BLOOMSBURG, PA., THURSDAY MARCH lo, 1910. NO 10 WHEN YOU WANT TO"' Oosn a bank Account Have a Check Cashed Borrow Money, or Make an Investment CAM, OX THE 01.1) RELIABLE - The Farmers National Bank of bloomsburg, Capital, S60.000 Surplus $100,000 0 M. CKEVKIjIXG, Puks. M. MILLKISKN'. Casiiikk. DIRECTORS J. L. Movkk N. IT. IVnk C. M. Cki:vi:un; C. A. Kiimm W. L. Whitk C. W. Run-yon I)k. J. J. Brown M. Miu.i-isi-n 3 Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. CHARLES W. RUN YON. : Prominent Merchant and Memlmr of Council Suddenly Expired on Monday Morning at His Home. IOILD TO DAY AT ALLINTOWN. This community was startled on Monday morning by the announce ment that Charles V. Runyon was dt;ad. He expired at his home at about 3 o'clock a. in. He was attending to business as usual on Saturday, ami on Sundav evening he retired at about half past ten after reading D his son Robert who has been ill for some months past. He mentioned the fact that he had pain in the head, but other wise gave no indication of illness. At about 3 o'clock in the morning he was attacked with intense pain, and started for the bath room, say ing to his wife that there was noth ing she need do for him. In a little whiltt Mrs Runyon be came uneasy, and started after him, and found him lying on a bed in an adjoining bed-room. She spake to him and tried to arouse him but he was unable to speak, though he in dicated that he understood what she said by nodding his head. In a few moments he lapsed into unconsciousness, and in spite of ef forts to revive him soon passed away, though the efforts were con tinued for some time, and Doctors Bierman and Brown were called in. A stroke of apoplexy is supposed to have been the cause of his death. Mr. Runyon was born in Starkey, Schuyler county, New York. His parents' name was Abel, and they died when he was about three years old, leaving him and two sisters to survive them. Soon after Charles was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Lay ton Runyon then residing in Troy, Pa., and was always a dutiful son, never realizing any difference be tween his own parents and those who adopted him. He passed his youth and young manhood in Troy, and was married to Miss Sarah Persons of Allen town back in the sixties. They came to Bloomsburg over thirty years ago, and Mr. Runyon went in partner ship with his father in the hard ware business, and about 15 years ago purchased the entire business, and conducted it successfully ever since. He was a director of the 1'armers National Bank from its foundation, and for the past five years was a member of the Town Council. He was an efficient councilman and a good citizen. He is survived by his widow, and one son Robeit, at home, and a daughter, Mrs. Dr. Bituer, of Al leutown. Funeral services were held at the house this morning, Rev. K. K. Hecknian officiating, aud the re mains were taken on the 11:2s Reading train to Allentown for in terment. BRICK PLANT FOR BLOOMSBURG. Application has been made for a charter for the Bloomsburg Brick Company. The gentlemen interested in the company are George L. Low, J. W . Voung, W R. Kocuer, J. hu man, H. R. Mears. Myron I. Low nid V. W. Zwengel. The new plant will be located at a point east of Oak Grove and will he equipped with ihe most modem machinery for making dry press brick, paving blocks and other shale Products, all the machinery being electrically driven. HM AT w- Home of Robert Butler Destroyed Last Thursday Night. Fire, resulting from an explosion of a lamp, completely destroyed the home of Robert Butler, in Jersey town, about 10 o'clock Thursday night. The building together with all the household goods, with the exception of two rocking chairs 1 were burned. j Mr. Butler and daughter, Miss Pearl, had gone to a grange supper and had lelt a lighted lamp on the kitchen table. The daughter, re turning home ahead of her father, saw an unusual bright light in the kitchen, and hurrying on to the I house, pushed open the door to I find the room in a miss of flames. : She could not get into that por tion of the building and when her . father arrived, an entrance was mad; thrcugli another door, but the ! flames meanwhile had gained such I headway that it was impossible to I save but the twD chairs that were near the door. The burned home was a frame I structure of fair size aud com fori a -; biy furnished. Between $1200 and $1300 insurance was carried by Mr. ; Butler. I Mrs. Butler was visiting at the i home of Eli Appleman, Valley I township, over Thursday night, ! and did not see the ruins of her home until she returned to Jersey town next day. WHEELMEN ELECT OFFICERS. The Bloomsburg Wheelmen Club held the annual election Tuesday evening, with the following results: President, Lloyd B. Skeer; vice ! president. J. T. Goodwin; treasurer, I A. W. Snarpless; secretary, C. R. j Xagle; Librarians, Frank Rupert and Prof. J. II. Dennis; auditor, i Harry S. Barton; board of govern ors, Harry C Mendenhall, W. S. ! Butler, J. C. Hagenbuch, R. Etu- met Kverly, Josiah Little and Sam Uiel Miller. I The following committees were appointed: Finance Samuel Mill er, H. C. Mendenhall, V. S. But ler; House W. S. Butler, R. Km I met Kyerly, II. C. Mendenhall, I. IT. Little, J. C. Hagenbuch; Enter tainment Edward Creasy, R. X. I Wolverton, Clyde Kemp. 1 Mr. aud Mrs. Barratt, the new ' stewards, have taken charge of the ! club house. ; NEW ORGAN FOR REFORMED I CHURCH. I ! TJio up w nine orean in the Re formed Church of Bloomsburg, which is the gift of Mrs. M. E. Hut in memory of her daughter, is rapidly Hearing completion. It is expected to have it dedicated on Palm Sunday, when various mem bers of other congregations in town will assist m the musical program. The instrument is of colonial de sign and is being built by Reuben Midmer and .Son, of Brooklyn, the builders of the orgaus in St. Paul's F.piscopal aud in the First Method ist Churches. JUNIOR CONTEST PARTICIPANTS. Announcement has been made yesterday by Miss Swartz, head of the department of Klocution of the Bloomsburg High School, of the : riniinal lllllior KeT Tle: Gladys Wha, ton, Ruth Doty, Ethel King, Helen vJc Sabila Shobert, Glenn Pur sel Clyde Peter, Libert Knorrand Frank Williams. All these partic ipants have shown superior work in this department. w It is rh? dollar you do hot sptid that puts you ahead." -franklin Tlx unspent dolljr passes through I he teller j window begins at once t? earn another dollar for I lie depositor. moral: We give to large and I'M Deposit your Savings regu larly, and Sec how they Grow. AM We pay 3 ings Accounts. THE BLOOMSBURG NATIONAL BLOOMSBURG PENNA REV. T. II. CULLEN. Former Rector of St. Paul's Church, Bloomsburg. died in Philadel phia on February 15th. IOILD AT ML HOLLY, N. J. The following article is taken from The Churchman, published in ; New York, in last week's issue: j "The Rev. Thomas II. Cuilen, a I retired priest of the Diocese of New ; Jersey, residing in Philadelphia, Idied on February 15th, aged sev ! enty-five years. The committal of ! his body was nude in St. Andrew's churchyard, Mt. Holly, N. J., the Rev. James Stoddard, Rector of St. Andrews, and the Rev. Howard IS. Thompson, Rector of St. Peters, officiating. Mr. Cullen was Rector of the last I named parish for nearly twenty ! years during which time he had al ' so charge of Holy Innocents, Beach Haven, N. J., and was in many ways prominent in the diocese. From this, his last rectorship, he retired more than fifteen years ago, on account of ill health. He had many friends, and many people remember with gratitude his abund ant labors." The Rev. Thomas H. Cullen came to Bloomsburg as Rector of St. Paul's Church, Jau.iary 5th, 1S63. Be remained here until the fall'of 1S70 When he came here the congre gation occupied the old brick church which stood where the Rec tory now stands. Early in his rec torship a movement was started for the erection of a new church. The old onf; was too smad and much di lapidated. These efforts under his leadership were crowned with success. The corner stone of the present hand some structure was laid on Septem ber nth, 186S, and completed ear ly 111 1870. vex some months pre vious to its completion, services were held in the Court House, the old church having been pronounced unsafe for occupancy. Soon after the new church was occupied, Mr. Cullen presented his resignation, much to the surprise and regret of the congregation and vestry He had done splendid work, and there were 110 dissensions of any kind, but he stated that he had been here seven years, aud with a new church and new paro chial activity he felt that a new