THE COLUMBIAN. 6L00MSBUIM, 1-A AT ZEr7A.:tTS' STRIKINGLY in the newest style. In dull finish calf with black cloth top, button. For Women, TRY A CHAS. M, THE COLUMBIAN. ill.OOMSI'.URO, rA. T I IV 111 A V, MAItClI :t, 1!tn Kuterrtl at the I'ort ' lUISCCIHIfli'lIM '"' I'. Mnrrh 1 . Ihvs. An ckctric sin Ins been placed in front of the barber shop o! Reil 1y ami Son on Centre Street. Prof. J. II. Dennis, major of the Patriarchs Militant in this district, attended the installation of the Danville ICncatnjtrciit Tuesday evening- ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM l;as been vi snci-issfu'lv f1 r Vf.irs fur , . . . i.i.' ii.- i. ; . :.. I'lTtl-Sl'HIeil COIHMIS, l-diUS.-lim I'li'nui"" Kvirybmly should know about il. Minnie, sale and sure. 2-1 1 It is , tt The famous Park Hote at V1- j liainspott, is to he renovated, ro- j turnistieu ami given a complete up to-date enuipuient at an outlay aj j roaching $ioo,txo, says The ' iiamsport Sun. Playing chess by wireless is the latest innovation introduced into intercollegiate sports. University of Pennsylvania and Princeton are to have such a competition on Sat urday, Match fifth. This is An Easy Test. Shake Allen's Foot F.ase in one shoe nml not in the other, and notice the dif ference, Just ttie thing to use when rubbers or overshoes become necessary, and your shoes seem to pinch. Sold Everywhere, 2jc. Don't accept any substitute. 2-17 4t Judge Savidge dismissed a jury at Suhbury the other day because a member said be would bold out for a big verdict for Maiia Snyder against lower Augusta township, alleging that a defective water course flooded her farm laud. To Mothers in This Town. Children who are delicate, feverish and eross will get immediate relief from Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Child ren. Thev cleanse the stomach, act on the liver, in..king a sickly child strong and healthy. A certain cure for worms. Sold by all druggists. 25c Sample Free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy. N. V. The snow in Susquehanna coun ty is still deep enough to stall rail way trains, between Montrose ana Springville, on the Lehigh branch, the tuow in some places reaches tip to the windows cf the coaches, and in other places the fences are en tirely covered. WHAT A WOMAN WILL NOT DO, Thcro to notliins wnmiin woulJ not do to rfl Rain tier lost beauty. She nlit to l fully &i z' oo Id prescrflriK her pood look. The herb di ink culled Lane's Family Medlcino or Lane's Tea ! the mom efficient aid In presenilis u l-eauti-fill kin, and wUl do more than iinylliiim eUi to rwtore the roues to faded checks. At all dmusisls ttud dealers', 26c. The folk vving letters are held at the blcomsl nrg. Pa., post office: G. G. brown, Mr. Fred I.. Prick, L. Ham, J. S. llartman, Mr. Joe Keim, Miss Marie Long, Mrs. An na Masker, Mr. M. L. Perrin, Miss Elizabeth Stevens. Cards. Miss Bessie butler, Miss Amanda Hatipt, Mrs. James Ilyner, Mrs. Ella Lin genftlter, Miss Helen McCracker, Mr. Clinton Snydsr, Mr. Burton Shutnan. Money for Postmen. Tbe House Committee on Claims on Monday made a favorable re port on the bill recently passed by the Senate, providing fo: the pay ment of the claims of several thou sand letter carriers thtoughout the country for overtime services ren dered since the passage of the eight hour law and previous to tbe tune when, by the iucrease of the car rier force, the Post Office Depart mtnt was able to make the eight hour law effective. The postmen will receive $282,943-88. The bill is practically sure of passage wnu in the uext fortnight. SPEND EASTER AT ATLANTIC CITY. Easter Sunday is the great day at Atlantic City. Round tr'P ets via "The Reading" sold on Sat urday March 26, good for 15 fays at $5.05. Stop over allowed at Philadelphia. 3-3-10-17-34. BOOT Price $3.50. PAIR. EVANS. SHAD WILL BE PLENTY. Thr t is What Somt'liody Stcs in Pres ent Indications. Aceotiliiig to present indications shnd will he plentiful when the reg ular season airiVes this spring. Al ready large catches are reported along the coast of the Carolina's, while Cliai lesion shad, seemed in rivers of paitly fresh water, are an noim:cd to arrive shortly. Shad now coining from southern points are of exceedingly fine flavor, the meat is solid and prices are not ex cessive. As the storms of the win ter decrease in severity shad grad- tially find their way to cold, fresh northern waters, in which they ill.