The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 27, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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u i nil us
Where Men Live in Constant
Fear of Death.
Precaution Taken Asainct Explosion.
Narrow Escapes From Sparks Ef
fect on Workmen of Their Hazard
ous Occupation How the Powder Is
Within ton miles of Kausiis City is
a villitKi! whose people live in contin
ual ilieml of u terrible death.
Nenr this village is a powurr ra il
In which nre made each day 1,000 k. 33
of tho most powerful ulastlriK powd r.
In this powder plant twentyftmr
men work. Death, HtaiN and fearful,
stares them' in the face every 111 nu it.
Tho tiniest spark struck fro ma bit of
iron anywhere would cuime the ei-plo.-don
that every one dread.
These men who work eye t r; C
with death have fares somber a-ul
drawn wit1- anxiety, and feur und con
tinual brooding over what might hap
pel'. No man ever becomes accus
tomed to it, says the Kansas City Sc ir,
so that he forgets nnd Is care free as
workmen In other trades are. In or
around this powder mill is nnvei
heard a snatch of song or merry laugh.
The men work in silence.
The mental strain is hard anil the
men do not stay long. They come mil
go. Some stay for a year; more stiy
for six months; but the majority quit
after a few weeks of it. There me
always new men to take the places of
those who go. The high wages tempt
them. Men who do common labor are
paid $2 a day. Others who work in
the "corning mill," where tho la
bility of explosion is ever prc s: :it,
are paid $3.50 a day.
There are sixty acres in the po.vd-r
mill grounds. It Is very hilly. Ta
ml'l has twenty different houses, cru'li
of them small and built of siie.'t !r :.i.
Bach Is built into an excavation c! 1",
In the side of the hill nnd each is far
enough from the other so that if on?
explodes it might not cause any of
the other nineteen to explode too.
To minimize the danger of 'io
boxes all the journal bearings of the
machinery are of brass, the tools of
the workmen are of brass, so that
no spark may bo struck. There are
twenty tons of brass upon the plan?.
The powder Is made of podium ni
trate, which comes from Peru, sul
phur which comes from Louisiana,
and charcoal from Missouri. The char
coal and sulphur are put into great
iron drums and chunks of steel are
put In with them. They revolve :.ll
night and by morning tho steel halls
have reduced the charcoal and sul
phur to an Impalpable black powder.
This Is put In bags and goes up ihe
hillside to the four incorporating
Each mill has a "pan" nine feet
across, shaped exactly like a mTIk
pan, with a floor of steel plate. In
this pan two great steel rollers, s'.x
feet in diameter, each with a 2-1
inch face and weighing thirteen tons
apiece, roll around and around up-n
the bed plate. The charcoal, sulphur
and nitrate of sodium are dumped Intc
the pan. For two hours the rollers
revolve and thoroughly mix and "In
corporate" them.
The mixture goes net to the press,
wh're it is poured Into a long box f-t
full of aluminum plates two Inc'ie3
apLrt. Hydraulic pressure squeezes It
into cakes 24 inches square and fin
inch thick.
Then the cakes go to tho corniag
mill, where they are ground Into
grains of different diameter, t le
largst about the size of kernels of
corn. These are shoveled Into bigs
and are wheeled around., t'ie hMlblde
to another mill, where they go Into
cylinders and revolve in plumbago
until they generate a heat of 1GC to
200 degrees. Each grain takes on a
high polish from the coating of plim
bago, which preserves the t powder
grain and makes It sell more readily.
Next they go to the separator, which
assorts the grains Into nine different
sizes. Here the powder Is packed
nto metal cans, each holding twenty
five pounds, and these cans are stored
in the magazine, ready for tho market.
German Death Test.
Although It is asserted by nearly
every practicing physician that the
POBBlblllty of being burled alive can
only occur where a medical examina
tion has not been made, an eminent
German physician and surgeon strifes
that a stronger, absolutely relleblo
guarantee for discerning actual d ?ath
is still demanded, and the demand has
be-n met by the discovery of a rew
medium for ascertaining death v.ith
pe-fect certainty.
