THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG. PA 7 3OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC0 SATURDAY NIGHT TALKS ft By KLV I. i UAViaun Rutland, VI. Hoooooooc)Ooooocxx)Ocx;ccB KING AND HIS CABINET. International Bible Letaon for Jan. 10, 1910 (Matt. 4:12-25). ass Tho selection of n cabinet for presidents r.iul klllRS IS n DHIHt linportnnt n n d ncrluiia nmle.t iH ln. Peculiar lit nKH la necesnnry for executive ;' Ilrera ntid royal counsellors. o,i cannot linas'.'.H' Kin;; Kdwnrd ( o ln down to the Liverpool do 'ts to tiiul a 1 minister, or President Talt nean-hla-; naioni; the fishermen of Mnrli! 1: ad for a Secretary of Ktato. Vet that la precisely what the K of t'.ila kingdom did. 111! dolihi rii, i : l asted by the wise, mul liill'i u, ! il and mighty tind took the majority of hl.i enrthly cabinet from the fhs'i,'::.; boatH of Galilei1. Imanino the m :.e. la tho background the lake hi tho ;:ny morning, the mist, slowly rl ..'.:;. llie deserted boats drawn i: on't'.io i-lioro. An old man. Zeheilie, Ktiinu.'.i.; with a bewildered look upon bin f e, trying to Imagine what be would i'o without his sons, and what they wo-.iM do without him ; and In the foi eKi'ii .a l live men walking along, four of t without the least idea of where llie were going or of what they were f; liiK to Io. That la the beginning of the Ulna's cabinet. Could anything be; more ridiculous? Doubtless ot'.ci fishermen talked It over umonn Hhv.i selves that day and said, "Simon IVt er nnd Andrew, James anil John have left their nets nnd roiio off after t'rit man, Jesus of Naznreth, who Imagine himself a king, lie has made tlicn believo that he is the Jewish Messiah and that he Is to set up the kingdom of heaven upon earth, and they hive foisaken everything nnd gone off on a fool's errand after him. Well. They will soon realize their mistake, they will be back again. Fortunate for them Zcbedeo will keep the f!shi:i!; boats nnd the tackle, that they may have something to fall back upon when they discover how they have been deluded." It is almost Impossible for us to real ize what It meant in those days, to those people, when Christ made up blj cabinet. Where was there ever such a beginning? How could any thing be more ridiculous In worldly eyes weakness In the Leader who had such dreams of universal domin ion, weakness in the followers to leave a paying business of which they knew so much to take up a stupendous task of which they knew absolutely nothing. And yet, as we look back upon that t::ene, we recognize It now us one of t. the grandest and most logical begin ' ning;j the world has over seen. No wonder Taul snys of It, "Cod hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak tilings of the world to confound the things that ara tnlglity, that no flesh should glory in Ilia presence." The trouble with almost nil men who enter the service of Christ Is that they have so much to unlearn be'.oru they can qualify as witnesses, they know so many things that are not ro, they are so much In lovo with then own ideas and opinions, they hiwu such an overwhelming conviction of their own Importance, that tl.ey consciously taint the water of I'.fu with their own personalities, and hidu tl.eir Master behind themselves. They are not satisfied to deliver His mes sage until they have rewritten It find taken the heart out of it with their explanations, which do not explain The king's cabinet was not troubled with any of these things. They were to be witnesses unto Him and they knew no more than to intelligently re peat Just what they hud seen and heard. They never uttempted to argue a case, they took tho witness box and unflinchingly told Just exact ly what they knew of Christ. They bad nothing to unlearn, they were not troubled with tho Intellectual, social. Hplritual, moral, political, sectarian 1! faculties of the high-browed profes sors and worldings of their day. Their minds were like unsoilcd paper on which the King could write bis mes sages to suit Himself. They carried the seed of the kingdom In untainted vessels, and all they had to do was to bow it far and wide. They were to be merely the echo of His voice without nny attempt to originate ideas or to rpeak their own message. As itiner ant preachers whose work would de mand physical stamina and oblivious "ess of weather conditions, those brawny, aun-burned, rugged Gulllee fishermen were ideal timber for the Kills of tho spiritual temple Christ was about to erect. The moro one thinks f it, the more one comes to realize that when the King formed His cabi net lie showed His intlnlte wisdom in be selection of the men who were to 'arry on His work in tho development of His kingdom. No wonder the apos ''V in describing the church long ufter ward snld, "We are built upon the foundation of the apostle und prophets, Jesus Christ, Himself, bo J'!S the chief corner stone." The Zoological Press Bulletin. Timely Topics of Plants and Pests Discussed Weekly, by II. A. Surface, State Zoologist. CATJSK OP DK FnCTIVK FRUIT. Commencing his letter with the statement: "I have an orchard of a few hundred fruit trees, of all kinds, but for the last few yers our fruit has been extremely faulty, apparently nil of it stung by in sects and worm eaten," a Monroe county man wrote Professor IT. A. Surface, State Zoologist, Harris burg, for information, and also in quired about "oil emulsions." Professor Surface replied: "I have at hand your letter stating that you find your fruits defective, and asking what to do to prevent such troubles. I beg to say that the first thing to do is to find out just what is t he cause of such de fect?. You can send damaged fruits, leaves and twigs to this office for examination. The cause of each luipericciiou win ic given, men me next step is 10 appiy ine ngni remedy in the right way, with the right material, in the right pro portion, and at the right time. All these things ate necessary for suc cess. Not one can be over looked. For example, the insect making the wormy fruit, of which you write, is, doubtless, the codling moth. The rreventive is to sprav with an arsenical poison, such as Palis green or arsenate of lead, using either one-thin pound ot the former, or two pot mis of the latter, in fifty gallons of water or Bor deaux mixture, applying it thor oughly as a spray blown with force from above the fruit so as to reach into the blossom ends of the young fruits just after the petals have fallen, and again in ten days or two weeks. "If you do not have any certain kind of pest present, or liable to appear soon, il is unnecessary to sprny for it. l or example, the lime sulphur and oils, used when the tr;es are dormant, are for San Jose scale and other scale insects. If such are not present, there is no need of going to the expense and trouble of spraying. However, you should oe certain whether vonr trees have San Jose scale. To be sure of this you should send to this office some clippings or twigs Get twigs showing the ring that was last winter's terminal resting bud, from which the 1909 growth start ed. It is here that we will be most likely to find the Scale, if present. Spacimens can be sent by mail. Your spraying operations should be in accordance with what we find. "You ask about the use of oil emulsions. I presume you mean the commercial preparations. I do not recommend them, for the fact that they do not always kill the Scale without injury to the trees. Many orchards iu this and other States have been entirely destroy ed by them. You can not afford the risk. The commercial oils may be all right for two years, but the next vear cause thousands of dol lars of damage in the same orchard, as was experienced by one of Penn sylvania's most prominent and suc cessful,fruit growers. At Mont Al to, Franklin county, an owner lost between five and ten thousand dol hrs worth of fruit in 1909 by using t il sprays, although in 1908 and the year before, the results with the same materials on the same trees had been apparently good." . - Missing Heiress Found. Miss Klltrta de Janon. the gran daughter of Robert Huist, who dis appeared from Philadelphia two weeks ago, in company with Fer dinand Cohen, a waiter at the Bellevue-Stratford, was found on Monday with the man in Chicago. The police have been conducting a careful search throughout the country. The couple had succeed ed in concealing their whereabouts, however. While traveling they went from Philadelphia to Atlantic City, thence f. New York, then to Mon treal, Canada, and from there to St. Johns, N. B. There they took a steamer bound for England, but left the ship at Halifax, and went from there to Boston and thence to Chicago, where they were located. Both were brought back to Phil adelphia, where the girl was put in care of her grandfather, and the man was locked up pending prose cution. With the mercury three below zero, Ohio State University was compelled to close on Monday in all departments except one, be cause of the lack of coal. Makk a notk now to get Ely's Cream Jiulm if you are troubled with imsal eatiirrh, liny fever or col. 11 the head. It in purifyhiB nml soothing to the tensitive membrane tltut hues the uir-imssiiges. It Is made to overcome the disease, not to fool the patient by a short, deceptive relief, t here is no cocaine nor nie.cury in It. I o not be talked into taking a substitute lor Lly s Cream Balm. All druggists it. Price 6O0. Mailed by Wy Bros.. 5(1 Warren (Street, New York. LACKAWANNA RAILROAD. THE ROAD OF ANTHRACITE. If you contemplate spending the Win ter months in Florida or California, call upon our local ticket agent for particulars. . . 0 PRINTING . . . MUCH of the work that is done in this oflice is of kinds that can be done by hand only. Nine-tenths of all job printing done in any country oflice must be done by hand. It can't be done with a machine. This oHice is fully equipped to do all kinds of print ing at the lowest prices consistent with good work. A Large Stock is Carried in ENVELOPES, LETTISH HEADS, NOTE IIEaDS, BILL IIEADS, STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CAHDS, VISITING CAKDS, INVITA TIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, CABD BOARD, BOOK PAPERS, COVER PAPERS, &c. And Everything in the Printing Line If you have been a customer of ours, you know the character of our work. If not, we shall be glad to fill a trial order. Among other things in our line are Dodgers, Posters, Sale Bills, Pamphlets, Books. Re ceipts, Orders, Check Books, Ruled Work, Half tones, Line Cuts, Engraved Work, Stock Certifi cates, Bonds, &c, &c. No trouble to show goods and give estimates. The Columbian Printing House, GEO. E. EIAVELL, Proprietor. Entrance First Floor, through Roys' Jewelry Store. Next to Bloomsburg National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Professional Cards. II. A. McKILLIP ATTORNEY-AT-La. Columbian Building m. Flocr Bloomsburg, Pa. A. N. YOST, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Wirt Building, Court House Squa Bloomsburg, Pa. RALPH. R.JOHN, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Ent K jildiiig, next to Court House Bloomsburg, Pa. FRED IKELER, ATTORNEY-AT LAWj Office Over First National Bank. Bloomsburg, Pa, W. H. RIIAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Comer of 3rd and Main SU. CATAWISSA, PA. CLINTON HERRING. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office with Grant Herring, BU cn slurg, Pa. In Orangeville Wedncsdiy each wetk A. L. FRITZ. ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Office Bloomsi.urg Nat'I Panic Bldg. Bloomsburg, Pa. J. H. MAIZE ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, INSURANCE, AND REAL IiSTATK AGENT Office no North Street, Bloomsburg, Pa, N U. FUNK. ATTORNEY AT LAW Ent's Building, Court House Square Bloomsburg, Pa. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRALIA, PA, Office, Liddicot Building, Locust Ave. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office t Ent building, tX.K WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OfficeMn Wells' Building, over W. McK Reber's Hardware Store, x Bloomsburg. J. S. JOHN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office and residence, 410 Main St 7-3-y BLOOMSBURG, PA M. P. LUTZ & SON, Insurance and Real Estate AGENTS AND BROKERS. N. W. Come Main and Centre St. Bi.oomsiiurg, Pa. Represent Seventeen as good Companie as there are in the World, and all losses promptly adjusted and paid at their office. DB DR. W. II. HOUSE SURGEON DENTIST Office Barton's Building:. Main below Market, Bloomsburg. Pa. All styles of work done in a superio manner. All work warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN by the use of Gas, and free of charge when artificialtceth are inserted. Open all hours during the day DR. M. J. HESS DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Crown and bridge work a specialty Corner Main nnd Centre streets Eloomsburg, Pa. Columbia & Montour Telephone. J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested andjfitted with classes. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomsburg, Pa, Hours 10 to 8 TelephoBo Montour Telephone. Bell Telephon e H. BIERMAN. M. T). Homceopathic Physician and Suaoio Office and Residence, Fourth St.J Office Hours : 1 m' to P- m. , iu o p. ni. BLOOMSBURG, PA C. WATSON McKELVY, Fire Insurance Acent. Represent twelve of the strongest com which are Fmntlln nfPMIu T... m Queen of N. Y. Westchester. K Y . .worth America, rhila. Office: Clark Buildintr, 2nd Floor,