8 THE COLUMBIAN. V.OOMSBURG, pa. THURSDAY. JANUARY 20. 1910 Something In the Wind Now, why not blow your self off to an annual sub scription to this paper? TUBERCULOSIS. The Work the State health Depart ment is Doing. That the State aid extended to tnoerculous sufferers through thf Department of Health dispensaries is reaching the really needy is evi denced by careful statistics that Health Commissioner Dixou has just compiled. These statistics which are based upon a total of 9,363 patients ex amined at the dispensaries, of whom 6,728 were found to have tuberculosis, drriug a period of seventeen months ending Decem ber 31, 190S, show that the aver age family income in the homes from which these patients came was $24 63 per mouth. The aver age number of persons in the fami ly was 4.3S and the average per capita income $5.60. "These facts are particularly gratifying" said Dr. Dixon. "With the thousands of tubercu lous patients whom we asked to help it is quite possible that occa sionally the State's charity is im posed upon. We are fully justi fied, however, by. the tabulated rec ords in drawing the conclusion that the really needy poor among Pennsylvania's unfortunate victims of tuberculosis are the ones that are being helped, just as the law making the appropriation contem plated". An interesting study of the pos sible source of infection can be made from the dispensary statis tics. In 2,404 cases, there was reason to believe that the disease was contracted in the home from another member of the family. This shows how important is the work which the visiting nurses of the dispensaries are doing in teach ing the members of the household how to guard against being infect ed bv one of the family who has the disease. In 474 cases the possible source of infection was a fellow employee. Fully alive to the danger from this source the State Department of Health has communicated direct with all the large employers of la bor throughout the State, urging the necessity of frequent medical inspection and calling attention to he State's dispensaries where sus pected cases among the poor will be examined at any time free. j The Zoological Press Bulletin. ! Timely Topics of Tlants and . Fe-ts Discussed Weekly, by II. A. , Surface, State Zorlogist. I EVKRc.RKKN TREKS IX BAD COX-1'ITION. Specimens of twigs and bark of evergreen trees supposed to have been damaged bv scale insects, were received from Washington County. Pennsylvania, at the Division of Zo ology of the Department of Agri culture, Harrisburg, with .inquest for information as to the cause of their impaired condition. One of t' e specimens was from a tree that appeared to be diseased when it was planted some twenty years ago, according to the correspondent, who stated that '"it has never done any good." Professor II. A. Surface, the Economic Zoologist cf the State, in reporting upon the specimens, wrote as fol'ows: "I have received the twigs Mid bark of your evergreen trees, which you sent to me, and must confers that I can not find my insects pres ent, and the subject of plant dis eases belongs to the specialist known as a plant pathologist. For tha" reason I would advise you to send some of the supposed diseased bark and twigs to Professor N. 13. Wake, U. S. Plant Pathologist, Department of Agriculture, Wash ington, D. C. Also, if you wish, vou might send some twigs to Pro fessor Hugh Baker, Forester, State College, Pa. "It appears to me that the tops of your trees are too dense, or, per haps they are too much shaded. I would advise cultivating the ground about them, and opening out the tops by a little pruning. Some fertilizer containing phosphoric ac id and potash, such as would be obtained is phosphate rock and wood ashes, should be mixed with the soil around the roots. If the specialists in plant diseases, to whom you write and submit specimens, have different directions to give you, I would recommend you to follow their directions rather than mine. However, in the absence of any directions from them, I am sure that what I here give yon will not prove injurious, but, on the other hand, will be helpful." Will Bore Bradford for Oil. Representative coal men in Lu zerne county and Lackawanna, are willing to spend all the money nec essary to make a thorough test of the Bradford county field for oil or gas, and the work is to begin early in the spring. At least, this is the story tcld by the man who has gathered a big bunch of leases in Asylum township. He says he is coming back, and will punch the township full of hole and settle for all time the oil question in that lo cality. Since the South Branch dusters were drilled last year the territory has been frequently visited by men in red automobiles. They are said to have been much impressed with the outlook. Fred W. Worthing ton, who produced dusters in the latter field with good Pittburg mon ey, is also coming back to go 011 with the work necessary in order to hold his leases, and the result will be that if Bradford county has any oil it will have to show it dur ing the coming year. Dropsy Given up by Doctor "I had dropsy, and was told by my family physician that there was no chance for mc. My family also gave mc up. My limbs and body were swollen one-third larger than natural, water collected around my heart and I had to be propped up in bed to keep from smothering. I took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy until I was entirely cured. This was in kjo2, and I am now able to do any kind of work on my farm. My cure was certainly marvelous." L. TURLEY CURD, Wilmore, Ky. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has been wonderfully successful in relieving heart trouble. Its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles is a great factor in assisting nature to overcome heart weakness. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy It told by II druggists. If the first bottle does not benefit, your druggist will return your monry. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Wanted Carpenter, not Surgeon. It was thought exceedingly strange that one of the jurors in the Wilkes Barre Court on Fridiy should ask for a carpenter after he had fallen 011 the steps ot the Court House aud broke his leg, but the enigma was cleared up when it was learned that h; had a wooden leg. Janitors Finn and L'ewellyn re paired the artificial limb. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ky virtue of a writ of Levari Facias i-ued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pennsylva nia, and tome directed,' there will lie sold at public sale at the Sheriffs Of fice in the Court House at Blooms- burg, county and state afore.aid, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1910 at ten o'clock a. 111., the following described real estate, to wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in the Horouyh of .Berwick. Columbia Cou jty and Mate of Penn sylvania, bounded and described tin follows, to wit: Beginning at a roint on the eatcrly Mile of Oak street one hundred and ninety-eight feet and nine inches south of Ninth street; thence easterly and parallel with Ninth street two hundred and twenty-two and one-half feet to Grant street; thence by said Grantstreet south twenty-live degrees forty-live liii.iuUs Eat two hundred feet to cor ner of land of Jackoii and Crispin; thence by said laud in a northwesterly direction" two hundred and twenty-two and rue-hlf feet to Oak street; thence by said Oak street north twenty-five degrees forty-five minutes west two hundred feet to the place ot beginning. Whereon is erected u FIVE STORY BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING, intended for the manufacture of beer, etc. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of IS. F. Hales, assignee of Henry Kenehtwauger vs. Berwick Brewing Company, and to lie sold as the prop, erty of the Berwick Brewing Company. CHARLES B. EXT. Sheriff. James L. Evans, Attorney. 12-30-4t There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be :ncurable. For a great many years loctors pronounced it a local dis ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure vith local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the narket. It is taken internally in loses from 10 drops to a teaspoon ful. .It acts directly on the blood md mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for my ca-e it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. . Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. , v ML y- m a IS H I, i,., ijasini is SHERIFF'S SALE. Bv virtue of an alias writ of Fieri Fa cins'issned out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be sold at public sale nt the Court House in the Sheriffs Ollice. in the Town of Blooms burg, county and state afortsaid, on SATURDAY f EBRUARY 5, 1910 at 10 o'elcck, a. ni . the following described real estate: All that messuage, piece, parcel and tract of land, situate in the Borough of Berwick, county of Columbia, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described us follows, to wit: Beginning on the northerly side of Seventh Street and lot of Mary Knccht. thence along said lot northwardly one hundred and eighty-one and o:ie-half feet to l"iv;hili Street, thence along said street eastwardlv forte-nine and one-half feet to corner of lc t of Dora A. Ashton. 1 thence by said lot southwardly one hun dred and eighty-one and one-half feet to a corner upon Seventh Street aforesaid, thence westwardly along said street for ty nine and one-half feet to a comer the place of beginning. Whereon is erected a TWO STORY FRAME STORE ROOM AND DWELLING HOUSE COMBINED. j Seized, taken in execution at the suit of the Harrisburg Savings and Loan As- I sociation vs. Catharine Nugent and Clem W. Nugent, and to le sold as the proper tv of Catharine Nugeni. and Clem W. Nugent. YVM. P. ZEHNER. Sheriff William Chrisman, Attorney. Jan. 1 3-4t. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interested in the es tates of the respective decedents ant minors, that the following administra tors, executors and guardian's accounts have been filed in the office of the Reg ister of Wills of Columbia County, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance in the Orphans' Court to be held at Bloomsburg, Pa., on Monday, Fetruury 7th, A. I)., into, at two o'clock, P. M., of said day. No. 1. First and final account of W. M. Vastine. administrator of the estate 1 of Davis Ruuyan, deceased, late of Mon-1 tour township. No. 2. First and final account of W. M. Vastine, administrator of the estate ot Pauline Runyan. deceased, late of i.ontonr township. No. 3. First arid final account of Em-! ma Eveland. administratrix of the estate : of Daniel Eveland, late of Locust towu- ship. No. 4. First and final account of Mcscs Savage and Orville Savage, exec utors of the estate of Mary McAuliff, deceased, late of the boro. of Benton. No. 5. First and final account ot John E. Miller, administrator of the es tate of Catherine Miller, deceased, late of the township of Jackson. No. 6. First and final account of Alli son Derr and Hcmford Fisher, execu tors of the estate of G. W. Fisher, de ceased, late of Main township. No. 7. Fir t and partial account of Elizabeth Snyder, executrix of the es tate of William R. Shannon deceased, late of Berwick. Pa. No. 8. First and partial account of Wilson G Kreamer, administrator of the estate ot Harman A. Kramer, deceased, late of the boro, of West Berwick. Pa. No. 9. First and final account of Su san Kuhn, administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth R. Kuhn,. deceased, late of Bloomsburg. Pa. No. 10. Firs, and final account of William H. Sarley, executor of the es tate of Mary A Sarley, deceased, late of the borough of Berwick. Pa. No. 11. t-irst and tlnal account ol William Chrisman. administrator of the estate of Rachel Carey, deceased, late of Madison township. No. 12. hirst and tinal account of Si las Hufnagle. guardian of the person and estate of Bertha Gearhart, a minor' child of Lettie Gearhart, deceased. No. 13. t irst account of H. W. Shad fer, guardian of Helen Lucele Shaffer, a minor child of Mary Shaffer, deceased, late of Greenwood township. No. 14. lurst and final account of William L. Cotner, executor of the es tate of Daniel Cotner, deceased, late of Montour township. io. 15. first ana final account of William Berninger and Arthur Bernin ger, executors of the estate of losi .h . . . . Berninger, deceased, late of Locust township. No. 16. Second and final account of Charles C. Evans, execu'or of the es tate of John Hunt, deceased, late ot Ber wick, fa. No, 17. First and final account of the Berwick Savings and Trust Co., execu tors of the estate of L. J. Townsend, de ceased, late of Berwick. Pa. FRANK V. MILLER, Register. BioomsDurg, r& January Sth, 1910. The Most Complete Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS Bloomsburg Shows, Is at The R. E. Hartman Store WITH the immense stock of everything in Dry Got-ds, Fancy Goods, China, Toys and ready-to-wear goods The R. E. Hartman Store is better prepared to serve you than ever. Our entire stock is n;w, different from oth ers and at prices that will astonish you, Come and allow our many salespeople to show you, COATS AND SUITS Over 400 garments here now, in every good color and most sizes. We can fit most every person from infant to oldest person All new this season, CHRISTMAS GLOVES Kid, Mocha, Silk, Golf and Cashmere Gloves for women. men and children. Styles and colors entirely our own. Prices 10 cents to $2.00 Handkerchiefs by the Thousand A A 1 . . . .. - . UMBRELLAS-ALL NEW The nicest, t . - j iicwcsi ana neatest designs in dozens of styles, with plain or fancy edre Initials for everv nerson frnm K cn i . ' j K p3fh Children's Handkerchiefs by the Box. cam. Children's, women's and men's Umbrellas with the new long handles, and also the new silver and gold han dies. All are new within last 10 davs. on. x or- k The R. E. Hartman Store Bloomsbur:, Pa. Alexander Brothers & Co. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and Confectionery. o Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. EiTiT-tr Goods a. Specialtt. HAVE YOU SMOKED A IN BUSTER BROWN. ROYAL BUCK or JEWEL -CIGAR? ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM. ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsbtlrg, Pa. "'aiioiice NOTICE. Xnfipp 1 1 heri'liv irlvntl tluit Mm nn derailed, appointed by the Court of toiiiiiuii i ifitH oi oiumoiii county, viewers to as.tes.-i dimme and benefit upon me roertie ultectecl by tin grading or (-Imuge of grade of Noi tl troll Street Kttnsiiiii . in llmTmvii i, Bloolllhblirir. l'a..vill meet to discliiinri, the duties of their aitiMiintnieiit 111,1,11 said Iron street Kxtension, at or near tlie property or JJeiinW JJonovan, on tlielioih day of January, A. 1). 1910, a ten o'clock in the forenoon, at wliicl time all persoim interested may attend and be heard, if they think proper. It. G. HRIfiOS. 1 J. 1C. 1JKNSYL. Viewers l-U-3t. J.S. JOHN. ; ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Estate of Charles Freeze, late of Blooms burg, l'a., deceased. Letters of administration on the tstat of Charles Freeze, deceased, having been granted to the unocrsigned admin istratrix. all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment aud those having claims or demands will make known the same without deluv to SARAH A. FREEZE, J. G. Harman, Administratrix, 13-23 6t Attorney. Bloomsburg Pa RUClS RoyaI Wilton Body Brussel, Axminster v Velvet and Tapestry in the different sizes Carpet Sweepers. Best in the land. VACUUM CARPET CLEANERS Electric and Hand Power. THE FREE SEWING MACHINE. This machine is ball bearing throughout. It is not only guaranteed, but is INSURED for five years against fire or accident. W. M. BBQWBB e) i 0) ) ) ) S 3 a) m II WE HAVE SHOES TO FIT AND FIT TO WEAR and at Prices That Will Make You Wonder HARMAN & ROAN 221 Center Street, Bloomsburg, Pat