The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 13, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Capital $100,000 Surplus 8150,000.
With the Largest Capital and Surplus in the County, a
Strong Directorate, Competent Officers and Every Mod
ern Facility, we solicit Accounts, Large or Small, and
Collections on the Most Liberal Terms Consistent with
Sound Hanking, and Invite YOU to inspect our NEW
3 Per Cent. Interest
E. W.M. Low, President.
James M.Staver, Vicel'resldent.
James M. Ktaver,
Fred Ikeler,
H. C. Creasy.
Clinton Herring,
F.O. York,
Louis Gross,
M. K Stnekliouse.
r. sT.Ain.Tsiir.n isr.h.
Ulojitislmrg, the County Seat 01
Col uni I iin County (Pennsylvania.
Ol'.O. V. Kl.WF.I.T,. Kditor.
C. I'.O. C. ROAN. Kokuman.
'1 kkm: fn sid r 1 he county $1.00 a year
In a'lvance; il.5oif not paid in a:lvnnce.
Uusulc the count y, $1.35 .1 year, strictly in
All communications should le.vlJressed
THE COLUMBIAN, Blonmsl.ur;;, Ta.
THUltSDAY, JANUARY 1.!. 11)10
SPECTED. Nose, Eyes, Ears and Mouth to Be
Examined by State Inspector.
The medical inspection of the
schools in the rural districts, which
was decided upon by the advisory
board of the State department of
health, will provide for the exami
nation ot tne nose, moutu, eves
and ears of every pupil attending
the public schools of the Common
wealth that are located in the rural
districts outside of the limits of
cities, boroughs and townships of
the nrst class.
The resolution adopted by the
board was as follows:
"Resolved, Lender and by au
thority of the act of assembly ap
proved the twenty-seventh day of
April, A. D., 1905, entitled, 'An
act creating a department of health
and defining its powers and duties,
that the commissioner of health be
authorized to make at least twice a
year a medical inspection of schools
which shall include the examina
tion of the nose, mouth, eyes and
ears of every pupil attending the
public schools of the Commonwealth
that are located in the rural dis
tricts outside of the limits of cities,
boroughs and townships of the first
This inspection which will be
don. under the supervision of the
department's medical inspector in
each county, will include approxi
mately 400,000 children. The State
examination will be clone in such a
manner as not to conflict with the
family physicians throughout - the
The advisory board also decided
to add hook worm, pellagra and in
fantile paralysis to the list of the
diseases to be reported to th au
thorities by physicians throughout
the State of Pennsylvania.
College President Inaugurated.
With Governor Edwin S, Stuart
and George F. Baer, the latter pres
ident of the institution's Board of
Trustees, as the most eminent
speakers, Henry Harbavgh Apple
was last Friday inaugurated 11s pres
ident of Franklin and Marshall
College, ot Lancaster, in the pres
ence of representatives of the lead
ing institutions of learning in the
East, and au audience that taxed
the capacity of the big Opera
House. The most interested spec
tator was the venerable Mrs. Thom
as G. Apple, 83 years old, widow
of a former president of the institu
tion, and mother of the incoming
Arc Doctors
Foolish question! Yet some
could take the place of a doctor! The best medicine in
the world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult
him frequently, trust him fully. If we did not believe
doctors endorsed Aver's Cherrv PprtnrM fnr rnnrjhc rnl
Colds, We WOUld not Offer it
!. T -vl 1 i ... .
hJ.f,dtT:i .Aycr'
, ... vl ulIir Km lo
Paid on Time Deposits
Myron I. Low, Vice President.
Frank Ikeler, Cashier
Myron I. Low
H. V. 1 lower,
Frank I keler.
Cornell's President Says English Will
Furnish the Literary Culture
of the Future. '
That it is doubtful if modem
languages can maintain their place
in college curriculums, and that
there is no reason why the English
language shall not in the future
furnish the literary culture, which
for generations was derived or as
sociated with the study of Latin and
Greek, were some of the state
ments of President Schurman, of
Cornell University, before the Mod
ern Language Association of Amer
ica, in session in Philadelphia.
"We must recognize that Greek
is practically gone as a college sub
! t. 1 . 1 -r .
jeei, ana mat laun occupies no
sucn prominent position as it pos
sessed a generation ago," he said.
President Schurman then, re
plying to the claim of the practi
cal man that modern languages are
useful, said that tlure were so ma
ny good books written in the Eng
lish language that the most omniv
erous reader would probably sup
ply his literary cravings if he knew
no other language but his own.
"If you exclude our scholars and
university teachers," he added,
"probably not one person out of
five hundred who learns modern
languages uses them afterwards in
conversation or could use them if
it were necessery. Teaheis and
scholars gain their mastery of for
eign languages by studying them
abroad, and the small circle outside
who will need to use them might
be advised to do so."
1. . . ...
Enough Earned by Money on Deposit
to Run Two Offices.
An increase of nearly 100 per
cent, in the amount of interest re
ceived on State mouev on deoosit
in various banks is shown in the
annual report of State Comptroller
West, which will be submitted to
the Legislature this week. The
condition which brought about this
increase is unusual and nrobablv
will not be duplicated this year be
cause included in the money on de
posit and on which interest was
paid last year, were considerable
sums held by the State pending
For the fiscal year ending Octo
ber 31 lasr., the State received $84,
000 in interest, the amount received
the previous year having been $47,-
490. 1 he amount 01 interest re
ceived last year was sufficient to
pay the administrative expenses of
the offices of the State Comptroller
and State Treasurer and leave a
Potatoes Pared by Steam.
A novel machine has been in
stalled in the culinary department
of the Normal School. It is a po
tato parer, operated by a small
steam engine, which does clean and
pid work. A bushel of potatoes
can be pared by it in from three to
hve minutes. It not only save9
time and labor, but saves much of
the waste which was made in the
old way.
Asuy Good?
ncnnip ,-iH- c if
to vnu. Ask vnnr .Wfnr
... i
s couKii medicine. .c.AverCo
m! I'" tipatioii. biliousness, sick-
you ASK your own Uoctur aj0l.t thi3
From out Regular Correspondent.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, 1910.
For the first year or two of a
new Administration the wife of the
President is the most observed, dis
cussed and criticized person in
Washington, scarcely excepting the
Unet Executive himself. The I-irst
Lady of the Land as she is persist
ently and so snobbishly referred to
is a staple drawing room subject
and her appearance, peculiarities
and innovations are known in the
humblest homes and basement
kitchens. Mrs Taft bavins lone
resided in Washington is not excit
ing the eager interest that a new
comer would have been awarded,
but what she lacks in novel interest
she is making up in the changes
she tins ordered in the White House
and the social precedents she has
chosen to disregard. For the pres
ent society chooses to reserve its
judgment as to the advantages and
superiorities of her innovations and
criticizes or applauds half hearted
ly as y.:t. Tuesday exiling the
first reception of tile season was
given in the White House. This
is the reception in hone r of the Dip
lomats and is the most brilliant of
the year. For many ears past the
great number of guests invited has
made it possible to serve lefresh
inents afur the original fashion at
these entertainments, and as a mat
ter of fact the great crush of guests
had made these a flairs almost intol
erable from the standpoint of dig
nity, social satisfacticn or comfort.
Mrs. Taft has announced in her de
cided, if somewhat querulous way
that she will not have a mob fight
ing its way through the corridor
and up the staircase to the receiv
ing line and that while she may not
have so many guests those who are
invited shall be entertained after
the fashion prevailing in splendid
private homes. Consequently a
much smaller number was invited
for the Diplomatic reception and
there was space for everyone to
move about in the great Eist Room
and the other apartments set aside
for the entertainment of the guests.
After having been received by the
President, Mrs. Taft and the Cabi
uet ladies made their way inform
ally and without question of prece
dence into the State Dining Room
where a buflet luncheon of great
variety and excellence was served.
How does society like it ? Well,
there is a difference of opinion.
Those who were there say it is a
magnificent departure. Those who
think they should have been there
but were not because they were not
iuvited are howling. They talk of
the introduction of monarchical
manners in place ot the simple dem
ocratic fashion of the Roosevelts
and their predecessors. Its all a
question you see of a small square
of pasteboard.
This is only one of many changes
made by Mrs. Taft in White Hons.
affairs and others are promised.
For example it gives one quit; a
start to go to the Executive Man
sion and in place of the dignified
policemen in unifurm who used to
look you over to find, instead, two
of the handsomest, blackest negro
butlers that ever got into dress
suits. Mrs. Taft doesn't like po
licemen at her front door and she
says its more homelike to have but
lers and mere American to have
them black. Then iu place of the
old time steward who was a kind of
major domo or at least an under
study to the President himself, and
who bought all the provisions for
the White House, did the market
ing, employed the servants and ar
ranged the entertainments, ordered
the decorations, etc., there is now
a matronly looking housekeeper,
who carries a basket of keys just
like thiy do in the story book
houses and who goes to Mrs. Taft
every morning lor her orders the
same as if the White House were
just a big home instead of a semi
public building. The capable per
son is known as Mrs.Jaffray and
she is said to be giving eminent
satisfaction both above and below
stairs. Every morning she drives
in one of the White House carriag
es to market and personally selects
the perishable loods for the table.
I have heard that she indulges in
the reprehensible habit of American
women of ordering groceries by
phone, but then there is too much
to be done in such au establishment
to busy one self cheese paring. The
bills for supplies in these days of
dizzy prices are almost apalhug for
there are twenty-six servants to be
fed after the elaborate luncheons
and dinuers for the President are
served. These meals are much less
expensive now though than in
Rooseveltian days. In that stren
uous time there were guests for
breakiast, luncheon and dinner, a
constant stream of rough-riders,
diplomats, authors, reformers and
personal friends from every walk of
life. Mr. Roosevelt himself is an
enormous eater, while Mr. Taft is
on a diet which allows him no
luncheon. Mrs. Taft is practically
an invalid this winter, and none of
the children are at the White House
except during the school holidays
Mrs. Taft having been a poor girl
and the wife of a poor man has
learned economy and it is believed
that she will manage to save a good
part of the President's salary. The
regular White House expenses do
not come out ot the President's
pocket. Tint 19 to say while he
pays the grocery and marketing
bills out of bis salary the general
upkeep of the house is paid by al
lowance of twenty-five thousand
dollars a year. If Mrs. Taft desires
new curtains, a new rug or furni
ture she has simply to make requi
sition for it and it is delivered at
once. There is an appropriation
for the President's stables and Con
gress last session voted a liberal
amount for the purchase of two fine
automobiles The President kcps
two riding horses and there is a
pony for Charlie, the youngest son
and several carriage horses. While
M Roosevelt was in the White
House sixteen horses were kept
constantly in the stables.
The President's w ife of late ycar
has been assisted by a private Sec
retary and Miss Hagner who was
Mr. Roosevelt's aide, won almost
national fame so completely did she
dominate the social life at the
White House People who desired
attention nt the Executive Mansio'n
if sufficiently astute courted Miss
Hagner first. Mrs. Taft declared
that this state of affairs shall not be
repeated while she is in power
ner tiecretary, Miss lilecli, it was
given out would be kept in the
back ground writing letters, issu
ing invitations, etc. But fate had
other tilings in store for Miss Blecli,
for before the end of the Inaugura
tion season she had become engaged
to a young naval officjr, a most de
sirable parti in the smart set and
before next year Mrs Taft will
have to look for another young
woman who is fitted to discharge
the delicate and complex duties of
a social secretary who must be at
o'jee social arbiter and upper ser
Too Many People Want the Choice
Cuts, Packer Swift Says.
Commenting on the increased
cost of meat, one of the questions
which Senator Elkins proposes to
investigate, John F. Swift, presi
dent of Swift & Co., said:
"I feel that some of the talk
about the high price of beef is due
to the great demand (or the rib and
loin cuts, of which there is only
about 26 per cent, of the total. The
proper preparation and cooking of
the cheaper cuts (or 74 per cent,
of the beef) is being given consid
erable attention by domestic science
authorities, with a view of increas
ing the use of cheaper cuts.vv hich
are just as nutritious as the rib and
loin cuts, thereby effecting a saving
in the cost of living. This work is
commendable and should be con
tinued." Mr. Swift would not go into the
matter more thoroughly. Nor
would he discuss the hrce profits
of his company durinsr the Dast
year, as shown 111 its annual repo-t.
It had cleared a net profit of 14 per
cent, on the $60,000,000 of stock,
on a business of $2 r.o. 000. 000 for
1909. Besides this large net profit,
$4, 000,000 was added to the sur
plus and many more millions to the
Hinds .or depreciation, maintenance
and interest on bonds.
For the past week Normal Hill
has been a popular place for coast
ers, particularly in the evenings.
Sleds, big and little, have been
scooting down at a great rate, and
continuing in their slide below Iron
Street, while some have been going
as far as the Court House. It has
been many years since such condi
tions have existed, and many have
been taking advantage of the good
Downstairs With Bombs.
William Dimmi k met with a
peculiar accident at his home in
Wilkes-Barre on Sunday. He was
descending the stairs when he slip
ped and fell. Two dynamite car
tridges, such as are used by miners
to discharge powder, exploded in
his pocket lrom concussion.
Dimmick's left hand was blown
off and he sustained other injuries.
In making up his estimates of
Pittsburg's finances for the coming
year, controller E. s. Morrow for
got, at first, to include his own
$5000 salary.
A Philadelphia paper made note
or mis lact as though it were sur
prised at such an occurrence.
Children Cry
Now For The Quick Selling
MiiDofactorcr's Surplus Stock of Furs.
The Fur season with .some manufacturers has been
anything but satisfactory. We found a fur merchant with
a surplus stock he was anxious to dispose of said he'd
rather have less money than a big stock of furs. A satis
factory price was agreed on.
Natural Mink Scarf with head and tail trimming $40 00
now $30.00. '
Black Lynx Shawl was $37.00, now $27.00.
Natural Mink, priced $17.00, now $12.50.
Japan Mink Shawl, was $15.00, now $11.50-
Jap Mink Novelty Scarf, was $18,00, now $13.75.
Jap Mink Fancy Scarf, was $13.50, now $9.50,
Jap Mink Throw, was $9.00, now $6.50.
Black Fox Shawls, were $15.00, now $11.00.
Sable Fox Fancy Scarf, was $20.00, now $14.50.
Isabella Fox Animal Scarf, was $15.00, nowju.oo
Russian Mink Throws, were $5 00, now $385.
Isabella Opossum Animal Scarfs, were $9.00, now C 7:
Many other neck pieces, were $1.00 to $20.00, now 8
cents to $14.50. 3
National Mink Muff with heads was $30.00 now $24.00
Black Lynx Pillow Muff, was $50.00, now $40.00.
lap Mink Pillow Muff with heads, was $10, now $7 7c
Russian Mink Rug Muff, was $9.00, now $6 75
Sable Fox Rug Muff, was $15.00, now $11.00.
Isabella Fox Rug Muff, was $11.00, now $8.25.
Fur Coats in Great Variety.
An Irresistible Bargain.
$1.75 Value for Only $1.15.
Is a
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fashions, entertaining stories and complete information en U
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Regular price, 5 cents a copy Worth double
McCall Patterns
So simple you cannot mis
understand them. Absolute
ly accurate. In style, irre
proachable. You may select,
free, any McCall Pattern you
desire from the first number
of the magazine which reach
es you. Regular price, 15
Call at our office or address your order to
The Columbian, Bloomsburg, Pa
fne.YJ?a':!s Subscription fcr
ivicuan s Magazine
Anv 15-Cent McCall Pattern
you may select
ne-r.Xer'? Subscription for
The Columbian.
The Columbian
is the oldest newspaper in
the county. It is not sen
sational, and what it prints
is reliable, and fit to be
read by anybody. Regular
price $1.00 per year.