fa ft re?. . liLOOMSDURG, PA., THURSDAY JANUARY 13, 1910. NO WHEN YOUjWANT TOK Ooen a tfank Account Have a Check Cashed Borrow Money, or Make an Investment CALL ON TIIU OLD RELIABLE - The Farmers National Bank OF BLOOMS BURG Capital, 860.000 Surplus $100,000 C M. CKEVELING, Pres. M. MILLEISEN Cashier. DIRECTORS t Mnvuo N. U. Funk C. M. Creveling C. A. Kleim or T Whitk C. W. Runyon VV , , . 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. NEW HOSPITAL. The Corporation has determined to raise a fund to build a hand some and well equipped structure. ADDITION BADLY NEEDCD. The Corporation of the Joseph Ratti Hospital at its meetiug on Monday took a step which will mean much, not only to Blooms burg, but to the whole neighboring community. The decision was made to raise a fund of twenty thousand dollars to which an additional ten thousand will undoubtedly be added by the Slate, to erect a new building ad- ininincr the nresent structure. The old building will be used for ad ministrative purposes, and for op erating. The building will be of brick with Indiana limestone trimmings, three stories above the basement which will be almost entirely above giouud. Provision is made for four public wards, two each for male and female patients; one for male medi cal and one for surgical and same for female patients. Three wards will accommodate twenty patients and under extraordinary circum stances may be increased to thirty patients. There will be fourteen rooms for private patients which are intended for one patient in each, but the rooms will be sufficiently large to accommodate two if necessity re quires. The new building is also provided with an emergency room, directors' room, staff consulting room, waiting room, diet kitchens, loilet rooms, and all other requisites lor a first class modern hospital. The kitchen, general dining room, boilers, etc., will be located in the basement. The new building is to be connected on the first and second floors to the present building with a wide corridor, with easy access lo the operating room which will re main where it is at present located. An election of officers was held at the meeting on Monday at which the following gentlemen were reelected: A. Z. Schoch, president; L. N. Moyer, vice presi dent; F. G. Yorks, treasurer, and John G. Harman, secretary. Mr. Schoch will appoint a com mittee soon for the purpose of can vassing, and furthering of the build ing project. LICENSE NOT REVOKED. The hearing of the West Berwick license case took place last Satur day. Chief of Police Laub, of West Berwick, represented by Hon. Grant Herring and Clyde C. Yet ter, charged M. J. Harris with vio lation of the liquor laws, and keep ingja disorderly place which dis turbed the peace of the community. The defense, represented by John G. Harman and J. L. Evans, claim ed the charges were brought through personal spite. The hear ing continued throughout the day. The decision resulted in favor of the defendant, the Associate Judges voting against Judge Evans. BURNED TO. DEATH. Miss Emma Turner, of Danville, was so frightfully burned last Fri day night, when her clothing was ignited by burning oil from a lamp, that she died only a few minutes after being brought to the Joseph Ratti Hospital. Her clothing was almost entirely burued, and her flesh was charred in many places. Dr. J. J. Brown M. Milleiskn BLOOM POOR DIRECTORS. Democratic Committmen Name Candi dates for Directors of Bloom Poor District. The Democratic committeemen of the district embraced in Bloom Poor Distrht met in the Court House last Saturday afternoon, in pursuance of a call issued by Coun ty Chairman J. II . Mercer. The purpose of the meeting was to name candidates for the office of Director of Bloom Poor District. Those present were Tames II. Mercer, Otto Kemper, E. M. Sav idge and Clark Miller, of Blooms burg; Bartley Albertson and W. B. Lawton. of Greenwood township; Alvin Ikeler, of Millville; Harry Dietterick and Frank Ilippensteel, of Scott township; and A. B. Van- s'.ckle and I. P. Hartman, of bu garloaf township. The candidates for the office were Frauk Drake and William Kashner, of Bloomsburg, Mr. Drake being a member of the present board and seeking a renomination; C. W. Hess and Jesse Fritz, of Sugarloaf township, and A. S. Ikeler, of Mill ville. It seemed to be conceded that C. W. Hess would be one ot the nom inees inasmuch as Sugarloaf town ship had no representation on the board for years. The contest narrowed down be tween Kashner ard Drake. The meeting was called to order by County Chairman James H. Mercer who was made President of the meeting, and Harry Dietterick was chosen Secretary. There being two candidates to be nominated, each committeeman could vote for two. A ballot was taken, and the result was 8 for Hess, 6 for Kashner, 4 for Drake, 2 for Fritz, and 1 for Ikeler. Hess aud Kashner were declared the nominees. CARPET MILL ADDITIONS. Expansion and improvement al ways seem to be the policy of the Magee Carpet Company. Nearly every year has seen additions made to this already large and well equipped plant, and more are now under way. A two-story brick addition, i8x 80 feet, is being placed on the tap estry weave room, and work has been started on a two-story brick addition over the dye house of the spinning mill, with each floor 18x50 feet, to be used as a picking house. Work on these additions will be rapidly rushed. The electrification of the entire plant is being pushed forward. Al ready four hundred horsepower is being produced, and eight more motors aggregating 200 h. p. are expected within the next week. MAGEE FOR PRESIDENT. Tames Magee will be an inde pendent candidate for President of the Town Council. Mr. Magee has been a member of the Council for a number of years, and is thoroughly familiar with the town affairs. There has never been a more active aud ag gressive member than he has been. He has always been elected by a very large vote, and if there are any other aspirants for the Mayor's chair, he will no doubt give them a lively hustle. ANNUAL DAN CE. The Friendship Fire Co. will hold their forty-third annual dance in the Midway, on February 22nd. 1909 The New Year. The vcar about to close, following the serious financial de pression of 1007-8 has been a eral business has wonderfully improved so that the coming NEW YEAR promises great prosperity, and consequently a consider able accumulation of money to deposit in a sound bank. The record of this Bank has been one ot unbroken success, and never before has it been so well prepared to meet and satisfy the needs of its patrons. If you are not already a patron of this bank, we cordially invite you to start in with the NEW YEAR, assuring you that a trial will prove mutually pleasant and profitable. 0e Q0foent06urg WM. II. HIDLAY, Cashier. School of Agriculture Sessions Being Held in the Court House, Where Interesting Work is Done. STRONG CORPS OF INSTRUCTORS. The Movable School of Agricul ture opened its first session in the Court Honse on Monday afternoon, with A. P. Young of Millville pre siding, and Charles Girton, of Buckhorn, as secretary. A. L. Martin Deputy Secretary of Agri culture, and Director of the Mov able Schools of Agriculture, the first speaker, outlined the program to be carried out, aud discussed dairy farming. Prof. II. E. VanNorman, in charge of dairy at State College, was the next speaker. His subject, was, "What is the Profit in Dairy ing?" Prof. C. W. Larson, of State College, gave an address on "Farm Buttermaking." and was followed by Dr. M. E. Conrad, of West Grove, Pa., who talked interest ingly on the questiou, "Why the farmers cannot purchase good cows," stating the reason was that the cattle were worth more money elsewhere. He then answered a number of practical questions. Tuesday's session. The morning session was opened by a talk by Dr. A L- Martin on "How to Raise Red Clover." He was followed by Professor C. W. Larson, of State College, who discussed butter making and butter scoring. Professor II. E. VanNorman then talked on "The Proper Feed ing of Dairy Cows." In the afternoon eighty-six farm ers journeyed to Grovauia and paid a visit to the stock farm of T. E. Hyde. Here Professor Van Nor man used cows to demonstrate the method of scoring them as to their good or bad points. He gave the farmers an opportunity