The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 10, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Mil 20 IB i
Ai)in:i:ss!;i ;i uon.
Ultra Modern IJea Not N;w
After All.
Woman' Rsply to Charges That
Wedded Life is a "Failjrc" Still
Holds Good Idleness is Fa;,il.
Carelessness of Partners Home
Life Dying Out.
Person: who profess i Ik- ciiri .lian
religion Mimt 111 tlltir licints u
;ve!l Hpol wlieri ill t lie Hilllilit) of
m i 11 lam,1 la pn nei veil as u numi-nl
Jiiw fnmi which there la no rcccdini;.
Mall'iilKC has lift U f rntu Cl ' lit;;.n
niiiK. !" imiKt last lnli.puialj.v 11 nlll
the very end, mid let us lmpr that It
is not In ull cases u failure," hays
Theresa CorUtta In San Francisco
News letter Dee. 1,,, ISsS.
l Is we, the liihaliltnuls of tliU
world, who are failures, not the iu.'.'i
tution, which is the only one mil nf
which law ami order can sprin,;.
Th' re arc two sides of the (piestiou
to he discussed.
In tJie past we may remember that
marriage was looked upon as a holy
alliance; one to he entered Into after
mature deliberation and only 1 1 1 1 c I t
fortuitous circumstances nnui
would as soon have thought of pul' in
his head In the lire as askin.i; a wo
man to be his wife unless he had a
comfoi table home to tal.o her tn.
Husbands found pleasure In home
life long ago, and when tired, niter
the professional or bus ness employ
ments of the day, would ask no
greater happiness than to pass their
long, happy evenings with their
wives; or when little voces and pat
tering feet echoed through hall or
cottage, to gather the children around
the winter fire and gambol with them
on (lower-scented lawn or grass-carpeted
fields. ,
limir; ago, the thought of which
conies to us who have ntn it like
the reflection of u bright dream, wile
and children looked eagerly fur the
coming of the beloved parent, whoso
image held sway in each heart dur
ing absence, and each married woman
felt happy In her wifehood, glorying
in the joy of her home.
Men did not startle the world wl'h
the theory they promulgate today,
i. -j,
ii. r
t i.
HIi .
(lit iM
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Ik n
.t;.n Hid It
I 'lio:i;;li.
Lev 1. ?.; I 1!: ,1
ellior," is Hie v
coiiadj Conn!..
'I a o in in u ii i
Folk, Ahrlelti h
1111 falutln
nri I Itoa'irnble
.. a ii'.'i.ient of
recently u. 1
iitii.n to (lover-
MitiKht a sllirlit
if. W heth ! lie bil l hi ! n through
celhns cf
my at Hen
n.'riits of (l
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ei. to in that
: t i I,." nil'
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that they "won t be owned. I hey I
, ' , , , . within a week.
were nappy 10 lie inr.ii'u u goon ,nm
faithful wives, ami even the youngest
men were not satisfied until they
had their own firesides. Families
went to church together and brought
up the little ones In the right way,
and no one was ever heard to discuss
the possibility of marriages being a
Things are different today. Just
as soon as a girl leaves school she
is on the outlook for a "man with
money," no matter how old the gen
tleman may be, If he can give her
diamonds anil those other accessories
for which the woman of today seems
solely to live.
The woman who marries a man In
medium circumstances only would
scorn to "keep house." No, Indeed;
the wants a "good time." She boards,
and here her first troubles commence.
To be boxed up day by day with one
person, with only the one room, or
even suite, except meal hours, to call
their own, would lend the most de
voted couple to the brink of suicide.
Caged up In this way. every llt'le
foible and fault stands out in hold
rcliof ami m.m hikI woman both
gmw weary and arrive at the con
clusion to each "go their own way."
It is not the marriage tie that Is in
any way a failure. Why should It be.
more so now, In the enlightened nine
teenth century, than It was In the
days of darkness and superstition?
There can be no reason, except that
possibly we are growing too much
enlightened, educated too much, and
yet too little.
It Is "the people of the people" who
are slipping back, who are satiated
with the wine of pleasure, the people
who do not grow from infancy to
youth slowly, and from youth to age.
In temperate pleasure, but who n re
born babies only to be thrust by their
silly parents into the raps and gowns
or womanhood ere tluir second teeth
are cut.
