THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURO. PA THE CENSUS SCHEDULE." Some Interesting Facts Concerning Thirtoenth Decennial Census. The United States Census popiiv latioii schedule which will be car ried by the enumerators during the Thirteenth Decennial United States Census, April 5th net, contains thirty-two questions concerning ev ery man, woman and child in this country, the total of whom is ex pected to reach the mi in her of 90. 000,000. The preparation of the population schedule engaged for the past few months thi joint con federation of Assistant Director Willounhby, Mr. William C. Hunt, the United States Ceiisu3 chief sta tistician for population, and Prof. William Bailey, the Yalo itis'.ntctor in political economy, a prominent member of the Census Bureau ad visory board of statisticians, etc.. who later was commissioned super visor of census for the state of Con necticut. The schedule has been approved by Census Director Dur mid. and in its final form will be sixteen by twenty-three inches in size, printed front and back, with fifty lines on each side, one for each person enumerated. I he liovern tnent Printing Office will print 1,800,000 copies, so as to givo each of the 330 stipe: visors of census an ample supply to meet all the needs of about 67,000 enumerators who will enumerate (he population in April next. The paper on which the schedule will be run off will be first-quality white writing, twenty three by thirty-two inches, sixty four pounds to the ream, the total weight beinc 200,400 pounds. The entire edition will be priuted on a web press, which will print two o the schedules, face and back, each revolution, at the rate ot 9,000 an hour. It will take about six and a half days for the press to print the 1,800,000, running sixteen hours a day. MORI? CONVENIENT FORM. The schedule paper is very heavy and will stand a grea: deal of hand ling. The form of the schedule is more convenient than that used teti years ago, and the two pages are so soaceu that when the scneuuie is placed in the card-punching ma chine, each time a card has been punched the ratchet wheel auto matically moves the schedule up one line, and all the operator has to do is to operate the keys on th punching machine. For this stage of the compilation of population statistics 1 2 J , 000 , 000 tnanila card have been ordered for the card punching machines. The thirty two questions are classified under thirteen groups. The first is Loca tion, and under this head the enu merator must write down the street, avenue, road, etc.; the house num ber in ities or town, and the num ber of the dwelling house and the number of the family, in the nu merical order of the enumerator's visitation. Under the subject "Name," for each person whose place of abode on April 15th was in the family being enumerated, the census taker is instructed to enter the surname first, then the given name and middls initial, if any. He must include every person living on April 15, 1910, and must omit children bom since that date The third group, Relationship, calls for a statement of the relation ship which the person enumerated bears to the head of the family in which he resides. The Personal Description group asks for the sex; color or race that is, whether white, black, mulatto, Chinese, lananese. or Indian: atre at last birthday; whether single, married, widowed, or divorced; the number of years of present marriage, and, under the subject of ' Mother of how, many children," the number of children each woman has had and the number now living. THE COUNTRY OK BIRTH. The group relative to Nativity requires answers stating the place of birth of the person enumerated and also of his or her father and mother. The instructions are that if either is born in the United States, tbe enumerator must give the state or territory, but if of for eign birth he must give the coun try. The two questions regarding citizenship apply to foreign-born persons only, and call for a state ment of the year of immigration to the United States, and, in the case of adult males, whether naturalized or alien. The next question requires the enumerator to ascertain wheth er the person is able to speak Eng lish, or, if not, to give the language spoken. There are five questions touching upon occupation. The first calls for the trade or profes sion of, or particular kind of work done by the person being enumera ted, such as, to quote the schedule, "Spinner, salesman, laborer, etc." The next inquiry calls for a state ment of the general nature of the industry, business, or establishment in which the person . works, as, again to quote verbatim from the $3.50 Recipe Cures Weak Kidneys, Free Relieves Urinary and Kidney Troubles, Backache, Strain ing, Swelling, Etc. STOI'S I'AIN IN THE IH.ADDrjR . Kidneys and Hack. Wouldn't it bo nice within a week or so to liuein to say Koodbyc forever to tile scalding, dribhlincr, straining, or ) fieauuiit passage, of urine; the fort- head and the h xk-of-the-head aches; the stitches and pains in the back; the growinir muscle weakness: spots before the t yes vellow skin; sluggish boweis; swolua eV'Hds or ankles; leg cramps; unnaturilsliorf breath; sleeplessness and the despondency ? 1 Have a re po I r these troubles that you can dcpcii i on. and tf you want to make a quicK recovery, you ought to write and get a copy of it. Many a doctor would chatge you 3.50 just for writing this prescription, but I have it and will e glad to send it to you entirely tree. Just drop me n line like this: Dr. A. K. Kobinson, K.'toi) Luck Building. Detroit, Mich., and I will send it by return mail in a plain envelope. As you will see when you get it, this recipe contains only pure, harmless remedies, but it has a great healing and pain-conquering power. It will quickly show its power once you use it, so I think you hail better see what it is without delay. I send you a copy free you can use it and cure your self at home. ln at- 00- eow. schedule, 'cotton mill, dry goods store, farm, etc " The third wants to know whether the person is an employer, employee, or working on his or her account, and, under the fourth and fifth questions, whether out of work on April 16, 1910, and the number of weeks out of work during the year 1909. The questions in the education group are "whether able to read," 'whether able to write," and "at tended school any time since Sep tember 1. 1909." Information re garding ".ownership 0: home," will be obtained by these questions; whether the home is owned or rent ed; if owned, whether free or mortgaged, and whetner itisa farm or simply a house, as in a village or city; if a farm, the schedule car ries for purposes of identification the number of the farm schedule. The schedule further contains in quiries "s to whether the person enumerated is a survivor of the Union or Confederate army or navy; whether blind in both eyes and whether deaf and dumb. Only a utti.k cold in the head mav be the tieciiiiiimr of an obstinate ease of Nasal Catarrh. Drive out the invader with F.l.v's Cream Balm ap plied straight to the Inllamed stulled up air-passages. Price 50c. If you prefer to use an, ask for Liq uid Cream Balm. It lias nil the good (j mi lines of the solid form of this reme dy anil will rid you 01 caiarrn or nay fever. No cocaine to breed a dreadful habit. No mercury to dry out the se cretion. Price 7oc, with spraying tube. All druggists, or mailed by IMy Bros., 5i Warren Street, New York. COOK'S SECRETARY DOUBTS Confidential Associate Admits Wan ing Faith in Explorer'. Walttr Lonsdale is the most re cent of the former associates and employes of Dr. Frederick A. Cook to admit distrust of his claim to discovery of the North Pole. Lonsdale was private secretary to United States Minister Egan up to the time of the arrival at Copen hagen of Dr. Cook, with whom he 1-! 1f n .-!. lit. men associated nunscu m a aiuma, confidential capacity He accom panied the explorer to the United States, made the typewritten duo- licate of the polar records, ana brought the data to Denmark for examination by tbe university com mittee. He has remained loyal to his employer until now. when he savs he is beeiuning to doubt him Lonsdale says he received a let ter from Cook under date ot Dec ember 24, mailed from a city in Southern Spain. According to this letter, Cook was on the sea. from December 14 to December 24, and tccordiugly was not acquainted with tne decision of the examining committee when the letter was written. Since the receipt of this letter Lonsdale says he has heard nothing from Cook, though he has addressed telegrams 10 umi w nninr where he thoucbt the ex- nlorer could be reached. Lonsdale estimates that Cook cleared $50,000 from the exploita tion of his Arctic reputation. . 1 A bride promises to obey merely hern use she doesn't want to make a scene. The purist can forgive profanity if it is grammatically correci. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho fitgnatnra of 7 - FEBRUARY JURORS. Jury Commissionors and SheriftJDrew Names for Next Session of Couurt. KhprifFC. H. Knt, uiulJury Cointnls hIoihts A. C. Hidluy and James Trump iirew the Jurors for teuniury rourt on Monday. 'Hits Is the Inst time Mr. Trump will net, as liU term of olllce expires this year. Mr. Jlidlny will slli'ceecl himself. The jurors drawn nre as follows : (IKANIt Jt'lloKS. First Monday In February. F 1). (Veil, lierwick. (liant Martz, J'.riarcreek Fred Coleineiis Iti-rvrk'k Karl J'.rown, Main Aaron llartnmn, Hemlock .loh 11 Crawford, Berwick fJluulcs K. Kok, -Montour John Waiiicb, Scott Wesley J)uvis, l5eliton Twp. (). V. Livrish, SiiKui'louf (!. (). MaiiHt, Madison ISoyd Vance, Orange K. K. Jlapubtieh, -fcott Thos. M. Lynn, Hriarcrcek ('. A. Wesley. .Stillwater Win. Aeheiibucli, Bloom William I'M wards, On tre Orvillu Meeker, SiiKarloaf t rank Meyers, Simarloat H. H. Bardo, Greenwood Charles Art ley, Cleveland Leunder Fetterman. Locust Ueo. Iteinard, West Berwick Jacob It. Mo-er, CotiyiiKhain I'lOTIT JUKORS. First Tuesday in February. David Howell.-Mt. Pleasant D. F. Mordan, Mt. I'leasunt David K. Vender, Locust Howard Oteenley, Hcrwlck Calvin P. Ulecker, Mo'itour T. E. Hrlttuin.- Benton O. C. Fenst.-IJerwick Hunwel W. Ikeler, Uerwick Wesley Morris, Cirecn wood K. W. Grcenle.y, Oreenwood Samuel H. Mordan, Madison Isaac Fetterinan, Conyngliani Wes'ey Fairebilds, West JJerwIek U. 1. Davis, Bloom It. H. Hess, Berwick Sylvester Heaver, Coiiyugham Clem Martcei y, Berwick Frank S. Leigbow. Centre F. E. Hoice, Berwick Thomas Merell, Scott A. L. Fritz, Sugarloaf Jacob Getty, Centraliu Henry S. Keck, Berwick K. 14. Wilson, Benton Twp. Jhon Similes, Berwick J. Lawrence, Montour 1). J. Hi miner. Bloom Win. Kline, Hr., Berwick Win. C. Hartniaii. Scott C. K. Blame, Berwick W. F. Koiijrh. Berwick Zebneder Low. Orange M. K. Krvin, Catawissu John J. Kielly, Cetitraliii John Walters, Catawissa William Singleton, Cony nghuin CIVIL C'OUKT JURORS. Second Tuesday in Februury. S. T. Pollock, Uerwick K. Want Hitter, Bloomsburg Boyd M. FreaM, Briarcreek. J. P. Crensy, Jr., FisliiiiKcreek Edward ilartinan, Mudi.sou Alliert Low. Montour Charles A. Shatter. Berwick Thomas Morton, Berwick C R. l'ealer. Ki.shititfcreek tt. W. Hartinan, Hemlock I. Neal Mauxt, Hemlock Harry Fahringer, lierwick Wesley Bower, Hi iurcreek James Walters, Bloom 1. II. Ikeler, Greenwood William Koup, Berwick Ezra Yocnm, Cleveland David Fisher, Bloom Win. Watkins, Franklin W. It, Hinnrose. Bloom K. K. Smith. -Catawissa ). C. Vot'iiiu, Locust Clarence Trumhley, Centre Peter Shult., Suarloaf Aaron Kester, Millville William Harry. Berwick T. L. Keifer,-Berwi(!k Joseph O. Swank. Mittlin Samson Townsend, Mt. Ploasaut Erastus Kline, Pine Albert Ketterolf,-(Jonyngham Elmer KliiiKer, Berwick W. W. Karsliner, Greenwood Charles Bower, Berwick A. C. Fisher, Montour, P. V. Closen, O ran go James Strieker, Catawissa John Ash, Berwick J. 8. Grimes, Bloomsburg T. W. Kiellv. Centralia William H.'Utt, Bloom M. H. Mensch, Montour Chas. Cadman, Millville licidger Sherau, Centralia Albert Widger, Briarereek Edw ard Kaustenbauder. Catawissa James Ituch, Berwick There are times when every man, away down in his heart, realizes that the fools are not all dead yet. Pennsylvania ALL THE Mardi DELIGHTS Florida OF TRAVEL FOR FULL INFORMATION AND RATES, ADDRESS J. It. WOOD, Passenger Traftto Manager. We Want to Send YouThis Portfolio O of tnples of rm w m TUB DE-LUXB KUSINEES TAPra, If you care about the quality, c1mrictcr;and imprcssivciicvof 'your stationcry-thesa samples will be valuablcjlo you. 1 hey . . . . 1 ' tt.. r.rn.1nntlVA ctdiinncrv I in.. snow you .wnai rcany ",,,,v'y"--", ' . They show you business forms on COUPON BONO j.hand somely printed, lithof.ranhcd and die-stamped. in harmonious; color combinations. If you buy business Stationery you need thcsc.samplcs. They tell you how to (Jet the most impressive, most productivesta-, 'lionery; They show you how your letter-head or check would, lookon.COUPON BONO. They demonstrateland.telljyou Why? of all bond papers, COUPON BOND,bcst.qual.ned to erve you," and why it is the first choice. of thosewho recognize the actual eaming-power of bifih-Srade stationery. COLUMBIAN PRINTING HOUSE, Bloomsburg, Pa GEESE FLYING NORTH. Does It Mean That Warmer Weather Is Coming? Says the Willianisport Gazette & Bulletin of last Friday: Just before dark last evening people who were on the streets were somewhat surprised by hearing the squawking of a large flock of geese overhead. I ney were nymg com paratively low, as though they were preparing to alight for a night's roost in one of the forests north of the city. While it is very unusual for wild geese to be seen hereabouts at this season of the year, it was more strange to see them moving in a northerly direc tion. It is the custom of the big birds to fly north along the Susque hanna on their way to the lakes in the spring and their coming here ordinarily foretells ths approach of warm weather. In the fall they fly south, and their flight is taken as a sure sign that cold weather or a storm is approaching. Rivertnen and hunters who saw the geese are puzzled as to what the presence of the birds in this vicinity portends. They say if the season was several months later, the birds would probably be on their way to the lakes or Hudson bay to spend the summer, and that a spell of warm weather might be expected. They cannot believe that spring-like weather is following in the wake of the geese . that flew over vVilliamsport last evening. They incline to the view that the geese have been blown far out of their way by a wind storm and that they have been wandering about bewildered in the suoat storm. Drop in Mercury. The temperature took a drop on Saturday night and cliasea tne mer cury down to four degrees below zero, being the record for this win ter thus far. Sunday night's lowest point was two degrees above zero. . To strain at a gnat and swallow a camel may merely prove that we don't like gnats. Railroad Tours Old Mexico S cGarnaysonand FEBRUARY 3- NEW ORLEANS February 4. Gras FEBRUARY 8, 22, MARCH 8 Pinehurst FEBRUARY n. GEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia . ? -... i i Trolley Time Tables Cars leave Market;Scpjare, Bloomsburg for,Berwick: A. M. P. M. U 5-Of ' ' 3-So 540 I. So 6.20 a 50 6.50 35 7.50 4.5o 8.50 5-5" 9.50 0.50 10.50 11.50 ir. m 7.50 8.50 0.50 10.50 1 11.50 FirsL ear leaves Market Square! for Berwick on sundav at 0.50 a. m. T From Power House. Saturday Night Only. Cars leave Berwick for Danville: A. M. M. P. M. 6.00 12.00 o.oo 7.00 p. M. 7 7.20 1 .00 8.00 8,00 a. 00 q 00 900 300 io.oo 10.00 4,00 ii.oo 11.00 5.00 I2.00 t 1. 00 First car leaves Berwick for Danville on Sunday at 8.00 a. m. mrriTicVitircr Onlv. t Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only. Cars leave Market bug, for Danville: Square. Blooms- A. M. P. M. 5.10 12.10 6.00 1. 10 7.10 a. 10 8.10 3.' 9.10 4.10 jo. 10 p. M 6.10 7.10 8.10 9.10 10.10 ll.IO 11.10 First car leaves Market Square Danville on Sunday at 7,10 a. m. Saturday Night Only. for Cars leave Danville for Berwick: A. M 6.0O 7.00 8.00 9.CO 10:00 U.OO M. P. M j 2.00 6.00 p. m. 7-oo 1. 00 8.00 a.oo 9.00 3.00 10,00 4 00 11.00 5.00 Ti 12.00 First car leaves Danville for Berwick on Sunday at 8.00 a. m. Bloonisbunr Onlv. Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only. Cars leave Market Square, Bloomsburg for Catawissa: A. M. 5.30 M. 12.00 P. M. I.OO fa. 00 t3.oo 4.00 P. M. 6.00 t7.oo 8.00 9.00 10.10 II.00 6.15 t7.c fs.c 00 00 9.00 flo.oo fll. 00 5.00 First leaves Market Square for car Catawissa on Sunday at 7.00 a. m. Saturday Night Only, t P. R. R. Connections. Cars leave Catawissa for Bloomsburg: A. M. P. M. P. M. 5 50 13.30 6.30 6.35 1.30 7-3 7.30 2.30 8.30 8.30 3.30 .3o 9.30 4-30 10.30 5-30 n.30 First car leaves Catawissa for Blooms burg on Sunday at 7.30 a. m. Saturday Night uniy. A Reliable Remedy Ely's Craam Balm IZIfrSop COLO ii quickly absorbed Civet Roli jl at Once. It lilewiHOH, soothes, hi'uls and proteota tho disoasi'il mem. brnuo resulting from Catarrh end drives away a Cold In tho Head quickly. Ko-lllty TrUCR stm'oa tho Houses of fin I Ikl til Tiisto nnd Smell. P.iUbU" 50 cts., at Drug, gists or by limil. In liquid form, 75 eeula. my Brotliurs, CO Warnm Street, New Yoifc CATARRH I it y Blooinsburg fc Sullivan Railroad. Taking Effect Dec'r. 9th, irjoo, 12:05 NOHTHWAKI). 21 A.W. A.M. I) D00 9 0 '.' OH , DIM B 2 , tt:! f'. 4(1 , H IH . ! P.M. P.M. t i 8? i 8 I M 8 oa 8 IS f8 17 8 11 8 XI I i'ii m Bf 7 ot T lb 7 8 i 8 t n m a r, 0 10 Hloomshurif I) I. W. Hlnotuntmrg P K.... Pap'T Mill LlKlit. l Ti'ia OniriKOVlllH Forks imern Si lliwnter Hi'iiton ((Win A 15 6 17 SH 8 84 6 48 H 6 !.7 7 0.1 7 18 ,7 17 h ; 1 "8 7 41 7 ifi ram 1 st III (i.l j:i 411 in os ji 4s . finm ) i" coli'Kl'reek t.auliarli rH8 Mere I'ark ('Hinrnl lamlHon t'ltv 10 is a m in in SOUTH WAHll. A.M. A.M. t t bi M 1)1 r. m in r,i P.M. t 4 8!) 