II II I II II II II II II i n I II VOL 44. ftL 0 OMSD UR G, PA., THURSDAY FEBRUARY la, 1010. NO 0 WHEN YOU WANT TO Goon a bank Account Have a Check Cashed Borrow Money, or Make an Investment CALL ON THE OLD RELIABLE The Farmers National Bank COMPTROLLER'S CALL. RKPORT OK THE CONDITION OF 1 0e QBfoomeBurg (Vtaftonaf Q&mft At the Close of Business, January 31st, 19 10. OF BLOOMSBURG Capital, 360.000 0 M. C REVELING, Pre? DIRECTORS Surplus 8100,000 M. MILLEISEN, Cashier. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. J. L. Mover W. L. Whitb N. U. Funk C. M. Crevelino C. A. Kleim C. W. Runyon Dr. J. T. Brown M. Milleisen 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. U. S. Bonds - -Loans and Invest- ments Furniture and Fix tures Cash and Reserve $100,000.00 Capital Stock, - $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 64,028.20 61c.471.18 Circulation 100,000.00 Bank Deposits, - 38,062.51 8,000.00 Individual Deposits 554,161.42 132,780.95 $856,252.13 $856,252.13 THE TOWN ELECTION.! Kn Contests Except for President of Council School Directors and Poor Directors, Judges of Election and Registry Assessors. A DELIGHTFUL CONCERT. WM n IIIDLAY. Cashier. A. Z. SCIIOCII. President CANDIDATES GETTING BUSY. nt.v Tuesday is election day In Blcomsburg the contests will be r the offices of President of rv...nii SH100I Directors, and Pnnr Directors. Knr President there are two can AtArytaa in the field. Toseph L. inmc.tiH nominated bv the Re publican caucus, and Tames Magee nnA mdenendent. Dr. Altmiller who was named by the Democratic caucus, declined the nomination. & a tliore i tin democratic candi date in the field for that office, a vote in the partv square iu the left ,a inmn of the ballot will vote for all the Democtatic candidates for the other offices, but will not be f.tr President. Democrats can therefore vote their straight ticket by marKing in the party square, and then make a cross after the candidate iui An for whom thev wish to vote. As to those who do not vote a straight party ticket the lustruc tions on the ballot are as iuuuws. ti, imict inort the figures in i t, tii number of votes tney wish to give each candidate tor whom they are entitled to vote more than one vote, in the square at the right of the candidates names. a diniiM Iip marked ill the square where tbe voter is entitled to cast but one vuic ivi For Members of Council the vot vote for each of six; two votes for each of three, or 3 VUIC3 cav.ii w. -- c-imni Director for three years tbe voter may cast 2 votes for for each of tWO. For the two year term he has but 1 vote t?. riiMnr nf Tiloom Poor Dis 'U . ..:. v, otpr mav distribute Dlb votes as he shall think fit, by be stowing 3 on one candidate, or 1 vote to one candidate, and 2 votes to another, or 1 to eacn 01 . .,.. n oarh nf three. t v..e instances above, tne ill 111V. IU.V . . figures must be marked in the square opposite the candidates names, in others than a straight For Members of Council there are but six nominees, uuu be elected. T t- T....:of the Peace. Guy Ja coby, Esq., was nominated by both parties, and has no opposition. x?rr school Directors there are three nominees ' for 3 years, two to be elected, and two nominees ior he elected. In Bloom Poor District there are c thrpp to be elected. The following are the names of all candidates whose names w r pear on the ballots: pht?sidENT OP COUNCIL t ,v. T TViwnsend Rep t vTmoo otwi inu MEMBERS OP COUNCIL C. A. Pursel, C. W. Runyon, Thomas Gunter, Republican, H. t. Poilock, II. C. Rulon, I. L. Rabb, Democratic. SCHOOL DIRECTORS Eugene F. Carpenter 3 y's- eP u..n, q n-irton. 2 vears Kep t? Tfi,vpl1 1 vears Deni. Charles W. Jones, 2 years Dem tj n iirimnn i vears i io TTicTirtt (IP THE VEACE Guy Jacoby, nominated by both parties. The concert eiveu last Mondav evetiinsy in the Normal Auditorium was a decided success, and the large audience was greatly pleased. i ne vocal ana instrumental por tions of the nrosrramme were eaual - i - - - a ! 