This new death test consists In In
jecting a solution of flouresclne deep
into the tissues. If circulation exlsti
'he skin and mucous membranes be
come very yellow and the eyes assume
the color of emeralds ;if tho circula
tion has ceased none of thse results
The discoverer proposes that at
leas;t two hours before tho body :
placed Into tho coffin such an injec
tion with fluorescino be made. If life
is not yet extinct tho Injection doen
10 harm and the coloring within a
fchort time entirely disappears with
out the slightest injury to the p.-.t'ent.
Unattractive Rooms Under tin Ci,s
Whers Gsnlu-j Cji:.:d.
The nthui lastlc t?or y of ,1 :
worsh! pers in IM.U .; as i..e
"Hiigoph les" discovered the fl.-s' par
rel which their Idol occupied In ie
Capital. It was nt the nge of 17 that
Victor Hugo took a g.invt nt NVi. ;,0
Hue du Drau.m, an old Louis xl ,.
house, which has a curious littl I t: :-. -'
window from which ihe' 1
of "I. es Miserable" looked over
towers and mors of the city,
wrote his first po.-ms here, pad's
over his first lovcpAdelo K,);
V l'.o afterwards beca;u" hl wl.'c. :
f' whom ho was, lad:"d, rU-'v
li v.-x before either of IVin v.-:iv. I
Pe- It was nt Pierre Voucher':! v,
dhi :''.it Hugo's father, his hew' r
(''!!( Ina; l:ls li
11.1) vl '.: "May yon hav
for and I n and we wll
m.::rljg. bclw en them."
' n ilrv,
rm-T -Tin-
.1 .ii.i. n-.-;. nu irom 1.11:1 nu,r.;;;r- ;o'-;.
It": to marry Adi le in 1SUJ. and ;t
was probably there that ho v.:v!o
tinny of the beautiful verses ,1 !
l- '. scd to his sweetheart. A t i'.l t
h to be phiced on the hnus" r -nll'v-.
the sojourn of Its d'slliiil he 1 t --.
Ci.iKe close to, this early lodglrr of
'h'? poet Is a house No. 4". In the V
Pea.'ipurte where another .-.
gi M:cd man lived In humble c!rr:v.i
stnnres 10 years later. This was I. r.
" ::'ibetta, who took a tiny apartm-it
tla i- about 18(i0 after falling la rv
errmlnat'on for the magistracy, ml
d' 'rrnilninir to go In for th" br.'-.
Put the garret which Onmhettn -ir-n.
fled prior to this was nt the Hotel du
S- a at. Hue dn Tournon, In a dilTer.-nt
pa:t of the city.
Am one the numerous garrets of dis-tl!i.:ali-hd
Parisians, one of the most
m niorable Is that of Halzae. It Is nt
N 0, Rue U-sdignleres. off t'ie
V. M'levard Henri IV. Te Balzac fam
ily, who In 1S19 were quitting Pari,
decided to leave Honore, who had no
i ( :-'t!on and was determined to k-.'pU
hi; firtune. The little garret, norr
tV" Ars.'iial library, was a very
?' W-t. affair, having only a bed a
':11 nnt n couple of chairs true, a
had lin novelist only requires ov
ml here he settled down to w,
"M reap the whlhvlnd of disap; 'n
rd hopes tragedies thnt never ret
singed. He often was hungry r?i!
ro!d In this garret of his, hut when
he returned to the more comfortr.ble
h' t u of his father he looked b iek
with regret to the attic wener his frat
Hers of llio "Comedie Humalne" had
s-piaing. "I was so quiet there." ho
The life of Henri Murger. tho his
torian of Bohemia, was spent mostly
in garrets. When, v.ith his fataev.