rec tor also would be beneficial to the parish. His resignation was reluc tantly accepted, and he and his es timable wife left here, bearing with them the love aud respect of their people, aud of the entire community- The stained glass window in the church near the chancel was the gift of Mrs. Cullen's Sunday school class. It is our recollection that Mr. Cullen came here from Tioga, Pa., where he was rector of a parish, and that from here he returned to the same parish. He subsequently was called to Freehold, where he remained until ill health compelled him to retire. He was a man of most lovable dis positijn, a good preacher and a de voted pastor, and all who remem ber him here will learn of his death with deep sorrow. A handsome new electric sign in blue aud white has been placed on the front of the uew F. P. Pursel store. ft equal consideration small accounts. per cent, on Sav BANK DANVILLE GETS LIGHT FROM HERE. Iron dale Plant Lights the Town. On Saturday night for the first time the electrical current was brought into Danville from Iron dale; the two transformers recently installed in the plant of the Stand ard El.ctric Light company were started up and the system was giv en a thorough trial. Everything was found to work admirably. The test will be continued each night this week. Within a few days the high voltage current will be brought to Danville from liar wood. The transformers are two in num ber and are installed among the other machinery at the plant. The current entered the transformers at 23,000 volts aud left them reduced to 2,200 volts. The long bne is now completed. Nothing remains but to finish the high tension oil switches for con trolling the 25,000 at the Berwick and Bloomsburg plants. The Irondale plant will be run each night this week to fully test the wires and macuinerv. Mem while the lines of the Danville and Sunbury Transit company and the Danville and Bloomsburg lSlec- tric Railway company will be sup plied with the Irondale current af ter being reduced in voltage. Con nection with the overhead system of the Danville and Bloomsburg line lias been established. BOY LOST FOOT UNDER TRAIN . Max Bryfogle, the fifteen years old son of W. C. Bryfogle, of JSast Third Street, was the unfortunate victim of an accident last Thursday which resulted iu the loss of his left foot. He, with some other boys, had gone to the river to see the high water, and crossing to East Blooms burg were ruuniug beside a moving Pennsylvania freight train when young Bryfogle slipped and his left foot was caught under the wheels. He was helped into the station and later taken to the home of Dr. Bierman by Arthur Bruner where the foot was amputated about four inches above the ankle by Dr. Bier man aud Dr. Bruner. The boy was then taken to his home. The townspeople have a great deal of sympathy for the unfortu nate boy and his family. SUCCESSFUL CALL1EPIAN DRAMA. The Calliepian Literary Society of the Bloomsburg State Normal School presented n drama in the Auditorium last Saturday, which drew a packed house, which it proved to have merited. "A Kentucky Belle" was apiece full of amusing comedy, and clev er lines, and the work was excep tionally well done. "VARSITY" WON CONTEST. The resulting score in a Five Hundred contest between the "Var sity" and "Scrub" teams of the Craftsuiau Club, held last Monday evening, showed an advantage of over seventy-one hundred for the former. PHILO VsVcALLIE. Preparations are in progress at the Normal School for au inter society debate between two teams representing respectively the Philo logian and the Calliepian Literary Societies. It will take place within a short time. 1 . TOwMSEMD'S CORNER. ' miWmk I. One I t MUSn IF YOU are interested in fine Made-To-Measure Tailoring at prices which none can possibly compete with, your pres ence is much desired at our store. Ask for "International" and we'll surprise you with their wondrous range of All Wool Fabrics and the clasniness of their Models. WITH EASTER less than three weeks away, you will be compelled to get busy if I you want a new though we have a beautiful line of Ready to put on Clothing from Children to Men. NJECJKWEAR, SHORTS, HATS, AN CAPS. TflOH CORNER CLOTHING STORE, IBfjOOMSlSUltCr, FA. Easter Suit, al SEND'-S 1
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