BLARNEY BESTS BM Billy Detaney Tells How Some Man. t ager "Cut" Pvtti with Fighter. Hilly Delonoy, the Rroiit trnimr of piiKillHts. throws nn Intci-cMing !ile lislit on the wny Home iiuiiiiiki-iu spill llio prlo money with till Unites. Arconllns to 1 1 111 y IM;inv, thin la Mm wny ono ninntipcr rut tMp money with a burly heavy v.oIgM In t!ie lintel nftor the (Ixht. Tlu money w h dumped out on the table, iiml a i,l llttlo pile of gold pieces U made. "Now, Mar," paid Cnnoy, "nit dowr, nn' we'll divide this money fair iiii equal. All, It wn n prnnd battle you fought to-night. I knew you'd y,',t. 'lira tlie minute I unw you walkin' In fo cool nn' confident. Now, Mar, here's rt ten-dollnr gold piece f'r me an' an other f'r you. You hold your IkukIh, man. nn' I'll put mine m my port. Hero'a another for me. Do you mind that, fine slam you hit him In the rib In the first round? I heard him grunt nn' I snys to myself, 'That'll nbout do f'r him." Now, here's ono f'r iim tin' imother f'r you and ono f'r me I't; tin. lie had all his friend in the house, too. They didn't do mu"h cheei in;;, if you remember. They didn't havo anything to cheer about. Ah, lt' all In the game. Man has to take n 1! Ic ing once In a while, an' I will Fay f'r him he was game. One more f'r t.iu nnd one f'r you nn' one f'r me and one f'r you an ono f'r me. What are ye goln' to do with this mum y, Mac? Luy a farm, maybe? Aim:!:,: f r me an' a new one f'r jou." In this way the count proceeded r.a til all the money had disappeared, and I.'nsey took two for one throughout i n 1 got away with It, McUIll being none tho witter. This is a new wny of manipulating the manager's cut, but 'f Casey had Hnt Nelson on his hands, or, say h Cross, how far would he get with any uch grand larceny as that? Wrong Estimate of f uccess. Dr. Eliot, lately president of Har vard University, said recently ut a to reptlon In New York: "My career ap pears to strike a considerable numlx-r nf people ns a successful fine. ivopln roncratulate me on what they call my success. But my career has certainly not been successful In what is con sidered to bo the American Idea of success In a pecuniary way. It Is a success In terms of service service to the community. Now. docs not this refute the common opinion that the American estimate of success Is n i o miliary one?" Dr. Eliot then related un Incident In one of his travels by boat when tho vessel's t Hirers camo to hlni and said: "We officers want to ask you a question. We know you are a smart man. We want to know why. being a smart man, you are not rich?" Dr. Eliot did not repeat his re ply, but concluded his remarks on tho subject by saying: "The real Ameri can estimate of success in the world Is servlceableness and not wealth." Small Talk. A young fellow In Itloomlngton. UK, who has been devoting himself for some years to a young woman of that town, recently found himself In a most embarrassing situation Just as he h::d taken his courage In both hands nnd was "going to ask the girl." "Harriet," he said, as he shifted his feet uneasily and swallowed thn lump In his throat, "I'm anxious to have you " "Yes, Mr. Hummer," gently Inter posed the young woman, by way of encouragement. "Well er Harriet," he again be gan, "I'm anxious to have you" Just then both parents 1 1 the young lady entered the room where the lov era sat. "Oh, Mr. Hummer." said the des perate girl, "what was It you were Just telling me?" Harper's Weekly. Photograph of the Hand. A novel method of Identifying crimi nals with absolute certainty has been devised by Prof. Tamassla. Wlten comparing the veins on the bnck of both hands a striking diversity will bo observed. Far more important, how ever, are the