of scoring, and learning how to recognize a good animal. For two honrs his hearers stood in the cold, with no lack of interest, and were enthusi astic in the work. The evening session was an in teresting one, at which Dr. Martin discussed "How can we grow more corn in Columbia County?"; Pro fessor Van Norman talked on dairy problems, Dr. Courad spoke on the essential features of handling milk, emphasizing cleanliness and refrig eration. WEDNESDAY SESSION. Dr. A. L. Martin opened the morning session with an int nesting talk on potato growing. He was followed by Dr. Conrad, who tested milk which had been brought to him by the farmers, and explained the Babcock tester. In the afternoon Dr. Conrad talked on dairy topics, and answer ed questions. Last eveniug a very able address on "Domestic Economy" was de livered by Miss Sara C. Lovejoy, Dean of the Woman's Department of State College. A large audience listened to her. today's program. The work of the school is being conliuued today, with addresses and discussions. Tonight there will be a Round Table Conference. The conference will be opened by Dr. D. J. Waller, principal of the Bloomsburg State Normal School, Continued on page 5 1910 reasonably prosperous one. Gen Qtartonaf ffanft A. Z. SCHOCH. President, CORPORATION ELECilONS. 1 The following corporations held their annual elections this week, with the results as rtated: M.OOMSBURG & SULLIVAN RAIL ROAD. Directors: II. T. Dechert, W. P. Gest, C. James, C. G. Appleman, P. W Buck, L. E. Waller, Samuel Wigfall, W. C. Snyder and II. J. Conner. At a meeting subsequent ly held the Board organized by electing as president, Samuel Wig fall; vice president, II. T. Dechert; secretary and treasurer, II. J. Con ner, and superintendent, W. C. Snyder. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Directors: E. W. M. Low, F. G. Yorks, Louis Gross, M. E. Stackhouse, J. M. Staver, Fred Ik eler, S. C. Creasy, Clinton Her ring, Myron I. Low, II. V. IIow er, Frank Ikeler, George L. Low and A. W. Duy. The following officers were subsequently elected: E. W. M. Low, president, M. I. Low aud James M. Staver, vice presidents, and Frank Ikeler, cash ier. FARMERS NATIONAL BANK. Directors: C. M. Creveling, Dr. J. J. Brown. C. A. Kleim, J. L. Moyer, N. U. Funk, W. L- White, M. Milleisen and C. W. Runyon. Organization will be effected to day. BLOOMSBURG NATIONAL BANK. Directors: A. Z. Schoch. H. B. Clark. Paul E. Wirt, Samuel Wig fall, II. J. Conner. F. G. Yorks, J. Iv Shuman. R. J. Ruhl. C. A. Cas well, W. M. Longenberger, Jchn G. Harman. W. H. Hidlayand M. J Hess. At a meeting subsequently held A. Z. Schoch was elected pres ident; PaulE. Wirt, vice president; William H. Hidlay. cashier; C. H. Kline, teller; A. H. Stroh and J. R. Terwilliger. bookkeepers; Ar thur Walter, stenographer. WHITE MILLING CO. Directors: John Eves, Ellis Eves, O. W. Cherington, J. C. Brown, G. D. Harter, A. C. Creasy and H. V. White. Subsequently the board organized by electing H. V. White, president; M. Powell, sec retary, and A. B. White, treasurer. A dividend of 6 per cent, was declared on preferred stock, and an amount equal to 20 per cent, of the capital stock was placed in the sinking fund. BRIARCREEK FARMERS INSURANCE CO. Directors: A. W. Spear. J. H. Aikman, II. C. Barton, C. H. Dil- dine, R. Turrell, B. F. Battin, W. L. Cole, W. S. Ross, A. D. Gard ner, Adam Stock, J. C. Morse, H. II. Brown. The directors organ ized by the election of the follow ing: President, A. W. Spear; vice president, II C. Barton; sacretary, II. H. Brown, executive commit tee, J. H. Aikman and C. H. Dil- diue; auditor, A. C Creasy. . FIRE IN MIDWAY. The fire alarm sounded on Sat urday night at 9.30, but before any of the firemeu arrived the signal that the fire was out was given. A coal oil stove was upset in the of fice of the Midway, and made a blaze aud much smoke for a few moments, but it was thrown out the window without doing much damage. A dance was in progress at the time, but it was delayed on ly about ten minutes. UP-TO-DATE CLOTHING STORE! SEE TM E NOW ON Window. CORNER C OTHINfi STORF jut jl4 vr v i.T jlk YEBY MAT DISPLAY IN Ji v hj jlw f jhu ml SEMIS'S