who was a tailor and a concier.-;.' !.i
the flr.-t place, be lived just under tin
roof la the Rue des Trols Frcres. and
when his father objected to his fre
quenting h's Bohemian friend:-, ho 1 ft
ti e paternal roof. He lived in a S':c
ee?f!on of garrets after this t:w
was one in the Due dua Cherche-.,.T! 'I,
on et fit Hue Tallbout. and one In 'he
Pee Montholon. At No. 1 Rue ile 1 1
Tour d'Auvergne again a g'l-r'
"wlih a low celling," pays .Mi'iT,
"lighted on one s'de by a snirll
dow over a courtyard, from wh
on? could see t'ie heights of ,'- '
mprtr?," he founded hte eceatrk'
elnh. the "Cenacle des L'-jvee.r 1
"How good It Is nt 20 In a gr r-"-!"
sans Heranger. and he toi had '"I
psi.-e'denee. The grrret ho In'i-r '
In '''s ye'u'i still f 'r.t i. llttl eh"-i
at No. 50, Rue Bondy, off the Bo-.lo-var.l
St. Martin. Here hs s?.a '.:Ii
st i:gs to "I.lsctte," and was happy.
Carbonic Acid In the Soil.
In the Auvergne region of Frara
large amount of carbonic acid
comes from the soil and Is one of
last truces of former volcanic nc i
of this region. Tho springs that y
the gus ure found generally in
flVures of the ground which a'
tho water to rise. One of tho M
pensler springs has been known in
"poisoned spring." Animals v.'i
deccend Into the cavity to driidc
soon nsphyxlated by the gas w'alc
o a
1 dd
; ).v
t'u -.i.-h
a 1
given off by the water.
Opposed to Navy M:n.
The proposal to extend employment
In the Brith-n civil service to ex-soldiers
and sailors is bitterly opposfd
by labor leaders. The fear is that
such men will be disposed to accept
small pay In addition to any pension
they may have, and thus reduce
A Clean Record.
During the 100 years of Its exist
ence Durbanvllle, near Cape Town,
has never raised a public loan. It is
a flourishing municipality, and its
centenary has Just been celebrated
by the laying of the foundation stone
of a now town hall of elaborate de
slrrn. Selling Cod Fish.
Codrish are sold in Norway by
coi".;t, regardless of size, which var'ea
gi-t.atly. Salt is considered the caly
desirable preservative, but many avs
air dr'ej and are known as '.'tock
For Infants and Children.
His Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signatura of
Jury ComrrlHsioners and Sherifl Drew
lNamt8 for Next Session
of Couurt.
8heriir;. H. lint, ami Jury Commls
sinners A. ('. Iliillay ami James Trump
orew me jurors lor i-entuary court on
Monday. ') bis is tin; last ' tl'ne Mr.
Triitiip will net, as Ills term of olllee
expires this year. Mr. Jlnllny will
Klleeeed lillnself,
The Jurors drawn are as follows :
(IIIAND.M nun,
l-'lrst Monday In Kebrunry,
K. I). Ceen, I'erwiek
f 1 n til Marl, I'.riurereeU
Fred Cnlcmcns lierwlek
Karl Hi-own, Main
Aaron II art man, Hemlock
John ( 'raw ford, Berw iek
Charles K. I'',ek, Montour
John Wnlilch, Scott
Wesley Hiivis, lieiiton Twp.
(). W. Larlsli, Sugarlonf
( ). Maiist, Mudlsoii
Boyd Vaiiee, (Jran'e
V., K llageiilaich, M-ott
Thos. M. I.ynn, liriarcreek
('. A. Wesley, Stillwater
Win. Aelieiiltiieli, Bloom
Will in 111 Kd wards, Centre
Orvllle Meeker, Sunarloaf
Frank Meyers, Hugtirlotif
11. J I. liiu do, (ireenwood
Charles Art ley, Cleveland
Lennder Fetleriiinn, Locust
Oeo. liidnnid, Went BerwWslt
Jucob H. Mo-er, Coiiyngliani
First Tuesday in February.