differences noted in the hands of different persons. In order to cause the veins to stand out more distinctly the wrist should be band aged for a short time. Their courses can then be photographed. Owing to the size of the hand it Is far easier to discover slight diversi ties than In minute prints of linger tips. Nor can any voluntary altera tion of the vein tissues be feu cd. un less the hand should be seriously In jured. Scientific American. Great Curiosity. The manager of the side show mounted the platform. n "And here, ladies and gentlemen, he remarked impressively, as he placed his hand on the long, flowins locks of a pale young man, "we have one of the greatest curiosities this broad country has ever known." "And what Is so virions about him?" asked a voice In the crowd. "Why, ladies and gentlemen, he la a real, live dyed-in-the-wool Indiana poet who has written a score of poems this spring and not once has men tioned the word 'fishing.' " Negro's Remarkable Memory. A remarkable man Is tho negro who checks hats In the United States ho tel In Saratoga. The dining room there seats In the neighborhood or 1.000 persons. Every man who enters tho dining room hands his hat to the negro at the door, but receives no i heck in return. During luncheon or r.lnner probably 750 hats are haiuU J to him. Yet when each diner coau-s out the negro gets his hat without a moment's hesitation, and never make a mistake;. fir HISTORY OF THE MIRROR, 's..s:a fc.irly in His'ory Its vcr.tor Unknown. In- ."..Vev r the ;.;;? n, It Is known at lea-! that in inns arrived very early In t'.'" u. nlil's history, Cicero traced l-i'iii ( V.: ciil.ipins, that, mythical ii ' (!! o (.f a,;, i. and antiquarians I'i've It that we ,,ve them to the In Japan the shrine of I' ". v.-l., re the firs' mirror was kIvcii t '1: c; "!. r of the empire of .lanail .' in r i-Mrfs, Is as sacred a spot v ;v l..yal citizen of the land of ! ) t'r" (' ir.' iMhemiiiii m Mecca Is to iV'tiinicdan. i' : ids or t he ancients tell of Til" I'tl'ii.'lans had them of t: ii ". c,,.,er. bi-is and polished '. Millie; In (ire re's hurled ruins ; :'d piece-; of bronze thinly ' ' v- '' ' il r ; i'l Kx pt tombs I.Miitd te!l- of crude mirrors, and tvi.-l. K fi:"i r.ters say that It was I'..-, aim to 1(.,.. nr.iblt'on of every woman i t ilver m rror. ;..; .; c:i s were not known so '.V I . Mil even these were found ; arly pe.-ples, and In the Ko-Carllr-. Thrnciaa, Hy.antlne or ::i:i t.'inl s miirors of class in III I I. ' p 1 1. la. Is lmv( h. ( :i discovered. f tin- ( .riiest forms of these w:n ir. I'.ovn-laK:; lit: 1 1 1 , ' . cut in a curve I I e a watch crytal. with lae'.ti d I : 1 1 '('. I"l Ul the Mull. There were t:ni;; T tl:e" with a I.I.I fr iv iv't'i a trhnn'il ! i :i at It which was v . ; .:-::-v.y.-A':-i b- der ar pi a h .!"itity:i it :'ce cut r.TI al line of ..:! ""1 " .' '-' sit In I'.las'ir for The rhbf (.ij rth.'t to t 1 ' tit'rrt rs ai:d miue of Hum nr."- u t. vlay in Italy and the (;rie:t I ; t':V tli.y nff'ctdl by dami'-n;- v T!:e fifteenth ren'ury;'..! f -.;"', the minor.! aa n nirl rntiad th-'-i tei'.ay. It was then that la VrVc the fact was ('l.-rovcrcd t' a a fi pl.iss Kitrfare haeVcl by an atn il -iii! of mercury and tin wouhl rr-'le;"' w 1!; pr'd these quicksilver mirrov-t hel ! sway uiitd the ni-n te ,i 'i c titi;ry. wlen In KS.'i."i l'e:ti j :i 1 p 'tenltil Ci" prr--ent process of .vilver tairr.i--: v. hb'h reflect C." jier cc;;t m r li ;':( tlinu those before l.nown. Aill.