8 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOAlSBUa THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, I'A. THURSDAY, JULY 15. H09. The Zoological Press Bulletin of the Division of Zoology, Penn- STlvania Department of Aencul tnre. Timely Topics of Plants and Pests Discussed eekly. By 11. A Surface, State Zoologist. CULTIVATE THE ORCHARD. "The young orchard should be cultivated. " says State Zoologist Surface, "but not with grain or erasscrops. Corn, potatoes, beans, or other vegetables, well cultivated. are ideal for a young orchard. The ground should be stirred every two r three weeks until the middle of Auzust. In going through the or chard with the harrow, care should be taken not to injure, bruise, or 'bark' the trees. To avoid tlua the horses ought to be uiu.zled and the outside portions of traces and whif- fletrees padded. In going through some young orchards early in the season, for the purpose of demonstrating prun ing, Prof. Surface found many cas es of trees which had been serious ly damaged through being grazed by whiffletrees, or struck or bitten by the horses. In going through the orchard rub off all unnecessary sprouts. GETTING RID OF ANTS ON LAWN. A letter addressed to the Penna. Department of Agriculture was re ferred to State Zoologist Surface, in which the writer asked for in formation as to how to get rid ot ants on his lawn, and stated that a certain fluid had been recommended to him by the Department, the name of which he had forgotten. Prof. Surface replied that the material which he recommended, to which the writer had reference, for destroying ants on lawns, is carbon bisulfide, and then contin ued as follows: "This is a foul smelling liquid which volatilizes, and the fumes of which at once de stroy the pests. Make holes in the grouud near their nests. Make these to a depth of a foot or more, ind from one to two or three feet part, according to the porocity of ihe soil. Pour into each hole from ne-third to one-half teacupful of bisulfide of carbon, and close it tfith earth by tramping it in. It may possibl' increase the efficiency ijy covering the holes with wet blankets, or something to hold the fumes down for a while. Keep are away from the l.quid and its as. It will not inj are vegetation." SHOT HOLE BORERS ARE SERIOUS PESTS. One of many letters recently re eived by the Division of Zoology f the Penna Department of Agri tulture. Harrisburg, in reference to he inroads of insect pests was vorded as follows: "Enclosed find a small collection f insects. They attacked an ap le tree and killed it in four days. They bore a small hole through the ark. Please let me know the ame of the insects and how to kill hem." Prof. II. A. Surface, the State loologist, replied to this letter as ollows: The pests you sent us, .nd which are boring in your ap le trees, are shot-hole borers, or ark borers, sometimes called Sco tids. They are serious enemies f fruit trees, as you have seen, 'ou should cut and burn all trees r branches infested by them, in rder to keep them from spreading 1 i other trees. They attack only -ees that are declining, and there i no real remedy for them, because ley work beneath the bark, owever, you may possibly aid the ees to overcome their effects by igging about them, cultivating tern, mulching them, fertilizing nem and watering them; water i-equeutly notwithstanding the lins, using one teaspoonful of ni rate of soda in each gallon of wa--r. Whatever you cau do to make he tree gain vigor or growth will How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars ;ward for any case of Catarrh that .nnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh ure. . J. CHENEY & CO . Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known . J. Cheney for the last 15 years, nd believe him perfectly honora le in all business transactions and nancial'.y able to carry out any ob gatiotif, ma-le by his firm. Valdini;, K is .van & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in itially, acting directly upon the lood and mucous surfaces of the stem. Testimonials f-ent free, rice 75 cents per to! tie. Sold by 1 Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. be worth while. No sprays will reich this pest." WAGE WAR AGAINST FLIES. House flies have not become, up to this time, as numerous as they usually are t the outset of July. The cause of this may be ascribed to the cool, wet weather of this very backward seison. But they will soon be plenty enough, and it behooves everybody to wage an incessant warfare against them. They are the filthiest of all insect pests, and are carriers of disease germs. They pollute the food man eats, and may infect him with the germs of tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid fever, and other communi cable diseases. This is the information sent out from the Division of Zoology of the Penna. Department of Agriculture, which brands the house fly as about the worst enemy of mankind, and recommends that timely action be taken to keep the evil due to its in vasion at a minimum. Prof. H. A. Surface, the Zoologist of the Divi sion, recommends the immediate screening of windows and doors; the keeping of food screened, espe cially milk; the keeping ol flies away from sick persons, especially those suffering with contagious diseases; and the catching and de stroying of flies as they appear. Sticky fly paper, traps and liq uid poisons are among the things to use in killinsr the flies, but the latest, cheapest and best is a solu tion of formalin or formaldehyde in water. A spoonful of this liquid put into a quarter of a pint of wa ter and set where they can find it and drink it will be enough to kill all the flies in the room. . A cheap and perfectly reliable fly poison, one which is not dangerous to hu man life, is bichromate of potash in solution. Dissolve one dram of the drug, which can be obtained at auy pharmacy, in two ounces of water, and add a little sugar as sweetening. Put some of this so lution in shallow dishes, and dis- dribute them throughout the house. To quickly clear apartments where there are many flies, burn pyrethrum in the room. Keep the dy nuisance at a minimum by the use of disinfectants in garbage box es and cans, on manure piles and among all refuse. This can be done by freely sprinkling with cuionae ot lime or with kerosene. Keep house sewers and drains in good order, and covered, and re pair all leaks at once. It is of the utmost importance to clean all sta bles, pig pens and other breeding places of "The Filthy Fly" at least once a week. Pour kerosene into the drains. Cuspidors should be cleaned fre quently; certainly once a day. Keep a 5 per cent, solution ot carbolic acid in them constantly. Do not allow decaying organic material of any kind on or near your premises, nor allow dirt to accumulate in cor ners, or behind doors. If extra care in observing cleanliness is used, and the directions above giv en are faithfully carried out, the fly nuisance can be greatly mitigat ed. Mother Gray'i Sweet Powders (or Children, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, Cure Feverish Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all Druggists. 25c. Sample Free. Ad dress. Allen b. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A Curious Find. A curious find was mant a (tvu days ago in the wood tract back of Shohola, Pike county, Pa , which is being cut off and converted into mraDer Dy tne Pennsylvania Lum ber Company. A huge pine tree was cut down, but the butt was de fective and in order to secure n sound end to the log, the diseased pornon was cut on. in doing so it was found that this nortion of the tree was hollow and the aperture naa grown over so that it was not observable to the wood-chopper. In the hollow was an old-fashioned flint-lock musket, such as was in use by the pioneers of that region. a.s me spot wnere the musket was revealed is in the neighborhood of the bloody battles of Minisink, which occurred between the whites and Indians on July 22, 1779, in which the former wtre defeated, it is supposable that the gun may h,ave belonged to one of the wounded stragglers of the defeated patriots, who had wandered off and died in the woods. TAXPAYERS TAKE NOTICE. An Appeal from Town taxes for I99 will Le held Saturday, July 17th, 1909, at the Council Room, between the hours of 2 and 5 P. M. liY ORDER OF THK COUNCIL. It. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA m FALSE ALARMS Kept U?irg the Circuit with Their Codlci and Routing Out the firemen. Fuaimit, N J.-There Is a red ant colony lu tula city that has been send lug In false akin.ig over the fire alarm Usraph ryutera and getting the fire n.en out of bed two and three times at eight rlg.it along. City Electrician Walter V. Shanu-r stood watching their researches the other night while the firemen wtre Jumping In and out of bed as the whistle blew, and stop ped for nearly an hour. Shapter had been searching for the cause of the pranks of the fire alarm and had no success. But finally he opened up box 38, at Waldron avenue and Whittridge place, which Is In the locality where the trouble seemed to exist, and there the whole secret was revealed to him. "There must have been about a thousand ants In that little box," said Shapter. "They almost filled It. Most of them were scurrying around seem ingly with no object, but when I look ed closer I found they were carrying the dead away. Forming long lines, they would run up to the bottom of the box where there was a heap of dead ants, each one would pick up one of them and struggle out of a crevice down the pole to the ground. At first I could not Imagine what had killed them, but as I watched 1 saw the whole thing. "While one detachment of the army was carrying awa the dead another detachment was lining up for another sncrilice. First a group would form on the metal plate at the bottom of the box. Others would take positions ahead of them, and as the line stretched out I saw they were heading for an exposed part of the circuit Just above. As soon as the line was com pleted and the last little red ant took his position, tall in the grip of his fol lower and fore feet at the exposed part, the circuit would be shorted and the whole of it would be going through their little bodies. There was a flash and a sort of a click. The whistle blew In the distance and there was a heap of dead ants at the bottom of the box on which the carriers at once began to busy themselves. "Fascinated, I watched It for near ly an hour and I couldn't tell you how many ants I saw go to their death. I marvelled at It and tried to guess what their object was. I'm sorry the men were bothered by the whistle, but I am glad I saw that wonderful sight" BOSS OF THE SENATE. A I X New Lines Appear on Sen. Aldrlch'a Face as a Result of His Tariff Labors. RATTLER YIELDS TO RATS. Snake Killed by Two Rodents Intend ed for His Breakfast Dalton, Ga. Two big gray rats fought a battle with a rattlesnake here and the rats won. The snake was purchased by a grocery firm for a window display. Early in the morn ing two big rats were obtained as food for the snake. When the rats were placed In the cage with the snake it made no ef fort to molest them. A crowd gather ed to witness the snake and the rats, but It was over an hour before the rattler moved to attack. The rats showed flight from the start. While the snake was after one the other would be plunging Its teeth Into the Bnake's body. After an hour the snake succumbed. One rat was nearly dead, while the other appar ently was unharmed. As a tribute to its valor, the un hurt rat was released. The rattler measured seven feet In length. Painted Husband's Nose. Indianapolis, Ind. In the trial ot a divorce suit Mrs. Dora Rost, who was the defendant, testified that for years she had been compelled to paint her husband's nose before he went to work. The presiding Judge was greatly surprised, and asked the wit ness to explain. "Mr. Rost drank so hard that bis nose got red, and I was afraid he would lose his position be cause his employers would know he was drinking," said the woman. "Occultos" Is a Mystery. London. Something really mysteri ous, something to arouse the curiosity and the interest ot everybody, Is being exhibited at the Coliseum. It Is a full-sized figure of an old gentleman, and la called "Occultos." You can take his bead from his body and re move his legs, and you see nothing beyond a few springs, and yet this model when put together will give long verbal answers to questions, and will move his bead ftDj hla legs. . .MS FEEDING STUFFS LAW. A new feeding studs law was en acted by the last Legislature to take tffect the first day of August next. This new law limits the amount of ground corn cobs and oat hull that can be used in mixed feeds; prohibits the use of rice hulls, peanut hulls and weed seeds as adulterants in concentrated com mercial feeding stuffs, and so makes it possible to free the markets of Pennsylvania from undesirable feeds. The co operation! of all manu facturers of and dealers in feed stuffs, as well as the public press, is solicited in the effort to carry out the provisions cf this new law. Copies of the law will be sent to any person making application to the Department of Agriculture, Harrisburg, Pa., for the same. Wood-Choppers of AustrsMa. The Australian choppers are Merger men, and might be taken for cnythlnn rather than lumbermen. "Oh, we are fairly strong," said Mr. MacLarenj "but, you know, it does not reiuire strength to chop. It Is a knack. A ten-year-old boy. If he cuts clean, will otitchop a grown man. Much depends, of course, upon the axe used. We use American tools entirely In fact nothing but American tools is used ia the Australian bush. Axes for use In competitions are kept In prime condt tlon; even the handles are given spe cial treatment of rosin rubbing, of we bone them as baseball players bone the handles of their bats. In London we shaved a man on the stage with ono of our axes. Razor teelT Yes; all good tools are of razof steel. Almost anybody can sharpen an axe, but when It comes to a saw, there Is as much skill required to dO a good Job as In drawlne a nletura. For Instance. I have lived tn camp all my life, yet I cannot sharpen h saw properly. It takes Jackson to do that, and you should see htm- ever morning bevelling the edges of each loom or the crosscut we use." Lee. lie's Weekly. CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an amplica tion will be made to the Governor of the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the aftth day of July, A. D., 1909, by Lewis S. Clewell. Adam Hummel, Christian A. Small, A. J. Hummell, and William B. Ferguson, and others, under the Act of Assembly of the State of Pennsylvania. entitled "an act to provide for the incor poration and regulation of certain corpo rations, approved me 2jtn ot April, 1S74. and supplements thereto for the charter of an intended corporation to be called Bloomsburg Brick Manufacturing and Construction Company, the charac ter and object of which is the manufac turing of brick and construction of build ings and for these purposes to have and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of the said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. Christian A. Small. 7-8-3t, Solicitor. CHARTER APPLICATION XoltctofAppttoattonur Cliarur. Notice is hereby given that application will be made by E. R. Sponsler, M. I, I..OW, A. W. Duy, C. M. Creveling. and W. F. Lowrv to the Governor of Penn? sylvan ia on the 19th dayof July A. D, 1909, at 10 a, m , under the provisions of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved tne 29U1 iay ot April, A L) 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a Charter for an intended corporation to be called "Catawissa Electric Company", the character and object of which is to supply light, heat and power, or any of them, by electricity to the Borough of Catawissa, County of Columbia, and State of Pennsylvania, and to such persons, partnerships and corporations residing therein cr odjacent thereto, as may desire the same, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto, confered, A. W. Duy. W. H. Sponsler, 7-1 3t Solicitors. CHARTER APPLICATION Solice of Application for Charter. Notice is hereby given that application will be made by E. R. Sponsler, M, I. Low, A. W. Duy, C. M. Creveling and W. F. Lowry to the Governor of Penn sylvania on the 19th day of July A. D. 1909, at 10 a. m.. under the provisions of an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and reg ulation of certain corporations", approv ed the 29th day of April, A. D., 1874, and the supplements thereto, for a chart er tor an intended corporation to be called "Mifflin Township Electric Com pany", the character and object of which is to supply light, heat and power, or any of them, by electricity to the township of Mifflin, County of Columbia, State of Pennsylvania, and to such persons, part nerships and corporations residing there in or adjacent thereto, ns may desire the same, (lid for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto, confered. A. W. Duy. W. II: SI'onsi.fr, 7-' 3t Solicitors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Usui of milium 11. Lord, aieetiu-a, hitr of tit I'oiri, of Blooinrljurg, Ji. Notice is lieu by gi vi :i that letters of administration oil the i.-tate of William H. Lord, late of the Town of Blooms burg. Pa., deceased have been granted to the undersigned, administrator, to whom nil persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having tiainis or demands will make known the same without ik lav to FRED E. LORD, Administrator, Espy, Pa. J. G. Fkkkzk, Atty. 6-io-6t. The R. E. Hartman Store Bloomsburg:, Pa. J HAS JUST BEEN OPENED with an entirely new stock, no old goods of any kind. We are starting on new plans. Every person's dol lar has the same value here. No Favoritisms, No Credits. Your money will buy just what your neighbor gets No more, no less. We pro pose showing all the new things just as soon as they are put on the market, and at prices that will please every buyer. Come and See Our New Store. The R. E. Hartman Store Bloomsburg, Pa. Alexander Brothers & Co. 5 DEALERS IN Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, and s Confectionery. o Pine Candies. Fresh Every Week. ennt Goods a. Specialty. HAVE YOU SMOKED A : ROYAL BUCK or JEWEL CIGAR? ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM. J ALEXANDER BROS. & CO., Bloomsburg, Pa. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF Carpets, Rugs, Hatting and Draperies, Oil Cloth and Window Curtains You Will Find a Nice Line at BLOOMSBURG. PENN'A. Pennsylvania Railroad PERSONALLY-CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS NIAGARA FALLS July 28, August II, 25, Sept. 8, 22, and Oct. 6, 1909 Round-Trip h-f orv . Rate 5,OU Frorn EAST BLOOMSBURG. Tickets (rood Roini( on train lea-sin cr n.,. i TRAIN f .CTSy-CU. lUMratol Bjovu al Ml ,(, ,y u MalQd (nm TkletsA(,en,s Passenger Traffic Mnnng.;r. p..,,,, IO. W. BOYD. "-l-lct General Passenger Ae.ent.