streets until after mid
night, they applied to Sheriff S. II.
Boyer, who tendered them a spare
Owing to the hotels being closed
there and at McVeytown, the agri
cultural party on the Pennsylvania
railroad instruction train was una
ble to get dinner.
Snow Slide Harrassing Trains.
Avalanches have been causing
great damage and loss of life in the
North West. Almost daily des
patches are received telling of
narrow escapes of trains in the
mountain passes. Last week one of
the most appalling of railroad acci
dents occurred, when an avalanche
carried a Great Northern express
train down into a oanyon, an.l
buried it in forty feet of snow,
causing the death of nearly one
hundred persons.
Berwick Masons Celebrate Anniver
sary. Knapp Lodge, V. and A. M., of
Berwick celebrated its fortieth anni
versary last Friday evening, in the
Masonic Hall in the Dickson Build
ing. Over forty Bloomsburg Ma-
sous chartered a special car, ana
went up to attend the affair. Music
and refresh merits were furnished.
Visitors from many other places
were present, and all enjoyed a
pleasaut evening.
La Grippe, Influenza.
I'irst Symptoms. Coryza, or
nasal irritation or discharge, cough,
sore throat; headache; backache; and
general depression.
Mori; Skriol's Symptoms.
rain in head, bach, chest, or limbs,
sometimes of sudden and prostra
ting neuralgic character; sometimes
ceiebral excitement, even delirium,
extreme prostation, languor or debil
ity; depression of mind, even after
the first violence of tne attack has
passed away; bronchitis, or broncho
pneumonia may become serious com
plications. Humphreys' Specific "Seventy-Seven"
knocks out the Grip aud breaks up
Colds which are obstinate, that
"haug on" aud do not yield to
Handy to carry, fits the vest
pocket. All Drug Stores. 25c.
Humphreys' Homeo. Mediciue
Co., Cor. William and Ann Streets,
New York.
The State Finances.
The balance in the geueral fund
of the state treasury on March
first, was $7,247,748.94, a higher
figure than on the first day of Feb
ruary. The sinking fuud contain
ed $2,450,031.76.
Wonderful Praise Accorded
Perunathe Household Remedy
Mrs. Maria Uocrtz, Orlenta, Okla
homa, writes:
"My liuftbnnd, children and myself
have usod your medicines, and wo al
ways keep them In tho houno In ohho of
necessity. I vm rostorod to health by
this medicine, and Dr. Hartman's in
valuable advice and books. People ask
about mo from different places, and are
surprised that 1 can do all of my house
work alouo, and that I was cured by tho
doctor of chronic catarrh. My husband
was cured of asthma, my daughter of
earache and catarrh of tho stomach, and
my son of catarrh of tho throat. When
I was sink I welghod 100 pounds ; now I
wclfjh 110.
"I have regained my health again, and
I cannot thank you enough for your
advico. May Uod glvo you a long life
and bless your work."
Pennsylvania Memorial.
Work 011 the $140,000 Pennsyl- ;
vania memorial to lb" Sta'e troops I
who fought at Gettysburg, has j
been begun in earnest. The dedi-
cation will take phej on Septeml er ;
The it onument will be the most
costlv'0.1 the field and will be a
most striking memorial. It will be
lecated 0 1 1 the center of a four-acre
plot which has been set aside and
will be known as Pennsylvania;
Park. Already the monument has
been fairly started and the cores of j
four hugh granite pillars support-i
ing the arched dome have been com- j
pleted for some time.
The memorial will bj a double
triuinplal arch surmounted by a I
dome on which will be placed a j
bron .e statue of "Vhtoria." A!
granite terrace will surround it and
a low granite "fence", on which
will le ninety-six bronze tablets
will complete the handsome monu
ment. The tablets will contain the
names of 25,000 Peunsylvauians
who fought there, as they appear
on the muster rolls of the night be
fore the opening of the battle.
A stairway will admit visitors to
the space around the dome, which
will serve as an observatory over
the site of the world-famoas Pick
ett's charge.
Pullman Motor
Car Company
I present herewith cuts of five
of the best selling models of the
Pullman Car for 1910.
The 1909 models have more
than fulfilled their guarantees
in all of the many tests to which
they have been subjected.
100CI K-10 POAOSru (2000'
I have oversold my allotment
for this year, and have secured
a special option on a few cars
for a limited time only,
tel. kio icy icwLAU,paias.2occ.
I am fully justified in saying
that the Pullman is one of the
most popular medium priced
cars on the market today.
I would urge prospective buy.
ers to avoid disappointment by
placing their orders as soon as
I will bo glad to iuiuusii de
tailed illustrations of the differ
ent models.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Pullman Cars are Licensed
Under the Selden Patent;
v, t V' ' t
The fine residence prop
erty of the late Judge El
well is for sale.
West Third Street between
Jefferson and West Streets.
Two story and attic, brick
and frame, lo rooms. Lot
about (Hi by 212 feet.
f if a. a ik rAi:x
lariio garden, abundance of
fruit trees.
The house has a Steam
Heating Plant, Bath Boom,
Stationary llange and "Wash
Tubs; Water, Electric Light,
and Gas.
"Will be sold on easy
terms. Apply to
Bloom sburcr, Pa.
Our Pianos
are the leaders. Our lines In
clude the following makes :
Chas. M. Stieff,
Henry F. Miller,
Brewer & Pryor, Komler &
Campbell, and Radel.
IN ORGANS we handle the
Estey.Miller.H. Leiir&Co.
and bowlby.
This Store has the agency Jor
Helby, 1900, Queen, Key.
stone, Majestic.
Music Rooms No. 105 West Main
Street,' IJeloio Market.
European Plan. Absolutely Fireproof.
in the heart of the business section of
k A r. r.-t s--i
1 r !?ci
H rri'finji
Luxuriout Rooms, Singlo and En suite
With or Without Baths, $1 Per Day Up.
Palatial Dining Rooms. Unsurpassed Cultine
Shower and Plunge in Turkish Baths
Free to Guests.
Send for Booklet.
I , WfiTXTa