David Movell,-Mt. Pleasant
1). F. Mordan. Mt. Pleasant
J)avld E. Veager, Iiixaist
Howard Oteeiiley, Jlerwiek
Culvln 1. Meeker, Montour
T. K. Biittain.- Kenton
U. C. Fenst. Jlerwiek
Samuel W. I keler, Berwick
Wesley Morris, (ireenwood
K. W. (ireenley,-(Jreenwood
Samuel II. Mordan, Madison
Isaac Fettermaii, Coiiyiigliani
Wes'ry Faireliilds, W eft Berwick
(. 1 Davis. Bloom
11. H. Hei-s, Berwick
Sylvester Beaver, Coiiyiigliani
( 'leni Marteei y, Berwick
Frank S. Leigliow. Centre
F. K. Bidee, Berw ick
Tlioinas Mei ell, Scott
A. L. Fritz, Sugai loaf
Jacob (ietty, Centralia
Henry S. Keek, lierw lek
K. Jl. Wilson, Benton Twp.
J lion Similes, Berw ick
J. Lawrence, Montour
1). J. Hi miner. Bloom
Win. Klines, Sr., Berwick
Win. C. llartmnn, Seott
C. K. Blame, Berwick
W. F Hoiigli. Berw ick
elineder Low. Orange
M. K. Krvin, Cataw issa
John J. Iiielly, Centralia
Jolin Wutters. Catawissa
William Sint;letoii, (.,'onyngbani
t'lVIt, COt KT Jl'KOKS.
Second Tuesduy in February.
S. T. Pollock. -Berwick
K. Ward Hitter, Bloonisburg
Boyd M. Freas, Briarcreek.
J. P. I'rensv, Jr., Fisbingcreek
Kdward Hartmau, Madison
Albert Low. Montour
Charles A. Sballer. Berwick
Thomas Morton, Berwick
C. R. J'ealer. h isb iugcreek
(. W. llnrtnian, Hemlock
I. Neal Maust, Hemlock
Harry Fabringer, Berwick
Wesley Bower, Jlriarcreek
James Walters, Bloom
1. B. Ikeler, OreeiiM ood
William Jtoup, Berwick
K.ra Yoeum, Cleveland
David Fisher, Bloom
Win. Wat kins, Franklin
W. It. Hi ngrose. Bloom
li. H. Smith, -Cataw issa
D. C. oetim, Locust
Clarence Trunibley, Centre
Peter Sluilt-., Sugarloaf
Aaron Kester, Millville
William Hurrv, Berwick
T. L. Kc ifer.-Berwiek
Joseph O. Swank. Milllin
Sam.-oii Townsend, Mt. Pleasant
Krastus Kline, Pine
Albert F'etteroll',- C'onyngham
F'.lnier K linger, Berwick
W. W. Karwbnej, Greenwood
Charles Bower, Berwick
A. ('. F'isher, Montour,
1'. V. Closen, Orange
James Strieker, Cat aw issa
John Ash, Berwick
J. S. Grimes, Blooiushurg
T. W. Bielly.-Ceiitralirt
William II. Utt, Bloom
M. H. Menscli, Montour
('lias. Cadman, Millville
Itinlger Sberan, Centralia
Albeit Widger, Briarcreek
Ed v ard Kaustenbauder. Catawissa
James Bucli, Berwick
There are times when every nan,
away down in his heart, realizes
that the fools are not all dead yet.
s J -yT
yUlU 1V1CX1UU Grand Canyon
travel KPinehurst FEBRUARY 11.
Passenger TrulUc Manager.
We Waai to Send
YowTMo Portfolio
1 -r-r:
TUB DB tl'XB nusiNrsn rArrn;
II you care about iheyquality.' charactcrand- imprcssivcneisof
your stationery these ianiplciwiil bcvaluable lo you'. Thcj;
how"you'xwhat 'really: impressive," productive 's'taiinncrylis.,
They'show you business Iorms'onCOUPpNBONI);andv
somcly printed,' lithographed. and die-stamped. in harmonious,
'color combination:.
If you buy husinesi dtaiioncry you need these samples. They
jtcll you how to the most impressive,' most productive'sta-.
tioncry. They show you how your letter-head or check would
look on COUPON BOND. They demonstrate'and.iclFyou
why, of all bond papers, CXJUPON BOND is best qualified to
serve you, nnj why il is the first choice of those who recognize
llis ac-tcl cr.rriiei-poi:r of hlih-firade stationery,
Bloomsburg, Pa
Kipling and the 'Bus Owner.
Annoyed by the Injury done to one
of his trees by the driver of the local
'bus, Mr. KipPni; once wrote a v!;.or
011s letter of complaint to the 'b 1:1
owner, who Is also landlord of tin inn.
Tho landlord laid the Iptter before tho
Felcct company of the bar parlor, who
advised 'calm indifference. Ah-o, a
Croesus among them offered 10 shill
Infis In cash for the autograph letter.
Both advice and cash were occepKd.
A second and stronger letter foliowad;
and this nlso found a purchaser, this
time at CI. as befitted Its Increased
violence. Boniface psain said nothing.
To him next day entered .Mr. Klp'.in1;,
briskly wrathful. "Why didn't I an
swer your letters, sir? Why, I was
hoping you'd send me a fre.-h one
every day. They pay a deal better
than 'bus driving." Boston Times.
Decapitated Turtle Walks.
Arthur Thomason caught a tine tur
tle one day last week, cut off its head
and placed it on ice, expecting to have
a few friends enjoy It with him the
following night. The next day he
went to the ice-box after it, but found
the creature walking aimlessly about.
He has been back to the Ice-box sev
eral hours dally tsince, but the turtle
is livelier than ever. Arthur is op
posed to boiling it alive and he fears
the turtle feast may have to lw post
poned indefinitely, friends have In
formed him that a turtle will Rive
signs of life six months after it la do
capitated. Liberty (Mo.) Tribune.
Pity She's No more.
There wns an old-fashioned womnn
who would blush If company caught
her with less than six different kinds
of cake and seven different kinds of
preserves in the house. If a guast
lihed coffee for supper, she thought it
was right that she should havo it.
Her pies were always rich, and she
used lots of butter and cream. She
had never heard of the did cure, and
believed in people eating just what
they liked. What a pity it is that she
Isn't alive, so we folks who are tired
of dieting could go and visit her.
The Blue Ribbons of Mathematics.
This year's "senior wranglerahip"
at the University of Cambridge, Eng
land, gave great honors to a young
Russian Jew. The result of the
"mathematical tripos" shows tha:
Sellg Brodertsky, whose father had
sought an asylum in England from
Russian oppression, has been bracket
ed with Mr. Ibbotson, scholar of Pem
broke, for the coveted British blue
ribbon of mathematics.
Railroad Tours
Mardi Gras and
General l'ussenger Agent, Philadelphia
- -a 1
' M
hi 1
Trolley Time Tables
Cars leave MarketjScjuare, Bloomsburg
for.Berwick: j
A. M. P. M.
5-oo 1 2.50
540 I-So
6.20 2 50
6.50 3.50
7-5o 4-50
8.50 5.50
9.50 6.50
1 1.50
Firsv car leaves Market Square for
Berwick on Sundav at 6.50 a. 111.
f From Power House.
Saturday Night Only.
Cars leave Berwick for Danville:
A. M. m. P. M.
6.00 12.00 6.00
7.00 p. m. 7.00
7.20 1. 00 8.00
8,00 2.00 goo
9 00 3 00 .' I0.0O
10.00 4,00 II.OO
II.OO 5.00 "12.00
t 1. 00
First car leaves Berwick for Danville
on Sunday at 8.00 a. m.
Bloomsburg Only,
t Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only.
Cars leave Market
burg, for Danville:
Square, Blooms-
A. M. P. M, P. M.
5.IO I2.IO 6,10
6.00 I. IO 7.IO
7.10 2.IO S.IO
8.IO 3.10 0.1O
10.10 5.10 JI.IO
First car leaves Market Square for
Danville on Sunday at 7.10 a. m.
Saturday Night Only.
Cars leave Danville for Berwick:
A. M. M. P. M.
6.00 12.00 6. co
7.00 r. m. 7.00
8.00 I. OO 8. 00
9.00 2.00 9.00
10:00 3.00 JO.OO
11.00 4 00 11.00
5.OO 1l2.O0
First car leaves Danville for Berwick
on Sunday at 8.00 a. m.
Bloomsibnrar Only.
Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only.
