7 TWO ENGLISH BATHTUBS. Profession! Cards SATURDAY One In the Kitchen Floor, the Other Kept In a Closet. There la a certain bathtub known morn or lens to the history of humor which wns bo nicely adjusted to the o o o R II. A. McKlLMP ATTORNEY AT-LaV, Columbian Duilding 2n- Flocr Bloomsburi;, Pa. NIGHT TALKS By REV. F. E. DAVISON o " (J Sccooooooococooococoococcy THE COLOMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, 1A A. N. YOST, ATTOKNKV AT LAW. Wirt IJtiilding, Court HouseSqua Bloomsbur';, Pa. RALPH. R. JOHN, ATTORNEY AT I. AW. Kut P. iilding, next to Court House Ploomsburj:, Pa. THE KING'S HERALD. International Bible Lesson for Jan. 2, 1910 (Matt. 3:1-12). H 1 I M "' fiiiinrlitly rali'iilatci ;iy of tlio Lord. Tin' .lows had a pond t li I ti m; l.Ulll" lirss: Mimcn, their Itself, the tiilicriiacli lohn tho Iii'p tlst Is (iltc of I'll' most siHir.ai; mid fascln.i! in;: i hnraeters In his tory. The i'ii'v of his birth ;:ul childhood l. riv en a lar;;e i '..uc In the Bible. Tho cousin of six month ; Vcr than the h'.ir: whom he w:n the herald, lii :i r.' n Istiy was i.e 1 to prep-ire '.' . saying that from the v. lawn!er, t!:i , :i!id pai llci " I! ' I' ll v; r ' v n: 1. lac od. ad- t.i d their ureat prophet Elijah. I the prophet had Hiol;en of a my ens cue who should be like a vii! the wilderness crying. 'Trepan way of the Lord." True to tin ;mi prophecy, win n Christ w:is ah i years of ai;", .lohn the Uaptist forth from the wilderness, when Moses. Elijah, ami Paul after..;' he had learned his messane amiil folitildo of the desert,- nlone Willi i Ills nppearatKe was wild, his vent startling. I.Ike Klijah, his ; prototype ho was clad with the s of beasts and was nourished with dried locusts of the wilderness : the honey gathered with his i. hands from the rocks. And his v HK( was full of tlery reproof and t riblo warning. The times ileman ! a thunder storm to clear the mor.'l at mosphere, (lent lie corruption r.'id Jewish hypocrisy, everywhere prevail ed, and without respect of per.-' in John hurled his fiery message ns'iin ;t the sins of all classes; the tetrad; 1 his paramour, the publicans and their oxtnrtionn, the Boldiers and their vio lence, the Kabbls and their false tra ditions, the Pharisees and their hypo crisies; demanding from all alike, contrition, confession, restitution, on version. There was one word that was the key note of all his mini-try. It was the Dingle word Repent. Repentance Demanded. Ami a mighty reformation bro'.:e out, as Are breaks out In dry cra.-.j of the prairie, and In n few days tic whole country was in a religious i :i flagratlon. Perhaps such a revival the world has never seen. Tens of thousands of people (locked f r.;:.i every direction until the wildoT. 'ss of Judea became a vast camp n:tet ing with penitents thronging the preacher. Nobles, ecclesiastics, diets, publicans crowded to the tismal waters, confessing their and seeking divine forgiveness. whole nation seemed swept otT feet by the supernatural tidal wave regeneration. Yet in the midst of all tills eestacy ef piety and almost universal si: e.;.-; John the Uaptist kept a level held, and never forgot the fact that he was milv the herald, the forerunner, i n doorkeeper, the avant courier of ta king. They tried to fawn upon : :id flatter him, but ho Instantly replied them. They nought for his geneali y.y. and his pedigree and he said in elVt:. Don't look for it, it doesn't mat I am nothing but a voire, and I l..:v only one thing to do, and that Is ; cry, "J'repare the way of the Lord." uv. only the friend of tue lii'iil-g: :y i. getting you rendy to receive l.lai. I um only a morning star to lip;-::!d tit dawn and then be ipienched la t'.: blaze of the king of day. I a;:'. :V last prophet or the old dispeiisa . cm and the iirst of the new, I shall s,.ua withdraw from night, lie must li crease, but I must decrease. 1 I) tlse you with water, lie Khali bap ;si you with tire. That was the message of John :::e it awoke the nation like a trumpet blast. Is such preaching as that r.e d ed to-day? How many sermons haw you ever heard on the subject of re pentance? We have fallen upon a time when It is not considered goad form to utter such a disturbing word In many quarters. There is sin In high places and In low places, tin Jeweled, perfumed, brilliant, flagrant, bewitching, thrusting Its smirkin:; face into all circles of society, but ho.v few there are with the spirit of John the Uaptist to tear off the mask ol beauty and reveal the death's head behind it. Hut It la evermore true that the king can not come Into his own until the way is somehow prepared before him. NJ by Ignoring, humoring sin can the highway be cant up for his ad vancing feet. To break a road through the wilderness Is rough work. It is no holiday task, It cannot be done in drehsing gown and slippers. It re quires a vast amount of cutting, and uprooting, and ploughing, and filling, and- blasting, and excavating. Hut when It Is done there is a broad and level highway where onco a tangled Juugle obstructed progress, nnd over such a turnpike the king will come. Wo cannot all bo reformers like Joliu the Iluptist, but we can hearken to mid obey the voice of such a niea penger when he appears and thus pre pare the way of the Lord and make ilia paths straight. o up tub i'u:i-M'l-, who wonders an ele ::ip CKi- Bath thnt SlH'ts U;j in CI; rt. needs of its o.vner (hat he h;.,l onlv to touch a button and it 1:1 ml'ln; out to the middle of his mom. h convenience may i:ot ; i v : J - have been achieved by the plumbers and decorators who strurb' so hard to supply comfort for those who ca-i pay for It. but the i-xistc:i.i of th!; trained tub was necivsary to the point of the i.iery, which with tlie sudden eii'ry of : ' tainlng tie w i f. of the o w as Just deiuntisl ra'ing it to a stranger. The i tory l.a. nient. of Improbability in the (ion that a tub with s;a li Intelligence would have presented it.; owner's wife to the gaze of hi: i. :t. , ,...-,! for the sake of exhibiting its own qualities. No such feats ought to be expected from the kind of bathtubs shown In the picture. They are humbler a:l Jutxts of the home and Intended to fill a useful purpose. They are mi-nnt for the homes of Kngilsh vvorkingmcn, to economize space. The sunken hath in the family kitchen is Intended for small Iiousim of the kind built now in the London suburbs for workingtnen. It has been found most useful In two family houses and saves space needed for a bathroom. It is not nearly so danger ously as it looks here. The cover, which in the picture is up, completely hides the tub when it Is not In use, so there is much less chance In reality than there seems to be from the picture for the cook to Its of I I Sunken Bath in Kitchen Floor, fall in while she Is preparing dinner. Nor would there be any likelihood of sparks from the stove falling on the slin of the careless bather, since the fuel is gas. The desirability of taking a bath in the kitdien Is of course merely a matter of personal taste. More desirable and also intended for the bedrooms of houses built for workingmeti is the oilier bathtub. That shuts up in such fashion as to require very little space. It Is attach ed to a spring which raises it as soon ns It Is emptied of a certain weight of water, so there is no danger of its suddenly shutti Inside of It. When not in top, and when in which it st; remains in an up with the bather use it is caught at the the door of the closet mils is closed the tub upright position. The water and waste pipe are attached to the bottom end of the tub on which it stands in the closet. Once the door is closed the tub is as much out or thi way as if It were in u room re served exclusively for It. Availability. A nobleman was once showing n friend a rare collection of precious stones which he hail gathered at a great expense and enormous amount of labor. "And yet," he said, "they yield me no income." His friend replied, "Come with me, and I will show you two stones which cost me but five pounds each, yet they yield mo a considerable income." lie took the owner of the gems to his grist-mill and pointed to two gray millstones, which were always busy grinding out grist. Success Magazine. When He Came Home. One of the neighbors who was vis iting the home of llttlo Dunniek, aged three, said, "Dunniek, 1 want you to go nlong homo with me, and how long will you stay?" Dunniek put up four fat little lingers, saying, "I will stay these many days nnd come home on my thumb."-The l)ulin...tor for August. Left Over. Ilarhara, aged four, had always been allowed to make small enkes out of the scraps of dough left from the morning's baking, so one morning after being sent to gather eggs, she came running In with a very tiny one and exclaimed, "Oh, mamma! sco this little egg, it must be that's all the dough the hen had left" Delineator LACKAWANNA RAILROAD. "THE ROAD OF ANTHRACITE. ' If you contemplate spending the Win ter months in Florida or California, call upon our local ticket agent for particulars. . . . PRINTING . . . MUCH of the work that is done in this ollice is of kinds that can be done ly hand only. Xinc-tcnths of all job printing done in any country ollice must be done by hand. It can't be done with a machine. This ollice is fully equipped to do all kinds of print ing at the lowest prices consistent with good work. A Larire Stock is Carried in ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEaDS, KILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, INVITA TIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, CARD BOARD, BOOK PAPERS, COVER PAPERS, c. And Everything in the Printing Line If you have been a customer of ours, you know the character of our work. If not, we shall be glad to till a trial order. Among other things in our line arc Dodgers, Posters, Sale Bills, Pamphlets, Books, Re ceipts, Orders, Check Books, Ruled Work, Half tones, Line Cuts, Engraved Work, Stock Certifi cates, Bonds, &c, &c. No trouble to show goods and give estimates. The Columbian Printing House, GKO. E. KIAVRIX, Propriktor. Entrance First Floor, through Roys' Jewelry Store. Next to Bloomsburg National Bank. BLOOMSBURG, PA. I I RLI) IKF.LER, ATTORNF.Y-AT LAW Office Over First National Bank. Bloonisburg, Pa, W. H. R1IAWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Corner of 3rd and Main Sts. CATAWISSA, PA. CLINTON HLRRING. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Grant Herring, li'cen tl uy, Ta. hi Orangeville Wedncsd ;y each week A. L. FRITZ. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Bloomsl.urg Nai'l I'ank Eldg. Ploomsburg, Pa. J. H. MAIZE ATTORNKY-AT-I.AW, INSURANCE, AND RKAI. KSTATK AGENT Office 116 North Street, Eloomsburg, Pa, N U. FUNK ATTORNEY AT LAW Ent's Building, Court House Square Illoomsburg, Ta. EDWARD J. FLYNN, ATTORNEY ATLAW, CENTRALIA, PA. Office, Licldicot Building, Locust Ave. H. MONTGOMERY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office : Ent building, IIl6f WILLIAM C. JOHNSTON, ATTORNIV-AT-LAW. Office in Wells' Buildinp, over W. McK Reber's Hardware Store, Bloomsburg. J. S. JOHN M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGION. Office and residence, 410 Main St 7-3"-iy ELOOMSBURG, PA M. P. LUTZ & SON, Insurance and Real Estatb agents and brokers. N. V. Corne Main and Centre SU. Bi.oomsuurg, I'a. Represent Seventeen as eood Companie as there are in the World, and all; losses promptly adjusted and paid at their oflice. DR. W. H. HOUSE SURGEON DENTIST Office Barton's Building. Main below Market. Rlonnishnro- P.i All styles of work done in a superio uiauuei. fill worK warranted as represented. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAfW by the use of Gas, and free of charge n iiiuntiaiuttii are inserted. Open all hours during the day DR. M. J. HESS DENTISTRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Crown and bridge work a specialty (Corner Main and Centre street! Bloonisburg, Pa. Columbia & Montour Telephone. J. J. BROWN, M. D. THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested andfitted with glaste. No Sunday work. 311 Market St., Bloomslmrg, Ta. Hours 10 to 8 TelephoM Montour Telephone. Bell Telephone H. BIERMAN, M. D. Homceopathic Physician and Sukgeo Office and Residence, Fourth St.l Office Hours : " "'. 1 'P- m- BLOOMSBURG, PA C. WATSON McKELVY, Fire Insurance Agent. Represent twelve of the BtroiiKeet 00m pank'8 In the world, uiuong which are Franklin. of Phlla. Tentm. PMi.i Queen of N . Y. Westchester. N. Y. rsorth America, Phlla. Office: Clark Buildiner, 2nd Floor. 'sst;Mr,;