1.1- I -.1 f..t iy enjoyaDie, aim suowcu caicim trainiTur. o The orchestra, made up of music students 01 tne scnooi, maae us first appearance in public, and was a credit to Mrs. John K. Miller, whose untirinc eliorts nave broueni it to its present state. Both in its ovn numbers, and in its accom paniment of the choral society, its execution was ot a high order. The choral society, under tne training of Charles O. Skeer, has developed a pleasing ability, and rendered the cantata. Ill-; LrVP sies" with extremely eood expres sion, drawing tortn mucn com mendation. The programme rendered was as follows: l'nrt T. SehlummerlicHl Ersfreld. Ensemble CIubs. Elsa's Dream-from Lohengrin Wagner Miaa Hlilf'tlhrt T.HtsOn. Meditation. Bach-Gounod Ensemble dlana. Piirf. Tf. itiio rifnuiuu " Becker Hopratio Miss K. Maud Bnilth. Alto Miss Blanche Brown. Tunnr Mr 11 Km nk (,'ollev. Maritime Hev. Spencer C. Dickson. No. 1. Choius. "tiypsy L.ne-' Vn riwinw Miicric (,'iiuldron." No. 3. Baritone Solo. "In Forest Night now all is ltesi. No. 4. Chorus. "Halt for the Mght." No. fi. Hopruno soio. "iiuimuy. No. . Chorus. Diiee. No. 7. Chorus. Round. REV. W. H. BUTTS. Drops Dead in Hotel at Gloversville, N. Y Where He Went to Conduct Services. WELL KNOWN AND POIUAR HERE. NEWS OF WEDDING JUST OUT. A surorise was sprung on Mon dav when the announcement was made of the marriage of Miss Dan nie Comstock to Ralph li, smitn, Hnfh of Rloomsbure. which took place in Binghamton, JNew vorK, last Thanksgiving my. Tt had been intended to keep the marriage a secret until spring, mhen the school vear at me nspy Tnrermefliate School, where the bride is teaching, would have been ended. The illne3s ot Mr. omun, .ho is nnncioal of the scuoois at rati,rnum interfered with this v....rr , . . olan. however, wncn ue kui iui hie wife the news became known The bride and groom are both tnnwn in town, and are popu- lar among the young people i ney r .rmrliiiites of the Bloomsburg State Normal School. Mr. Smith is a graduate of Dickinson Loiiege, and was also a student in the Dick inson Law School. TAX COLLECTOR APPOINTED. T?mnt D. Dentler was appointed on Monday by the Court as tax collector to serve during the bal ance of the unexpired una 01 M Sleppy, who is in a hospital on Long Island. The Court was not unanimous in tne appuuui, ...v Associates voting for Mr. Dentler, while Judge Evans desired. the ap- pointment oi tnau . neeordance with the wishes of Mr. Sleppy's bondsmen. Mr. Dentler is well quanneu and is a loug-unic i.w. taMr?yKesty has audited the ac counts of Mr. Sleppy, and has found them entirely correct. CRAFTSMAN CARD PARTY. rrafumaii Club will enter tain its members and their wives and friends .at a rive - nartv at their ciuu iuui " r ' . , nnm evenincr at Catheorai wuiuuw.. The Williamsnort Gazette and Bul'etin of Monday contained the following notice of the death of Rev. William Hilton Butts, for merly iu charge of the music de nartment at the Normal School. He was well known here and very popular, and the news ot his cieun was received by his many menas with sorrow. The Gazette and Bulletin says: "Word was received in this citv last evening that Rev. William Hil ton Butts, tor 12 years rector of All Saints' Memorial church in this city, died suddenly Saturday night. Rev. Mr. Butts, who had resided at Corning, N. Y., during the past vear. was called to Gloversville to conduct services Sunday. He ar rived Saturday night, went to tne hotel and dropped dead in the ho tel office. A preis dispatch from Glovers ville. N. Y.. savs: "Rev. William Hilton Butts, curate of Christ Epis copal church, of Corning, who had come to this citv to occupy the pulpit at Christ church, was seized with acute indigestion soon atter his arrival last night and died at his hotel before medical aid could he rendered. He wai 40 vears of atre and a candidate for the rector shiD of the local church. Tbe re mains were shipped to Corning to dav. where a widow survives." Rev. William Ililtou liutts was well known iu this city, where he resided for 12 years, and where as rector ot All Saints' Memorial church and as a prominent Scottish Rite Mason ne' maae many warm friends both in and out of the Epis copal church. He was graduated from the General Theological aetn inarv of New York and was or dained to the diaconate in 1896, and to the priesthood in i97 y Rishon Rulison. bishoo of the dio cese of Central Pennsylvania, of the Protestant Kniseooal church. For f t vears he was rector of All Saints' Memorial parish, in which he was held in high esteem. During a nortion of his residence in Wil r - . liamsport he Aras secretary 01 me Archdeaconry. Being in poor health ns lett WilliamsDort about a year ago. Having made a complete recovery he returned to his labors in the church and became curate of Christ rhnrch. Coruinz. N. Y. Mr. Rntts was in this city in at enHnnre uoon the sessions of the tenth anniversary of Wilhamsport Consistory. Ancient bcottisn Jiite Vf acnnC lanuarv 26. 