THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURft'. I STRIKINGLY in the newest style. In dull finish calf with black cloth top, button. For Women, TRY A THE COLUMBIAN. ' Pl.OOMSBURG, FA. TTnjuST)YtovBkii 25, vm KHlertd at Hit Po$l Office, BloomrbwQ, fa. amcoiidolar matter, Harch,Wb. Legal advertisements on page 8. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Cba9. M. Evans on Monday morning- . Harvey Dcitterich lias bought the restauraut of VV. B. Shuck at Danville. A contract has keen let for paint ing some of the Hutton houses ou Iron nd Fourth streets. Rev. J. R. Murphy attended'the funeral of Monseignor Mc Andrews at Wilkes-Barre on Monday. Twin daughters came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Eastman on Saturday evening. The intetior of the store of A. I,. Snyder on Iron street is being repapered and painted, and other wise improved. . . Allen's Lung Balsam will cure not only a fresh cnM, but one of those stubborn couclis that usually hantr on for months. Oive it a trial and prove its worth. 25c. 50c, and 1.00. 25 4t . m ' - S. C. Creasy has purchased the planing mill of Thomas Deutchler and Conimuv at Monteomery, ana is dismantling it. According to custom this paper is issued on Wednesday this week, so that we can properly observe Thanksgiving Day. The public school." of town close todav for a ten clays' vacation our iner Thanksgiving and the County Teachers' Institute. A gale wrecked the "American Eagle," the largest dirigible balloon ever built 111 the United Mates, New York last week. at When Hubbon Become Necessary Anrl vnnr shoes ninth. Allen's Foot- Knn a nnwder to be shaken into the sims. w iust the thintr to use. Try it for Breaking in New Shoes. Sold hvery where, 25c. Don't acckpt anv substi TUTE, 11 25 4' Richard Watson Gilder, author, and editor of the "Century Maga zinc" died last Thursday of heart failure in New York. The Berwick plant of the Amer ican Car and Foundry Company will increase its force to 5000 men by the first of the year. No Backache or Kidney Paint. ' If von have nains in the back, urinary. bladder or kidney trouble, dizziness and lacK of energy, try Mother Gray's AUS TRALIAN. LEAF, the pleasant herb cure. As ft regulator it has no equal. At Druggists, or by mail, 50c. Ask to-day. Sample Free. Address The Mother Gray Co , LeRoy, N. Y. n 25 4t Five men who held up the Union Pacific "Overland Limited" at Omaha last May have been sentetic ed to life imprisonment. DON'T COUGH.TUT LIVE LONG. if every cough were cured before it (jot a strong hold, human life would be lengthcm-d by many years. If every cousins utltriT kntw that Kemp's Balaum would to the courIi in few minutes, bo would be clad to emipo the terloiu ronneuuenres. If any medicine will rure a cuukIi, Kemp's Balaam will du it. At dru&iitla' and icalurj 145c . . Andrew Carnegie, when asked last week his apinion of aviation, said that he didn't intend to fly until he should have wings of his own. On an island near Lewistown. Austin Gro has just taken 1730 bushels of good com and 30 bush els of nubbins from less than 14 acres. The governor of Illinois has re moved the sheriff of Alexander county for surrendering two pris oners to a mob, by whom they were lynched. OIlldr dry FOR FLETCHER'S QASTORIA, CHAS, M. EYAKS. DKESS BOOT Price $3.50. PAIR. The army is carrying on experi ments in aerial warfare at Sandy Hook. Captive balloons are being scut up and the big guns trained ou them to test their range. . . The local stockholders of the Bull Frog Trinidad Copper Com pany nave taken action to secure an accounting from the company of funds which were placed with it. Postmaster General Hitchcock has decided to have a new ten cent stamp printed which will be easily distinguishable. It is to be printed 111 a rich crown mk on yellow pa per. The following letters are held at the Blcomsbure, Fa., post office: Mr. B. L. Lord, Jose Lizardi Dar ila. Miss Elsie Koschek. Cards: Mr. Wheeler Kit:heu, Miss Bessie Quailey. London annually makes use of 4,000,000, umbrellas, one-tourth of which are imported, says an ex change. Are these used as protec tion agaiust rain, or against I'reuch aeroplanes ? . The Wright brothers, togethea with some New York business men, have incorporated the Wright Com pany, with a capitalization of one million dollars, to manufacture, sell and operate aeroplanes. It is said that a Chinese rescued from drowning is compelled to sup port his rescuer for the rest of his life. In the case of a would-be suicide, this would furnish an addi tional motive, wouldn't it? Professor C. H. Albert and the Rev. E. B. Bailey, of Blooinsbnrg. have been selected by the York county Superintendent of Schools as two of the instructors at the teachers' institute in that county. Pennsylvania's wheat crop this year exceeds 25,000,000 bushels. Pennsylvania is such a producer of ether things that its wheat is often overlooked; the crop this year will return to the farmers 520,000,000. The Finnish Diet was dissolved November eighteenth because of its refusal to sauction the bill in troduced by the Government, ask ing for an appropriation of $4,000, 000 for the defense of the Empire. Franklin Ferriss of St. Louis, who as special examiner for the United States Circuit Court, heard the testimony in the Standard Oil dissolution suit, has been awarded a fee of $20,000 for his services by the Court. The Liberty Fire Company had such a large crowd nt their chicken and waffle supper last Saturday evening that tbey were eaten out of everything by nine o'clock. They realized about cne hundred and fif ty dollars. . - m - The murderer, Marcavich, was hanged at Sunbury last Thursday. He was the fourth man executed out ot one hundred and twenty who have been convicted of first degree murder in Northumberland county in a century. The scrap h?apon South Market street has been a highly exciting place for the past week. The rub bish from the Pursel fire is being dumped there, and a gang of scav engers have been on the job every day. - m II. W. Titnian has purchased the property of I. John Davenport on the corner of Market street and Ridge Alley, and is teariug down the two old frame houses 011 the lot. It is said that he will erect a residence for himself there. John Jacob Astor stirred up quite a scare when he disappeared in his private yacht in the West Indies and was unheard of for a fortnight. Even the government sent out rev enue cutters to look for him, aud wireless telegraph stations were working over time. And then, after all this row John Jacob was found snugly tucked away in the harbor of San Juau, Porto Rico. The inevitable has arrived ! In last week's issue of Life there ap peared a full-page advertisement of Ctirtiss aeroplanes for delivery Jan uary first. When a suspicious looking box was opened in the dead letter office last week, a huge tarantula sprang tort U which terrorized the clerks until it was killed. - . . - . The editor was dying, but when the doctor bent over, placed his eat- on his breast and said, "Poor man ! circulation almost gone !" the dy ing editor sat up and shouted: "You're a liar, we have the largest circulation in the county." We are informed by a contem porary that dragon flies can catch iusects when flying at the rate of 40 or 50 miles an hour. That's nothing. We've often heard of chauffeurs catching the devil when flying at the rate of 60 or 70 miles an hour. According to the Philadelphia Press, Lawrence Shulz of near Iola, Columbia county, is the champion buckwheat firmer of Pennsylvania. He has finished threshing his buck wheat, and had 1400 bushels from 70 acres, or an average yield of 20 bushels per acre. At the annual meeting of the trustees of the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the advancement of teaching, Provost Charles C. liar risou of the University of Pennsyl vania, wa9 chosen chairman of the board of trustees of the foundation, in succession to Dr. Kliot of liar vard. Berwick expects to have a bit of excitement tomorrow when the long distance run of the Berwick Marathon Association will take place. Thirty-four entries have been received, thirteen of which are from Berwick, eight from the Carlisle Indiatl School, one from Ontario, Canada, and the rest from Scrauton, Wilkes-Barre and Say re. The old Mansion House in Maiich Chunk, in its day a notable hostel ry, is being converted into tene ments. The s veepiug away of the bridge across the Lehigh River seven years ago, which caused the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company to remove its station to East Mauch Chunk, was a severe blow to the old hotel. When alterations are made it will accomodate about Co families. PURSEL FIRE ADJUSTMENT. The adjustment of the insurance ou the burned Pursel store has been entirely completed. That ou the stock was arranged last week, as stated. '1 he building adjustment was completed yesterday wheu contractor B. W. Jury, represent ing Mr, Pursel, and Edward Ever man of Wilkes-Barre, representing the insurance compauies, came to an agreement without calling upon a third party to act as umpire. Almost the entire amount of in surance was awarded to Mr. Pursel The entire adjustment is highly satisfactory to Mr. Pursel, who ex presses himself as deeply grateful to C. W. McKelvy, who placed all the insurauce, and who has work ed iudefatieably for a favorable settlement. SAW FACTORY NOT COMING. The Union Saw Factory of Wil liamsport, will be moved to Frack ville, where the citizeus have raised 60.000 to secure it. This is the party that talked of coming to Bloomsburg to locate in the Dillon plant on Ninth street, and asked for $25,000. About half that sum had been subscribed, but Frackville put in a much higher bid and secured it. "The Chamber of Commerce is en titled to much credit for its efforts to secure new industiies for Blooms burg. FOR ORPHANS' HOME. Some weeks ago jars were dis tributed among the congregation of St. Matthew s Lutheran church, to be filled with fruit for the Loysville Orphans' Home. On Sunday mom inn nearly 200 quarts were return ed, besides a liberal contribution of clothing, dry goods, &c. . Thanksgiving Services. The Uniou Thanksgiving service will be held in the Lutheran Church this Wednesday, evening. The fermon will be preached by Rev. S. C. Dicksou, and special music will be rendered by the Lutheran choir. A collection will be taken for charity. There will be service in St. Paul's church on Thursday at 10 o'clock, and in the Presbytetiau church at the same hour. Mass will' be celebrated at St. Columba's Catholic church at 8 a. 111, Thursday. KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Ten YearsRelieved in Three Months Thanks to PE-RU-NA. Pip C. B. I'lZEK, Mt. Storting, Ky., eayg : ' have suffered with kidney and bladder trouble tor ten years past. 'Lant March I commenced using Peruna und continued for three month. I have not used It since, nor have I felt a pain CENTURY CLUB ENTERTAINS. The Century Club entertained the Wednesday Club and tli2 Ivy Club on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. Frank Colley. I'ortyclub members were present to hear an interesting talk on "The Indian of Todav," civen by Pro fessor O. II. Bakeless, of the Nor Dial School, who formerly taught at the Carlisle Indian School. Following this, tasty refresh uicnts were served. Miss Josephine Nicely of Wilkes Barre, and Mrs. Spencer C. Dick son, of town, were guests of the Century Club. BIG CROWDSAt"'pICTURE SHOW. The Saturday night shows at Columbia Theatre are growing more popular each week. Last Sat urday night at the first show every scat was occupied, and the standing room was filled, aiuk several hun dred people vveie obliged to wait down ou the street until the first show was over.' This week the show is running every r.ight. The management is trying to give this town good, wholesome entertainments, and it ought to be liberally supported. R0BIS0N FARM SOLD. At public sale by the administrat rix, Mts. Jennie B. Robison, last Friday, the farm of the late J. Boyd Robison, in Centre township, was bought by Charles B. Chrls tnan of Philadelphia, through his attorney, William Christnan Esq. The price paid was $400, s.ibject to a mortgage of $2800. The homestead at Espy was not sold. Mr. Christnan, formerly of this town, has been residing in Phila delphia for some years, but intends to return to this county, and will engage in farming on his newly ac quired property. His many friends will be glad to welcome him back here. Couldn't Leave Bloomsburg. The absorbing power of literature was demonstrated yesterday atE-st Bloomsburg. A lady from Lewis town rode over in the bus to take a south bound train. While waiting, she remained in the station reading a magazine. Hearing a train roll up to the station, she glanced through the station window into the mirror in the bus, which was standing out side, and saw an apparently north bouud train arrive. She knew that two trains were due near the same time, so she placidly continued her reading. A few minutes later the noise of a train again interrupted her perusal of a most interesting story, aud glancing for the second time into the mirror, she saw a train come in from the opposite direction to the first on. .Stepping out of the station onto the platform to board the car, she was astonished to find the eugiue headed toward a different point of the compass from that whither it had appeared to be bound in the mirror. Iu quiry revealed that her train had left some minutes before. As she rode back to Bloomsburg iu the bus, ihe firmly resolved never again to read magazines nor trust to mirrors while waiting for a train. PHILO REUNION. The annual reunion of the Philo logian Society will Le held on Thanksgiving Day. There will be a reception for the old members, and in the evening a concert will he given by the Orpheus Concert Co. Library Election. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Bloomsburg Public Library for the election of manag ers will be held in the library rooms on Wednesday, December 1st, be tween the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock in the morning. C. W. Miller, Secretary. life -1 ' X-v ' ' i C. B. - f FIZER. INSTITUTE LECTURE COURSE. We are pleased to announce that the course of lectures and entertain ments provided for the Teachers' Institute to be held here next week is in every respect in keeping with the high standard established by our previous courses. On Monday night the Chicago Glee Club will give the concert. This company will be remembered by many ashawng given one of the best concerts ever presented here, eight years ago. The reper toire of the club comprises the best of all types of part-song music, and its programs of male quartets, trombone qu rtets, characteriza tions, vocal and horn solos, present much variety and merit to please every auditor. A rare treat is in store on Tues day evening for those who enjoy a first class lecture. Dr. Driver has been characterized as a Jehu, who drives ix good horses. The lead ers are Grace and Diction; the swing horses are Pathos aud Hu mor; the wheelers are Eloquence and Power. Fly in his whirling and elittcrine chariot as I have done and you will be delighted Driver is apt, alert, eloquent, and a royal fellow. His subject is "America Facing the East." The entertainment for Wednes day evening will be given by the master, the "Master American Car toonist," Alton Packard. His lec ture "Types of Uncle Sam's Folks" is a humorous presntation in sketch caricature, impersonation aud de scription of the varions types of American character of today and yesterday, with much ridicule and caustic comment on the vanities, follies and vices of Uncle Sam's Folks, and accompanied with char acteristic, original songs of Mr. Packard's own composition This program has proven a great favorite with Lyceum audiences for the past ten years. The concluding number will be a lecture by the lion. Thomas P. Gore, who is known as the "Blind Man Eloquent." He is the first Senator from tli3 new State of Ok lahonia and a brilliant orator. His recent speech at the Denver con vention, the speech which caused the sixty-four minute Bryan dem onstration, has brought him even stronger into the limelight. For a blind man to make a successful can vass of any state proves rare gifts and a strong personality, but to win out iu Oklahoma, in that most hotly contested race, places him in the first rank as a man of sterling character and brilliant attainments. His subject is "Social Duty." Notwithstanding the iucreased expense of this course, the price of admission is the same; $1.50 for the course, 50 cents each for the lectures and 75 cents each for the other numbers. The board will open at Bidleman's store Friday morn ing, November 26th. Wat. W. Evan?, County Supt. Congressman Burned. Congressman De Armond and his grandson were burned to death at Butler, Mo. on Tuesday. His home burned and he was sleeping on the third floor and could not be rescued. He waia schoolmate of Postmaster J. C. Brown at Dick inson Seminary, Wil'iamsport. . Cornell University will have a chair in aeronautics next year. A Good Rural Play. Go and see ,' Uncle Dave Hol comb" at the Columbia Theatre next Mouday night, November 29. Mr. Lawrence who takes the title role, and company, have just con cluded a successful engagement at the Grand Opera House, Philadel phia. This is a rural play in four acts, and among the special features are "The Temperance Quartette," "The Country Orchestra," and "The Village Choir." The play is full of humor, intermingled with pathos, and is something after the style of the "Old Homestead." Disease nralT k and Health KCVIVU RESTORES VITALITY "Made a Well Man THE of Me." raENOii nuiixoaivy produce fine, ret-nits In SO days. It art! powerfully uml quickly. Cures when others (all. Yoiinu inoneitnreKnin their lost munhooil. uni Old men niny rerover tliclr youthful vlnor by uxlnif 111: VIVO. It quickly and quietly re moves Nervousness, Lost Vltullty, Seiual Weakness such as Lost Power, J'ulllnu Memory, Wasting Diseases, and effects of self-ubuso ot excess und Indiscretion, which unfits one foi study, business or umninin. It not only euroi by KturtliiR at the scat of disease, but Is a ureal nerve tonic and blood builder, brlngiiitt buck the pink Blow to imle checks ami re storing the tire of yoiilli. It wards off an prouohlng disease. Insist on having HKVIVO, no other. It can be carried In vost pocket. Ily mail, DU.OO per pnokaue, or six for $5.00. We Rive free advice nud counsel to nil who wit h It. with Kunrantee. Circulars free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marin Bldg., Chicago, III 0-30 ly tt',1 m Arc ml. FOR SALE! The fine residence prop erty of tlie late Judge EI- well is lor sale. Location: AVcst Third Street between Jefferson and West Streets. Description: Two story and attic, brick and frame. 13 rooms. Lot about GG by 212 feet. FllAME BAKN AND COW STABLE, large garden, abundance of fruit trees. The house has a Steam Heating Plant, Bath Room, Stationary Range and Wash Tubs; Water, Electric Light, and Gas. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply to GEO. E. ELWELL, Attorney. Bloomsburg, Pa. Our Pianos are the leaders. Our lines In. elude the following makes : Ciias. M. Stieff, Henry F. Miller, Brewer & Pryor, Kohler & Campbell, and Radel. IN ORGANS we handle the Estey, Miller.H. Lehr & Co. AND BOWLBY. I his Store has the agency Jor SINGER HIGH ARM SE W ING MACHINES and VIC '1 OR TALKING MACHINES. WASH MACHINES Helby, 1900, Queen, Key. stone, Majestic. J. SALT ZEK, Music Rooms No. 105 West Main Street, Below Market. BL O OMSB UR G. PA HOTEL KERNAN European Plan. Absolutely Fireproof, in the heart of the business section of BALTIMORE, IYID. Luxurious Rooms, Single and En suite With or Without Baths, $1 Per Day Up. Palatial Dining Rooms. Unsurpassed Culsino Shower and Plunge in Turkish Baths Free to Guests. JOSEPH L, KERNAN, Send for Booklet. Manager. 9 30-6 m,