-tilc rffeci ha.; 'Iiara',;er''', ! mirrors from the fi si. The tl -----1 beautiful styles were from Ye-n'r , rnl the fair dailies there vied with each oilier as to whi:-h coul 1 r irry at her girdle the most handsoni'. ly ti'l'Miied little rI-.iss. From Kranrj came most of the ideas of the in rror makers, and the work on the French tn'rrors from the first was so exqulsito that it stands unexcelled In ibis art. In the re!:'n of l.ouis XIV to the tlmo of Lou's XVI. the workmanship was such that It has novt r blvn equaled both for beauty of design nnd comtif tiaiion of c ilor. la this era In France It was the royal tas'e for mirrors to he used as part of the paneling of the walls, with rlcl'ly carvel wood frames, glllcd or highly colored. Famous nrtlxtj of the time contributed to tho bea-.i'y of there mirrored walls, by palr.l 'n;; pictures at the top. lloucher, Wattiau. Inciei, Ia'(r and Fran f;(!i:i:ir! havo till appeared In tho l sts of the painters whoso work Is on some of thce frames. The English can claim the distinc tion of Intr iducln;; detached mirrors and thus" hIkivo bureaus nnd tfress iti? (aides, tiiid it was In the eight eenth certury that these first ap peared. Hut no nation has been than the French, and during the mplre there, cabinetmakers and builders mad? m-e of mirrors in every ,! f ; 1 1? rpo. The gay beau or belle '.Ii'i wrs caniej in the sedan chair of the time bad the pleasure of view in hU or V.or countenance In the clue curroiviJing walls of the r!.::!r. Th ? mod. rn manufacturing possl li'lit'rs have nuulo It comparatively asy today to reproduce some of these old-ime beautiful Ftyles, and today many a housewife proudly displays an ancootral looking-glass that perhaps cannot boast of more than a three- year record. I IK 10 are ciuse i-upies of the old Colonial period, particularly the triple m'rror with tho severely simple stylo, a relief from the tawdry ornateners of the work of a few dt cades ago. There are reproductions of the old French and Italian art with penal pictures of Aurora or prints of old-tome belles and beaux. He(puire u Cider License. That a shop should possess a beer license on coudltiem that no beer Is sold sounds extraordinary, but sev eral places of this kind exist. A firm of cider manufacturers have a llt tlo shop In Lincoln which possesses such a license, though if ono went in and asked for beer he could not ob tain it. Tho explanation of the para dox is that there is no license for cider alono, while a beer license covers cider. Handshaking in Arabia. Arabians when they meet a friend shake hands six or eight times. Once Is not enough. Should, however, they be persons of distinction, they em brace and kiss one another several times, and also kiss their own hands. In Turkev the greeting Is to place tho hands upon the breast and bow, which Is both graceful and appro priate. . - CASTOR I A TV Infants and CMldren. Ilia Kind You Hava Always Bought J3d&rs Sluatwe of IE COLUMBIAN, $3.50 Recipe Cures Weak Kidneys, Free Relieves Urinary and Kidney Troubles, Uackachc, Strain ing, Swelling, Etc. Stops Tain- in Tin; Ui.aiidsr, Kiuni.ys and Hack. Wouldn't it be nice within n week or so to lifj; in to say goodbye forever to the scalding, dribbling, straining, or too frequent passage of urine; the fort head and the b tk-of-tlie-hend aches; the stitches and pains in the back; the growinir muscle weakness; spots before the eves; yellow skin; sluggish bowels; swollen eyelids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness ami tlie despondency ? I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on. and if you want to make a quick lecovcry, you ought to write and get a copy of it. Many a doctor would chatge you $1.50 just for writing this prescription, but I have it nnd will be glad to send it to you entirely free. Just drop me n line like this: Dr. A. K. Kobinson, KHooLuck Building, Detroit, Mich., nnd I will send it by return mail in a plain envelope. As you will see when you get it, this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but it has a great healing and pain-conquering power. It will quickly show its power once you use it, so I think you bad better sec what it is without delay. 