-;.... ,. -ft, il. w;ii,;., w wjth f;m;;a,)lc wcath'tr( tlusc favorite flh ,vin ,)e tno;e "I plentiful in the wholesale markets at much lower prices and an 111- creased demand. George Wintry. George Wbary of Koating Creek, formerly of Bloomsburg, and a brother of L. E. Wbary, of blooms burg. died last Thursday night at ten o'clock, following a lengthy illness with a complication of disenses. He was aged seventy-four years, 4 months and 20 days. Surviving him are his widow and the following brother and two sis ters: L. E. Wbary, of bloomsburg. Mrs. Scott, of Jamison City, and Mrs. Owens, of Shamokin. Funeral service were held at the Centre church of Slabtown, the 12V. Mr. Logan officiating. Inter ment was made in Trinity ceme tery. Mr. Scarlet Defends Troopers. Announcement was made at the Capitol recently that James S;arlet, of Danville, chief attorney for the Capitol probers md cciuisel of the Government in the Powder Trust investigation, bad been engaged to defend Captain Robinson and any tnenibeis of the State Police arrest ed on charges growing out of the killing of people in Bethlehem in the recent tiots. Mr. Scarlet will represent the State at the inquest, and will take part in any subsequent proceedings. Mr. Scarlet was as signed to this duty by Governor Stuart. - - - Minister Changed His Faith. The Rev. W. C. Charlton, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Benton, has given up his charge there, and is p-tpaiing to enter the Episcopal ministry. Mr. Charlton is the third Methodist minister in this vicinity who has changed his faith recently. His predecessor at ben ton, the Rev. W. II. benford, is now assistant rector of the Episco pal Church at Cumberland, Mary land, and the Rev. J. C. Grimes, formerly of Riverside, is also a clergyman of that denomination. . - Trespass Notices. Card signs ' 'No Trespassing" lor sale at this office. They are print ad in accordance with tbe late act of 1903. Price 5 cents each, tf Rights on the Road. It has been very properly decid ed in court that a party driving on the road, whose interference pre vents another party passing him from behind, is liable for any re sulting injury. The man behind, if he wants to drive faster, has a right to pass, but it often happens that the one ahead, either from ill nature, or mischievous foolery, ma neuvers his vehicle so as to prevent the other from having his right of the road. It is proper that a court should decide that a public road is not intended for the performance of such pranks and that the hog or foul who indulges in them is liable for any injury that may resnlt. rest fuictittt s Hope to Cure Cancer. Scientists Find Disease and Trout Area Coincide. A strong hope of curing cancer, or at least greatly ameliorating tbe condition of cancer patients bv means of inoculation, is held out in the report of Harvey R. Gaylord, director of the Cancer I.'.boratory of the State Department of Health at Buffalo, N. Y. This hope is based on extended experiment tion during tne pist year in tbe ocula tion or vaccination of various ani mals, mainly rats, with the cancer virus. In a considerable proportion of cases immunity was raised to a point which cured in the proportion of 25 to 40 in rats. It might well be applied to those cases of late cancer in human beings, in which surgery has nothing to offer and the outlook is hopeless, the report declares, adding: "The time has ionic when we should begin experimentation with human beings." Other investigations of import ance conducted by the laboratory have had to do with the prevalence i f many forms of cancer in fish and the possibility of infection by hum an beings. It has been found that c ncer of the thyroid, in particular, is of frequent occurrence in fish of the trout family. "It is a very remarkable coinci dence,'' says the report, "that the area of the United States which in cludes thy greatest concentration of human cancer cases is almost iden tical with the area through which the vat ions members of the trout family are distributed." Statistics are given to show that cancer continues to increase. The report says that 111 the United States it has increased from 9 per 100,000 population in 1850 to 43 in 1900, an average of about 65 in 1 90 1, and an average cf more than 70 in 1906. How Tuberculosis Spread?. Just for instance: A young man who had bceu clerking for years in the basement of a 1 rge department store developed a cough! And he was tired, so tired that his sister suggested that he take a vacatiou in mid winter. She was a dress maker, making good money, and she thought he needed a little rest. So he got leave of absence and changed from the unventilated base ment of the store to the overheated and equally unventilated flat. To be sure, he took an occasional walk, but most of the time he sat in the back parlor reading, and when this occupation palled, he went into the work-room and chatted with the women sewing on pretty frocks for a score of customers. And where ever he went, he expectorated. There was a spittoon, a dry spit toon, in every room! but he got no better, the cough-syrups did not cure and fi nally he went to see a doctor. The doctor sent a sample of this young man's sputum to the laboratory conducted by the board of health and had it examined. When the young man called again, he was told that he had consumption. The board of health was notified of the fact by the physician in charge of the case. The young man was sent to a sanatorium for incipient cases, the house was fumigated and the dressmaker mainstay of the fam ily though she was heard some plain truths about shipping out frocks from this germ-laden home and employing a dozen workers in one room, without proper ventila tion. That one case of tuberculosis could infect the families of the doz en sewers and the two dozen custo mers. It could spread out its death dealing tentacles and touch at least one hundred and fifty unsuspecting persons. From Woman's Home Companion for March. Pink Hens Lay Rainbow Eggs. How to change the color of a oure white hen to pink and how pink, red or other colored eggs may be produced was one of the demon strations successfully carried out at the State College of Agriculture at Ithica, N. Y. Experiments of feeding hens with rhodameride dye proved suc cessful. One fine looking hen was fed with this dye, during the molt ing season, and her feathers gradu ally changed from white to delicate pink. The same coloring was mark ed in the albumen of ner eggs. By the use of another dye con centric rings of red appeared in the yolk of the eggs, which also were made entirely red, and the demon strators said that it would be pos sible to produce other colors. The authorities of tbe college are considering turning out eggs with the yolk red and the albumen white, the colors of Cornell Univer sity, and using them to advertise the State College of Agriculture. Woman's Homo Companion for March. At the very moment when every woman in the country is thinking of "sprir.g clothes" the Woman's Home Companion appears as a big fashion number and contains a re markable lot of information as to what will be worn, and why. Every important item connected with tbe latest thing in dress is treated in a careful and instructive manner. Articles on French hats and French novelties are only a small part of the general scheme. but the helpfulness of this maga zine is not confined to the question of clothes Etched metal work, a new fad; the making of bead bigs; the building and furnishing of houses, and the many sciences that go to make up a well-ordered home are all considered in the usual ex cellent departments. A feature ot the March number is the double page devoted to photo graphs of popular actressc and opera singers who are model moth ers. One of I he largest pictures of Ethel barryinore forms part of this collection. Hypnotism, ulways a fascinating su'ject, is ably h nulled by II. Addington lit nee, and Marion Il.irland tells the famous story of "The Ladies of Llangol len." The fiction attains a hiy'i stan dard. Myra Kelly contributes a vivid Settlement House story. Fan nie Heaslip Lea, James Opp-'iiheiin and Mary Ileaton Vorse each have an excellent tale to tell, and "The House of Healing," by Julie". Wil bor Tompkins, promises to prove one of the best serials of the year. The humor and verse are quaint and charming, and the "Campaign of Hope" is still encouraging good work in stimulating vigilance against the spread of the White Plague. The Zoological Pres3 Bulletin. Timely Tonics of Plants and Pets Discu-sed Weekly, by II. A. Surface, .State Zoologist. LIMK-SULPHUR WILL NOT IMPAIR IRON KKTTLKS. In reply to a Perry Couuty far mer, who wrote to Professor II. A. Surlace, State Zoologist, Hams- burg, inquiring whether an iron kettle will be injured, if the lime- sulphur solutiou is boiled in it, Professor Surface sent the follow ing answer: "ou can boil lime and suiphur in an iron kettla without damaging it for other purpsses. Wash it with hot vinegar after you are through boiling, using a scrubbing brush, and then wash it with clear water and dry it. Before putting it away permanently, it would be well to apply a coat of oil or grease to prevent rusting. "I am frequently asked if an or dinary iron kettle can be used for this porpose without injury to it, and take this occasion to say that the lime-sulphur wash will not se riously affect any metal excepting copper. Copper kettles should not be used, as the copper will be dis solved and the kettles ruined. Common iron kettles, such as are used in butchering, or even ordina ry galvauized iron wash tubs can be used successfully in boiling lime sulphur wash. It is not necessary to boil the entire birrel full of this mixture at one time. Eight 01 ten or mo. e gallons of the material can be prepared in the concentrated form and then diluted to fifty gal lons by adding water after boiling." Mifflin County Dry. The Mifflin Court on Monday refused all applicants for liquor licenses, though the liquor element proved, through the agent, of the Adams Express Company, that two hundred gallons per day was a fair average tf the shipments into the town during the period ot no license, and another witness, testi fied that his experience shewed about 50 per cent, of the regular shipments in the no-hcense period, Following the regular argument the Court announced that Associate Judge Forest Swyers was iu favor of granting all licenses. At a meeting ot tne Hotel men following thedeciiion, they pledged themselves to close their hotels to the public, as under the present existing high prices of the neces saries of life they say they cannot afford to keep open and give the public a fair return for their money without licenses. Udd Fellows to Celebrate. The ninety-firrt anniversary of the founding of Odd Fellowship in the United States will be celebrated at Mount Cannel on Tuesday, April 25th, next, and already the plans for what promises to be a big event are being laid. It is expected that the town over the mountains will do her sell proud on this occasion. SOLD THE WORLD OVER. Some Facts About Hypnotism. "Xo competent exponent of hyp notisin to-day behoves that a per son is inevitably obliged to execute all hypnotic commands given him," says II. Ad 'ington Bruce in the Woman's Home Companion for March. "And while some still cling to the idea that hypnotic ctimes are Possible, tha consensus of scien tific opinion is tint no person who would not in his normal state per petrate the ctime suggested, would perperate it if hypnotized. "It is equally certain, though, that under hypnotic infill Mice peo ple are liable to accuse the nselves of crimes they h ive not committed. This is a real danger, which otig it to be carefully guarded against in courts of justice. "There is reason to believe that many 'police confessions' extorted from accused persons by the pro cesses of the so-called 'third degree' and afterward found to be untrue are made in a hyponotic s'.ate. The persistent questioning of the pris oner by the police, their pitiless in sistence that 'be is guilty and knows he is guilty,' may develop in him that peculiar hysterical con dition in which, as has already been said, he may become spontaneously hypnotized by an unexpected noise or the sudden flashing of a light." AS AGENT FOR THE Pullman Motor Car Company I present herewith cuts of five of the best selling models of the Pullman Car for 1910. The 1909 models have more than fulfilled their guarantees in all of the many tests to which they have been subjected. M0CI K-IO HMDSTER $2000'! I have oversold my allotment for this year, and have secured a special option on a few cars for a limited time only, iiVMxa it o icy EMiui, iwa t ?c,'t)S-" I am fully justified in saying that ,the Pullman is one of the most popular medium priced cars on the market today. I would urge prospective buy. ers to avoid disappointment by placing.their orders as soon as possible. lODO. M 7 MUDm CAR t UM I will be glad to furnish de tailed illustrations of the differ ent models. C.W.HcKelvy Bloomsburg, Pa. Pullman Cars are Licensed Under the Selden Patent: FOR SALE! Tho fine residence prop erty of the late Judge El- well is for sale. Location: West Third Street between Jefferson and West Streets. Description: Two story and attic brick and frame. 18 rooms. Lot about (Hi by 212 feet. FIJAME BAWN AM) COW STABLE, large garden, abundance of fruit trees. The house 1ms a Steam Heating Plant, Bath lloom, Stationary liange and Wash Tubs; Water, Electric Light, and Gas. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply to GEO. E. ELWELL, Attorney Bloomsburg, Pa. Our Pianos are the leaders. Our lines in clude the following makes : Chas. M. STIEFF, Henry F. Miller, Brewer & Pryor, Koiiler & Campbell, and Radel. IN ORGANS we handle the Estey, Miller.II. Lehr & Co. AND BOWLBY. This Store has the agency or SING EH HIGH ARM SE W ING MACHINES and VI CI OH TALKING j MA CHINES. WASH MACHINES ! Helby, 1900, Queen, Key. ! stone, Majestic. ;J.SALT2Etf, ; Music Rooms No. 1 05 West Main Street, Below Market. BL O OMSB UR G. PA HOTEL KERNAN European Plan. Absolutely Fireproof, in the heart of the business section of BALTIMORE, MD. ma- mm pa itm m Luxurious Rooms, Single and En suit With or Without Baths. $1 Per Oay Up. Palatial Dining Rooms. Unsurpassed Cuisino Shower am! Plunge in Turkish Baths Free to Guests. JOSEPH L, KERNAN, Send for Booklet, Manager. V6V. M.I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers