The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 13, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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in the newest style.
black cloth
For Women,
interrl at Ihr Pout Oflrr, nhnnniirn. Pa.
anefiiarttiif wailrr, Xnrrh l,lMh.
Legal advertisements on page 8.
- - m - -
Farms in the United States are
estimated to be worth $30,000,000,-
The Lackawanna Railroad com
pany intends to electrify portions
of its road about Scranton.
When you're coughing and jjiispitijf .
When you've an old -fashioned iletp
nonted cold, take Allen's Lung Halsntn,
Sold by all driingists, 25c, oc. nnd i.
bottles. i2-23-4t.
A number of new books have re
cently been added to the Public
Library. They include many of
the latest works of fiction.
In an effort to break the back
bone of the Black Hand fifteen
foreigners were placed on trial on
conspiracy charges at Cleveland on
Take a hint, do your own mixing.
Rough on Rats, being nil poison, one
15c. box will 8ire-d or make 50 to 100
little cakes that will kill 500 or more rats
and mice. It's the unbeatable extermi
nator. Don't die in the house. Beware
of imitations, substitutes and catch-penny,
ready- for-use devices. i2-23-4t.
So the administration has thrown
Chief Forester Pinchot out of his
job for telling what he knew about
the dishonesty in t!ie Department of
the Interior ! After nil, does it
pay to be honest ?
Philadelphia will have a new
$2,500,000 hotel. Ground will be
broken on February 1st for a twenty-two
story structure to be known
as the Hotel Fairmount, on the
present site of Boothby's cafe.
Many Children art Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
Children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse
in Children's Home, New York, Break
up Colds in 24 hours cure Feverishness,
Headache, Stomnch Troubles, Teething
Disorders, and Destroy Worms. At all
druggists, 25c Sample mailed FKKK.
Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LcRov,
N. Y. 12-23-4L
Pinchot's letter rather stirred
things up unexpectedly in the Sen
ate, and although it cost him his
office, he may yet have the satisfac
tion of seeking a further stir in the
management of things internal.
. .
J. G. Quick has accepted the po
sition of local manager of the Phil
adelphia White Cross Milk Coin
pany, and has opened an office 'in
the First National Hank building.
The company intends to erect a
concentrating plant on Fast Sev
enth street.
When You PM On Stockings
Of the heavier sort, do your shoes pinch,
and your feet swell and perspire? If you
shake 'Allen's Foct-Kase in your shoes,
it will give you rest nnd comfort, and
instant relief from any annoyance. Sold
Everywhere, 25c. Jont' accept anv sub
stitute. 12-23-4t.
Mr. and Mrs. J. IS. Ovi .4t, of
Indianapolis, Ind., who have been
spending the holidays with the
latters parents, Dr. and Mrs. V.
H. House, of Normal Hill, left for
their home on Saturday. On their
return they will spend a week in
Detroit, Mich.
Many llfo has been cut liort ly coiiKh that
wag not belluvcd to be aurloim. Muny a bacUiicliO
and aldvache follow- a couching poll. Many a muht
la pawed In HitlewnoM caused by conjoint!. Many
a couh "euro " that novor cur in tried. Do not lie
misled. If you cough, take the old reliable
Kemii'a Balsam, the beat cough cure. At drutt
KKl' and dealers', 5c.
And now we may expect to sec
Miss De Jauon continuing to occu
py the headlines until after the
Bellevue-Stratford waiter has been
convicted of abduction, then she
will either go ou the stage, or sink
nto oblivion along with Kvelyn
Kehbit Thaw and Mrs. Chadwick.
CtaltciV u C5ry
In dull finish calf with
top, button.
Price $3.50.
Will not ho published this year.
Since 1811 the annual statement
of the receipts and expenditures of
the county has been nublished each
year in the newspapers. It will no
longer appear in tins form, because
an act i the legislature passed last
May renders it unnecessary. About
the onlv way the public can know
of the county finances is to go to
the Prothonotary's office and ex
amine the statement as passed up
on by the county auditors.
Knt Post, G. A. R., publicly in
stalled officers last Friday evening,
and followed this by serving beau
soup and other refreshments to the
Past Commander M. P. Lutz,
officiated in the place of Ad
jutant C. S. I'ormvald, who was ill
The officers installed were: Past
Commander, T. V. Shttman; Sen
ior Vice Commander, I. K. 1 loiter:
Junior Vice Commander, Thomas
Downs; Chaplain, Clark Kressler;
Quartermaster, V. R. Ringrose;
Officer of Guard, L. T. Rider;
Outside Sentinel, VV. B. McBride;
Inside Sentinel, W. W. Black;
Quartermaster Sergeant, W .
Sheriff W. P. Zehner held his
first sales last Saturday afternoon,
when he sold two properties, one
being the property of Amanda Dill
in:. 11, in Catawissa, which was bid
in by C. J. Fisher, attorney, for
$100; the other being the property
of William Rodsky in Roaring
creek township, which were bid in
by C. E. Kreisher, attorney.
Theundergraduates of the
Bloomsburg State Normal School
will soon be given a chance to prove
the practicability of the student
government system, as the faculty
has decided that it should be tried.
The system is one which has suc
ceeded in many schools and colle
tres. and now deoends on the stu
dents whether or not they will
make it a success here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Fuuston,
J. K. Roys and Boyd Cadman were
in New York this week attending
the Automobile show in MadLiou
Square Garden.
New Superintendent of Silk Mill.
Mr. Wplfensberger, of New
York City, who has taken the posi
tion of superintendent of the
Bloomsburg Silk Mill made vacant
by the removal of Fred Beglinger
to New York City, will occupy the
Leader house, corner of Filth and
Centre street, vacated by Mr. 1 1
Condemns "Soft" Drinks.
Dairy and Food Commissioner
James Foust has issued a bulletin
in which he outlines what has been
done in the way of enforcing the
act prohibiting the sale of adulter
ated or misbranded "soft" drinks.
Mr.' Foust declares that 80 per
cent, of 800 samples taken by his
agents were found to be contrary to
the law.
"Many of these preparations were
nothing but tap water of uncertain
purity, sweetened with sacchariu,
flavored with an essence, often arti
ficially colored with a coal tar dye
and actually made foamy with a
tincture of soap bark," he writes in
denunciation of what is being sold
in the State. .
"We were also confronted with
the use of misleading names and
pictures of fruits upou preparations
which were wholly artificial, and
the use of cayenne pepper to add
puugeucy to so called ginger ale."
School of Agriculture
Continued from 1st pnge
who will speak on "Fundamental
Advantages and Disadvantages of
the Country People," and follow
ing his remarks there will be a gen
eral discussion.
vVith five minute talks, U. R.
Kester and Frank Harris will open
the discussion on the topic, "Is it
Conceded that the Country School
as They are at Present Conducted
Ivducate the Pupils Away from the
A S. Fritz and Howard Traub
will discuss what is the most prac
tical thing to do, on tli2 part of the
patrons, to improve the conditions
of the country schools. Discussing
the same subject from fhe view
point of the teacher, Prof. J. G.
Cope and M. P. Whitenight will
discuss "What is Lacking in Teach
ing Klenietitary Science;" Prof. W
B. Sutliffand R. M. Creasy, "What
is Lacking in Teaching Arithme
tic;" Prof. C. H. Albert and Deri
Hess, "What is Lacking in Teach
ing Geography;" Prof. Hartline
and D. J. Snyder, "What is Lack
ing in Teiching Botany."
Prof. O. H. B.ikeless will talk on
"What can be done to counteract
the idea that the aim of education
is to escape manual labor."
. .
Al. II. Wilson, German Singing Co
median, nt the Columbia.
. Tl:c scenic equipment of "Met.
in Ireland, the new musical play,
which Al. II. Wilson, the German
dialect romedian, will bring to the
Columbia Theatre, Thursday Jan
nary, 27th. is said to be most
attractive. The first r.ct is a
reproduction of Dolan's Forge, an
historic Irish landmark on the road
leading to Kildare; the second act
is an interior scene of the famous
Klinikilty Castle; while the third
act is a moonlight scene, an exter
ior view of Klinikilty Castle with
its surrounding park and lodge
houses. Mr. Wilson will no doubt
receive a hearty welcome, more
especially since he will make his
appearance in a new play, which
has proven to be one of the suc
cesses of the season. The story tells
of the adventures and love of a
German wanderer in the land of
the shamrock, where he becomes a
believer in the good little fairies
made famous in song and story
The comedy element, of which
there is a generous supply, is fur
nished by Mr. Wilson as the Ger
man wanderer, when he mingles
with the lads and lasses of the
Emerald Isle. There are several
new songs with such charming
titles as "Love Thoughts," "Erin's
Isle," "The Banshee," "The
Nightingale Song" and "Mixed
German." A competent chorus
will render the old-time Irish airs
A number of men were gathered
at a point where men are wont to
congregate the other day, when
one proposed thev test their skill
in telling the most unlikely and
unbelievable yarn. They drew lots
as to which one should begin, and
the first one said that he was at a
moving picture show a few nights
ago, when a lady with an immense
hat cams in and sat down in front
of him. As soon ns the show start
ed she promptly removed her head
This ended the contest, as all the
others at once agreed that they
couldn't tell anything that was
more improbable
Daniel Boone on the Trail.
If wild animal training is not an
actual "calling" it has many of the
elements of irresistibility often at
tributed to vocations of education
al, didactical or philanthropic na
ture. Last year when J. W. Clin
ton, now playing the part of Daniel
Boone, was terribly mangled in an
attack by the wolf "Bob" carried
by the company, he said he would
probably return to the company as
soon as he" was able. Though
warned by the doctors at the hos
pital, Mr. Clinton insisted on re
turning to his company less than
ten days after he had been torn by
the "raw" wolf "Bob." Ou last
Monday night he fainted after hav
ing successfully performed with his
pack of wolves. Again entering the
cage Wednesday Mr. Clinton made
a desperate effort to "break" the
wolf which tore him, but his weak
condition, began to tell ou him
before he had finished, and it was
only the . quick work of the other
members of the company prevented
him from being torn the second
These wolves will be seen with
"Daniel Boone on the Trail" at
Columbia Theatre, Friday eveuiug,
January 14th.
Senator Elkins Says That the Situa
tion Is Alarming Over High
Prices of Living.
The increased cost of living is a
subject that is at present receiving
much attention. Senator Elkins of
West Virginia has introduced a re
olution in Congress in regard to the
matter. In speaking of it he said:
"I have introduced a resolution
for an investigation into the ques
tion of increased prices, because we
have reached a situation that is
alarming. It is affecting almost the
entire American people. The cost
of living is chasing wages and in
comes, and it is going ahead of
them in many cases."
The question of why the cost of
living is going upward and upward
is attracting general attention in
Congress, and the pressure from
without on that body for an inves
tigation is strong. Generally speak
ing, the old-time leaders in Senate
and House have little sympathy
with an inquiry of this sort. .Sen
ator Elkins is one of the wealthiest
men in Congress and a force in the
He employs thousands of men in
his various lines of business in West
Virginia, and a resolution from a
source of this kind for a congres
sional inquiry into the upward
movement of prices naturally caus
es a stir.- The Senator in receiving
many inquiries about it and many
letters of approval.
That a congressional inquiry of
some sort will be forced in the end
seems certain. The widespread dis
content over the conditions makes
it difficult for the leaders to stand
in the way of it.
"I don't see how this situation
can continue," said Senator Elkins.
"As I say the cost of living is out
stripping wages and incomes. That
brings want and misery to large
numbers of families. It means that
women and children are not getting
proper food and clothing, and that
children cannot be sent to school
and get either an education or the
foundation of an education. And
that means our civilization is being
"Food, shelter and clothing are
the three absolute essentials of ev
ery family. Shelter includes rents
and fuel. The cost of all these has
advanced alarmingly. They are
absolutely lundamental to comfort
and health. It is not to be wonder
ed at that the people are concerned
about conditions. I hear from it
constantly. Men complain to me
that wages are not keeping pace,
aud that their families are in straits
in consequence. Yet so far as my
own business is concerned, the re
turns from it are not such as to
warrant me in putting up wages.
What is to be done in such a situa
tion ?
"I look upon it as the function
of statesmanship or whatever you
may call it when it is clearly per
ceived that a disaster is threatening
the whole nation of 80,000,000 peo
ple, to attempt to do what can be
done to afford a remedy. As to the
increased cost of living. Congress
at least can find out some of the
causes and make them known.
What those causes are I am not
prepared to say. For one thing,
we are living in an age of extrava
gauce. Speculation is rife. The
expansion of the currency supply
and the increased production of
gold 110 doubt are f jctors. All th,ese
tacts tend to make high prices.
"The country is being settled np
so fast, and the population is grow
ing so rapidly especially the urban
population that we are reaching a
state where agricultuial production
is tested by the demands ot our
own people. Nations do not ex
change gold; they exchange com
modities. Our consumption of wheat
is up to the limit of production, and
we have practically ceased export
ing. Of course, we send abroad
cotton to the value of $900,000,000
or more. But we pay out $200,000,
000 a year to foreign ship owners.
"American tourists take $ioo,-
000,000 abroad every year. They
spend much of it in luxury aud ex
travagance. Laborers send bafc to
the old country every year $100,- we send $50,000,000 out
of the country every year for
Christmas presents. Altogether we
pay out in one way aud another, in
actual money which goes abroad,
about $500,000,000 every year. In
ten years this means $5,000,000,000.
"This dram is doubtless one of
the causes of the increasing cost of
living and the failure of wages to
keen pace; and there are many
contributory causes. We must own
our own ships, and we must come
to more economical ways of living.
Think how we are wasting money
Catarrh of the Lungs
Threatened Her Life.
Miss Nlnotto Porter, Itrafntroo, Ver
mont, writes !"I have boon cured by
Porn n a.
"I had noverftl hemorrhages of the
lung. Tho doctor did not help mo
much and would never have cured me.
"I aaw a, testimonial In a Peruna
almanao of a case similar to mine, and
I commenced lining It.
'I was not able to wait on myself
when I began lining It. I gained very
slowly at first, but I could see that It
was helping mo.
"Aftor I had taken it a while I com
menced to ralno up a stringy, sticky
substance from my lungs. This grew
less and less in quantity as I continued
tho treatment.
"I grew moro fleshy than I had been
for a long time, aud now I call myself
Ask your Druggist for a Free l'e
runa Almanac for 1910.
in comparison with the French.
You don't see the average French
man going traveling aoout f r
pleaVuie. The French people live
on what we waste. Cons niplioii
is overtaking production. My res
olution provides for ;in inq i:ry into
the question how far the tru-tsa d
monopolies have caused the ; ee t
conditions. 1 don't know to what
extent they have done so.
"The American people are reck
lessly extravagant. We must learn
to get more out of our farms, and
to cutitract fewer debts and find
more ways of paying them. I have
introduced this resolution because
I feel that here is a situation that
absolutely demands the attention of
Congress. I want n thorough and
impartial investigation that will go
to the roots of the whole i.iatter. .1
don't see how things can go ou as
they are, and I believe it is our im
perative duty to look into the
Senator Elkins proposes to broad
en the scope of his resolution in a
few particulars. He will seek to
have it apply to every important
phase of the cost of living among
oilier things, specifically to ths in
crease of the world's 6old supply
ind monetary supply.
At a meeting of the County Com
missioners on Saturday morning,
C. Fred Lenhart was elected presi
dent of the board for the ensuing
year, and C. L. Pohe, secretary.
Mr. Lenhart is rapidly recovering
from his attack of typhoid fever,
but is not yet able to attend to bu
siness. No other appointments were
made, and will not be until Mr.
Lenhart can be present.
Keep The Money At Home.
An Ohio concern is sending cir
culars here, offering to furnish an
outfit of printed stationery for
$3.85, in advance, customer to pay
express charges, which would be
60 to 75 cents.
We will duplicate the offer, save
you express charges, will guaran
tee as good if not better stock, and
you can see just what you are get-,
ting betore you pay for it.
Don't send your money away
from home for printing when you
can get the same thing for less cash
right here. tf.
It seems as though a man's
friends save up all their offers to
treat until he swears off.
A reliable physician of thirty
yeara' eijwrietire otters his ser
vices and medicine free. Would
you like to be cured to stay
cured? If so, write him your
symptoms and he will send you a
course of medicine that will do you
good and the prescription, so at
any time should you want more of
the treatment von can net it from
the druggist and the medicine will not cost
you over twenty or twenty-five cents a month.
This is an olfer every alllicled person should
avail themselves of. You certainly havenoth
ing to lose and will benefit grcntlv from this
uupiuallcled offer. Address. J.W.Merrnw.M.D.,
Slate Sanitarium Nortli Bennuigton.Vt.
Ptea put 11H Vain lit., w it ir.
1-6-4 w
"Made a
Well Man
of Me."
produce lino retulta In 80 tiny. It Bct
powerfully ami quickly. Cures when others full.
old men niuy recover their youthful vlKor by
r. ib quicKiy ana quietly re
moves Nervousness, Lost VltulUy, Keiuul uiinhaalwH.. T . i .
.7 , riratr, r itiiinK memory,
Wasting Diseases, and effects of Kelf-abuse or
excess and indiscretion, which u 11 II is one for
study, business or marrlutre. It not only cures
by starting; at the seat of disease, but Is a great
nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing
back the pink glow to liule cheeks anil re-
ovu. iiH wiu yuuiiit 11 wunttt on Bp
proachintfdiNotkHO. Insist on having lti:viVO.
tin nt.hntv It-, nun hArniMil...! I
til-til Oil tlfm irwi. nn.A 1 . J. w .. m..3
give free advioe ami counsel to nil who wish it
with 11 a ran too. Circulars true. AdUroKA
ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marino Bldg., Chicago, lit
i.mna-r mm -v Tik.
t7m mm JLr m m
The fine residence prop
erty of tho late Judge El
wcli is for sale.
Location :
West Third Street between
Jefferson and AY est Streets.
Two story and attic, brick
and -frame. ll looms. Lot
about (Hi by 212 feet.
large garden, abundance of
fruit trees.
The house has a Steam
Heating Plant, Bath Koom,
Stationary Bange and Wash
Tubs; Water, Electric Light,
and Gas.
Will be sold on easy
terms. Apply to
Bloomsburg, Pa.
I Our Pianos
are the Leaders. Our lines in
elude the following makes :
I ' Chas. M. Stieff,
Henry F. Miller.
Brewer & Pryor, Koiiler &
Campbell, and Radel.
1 IN ORGANS we handle the
Estey, Miller, H. Lehr&Co
7 his Store has the agency for
Helby, 1900, Queen, Key
1 stone, Majestic.
Music Rooms No. 105 West Main
I Street, Below Market.
European Plan. Absolutely Fireproof.
in the heart of the business section of
Luxurious tyoomt, Single and En tulle
With or Without Batbi. $1 Per Oay Up.
Palatial Dining Rooms. Unsurpassed Cuisine
Shower and Plunge in Turkish Baths
Free to Guests.
Send for Booklet.
JfV li't',, .'! - ' -yVVW