The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 13, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Notice is hereby given thnt the follow
ing named persons have filed with the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions
of Columbia County their petitions fur
license, which will be presented to 8:iiil
Court on
H ONDAY. JANUARY 17, 1910,
at 10 o'clock a. m.
t. Albertson, Hartley, hotel, Pish in it
creek Township, Pa,, bounded and de
scribed 08 follows; Situate in the village
of Jonestown in paid Township on a lot
hct(iimin nt a corner of land of P. H.
fones ft al. running thence to land of A.
T. Chnpin southwardly thence north to
the public road 14.1a perches theoce
north 7 3S perches to lot of Amos v hite,
thence northerly la.SS perches to the
place of beginning, containing 120 acres,
more or less, whereon is erected a two
story frame house, barn ami other out
buildings. 2. Aljjott. Adam, restaurant, West
Berwick, I'u., bounded and described as
follows: Situate on the westerly side of
La Salle St., bounded on thn north bv
lot No, 3, Sec. 2, on the eat by La Salic
St,, on the south bv lot No. t. Sec. 2.
and west by an alley being No. 1:5 La
Salle Street.
I. Alexander, Charles, wholesale.
Wes-t Berwick, Pa., situate on the south
Hide of freas Ave. in said Boro., bouixl
cd as follows, to wit: Oil the east by
li t and store building of Joseph Judco
vies, on the smith bv alley mi the west
by store property of M. Gordon, on the
north bv Picas Avenue.
a, Andrvas. Alfred. li t Mifflin,
vide, l'.i.. bounded and (Useribcd as to!
lows; ( );i ! lie s-;utii we' ( orner of ird
am' race Streets in said vi'.lage bounded
0:1 tile north bv 3rd St., on the east bv
Race St., 0:1 the south by 4:11 Si , a -id
'm the west by lut of thy heirs of John
5. Battels Brewing Co., wholesale,
U ooinsbnrg. l'a , boun 'led and descrb.
cd as follows: On the north side of 7th
St , bounded north by I) L. and W R.
K., east bv O V. Drak. smith bv 7th
St., west by I). L. and V. R. K.
0 Busins'ney, Mike. ho. el. Roaring
creek Twp., l'a., bounded and described
as follows: On a road leading from
Numidia to Ringtown and adjoining
lands of Abram Shoup, W. (i. Yetter
.vrl others and known as the "Mount
ain Inn.''
7, Barrett. James, Distillery. Briar
creek Twp., l'a , bounded and described
as follows: On the north bv Briarcrcek,
on the east by lots late 01 Stewart A.
Ash and the Kambaeh Kst , on the sjuth
by a public road, and 0:1 the West by
the George A. Ash Kst.
A. Bibby, James R , hotel. Catawiss.i
Twp., l'a.. bounded and described as
follows: Adjoining landsof Henry Pox,
Geo. W, Bowes and W. K. Bowes.
9. Bishop. A. O., hotel, Berwick.
Pa., bounded and described as follows:
On the northeast corner of Oak and 2nd
Sts , bounded north by 2nd St., east by
land of M. Mellet, et al., south by land
of same, west by Oak St., being Nos.
34Q-342.W. 2nd St., and called the
"Bishop House."
to. Bachman. J. S.. wholesale.
Bloomsburg. Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the north side
of 2nd St., bounded on the north by
Ridge Alley, east by lot of J. L. Sharp
less, south by 2nd St., west by lot of E.
B. Brower.
II. BarborsKy. Mike, restaurant, 1st
Ward Centralia, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows. North by property
of Edward Williams, east by an alley,
south by property of Patrick Burnes,
and weft by Locust Avenue.
12. Bowen. Edward, hotel. Locust
Twp,, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: On tfte north by lands of Dan
iel Levan. on east by lands of Robert
Watkins. on the south by lands of Jacob
Hower, and west by lands of Cnarles
Hendricks tituate on the west side of
the public road leading from Numidia to
13. Colihan, John. restaurant, 2d ward
Centralia, Pa., bounded and described
as follows, north by property of Owen
Cain estate, east by an alley, south by
property of Ed. J. Flynn and west by
Locust avenue.
14. Cox, Harry D., hotel. Millville,
Pa., bounded and described as follows.
Fronting on Morehead avenue in the
said borough, adjoining the S. B and
B. R. R. Co. 's right of wav on the east
and property of Orval Robbing and oth
ers, on the west by property of Mianda
M. Robbins. dee'd and on the south by
an alley.
15- Clauss, Oliver A.. Hotel, Berwick,
Pa., bounded and described as follows:
Situate on the southeast corner of Front
and flak streets, bounded east by land of
C. C. Abel, south by Susquehanni Riv
er, west by Oak street and north by
West Front street, being No. 33 S West
Front street.
id' Columbia Brewing Company,
Wholesale, West Berwick, l'a.. bounded
and described as follows: On northwest
corner of Washington street and right of
way of S. B. and B. R. R. Co., bounded
north by 3d avenue, west by lot No. 802
and being lot No. 801 of Berwick Land
and Improvement Co.'s addition to West
17. Clemens. George K restaurant
West Berwick, Pa. .bounded and describ
ed as follows: On the southeast corner
if LaSalle and Park streets, bounded
north by La Salle street, east by land of
R. D. Austin, south by an alley and
west by Park street, being No. 54t La
Salle street.
i9. Conway, Anthony T., hotel. 2nd
Ward. Centralia. Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the corner of
Centre St, and Locust Ave. in said
ward and borough, north by property of
C. G. Murphy, Est,, east by Locust
Ave., south by Centre St., and west by
au alley.
10. t Creasy, Clymer M hotel. Mif
flinville, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: On a lot of land bounded on
the east by lot of Geo. Zimmerman,
south by 3rd St., west by lot of Wm.
Goodhard, and north bv an alley, and
known as the "Exchange Hotel."
so. Creasy, H. L., hotel. West Ber
wick, Pa., bounded and described as
follows- Beginningat lot No 751 thence
eastwardly 90 feet to corner of lot No.
748, thence northwardly 160 feet to an
alley thence by said lot 90 feet to cor
ner of lot No. 551, thence south 150 feet
to the place of beginning, and situate on
and ave. in said borough.
sr. Derr, William H., hotel, Fishing
creek Twp., Pa., bounded and described
as follows: On the public road running
from Bloomsburg to Benton and bound
ed on the north, south and west by lands
f John Creasy, and east bv said public
road and known as "Forks Hotel.''
22 Derr, Harry, restaurant, Blooms
burg. Pn bounded and described as fol
lows: Situate on the south side on 2nd
St., bounded on the north by and St., nn
the east by lot of II. W. Titman, on the
south by Pino Alley, and on the west by
lot of H. J. Clark.
23. Daly, Patrick, restaurant, Blooms
burg, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate at corner cf Second
and Centre streets in said town on a
lot bounded eastwardly by lands of L.
T. Sharpless. southwardly by Secend
street, westwardlv by Centre Street and
northwardly by an alley and known as
"White House Restaurant."
24. Donovan, D. J , hotel, Benton,
Pa., bounded ane described as follows:
Situate on the northwest corner of Mar
ket and Second streets in said borough
of Benton and known as "Exchange
25. Dorscv, Dennis, hotel, Sugarloaf
Twp. Pa., bounded and described as
follows; Situate at the coiner of Broad
and Market streets in Jamison City on a
lot bounded on the north by Market
streat, on the east bv an alley, on the
south by lot of (Catherine Dorsey and on
the west by Broad street and known as
"City Hotel."
26. Douse, Michael, restaurant 2nd
ward, Centralia, Pa , bounded and de
scribed as follows: Situate on the west
side of Locust avenue, bounded on the
north by property of Michael J. McDon
nell, east by Locust avenue, south bv
property of George W. Davis and west
bv an alley.
'27. Davis. H. P.. and J. L. Keller,
restaurant. West Berwick, Pa., bounded
and described as follows: Hounded ,n
the n rth bv 2nd st., on the east bv
property of K. O. Davis, 0:1 the south
bv Front st.. and on the west by La
Salle st., and being No. 553 in said boro.
of West Berwick.
:-. Krtwine, John II., hotel. Beaver
Twp,. l'a , bounded v.nd described as
follows: Situate in the village of Beaver
Valley, adjoining lands of Sherman
Heller's on the east, and Daniel Ramer
on the West, John Hunsinger on the
north, ami public road on the south
2'i. Kin tein, Isidor, wholesale. West
Berwick, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate on 1st avenue ins iid
borough Nos. wiU nsS
Jo. Forbes, Mary K.. hotel. Sugar
loaf Twp.. Pa., bounded and described
as follows: Situate in Jamison City,
l'a.. bounded north by an alley, east by
land of Matthew Forbes. Est., south by
land of Matthew Forbes. Est., west bv
Market St., the property being known as
the ' Blue Front HoteU"
31. Fegley, Daniel P., restaurant,
boro. of Catawissi, Pa., bounded and
described as follows: On the south by
Main st., on the east by 2nd st., on the
north by landsof Fannie Kieler, and on
the west by land of Graham, known its
"Feglev's Restaurant."
32 Penstemaker. William H., hotel.
Main Twp. l'a., bounded and described
as follows: On the northeastern corner
at the intersection of the public road
leading from Mainville to Bloomsburg
with the road leading to Mifflin and ad
joining lands of J. E. Longei'berger, B.
R. Yetter, J. A. Shuman and public road
leading through Mainville.
33. Fedullo. Lorenzo, restaurant.
West Berwick, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: Situate on the north
erly side of 3rd avenue, bounded on the
east by lot No. S97, on the west by lot
No. S90,. on the south by 3rd avenue, on
the north by an alley, being known and
designated as No. 1233 3rd avenue in the
Borough of West Berwick.
34. Pedorco. John, hotel. West Ber
wick, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning at the corner of War
ren street and Preas avenue, thence
eastwardly 92 feet, 8 inches to corner of
lot No. toiS of Berwick Land and Im
provement Co.'s addition, thence along
lot No. 1018 southwardly 160 feet to a 15
foot alley, thence northwardly along
said alley 92 feet. 8 inches to Warren
street, thence by Warren street 160 feet
to Freas avenue, the place of beginning.
35. Fairman, J. H , hotel, Berwick,
Pa bounded and described as follows:
Situate on the northerly side of Canal
street above the D. L. & W. station,
bounded north by land ot Mart-, and De
puy. east by land of S. A. Becker estate
and J. E. Smith, south by Canal street
and west by lands of Ida Fritz.
3(5. Friedman, Barney A., hotel, Ber
wick, Pa., bounded and "described as fol
lows: Situate on southeast comer of
Vine and 9th streets in liorough of Ber
wick aforesaid being 50 feet front on
Vine street and 1 50 feet on 9th street.
37. Fetterman, Isaac, hotel, Conyng
ham Twp. Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate in the village of Aristes
bounded north by 7th street, east by
public road known as Centre street, south
by property of Joseph Zimmerman and
west by an alley.
3S. Fennessy. William J., hotel, Con
yiighani Twp. Pa., bounded and describ
ed as follows: Situate on the right side
of the road leading from Ashland to Lo
cust Gap and about one mile west of the
borough of Ashland and known as the
"West End Hotel."
39. Fisher, John L., hotel, Blooms
burg, Pa., bounded ami described as fol
lows: Situate on a lot at the corner of
east and 6th streets, bounded on the east
by East street, on the south by 6th street,
on the west by Strawberry alley and on
the north by lot of Win. Viets and
Nesbitt and known as the "East End
40. Gruver, Sue A , hotel, ' Scott
Twp., Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate in the village of Espv,
Pa., bounded south bv Main st., of pub
lic road, west by lot of Stephen l'ettit,
north by an alley, and east by street or
public road leading to D. L. & W. R. R.
station, known as the "Espy Hotel."
41. Golds worthy, A. I)., hotel, 1st
ward, Centralia, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: Situate on the cor
ner of Main St., and Locust ave., in said
lioro., on a lot bounded on the north by
Main St., on the east by Locust ave., on
the south by property of the Goldswor
thy est., on the west by an alley.
42. Gross, John, restaurant, Blooms
burg, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Situate on the south side of 2nd
st., and bounded north by said 2nd st.,
east by property of J. R. Townsend,
south by an alley, and west by an alley,
being No. 10, West Main or 2nd street.
43. Gregorowicz, Michael, hotel, Cat
awissa Twp., Pa., bounded and described
as follows: Situate in Catawissa Twp.,
on a road leading from Catawissa to Nu
midia, adjoining lands of Jacob Rider
and J. V. Adams, and known as "Three
Points Hotel." .
44. Gaughan, Patrick J., restaurant,
Conynghain Twp., Pa. bounded and de
scribed as follows: Situate in the village
of Byrne9ville, said township, bounded
north by property of Mary Butler estate,
east by the Main road leading from Cen
tralia to Ashland, south by William Cau
ley, and west by an alley. '
43. Gilinore, Charles II., and Harry
K.. restaurant, Bloomsburg, Pa., bound
ed and described as follows: Situate on
Main street, in said town, bounded on
the east by the Hendershott property, on
the north by a public alley, on the west
by a public alley, and on the south by
Main or 2nd street.
46. Goodhart, William B., hotel. Cat
wissa iKirongh, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the east by land
of Karl and Samuel Reifsnyder, on the
west by 2nd street, on the north by an
alley, and on the south by Main street,
and known as "Susquehanna Hotel."
47. Home Brewing Company, whole
sale, Conynghain Twp., Pa., bounded
and described as follows: Beginning at
a point at the intersection of the west
side of Centre street and the north side
of 7th street, thence in a northwardly
direction along the west side of said
Centre street, 60 feet to the southerly
side of lot No. 8, thence in a westerlv
direction along said lot 140 feet to the
easterly side of a 20 foot alley, thence in
a southerly direction along said alley 60
feet to the northerly side of 7th street,
thence in an easterly direction along said
street 140 feet to the place of beginning,
being lots Nos. 9 and 1(1 in block No. 24.
48. Houghton, James C., distiller,
Pine Twp. l'a., bounded and described
ss follows: Bounded on the north by
land of James C. Houghton, on the east
by land of James C. Houghton, on the
south by the public road leading from
Pino Summit to Unityville. Pa., and on
the west by other lands of the said James
C. Houghton.
49. Heller, S. K., restaurant. Ber
wick, Pa., bounded and described as fel
lows: Situate on the northerly side of
West Front street, bounded north bv
land of P. 1. Hill, east by land of T. II.
Doan. south by Front street and west by
land of S. K. Heller, being known as No.
, Wet Front street.
5i. Hart, Fred, hotel. Berwick. Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: On
the north by Pine street, cast by lot of
Cope, west by lot of C. M. Aurand,
south bv lot of E. Cope, being known as
No. 10u7 Pine street.
51. Harris, M. J , hotel, West Ber
wick, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Situate on the southerly side of
Freas avenue, bounded on the north by
Freas avenue, east by land of Mellet,
Curtin and McGuire, south by an alley
and west by lands of the Berwick Laud
ami Improvement Co.
52. Houabach, Oliver, hotel, Convng
ham Twp., Pa., bounded and described
as follows: Situate in the village of Aris
tes on the west side of Main street, bound
ed north by a road or street of said vil
lage, east by the Main street, south by
lot of Edward Houabach, west by an al
ley. 53. Haley, John J., hotel, 1st ward,
Centralia, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate on the southeast corner
of Locust avenue and Park street, bound
ed north by Park street, east by an alley,
south by property of Edward Williams
and west by Locust avenue.
54. Hess, Jerry A , restaurant,
Bloomsburg, Pa., bounded and described
as follows: Situate on the south side of
Main street, bounded on the north by
Main street, on the east by an alley, on
the south by an alley, and on the west by
lot of D. A. Creasv.
55. Heddens. P. B., hotel, Blooms
burg, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Situate on the west side of Iron
street between 1st and 2nd streets bound
ed on the north by lot of Frank Keller,
on the west by an alley, on the south by
property of Mrs. W. B. Taylor and on
the east by Iron street, known as "Hed
dens House."
56. Herbine, Albert C, hotel, Mon
tour Twp. Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate on the public road lead
ing from Danville to Catawissa adjoining
lands of Lincoln H. Boody, William
Johnson, Henry Vought estate, and the
said hotel is known as the "Rupert Ho
tel" 57. Hause, Lloyd, restaurant, Cata
wissa borough, Pa., bounded and describ
ed as follows: On the north by Main
street, on the south by an alley, on the
east by R. R. street and on the west by
property of S. B. Rhawn, being known
as "Hause's Restaurant."
58. Hidlay, A. C, hotel, Bloomsburg,
Pa., bounded and described as follows:
On the north by 2nd street, east by lot of
E. B. Brower, south by an alley, and
west by lot of Peter K. Vannatta, and
known as "Hotel Hidlay."
59. Harvey, A. M., hotel, Madison
Twp., Pa., lxmnded ami described as
follows: Situate in the village of Jer
seytown, bounded on the north by pub
lic road leading to Washiugtonville,
east by public road leading to Blooms
burg, on the south by other land of the
petitioner, and on the west by lot of
Thos. Hawk and the estate of W. S.
60. Hartzell, William A., hotel,
Bloomsburg, Pa., bounded and described
as follows: On the south by 2nd street,
west by Murray's alley, north by laud of
Caldwell Consistory, ami east by lot of
C. S. Furman, and known as the "Citv
61. Howell, Annie L , hotel, Scott
Twp., Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate in Scott Twp., in said
county of Columbia, called the "Afton
62. Kaier, Charles D. Company, Lim
ited, wholesale, Bloomsburg, l'a , bound
ed and described as follows: Situate on
the northwest corner 2nd or Main and
Leonard streets, bounded on the north
by an alley, on the east by lands of F.
Anstock, on the south by Main street,
and on the west by Leonard street.
63. Kistler, Daniel P., hotel, Catawis
sa borough, Pa., bounded and described
as follows: On the north by Main street,
east by 2nd street, south by an alley,
west by Kostenbauder land and known
as "Catawissa Hotel."
64. Kupsky, Jacob, hotel, West Ber
wick, Pa,, bounded and described as fol
lows: Situate on the southwesterly cor
ner of Monroe and Park streets, bounded
on the east by Monroe street, on the
north by Park street, on the west by an
alley and on the south by lot of J. M.
65. Kasinitz, Abram, hotel, West
Berwick, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate on the northerly side of
Freas avenue, known and designated as
No. 1131, said premises being 45 by 160
66. Keller, Tames B., hotel, Scott
Twp. Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Situate in the village of Light
street bounded on the north by public
road leading to Berwick, on the south by
land of Peter Zeigler, on the east by land
of E. D. Hagenbuch and on the west by
Main street of said village.
67. Klees, James G., wholesale, Con
yngham Twp. Pa., bounded and describ
ed as follows: On the southwestern side
of Centre street of the village of Aristes
and on the northeast by the right of way
of the L. V. R. R. Co.
68. Knecht, George, wholesale, West
Berwick, Pa.( bounded and described as
follows: On the east by Arch street, on
the south by an alley, on the west In
land of W. A. Sorber, and on the north
by Orange avenue.
- 69. Kline, Abia C, hotel, Blooms,
burg, Pa., bounded and described as fol
fows: Situate on the south side of 2nd
or Main street, txiunded on the north by
2nd or Main st, on the east by an alley,
on the south by an alley, and on the
west by property late of Joshua Fetter
man, now H. W. Titman, known as
"Central House."
70. Kostenbauder, Lewis, restaurant,
Convngham Twp., Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the north by Mid
valley road, on the south by lot of A. H.
Rumbel, on the east by public road lead
ing to Numidia, and Jon the west by an
71. Linden. William A., hotel. West
Berwick, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate at the corner of Front,
Second and LaSalle streets, in said boro.
72. Lnvelle, John, restaurant. 1st
Ward, Centralia, Pa., bounded and tic
scribed as follows: Situate tin the cor
ner of Main street and Locust avenue,
bounded on the north by Main street,
east by an alley, south by a vacant lot.
the property of the Locust Mountain
Coal & Iron Co., and west by Locust av
enue. 73. Lynch, Andrew J. and James Fox
wholesale, West Berwick, Pa., bounded
and described as follows: On the east
by other laud of A. J. Lynch, on the
south by Front street, on the west by
land of James Fox and on the north by
2nd street.
"4. Lynch, Andrew J. and James pox
wholesale, Berwick, Pa., hounded and
described as follow..: Situate on the
southerly side of West Front street, be
tween Market and Mulberry, bounded on
the north by Front street, east bv lot of
Moses Markle, south by an alley and
west by property of (). W. George, being
known as No. 136 West Front street.
75. Lemon, Joseph P., hotel, Giecn
wood Twp. l'a , iKiunded and described
as follows: Situate in the village of Iola
bounded on the north by a main public
road, east by lot of Charles Stackhouse,
south by lot W. Robbins and west bv lot
of P. O. S. of A. Lodge.
76. Menzebach, Anthony, hotel,
Bloomsburg, Pa. Situate on the south
east corner of 6th and Market streets,
bounded on the east by Whitman's alley,
west by Market street, north bv 6th street,
south by land of D. L. V W. R. R. Co.
77. Mourey, John, hotel. Roaring
creek Twp. Pa., bounded and described
as follows: Situate on public road leading
from Catawissa to Shenandoah City ad
joining landsof II. P. Cheringtoti, Dan
iel W. Rarig, William Cheringtoti, etal.
7S. Mohan, Thomas, restaurant, Con
ynghain Twp. Pa., bounded and describ
ed as follows: Situate on the east side of
the Centralia road running from Centra
lia to Ashland, bounded on the north by
property of Margaret Kilkeer, west In
public road leading from Centralia to
Ashland, east by an alley and south by
property of M. j. Byrne.
79. Marcinski, Victor, restaurant, 2d
ward, Centralia, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: Situate on the west
side of Locust avenue, bounded on the
north by property of George W. Davis,
east by Locust avenue, on the south by
lot of C. H. Getchey estate and on the
west by an alley. x
80. "Morton, G. II., hotel, Berwick,
Pa., bounded and described as follows:
Situate 011 the southerly corner ol Mar
ket and Front streets in" the said borough
of Berwick and known as the "Hotel
81. Miller. II. M. and II. D. doing
business in the firm name of Miller
Brothers, hotel, Briarcreek Twp. Pa ,
bounded and described as follows: Bound
ed north, east and south by land of D.
G. Klinetob and on the west by the pub
lic road leading from Berwick to Jones
town, known as "Silver Brook Hotel."
82. McDonnell, Michael J., wholesale
2nd ward, Centralia, Pa., bounded and
described as follows: On the north by
property of O. B. Millard, east by Locust
avenue, on the south by lot of Ellen
Douse and on the west by an alley.
S3 McDonnell, John jr., restaurant,
2nd ward, Centralia, Pa., bounded and
described as follows: Situate on Railroad
street, bounded on the north by Railroad
street aforesaid, on the east by "lot of An
drew Rooney, on the south bv lot of John
Moran ami on the west by Locust ave
nue. 84. Mcllenry, Rohr, Distilling Com
pany, Distiller, Benton Twp., Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: On
the north by public road leading from
Derrs to Benton, on the east by aforesaid
public road, on the south by hinds of the
estate of Rohr Mcllenry, dee'd, and 011
the west by other lands of the said es
tate of Rohr Mcllenry. dee'd.
85. Nertney, Francis, restaurant, 2nd
Ward, Centralia,, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the north by
property of A. E. Fetterman, east by an
alley, south by property of Sirs. Ellen
Cain, and west by Locust ave.
86. O'Donnell, John J., restaurant,
1st Ward, Centralia, Pa., bounded and
described as follows: On the north by
property of Thomas Farrell, east by Lo
cust avenue, south by property of "John
O'Brien, and west by au allev.
87. O'Reilly, Patrick, restaurant, 2nd
ward, Centralia, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: On the north by an
alley, east by an alley, south by Railroad
street, and west by property of Michael
88. O'Connor, Johanna, hotel, 1st
Ward Centralia, Pa., bounded and de
scribed as follows: Situate on the west
side of Locust avenue, adjoining lot of
Michael O'Connor.
89. Pettit, Lloyd M., hotel, West
Berwick, Pa., bounded and described as
follows: Situate on the northeast cor
ner of Warren street and F'reas avenue,
on a lot 160 feet on Warren street, and
92 feet on Freas avenue, said building
being 44 feet by 74 feet, being Nos. 1525
1526, Freas avenue.
90. Parr, William, hotel, West Ber
wick, Pa., bounded and described as fol
lows: Situate 011 the south side of Freas
avenue, bounded on the north by Preas
avenue, on the east by other property of
Mellet, Curtain & McGuire, on the south
by an alley, and 011 the west by Wash
ington street.
91. Penna. Central Brewing Compa
ny, wholesale, West Berwick, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows: Situ
ate on Lot No. 818, of Berwick Land &
Imp. Co.'s addition to West Berwick,
bounded north by S. B. & B. R. R. Co.,
east by Warren street, south by 3rd ave
nue, west by land of Berwick Land and
Improvement Co.
92. Perry, J. W., hotel, Sugarloaf
Twp., Pa., bounded and described as fol-
Continued ou page 3
Afrgclable Prepflrationfbr As
similating ihcFoodandRcSula
ting the Stomachs andDowcb of
Promotes Digcslion.Checrliil
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fimJtut Srdt
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hbryn rumr.
Aperferl Remedy forConslipn
lion . Sour Siomach, Diarrhoea
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Facsimile Signature ct
To All Our Subscribers
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