While mcn and women live in n
round of 'pleasure, over sensual, over
bearing, having no religion or sense
of decorum, how can wedded love live
in such an atmosphere? If husbands
and wives do not love deeply enough
to live for each other, renouncing the
Wvolties of life for the serme Joys
of home, why marry at all nntil they
have sobered down and feel the need
of rest. ' .
There Is nothing the matter witn
marriage; it Is today ns it has ever
been, but the people are different,
different in their ideas, in their af
fections. In everything, and, forget
ting their own shortcomings, they lay
their grievance on the shoulders or
marriage, and by their own Incom
petence make it a "failure. Hut
woo to us when marriage is wiped
;tone Hill Wine
anil and tested
"Twelve Apos
e v tne casks aro
town, before In-
iii' supposed that
': some Oriental
lid order him Ims
ad d IT his court
t : i nit has not yet
t. the S'at.i Capl-
sought, however.
Mm, siiu'o It In
:i i.JIi ', or a pat-
Ot' ill ml.
ft: sunics that the
endeavoring to
l e t for the head
eminent and not
I if. Alonzo Tubus
! allied that no guards are con
'. y hovering about the (iover
vl.h di'uwn swords, nor does the
:trl:i;; hung within easy reach
Is grand 'zer, he presumed tint
: i o 1 1 ! 1 a, hires'- such a powerful
niia -,e In the I. ins", plea In;;'.-lul!
or KuX'f the dire con-etii'-.:.
And how unlike the
laii's iff. )lt i.t polltene s. nfl
re;, ia.1 lor those in power, w:ij
Miller County wo;.i:in v. ho a 1-:-e
1 a missive to Covet nor .M::f-
ma lul.e tu l.i. Ing a JIM Cos.:
. .
"You I .u sed that worthless
on :i:e during the war,' she :a:.l,
"for feeding you and some sel
diei:'.. Now you are Coventor Mid,
perhaps, rich I nt:i a pi or wido.v
lir. l 1 want good money for tlie
money you gave me. If you d;n t
sen 1 It right away I v. ill call a:;J
See you."
Needless to imv, Coveitior M;ir
nia lake did not wait far the call.
He replied to the letter the very
day he received It Mil l l.i lo. e 1 a
t-" treasury note.
"Don't say; about did
lnci.l -nt," said Covernor Marnia
duke to the newspaper rcportcra.
"I passed a whole lot of that kind
of tiioiii y .luring the war, and If it
should be known that I was redeem
ing any oi It, I would be either
an Insane asylum
l I.
: t.iaa
1 snow
; Of tl
! I :u it:
! 1
I bow
I Of M:
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1 r-
j And so it s"enis there are many
I ways of approaching a Covernor of
Missouri, for, r.fhr all. they aro
i like the rest of humanity. The
i Miiler County woman who approach
ed a lann of war with a spirit of
I defiance, and the Casconade Coun
I ty Cernuin, who unnecessarily hum-
bled hifiielf, both drew prizes, al
though they npproariieu uieir quar
ry from entirely different directions.--St.
Louis Republic.
Bible Society Reoorts.
The annual report of the American
Hiblo Society gives encouraging inili
'tttlons relative to the religious lite or
Hie Philippines. The school enroll
ment has doubled, now being, aOi'.OuO.
Swedish drill has been started for
women prisoners tinder thirty-five
years of age at two prisons, Holio
way and Manchester.
I. (;.toiiI::;o Puptcasiint
.,n i'.tcrcsllii;; souvenir of St.
i- i: i in o. whose martyrdom cou
h'.l of boiii;-; thrown alive into a
i, !; of retting concrete, is at
:it on exhibition in the quant's
Coticrct" ; oriatio'l of Amer
Nc.v York. 11 consists cf a
i-:a;h of the cr.vity left
e saint's body, and was secured
;;t.I; P. lh.ldwin, chief engineer
e battleship Maine, while visit-
in Algiers. According to his
tUiv v.-a.-; horn about the year
) an Artih boy named Geronlmo,
was captured in Infancy by the
S; : :i!.ih garrison at (Iran, and w hen
yh.v;t eight years old he escaped
from his captors and went back to
hi- family, living as a Mohammedan
till the age of twenty-five. He
t!.,:i voluntarily returned to Oran
an ! resumed the Christian life
which he had adopted previously
when in the hands of the Spanish au
thorities. A few years later he
went on a coasting raid with a par
ty of Spaniards, but the raiders
were themselves captured by a
MiM.rlsh Corsair and brought to Al
giers. Here the attempt was made
to convert him to Mohammedanism,
but he persistently refused to em
brace that fal'h, so that he was tried
and condemned to die. His hands
were tied behind his back, and he
, .ii... face downward, Into
tttin LtUTfc
a hhek of concrete, then being pre
pared for the "Fort des Vingt
Quatre Heures," then building.
Careful note was taken of the spat
by Haldo, a Spanish Benedictine
missionary to Algiers, who prayed
the time might come when the lrd
would pave the way for his ex
humation anC. Christian burial. Jn
1853 the French found It necessary
to destroy the fort, and the data left
by Hale" a was found to be correct,
for the designated block of concrete
on being cut open disclosed the
nr r.eronimo anu the cavity
ift hv his body
removed December 27,
.riven a Christian
hones were
1853, and
burial, and they
at In a massive stone we
cophagus in the cathedral. A plas
ter cast was made of the cavity and
afterward photographed. Wash
Ington Herald.
For InfanU and Children.
"ha Kind You Haa Always Bought
Temperament cf C.ts;t Cf.-;; OA
When They Fcjifcter Their tia i.e.-.
"I)o I believe tn u a mini's u v.i.a r.s
he writes It is an indication of his
character?" repeated a hotel ch rh
who has been behind the counter In
Bovcrnl cities. "I ifm't know tihu it
character, but I do Itnow thai the ! ; '
of them unmask their real icmpcra
nietit when they write their niiiec.-i in.
n hotel register and I hcihl !!;::
there's a difference between c!ur, li
ter mid temperament.
"A man may be bilious and yet h.,v
a good character. A man may he a
crank and yet hold a Job in a bank. I
knew a preacher who had a i ase oi
dyspepsia that would have made a
angel Jump over a ten rail fi nee, hut
he was all right on the religion.
goose. I'm talking about, temperament
that shows Itself when a man grab
a pen and wrlteH his name on the reg
ister and where he halU. from.
"When a man spreads a .lohn I Pin
cock brand of chirograph) on the bun's
of arrivals I know what sort of room
he wants. I know he has to hat a
bed In which he can wallow like a
bnf alo.
"When n guest writes his name rs
he would hIru it in a lady's album I
put him In the finicky class. I know
he wants to thin glass from w '.,'.( h to
drink his water.
"The arrival who uncovers hire: elf
the (-nit kept Is the man who tries to
'.vilte differently from anybody else
and has an acquired autograph. The
man who develops the trait of getting
something under false pretences be
gins by trying to assume an auto
era ph. I always know that this fellow
will have a rumpus with the waiter or
the bellhop or the liquid dispenser.
"There is one chap that reaches my
hetrt the man who writes 'and wife'
for the first time nfter his own name.
He can't disguise the fact by his man
ner, to say nothing of his chlrography,
that he has Just started on the first
lap of his honeymoon. He doesn't
try to counterfeit his natural penman
shin, but he writes 'and wife' as If he
!ho-ght we were on, wondering how
we knew It.
"All things being equal, the newly
ma'tied arrival Is the most agreeable
guest in the house. A fellow with a
new wife wears velvet shoes so that
his kick Is never felt. I think if any
body writes a perfectly natural auto
graph It Is the man who has Just been
mtirrled. Then If ever a man tries to
he Just what he Is."
We Want to Send tr
- - mi ,
tr ti r .r i b-
i on iris roruonc
a of samples of
' pwii i
Tin; UE-Luxr: nu!UNF.r.: rAPi n,
. r- -f- . ' cH..-y:f. -ff
', tfvww :!; Xe
111 if
- r
. f Ml
Bloom si mrg fc.Sullivan
It ull road.
Takini Kffcct Iec"r. 9th,Jir;'j'j.i2:o5
For every live murders commit
ted only one Is avenged by hanging.
K you care about ititf quality, chiirnctcr4"and imprcssivencssof
'your sta'ioncry- these ganipU'S will be ,valuoblc,lo you. 1 hey
'show you what really impressive, productive stationery is.:
They show you husinc.s forms on COUPONtBOND; thand
somtly printed, lithographed .and die-stamped. in harmonious,
color combiiatioiis.
