The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 15, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    Notes and
Ot Interest to Women Readers
Our Suffragettes Lead In Beauty,
While Denmark's Gets Votes.
Miss Elizabeth Cad, representative
cf the National Committees of Den
mark Suffrage, draws a three-cornered
rorararlson of. the women who are
stmcgllng fqr franchise In a trio of
tat!on3. Sho says:
"American BtilTrncettcs nro more nt
trrctlve as women thnn nro tho Hnp
llsh sufrragetten, find tho women oC
Denmark ore more advanced Biiffrng
t'o!i than are tho women of America.
"And, In a measure, we women of
Denmark nro no longer struggling, for
wo have won!" added M;3 Gad
with onthuelasm.
This lady from Denmark lo, In tho
literal sense of the word, evidently a
Villitant" believer in votes for wom
en. Gentle of voice and manner as
she Ib, she yet conveys a tense enrn
tstness of purpose that apparently
machos Its zenith In suffrage discus
sion. She leans forward In her eag
erness and the fine color In hor checks
"I am going to lecture upon the
evils of the white slave traffic," con
tinued Miss Gad, "for I am strongly
of tho opinion that arresting this
frightful menace Is one of tho works
to which good women all over the
world should be willing to lend a
band. If there Is one reformation
that Is cut out for women that they
should be able to understand better
than men It la thla one.
"In Denmark we have had a very
efficient bureau for the rescue of
these unfortunate 'slaves' since 1902.
But," concluded Miss Gad, "with the
political vote to back us we hope to
abolish the traffic altogether. I am
sure you will agree with me that If
we can show that this Is something
that wo can do It will be one of tho
strongest arguments for suffrage that
!l would be possible for us to ad
1. Don't fclgn or indorse a
note or agree to be surety for
rny debt unless you are willing
mid can afford to pay the
amount yourvelf. Never vary
from this rule, even In the case
of jour husband, father, or your
dearest woman friend.
2. Don't write your name on
a blank piece of paper. Many
woir.en have done it and bitter
ly regretted it for the rest of
their days.
3. Don't give an unlimited
power of attorney to anyone. If
it is absolutely necessary to
give one at all, be sure that it
13 given only for what it is need
c;l, and limit the time as much
as possible.
4. Don't do anything in busi
ness "for politeness" which your
Judgment tells you you should
not do. '
5. In short, don't give any
promise or sign any paper what
ever until you are sure you
know the legal effect of it on
jourtelf and your family.
C. Don't write anything,
even iu n friendly letter, which
you would not be willing to
have used as evidence in court.
On the other hand, don't de
stroy any letter or paper which,
may have a bearing on a busi
ness matter,
7. Don't consent to your hus
band's assigning .his wages.
Don't make it necessary by ex
travagant living.
8. - Don't keep people, rich or
poor, waiting for money you
owe them.
Guest Room Horror.
"The horrors of the guest room are
too well known to need enumeration,
nd can seldom be ameliorated," re
narka a writer. They are, roughly,
as follows: The embroidered "pillow
flips, tho warped bureau drawer, the
lusty pins In the stony pincushion, the
'"ply cutglnss cologne bottles, the
'Inds that bang in the night, the ab
rsnpo of hooks on which to hang your
'"or strop, the picture of "Tho
lTi'uendt Lovers," the hidden
inches, tho dear little children in
'1 nursery above you, the dead fly
ho dried up ink well, , and the
kldden radiator under the Boa.
oaz or 'Vil
Cheap Coloring Make Care Necessary
In 8eleotlng Imported Goods.
W. P. Doty, United Etntes Consul at
Tabriz furnishes somo InieiesUni
facts on the extent to which chemical
dyestuffs are suprlantir.g those of
vegetable origin in 1'orsla.
"The large carpet importing
houses," he writes, "have done thej
utmost to guard ngilnst coal tar pre
rnuoDB, ana presumably most
their Oriental rues urn nlmiil h
they are represented to ho Nnnrii
the price of such rugs is above thai
oi me products In which chemlc
flyes are employed. In Tcrsla then
nre some well established rug o:
porting firms that lon.iiv rrv "no-,
to the vozotaV.o dyes." It is to then
the credit Is given that a royal edlol
was ls-,ued moro than eight years a;
forbidding tho Introduction of aniline
vui.Miufc tur.icnai. i ;.i3 law, bowevf
is not enroled.
Fai:h and Works.
Tho nu'. hor cf "Seventy Teail
Young," Mrs. i:nl!y l Bishop, d
Clares Hint it I.) as easy to do as t.i
wish to do, and quotes this Incident la
Illustration, r,r.y- on exchange.
A little glrl'a brother set a trap 4
catch birds. S'no knew it was wrontj
cruel, against the laws of kindnesl
altogether inexv usable from her polnl
of view.
She wept nt first; then a little latel
her mother noticed that che had b
come cheerful once more, and Inquire!
as to tho cnuse.
"What did you do?" asked th
"I prayed for my brother to b
mado a better boy."
"What else?"
"I prayed that tho trap would not
catch any little birds."
"What else?"
"Then I went out and kicked tbji
old trap all to pieces."
How Dickens Learned to Write.
When asked by one of those wise
acres who are convinced that in order
to write good Knglish a man must
be taught to write bad Latin whem
his son was educated, Mr. John Dicx
ens replied with considerable aplomb
that his son er well his son er-
might bo almost said, In a sense, to
have educated himself. The street,
the warehouse, Mr. Crcaklo, an attor
ney's office, the reporters' gallery, and
postchalse such was the education
that equipped a young man of twenty
four to preside at the banquet of lit
erature at an unprecedented age, to
make the best speeches in London, ti
go into the best society, to set tha
table in a roar, to lead every com
pany in which he mixed, to travel, ao
J aire French and Italian with ease,
ad write the most animated letteri
known to the modern world. London
Singing Kettles.
The Japanese, who know so weQ
how to add little, unexpected attrac
tions to everyday life, manufacture, ia
a great variety of forms, iron teaket
ties which break into song when tho
water bolls. The song may tot bo
very perfect melody, but it is perhapa
as agreeable as the notes produced by
some of the insects which the Japan
ese also treasure for their muslo.
The harmonious sounds of the teaket
tles are produced by steam bubbles
escaping from beneath thin sheets of
iron fastened close together, nearly
at the bottom of the kettles. To pro
duce the best effects some skill ia
required in regulating the fire. Tho
character of the sound varleB wlta
the form of the kettle. These curious
singing kettles have been used by tho
people for many centuries.
An Unlucky Date for Royalty".
The number fourteen has come to
bo looked upon as an unlucky one for
the royal family. It was on what was
apparently a mild attack of typhoid
fever, and on the anniversary ot her
father's death, seventeen years after,
the Grand Duchess of Hesse, always
dearer to tho English nation under
her name of Princess Alice, died a
victim to her motherly devotion. Tho
late Duke of Clarence's death took
place on January 14, and twice has
his present majesty been in danger of
his life on that date the first time
when as Princo of Wales he lay ill or
typhoid fever, and the doctors all but
gav him up on December 14, 1871,
and again on June 14, 1902, when
down at Aldershot, in the middle of
the night, the first alarming symptom
of the illness that kept him hoverlni
for several days between life and
death first manifested themselves.
Biggest Chair In the World.
Gardner, Mass., boasts of its being
the biggest cbalrmaklng community la
the world, and is known popularly ai
vChalrtown." Believing in advertislni
its business, it has had set up near
the railroad station "the biggest chalf
In the world," which stands on a con
orete base in the middle of the long
lawn alongside the Boston & Main
station platform.
The chair weighs two hundred
pounds, and is five and one-half feet
square at the base and Is twelve feet
high. To make this bit of furniture
there was used six hundred feet of
As a bit of town advertising, as
well as an indication of what's going
on in the town, this chair Is a win
ner, and every one passing through
Gardner Is sure to see it and to ro
member It.
One morning while at the blncfe
hoard, hearing a great coromotjon be
hind her, the teacher turned arounl
and sternly demanded: '
"Johnny, what are you doing?
. "Nothing," be replied.
"Harry, what are you dolngf
"Helping Johnny."
Folds Up Plat When It la Not In
A novelty In paper boxes has been
devised by a Georgia man, and, judg
ing by the variety of uses to which
the article can be put, it will have a
big demand. The novelty consists In
tho fact that the box folds up flat and
Light But Durable.
can be put Into the pocket when not
In use. The device Is made of heavy
paper and so creased that the sides
fold in upon each other until they aro
flat upon the bottom, as In a type of
folding purse that has been In vogue
for years. When open the whole
forms a light, substantial box, for
which there Is also a uultable cover.
To two sides of the box are affixed
tapes, which can either be used to tlo
the lid or can be fastened as to form
a handle by which the box can be car
ried. For candy dealers, especially
those who do business on a small
scale, such as in booths at parks, etc.,
these boxes are very convenient, as
they take up very little space and an
swer every purpose. One of these
boxes can be put to many uses, for
where a man would throw away the
ordinary unwieldy receptacle he would
fold up this type and bring It home in
his pocket.
Prejudice Against the Stage In Crrina.
1 So great is the official prejudice
against the stage In China that It ex
tends even to the children of actors,
and these are prohibited from holding
any post under Government. Four
years ago the grandson of an actor
named Cheng was appointed transla
tor to the Chinese Legation at Berlin.
Cheng in his day was in the very front
of bis profession, and ranked as high
, In the esteem of all classes of society"
as Sir Henry Irving did in this coun-
i try. Yet the nomination of his de-
i scendant caused an outcry among
Chinese officials, and a memorial nrav.
ing for his removal was presented to
the Empress Dowager. The new offi
cial, it was pointed out, belonged to
the caste of actors, who ranked with
barbers and chiropodists as the three
lowest classes in the country. The
younger Cheng, however, was able to
prove that his parents did not follow
his grandfather's profession, so the ap
pointment was allowed to stand.
A Tin Cup Trick.
This little trick, performed in a
parlor, will make you appear quite a
Get beforehand two perfectly plain
tin cups, without handles and with the
bottoms sunk about a quarter of an
Inch, and straight sides. On the sunk
bottom of each put some glue, and
ever It drop some bird's seed, so that
It looks as if the cup were full, where
as it is really standing upside down
and the layer of seed is glued to the
outside bottom.
When you are ready to perform tho
trick have a bag of the same kind of
Magic for the Parlor.
seed, and, standing off from your audi
ence, hold the cups so that they can
see they are empty, but don't allow
any one to approach you.
Now take one cup and dip it into
the bag of seed, but instead of filling
It turn it upside down, so that when
you take it out the seed glued to the
bottom will show, and everyone will
think it is full.
Place the apparently full cup of seed
under a hat, but in doing so dexter
ously turn it so that the empty cup is
upright and the glued seed at the
bottom. Don't let your audience see
this turn.
Now take the other cup, which la
empty, and let them see you put it
tinker another hat, but also turn this
one so that they do not see you do
It. This brings the seed to the top and
looks as if the cup were full, and
when you remove the hat, after- pro
nouncing some magic words, it will
look as if the cups had changed
Remove the cups before anyone has
a chance to examine them.
Tom Reed's Big Feet.
- Tom Reed had the biggest feet ever
known In Washington. People could
hear then) pounding along a sidewalk
blocks away. .
What Ms You? '
Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent hcnJ
aches, coated tongue, hitter or hnd twite in mornlnji,'
"heart-burn," bclchinjj of (aa, ncid risings in throat after
eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, ilizry frl,s,
poor or variable apnetite, nauaea at timet and h.ndrcJ
symptoms P
If you have any considerable number of the
above aymptome you are suffering from bilious
nets, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is made
up of the most valuable medicinal principles
known to medical science for tbe permanent
eure of such abnormal conditions. It is most
efficient liver invigorator, stomach tonio, bowel
regulator and nerve strengthener
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum,
a full list o( its Ingredients being1 printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm
ful habit-iorminjl drug's. It it a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined
glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical,
forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Pt 'litJSHKK.
One of tho leading book publish
ers, speaking recently on behalf of
Tils associates and rivals in the
manufacture of books, said that the
publisher has great difficulty in mak
Ing morify from the more solid kinds
of llteruture; that to keep his estab
lishment on a paying basis, as he Is
hound to do, ho has to publish a
good deal of tho less worthy, al
though not necessarily bad sort, if
this bo so, then it 13 a public ques
tion of great Importance, for the
publisher put forth what experience
titi' l ira the pi ople desire; and
although tho Individual writer may
be true to his own genius, tho rank
and filo of writing persons obey pop
ular demand as any other producors
working for their dally bread. There
aro two sides of this question, says
tho Youth's Companion. On the one
hand, It may be contended that the
people are eager for good things;
that good books and good periodicals
do win large audiences; that high
purpose among publishers and writ
ers will lead them to satisfy the best
appetites of readers; and that there
by all will profit in spirit and none
who Is worthy will suffer In purse.
Great hooks can be named which
have brought money reward to writ
er and publisher. Fortune overtook
Pope Tennyson and Longfelow, who
wrote poetry, which, it is alleged,
the people do not buy. On the other
liana, if the cheap Journal, the
trashy novel, do succeed, the people,
whoever "the people" are, have no
body to blame but themselves. They
are the arbiters of taste, whose
obedient servants publishers and
author will always be for selfish rea
sons, if nobody read the worst
newspaper, the - worst newspaper
would get better or die, and all Us
rivals up the scale to the best would
improve. Tbe principle here applies
to all things In a democracy. The
people cannot bo fed with bad food,
tricked by wrong leaders, stuffed
with 'foolish ideas or amused with
low amusements unless they are
7.000,000 MISSINU
The birth-rate in the United States
In tho days of its Anglo-Saxon youth
was one f the highest in the world.
The best of authority traces the be
ginning of its decline to the first
appearance, about 1850, of immigra
tion on a large scale. Our great
philosopher Benjamin Frinklln, es
timated six children to a normal
America:, family in his day. The
average at the present tim is slight
ly above two. For 1900 : 13 calcu
lated that tbei are only about three
fourths as many children to poten
tial mothers in y.merlca as there
wf-re forty years ago. Were che old
rate of the middle of the century
sustained, there would be fifteen
thousand more births yearly in the
State of Massachusetts than now oc
cur. In the course of .i century tho
proportion of our entire population
consisting of children under the age
cf ten has fallen from ons-thlrd to
one-quarter. This for the whole
United States Is equivalent to -he
loss of about seven milllc children.
As stepmother to the nations of
the world there seems none to dis
pute the pre-eminence of Chicago.
Prof. W. Z. Ripley, of Harvard, says
that special Btudy of the linguistic
conditions In Chicago well Illustrates
our racial heterogeneity. Among
the people of that great city, tho
third In size in the United States,
fourteen languages are spoken by
groups of not less than ten thousand
Slrt.lla.1 with .Mb Tl.l I. flv. Lnf ugM.
English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French.
No. roR Price
1, Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation. 23
3. Worm., Worm Fever, or Worm Dlwuie .MS
3. Colic, Crying and Wakefulness of Infuut.2S
4, Diarrhea, of Children and Adults !3
ft. Dysentery, Orlpliujs, Bilious CoUo 9S
T. Coughs, Colds, Brouohltis 25
H. Toothaehe, Vaceaolie, Neuralgia 3S
9. Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo 'it
10., Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25
IS. Croup, Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25
14. Hall Kheuin. Eruptions, Erysipelas 25
15. Klieuiiuiti.ia, or Rheumatlo talns 'ii
let. Fever and Ague, Malaria ... S-f
IT. Plies, Blind or Bleeding, External, Internal. 25
Its. Ophthalmia. Weak or Inflamed Eyes 'iS
19. Catarrh, Influenza, Celd lu Head 95
SO. W hooping Cough. Spaamodto Cough U3
21. Aalhiiia,0jpreseed, Dtfluiult Breathing !5
2T. Kidney DUrase, Gravel, CaleuU 25
28. .V'urvoiis Debility, Vital Weakness l.Ott
20. fcore Motilli, Kever Soros or Canker 23
30. Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bed S3
31. store Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria 23
S3. Chronic Congealioua, Heuduvbes 23
77, Crippc, Hay fever and Summer Colds. ...25
A small bottle of Pleasant Pellet., fits the vest
pocket. Bold by drugs Lu, or sent uu receipt uf price.
Medical Book sent free. , ,
WUUain and Ana BtreeU.New York.
persons each. "Tewftpfipers are regu
larly publisheu in ten lunguagt'S,
and church services are conducted in
twenty different tongues. Measured
by the size of Its foreign linguistic
colonies, Chicago Is tho second Do
hemlan city In the world, the third
Swedish, the fourth Polish, and the
fifth German (New York being the
fourth). There is one large factoty
In Chicago employing over foiir
thousand people, respresentlng twenty-four
distinct nationalities Hul-s
ci the establishment are regularly
printed In eight languages.
8wede Quits His Job.
Two Swedes were working on a
lumber raft on the Mississippi. After
a while one of them came to the boss
on shore, and, after standing around
for some time, finally spoke up:
"Ay tlnk we naad noder mans."
"Go on with you," replied the boss,
"two men are enough for that work."
"Ay tlnk we got only one."
"Where is Johnson?" asked tho
"Ay tlnk Yonson he quit."
"Quit! Where did he go?"
"Well, Yonson he drop In reever be
tween logs, 'bout two hours ago. He
don't come back. Ay tlnk he quit his
i yob."
Donald Knew.
Margaret, aged ten, was a beginner
in history. "Mamma," she asked,
"what does 'behead' mean?"
"To cut off a man's head, dear." -
There was a moment of silent
study; then another question.
"What does 'defeat' mean, mam
ma?" Little Donald, aged four, was Inter
ested. "I know, mamma," was his logical
conclusion. " 'Defeat' means to cut a
man's feet off." The Delineator.
Trolley Time Tables.
Cars leave Market Square, Bloomsburg
for Berwick:
A. M. P. M, P. M.
1 5.00 ia.50 7.5
5.40 1.50 8.50
6.2(V 2.50 9.50
6.50 3.50 10.50
7.50 4.50 11.50
8.50 550
9.50 6.50
First car leaves Market Square for
Berwick on Sunday at 6.50 a. m.
J From Power House.
Saturday Night Only.
Cars leave Berwick for Danville:
A. M. M. P. M,
6.00 12.00 6.00
7.00 P. M. 7.00
7.20 1. 00 8.00
8,00 2.00 9-00
9.00 3.00 - 10.00
10.00 4.00 '1 1. 00
ji.oo 5.00 I2.00
t 1.00
First car leaves Berwick for Danville
on Sunday at 8.00 a. m.
Bloorrisburg Only,
t Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only.
Cars leave Market Square, Blooms
burg, for Danville:
A. M. P. M, P. M.
5.IO I2.10 6.10
6.00 1. to 7.10
7.10 2.10 8.10
8.10 3.10 9.10
q.10 4.I0 lO.IO
IO.IO 5.IO l!.I0
II. 10
First car leaves Market Square for
Danville on Sunday at 7.10 a. m.
Saturday Night Only.
Cars leave Danville for Berwick:
A. M. M. P. M.
6.00 I2.00 6,0O
7.00 P. M. 7.00
8.0O I. OO 8.00
9.0O 2.00 9.0O
10:00 3.OO I0.0O
11.00 4 00 11.00
5.00 TI2.0Q
First car leaves Danville for Berwick
on Sunday at 8.00 a. ni.
Bloomsbun? Only.
(Saturday Night to Bloomsburg Only.
Cars leave Market Square, Bloomsburg
for Catawissa:
A, M. M. P. M.
5.30 I2.0O 6.00
P. M.
1 1 0.00
1 1 1.00
4 00
First car leaves Market Square forj
Catawissa on Sunday at 7.00 a. m
Saturday Night Only,
t P. R. R. Connections.
Cars leave Catawissa for Bloomsburg:
A. M. p. M. P. M.
550 12.30 6.30
6.35 1.30 7.30
7.30 2.30 8.30
8.30 330 9-30
9.30 4-30 '0.30
10.30 5-30 11.30
First car leaves Catawissa for Blooms
burg on Sunday at 7.30 a. ni.
Saturday Night Ouly.
Bloomsburg & Sullivan
Taking Effect Feb'y 1st, 1908, 12:05 a.ra
A.M. P.M.
t t
Bloomsburg D L W... 00 I 87
Bloomsburg 1' K 02 i 8
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Jamison City....
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Oram Vere I'nrk
Coles Creek
KorWs. ,.
( ,nfevlllp
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1'nper Mill
Hlonm. r A H . . .
Bloom. lt W.
7(0 1210 COO
Trains No 21 and 21 mixed, second class,
t Dally except Sunday, t Dally t HimdaJ
only, t Flag stop. W. O. HNYDER, Hupt.
(Jek'l're.l f"f Mylc, n.rfiTt fit, find
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