Cars leave Market Square, Bloomsburg
for Catawissa:
A. M.
p. M.
, 8.00
6.15 P. M.
t7.oo 1. 00
fS.oo ta-oo
9.00 t3.oo
1 1 0.00 4.00
fli.oo 5-oo
First car leaves Market Square for
Catawissa on Sunday at 7.00 a. m.
Saturday Night Only,
t P. R. R. Connections.
Cars leave Catawissa for Bloomsburg:
A. m. p. m. P. m.
5 50 12.30 6.30
6.3s 1.30 7-3"
7.30 2.30 8.30
8.30 3.30 0.30
9.30 4-30 '0.30
10.30 5-30 lt-3u
It. 30
First car leaves Catawissa for Blooms
burg on Sunday at 7.30 a. m.
Saturday iNignt Uniy.
A Roliabls Rsmedy
Ely's Cream Balm
is quickly absorbed.
Givei Raltel at Once.
. , .1 Jl --.j
noma mm iiruimo
the uisi'iiseil luriii.
bruue resulting from Catarrh and drive
away aCold in the Head quickly. Restore?
Mie S-:is.)sof Taste and Km. 11. Pull sw
50 ds. at li-uiiyisu or by miiil. Liquid
Oreum Buhu fur use in utimiiijrs75 eu.
Ely Brothers, CO Wmreu Street, New York.
Hloomsburg & Sullivan
Taking Effect Dec'r. 9th, 1 909, 12:05 a m
. 900
. 9 0i
. H
. 9 IH
. 9 an
. art
, f!l 1(1
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P.M. r.M. A.M.
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KdsMtis .no (i-i I :c
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I.niihirlis in fin y:i 4S
(iniss Mere I'urk tlom ,8 47
fpiit nil loin 8 M
Inmlson ritv 111 is 8 r.
A.M. A.M. P.M. A.M.
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Jnmlfinn CI t ....
out ml
(ras Vito l urk
Cnli'H cri'ek
Fork r
() nwvlllc
l.tKlii. strni't
I'tl'r Mill
Bloom. P K....
Uloom. U 1. s W.
f f,i 10 M 4 8H 7 08
IH 01 fll iin f, 47 17' J
,'ii (18 Ml l)i I 4s 7 lit
III U ll OB ,M 58 7 '.'U
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P. .M
llloomsh'irtf I) f, A W.
Rlnoinshui'K F 11....
I'spi-r Mill
Litrht. si ii-w
imri(fvllli! ,
2 37 l t Of
Trains No 21 nil 22 mlxod, seronil cln.
t IikIIv pxi-pt Sunday, t Dully 4 Mindsjr
only. fFlntfstop. W. v. HNVDKK.Hupt
L'cU'lir:itrd lor yli pcrlrct lit, simplicity nnd
rrliubllily nearly 41) yenrs. Sold in litnrlv
every city and town in the United St.ites mill
Canada, or by mail direct. More- Mild tl;.in
nny other make. Scud lor Iicl- cat.ilnj;i.c.
More ubcnlii-r than any other fashion
magazine million a month. Invuinabh-. I-ul-cut
styles, patterns, drissmakimr, millinrry,
plain sewing, l;im V needlework. liairlrcslii ,
etiquette, pood Morie-., etc. On y Phi cents u
year (worth dulif ), incliidii'if a iree pattern.
Subscribe' todav, or send lor suuijilc cojij .
to Agents. l.'!:il brioirs pre'"ilim cntaloeut.
und new ca-b pri.'.e otleis. .ddieM
IUE McCAll CO., ICS to iU Vi. 27ft fCW YOF..'
Is a mat.dne f-r everybody. atoiit electricity, the
comint: c)ence, and how to
use toolf. Simple, prac
tical, full of picture. Sam-l-le
copy fire If you ntme
this paper. $1 .00 a year.
(Snmpion Pub. Co.
Ileacon St., DcwtoD, Mast.
rhotnvraphy interests
everytxxly. AMRKICAN
I'HfJTfM.HAPHVtearhW It.
Iteautiful pictures, month
1y prire contctti, picture i
crltlcltm, questions an I
werel. Samplt copy free
If you mention this paper.