If you buy business -ititioncry you need these samples. .They
Icll you how to get the mi st impressive',, most productive
tionery. They show you how your letter-head on chcck,woulil
look'on'.COUI-ON.BONI). They demiTn'slratcJandJlcllJyou
!whyofll bond papcrs.'COUPON BqND.ishestiialifiedjo
serveVyou?'and whyii is'thc Prstchniccof.thoscwhu'rccoiiniaci
thcactual earnin4:powcrofhi'5h-(iradc5iatibii';i:y
Bloomsburg, Pa
Over 600 women r.te employed by
the Russian Secret sen tee, and sev
eral of them get salaries of more
thrn $10,000 a year.
Nebraska Democrats Not Keen on
New Temperance Fad.
Lincoln. Neb., Feb. 17. Several
i-.iiril' cd representative Democrats of
Xebratka held their annual dollar din
ner to-night and Incidentally set In
notion the wheels for the coining
-date and Congressional campaigns.
The statement of William J. Bryan
tut from South America declaring
for county option In Nebraska and a
divorcement of the liquor Influence
from politics by common agreement
was Ignored by the speakers.
References to Mr. Bryan were gen
erally laudatory. Denunciation of the
new tariff law was the central Idea In
the addresses. .
Trolley Time Tables
Cars leave MarkctJSquarc, Bloomsburg
for Berwick:
HloninHt) irsf l I. W
Blumnxli'irx 1' A H...
1'npiT Ml, I
Light. HI reel
Diangi'Vllle ,
Si lllnatiT
K lsoriM
ttnli'M 1'ri'ek
Wiiiss Mere Park
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luuilMin 'I t v
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Jntntsnn fit) ....
(trans Vtc l urk
rules Crcpk
Kilintis rn H
Benlon R IS
SMtiwater W in
Korks . . .. ..
! rigHvlllp..
Light itrci-t.
I'apiT Mill 7(m
Hlonm. f It H 7 I f
lllonm. tlLcW, 7 110
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P. M
Trains No. 21 ni 21 mixed, iii'ond c I n m .
t liullv I'xoppt. Hunday. t Dallv i Hiindny
only. fKliightnp. W. V. SNYDKR, Supt
s oo
ft (I
f 17
ft VI
6 HI
t 3
ft 42
5 55
7 s
7 US
17 IS
7 49
8 00
f to
S 11
11 HI
12 Kit
l i fto
1 111
1 u
1 117
J so
p .1
t'clihratrd Inr slylo. perfect fit, implicity HfiH
reliability nearly 40 yi'iirs. Sulil in nturlv
every city and town in the Unilt-U St.itrH nnJ
Cannila, or bv mail ilireil. Mure mill Ihiin
any oilier make. St-ml Inr lux c,il.ilci;;m..
More subscribers than any oilier f.iliion
magazine million a nmntli. Invaluable.
est styles, patterns, itri-ssinakinir, millinery,
plain sewing, fancy necdlewoi k, li.iirilressin,
etiquette, t'lml stones, etc. On v fill cents u
year (worth double), including a ?ne pattern.
Subscribe today, or send lor lauijiie copy.
to Auent. Postal briiiL'S premium c:ltalo;;UL
and new i j"h prir.e filets. Addreaa
THE UcCAU C3., 228 to M8 W. S7lb S!.. KVI YOR.'
British Women "Postmen."
There are no fewer than 4.000 wo
men "postmen" In Great Britain. They
are chlelly employed in the rural dis
tricts of Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
with our
Public Schools
A series of articles creating widespread comment from
the press and educators of America. Now running in
Lippincott's Magazine, Philadelphia
A. M. P. M. I'. M. I
5. on I 2.50 7.50
5.40 1. so 8.50
(.2f 2 50 0.5O '
(1.30 3-50 IO.50
7.50 4-50 ll-SO
8. 50 5-5o
9.50 6.50
First ear leaves Market Square for
Berwick on Sunday at 6.50 a. ni.
From Power House.
Saturday Night Only.
Cars leave Berwick for Danville:
A. M. !M. P. M.
6.00 12.00 d.OO
7.00 P. M. 7.00
7.2( I .OO S.OO
8,00 2.00 goo
quo 3.00 IO.OO
10.00 4,00 n.oo
11.00 5.00 1 2.00
t 1. 00
First car leaves Berwick for Danville
on Sunday at 8.00 a. m.
The nub of railroading is first-class equipment
reliable service. The Pennsylvania Railroad provides
u ,,ki;,-. T?t- mimr mntitVia -iai11-Kteel coaches.
iniS 1UI LUC JUUlll., A- V4 tinjr .
built like Dreadnaughts, have been operated on all through
trains. Their easy riding qualities and steadiness of motion
have been widelv praised. The all-steel dining cars too
have distinct advantages over the wooden ones. They are
stronger and steadier, and the act of eating is made more
enjoyable by the smoother movement.
There are also some steel Pullman Cars Combined
Parlor-Smokers and Baggage in the service now. Trav
elers liko them. They have plenty of elbow room and
thev glide over the rails. The Sleeping Cars are coming.
Some four hundred parlor and sleeping cars will be in use
by Summer.
These steel coaches and cars are the strongest vehicles
ever built for passenger transportation. They are fire proof,
break proof and bend proof. They represent the climax
of safety and the perfection of comfort in railroad travel.
The Pennsylvania Railroad has always been the leader
in all manner of improved equipment as well as in all
methods of making their patrons more comfortable. This
is why it is known and honored as The Standard Railroad
of America. 3-10-17.
fli y or
1 vm-i
ELRCTRtrrANnnH Mfchanic 1
a maaine f -t eteryt'odv.
Lf.irn alxiut electricity, the I
conn nn v Petite, and how tc I
use tools. Simple. prc-
ti al. full nf picture. Sam
Ile copy free (f you nu.t I
tin pair. 1 1. 00 a year.
Snmpiion I'ub. Co.1
6 Ileacnn St.. Bottoo, Mass.
PhntoirrHpliT iniereitt
verytxxly. AMERICAN
I'mt n MiKAPitv leather It.
lleautiful pu tiires. month
ly prize contests, piiture ,
Lrltlclsm, question an
swered. Sample copy free
if you mention thit paper.
American Photography
6 beacon bt., Boston. Masfl,
Hloomsbure Onlv.
t Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only.
Cars leave Market Souare. Blooms-
bug, for Danville:
A. M. P. M. V. M.
5.10 IS.IO f.IO
6.00 I.IO 7-1
7.10 a. 10
S.10 3.10 0.10
0.10 4.10 10.10
10.10 5' 11.10
First car leaves Market Square for
Danville on Sunday at 7.10 a. m.
Saturday Night Only.
Cars leave Danville for Berwick:
A. M. M. P. M.
6.00 12.00 6.00
7.00 P. M. 7-oo
8.00 1.00 S.OO
9.00 S.00 9.00
10:00 3.00 10.00
Il.oo 4 00 11.00
5.00 T12.00
First car leaves Danville for Berwick
on Sunday at 8.00 a. m.
Trade Marks
. &irtnW mtA H Maori nllnn mlV
flnTIIIIB HCIIilMIR o rum. II ,
qutrklf oecertniii our opinion free whether mu
Indention ) pruhnbly patentahlo. ConimunlP"
ttmiBHlrlrtlf C'nn.lntliil. HANDBOOK on Patent
sent free. (Met agency for aecurnifr putent".
rAtenis tUen tbrouuh Munn A to. reoel?
tpecial notice, without chnrgo, lu the
Scientific Hntericatn
A haniliomelf llluntrnlnd weekly. I.iiramt elr
cnlmloii if mir I'io'i'lB" I'liiriml. 1erni..l
yeiiri f.nir niunihi, II. Bold by ull newilfialer.
MUNN & Co.36,Broadway- New York
Branch OiTlco. 626 F BU Waabluglun. D. C.
I.adii Aik loir urui
I'll la Id Ked and Void i
lake no other. Hoy
llrifrliL A(krnrifl
years known at Best, Safest, Always Rellablf
Rlhbon. V
' or ronp .
BloomKburor Onlv.
Saturday Ni)?ht to Bloomsburg Only.
Cars leave Market Square, Bloomsburg
for Catawissa:
A. M.
1 1 0.00
tu. 00
First car leaves Market Square for
Catawissa on Sunday at 7.00 a. 111.
Saturday Night Only,
t P. R. R. Connections.
M. P. M.
IS.OO 6.00
P. M. t7.oo
1. 00 8.00
2.00 Q.OO
3.00 IO.IO
4.00 M.OO
Cars leave Catawissa for Bloomsburg:
A. M. P. M. P. M.
5 50 12.30 ('.30
6.35 1.30 7-3o
7.30 2.30 8.30
8.30 3-3" Q-30
15.30 4.30 10.30
10.30 5-30
First car leaves Catawissa for!Blooms-
burg on Sunday at 7.30 a. m.
Saturday Night Uniy.
A Rsliabla Remedy
(Tlfanaea and beautifiei the hair.
rrnmntui ft luxuriant frruwtn.
Never Fails to Bratore Gray
Ji:ur 1o its Youthful Color,
Cura tralp dirari at hair (ailuig.
frc.anil ll.'M'at lnjRgiita
anr.uarn and nrrrNnrn. sonamoaw, i
dr iutf oi-piiuio. tiirtxjKTt ai' ami fr report.
mlvit-u, how to ubiuiu utti-nU, trtutt miuka. !
. copyist, etu., ifi ALL COUNTRIES. I
liushuss dirrri zath Was (a tig ion saves Urns,
money and often the patent
Pitent and lnfnig:rrept Practice Exclusively.
W Hit or comb tt ua tit
623 Nintu Btrwt. opp. tJaiUd fluttta Patent OjAim.
Ely's Cra Balm
is quickly absorbed.
Civet lit licf at Cnoa.
It clcan-irs, ftinthon,
hfiiU and inoti-cta
the diKi'iiHcd niriii-
linine ruMikins' fr.m Catarvh and driven
uwuy aCold in tlio I lend iiuiekly. llosuire--',ho
S-'UM't-uf Iumo and Knudl. Fi'.U
ai) i'ts. nt IV11 .;.r:v,!f cr by imiil. Liquid
Orun:u Bulm f ir 11st) in utiiiiiiitisV.I e.
Ely BrotUora, HO Wurrou Strui-t, New Vork.
Ulmllo.. wllb rirl VUI In riv. l..iuf.
English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
1 . Frvrr., Cnngoatlnn., Inflammatloos 23
J. Woriua, Worm hrrr. or Worm l)loae .'ilk
3. Ciilli-, Crylun and Wakefulness of la(iuiU.2lk
4. IMurrhra.of Children and Adults
5. Hv.eiitiTv. Urlpluto, Iiillnua Colio 3ft
7. Cuualis, Colds, Bronchitis 2(1
H. Toulhat'lii!, Kureaohn, Neuralgia 25
9. Ilradni'hr, Sick Headache, Vertlno 2a
10. ImllKOhllou, Weak Stomach 9ft
It, Croup. llooriH) Cough, Laryuidtls 2ft
11. fall Khruiii. Eruplhiua, Erylplas 2
1ft. If lii-iiiiiiitl.iii. r Kiieumuuo rmii
10. fr'rtvr and Aunt". Malaria 24
IT. Illf. llUudor mcudluK, Kxternal, Internal. 2ft
It. Oiilitlialmla. Weak or Inflamed Eyes 4ft
lt. I'atarrh, 1 nil 111' u.a, Cold In Head 2ft
20. Whtiouln Ctiuuh, Spanmodlc Couub "Hi
21. Alliiua,0iiruawd,LiimcuU Uivullilutj ,4ft
27. Kidney ItUt'ane, Uruvt-I, Cali'uU 2S
UH. Ni-rvniis llflillltv. Vltil Wtiukness l.OO
20. Xore Mouth, Fever Soros or Canker 25
30. I'rluarv lueontliieiiee. Wetting lied 9.1
31. ore Throat. Quinsy and Diphtheria 2.)
3.1. Chronic Coiine.cliin.. Heatlaohes 2ft
77. Crippc. Hay Fcwr nod Summer Colds. ...25
A .mall bottle of TMoaHant Pelleta, flu the ea
pin kel. bold Uy drUKBii. or scut on rocelpl of priou.
Medical Hook sent free.
HUMl'iiKEVS' homko. m"Iuink C5., Corner
?'.'.ii.ii. iliJ Kun in.'".! v--v l'.:s.