8 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUWi. THE COLUMBIAN BLOOMSBURG, PA. THURSDAV. JANUARY 13. 1010 His some excuse for not reading his home piper. Then there are others those who are so blind that they won't see. STATE TREASURER ELECT DEAD. Death causes a situation for which there are no precedents in the State. State Treasurer-elect, J. A. Sto ber, died suddenly at his home in Lancaster county on Mon day. He was in apparently good health when he retired Sunday night, but his wife found him dead in bed next morning. He was elected at the November election, and would have entered upon his duties on May 2nd. His death has caused a peculiar situation. Not since the adoption of the constitution in 1S73 has any similar case occurred, and state of ficials say there are no precedents by which to be guided. The question that has arisen is, how shall the vacancy be filled? Shall the Governor appoint, or does the schedule for the constitutioual amendments, adopted last Novem ber, prevent an election of a State Treasurer until 191 2? The matter will be referred to the Attorney General by the Gov ernor for decision. Concert at Normal School. The date of the concert of the Redpath Grand Quartette, in the Normal Auditorium, has been changed from January 21 to Tues day evening,' January iS. The quartette is composed of Mr. Cecil James, Dr. Ion Jackson, Dr. Carl Duft, and Mr. Frederick Mar tin. Their supreme musical ability makes possible the rendition of a wealth of the great literature writ ten by the master composers, which must forever remain lost to all but the fortunate few who live in or near the great cities. However, it is not to be implied that the pro grams of the quartet will be limited merely to the classics, for they will sing the folk-songs of the South land in tneir soft negro dialect and syncopated rhythms; they will sing the good old G. A. R. songs with such a dash and thrill that you will think you are again sitting around the camp-fire with the old comrades who have been dead a dozen years; they will sing "Home, Sweet Home," "Anuie Laurie," "Su anee River" and the simple songs you love so well, and will call uo aut of th past a flood of child hood's memories that will dim your Myes; and then they will sing some bit of exquisite, irresistible non sense which will send you home with a lighter, stronger heart-refreshed for tomorrow's battle in the work-a-day world. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local dis ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven .atarrh to be a constitutional dis ease and therefore requires consti .utional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the nly constitutional cure on the uarket. It is taken internally in closes from 10 drops to a teaspoon--ul. It acts dirtttly on the blood nd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for my case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Talrt; Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A BLIND MAN p7Sl 1 THE COUNTY'S EXPENSES FOR 1909. The statement of expenditures of the county, just completed by Com missioners' Clerk Smith shows a to tal expenditure for 1909 of 5S, 014.60. Of this amount, $4,57521 was tin total of the prison, penitentiary and asylum bills, exclusive of, the county jail bills, with the greater part f the amount going to the Danvi.h Hospital for the Insane and the Eastern pt nitcutiary. The Wcrnersville Asylum for the Crim inal Insane and the Warren Hospi tal for the Insane received a share of it. Elections held in the county dur ing the last year cost $5.49421, the largest amount in the county history, while assessors were paid $4,005.92. The court house expenses, in cluding the salaries of the Commis sioners, their e'erk and janitor, as well as all repairs, gas and electric light and telephone bills, was $7, 192.78; the total expense ac the jail for the year was $3,139.57 and printing and stationery cost, Si, 224. iS. Blank books cost, $359. 65. For fighting forest fires there was paid the sum of $145.88 and $510 was paid for the burial of sol diers and their headstones. Taxes refunded amounted to $68.35. The money expended was for the maintenance of the court, amount ed to $6,811.17 while Common wealth costs approximated the fig ure of $,020.47. Road and bridge views for the year and their inspections cost $S8.- 80, a small figure and there was but one inquest held during the year, which cost $35. Repairs to county bridges necessitated the ex penditure of $7,192.79. . . Second Class Mail's Cost. Particular attention is devoted to second class mail matter in the an nual report of the Third Assistant Postmaster General, made public on Tuesday. Fostmaster General Hitchcock in his annual report al ready recommended an increase in the charge for transporting through the mails weekly and monthly mag azines. Mr. Travers in the report says: "The cost of handling second class matter per pound having been estimated, by your special commit tee, which has recently rendered its report, to be slightly over 9 cents per pound, based upon the special weighing ot the mails in 1907, the cost of handling the above items ot second class matter is approximate ly $64,000,000 in excess of the rev enue at 1 cent a pound ($7,232, 331.82) derived therefrom." A detailed report is made of the issuanee of postage stamps, stamp ed envelopes, newspaper wrappers, aud postal cards. In every instance the statements show a large in crease, due to the country's pros perity. Memory by Smell. The sense of smell, though almost a lost sense with modern man, as Is well known, sometimes brings back to memory the strongest visions, thoughts and impressions of the past. Tip met a Scotch terrier, an old friend, he had not seen for a year. She deliberately nosed and deliberated In a most human way for a space ol twelve or fifteen seconds, then mem ory and recognition came with a rush In a wild tide of gamboling, groveling barking delight The Egyptian Locust. Great success has attended the ef forts of the troops and coast guards In Egypt to combat the locust plague by destroying the young Insects with out wines SHERIFF'S SALE. Bv virtue nf nn nltnc writ ( Pipri Fa. cias issued out of the Court of Common fleas of Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, there will be sold at public sale nt the Court House in the Sheriff's Offirp in Vit Town rf Rlnnms. burg, county find Rtate aforesaid, on SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1910 at 10 o'clock, a. m , the following described real estate: All that meSKlincrf nierp rtnrnol an A tract of land, situate in the Borough of Berwick, county of Columbia, state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described ns follows, to wit: Beginning on the northerly side of Seventh Street and lot of Mary Knecht. thence along said lot northwardly one hundred and eighty-one and one-half feet to Eighth Street, theuce along said Street enstwardlv fnrtv.nina inil -,.. i.if feet to corner of lot of Dora A. Ashton, tnence by said lot southwardly one hun. dred and eighty-one and one-half feet to a corner upon Seventh Street aforesaid, thence westwardly along said street forty-nine and one-half feet to a corner the place of beginning. ' Whereon is erected a TWO STORY FRAME STORE ROOM AND DWELLING HOUSE COMBINED. Seized, taken in execution ut the suit of the Harrisburg Savings and Loan As sociation vs. Catharine Nugent and Clem W. Nugent, and to be sold as the proper tv of Catharine Nugent and Clem W. Nugent. WM.P. ZEHNER, . - . Sheriff. Wuliam Chrisnian, Attorney. Jan. 13.4L Nervous Prostration For Three Years "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv ine cured me of a period of nervous prostration of over three years duration, and the Anti Tain Pills arc as necessary to us as the roof of our house. They have been household rem edies with us for many years." VM. J. LOUGH RAN, 1214 Catherine St., Philadelphia, Pcnna. Much sickness is due to nerv ous troubles. Headache, diz ziness, epilepsy and insanity arc nervous troubles. Then there is a large class of disorders which arise from a weakness of the nerves of an organ or part, as weak lungs, heart, stomach, kidney, bladder, eyes, etc. Dyspepsia and indigestion are usually the result of nervous disorders. Restorative Nervine soothes the irritated nerves, and assists the nerve cells to gener ate nerve force. Dr. MMt' Nervine It sold by all drug gists. If the first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. ELECTION NOTICE. The annual mpptinir of the momliprs of the Columbia County Agricultural, Horticultural and Mechanical Af.tociii- tion wll( be held In the Court House in Blooninbiirg. on Saturday, January 15. liilO, at two o'clock p. 111., tor the elec tion of oflleers for the ensiiliiif vpnr. and to vote on an amendment to the matter of time of opening the polls for election. The election board will sit to receive votes from 12 noon to 2 p. 111. on wild day. I O.te. A. YOST, Sec. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. npKin'ted by thu Court of Common IMww ol Columbia County, viewers to nsess damages and benefit upon the properties afleeted by the grading or change of gradu of North Iron Street Kxteiifion, in the Town of Bloomsbiirg, Ph., will meet to discharge the duties of their apHintment upon said Iron Street Extension, at or near the property of Dennis Donovan, oti the HOth day of January, A. D. 1910. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time all per-ons interested may attend and be heard, if they think proper. It. O. BRTOOS, ) J. K. PKXSYLJ-View ers l-6-3t. J.S.JOHN. ) SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pennsylva nia, and tome directed, there will be sold at public sale at the Sheriffs Of fice in the Court House at Hlooms burg, county and tstate aforesaid, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1910 at ten o'clock a. m., the following described real estate, to wit: ' All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Berwick. Columbia Cou jty and State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Oak htreet one hundred and ninety-eight feet and nine inches south of Ninth street; thence easterly and parallel with Ninth street two hundred and twenty-two and one-half feet to Urantstreet; thence by said Grantstreet south twenty-five degrees forty-live minutes East two hundred feet to cor ner of land of Jackson and Crispin; thence by said land in a northwesterly direction two hundred and twenty-two and one-half feet to Ouk street; thence by said Oak street north twenty-five degrees forty-live minutes west two hundred feet to the place ot beginning. Whereon is erected a FIVE STORY BRICK AND CONCRETE BUILDING, intended for the manufacture of beer, etc. Seized, taken into execution at the suit of B. F. Hales, assignee of Henry Fenchtwauger vs. Berwick Brewing Company, and to be sold ns the prop, erty of the Berwick Brewing Compauy. CHARLES B. EXT, Sheriff. James L. Evans, Attorney. 12-a0-4t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Jintate of Jacob F. Rink, Deceuita. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia County to make distribution of the funds in the hands of the executor as shown by his account confirmed at December term 1009, will sit at the oflice of W. C. Johnston. Esq., in the Town of Blooms burg, Pa.. 0.1 Friday, January 14th. njlo at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to perform the duties of his appointment, when and where all persons having claims against said estate must appear and prove the same or be f jrever debar red from any share of said fund. GEO. E. EL WELL, u-3-4t. Auditor. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Estate of Charles Freeze, late of Blooms burg, Pa., deceased. Letters of administration on the estate gf Charles Freeze, deceased, having been grauted to the undersigned admin istratrix, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without deluy to SARAH A. FREEZE, J. G. Habman, Administratrix, u-J3 6t Attorney. Bloomsburg Pa. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pa.; and to me di rected, there rill be sold nt public sale nt tlie Sheriff's Office in the Court House at Bloomsburg. county and state afore said, on SATURDAY, JAN'Y 15. 191, at 10 o'clock &. m., the following de scribed real estate : All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situate in the Borough of Catawiss.1, Columbia County, Penn sylvania, bound and described as fol laws, to wit : Beginning at a point at the intersec tion of Pine and Second streets in said Borough thence along the west side of Second street twenty-five feet frc.m the center line thereof, north twenty eight degrees and thirty minutes east one hundred and six feet and eight inches to the line of Peter B. Ervin, thence by said Peter B. Ervin north sixty-one ile grcrs and twenty minutes west one hundred and thirty-one feet and eight inches to the line of Isaac Secsholtz, thence by said Isaac Seesholu south twenty eight degrees and twenty min utes west one hundred and six leet and eight inches to the north side of Pine street, thence along tlie north side of said Pine street twenty five feet from the center line thereof, south sixty-one degrees and twenty minutes east one hundred and thirty-one feet and eight inches to the place of beginning, con taining 32 loo acres of land. Whereon are erected a 3 STORY CEMENT BUILDING used as a Shoe Factory. A TWO AND A HALF STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and a two story FRAME BUILDING used as a store. Also, including all the machinery in said shoe factory building owned by and belonging to said defend ants, including boiler, engine, shafting, belting, piping, lathes, sewing machines and all other machinery therein. Seized, taken into execution at the suits of Wm. M.Vastine. Jere B, Nussand Outlier tyer vs. llliam r . Cramer ana W. F. Cramer Shoe Co., terre tenant; and C. K. Kreisher acd L, C. Mensch vs. W. F. Cramer Shoe Co., and to be sold as the property of William F. Cra mer, W. F. Cramer Shoe Co., terre ten ant, and the W. F. Cramer Shoe Co. CHARLES B. ENT, Sheriff. Kreisher and Mensch, Attorneys. 12-2V4t. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interested in the es tates of the respective decedents and minors, that the following administra tors, executors and guardian's accounts have been filed in the office of the Reg ister of Wills of Columbia County, and will lie presented for confirmation and allowance in the Orphans' Court to be held at Bloomsburg, fa., on Monday, February 7th, A. D.. 1010, at two o'clock, P. M., of said day. No. 1. First and final account of W. M. Vastine. administrator of the estate of Davis Runyan, deceased, late of Mon tour township. No. a. First and final account of W. M. Vastine, administrator of the estate of Pauline Runyan. deceased, late of Contour township. No. 3. First arid final account of Em ma Eveland, administratrix of the estate of Daniel Eveland, late of Locust town ship. No. 4. First and final account of Mcses Savage and Orville Savage, exec utors of the estate of Mary McAuliff, deceased, late of the boro. of Benton. No. s. First and final account of John E. Miller, administrator of the es tate of Catherine Miller, deceased, late of the township of Jackson. No. 6. First and final account of Alli son Derr and Hamford Fisher, execu tors of the estate of G. W. Fisher, de ceased, late of Main township. No. 7. Fir-1 and partial account of Elizabeth Snyder, executrix of the es tate of Wil'.iam R. Shannon deceased, late of Berwick, Pa. No. 8. First and partial account of Wilson G Kreamer, administrator of the estate ot Harm an A. Kramer, deceased, late of the boro, of West Berwick, Pa. No. 0. First and fiual account of Su san Kuhn, administratrix of the estate of Elizabeth R. Kuhn,, deceased, late of Bloomsburg, Pa. No. 10. First and final account of William H. Sarley, executor of the es tate of Mary A. Sarley, deceased, late of the borough of Berwick. Pa. No. 11. First and final account ot William Chrisman. administrator of the estate of Rachel Carey, deceased, late of Madison township. No. 13. First and final account of Si las Hufnagle, guardian of the person and estate of Bertha Gearhart, a minor child of Lettie Gearhart. deceased. No. 13. First account of H. W. ShafJ fer, guardian of Helen Lucele Shaffer, a minor child of Mary Shaffer, deceased, late of Greenwood township. No. 14. First and final account of William L. Cotner, executor of the es tate of Daniel Cotner, deceased, late of Montour township. No. 15. First and final account of William Berninger and Arthur Bernin ger, executors of the estate of Josi..h Berninger, deceased, late of Locust township. No. i6. Second and final account of Charles C. Evans, execu'or of the es tate ofjohn Hunt, deceased, late ot Ber wick, Pa. No, 17. First and final account of the Berwick Savings and Trust Co., execu tors of the estate of L. J. Townsend, de ceased, late of Berwick, Pa. FRANK W. MILLER. Register, Bloomsburg, Pa., January 8th, kjio. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. Estate of John Rrlchard, lato ofllemlock Tmcn thtp, Dfoeai. Notice is hereby given that letters tes tamentary on the above estate have been srrunteil to the undersigned, and all per sons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment, and thus j having claims or demands will make known the same without delay to MRS. EMMA REICHARD. Executrix, Bloomsburg, Pa. R D4 N. U. Funk, Attorney. 12-9- 6t. The Most Complete Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS Bloomsburg Shows. Is at The R. E. Hartman Store WITH the immense stock of everything in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, China, Toys and ready-to-wear goods The R. E. Hartman Store is better prepared to serve you than ever. Our entire stock is new, different from oth ers and at prices that will astonish you. Come and allow our many salespeople to show you, COATS AND SUITS We can fit most every person from infant to oldest person All new this season, CHRISTMAS GLOVES men and children. Styles and colors entirely our own. Prices 10 cents to $2.00 Handkerchiefs by the Thousand neatest designs in dozens of wv.j ""iu Children's Handkerchiefs by UMBRELLAS-ALL NEW the new long handles, and also the new silver and gold han dies. All are new within last 10 days. 39c to $5 00 The R. E. Hartman Store Bloomsburg:, Pa. Alexander Brothers & Co. DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and Confectionery. o Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. 2eitit-s- Goods a. Specialtt. HAVE YOU : ROYAL BUCK or ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM. S ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsburp;, Pa. PI Ifi Royal WiIton Body Brussel, Axminster ( Vvj Velvet and Tapestry in the different sizes Carpet Sweepers. g VACUUM CARPET CLEANERS ciectric ana Hand Power. THE FREE SEWING MACHINE. This machine is ball bearing throughout. It is not only guaranteed, but is INSURED for five years against fire or accident. W. E. BEQ WEE. mi 221 Center Street, Over 400 garments here now, in every good color and most sizes. Kid, Mocha, Silk, Golf and Cashmere Gloves for women, The nicest, newest nrA styles, with plain or fancy edee o o ou cents each the Box. - Children's, women's and men's Umbrellas with SMOKED A JEWEL ;CIGAR? Best in the land. 3 ) WE IfflAVE SHOES TO FIT AND FIT TO WEAR and at Prices That Will Make You Wonder HARMAN & ROAN Bloomshurg, Pa,