Mm i ii-.
American Photography
ft UeacoD St., Uuhtun, Mata,
Trade Marks
AnTonsindliig ft slieleh imd dpscrlntlon m.y
quickly iiBcoriiiln oor opliiloii froo whether o
nvi'llMOll IB priinniny ,u win "'''"-J-"""'"'"" "
thiii.sirictlyronlldoiilliil. HANDBOOK on H.teuu
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I'nionls taken thruiiuli Munn A Co. recelT.
(pi-rial notice, without chwrite, lu tuo
Scientific JJmcricatK
A handsomely Illnstratii1 weekly. I.srueBt elr
culm Kin of nny selenium Journal, 'lerms. .l
rear: Tour monius, t u ouiuuyioi n.B"rnin..
J36!G,oaday. YOrk
Ur.ucb Cilice, 625 V BU Washlumou. D. C
Sjrr-v 111 15 1MAM4IND HRANIK aT
I..dlF.I A.K your V roffflRt foe Xa
hl-eheler'. Illumond TlrmndV
I'lll. In Krd and Uuld nietaUkAV,
boies. sealed with Hlu. RIIJjoo.
Take no other. Ruy f ynar .
Urunl.t. AikfnrClll.t'irKH-TRBtJ
yews known Best, Safest, Always Reliable
Clraniof aid heautifiea tha hair.
rromotea a luxuriant irrowtn.
NTor Fail to Boatora Gray
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Cuius mlp diNtRrHs it hair ImUuig.
V'c.andf Hat Inigpitts
i tannr it rr tMn nrrrtunrn (M-namodel I
i diuMiiitf nr piiDto. lor exK-rt bt-iri'hiu.dfixH! report., '
i-itu tiiivk-o, now u puveniis iruuo uuu
; Cupyrihta, etc, IN ILL COUNTRIES.
! Business direct ti'Uk Washington taws (tnu j
, money ana ojien sne fattUi,
Patent and Infringemr.l Practice Exclusive?. or mum; Ui Ub .-.r
023 NiQta Straat, epp TJwitol fitatM Patent Ottaa M
Illraelloaa with .aeh Tlal la Klra Laaaiiagea.
English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
No. FOR Price
1, Ferers, Congestlorui, Inflammations 33
5. Worm.. Worm Feer. or Worm Disease.. vtS
3. 1'ollc. Crying and Wakefulness of Infants 2S
4. Diarrhea, of C'hlldreu and Adulta tl.s
6. Uvaeulnry. Orlplnga, Bilious CoUo 3ft
T. 4'ouubs, Colds, Brouehltls Sft
H. Toothache, Vaoeavha, Neuralgia 3ft
9. Huadarhe, 8lek Ilt-aduche, Vertbto 3ft
10. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach 3ft
I . Croup. Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 3ft
14. Halt II Ileum. Eruptions, Erysipelas 3ft
15. or Rheumatic. Pain. 4ft
IH, Fever and A.iie, Malaria S3
IT. Pile., BUud or Uleedlug, External, Internal. S
IH. Ophthalmia, Wouk or Intlunied Eyes 'ift
19. Catarrh, lufluunia, Cold in Head 3S
SO. Wbooplim t'oiiah.Kpasmrallo Cough ls,i
St. A.ihiua.OppriMsed, Dimcult lireaUilug lift
37. Kidney IMarasn. tiravel, Calculi 3ft
3. Nervou. Ueblllly, Vital Weakness 1.00
30. Sore Mouth, Fever Soresor Canker 33
30. Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bed S3
3 I. Here Throat, Qulusy and Diphtheria, S3
33. Chronic Convnailiins, Headaches SS
77. Grippes Hay Fever aid Summer Colds. ...25
A small bottle of Pleasant PnlleU. (Its the rest
poi lcol. Hold by drug-gists, or sent ou receipt of price.
Medical Book sunt free.
'.!-.n suii Aup itr it"... --v
1 01
7 1
7 HI
8 10
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11 80
11 41)
11 no
U 28
12 8
1 50