1 lend you a copy free you can use it and cure your self at home. tfl 23-'07- cow. KoililfN or l.iternry Men. Pickens was fond of wearing jew elry. Joaquin Miller nailed all his chairs to the wall. Kdgar Alien l'oe slept with his cat and was inordinately proud of his feet. Daudet wore his eyeglasses when asleep. Thackeray used to lift his hat whenever ho passed tho house in which ho wrote "Vanity Fair." Alexandre Dumas the younger bought a new painting every tlmo he had a new book published. Robert Louis Stevenson's favor tto re-creation was playing tho flute, In order, as he said, to tur.o up hla Ideas. Thomns Carlyle couM never keep rtill. With the constant shuffling of his feet hobs were worn in the car pet. Longfellow enjoyed walking only nt Kiinrise or sunset, anil ho said his sublimest moods camo t:;am him at these times. Hawthorne nlways washed his bands before reading a letter from his wife. Ho delighted In poring over old advertisements la the newspaper files. Darwin had no respect for books, nnd would cut a big volume In two for convenience in haiuiihr:, or he would tear out tho leaves ho required for reference. Oliver Wendell Holmes used to carry a horse-chestnut in one pocket and a potato In another to ward oft rheumatism. WHAT IS WRONG with cur Public Schools By JOSEPH M. ROGERS A series of articles creating widespread comment from the press and educators of America. Now running in LIPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE GET IT. READ IT. SPECIAL RATES GIVEN TO TEACHERS. ADDRESS Lippincott's Magazine, Philadelphia Pennsylvania ALL THE Mardi DELIGHTS Florida OF TRAVEL FOR FULL INFORMATION AND RATES, ADDRESS . J. It. WOOD, rasaonger Tratllc Manager. BLOOALSBUR0. PA. We Want to Send You This Portfolio 9 of $ample3 of TUB OB-LUXU BUSINESS PAfl-R, mm 1( you csre about the quality,- chnractcr'and iinprcssivcncssof 'your stationery these samples will be .valuable to you. Theyf 'show you .what really impressive, productive stationcry;is.; They show you business forms on COUPONsBOND; handy somtly printed, litlto.trapheJ end harmonious color combinut!on3. If you buy business stationery you need jltcsc samples.. Jhey tell you how to the most impressive', most productiyejts tioncry. They show you how your letter-head or check would look on COUPON BOND. They demonstratc.and. tell "you whyrof all bond papers, COUPON BOND is best qualified to serve you, and why it is the first choice of thoscwho recognize !thc actual earning-poWcr of hih-gradc stationery, COLUMBIAN PRINTING HOUSE, Bloomsburg, Pa rl.i, JOI"i"OW. Tho late William M. Kvnrts urfid to tell a good story about himself. While he was In the I'nlted States .veiiate his wife nnd children were in their mountain home In Vermont. Ono of the latter was looking out of the window thinking of her father and wishinj; that she could see him, when a donkey In a contiguous pasture rair.e up to the fence, poked his head over the top rail, and brayed most dolefully. The child wiped a few lone some tears front her eyes and then "ailed to the donkey: "Never mind! Don't be lonesome, for papa will be home Saturday evening." Success. Sun Cooking. A German, Ilaron Tehernhausen, was the first sun cook. He began In 1687 to boil water, and In 1688 he had very good success In boiling eggs. Sir John Herschel and Buffon are other famous names associated with sun coetklng. Sun cooking roasting and boiling by sunlight instead of coal or gas has been going on for three hun dred years. There are sun stoves that roast a sirloin or boll a soup to per fection. They are only used, however, hv scientists Railroad Tours Old Mexico Sic0,"" FEBRUARY 3'. Gras NEW ORLEANS February 4. FEBRUARY 8, 22, MARCH PinehUTSt February u. OEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Agent, Philadelphia nip r UiL n I vv , .;' . . . " ner. A .