l'H E.COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUftA mm THE COLUMBIAN. tfLOOMSBURG, VA. THURSDAY, MARCH 3. l!)10 MUs It If you don't subscribe for this paper for the comlntf yetr. It will contain ill the worth while news of the world, at home and abroad, with the accent on the At home. Tie Exorbitant Cost of Government. Senator Aldricb greatly iucensed some of his Republican colleagues, the other day, by declaring, in a speech upon the floor of the cham ber of which he is the manager, that "if I were a business man and were given permission to manage the affairs of the government I would run them at $300,000,000 a year less than it is now costing to run them." Senator Hale was es pecially outraged by his statement of a fact. He took Aldrich off into a remote comer, according to the Washington correspondents, and gave him a curtain lecture. He told Aldrich, according to the same au thority, that "he has made the most stupendous blunder of his puDJic career ana inai 111s woras will be hurled from the stump with telling effect during the campaign." Since the inauguration of Presi dent McKinley, in the spring of 1897, the expenses of the govern ment have increased at the rate of nearly $500,000,000 a year. The expenses of the Spanish war were considerable, of course, and afford ed ample excuse for the increased cost of government during the ad ministration of that lamented chief magistrate. But the Spanish war was over and all the extraordinary expenses attached to it discharged before calamity elevated Theodore Roosevelt to the office of President. Yet the expenses of government continued to increase by "leaps and bounds," and it is within the limit of accuracy to say that the last year of Roosevelt's administration cost $300,000,000 more than the last year of McKinley's incumbency. Senator Hale told Senator Aid rich, the Washington correspon dent already quoted assures us, that his "declaration made it seem that the Republican party had squandered billions of dollars dur ing the period it has remained in power." And that is an exact fact. During the period since the eleva tion of Roosevelt a strife has been maintained to multiply offices, in crease salaries, add to the cost of oublic services in other ways, until an aggregate of expenditures has been reached that was never dreamed of even during McKinley's administration. Roosevelt's person al expenses amounted to a quarter of a million dollars during the last year of his term, and the cost of secret service men guarding his person is not included in that fig ure. Watchman, Visiting cards and Wedding invi tations at the Columbian office. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Warding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in 'ernally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the system. Testimonials sent f:ee I'rice 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Lippincott's For March. It is quite cvideiu that nge can not wither, nor custom stale, the infinite variety of Uppincotfs Mag azine. Kadi inorth it bobs up se renely with a fust-class complete novel, seven or eight entrancing short-stories, and a wealth of mis cellaneous matter, all timely and readable. There may be dull lines here and there, but they arc lost sight of in the general excellence. The March issue opens with a romance of the automobile, "The Substitute," by Kleancr M. In gram. This is a lematkable piece of fiction remarkably interesting, n.nnrkab'y realistic. There are thrills all through it, and the de scription of tlie motor-race at the end is so vivid and enthralling that it affects one very much as would one's actual presence at the track. The characters are all splendidly depicted, and the love interest is wholly charming. J.ipfincott's has published many line novelettes, but there is no question about "The Substitute" ranking among the very best. Nor are the short-stories a whit behind the novel in point of excel lence. Tney are ' The Smile of a Lady," by Owen Oliver; "Tran sients in Nineveh," by Will Lev ington Comfort; "A Bargaiu in Rugs," by James Raymond Pe:ry; "The Hills of Dawn," by Mai el Nelson Thurston; "Going Up," by Ella Middleton Tybout; "The Case of David Giddly," by Ellis O. Jones, and "The Hold-Up," by Roscoe Gilmorc Stott. "Short-Shrift," a dramatic burlesque by John Ken drick Bangs, is in this well-kno.vn humorist's happiest vein. The third of Joseph M. Rogers' series of six article-son "What is Wrong With Our Public Schools" deals with "The Teacher." As might have been expected, these papers are creating something of a sensation in pedagogical circles, and, to some extent, outside. "The Teacher" is one of the most im portant, as well as one of the most interesting, of the scries. In "Ways of the Hour" the fol lowing ' subjects are discussed: "Grand Opera in English," by Minna Thomas Antrim; "Rich and Poor Dependents, by Bolton Hall; 'An Old TTViniirl " Thmune T. Masson; "Chew Your Universe," by Homer Croy; "Are all the Great Authors Dead?" by Littell Mc Cluug. Thomas L. Masson also contributes a short and intensely funny sketch entitled "Argument." Poems by Florence Earle Coates, William R. Benet, Eth Talbot, and Rose Chambers Goode; spicy epigrams by Minna Thomas An trim, and "Walnuts and Wine" sixteen pages of signed jokes, jin gles and anecdotes complete the number. It's a big quarter's worth. - Diet for the Stout Stout people should limit the amount of potatoes and sugar they eat, as these articles of food favor the deposit of fat underneath the skin. Dry toast, lean meat, stew ed fruit, and fish are suitable foods in treating obesity, and rich, fat, sweet, and greasy dishes ought to be avoided. Heroic Treatment Little Willie wore his stocking Inside out, a habit shocking. To correct his naughty whim, Mother turned the hose on him SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias is- sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be sold at pub- 11c saie at me anerni s uince. 111 tne Court House at Bloomsburjr. countv and state atoresam, on 2b, IQIO at 10 o'clock A. M.. the followinsr de scribed real estate, to-wit: All tnat certain lot of land situate on the basterly Fide of Vine Street, iu the Borough of Berwick. Columbia County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the Easterly side of Vin Street at the intersection of Jackson Street; thence along Vine Street North twenty-five degrees twenty-one minutes wesi seventy tour teet to a corner; inence iorui sixty tour degrees forty six minutes east and parallel with Jack son street sixty and five-tenths feet to a corner; thence Routh twenty-five degrees twenty-one minutes east seventy-four feet to Jackson street; thence along Baid street south sixty four degrees forty-six minutes west sixty and five-tenths feet to vine street the ulace of beginning Whereon is erected A LARGE TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and outbuildings, it ncing tne same premises conveyed to uora Keylor by Charles C. Evans and wife by deed dated January 3, 1907, and recorded in the ollice for the recording of deeds, etc., in Columbia County iu ueeu dook (o at pae;e 74. seized, taken into execution at the suit ot v. W. liirt vs. Dora Keylor Fin ucan (.use Uora Keylor), nd to be sold as the property of Dora Keylor Finuciin vuse jjora rveyior.; WILLIAM P. ZEHNER. . .. Sheriff james l, livans, Attorney, 3-3 4t. Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance "I suffered for many years from what some people call epilepsy. Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine cured 111c, and you can imagine how thankful I am." M. I. COFFMAN, Cold water, Mich. "My daughter was cured with Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, after qaving been afflicted with tits for five years." PETER McAULKY, Springfield, Mass. "For a year my little boy bad spasms every time be got a little cold. Since taking Dr. Miles' Nervine he has never had one of these sp MRS. MYRTLE DAGUE, Rochester, Ind. "My daughter couldn't talk or walk from St. Vitus' dance. Seven bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine entirely cured her." MRS. NANNIE LAND, Ethel, Ind. "Until my son was 30 years old he had fits right along. We gave him seven bottles of Dr. Mile" Restorative Nervine. He has not had a fit since he began on the fifth bottle." MRS. R. DUNTLEY, Wautoma, Wis. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine li sold by all druogltt. Qlv It a thorough trial. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias is.-.ucil out of the Court of Common Picas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will lie sold nt pub lic sale nt the Sheriff's Ollice, intlu Court House nt Bloomsburg, county and state aforesaid, on SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1910, at 10 o'clocK a, m. the following dc- scribed real estate, to wit All those two certain lots, nieces or parcels of land situate in the Borough of Berwick, Columbia County, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : TRACT No. 1. Situate on the north- rly side of Woodin street, beginning at a point on the northerly side of said street one hundred and nineteen and one-fourth feet from Oak street at the corner of a sixteen foot nlley, thence northerly along said alley sixty-six feet to lot now of Phoebe Croop, thence easterly along said lot parallel with Woodin street one hundred and three and one-fourth feet to Maple street. thence southerly alcng said street a dis tance of sixty-six feet to corner ot Maple and Woodin streets, thence westerly along Woodin street a distance of one hundred and three and one-fourth feet o the place of beginning. Containing sixty-eight hundred and fourteen and one-half square feet ot land. Whereon is erected A TWO STORY FRAME DOUBLE DWELLING HOUSE, and outbuildings. TRACT No. 2. Beginning at a corner of lot owned by Phoebe Croop 0:1 the westerly side of Maple street one hun dred and thirty-two feet from Woodin street, thence westerly along lot of said Phoebe Croop a distance of one hundred and three and one-fourth feet to an alley. thence northerly along said alley a dis tance ot sixty-six leet to land ot Jackson estate, tlience easterly along said land a distance of one hundred and three and one-fourth feet to Maple street, thence southerly along said street a distance of sixty-six feet to the place of beginning. Containing sixty-eight hundred and fourteen and one-half sauare feet of land. Y hereon is erected A TWO STORY FRAME DOUBLE DWELLING HOUSE, and outbuildings. Being the same premises conveyed to Ray H. Davenport by B. D. Freas and IMirabeth r reas his wife. Tames L. Ev ans and Fanny A. Evans his wife, S. W. Dickson and lvilbe Dickson his w fe. and B. II. Dodson and said Dodson his wife, by deed dated August 10. iqo6 and intended to be recorded forthwith Seized, taken into execution at the suit of Harry T. Stoddart Receiver for the Eastern Union Building and Loan hociety, ot Philadelphia, Pa , vs. Ray 11. Davenport, owner, and Lee Harri son, terre-tenant, and all other terre tenants, and to be sold as the property of Ray H. Davenport, owner, and Lee Harrison, terre tenant, and all other ter re-tenants. WM. P. ZEHNER, Sheriff James L. Evans, Attorney. 2-24-41. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In re-cs'.ate of Win. MeKtlty Mufgraw, late of tiie Rarough of OranyeaUle, In Vie euuntv of Columbia, and nuite of Penn'a, arctamd. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration in the above estate have been granted unto the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and tnose having claims or demands will present the same without delay. A. W. MUSGRAVE, Administrator of Win. McK, Musgrave, dee'd. No. 101 N. Main Ave. Clinton Herring. Scranton, Pa. 2-24 ei Atty. 1 II K SOOTH I NO 81'IHYof Kly 's Liquid Cream lialm. used in un utonii.er, isnn unspeakable- relief to mi Here from (,'utarrh. Homo of theiu describe It aa a uodsenu, mm no wonder. The thick loui discharge Is dislodged itud the pa tient breathes freely, perhaps lor the mini, nine 111 weeKH. iKii ia Cretin uaiin contaius all the liealing, purify lug elements of the solid form.undlt never iuiim 10 satisiy. wohl by all dm gluts for7oc., liu-liidiiig spraying tube or mailed by Kly Bros., OH Warren Direct, rev 10m. SHERIFF'S SALIC. Bv virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County. Pennsylvania, and to ine directed, there will be sold at pub lip s.-ilp nt Hie Sheriff's Ollice. in the Court House at P.loomsburg, county and State nfousaid, on SATURDAY, MARCH 19th, 'to, at ten o'clock a. m the following de scribed real estate, to wit: All that certain messuage, tenement nd tract of land situate in the town- hips of Cleveland and Franklin, Co lumbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at a point in the public road ailing from Catawissa to Koaringcreex- thence thirty-six degrees west twenty- six and six tenths rods: thence north seventy-seven and one-half degrees west twenty-six and six and six tenuis rocisj ixteen rods; thence north twenty de- rees west eighteen and nine-tenths ods; thence north eighty-six degrees west one hundred and thirty-live ana ine tenths rods; thence south eighty leerees west one hundred and ninety- seven and seven tenths rods to a post; thence south eighty-two degrees cast ne hundred and two rods, thence north forty two degrees east one hundred and sixty-one rods; thence north thirty-four degrees west twenty five nnd six tenths rods to the place of beginning, contain- ng 199 Acres and 96 Perches, whereon arc erected Two Frame Dwelling Houses, Two Bank Barns, and out buildings. Seized, taken in execution at the suit f William Rarig vs Mary E. Wolf, de- eased, and H. C. Wolf, administrator, and to be sold as the property of Mary t. V olf, deceased. WM. P. ZEHNER, L. Fritz and Sheriff. C. E. Kreisher, Attys. 2-24 4t SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pcnnsylvan- a, and o me directed, there will be sold it public sale at the Sheriff's Office, in the Court House at Bloomsburg, county and state aforesaid, on SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. 111 , the following describ ed real estate, to wit : All that certain lot of land situate on the northerly side of Fairview Avenue n Michel s Addition to the Borough of West Berwick, in the Borough of West Berwick, Columbia County, Pennsylv- nia, and bounded and described as fol lows : On the east by lot No. 205, on south bv Fairview Avenue, on the west bv lot No. 207, and on the north by Brit ain street. Being forty-five feet in width on Fairview Avenue and extend ing in depth of the same width a distance of one hundred and sixty feet to Brit tain street Containing seventy-two hundred square feet cf land and being numbered ami designated as lot No. 200 of Mitchel's Addition to the Borough of West Berwick, Pennsylvania, and being the same premises conveyed to Barbara Reigel by D. A. Michael and Emma Michael his wife by deed, dated August 7. 1903, recorded in the office of the re cording of deeds, etc.. in and for Co lumbia County in Deed Book No. 7S page 302. On which is erected a TWO STORY FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE, and outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution at the suit f Harry T. Stoddart, Receiver for the Eastern Union Building nnd Loan Soci ety, of Philadelphia, Pa., vs. Henry A. Keigel and Barbara Keigel. owners, with notice to all terre-ttfnants, and to be sold as the property of Henry A. Reigel and Barbara Keigel. owners, with notice to all terre-tenants. WILLIAM P. ZEHNER, Sheriff. Tames L. Evans, Attorney. 2-24-.1t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Xrlate of Ilarman JL. Kreamtr, eecensid, The undersigned auditor appointed bv the Orphans' Court of Columbia County to make distribution of the funds in the hands of Wilson G. Kreamer. Adminis trator, will sit at his office in the Town of Bloomsburg, Pa., on Friday, March 25th, 1910, at ten o clock in the forenoon to perform the duties of his appoint ment, when and where all persons hav ing claims ogainst said estate must ap pear and prove the same, or be forever debarred from any share of said fund, A. JN. YOST, 3 3-4t. Auditor. f K3 t3 T!ji km j ftrTHIc;," , A ri-lsiiMe iilivr-ir'TUU of Unity years' mwrieTice oilers Ir.s ser vices nml iiH-clHitie fi. Would you like to be cured to stay CUTCtl 7 If art. u-ritt- liitn ir.,nr ynPt"ms nnrl lie will ncticl you a vouisc 01 uiciaciuc inui wmuo you cooil on:l Hie prescription. o at any tune Simula voti wuut more of ' the treatment you can eel it from ttie il nit: tr 1 si and (he medicine will not cost J y,ni over twtllty I "I lin is mi olTcr 1 ;ivaii UK-m'.-lve ly or t went v- ive cents a mom li. 'er every alllicteil pernon should Ives of. Von certainlv liavpiinth. : to lit-e nnd will lanelil greatly from this :.ialleled oiler. Adi'.ics. J.tV.Vierroiv.M.n., "-..itiarnira KorUiHeiiiilngtau.VI, Plea'tpni liO Vain St., on vour letter. 1-0-4 w REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY "Made We!) Man THE of Me." GIIEAT n.13 ivn-j T-y proniiers line rPDltll. in SO Uaya. It actf iioweitully uml quli h ly. Cun-HwlutnothorBtull 01111n moncun n-Ruln their lost, manhood, and old men mny recover their youthful vitior bv UKin II liVIVO. It quickly ind nulollro? moves ncrvuuKneKH, ixist Vitality Seiuul WeulinossHucutts Lost Power, ValU,it! Memory Wustlnu UlHonses, ond erfuctnol tlf-ttuu) or excess und indUcretinn. which limits oria for Btudy, business or marrlune. It not only cures !y Hturtlnff Ht the sunt of dlseaso. hut Is a Croat sonic ana blood bulMor, brintilim storlnutho lire 01 vouili. it. w,i,-,i ,,.., proftohintfUiKetise. Insist on huvlna HKYIYO, iiooiunr 11 cun De canled In vest luicket. Ity mull, 1.00 per puoliaire, or nix for Vft.ou. We Kllh Vrn . COlinHOI lO till WliO Wlhh It : " ''"'uiiiis iree. Address numb mcuibinc Marina Bltfg., Chicago. IU EOT! ftvyk"'-;- i T Disease f"3 Aand Health F9 THE STORE WITH ALL NEW GOODS We expect to keep this plan up so long as the business is under present management. No old goods. New goods com ing every day. Prices are al ways as low as can possibly be found for equal qualities. NEW WHITE GOODS NEW DRESS GOODS NEW EMBROIDERIES A NEW MUSLIN UNDERWEAR NEW NECK WEAR NEW WASH GOODS Compare quality, price and va riety before you buy for this season." The R. E. Hartim Store Bloomsburg:, Pa. i rBIIIIIEfiBlDABal9alBalalBBKAr.. Alexander Brothers & Co. Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and Confectionery. o Pino Candies. Frosh Every Week. Z'EiTiT-y Goods a S3?eci.a.xjt'2-. HAVE YOU SMOKED A ROYAL BUCK or JEWEL CIGAR? ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM. ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsburg Pa. RUOS SoyaI Wilton Body Brussel, Axminster ) v Velvet and Tapestrv in the different si 7 eft Carpet Sweepers. VACUUM CARPET CLEANERS Electric and Hand Rower. THE FREE SEWING MACHINE. This machine is ball bearing throughout. It is not only guaranteed, but is INSURED for five years against nre or accident. W. M, BM&WEM, ' n FIT Prices That 221 Center Street. -DEALERS IN- Best in the land. WE IfflAVE SHOES TO FIT AND TO WEAR and at Will Make You Wonder HARMAN & ROAN Bloomsburg, Pa, 1 n t 0 B m M 0-301 y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers