The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 16, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Woman' Cremated Remains
Strangely Recovered from
Niche in the Wall
Mister Containing Kate Bau3ch't
Arhea from Crematory Discovered
-Tlocturnal Rapping that Drove Ten Away May Cease with Burial.
Ts'ew York. The g'i st that haunt
i J the home of Mrs. Mary Miller, No.
147 East Sixteenth street, for six
years, has been laid, and the loelgera
In the house feel more comfortable.
After knocking about in the ice
chest and under the counter of a sa
loon for more than four years, and
being exposed to the wind, rain and
snow in a niche In a brick wall for
about fourteen months, a tin canister
containing the ashes of a cremated
woman wa3 found, and sent to the
city Morgue. With its disappearance
from its haunts of six years it Is be
lieved that the uneasy spirit whose
poundings on the wall caused con
sternation in two households will now
rest in peace.
The canister, half the contents of
which have been lost, bears the label,
'Remains of Kate Bnusch, Fresh
Fond Crematory, April 20, 1003." Who
tin- woman was is a r.iy?:er;-, and Just
Low her ashes tame to rest for so
long in a saloon, is but little clearer.
The- Morgue authorities will hold the
canister a reasonable length of time;
then if no one claims the ashes they
will be buried in Potter's Field.
The canister first apeared in 1903,
when Thomas Moore conducted the
tjaloon at No. 166 Third avenue. A
stranger entered the saloon one day
and asked the bartender to take care
of a package wrapped in paper. The
bartender thrust it Into the refrigera
tor compartment back of bottles.
. The bartender forgot all about the
parcel. Not until repairs were being
made in the refrigerator a year later
was the can discovered. The proprie
tor unwrapped the parcel and for the
first time learned the nature of its
contents. Thinking the owner surely
would return, Moore put the can un
der the counter. No one knew about
?t save Moore and his bartender.
?vnnk Dutton, a watchman, and his
Innk rnnmq nvor th K.ilnnn Tra
-,i u'e knocking and pounding that
' r.ed to come late at night from the
. n. Dutton, on several nights,
'.. :r.l down to the saloon at his wife's
request. Every time the hour was
always long after the time of closing
and there was no sign of life. Dutton
" sriys he often heard a noise as of
i ;:.:? one Eplittinj wood in the sa
loon, but when he opened the door
at the foot of the stairs the sound
Oihers in house heard the noises,
and several tenants moved because of
the nervous strain.
About fourteen months ago Moore
oerided to lease the saloon to an
other man. In looking over the place
the prospective lessee came upon the
canister. He opened it. Part of the
ashes was spilled on the floor and
swept out with the night's collection
of cigar stumps. Moore agreed to re
move the canister.
Soon after the new tenant moved
in Mrs. Miller, whose house Is separat
ed from the rear of the saloon by a
narrow alleyway, began to hear
strange pounding noises at night, as
if a person were rapping on the Inside
of a closet door to attract attention
and be released. The sounds caused
several of Mrs. Miller's boarders to
Mrs. Miller looked up at her wall
when in the alleyway. She saw a
small hole made by removing two or
three bricks. Thinking this hole
might be responsible for the noises,
she called Patrolman Colledge, of the
East Twenty-second street station.
-Colledge climbed up, reached Into the
hole and brought out the canister of
It is believed the canister was put
In the wall by Dutton, who had been
told by Moore to remove the object.
The saloon man and Mrs. Miller's
"boarders are confident their sleep will
be interrupted no longer by Kate
Bausch's spirit calling for a decent
burial of her ashes.
Merely Notes a Varying Intensity of
Light Rays, Says Sayant.
Berkeley, Cal. After a series of ex
periments with the California flea.
Prof. C. W. Woodworth of the Unl
slty of California announced that al
though that insect has eyes It does
not see. To be more exact the pro
fessor stated that the flea does not
see material objects, but merely sees
a variation of the rays of lights when
near an object.
"There is no formation of Images
on the retina of the eye of a flea," said
Prof.' Woodworth. "All the Insect
sees when It approaches a solid ob
ject Is a varying intensity of light
Compares Wife to Dog.
Cleveland, Ohio. In her cross peti
tion to a suit for divorce filed by her
iniHband a year ago, Mrs. Mattla
I.oescb, No. 2930 Lorain avenue, says
that her husband, Eugene Loesch, at
one time declared that the proper
place for a wife was under the table)
tba oats and dogs.
fisherman In Monster's Tentacles la
Saved by Companion, Who Goes
Overboard with Knife.
Brooklyn. N. Y. The late Jules
Verne and Morgan Robertson niny
hereby take notice that fictional devil
fishes have n . noteworthy rival 'or
fame in the devil IIhIi which nttacl -J
Joseph Lorber and William Burkholt..
of Baltimore. Lorber and Duckholtz
arrived here from a month's fishing
trip off the Newfoundland linnks a
few days ago.
"We were trolling for horse mack
erel and hooked a 600-pounder that
'.:! .1 utn'or- the boot and tipped it
.in::. I was dragged out into the wa
ter. I struck out in the direction of
the e'.ii-npponrlr.g boat; then all of a
j.alu-:i what looked like a big 'osc
loomed in front of mo and I clutched
at it. to be clutched back by three
long, slimy tentacles that wound thelii
solvei around my waist and neck. I
and the octopus went down together.
"When we came to the surface I
saw t'.'.at the sea all around us was
I colored a murky brown and I knew
tile devil Ilsii had thrown out his
Ej uii'e to cover the fight.
"Next thing I knew Lorber was be
?icie me yelling encouragement as ho
sinshed the arms of the octopus. He
ha i keel o.T two of the tentacles aeur.d
my body; pnipped off u third that was
i choklnt; to death and then slid in
I an "p; ercut thi't must have rev-lied
the heart of the monster, for It "mid
.'.er.'.y sr.nk and left us two swlmmir.g
cn t'.-.c- ocean surface alone. Lorber aboard the boat and after
a iio tor had dressed the wounds v.e
str.; ;e 1 for home."
n..i:ho'.U exhibits three tins-ty
worlds to prove the remarkable
Ele: y.
m:i of pjcea
Sketch cf a ecene ct the Polo
Grounds in New York as Christopher
Wathewson walks to the club house
after winning a hard name from the
Pittsburg Baseball Team.
Mrs. Kimble Bravely Trapped Reptile
With a Milk Pail and a String.
MI'.lbrook, N. J. Mrs. Lydia Kim
ble, of this place, was out berrying in
the meadows a mile from her home
v.-ten she encountered a huge rattler
'.vi'.ti ten rattles.
Mrs. Kimble was Just reaching out
over seme low branches for a cluster
of huckleberries when she heard a
wt.lrring r.oise on her left. She
Sr.-'ed around nnd saw the rattle
;i..'V:e, col'.ed and ready to strike.
Without altering her position, Mrs.
Kiir.ble deftly turned the large milk
j'.ail :;he carried upside down and
Jiovpsd it over the reptile. She then
:'i)..:.:or.'.d a noose out of a piece of
vV.Vi.e she carried with her. Lifting
the ee'-e of the pail, she coolly waited
:'or the suake to dart out its head.
V,'h.-n it did she dropped the noose
c the protruding head, and, with
a i. '..'I: jerk, swung the long, squirm
i:vj hoJy from her. As Mrs. Kimble
v.-y-i al ter beriies first and sec
ivu fche hung her prize to the branch
of r. near-by tree and continued pick
!;.: h rries. When she had finished
si.e returned for the reptile and
b: ought it ho.ue.
Kills Leader of Pack of Five That
Caused Terror in Community,
Lowellvlllii. Ohio. Armed with a
big Unite. WU'.iam Smith, a South
t''.ina luir.lcr, crawled into a den
ct five lynx near here and killed the
'.?r.C"r of the pack. The battle lasted
Intermittently for three hours. The
ly: wan six fet long.
For several months the lynx have
beer, a terror to the community. They
have killed stock and attacked per
sons. Their den was in a wild, rocky
ravine, and none dared attempt to
rout them. Smith organized a posse
to help him fight the animals, but
when he got inside the den the posse,
frightened at the growls of the beasts,
fled in terror. The battle was fought
In darkness and the den was so small
that Smith was unable to stand up to
his tall height.
A Toothpick Violin.
I'agerstown, Ind. Thomaa Atktn
4oii, of Greenfork, who has a local
tei'jtatlon tor making freak articles,
h made a violin from 3,374 tooth
- rs. Hvorythias about it, except
;'"S'r-b"'-r'!, tail-piece, strings and
'-'t; s. Is m&Oe of toothpicks.
i i , -
(C M Safest
! I
Judge So Declares in Freeing
Child Wife-Mollier from
Mother of Girl Scored from the Bench
for Having Schemed to Ensnare the
Old Man Divorce Granted on
Ground of Personal Indignities.
Seattle, Wash. A divorce on t!i9
ground of personal indignities lias
been granted to Mary Lanrierr,, v'io,
In 1905, at the age of fourteen an J :
half years, was married to Lcroy O.
Landers, a man in his eightieth year.
Judge J. T. Ronald, of the Supro vo
Court, in his decision, characterised
the union of childhood and old age as
a crime, scored the Girl's mother tta
having schemed to ensnare the o'.d
man and get his money, and statcu
plainly that he believed Lander was
I robbed of $1,200 by a sister of the
wife. The plaintiff was declared to
have been perhaps the most innocent
! of all the parties concerned. Yet she
j was characterized as ignorant of t'.io
I value of money, und incapable o
! handling it in trust for vr two-ytar-t
old boy, the fruit of the marriixse.
I The wife was ordered to deuel bad:
to the old man property r.e had given
her, and this, with the remainder oC
Lander's property, is to bo i .laced in,
! a trust fund for the use of the npeU,
I husband nnd father and the s.:sicn-
ance of the child.
j The couple were married A;-. 24
I and lived on Lasders's larch, :. r
Burton, on Vashon I.sI.miJ. ilnr.y U :-,t
! spring the wife left Ladders, r.r.d v ..'a
her baby and her sister aiid J 1.200 or
the old man's money came to e..
Landers accused her of larceny, h.i'.
afterwards withdrew th co.r.piv
and the matter was settled by i e..
Then ' the young wife co:r.:rc.-...i
divorce proceedings. Cn the v. .- .i
! stand she told the court thai Lar.i'.e. i
j was cruel and abusive when lie t.j
drunk, which was often.
Landers piteou.siy appstled to the
court to "give him back his little
wife." "Mary is all right; t-'ne 13 a
good little woman If they would Cu'.y
leave her alone," said Landers.
The aged husband told the cc.-.rt
that the mother of the girl was to
blame for the trouble and was con-
1 stantly at him for money. Accordlus
I to the plaintiff's statement. Landers I
i Is worth 525,000 and owns a valuable
patent on "Landers's logging Jack."
Judge Ronald's decision, as render
ed, was In part as follows:
"This marriage, la the first place,
was a crime. The girl is perhaps the
most innocent of a:l the parties con
cerned, and she is not altogether inuo
cent. I think the marriage was Insti
gated and brought about by the ma
chinations of the mother of the wifo.
"In answer to the question by the
court as to why this mother permit
ted this marriage, even -going her
self with the old gentleman to pro
cure the marriage license and swear
ing falsely to the age of her daugh
ter, she answered to the effect that
she had four children to support ami
'what was she to do?' This answer
6hows that the mother's motive was
one looking toward relieving herself
of responsliblity of supporting ths
daughter. -
"He gave the wife a note and mort
gage which he owned for something
like $950; he gave her some lots
which cost $1,003. As the result cf
that marriage she has one boy nearly
two years old, and one child unborn.
"If I don't divorce these people It
will be but a few months at the long
est until the old man Is dead; then
what he has left will be dissipated by
this child wife, who doesn't know the
value of money.
"I will grant the wife a divorce on
the ground of personal Indignities,
which have rendered her life burden
"Find End of Your Nose with Your
Eyes Shut," His Test of Sanity.
New York. An unusual physical
test as an index to one's sanity was
introduced by a police magistrate
when Mrs. Harriet R. Berry, a trained
nurse, was brought to court on a phy
sician's application that inquiry be
made Into her mental condition.
"Close your J-yes, madam, and
toueh the end of your nose with the
index finger of your right hand," de
manded the magistrate.
It was only after several attempts
that Mrs. Berry succeeded, and the
court ruled that the result of the test
was sufficient to warrunt her commit
tal to Bellevue for observation.
Her case Is said to be one of "per
secutory delusion." She thought a
friend had sold the manuscript of. her
book, "The Design of Life," to Presi
dent Emeritus Eliot, of Harvard, and
that the latter had plagarlied It
Saved by a Bit of Soap.
Washington, D. C. John Godfrey
was arreted for carrying concealed
weapons, a razor having been found
on him.
"I shave with that razor, Judge,"
said Godfrey In the police conrt.
"Show me the rest of your equip
ment?" commanded Judge KlmbalL
A piece of soap about as big as ft
dime wag fished out of a pocket.
Discharged," said the Judge.
Casey was Cisco Out Once Ha Cs.ns
Near "Looecnh-.n Up."
Ilnrry .J. IV::.X: ty, of ( olv-t.i'.n.
ivho, Foine ioiin In ii? . (, wiil hi! i .o
?.i:xt 1'n! ted Stales V ii .tn.- fron; (M o
.vhlle in the n.i'jo;!! i .n' .l r-.-.eaily
told tal i fee.i.y '. V V vo
t'o.,:. Two I;lahu;en . . : e u.--... ..-...
C:n e'patli uf a fri ;iU.
aid IV. t:
" '3 inc. Ca.scy was a gicd fel'e v.'
'"He was that. rcvlioJ :.i.'.:c.
poo.l fellov, Care;-.'
"Mr.d a ilieerfi'.l man wr.a Cijcy,
aid IV t.
"'A cheerful man was Cn?c". iho
cl.ecrfulef.i I ever U;k;v.-.' echoed
"'Casey was a keiie: Ji:r, iac:i, too,'
sr.Id Pat.
"'Ceneroin, you ray? Well. I c'-ir.'t
!:r.T,v so much about that. Lid Cr.y
e' er buy you qnythln??'
"'Well, neir!y,' ic;;iel ?.:i:e,
scratching hM head. One day ho cr.nj
Into Flaherty's barrco.n, where no
Diul my frie;id.j wer.. drinking, r.iul
he ?ald to us: "Well. r'en. v.hat r.:e
wo going to have rain or i;no.v?"'"
Teacher Now, if I should give a
smart boy this sentence to i;rtu
ate: "Mary Jane a beautiful girl ran
down the street," what would he e.o.'
John Make a dash after the
of course.
A New Use for Cliaese.
An English farmer rr-rnt'.y wont
into a restaurant in Liver; oul und cll
ed for some bread and cheese.
"What kind would you like. s;ir?"
Inquired the waiter. "ClicsUlre, Vo: It
sire or Oorgonzola?"
"Fancy name, that last," caid the
farmer; "I'll try a bit of that."
I!e thought it so tasty that he
bought a pouad, took ii hoii:o for hia
wife lato at nisht, end left it for her
on the sideboard in the kitchen. Nc::t
morning he came in from his before-
breakfast round and auked her if she
had found the parcel.
"Oh, yes," she replied, "I saw It
there all right, and very good mottled
Poap it Is, no doubt, when you know
how to use it. But I couldn't mui.e it
lather very well when I washed the
children, and after I'd done they swell
ed so strong that I've turned 'em out
for a breath of fresh air, Just to sweet
en 'em a bit before they go to school."
He Would Return.
Marlow was three years old. . One
day his mother said to him, "Now,
Marlow, you may go outdoors to play
for a while, but if I .see you crossing
the street to play with that naughty
little hoy, Wiliie Burr, again, I'll give
you a hard, hard spanking."
Half nn hour later the mother look
ed out after her boy and saw him
playing with Willie Burr. She rai.d
the window and railed, with forced
"Marlow, come here to me."
Marlow came, but as he did so, ho
turned to hla companion and said:
"You stay wight hero, Willie. I'm
doln' in to det spanked. I'll bo wight
Back to the Farm,
"Well, Silas, what did you find new
down to the city?"
"Why, somethin' wuth seein'. The
hull place is full o' cabs with cash
registers on 'em, an'' led (lags to show
folks lt'3 dangerous to dispute the
fare. They call 'era taxidermy cabs,
"cause ef you don't mind, the drivers
'11 Jest take the skin off yo."
The Sacldeit Words.
Said a poet to an unfortunate specu
lator: "Pon't you thinl; that the open
ing lines of Tennyson's little poi-r.i,
'Break, break, break,' are plaintive
and sad?"
"Yes," was the melancholy reSy.
"But I think that 'Broke, broke," is a
good deal sadder."
"You's got to put a certain amount
of dependence on yohself," said l'i:c!o
Eben. "De man dat goes aroun' loek
in' foh too much advice le liable to
find hlsself In de position of de geai
man dat gits bo interested readin" do
tlae-table dat he misses his train."
Holding Back the News.
"I suppose your wife was tickled to
death at your raise in salary?"
"She will be."
"Haven't you told her yet?"
"No, I thought I would enjoy my
self for a couple of weeks first,"
The Way of the World.
Untie Biff says: "Some hev patches
on their knees from kneelin' in pray
er, also In th' seat o' their trousers
from barkslldln'!"
.-p-!',, AH''c.
Took the i e in the eye. If
IIV) :'.'p- 'l - 'I.,:'- f.".(i bol.-i out your
hand. If It tries to trip you, duck,
dodge and biff It In the neck.
0 J$
XK Ii rs 1 I u
The Kind You Have Always
lu uso for over 30 j'enrs,
ami has been niauo under his per
7"f Bona supervision alnco Its Infancy.
'CfCCtWi Altmtf tin niiA tn (IupkIi a vnn In 41.1..
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jnst-as-ffood" nro hut
Experiments that trifle with nnd cuilnnjrer tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience against Experiment
Costorla Is it harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ii'
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jareoti&
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
and allays Fcrerislmess. It cures Diarrluua and YVlnel
Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TMt ecirritun OOMP.NV, MUDHAV tk-rr, NCW VOUH CITV.
To All Our
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal ct the
Nation. Edited by an Able Corps
of Writers.
The American Farmer is tlm
lSneil. It nils .n nnsitinti nf itc-
place in the homes of rural people in even section of the United
States. It gives t:.e farmer and his family something to think
about aside from the humdrum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SGL0N G00DE
Two for the Price of
The Oldest County Paper and THE AMERICAN Farmer
. This unparalleled offer
all old ones who pay all arrears
Slinnla C A .1.1
The Fanner's Wife
Is very onrcful nltnnt Iter churn. Slip
ttrald it thoroughly niter using, unci
Rives It a Mill hath to f-weetcti it. She
knows that if thy churn H Hour it will
taint the huttcr that in nuulo lu It. The
Btonwh Is n churn. In the stomach
and cllRi'Htivt and nutritive tracts are
nerlormed nnxefses which are exactly
akin to the clmi nliii: of butter. Is it
not apparent then that if this stomach
churn Is -'sour" it sours all which U
put into It ? The evil of a foul stomach
s not the had taste in the mouth and
the foul breath CHUsetl hv it. but the
corruption of the pure current of the
blood and the dissemination of disease
throughout the IkkIv. Dr. Plerca'a
Golden Medical Discovery makes the
sour stomach sweet. It does for the
stomach what the washing ami sun
nam aoior tne ciiurn absolutely re
moves every tainting or corrupting el
ement. "Golden Medical Discovery"
contains no alcohol. lu Ingredient?
are plainly printed on each bottle
wrapper. The cost of niaintainine the ad
ministration of the city of New
York in 1910, as estimated In
figures to be submitted to the
Board of Estimate and Apportion
ment, Friday, will be approximate
ly $184,000,000, an increase of
$28,000,000 over this year's budget.
Bought, nntl which has lcon
has uorno tho Finattiro of
Signature of
onlv T.iiprirv Tr-n- T,,-,1 i.
rwtm nl V,-,o 1... .1.,. i
and renew within thirty days.
Blooinsbum. Pa.
Down east where then; are some
who spend $25,000 on a supper for
a dog, while others can't get what
a dog would ordinarily be satisfied
with, is a good breeding place for
No fai.k PKktkvsk has marked the
career of KiyV Cream liuhri. -Heing
entirely harmless it is not responsible
like the catarrh winds nnd powders,
for mind shattered bv cocaine. 1 he
great virtue of Kly'sCnam Balm i
that It upecdily uiul completely over
comes nasal catarrh and hay fever.
Hack of this statement is the testimony
of thousands and a reputation of many
years' success. All dnnrttists. f0c.. or
mailed by lily Bros., !M uiren Street.
Xew York.
' - -
A man who slips on a banana
peeling, then arises and without
waste of words or ruffled temper,
removes the peeling so that others
may not slip 011 it, is a Christian.
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of