-: : -1 - .j -',.:n.l M -.I'i'r . - tm f-j Trolley Time Tables Cars leave Markct;Square, Bloomsburg for;Berwick a. m. r. m, i r. m. H 5.00 I 2.50 7-5 540 ' 1.50 8.50 (1.20 3 50 O.pO 6.50 3 50 IO.50 7.50 450 n-So 8.50 550 0.50 6.50 10.50 11.50 First car lleaves Market Square for Berwick on Sunday at 6.50 a. m. t From Bower House. Saturday Night Only. Cars leave Berwick for Danville: A. M. 0.00 M. P. M. I2.00 6.00 r. m, 7-oo 1. 00 8.00 2.00 0 00 ; 3 00 io.oo 4,00 II.OO 5.00 I2.00 OO 7.20 8,0O 9 00 10.00 l.oo T 1. 00 First car leaves Berwick for Danville on Sunday at 8.00 a. m. Bloomsburg Only. t Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only. Cars leave Market Square, Blooms- bug, for Danville: A. M. P. M, P. M. C,IO 12. lO 6.IO 6.00 I. to 7-io 7.10 a. 10 8.10 8.10 3-o 9-o q.10 4.10 10. to 10.10 5.10 "M.IO 11. JO Firt car leaves Market Sauare for Danville on Sunday at 7.10 a. ni. Saturday wtgnt uniy. Cars leave Danville for Berwick: A. M. M. P. M. 6.oo 12.00 6.oo 7.00 P. m. 7-oo 8.00 1.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 10:00 3.00 10.00 11.00 4 00 11.00 5.00 I12.00 First car leaves Danville for Herwick on Sunday at 8.00 a. m. Bloomsbursr Only. Cars leave Market Square, Bloomsburg for Catawissa: A. M. M. P. M. s.10 IS.oo 6.00 6.15 P.M. t7. f7.oo 1. 00 8.00 fs.oo t- o,0 0,00 iz-oo 10.10 tio.oo 4.00 'II.OO in. 00 5-oo First car leaves Market Square for Catawissa on Sunday at 7.00 a. m. Saturday Night Only, t P. K. R. Connections. Cars leave Catawissa for Bloomsburg: A. M. P. M. P- M. S 50 13.30 6.30 6.3s 1.30 730 7.30 . a. 30 8.30 8.30 3.30 -3o C.30 4.30 10.30 10.30 5.30 11.30 11.30 First car leaves Catawissa for.Blooms- burg on Sunday at 7.30 a. ni. Saturday iNignt uniy. Ae''aHb.!e CATARRH Elw'a Cream Balm WSH i quickly ubsorbed, W JtPR Vn Give. Relief al Once, fef 'iHjjtAn T. , - . , 1- 11 cicuhim"!, Hiii'iuua, hi'UU UllJ lllotLC'tS fi,A the ditsoawtl menu Pi- Vr:tno rubulting from 6Y CatarrU ana ilnvos nway a Cohl iu tho Hi'. id quickly. FFVIFM stores tho HiiiK,a of Slfl I 9 G V-lt Tuste nnd Siiu ll. I'ii'I siz 51) ctn., ntDru plats or by muil. l.i li ,ui I fovm, 75 fcLU. Ely Brothers, 5U Vurrou BLoet, New Yot's, Hloonisburg &JSullivan Iliillrofitl. Taking IJlTuct Dec'r. ejth,i')O7,ia:05 a.iu NUKTU WAKIJ, 21 A.M. t S 0( i 21 05 fl hi I 04 7 1ft 7 31 H 14 8 Kil 8 ) s'n" V 5 1:2; A.M. if 15 II : A.M. , 9 00 9 VI M , WIS 9 'i 9 :l t I 10 , 9 1H . 9 rt r.M. t It 3? 2 89 a m l S (III 8 l:l II 1 7 B 1' fl 88 r.M. ; 17 5 A :H 48 f3 t.7 7 08 7 18 ,7 17 ,7 -il h "8 7 41 J 45 Bloom Hburtf I) f. & V Bliioiristiiirg I' it It Paper Mill Mlfllt, MriM'l Oninnevllli' rorKS Z.'on'rs S-Illwitter . . . teuton Kdioiis no oo ( 'oli'S cri'i-k HUM ). 10 I.alllHf'lls 10 oh .73 11 oniss Mure Park ftoiO J 47 Central 10 Its K M Inrnlsnn Cltv in is 8 r.s KOVTII VAHI. A.M. AM. t t 5 50 low P.M. 4 8 4 8S r. 47 A.M. 9 7 00 7 08 f7 W 77 13 JnmtsonCltj.... Ci-niriit 5 58 10 51 til 01 til 00 (Jrass Vorc Park t.niibni'tm. Coles Cre'Ck Kdvins Hnnton Stillwater Znners Korks (' iitfevlllp Mglit. street i'aM-rMIII Bloom. I'AK Bloom. I) L W. W 03 711 01 I 4S .7 13 11 Hit (it U II M JA 58 Jt ii II 45 ft 11 til 09 fl 5H fT 81 11 l"0 r, is il in 5 oo 7 sh m is ft If II 21 5 OS 7 RS 12 5 (fl 35 fll Ii9 J 17 (7 15 H 48 B89 11 13 6 21 7 49 J2S0 ft 50 II 42 5 31 8 00 1 1(1 7 00 11 50 ti.39 8 10 1 I 7 03 11 53 5 42 8 13 1 UT 718 12 15 5 55 8.25 147 7 20 1210 6 00 8.J0 160 r.M r i Train No. 21 22 mtxeil, wond class, t luillv escept sutidtijr. 