4 W A.M. t 7 on 7 08 f7 1 A.M. 11 V, 11 M) JnmtHonClt .... cnlral Urn V.pto 1'aiK I.aubarlia Coles Creek KdKirm Rent on Stillwater Zanors Korks O" ntfovllle f0l flllXI f. 47 f 08 ll Ot I 4S Jl 18 11 W f W II 4 M ft it II 4 fi 14 fll (t f4 M T7 H II '0 6 18 ft is 1 i t 0 uu ( i i i m 1121 SOS 7R8 12 at fll 9 17 f7 4! in 48 11 J8 SKI 7 49 12 Ml 11 4 2 6 81 8 00 1 10 1160 b 80 8 10 11 68 6 42 B 18 f! 12 05 6 SS S.iffl 147 12 in 6 00 8.30 1 60 P . M VU fd 85 6 8 ft 50 7 00 - If It HllPI't I'apcrMlll 0 Bloom. I' It.... 718 Bloom. D L W. 70 Trains No 21 and 22 mlsert, second class. t Dallv i-xrw'pt Sunday, t lntlv Sunday only, f Flag Mop. w. V. HNYOBR. Hupt McCALL PATTERNS Celebrated 1"' sly'c. perfect fit, simplicity and reliability nearly 40 yenm. Sold in neatly every city and town in the United MaV- nnd Canada, or by mnil direct. More mW tb.m any other make. Send Inr tiee cuLuk,".e. McCAtL'S MAGAZINE More ubscribcr.i than nny other fnshiniii mairaine million a nmnth. Invaluable, lat ent 8lyle, patterns, clrfftunnkinif. millinery, nloln aewinir. fnnrv needlework. Iiainlressili; , ctiauette, ifond ..... .... ctr. t,n v no re"i u vear (worth c! drnil.le), including a lre ..Ulern. bub&eribu todav, or send lor sample cup). WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS to Alrents. l'otal hriiii Jireitimtn catalogue and new cash prize oilers. ddrei IDE UcCSIl CO.. ICS to US W. !7I f.-w '"' fxELRCTRICIANtllft MFPHANIC v 1 mak's'no fr everybody. Larn about electrlcfty, the i cnniinu ctence.ftndhowto i I. CI-.U Part I AND I tkiil.fullofpfcturet! San- f pie cpy tree if you ntm J ihit pajer. f 1 .00 year, 3umpaon Pub. COw rt neaenn St., Boston, MM. Photography interests everybody. AMERICAN PrlfJTOCiKAPHYteache It. HeitUiful pictures, month ly prUe contests, pitture criticism questions n wered. Sample copy free if you mention this paper. American Photography 6 beacon St., Boston, Mast U-25-tf. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Mark. Tfftn Copyrights Ac. 1 " ' . fi.r netirlllir DatBtl ..MU lino, .ii . f .',,,.-, ,-,.. imM ratonia laneii inruuBi. tpi-tal n(, without chnrBO, In tho Scientific American, A hBndiomely llln.triitBil wpektf. I"'tl2'i MUNW & co.3S1Broadway- New York Branch Offlce. 625 F PU Wa.hiugton. D. U CHICHESTER'S PILLS W , TUB WIAMON1 BBANU. A l.adle,I Aak your uniiflH Inr m 4'hlbM-tcr', IHmoiiJ TlrtidV I'lll. In Ked nd Uold nmalllcfV boiei, waled with ftlue Ribboa. V Take, no other. Iluy of roar . lrnBlt- A5kfnt ll.'in'.H.TF.T9! 11AMIND IIRANU P1LLH. for Sal yean known u Best, Safest, Always Rel labia SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rieanst and beautil'iea tb. haJr. lrniii(iti. a luxuriant STuwtll. Nwer Palla to BMtoro Oray Jttiir to Ita xoumrui vomr. Cuius walp disraM, h hair tailing. iiig.and tl.m'ot rrugt?isU Dranr.iiarn AND fitrENDED. Send modal I drrtwiiitf en-panto. turfxiHTtwari-li anil t'reo mport. t'liv ailvK-o, how to oblaiu )Mttt;iit8, tnvlo UUU'JUS copyiUjUla,jt)., N ALL COUNTRItS. Business dirtct vilh Washington tavm tint, money and often the patent. Patent end Infringement Practice Exclusive' y. V rlto or come to ua at Mtcta Btraat, opp Uuittd Suttm Patent oaiw. WASHINGTON, mm FREE BOOK For Every Living Thing on tho Farm Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics. 600 Page Book free, on the Treatment and Care of Horses, Cuttle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry, also Stablo Chart to bang up, mailed free. . LIST OP SPECIFICS. A. A. For FKVER8, Milk Fever. Ln Payer. B. D. For BPRAIS0. Lameneaa, RheumaiUan. C. C. For SORE Throat, Epliootlc. DUtemper. ft. A A Anyone Bonding n "ketch nd dnCTlptlnn my nlr If iweeriiuii inir w "i"1"' '"v . JLiVilnn I. nrobnhlv piitentnb o. Cuniniunlra. ii. ml SS annniirn AND fitrENDED. Send modal f D. O. For WORMS, Bola, Grubs. B. E. For COl'UHS, Colda, Influenss. F. F. For COLIC, Bellyache, Diarrhea. 0. O. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. H. II. For KIDNEY and Bladder disorders. 1. I. For SKIN DISEASES. Mange, Eruvtloaa. J. K. For BAD CONDITION, Indigestion, At druggists or sent' prepaid on receipt of price. 60 ots. each. HUMPHREYS' HOBBO. MEDICINH CO., ComW William and Ann Streets. New York,