27 and 28, and was apparently m perfect health. He was tne organic ui the rnnsistorv and took a promi nent part as an officer in some of the degree wors. 11c was a ber of the Blue Lodge in New Brunswick, N. J., a member ot Bloomsburg Chapter, sso. 210, Royal Arch Masons, Bloomsburg, Pa.; Mount Moriah Council, No. 10, R. and S. M., Bloomsburg, Pa.; Ii ,mnnder of Crusade Com- inandery, No. 12, kuights Tetnp i. Ttinomshnrer. Pa., and a char- ter member of all of the Scottish Rite bodies in Williamspori v.ou sistory. He was deputy master o Ifi11iamcnnrt T.odcre of Perfection and at the coming election would have been made thrice potent mas ter, its highest officer. Deceased is survived by his wife. IREMEN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION The oreanization of the Fire men's Relief Association was ef fected at a meeting held in the town Hall last Friday evenine. The officers elected were President, John Fortner; tarst vice president, lid ward ADDleman: second vice presi dent. John Trinkle; secretary, Cal vin Girton; assistant secretary, Rupert Kelly; treasurer, Jacob Stiner. The initiation fee was fixed at 50 cents for the first six months and after that $1, with Ue annual dues 50 cents. The fund will be used for current expenses while the fnnd from which death and accident benefits will be derived from the amount which the foreign fire in surance companies, doing business in Bloomsburg, pay into the town annually. The cost ot honorary me membership was placed at $2, but these members derive no benefits from the organization. ' Fifty-six signed their names as charter members at the time of the meetine. and many have been add ed to the list since. Another meet ing will be held thi3 evening. THE CHARITY DANCE. The dance which was given by the alumnae nurses of the Joseph ... . r a . f Ratti Hospital tor the Deneni 01 that institution, iu the Midway last Monday evening, was a decided success. Fiftv-four couples were present, including a goodly num ber from out ot town, uancing continued until one o'clock. El- well's orchestra furnished the mu sic. The catering was done by Mrs. Brugler and Mrs. Gilmore. The committee in charee of the dance was composed of Mrs. Frank Kline. Mrs. Edward Caldwsll. Miss Frances Gorrey, Miss Josephine Mol ohan. Miss Anna u. uoyie. Miss Anna P. Kelly and Miss Ce- lestine.Meekins. The patronesses were Mrs. Charles B. Lutz, Mrs. Charles W. McKelvy, Mrs. F. G. Yorks. Mrs. Frank Ikeler. Mrs. Fred Ikeler. Mrs. M. T. Hess, Mrs. j. H. Mercer, Mrs. W. S.Rishton, Mrs. H. S. Barton, Mrs. f. a. Wilson and Mrs. A. Z. Schoch. SUSQUEHANNA LEAGUE. With the snow still on the ground and the baseball season yet n the dim distance. oiumDia County is beine filled with baseball talk. Benton is nlanninff to raise a fund of five hundred dollars to sup port a team in the busqunanna Leap lie. and Bloomsburg is agita ting the use of Athletic Park for the same purpose. A rwrition is being prepared ask ing the permission of Council to fence in tne parit ana to ymy iuc ten (mi e catnes there. There is no narticnlar reason whv this should uot be done. 11 wouiu ue man-iug orofitable use of a plot ot ground which in its present shape possess es neither beauty nor utility, and would make a good ban ground, as it did in the balmy days of the league of a decade and more ago. HOLIDAYS. Liucoln's birthday, February 12th. falls on Saturday this year, Qrt Washington's birthday, Feb ruary 22, on Tuesday; Memorial Hav and the Fourth of July wil come on Monday and Christmas on Sunday. In every instance excepi Washington's birthday there will be two days together without work, including bunday. UF-TO -DATE CLOTHING STORE! E VERY NOW ON DISPLAY WW . HiMlil-- IN Window. CORNER CLOTHING STORE U51L0)flMJJ2UM&, PA. SEE TH SEWS half past eight. LUoutiuued on page 5J