THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO. PA. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFU&tlOAIHllURG, I A. THE OLDEST AND STRONGEST. Capital 8100,000 Surplus $150,000. With the Largest Capital and Surplus in the County, a Strong Directorate, Competent Officers and Every Mod ern Facility, we solicit Accounts, Large or Small, and Collections on the Most Liberal Terms Consistent with Sound Hanking, and Invite YOU to inspect our NEW (JUARTERS. 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits O F F I W. M . Low, President . JiiincK M .Staver, Vice President. DI HKCTO US: James M. Staver, Fred I keler, S. ('. Creasy. ( 'linloit Herrintr, K.W.M.T.ow. V. (J. YorkH, 1 Oliis ( ) rnss, ftl. K Staekhouse. THE COLUMBIAN. KST.iBUSIU.I) I THE COLUMBIA CE- I Mil IS11M1 S IU.ISII I I) K.VKRV C'.lN Si 'I I 1 Tlit'KSii Y MoRNisr At r.lo.imsbmt;, ilie County Sent C"lumli n Count y , iVniisylv.mia r;K. K. T-'I.YF1 !.. Km tor. tiKO. C. ROAN'. Foreman. Vkkm :-- Insid i t h e count y t .00 a yea' '1 I'iv.tnce; 11.501 f not panl in advance On side t lie county, $ t. 25 a y en r, strictly in v'virsce. All communications slion'.il bculilressed T1IK COLUMBIAN', P-loomsUirs, Ta. THURSDAY, MARCH 10. l!10 DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES FOR REPRESENTATIVE, WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON', of Bloomsburg. The Inevitable Conflict. Is the inevitable conflict of labor and capital, nation-wide in its scope, at baud ? Many have believed for years that such a conflict must come shortly. Incidents connected with the strike of the street car men in Thiladelphia, now on at the Bethlehem steel works, and the un rest that is in evidence in railroad circles in widely separated sections of the country will be of ominous import to these persons, says the Altoona Tribune. Was it a mere bluff, or was Or ganizer Pratt speaking from the books in Philadelphia Saturday when he "declared that the present struggle was not that of the carmen for improvement of their own con dition, but a fight of organized la bor against capital that the .strike of the carmen heralds a na tional movement?" Was it simply a coincidence that the strike at Bethlehem came on the heels of the street car trouble in Philadelphia, or is it a step iu the struggle mentioned by Pratt ? Is it of no special import that both of these strikes have shown an ugly temper on the part of the strikers and their friends that has been less evident in strikes of the near past, or should it be consid ered as a foreshadowing of what may be expected in the near future? These are questions that cannot be answered off hand. It will re quire time to determine them. This much is certain. The spor adic strikes of the past have gener ally been only outbursts in revolt against local conditions. Though all of them have shown a sullen resentment against organized capi tal, they have been far from organ ized attacks upon capital. But the resentment has been growing all the time. All the time workingmen have been organizing into more compact unions, and naturally the union leaders have been increasing in efficiency with experience. Even though it is true that the number of men in the unions is but a min ority of the men who work with their bands, it should not be for gotten that the total membership of the unions reaches up into the millions, that these unions are com posed of men who are primarily seeking to better their conditions, One Doctor j No sense in running from one tne best one, then stand by him. No sense either in tryin this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, ddibe ately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years. Noalcohol in this cough medicine. meTGZErirKfr. WtHU Vl'f i,nT" ,h'?K' orJ.ouJ! old reliable family laxative-Aya's Pills? U K It H : Myron I. Low, Vice President. Frank I keler, Cashier Mvron T. Low, H. V. Mower, Frnnk I keler. that tin's peeking for better tions, indicates that those comli so en gaged are giving the matter thought, tint thought begets in creased brain iHnver, that the com- - - jbination f brain and brawn in mil lions of men seeking a common end MFi. 1S69, js a mi,rjltv fotT aml f,luM.. .1,.,, when this army develops leaders coinpelent to dcwlop plans and carry them out, it is bound to ue this forte in a concerted effort to attain this common end. With the undoubted increase in efficiency on the patt of the labor leaders, and the increasing unrest consequent upon considering their condition on the part of the rank and file of the unions, only things are required to start two; this concerted effort. The first is such a social and financial condition that the exasperation of the multitude shall find expression in an explos ive outburst. This condition is pretty nearly here. The workmen have seen that in the last ten years the living has increased from fiftv to seventy-five per cent. They have noted that in this same time their wages, if they have increased at all, have not grown more than about twenty per cent. Herein lies the powder magazine of the labor proposition. The other thing lacking to make an explosion that a tiny and unexpected spatk may start a concerted effort, the beginning of the inevitable conflict that only great wisdom and general forbearance can avert, is the real leader of the leaders. This msn has not yst appeared. It may be that he will never ap pear. It may be that there will be sufficient wisdom and forbearance all around to avert the catastrophe. Possibly that cataclysm called the inevitable conflict between labor and capital will never arrive. Let us hope so. But there is enough gravity in the situation to warrant sober thought on the part of all. There must be a relaxation of the national tension or something will break. More Alaskan Gold Found. Alaska may be a greater prize than man has ever dreamed. Re cent investigations in the Innoko district, the central Kuskokwim Valley and the new Haiditarod district, now partially finished by the United States Geological Sur vey, disclose new placer gold dis tricts which promise heavy returns. The territory bought from Rus sia for $7,000,000 iu 1867 has to the present time paid $160,000, 000 in gold since 18S0, when placer mining there began, and what the resource? of its copper, coal and other minerals will be is b;yond the estimation of man. The discovery by agents of the survey of placers on the small streams in areas which are drained into the lower Yukon or the lower Kuskokwim prove that the forma tions of the upper Yukon belts ex tend much farther southwest than had generally been supposed, and that they bear gold at many scat tered localities throughout their extent. The Innoko district has attract ed some attention already and oth er areas are now being exploited with prospects of large results. Sufficent prospecting has been done there to indicate the presence of a pay streamjfrom 50 to 70 feet wide, with gold uniformly distributed. OaiSy One doctor to another! Select constipation.' hy not stick to the good Ask your doctor if hi approves this advice. WASHINGTON From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, D. C, Mar. 4, 1910. Congress has now been in session for three months, and the ambitious legislative program announced in the beginning has been considera bly modified. There was a long conference at the Executive Man sion when the President, Speaker Cannon, Senators Aldrich, Crane, and the Attorney General decided upon a narrower program which they will endeavor to carry out at this session of Congress. The President and both Houses of Con gress through the leaders of the House and Senate will endeavor to get a postal savings bank bill, a railroad bill, and perhaps one or two conservation bills through Con gress. An anti-injunction bill is also on the program, but the pas sage of this is quite doubtful. A measure for a different form of gov ernment in Alaska l as been aban doned for this session. The na tional incorporation bill has none I hv the boa ul, unless the Supreme I Court shall make such a decision in the Tobacco Trust Case as will I promote the enactment of the na ! tional incorporation measure The ; bi ls for the admission of New Mex j ico and Arizona have little prospect I of being passed. It will be seen I from this statement tint the Presi jdent will get at this session but a I small part of the legislation fore-' sha owed 111 his recent message to j Congress. But he has been only one year in office, and if there shall be an uninterrupted majority bo.h in the Senate and in the House, es- j penally of legislators favorable to the Roosevelt policies as interpreted j bv P j accomplished during the remaining j three-fourths of his presidential ; term. The Republican leaders have not only opposed the Presi dent, but they have shown decided coldness to much that he has rec ommended. The national food inquiry com mittee in the Senate, of which Sen ator Lodge of Massachusetts is chairman and Senators Smoot, Gal linger, Crawford, McCumber and Johnston the five Republicans, and Senators Clark and Simmons, the two Democrats, have so far devot ed their attention entirely to the surface of the field of investigation which they propose to cover. They have outlined their course and an nounce themselves ready to get down to the facts. There appears to be an immense amount of palaver by learned Senators on a subject with which men, women and chil dren are pretty well acquainted. The data over whi :h they are so gravely pawing has been iu exist ence for a long time, and why should they go through the pon derous formalities of calling on for eign representatives abroad for in formation as to corditious there, when the question is one whicn concerns the immediate homes of the people of the United Slates If conditions abroad played any im portant part iu the increased costs, we would have known of it long before our consuls had been order ed to investigate. This .solemn, gin-horse, pretense of progress by congressional investigating com mittees is one of the things that is inspiring contempt and distrust of Congress. So far as known, Washington is the only city in the United States that has concluded its incubation on the subject of high cost of liv ing. The city Chamber of Com merce has probed the problem, and its verdict is that high prices are not due to local causes. When it is remembered that this Chamber of Commerce consists largely of lo cal groceis, commission men, butch ers and bakers who have sat with themselves on themselves and ex culpated themselves, the result of their investigation will be edifying, but uot surprising. It has been said, and I believe with truth, that the costs of foods iu Washington are on an average twenty per cent higher than in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and other eastern cities. It is thought that within the next eight or ten days Congress will again vote on the question of chang ing the date of the presidential in auguration from the 4th of March to the last Thursday in April. This change cannot be provided for ex cept by an amendment to the con stitution of the United States, but the House Judiciary Committee has voted favorably upon the resolu tion to change the date, as present ed by Congressman Henry of Tex as. Mr. Henry has carefully can vassed the House and expects that his resolution will receive the sup port of a large majority of its mem bers. After the resolution has passed Congress, it will still have to run the gauntlet of forty six state legislatures, because it will THE NEW ROAD LAW. Supervisors to meet with Auditors First Monday in March. The new road law for townships passed by the Legislature of 1909, provides for a number of important changes, and we herewith give the salient features of the new law. The road supervisors of each town ship shall meet at the place where the auditors of the respective town ship meet to perform their official duties, on the first Monday in March 1910, and yearly thereafter; and after being duly sworn, accord ing to law, to discharge their du ties with fidelity a copy of the oath to be filed with the township auditors shall organize as a body bv electing one of their numbrr as chairman, and shall appoint a treas- j urer and a secretary, who may or ; may not be the same person, who j may or may not be a member and I members of the board, but who shall not be a roadinasler as the j secretary shall perform all the du- j ties heretofore pjrlonned by the I township clerk, which office is hereby abolished; and the said sec- ! retary shall receive as compensa- 1 tion for his service such sum as shall be fixed by township auditors. 1 ai d the treasurer sh ill receive as compensation sich sum as shall be fixed by the township auditor-:; Provided That the combined amount paid said secretary treasur- ' er shall not exceed two per centum j ot the money paid by said treasur- er. The board .shall proceed im- j mediately to levy a road tax, which j shall not exceed tea mills etc. : They may levy an additional tax of ten mills by order of the court ' the same as heretofore. The road supervisors are to divide their town- j ship into road districts of not less . than five miles to each district, etc.: j Provided also, That nothing iu ' this act shill prohibit the road su pervisors from overseeing and work ing on the road themselves, on part or all the roads in their township instead of employing roadmasters; the compensation of such supervi sors to be fixed by the township auditors, at the annual meetitig in March herein provided for. The new law provides that the road tax es are to be collected by the tax collector. An abatement of five per cent. will be allowed if paid be fore June first; from June first to October first the full amount is to be paid; after October first the col lector shall add five per cent. . . Dangerous Counterfeit. Notices have been sent to banks all over the country of the appear ance of an unusually dangerous counterfeit one-dollar bill so skill fully done that it can be detected with difficulty even by an experi enced eye. The description states that one of the conspicuous things about the counterfeit is that tae portraits of Lincoln and Grant are printed much darker than on the genuine and that the Lincoln por trait gives the emancipator a cadav erous appearance. The words "United States" near the Lincoln portrait are not fully fornv d. On the back of the note there is an ab sence of the light lines, which in the genuine bill shape the curve and this produces a dull slate color appearance. The back plate number 2344 or 2844, which is apparently done by hand, is not perfect per pendicular. The front plate No: 4810. The series is back of 1899 and the check letter B. Postal Bank Bill Assured. The differences among Senators regarding the provisions of the pos tal savings bank bill have been so reconciled that it is now believed its passage is assured when the vote is taken to-day. The compro mise was agre.-d upon at a confer ence held Monday at Senator Car ter's committee room, in which the conflicting interests were represent ed. require a vote of three-fourths of the states before it can become a law. Wednesday of this week, Sena tor Gallinger presented a measure to incorporate the Rockefeller Foundation of Washington, from which it appears that the great wealth of this richest man in the world is to be devoted to the gen eral benefit of humanity and to promote the well being and advance the civilization of the peoples of the United States and territories and of foreign lands, in the acqui sition and dissemination of knowl edge, in the prevention of suffering and in the promotion of any and all of the elements of human prog ress. No similar work ever set on foot equals this of Mr. Rockefeller. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA COME NOW FOR LINENS Onr Semi-Annual Event Emphasizing- Marked Economi in Table Linens and Allied Linens. Come. Select your linens. This is a linen buying time because it's money saving time. There is safety as well as savings in buying linens here. We will tell you wheth er a cloth is all linen, or cotton and linen mixed. You must not be fooled. Hut whether you buy all linen or cot ton and linen mixtures you'll get the biggest money's worth you ever secured. BLEACHED $6 inch 60 inch 66 inch "2 inch 70 inch 72 inch 98 cents. 2 inch 1.29. 72 inch 72 inch 1.59- 72 inch 1.9S. bleached table linen, regular value 25c now 2nc bleached table linen, regular value 500 now 45c bleached table linen, regular value 75c now ryo bleached table linen, regular value 85c now 7 bleached table linen, regular value $1 now 890 bleached double damask, regular value 1.15 nnv bleached double damask, regular value 1.50 now bleached double damask, regular value 1.59 now bleached double damask, regular value 1,75 now bleached double damask, regular value 2.25 now Unbleached Table Linens 56 in. unbleached table linens, regular value 25c now 200 "o in. unbleached table linens, regular value 39c now 52.1 60 in. unbleached table linens, regular value "50c now 45c 70 in. unbleached linens, regular value 56c now 49c. 60 in. unbleached linens, regular value 60c now 50c. 64 in. unbleached linens, regular value 75c now 58c. Ready Made Towels Included in This Sale Plain all linen huckaback towels 18x36 in. very hcavv, regular value 50c. now 39c a pair. Plain huckaback towels 17x36 in. regular value 30c., now 22 cents a pair. Regular 30c Turkish bath towels reduced to 22c a pair. Regular 50c Turkish bath towels reduced to 44c a pair. Plain huckaback towels 17x32, regular value 20c apiece, now 1 8c a pair. Every towel in stock reduced for this sale, and variety is complete. Buy towels now. F, P. PURSEL, 1 BLOOMSBURG, - PENN'A An Irresistible Bargain. $1.75 Value for Only $1.15. ALL FOR only; $1.15 McCALL'S MAGAZINE Is a large, artistic, handsomely illustrated hundred-page monthly magazine. It contains sixty new Fashion Designs in each issue. Every woman needs it for its up-to-d'ate fashions, entertaining stories and complete information on all home and personal topics. Over one million subscrib ers. Acknowledged the best Home and Fashion Magazine. Regular price, 5 cents a copy Worth double. McCall Patterns So simple you cannot mis understand them. Absolute ly accurate. In style, irre proachable. You may select, free, any McCall Pattern you desire from the first number of the magazine which reach es you. Regular price, 15 cents. DON'T THIS EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Call at our office or address your order to The Columbian, Bloomsburg, Pa ICS TABLE LINENS One Year's Subscription for McCall's Magazine iAnv 15-Cent McCall Pattern you may select One Year's Subscription for I The Columbian. The Columbian is the oldest newspaper in the county. It is not sen sational, and what it prints is reliable, and fit to be read by anybody. Regular price $1.00 per year. MISS