1 Dally I Hundsy only, f Flag stop. W. V. HN VDER, Hupt McCALL PATTERNS lcli-lmiti-d lor ktyli-, prrlcrt fit, simplicity nrf reliability nearly 40 yi-arsj Sold in nearly every city and town in the United M;iteB nnd Canada, or by ln:iil direct. More Mild than nny other make, 'iid lor 1:cc raulpguc. McCALL'S MAGAZINE More iubscnberi than nny other taihirn magazine million a iimnth. Invuhialili-. Lat est lyle, paltirnn, ilrisMlinkmi.', millinery, plain -win(f, fancv needlewoi k, li.ii'dressinf, etiquette, pi.'d lnrii h, ,te. On V M cent u year (worth dmihii'l, iuelmlini; a tree paltem. Subscribe today, or send (or iam;iu copy. WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS to A-jent-. l'o-t-1 ttr- preri;iim catalogue and new prize ot"s. Ailutths Ti:E Kef AIL CI.. 28 to MS W. S7(a S'.. NEW VORr Ei.RCTHTriAVani MrrifANic mak;aln for everybody. Learn atnujl elcctrltity, the cnmin Science, intl how to AND 1 ue tiKili. Simple, prac tical, full of pictures. Sam ple copy free If you nirr.e this piper. $1 -00 a year. Snmpion rub. CO. Ileacon St., IkMtoa, M4SS. I Phrtt oirrnphy tntert I everytwly. AMERICAN I i'litj i'i x ;kaphy icacne ii. I lira i it) ful pictures, month ly prize contests, picture criticism, questions an swered. Sample copy free 1 II-. if you mention this paper. Amerloan Photography I Ueacon St., Bo&tun, Mast. 2-25-tf. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac . aAnHina n hkAieh and dosrrlptlnn mat mitt-klr Hscurincn cur opinion fro whether an 11 vnutTon la P'""'";'''!?. J on,n'1'."1 ,? rlcllyec.i.lldentlal. HANDBOOK or i Pj . enta sunt free, t'hlent Kney for "eeurlnir pulenti. Paie-u tKken throiiiili lmiii Co. lecelT jwrllt notlc, wlltioutchnrgo, lutha Scientific American. A hnndnomoly llluntrm-rl wo-lilr. T """' MUNH & Co.361Broadway- New York Branch Office. 625 F Wa.hlD.ton. P.C CHICHESTER'S PILLS ML. THE UIAMWND IIRAISU. X , Ladlvl AttL your Urvsytw 4 hl4?ft.utpl Ilamond Itn rlat for 1 1MIU In K-d and Uald meullIcX botes, tMlctl ith lUua Ribbon. Take other. Hut sfroip , IroUt. Askforlll.CIIKH.TEKW DIAMOND HRAN1 IMLI.ft, for S ttis known M Best, Safest, Always Rellablw SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM OVunsoi and bcmitifici the hair, l'rnniotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Reatora Gray H.iir to ita Youthful Color Curt scaip dipM-s U hsir .aUiiig. flc.and $1 't Dmcgitts PBOCU1EO AMD frF.FEN DI rj i-enu mouia. Viva iiTvleu, lluw to obtain Uilent4, tnulu uuukj Y copyr'Khu, Kiu, N COUNTBIES. ,1 Business direct with Washington tavel Hint, .j money and oiett the fatsnt, i P.'.tent and Infringement rsct!ce Cxctuslvtty. i WriU: or eotr.c in un ut . B23 UiaUl Btrnt, .pp. CultM HUM tW&l DIM. WASHINGTON. FREE BOOK For Every Living Thing on the Farm Humphreys' Teteriuary Specifics. 1 i COO Page Boole free, on the Treatment And Care of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Bogs and Poultry, aluo Stable Chart to bong up, mailed free. LIST OF SPECIFICS. A. A. For FKVEBS. Milk Fever. Lang Fever. B. D. For SPBAIi. Lararnt-w, Kheumaiiam. ('. '. For SORE Throat, Eplzootie, Dl.teuipor. D. D. For WORMS, Boll, Grub. B. E. For rOl'Gllg. Cold., Inrliienta. F. F. For t'OLH!, Ilellvat-he, Diarrhea. 0. G. Prevent MISCARRIAGE. H. II. For KIDXEY and Bladder dUorder. 1. I. For SKIN DISE ASES. Mange, Eruptions. J. K. For BAD CODITIO., Indication. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. 60 ota, each. HUMPHREYS' BOMEO. IIEDICINB CO., COTOM W'llum aud Ann etroeu. haw York,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers