The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 13, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Eloping Heiress and Cohen, the
Waiter, Arrested in a Cheap
Room'ng House
Dog That the Girl Insisted on Taking
Along Lesds to Arrest of Rich Phila
delphian's Daughter and Man with
Whom She Fled.
Chicago, .Inn. 13. Roberta do .Tn
on, the Philadelphia heiress, and her
frieud and admirer. Frederic Cohen,
the I!el!evuo-Stratford waiter, with
whom she eloped on December "9,
were captured by the police here and
held awaiting the arrival of officers
from Philadelphia.
They had travelled for thousands
of miles, Jumping from city to city, In
the I'nlted States and Canada, In an
effort to elude the police and detec
tives put on their trail by the sixteen-year-old
girl"s wealthy grandfather.
The end came in a squalid boarding
house room ut No. 08 Superior street,
on the North Side, where the couple
had been doing the lightest sort of
ginger cookie housekeeping.
Miss He Janon and Cohen were
practically at the end of their re
sources. They reached Chicago from
Montreal and Halifax with but $1.60.
Cohen had pawned some of the girl's
Jewelry for a trifling sum, but that
had been spent.
The girl had determined to end her
life. She had written to her grand
father expressing sorrow for running
away with Cohen and declaring her
intention to jump into the lake.
It is not unlikely that Cohen, con
vinced that his young companion was
desperate und determined to suicide,
let the tip reach the police that re
sulted In their capture. It came from
Mrs. Frank Perrin, who ran the room
ing house in which they had taken
quarters, and was acted on promptly.
According to Mrs. Perrin, the pnir
were living as father and daughter.
Both protested to the police that their
relations since leaving Philadelphia
had been that of father and daughter.
Cohen, himself, traced their route
from the day they eloped out of Phila
delphia. ' They went first to New York
where they found difficulty in getting
rooms and after remaining over n'ght
went to Montreal. The news of the
elopement frightened them and they
went to St. John, New Brunswick,
where they took passage for England
on an English steamer.
Cohen said they left the steamer at
Halifax because the English ifileers
objected to carrying Tootsie, Miss de
laron's terrier, and the girl would not
?o on without the dog.
They went from Halifax to Boston
md direct to Chicago. They attract
ed little attention when they first
vent to the Superior street house, and
had since lived quietly.
When the police came to arrest
'.hem, Cohen made an emphatic pro
test, insisting that he was a barber
rom Montreal. He soon broko down,
owever, and admitted his identity,
riiss de Janon, sobbing bitterly, plead-
d with the police to restore her to
, l;er grandfather.
In the girl's possession the police
ound one remarkable letter from
'ohen to the girl, dated December 14,
i which he begged to think twice be
.'ore eloping with him.
NO ONE CMS $60,000
Left by Apparently Poor Ragman in
St. Louis.
St. Louis, Jan. 11. A fortune of
"30,000 in good securities awaits the
eirs of Jeremiah Moynihan, an aged
. ..gman, who died on Friday. Appar-
- itly in destitute circumstances, Moy
ihan was to have been buried in Pot
t's Field to-day, but the public ad
ministrator found a key to a safety
eposit vault In his effects. The
ifety box contained bonds worth
Moynihan was eighty years old. He
as a miser and lived alone, and, as
r as is known, he had no relatives
1 this country.
Sentence of Four of the Havemeyer
New York. N. Y., Jan. 12. Edward
. Boyle, John R. Coyle, Thomas Ke
"3e and Patrick J. Hennessey, check-
rs on the Williamsburg docks of the
avemeyers & Elder refinery, who
ere convicted with Oliver Spltzer on
i ecember 17, 1909, of conspiracy to
fraud the Government by means of
lse entries of sugar, were sentenced
Judge Martin in the United States
ircult Court to serve a year each in
e penitentiary in Blackwell's Island,
itzer's bail was extended to Febru
. y 1 and sentence was suspended un
1 that date because he has a surgical
aeration to undergo.
Saves Brother, Then Is Drowned.
Atluntlc City, N. J Jan. 11. Miss
Martha Hulloway, fourteen years old,
ived the life of her brother Edward,
.vo years younger, but was herself
owned when they broke through the
e of Doughtyls mill pond, on which
oy were skating. Mr. Hallowsy,
elr father, is engineer of the Atlan
t.j City water works, at Absecon.
Stands by Demand for Direct Nomina
tionsWould End Dookmaklng
and White Slave Traffic.
Albany, N. Y.. Jan. 13. In two of
the most important documents sent
out from the Executive Chamber Gov
ernor Hushes called upon the State
Legislature to defeat the proposed in
come tax amendment to the federal
constitution. Again urged n law rro
viding for direct primaries and an
nounced the gift of 10,0nj acres of
land and $1,000 000 from Mrs. Mary
W. Harriman f ir n groat public park
on the Hudstr.i River.
One of the documents was the Gov
ernor's annual message to the Legis
lature. The attack on the propo ed
Income tax amendment was made th:;
subject of a special mcsr.ago. The
Governor analyzes the amendment
from a constitutional standpoint,
quoting eminent Judical opinions to
Justify his determined opposition, and
recommending that the proposed con
stitutional amendment providing for
an income tax be not ratified by t'.ie
Legislature of this state.
The Governor In the general mes
snr.e urged amendments of the Penal
Code to prevent oral betting, or book
making without the recording of bets,
and the so-called "white slave" traf
fic. A renewal of his recommenda
tion for the inclusion of all telephone
and telegraph companies under the
Jurisdiction of the Public Service com
missions was distinctly brief, even
curt. Extension of the state's agricul
tural work, the state development of
water powers and the adoption of n
more liberal forest preservation pol
icy were other features of the mes
sage which were expected by the leg
islators. Entirely new wa3 the acknowledg
ment of a gift by Mrs. E. H. Harriman
of a tract of lnnd of 10,000 acres near
her estate and $1,000,000 in cash to
acquire other land for a great state
park in the highlands of the Hudson.
In the body of the message and in an
appendix giving In detail correspond
ence between the Governor, George
W. Perkins, president of the Palisades
Park Commission, and others there
was set forth n comprehensive plan
for the acquisition cf the splendid
park, to Include most of the beautiful
territory of the Palisades region, with
a river frontage and a great roadway
along the base of the Palisades. Gifts
by John D. and William Rockefeller,
.1. Plerpont Morgan, Mrs. Sage, Miss
Helen Miller Gould, George W. Per
kiiis and others amounting to $l.f25,
000 were announced, with the declara
tion that $2,."00,000 more had been
raised. To meet this New York State
is to appropriate $2,ri00.000 to acquire
lend and build roads and to remove
the new state prison from Rockland
County to some place where It will
not interfere with this park work.
Charter revision lor New York
City, the passage of measures to as
sure more economical condemnation
proceedings, comprehensive automo
bile legislation, with a license tax:
proper legislation to provide better
compensation for injury of employees
along the lines of the report of the
Comisslon on employers' liability, the
lessening of special legislation for
municipalities and a definite system
of budget making by the state were
urged by Governor Hughes.
Other recommendations are:
That the Governor appoint a cabi
net of State administrative heads, ac
countable to him. In place of the pres
ent elective State officers. This would
require constitutional amendment.
That the New York ballot be sim
plified. Publicity of all campaign expendi
tures. Direct nominations.
That It be made a crime, with se
vere penalty, for a motorist to seek to
escape after an accident to which his
act has contributed.
Mississippi Proceeds to Break Alleged
Gulfport. Miss., Jan. 11. Alleging
violation of the state anti-trust laws,
proceedings have been brought here
against the Lopez, Dunbar & Dukate
Company, which is charged with con
trolling the oyster industry of Missis
sippi and restricting competition.
Penalties aggregating $2,225,000 are
asked, or at the rate of $5,000 a day
since September 4, 1908. On that date
it Is alleged that the defendants se
cured the conveyance of all Independ
ent oyster packing plants into one as
sociation. The suit Is brought for the
state by Wlrt Adams, state revenue
Seven Die When Cave-In of Disused
Mine Occurs.
Vienna, Jan. 11. An extraordinary
accident occurred at Ralbl, In Carln
tia. The sudden subsidence of the site
of a disused min completely engulfed
a small hospital building. Not a ves
tige of the hospital remained, and only
a huge cavity In the ground was to
be seen.
Seven Inmates of the hospital, In
cluding Surgeon Wesseley and his
family, perished.
Cured Lunatic Kills Wife and Child.
Springfield, Mo Jan. 12. William
Chrlstmann, a farmer who was recent
ly discharged from the State Insane
Asylum at Nevada as "cured," shot
and killed his wife and his ten-year-old
daughter at their borne, six utiles
wevt of Springfield.
Will Control Sufficient Votes ia
New City Council to Control
Municipal Government
Pitrgerald Elected with 47,172 Votes
and a Plurality cf 1,414 Over His
Nearest Opponent, Jr-.ra J. Stop.
I.ojton, Jnn. 13. - Dosion, In the
11 iv I parUeFS election held under her
ium charter, elected former Mayor
John F. Fitzgerald to till again the
Mayor's chair, this time for a four term, giving hl.a 47.172 votes and
a plurality of 1,414 over his nearest
opponent, James J. S;orrow, bunker,
former president of the Chamber of
Commerce and former chairman of
'.ho School Hoard, who received 4ii.7.17.
e most remarkable feature of the
.'( (ion to many was the small otc
o! 1.810 given the present Mayor,
George A. Hibbnrd, who received 3V
rtOO votes two years ago, being elected
on a "reform" ticket, over Fitzgerald.
The fourth Mayorty aspirant, Nathan
iel II. Taylor, found only 613 support
err,. Total, l).",3u8.
While the figures above were those
announced in City Hall, Mr. Storro.v's
campaign manager had other returns,
nnd on these based a statement given
out early In the evening that while lie
acknowledged the election of Fitzger
ald by an apparent plurality of 291
votes he wouid a;k for a recount.
The campaign, noteworthy In many
ways, was easily Boston's greatest. A
record total vote, 93,1 2,", more than
8! per cent, of the total registration,
war. cast. The largest previous vt:
was cast In 1003, when Fitzgerald was
fir.U elected Mayor, the total vote then
beins 02. Ml, of which Fitzgerald re
ceived 41,171.
FiUrcrald won his victory to-d'V
In spite of the fact that not one of the
daily newEpapcra of the city advocat
ed his election.
Senator Root's Proposed $5 090-a-Year
Grant Vill De Voted Quickly.
Washington, Jan. 13. Provision is
made in a bill Introduced in the Sen
ate by Senator Root for a $3,000 pen
sion for Mrs. Frances Folsom Cleve
land, widow of President Cleveland.
There will be no objection to the
measure, and it will become law at
the earliest practicable moment.
This measure is in lino with pre
cedents. Mrs. Lincoln In 1S70 was
voted $3,000, which was increased to
$3,000 in 1882. At the same time- Mrs.
Garfield, Mrs. Polk and Mrs. Tyler
were granted pensions of $3,000 a
year. Mrs. McKinley was given a like
pension In 1002. Mrs. Cleveland was
granted the free uce of the malls in
Hang an Apron of Cheesecloth Over
Your IWouth, or You'll Get It.
Pittsburg, Jan. 13. Henrry Penny
witt, weather forecaster here, an
nounced that Pittsburg air Is super
charged with "pogonip," and he urged
that people outdoors should hung
over their mouths and nostrils a little
apron of cheesecloth.
"Pogonip," he explained, Is Indian
for "white death" and Is caused by
inhaling fog which has congealed Into
spicule, of ice. He first learned of the
disease when stationed on the Utah
and Nevada plateaus where the In
dians dread It fearfully. It develops
a form of pneumonia which Is usually
Possibly $120,000 at European Con
tests and $200,000 at American.
Paris, Jan. 13. The International
Aeronautical Federation announces
that the prizes for the Carnivals of
1910 win range from $10,000 to $120,
000 at the European contests, while
$200,000 will be offered for the Ameri
can events.
The revised dates for the meet In
the I'nlted States provide for con
tests from Oct. 18 to Nov. 2. The first
week will be given over to competition
for the International Ualloon Cup, and
the secnd week will be aviation week
Governor Feeds the Birds,
Topeka, Jan. 13. Kansas quail and
other birds are dying In large num
bers from starvation. The ground has
been covered with snow and ice for
forty-two days and the birds are un
able to find grains or ground seeds to
eat. Governor Stubbs Issued a procla
mation yesterday calling on the peo
ple to Bcatter grain for the birda to
Half Million Loss.
Evansvllle. Ind. Jan. 13. Damage
conservatively estimated In excess of
$300,000 has already resulted from
the rapid ice movement out of the
lower Ohio River. The most impor
tant single loss reported is from Bran
denburg, Ky., where the towhoat Lead'
er an 80-ton veBBel owned in Cincin
nati, was destroyed by the heavy Ice.
Corering Minor Happening From j
Ail Over the Globe
Glenn II. Curtis established new
world's records at the
aviation meet In Los Angeles.
Governor Fort in ills annual mes
sage to the Now Jersey Le.ois1a.tire
recommended that the location of in
stitutions for the prevention or cure
of tuberculosis should he subject to
the approval of the State Hoard of
I'i c hers need not submit to an ex
amination of their private boohs in
connection with the collection of the
litoik transfer tax, rules the Court of
The Now York "Hilary Academy
at Cornwall, N. Y was burned; t ho
students, numbering about one hun
dred and fifty, mart lied out in ordi r,
but lost most of their effects.
Mayor Gttynor, of New York. In
structed his new Tax Hoard to give
Justice to nil In making assessment:!,
to find real values, to avoid favoritism,
to ignore politics and to dismiss my
deputy doing wrong.
In a statement Issued at Cherry,
111., by the Rod Cross and mine work
ers it was recommended that contin
ued relief be in the form of pensions
to widows of the St. Paul mine vic
tims. It was announced at Keokuk, Iowa,
that New York and Boston capital was
behind n project to build the second
largest dam In the world across the
Mississippi at that point.
Jacob S. Coxoy declared the in
crease In the cost of living could be
remedied only by the Government tak
ing control of the money from th-j
banks and basing business on actual
Definite steps were taken in Wash
ington looking to changing the date
of the President's Inauguration froi i
March 4 to late In April.
The Martinis de Villalobar. Spaniel
Minister to Washington, ban bee l
transferred to Lisbon.
The Immigration Commission, Ij
nsklng $123.0tiO additional from Con
gre:?, discloses that it spent almost
$700,000 in its tour of Europe.
Expected reprisals by holding up
nominations were not in evidence.
Senptor LnFolIetto, chairman of the
senate committee on census, report
ing favorab'y to the si nate more than
"00 nominations of census supervisors.
A. F. Potter, of Arizona, was np
pointed Chief Forester of the United
States to succeed Mr. Gilford Pinchot,
removed by President Taft.
Mr. Sulzer offered in the House at
Washington a joint resolution to rec
ognize Estrada as President of Nicara
gua. The Senate Committee on Public
Lands reconvened and amended its
resolution providing for tho Ballinger
Pinchot Investigation so us to leave
to the House the method of selecting
Its membership of the committee.
President Taft will not allow his
retrenchment plans to Interfere with
the two battleship naval programme.
Reports of the Bureau of Statistics,
Department of Commerce and Labor,
show that the j rices of Imports are
rapidly increasing.
A plot to assassinate King Manuel
II. of Portugal was unearthed.
Tho Congregation of Cardinals and
all tho Vatican officials attended the
funeral of Cardinal Satolll In Koine.
Tho Inheritance of Princesses
Louise, Stephanie and Clementine,
daughters of the late King Leopold, Is
estimated at about $4,000,000.
Japan Is unanimously opposed to
Secretary Knox's proposal to neutral
ize the Manchurlan railways.
Tho Aero Club of France decided
to irsue a formal challenge for the
balloon and aeroplane cups, both" In
ternational und both held by the Aero
Club of America.
The Paris newspapers say the
the American polity In Manchuria
probably has for Its object the forclrg
of Japan out of China.
"Kills Crime Germs," Says Chicago's
Assistant Chief.
Chicago, Jan. 11. Chicago is to
hove a new city Jail that will be a
model for all Jails, according to plans
now In the hands of Herman F.
Schuettler, assistant chief of police.
Instead of being In the damp nnd
unsanitary basement, all the 130 cells
will be on the top floor of the building.
Then instead of the regulation dark
roof Chief Schuettler has prodded for
a heavy glass roof, so that every cell
will be bathed In sunlight constantly,
making the cellB cheerful nnd sanitary
Instead of breeding places for dis
ease. "Sunshine kills crime Berms," de
clared Mr. Schuettler.
Medical Colleges Consolidate.
Richmond, Va., Jan. 11. The Uni
versity College of Medicine and tho
Medical College of Virginia have con
solidated and may absorb the medical
department of the Unl versify of Vir
ginia. It is planned to make the com
bined college tho largest medical in
stitution In the South.
Ohio to Probe Living Cost.
Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 13. Aroused
by repeated calls from legislators und
citizens Gov. Harmon will write a
special message to the Legislature on
the cost of living In Ohio.
Sydney Ficher, Dominion's Min
uter of Agriculture, Extols
His Land's Resources
Declares Eighty Thousand Crossed
Line Last Year, Carrying $G5,000.000
with Them Wheat Producing Abil
ity Planning for Conservation.
Huston. Mass., Jan. 13. Sydney
Fisher. Minister of Agriculture or the
Dominion of Canada, who was the
guest of the evening at the January
banquet of tho P.eaeon Society nt the
Algonquin Club entertained the mem
bers with a glowing account of the
present condition and tho outlook for
the future of Canada's agricultural In
terests. Mr. Fisher professed to fore
see the time when the I'nlted States
will have ceased, by reason of con
gestion of population, to be the food
produc ing nation that It Is now, and '
he assured his hearers that Canada
will then be abundantly able to feed
this country.
To show how Canada Is developing
her resources, he said that in ten
years her products of agriculture have
Increased from $1GO.O')0,000 to $r.''i3.
000,000, and yet she has only tone lied
the edge of her possibilities. And al
that production Is of high cla:;s, he
"Canada has 213.000.000 acres o'
available agricultural land." lie said
"yet only 12.000,000 are under crop:! r.
present, 7,000,000 acres of that tot:i
In wheat, producing annually itbo.i
1 17,000,000 bushels of No. 1 Northe; r
or hard wheat thatt Amerlcnn miller?
have to have to keep up the standard
of Minneapolis flour.
"Of the total of 213.0O.000 acres.
70,000,000 acres are capable of pro
tiue'Mg first class crops of wheat.
Three provinces in the Northwest can
produce 1,000,000,000 bushels of wheat,
or one and a half times more than the
whole I'nlted States produced last
"The Immigration to Canada is
about equally divided inuring natives
of Great Britain, the Continent of Eu
rope and the United States, but the
latter are preferred. Last year 80.100
Americans went across the border,
carrying $05,000,000 to add to Cana
dian wealth. In the last five years
300,000 Americans have gone to Cana
da, carrying $200,000,000. Moreover,
owing to English conservatism, capi
talists from the United States have
been getting the cream of Canadian
"Canada, like the I'nlted States,
has been wasting her natural re
sources in the past, but she has Feen
the folly of it nnd hopes to be able to
help the United States In the conser
vation of those resources In the fut
ure. She Is trying to make laws that
shall dlscournge tying up the natural
resources beyond the control of the
people, nnd endeavoring to provide
that some of the profits of those re
sources In future generations shall go
to the people instead of going exclu
sively to fatten the pocketbooks of In
dividual exploiters. She is also trying
to plan her systems of transportation
so that the people will get a fair share
of the great agricultural wealth of the
"Canada Is creating an army and n
navy, which will not be a menace to
the United States, however, but
through the co-operation of the mili
tary and naval forces of Great Britain
nnd the United States will help to
compel a world pence."
PAYS 82,284,418 CASH
H. C. Prick Company Buys 2,644
Acres of Coking Coal.
Unlontown. Pa., Jan. 11. A cash
transaction involving over $2,000,000
in connection with the Bale of coal
lands Is disclosed here In the tiling of
deeds in the County Recorder's office.
Tho Clalrton Iron Company has sold
to the H. C. Frlck Coke Company 2,
644 acres of coking coal and 29G acres
of Burface land In this county for $2,
284,418 cash $850 nn acre for the coal
land and $125 an ncre for the surface
land. This Is a record price for coal
lands in this section.
The Frlck Company Is said to have
taken the land to provide against
future shortage, and It Is not expected
to be developed at once.
Philadelphia Will Prosecute Him Un
der Drastic State Law.
Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Life impris
onment may be tho punishment of
Frederick Cohen, the waiter who elop
ed with Roberta De Janon, grand
daughter of the millionaire seedsman,
Hoberi Bulst.
It is the intention of the Depart
ment of Public Safety to endeavor to
convict Cohen on the charge of ad
duction. Director Clay said that
Cohen would be prosecuted to the full
extent, and If convicted he can, under
the law, be sentenced to Imprisonment
for life.
Cov. Draper Silent on Income Tax.
Loston, Jan. 13. Without a Wird of
comment or recommendation Gov.
Diaper sent to the Legislature today
he proposed amendment to the nation
til Conctltutlou for an income tax.
President Demands Legislation Pro
hibiting Roads from Acquiring
Interest In Competing Lines.
Washington, Jan. 13. Monopoly
and predatory combinations must i,
restrained and punished until all un
just competition Ih ended, says I'rtsl.
dent Taft In a Joint message to Cuu.
gresn embodying his views on the in.
tcrstate commerce law and the Sher
man antitrust law.
In order that there may ho no con
trariety of decision In caseR appealed
by corporations to the different Unit,
ed Slates district courts from orders
of tho Interstate Commerce Commis
sion, he recommends the establish
ment of n court of the United States,
to bo known as the "United Slates
Court of Commerce," to which r,p.
peals may bo taken. Ho would have
this court composed of five Judges
designated from among the Circuit
Judges of the United States.
Tho President recommends that tho
court shall Fit at Washington. Tim
establishment of the Commerce Comi
will necessitate tho nppolntnienl of
five additional judges, who may l,
distributed to the circuits where there
Is the greater volume of business.
The President recommends that the
Interstate Commerce Law ho amend,
ed so that hereafler no railroad coai
pany doing Interstate business Khali
directly or indirectly ncqulro lnttvo;!.s
of ary kind In any railroad or com or
ation competing with it.
For the protection of minority
stockholders he recommends a pro
viso that such prohibition shall i.ot
operate to prevent any corporatin.i
now owning not less than one-half 'in
entire outstanding capital stock In any
other railroad company from acquir
ing all the remainder of such st'k.
Any company opernting a 'railroad 'in
der executed for a term of not
lets than twenty-five years shall have
reversionary ownership of the do
mised railroad.
The President recommends legisla
tion to prevent future over issue of
storks and bonds by Interstate car
riers. In Industrial combinations called
trusts, the President says, the Inter
state and foreign business far ex
ceeds tho business done in nny one
State. This fact, he rays, will Justify
granting of federal charters to s. ch
combinations under such limitations
as will secure compliance with the
anti-trust law.
To this end he recommends a grant
ing of federal law for the charters to
corporations engaged in Interstate
commerce, protecting them from un
title Interference by the State nnd re
lying on national suprrislon to pre
vent abuses which have arisen under
State rontrol.
Such a lnw would subject the real
and personal property only to the
same taxation as Is imposed by tho
States and would require complete
reports to be filed at regular Inter
vals. Holding companies will be for
bidden. The President declares the Sher
man Anti-trust Lnw does not need
amendment, and that the series of de
cisions by the Supremo Court rentiers
a strong reason for leaving the act as
it la.
The public, the President says,
must disabuse itself of the idea that
any distinction between "good trusts"
and "bad trusts" can be Introduced
Into the statute.
The President declares that mono
polies must be restrained and punish
ed until ended.
Senator Elklns Consults with Presi
dent and Receives Encouragement.
Washington, Jan. 12. Presk'-mt
Taft has swung the weight of his ad
ministration in favor of the demand
of the people for a thorough and
prompt investigation into the increas
ing cost of living.
Senator Klkins conferred with tho
President on the subject and was as
sured by the President of hearty co
operation. The President Is committed to no
plan of investigation, but wants some
thing done to determine the reason
for existing conditions, that there
may be corrective legislation.
Wholesale Prices of Farm Products
Quoted for the Week.
MILK Per quart. 44c.
BUTTER Western extra, 34?T3ric.;
State dairy, 2fi'29c.
CHEESE State. Full cream, special,
EGGS State. Fair to choice. 31 CP
40c; do, western firsts, 28(fj32c.
APPLES TalUnan, per bbl., $2.25 -
lb., 1220c; Cocks, per lb., 123
13c; Squabs, per dozen, $1.50 (l 4 .2.".
HAY Prime, per 100 lbs.. $1.02 Vs.
STRAW Long Rye, per 100 lbs., HOdp
POTATOES-State, per bbl.. $l..r,0
ONIONS White, per crate, 25 50c.
FLOUlt Winter patents, $j.50(Q (i.00;
Spring patents, $"i.50tj6.S5. v
WHEAT No. 2, red, $1.28ftl 30; No.
1. Northern Duluth, $1.28 Ti.
CORN No. 2, 9i2ifi71c.
OATS Natural white. 500 52o.; Clip
ped white, 50 16 0 5 lc
BEEVES City Dressed, SQUVjC
CALVES City Dressed, 1015 '4c.
SHEEP Per 100 lbs., 4..r)04.73.
LAMBS Per 100 lbs.. $8.50.
DOGS Liver, per 100 lbs.. $S.!i3:
Country Dressed, per lb., 10 Vi Q 12 c.